DDG Quackie



  • @raysmancave1
    @raysmancave1 Рік тому

    Just a quick update, got the Pscan,,,, incredible tool,,, so far my tick over is a lot better, I found what was causing an erratic tick over,, and cured it.
    I did a re-map through SAWS it was easy to do and it's amazing the difference in the car,
    Much smoother, quicker accelerator response, better torque etc,
    I do advise a remap, the car is a totally new experience.
    Anyone with a MG F or TF should invest in a Pscan scanner, totally invaluable.
    Philip from Pscan is a true gent, nothing is too much trouble for him.
    Plus a big thank you to Scotty for his time and advice.

    • @DoubleDuckGarage
      @DoubleDuckGarage  Рік тому

      SWAMPY: So glad to hear the PScan helped! What was causing the rough idle/tick over in the end?

    • @raysmancave1
      @raysmancave1 Рік тому

      @@DoubleDuckGarage It was a combination of the speed sensor transducer and the cam sensor.
      The car had no EPAS warning light.and all of the scanners I used came up with no faults.
      I've since done a SAWS remap, worth every penny the car is a different animal altogether, I'd definitely advise one.
      Cheers Ray

  • @Shevyrabbit1
    @Shevyrabbit1 21 день тому

    Hi just been watching some of your videos and came across the PSCAN would this work on my MGF 1999 and what is the rough cost please.
    Many thanks

    • @DoubleDuckGarage
      @DoubleDuckGarage  17 днів тому

      Hi Bob - I hope this will help....... pscan.uk/
      It's £180 plus shipping. The ECU list (at pscan.uk/features/eculist.html) lists the MGF as having a MEMS2J ECU so it looks like your car will be supported.
      You should also find plenty of support at www.the-t-bar.com/forum/pscan-uk-diagnostic-tool-forum .
      Good luck!

  • @Anton_2024
    @Anton_2024 9 місяців тому

    Where do you find the software please to download?
    Im struggling to connect/make a contact with the ECU

    • @DoubleDuckGarage
      @DoubleDuckGarage  9 місяців тому

      SWAMPY: Thanks for Watching our channel Anton... please subscribe and like the videos which will help us out no end fighting against "the algorithm" :)
      May I ask a few questions?
      What hardware interface are you using?
      Which software do you mean?
      We all use the pscan interface with its corresponding software. If you are using a generic obd2 interface then the pscan software won't work with it and won't help.
      Pscan software is available at pscan.uk/ but without the specific hardware it won't help you.

  • @raysmancave1
    @raysmancave1 Рік тому

    Thanks ever so much, just what I wanted, I've bought many scanners that promise to do all of this, but sadly you only receive your error codes and clear codes functions, everything else shows up as parameters not readable.
    I've just gone omline and bought a Pscan and am patiently waiting for it's arrival.
    Again Thank you, youre a gent.

    • @DoubleDuckGarage
      @DoubleDuckGarage  Рік тому

      Glad I could help 👍
      If you get a chance, mention it to the chap who sells PSCAN (Philip?). We would like to build up a mutually useful relationship with him so all good publicity can only help us. Cheers!

    • @raysmancave1
      @raysmancave1 Рік тому

      @@DoubleDuckGarage Will do
      Philip noticed that I live not too far from him, so I'm popping over to see him this afternoon and to pick up the scantool.
      A really nice genuine guy, he's also going to install the software etc onto my laptop,
      I'm taking my TF and he is going to make sure everything is running ok.
      You couldn't ask for more.
      I'll pass on your details.
      Cheers Ray

  • @mirosawys5613
    @mirosawys5613 Рік тому

    Dzień dobry. Oglądam Pańskie filmy z zainteresowaniem i podziwiam Pańską wiedzę i umiejętności. Mam pytanie, posiadam MGF model 1998 i mam problem ze świecąca kontrolką SRS. Sprawdzałem połączenie pod fotelami i przy kierownicy i jest ok. Podłączyłem skaner MUCAR CS5, który diagnozuje ECM, SRS, ABS, BCM i inne, ale nie łączy się z systemem auta, diagnozuje tylko ABS. Według oprogramowania tego skanera obsługuje on bardzo wiele marek aut i też grupę ROVER a w tym MGF i MGTF. Moje Pytanie do Pana czy MGF obsługuje tylko i wyłącznie dedykowany do Rover PSCAN a inne nie, a może jest jakieś uszkodzenie gniazda diagnostycznego ? Pozdrawiam i życzę zdrowia. Miroslaw, Wroclaw, Polska.

    • @DoubleDuckGarage
      @DoubleDuckGarage  Рік тому

      Good morning, I watch your videos with interest and admire your knowledge and skills. I have a question, I have a MGF model 1998 and I have a problem with the SRS light on. I checked the connection under the seats and the steering wheel and it is ok. I connected the MUCAR CS5 scanner, which diagnoses ECM, SRS, ABS, BCM and others, but does not connect to the car system, it only diagnoses ABS. According to the software of this scanner, it supports many car brands and also the ROVER group, including MGF and MGTF. My question to you, does MGF support only the dedicated Rover PSCAN and not others, and maybe there is some damage to the diagnostic socket? Regards and good health. Miroslaw, Wroclaw, Poland.

    • @DoubleDuckGarage
      @DoubleDuckGarage  Рік тому

      Cześć Miroslaw - dziękujemy za oglądanie naszych filmów i zasubskrybuj, jeśli jeszcze tego nie zrobiłeś, ponieważ pomoże to w rozwoju kanału.
      Dobrze wiedzieć, że w Polsce są samochody MG. Widziałem też jeden MG TF w Bułgarii, wraz z kilkoma Roverami, ale nie widzimy ich zbyt wiele w Europie kontynentalnej.
      Zanim odpowiedziałem na twoje pytanie, musiałem trochę sprawdzić. Według tej strony w rejestrze MG:
      ..... MG F nie posiada gniazda OBD II. Mówią, że „port diagnostyczny jest identyczny ze złączem OBD2/EOBD, ale MGF sprzed 2001 roku nie mówią po OBD2”.
      MG zdecydowało się na użycie tego samego złącza, więc wygląda jak złącze OBD II, ale nie jest OBD II. To wyjaśniałoby, dlaczego możesz podłączyć skaner, ale nie możesz odczytać kodów. Wcale nie mylące! !
      Wszystkie MG Double Duck Garage to MF TF, więc nie mamy doświadczenia z MG F, ale mamy nadzieję, że jeden z naszych widzów będzie w stanie ci pomóc i polecić ci czytnik kodów.

    • @DoubleDuckGarage
      @DoubleDuckGarage  Рік тому

      Hi Miroslav - thank you for watching our videos and please subscribe if you have not done so already as it will help the channel grow.
      It is good to know that there are MG cars in Poland. I have seen one MG TF in Bulgaria as well, along with a few Rovers, but we don't see many on continental Europe.
      I have had to do some research before answering your question. According to this page on the MG Register:
      ..... the MG F does not have an OBD II socket. They say that "the diagnostic port is identical to an OBD2/ EOBD connector, but pre-2001 MGFs don't speak OBD2".
      MG decided to use the same connector so it looks like and OBD II connector but is not OBD II. That would explain why you can connect your scanner but cannot read codes. Not at all confusing!!
      All the Double Duck Garage MG's are MF TF's so we don't have experience of the MG F, but hopefully one of our viewers will be able to help you out and recommend a code reader for you.

  • @Ealperen67
    @Ealperen67 9 місяців тому

    Merhabalar Rover 216 araç beynine nasıl bağlana bilirim

    • @DoubleDuckGarage
      @DoubleDuckGarage  9 місяців тому

      Hello, how can I connect to the Rover 216 vehicle computer?
      Hi, I am not familiar with the 216 but found this:
      The J1692 connector is just behind the center console in the drivers footwell.
      In production many of the connectors were clipped into the metal bracket the wrong way around with the contacts facing the rear of the cigarette lighter.
      There are two photos here (for a right hand drive car):
      It looks like your ECU could be MEMS 1.9 and this is supported by PSCAN.
      If your car is pre-1995 the connector is different and is in the engine bay near the battery. I don’t know if that is PSCAN compatible. You might be able to find out more at:
      I hope Google translates this well enough to make sense :-)
      Merhaba, 216'ya aşina değilim ama şunu buldum:
      J1692 konektörü, sürücünün ayak bölmesindeki orta konsolun hemen arkasında bulunur.
      Üretimde, konektörlerin çoğu, temas noktaları çakmağın arkasına bakacak şekilde metal brakete yanlış şekilde kırpılmıştı.
      İşte iki fotoğraf (sağdan direksiyonlu araba için):
      Görünüşe göre ECU'nuz MEMS 1.9 olabilir ve bu PSCAN tarafından desteklenmektedir.
      Eğer aracınız 1995 öncesiyse konnektör farklıdır ve motor bölmesinde akünün yanındadır. Bunun PSCAN uyumlu olup olmadığını bilmiyorum. Daha fazla bilgiyi şu adreste bulabilirsiniz:
      Umarım Google bunu anlamlı olacak kadar iyi çevirir :-)