Of Course! That is why we do the micro payments. Divide out the amount you want to put on the card monthly by 15 days and then put that amount on your card every other day. You do this for a couple of months then try 3 days a week and see how that goes. As you pay down the card you can then get to 1 time a week and then 1 time a month. It has worked for others well!
Nice 👍
Thank you!
My fear is dumping all the cash in and then the bank decides to close it.
Of Course! That is why we do the micro payments. Divide out the amount you want to put on the card monthly by 15 days and then put that amount on your card every other day. You do this for a couple of months then try 3 days a week and see how that goes. As you pay down the card you can then get to 1 time a week and then 1 time a month. It has worked for others well!
You need a mic on your head I can barely hear you
Got it! I will use it next video.