I'll say it again even though I said it in the video...No one expects you to be Tom Brady on the 07 patriots and carry every game. All that most of the us is asking for is for everyone to carry their weight. When your outcome affects the experience of others there should be some sportsmanship. I know this video will be controversial but I truthfully want a healthy community for all, have a great day.
If you die as a destroyer in the first five minutes, its often not the case that you are bad at the game, but as you go foward to spot and cap, the cruiser and battleship on your side of the map hang back or move across the map offering little or no support. You get spotted by a radar cruiser and there is little you can do.
@whereruaaron i agree, i guess my point is with a destroyer, you can get the tactics and gameplay right, but if the team isnt functioning as a team, its often the destroyers who are first to get wiped out.
@@stu101That's why as a cruiser main player here. I always do everything to protect my DD. That's a why I always play agile radar cruisers like Edinburg to secure kills on other DDs trying to kill my DD and torps any aggressive dumb BB.
not always true if you die that quick in a DD it can also be because your pushing way to far forward to quickly or you're a complete idiot shooting your guns at a BB or cruiser and getting spotted and focused. you just get unlucky and come around a island and run into a enemy ship or two you didn't spot because it was in a position not to be spotted. There's many reasons why DD's die first quickly usually from their own doing.
Really appreciate the effort you put into this video AA Ron. Hopefully newer players and players tired of dying in the first 5 minutes find this and learn from it.
Basically in summary, like my swingdancing instructor said, obey these rules until you are good enough to bend them. And if aaron is still obeying most of these rules, then follow until you are hetter than him lol.
Solid video. Well-presented and explained with salient tactical advice. Hope ya get lots of views on this one and at some who watch take these points to heart...enjoyed watching💯👍
Yes, non english speakers are the PROBLEM with this game, right? we are the "individualistic" that yolo in the first minutes, don't hear the teamates and the stubborn, toxic, resentful and racist ones in the chat... OMG, this Gringos...
@@ObeCorbian not absolute it happens, last night 3 dd on one side they kill nothing, capture nothing. Hi dd game the rest of the team slaughtered by enemy,dds ...
A ball of teammates going to the far side of the map and not focusing on their spawn is the most frustrating thing about this game. This does come from one-sided battles and would be solved by making battles ranked for each season. They could get rid of AI and just make it PVP then.
Players want to play for fun but what they are missing is that you can play by the rules AND have fun doing it. It's not GTA. Once with a bad team that wanted just fun, I just told them that playing by the rules would be more efficient and still fun. That tunred an almost garanteed loss into a victory.
Nothing worse then seeing your destroyers rush the caps straight away get spotted smoke up blind the team then sit in the exact spot they smoked up in before they get torped into oblivion it also sucks when they speed boost away from support at the start of a game get spotted and the support is to far behind to lay down the cover effectively I'll always fire on a destroyer even if you clip it for 1000 hp it's a start to removing them but I feel like alot of the time a destroyer player forgets a battleship can only fire as fast as it's reload allows which is never lightning fast thanks for the content bro appreciate the opportunity tips i really believe a huge positive part of a good game is to bring up the line ups of ships at the beginning of the game see what you could be possibly running into what consumables do these enemies have are there divisions with certain ship combinations that are dangerous etc
Thanks for the tips, I’m really trying to improve… Could you possibly do a video on points, I’m not sure how scores are tallied outside of the obvious ways like damage, thanks.
Correction main purpose of destroyer is to take over territories battleships are slow they can scout and provide cover and cruisers can do both mainly take over territories
Under no circumstances should battleships be the ones "scouting" or spotting. They have the worst concealment and the least maneuverability. Everything stated in the video is correct with nuance to each battle being a separate series of random events
Just started playing near the end of the Transformers event. Currently grinding my way to the Amalfi and Venezia with hopes to get to the point to have enough resources when the event comes back. Also tiering up on the American Cruisers. I am currently on WoWs.
Dude the quality of teammates lately feels like it’s been worse than normal. I’ve had games where all 8 other blue team members are trying to group up on one island that isn’t big enough for any of them while red team gets the caps. It’s so frustrating
As a former DD main, from several years back, there was nothing more frustrating than BB players say spot, so they can take pot shots at max range with max sigma / dispersion. At the same time being out spotted by enemy dd which when was detected by me would be ignored by vast majority of team as my hp pool was shrinking, AF game play from teammates and incredibly common to the point it was more often than not. As for CV game play I'd be spotting DD, back when old cv spotting was a thing, literally hounding it, with its AA turned off until i was to close to drop. Team not shooting at the DD. Meanwhile other CV has free reign on the team ;.; damn if you do damn if you don't. Eventually the dead head mindset of hanging back, not knowing what to shoot at as a priority, stunning lack of situational awareness, much of which can possibly be pointed at not checking minimap at least 3-4 times a minute, lead me to doing Operations for the vast majority of my games after the first 4k+ of pvp. The issues the same throughout even high tiers, as if players got there and hadn't learned anything. Adding in the dumb mindset of "i died last" while having little impact on the outcome except assisting n the loss," so im a better player and it was my teams fault for dying". ~ ~ Oh and the BB not damage soaking a concept so foreign its not even considered as a way to score or help take the advantage. That one really ground my gears. Alternatively as a bb doing a push, cos you know know the time starting to get tight, or one flank getting crushed so to prevent X-fire, signalling the objective square cap etc asking for assistance and the team will sit there like they are watching a movie, with a wtf even are my team even shooting at and prioritising targets to make it easier for them and save my neck.. nope.. Team doing everything possible to lose and even the hyper intelligent ones saying "Get back" instead of supporting. Absolute meatheads cant read the game play no intention of team play or seeming any idea other than trying to meet event requirements in missions .. Oh and the ultimate one losing all my karma when French smokeless dd first came out. Idiots don't even know that the new class didn't have smoke. So this means they didnt read patch notes or play or anything "its a dd it has smoke" despite more troll concealment, now go spot dd, straight into the 2 x 12km radar cruiser and a 10km one in there to, while having worse concealment and cv could still dumpster dd oh and Cap while you're at it stop them from getting it. while no support f u too player base, even tho karma means nothing its the fact your knowledge was so lacking that you'd demerit someone for it. Shame.🔔
First, adding a visual counter or SOMETHING flashy to show DDs the damage the blue team is getting because of your “spotting” would greatly increase the amount of spotting a DD would do. A lot of new players don’t really understand spotting, but showing a dmg counter on screen or something would let those players know how important it is. Second, playing defense on a losing side is super important too. If everyone ditches your spawn, but you’re able to get those “defend” ribbons and you can delay the reds from capping an objective, you’re still helping your team. Reset all the ships inside the circle until, hopefully, the rest of your team can develop some kind of cross fire.
Excellent video AA Ron. I do have a question though as someone who wants to be a better battleship player and in my personal opinion, always learning and always trying to get better, with my main target being a destroyers would you prefer HE orAP as the best way to handle them? I’ve always heard HE But others have told me that you can slap a destroyer with AP as well.
Another helpful video. What gets me is BBs sitting in a cap after it’s been taken for 5 minutes, I guess “defending” it. I don’t think some people understand once you take cap, it’s OK to LEAVE the cap to engage other ships while still defending the cap. And this is usually with 5 minutes left and the ship is needed elsewhere on the map to affect the win.
I notice this so much at the B cap on this map in particular. There will be 4 ships sitting in the B cap. Like none of u are doing anything😂 you’re all contesting the same cap not accruing points and getting yourself nailed from each flank😂
18:26 BB's shooting at a DD's always seems like a waste of shells. The DD is just so small and nimble and always changing course and speed, and always blinking in and out of concealment. Unless you're close range, at which point you're boned because you know those torps are coming.
Number 1 reason for loses in carrier matches is players especially DD players going way out wide around the edges of the map to go after the enemy CV and or chasing damage on BB's instead of spotting and taking bases. number 2 reason DD, Cruiser and BB players sitting back at the spawn point or sitting behind islands because they are scared to get their cameo scratched and not pushing forward and staying on the move. Number 3 if they spawn in the middle they push to much to fast and get crossed fired from both sides ( I never go for the middle in a BB or cruiser at the start I go to the flank I'm the closest to when I spawn in the middle fir this reason and usually I won't get any spotting in the middle ) Number 4 players that spawn on the left or right flanks leaving the flanks just to go all the way across the map broad side to the other side. Number 5 Players go after the first ship they see and won't come off that target when a enemy DD and Cruiser pops up. When a enemy DD pops up every player on a team should shot at that DD that can you take the most dangerous ship off the map and blind the other team when you do so. Also take cruisers off the map as quick as possible you protect you friendly DD's from being deleted and BB's from constantly being set on fire over and over again. Lastly quit chasing Damage and K/D ratio
Long time player and viewer. I think my biggest issue is as a solo DD in middle spawn on a map with either no middle cap or the middle is terrible to play as a DD, greece being one of those i consider B a terrible solo DD location. Whats your logic on which side to go to ? Sometimes i think go to the side without radar cruisers since the other side wont have "eyes" at all. But part of me thinks go to the side with the support to eliminate the enemy DD 🤔 🙄 uggghhh
ships that can actually "cap" and still concets the cap as a dd: need a 6km range hydro. the rest you just contest form afar. unless you on a personal level secured yourself enough personal space to cap, the capis a hot zone and torpedos with 1.3km detection will wreck you. you spot and thats it, no fancy gimmick. gun boats dont cap, you just dont, hybrids can but its a stretch. now days the ones to cap are the ballsie cruiserslike napoly or old radar cruiser that can clear dd
I played wows before it hit Steam. To date and I don't know how I could get away with it, At the beginning of the game I rushed to the enemy side and took out both CVs lol. I wish so hard I recorded this😅😅
90% of the battle is about teamwork, if the small ships work with the larger ships, then you have a combination of both qualities. This makes for much better chance of winning more battles. However, I have notice that most players are after the "kill" if a larger ship has been hammering an enemy ship lets say for about a minute and a half, your team member has been waiting for the right moment to steal the kill and get the credit. This is not the type of "teamwork" I'm willing to play for, my own team member has also become my competition, the competition is the enemy NOT my own team members.
Only issue is when people do these tactics game after game it becomes predictable. Same 'rules' apply when doing tank games going flank. Now whats happening is because many are doing this tactic you'll see alot of cruisers and battleships just hanging back on the map and the destroyers are the only ones doing something whilst the other ships are just trying to get long 17+ kilometer shots off. Making the game extremely boring.
Being fairly new to WOWSL this year, I still see destroyers and cruisers run backwards; where it seems the game always boils down to : who goes forward first will attract all the enemy fire and you’ll die … so everyone is going to wait back here. It’s highly frustrating when you’re unlocking new tech tree ships and trying your grind the upgrades/mods , with poor range, poor health etc. and you have to do it solo. It’s a great game when you damage half health to a ship before your shiny new ship is destroyed.
The real reason is it's like I load into a game and bots are my team mate it's pointless and it's like this almost every game I have to platoon with people to win
And don't go for the corners go for the center then you got both sides you can cover you split your team one goes for corner other half goes in center that's when crushers come in both sides stop sending out torpedoes and running away that's wrong go inside the area
You play to win the game. You don't play it to just play it. If you want to play for "fun", go play A/I. The athletes who play sports, play to win the game. I'm pretty sure if you ask the 2023 Carolina Panthers if they had "fun" going 2-15, I'm pretty sure they say no. Pretty sure they would have wanted to win more games and win a Super Bowl
Someone please tell the Sherman players the DD rules. They mostly hang back….wait for another to spot then they smoke up and lay HP, then when your cruisers are destroyed because the other teams DD did there job, they run like mad and no spotting and always being spotted and just getting clipped.
Great strategy unless you're playing solo and your team sucks! Make another video on what to do if you're solo and your destroyer abandons your side, all Cruisers camping behind an island all day and battleships sitting at their spawn point giving full broadside.
@@whereruaaronOnly problem with that is it looks like the majority of the player base is happy being ass at the game and doing as they please as along as long as their big guns go big boom. As well as that I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything on WeeGees end that even points the player base towards improving. The fact the average win rate isn’t even 1:1 makes it painfully obvious.
I used both methods the other day with a Cruiser. Was called a coward. I spotted, capped and sunk no ships but Won the match. But called a Coward. Frustrating.
Last mistake by DD's especially is how they use their smoke screen please stop smoking up in front of your team mates and sitting in your smoke blinding your teammates. If you smoke up and sit in it and can no longer see the ships neither can your BB and Cruiser teammates.
Dude, I just played this morning with tier 10's.... AND THEY STILL SCREW UP HARD!! We had a CV that beat a DD into an cap circle!!! Of course DIED right away! Its getting pathetic ....
I just wanted to know why I never ever had been able to hit any citadel even if I had a cc broadside directly in front of my bb, where I hit 6 to 10 citadels, when I was in a cc myself. There is something wrong with this game and they don't fracking care! Until they fix it... They deserve all of my pure hate and all the BS I'll do in a match. I can't care less anymore! You can navigate and position as best as you can and it's worthless! Game doesn't want you to hit ever...
Thousands of views with a 99% like ratio lol. "It's just a game" where your outcome effects others...if you don't like it don't play...I hear AI is nice this time of year
Good points I had a good game in the Z52 that shows spotting not high damage but a good win full game clip on UA-cam let me know what you think it's had 114 views Army_Geddon1
Found it and good game, but I seriously suggest putting the name of the ship in the thumbnail or a picture of it in port. If people can’t really see what you’re playing they’re more likely to skip past.
Thnx for the advice I've not long started putting games on UA-cam and trying to figure out how to use share factory to do it better but I'm not technical I'm not far of 60 years old😂😂😂
I'll say it again even though I said it in the video...No one expects you to be Tom Brady on the 07 patriots and carry every game. All that most of the us is asking for is for everyone to carry their weight. When your outcome affects the experience of others there should be some sportsmanship. I know this video will be controversial but I truthfully want a healthy community for all, have a great day.
I use my team 😂
Also nice video
I feel your frustration,there are too many one-sided matches nowadays, it's not fun at all
Controversial? It shouldn't be.
07 Pats defense was the real MVP
If you die as a destroyer in the first five minutes, its often not the case that you are bad at the game, but as you go foward to spot and cap, the cruiser and battleship on your side of the map hang back or move across the map offering little or no support. You get spotted by a radar cruiser and there is little you can do.
If you die “often” and yes you are correct but you can’t keep dying early and expect to win
@whereruaaron i agree, i guess my point is with a destroyer, you can get the tactics and gameplay right, but if the team isnt functioning as a team, its often the destroyers who are first to get wiped out.
@@stu101That's why as a cruiser main player here. I always do everything to protect my DD. That's a why I always play agile radar cruisers like Edinburg to secure kills on other DDs trying to kill my DD and torps any aggressive dumb BB.
not always true if you die that quick in a DD it can also be because your pushing way to far forward to quickly or you're a complete idiot shooting your guns at a BB or cruiser and getting spotted and focused. you just get unlucky and come around a island and run into a enemy ship or two you didn't spot because it was in a position not to be spotted. There's many reasons why DD's die first quickly usually from their own doing.
Really appreciate the effort you put into this video AA Ron. Hopefully newer players and players tired of dying in the first 5 minutes find this and learn from it.
Destroyers are Ninjas, Ninjas are stealthy and to be feared. Be a Ninja. Know your ships detectability range. This is good stuff. Thanks dude!!!
Basically in summary, like my swingdancing instructor said, obey these rules until you are good enough to bend them. And if aaron is still obeying most of these rules, then follow until you are hetter than him lol.
Lol not quite but yes there are basics
Solid video. Well-presented and explained with salient tactical advice. Hope ya get lots of views on this one and at some who watch take these points to heart...enjoyed watching💯👍
THIS NEEDS TO BE SHARED EVERYWHERE!! Also the Guides need to be Automatic Voice Translation for people who can't understand English.
Yes, non english speakers are the PROBLEM with this game, right? we are the "individualistic" that yolo in the first minutes, don't hear the teamates and the stubborn, toxic, resentful and racist ones in the chat... OMG, this Gringos...
I really appreciated the football terminology, I started by playing for fun but now I'm watching more videos on how to not be a tato!🤘
No problem man and if you’re watching these vids you’re doing far better than that average tater
Most times a dd leaves the objective your side loses,....
Yup. “Stay on the side you spawn on”
@@ObeCorbian not absolute it happens, last night 3 dd on one side they kill nothing, capture nothing. Hi dd game the rest of the team slaughtered by enemy,dds ...
@@ObeCorbian k understood... Both situations are bs
A ball of teammates going to the far side of the map and not focusing on their spawn is the most frustrating thing about this game. This does come from one-sided battles and would be solved by making battles ranked for each season. They could get rid of AI and just make it PVP then.
@@ObeCorbianI usually stay at the back cuz the dds I support when I'm a cruiser usually leaves me for dead and don't set smoke screens
Players want to play for fun but what they are missing is that you can play by the rules AND have fun doing it. It's not GTA.
Once with a bad team that wanted just fun, I just told them that playing by the rules would be more efficient and still fun. That tunred an almost garanteed loss into a victory.
Exactly you can be a team player and still have fun
Good video. It's really unfortunate, and frustrating, that a great many players can't grasp simple strategy.
Curious non-player thanks you for the chalk-talk.
You'd do well to keep people like me in mind when you do these.
How did I not? I guess more in depth for each ship?
@@whereruaaron Oh no, you did -- mate. Just reiterating how important that is.
And again, thanks. Looking fwd to the next installment.
Nothing worse then seeing your destroyers rush the caps straight away get spotted smoke up blind the team then sit in the exact spot they smoked up in before they get torped into oblivion it also sucks when they speed boost away from support at the start of a game get spotted and the support is to far behind to lay down the cover effectively I'll always fire on a destroyer even if you clip it for 1000 hp it's a start to removing them but I feel like alot of the time a destroyer player forgets a battleship can only fire as fast as it's reload allows which is never lightning fast thanks for the content bro appreciate the opportunity tips i really believe a huge positive part of a good game is to bring up the line ups of ships at the beginning of the game see what you could be possibly running into what consumables do these enemies have are there divisions with certain ship combinations that are dangerous etc
Thanks for the tips, I’m really trying to improve… Could you possibly do a video on points, I’m not sure how scores are tallied outside of the obvious ways like damage, thanks.
If you go to your overall stats page, basically everything they track counts toward xp. Kills, spotting, damage, planes shot, caps, and defends.
@@corbanheerdink5083 thank you
@@ronb7931 WG refuses to reveal the exact calculations, idk why but yeah. I think distance traveled might be one too
Correction main purpose of destroyer is to take over territories battleships are slow they can scout and provide cover and cruisers can do both mainly take over territories
Under no circumstances should battleships be the ones "scouting" or spotting. They have the worst concealment and the least maneuverability. Everything stated in the video is correct with nuance to each battle being a separate series of random events
Just started playing near the end of the Transformers event. Currently grinding my way to the Amalfi and Venezia with hopes to get to the point to have enough resources when the event comes back. Also tiering up on the American Cruisers. I am currently on WoWs.
Dude the quality of teammates lately feels like it’s been worse than normal. I’ve had games where all 8 other blue team members are trying to group up on one island that isn’t big enough for any of them while red team gets the caps. It’s so frustrating
I would say these players are bots but bots play better
As a former DD main, from several years back, there was nothing more frustrating than BB players say spot, so they can take pot shots at max range with max sigma / dispersion. At the same time being out spotted by enemy dd which when was detected by me would be ignored by vast majority of team as my hp pool was shrinking, AF game play from teammates and incredibly common to the point it was more often than not.
As for CV game play I'd be spotting DD, back when old cv spotting was a thing, literally hounding it, with its AA turned off until i was to close to drop. Team not shooting at the DD. Meanwhile other CV has free reign on the team ;.; damn if you do damn if you don't.
Eventually the dead head mindset of hanging back, not knowing what to shoot at as a priority, stunning lack of situational awareness, much of which can possibly be pointed at not checking minimap at least 3-4 times a minute, lead me to doing Operations for the vast majority of my games after the first 4k+ of pvp. The issues the same throughout even high tiers, as if players got there and hadn't learned anything. Adding in the dumb mindset of "i died last" while having little impact on the outcome except assisting n the loss," so im a better player and it was my teams fault for dying". ~ ~
Oh and the BB not damage soaking a concept so foreign its not even considered as a way to score or help take the advantage.
That one really ground my gears.
Alternatively as a bb doing a push, cos you know know the time starting to get tight, or one flank getting crushed so to prevent X-fire, signalling the objective square cap etc asking for assistance and the team will sit there like they are watching a movie, with a wtf even are my team even shooting at and prioritising targets to make it easier for them and save my neck.. nope..
Team doing everything possible to lose and even the hyper intelligent ones saying "Get back" instead of supporting.
Absolute meatheads cant read the game play no intention of team play or seeming any idea other than trying to meet event requirements in missions ..
Oh and the ultimate one losing all my karma when French smokeless dd first came out.
Idiots don't even know that the new class didn't have smoke.
So this means they didnt read patch notes or play or anything "its a dd it has smoke" despite more troll concealment, now go spot dd, straight into the 2 x 12km radar cruiser and a 10km one in there to, while having worse concealment and cv could still dumpster dd oh and Cap while you're at it stop them from getting it. while no support f u too player base, even tho karma means nothing its the fact your knowledge was so lacking that you'd demerit someone for it. Shame.🔔
7:00 well dds usually die within the first 5 minutes bc of radar + plane spotting
Aaron pumping out the PSA's.
First, adding a visual counter or SOMETHING flashy to show DDs the damage the blue team is getting because of your “spotting” would greatly increase the amount of spotting a DD would do. A lot of new players don’t really understand spotting, but showing a dmg counter on screen or something would let those players know how important it is.
Second, playing defense on a losing side is super important too. If everyone ditches your spawn, but you’re able to get those “defend” ribbons and you can delay the reds from capping an objective, you’re still helping your team. Reset all the ships inside the circle until, hopefully, the rest of your team can develop some kind of cross fire.
Excellent video AA Ron. I do have a question though as someone who wants to be a better battleship player and in my personal opinion, always learning and always trying to get better, with my main target being a destroyers would you prefer HE orAP as the best way to handle them? I’ve always heard HE But others have told me that you can slap a destroyer with AP as well.
Mainly AP unless of course it’s a DD and it’s situational still. Some angled targets need HE still
@@whereruaaron got it thanks. Also, as someone who mainly runs American BB’s, would you consider the California a brawling BB? Thanks
Another helpful video. What gets me is BBs sitting in a cap after it’s been taken for 5 minutes, I guess “defending” it. I don’t think some people understand once you take cap, it’s OK to LEAVE the cap to engage other ships while still defending the cap. And this is usually with 5 minutes left and the ship is needed elsewhere on the map to affect the win.
I notice this so much at the B cap on this map in particular. There will be 4 ships sitting in the B cap. Like none of u are doing anything😂 you’re all contesting the same cap not accruing points and getting yourself nailed from each flank😂
18:26 BB's shooting at a DD's always seems like a waste of shells. The DD is just so small and nimble and always changing course and speed, and always blinking in and out of concealment. Unless you're close range, at which point you're boned because you know those torps are coming.
Again those 1-2 overpens are 2-3K worth of health and 100% worth it. If you don't shoot at them and your DD dies you are screwed...
Number 1 reason for loses in carrier matches is players especially DD players going way out wide around the edges of the map to go after the enemy CV and or chasing damage on BB's instead of spotting and taking bases. number 2 reason DD, Cruiser and BB players sitting back at the spawn point or sitting behind islands because they are scared to get their cameo scratched and not pushing forward and staying on the move. Number 3 if they spawn in the middle they push to much to fast and get crossed fired from both sides ( I never go for the middle in a BB or cruiser at the start I go to the flank I'm the closest to when I spawn in the middle fir this reason and usually I won't get any spotting in the middle ) Number 4 players that spawn on the left or right flanks leaving the flanks just to go all the way across the map broad side to the other side. Number 5 Players go after the first ship they see and won't come off that target when a enemy DD and Cruiser pops up. When a enemy DD pops up every player on a team should shot at that DD that can you take the most dangerous ship off the map and blind the other team when you do so. Also take cruisers off the map as quick as possible you protect you friendly DD's from being deleted and BB's from constantly being set on fire over and over again. Lastly quit chasing Damage and K/D ratio
Long time player and viewer. I think my biggest issue is as a solo DD in middle spawn on a map with either no middle cap or the middle is terrible to play as a DD, greece being one of those i consider B a terrible solo DD location. Whats your logic on which side to go to ? Sometimes i think go to the side without radar cruisers since the other side wont have "eyes" at all. But part of me thinks go to the side with the support to eliminate the enemy DD 🤔 🙄 uggghhh
The old do I reinforce the weak flank, or help roll up with the strong flank?
ships that can actually "cap" and still concets the cap as a dd: need a 6km range hydro. the rest you just contest form afar. unless you on a personal level secured yourself enough personal space to cap, the capis a hot zone and torpedos with 1.3km detection will wreck you. you spot and thats it, no fancy gimmick. gun boats dont cap, you just dont, hybrids can but its a stretch. now days the ones to cap are the ballsie cruiserslike napoly or old radar cruiser that can clear dd
There is not a single ship in the game with a 6KM hydro as a destroyer, this is the legends console version
I played wows before it hit Steam.
To date and I don't know how I could get away with it, At the beginning of the game I rushed to the enemy side and took out both CVs lol.
I wish so hard I recorded this😅😅
When it works...it works lol but when someone recognizes what you're doing it's usually a quick trip back to port lol
In clan battles or ranked or brawl you can expect you team members to have some idea but in random there is no point
That is just simply not true, and that mindset is the reason people refuse to learn or try to get any better
90% of the battle is about teamwork, if the small ships work with the larger ships, then you have a combination of both qualities. This makes for much better chance of winning more battles. However, I have notice that most players are after the "kill" if a larger ship has been hammering an enemy ship lets say for about a minute and a half, your team member has been waiting for the right moment to steal the kill and get the credit. This is not the type of "teamwork" I'm willing to play for, my own team member has also become my competition, the competition is the enemy NOT my own team members.
Only issue is when people do these tactics game after game it becomes predictable. Same 'rules' apply when doing tank games going flank. Now whats happening is because many are doing this tactic you'll see alot of cruisers and battleships just hanging back on the map and the destroyers are the only ones doing something whilst the other ships are just trying to get long 17+ kilometer shots off. Making the game extremely boring.
Being fairly new to WOWSL this year, I still see destroyers and cruisers run backwards; where it seems the game always boils down to : who goes forward first will attract all the enemy fire and you’ll die … so everyone is going to wait back here.
It’s highly frustrating when you’re unlocking new tech tree ships and trying your grind the upgrades/mods , with poor range, poor health etc. and you have to do it solo. It’s a great game when you damage half health to a ship before your shiny new ship is destroyed.
The real reason is it's like I load into a game and bots are my team mate it's pointless and it's like this almost every game I have to platoon with people to win
Under cruisers, I don’t think you mentioned what I consider to be their first responsibility; supporting and protecting their DD.
Some of the players that have range, don't miss...
these are the best. well done
Thanks Randy
But...but....it feels soo GOOD when I do it....
Lol troll ass
Great video
And don't go for the corners go for the center then you got both sides you can cover you split your team one goes for corner other half goes in center that's when crushers come in both sides stop sending out torpedoes and running away that's wrong go inside the area
You play to win the game. You don't play it to just play it. If you want to play for "fun", go play A/I. The athletes who play sports, play to win the game. I'm pretty sure if you ask the 2023 Carolina Panthers if they had "fun" going 2-15, I'm pretty sure they say no. Pretty sure they would have wanted to win more games and win a Super Bowl
Compares playing a game to being an athlete. Get outta here
It’s a perfect comparison. It’s a team based objective game
@@whereruaaron THANK YOU
Someone please tell the Sherman players the DD rules. They mostly hang back….wait for another to spot then they smoke up and lay HP, then when your cruisers are destroyed because the other teams DD did there job, they run like mad and no spotting and always being spotted and just getting clipped.
Great strategy unless you're playing solo and your team sucks!
Make another video on what to do if you're solo and your destroyer abandons your side, all Cruisers camping behind an island all day and battleships sitting at their spawn point giving full broadside.
I mean yes but I play solo a ton and follow the same rules. If everyone else solo followed the same principles it would be a lot less painful
@@whereruaaronOnly problem with that is it looks like the majority of the player base is happy being ass at the game and doing as they please as along as long as their big guns go big boom. As well as that I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything on WeeGees end that even points the player base towards improving. The fact the average win rate isn’t even 1:1 makes it painfully obvious.
Since when are there twelve ships in one team?
Its a picture from PC dude
I used both methods the other day with a Cruiser. Was called a coward. I spotted, capped and sunk no ships but Won the match. But called a Coward. Frustrating.
Did you place well on the scoreboard? It’s usually the bottom feeders yapping the most. Don’t worry about them
@whereruaaron well i wasn't last..lol. Im not worried.
Last mistake by DD's especially is how they use their smoke screen please stop smoking up in front of your team mates and sitting in your smoke blinding your teammates. If you smoke up and sit in it and can no longer see the ships neither can your BB and Cruiser teammates.
Dude, I just played this morning with tier 10's.... AND THEY STILL SCREW UP HARD!! We had a CV that beat a DD into an cap circle!!! Of course DIED right away! Its getting pathetic ....
When I see a division of 3 DD's I know it's immediately going to be a loss 99% of the time because all 3 of them will all go to one side of the map.
Oooops just describe me in the way I play but thanks for the tips
Lmao as long as you work on improving my man!
Cv;s please send your planes on the side your one first and no send them all the way across the map :)
I just wanted to know why I never ever had been able to hit any citadel even if I had a cc broadside directly in front of my bb, where I hit 6 to 10 citadels, when I was in a cc myself. There is something wrong with this game and they don't fracking care! Until they fix it... They deserve all of my pure hate and all the BS I'll do in a match. I can't care less anymore!
You can navigate and position as best as you can and it's worthless! Game doesn't want you to hit ever...
Dude its so annoying...its happening more and more
But a lot of games today are 4 to 5 dds haha
You know you can join a team right? Division I think it's called 🤷♂️
What?! No way dude! This is a breaking revelation
Im so fkn bad
you sound like an elite sook. get over yourselves it's just a game lol
Thousands of views with a 99% like ratio lol. "It's just a game" where your outcome effects others...if you don't like it don't play...I hear AI is nice this time of year
Use a soccer analogy, American football looks like a mess. Lol
Haha okay I got you on the next one
Good points I had a good game in the Z52 that shows spotting not high damage but a good win full game clip on UA-cam let me know what you think it's had 114 views Army_Geddon1
Found it and good game, but I seriously suggest putting the name of the ship in the thumbnail or a picture of it in port. If people can’t really see what you’re playing they’re more likely to skip past.
Thnx for the advice I've not long started putting games on UA-cam and trying to figure out how to use share factory to do it better but I'm not technical I'm not far of 60 years old😂😂😂
Great video.