It's not about PHP or React/Next.js. The default behavior of a form element with an action is to cause a full page reload. In a typical SPA, pages don’t actually reload; they just replace the outlet or content. Next.js tackled the full page reload issue with client-side navigation using their new Form component. It's nothing fancy, really-I used to do it myself before, but Next.js added this with their v15 release
I always asked to myself why thi new tag: now it is crystal clear. Thanks!
You’re welcome!
please can you make a video about reseaults paginations? or add a load more using server side only?
Pretty Awesome feature! Thanks. Ryan
You’re welcome!
Back to the PHP days one step more.
And no sanitize and send to BE looks dangerous.
This is pretty cool feature, please can you provide the url you fetched?
its cool before you had to grab the value of the form and navigate on your own with router but now its easier
What about passwords? I don’t want my password to become a URL param for my website
What other use do you see for a password than authentication? You only use passwords to authenticate yourself
it's useful for search purposes, e.g. a home page's search bar that redirects the user for a catalog with the search param
Do we cheer on features that php and alike supported for about 20 years? Reactpeople are crazy.
It's not about PHP or React/Next.js. The default behavior of a form element with an action is to cause a full page reload. In a typical SPA, pages don’t actually reload; they just replace the outlet or content. Next.js tackled the full page reload issue with client-side navigation using their new Form component. It's nothing fancy, really-I used to do it myself before, but Next.js added this with their v15 release