You don't really need to use much pressure with either system. The diamond disk will have more "grab" to it as soon as you put the glass down so it's mostly holding the piece to keep it from coming out of your hands. Loose grit grinding can also generate a lot of suction on larger surface areas as you work so it can "rip" the glass right out of your hands as you work so it's a good idea to keep a good grip on the glass with both processes
Very good to know, thank you.
Thanks Mark, great info and technical details.
Glad it was helpful!
Can you save the unused grit in the trough when done? Can you store it wet?
Yes, we leave the unused grit in the trough for the next time we need to use it.
How much down pressure do you use with the diamond wheel? It looks a little bite like you use a bit more on the gravel.
You don't really need to use much pressure with either system. The diamond disk will have more "grab" to it as soon as you put the glass down so it's mostly holding the piece to keep it from coming out of your hands. Loose grit grinding can also generate a lot of suction on larger surface areas as you work so it can "rip" the glass right out of your hands as you work so it's a good idea to keep a good grip on the glass with both processes