Imam Ali (ra) - Abdal Hakim Murad: Paradigms of Leadership

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad honours Imam Ali (ra) - a great paradigm of heroism that has always captured the Muslim imagination - by focusing on his esoteric qualities.
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  • @evolassunglasses4673
    @evolassunglasses4673 2 роки тому +258

    I'm not Muslim or religious myself but love this channel.
    Best wishes to everyone here.

    • @abuumar4685
      @abuumar4685 2 роки тому +24

      We wish you a good life, lasting happiness and guidance from the Lord of the universe

    • @dinorossi6611
      @dinorossi6611 2 роки тому +8

      It is a pleasure to audit someone as eloquent as AHM. :) Isn't it?

    • @evolassunglasses4673
      @evolassunglasses4673 2 роки тому +8

      @@abuumar4685 thank you

    • @meharhasnatmahmud5926
      @meharhasnatmahmud5926 2 роки тому +2

      But you are quit anti Muslim I've read your comment else where you seem to be fan of Sufi of Rome Julius evola

    • @DarioHaruni
      @DarioHaruni 2 роки тому

      Are you a reader of Julius Evola?

  • @fire.smok3
    @fire.smok3 2 роки тому +244

    I’ve been watching Abdal Hakim Murad since I first became a Muslim and til now I always get happy seeing a new lecture from him.

    • @ryanhunter2987
      @ryanhunter2987 2 роки тому +9

      Indeed! The same holds true for me!

    • @davidfarley1902
      @davidfarley1902 2 роки тому +9

      I am right behind you, ignorant,yet I iknow in humility to submit to the One who is Most Merciful, Most Omnipresint...ALWAYAYS!!!!!!!!!!! I AM PEOPLE OF THE BOOK.

    • @farromalik5417
      @farromalik5417 2 роки тому +3

      Very true indeed

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite 2 роки тому

      2. Who then will be the REAL Antichrist and could Muslims and Christians fight on the opposite sides of the final battle of good and evil or will they join forces and fight on the same side against the real Antichrist forces? Will the Antichrist deny the Sonship and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ or will the Antichrist be the one-eyed Al-Maseeh Al-Dajjaal?
      Which prophecy will you now trust? Beloved, as was clearly demonstrated previously, any wise person would know that they would be condemning their eternity to hell if they foolishly still trust Islamic prophecies, after they have evidently been proven to be largely a shameful corruption of Bible prophecy from the book of Revelation.
      How could Muslims and Christians fight on the same side IF:
      1. they are polar opposite, not just in their knowledge of the the Antichrist but of the Christ. The word 'Antichrist' originates from 'Christ' (to IMITATE or to be AGAINST Christ).
      2. they do not believe in the same God. The claims which Allah (QS 29:46) and the God of the Bible (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) make about themselves are so HOSTILE to each other for them to be the same God (even though they both call themselves GOD and declare that they are ONE). Yet there can only be one true God, not two.
      The result is that IF both Christian and Islamic eschatology are fulfilled, the one who will be Al-Maseeh to one religion, will be Al-Maseeh Al-Dajjaal to the other (the REAL one, not the one-eyed one!). In a sense, Al Mahdi (whom it is said will be superior to Isa, is regarded as a sort of "Messianic deliverer" or "savior") is Al Messiah to Islam-an IMITATION of the attributes reserved for Al Maseeh, Jesus Christ. It is believed Al Mahdi will bring "peace and justice" to the world.
      Who then will be the REAL Antichrist? Could EITHER the appearing Jesus Christ the Son of God or the Mahdi be ANTICHRIST to the opposing religion?
      The scale of the deception which began generations ago is such that Christians and Muslims each believe to worship the creator of the heavens and the earth, with Muslims believing that Allah of the Qur’an is this creator who sent the previous scriptures (QS 5:44-47) and that the final prophet is found in the previous scriptures (QS 7:157 and 61:6).
      However, the previous scriptures state clearly that John the Baptist was the end of the law (the Old Covenant) and the last of prophets (Luke 16:16). What was his prophecy? He prophesied about the coming of the "one who is MORE POWERFUL than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
      (Matthew 3:11).
      So there was to be no final revelation through a prophet after the Gospels, for God in the "past spoke through the prophets" but "has in the last days spoken through his Son" (Hebrews 1:1-2)
      A disturbing prophecy which shows that the two religions are not of the SAME God and why one of the religions will fight AGAINST the Antichrist forces and the other FOR the Antichrist forces is the prophecy of the "Beast from the Earth".
      [NOTE: in Bible terms, a beast is a personality who has rule over the world]
      The ORIGINAL prophecy of the beast from the earth is recorded in the book of Revelations (13:10-18) which speaks of Satan (long disguised as God) and his Antichrist system prevailing in the last 7 years of the world [Daniel's one week prophecy: one day for a year prophecy=7 years (Daniel 9:27)]. The SECOND "Beast" (the beast from the earth) of the last 7 years will deceive and cause as many to receive the MARK of the FIRST beast (Antichrist) on the forehead. Only those having the mark of the Antichrist will be allowed to BUY and SELL (Revelations 13:16-18). Those who believe Jesus as the Son of God will refuse the mark and they will be beheaded for their faith, and received with glory in the kingdom of God (Rev 20:4). But God will condemn to HELL those who will receive the mark of the beast (Revelations 14:9-10) because they disbelieved that Jesus is the Son of God [as confirmed in the old testament (Daniel 7:13-14 or Isaiah 9:6)] and worshipped the false god of this world instead
      Surprisingly, Islam/the Islamic Caliphate (like the Antichrist system) will also prevail in the last 7 years (Sunan Abi Dawud).
      Strangely, the Qur’an (27:82) and hadith "beast from the earth" prophecy (which is a corruption of Revelation 13:10-18) instruct Muslims to do the OPPOSITE! They must receive the mark from the "Beast from the Earth" or Dābbat al-Arḍ (Sunan Ibn Majah 4066 and Musnad Aḥmad 22309) and they will be allowed to BUY or SELL and be marked as the believers of Allah and will go to HEAVEN. [see video link of the Islamic Mark of the Beast (presented by Muslim) in the 4th "chapter" of this article]
      Which of the two prophecies will you trust?
      This obvious contradiction shows plainly and certainly, that Allah of the Qur’an and the God of the Bible are NOT the same God. One is Satan disguised as the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
      IF the opposing hadith beast prophecy, copied and misrepresented from the book of Revelation is fulfilled, could Islam be the Antichrist religion of the last 7 years, before the return of the true Jesus, which will behead (Revelations 13:15 and QS8:12-13) those who do not believe in its god and refuse to make allegiance to the Antichrist? Beheaded will be those who refuse to receive the mark of the beast reserved for the believers in Allah.
      The contradicting prophecies between Christianity and Islam are NOT just down to 'matters over which we used to differ' and which Allah of the Qur’an will "inform" us of when we "return" to him or different "communities" competiting in "good deeds" with each community having been given its own "code of law" (QS 5:48). Is God the author of confusion that he should give one truth but different communities of faith competing from different standards of good deeds? To me my religion to you yours? With the true God, there is one TRUTH and one WAY to eternal LIFE (John 14:6)
      There is a WAY that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of DEATH.
      (Proverbs 14:12)
      Instead, the contradicting prophecies have come about as a result of the deception by Satan who desires to be worshipped disguised as a god of "righteous deeds"-the god of RIGHTEOUSNESS and LIGHT. How?
      Do Muslims know that Satan is the angel that God cast down to the earth and is the false god of righteousness of this world who came disguised as an ANGEL of LIGHT to his SERVANT?
      600 years before the mysterious ANGEL and the SERVANT of Allah, Muhammad, met in a cave, the apostles wrote a letter to Christians at Corinth, warning:
      "And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an ANGEL of LIGHT. So it is no surprise if his SERVANTS, also, disguise themselves as SERVANTS of RIGHTEOUSNESS. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
      2 Corinthians 11:14‭-‬15
      Don't be deceived by a religion declaring itself a religion of righteous deeds: praying (to him as God), giving money to the poor and warning against sin. for Satan mixes good with evil inorder to deceive. Satan's religion is an imitation of and deceptively similar to the religion of the true God. A fake $100 bill must look like the original for it to have any chance of deceiving the receiver. Satan is the master of deception and is disguised as the one God, not Satan (Isaiah 14:12-14) and desires to be worshipped (Matthew 1:9). It makes sense that Satan will disguise himself as God and even warn against himself inorder to deceive you and hide his true identity. Satan has deceived billions away from worshipping the true God and into committing idolatry by worshipping him instead.

    • @TheWatchmanWebsite
      @TheWatchmanWebsite 2 роки тому +3

      3. Was the angel which the SERVANT of Allah met the same ANGEL, Gabriel, of the Bible? Without a doubt, the ANGEL the SERVANT met in a cave was NOT the angel Gabriel of the Bible. If not, who was it? It was Satan himself disguised as an angel of LIGHT (QS 24:35 and 33:46). The creature pressed Muhammad’s chest tightly such that he thought he was going to die and his first impression was that he was demon possessed. At no point did the mysterious angel introduce itself to Muhammad as Jibreel. It was his wife Kaddijah (on the advice of Ibn Neafal her cousin) who convinced Muhammad that he had met Jibreel and Muhammad then went along with the name. Jibreel was not witnessed by anyone else except Muhammad. According to Muhammad's own testimony, he thought the angel was demonic.
      IBN Ishaq 106, al Tabari vol 6,7071.There is no evidence of Muhammad ever meeting his god, Allah.
      In the bible the angel was witnessed in the Jewish scripture (Tanakh) by Daniel, and in the Gospels by John the Baptist's father (Zachariahs), Joseph and Mary. The message in BOTH the Jewish scripture and the Gospels was the SAME (the Son of God who would have an everlasting kingdom and be worshipped by the nations (Daniel 9:13-14 and Luke 1:31-33) but Jibreel of the Qur'an OPPOSED this gospel message.
      The apostles also warned: '.. even if we or an ANGEL from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!
      Galatians 1:8
      The message of the Qur'an about Jesus Christ which the "ANGEL from heaven" (Jibreel) and the Servant of Allah brought through the Qur'an [such as that Allah made it to appear like Jesus was crucified (QS 4:157) or that he is just a prophet and not the Son of God (QS 19:91-92)], is a corruption and NOT the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God crucified on the cross and preached for 600 years before Muhammad.
      God cast Satan to the earth because he corrupted his own wisdom (Ezekiel 28:17). Satan is the father of deception, corruption and lies (John 8:44)
      IF Islamic prophecy is fulfilled, could it be Islam that goes to war against a returning Jesus Christ the Son of God at the battle of Armageddon? (NOT against the mythical one-eyed Al-Maseeh Al-Dajjaal).
      You may think this is a bold claim but it will be Islam that will bring "fitnah" upon the world, because the REAL crisis which will bring war upon the face of the earth in the end times will be the CROSS and the DIVINITY of JESUS CHRIST! The Armageddon or Al-Malhama Al-Kubra account of the hadiths is copied and a corruption of the Armageddon account first and only narrated in the New Testament book of Revelation (chapter 16:12-16).
      So who will the ANTICHRIST be? Could the Mahdi, regarded as a "messianic deliverer" (an imitation of the title of Jesus Christ the Son of God), by the true definition of the term 'antichrist', be the antichrist to Christians and could the returning Jesus Christ, the Son of God crucified on the cross be antichrist to Muslims?
      What is the definition of an antichrist?
      The term 'antichrist' was first ever used and first defined in the Gospels 600 years before Islam.
      The apostles warned that the ANTICHRIST would DENY that Jesus is the Son of God.
      Terrifyingly, the Qur'an teaches exactly that: MUSLIMS also DENY that Jesus is the Son of God.
      (If you believe the false claim of the Qur'an that Allah sent the Gospels, Allah confirms the Gospels as his unchangeable (incorruptible word)[18:27 and 6:115] which the Christians "have between their hands" in the 7TH CENTURY and should judge themselves by. (QS 5:43, 5:47, 5:68, 3:3-4, and 7:157). It's the Qur'an's dilemma.
      "Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is ANTICHRIST who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also." [1John 2:22‭-‬23]
      If you deny that Jesus is the Son of God, the spirit of antichrist already dwells in you (1 John 4:3)
      "The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them."
      John 3:35‭-‬36
      Satan will have authority and power in the last days. This will come as a shock to Muslims but IF Islamic eschatology is FULFILLED, based on the antichrist definition as was originally used 600 years before Muhammad, the MAHDI -helped by the uncrucified false Prophet Isa-will be the ANTICHRIST because the Mahdi, like the Qur'an and all Muslims, will DENY the crucifixion of Jesus Christ the Son of God and will only recognize Allah of the idolatrous and abominable Kaaba and the Hajr (black stone) as his god.
      Prophet Isa, according to Islam, will "return" to "break crosses" but in reality he will not be returning because he never came in the first place. The last of all the prophets was John the Baptist who came prophesying of the Son of God who would baptize with fire and the Holy Spirit:
      "The law and the prophets were UNTIL JOHN: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.
      Luke 16:16
      The only Jesus that came is Jesus the Son of God, not Jesus the prophet. The Prophet Isa that will appear is an imposter of the true Jesus Christ the Son of God. [Not even one Messianic prophecy from the prophets of old (Jewish scripture) matches with Isa of the Qur'an. Try finding one!]. The Prophet Isa of the last days will therefore be the FALSE PROPHET of Revelations 13:11-18 and 19:20.
      BOTH Jesus the Son of God and the FALSE PROPHET will appear but on opposite sides of the final battle of good and evil. The FALSE PROPHET will help the ANTICHRIST.

  • @ArfanHaider-bt9ez
    @ArfanHaider-bt9ez 6 місяців тому +11

    Imam Ali was legacy of prophet Muhammad blessing on his progeny

  • @sarahkareem1251
    @sarahkareem1251 2 роки тому +140

    Indeed Imam Ali (AS) was the best of the Ummah in terms of bravery, knowledge and leadership. May Allah raise my beloved Imam high in the hereafter.

    • @mikesiddiqtownes1518
      @mikesiddiqtownes1518 2 роки тому +10

      Allahumma Salli 'ala Muhammad wa Aaalee Muhammad.... they're currently and constantly raised high.. the hereafter is now and timeless. We can only graciously request their connection/enlightenment bi idnillah

    • @lionman4580
      @lionman4580 2 роки тому +9

      Ali Ra
      Not Ali As

    • @sarahkareem1251
      @sarahkareem1251 2 роки тому +33

      @@lionman4580 When we send salawat upon Rasulullah (S) every Muslim says "Allahumma salli'ala Muhammadiu wa'ala ali Muhammad" which means "O Allah send down Your Peace upon Muhammad and Muhammad's Family/ Progeny".
      Plus, Bukhari put AS after the names of Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain.

    • @Aurora-lm5ns
      @Aurora-lm5ns 2 роки тому +5

      @@sarahkareem1251 al muhammad doesn’t mean family in this particular prayer. Aal muhammmad means his followers. Not just his family. May Allah guide you and us

    • @Aurora-lm5ns
      @Aurora-lm5ns 2 роки тому +4

      @TRuth Be told May Allah guide you. You’re so lost it hurts. Imam ali was like any other companion of the prophet who sacrificed his life fought in battles and did migrate to madina. There’s nothing unique imam ali did no other sahabi did. All he did was support Islam he didn’t do all this so ppl can worship him. Be careful. The goal is to please Allah not to praise ppl and forget the purpose of your creation. You were not created to lament and worship the prophets family.

  • @Daisy-yq1gi
    @Daisy-yq1gi 2 роки тому +13

    I'm a Muslim revert and Andul Hakim Murad is ny far the best and most relevant modern Islamic scholar. Shock horror, I attend both Sunni and Shia mosques. Islam offers a direct relationship with Allah by prayer, life, works and deeds and the thoughtful, honest person will accept wisdom from Ali and indeed the array of scholars, writers and historians whose material is available today.

    • @merlinx8703
      @merlinx8703 2 роки тому +3

      Abdul Hakim Murad and Hamza Yusuf are by far the best and most relevant modern Islamic scholars today

    • @albertisaac9161
      @albertisaac9161 7 місяців тому

      If you have English as language it will minimize you to understand or get a lot of scholars which we have​@@merlinx8703

  • @786humaira1
    @786humaira1 2 роки тому +53

    Have listened to this 3 times enjoyed it each time and inspired too . This Sheikh is such a blessing to not just the Muslims but to entire Mankind . Wish all his lectures are viewed by Millions so that this world gets transformed to peace .

    • @enthogenesis
      @enthogenesis Рік тому +1

      MashaAllah Have made the same du3 Amin Ya Rabb al3lameen! asalatu wa salam 3la rasouloullah salaAllah 3lyhi wa sallam

  • @786humaira1
    @786humaira1 2 роки тому +23

    I am a born Muslim and follow Br Abdul Hakeem Murad and each time I am amazed at his knowledge and his wisdom . I enjoy the calm and peaceful way he delivers his message .
    Its unlike the shouting and yelling and screaming that goes on in the talks of some so called leaders of Islam , known as Sheikhs

    • @etzelkaplan9677
      @etzelkaplan9677 2 роки тому +5

      my dad was a pastor in Dallas. I left church for islam 2002

    • @786humaira1
      @786humaira1 2 роки тому

      Congratulations br . In Islam for being selected by God to the relgion of Islam

    • @nsaffini1975
      @nsaffini1975 2 роки тому

      @@etzelkaplan9677 May Allah keep you steadfast brother.

    • @etzelkaplan9677
      @etzelkaplan9677 2 роки тому

      @@nsaffini1975 hamdu

    • @caramelchampagne1
      @caramelchampagne1 2 роки тому +1

      I was just thinking the same idea even an egyptian i prefere his clam tone when he speaks

  • @nakshi_ashik9181
    @nakshi_ashik9181 2 роки тому +41

    "Ones who love hazrat Ali their belief is strong, their hearts are relieved, their bodies are like steel and iron. mubarak to those who love Shahe Mardan"
    Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani Rahimahullah

    • @nabz5538
      @nabz5538 2 роки тому +6

      Ali (RA) said to the Kharijites:
      "With regard to me, two categories of people will be ruined, namely he who loves me too much and the love takes him away from rightfulness, and he who hates me too much and the hatred takes him away from rightfulness. The best man with regard to me is he who is on the middle course. So be with him and be with the great majority (of Muslims) because Allah's hand (of protection) is on keeping unity. You should beware of division because the one isolated from the group is (a prey) to Satan just as the one isolated from the flock of sheep is (a prey) to the wolf."
      - Nahjul Balagha Part 1, The Sermons

  • @canzigrad2845
    @canzigrad2845 2 роки тому +7

    Imam Ali the most great person of Islam after prophet Mohammad

    • @Mo-cx5om
      @Mo-cx5om 2 роки тому +3

      @It's a Journey no proof for this! Enough proofs for Imam Ali as

    • @Mo-cx5om
      @Mo-cx5om 2 роки тому +3

      @It's a Journey so explain this!
      IMAM CALIPH VASI VELI MAWLA, tell me why the Prophet didn’t use these words for another companions, but only for Imam Ali as. Why didn’t he (sav) say that about ebu bekir, omar , othman?
      The Prophet sav said to Ali as:
      You’re for me like Harun for Musa is, except there is no prophet after me.
      Why he (sav) didn’t said that ever to ebu bekir, omar, othman, or against another companions except for Ali as?

    • @Mo-cx5om
      @Mo-cx5om 2 роки тому +2

      @It's a Journey Before turning to the Sunni hadith, one must note that the Qur’an does refer to Imam ‘Ali in numerous verses: he is one of the Ahl al-Bayt whom God has purified from all impurity and sins (33:33) and the near-kin (qurba) of the Prophet whose love is obligatory for Muslims (42:23). Imam ‘Ali is called the Guardian (wali) of the Believers after God and the Messenger (5:55), the Witness (shahid) from the Holy Prophet who verified him (11:17), and the Guide (hadi) of the community (13:7) after the Prophet. Imam ‘Ali is part of the holy progeny of Abraham from whom God appoints the Imams (2:124) and upon whom He has bestowed His guidance, wisdom and kingdom (4:54). Imam ‘Ali is mentioned in the verse of mubahala (3:61) as the self (nafs) of the Prophet Muhammad. Verse 5:67 of the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in right before the Prophet’s final announcement at Ghadeer Khum where he announced that ‘Ali is the mawla of the believers.
      The hadith statements presented below appear in Reza-Shah Kazemi, Justice and Remembrance: Introducing the Spirituality of Imam ‘Ali, p. 18-20, and are accompanied here by their original references from recognized Sunni Muslim hadith books: ‘ala’l-Mustakrak al-Sahihayn by al-Hakim al-Naysaburi whose hadith isnads meet the criterion of Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, and the Khasa’is Amir al-Mu’minin ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib compiled by Ahmad b. Shu‘ayb al-Nasa’i who also authored one of the six Sunni canonical hadith collections. Later Sunni Muslim exegetes like Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti have also quoted these hadiths extensively in their works.
      Truly, ‘Ali is from me and I am from him (inna ʿAlī minnī wa anā minhu), and he is the walī (patron/spiritual master) of every believer after me.
      Prophet Muhammad,
      (al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, Al-Mustadrak ‘ala’l-Sahihayn, Beirut 2002, 19, No. 4636; Ahmad b. Shu‘ayb al-Nasa’i, Khasa’is Amir al-Mu’minin ‘Ali b. Abi Talib, Tehran 1998, 129)
      ‘Ali is with the Qurʾān and the Qurʾān is with ‘Ali. They will not separate from each other until they return to me at the [paradisal pool] (al-ḥawḍ).
      Prophet Muhammad,
      (al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, Al-Mustadrak ‘ala’l-Sahihayn, Beirut 2002, 927, No. 4685)
      [To ‘Ali]: Are you not happy that you should have in relation to me the rank of Aaron in relation to Moses, except that there is no prophet after me.
      Prophet Muhammad,
      (Ahmad b. Shu‘ayb al-Nasa’i, Khasa’is Amir al-Mu’minin ‘Ali b. Abi Talib, Tehran 1998, 76)
      Three things were revealed to me regarding ʿAlī: he is the leader of the Muslims, the guide of the pious and chief of the radiantly devout (sayyidu’l-muslimīn, imāmu’l-muttaqīn, wa qāʾidu’l-ghurra’lmuḥajjalīn).
      Prophet Muhammad,
      (al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, Al-Mustadrak ‘ala’l-Sahihayn, Beirut 2002, 936, No. 4723)
      Gazing upon ʿAlī is an act of worship (al-naẓar ilā ʿAlī ʿibāda).))
      Prophet Muhammad,
      (al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, Al-Mustadrak ‘ala’l-Sahihayn, Beirut 2002, 938, No. 4736)
      May God have mercy on ʿAlī. O God, make the truth revolve around ʿAlī wherever he turns (adiri’l-ḥaqq maʿahu ḥaythu dāra)
      Prophet Muhammad,
      (al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, Al-Mustadrak ‘ala’l-Sahihayn, Beirut 2002, 927, No. 4686)
      ‘Ali is as my own soul (ka-nafsī).
      Prophet Muhammad,
      (Ahmad b. Shu‘ayb al-Nasa’i, Khasa’is Amir al-Mu’minin ‘Ali b. Abi Talib, Tehran 1998, 104)
      You [‘Ali] are from me and I am from you (anta minnī wa anā minka).
      Prophet Muhammad,
      (al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, Al-Mustadrak ‘ala’l-Sahihayn, Beirut 2002, 924, No. 4672)
      Whoever obeys ʿAli obeys me, and whoever disobeys him disobeys me.
      Prophet Muhammad,
      (al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, Al-Mustadrak ‘ala’l-Sahihayn, Beirut 2002, 925, No. 4678)
      [To ‘Ali]: You will clarify for my community that over which they will differ after me.
      Prophet Muhammad,
      (al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, Al-Mustadrak ‘ala’l-Sahihayn, Beirut 2002, 926, No. 4678)
      There is one amongst you who will fight for the taʿwīl [spiritual interpretation] of the Qurʾān as I have fought for its tanzīl [literal revelation].’ Abū Bakr asked, ‘Is it I?’. The Prophet said, ‘No’. ʿUmar asked, ‘Is it I?’. The Prophet said, ‘No, it is the one who is mending the sandal.’ The Prophet had given ʿAlī his sandal to mend.
      Prophet Muhammad,
      (al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, Al-Mustadrak ‘ala’l-Sahihayn, Beirut 2002, 926, No. 4679)
      O ʿAli, whoever separates himself from me separates himself from God, and whoever separates himself from you, O ʿAli, separates himself from me.
      Prophet Muhammad,
      (al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, Al-Mustadrak ‘ala’l-Sahihayn, Beirut 2002, 927, No. 4682)
      ‘Ali is from me and I am from him (ʿAlī minnī wa anā minhu), and nobody can fulfill my duty but myself and ʿAli.
      Prophet Muhammad,
      (Ahmad b. Shu‘ayb al-Nasa’i, Khasa’is Amir al-Mu’minin ‘Ali b. Abi Talib, Tehran 1998, 106)
      He whose mawlā [master] I am, this ʿAlī is his mawla (man kuntu mawlāhu fa-ʿAlī mawlāhu).

    • @Mo-cx5om
      @Mo-cx5om 2 роки тому +2

      @It's a Journey and you need to read more!

    • @Mo-cx5om
      @Mo-cx5om 2 роки тому +2

      @It's a Journey is this you’re answer? Are you joking? After al the proofs i show you? Haha vallah you’re funny..

  • @noorkhadim844
    @noorkhadim844 2 роки тому +53

    Another season of this series 😍 alhamdulillah could not ask for more dear CMC team

  • @Rukhsana2056
    @Rukhsana2056 2 роки тому +14

    I declare myself as a Muslim always, and so when any Shia or so called Sunni asks me who am I ,” I say I’m neither …. but only a Momin / Believer “

    • @shahg6934
      @shahg6934 2 роки тому +3

      Jazak Allah Khair you are right I also do like this because we must stop Divide

    • @Rukhsana2056
      @Rukhsana2056 2 роки тому +1

      I heard one religious scholar say that only our Mahdi/ The one who will lead us Muslims, will be born to a Shia & Sunni parents…. on which I said that if that’s the case then why shouldn’t we start marrying our children to each other to pave the way for his advent and all those who were attending the lecture , both Shia & Sunni viewers & scholars applauded to it . 🌹👍🏻💫

    • @carlsmith3709
      @carlsmith3709 Рік тому

      @@Rukhsana2056 I assume your shia so when are we getting married lol 😆 😅

  • @aleksandryaroslav1289
    @aleksandryaroslav1289 2 роки тому +30

    Thank you, so much. So illuminating. I will no longer disregard the idea of noble aristocracy after watching this. Bless you all

  • @AMANB613
    @AMANB613 2 роки тому +26

    I recently watched the wonderful video series Sheikh Murad did for Quilliam Press about the Khilafa Rashidun (RA), in my opinion the whole series is a must watch for every Muslim. Excellent video as always Sheikh JazakAllah khair.

    • @NarutoUzumaki-uw2qd
      @NarutoUzumaki-uw2qd 2 роки тому +7

      Can you paste the link here please 🙏🙏

    • @essebonus2062
      @essebonus2062 2 роки тому +3

      Link please

    • @AMANB613
      @AMANB613 2 роки тому +1

      Enjoy my friend

  • @tebdilek260
    @tebdilek260 2 роки тому +19

    Can't stop listening to this lecture. Allah bless Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad!

  • @Arda_Mert
    @Arda_Mert 2 роки тому +21

    Ya Allah (svt) Ya Muhammad (sav) Ya Ali (as)

    • @AlphaMaverick1111
      @AlphaMaverick1111 2 роки тому

    • @abuyaqubbeneficialplaylist6623
      @abuyaqubbeneficialplaylist6623 2 роки тому +3

      Not Yā Muhammad (ﷺ) and also not Yā 'Alī. We must only call upon Allāh, Yā Allāh.
      If one intends to make Du'ā to Muhammad (ﷺ) or 'Alī, so they can bring them near to Allāh or any other thing from Allāh, then this is Shirk. Allāh has Said in the Qur'ān:
      وما خلقت الجن والانس الا ليعبدون.
      "I did not Create the Jinn and the humans except for My worship."
      The Prophet (ﷺ) said in a Hassan Hadīth, in the Musnad of Imām Ahmad and in Al-Adab Al-Mufrad of Imām Bukhārī:
      ان الدعاء هو والعبادة.
      "Indeed Du'ā is worship."
      Therefore, Du'ā worship and making Du'ā to others besides Allāh is worshipping them and this becomes major Shirk which takes one outside of Islām.

    • @InXnI
      @InXnI 5 місяців тому


    • @Arda_Mert
      @Arda_Mert 5 місяців тому +1

      @@InXnI no! Just moslim! Ali was Appointed by Allah svt. Thats a Fact! So many proves for that!

    • @yassineyassine10-xh1su
      @yassineyassine10-xh1su 4 місяці тому

      ​@@Arda_Mertgive one evidence for that ya mushrik

  • @jackfroste
    @jackfroste 2 роки тому +4

    Another phenomenal talk by Prof. Winter. Thank you for providing a dimension of Islam that is rarely heard or spoken of in the English speaking world.

  • @najouajones8828
    @najouajones8828 2 роки тому +9

    So well-spoken this Sheikh!
    I don't like missing his Mudhekarats.
    جزاه الله خيرا كثيرا ونفع به العباد.
    تحيات حب واحترام من تونس ♡

  • @hurmetnoka9434
    @hurmetnoka9434 2 роки тому +8

    Thank you so much CMC, I pray for Sheikhs AHM`s good health. May Allah bless you all for your efforts and remarkable job. CMC is a candle of mercy and light in the west!

  • @SinwarX
    @SinwarX 2 роки тому +4

    I am Sunni Muslim ☪️ and love Ali. May Allah forgive those who went against him 🙏

    • @gervontadavis590
      @gervontadavis590 2 роки тому +2

      If you loved Ali you won’t love who fought him and who fought his sons you don’t make sense

    • @Arda_Mert
      @Arda_Mert 2 роки тому +1

      @@gervontadavis590 ubv vallahi, especially when they say Hz or RA to muawiyah

    • @gervontadavis590
      @gervontadavis590 2 роки тому +1

      @It's a Journey lol imamas hahahahahaha bahahahaha . U just made my day .

    • @gervontadavis590
      @gervontadavis590 2 роки тому +1

      @It's a Journey you forgot Imam muawiya and Imam yazid.

    • @Arda_Mert
      @Arda_Mert 2 роки тому +1

      @@gervontadavis590 😀😀😀😀

  • @AbdulQadir-vl4bz
    @AbdulQadir-vl4bz 2 роки тому +2

    His profound academic knowledge and particularly in the deen of Islam along with his eloquence and proficiency of the English language makes him undoubtedly one of the best lecturer and Muslim scholars in the Western world. Masha Allah

  • @salehmohamad347
    @salehmohamad347 5 місяців тому +1

    Abdal Hakim Murad, is not considering the political power that dictated who and what Islam is, it is the Quran that have protected, for the few, the True Islam of Ahl-Albeit.
    Islam is simple to understand it is difficult adhering to it, all the time.

  • @humaparacha0808
    @humaparacha0808 2 роки тому +5

    His voice is sooo soothing

  • @saimabashir7198
    @saimabashir7198 2 роки тому +11

    Series much needed in these times. Keep up the fantastic work. May Allah SWT bless you all.

  • @MuhammadAli-hr1bj
    @MuhammadAli-hr1bj 2 роки тому +7

    So heart pleasing listening to the noble SAHM in lush surroundings of Cambridge.

  • @bijou121382
    @bijou121382 2 роки тому +2

    This is my first time seeing/hearing a lecture from Abdul Hakim Murad.... Mash-Allah

  • @silvershinemoon1146
    @silvershinemoon1146 Рік тому +1

    I came to know Mr. Murad just a few days before on the day of Ashura when I was looking for a video on youtube on Karbala. I listened to His Karbala Lamentation and only by the tone, manner, and attitude I realized from the video, I did not need to hear or watch more videos on him straightaway I had thought that if Islam went to the hand of people like Mr. Murad in the past especially 100 years before, by now Islam would go far and would be enriched much more with high peaceful, blissful, happy civilized cities and villages

  • @Rukhsana2056
    @Rukhsana2056 2 роки тому +6

    This video proved like a much needed highlight for me in the holy month of Muharram. MashaAllah! Enjoyed listening to it’s depths and the wisdom it brought to someone who agrees to its coverage from the beginning to its end…. JazakalAllah ! 🤲🏻🌹💫

  • @alib7489
    @alib7489 2 роки тому +7

    Alhamdulillah another episode! Glad its finally here.

  • @Bakhtamosbah-
    @Bakhtamosbah- Рік тому +1

    رضي الله عنك يا علي وأرضاك وعلى جميع أهلِ بيتكَ المكرَّمِ يا أمير المؤمنين ... وصلى الله وسلم على أشرف المرسلين

  • @sobankhalid8803
    @sobankhalid8803 Рік тому +1

    I like how carefully this scholar chose his words on the contentious issues.
    one of the people involved in the murder was a brother of Ayesha (RA) and an adapted son of ALi (RA), and a real son of Abu Bakr.

  • @eltonsey
    @eltonsey 2 роки тому +8

    جزاكم الله خيراً شيخنا الجليل أدعو الله سبحانه و تعالى أن يبارك فيكم و في علمكم و يحفظكم آمين

    • @adamaloui8517
      @adamaloui8517 2 роки тому

      آمين يارب العالمين

  • @sushsisn5562
    @sushsisn5562 11 місяців тому +1

    الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِی جَعَلَنَا مِنَ الْمُتَمَسِّکِینَ بِوِلاَیَهِ أَمِیرِ الْمُؤْمِنِینَ وَ الْأَئِمَّهِ عَلَیْهِمُ السَّلاَمُ🤍

  • @mohammadhussain855
    @mohammadhussain855 2 роки тому +1

    I'M a Muslim may Allah reward to our forth kaleefa Ali rliyallahu anhu lot of rewards for his sacrifices to Islam, Muslims and All mankind.

  • @jampaja
    @jampaja 2 роки тому +11

    salaam alaikum brother i love your lectures it is calm and understanding not as screaming and extreme as the scholars of post after Early scholar, the ustadzs ,sheiks imams and mufti of these times .raised hands bulging eyes screaming you hear almost nothing and understand nothing then their anger in dawah .that's why i like dawah and readings from converts they seek and unravel they are quiet and calm towards listeners.

    • @maplesap
      @maplesap 2 роки тому +2

      You're over generalizing.

    • @gxqx797
      @gxqx797 2 роки тому +1

      So you only listen to converts? Lol they're are plenty of 'calm' born Muslim da'iee. I somewhat agreed with your initial point but then you ruined it with your last point.

    • @gxqx797
      @gxqx797 2 роки тому +1

      So you only listen to converts? Lol they're are plenty of 'calm' born Muslim da'iee. I somewhat agreed with your initial point but then you ruined it with your last point.

  • @modestypaysoff
    @modestypaysoff Рік тому +2

    May Allaahu grant shifa’ to the Shaykh! Aameen

  • @zarinarahman6426
    @zarinarahman6426 4 місяці тому

    Alhumdulillah for such an enlightening lecture. May Allah bless you. Your vast knowledge of Islamic history and its literature should be an inspiration to our born Muslim so called sheikhs!

  • @Edward-sc7cm
    @Edward-sc7cm 2 роки тому +3

    Ya Abdal Hakim Murad please come to Toronto 🇨🇦 we would love to see you and enjoy listening to your great lectures...
    Great topic!
    You are great Imam!
    Hojatul Islam!

  • @MuhammadAbdullah-kx3kn
    @MuhammadAbdullah-kx3kn 2 роки тому +8

    I'm getting an amazing ASMR vibe & also benefitting from the lectures 🥰🥰🥰

    • @kkassam
      @kkassam 2 роки тому

      Peak ASMR but for the cough!
      May Allah grant the Shaykh good health, long life and an increase in knowledge, goodness and proximity to His light.

  • @blobbins17
    @blobbins17 2 роки тому +4

    I would love a series on “Nahjul Balagha”

  • @dr.mobarakali255
    @dr.mobarakali255 Рік тому +3

    Jazakum Allahu Khairan Katheeran. "...Wa Aliyun Maula." Ali Ibn Abu Talib AS was the only legitimate and Rightful Successor as designated by the Messenger of Allah himself SAS.
    Some of the most meritorious, indisputably prominent and distinguished characteristics and status of Ali AS over and above ALL the other Sahabas can be highlighted as follows:
    1. Ali AS was brought up in the household of the Prophet SAS from the tender age of 10 when the Prophet SAS was then 30 years old, 10 years before Revelation and never worshipped idols, unlike the rest of the Sahabas.
    2. Dawatul Ashira - 609 when Ali AS was the first male at 23 years old who openly declared acceptance of Islam directly to Prophet SAS, while the other paternal blood relatives declined. Refer to 26:214. The Prophet SAS then referred to him as "Akhi", "Wasi" and "Khalifa".
    3. Lailat Mabit - 622 when Ali AS readily and happily risked his life for the Prophet SAS by agreeing to sleep in his SAS's bed for the Hijrah, at the assasination plot to kill the Prophet SAS by the tribesmen. Refer to 2:207.
    4. On the Hijrah from Makkah to Madinah, the Prophet SAS left Ali AS in charge of executing the Amana by returning the valuable possessions of some Makkans kept with the Prophet SAS back to the people as a Sacred Trust.
    5. The Prophet SAS then gave Ali AS another Sacred Trust to take the three Fatimas - Fatima Zahara AS, his own mother Fatima and Fatima, daughter of Hamza safely to join the Prophet SAS in Madinah and single-handedly valiantly fought off attackers on the journey.
    6. A few months upon arrival in Madinah, the Prophet SAS ordered the Muhajireen to each choose an Ansar as his brother to cement brotherhood, but he SAS did not request Ali AS to do so. Neither did the Prophet SAS himself do likewise. Instead, he SAS held Ali AS's hand and declared him as his SAS brother to affirm their special and unique relationship in this world and the Hereafter. Refer to 59:9.
    7. Marriage to Fatima AS - 624 when Ali AS was choosen to marry the daughter of the Prophet SAS, while Abu Bakr and Umar RA were refused. Ali AS was the paternal cousin of the Prophet SAS, son-in-law and closest confidante and their house was the only door left open to Masjid Nabawi when all others were ordered closed.
    8. Battle of Badr - 624 when Ali AS put down more of the enemies than any other from among the 313 ill equipped Muslims against some 1,000 strong and better equipped enemies of Makkah.
    9. Battle of Khaibar - 629 when Ali AS brought an astounding victory to the Prophet SAS. After Abu Bakr and Umar RA failed to do so before him on two separate attempts, the Prophet SAS made an amazing statement: "Tomorrow Allah will send a man who loves Allah and His Prophet and Allah and His Prophet love him too. He will deliver Khaibar to me."
    10. Battle of Hunain - 630 when the army of 12,000 fled the arrows in the valley by the Hawazin and Thaqif of 24,000 strong against the Prophet SAS, while only 8 distinguished Companions remained with the Prophet SAS, not including neither Abu Bakr, Umar nor Uthman RA. Ali AS brought final victory to him SAS at Hunain.
    11. Ghazwat Tabuk - 630 when the Prophet SAS left Ali AS in charge of Madinah and likened him to himself SAS as Aron was to Moses AS as Nabi and Successor. Refer to 13:7.
    12. Ghadeer Khumm - 632 on the 18th of Zul Hijjah after the Farewell Hajj, when the Prophet SAS explicitly and publicly declared Ali AS his SAS's Successor and those present openly congratulated him, including Abu Bakr and Umar RA.
    13. Mubahala - 632 when the Prophet SAS entered into Divine Curse with the Christians of Najran to prove the Truth. The Prophet SAS took along with himself only Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain AS as his family to confront the Christians. Refer 3:61.
    14. Kisa - 632 when the Prophet SAS took only Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain AS under his cloak at the Revelation of Ayat Tathir, 33:33, as the only members of Ahlul Bait. He excluded others even though it happened in the house of Umm Salama RA who expressly requested to be included.
    15. This highlights the superiority of Ali AS over all the other Sahabas, when the Prophet SAS declared: "I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is the Gate."
    16. Consider why the Prophet SAS, at his death bed, when he SAS ordered everyone, including Abu Bakr and Umar RA who refused to join Usama bin Zaid's Army against the Romans but particularly insisted that only Ali Ibn Abu Talib AS alone should remain with him SAS in Madinah.

  • @albertisaac9161
    @albertisaac9161 7 місяців тому +1

    No one after Prophet reach his levels Imam Ali

  • @zarinarahman6426
    @zarinarahman6426 4 місяці тому

    Subhanallah. I enjoy listening to your lectures and am so impressed and amazed at the depth and breadth of your knowledge. May Allah grant us some of it!!

  • @zahramahde2096
    @zahramahde2096 2 роки тому +2

    علي ابن ابي طالب
    على لسان مسلم بريطاني الاصل
    اللهم ثبتنا على الايمان وارزقنا خير الدنيا وخير الآخره اصلح حالنا وذرياتنا واجمعنا بالصالحين ⚘🙏

  • @zeyad45
    @zeyad45 2 роки тому +2

    Jazakllahu Khair CMC for this beautiful reminders by SAHM! May Allah bless him and grant him a long life.

  • @MohamedShou
    @MohamedShou 2 роки тому +1

    Mashallah the “Paradigm of Leadership” is back and may Allah reward you Abdul Hakim Murad and may Allah reward the team of CMC 👍🏾

  • @ghulamsarwar3534
    @ghulamsarwar3534 2 роки тому +1

    MashAllah, sheikh is a river of knowledge and fresh air in west. His lectures are so illuminating.

  • @ag7830
    @ag7830 2 роки тому +2

    اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين
    يا علي يا علي يا علي

  • @zafthedon
    @zafthedon 2 роки тому +3

    Can’t wait

  • @bouchtaab8281
    @bouchtaab8281 2 роки тому +1

    حفظ الله الشيخ عبد الحكيم مراد وبارك فيه ووفقه لكل خير

  • @ThePearl0507
    @ThePearl0507 2 роки тому +21

    Profound. We know so little about this amazing person... Please teach us more About Imam Ali.. the translation of najul balagha?

    • @Pleasure2.0
      @Pleasure2.0 2 роки тому +1

      You may watch some lectures of Dr Ammar Naqshwani and Allama Jawad Qazwaini on this subject. Jazak Allah khair

    • @salehmohamad347
      @salehmohamad347 5 місяців тому

      ​@@Pleasure2.0 Still Humanity needs a good translation of Nahj Al-Balagha

  • @peyammohammed4083
    @peyammohammed4083 2 роки тому +1

    Abdul Hakim Murad’s Farsi is on point, MashAllah.

  • @Uzair_Of_Babylon465
    @Uzair_Of_Babylon465 2 роки тому +7

    Fantastic video keep it up your doing amazing job

  • @never-say-die
    @never-say-die Рік тому

    الحمدلله الذي جعلنا من المتمسكين بولاية أميرالمؤمنين علي ابن ابيطالب عليه السلام

    • @orcashorts5813
      @orcashorts5813 Рік тому

      رحم الله الإمام ابو بكر

  • @ubaidullahsaand1864
    @ubaidullahsaand1864 2 роки тому +6


  • @naifsultan8879
    @naifsultan8879 2 роки тому +4

    simply beautiful can listen to the Sheikh for hours ....please please tell us whether the sheikh has Finnegans Wake???? if the Sheikh does some videos about world literature , that will be amazing ...Thank you ...Allah Almighty Bless you and bless the Sheikh and preserve him for us .❤❤

  • @kararal-shimary7870
    @kararal-shimary7870 2 роки тому +11

    Few facts about imam Ali: he was the only human born inside the kaaba, grew up under prophet Mohammed a.s, first man to believe in the prophet of Mohammed a.s., given the phrophet Mohammed a.s., knowledge. Saved islam many many times during the struggle of Islam against its enemies when majority of Muslims couldn’t stand against the enemies.saved islam from ma3waya and his Drunkin son.

    • @samreynolds3789
      @samreynolds3789 2 роки тому

      As Salaamu Alaykum
      Only ALLAAH SAVES ISLAM , Ali & other Muslims are the CONDUITS !

    • @sheriefelsayad5578
      @sheriefelsayad5578 2 роки тому

      Okay we get it, you are from the Shia cult who pray onn clay stones, Shia are worse idolators than the pagaan meccans.

    • @N65.
      @N65. 2 роки тому

      لا حول ولاقوة الابالله العلي العظيم
      Repent for your slander of Muawiya (ra)

  • @salehmohamad347
    @salehmohamad347 5 місяців тому +1

    Humanity needs a good translation of Nahj Al-Balagha

  • @4040tee
    @4040tee 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you thank you thank you!

  • @jylyhughes5085
    @jylyhughes5085 2 роки тому +2

    Marvellous as always ..... Greetings and love for Muharram.

  • @sobankhalid8803
    @sobankhalid8803 Рік тому +1

    Maawia's noble intentions and inclusion of Maamawia in the role of giants is quite interesting. I wonder if it is absoloutely demonstrably true given the light of history.

  • @duresabih
    @duresabih 2 роки тому +1

    We need more people like you

  • @alialiali3631
    @alialiali3631 2 роки тому

    🍃💚🤍ما شاء الله تبارك الله لاقوة إلا بالله اللهم زد وبارك في امة المسلمين وانصرهم واعزهم بعد ذلك وقوي شوكتهم والف بين قلوبهم واجمعهم على خير الدنيا والآخرة 🤍💚🌱

  • @ruhmuhaccer864
    @ruhmuhaccer864 2 роки тому +1

    The Shaykh is so fashionable. Mashallah.

  • @arihaqi8364
    @arihaqi8364 2 роки тому +1

    Masha Allah sheikh. *Shahe Mardan va Shire Khuda* was one of his titles in Persian. Ali (RA) was *the peoples' king & God's lion.*

  • @nameeralaraji1223
    @nameeralaraji1223 2 роки тому +2

    Imam Ali as if you review the Quran and Hadith you will find is the test of hypocrisy in one's heart....

  • @abo7arb713
    @abo7arb713 2 роки тому

    I like you brother Abduhakeem, mashAllah, Allah has blessed you with this knowledge of Sirah, jasak Allah khair.

  • @gulzadeozturk8764
    @gulzadeozturk8764 2 роки тому

    Maasallah subhanallah, welcome in Islam, congratulations, I'm glad for you that you find the right path of Allah (c.c.) and saved yourself. May Allah (c.c.) bless you with the best and the most beautiful of everthing in this world and paradises insaallah amin amin amin Ya Rabbi

  • @osmanskhan
    @osmanskhan 2 роки тому +4

    I believe others have made the same request, but would be great if CMC could provide a list of books referred to. This could also be a general practice. Thank you.

  • @Capungo
    @Capungo 2 роки тому +3

    I believe that the videos of Mr. Murad should have proper subtitles. Because he's really an excellent speaker but he uses many terms/titles/words in their original language/forms which may cause the beginners get confused, such as şâh-ı merdân, şîr-i Hudâ, ebû turâb (sorry for my Turkish spelling here).

    • @froobidoo
      @froobidoo 2 роки тому

      As a Farsi speaker, I appreciate the use of terms such as 'shahe mardan' and 'shireh khoda' (Asadallah).

    • @kehkashanshabeer7026
      @kehkashanshabeer7026 Рік тому

      As an Urdu and Panjabi speaker. We in Pakistan understand and use this title for Mola Ali...Shah e Mardan, Shair e Yazdaan. May Allah be pleased with him

  • @zalishaabdool7030
    @zalishaabdool7030 2 роки тому +1


  • @muchkin4695
    @muchkin4695 2 роки тому +2

    Hatib Baghdadi narrates from Abu Hurayra with an authentic deed:
    "Whoever fasts on the 18th day of Dhul-Hijjah, Allah (swt) writes for him the reward of sixty months of fasting. That day is the Day of Ghadir." At that time, the Prophet (pbuh) took Ali's hand and said: "Am I not the guardian of the believers?" People: "Yes." When he said that, he said: "Whoever I am his mawla, Ali is his mawla." Meanwhile, Umar b. Khattab said: Blessed! Blessed! O son of Abu Talib. You have become my mawla and every Muslim's." Then this verse was revealed: "Today I have completed your religion..."

  • @aliyaadnan2386
    @aliyaadnan2386 2 роки тому

    My blessed Teacher Allhamdullilah

  • @A.Hforever110
    @A.Hforever110 2 роки тому

    Imam Ali(A) is th real truth 💚💜❤

  • @duresabih
    @duresabih 2 роки тому

    Thank you Dr Abdul Hakim

  • @QnA513
    @QnA513 2 роки тому +2

    May Allah guide this speaker to the school of Ahlulbayt a.s
    The Qur'an and his Ahlulbayt a.s
    The 12 imams after the prophet of Islam

  • @abrarralimangi6438
    @abrarralimangi6438 Рік тому +1

    ❤ Ali as ❤

  • @lifenur
    @lifenur 8 місяців тому

    Obrigada, salamu aleycum i from Brazil 🇧🇷

  • @nativetube
    @nativetube 2 роки тому

    Ya Allah please grant shaikhs shifa, cure his all kinds of physical sickness

  • @realufologyresearch6212
    @realufologyresearch6212 2 роки тому

    Thank you.

  • @najeebwali8629
    @najeebwali8629 2 роки тому

    Jazakhalahu khair Ya Sheikh.

  • @wer284
    @wer284 2 роки тому +16

    Dear CMC team, would it be possible to get a list of books that the sheikh referred to in his lecture?

  • @Rashrash1234
    @Rashrash1234 2 роки тому +12

    Salam, so many people are wanting the Shaykh to do a session on Shaykh Ahmed Alawi al Mustaghanimi and Amir Abdalqadir aj Jazairi, they were great leaders of revival and especially for Western Muslims who are attracted to that North African way of deep Islam. It relates to our context here. Can I request CMC to look into those 2 figures for future videos especially Shaykh Alawi al Mustaghamini. (Martin Lings wrote a book about him) Great talk as usual by the way.

    • @shadowkill546
      @shadowkill546 2 роки тому +1

      Yes please do a lecture on Emir Abdel Kader al-Jazairi. The work by Kaiser is especially illuminating on his life.

    • @AlphaMaverick1111
      @AlphaMaverick1111 2 роки тому

      Also a lecture on Sidi Ahmed Zarruq (ra)

  • @abooswalehmosafeer173
    @abooswalehmosafeer173 5 місяців тому

    Peace,A word of Salutation from Thy Lord of Mercy.

  • @allancoote1221
    @allancoote1221 2 роки тому

    Alhamdulillah, I've been waiting for this one!

  • @arkofsalvation1
    @arkofsalvation1 2 роки тому +3

    With all respect, I don't see how people can deny Imam Ali his right as the successor of the Prophet. Open your eyes , Ali was oppressesd and so his sons, all murdered or poisoned. Analyse the people who took the Calipha and ask yourself , is this individual more befitting than the man who was raised by the Prophet, married his only daughter, slept in the mattress of the Prophet, was his bodyguard at the age of 14, the first man to accept the message of the Prophet, the one who the Prophet called the door to his city of knowledge, the man who fought on the front lines and not run away from battle like some. The man who buried the prophet, while others where to busy trying to seek there positions. The man who fed the poor and orphans and who's life was about pleasing Allah. The man who had his hand raised by the Prophet who said , "am I not your master ?, for whoever I am his master, then Ali is his master" the man who according to the Prophet, was to the Prophet as Aaron was to Moses. I can go forever wake up. The pure path to God is through his Messenger who said " I leave you with 2 weighty things. The Quran and my Progeny"

    • @rustyray420
      @rustyray420 2 роки тому

      What happened was the will of Allah. if Allah wanted to, imam Ali a.s wouldve been the first but what has happened is all Allah's will. Who are we to say what should've happened? Allah knows best, it's useless bickering on the politics that will just distract us and create fitna due to people going to extremes on either side

    • @arkofsalvation1
      @arkofsalvation1 2 роки тому +3

      @@rustyray420 brother this is also the wrong logic to have. God did not create us , so that he could torment us, he created us to test us with intellect and free will. Imam Ali, spoke out against what happened and clearly stated he was usurped his right. This is not fitna, it's the truth , And Allah wants you to know the truth And he will reward those with the truth.

    • @rustyray420
      @rustyray420 2 роки тому

      @@arkofsalvation1 so the position being given to whoever at the time wasn't the will of Allah at the end of the day? because that's what happened. What use is debating old history about the caliph succession going to do now? Does He not choose who to put in a place of authority over their people? Its a test to see how believers react. Too much blood has been spilt over this divide instead of uniting for the sake of Allah and just being good believers. There is no sunni or shia in the quran or at the time of the prophet s.a.w so why keep engaging in these topics instead of focusing on becoming better believers?

    • @arkofsalvation1
      @arkofsalvation1 2 роки тому +3

      @@rustyray420 once again brother, this is not about fitna, or not being better Muslims. We can always be better Muslims. I am referring to your concept that since, it is what happened, then it must be the will of God.
      This is the furthest point from the truth. If Allah swt, controlled everything. Why have a book of guidance, prophets to guide us, 124000 prophets from Adam to the Prophet. What would be there purpose if God was just going to ordain things his way. Yes he has control, and the will to control everything. But that's not how this world works. We are given the choice to be better than a angel or worse than a animal. And on the day of judgement , you will be asked of the day you denied Imam Ali his truth. The purest path to God is through the prophet and his family. And the test of the Muslims is seek the truth.

    • @Mo-cx5om
      @Mo-cx5om 2 роки тому +3

      @@rustyray420 Imam Ali as was appointed by Allah svt as successor of the Prophet sav 5:76. That was the will off Allah svt!

  • @rafesalman175
    @rafesalman175 2 роки тому +5


  • @nmkzf
    @nmkzf Рік тому

    The Greatness of Ali AS is a results of The Prophet Greatness who cared for all Ali's quality from childhood to prophet's death.
    ALI said :"I am one of the slaves of Muhammad" انا عبد من عبيد محمد
    Prophet's greatness needs to be uncovered, to be where it should be THE REFERENCE for humanity. and become the perfect "standard" for a Muslim, Human.

  • @ashari218
    @ashari218 2 роки тому +1

    barak Allah fik wajazak Allah khayr aljaza
    God bless you and Praise God richly rewarded

  • @zaynabhanif2257
    @zaynabhanif2257 2 роки тому +1

    Spiritually uplifting 👍💚

  • @anjumshahzad8612
    @anjumshahzad8612 Рік тому

    I love the Ahl ul bayt

  • @adilmujtaba09
    @adilmujtaba09 2 роки тому +6

    I respect and love sheikh a lot but arguing that jamal and siffin in particular were hardly a battle is inaccurate. Sahabas like Ammar ibn Yasir (RA) were martyred in siffin surely fighting for a cause and side that were worth dying for. Even Prophet foretold about these wars in Sahih hadiths and gave indication on which side will be on Haq (Sahih Bukhari 2812 international numbering)

    • @carlsmith3709
      @carlsmith3709 Рік тому

      Battles are when ppl intent to kill each other from the get go... they didn't go out intending to kill one was a misunderstanding the lead to a armed conflict or battle however you want to put it.

  • @fariquainshah2938
    @fariquainshah2938 Рік тому +1

    I have immense respect for the Sheikh however I feel he needs to thoroughly research the battle of Sifeen where so many giants were martyred. Strongly suggest the learned sheikh to learn read about the atrocities committed against Mola Ali. Perhaps more study can be done on the virtues of Imam Ali before comparisons are made between so called Giants. May Allah swt guide us all and unite the Ummah with Haq

  • @alimo2000
    @alimo2000 Рік тому

    Thanks for your time and effort brother

  • @bhitai
    @bhitai 2 роки тому +3

    Allama Iqbal explained the meaning of 'Abu Turab' in his famous 'Sharh-e-Asma-e-Ali'. He says Abu Turab is the one who masters his earthly desires. The story of him lying in dust isn't necessarily explaining why he was given that title by the Prophet (saw).

  • @n.s2881
    @n.s2881 Рік тому

    Accolades to Allah Taala for creating Abdal Hakim Murad. Please do something about the acoustics. I would appreciate a louder sound

  • @MortezaGarmei
    @MortezaGarmei 5 місяців тому

    Just Ali ebn abitaleb is the khalife❤

  • @drwho9055
    @drwho9055 2 роки тому +9

    So many words but nothing for who was hz imam Ali k v r a.Wy some people like to be so complex .hz Imam Ali was and it is the greatest Muslim and greatest human beings after hz Muhammad sav.

    • @aeam5252
      @aeam5252 2 роки тому +3

      De Prophet (sav) said so many things about Hz Ali (as). What he never said about ebu bekir, onar en Othman (ra). The words: IMAM, VELI, VASI, KALIEF OR MAWLA were all meant for Hz Ali (as) and for no one else!

    • @mahaduzumaki6643
      @mahaduzumaki6643 2 роки тому +1

      @@aeam5252 in the Quran it says Muslims are wali and Muslims are imams therefore you are wrong and those words do not put Ali ra above Abu Bakr and Umar ra.

    • @aeam5252
      @aeam5252 2 роки тому +2

      We ara talking about hadith from the Prophet sav, about everything that was meant for Ali as, we ara not discussing about what is in te Quran.

    • @aeam5252
      @aeam5252 2 роки тому +2

      @@mahaduzumaki6643 We ara talking about hadith from the Prophet sav, about everything that was meant for Ali as, we ara not discussing about what is in te Quran.

    • @aeam5252
      @aeam5252 2 роки тому +2

      @@mahaduzumaki6643 so if you want to discuss the Quran So Explain this! I'm looking forward to your answers. Is there 1 verse in the Quran or anywhere that Hz Abu Bakr (ra) or any human be will be chosen as the caliph by the people??? Is there 1 verse of 4 right madhhab sunnis?? Is there 1 verse that the word sunni is mentioned in a verse of the Quran or in hadiths. Tell me, which madhhab the Prophet (sav) had so that I can follow that madhhab! Is there 1 verse of these all!! Did our Prophet (sav) say, "i am living the world, See what you do after I die? Estağfirullah " Mind melting??? So according to the Sunnis, that's what it means!! What mind melts!!! Wake up now!! Can Allah (swt) make a mistake? Estağfirullah. So how is it possible that the muslims are left to their fate? Come on wake up moslims! Hz Ali (as) is appointed by Allah (svt)!!! He has been chosen by Allah (svt) as the first amir el mumminin!! That's the truth! Read and learn the verses of the Quran 5:67 (Khutbah of Ghadir Hum) and 5:3 (our religion is being completed). The Prophet Muhammad (sav) left us two trusts, one of which is the book of Allah (swt) the Qur'an, and the second is his Ahl al-Bayt (as)!! It is mentioned in the Quran 33:33, which identifies who the Ahl al-Bayt (as) is! In other words, the Prophet Muhammad (sav), Hz Ali (as), Hz Fatma (as), Hz Hassan (as) and Hz Huseyin (as). Why was the Khadir khum incident hidden by the Sunnis for so long (14 centuries) until the people reveals the truth. And why was the word ‘Ahl al-Bayt’ changed to the word 'sunnah' in most Sunni books? (I leave you two things, one is the book of Allah (swt) and the second is 'sunnah' (Ahl al-Bayt). This is mentioned in many Sunni books, so it has always been known like this all the time! Why were these hidden and changed for 14 centuries? Think carefully. Now open your eyes brothers! I have nothing else to say.

  • @user-rk4yw7hr6t
    @user-rk4yw7hr6t 4 місяці тому


  • @zubair2306
    @zubair2306 2 роки тому +5

    To CMC audio team, please reduce the coughing sound when Shaykh is coughing. It is really loud. I have sensitive ears and the decibels are extremely high at those moments

  • @ravenwynd
    @ravenwynd 6 місяців тому

    Such high moral standards as so throughout narration I feel I wouldn't be able to survive in those pretty demanding times