Mi-24 it is not just an attack helicopter like the others, but it is multifunctional. As a combination of armored gunship and troop transport, the Mi-24 has no direct counterpart. The Hind has been called the world's only "assault helicopter" due to its combination of firepower and troop-carrying capability. It is unique. The Mi-24 is a category in itself. I adore this machine ;)
@@stubones Heavy? Of course it is. That's why he can carry so much. Be it weapons or troops. And yet it's faster than the AH64, which is a pure attack helicopter. Old? By year of manufacture or by first flight? First flight only six years earlier than the AH64. It's still in production, so the year of manufacture may not be old either. Outdated? Older versions maybe, but new machines are still being technologically upgraded (often with the Mi-35 designation). Either way, it's still one of the best and as I said it's a unique machine that forms its own category. No other attack helicopter can perform troop-carrying missions, or rescue missions, such as transporting the wounded. It is a beautiful machine with unique features that still find a use today.
@@gerboise_bleue Alas, the ka-50 and ka-52 only! On Mi-28: helicopter blades and doors fly off to the side, the pilot with a parachute leaves the cockpit on his own.
I'm American but if I were to rank helicopters in my opinion: 1) Apache: my American bias. I grew up with them, and still think they're badass. Originally they were built as the US's ultimate Cold War attack helicopter. They can hover for long periods of time and destroy everything they see. They are expensive and a lot to maintain, but they're supposed to be the most advanced helicopter the US has to offer. In addition, they iconic. Everyone knows the Apache. 2) Mi-24 Hind: It's a legend. Everyone recognizes the silhouette of a Hind even if they don't know it's name. It scared the pants off NATO when it first appeared. It's a troop carrier and an attack helicopter. It's still in use to this day and is very popular around the world. It's reliable and easy to maintain as well. 3) Ka-52 Black Shark: Basically Russia's answer to the Apache helicopter. It's another badass helicopter that while being nearly 20 years old already, still looks futuristic. The double rotor blades gives it incredible speed and agility. They have low production numbers, but it's the most advanced helicopter Russia has to offer.
Not bias, it's proven. I think the apache is single most capable weapon system ever made. One of the best-executed platforms in military history, and i'm talking up there with the AK-47 in terms of "hitting the nail on the head" with a design. It's performance, sensors, and range of capabilities cannot be matched. Strategic air strike: Need to fly under the radar and destroy said radar so the rest of your air force can start bombing? Apache. Precision guided munitions: Need to put a hellfire in a window of a building? Apache. Air assault: Need escorts? Apache. Close Air Support: Need 30mm on station? Apache. Reconnaissance: Need something to scout and control drones with? Apache. Anti armor: Need a company of tanks to not exist anymore? Apache. Quick Reation Force: Getting attacked by Russian mercenaries in Syria and need help? Apache. Cavalry pursuit: Need to destroy a fleeing convoy of ISIS? Apache. There's not a single instance of any situation where you have a helicopter with guns on it where you would say "I wish we has something besides and Apache." That's because there's nothing better than it. And there's THOUSANDS of them. Its range of mission sets is insane, and it's the best at all of them.
Ka-52 is called alligator which is two seat aircraft. Black shark is called ka-50 which is one seast helicopter and lighter compared to ka-52, it's faster and more manuvlverable
@@christianzaffuto1686 yeah it's made by Augusta westland turkish just copied it. And renamed it. Perks of being a nato member. Soon its going to collapse under ertugual a hole Erdoğan.
True. I used to think it was cheap propaganda to label the Rooivalk the best of its time. But still at no 4 my knowledge or lack of knowledge regarding helicopters shows. Still proud of our South African invention that were supposed to win the war in Angola but came too late into production.
Mi 24 and K 52 above of this list. They both are absolutely unique and they have no analogoues in the world. Your lovely Apache can't do what are they doing but they can do everything.
@@planalive9664 or was it copying the UH64 Apache? I’m not sure which was built first to be honest, but a lot of the Euro copters do resemble each other. Nonetheless they are all sleek, and I’m glad to see they belong to our Allies.
Rather, the most destroyed helicopter. Of ~130 produced for Russian troops, almost 50 have already been destroyed in Ukraine +1 destroyed by Wagner rebels, + dozens badly damaged in 18 months. Another year of war and alligators will be an endangered species.
@@comitatus5337 Based on its range, armament capacity, built-in sensors and safety mechanism for the crew. Any decent comparison can tell you that. We know that you have no "combat experience", so in the ranking, it is only fair that Apache and Viper stay ahead. However, compared to the KA-58 Aligator ... This certainly wins.
It’s good practice to not believe anything that Russias say about their weapons and vehicles until they actually demonstrate it. They never live up to the hype. How many rusted and perforated burned out hulks of unbeatable super weapons do we need to see before we become skeptical?
@@tomwolfe6063 I respect your opinion and, to some extent, I agree with it, but I still have mine and I do believe that Russia has magnificent equipment and weapons that other superpowers will have to demand more time and complexity to reach. Imagine that you and your neighbor had a fight a long time ago and that after that you "stop" the fight, but continue to run, behind the scenes. The powerful of the west is the one that everyone trusts and believes, whereas the one of the east does not. When the westerner promotes something new, he divulges it to the whole world and to test it starts or simply reopens wounds / wars. Meanwhile, the easterner tries to protect his new invention and aims only to protect his own territory. What we have to keep in mind is that the Russians only defend their backyard, but to help defray exports arms, as does their rival and, above all, rent fractions of armies, militias. Look at Iraq! The war was a mistake, there was nothing there and the United States apologizes for the lack of nuclear weapons there. That is not the truth! That was a US hit! Mask a huge economic plan on oil. Well, I respect your opinion, I partially agree, but I still have mine. For me, the conversation ends at the last final point of my text. I wish you all the best for you and your family during this difficult period. May we all pass this unscathed.
@AlexGunzz it has best tanks, best helicopter, best arttilery, best rockets of every sort, and arguably best planes considering su35 and su 57 and the upcoming s70, best aa systems... Also lada makes one of the bset cars in the world www.google.com/search?q=lada+sports+car&rlz=1C1SQJL_enRS893RS893&sxsrf=ALeKk02bZ7MJhnzJpIbfDnTTiwxnCVYMMA:1587313687869&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=o20vTgu8iLkOJM%253A%252CSX1QUuvgsMNDDM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQNLFiDyy341vD8ROoox9RY-9aO_A&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj0sIyk9PToAhW6AxAIHQD2CVEQ9QEwAnoECAkQIA#imgrc=o20vTgu8iLkOJM:
@@lawerancedodd690 Just like the Apaches, who were recently shot down in Israel by not even heavily armed rebels. There is already confirmed information about the downing of AH64 by Houthi troops, as well as the Israeli version. He also lost his way in the war in Afghanistan. So there is no need to write such hypocrisy: 😂
@@lawerancedodd690 Although there are no invulnerable helicopters anywhere in the world, the Ka52 has the highest level of survival - it can withstand hits from 30mm bullets and can fly without a rear tail. Any helicopter that loses its tail will immediately crash. In the KA52, most of the crew survived, and you write about “not a good helicopter”; in addition to the avionics, the KA52 is superior to the AH64.
@@isadanjan4762 that’s strange I’ve seen numerous KA 52’s shot down with stinger missiles in Ukraine. Also if they are so great then why are they not used when the Russian ground forces try to attack? Also why do they employ an attack pattern of flying low and fast then pitch up, fire unguided rockets then take a hard left turn to get out of the area? I can tell you why…it’s a crap helicopter that can’t take a hit like you claim. Either that or the pilots are cowards.
You must a Russian to believe all that propaganda. Yes all helicopters can be shot down. Funny how you totally ignored what I said and continued to spew ignorance. So if Russian equipment is the best then answer my question. Why is this helicopter not flying in support of its troops????? Because it’s a piece of crap just like the rest of Russian equipment. Your tanks suck, armored personal carriers suck, artillery sucks, and especially your troops suck. Got another question for you commie… where is your supposed great tank the Armata? Where is your Su-57? All these supposed great equipment is nowhere to be found. You can have the last comment because I don’t really care. The Ukrainians are winning this one.
@@sphinx-z4z Russian Helicopters are hard to Maintain Thatswhy India is Donating its Mi 24 Hind helicopters to Afghanistan and bought Apache Also India Developed Its LCH(Light Combat Helicopter) for Purpose of Guarding high Altitude areas in North , still it performed better Than Mi 24 in terms of Serviceability and Maintenance ...note India Tested the prototypes Edit : Now Turkey copied LCH design for their Unmanned Stealth Helicopter
@Baxter James not really. Especially in Aviation and Recon systems, other Helicopters are definitly better. Take the Apache for example, it might be heavy Armored, but also got a weight of 11t and is definitly not comparable to other lighter Allround Helicopters (like the Eurocopter/Tiger)
This ranking system is a joke. The Viper isnt the best. The Apache is the best, and specs really dont matter. What matters is the ability to see and target your enemy before he can do the same and how fast you can target them. The Apache is the best at this hands down. No question. The biggest defense budget in the world can and should do this for you. F22, F35, B2 are good examples.
Only the Z-10 prototype is powered by Pratt Whitney engines, but due to US sanctions Pratt Whitney couldn’t provide those engines to China anymore, so the production variants of Z-10 are powered by indigenous Chinese engines which at first produced only around 1000 shp but later improved to around 1200 or 1300.
Since most ATGM's have simillar capabilities nowadays, what matter most is the targetting sistem and speed and range, so i understand why the viper is #1.
@@anonymouse6129 It is the best because it provides the best protection for pilots, as well as ejection seats, which no other helicopter has, as well as high maximum speed, high flight altitude, can carry a huge load, has a wide range of weapons. Is that enough for you to be the best helicopter?
@@slobodanstojanovic5521 too bad bro in the internet they mostly say that apache ah 64 is the best attack heli and im just going to assume that you are a russian fanboy
Rooivalk is a pretty good machine. Efficient for fights in Africa or under developped countries who wan't afford american, italian-turkish or french-german models. The only limits are a canon less efficient, and a limit of selection of missiles. Probably better than chinese or indian ones: i have got bigs doubts concerning capacity to last, weapons systems, furtivity, telemetry, detection, anti-crash seats etc. Indian and Chinese ones haven't been ifght-proof until now...
I don't think this lady heard about HAL LCH. If interested people can Google for info. Sure it can be in top 6. It's the highest altitude range chopper in world specially designed to achieve Himalayan mountains...
Its a light attack helicopter, its probably the best of them all, but its no match to some of these. Its comparable to the Harbin Z-19 amd the Kawazaki OH-1
@@A-G-F- don't you think it's competible WZ10 , T129 to some extend Eurocopter. Attack helicopters are to be flying tanks but LCH so obviously it can't be compared to Apaches, mi, kamovs but helicopters have to be able to reach all kind of terrain and on this aspect LCH is kind of promising. Still it need proove itself with it's combat capabilities.if LCH have it's dome radar similar to apache it surely can be a beast which I think it's possible without impacting it's operational capabilities.
The original idea for the Soviet doctrine was this: the strike unit consists of several K-50s, whose work is coordinated by one K-52, which is the commander's target designation machine. Later, due to various circumstances, this concept was abandoned, placing a bet on the K-52.
@@korwet2701 для особо умных нацменов: иностранцы не знают кто такие татары, башкиры, удмурты, да и с бывшими республиками у них туго. Они всех граждан бывшего СССР называют Russians. Не удивлен, что Союз распался...
I'm sorry I'm an American and I love our military and pretty much will say everything we have is better but those russian helicopters are freaking beasts and scary looking. Literally flying tanks. Like everything russia makes lol. I will say russian helicopter as good or better then ours. Maybe not tech in helicopter but everything else
For the first time I see it clearly highlighted that the Turkish T129 is an authorized copy, with some modifications, of Leonardo's Italian A129 Mangusta helicopter. The A129 Mangusta is the first attack helicopter ever developed in post-war Europe. Attack helicopter that will soon be replaced by the AW 249
The MI-24 Hin -D is extensive use with most if not all former soviet states and saw extensive use in Afghan conflict it has been the main stay of russian armed forces every since as its reliable and has good transport capacity and decent amount of protection to keep itself out of trouble
Didn't a LOT of them get shot down by "stinger" heat seeking missiles, if I'm not mistaken... A beast for sure but NOT "invincible" and it's not very capable it higher altitudes either.
Ну и "рейтинг". Сравнивать зеленое с длинным. Весьма условно, но можно сказать так: из атакующих самые передовые вертолеты семейства КА. Из универсальных - Ми. Остальные годны только против невооруженного "противника".
Апач хорош своей авионикой и технологичным оружием, Ка - своими соосными лопастями, резко повышающими летные характеристики и живучесть (нет хвостового винта - нет проблем в случае попадания туда), Ми - это летающие универсальные танки (в плане бронирования)
1 Hokum 2 apache 3 mi 28 havoc 4 tiger 5 wz10 6 Atak 7 Augusta 8 cobra modified 9 hind mi 35 10 rooivalk Because comanche is a stealth class if count then after apache .rooivalk has issues so much.
But then Your assuming their pilots are the most experienced. That’s not a proven fact. Syria is the only active zone which the US is also involved it, besides Ukraine and Russia has lost plenty of helicopter Pilots since the invasion of Ukraine Feb 2022.
@@isadanjan4762 during the entire war on terror, which lasted like several decades While Russia lost 13 Mi-28 & 38 Ka-52 not one Year into the Ukraine invasion
When some Americans say Apache is the best helicopter, then I have nothing to tell them, but laugh at their face. It's same as telling Biden is a smart president..😂😂 I am not even Russian, but Russian Ka-52 is a beast. Apache has not been tested in modern battle field and has never been used in a standalone mode. They have always been used with with air support, not like what ka-52 is currently doing in Ukraine.. Recently, ka-52 is flying without it tail cover.. Can anyone imagine what would happen to Apache, if it was hit and it lost its tail? So, Apache is just as any other American junk, which is a "wonder" weapon on paper but when it comes to real fight, it is just another junk.
The AH-1 has to be fast, because it has no armor for the crew. It's just the latest variant of the Cobra, the worlds first attack chopper. After Vietnam we learned pretty quick that attack choppers need armor for the crew, AH-1s can't even stop small arms fire.
2 роки тому
The UA-cam must be an mf american joker , i was laughing for a while when I saw usa apache and viper is ahead of KA 52
Ka-52 had its first flight in 1997 and it is in service since 2011. How on Earth could it be used by the Soviet Union which collapsed in 1991? Even its predecessor Ka-50 was operated by the army just since 1995!
2 роки тому
The UA-cam must be an mf american joker , i was laughing for a while when I saw usa apache and viper is ahead of KA 52
Fucking hell lets be honest, ka52 is the best one, ground and air radar, 12 air/ground guided rockets that dosent get effected by flares (because their optic tracked) and they have the longest range of any weaponry of the mentioned helicopters at 10km, 4 igla air to air missiles (10g overload), s13 liquid explosive rockets and last it’s gun with around 82mm penetration on flat armor. The ka52 has also the best survive ability out of everything ever made, the thing can fly without its tail and with only one engine operating + it has ejection seats for the pilot and gunner. And it’s also the fastest one this information is wrong...
@@commentor2594 Lol ! LCH is the only attack helicopter in the world which landed in Siachin which is world's most highest & fierce battle ground . And you are saying it is obsolete . You have no knowledge about attack helicopters bro .
I love the viper to death. But it has the least armor in this whole list. The survivability is much lower than others, and I would not have it at #1. The Apache is where it is supposed to be, but the Russian choppers should be higher up. And I am an American.
Apache long range attack and numerous tracking capability and agility is its survivability , but right at this point Russian attack helicopter can basically do many thing that the apache could plus the most armored internal , I would say russian one should be listed as top 1 for real
Mi-24 it is not just an attack helicopter like the others, but it is multifunctional. As a combination of armored gunship and troop transport, the Mi-24 has no direct counterpart. The Hind has been called the world's only "assault helicopter" due to its combination of firepower and troop-carrying capability. It is unique. The Mi-24 is a category in itself. I adore this machine ;)
Yea they really did a good job
It's legendary. Everyone recognizes the Hind, even if they don't know it's name!
In Russia (USSR) military called it flying BMP (IFV)
Its also old, heavy and outdated.
@@stubones Heavy? Of course it is. That's why he can carry so much. Be it weapons or troops. And yet it's faster than the AH64, which is a pure attack helicopter. Old? By year of manufacture or by first flight? First flight only six years earlier than the AH64. It's still in production, so the year of manufacture may not be old either. Outdated? Older versions maybe, but new machines are still being technologically upgraded (often with the Mi-35 designation). Either way, it's still one of the best and as I said it's a unique machine that forms its own category. No other attack helicopter can perform troop-carrying missions, or rescue missions, such as transporting the wounded. It is a beautiful machine with unique features that still find a use today.
The Mi-28 looks like it can destroy an entire town all by itself
probably it can
It was Russian's saving grace in the Afghanistan war
@@louis930408 lol, weren't the stingers basically its bane?
@@RaijinRamen yeah, that's why the Russians lost the war.
Hardcore fan of HAL LCH 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
MI-24 name is Crocodile, MI-28 name is Night Hunter, Ka52 name is Alligator. Hind, Havok and Hokum are NATO codes not names!!
but in black ops 1 hınd
@@Euzuner41 so what? In computer games it could be called any name as long its not licensed.
@@martinvanquish6003 why are you so angry
@@Euzuner41 You think I should be angry?
@@martinvanquish6003 where are you from
I for one, do not think they these people know what they are talking about. So sick of getting click baited into these channels.
The way they said Augusta, I was done
Or 20 mm pronounced as twenty em-em iso twenty millimeter.
Don’t they always make a few special once for the special forces
At least its not a robot audio, remember when YT was filled with these channels?
Only Ka-52 has this ability to save pilots. The ejection seat on Ka-52 installed to save pilots.
that's true...
Borned to be shot down thats why
HAC Tiger comes with pod ejection as well.
The mi 28 also have a crew ejection system
@@gerboise_bleue Alas, the ka-50 and ka-52 only! On Mi-28: helicopter blades and doors fly off to the side, the pilot with a parachute leaves the cockpit on his own.
You forgot the attack helicopter from GTA San Andreas that can shoot down jets😂😂😂
It's the Apache at no.2
Mil Mi 24 Crocodile did just that.....back in 1980 it shot down 2 israeli f4 Phantoms
Technically attack helicopters can shoot down Jets. You just mount AA-Missles on to the Weapon Wings of the helicopter.
@@axrush8728 it's not because gta doesn't have the license for anything so they never exactly copy 1 verhicle but mix up many into 1
its AH-64A or D👌
I'm American but if I were to rank helicopters in my opinion:
1) Apache: my American bias. I grew up with them, and still think they're badass. Originally they were built as the US's ultimate Cold War attack helicopter. They can hover for long periods of time and destroy everything they see. They are expensive and a lot to maintain, but they're supposed to be the most advanced helicopter the US has to offer. In addition, they iconic. Everyone knows the Apache.
2) Mi-24 Hind: It's a legend. Everyone recognizes the silhouette of a Hind even if they don't know it's name. It scared the pants off NATO when it first appeared. It's a troop carrier and an attack helicopter. It's still in use to this day and is very popular around the world. It's reliable and easy to maintain as well.
3) Ka-52 Black Shark: Basically Russia's answer to the Apache helicopter. It's another badass helicopter that while being nearly 20 years old already, still looks futuristic. The double rotor blades gives it incredible speed and agility. They have low production numbers, but it's the most advanced helicopter Russia has to offer.
Not bias, it's proven. I think the apache is single most capable weapon system ever made. One of the best-executed platforms in military history, and i'm talking up there with the AK-47 in terms of "hitting the nail on the head" with a design. It's performance, sensors, and range of capabilities cannot be matched. Strategic air strike: Need to fly under the radar and destroy said radar so the rest of your air force can start bombing? Apache. Precision guided munitions: Need to put a hellfire in a window of a building? Apache. Air assault: Need escorts? Apache. Close Air Support: Need 30mm on station? Apache. Reconnaissance: Need something to scout and control drones with? Apache. Anti armor: Need a company of tanks to not exist anymore? Apache. Quick Reation Force: Getting attacked by Russian mercenaries in Syria and need help? Apache. Cavalry pursuit: Need to destroy a fleeing convoy of ISIS? Apache. There's not a single instance of any situation where you have a helicopter with guns on it where you would say "I wish we has something besides and Apache." That's because there's nothing better than it. And there's THOUSANDS of them. Its range of mission sets is insane, and it's the best at all of them.
Hind is slow and turns like a turtle and the viper was made in 2010 but hasn’t really had its chance yet
Apache rival is Mi28N
Ka-52 is called alligator which is two seat aircraft. Black shark is called ka-50 which is one seast helicopter and lighter compared to ka-52, it's faster and more manuvlverable
@@Nick-wp1vbsuper cobra and viper still beat it. Two words: maintenance requirements
The Atak T-129 is very good. ❤️🇹🇷👍
@@christianzaffuto1686 yeah it's made by Augusta westland turkish just copied it. And renamed it. Perks of being a nato member. Soon its going to collapse under ertugual a hole Erdoğan.
turkısh atack
I'm so glad that our Denel Rooivalk was mentioned at such a high position at number 4.
🇿🇦South African 🇿🇦 pride and joy
✊🏽Go Africa ✊🏽
Привет из России, друг🎉🎉🎉
Good to see a South African company with the Rooivalk in 4!!!
Always proud to see the Denel Rooivalk 👊
True. I used to think it was cheap propaganda to label the Rooivalk the best of its time. But still at no 4 my knowledge or lack of knowledge regarding helicopters shows. Still proud of our South African invention that were supposed to win the war in Angola but came too late into production.
@Hercules Wasserman True. That makes the Apache a better buy.
First helicopter to fly upside down, RESPECT
The South Africans were also the first to use the helmet HUD targeting system the Americans stole.
I can’t believe Airwolf didn’t make the list. 😜
i was hoping for Blue Thunder, personally. but Airwolf would have totally been cool too.
Neither Red Wolf...wait minute, they being destroyed
JammyPants Me too. Blue Thunder was the bomb! Literally!
What about Blue Thunder?
You misspelled Blue Thunder, sir!
Ka 52 number 1 !!!
Tako je brat 💪
@@paulalegriab don't cry, Viper first to you=)))
Mi 24 and K 52 above of this list. They both are absolutely unique and they have no analogoues in the world. Your lovely Apache can't do what are they doing but they can do everything.
T129, mi24, mi28 needed to be much higher up the list as combat proven. Most of the others have just been air show specials
A very accurate detection. T 129 Atak is used in the wars in northern Iraq and northern Syria. It is constantly improving its strength and endurance.
@@davidnorris5538 no one said apache was bad bro
also aw129, carries spike missiles and was used in combat
the hind is too big not very manoeuverable it's a famous helicopter but not a very good one
So basically the fastest is the best - absolute B/S
I was also noticing that only do in my opinion it's not a good comparison video. Apache is the world's #1 helicopter
militaries don't share real numbers anyway
@@rosyzutshi i would rate the eurocopter higher ;)
Alligator has unnecessary range 400 range is enough
Isn't the mi-24 the fastest? And ranked as one of the lowest.
Still. Its the KA-52 Alligator is the best!
@@thisissantiagobernabru2050 ok
@@dannelleabajar4703 did it see any real action to prove? I love this craft too, but... its performance is theoretical
@@JV-un7qw The Ka 52 has an ejection
The Italians do have style even with military things. That Mangusta looks like flying Lamborghini.
@Lucas Crenovich Stop telling us that, we already know!
@Lucas Crenovich Well post it as your own thread then and not trolling other people's! threads!
hahaha lmao i agree its fancy
No wonder many of them looks so much like it.
@@planalive9664 or was it copying the UH64 Apache? I’m not sure which was built first to be honest, but a lot of the Euro copters do resemble each other. Nonetheless they are all sleek, and I’m glad to see they belong to our Allies.
The Eurocopter TIGER IS SPANISH too. 😉🔴🌟🔴
1 Ka-52
2 Mi-28H
3 Mi-35
4///and othe
Let's hope those helicopters don't run out of fuel before they get to their enemies LOL
Long life Turkey 👍❤🇹🇷
Excellent beautiful video
The KA-52 is the best.
40% of all russian ka-52 are already lost in Ukraine
@@n.b.380Yes, a billion Russians were killed, millions of tanks were destroyed, their entire aviation was destroyed. How naive you are
Rather, the most destroyed helicopter. Of ~130 produced for Russian troops, almost 50 have already been destroyed in Ukraine +1 destroyed by Wagner rebels, + dozens badly damaged in 18 months. Another year of war and alligators will be an endangered species.
@@n.b.380 source - believe my brother
It has picture/video proof per each destroyed Ka-52
The Russian KA-52 is the leader of this ranking. Immense vacillation.
Based on what facts?
@@comitatus5337 Based on its range, armament capacity, built-in sensors and safety mechanism for the crew. Any decent comparison can tell you that. We know that you have no "combat experience", so in the ranking, it is only fair that Apache and Viper stay ahead. However, compared to the KA-58 Aligator ... This certainly wins.
It’s good practice to not believe anything that Russias say about their weapons and vehicles until they actually demonstrate it. They never live up to the hype. How many rusted and perforated burned out hulks of unbeatable super weapons do we need to see before we become skeptical?
@@tomwolfe6063 I respect your opinion and, to some extent, I agree with it, but I still have mine and I do believe that Russia has magnificent equipment and weapons that other superpowers will have to demand more time and complexity to reach. Imagine that you and your neighbor had a fight a long time ago and that after that you "stop" the fight, but continue to run, behind the scenes. The powerful of the west is the one that everyone trusts and believes, whereas the one of the east does not. When the westerner promotes something new, he divulges it to the whole world and to test it starts or simply reopens wounds / wars. Meanwhile, the easterner tries to protect his new invention and aims only to protect his own territory. What we have to keep in mind is that the Russians only defend their backyard, but to help defray exports arms, as does their rival and, above all, rent fractions of armies, militias. Look at Iraq! The war was a mistake, there was nothing there and the United States apologizes for the lack of nuclear weapons there. That is not the truth! That was a US hit! Mask a huge economic plan on oil. Well, I respect your opinion, I partially agree, but I still have mine. For me, the conversation ends at the last final point of my text. I wish you all the best for you and your family during this difficult period. May we all pass this unscathed.
@AlexGunzz it has best tanks, best helicopter, best arttilery, best rockets of every sort, and arguably best planes considering su35 and su 57 and the upcoming s70, best aa systems... Also lada makes one of the bset cars in the world www.google.com/search?q=lada+sports+car&rlz=1C1SQJL_enRS893RS893&sxsrf=ALeKk02bZ7MJhnzJpIbfDnTTiwxnCVYMMA:1587313687869&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=o20vTgu8iLkOJM%253A%252CSX1QUuvgsMNDDM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQNLFiDyy341vD8ROoox9RY-9aO_A&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj0sIyk9PToAhW6AxAIHQD2CVEQ9QEwAnoECAkQIA#imgrc=o20vTgu8iLkOJM:
After seeing Russian Ukraine war ka 52 is probably is the top 1
Top 1 in being shot down lol. We are seeing just how pathetic Russian equipment is and how poorly trained and equipped the Russians are.
@@lawerancedodd690 Just like the Apaches, who were recently shot down in Israel by not even heavily armed rebels. There is already confirmed information about the downing of AH64 by Houthi troops, as well as the Israeli version. He also lost his way in the war in Afghanistan. So there is no need to write such hypocrisy: 😂
@@lawerancedodd690 Although there are no invulnerable helicopters anywhere in the world, the Ka52 has the highest level of survival - it can withstand hits from 30mm bullets and can fly without a rear tail. Any helicopter that loses its tail will immediately crash. In the KA52, most of the crew survived, and you write about “not a good helicopter”; in addition to the avionics, the KA52 is superior to the AH64.
@@isadanjan4762 that’s strange I’ve seen numerous KA 52’s shot down with stinger missiles in Ukraine. Also if they are so great then why are they not used when the Russian ground forces try to attack? Also why do they employ an attack pattern of flying low and fast then pitch up, fire unguided rockets then take a hard left turn to get out of the area? I can tell you why…it’s a crap helicopter that can’t take a hit like you claim. Either that or the pilots are cowards.
You must a Russian to believe all that propaganda. Yes all helicopters can be shot down. Funny how you totally ignored what I said and continued to spew ignorance. So if Russian equipment is the best then answer my question. Why is this helicopter not flying in support of its troops????? Because it’s a piece of crap just like the rest of Russian equipment. Your tanks suck, armored personal carriers suck, artillery sucks, and especially your troops suck. Got another question for you commie… where is your supposed great tank the Armata? Where is your Su-57? All these supposed great equipment is nowhere to be found. You can have the last comment because I don’t really care. The Ukrainians are winning this one.
I like how the American ones have inferior specs yet get placed higher on the ranking system lol/ Biased much?
@Baxter James nah , just because they are American , I do acknowledge American tech in fighter planes but to be honest russia makes better helicopter
@@sphinx-z4z lol Russian helicopter is unreliable.
@@sphinx-z4z Russian Helicopters are hard to Maintain
Thatswhy India is Donating its Mi 24 Hind helicopters to Afghanistan and bought Apache
Also India Developed Its LCH(Light Combat Helicopter) for Purpose of Guarding high Altitude areas in North , still it performed better Than Mi 24 in terms of Serviceability and Maintenance ...note India Tested the prototypes
Edit : Now Turkey copied LCH design for their Unmanned Stealth Helicopter
@Baxter James not really.
Especially in Aviation and Recon systems, other Helicopters are definitly better.
Take the Apache for example, it might be heavy Armored, but also got a weight of 11t and is definitly not comparable to other lighter Allround Helicopters (like the Eurocopter/Tiger)
This ranking system is a joke. The Viper isnt the best. The Apache is the best, and specs really dont matter. What matters is the ability to see and target your enemy before he can do the same and how fast you can target them. The Apache is the best at this hands down. No question. The biggest defense budget in the world can and should do this for you. F22, F35, B2 are good examples.
Funny video. 1) KA-52 2) AH-64D 3) Mi-28N 4)eurocopter tiger
1.KA-52, 2.AH-62, 3.Mi-28H.
Only the Z-10 prototype is powered by Pratt Whitney engines, but due to US sanctions Pratt Whitney couldn’t provide those engines to China anymore, so the production variants of Z-10 are powered by indigenous Chinese engines which at first produced only around 1000 shp but later improved to around 1200 or 1300.
I think the most beast are KA-52 aligator, it just crazy
Juna Antara the viper beats it in literally every category though. It is a good helicopter though, just not the best.
Since most ATGM's have simillar capabilities nowadays, what matter most is the targetting sistem and speed and range, so i understand why the viper is #1.
I prefer the single seat version, the KA-50 Black Shark. But yes, Kamov is the best.
deino117 it’s not though the viper beats it in every category. The viper is easily the best.
BazarovMedic the viper is also faster and more agile🗿
ка-52 - номер 1
Russia 🇷🇺🇷🇺 ka-52,mi-28,mi-24❤️
War Thunder players are having a nervous breakdown to this video.
These videos are not very educative each helicopter is best in class in it s class expect for eurocopter which is shit
1. Kamov 2. Mi28 3. Mi 35 ......8.Apach......
For real saying your favorite helicopter is the best is a dumb answer and you dont even have a proof to tell us why it is best?
@@anonymouse6129 It is the best because it provides the best protection for pilots, as well as ejection seats, which no other helicopter has, as well as high maximum speed, high flight altitude, can carry a huge load, has a wide range of weapons. Is that enough for you to be the best helicopter?
@@slobodanstojanovic5521 too bad bro in the internet they mostly say that apache ah 64 is the best attack heli and im just going to assume that you are a russian fanboy
@@slobodanstojanovic5521 but great job justifying it
hello russian fanboy :)
Russian helicopters are not properly tested and low numbers. The did not see any real action.
In a few years from now you will get to see the HAL LCH in the list
What?! Ah-12!? K-52 N1, K-50 N2 and AH-64 N3
i can't believe you have a 100K subs..
I love the AW129 the most. May not be the best but it is my favourite!
beautiful italian design🇮🇹
The best in its category. it's not even a full-blooded attack helicopter. More Attack and Tactical Reconnaissance Helicopters
Чем лучше они свою технику считают,тем лучше нам)!
Во во, чем бы дитя не тешилось=)))
@@redrusty9766 вот и радуйтесь детишки :)
The good Viper on the top 😂 and Mangusta at 10^ which is successfully combat proven.. insane video
Viper/Cobra gunship has been proven time and time again in combat.
@@voodoochild7778 Yes, having the same gunships and missiles : )))
@@voodoochild7778 against afghanistan?
There Is a reason why the Mangusta/Moongoose has such name...
МИ 24/35 это транспортно-боевой вертолет! легенда!!! его деже сравнивать не с чем!!!!
You are wrong.
@@hiredgun3286 agreed
@@hiredgun3286 yes
Any smart person would just bring a transport heli like the uh 1 or Blackhawk
Proudly to see South African Rooivolk
your people had nothing to do with its development.. i dont think theres anything you can be proud of..
@@jeandrebosman you are an arse
Rooivalk is a pretty good machine. Efficient for fights in Africa or under developped countries who wan't afford american, italian-turkish or french-german models. The only limits are a canon less efficient, and a limit of selection of missiles. Probably better than chinese or indian ones: i have got bigs doubts concerning capacity to last, weapons systems, furtivity, telemetry, detection, anti-crash seats etc. Indian and Chinese ones haven't been ifght-proof until now...
Apache helicopter was number one
t129 is not turkey made, it is just a variant of a129 built under licenced in turkey, it has an italian body(a129) and american engine(lhtec cts800)
No 2: Mi-24
No 1: Ka-52 ❤
Viper bether then KA 52? AHAHAH...
APACHE, shot down in Yugoslavija whit rifles...lol...NATO pays for lies on youtube...🤣
Mi.24 Mi.35 KA.52 Mi.28 Wold Helikopters! 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺💪💪💪
American:Apache, Viper
one of the bests in my opinion
The funny list :D
Ranking the Apache above the KA-52 is funny.
Perhaps funny, but accurate.
@@iflyflir1846 Copium.
I don't think this lady heard about HAL LCH. If interested people can Google for info. Sure it can be in top 6. It's the highest altitude range chopper in world specially designed to achieve Himalayan mountains...
Its a light attack helicopter, its probably the best of them all, but its no match to some of these.
Its comparable to the Harbin Z-19 amd the Kawazaki OH-1
@@A-G-F- don't you think it's competible WZ10 , T129 to some extend Eurocopter. Attack helicopters are to be flying tanks but LCH so obviously it can't be compared to Apaches, mi, kamovs but helicopters have to be able to reach all kind of terrain and on this aspect LCH is kind of promising. Still it need proove itself with it's combat capabilities.if LCH have it's dome radar similar to apache it surely can be a beast which I think it's possible without impacting it's operational capabilities.
K-52 Russian. K-50 USSR.
The original idea for the Soviet doctrine was this: the strike unit consists of several K-50s, whose work is coordinated by one K-52, which is the commander's target designation machine. Later, due to various circumstances, this concept was abandoned, placing a bet on the K-52.
слышь русский , только русские собирали этот вертолет? Не удивлен почему распался СССР.
@@korwet2701 для особо умных нацменов: иностранцы не знают кто такие татары, башкиры, удмурты, да и с бывшими республиками у них туго. Они всех граждан бывшего СССР называют Russians. Не удивлен, что Союз распался...
Ка 50 с 95 года на конвеере. Какой ссср, а вот крокодил ссср.
@@МистрКрабс-ш4у конкурс на новый ударный вертолет ещё при союзе был. Проектировали тоже тогда.
Russian helis rules!
I'm sorry I'm an American and I love our military and pretty much will say everything we have is better but those russian helicopters are freaking beasts and scary looking. Literally flying tanks. Like everything russia makes lol. I will say russian helicopter as good or better then ours. Maybe not tech in helicopter but everything else
@David Uriel butthurt cowboy ?
@David Uriel cute ...
iiJungleIQ shut up they suck
@David Uriel Russian Helis, flies on every weather conditions!
Viper looks like little annoying mosquito which I like, we need more of them. 😀
4:41 anyone noticed a Chinese helicopter with p&w engine 😂 🤣
Ka-52 derivative from Ka-50 which is russian , not soviet , correct it , the Ka-52 have never been used by soviet union , lol
When the enemy has Stinger missiles, no helicopter is safe...!
Прикинь, есть СПО и средства противодействия. ПЗРК опасная штука, но противодействовать можно. Главное - не промахнуться в первом выстреле
@@Ka.mera418 or just use sams or a fighter jet
When the enemy has TOS 1, no Stinger is safe...!
Add the SA-18 manpad
Ka 52 🔝
she forgot the ka50 in the fastest helicopter video as well and it goes 315 km/h
seems she dosnt like Kamov helicopters lol
@@ckolla6505 Nope. Mi24 is the fastest helicopter. It goes 335km/h, this woman doesn't research beforehand.
t129 is not turkey made, it is just a variant of a129 built under licenced in turkey, it has an italian body(a129) and american engine(lhtec cts800)
USMC Viper No 1 👌
Ка -52 No 1
For the first time I see it clearly highlighted that the Turkish T129 is an authorized copy, with some modifications, of Leonardo's Italian A129 Mangusta helicopter.
The A129 Mangusta is the first attack helicopter ever developed in post-war Europe.
Attack helicopter that will soon be replaced by the AW 249
The nickname of the AW249 is Phoenix, which is cool.
The MI-24 Hin -D is extensive use with most if not all former soviet states and saw extensive use in Afghan conflict it has been the main stay of russian armed forces every since as its reliable and has good transport capacity and decent amount of protection to keep itself out of trouble
Didn't a LOT of them get shot down by "stinger" heat seeking missiles, if I'm not mistaken... A beast for sure but NOT "invincible" and it's not very capable it higher altitudes either.
Not - !!!!! N - 1 KAMOV K - 52 - !!!!!!!!!!
No!!!! Le falta el ventilador de atras. Por eso ese helicóptero no no es apto para misiones en el desierto con altas temperaturas.
@@ДмитрийЖуков-г2б и тут хрюкнул.
AH-1 is the first? What?
Just a plain truth
HAL LCH is the best
Indian's hit a like 🇮🇳🇮🇳
Ka 52 is number 1!
If you base this list on real-world combat effectiveness, the AH-64 is by far the winner.
And when you compare it with a French Tiger you have a cow unusable in combat.
@@PandaGutter lol.
K-52 and mi- 28 the best
"mm" --> "millimeter". please say millimeter when you read the letters "mm"
Comanche got snow balled. VERY cool concept, an anti air stealth attack helicopter
0:21 WTF is this one doing? Launching light bulbs? 😂
Its called flares
Mi-24 №1!!
mi 35
Kamov ka-52 is number 1.
Yes my frend 👍
Ну и "рейтинг". Сравнивать зеленое с длинным. Весьма условно, но можно сказать так: из атакующих самые передовые вертолеты семейства КА. Из универсальных - Ми. Остальные годны только против невооруженного "противника".
я больше скажу остальные вертолёты фигня полная
Наше значит лучшее
Апач хорош своей авионикой и технологичным оружием, Ка - своими соосными лопастями, резко повышающими летные характеристики и живучесть (нет хвостового винта - нет проблем в случае попадания туда), Ми - это летающие универсальные танки (в плане бронирования)
Love them all 😍
1 Hokum
2 apache
3 mi 28 havoc
4 tiger
5 wz10
6 Atak
7 Augusta
8 cobra modified
9 hind mi 35
10 rooivalk
Because comanche is a stealth class if count then after apache .rooivalk has issues so much.
Where is the viper? n11 ?
Nonsense, the rooivalk and apache is the only battle proven helicopters on this list so
1. Apache
2. Rooivalk
Rooivalk doesn't have any issues it was used during the south african border war send me links of your pathetic claims?
t129 is not turkey made, it is just a variant of a129 built under licenced in turkey, it has italian body(a129) and american engine(lhtec cts800)
Fantastic technique, wonderful, beautiful dragonflies with amazing parameters.
KA-52 in top
Chinese Army: We need an attack helicopter.
Engineers (sees italian A-129): let's copy that
Kamov Ka-50 and AH-64 Apache are the best helicopters.
Sister You should seek for
HAL LCH of india once 🇮🇳🇮🇳
@@nevermind1123 Lol ! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
I think the russian helicopters are the best because of combat experience
But then Your assuming their pilots are the most experienced. That’s not a proven fact. Syria is the only active zone which the US is also involved it, besides Ukraine and Russia has lost plenty of helicopter Pilots since the invasion of Ukraine Feb 2022.
@@lissettelopez8331 The AH64 was shot down about 15 times during combat operations in the Middle East.
@@isadanjan4762 during the entire war on terror, which lasted like several decades While Russia lost 13 Mi-28 & 38 Ka-52 not one Year into the Ukraine invasion
I identify as an attack helicopter.
When some Americans say Apache is the best helicopter, then I have nothing to tell them, but laugh at their face. It's same as telling Biden is a smart president..😂😂
I am not even Russian, but Russian Ka-52 is a beast. Apache has not been tested in modern battle field and has never been used in a standalone mode. They have always been used with with air support, not like what ka-52 is currently doing in Ukraine.. Recently, ka-52 is flying without it tail cover.. Can anyone imagine what would happen to Apache, if it was hit and it lost its tail?
So, Apache is just as any other American junk, which is a "wonder" weapon on paper but when it comes to real fight, it is just another junk.
Rambo is not on this list? John repeatedly beats MI-24.
Must b in Guantanamo prison for his involvement with Afghans.
lol dont compare a movie vs real life
What about the helicopter in GTA VICE CITY MISSION 😂
Dude that is an Apache
The AH-64D and the AH-1Z VIPER are amazing helicopters
Oh really?? Did you try them??
No but i do know a lot about them and what they are capable of.
@@Zenwarrior123 their miles above what russians have. We all know that's for sure lol.
The AH-1 has to be fast, because it has no armor for the crew. It's just the latest variant of the Cobra, the worlds first attack chopper. After Vietnam we learned pretty quick that attack choppers need armor for the crew, AH-1s can't even stop small arms fire.
The UA-cam must be an mf american joker , i was laughing for a while when I saw usa apache and viper is ahead of KA 52
Educational & awesome video ma'am"!
What are the most superior war tools ?
(Helicopter jet gun tank rockets etc. Whwt ever else there is )
Ranking pls :-)
Thumbs up
Как эти две трясогузки оказались в первых рядах? Наверное, самые дорогие...
Одна из них (которая АН-1) переделка с вертолета 60-х, в которую вбухано до жопы денег... Так что да, самые дорогие, но не сильно эффективные.
@@ironbuben746 Мнение такого эксперта как ты, очень важно для нас...
@@samwinchester8901 как и твоё для нас. А вообще я не понял, что за высер ты счас высрал
@@ironbuben746 Ты у нас не очень умный, да?
@@samwinchester8901 Как дам больно обоим
How much power in your heli engines do you need?
Russia: Yes.
Ka-52 had its first flight in 1997 and it is in service since 2011. How on Earth could it be used by the Soviet Union which collapsed in 1991?
Even its predecessor Ka-50 was operated by the army just since 1995!
The UA-cam must be an mf american joker , i was laughing for a while when I saw usa apache and viper is ahead of KA 52
Ка 50 был принят в 86 году , и тогда имел индекс В 80.
I am best attack helicopter
Edit: also it's really nice to see other attack helicopters as they are treated as brothers.
I officially identify as an ATTACK HELICOPTER 🚁
Damn bro, that was a very original and underused joke that was very funny even the first time it was ever used. You got the whole squad laughing
Aidan thx 😁
Fucking hell lets be honest, ka52 is the best one, ground and air radar, 12 air/ground guided rockets that dosent get effected by flares (because their optic tracked) and they have the longest range of any weaponry of the mentioned helicopters at 10km, 4 igla air to air missiles (10g overload), s13 liquid explosive rockets and last it’s gun with around 82mm penetration on flat armor. The ka52 has also the best survive ability out of everything ever made, the thing can fly without its tail and with only one engine operating + it has ejection seats for the pilot and gunner. And it’s also the fastest one this information is wrong...
Ah 1z and 64 have 16 at missiles and have better targeting systems
And there faster
HAL made Light Combat Helicopter..??
It is not inducted yet
its obsolete tech
@@commentor2594 Lol ! LCH is the only attack helicopter in the world which landed in Siachin which is world's most highest & fierce battle ground . And you are saying it is obsolete . You have no knowledge about attack helicopters bro .
@@greenglitch1390 It has inducted but in limited numbers .
@@ayushmankar4100 I don't know why I said it 4 months ago
I love the viper to death. But it has the least armor in this whole list. The survivability is much lower than others, and I would not have it at #1. The Apache is where it is supposed to be, but the Russian choppers should be higher up. And I am an American.
Apache long range attack and numerous tracking capability and agility is its survivability , but right at this point Russian attack helicopter can basically do many thing that the apache could plus the most armored internal , I would say russian one should be listed as top 1 for real
looks like a collection of different Apache types :D
If anything they all look like the cobra since it’s been used since the 60s
vey nice