Activate High-Vibrational Energy Flow to Move Beyond Subconscious Blocks at INGITE!

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Do you ever feel like your life is a series of moments - or one phase after another - that you’re simply trying to “get through,” overcome, or heal?
    Do you find yourself saying things like:
    ** As soon as this pain in my knee goes away then I’ll start that new exercise routine.
    ** When I make more money or get the raise then I can have the life I’ve been longing to live.
    ** As soon as I meet my dream partner then I’ll finally feel real love…
    Instead of spending all our time finding problems that need to be fixed, we are meant to work with the energy flowing through our system and use it to CREATE a life we want to live.
    No matter what it is, activating our energy to become the creator of our life is the answer to any issue or problem we’ve been seeking!
    This is exactly what will be shared in an upcoming new event, IGNITE!: A Quantum Leap in Healing and Awakening, an in-person event taking place September 14-17 in Scottsdale, Arizona.
    At IGNITE, you'll shift from seeing your life as a series of challenges to “heal” to working with the innate energy of your system - the natural healer within - to create a life you actually love living!
    With four days of experiential exercises, deep embodiment practices, meditations and more, you'll activate high-vibrational energy and build the necessary circuitry in your system to move beyond the subconscious thought patterns blocking your energy and keeping you stuck, so you can shift into a state where energy is flowing robustly through your system allowing you to create whatever you most desire…
    If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels or chasing after “issues” that need to be healed and awaken your creative capacity - the true healing presence in your life - then join IGNITE by registering and saving your spot here:
    When you register BEFORE AUGUST 25, you’ll get access to the Start Strong Activation Kit! This special bonus includes meditations, video trainings and extra resources to help you get the most out of your time at IGNITE!.