A United States Air Force veteran here, thank you sir for all you have given for your fellow man, your duty, and all you have given to your nation and the rest of the world. A most extraordinary award to a man so extraordinary....
That marine shouldn't be there in the first place. Murica is fighting poor countries all over the globe since the dawn of time, only for their own economic interests. There is no honour in this.
Every VC winner I've ever seen interviewed or read about was exceedingly modest. Some were almost embarrassed by the attention they received. God bless them all. They are wonderful.
researchers of the VC have stated many times that those who earned a VC had very common traits such as modesty which is why we have seen multiple VC's in multiple families. Its actually incredible.
You tend to fine that they never even mention it. Many a child has only found out their dad was awarded one after they died and found it in a box somewhere
Same with the Military Cross - I know two recipients of the MC, and they won't talk about it. Not surprising, really, as the circumstances were horrific.
I think anybody so brave that he will take such risks for his Brothers in Arms that then get recognized as Gallantry. Nobody who is a glory hound or egoistical macho would even have taken those risk for his brothers in arms. And Those risks get taken in terrible circumstances of life and death and misery for all involved. So it would in fact surprise me if one of them wasn't humble.. If any such person wasn't.. It would mean they gave the medal to the wrong person.
A Hero for sure, I am an U.S. Air Force veteran, realizing the closeness of the relationship between Great Britain and the United States is a long and wonderful relationship. To hear you gave aid to a member of the US Military was awesome, but not a surprise as both countries are so very close. Your award thus matches our Medal of Honor, and so in my mind you have received the Medal of Honor along with all of the privileges that accompany this award. Thank You for your service to your nation and mine. I am not too far in my family from the Nation of Great Britain, my paternal Grandfather was born in England and emigrated to the United States with his family. I am but the second generation American by birth.
@@alastairgreen6783 We the UK and US defend people/countries when they're attacked by your people (religious fanatics) at great personal cost to both our countries. Countries have the right to live in freedom . If they call for help through the UN we will go to their aid.. Would you not help a friend who needs help.?
I think it’s very gracious of you to say how proud you are to serve with the British, we have a long and wonderful history together 🤝friends today friends tomorrow and friends forever
s mcb The Queen is deeply interested in the armed forces, as are all the Royal Family. The armed forces all swear an oath of loyalty to the Sovereign, not the country, and the bond is real and close.
Ben Potter they wouldn’t be in that position though would they, and it’s way out of their duties anyway you absolute donut “Yeah queenie you’ve been deployed to Baghdad, you might have to take a bullet for private nobhead, that’s a risk we are willing to take”
As an ex servicemen, this gave me goosebumps, and unless you've been in the forces you will not understand just how much camaraderie there is amongst the men. God save the Queen and LCpl Leakey, you are a hero to all in the UK.
@jack tarr actually, the membership fee can be the ultimate price, but most of us were willing to pay it if it was called for Richard Vail, LCpl USMC (Ret)
@jack tarr Indeed, I always loved the prologue to the movie Patton. While George S. never actually said those exact words, he did say similar things many times. Make the other sonsabitch die for HIS country! I wholeheartedly support that sentiment.
i should hope so as the criteria for a VC is incredible. Theres a reason only 15 have been awarded since 1945. You'd literally have to singlehandedly destroy a battalion and you'd only get a consideration.
@@ashleygoggs5679 ... And yet, of all the VCs awarded, only 3 men have received the award twice. Two of those were doctors in WW1 (Arthur Martin-Leake and Noel Chavase), the other being a New Zealander; Charles Upham.
This man is a true hero: courage in spades, yet modest and kind. I was very touched by his account, and by the Queen's obvious gratitude and pride in him. VC - doesn't get any higher than that.
In Australia, our VC recipients have the honour of everyone within the armed services, whilst they are still serving, having to salute them, regardless of rank. It's a tradition that goes back to WW1...
Wow, this is wonderful. Just look a the smile on Her Majesty when she pins the award onto the soldier's chest. You can tell that she is genuinly proud and happy to give him the award. As a queen, and as a grandmother of the nation. Good save Queen Elizabeth II and LCpl Leakey!
Correction Willie Eckerslike.Her Majesty is not German at all.her nearest German descendant was Prince Albert.That was 3 generations ago.So she is 100% British!
You represented our country with respect, gallantry and by doing the job. Sincere respects to you and all British Military personnel doing a job which many of us do not appreciate. Thank you.
Congratulations Sir on a job well done!!! Being a Special Ops soldier who saw active service in Rhodesia, Mozambique and Angola realises the pride and bravery showed under extreme circumstances you the recipient of the Victoria Cross the 15th awarded since the WW2. I am immensely proud to see a humble man as yourself receive such an award from the Queen. "Those who Dare win "!!
I love the little personal gesture by the Queen - just after pinning the medal onto the tunic, she gives a little bob of the head and hands as if to say .." Perfect"!
That’s because he doesn’t see it as a galant effort or heroic moment....he was just doing his job. It’s the same with police officers, firemen and paramedics, they just see it as another day. It makes it that much more heroic when people are humble about it!
The offical citation of his VC: "Between May and December 2013, Lance Corporal Leakey was deployed in Afghanistan as a member of a Task Force conducting operations to disrupt insurgent safe-havens and protect the main operating base in Helmand province. The majority of operations took place in daylight in non-permissive areas, attracting significant risk. On the 22nd August 2013, Lance Corporal Leakey deployed on a combined UK / US assault led by the United States Marine Corps into a Taliban stronghold to disrupt a key insurgent group. After dismounting from their helicopters, the force came under accurate machine gun and rocket propelled grenades fire resulting in the Command Group being pinned down on the exposed forward slope of a hill. The team attempted to extract from the killing zone for an hour, their efforts resulting in a Marine Corps Captain being shot and wounded and their communications being put out of action. Lance Corporal Leakey, positioned on the lee of the hill, realising the seriousness of the situation and with complete disregard for his own safety, dashed across a large area of barren hillside which was now being raked with machine gun fire. As he crested the hill, the full severity of the situation became apparent: approximately twenty enemy had surrounded two friendly machine gun teams and a mortar section rendering their critical fire support ineffective. Undeterred by the very clear and present danger, Lance Corporal Leakey moved down the forward slope of the hill, and gave first aid to the wounded officer. Despite being the most junior commander in the area, Lance Corporal Leakey took control of the situation and initiated the casualty evacuation. Realising that the initiative was still in the hands of the enemy, he set off back up the hill, still under enemy fire, to get one of the suppressed machine guns into action. On reaching it, and with rounds impacting on the frame of the gun itself, he moved it to another position and began engaging the enemy. This courageous action spurred those around him back into the fight; nonetheless, the weight of enemy fire continued. For the third time and with full knowledge of the extant dangers, Lance Corporal Leakey exposed himself to enemy fire once more. Weighed down by over 60 lbs of equipment, he ran to the bottom of the hill, picked up the second machine gun and climbed back up the hill again: a round trip of more than 200 metres on steep terrain. Drawing the majority of the enemy fire, with rounds splashing around him, Lance Corporal Leakey overcame his fatigue to re-site the gun and return fire. This proved to be the turning point. Inspired by Lance Corporal Leakey's actions, and with a heavy weight of fire now at their disposal, the force began to fight back with renewed ferocity. Having regained the initiative, Lance Corporal Leakey handed over the machine gun and led the extraction of the wounded officer to a point from which he could be safely evacuated. During the assault 11 insurgents were killed and 4 wounded, but the weight of enemy fire had effectively pinned down the command team. Displaying gritty leadership well above that expected of his rank, Lance Corporal Leakey's actions single-handedly regained the initiative and prevented considerable loss of life, allowing a wounded US Marine officer to be evacuated." He's not even the first member of his family to be awarded the VC. His second cousin twice removed, Nigel Leakey, was posthumously awarded it during WWII.
A 27-year old junior NCO with just 2 ribbons on his uniform: the Operational Service Medal for Afghanistan and the Victoria Cross. He was a true soldier right out of the gate. Respect. EDIT: I found out that Joshua comes from a strong military tradition. His father, Mark Leakey, is a retired RAF air commodore (NATO OF-6, equivalent to brigadier general). His second cousins twice removed were brothers Nigel and Arundell Leakey who served in the British Army. Nigel was posthumously awarded the VC for valor in Ethiopia during WWII and Arundell was awarded the Military Cross and eventually became a major general. Arundell's son David is a retired British Army lieutenant general and attended Joshua's VC ceremony.
Tim Fisher Photography Tim Fisher Photography Im Northern Irish and I don't even care and ma dad was in the army, he also doesn't care. It is the British army so fair enough saying Great Britain.
My Great grandfather didn't receive this medal, but did recieve the military medal in 1944 for saving 10 men under Japanese fire darting in and out of cover with injured men on his shoulders. That is what I heard, it was in Burma . He also fought at Dunkirk, receiving then France and Germany star, then the Africa star for fighting in Africa and the Burma star. I think he received the defence medal aswell.
Ex Serviceman and huge Royalist here....What a parade, just wow, it fills me with immense pride and joy to have been part of something so special. H.M Armed Forces.....
My Grandfather and Father were both Paras. Seeing this makes me so proud of LCpl Leaky. What days they must have been for him: firstly looking death in the eye in the course of duty and secondly, meeting Her Majesty and being decorated by her with the highest honour Great Britain offers.
@@brandonhalsey2947 What are you talking about false? America had a huge migration of welsh people, especially in states like Pennsylvania and Ohio. millions of americans have welsh ancestry.. including some of your founding fathers such as Thomas Jefferson, John adams, and even Richard Nixon!
@@brandonhalsey2947 Nope, for one thing we can check out when Germany came into being and safely establish that there was not a single german present during the revolutionary war. Aside from that I can safely say a great many Britons have part-'Germanic' ancestry, so the two are not mutually exclusive. Then there's the 'fact' that you're just wrong anyway.. the guy was talking about his own ancestors. I can just imagine your reaction if an african american had said 'my ancestors came from Ghana,' only to be told 'Actually, most slaves were bought from Siin & Senegambia.'
1:20 of all the times I’ve viewed videos of the queen that is the first time I’ve seen her truly really smile. She genuinely seemed happy to present him with the Medal.
I don't know if this is alright with the great and amazing British people but as a Yankee doodle dandy Iam so proud and amazed and happy when I see the kind of great men our number one partner against this earths many demons and their demon countries! The part I don't know is alright is when I see a great warrior from England making her Royal Majesty the Queen England smile I get choked up like we aren't separated countries. Its because our countries never view the world alone. We always can count on each other when the very serious matters must be dealt with. Long live the United kingdom!!! Long live the United states of America!!!!
You're fine with all of us mate. America and Britain will always be brothers in arms although we have our differences and we have our quarrels, we can always rely on one another to help get the job done right. I raise my tea cup to you, brother.
@Carl Defler. We ARE like Brothers aren't we? We fight like cat and dog over stupid things, but when the chips are down, there's no better team...forget the politicians..... we do it for the guys and girls on the ground.
Just cannot honour this man enough. A V.C. Pinned on by The Queen, who showed him great honour, is about as good as it get. She was very obviously delighted to honour him. Well done, Sir, you are a credit to Britain and so is our Queen.
When they ask you what it means to be British show them this, if it doesn't bring a tear to their eye then they shouldn't be here and are certainly not British.
What I like about the VC is that it is modest and no frills, the same as the recipient. It is granted privately quite some time after the incident, sometimes as long as 2 years. Thats deliberate because if he returned to the field straight away he could be targetted. Its award is so rare to be given to someone who survived an incident. There are a number of Special Forces recipients bur there is an embargo on publicity. This because the identities of all British, Australian, Canadian and New Zealand special forces soldiers is secret. In these cases the award is given in private with the Queen but kept in safe custody until a later date.
I'll add that my favourite bit of trivia about the Victoria Cross is that no matter what other titles you are ever awarded or earn in life, or how distinguished they are, for example CBE, OBE, KG, etc, the VC always comes first after your name. It is always awarded first at ceremonies (before knighthoods and so on), and is always the first medal/ribbon to be displayed on a uniform. I will make a minor correction to your statement that 'it's award is so rare to be given to someone who survived an incident' as this gives the impression that whether the recipient lives or dies has any influence on it's awarding. It is simply a matter that those being awarded the medal have fought and survived through odds so great that it's amazing any of them survived at all.
Also please remember the George Cross which can also be awarded to Civilians as well as Military. The George Cross (GC) is the second highest award of the United Kingdom honours system. It is awarded "for acts of the greatest heroism or for most conspicuous courage in circumstance of extreme danger", not in the presence of the enemy, to members of the British armed forces and to British civilians.
Originally, you had to survive to receive the VC. After that policy was reversed in 1907, some were awarded "back dated" to the families of men who would have received them if they'd survived the action.
One thing I have noticed over the years is those awarded bravery medals are rarely braggarts. They had a job and they did it. They weren't looking to fill their uniforms with ribbons. I worked a short time for a Medal of Honor recipient in the Marine Corps and the VC winner and he both have the same attitude about their heroics. Congrats young man. Now live long become the RSM and retire.
What humbles me is to see Her Majesty being overjoyed with awarding one of her soldiers the VC. And fully engaging with the man in conversation afterwards. Knowing & respecting she has the finest in our land defending everything we hold dear.
in 2-3 hundred years time and beyond, people will still be taking about your bravery that day . Congratulations you have now got this honour for the rest of your life English Mik
He made me feel very proud to be British. To think that there are so many young people wasting their lives with knife crime and all sorts without a thought for anyone, yet this man thought only of others. He is still only 27 - what an example to others. Thoroughly deserved medal, and the ceremony looked fitting for such bravery.
you give a Brit command. and he is more likely to die than the soldiers under him its matter of pride. and thirst. Back at the pub he will never have to buy drinks
This is another wonderful example of extraordinary and selfless courage from a great soldier in the iconic Paras whose combat history and reputation is second to none.
Well done man! What a splendid young man with a well balanced view in life. If only a quarter of our youth were this good today there would be hope still! Instead I look around these days at younger generations and am filled with dread and despair. Bring back conscription I say!
Incredible bravery from him - Her Majesty was clearly very impressed. Awesome to see these events happening and feeling a sense of pride and jubilation for someone I haven’t even met.
I cannot imagine the pride this young man and great soldier must have felt being personally awarded the Honour by HRH herself. He will never forget that ceremony as we will never forget his bravery. On yer Corp!
He grew up next door to me in MacDill AFB (FL) when his father was an Exchange Pilot. He was just a toddler, I was much older. We had the Leakey's on our left, on the right we had the exchange RAF Engineering Officer, and behind us we had the Belgian AF Exchange pilot.
Can you see, the only time I've ever seen Her Majesty is looking at him? In all other appearances people are looking at Elizabeth and she's maintaining her composure, but here she's in awe of him! Pure Michigan / USA
I'm a massive comic book fan. And even the stories of heroism between the pages of my favourite comics, doesn't compare to the levels shown by this soldier. A true hero.
Wonderful tale. Handsome, humble, everything any military unit and its nation could hope for. This is the meaning of "ally" and the brotherhood of free military the world over. America too honors his bravery and unselfishness. Bless him. Well done, brave Sir. God Save The Queen 🇺🇸
For as long as selfless, valiant service is rendered by persons such as this sterling gentleman, the Armed Forces of the Crown shall never want for glory or prestige. I always am in awe of such people. Both Marlborough and Wellington would beam with pride.
You don't get one of those bad boys for being a brave solider, finding yourself in a dire situation, you only get those baby's when you x that by a million. Not many are lucky enough to be alive when the medal is awarded. People who know he has one and know how rare they are and what you have done to earn one will look at him and treat him differently. Typically the type of people that get this level of commendation are normally very humble, reserved, mater of fact and extremely cool and level headed.
Former US paratrooper here, thanking you LCpl Leaky for saving the US officer and for well representing the airborne tradition.
Green on-Airborne you know you are the best!
brownie1341 do you know if the US Officer, LCpl Leakey VC gave first aid to and casevaced, survived?
Your guys would do the same for ours! Were all brothers when fighting!
@@beakytzw Brandon bocian m8.
@@jay71512 cheers buddy.
These are the people who deserve awards. Not so called celebrities who are famous for being famous.
They are famous because they did an excellent job that requires great heroism and gallantry.
@@dallasyap3064 Exactly right. And the heroes are always more self effacing and modest about the fantastic brave things that bring them their award.
i laugh at edie windsor and his phedo lover andy winsor proper doggs mess
@@TheJimbojetset1 I laugh at your terrible spelling and illiterate comment. 🤣😂😅
@@mscott3918 bwliant tahks
A United States Air Force veteran here, thank you sir for all you have given for your fellow man, your duty, and all you have given to your nation and the rest of the world. A most extraordinary award to a man so extraordinary....
Thank you for your service sir. Did you fly a desk back in the day?
@@cowboyanimal_1 Your village called us - can you go back as they are missing their very own idiot ...
@@cowboyanimal_1 sorry what do you mean
As a non serving adult I am in awe of such bravery and heroism shown such a magnificent servicemen as all are .
That Marine was able to come home to his family because of LCpl Leakey's courage and skill. Much respect to him and his fellow Paras from former USAF.
That marine shouldn't be there in the first place. Murica is fighting poor countries all over the globe since the dawn of time, only for their own economic interests. There is no honour in this.
@@dxb8086 whether you agree with the war or not, this man showed bravery of the highest degree and saved lives, there is honour in that.
@@bendonoghue9840 saved lives of the british who were in afghanistan by killing afghans on their own land. What a great honour! ... oh please
@@dxb8086 Dawn of time is a bit extreme they have only been a country since 1776,most of europe is at least a legion older some even older
Marine? He was a paratrooper
From a combat veteran of Vietnam, much admiration for your courage and many thanks for caring for one of my countrymen.
As a Victoria Cross holder he now gets to be saluted by Officers (not the other way round) and even the RSM!
Whats RSM? Sorry im from Sweden so i dont know.
@Georgia Taylor Tnx
And if he should go on to further honours, no matter how lofty, that 'VC' will always be first after his name.
@@goinge Regimental Sergeant Major. The most senior non commissioned officer in a battalion.
You don’t salute the RSM
Every VC winner I've ever seen interviewed or read about was exceedingly modest. Some were almost embarrassed by the attention they received. God bless them all. They are wonderful.
The medal is not won..it is earned.
researchers of the VC have stated many times that those who earned a VC had very common traits such as modesty which is why we have seen multiple VC's in multiple families. Its actually incredible.
You tend to fine that they never even mention it. Many a child has only found out their dad was awarded one after they died and found it in a box somewhere
Same with the Military Cross - I know two recipients of the MC, and they won't talk about it. Not surprising, really, as the circumstances were horrific.
I think anybody so brave that he will take such risks for his Brothers in Arms that then get recognized as Gallantry.
Nobody who is a glory hound or egoistical macho would even have taken those risk for his brothers in arms. And Those risks get taken in terrible circumstances of life and death and misery for all involved.
So it would in fact surprise me if one of them wasn't humble.. If any such person wasn't.. It would mean they gave the medal to the wrong person.
There’s no question as to his bravery and gallantry, but his humbleness and his gratitude to his mates says something about him.
The truly brave are generally the most modest.
And says something about his parents
A Hero for sure, I am an U.S. Air Force veteran, realizing the closeness of the relationship between Great Britain and the United States is a long and wonderful relationship. To hear you gave aid to a member of the US Military was awesome, but not a surprise as both countries are so very close. Your award thus matches our Medal of Honor, and so in my mind you have received the Medal of Honor along with all of the privileges that accompany this award. Thank You for your service to your nation and mine. I am not too far in my family from the Nation of Great Britain, my paternal Grandfather was born in England and emigrated to the United States with his family. I am but the second generation American by birth.
The USA drags Britain into conflicts it should have avoided. The USA needs to stop involving itself in other countries' conflicts.
@@alastairgreen6783 We the UK and US defend people/countries when they're attacked by your people (religious fanatics) at great personal cost to both our countries. Countries have the right to live in freedom . If they call for help through the UN we will go to their aid.. Would you not help a friend who needs help.?
I think it’s very gracious of you to say how proud you are to serve with the British, we have a long and wonderful history together 🤝friends today friends tomorrow and friends forever
Well, not that strange if you look at the guys who founded US 😆
Uk 🇬🇧🤝usa🇺🇲
HM The Queen alsways seems so engaged when interacting with Military personnel
s mcb The Queen is deeply interested in the armed forces, as are all the Royal Family. The armed forces all swear an oath of loyalty to the Sovereign, not the country, and the bond is real and close.
@@mscott3918 They wouldn't take a bullet for our brave soldiers though would they?
Ben Potter they wouldn’t be in that position though would they, and it’s way out of their duties anyway you absolute donut
“Yeah queenie you’ve been deployed to Baghdad, you might have to take a bullet for private nobhead, that’s a risk we are willing to take”
@@benpotter6832 Ben you are dumb. Both the Queen's son and grandson have active service experience.
@@benpotter6832 You're an embarrassment.
As an ex servicemen, this gave me goosebumps, and unless you've been in the forces you will not understand just how much camaraderie there is amongst the men. God save the Queen and LCpl Leakey, you are a hero to all in the UK.
As an ex soldier of 8 years I can confirm that your comments are spot on. I desparetley miss all the freinds I made in my time in service.
@jack tarr actually, the membership fee can be the ultimate price, but most of us were willing to pay it if it was called for
Richard Vail, LCpl USMC (Ret)
@jack tarr Indeed, I always loved the prologue to the movie Patton. While George S. never actually said those exact words, he did say similar things many times. Make the other sonsabitch die for HIS country! I wholeheartedly support that sentiment.
As a former soldier who served in COD. My teammates were idiots
@@poke6013 lolololol. Stolen valour.
You can see the genuine delight in the Queens face in awarding one of her boys. Love it!
i should hope so as the criteria for a VC is incredible. Theres a reason only 15 have been awarded since 1945. You'd literally have to singlehandedly destroy a battalion and you'd only get a consideration.
@@ashleygoggs5679 ... And yet, of all the VCs awarded, only 3 men have received the award twice. Two of those were doctors in WW1 (Arthur Martin-Leake and Noel Chavase), the other being a New Zealander; Charles Upham.
Lads not boys
This man is a true hero: courage in spades, yet modest and kind. I was very touched by his account, and by the Queen's obvious gratitude and pride in him. VC - doesn't get any higher than that.
Courage in spades? Are you a queen of spades? Is your wife?
@@Irishandtired It's a figure of speech.
@@Irishandtired It means he has a lot of courage.
Well said
Much love and respect from an American civilian who admires your courage and dedication. Thank you. Love from 🇺🇸
As a guy from the USA, that was cool! A salute to him and the British army!
Especially as nine out of ten Victoria Cross actions ends in the recipient's death.
If I ever met the queen face to face I think I'd be umming & uhhing & babbling all over the place
@@jayrussell1825 To be fair we don't have the audio of what they said.
Not too often does one get a handshake from the Queen without a glove......... Decent guy who did a great job............."Go Airborne"............
Yes quite right no gloves"Bless your Ma'am"
I noticed that too. Very rare indeed and probably quite deliberate on her behalf
He's not Airbourne you moron, he's British and WE are proud of him?,
In Australia, our VC recipients have the honour of everyone within the armed services, whilst they are still serving, having to salute them, regardless of rank. It's a tradition that goes back to WW1...
Ozzy Pete I believe the same goes for the British VC, and I know it goes for the United States Medal of Honor.
LCpl Leakey. Thank you for your service. Richard S Leakey, Garland, Texas
Do you have a relation at all?
Rick are you related to the great Lance corporal Leakey?
What a bloke!! You're now officially a living legend!
Everyone. Make sure his Pint is never empty until he wants to stop.
From USA with respect honor for Great Britain we love you mum.
Capt Tommy Schmitt, it’s actually Ma’am
@@shaun3473 It's actually Ma'am
paul Last, yer I know that’s what I thought I had typed
Maybe he meant Great Britain is mum? Since technically USA is born from the empire.
Nobody loves you stick with trump
Wow, this is wonderful. Just look a the smile on Her Majesty when she pins the award onto the soldier's chest. You can tell that she is genuinly proud and happy to give him the award. As a queen, and as a grandmother of the nation. Good save Queen Elizabeth II and LCpl Leakey!
Tiafain she doesnt get to award the VC to living troops very often.
He is from the very famous Leakey family famous now for both anthropology and Victoria Crosses!
Correction Willie Eckerslike.Her Majesty is not German at all.her nearest German descendant was Prince Albert.That was 3 generations ago.So she is 100% British!
+Willie Eckerslike Not true. Libtard propaganda . DNA study was done 98% all the same. Look it up.
@half a rasher. It appears you have been triggered by xenophobia or maybe just call it as it is, racist.
You represented our country with respect, gallantry and by doing the job. Sincere respects to you and all British Military personnel doing a job which many of us do not appreciate. Thank you.
Congratulations Sir on a job well done!!! Being a Special Ops soldier who saw active service in Rhodesia, Mozambique and Angola realises the pride and bravery showed under extreme circumstances you the recipient of the Victoria Cross the 15th awarded since the WW2. I am immensely proud to see a humble man as yourself receive such an award from the Queen. "Those who Dare win "!!
I love the little personal gesture by the Queen - just after pinning the medal onto the tunic, she gives a little bob of the head and hands as if to say .." Perfect"!
Look at this man, listen to him speak, then compare it to Hollywood's version of courage on the battlefield.
you mean transgender people
And he’s 27. Respect to this young man at the time
That’s because he doesn’t see it as a galant effort or heroic moment....he was just doing his job. It’s the same with police officers, firemen and paramedics, they just see it as another day. It makes it that much more heroic when people are humble about it!
Jez Creed 100%
You’ll also find he’ll probably never mention it again
The offical citation of his VC:
"Between May and December 2013, Lance Corporal Leakey was deployed in Afghanistan as a member of a Task Force conducting operations to disrupt insurgent safe-havens and protect the main operating base in Helmand province. The majority of operations took place in daylight in non-permissive areas, attracting significant risk. On the 22nd August 2013, Lance Corporal Leakey deployed on a combined UK / US assault led by the United States Marine Corps into a Taliban stronghold to disrupt a key insurgent group.
After dismounting from their helicopters, the force came under accurate machine gun and rocket propelled grenades fire resulting in the Command Group being pinned down on the exposed forward slope of a hill. The team attempted to extract from the killing zone for an hour, their efforts resulting in a Marine Corps Captain being shot and wounded and their communications being put out of action. Lance Corporal Leakey, positioned on the lee of the hill, realising the seriousness of the situation and with complete disregard for his own safety, dashed across a large area of barren hillside which was now being raked with machine gun fire. As he crested the hill, the full severity of the situation became apparent: approximately twenty enemy had surrounded two friendly machine gun teams and a mortar section rendering their critical fire support ineffective.
Undeterred by the very clear and present danger, Lance Corporal Leakey moved down the forward slope of the hill, and gave first aid to the wounded officer. Despite being the most junior commander in the area, Lance Corporal Leakey took control of the situation and initiated the casualty evacuation. Realising that the initiative was still in the hands of the enemy, he set off back up the hill, still under enemy fire, to get one of the suppressed machine guns into action. On reaching it, and with rounds impacting on the frame of the gun itself, he moved it to another position and began engaging the enemy.
This courageous action spurred those around him back into the fight; nonetheless, the weight of enemy fire continued. For the third time and with full knowledge of the extant dangers, Lance Corporal Leakey exposed himself to enemy fire once more. Weighed down by over 60 lbs of equipment, he ran to the bottom of the hill, picked up the second machine gun and climbed back up the hill again: a round trip of more than 200 metres on steep terrain. Drawing the majority of the enemy fire, with rounds splashing around him, Lance Corporal Leakey overcame his fatigue to re-site the gun and return fire. This proved to be the turning point. Inspired by Lance Corporal Leakey's actions, and with a heavy weight of fire now at their disposal, the force began to fight back with renewed ferocity.
Having regained the initiative, Lance Corporal Leakey handed over the machine gun and led the extraction of the wounded officer to a point from which he could be safely evacuated. During the assault 11 insurgents were killed and 4 wounded, but the weight of enemy fire had effectively pinned down the command team. Displaying gritty leadership well above that expected of his rank, Lance Corporal Leakey's actions single-handedly regained the initiative and prevented considerable loss of life, allowing a wounded US Marine officer to be evacuated."
He's not even the first member of his family to be awarded the VC. His second cousin twice removed, Nigel Leakey, was posthumously awarded it during WWII.
Salute sir!
A 27-year old junior NCO with just 2 ribbons on his uniform: the Operational Service Medal for Afghanistan and the Victoria Cross. He was a true soldier right out of the gate. Respect.
EDIT: I found out that Joshua comes from a strong military tradition. His father, Mark Leakey, is a retired RAF air commodore (NATO OF-6, equivalent to brigadier general). His second cousins twice removed were brothers Nigel and Arundell Leakey who served in the British Army. Nigel was posthumously awarded the VC for valor in Ethiopia during WWII and Arundell was awarded the Military Cross and eventually became a major general. Arundell's son David is a retired British Army lieutenant general and attended Joshua's VC ceremony.
Who needs a chest full of medals when you have won "the Medal!" A credit to himself and his regiment.
When you see some of the Vermin that walk our streets. What a pleasure to see a Real Hero hope he has a long and wonderful life.
We need more people like this excellent young man
@Omnishable and jizz When he says "vermin" I'm sure he's talking about the drug abusing, benefit stealing kind of vermin.
@@Richard-r7u6c Spot on.
@Omnishable and jizz good luck mate hope it works out for you
@SMITHY TV the vermin dehumanise themselves.
From the United States, long live the Queen. Well done lad.
God safe the Queen from the States
@@mikecarone7320 We aren't after your Queen, many of us have more respect for her than some of you do.
Bla bla
@@mikecarone7320 you are so special.. go back to bed ass
It really does help keep things dignified to have a non-political Head of State. 🙂
Well done young man, you are a credit to your country and your regiment. By the look on our Queens face she is also extremely proud of you.
Congratulations Josh. Cheers from Australia, we are proud of you too.
Thank you Sir. From the USN, 30 years enlisted - and out 🎱. You are a Hero and Warrior. Again, thank you Sir.
You John are a Sir in our eyes.
From an Australian that didn't fight in a war or serve.
That's a really nice thing to say, well done.
Only respect for this man and all those who serve or have served in the armed forces of Great Britain
Great Britain doesn't include NI. Better to say the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Tim Fisher Photography Tim Fisher Photography Im Northern Irish and I don't even care and ma dad was in the army, he also doesn't care. It is the British army so fair enough saying Great Britain.
My Great grandfather didn't receive this medal, but did recieve the military medal in 1944 for saving 10 men under Japanese fire darting in and out of cover with injured men on his shoulders. That is what I heard, it was in Burma . He also fought at Dunkirk, receiving then France and Germany star, then the Africa star for fighting in Africa and the Burma star. I think he received the defence medal aswell.
Canadian paratrooper (retired) here..... well done lad...... Airborne!
Which regiment?
From France: well earned lance corp.! Huurraaaah!
Lots of love From India ,LONG LIVE THE QUEEN 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇮🇳🇮🇳❤❤❤❤
pierre rockpierre you guys weren’t weren’t saying that back in 1948 😂
pierre rockpierre thank you 🙏 🇬🇧 🇮🇳
@@scottwarwick7514 yeah that's true
She could've been your queen :(
We wernt willing to be slaves and not having an active economy but... god save the Queen. Even tho I’m british🤣
You can tell Her Majesty loves her soldiers.🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Más que eso. Esclavos!
Airborne All the Way! 🇺🇸⚔️🇬🇧
motorcop505 I’m the 82nd like (82 airborne lol)
AATW! B co 2/508 1984-86
AIRBORNE. SAS. PARATROOPERS . Bravest of the brave. fighting soldiers from the sky.
Hello moto
Ex Serviceman and huge Royalist here....What a parade, just wow, it fills me with immense pride and joy to have been part of something so special. H.M Armed Forces.....
My Grandfather and Father were both Paras. Seeing this makes me so proud of LCpl Leaky. What days they must have been for him: firstly looking death in the eye in the course of duty and secondly, meeting Her Majesty and being decorated by her with the highest honour Great Britain offers.
I am an American, and I am proud to say that most of my ancestors come from Britain. Wales
Cymru am Byth 🏴🏴
False most of our ancestors are German, assuming you're caucasian.
@@brandonhalsey2947 What are you talking about false? America had a huge migration of welsh people, especially in states like Pennsylvania and Ohio. millions of americans have welsh ancestry.. including some of your founding fathers such as Thomas Jefferson, John adams, and even Richard Nixon!
@@brandonhalsey2947 Nope, for one thing we can check out when Germany came into being and safely establish that there was not a single german present during the revolutionary war. Aside from that I can safely say a great many Britons have part-'Germanic' ancestry, so the two are not mutually exclusive. Then there's the 'fact' that you're just wrong anyway.. the guy was talking about his own ancestors. I can just imagine your reaction if an african american had said 'my ancestors came from Ghana,' only to be told 'Actually, most slaves were bought from Siin & Senegambia.'
@@Louid133Welsh, Scottish, Irish, English... and Cornish. 🇬🇧🤝🇺🇸
1:20 of all the times I’ve viewed videos of the queen that is the first time I’ve seen her truly really smile. She genuinely seemed happy to present him with the Medal.
Josh, hats off mate. A true soldier. Modest, brave, selfless.
God Bless you Son you make this country very proud
I don't know if this is alright with the great and amazing British people but as a Yankee doodle dandy Iam so proud and amazed and happy when I see the kind of great men our number one partner against this earths many demons and their demon countries! The part I don't know is alright is when I see a great warrior from England making her Royal Majesty the Queen England smile I get choked up like we aren't separated countries. Its because our countries never view the world alone. We always can count on each other when the very serious matters must be dealt with. Long live the United kingdom!!! Long live the United states of America!!!!
You're fine with all of us mate. America and Britain will always be brothers in arms although we have our differences and we have our quarrels, we can always rely on one another to help get the job done right. I raise my tea cup to you, brother.
@Carl Defler. We ARE like Brothers aren't we? We fight like cat and dog over stupid things, but when the chips are down, there's no better team...forget the politicians..... we do it for the guys and girls on the ground.
Beautiful mate!! We stand with you today and always! 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇬🇧🇺🇸
Well, American troops are our boys too.
@@gho95 We need to not let the Yanks drag us into conflicts.
Just cannot honour this man enough. A V.C. Pinned on by The Queen, who showed him great honour, is about as good as it get. She was very obviously delighted to honour him. Well done, Sir, you are a credit to Britain and so is our Queen.
What an incredible man, so humble, so proud of our Armed Forces...
America will always love you and we will do it for you to. I Salute you fellow Allie of America.
Thanks from the Unites States brother ! ❤ 🇺🇸🇬🇧❤
The highest respect to this gentleman and to his comrades.
From the USA, also bloody good show mate! God bless you and God save the queen
When they ask you what it means to be British show them this, if it doesn't bring a tear to their eye then they shouldn't be here and are certainly not British.
Correct mate well said 🇬🇧
Americans too feel obliged and much respect to our cousins across the pond!!
My utmost respect and unreserved salute to this brave soldier....from a Singaporean.
Thank you for your service and for saving one of our U.S. officers. Thank you all.
Well done Josh your a star mate. It was a pleasure to meet you and thanks for coming to our gigs. It was a real privilege to play for you guys!
What I like about the VC is that it is modest and no frills, the same as the recipient. It is granted privately quite some time after the incident, sometimes as long as 2 years. Thats deliberate because if he returned to the field straight away he could be targetted. Its award is so rare to be given to someone who survived an incident.
There are a number of Special Forces recipients bur there is an embargo on publicity. This because the identities of all British, Australian, Canadian and New Zealand special forces soldiers is secret. In these cases the award is given in private with the Queen but kept in safe custody until a later date.
thank you for your information on this award. I, for one, had no idea about this. and it makes sense. long live the commonwealth, or whats left of it.
I'll add that my favourite bit of trivia about the Victoria Cross is that no matter what other titles you are ever awarded or earn in life, or how distinguished they are, for example CBE, OBE, KG, etc, the VC always comes first after your name. It is always awarded first at ceremonies (before knighthoods and so on), and is always the first medal/ribbon to be displayed on a uniform.
I will make a minor correction to your statement that 'it's award is so rare to be given to someone who survived an incident' as this gives the impression that whether the recipient lives or dies has any influence on it's awarding. It is simply a matter that those being awarded the medal have fought and survived through odds so great that it's amazing any of them survived at all.
A small correction mate, identities of Special Forces recipients is not a secret.
Also please remember the George Cross which can also be awarded to Civilians as well as Military. The George Cross (GC) is the second highest award of the United Kingdom honours system. It is awarded "for acts of the greatest heroism or for most conspicuous courage in circumstance of extreme danger", not in the presence of the enemy, to members of the British armed forces and to British civilians.
Originally, you had to survive to receive the VC. After that policy was reversed in 1907, some were awarded "back dated" to the families of men who would have received them if they'd survived the action.
One thing I have noticed over the years is those awarded bravery medals are rarely braggarts. They had a job and they did it. They weren't looking to fill their uniforms with ribbons. I worked a short time for a Medal of Honor recipient in the Marine Corps and the VC winner and he both have the same attitude about their heroics. Congrats young man. Now live long become the RSM and retire.
it's absolutely uncanny how VC's end up being awarded multiple times to one family. Amazing!
And neighbours and people who live in the same street
What humbles me is to see Her Majesty being overjoyed with awarding one of her soldiers the VC. And fully engaging with the man in conversation afterwards. Knowing & respecting she has the finest in our land defending everything we hold dear.
in 2-3 hundred years time and beyond, people will still be taking about your bravery that day .
Congratulations you have now got this honour for the rest of your life
English Mik
That moment they shared, Leaky and Her majesty, the Queen; that itself will live in his memory, a story he will pass to his child.
The man is a natural soldier. Obviously runs in the family. Congratulations and thank you for your service.
He made me feel very proud to be British. To think that there are so many young people wasting their lives with knife crime and all sorts without a thought for anyone, yet this man thought only of others. He is still only 27 - what an example to others. Thoroughly deserved medal, and the ceremony looked fitting for such bravery.
What an honor! Thank you for your service and bravery.
Hello Billie how're you doing today?
Thank you soldier well done from the United States of America thank you for being so brave and humble God bless you!!
This is what the British military is all about and why we are simply the greatest soldiers in the world- what a man
Congrats sir. Stay safe if you can. And thank you from 🇨🇦
you give a Brit command. and he is more likely to die than the soldiers under him its matter of pride. and thirst. Back at the pub he will never have to buy drinks
The British Army are one of the oldest Armies on the planet and probably the most disciplined too.
Respect to you and thank you for your courage 👍
Risks his own life for his comrades then downplays his heroic efforts. A giant of a man, a hero. Bravest of the brave
This is another wonderful example of extraordinary and selfless courage from a great soldier in the iconic Paras whose combat history and reputation is second to none.
Respect and many thanks for what you do.
Clicked on video of a soldier receiving the highest award for gallantry and is preceded by a playstation advert with grown men playing as soldiers.
Young man is a credit to his country. And his family. Bravo.
Well done man! What a splendid young man with a well balanced view in life. If only a quarter of our youth were this good today there would be hope still! Instead I look around these days at younger generations and am filled with dread and despair. Bring back conscription I say!
The highest military honour we can give. A wonderful video to watch.
C Mayfordian indeed! Semper Fidelus.
Congratulations sir. Your country is proud of you.
Well done mate respect
Incredible bravery from him - Her Majesty was clearly very impressed. Awesome to see these events happening and feeling a sense of pride and jubilation for someone I haven’t even met.
Outstanding. Well done, Para.
Well done sir! Brought a lump to my throat.
Well done sir. You are a true hero, words can’t describe my respect for you.
I cannot imagine the pride this young man and great soldier must have felt being personally awarded the Honour by HRH herself. He will never forget that ceremony as we will never forget his bravery. On yer Corp!
Absolute legend, you deserve the title.
He grew up next door to me in MacDill AFB (FL) when his father was an Exchange Pilot. He was just a toddler, I was much older. We had the Leakey's on our left, on the right we had the exchange RAF Engineering Officer, and behind us we had the Belgian AF Exchange pilot.
Can you see, the only time I've ever seen Her Majesty is looking at him? In all other appearances people are looking at Elizabeth and she's maintaining her composure, but here she's in awe of him!
Pure Michigan / USA
I'm a massive comic book fan. And even the stories of heroism between the pages of my favourite comics, doesn't compare to the levels shown by this soldier. A true hero.
Total Respect!
I just love how Her Majesty was so pleased to present this award & how she engaged with her Soldier . Beautifull.
Wonderful tale. Handsome, humble, everything any military unit and its nation could hope for. This is the meaning of "ally" and the brotherhood of free military the world over. America too honors his bravery and unselfishness. Bless him. Well done, brave Sir. God Save The Queen 🇺🇸
view on YT how Queen Elizabeth honoured your President Kennedy by recognising him and the USA after he was killed.
A most impressive feat. Glad to see he was properly recognized and was alive to receive such a high honor.
Absolute legend. Epitome of what The Parachute Regiment is all about.
So utterly inspiring, humble man, the epitome of a true man.
Utrinque Paratus says it all, well done you have done yourself, battalion, regiment and country proud.
He now walks among the giants of history!
alot of respect for this paratrooper and all respect to all military forces 🇬🇧
For as long as selfless, valiant service is rendered by persons such as this sterling gentleman, the Armed Forces of the Crown shall never want for glory or prestige. I always am in awe of such people. Both Marlborough and Wellington would beam with pride.
You don't get one of those bad boys for being a brave solider, finding yourself in a dire situation, you only get those baby's when you x that by a million. Not many are lucky enough to be alive when the medal is awarded. People who know he has one and know how rare they are and what you have done to earn one will look at him and treat him differently. Typically the type of people that get this level of commendation are normally very humble, reserved, mater of fact and extremely cool and level headed.
Amazing bravery clearly demonstrated by an incredible soldier
Men like this are the reason Britain is Great
Two highly decorated Gurkhas either side of the Queen.
timmo491 no better hands to be in
Thank God for people like him.