NC. What You didn't mentioned in video - IF resists applies on MAX allies.... well, You can guess it's balance. Next - VS. Nano-cloaking with speed boost... with +10% suit slot, and "Survivalist" - playable, at least. TR - well, You already said it. Pretty much pointless in real battle. Greetings from AyalaTheRed. :)
The blast damage changes on the Mosquito and Reaver are life changing, can't wait to actually last more than a quarter of a second when any of them decides to ruin my squads day.
@Beluga direct fire was never my issue, its how they could effortlessly kill me when i was in cover, while avoiding missiles like they were a nuisance. Skilled pilots aren't the issue, effortless banshee spam by 3 dick heads abusing the fact no dedicated anti air spawned was.
These seem interesting. But as an NSO heavy main, I think the NC one got the bigger benefit out of all of these. If there was gonna be a change to their new shield, I would probably make it on activation everyone regains their shields (not the overshields). Cause it would be cool to see a "support" heavy
This seems like a very interesting idea. I feel like one way this could be changed to make it more balanced is to make it so that it doesn't affect the user, so it essentially becomes more of a squad only ability, and it would be easier to take down the heavy that was activating this ability. If the ability puts out some visual effects, then the heavy would need to play more passively so that they don't get picked off.
That's not a bad idea as that doesn't affect the ttk or overall maximum healthpool of a full health enemy. Perhaps it should be a single charge ability with that gives 300 shield to everyone in the vicinity, so 1300 effective hp if used at 0 shield.
I actually don't mind that ability at all - provides a lot of utility, it may overlap a little with the Medic's regeneration field but I like the concept.
I feel like NC needs a new faction specific ability like this; however, instead of reducing all incoming damage, it makes it so that friendly fire does far less, or even zero, damage.
Great video. The TR one still needs some more TLC. Honestly, if activating Triage Pulse would reset everyone's shield regen timer it would go a long way to making it more in line with the others.
The TR ability needs more than just a little TLC. It's "Mending Field" implant, just shittier in every conceivable way. ...Why bother? Now if it regen'd shields and health for the same amount... Well... That'd be more interesting. Still rather "Meh" compared to the NC's ability, but at least conceivable to be worth using. As it stands now? I... Wouldn't even care if it didn't exist. And this is coming from a TR main.
I want that every faction got new toys to play with. Basically 4 time more content by just giving new class abilities to all, instead of just 1 per faction.
Expected TR getting the crappiest one. Not dissapointed. Over the last months all TR players have been starting leveling up their alt acc on the NC. Lets be real here, there has been a clear bias over the past two years when it comes to weapons and buffs to the NC.
I honestly thought it should have been something like the the shield regen device now increases fire rate and accuracy for people in the field. If NC gains an ability to hold rooms better and VS can infiltrate better, maybe TR should gain an offensive advantage when covering ground. That, or players that traverse the field gain a speed and temp shield strength buff, to encourage actually breaching doors instead of just sitting there playing time crisis. The TTK after shields fall off is so fast that you would indeed have to be micromanaging everyone's health to make it effective.
NC has the best weapons (mostly). VS had the Betelgeuse as an overpowered farming gun, but that's been nerfed to a point where it's not clearly the best LMG the VS can use.
@@JohnFromAccountingaha bg is shit a godsaw has 3 x dmg per mag and you haf enouph Munition to reloud 4 Times wana See wher you kil 40 ppl without Ingi araund bg Orion haf worse stats than mswr and dont get compensater
If I remember correctly the Demeter veil was ingame with one of the campains (can't remember witch one) but it was called somthing ells and was a 20% damage reduction. I also saw no one using it as far as i remember. I think it was called area resist or somthing.
It was called AE Resist Shield, and it gave that same resistance but lasted a bit longer. Main reason no one really used it was because you had to complete the entire chapter to unlock and upgrade it.
As previous said you had to unlock it by completing the campaign but it also took the campaign currency to upgrade. This currency was in small quantities and the ability was extremely expensive to upgrade. Also as far as we knew the ability was temporary while there were many cosmetic rewards available that cost the same currency to acquire.
I don't entirely mind an ability like the demeter shield which is self-sacrificial in a way but enhances your team as a whole. As long as it doesn't make holds absolutely absurd to break I think it's okay to encourage people to play in a way to help the team not your own score and allow people to feel like their actions and ability use does matter. The issue I have with it is that the other factions don't have a comparitive option. TR sort of do if that regen ability gets a tune up, extreme burst healing could definitely help surive C4/nade spam or supporting a push if timed well. The VS meanwhile, though their ability is certainly fun and useful, it is entirely selfish and doesn't offer anything to counteract or counterbalance the NC's and TR's abilities. I think they should have released assymmetric similarly themed abilities together, like the NC's and TR's are squad play oriented and perhaps added the Hermes cloak in a later update where all three factions get some kind of selfish/solo focused new ability.
As an NSO main, I find that NC and VS tend to point the finger at each other for being OP. But the TR definitely get screwed over again and again it seems with everything
I agree as a now NSO main. I would say VS can get shafted on things too quite a bit. I only ever really played TR and VS before with very little time on NC so maybe I’m biased and don’t see what’s really going on but NC definitely seems to be the beneficiary always.
@@yourdemiseishere On console VS is called OP because we're almost always significantly outpopped, and most VS squad players try super hard and use strategy to win. I've recently played NC, and yeah, the Mercenary is insane imo. So easy to chain headshots. NC has won almost every Total War event except for the most recent one where TR had more than a platoon over VS and ~20 over NC.
The NC ability for me is kinda the same as the Masthead in a way. If every faction had access to it or something similar, it might´ve been ok (tho i still really dislike the general idea, especially now after the nanomesh removal). But only NC has access to it and with like 2 HA in a squad you can basically give this buff without downtime (considering stuff like Assimilate proc and nanomesh specialist). First nanomesh gets removed, now we can basically bring a buffed version of it back, but just for one faction.... Find the problem. Its broken if abused since other factions cant pull a 25% resist on all classes (just swaps Medic and HA roles), its not as fun for the person using it itself and its unfun to go against it because other factions literally cant do anything like it. I cant see any upside for implementing this, except for Squads on NC that abuse it just to annoy other people. Even if this game was just an MMO, this would be concidered beyond broken in any other game.
@@midrovar5811 OK, that your opinion. I would be interested in someone compiling every factions weapons and seeing once and for all, what is the best faction. But in our hearts the true best faction is the one we don't play.
The Hermes cloak seems kinda wack to me. The problem with it is that it does not stack with implants or the adrenaline pump, and it competes with the nano-armor cloak. The fall damage reduction it provides is useless, and while 25% sprint speed while cloaked is great, adrenaline pump works regardless of whether you are cloaked or not. With the nanoweave nerf, adrenaline pump and grenade belt are your only suit slot options. I feel like, for how good it is, the hermes cloak should have a recharge and duration somewhere between vanilla cloak and nano-armor.
Whoo. Nimitz reactor seems like a good change. I ran it for a long time and will still swap to it sometimes in fights where I can't hide or for peaking and firing from shields. But none the less it's hard to beat the abilities from stealth. I think it'll just cement it itself in good in close range brawls but in longer range fights is still beat out by other options.
Does the new VS ability stack with Adrenaline Pump and Athlete? Could make for some serious nuisance cloaked SMG infil almost as bad as the Shotgun Infil that used to camp Sundies and tower bases. The NC ability will definitely stop those last second point breaks very easily since Max crashing a to break a point wont be w think anymore and The NC ability kinda gives everyone in in the point room original Nanoweave armour pre-nerf. So VS get a nice solo ability, NC get a great organized squad ability and TR get a free energy drain to help the other Empires lol.
As someone who uses the nimitz reactor on live quite a bit i often found it was alot like the deploy sundy overshield meaning if it had 250hp and you get C4'd the shield takes the hit and you health isn't touched at all and the same goes for shells/rockets etc. so being able to instantly heal another 500 effective hp soak plus get the damage reduction from the forward shield will be massive for 1v1 brawling
I'd like to see the TR's new heal activate automatically if you drop below 200hp and its off cooldown. Wouldn't work for snipers or high damage-per-round weapon headshots that killed you; but it would add some more utility for personal defense. Plus, it would add an option for the medic who doesn't want to have to think about resource management as much. Notably, this change would make it a 'soft counter' to high RoF low DpR weapons, which are more likely to trigger the healing pulse
Not gonna lie thats a good idea. I imagine many time that if i play medic, did i rly heal someone like clutch position? It's impossible, yeah this new abilty maybe can do that but not everytime as a medic player you just keep reviving your ally mostly. Too hard to keep alive someone if his shield breaked already.
@@ahmetatis Plus, if you find someone who's shields are broken it was likely either by EMP; or else they have already eaten a medkit. Trying to farm 'healing' ribbons as a medic is a joke rn
There are going to be so many smg cloakers, I can feel it. Also, are there plans for everyone else to get unique abilities? It may not be balanced yet, but as a NC medic, I feel kinda sad that only the TR medics get new toys.
@@Orignlcoolguy my guy, it'll probably get rebalanced before it reaches the main servers, it'll probably be a lot better by then. I'm not saying I want the triage pulse for NC, you can keep it, even when it reaches public. I'm saying I love the idea of more faction specific stuff.
Some thoughts on the abilities. NC's AOE resist can be nice, but requires group play. VS's Cloak is powerful, and is leaning towards solo play. TR's regen can be really really nice to throw out for revive grenade situations, but the 200 trigger number is less than desirable. Making it 250 would make it more useful in more situations. NSOs are now the best gunner you can have, and I'm really looking forward to the return of the repair drones. Overall, the only gripe I have with this setup is that the VS's cloak ability is a selfish ability while other faction's abilities have group uses. It would be nice to see other alternative powers return.
"TR's regen can be really really nice to throw out for revive grenade situations, but the 200 trigger number is less than desirable. Making it 250 would make it more useful in more situations." I don't see how. It's a more restrictive and less useful version of the Mending Field implant. You would just use that instead. The TR ability is quite literally useless and pointless.
NC and TR having the best ability during peak hours. This will have a direct impact on Alert faction's winrate. It took me 30 sec to make this simple statement. I hope the devs did too..
@@GeoBGO "NC and TR having the best ability" ...Except, they don't. VS just got "SMG Cloaker" specialization, basically and NC got an interlocking point defense damage reduction ability and TR got a worse version of the Mending Field implant. TR's ability is literally the worst and most useless ability. Also, depends on your server. Connery is... well, Connery. But on Emerald we usually see the VS sweats come out in force every night at peak hours, but they don't stay long. NC has inflated numbers the last year or two because so many TR are leaving for there. On off-hours, yeah, TR will usually dominate with numbers. Honestly, you never know what to expect on Emerald.
I also do find TR's Medic ability useless, and I will agree that no one would use it after the first week. Even in the setup I proposed, anyone outside of a organized group would probably never use it. One of the metrics the devs need to think about is perceived performance of a piece of equipment. As an example, most player will not feel the benefit of the NC's AOE shield or TR's heal over time, while most people will perceive the benefit from a NSO MAX's Bubble shield. (Hence, I find NSO's MAX's shield a relatively good design.)
I haven't touched the game in many years but every time I see new weapon, new skills or whatever TR gets shafted, VS gets interesting stuff and NC just the strongest. Not surprised this is once again like that. Surprised TR even still has a playerbase. The overall idea of the TR thing sounds neat, but already covered by another tool. Also having the burst heal only under 200HP sounds very hard to actually reliably trigger, it will be through sheer luck most of the time.
Very well thought out thumbnail, nc gets a shield that represent their damage reduction, vs gets a medic icon to show they got a new healing ability and VS is there, but invisible thanks to their new cloak. Didn’t forget anybody right?
It definitely would stop this whole "X faction got the best end of the deal", honestly I wish everything was a little more streamlined and instead, the faction differences were mostly cosmetic. It would prevent this whole "your X is overpowered while my Y is underpowered" endless argument, because I keep hearing complains that completely differ against the experience I get myself.
As an NC main, that Demeter Veil sounds like the magic bullet for the Emerald NC's serial inability to hold points effectively. I could be wrong of course. Edit: I was totally wrong.
Yay! I get my little pet drone back! A little gimmicky, but one I found myself using a lot during the campaign. And now my lone wolf toaster will finally have something someone to talk to:)
Id like a light assault jump jet that gave the light assault a faster sprint speed temporarily, like 50-100% for a limited time. Also a heavy assault "shield" that increased their damage instead of giving them a shield.
I really like both ideas. An idea for the heavy assault "shield" is to give them a modified version of the VS Max's ability that allows it to attack faster at the rate of taking more damage. Maybe remove the taking more damage part or modify it a little bit and give this ability to TR since it increases attack speed, or do the same to NC but with damage instead, or make it increase accuracy and give it to VS. Also, light assaults are supposed to be more mobile infantry that can get around quickly, so maybe adjust the idea to instead of a jump jet, it is an ability that increases movement speed and jump height. This would give the LAs of whoever gets this another possible play style.
@@raininglaser5695 It does make more sense on a baby heavy assult. And if you did give it the trade off of taking more damage then you could increase how much damage it did or make it last longer. I prefer the extra damage over fire rate personally. For the other factions heavy assault I was thinking NC could get a kind of vanguard shield, when used it and are invincible for a few seconds but can't shoot while the shield is on. Honestly the whole team wide damage resist idea makes more sense on TR to me than NC.
Guess I am switching to VS when they implement. Group abilities are powerful but lack the fun factor of those wanting to get in, get some kills, and log off. I will take soloist abilities over group anyday, as it generally devolves into the squad leader micromanaging your playtime.
I dont get it, why they not even trying to balance there updates anymore... . VS and NC getting some game changing things and TR just some quit liddl heal for a few seconds WOW.
I mean they gave us cool cannons for our tanks. But they also gave us a shitty amr and now a shitty heal for our meds. I don’t see the point in limiting these to factions just seems like it’s better if it’s for all of us.
As someone that runs the Adrenalin pump suit slot on the infil would love to see that, and all implants that increase sprinting speed coupled with the new VS cloaker i wanna just...zoom across the battle field wiht out needing a vehicle X3
@@CAMIKAZE78 buffs usually dont stack, so i doubt youre going to be moving a 45% movement speed. hermes was good when nanoweave still existed, but i mostly play with adrenaline pump on my infil now anyways so its useless
@@CAMIKAZE78 Yeah if they stack it'll be fun to run around at the speed of light if not VS and TR deffo got the short stick on abilities given the VS only effects the infil, while the TR medic does have the ability to effect others its just sorta...a worse version that exists and NC just "Here's a bubble shield" its very obvious which got the best option but given its not live i'll hold my knee jerk "Who's dumb idea was this"
The VS ability sounds surprisingly relevant. VS will be the best faction for the forward Bolter playstyle. Good to see the faction get something decent.
NC and NSO definitely got the best of the batch IMO. Robotics expert and the NSO repair bot should be really stupid for anyone mechanically set. A few Heavies running with a half competent Combat Medics with the Demeter shield that we NC get just sounds like a bad time for whoever gets involved in hostilities with them. TR's pulse thing either needs a bigger AoE, or shorter HoT time with the same effectiveness to stay competitive at first glance IMO. The VS cloak sounds fun, but spandex and my ass just don't work well together.
Has anyone used the Azeron Cyber pc glove controller for planetside 2 on pc? I want to come over from console-side, but the keyboard part of 'mnk' is proving difficult.
does the Demeter veil stack with other Demeter shields? because 4 of these will stack to 100%, if this happens it will need fixing other wise yea it will be huge
From what I have read from the comments and your personal opinion, ya'll are blowing the NC ability way out of proportion. It's first name was AE Resist Shield and was available from completing one of the prior campaigns. The new one is worse than the AE Resist Shield and it was never really seen. I used it for as long as I owned it, in most situations you would be better off with any of the other over shields. The one time I managed to make it work was in a mass push against TR in a hallway. Don't get me wrong if more people had owned it and used it, then maybe we could have seen it in group play. But who knows, lets see in live play before we make drastic demands to see it nerfed. You have to remember that it lasts for 6 secs with a 10 sec recharge time, unless timed perfectly you will waste your shield before it can be useful. The changes to the reactor are needed as it was just considered a cert sink before. Looking forward to the changes, great video as always.
VS ability sounds good in theory and probably will be good in practical; NC ability is way too good for squad / platoons, with all the shield and health regens that can stack in a point room it can make an NC squad unbreakable so needs a bit of a re-balancing; NSO ability is ok, don't know if it works on MAX'es but if itdoes then it will reduce the impact of the MAX changes a little bit; TR ability is just bad, it expects a lot from the user - and the squad / platoon - but doesn't offer anything good compared to the alternatives we already have, so the numbers need to be better for it to work. Or maybe that's just me, a TR Medic main, being salty :P
No, it's not just you. I main as a TR Engi, but often pull Medic in more congested fights. This TR ability is basically the "Mending Field" implant... but worse in every single way. I literally don't see why it exists and why anyone thought it was a good idea. Now, maybe if it also regen'd shields as well or something I could get behind it... But... As it stands now I'd rather TR not even get an ability than get this dumpsterfire of an ability. It's insulting to the TR, frankly.
@@matchesburn Honestly, this ability seems more like a way to nerf TR noob medics who don't fully understand how bad this ability is. There are so many other abilities that they could have gotten, but instead they got this. Honestly, just give their medics an ability that is kind of like a pulse revive like a revive grenade with a cooldown. This, with some balancing, would be a lot better than the nerf of an ability that they got instead. I'm not sure if this is even a good idea as revive grenades are a thing; however, this could allow for TR medics to mass revive even after they run out of revive grenades. They could alternatively use different types of grenades while retaining the ability to mass revive.
Was wondering why I had access to the repair drone again. I guess this is why? Woulda prefered something funny like being able to receive health from engineers because of mechanical bodies, but this will do I suppose
I think you're misreading the TR medic ability. I think it's more intended for one's self, as a 'fake' heavy shield then as ally support. Like the heavy shield is a 450hp buffer, this thing is 'heal 60hp/sec over 3 sec, and if you fall below 200hp heal for 150 then that's an extra 330 hp, which is worse but kinda comparable. The real question is how the
In terms of triage pulse, it sounds bad. Imo it should be changed into kind of semi automatic ability. So for example I use button to turn it off and on and it has 3 charges that are used automatically to heal crit wounded. Maybe some cooldown time betwen charges would be needed. May be a bit too pasive though.
I think they should make the Triage heal burst percentage based rather than hard numbers for healing, where it provides more healing the lower peoples health gets to a max of 150 hp to those below 200 hp. That way you get some leeway and you're not micro managing your peoples health bars waiting for them to get below 200 to maximize its usefulness. Thoughts?
Given these abilities, I have a honest question: Why does the NC get all the good toys? Their MAXes are the best at 75% of the game: CQC, and their shotguns can reach the moon (exaggerating) now this abillity will make zergs impossible to push off the damm point, adding shotguns AND the range., so why do they more? is the NC really that fucking shite at the game they need this much help from the devs?! I refuse to believe all good players play only 1 faction, so dafuq is this NC bias?
I'd argue that the TR ability is fairly good during tough pointholds at really big fights. Have 3-5 medics shooting down a door/near a door and you can make some vets play worse and die more.
I don't know how he wants to change, after the cancellation of the permanent accumulation of force hope to be able to improve the speed of the bullet up.
I really want an engineer ability that works similar to the medics healing, that restores shields. I think it would really mix up the engineer gameplay meta and allow for some nice uptime. Maybe it could either replace the turret or the repair tool.
...Back in the day, the Engineer's nanotool used to do just this: Recharge shields. It was actually a bonafide cert printer. You didn't earn much, but you always earned. Was a great way to get into the game. But it was probably too good to be true and the Combat Medic got the shield recharging field equipment that was honestly no where near as good or useful as the Engineer's nanotool ability.
@@CAMIKAZE78 it can be interesting if it stacks. I forget to mention it in terms of team play. Lone infiltrators with more speed while cloaked makes literaly no impact on game IMO.
NC: I can defend my friends from HESH spam TR: I can kinda keep my friends alive through HESH spam...if I'm optimistic enough... VS: ....I can do an Iron Maiden and Run To The Hills from HESH spam... NSO: FRENNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!
I think the Hermes cloak should also, tho this might be too powerful, let them run around undetected while cloak, even if there is a motion spotter around, or reduce the motion spotter efficiency by a bit while cloaking. Ngl,I am surprised TR got the Armstrong treatment,instead of making their weapons dakka even more
I know this is probably never going to happen but I wish they would make this game cross play. Im on PS5 and servers player count leaves alot to be desired. I would love to play with my PC bros even if I am at a input disadvantage.
NC are going to be impossible to budge from a point hold now.. TR at least aren't getting something stupidly OP like usual. The VS one will make small fights against their infiltrators a nightmare but won't change much in large fights I don't think.
In large fights especially, clumping within 6m to get the effect of the shiled probably isn't a good idea due to nade and c4 spam. I can see it being a useful breaching tool in more middling sized fights though. When it was on live it was definitely usable but didn't feel OP. It's hard to tell though as the one using it isn't really the one who feels the benefit.
What was the last thing the TR was given that you think was overpowered? If you say anything other than the Banshee, you're lying to yourself. The Banshee is the only overpowered thing the TR have been given since the original Striker.
VS? You get a reworked cloak. TR? You get basically a really terrible one-shot-then-recharge version of the "Mending Field" implant. NC? Well... We're just going to a shield that can reduce damage by up to 25% in a 6 meter radius. ... *_WREL!! WREL! I KNOW THIS WAS YOU! HOW DID YOU THINK THAT THIS WAS BALANCED IN ANY WAY?!_*
I was using the TR one and thought it was actually going to be very useful for those clutch moments in a fight Then I died while I still visibly had HP left If the heal stacks between multiple users then it still might be useful for breaching tho, slightly less EHP than a demeter veil
The Nimitz reactor, in live, is a bad choice. It'd be ideal on a smaller, more nimble vehicle like the Lightning, where you can peak out of cover, fire, then retreat hastily. You can't do that with the Vanguard because of it's side profile and worst in class reverse speed. Its turret is also placed so far to the rear that you already expose a large portion of your tank's forward hull when coming out of cover to take a shot. I can't think that the change will be a huge improvement. Because the Vanguard has more HP than the other two ES MBT's it's far more ideal to use the nanite auto-repair to help between engagements and get the vehicle back into fighting order.
Well, if it wasn't for them giving us the Palisade, I'd really considered make a switch to blue full time. But who knows maybe they won't make the TR's next cool thing somewhat, super niche? I swear to good if they try to give TR heavies a shield that ramps up the rate of the fire I'm gonna throw a boot at 'em.
Youd still need to perfectly activate it between the bullet that makes you sub 200 and the one that kills you while in a firefight. It sounds rather frustrating then usefull.
Probably NSO, whoever has the most NSO engies will be able to keep their MAXes up the longest. After that, yeah, NC. On that same note, if the veil ability works on a MAX, that's another 667 hp-equivalent, giving the max 2667 hp equivalent plus multiply that by whatever other resistances it has. Never thought I'd see the day heavy assault became a support class.
I don't know why, but I feel like the NC's heavy assault ability could be given to their medics as an alternative to their heal ability. Instead of being able to regain hp of their allies, they make it so their allies take less damage in the first place. Don't know how the balancing for this would go though.
@@raininglaser5695 it's technically the same problem. You just roll another flavor of medic to overlap with the others. Haven't fixed the problem, you just moved it to a different class. A for effort though
Honestly, the abilities are fine on their own but compared to each other, NC definitly got the best for teamplay, VS the best for solo, NSO got a really nice repair ability and TR got a comparably worse ability. The only real use atm is stacking it's 5s heal with the normal medic heal (which does work). What's really wondering me is, balancing 4 different abilities for 4 different classes is a nightmare and is simply screaming "unbalanced". So it is weird that they didn't go with 4 abilities for 1 class and then another 4 for the next class the next update and so on till they finish 4 abilities for all classes.
During the campaign the AoE shield was available, Myself and many others did make hvy builds dedicated for it. As a team play, it was helpful, less so defensively because you don't want people close together, nade spam prior to a breach is a thing. But offensively, people tend to be in a column left side or right side, and then you got a lot out of it. Was it OP, hard to say. Did it have an affect, for breaching yeah. My perspective running with coordinated teams using Discord. Side note, Be glad the NSO repair droid does not heal organic at lvl 5 like it did during campaign., It was small, but a bunch of nso engi's healing and repairing passively. It was glorious.
Any ability that profits the team instead of the individual is welcome. Teamplay needs more love from the devs, it's been neglected for KD for too long.
honestly i want to see faction pissific bullpups as we have one for NSO but i want to see the factions own version too but i do say this changes makes me wan to retry this game after as a new player always try to get into the game even back at the days this game released it always maked me mad that i always die to mutch and never get kills even though i shoot people first in the headsometimes
I dont get why they are not giving them to everyone if every faction has acces to it then there is no need to balance it (well at least if something is broken everyone can use it)
I don't understand why it's faction based. Who is the Data Analyst behind this to tell the devs that : NC require an AOE shield, TR AOE medic, and VS a shitty infiltrator cloak ? Don't get me wrong, I'm down for some specific faction new abilities, but I'm quite sure it happened that way : -We need something new ! -What about faction specific abilities, like 1 par faction ? -Aight, I'm down but do you got an example ? -Yeah NC big shield for everyone, TR big heals for everyone and huh VS.. huh let's say a different cloak like better but with a downside on it like cooldown. -aight, let's do them like these one exactly and bring them live on PTS. I'd prefer that they analyse the actual state of the game, all faction, all vehicules, all classes, and bring some nerfs/buffs so the 'pull' rate and KD is the same for every faction (*cough* TR spamin Prowler and Mossies all server combined *cough*) WITHOUT losing the faction identity (sometimes it's just about a few numbers you know..) I have spoken
Not surprised. Once again, the NC gets the best ability by far. Is there a reason to keep giving NC the best stuff? In the last few years everything they get is better than what VS and TR gets.
Which faction do you think is getting the best deal so far? NC, VS, TR, or NSO?
Reminds me of the FS AMRs... NC got the Masthead and TR/VS got scammed
NC. What You didn't mentioned in video - IF resists applies on MAX allies.... well, You can guess it's balance.
Next - VS. Nano-cloaking with speed boost... with +10% suit slot, and "Survivalist" - playable, at least.
TR - well, You already said it. Pretty much pointless in real battle.
Greetings from AyalaTheRed. :)
As a NSO support player, I am thrilled to be a robot companion with a robot companion.
The blast damage changes on the Mosquito and Reaver are life changing, can't wait to actually last more than a quarter of a second when any of them decides to ruin my squads day.
Lolpods still exist tho.
Massively based changes from the developers. Very happy about it too.
I'm sorry but pilots with good aim will get you quickly and everyone will still cry about A2G
@Beluga direct fire was never my issue, its how they could effortlessly kill me when i was in cover, while avoiding missiles like they were a nuisance.
Skilled pilots aren't the issue, effortless banshee spam by 3 dick heads abusing the fact no dedicated anti air spawned was.
It's funny how many times vehicles of all kinds have been nerfed over the years whenever mouth-breathing heavy assault mains cry about it.
These seem interesting. But as an NSO heavy main, I think the NC one got the bigger benefit out of all of these. If there was gonna be a change to their new shield, I would probably make it on activation everyone regains their shields (not the overshields). Cause it would be cool to see a "support" heavy
Good idea!
This seems like a very interesting idea. I feel like one way this could be changed to make it more balanced is to make it so that it doesn't affect the user, so it essentially becomes more of a squad only ability, and it would be easier to take down the heavy that was activating this ability. If the ability puts out some visual effects, then the heavy would need to play more passively so that they don't get picked off.
That's not a bad idea as that doesn't affect the ttk or overall maximum healthpool of a full health enemy. Perhaps it should be a single charge ability with that gives 300 shield to everyone in the vicinity, so 1300 effective hp if used at 0 shield.
I actually don't mind that ability at all - provides a lot of utility, it may overlap a little with the Medic's regeneration field but I like the concept.
@@CAMIKAZE78 it might, but this would be more like an instant pulse rather then a regeneration over time is how I'd imagine it
Finally, NC will be able to survive its own friendly fire XD
I feel like NC needs a new faction specific ability like this; however, instead of reducing all incoming damage, it makes it so that friendly fire does far less, or even zero, damage.
Great video. The TR one still needs some more TLC. Honestly, if activating Triage Pulse would reset everyone's shield regen timer it would go a long way to making it more in line with the others.
The TR ability needs more than just a little TLC. It's "Mending Field" implant, just shittier in every conceivable way. ...Why bother?
Now if it regen'd shields and health for the same amount... Well... That'd be more interesting. Still rather "Meh" compared to the NC's ability, but at least conceivable to be worth using. As it stands now? I... Wouldn't even care if it didn't exist. And this is coming from a TR main.
yeah that makes more sense. If it's a "panic button" ability, it should start a shield recharge or something.
@@neilorourke71 yup. Its not even viable with carapace because the "low hp" threshold is one bullet from being dead instead of hp percentage.
Cheers mate!
I want that every faction got new toys to play with.
Basically 4 time more content by just giving new class abilities to all, instead of just 1 per faction.
To clarify, are you saying that all factions should have gotten the new abilities?
@@CAMIKAZE78 yes. Just adding new abilities without restrictions by faction seems like a more win-win thing to me.
@@VCE4 makes every faction feel the same tho
@@ShroomBois_Inc nor like rolling without this change make factions feel that much different
Expected TR getting the crappiest one. Not dissapointed. Over the last months all TR players have been starting leveling up their alt acc on the NC. Lets be real here, there has been a clear bias over the past two years when it comes to weapons and buffs to the NC.
And also that explained why they dominated Outfit wars.
I honestly thought it should have been something like the the shield regen device now increases fire rate and accuracy for people in the field. If NC gains an ability to hold rooms better and VS can infiltrate better, maybe TR should gain an offensive advantage when covering ground. That, or players that traverse the field gain a speed and temp shield strength buff, to encourage actually breaching doors instead of just sitting there playing time crisis. The TTK after shields fall off is so fast that you would indeed have to be micromanaging everyone's health to make it effective.
NC has the best weapons (mostly). VS had the Betelgeuse as an overpowered farming gun, but that's been nerfed to a point where it's not clearly the best LMG the VS can use.
@@JohnFromAccountingaha bg is shit a godsaw has 3 x dmg per mag and you haf enouph Munition to reloud 4 Times wana See wher you kil 40 ppl without Ingi araund bg Orion haf worse stats than mswr and dont get compensater
I thought I was the only one lol
WOW literally just searched Planetside 2 2023 and this pops up thanks
If I remember correctly the Demeter veil was ingame with one of the campains (can't remember witch one) but it was called somthing ells and was a 20% damage reduction. I also saw no one using it as far as i remember. I think it was called area resist or somthing.
It was called AE Resist Shield, and it gave that same resistance but lasted a bit longer.
Main reason no one really used it was because you had to complete the entire chapter to unlock and upgrade it.
As previous said you had to unlock it by completing the campaign but it also took the campaign currency to upgrade. This currency was in small quantities and the ability was extremely expensive to upgrade. Also as far as we knew the ability was temporary while there were many cosmetic rewards available that cost the same currency to acquire.
my mouth waters at the idea of planet side 3
I don't entirely mind an ability like the demeter shield which is self-sacrificial in a way but enhances your team as a whole. As long as it doesn't make holds absolutely absurd to break I think it's okay to encourage people to play in a way to help the team not your own score and allow people to feel like their actions and ability use does matter. The issue I have with it is that the other factions don't have a comparitive option. TR sort of do if that regen ability gets a tune up, extreme burst healing could definitely help surive C4/nade spam or supporting a push if timed well. The VS meanwhile, though their ability is certainly fun and useful, it is entirely selfish and doesn't offer anything to counteract or counterbalance the NC's and TR's abilities.
I think they should have released assymmetric similarly themed abilities together, like the NC's and TR's are squad play oriented and perhaps added the Hermes cloak in a later update where all three factions get some kind of selfish/solo focused new ability.
The VS ability is good because it makes VS infiltrators the best infiltrators.
As an NSO main, I find that NC and VS tend to point the finger at each other for being OP. But the TR definitely get screwed over again and again it seems with everything
I agree as a now NSO main. I would say VS can get shafted on things too quite a bit. I only ever really played TR and VS before with very little time on NC so maybe I’m biased and don’t see what’s really going on but NC definitely seems to be the beneficiary always.
TR didn't get screwed over with their new MBT cannons though. As an NSO main, it's the NSO who gets screwed over more.
VS gets called op because everything it does is amplified by huge outfits usually.
@@yourdemiseishere On console VS is called OP because we're almost always significantly outpopped, and most VS squad players try super hard and use strategy to win.
I've recently played NC, and yeah, the Mercenary is insane imo. So easy to chain headshots. NC has won almost every Total War event except for the most recent one where TR had more than a platoon over VS and ~20 over NC.
Doesn't matter ever though, TR always still wins because of their Dakka.
The NC ability for me is kinda the same as the Masthead in a way. If every faction had access to it or something similar, it might´ve been ok (tho i still really dislike the general idea, especially now after the nanomesh removal). But only NC has access to it and with like 2 HA in a squad you can basically give this buff without downtime (considering stuff like Assimilate proc and nanomesh specialist). First nanomesh gets removed, now we can basically bring a buffed version of it back, but just for one faction.... Find the problem.
Its broken if abused since other factions cant pull a 25% resist on all classes (just swaps Medic and HA roles), its not as fun for the person using it itself and its unfun to go against it because other factions literally cant do anything like it. I cant see any upside for implementing this, except for Squads on NC that abuse it just to annoy other people.
Even if this game was just an MMO, this would be concidered beyond broken in any other game.
I don't like conspiracy theories but I am starting to believe the NC favouritism one.
@@Temperius i am firm beliver on the VS favoritism
@@midrovar5811 yk what the vs definitely is the favorite. Nerf the darkstar!
I'm not looking forward to Carapace medics being given overshields.
@@midrovar5811 OK, that your opinion. I would be interested in someone compiling every factions weapons and seeing once and for all, what is the best faction.
But in our hearts the true best faction is the one we don't play.
The Hermes cloak seems kinda wack to me. The problem with it is that it does not stack with implants or the adrenaline pump, and it competes with the nano-armor cloak. The fall damage reduction it provides is useless, and while 25% sprint speed while cloaked is great, adrenaline pump works regardless of whether you are cloaked or not. With the nanoweave nerf, adrenaline pump and grenade belt are your only suit slot options. I feel like, for how good it is, the hermes cloak should have a recharge and duration somewhere between vanilla cloak and nano-armor.
Whoo. Nimitz reactor seems like a good change. I ran it for a long time and will still swap to it sometimes in fights where I can't hide or for peaking and firing from shields. But none the less it's hard to beat the abilities from stealth. I think it'll just cement it itself in good in close range brawls but in longer range fights is still beat out by other options.
Does the new VS ability stack with Adrenaline Pump and Athlete? Could make for some serious nuisance cloaked SMG infil almost as bad as the Shotgun Infil that used to camp Sundies and tower bases.
The NC ability will definitely stop those last second point breaks very easily since Max crashing a to break a point wont be w think anymore and The NC ability kinda gives everyone in in the point room original Nanoweave armour pre-nerf.
So VS get a nice solo ability, NC get a great organized squad ability and TR get a free energy drain to help the other Empires lol.
This feels to me like the devs want to nerf TR noobs, make VS even more insultable, and make NC even more tanky.
@@raininglaser5695 just out of curiousity is Wrels primary NC or am i just thinking of Cami?
@@UltraFlea I have absolutely no clue
As someone who uses the nimitz reactor on live quite a bit i often found it was alot like the deploy sundy overshield meaning if it had 250hp and you get C4'd the shield takes the hit and you health isn't touched at all and the same goes for shells/rockets etc. so being able to instantly heal another 500 effective hp soak plus get the damage reduction from the forward shield will be massive for 1v1 brawling
I wonder if the veil would protect a light assault on the roof above the heavy/on point within 6 meters?
Thats a very good question
I am so not shocked NC gets more OP shit and TR gets something useless.
I'd like to see the TR's new heal activate automatically if you drop below 200hp and its off cooldown.
Wouldn't work for snipers or high damage-per-round weapon headshots that killed you; but it would add some more utility for personal defense.
Plus, it would add an option for the medic who doesn't want to have to think about resource management as much.
Notably, this change would make it a 'soft counter' to high RoF low DpR weapons, which are more likely to trigger the healing pulse
Not gonna lie thats a good idea. I imagine many time that if i play medic, did i rly heal someone like clutch position? It's impossible, yeah this new abilty maybe can do that but not everytime as a medic player you just keep reviving your ally mostly. Too hard to keep alive someone if his shield breaked already.
@@ahmetatis Plus, if you find someone who's shields are broken it was likely either by EMP; or else they have already eaten a medkit. Trying to farm 'healing' ribbons as a medic is a joke rn
@@eris902 try the punisher underbarrel attachement , you can heal everyone if you have a ammo pack on the ground
There are going to be so many smg cloakers, I can feel it. Also, are there plans for everyone else to get unique abilities? It may not be balanced yet, but as a NC medic, I feel kinda sad that only the TR medics get new toys.
But the ability is trash compared to the standard. You can have it. Even better we will trade you
@@Orignlcoolguy my guy, it'll probably get rebalanced before it reaches the main servers, it'll probably be a lot better by then. I'm not saying I want the triage pulse for NC, you can keep it, even when it reaches public. I'm saying I love the idea of more faction specific stuff.
Some thoughts on the abilities.
NC's AOE resist can be nice, but requires group play.
VS's Cloak is powerful, and is leaning towards solo play.
TR's regen can be really really nice to throw out for revive grenade situations, but the 200 trigger number is less than desirable. Making it 250 would make it more useful in more situations.
NSOs are now the best gunner you can have, and I'm really looking forward to the return of the repair drones.
Overall, the only gripe I have with this setup is that the VS's cloak ability is a selfish ability while other faction's abilities have group uses. It would be nice to see other alternative powers return.
"TR's regen can be really really nice to throw out for revive grenade situations, but the 200 trigger number is less than desirable. Making it 250 would make it more useful in more situations."
I don't see how. It's a more restrictive and less useful version of the Mending Field implant. You would just use that instead. The TR ability is quite literally useless and pointless.
NC and TR having the best ability during peak hours. This will have a direct impact on Alert faction's winrate. It took me 30 sec to make this simple statement. I hope the devs did too..
"NC and TR having the best ability"
...Except, they don't. VS just got "SMG Cloaker" specialization, basically and NC got an interlocking point defense damage reduction ability and TR got a worse version of the Mending Field implant. TR's ability is literally the worst and most useless ability.
Also, depends on your server. Connery is... well, Connery. But on Emerald we usually see the VS sweats come out in force every night at peak hours, but they don't stay long. NC has inflated numbers the last year or two because so many TR are leaving for there. On off-hours, yeah, TR will usually dominate with numbers.
Honestly, you never know what to expect on Emerald.
The TR ability is useless and nobody will use it after the first week.
I also do find TR's Medic ability useless, and I will agree that no one would use it after the first week. Even in the setup I proposed, anyone outside of a organized group would probably never use it.
One of the metrics the devs need to think about is perceived performance of a piece of equipment.
As an example, most player will not feel the benefit of the NC's AOE shield or TR's heal over time, while most people will perceive the benefit from a NSO MAX's Bubble shield. (Hence, I find NSO's MAX's shield a relatively good design.)
I haven't touched the game in many years but every time I see new weapon, new skills or whatever
TR gets shafted, VS gets interesting stuff and NC just the strongest.
Not surprised this is once again like that.
Surprised TR even still has a playerbase.
The overall idea of the TR thing sounds neat, but already covered by another tool.
Also having the burst heal only under 200HP sounds very hard to actually reliably trigger, it will be through sheer luck most of the time.
Very well thought out thumbnail, nc gets a shield that represent their damage reduction, vs gets a medic icon to show they got a new healing ability and VS is there, but invisible thanks to their new cloak.
Didn’t forget anybody right?
wish every faction got these abilties
Agreed, I think it would be a far better solution.
@@CAMIKAZE78 now if the devs would just pickup on that hint…also great work cami. Keep it up 🫡
It definitely would stop this whole "X faction got the best end of the deal", honestly I wish everything was a little more streamlined and instead, the faction differences were mostly cosmetic. It would prevent this whole "your X is overpowered while my Y is underpowered" endless argument, because I keep hearing complains that completely differ against the experience I get myself.
As an NC main, that Demeter Veil sounds like the magic bullet for the Emerald NC's serial inability to hold points effectively. I could be wrong of course.
Edit: I was totally wrong.
Yay! I get my little pet drone back! A little gimmicky, but one I found myself using a lot during the campaign.
And now my lone wolf toaster will finally have something someone to talk to:)
The little friend returns!
Id like a light assault jump jet that gave the light assault a faster sprint speed temporarily, like 50-100% for a limited time.
Also a heavy assault "shield" that increased their damage instead of giving them a shield.
I can't wait to see the netcode handle a 100% sprint boost.
I really like both ideas.
An idea for the heavy assault "shield" is to give them a modified version of the VS Max's ability that allows it to attack faster at the rate of taking more damage. Maybe remove the taking more damage part or modify it a little bit and give this ability to TR since it increases attack speed, or do the same to NC but with damage instead, or make it increase accuracy and give it to VS.
Also, light assaults are supposed to be more mobile infantry that can get around quickly, so maybe adjust the idea to instead of a jump jet, it is an ability that increases movement speed and jump height. This would give the LAs of whoever gets this another possible play style.
@@raininglaser5695 It does make more sense on a baby heavy assult. And if you did give it the trade off of taking more damage then you could increase how much damage it did or make it last longer. I prefer the extra damage over fire rate personally.
For the other factions heavy assault I was thinking NC could get a kind of vanguard shield, when used it and are invincible for a few seconds but can't shoot while the shield is on. Honestly the whole team wide damage resist idea makes more sense on TR to me than NC.
Guess I am switching to VS when they implement. Group abilities are powerful but lack the fun factor of those wanting to get in, get some kills, and log off. I will take soloist abilities over group anyday, as it generally devolves into the squad leader micromanaging your playtime.
Fair cop mate, I'll definitely be using the VS ability the most out of these new ones myself.
I dont get it, why they not even trying to balance there updates anymore... . VS and NC getting some game changing things and TR just some quit liddl heal for a few seconds WOW.
I mean they gave us cool cannons for our tanks.
But they also gave us a shitty amr and now a shitty heal for our meds.
I don’t see the point in limiting these to factions just seems like it’s better if it’s for all of us.
As someone that runs the Adrenalin pump suit slot on the infil would love to see that, and all implants that increase sprinting speed coupled with the new VS cloaker i wanna just...zoom across the battle field wiht out needing a vehicle X3
Jesus I hadn't thought of that...
@@CAMIKAZE78 buffs usually dont stack, so i doubt youre going to be moving a 45% movement speed. hermes was good when nanoweave still existed, but i mostly play with adrenaline pump on my infil now anyways so its useless
@@CAMIKAZE78 Yeah if they stack it'll be fun to run around at the speed of light if not VS and TR deffo got the short stick on abilities given the VS only effects the infil, while the TR medic does have the ability to effect others its just sorta...a worse version that exists and NC just "Here's a bubble shield" its very obvious which got the best option but given its not live i'll hold my knee jerk "Who's dumb idea was this"
The VS ability sounds surprisingly relevant. VS will be the best faction for the forward Bolter playstyle. Good to see the faction get something decent.
The faction is already loaded with great stuff though...
Yay Nimitz buff!!! I really liked that option and I'm glad it's getting some love.
So the solution to address a lack of faction balance is more faction imbalance.
Got it.
I actually liked using the Nimitz Reactor. It gave me that cushion during quick engagements so I much less often needed to stop to get out and repair.
I'm still wondering when PlayStation version will receive osher 2.0, or the containment facility on esimir if that continent will ever be unlocked
As a tr medic main. I'm very sad
why, you got a new toy ... as a vs light assault main nothing really changes except tanky nc , unkillable infils and "maybe" unkillable tr
i think the biggest question is do the devs completely fuck up and allow nso engi drone to do rumble seat repairs
NC and NSO definitely got the best of the batch IMO. Robotics expert and the NSO repair bot should be really stupid for anyone mechanically set. A few Heavies running with a half competent Combat Medics with the Demeter shield that we NC get just sounds like a bad time for whoever gets involved in hostilities with them. TR's pulse thing either needs a bigger AoE, or shorter HoT time with the same effectiveness to stay competitive at first glance IMO. The VS cloak sounds fun, but spandex and my ass just don't work well together.
Has anyone used the Azeron Cyber pc glove controller for planetside 2 on pc? I want to come over from console-side, but the keyboard part of 'mnk' is proving difficult.
does the Demeter veil stack with other Demeter shields? because 4 of these will stack to 100%, if this happens it will need fixing other wise yea it will be huge
From what I have read from the comments and your personal opinion, ya'll are blowing the NC ability way out of proportion. It's first name was AE Resist Shield and was available from completing one of the prior campaigns. The new one is worse than the AE Resist Shield and it was never really seen. I used it for as long as I owned it, in most situations you would be better off with any of the other over shields. The one time I managed to make it work was in a mass push against TR in a hallway. Don't get me wrong if more people had owned it and used it, then maybe we could have seen it in group play. But who knows, lets see in live play before we make drastic demands to see it nerfed. You have to remember that it lasts for 6 secs with a 10 sec recharge time, unless timed perfectly you will waste your shield before it can be useful.
The changes to the reactor are needed as it was just considered a cert sink before. Looking forward to the changes, great video as always.
Pfff lol NC new ability should also make Masthead full auto when enabled.
why not give new abilities to all the fractions and eliminate all the balance complains
Faction flavour is important. But the way they're doing it disregards balance in a one-sided way. NC gets the best stuff. Always.
Kinda agree at this point.
VS ability sounds good in theory and probably will be good in practical;
NC ability is way too good for squad / platoons, with all the shield and health regens that can stack in a point room it can make an NC squad unbreakable so needs a bit of a re-balancing;
NSO ability is ok, don't know if it works on MAX'es but if itdoes then it will reduce the impact of the MAX changes a little bit;
TR ability is just bad, it expects a lot from the user - and the squad / platoon - but doesn't offer anything good compared to the alternatives we already have, so the numbers need to be better for it to work.
Or maybe that's just me, a TR Medic main, being salty :P
No, it's not just you. I main as a TR Engi, but often pull Medic in more congested fights. This TR ability is basically the "Mending Field" implant... but worse in every single way. I literally don't see why it exists and why anyone thought it was a good idea. Now, maybe if it also regen'd shields as well or something I could get behind it... But... As it stands now I'd rather TR not even get an ability than get this dumpsterfire of an ability. It's insulting to the TR, frankly.
@@matchesburn Honestly, this ability seems more like a way to nerf TR noob medics who don't fully understand how bad this ability is. There are so many other abilities that they could have gotten, but instead they got this. Honestly, just give their medics an ability that is kind of like a pulse revive like a revive grenade with a cooldown. This, with some balancing, would be a lot better than the nerf of an ability that they got instead. I'm not sure if this is even a good idea as revive grenades are a thing; however, this could allow for TR medics to mass revive even after they run out of revive grenades. They could alternatively use different types of grenades while retaining the ability to mass revive.
Been playing mostly medic the past year and I wouldn't ever use the new ability in its current concept.
Was wondering why I had access to the repair drone again. I guess this is why? Woulda prefered something funny like being able to receive health from engineers because of mechanical bodies, but this will do I suppose
"useless as tits on a bull" . . . Hahahahahahahahahaha What the hell?!? :D
Oddly specific dude.
Very common saying here in AUS haha
I think you're misreading the TR medic ability. I think it's more intended for one's self, as a 'fake' heavy shield then as ally support. Like the heavy shield is a 450hp buffer, this thing is 'heal 60hp/sec over 3 sec, and if you fall below 200hp heal for 150 then that's an extra 330 hp, which is worse but kinda comparable. The real question is how the
Does the new nc overshield change any critical breakpoints? I imagine it would be huge against weapons that can no longer one shot players.
Any chance you'd be able to review the changes to DISRUPTOR AMMO in a future video? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on it now.
It will be cool if the NC ability will give a heavy 25% resistance and 10% for others.
In terms of triage pulse, it sounds bad.
Imo it should be changed into kind of semi automatic ability. So for example I use button to turn it off and on and it has 3 charges that are used automatically to heal crit wounded. Maybe some cooldown time betwen charges would be needed.
May be a bit too pasive though.
I think they should make the Triage heal burst percentage based rather than hard numbers for healing, where it provides more healing the lower peoples health gets to a max of 150 hp to those below 200 hp. That way you get some leeway and you're not micro managing your peoples health bars waiting for them to get below 200 to maximize its usefulness. Thoughts?
as an infil main and TR loyalist im switching to VS only for hermes cloak
Given these abilities, I have a honest question:
Why does the NC get all the good toys? Their MAXes are the best at 75% of the game: CQC, and their shotguns can reach the moon (exaggerating) now this abillity will make zergs impossible to push off the damm point, adding shotguns AND the range., so why do they more? is the NC really that fucking shite at the game they need this much help from the devs?! I refuse to believe all good players play only 1 faction, so dafuq is this NC bias?
little repair drone pal?! Im already a damned heal bot whenever Im playing engineer, a good ol drone friend is a perfect fit!
The NC can´t coordenate more then 3 people
Today's thumbnail looks _sick._
Cheers legend!
But does the TR medic ability stack with other medics?
The banshee and the air hammer nerfs almost to bring them in line with the light PPA now we just need to slow down their projectile velocity a lot
I'd argue that the TR ability is fairly good during tough pointholds at really big fights. Have 3-5 medics shooting down a door/near a door and you can make some vets play worse and die more.
What’s your average ping in game nowadays?
Edit: I’m from NZ and wondering if I should pick it back up or not, they removed OCE servers did they not?
NC in TI Alloys will be unbeatable...
I don't know how he wants to change, after the cancellation of the permanent accumulation of force hope to be able to improve the speed of the bullet up.
I really want an engineer ability that works similar to the medics healing, that restores shields. I think it would really mix up the engineer gameplay meta and allow for some nice uptime. Maybe it could either replace the turret or the repair tool.
...Back in the day, the Engineer's nanotool used to do just this: Recharge shields. It was actually a bonafide cert printer. You didn't earn much, but you always earned. Was a great way to get into the game. But it was probably too good to be true and the Combat Medic got the shield recharging field equipment that was honestly no where near as good or useful as the Engineer's nanotool ability.
Wish they did something for air as well for once smh. Good changes though
you got nerf ? that's something x)
I like how your thumbnail says it all, at this point they are not even bothering to give something remotely usefull to VS side :-D
The new VS cloak is going to be pretty sick I think - combined with something like adrenaline pump is going to allow for some next level zoomies.
@@CAMIKAZE78 it can be interesting if it stacks. I forget to mention it in terms of team play. Lone infiltrators with more speed while cloaked makes literaly no impact on game IMO.
Do you think this is worth playing if you're from NZ? I'm unsure if the latency will be playable since they removed OCE server.
NC: I can defend my friends from HESH spam
TR: I can kinda keep my friends alive through HESH spam...if I'm optimistic enough...
VS: ....I can do an Iron Maiden and Run To The Hills from HESH spam...
I think the Hermes cloak should also, tho this might be too powerful, let them run around undetected while cloak, even if there is a motion spotter around, or reduce the motion spotter efficiency by a bit while cloaking.
Ngl,I am surprised TR got the Armstrong treatment,instead of making their weapons dakka even more
I know this is probably never going to happen but I wish they would make this game cross play. Im on PS5 and servers player count leaves alot to be desired. I would love to play with my PC bros even if I am at a input disadvantage.
Yes if they don't introduce aim assist , because damn in other cross play fps it feels like aimbot...
@@fixo5132 aim assist is needed with every console game. I be ok with low assist though. I know in warzone 2 it is op but warzone og was the opposite.
NC are going to be impossible to budge from a point hold now.. TR at least aren't getting something stupidly OP like usual. The VS one will make small fights against their infiltrators a nightmare but won't change much in large fights I don't think.
In large fights especially, clumping within 6m to get the effect of the shiled probably isn't a good idea due to nade and c4 spam. I can see it being a useful breaching tool in more middling sized fights though. When it was on live it was definitely usable but didn't feel OP. It's hard to tell though as the one using it isn't really the one who feels the benefit.
"TR at least aren't getting something stupidly OP like usual."
...Um... What, my dude?
What was the last thing the TR was given that you think was overpowered? If you say anything other than the Banshee, you're lying to yourself. The Banshee is the only overpowered thing the TR have been given since the original Striker.
@@JohnFromAccounting Kingsnake.
So they now have the best tank weapon on the best tank and the best AI weapon on the best ESF.
What else do you want?!
VS? You get a reworked cloak. TR? You get basically a really terrible one-shot-then-recharge version of the "Mending Field" implant. NC? Well... We're just going to a shield that can reduce damage by up to 25% in a 6 meter radius.
"a recursion player in a turret that's a new one" cami
I was using the TR one and thought it was actually going to be very useful for those clutch moments in a fight
Then I died while I still visibly had HP left
If the heal stacks between multiple users then it still might be useful for breaching tho, slightly less EHP than a demeter veil
The Nimitz reactor, in live, is a bad choice. It'd be ideal on a smaller, more nimble vehicle like the Lightning, where you can peak out of cover, fire, then retreat hastily. You can't do that with the Vanguard because of it's side profile and worst in class reverse speed. Its turret is also placed so far to the rear that you already expose a large portion of your tank's forward hull when coming out of cover to take a shot. I can't think that the change will be a huge improvement. Because the Vanguard has more HP than the other two ES MBT's it's far more ideal to use the nanite auto-repair to help between engagements and get the vehicle back into fighting order.
Well, if it wasn't for them giving us the Palisade, I'd really considered make a switch to blue full time. But who knows maybe they won't make the TR's next cool thing somewhat, super niche? I swear to good if they try to give TR heavies a shield that ramps up the rate of the fire I'm gonna throw a boot at 'em.
if triage also applies to the medic who uses it, I can see it being quite good for a more aggressive playstyle
Youd still need to perfectly activate it between the bullet that makes you sub 200 and the one that kills you while in a firefight. It sounds rather frustrating then usefull.
Yeah the Triage pulse just sounds like a nano-regen device that you can't use any time you want.
So is resist shield the better one to use?
Like "almost" everything in PS2 , it depends on situation...
It would be cool if Triage Pulse healed more health per second to targets with no shields.
Yay something new for NC, I dont see anything wrong , yes it is the strongest looking of the bunch but lets see how it plays
I disagree mate, I think this is something that is going really, really negatively effect the game.
Probably NSO, whoever has the most NSO engies will be able to keep their MAXes up the longest. After that, yeah, NC.
On that same note, if the veil ability works on a MAX, that's another 667 hp-equivalent, giving the max 2667 hp equivalent plus multiply that by whatever other resistances it has.
Never thought I'd see the day heavy assault became a support class.
I don't know why, but I feel like the NC's heavy assault ability could be given to their medics as an alternative to their heal ability. Instead of being able to regain hp of their allies, they make it so their allies take less damage in the first place. Don't know how the balancing for this would go though.
@@raininglaser5695 it's technically the same problem. You just roll another flavor of medic to overlap with the others. Haven't fixed the problem, you just moved it to a different class. A for effort though
8:06 ... made me check
It really should be called the "Area aura" instead of the "Demeter veil."
Honestly, the abilities are fine on their own but compared to each other, NC definitly got the best for teamplay, VS the best for solo, NSO got a really nice repair ability and TR got a comparably worse ability. The only real use atm is stacking it's 5s heal with the normal medic heal (which does work).
What's really wondering me is, balancing 4 different abilities for 4 different classes is a nightmare and is simply screaming "unbalanced". So it is weird that they didn't go with 4 abilities for 1 class and then another 4 for the next class the next update and so on till they finish 4 abilities for all classes.
During the campaign the AoE shield was available, Myself and many others did make hvy builds dedicated for it. As a team play, it was helpful, less so defensively because you don't want people close together, nade spam prior to a breach is a thing. But offensively, people tend to be in a column left side or right side, and then you got a lot out of it. Was it OP, hard to say. Did it have an affect, for breaching yeah. My perspective running with coordinated teams using Discord.
Side note, Be glad the NSO repair droid does not heal organic at lvl 5 like it did during campaign., It was small, but a bunch of nso engi's healing and repairing passively. It was glorious.
Good to know, thanks for sharing mate.
Would be fun if Hermes cloak stacks with adrenaline boost
Any ability that profits the team instead of the individual is welcome. Teamplay needs more love from the devs, it's been neglected for KD for too long.
honestly i want to see faction pissific bullpups as we have one for NSO but i want to see the factions own version too but i do say this changes makes me wan to retry this game after as a new player always try to get into the game even back at the days this game released it always maked me mad that i always die to mutch and never get kills even though i shoot people first in the headsometimes
I dont get why they are not giving them to everyone if every faction has acces to it then there is no need to balance it (well at least if something is broken everyone can use it)
Demeter Veil better not stack with any other damage resists...
I don't understand why it's faction based. Who is the Data Analyst behind this to tell the devs that : NC require an AOE shield, TR AOE medic, and VS a shitty infiltrator cloak ?
Don't get me wrong, I'm down for some specific faction new abilities, but I'm quite sure it happened that way :
-We need something new !
-What about faction specific abilities, like 1 par faction ?
-Aight, I'm down but do you got an example ?
-Yeah NC big shield for everyone, TR big heals for everyone and huh VS.. huh let's say a different cloak like better but with a downside on it like cooldown.
-aight, let's do them like these one exactly and bring them live on PTS.
I'd prefer that they analyse the actual state of the game, all faction, all vehicules, all classes, and bring some nerfs/buffs so the 'pull' rate and KD is the same for every faction (*cough* TR spamin Prowler and Mossies all server combined *cough*) WITHOUT losing the faction identity (sometimes it's just about a few numbers you know..)
I have spoken
Not surprised. Once again, the NC gets the best ability by far. Is there a reason to keep giving NC the best stuff? In the last few years everything they get is better than what VS and TR gets.
Spitfire + Repait Sunderer + implants = Spitankfire
I'm feeling like I'm about to kill some messengers.
thanks Cami, very smart and informative
The Nano regen needs to give temporary hit points. No point making something nobody will use.
They took away reviving Maxes. So you know they had to add something to replace it.
nimitz reactor is still gonna be a subpar nano repair i feel