Which batteries do you have in the mobile, I have 200 amp AGM batteries, I had gel batteries on board before that, they weren't good, they often only lasted a year, I've had the AGM for three years, I live on the mountain, I have to drive a lot of inclines, even in winter Public transport is taboo for me because of safety. I wanted to get lithium batteries but I have no idea how they behave under load and under the influence of weather.
I have 200 amp AGM batteries Don't think the lithium batteries would be any good due to they need to be temperature controlled and if we have cold weather it will. not work properly. I think the gel batteries are your best
Pride don't exactly make it an easy task to do at home . You explained everything very well 👍
Thank you i'm glad you enjoyed the video😀
Easy way to get the tyre off, is to use wd40. Lift the rim between the tyre and spray wd40 in and work around the wheel, then it comes off easyer.
Thanks for that I will try that I've still got one or two tyres. I need to get off.
@@johnitsme any time mate, it worked for me after a few leavers around the wheel.
Thank you, your suggestion worked first time for me.
@@Sharkbar_ so glad to help.
Which batteries do you have in the mobile, I have 200 amp AGM batteries, I had gel batteries on board before that, they weren't good, they often only lasted a year, I've had the AGM for three years, I live on the mountain, I have to drive a lot of inclines, even in winter Public transport is taboo for me because of safety. I wanted to get lithium batteries but I have no idea how they behave under load and under the influence of weather.
I have 200 amp AGM batteries Don't think the lithium batteries would be any good due to they need to be temperature controlled and if we have cold weather it will. not work properly. I think the gel batteries are your best