Jesus & The Passover Lamb

  • Опубліковано 9 кві 2020
  • Jesus made a way for us to have a new life and everlasting peace. This wonderful gift was bought at a price-He became the Passover Lamb, sparing us from eternal death.
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  • @melissaramos980
    @melissaramos980 3 місяці тому

    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

  • @annescholl420
    @annescholl420 2 роки тому +4

    Amen 🙏 There is power in the blood of Christ! 🙏✝️🙏

  • @jihesong4283
    @jihesong4283 Рік тому +2

    What an excellent expositions of the parallel passages in Hebrew and Greek Bibles! Thanks so much, may Adonai bless everyone who watches this short video at this divinely appointed chairos

  • @josephjonasjohnisraeli4124
    @josephjonasjohnisraeli4124 4 роки тому +3

    Happy's Easter and Passover ISRAEL 🇮🇱✡️ Happy's Passover to all Christian's community's around the world's. thanks you Lord Jesus Christ by in your beautiful Name Immanuel Christ Jesus received. Amen 🇮🇱

  • @mylindacasbarro777
    @mylindacasbarro777 Рік тому +1

    Hyssop saturated with the blood of the perfect sacrifice and put over the door posts. ❤ So the spirit of death passes over us. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  • @70zero
    @70zero 2 роки тому +2

    Oh Praise God in the Highest! Beautifully said....I knew Jesus was The Passover Lamb but thankyou for revealing the Fullness of those precious words to me. God Bless you !

  • @timothyumunna4605
    @timothyumunna4605 Рік тому

    Hallelujah ❤❤❤

  • @albertjerry3626
    @albertjerry3626 4 роки тому


  • @enolastenson9792
    @enolastenson9792 Рік тому

    Thank you so much

  • @prabhakararaorajarapu
    @prabhakararaorajarapu 3 роки тому


  • @chrisdurbin5434
    @chrisdurbin5434 3 роки тому +2

    I see a lot of comments that Jesus can't be the Passover lamb. That according to tradition he is disqualified. God sent Abraham to sacrifice Isaac did he not? Before the temple was built sacrifice were made outside of a tent were they not? Jesus and his disciples had a dinner the night before he was put on trial, then he was sacrificed the following day (passover day); that's why they rushed to get him off the cross because that night was passover night. Pick up and read Isaiah 53. Tell me how anything other than a man could fulfill this. May the Lord open the eyes of your heart, repent, and be saved by the true passover lamb.

    • @yedduprasad
      @yedduprasad 3 роки тому

      1. There are 4 passages that talk explicitly about a messiah who will rule during the messianic age.
      2. There are around 15 passages that are very clear prophecies about the "Messianic age" and everyone agrees(Christians, Jews, Muslims)
      3. Each of these have clear markers a. An anointed person(king) from the line of David b. He will have a kingdom on the earth. c. People will obey him. d. He will rule with Justice.
      4. Isaiah 53 is a passage where there are disputes that the servant is Jesus vs Israel but this passage has no clear markers that show this is taking about the messiah and on the contrary this is the only passage that talks about the messiah suffering, saving people for their sins etc. Don't you think this is odd and maybe someone is teaching this wrongly or this passage helps explain the crucifixion of Jesus.
      5. Disciples never thought the messiah would die for their sins. In fact Peter should have said "Yes Jesus I know you are the messiah who came to die for us" instead he is rebuked because he tried to stop Jesus
      6. So even if one says the Holy spirit came and showed the disciples that Jesus was the savior who died for their sins, why does the Tanakh not talk about the messiah dying except in Isaiah 53.
      There is ONE G-d and he clearly said so many times, turn away from sin and turn to me and I will save you. I am sure he will save his creation both in this world and the world to come.
      Lastly, Tanakh is clear that G-d never tolerated idolatry, so if any one worships anyone other than the TRUE G-D is taking a huge leap of faith and if wrong is showing defiance to G-d.
      G-d Bless

    • @zachariahabte3114
      @zachariahabte3114 2 роки тому

      @@yedduprasad I encourage you to visit Mike Winger’s Evidence for the Bible series, part 10 ( It clarifies the various ways Jesus is typified in the Bible.

    • @zachariahabte3114
      @zachariahabte3114 2 роки тому +2

      @@yedduprasad also you are very right. Idolatry is very wrong, but you dismiss the idea that Jesus is deity, which is why worship of the Christ is not unacceptable. Since the Christ is God in human flesh, worship of him is not idolatry

    • @zachariahabte3114
      @zachariahabte3114 2 роки тому +1

      @@yedduprasad 1. There are more than 5 passages. You should consult rabbinic Judaism before Christ set foot on earth, and the passages rabbis considered to be references to Messiah. You’ll be surprised, and you can check it out in the Mike Winger playlist for more info

    • @zachariahabte3114
      @zachariahabte3114 2 роки тому

      @@yedduprasad 3. Exactly. Christ is the anointed Servant in whom is the Spirit of G-d (Isaiah 42). Please consult the genealogies in Matthew and Luke to see that He is descended from the line of David. The issue is that you think that his kingdom has already come fully. Christ has established a spiritual kingdom through the church, but he will yet bring his earthly kingdom in his second coming, during which he will overthrow all who have rejected him and conquer Satan. In fact just as Moses was first rejected by his brethren at his first coming (the Hebrew asked him :”Who made you a prince and a judge over us?”, you can read about it in Expdus 2:11-15), and found his dwelling place amongst Midianites,, and then accepted the second time as a deliverer of the people of Israel from Egyptian… likewise the Messiah is foreshadowed as one who would come to his own but his people Israel did not receive him. And now he made the salvation of G-d known to Gentiles, which is why most Christians today are non-Jews. So since Israel did not accept the Messiah, the Messiah was therefore preached to Gentile nations (you can read about it Acts 28:23-31, Paul makes the same point). But there will come a time in the future in Christ’s second coming when there will be the salvation of Israel. In fact we see bits and pieces of it today and it’s a joy to see Jews in the flesh realize that Jesus Christ is their Messiah, but this number will slowly grow…

  • @yedduprasad
    @yedduprasad 3 роки тому

    I will share some points on this 3 point comparison of the Passover lamb and Jesus for you to think about.
    1. The Passover lamb was a deity of Egyptians - Why would you compare Jesus to a Pagan Deity?
    2. G-d told the Israelites to keep it in the house for 4 days to examine it to make sure it was without blemishes as well as so make sure it does not get blemished till is was killed. Also most importantly to show the Egyptians their defiance of their authority and deity. - Jesus as per the gospels made an entrance into Jerusalem and visited the temple and drove away the people who were defiling the temple(outer courtyard) and when questioned he answered them and taught in parables. He left the same day and never came back until he was arrested in the garden. So the if he was detained / imprisoned and kept locked up till he was crucified for 4 days (not 5 days as said. You need to count from the evening after sunset)
    3. The blood of the Lamb was meant to save the first born son from physical death. It was not a sin offering in the first place. The true implication of this plague was Israel is God's first born and since the Egyptians enslaved G-d's first born, the last plague was meant to tell the Egyptians that G-d is killing the first born of the Egyptians. - Are you saying Jesus blood only saves the first born? The word Savior, redeemer in Tanakh is always about danger from enemies and harm. It is never about saving from sins and letting you into heaven if you accept else hell. G-d is the ONLY one who can save his creation and he does not even talk so much about heaven and hell (Maybe 4-5 times there is indication to resurrection and after life). The messiah is mentioned not more than 5 times in Tanakh and about 15 times about the messianic times. No place it is mentioned that he will save anyone. It only says he will rule Israel and will silence the gentiles from rebelling against G-d.
    Now you can apply any number of interpretations of Shadows, clouds, mirrors, look alike .... you want to reassure yourself that your belief is right or you can read what the passage is saying in context and believe that there is ONE G-d who did an amazing thing to redeem his people from the Egyptians.
    The truth is always simple and does not need many theories.
    I think you are Jews and I hope you are not preaching that Jesus is god.
    Look back on your history and remember, the one thing that G-d never tolerated was idolatry.
    You are his chosen people and I being a gentile should not preach to you.
    G-d bless and may you open your eyes and speak the truth as you were meant to be "A LIGHT TO THE NATIONS"

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 3 роки тому

    The passover was not a sin offering. The bull on the day of atonement was. Human sacrifice is forbidden by God. Unfortunately Rome corrupted the scriptures centuries ago. You must overcome your own sins. You are judged for your own sins. If you continue to sin you die.

  • @bel31670
    @bel31670 3 роки тому

    If Jesus eat the Passover meal, than he did not die when the lambs were being sacrificed and thus he can not be the Passover lamb the church professes
    Mark 14:12 And on the first day of Unleavened Bread, when they sacrificed the Passover lamb, his disciples said to him, “Where will you have us go and prepare for you to eat the Passover?
    How could Jesus be walking and talking if he was suppose to be sacrificed at the same time as the lambs..
    Also for a sacrifice to be acceptable it has to at the temple and the blood sprinkled on the altar..
    Jesus died outside the city and his blood was never sprinkled on the altar,
    Also G-d is against human sacrifice..
    John account completely contradicts Matt, Mark and John as to when he died they have Jesus dieting on the 15th and John daisy the 14th..
    Also the Law say a lamb or Goat 1 yr old with out blemish.. that means no scraps , cuts nicks scars etc..
    the church say Jesus was whipped and beaten and unrecognizable..
    that would disqualify him..
    One he not a lamb or goat.
    He is not 1yr old
    He was blemished.
    Also the issue he is human..

    • @thomasvaliyaparampil2417
      @thomasvaliyaparampil2417 3 роки тому +1

      Hi You are correct .You have to link the four Gospel accoring your judgment, then you will get the correct idea. St Matthew and St Luke says corrcet but not the crucifixion time . They wrote all, the Gospel then how they can miss the Timing ,because due to some kind of external compulsion. If you go through St Mark and St John also correct but wroungly interpreted. (eg) the First Day in St Mark Gosepl and 6"0 clock in the St John. Firstday means the Firstday of the Unleavened Bread This Passover. in on the previous day evening because the timing of the day start from the evening and counted as first day of the Unleavened Bread Not on Wednesday. Passover must start on Saturday Sabbth .At the time of Jesus the timing of the day start from the evening St Mattew Ch 20:3 says so .6"0 clock time is at midnight or in the Midnoon. not in the morning. becasue the day start from the evening . Crucified on Friday morning 3"0 clock as per St .Mark.So you have to link the Gospel then you can get correct Idea. Jesus took Last supper on the firstday of the Un leavened Bread ( previous evening)) because he never disobey the the rules and regulation of the Passover and Unlevened Bread because the LORD INSTITUTED this PASSOVER and the FEAST of UNLEAVENED BREAD. So Passover never come in the middle of Feast week. In the Gosepl St John the story about the Passover and Crucifixion is fake and cooked story Thank You. May God Biess You and All

  • @ironstone2043
    @ironstone2043 3 роки тому +1

    Jesus is the false Messiah bro. Cause God is against human sacrifice. In the prophets of the Old testament said that it is an abomination to God to have the righteous die for the sins of the wicked. So God is against that idea bro

    • @ChosenPeopleUSA
      @ChosenPeopleUSA  3 роки тому +2

      Jesus is the Messiah! He is the Lamb of God. God's plan for redemption. Please read this article to find out why:

    • @yedduprasad
      @yedduprasad 3 роки тому

      @@ChosenPeopleUSA You say in your post the below. Other than a point about proof in History & Bible (can you share specifics as this Passover lamb comparison is not accurate to be called a prophecy. It was a beautiful event G-d did for the Israelites in the past) rest are personal views and experiences.
      You may say to me yes they are and unless you accept Jesus into your heart you cannot experience these things.
      I ask you a simple question, Can you point to a verse in Tanakh that affirms these feelings and experienced will be given by the messiah's death / blood and acceptance of him.
      Yes, we wholeheartedly believe that Yeshua (his Hebrew name) is the Messiah of Israel, and we have come to that conclusion after considering the evidence of history, the Bible, and the transformation of our lives. Additionally, we have experienced his presence, seen prayers answered, and have been encouraged by the consistent testimony of others who also follow Jesus.

  • @raeannaroylance5401
    @raeannaroylance5401 Рік тому
