Should we do this again? Comment below what you'd like to see! ⬇ Gluten-Free Links ⬇ 🦈Go to for 4 extra months of Surfshark!🦈 👀Watch Ryan's Full Interview: 👀Watch the Extended Version of this video: 🖥Subscribe to John Hammond: 🌐Connect with Ryan:
I promise, that stuff isn't real. Tor doesn't have the capability to run a stream like that. Red rooms are an internet boogeyman made up to scare people away from the dark web.
Human trafficking is literally in almost every county in every state in the United States. Years ago I (legally) adopted my biological daughter’s 2 friends (sisters) in Jr High…the eldest was IV drugged and traded too their parents drug dealers. She’d disappear for days, and the younger sister finally told a teacher in 6 grade, the principal notified the authorities but it took over a year of obtaining evidence, wire taping, video surveillance, ECT, to arrest the biological parents. We had our own FBI agent’s who stayed in touch with us by phone calls and even personal visits a few times a month for support and continued following our family until both girls were 18. Thankfully they graduated high school and are doing as good as they can.
I was almost taken, I was but got out bc I saw my chance and was scared I would not be able to get out again. It's so scary very real. And I'm 45 so can u imagine I'm still afraid to go outside from 2 almost 3 years ago
When i see dark stuff like this i cant help but think of Neitzche when he said "be careful when fighting monsters lest ye become a monster and when you stare into the abyss,the abyss also stares into you".God bless and stay grounded and safe guys.
@@MoneyShot033 1 Cor. 15:33 - Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” 34 Become righteously sober-minded, and stop sinning; for some have no knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame.
Wow that's very accurate when describing looking into the friend, I am a former professional soldier and X gangland member... none of which I am proud of, 1 of which I justify my actions by yell myself i had a flag on my shoulder and it is for my country. That was not true and without getting into it I looked into the abyss and as I did so, I had the training, adrenaline pumping through my system, good excuses in my head as in I'm the one sticking up for morals and the right from wrong but let me say this...I don't know who nietchy or whoever is and if he's a philosopher im surprised to not know him but that being said, i have stared into the abyss and willed it on and thinking I'm the OG carried out my mission or task at hand and now after many years of me loosing my mind bcoz I thought i was cowardly for not handling it well, it turns out that I am a human, not physopathic and with a massive conscience and bcoz I lived in a dream world i really wasn't wat i thought i was. I turned to a God I didn't believe in for help and now I follow the lord Jesus Christ and am so blessed to be forgiven but still at night my girl asks me to pray with her and then go to Dreamland but I make any excuse bcoz mine isn't the same Dreamland as hers. Wow I'm gonna look into that writer so thanks, God bless you and yours
Just remember that Nietzsche is also a dangerous writer that can get you into nihilism very easily. He can be very persuasive and very passionate in his writings. But he can also be described as what in latin is said as des-mens, because basically he took himself into the complete muteness or emptiness of the mind. For christianity we protect ourself also with the word, language, and silence is not muteness but instead listening and prayer. Nietzsche is one critic of christianity. People like Heidegger (a nazi) said things like "Nietzsche got me lost for 10 years". If you are curious read it, but I would advice to be very careful. Read Kierkegaard and Dostoievsky first of all. Also Wittgenstein (he is not an analitic wirter, he is a religious writer), Henri de Lubac, Hans Urs von Baltashar and all the patristicus writers, for example Gregory of Niza, Maximus the Confessor. Also Meister Eckhart, Dionisius Areopagita.
When dude said “ it’s his purpose to put pedos down” I agree. Hero’s take many forms but saving kids in any capacity qualifies. Wish more like people like y’all. If I had the means and know how, I would too. God bless you and keep you safe while you chase the demons
You called them right. They're demons, not people. GOD PLEASE put an end to this horrible nightmare 😭 Keep children safe and protected. Please protect those who venture into these dark caverns to protect these precious innocent children.🙏 GOD bless you and keep you safe too.
if if if if if, if you wanted to know how, you could go and learn how. "wish more people...." just be one of those people, start with the man in the mirror
@@BenjiSavage918 Yes what could possibly go wrong when society starts allowing people to do that? Even those that enforce the law have to live by rules.
I just got a 3 day ban for saying pretty much same thing on a yt video of a kidnapper-pedo caught in the act w.a really young child. Shows where yt priorities are
This is part of the reason why I will never post pictures of my kids online. The story he was telling about his friends kid is wild. That gave me chills.
I first discovered Ryan Montgomery on the Shawn Ryan show. I have nothing but respect for what that man does! We need more people like him and trilogy media out here helping people.
I prefer regretting what I saw then pretending it doesn’t exist. The more aware people are the more we can put an end to evil. Thank you for this raw video. You guys are brave
@@chryssij7544 The more people that are aware and actively campaigning to have unscrupulous sites shut down the more pressure is put on governments to do so. I’m not bashing the whole of ToR as it does have uses that are legitimate and worthy.
I definitely don't want to know everything. I used to think I wanted to. Some stuff makes me physically ill just to think about. It's no joke what we expose our minds too.
It makes me think of a memory from years ago when my niece was 4 or 5 years old. She looked at her father and asked "daddy are monsters real?" and my brother looked her in the eyes and said absolutely. He elaborated by explaining the best he could that these monsters are nothing like those in the movies, what makes them even scarier is that they look like ordinary, harmless people. At the time she didn't fully understand, but she always remembered him saying it. As she got older she always kept that in mind and never blindly trusted people that she didn't know and it kept her safe. I always applauded my brother for telling her that at such a young age because I feel like it was important for her to know that there is a dark side to people and some people are literally monsters and have no conscience. I thank you Ryan from the bottom of my heart for your efforts to stop the monsters that are intent on harming children. I can find forgiveness for a lot of things, but, harming children in any way, shape or form is absolutely unforgivable. The pieces of sh!t that hurt children cannot be punished severely enough. Keep up the good work, you're doing your part to make a difference and the world needs more people like you.
That's very similar to what I tell my son. Monsters don't come out advertising themselves, look at me I'm a big scary monster. They can be loud but those usually are not the most scary or dangerous.
Thank you "0 Day". Too many of us and others have been sexually abused at young ages and had no one who protected us or even knew it was happening. You find people like this and help protect the innocent children.
When I was a boy, "Free"Masons were at a fair in Miami calling for parents to let the masons videotape them. The children had to get recorded from all sides including the back. This was a child-raping scheme to find info on new victims disguised as a "We care about the children's safety, so let's have extra records of them including FROM BEHIND" project. Devil worshippers rule this world. It has been proven by SCINTILLAM DEI such as in "Pokémon is satanic."
It's disturbing the world we live in today. I would warn all parents out there to be watchful of what their kids are doing on their computers and phones. Some teens find ways to get ahold of tech that let's them go on the dark web and fall into this hole. Years ago, I knew a young man who got in trouble with the law for using the dark web to knowingly purchase stolen guitars. No good comes out of doing business with those creeps.
Not just today. These things always existed. The only difference is that it was more Localized in some areas before. Today it is just easier to see or buy.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait you mean to tell me you know someone who actually bought something off of here and out of anything they could have got they decided to buy stolen guitars???? Why???? Who were they stolen from? And if he wanted a stolen guitar why not just visit the local pawn shop😭😭😭
I've heard a lot about the Dark Web, but I have no words this is utterly disgusting, Thank you Aston, Art, John and Ryan, for showing us this. It sure is a massive eye-opener. Super creepy and sick.
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9 Humans are fallen creatures. We are wicked. We inherited the original sin. Only God can heal our hearts by making it new. Without Him we're heading for destruction. We're already heading that way so God had to change it. He made a way for us by sending His only Son Jesus into this world to redeem humanity. He is 100% God and 100% Man. He lived a perfect life. Knew no sin. He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins. In order for us to be saved, we must believe that He is God, and that He died on the cross for our sins. And that He was raised from the grave on the third day. We must trust his finished work on the cross. When we genuinely believe Him, we will then receive the Holy Spirit from heaven Whom He promised He will send. That's when our hearts are regenerated. No longer bound to sin.
Human beings CAN be the most vile? They ARE, and always have been. Religion is the cause of most ‘evils’. Only humans use religion as a cloak to hide behind.
maybe morderan morality is the issue maybe we need to go backwards to where like 1000 years ago you are an adult at 13 because the honest truth is what we have created in the modern society is a total failure and this is the reason America is dying.
Ryan Montgomery.... you can't fake that level of disgust. I can't even come close to imagining what has passed before your eyes in the name of finding a way to stop what you can. I'm glad you're on our side!
Ryan you're an angel. Thank you for helping the millions of children being victims of predatory abuse against them. God bless you always and may he lead you in every path of a child waiting to be saved by someone as you. The value of what you do is priceless! Thank you.
God bless indeed. God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food." Genesis 1:29 GO PLANT BASED!!
I so appreciate you young men giving this grandmother a quick view into the dark web. There’s always been darkness. You know, only now it’s up close and very personal. Blessings to you young men bringing light into a dark dark space. I appreciate you.
This stuff happens on a daily basis all around the world. You needn’t look further than your local Hasonic Mall (just flip the syllables). They are at the forefront of committing evil acts throughout the planet.
I am too negligible to be a target. No money. But I have enemies due to their greed or misunderstandings. Satan runs this fallen world. Funny how even criminals have rules.
yes you should do something like this a father of two girls you showed me something that I may not of ever thought of....also you gave me a way to find my kids if something happens....and Ryan is now my new favorite person in the world. Ryan please never stop for all those kids out there we need more of your kind SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are so many sick people in This world, I'm glad to know there are people like Ryan and Josh exposing and trying to shut this down. My heart hurts for all of the children being forced to endure these horrid awful people. As a parent to a small child this terrifies me.
Ever tought you, the parent, gets drugged or just kidnapped, and ending up with camera's all around you in a room and getting tortured because people pay for it, proberly do this to children too... PEOPLE ARE SICK AS FUCK TODAY IN THEIR HEADS!!! NEVER GO WITHOUT WEAPONS WHERE EVER YOU GO!!!
@paulineverriere8054 Yes. Besides knowing and obeying the Constitution, Bill of Rights- and what makes a person a traitor! The CIA/Deep State is profiting from child abuse.
Thanks for this documentary. We've all heard about the "Dark Web", but this is the closest probably most of us came to "see" it. Fascinating and disgusting at the same time.
I had no idea how bad this dark web stuff is, absolutely disgusting. It’s good to know this is out there as a safety front, but I hit a new level of paranoid for my children and the hell this world is becoming
Sadly this has always existed, before it had to be found via film or book, it’s just got a new outlet that more people know about now is all. I imagine those on the inside have always known where to go to feed their dark desires.
Just like in the movie taken when Liam Neeson's (however you spell it) daughter gets ubducted and is put in that outfit standing in a half dark room drugged with people all around making higher bids to "purchase" her. I could only imagine how scary that would be.
There are more children bring brought to the US under the Biden Admin than ever before. As of Nov 2023, there were 85k children that were "lost" within our borders by the current administration.
JFC, how dark, seedy, and disgusting the Dark Web is!😣😯😠 Whatta journey, guys! Although absolutely despicable, wild, and uncomfortable to delve into, I appreciate you going so in depth with this! You guys rock, are the world's best, and friggin' knock it outta the park, every single time! Love ya!❤
This makes me want to delete ALL my social media accounts and go offline. People are sick and disturbed to seek out this garbage. It's horrific. Thanks for what you all do just to shed light on it...
Please don't go into the dark web, you'll regret it. If you don't have trauma in your life now, you will after you go into the dark web. Please just don't.
I had an out of body experience when I heard there are people willing to watch a child get their head crushed.... OMG ! These people deserve the worse things done to them.
That's every abortion,which is normal in the atheist Marxist democratic socialist culture the world over. Over 4 billion babies dismembered in their own mothers wombs in the last 47 years alone. The democrat party made this ok in the American culture.
I legit cried. I have a 5 year old daughter and I just couldn't even imagine wanting to do harm to an innocent child or person for that matter. Gave me a sick stomach even thinking someone would even want to watch that.
You gentlemen are entertaining, informing and terrifying!!! I'm an old lady on budget but I'm subscribing to Trilogy+. God bless your hearts. Your curious, so I can be nosey.
@@BatshtPassionateI found my own information, going all the way back to when I had my Gateway computer in 1999. It was strange seeing it all available for anyone to find.
A girl I attended school with from K to 12th grade was the victim of an especially brutal hit and run, and her killer has never been identified. Police photos of her horribly mutilated body ended up on several of these sites, and nobody seems to know how it happened. She was a wonderful person, and it makes me sick to know her unfortunate end has been so crassly exploited.
That’s sad. Sometimes I feel like the unsolved cases were due to organized dark web jobs, for instance, a buyer arranged a shooting or a car accident to buy the victims organs. Idk
The dark web is a little like hiking in the australian outback it's unregulated it's scary dangerous and if you find yourself in trouble nobody cab help you
Life was terrifying before knowing this, I feel more concerned than before. Not for myself, for all the unknowing ones who become victims. Hard topic. Appreciate the work.
U can relax....😂 .95% of the dark web is fake and is a scam. U ain't getting anything of their other then some photos and the chance to loose ur money. Since the og silkroad was taken down and big ppl were arrested u can't even get drugs on there. U go to hire a hit man ur gonna be paying some web designer some money lol
PEOPLE ARE MONSTERS. I never am without weapons, doesn't matter where i am... airplane? I just buy a bottle of booze i can smash broken and use it as a weapon, like you got another choice, that is legally possible... i am for real, i take a pen with me just as a weapon for emergancy situations i hope never to get in... also a lighter. And a test parfum of a few ml... also wearongva belt with a bug huge gesp is an option too, or soon on the plane you can buy a beer or coke, just for the can...
Such an informative, yet scary video. You guys are the best team and deserve the world for doing such an incredible service and investigating this and risking so much just to get this sort of content. Absolutely have so much love and appreciation for your team beyond words. Unbelievable.
notice how all the big channels are talking about dark web out of nowhere they are payed by the cult to promote this because they wanna censor the internet... bet they got a BIG some of money from their lovely government. the known sites they talk about are setup by see eye a anyway.... you purchuse u get caught this is about raising awareness because they are gonna try to require digital id for everyone
We are all the evil in the eyes of animals. Humans are mass killing animals for food. Go plant based everyone! We cannot preach peace when we have death on our dinner plates.
Thank you to the guy protecting our chidren! ❤ Just wanted to tell him I appreciate you, even though I missed your name in the beginning.... I stopped the video in order to tell you so I dont forget to..... God bless you sweetie! ❤ We need more people like you!!❤
Wow! This is definitely something TOTALLY different for Trilogy, but so appropriate of a topic to spread to the masses. I have dark web access myself and have always been amazed and the shit you can find with SUCH ease. It is some scary AF shit. Thank you for sharing and enlightening the masses.
There was a reason why I have never even thought to find out what dark Web was, just knew its not for me, and this episode has shown I was absolutely right to keep away from this shit. Thanks guys for doing what I would be absolutely shit scared to..
Trilogy media, Zero Day and all involved are heroes. The things people think they can get away with on the internet and off is abhorrent. Thank you for all you do.
That was really creepy and interesting at the same time! Thanks for taking us with you into this part of world! It makes me sick what's going on in the dark web... But I wish everyone a very nice time and don't get scammed!
Hi Weasel and Ash! You guys are doing amazing work. I have been watching for about 3-4 years now and the growth you all have made is amazing. Love what you do from scam calls to catching predators and now this?! LOVE IT! ❤
A lot of people don't want to know about stuff like this but we really need too. This vile and disgusting stuff happens everyday all day. There is practically no way to stop it as well. One site is shut down another goes up. Some monsters get caught new monsters come to light. I feel like the more exposure this gets maybe the more people will actually try to stop it.
We are all the monsters in the eyes of animals. Humans are mass killing animals for food. Go plant based everyone! We cannot preach peace when we have death on our dinner plates.
Even tho Ash + Art bring a comedic side sometimes to scam-baiting, Ryan Montgomery and John Hammond have shined a good spotlight on how insidious the web can get to a whole new audience. Thankful for cyber-security professionals who are looking out for the greater good and informing the public of these scary areas of the web.
I am thrilled to see this to only know this is available and to make sure I teach our grandchildren about the dangers. I feel knowledge is power when we open our eyes and realize the horror that exists right in front of us that we don’t even realize is being used daily by many. Thanks for sharing the dangers
Was going to do what you did but you've scared me way off. And you're right. INSTAND REGRET. Hopefully I'll forget what I've heard as soon as I log off.
This was darker than dark, it was the pits of hell dark! I think I will leave the dark web to the professionals to deal with?! It’s definitely super scary that you can buy absolutely anything on it though?! Love you all xxx 💙💙
It's just fake crap. Ppl do it for lols or make web pages in the hopes some idiot actually pays them for money to buy something and they just keep the money. Ppl who are into web design will create 100s of pages on here as practice. There is legit shit that use to go on like silkroad but not much anymore
@packers12to80 still plenty of legit drug marketplaces around, and when one of them gets seized or exit scams new ones open up. Same with stolen cards n stuff. The red room crap, murder for hire all that garbage are scams ye lol. Same with the marketplaces on here. You'd think some dark web experts would know that.
That was frightening. Josh Duggar finally got caught using the dark web. He is sick and thank God in prison. It breaks my heart to see innocent children being hurt. Love you guys so much. 💕💕💕
I couldn’t move an inch watching this video. Thank you for sharing this and the information. We all need to stay informed and we can definitely depend on you.🙏
It's truly sad monsters like these exist in society. It is so hard to describe the absolute horror I felt watching this. To know this at the fingertips of sick twisted monsters is more than disturbing.
@@ThePrimePrimer what I had learned, if u lack peace ✌️ then u lack faith. Even with today's drama around the world knowing the ending won't end well for majority of us, I'm at peace cause I have faith in him. Yes, our flesh and bone can be tortured in this world but our soul is for Almighry God to judge, repent my brothers and sisters for I been there too and took me awhile to understand.
@@johnnygeilo1427 true, is why I go to church every week, take classes, bible study, volunteer as a deacon in the church, work under my pastor, flee from evil doings, feed homeless, I can go on forever but u get it. Also there is only 1 God and its Jesus Christ, all other gods are man created, God bless u and keep up ur faith. 🙏
notice how all the big channels are talking about dark web out of nowhere they are payed by the cult to promote this because they wanna censor the internet... bet they got a BIG some of money from their lovely government.
I normally don't watch things longer than 10 minutes due to attention span. I actually watched this all the way through and I learned a few things too. Thanks for the video guys! Just earned yourselves a subscriber.
I really appreciate you guys bringin awareness to this subject. It helps get peope out of their bubbles. We can all help keep an eye out for things that dont seem right. People have helped stop kidnapping or save human trafficking victims, by saying something and paying attention. Be safe everyone!
The biggest thing an individual in the western world can do to stop human trafficking is simply to help educate people. Make sure all children receive the full spectrum of education within a school environment and learn two languages if possible. Based on the country the languages change but in general English and Spanish/French are the most helpful. The largest proportion of victims of human trafficking are simply stolen put on ships and never make port in their home country ever again, the huge growth area at the moment is people being forced into working on trawlers in high risk areas.
Wow. This is the world we live in - you never truly know people. So scary. The age of technology. I'm sure these sick bastards have been around forever - but the internet makes things too easy. Wow. Ryan - you are beyond amazing. Trilogy - thank you as always for a massive eye-opening video. So much for breakfast...
YA its bbeen like this for a long time............... 2006 was my 1st ever order on the darkk web for magic truffles, I had ZERO ISSUES (& there was no such thing as BITCOIN backk then)
I listened one audio book about dark web. Writer did some investigation and found some sites like forums meant for sadistic people who's like to hurt kids, animals etc. Writer of that book told later that he went to therapy because the material he saw was just too much.
Omg that's horrible 😢 this is why I will never visit the dark Web. As Ash said do not try at home. You won't be able to unsee all the scary shit on there.
I’m basically struck speechless other than to say thank you for the informative content and praise to pumpkin pie Ryan . What admirable necessary and important work he and his colleagues are devoting their life to.
@@debrakish9659 there’s a video of him eating a pumpkin pie that he bought at the grocery store I think. They guys couldn’t get over it. They kept questioning/ teasing him and he finally said I need fiber?
This guy is so over dramatized. I was buying weed on silk road back in 2004 when BTC first came out to public. Most of the dark web sites aren't even active anymore.
I hate to say it but , how selfish ! And how do you know? Let alone that there are many states where weed is legal now no need to buy it illegally.And to top that off it is not now 2004 it is 2024 . In other words I have trouble finding the revelancy in your statement.
I don't understand why the authorities don't implement sting operations there. Horrendous, disgusting, unfathomable things going on out there. Exposure is the 1st step. Thank you for opening our eyes.
This was a very insightful video. I went searching for a video just like this, and here it was. I wanted to find an educational, yet mildly censored video. I didn’t feel negative. The guys were very informative yet took precautions to protect us. You get the jist without being traumatized!
YES, PLEASE DO A FOLLOW UP TO THIS VIDEO. The public needs to be educated about this stuff For someone that used to work for the phone company and used to deal with a few scammers back in the day on the telephone..... This video was definitely not only eye-opening but it was also educational even for an older viewer like myself. At the time when I used to work at the phone company most of you young people that I'm watching on this video we're not even born yet that's how far back my past Telephone Company work goes. Back in the day when I used to do telephone work scammers were relegated to trying their stunts either through the mail or on the telephone but to see something like this happening in real time through the magic of a computer which really didn't exist for me you know 49 years ago this was definitely very, very eye-opening!!!
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No keep away from it.
great job guys lov e the video
Yeah, it's really creepy but very interesting!!!
I'm surprised you guys did not regurgitate! 🤢🤢 Awesome work though guys, as expected ❤
Absolutely YES! One of your best videos ever
Thank you very much for having me on, I absolutely love the Trilogy Media squad. Stay safe out there everyone
Much love Brother!!!💪😀💙🔥
You should have mentioned the fact that most of this stuff is fake
Keep up the great work and take down the sickos!!
Ryan you are a G! ❤❤
thank you for educating us and doing the right thing to warn others it means a lot to me i try to tell others this world is evil
The worst part about all of this is there are people who pay to see others tortured. Absolutely disgusting.
hostel wasn't just a movie it seems
I think the worst part about it is the number one searched thing tbh
I promise, that stuff isn't real. Tor doesn't have the capability to run a stream like that. Red rooms are an internet boogeyman made up to scare people away from the dark web.
You think this is bad, Arabs do worse they prefer to watch it done live in front of em not online
Worst part is he had to look it up to find it for the first time he claims to have been traumatized but he had to search to find it.
The fact that millions of people are active on these child porn sites and live normal lives around us is disgusting
My best friend was one of them. Defended himself after admitting it. Truly disgusting
@@amandakekonius240its your fault that you were in his business
@@whyoumad4found one right here
More common than you think
Human trafficking is literally in almost every county in every state in the United States.
Years ago I (legally) adopted my biological daughter’s 2 friends (sisters) in Jr High…the eldest was IV drugged and traded too their parents drug dealers. She’d disappear for days, and the younger sister finally told a teacher in 6 grade, the principal notified the authorities but it took over a year of obtaining evidence, wire taping, video surveillance, ECT, to arrest the biological parents.
We had our own FBI agent’s who stayed in touch with us by phone calls and even personal visits a few times a month for support and continued following our family until both girls were 18.
Thankfully they graduated high school and are doing as good as they can.
God bless your kind souls❤
Authorities checking adoptions should be mandatory. It’s for the kids sake. ❤ it’s good that you where there for them ❤
Our dufus government lost track of 85,000 immigrant kids that crossed the border in the past 3 years. Yeah, right, they didn't "lose track" of them.
That is some crazy 😢and sad stuff
I was almost taken, I was but got out bc I saw my chance and was scared I would not be able to get out again. It's so scary very real. And I'm 45 so can u imagine I'm still afraid to go outside from 2 almost 3 years ago
When i see dark stuff like this i cant help but think of Neitzche when he said "be careful when fighting monsters lest ye become a monster and when you stare into the abyss,the abyss also stares into you".God bless and stay grounded and safe guys.
In the movie "8mm" there is a quote.
"When you dance with the devil, the Devil doesn't change, the Devil changes you."
@@MoneyShot033 1 Cor. 15:33 - Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” 34 Become righteously sober-minded, and stop sinning; for some have no knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame.
Wow that's very accurate when describing looking into the friend, I am a former professional soldier and X gangland member... none of which I am proud of, 1 of which I justify my actions by yell myself i had a flag on my shoulder and it is for my country. That was not true and without getting into it I looked into the abyss and as I did so, I had the training, adrenaline pumping through my system, good excuses in my head as in I'm the one sticking up for morals and the right from wrong but let me say this...I don't know who nietchy or whoever is and if he's a philosopher im surprised to not know him but that being said, i have stared into the abyss and willed it on and thinking I'm the OG carried out my mission or task at hand and now after many years of me loosing my mind bcoz I thought i was cowardly for not handling it well, it turns out that I am a human, not physopathic and with a massive conscience and bcoz I lived in a dream world i really wasn't wat i thought i was. I turned to a God I didn't believe in for help and now I follow the lord Jesus Christ and am so blessed to be forgiven but still at night my girl asks me to pray with her and then go to Dreamland but I make any excuse bcoz mine isn't the same Dreamland as hers. Wow I'm gonna look into that writer so thanks, God bless you and yours
Just remember that Nietzsche is also a dangerous writer that can get you into nihilism very easily. He can be very persuasive and very passionate in his writings. But he can also be described as what in latin is said as des-mens, because basically he took himself into the complete muteness or emptiness of the mind. For christianity we protect ourself also with the word, language, and silence is not muteness but instead listening and prayer. Nietzsche is one critic of christianity. People like Heidegger (a nazi) said things like "Nietzsche got me lost for 10 years". If you are curious read it, but I would advice to be very careful. Read Kierkegaard and Dostoievsky first of all. Also Wittgenstein (he is not an analitic wirter, he is a religious writer), Henri de Lubac, Hans Urs von Baltashar and all the patristicus writers, for example Gregory of Niza, Maximus the Confessor. Also Meister Eckhart, Dionisius Areopagita.
@@jacobliddiard158 Nietzsche was against nihilism.
This was the most terrifying rabbit hole ive ever been down. Thank you for exposing this no matter how terrifying
Thank you for watching!😀👍
@@ArtKulik ❤️❤️❤️
We got rabbit lol
Why do you keep calling russian terrorists "my guys"? Art?@@ArtKulik
Don't worry most of these sites are BS.
When dude said “ it’s his purpose to put pedos down” I agree. Hero’s take many forms but saving kids in any capacity qualifies. Wish more like people like y’all. If I had the means and know how, I would too. God bless you and keep you safe while you chase the demons
You called them right. They're demons, not people.
GOD PLEASE put an end to this horrible nightmare 😭 Keep children safe and protected. Please protect those who venture into these dark caverns to protect these precious innocent children.🙏
GOD bless you and keep you safe too.
if if if if if, if you wanted to know how, you could go and learn how. "wish more people...." just be one of those people, start with the man in the mirror
@@LyraKeltica61 proof god is fiction.
@@ThatOpalGuyyour just trying to be confrontational for no reason
He loves you very much! :)@@ThatOpalGuy
The hacker saying that this is what he’s on this planet for gave me goosebumps. A true HERO!❤
I'm agree with the guy who says he has 0 empathy for pedophiles and I'm glad he's doing his part to catch these creeps
And that's why you will end up being killed next week!
Yeah I 100% agree this guy should be allowed to break as many laws as needed to catch those evil people
@@BenjiSavage918 Yes what could possibly go wrong when society starts allowing people to do that? Even those that enforce the law have to live by rules.
I just got a 3 day ban for saying pretty much same thing on a yt video of a kidnapper-pedo caught in the act w.a really young child. Shows where yt priorities are
@gareth19771 oh do 1. The enforcers ARE the n0nces
This is part of the reason why I will never post pictures of my kids online.
The story he was telling about his friends kid is wild.
That gave me chills.
Even if them darkweb hackers wanted to they can even get the ip of when that picture location uploaded n taken
I first discovered Ryan Montgomery on the Shawn Ryan show. I have nothing but respect for what that man does! We need more people like him and trilogy media out here helping people.
He’s amazing!
I agree
They all crooks they are part of the elites
I prefer regretting what I saw then pretending it doesn’t exist. The more aware people are the more we can put an end to evil. Thank you for this raw video. You guys are brave
How are YOU going to put an end to it? I don't see that happening
@@chryssij7544 The more people that are aware and actively campaigning to have unscrupulous sites shut down the more pressure is put on governments to do so. I’m not bashing the whole of ToR as it does have uses that are legitimate and worthy.
I definitely don't want to know everything. I used to think I wanted to. Some stuff makes me physically ill just to think about. It's no joke what we expose our minds too.
@@brianna094 Same. I feel like even watching informational videos like this can be too much sometimes.
It makes me think of a memory from years ago when my niece was 4 or 5 years old. She looked at her father and asked "daddy are monsters real?" and my brother looked her in the eyes and said absolutely. He elaborated by explaining the best he could that these monsters are nothing like those in the movies, what makes them even scarier is that they look like ordinary, harmless people.
At the time she didn't fully understand, but she always remembered him saying it. As she got older she always kept that in mind and never blindly trusted people that she didn't know and it kept her safe. I always applauded my brother for telling her that at such a young age because I feel like it was important for her to know that there is a dark side to people and some people are literally monsters and have no conscience.
I thank you Ryan from the bottom of my heart for your efforts to stop the monsters that are intent on harming children. I can find forgiveness for a lot of things, but, harming children in any way, shape or form is absolutely unforgivable. The pieces of sh!t that hurt children cannot be punished severely enough. Keep up the good work, you're doing your part to make a difference and the world needs more people like you.
Literally a Sean Locke skit x
That's very similar to what I tell my son.
Monsters don't come out advertising themselves, look at me I'm a big scary monster.
They can be loud but those usually are not the most scary or dangerous.
Yes monster's are real and they walk by us everyday. They are our neighbors and they are our family.
My new career!! Vampire hunter
I tell my daughter the same thing 🙏❤️ keep your children safe ❤
Thank you "0 Day". Too many of us and others have been sexually abused at young ages and had no one who protected us or even knew it was happening. You find people like this and help protect the innocent children.
The most vulnerable and voiceless of our society
When I was a boy, "Free"Masons were at a fair in Miami calling for parents to let the masons videotape them. The children had to get recorded from all sides including the back. This was a child-raping scheme to find info on new victims disguised as a "We care about the children's safety, so let's have extra records of them including FROM BEHIND" project. Devil worshippers rule this world. It has been proven by SCINTILLAM DEI such as in "Pokémon is satanic."
@@seawatersoul333Are victims of abortion.
@@SiGa-i1r gotdamn
@@SiGa-i1rPAHAHHSSKKAKAKA good one. it's a joke right
It's disturbing the world we live in today. I would warn all parents out there to be watchful of what their kids are doing on their computers and phones. Some teens find ways to get ahold of tech that let's them go on the dark web and fall into this hole. Years ago, I knew a young man who got in trouble with the law for using the dark web to knowingly purchase stolen guitars. No good comes out of doing business with those creeps.
Wtf stolen guitars….
I don't even know how to access dark webs even though I live in the young generation and don't plan on accessing dark webs haha
Not just today. These things always existed. The only difference is that it was more Localized in some areas before. Today it is just easier to see or buy.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait you mean to tell me you know someone who actually bought something off of here and out of anything they could have got they decided to buy stolen guitars???? Why???? Who were they stolen from? And if he wanted a stolen guitar why not just visit the local pawn shop😭😭😭
@TheSquareTiger you seriously have not at least browsed the dark Web once?
I've heard a lot about the Dark Web, but I have no words this is utterly disgusting, Thank you Aston, Art, John and Ryan, for showing us this. It sure is a massive eye-opener. Super creepy and sick.
It's completely disgusting that child porn is the number one searched topic on that search engine. Human beings can be the most vile...
I lost hope for humanity a long time ago.
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9
Humans are fallen creatures. We are wicked. We inherited the original sin. Only God can heal our hearts by making it new. Without Him we're heading for destruction. We're already heading that way so God had to change it. He made a way for us by sending His only Son Jesus into this world to redeem humanity. He is 100% God and 100% Man. He lived a perfect life. Knew no sin. He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
In order for us to be saved, we must believe that He is God, and that He died on the cross for our sins. And that He was raised from the grave on the third day. We must trust his finished work on the cross. When we genuinely believe Him, we will then receive the Holy Spirit from heaven Whom He promised He will send. That's when our hearts are regenerated. No longer bound to sin.
we are surrounded by pedophile without knowing, ur most sweet colleague might be one without anyone knowing...kind of scary
Human beings CAN be the most vile? They ARE, and always have been. Religion is the cause of most ‘evils’. Only humans use religion as a cloak to hide behind.
maybe morderan morality is the issue maybe we need to go backwards to where like 1000 years ago you are an adult at 13 because the honest truth is what we have created in the modern society is a total failure and this is the reason America is dying.
Ryan Montgomery.... you can't fake that level of disgust. I can't even come close to imagining what has passed before your eyes in the name of finding a way to stop what you can. I'm glad you're on our side!
Look up .or something looks evil happening now. It's our duty to prevent or get the right to be a vigilant
Ryan you're an angel. Thank you for helping the millions of children being victims of predatory abuse against them. God bless you always and may he lead you in every path of a child waiting to be saved by someone as you. The value of what you do is priceless! Thank you.
God bless indeed. God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food."
Genesis 1:29 GO PLANT BASED!!
@@darith770I can also eat meat
Eating meat is in God's law, the passover lamb. So that's a deceptive,taken out of context quote there.
I so appreciate you young men giving this grandmother a quick view into the dark web. There’s always been darkness. You know, only now it’s up close and very personal. Blessings to you young men bringing light into a dark dark space. I appreciate you.
The scariest part about all of this...ppl watching/ordering this stuff are literally walking amongst us...😭😭😭
Living and working in our neighborhoods
This stuff happens on a daily basis all around the world. You needn’t look further than your local Hasonic Mall (just flip the syllables).
They are at the forefront of committing evil acts throughout the planet.
At your local trailer park
@@stravis3269 sitting behind desks
What scares me the most is that you never know when someone could hire someone to Do terrible things to you, Stay safe everyone
2023 going on 2024 in these times and ages, never be caught unarmed
I am too negligible to be a target. No money. But I have enemies due to their greed or misunderstandings. Satan runs this fallen world. Funny how even criminals have rules.
@@SiGa-i1r We are all targets, it's coming and it's not going to be pretty
Pray that GOD wrap his arms around you and protect you from this hell.
Is murdered or tortured worse? Both scary 😨 thankful that some people are good guys too !!
yes you should do something like this a father of two girls you showed me something that I may not of ever thought of....also you gave me a way to find my kids if something happens....and Ryan is now my new favorite person in the world. Ryan please never stop for all those kids out there we need more of your kind SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are so many sick people in This world, I'm glad to know there are people like Ryan and Josh exposing and trying to shut this down. My heart hurts for all of the children being forced to endure these horrid awful people. As a parent to a small child this terrifies me.
Ever tought you, the parent, gets drugged or just kidnapped, and ending up with camera's all around you in a room and getting tortured because people pay for it, proberly do this to children too... PEOPLE ARE SICK AS FUCK TODAY IN THEIR HEADS!!! NEVER GO WITHOUT WEAPONS WHERE EVER YOU GO!!!
@@NathalieMelissaor maybe they sell their on child on this sick people because of drug addiction
Especially when they don't think they will get caught!
I’m just glad, we/police know about …heck I hope they do…ok some divisions well …woke…I could name one…I won’t…in Toronto
Yes. Besides knowing and obeying the Constitution, Bill of Rights- and what makes a person a traitor! The CIA/Deep State is profiting from child abuse.
Thanks for this documentary. We've all heard about the "Dark Web", but this is the closest probably most of us came to "see" it. Fascinating and disgusting at the same time.
Ryan thank you so much for going after child predators! God bless you sir!
I had no idea how bad this dark web stuff is, absolutely disgusting. It’s good to know this is out there as a safety front, but I hit a new level of paranoid for my children and the hell this world is becoming
Sadly this has always existed, before it had to be found via film or book, it’s just got a new outlet that more people know about now is all.
I imagine those on the inside have always known where to go to feed their dark desires.
I have not once had the thought of searching the dark web, I know only darkness lives there, no good comes out of it... Thank you guys for doing this
What I get from this is that children abductions/trafficking is a serious worldly issue. Couldn’t imagine the horror these victims go through 😱
Just like in the movie taken when Liam Neeson's (however you spell it) daughter gets ubducted and is put in that outfit standing in a half dark room drugged with people all around making higher bids to "purchase" her. I could only imagine how scary that would be.
But you don't see that much news like child being lost. News are linked to with their satanic shit
There are more children bring brought to the US under the Biden Admin than ever before. As of Nov 2023, there were 85k children that were "lost" within our borders by the current administration.
It’s unfortunately very very common and popular in the USA, and the biggest misfortune is that Americans don’t think it is…
JFC, how dark, seedy, and disgusting the Dark Web is!😣😯😠
Whatta journey, guys! Although absolutely despicable, wild, and uncomfortable to delve into, I appreciate you going so in depth with this! You guys rock, are the world's best, and friggin' knock it outta the park, every single time! Love ya!❤
Thanks for your love and support Cherish!🙏🏻☺️
@@ArtKulikAlways an honor, Art!❤
This makes me want to delete ALL my social media accounts and go offline. People are sick and disturbed to seek out this garbage. It's horrific. Thanks for what you all do just to shed light on it...
"Do not try this at home" ...Me: "No worries here!" 😳 I'm a curious sort but not this, no way no how!
If you try these you will be next victim
Please don't go into the dark web, you'll regret it. If you don't have trauma in your life now, you will after you go into the dark web. Please just don't.
@@Handler447 why?
Tor is the biggest FAFO in existence.
I had an out of body experience when I heard there are people willing to watch a child get their head crushed.... OMG ! These people deserve the worse things done to them.
Right after he said that in the video, I literally had to pause the video and I zoned out, thinking exactly what you said….
a lot of these sites are fake ran by scammers. how tf do you think that tor could even load a real live video?
That's every abortion,which is normal in the atheist Marxist democratic socialist culture the world over.
Over 4 billion babies dismembered in their own mothers wombs in the last 47 years alone.
The democrat party made this ok in the American culture.
I legit cried. I have a 5 year old daughter and I just couldn't even imagine wanting to do harm to an innocent child or person for that matter. Gave me a sick stomach even thinking someone would even want to watch that.
Zio..nes.ts do that
That part he mentioned people would pay to see a toddler being tortured broke me and made me lose all hope in humanity
Same, I cried 😢
Me too, come quickly Lord Jesus!🙏🏼
People don't like to hear it, but humans need God. Without God we fall into absolute darkness and despair.
@@RunninUpThatHillh real
But you have to remember that the number of people who would protect those same toddlers with their lives is always more
You gentlemen are entertaining, informing and terrifying!!! I'm an old lady on budget but I'm subscribing to Trilogy+. God bless your hearts. Your curious, so I can be nosey.
There is so much information on the dark web on every one of us. No words to describe the depravity there, it’s beyond terrifying.
This is what i was just wondering:/ I feel so weird now
@@BatshtPassionateI found my own information, going all the way back to when I had my Gateway computer in 1999. It was strange seeing it all available for anyone to find.
I there information of making atom boom too😂
Hurting any humans is heartbreaking, and this video made me cry. The world is so evil.
Too much hate, murder, homophobia, transphobic, racist, evil people 😢
A girl I attended school with from K to 12th grade was the victim of an especially brutal hit and run, and her killer has never been identified. Police photos of her horribly mutilated body ended up on several of these sites, and nobody seems to know how it happened. She was a wonderful person, and it makes me sick to know her unfortunate end has been so crassly exploited.
That’s sad. Sometimes I feel like the unsolved cases were due to organized dark web jobs, for instance, a buyer arranged a shooting or a car accident to buy the victims organs. Idk
Cops get paid under the table for this
Well that’s infuriating…
@@NEO_RKX It really is, and I don't understand why people want to see that sort of material in the first place. Something's very wrong with it.
Seriously, this is a "do not attempt" warning you don't want to ignore.
The dark web is a little like hiking in the australian outback it's unregulated it's scary dangerous and if you find yourself in trouble nobody cab help you
You’ll be surprised who actually visits the dark web. Politicians, presidents, your boss etc
sick MFRS
I respect Ryan for losing his sanity and develop life long PTSD to protect kids. He is a hero to me.
Life was terrifying before knowing this, I feel more concerned than before. Not for myself, for all the unknowing ones who become victims.
Hard topic.
Appreciate the work.
U can relax....😂 .95% of the dark web is fake and is a scam. U ain't getting anything of their other then some photos and the chance to loose ur money. Since the og silkroad was taken down and big ppl were arrested u can't even get drugs on there. U go to hire a hit man ur gonna be paying some web designer some money lol
Rightttt?! Holy crapolaaaa! 🤦🏻♀️🙈
i don’t think I will be able to trust anyone after this also i have trust issues
99.9% of the dark web is just online drug sale markets
PEOPLE ARE MONSTERS. I never am without weapons, doesn't matter where i am... airplane? I just buy a bottle of booze i can smash broken and use it as a weapon, like you got another choice, that is legally possible... i am for real, i take a pen with me just as a weapon for emergancy situations i hope never to get in... also a lighter. And a test parfum of a few ml... also wearongva belt with a bug huge gesp is an option too, or soon on the plane you can buy a beer or coke, just for the can...
Such an informative, yet scary video. You guys are the best team and deserve the world for doing such an incredible service and investigating this and risking so much just to get this sort of content. Absolutely have so much love and appreciation for your team beyond words. Unbelievable.
Omg. I can't even imagine. This is so tragic what crazy unbalanced people are into. Thanks for shining a light on such a very DARK subject!
Be careful. You can’t unsee this stuff.
Thank you for the warnings.
Amen! We have to be careful what we let in our eye, and ear gates!
@@Matthias81575 I just clicked on by mistake....not sure how far I am going to get through? And is it real?
@@shondee7864itd do much worse than "bug" you. You CANNOT UNSEE what you see. Life-long trauma at the least.
notice how all the big channels are talking about dark web out of nowhere they are payed by the cult to promote this because they wanna censor the internet... bet they got a BIG some of money from their lovely government. the known sites they talk about are setup by see eye a anyway.... you purchuse u get caught this is about raising awareness because they are gonna try to require digital id for everyone
@@Matthias81575except when it saves lives, makes people aware, and help take down criminals and wicked people
Thank you, guys and Ryan for fighting the good fight and exposing the evil of this world.
He's an angel but he is Looking at
CP all dayNo thanks ignorance is bliss
We are all the evil in the eyes of animals. Humans are mass killing animals for food. Go plant based everyone! We cannot preach peace when we have death on our dinner plates.
The dude with the sleeves helping bust these pervs, hats off to u good sir! It's awesome ur doing what ur doing man
Thank you to the guy protecting our chidren! ❤ Just wanted to tell him I appreciate you, even though I missed your name in the beginning.... I stopped the video in order to tell you so I dont forget to..... God bless you sweetie! ❤ We need more people like you!!❤
They are so called vigilante. We can all team up to avoid this
His name is Ryan Montgomery his channel/site is 0day
Wow! This is definitely something TOTALLY different for Trilogy, but so appropriate of a topic to spread to the masses. I have dark web access myself and have always been amazed and the shit you can find with SUCH ease. It is some scary AF shit. Thank you for sharing and enlightening the masses.
There was a reason why I have never even thought to find out what dark Web was, just knew its not for me, and this episode has shown I was absolutely right to keep away from this shit. Thanks guys for doing what I would be absolutely shit scared to..
I second that 💯
It's not called dark because it's a happy place after all
It’s not that bad. It’s mostly drug markets which people have the right to buy and sell on. End the war on drugs.
Same. I feel like this would be something where my curiosity would traumatize me for life. Awful. I feel a bit sick just having watched *this* video.
Thank you for bringing light to a dark place. Cockroaches tend to scatter when a light is shining on them. Keep on shining.
Trilogy media, Zero Day and all involved are heroes. The things people think they can get away with on the internet and off is abhorrent. Thank you for all you do.
This ponytail guy is 100% gonna go looking for cheap gucci. He was wayyyyy to excited 😅
😂😂😂😂 definitivno
And even more imitations brands too 😅😂😂
He's 100% a sodamite
His name is Art😊
Haha ikr he was soo upset when the battery died 😂
The fact that THAT was the #1 search is disgusting. The dark web is truly a nest of EDP’s.
“Dont try this at home , PLEASE dont try this at home” proceeds to show us how to access tor and get to different sites
No hate btw
That was really creepy and interesting at the same time!
Thanks for taking us with you into this part of world!
It makes me sick what's going on in the dark web...
But I wish everyone a very nice time and don't get scammed!
Hi Weasel and Ash! You guys are doing amazing work. I have been watching for about 3-4 years now and the growth you all have made is amazing. Love what you do from scam calls to catching predators and now this?! LOVE IT! ❤
A lot of people don't want to know about stuff like this but we really need too. This vile and disgusting stuff happens everyday all day. There is practically no way to stop it as well. One site is shut down another goes up. Some monsters get caught new monsters come to light. I feel like the more exposure this gets maybe the more people will actually try to stop it.
There is a way; shut down the entire internet and all wireless networks forever
We are all the monsters in the eyes of animals. Humans are mass killing animals for food. Go plant based everyone! We cannot preach peace when we have death on our dinner plates.
Kudos to you for working to take down these child porn sites. I thank God that the internet was virtually unheard of when I was a child.
This was so disturbing… I can’t believe you went down that rabbit hole. Thanks for sharing this info!
Even tho Ash + Art bring a comedic side sometimes to scam-baiting, Ryan Montgomery and John Hammond have shined a good spotlight on how insidious the web can get to a whole new audience. Thankful for cyber-security professionals who are looking out for the greater good and informing the public of these scary areas of the web.
I am thrilled to see this to only know this is available and to make sure I teach our grandchildren about the dangers. I feel knowledge is power when we open our eyes and realize the horror that exists right in front of us that we don’t even realize is being used daily by many. Thanks for sharing the dangers
Was going to do what you did but you've scared me way off. And you're right. INSTAND REGRET. Hopefully I'll forget what I've heard as soon as I log off.
Guys this is great content. Ryan and John are terrific.
Yes they are!🔥👍
Thanks for the kind words Ben!
All you guys are terrific!!
Omg I’ve always wanted to go looking…. I just started the video.. I’m so excited!!
@@thehyperkids9574don't... once you enter this rabbit hole, you will never be truly able to escape it.
This video actually gave me the literally chills. I have never felt chills this tense before.
This was darker than dark, it was the pits of hell dark! I think I will leave the dark web to the professionals to deal with?! It’s definitely super scary that you can buy absolutely anything on it though?! Love you all xxx 💙💙
It's just fake crap. Ppl do it for lols or make web pages in the hopes some idiot actually pays them for money to buy something and they just keep the money. Ppl who are into web design will create 100s of pages on here as practice. There is legit shit that use to go on like silkroad but not much anymore
@@packers12to80not everything is fake though
@packers12to80 still plenty of legit drug marketplaces around, and when one of them gets seized or exit scams new ones open up. Same with stolen cards n stuff. The red room crap, murder for hire all that garbage are scams ye lol. Same with the marketplaces on here. You'd think some dark web experts would know that.
Not everything is fake @@packers12to80
once someone messaged me on dark web and didnt say 'please', i am traumatised to this day. never going back
That was frightening. Josh Duggar finally got caught using the dark web. He is sick and thank God in prison. It breaks my heart to see innocent children being hurt.
Love you guys so much. 💕💕💕
It is always the religious freaks doing that.
I couldn’t move an inch watching this video. Thank you for sharing this and the information. We all need to stay informed and we can definitely depend on you.🙏
It's truly sad monsters like these exist in society. It is so hard to describe the absolute horror I felt watching this. To know this at the fingertips of sick twisted monsters is more than disturbing.
These torturing from humans are nothing compared to senior Diablo will do for the lost souls. Justice shall prevail in its last day.
@@gravity-zero2917Too bad the devil (or god) doesn’t exist. Only punishment they will receive, if any, is in this life
@@ThePrimePrimer what I had learned, if u lack peace ✌️ then u lack faith. Even with today's drama around the world knowing the ending won't end well for majority of us, I'm at peace cause I have faith in him. Yes, our flesh and bone can be tortured in this world but our soul is for Almighry God to judge, repent my brothers and sisters for I been there too and took me awhile to understand.
@@gravity-zero2917 what if you believe in the wrong god and the real one will punish you even harder for believing in a wrong god?
@@johnnygeilo1427 true, is why I go to church every week, take classes, bible study, volunteer as a deacon in the church, work under my pastor, flee from evil doings, feed homeless, I can go on forever but u get it. Also there is only 1 God and its Jesus Christ, all other gods are man created, God bless u and keep up ur faith. 🙏
Only Art and Ashton can make this more lighthearted. Also thanks for the tour. I have seen Enough thank you.
I have SO much respect for you all. Especially taking the repulsive down!
notice how all the big channels are talking about dark web out of nowhere they are payed by the cult to promote this because they wanna censor the internet... bet they got a BIG some of money from their lovely government.
I normally don't watch things longer than 10 minutes due to attention span. I actually watched this all the way through and I learned a few things too. Thanks for the video guys! Just earned yourselves a subscriber.
I really appreciate you guys bringin awareness to this subject. It helps get peope out of their bubbles. We can all help keep an eye out for things that dont seem right. People have helped stop kidnapping or save human trafficking victims, by saying something and paying attention. Be safe everyone!
The biggest thing an individual in the western world can do to stop human trafficking is simply to help educate people. Make sure all children receive the full spectrum of education within a school environment and learn two languages if possible. Based on the country the languages change but in general English and Spanish/French are the most helpful.
The largest proportion of victims of human trafficking are simply stolen put on ships and never make port in their home country ever again, the huge growth area at the moment is people being forced into working on trawlers in high risk areas.
I didn’t realize it was this bad… I thought it was just for gangs and stuff to sell drugs and whatnot. This is extremely disturbing. 🤢
Wow. This is the world we live in - you never truly know people. So scary. The age of technology. I'm sure these sick bastards have been around forever - but the internet makes things too easy. Wow. Ryan - you are beyond amazing. Trilogy - thank you as always for a massive eye-opening video. So much for breakfast...
Same here, not even some fava beans and a nice bottle of chianti was going to help 🤢
You realize 99.9% of this stuff is fake right?
you do though...I've learned that whatever vile, disgusting, unbelievable thing you can think of....people have done worse
The scariest part is some of these monsters are insanely smart and have made themselves untouchable.
YA its bbeen like this for a long time............... 2006 was my 1st ever order on the darkk web for magic truffles, I had ZERO ISSUES (& there was no such thing as BITCOIN backk then)
Thank you for sharing this, guys. It’s absolutely terrifying.
Those sites are so messed up, thank you for sharing.
I typically go for music interviews, or repair info, backing tracks and then I came across this. This is some crazy shit!!!!
I listened one audio book about dark web. Writer did some investigation and found some sites like forums meant for sadistic people who's like to hurt kids, animals etc. Writer of that book told later that he went to therapy because the material he saw was just too much.
Omg that's horrible 😢 this is why I will never visit the dark Web. As Ash said do not try at home. You won't be able to unsee all the scary shit on there.
Another episode of the Dark Web should be done, in fact over and over again to get those 'creators' and users little by little out of the dark.
Torturing adults is bad enough but to want to see a child totured is worst than anything.
I love how the cyber expert also gets caught out with low laptop battery! So relatable 😂
Thrilling video! Amazing work keep it up! ❤
Thank you Brother!☺️👍💙
Thank you so much Brother!
Thank you for showing this, more creeps need to be exposed it’s ongoing and won’t stop if good men and women don’t say anything
I’m basically struck speechless other than to say thank you for the informative content and praise to pumpkin pie Ryan . What admirable necessary and important work he and his colleagues are devoting their life to.
Pumpkin pie Ryan??
@@debrakish9659 there’s a video of him eating a pumpkin pie that he bought at the grocery store I think. They guys couldn’t get over it. They kept questioning/ teasing him and he finally said I need fiber?
This guy is so over dramatized. I was buying weed on silk road back in 2004 when BTC first came out to public. Most of the dark web sites aren't even active anymore.
I hate to say it but , how selfish ! And how do you know? Let alone that there are many states where weed is legal now no need to buy it illegally.And to top that off it is not now 2004 it is 2024 . In other words I have trouble finding the revelancy in your statement.
Anyone who enjoys seeing harm to others, deserves no sympathy or pity. You knew it was wrong and there's no saying sorry regarding it.
Ashton saying “you know what I’m saying” no Ashton I’ve never seen a live stream of a man eating pancakes in the dark
Man, I am speechless. This is so terrifying. Knowing this could be happening near you Thank you guys for sharing this video with us
This is absolutely terrifying stuff man!! What about aliens and declassified documents. Can you find those in the dark web?
Ya I wanna know! There’s no flipping way I’m going on there though nope! Wholeheartedly pass on that crap
You guys are all doing great work 👍 Nice to see Ryan with you guys and also really great to find out about John.
Thank you!
I don't understand why the authorities don't implement sting operations there. Horrendous, disgusting, unfathomable things going on out there. Exposure is the 1st step. Thank you for opening our eyes.
How do you know they don't?
They could probably be doing one right now u wouldn’t know it
Are you kidding? That's where they operate.
What do u think most of those sites are??? 🤣🤣 they are HoneyPots. Traps.
Of course they do
Raising awareness is a big step in the right direction!
This was a very insightful video. I went searching for a video just like this, and here it was. I wanted to find an educational, yet mildly censored video. I didn’t feel negative. The guys were very informative yet took precautions to protect us. You get the jist without being traumatized!
Thank you to both,and Ryan, this is alot of information,I appreciate you all,Thank you again and Stay safe and continue to be blessed.
Same to you!
YES, PLEASE DO A FOLLOW UP TO THIS VIDEO. The public needs to be educated about this stuff
For someone that used to work for the phone company and used to deal with a few scammers back in the day on the telephone.....
This video was definitely not only eye-opening but it was also educational even for an older viewer like myself. At the time when I used to work at the phone company most of you young people that I'm watching on this video we're not even born yet that's how far back my past Telephone Company work goes.
Back in the day when I used to do telephone work scammers were relegated to trying their stunts either through the mail or on the telephone but to see something like this happening in real time through the magic of a computer which really didn't exist for me you know 49 years ago this was definitely very, very eye-opening!!!
Thank you so much for helping expose this horrible situation!!! Love you guys so much!
The dark web: Where you hope the bad thing is a scam.