Drunken Rolling Pin

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,1 тис.

  • @JustADioWhosAHeroForFun
    @JustADioWhosAHeroForFun 5 років тому +2255

    Wait till he makes a Drunken Chess Board

    • @TravisFabel
      @TravisFabel 5 років тому +174

      You could team up with one of the miniature makers to make drunken chess board pieces. The king slamming back a stein. The queen with a wine bottle... The Bishop with a flask and the pawn with a bottle.

    • @nocount7517
      @nocount7517 5 років тому +15

      @@TravisFabel The knight with a pint, and the rook is a guy sitting on a barrel.

    • @peterzingler6221
      @peterzingler6221 5 років тому +8

      @@TravisFabel would sell great. Just resin print them

    • @TornaitSuperBird
      @TornaitSuperBird 5 років тому +51

      TravisFabel The rooks could be beer buckets.

    • @FaiienWings
      @FaiienWings 5 років тому +7


  • @peterbrownwastaken
    @peterbrownwastaken  5 років тому +939

    Merry Christmas!
    Thank you all for your support in 2019!!

    • @Taco__Ray
      @Taco__Ray 5 років тому +2

      Peter Brown merry Christmas

    • @bellSmell
      @bellSmell 5 років тому

      Peter Brown merry Christmas! Keep up the good work :D

    • @crispy9566
      @crispy9566 5 років тому +1

      Merry christmas! Can you make something using (LED-lit) optic fibres and resin? Could be super cool!

    • @TheGermanDude
      @TheGermanDude 5 років тому +1

      make something using only wood glue!
      Like let the glue dry like resin and you have your material.

    • @GaviLazan
      @GaviLazan 5 років тому +2

      Somehow for about half of the video I thought you were making a bowling pin and was wondering how'd you make it since the wood was so narrow.

  • @Karrot001
    @Karrot001 5 років тому +105

    Love how that "wood pusher" has a googly eye on it.

  • @adamemac
    @adamemac 5 років тому +858

    Merry Christmas, Mr. & Mrs. Hot Lips!

    • @adamemac
      @adamemac 5 років тому +14

      @Devon Leybold 😂 Not if I can help it!

  • @andreaquadrati
    @andreaquadrati 5 років тому +816

    Next up, drunken Peter because he overdid with holiday toasts

  • @WhisperXK
    @WhisperXK 5 років тому +279

    You should get with Alec Steele and create some Damascus (drunken metal) for a knife and make a drunken wood handle for it

    • @Avea47s
      @Avea47s 5 років тому +9


    • @peterbrownwastaken
      @peterbrownwastaken  5 років тому +94

      I met Alec at Makers Central. I would love to do a collab with him sometime!

    • @HellJustFroze
      @HellJustFroze 5 років тому +22

      An entire Peter Brown series on Drunken Kitchen Utensils: I need this.

    • @patrickhodson8715
      @patrickhodson8715 4 роки тому +2


  • @apocalypticpioneers2116
    @apocalypticpioneers2116 5 років тому +840

    Why stop here? How about drunken handle scales for your kitchen knives?

    • @troypetryk2043
      @troypetryk2043 5 років тому +4

      Apocalyptic Pioneers yessssss!

    • @Midnightscreation
      @Midnightscreation 5 років тому +8

      Drunken cake knife?

    • @collin_builds
      @collin_builds 5 років тому +5

      He could use those off cuts

    • @lemagreengreen
      @lemagreengreen 5 років тому +8

      That's actually a really good idea, it'd look cool. Blanks for knifemakers might be good sellers too

    • @GaryWall
      @GaryWall 5 років тому

      I'm just going to get drunk and then hit with a rolling pin.

  • @_Odin_
    @_Odin_ 5 років тому +94

    I need a 4-poster bed, with the uprights looking like that rolling pin. Drunken 4-poster bed uprights! Very Tim Burton.

    • @saveahearserideagoth
      @saveahearserideagoth 5 років тому +3

      Wonderful idea!

    • @_Odin_
      @_Odin_ 5 років тому +3

      @@saveahearserideagoth Would be well cool to retire to after a hard day!

    • @Dragon-Slay3r
      @Dragon-Slay3r 2 роки тому

      Shot to the heart

  • @elnouni
    @elnouni 5 років тому +82

    It's very fun to actually see you being proud of your work (per opposition to being surprised how good it turned). Lots of good vibes out of this one.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family Peter!

  • @TheRussell747
    @TheRussell747 5 років тому +127

    "It's just me and the screaming neighbor children"
    Sounds a bit odd if you just heard that without watching the video

  • @kassiefairbanks7008
    @kassiefairbanks7008 4 роки тому +15

    Poor 2019 Peter thought regular events would happen in May of 2020. That gave me a good chuckle.

    • @MKCarol-ms7lg
      @MKCarol-ms7lg 3 роки тому

      A year hence, from your post, we are still looking at a world that may never return to normal. Praying for a Family Christmas next month.

  • @Penultimate_Jive
    @Penultimate_Jive 5 років тому +16

    "It rolls well". I see you've mastered the art of the circle.

  • @alfonsoalonzo
    @alfonsoalonzo 5 років тому +266

    Well to keep the drunken kitchen items train going what about a drunken knife block?
    And merry christmas

    • @GobTheSnail
      @GobTheSnail 5 років тому +1

      Alfonso Alonzo Yes

    • @clydebalcom8252
      @clydebalcom8252 5 років тому +1


    • @tylerkrug7719
      @tylerkrug7719 5 років тому

      I would like to see that.

    • @tristanleport3580
      @tristanleport3580 5 років тому

      Alfonso, that, is a great idea.

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 5 років тому +2

      REALLY Freak the Family out, remodel the Kitchen with Drunken Wood Countertops and Cabinet Doors...
      Replace the doors (inside & outside) with Drunken Wood Doors...
      Drunken Wood Jewelry Box for the Wife...
      Drunken Wood Head & Foot-Boards for the Beds...
      Drunken Hard-Wood Floors...

  • @alexcrouzen1130
    @alexcrouzen1130 5 років тому +54

    I enabled the auto generated subtitles for a bit because I was watching this in a room where some people were watching stuff on TV. The funny thing was that the sawing and lathe sounds were interpreted as [applause] or [music] in places. Very apt I think. Merry Xmas and a good 2020!

    • @Marcos_P_F
      @Marcos_P_F 4 роки тому

      You lied, 2020 is already not good

    • @kaliwatson3948
      @kaliwatson3948 4 роки тому

      This comment didn't age well...

  • @stinkfingerdeluxx
    @stinkfingerdeluxx 5 років тому +72

    Anyone else picture this happening?
    The Brown's neighbors: "Hey kids! It's Sunday, go outside and scream."

    • @thedude7726
      @thedude7726 5 років тому +4

      More like go play outside so mom and dad can smoke a joint and relax a little

    • @higherquality
      @higherquality 4 роки тому

      you're going love me and scream

  • @tae-kwon-dot2987
    @tae-kwon-dot2987 5 років тому +366

    “It’s just me and the screaming neighbor children” yikes

    • @girlunrepentant1254
      @girlunrepentant1254 5 років тому +2

      Sounds like my house when the neighbors are watching sports outside. Unavoidable loud noises from people nearby.

    • @lokiwebster2984
      @lokiwebster2984 4 роки тому +11

      FBI Open Up

    • @joshuarosen6242
      @joshuarosen6242 4 роки тому +3

      He sounds unnecessarily grumpy about the perfectly normal sound of children playing.

    • @gypsylex6540
      @gypsylex6540 4 роки тому +20

      3 different people who took this comment 3 different ways

    • @LordLongHands
      @LordLongHands 3 роки тому

      @MrRedstone___ now 5 I guess

  • @larry-naylor
    @larry-naylor 5 років тому +189

    It's nice to see you using wood again Peter. Don't get me wrong I like the resin projects but the reason I subscribed was because of the amazing projects you used to do with wood. I hope you and Mrs B are having a wonderful Christmas and I can't wait to see what you've got for us in 2020.

    • @adamemac
      @adamemac 5 років тому +9

      Have you seen Bobby Duke Arts channel? He also does some incredible work with various types of woods. I highly recommend checking him out, if you haven't already. Happy Holidays!!

    • @larry-naylor
      @larry-naylor 5 років тому +5

      @@adamemac hi Adam, yes I know Bobby Duke's channel, his art is out of this world! Thank you for the suggestion though and compliments of the season to you too.

    • @mirsimz
      @mirsimz 5 років тому +2

      Adam, thanks for that! I like the arty side of woodworking.

    • @adamemac
      @adamemac 5 років тому +3

      @@mirsimz Absolutely! He definitely has an artistic gift, so I really think you'll enjoy his content. And (I think) he's hilarious so you might even laugh a few times. Haha

    • @mirsimz
      @mirsimz 5 років тому +2

      @@adamemac Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  • @slow_sts
    @slow_sts 5 років тому +57

    I still think you should make a jenga game set out of all your scrap pieces and extra resin. Merry Christmas!

  • @blue_leader_5756
    @blue_leader_5756 5 років тому +100

    anyone else think "Me and the screaming neighbor children" sounds like some weird vaporwave band or something?

  • @felonyfetcher808
    @felonyfetcher808 5 років тому

    I NO idea on how rondo wood working, but LOVE watching true craftsman work their craft. THANK YOU!! You can also end 2019 with a new subscriber.

  • @surrealsadi841
    @surrealsadi841 5 років тому +11

    what a lovely french-style rolling pin!

    • @carinecampier
      @carinecampier 5 років тому

      Surreal Sadi funny you should say that, I am French and I always thought this shape was the American style rolling pin !
      Happy new year !

  • @melissahanomansingh6905
    @melissahanomansingh6905 5 років тому +36

    “Jump forward to the end, see if I’ve got regrets!” -me developing a crush on someone

  • @Grandpaw2511
    @Grandpaw2511 5 років тому +5

    Cool. My daughter loves baking so I'm going give this a try. Thanks and Merry Christmas.

  • @JusBidniss
    @JusBidniss 5 років тому

    Great project! And very well executed! I was pleasantly surprised that a 1.5"x24" piece with all those glue joints held together on the lathe, being hardwood and requiring more pressure on the chisel, and cutting across all that end grain. It's a testimony to the sharpness of your chisels, the precision of the wavy cuts (i.e., eliminating that band saw deflection), and even the glue-up and correct clamping pressure. In other words, a testimony to your skill, sir! Well done!

  • @AnAngryGranny
    @AnAngryGranny 5 років тому +15

    That would make a perfect gift for Andrew over at Binging with Babish

    • @astron3133
      @astron3133 5 років тому +1


  • @andyaitken4243
    @andyaitken4243 5 років тому +1

    How Peter doesn’t have 3million subscribers is beyond me. Funny, informative and a really good craftsman with a multitude of materials. Have a great 2020 Peter.

  • @EternalSeneschal
    @EternalSeneschal 5 років тому +4

    I found you through the Drunken Cutting Board, so this was a nice follow up to that.
    Merry Christmas everyone, and thank you for the wholesome content Peter!

  • @sgsax
    @sgsax 5 років тому

    My youngest is a baking fanatic. Their French rolling pin is 21 1/2” long, 1 5/8" diameter at the middle, 1 3/16" at three ends. Yours looks super cool, I'll have to show it to them in the morning. You're lucky that your neighbor kids only scream on Sunday nights. My neighbor kids scream every night. 😄 Thanks for sharing!

  • @CraigH999
    @CraigH999 5 років тому +6

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    BTW - I've seen some woodworkers drop double-sided tape in favour of regular masking tape and super glue. Place your tape on both pieces, carefully mirroring the placement ; lay a bead of super glue on one side and some fast activator on the other. Sandwich as usual. Turns out it holds just fine and removing the masking tape is way easier than dealing with double-sided tape. Just a suggestion in case you've not seen that.
    Best wishes to you and your family!

  • @alyssakalama3079
    @alyssakalama3079 5 років тому

    My son can only fall asleep to your videos. I've tried lullabies, ocean sounds, white noise, all the basic baby sounds but something about your voice and works just sooth him so well! Please don't stop making videos hahah. Plus you inspire me to add a lathe to my future shop too!

  • @Murphyslawfarm
    @Murphyslawfarm 5 років тому +41

    G'day Hot Lips Merry Christmas

  • @gypsylex6540
    @gypsylex6540 4 роки тому

    I could listen to the sound of carving wood at the lathe all day, it's such a nice sound

  • @looh
    @looh 5 років тому +7

    Merry Christmas! Peter, you definitely need to experiment more with that "drunken" technique/stuff. The drunken cutting board is one of my all-time favorite woodworking videos.

  • @teenagedgaming
    @teenagedgaming 5 років тому

    telling us that it's been 4 years since your first drunken project threw me. I found your channel when i was home sick from school in my sophomore year. I'm 20 years old now. The passage of time amazes and astounds.

  • @moonchild4806
    @moonchild4806 5 років тому +64

    Oh man if I had the tools for this I'd build a guitar body that looks like this.

    • @bobdabuilder3324
      @bobdabuilder3324 4 роки тому

      Moon Child thatd be hard though you’d have to bend some pretty thin wood

    • @moonchild4806
      @moonchild4806 4 роки тому +3

      @@bobdabuilder3324 Traditionally acoustic guitars are built using a bending iron or a steam jig, but you wouldn't want to build an acoustic guitar out of that many pieces. I'd build an electric using the method though, where the amount of pieces the body is matters a lot less, and requires no bending.

  • @batya7
    @batya7 5 років тому

    Enjoyed seeing a wood project again. That cutting board was 2015? Wow. How time flies.

  • @khoshekhthecat
    @khoshekhthecat 5 років тому +13

    Peter's tools are very confused, "What's this light coloured textured stuff?"

  • @Geeksmithing
    @Geeksmithing 2 роки тому +1

    The end of this video was so darn cute and optimistic about how 2020 was going to go! 😆

  • @Larry
    @Larry 5 років тому +65

    How about a drunken Chess Board Mr. Brown? Possibly with wonkey chess pieces :D

  • @StratoSwitch
    @StratoSwitch 5 років тому +2

    Drunken cutting board is the video that got me here years ago. I’ve been watching ever since.

  • @picax8398
    @picax8398 5 років тому +12

    "Me and the screaming neighbor children"
    If I ever make a band this would be our name

    • @vo818
      @vo818 4 роки тому

      Hey can I join
      I cant play anything but I can stand around and look cool

  • @shawhennessey3355
    @shawhennessey3355 5 років тому

    I know you dont know me but, every time you are proud of yourself and your project it makes me smile. I look forward to your videos because of your positive attitude, its infectious. Stay stoked. I look forward to seeing your next video.

  • @ScrapwoodCity
    @ScrapwoodCity 5 років тому +5

    Pretty cool project!

  • @liondirk
    @liondirk 5 років тому

    Abranet is a wonderful sanding system that you will fall in love with as a turner. Hope that you and Mrs Brown have a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year!

  • @adoggz
    @adoggz 5 років тому +17

    I bet those off cuts could make a cool drunken handle or stirring thing.

    • @digitaIgorilla
      @digitaIgorilla 5 років тому +1

      A Spurtle?

    • @fthurman
      @fthurman 5 років тому +3

      Yeah, I was thinking the same thing - perhaps handles for cheese knives to go with the drunken charcuterie board?

  • @gabrielm.j.5803
    @gabrielm.j.5803 5 років тому

    It would be amazing to see a whole set of "drunken" kitchen items. Maybe a knife block, coasters, and even that charcuterie tray you mentioned... oh the possibilities!

  • @josephsdysart9861
    @josephsdysart9861 5 років тому +144

    Next do a set of Drunken Bowling pins, and a Bowling Ball out of resin.

    • @Ivyvinetheloremaster
      @Ivyvinetheloremaster 5 років тому +7

      he should cast a bowling ball in resin and make a bowling ball out of it, not sure how that will work but I'm sure he can do it

    • @BitchyBoxxy
      @BitchyBoxxy 5 років тому +12

      Actually how about one better
      A bowling ball that doesn’t roll straight but wobbles.

    • @josephsdysart9861
      @josephsdysart9861 5 років тому +2

      @@BitchyBoxxy .... Would you cast a resin clearish bowling ball and turn a wooden ball to put inside that was loose fitting to throw off the balance of the ball?

    • @peterzingler6221
      @peterzingler6221 5 років тому

      @@josephsdysart9861 the ball would shatter resin isn't that stable in round forms cause the impact is very concentrated

    • @doubledarefan
      @doubledarefan 5 років тому

      @@BitchyBoxxy Just like Mark Rober!

  • @Midnightscreation
    @Midnightscreation 5 років тому

    What a lovely gift for my break on this hectic day working Christmas! Loved the results and it’s always great to see wood working on the channel again!

  • @florianh5067
    @florianh5067 5 років тому +20

    Fun fact:
    "Just me and the screaming neighbour's children" sounds very weird out of context

    • @ianrsigel
      @ianrsigel 5 років тому


    • @Anna-yz8vb
      @Anna-yz8vb 5 років тому

      Wtf is you ame and profile pic?

  • @ahhh4117
    @ahhh4117 5 років тому +1

    You have such stark dad energy it throws me off each time

  • @mandylatimer1607
    @mandylatimer1607 4 роки тому +5

    Peter saying he'll be going to makers central in May:
    Me watching this at the end of 2020: haha! No you won't 😂😂

  • @allkive
    @allkive 5 років тому

    amazing, the maple with the walnut looks so good in detail. nailed it peter.

  • @nickzammeti
    @nickzammeti 5 років тому +7

    Hey another fab video brother . Can’t wait to catch up again at makers central 2020z Thanks for the mention . 🤪😍👍🏽👍🏽 have a super Xmas mate . Take care

  •  5 років тому +1

    Thank you mister Brown for the content you provide. I might not always click "like" but i watch everyone of your videos.

  • @CardsbyMaaike
    @CardsbyMaaike 5 років тому +4

    Congrats Peter it looks fab, I wonder how dizzy one gets using it lol..Merry Christmas to you and yours, I'm kinda happy to hear children playing outside...outside seems a no go zone for most kids

  • @alexjennings7746
    @alexjennings7746 5 років тому +1

    I've been watching your channel for the past few years, and always thought I couldn't use resin and molds. I proved myself wrong today by making my first set of dice. Thank you for giving me a passion of creating with resin and being the most creative I can be. Happy holidays to you and your family!

  • @sum1liteamatch
    @sum1liteamatch 4 роки тому +4

    Oh man, remember when we made plans several months in advance?

  • @MattTester
    @MattTester 5 років тому +1

    I find that the mesh sandpaper is great for 3D printed parts too as it doesn't clog with plastic as it heats up, picked some up at Maker's Central first and now have a decent stock.

  • @pixelparadox6577
    @pixelparadox6577 4 роки тому +7

    "I feel like this is a fantastic way to finish 2019. With a wood project. Just to throw you all off." this is why 2020 happened the way it did guys...

  • @stevebrown1132
    @stevebrown1132 5 років тому

    Great project Peter! Thanks for what you do and for sharing it with us.

  • @custos3249
    @custos3249 5 років тому +7

    Also, now you gotta make a drunken beer stein. Time to break out that food safe epoxy!

  • @chriscoleman2489
    @chriscoleman2489 5 років тому

    Great job Peter. Hope to see you at Makers Central in May!

  • @liuqmno3421
    @liuqmno3421 5 років тому +4

    I am definitely gonna make this after I'm done with my sisters table

  • @KDSmith666
    @KDSmith666 5 років тому

    Great piece, Peter! Between Frank Howarth and you my ambition to (try to) create art always remains high.

  • @debramandich1462
    @debramandich1462 5 років тому +3

    😆 I read it as bowling pin and got very confused.

  • @slumbucketretro
    @slumbucketretro 4 роки тому +1

    May of 2020 seems like a good time to plan a trip out of the country. Should be fine.

  • @Viele_Katzen
    @Viele_Katzen 5 років тому +8

    might be a bit late seasonally, but I would love to see what happens when you put Christmas baubles in resin and then put all of it into a pressure pot?

  • @yuvallahav
    @yuvallahav 4 роки тому

    For a non turner, that is one fantastically turned rolling pin!! Now that I have a (small, and cheap) band saw, I'd like to experiment with some drunken forms, and now I know how to make one! Man, one last point, now I'm stuck at home (Corana virus scare of 2020, central Italy) I do have time to go over old videos I didn't have time to watch before, I hope things clear up come May or else I won't be able to make it, even though I already have tickets and everything is booked. Hope things get better at your end as well and our plans won't change.

  • @eVVigilance
    @eVVigilance 5 років тому +134

    Do this, but with sheets of interesting resin instead of boards. (Cast the resin, in color or filler, then treat it like wood). Glow on the dark drunken checkerboard pattern, anyone?

    • @TravisFabel
      @TravisFabel 5 років тому +7

      Start collecting the leftover resin in a pot...

    • @kazzellinempanger8998
      @kazzellinempanger8998 5 років тому +15

      The only probkem with this is most resin isn't necessarily food safe. The only one I've found so far is ecopoxy, which can be pricey, and sometimes hard to find. 😞

    • @eVVigilance
      @eVVigilance 5 років тому +12

      @@kazzellinempanger8998 I meant technique. Crazy cylinder. It needn't be a rolling pin

    • @michaelwaegemans6802
      @michaelwaegemans6802 5 років тому


    • @KingNast
      @KingNast 5 років тому +1

      Yeah that would be cool, or an alternating wood and resin pattern

  • @suzinelson2388
    @suzinelson2388 5 років тому

    Love it! See you at Maker’s Central!

  • @froyoyoyo6263
    @froyoyoyo6263 5 років тому +7

    I thought he was gonna make a rolling pin whilst drunk
    I’m not disappointed

    • @Guru_1092
      @Guru_1092 4 роки тому

      I'm slightly disappointed.

    • @froyoyoyo6263
      @froyoyoyo6263 4 роки тому

      Guru yes maybe a little bit

  • @CharmEng89
    @CharmEng89 5 років тому +1

    that looks fantastic! I love the wavy design and the added "dimension" of it being a cylinder!

  • @kendon81
    @kendon81 5 років тому +20

    Did you make anything from the offcuts????? can we see......

  • @tayet6875
    @tayet6875 5 років тому

    I am very happy about this wood working video! The drunken kitchen set looks like a lot of fun. Happy new year!

  • @biotriffid91
    @biotriffid91 5 років тому +10

    What about drunken costers? Merry Christmas

  • @SorryIwasntListening
    @SorryIwasntListening 5 років тому

    Peter - I am a new subscriber and love the resin work you do - I have also looked at Frank Howarth and others who are similarly turning wood/bowls/rolling pins....and what makes this channel so much better.... is you!! your enthusiasm and method of communicating your thoughts really pops and engages with the viewer. Personality makes a good channel and I look forward to seeing what you attempt in future.
    PS - gong to look for second hand lathes on ebay!!

  • @Wzkz_YT
    @Wzkz_YT 5 років тому +62

    i was 90% through when i realized it was rolling pin not bowling pin

    • @TeddyLucia1006
      @TeddyLucia1006 5 років тому

      I swear I read bowling pin too and the title suddenly changed as I read your comment. >

  • @reppeplucw
    @reppeplucw 5 років тому

    Merry Christmas Peter and family! This drunken rolling pin is absolutely beautiful!!! Thanks for all you share.

  • @erilassila409
    @erilassila409 5 років тому +3

    Merry Christmas! You should try making a charcuterie board that actually looks like a piece of charcuterie (like a slice of salami)

  • @lunayahwitch
    @lunayahwitch 5 років тому

    That pin is absolutely gorgeous!

  • @UnashamedFollowerofChrist
    @UnashamedFollowerofChrist 5 років тому +11

    Plot Twist: He's really drunk while making this.

  • @Mercutihoe
    @Mercutihoe 5 років тому

    Love it when you do all wood projects!

  • @SparkyMTB
    @SparkyMTB 5 років тому +9

    Hey Peter..
    I’d pay you to make me a Drunken Kitchen worktop..
    I’m going to be getting my kitchen remodel soon & your art work would be amazing to display in my kitchen..
    Also, my uncle is named Peter Brown lol small world

  • @CFGossettAbbasHealingArts
    @CFGossettAbbasHealingArts 5 років тому

    Love that rolling pin. It turned out awesome. The look turned out awesome!!

  • @shekelsnatcher8504
    @shekelsnatcher8504 5 років тому +39

    In my opinion what you really needed was a drunken knife handle to put on a knife for your drunken *chopping* board.

  • @coleslater1419
    @coleslater1419 5 років тому

    The fact that this channel has grown as much as it has really pleases me

  • @amberblyledge7859
    @amberblyledge7859 5 років тому +3

    So this is like the wood working version of Peter Draws.

  • @jessewilliams4152
    @jessewilliams4152 5 років тому

    Peter, thank you for making your content. I find your projects to always be interesting. And to me, your screen presence feels very fluid and natural. I eagerly await every new video. Thank you and happy holidays to you and yours!!!

  • @Widowed_Equinox
    @Widowed_Equinox 5 років тому +3

    What about a Damascus knife with a drunken handle? I think that’d be really cool! You make the handle and someone makes the blade?

  • @hairypoppinz1843
    @hairypoppinz1843 5 років тому

    A Shop time episode? It’s a Christmas miracle!!!

  • @hattiesmith2433
    @hattiesmith2433 5 років тому +5

    You could make a whole series of "drunken" items. Perhaps a drunken salad bowl, or a drunken knife handle? Maybe a drunken chess board! That would be cool.

    • @allanastaryszak435
      @allanastaryszak435 5 років тому

      Hattie Smith i agree!!! everyone like this so Sir Hotlips will see. I neeeedddd a drunken chess board :p

    • @alfonsoalonzo
      @alfonsoalonzo 5 років тому

      Wouldnt a drunken chess board not work unless you make it bigger then it needs to be so as to have apropriate sized squares

    • @hattiesmith2433
      @hattiesmith2433 5 років тому

      @@alfonsoalonzo Ni I think it would work. The lines can still be wave he would just need to make sure the spaces are all roughly the same size.

    • @alfonsoalonzo
      @alfonsoalonzo 5 років тому

      @@hattiesmith2433 itd be less of a drunk board and more of a oddly shaped squares board ya know

  • @LeonaFayWoodturning
    @LeonaFayWoodturning 5 років тому

    Merry Christmas to you and your family. Delighted to hear your coming back to Makers Central, I will try to be brave enough to say hello this time! 😊

  • @the-frozone-layer
    @the-frozone-layer 5 років тому +7

    Merry Christmas! My mom thinks your sandpaper looks like salami 😂

  • @JaviUnboxed
    @JaviUnboxed 5 років тому +2

    Awesome Peter! Someone asked me to make a drunken rolling pin once. After the first few Irish Creams, I found it to be a much more difficult task than I originally suspected.

  • @l8trh4ter
    @l8trh4ter 4 роки тому +4

    I bet you didnt make it to Maker Central.

  • @ElliottRodgers
    @ElliottRodgers 5 років тому +2

    Fame and great Boxing Day surprise!
    Love Shop Time videos and now my suggestion got made and I got a mention!

    • @peterbrownwastaken
      @peterbrownwastaken  5 років тому +1

      Great idea!

    • @ElliottRodgers
      @ElliottRodgers 5 років тому

      Hoping to make it to NEC in May.
      Depends on surgery dates as I will probably need surgery to remove lumps growing on my spine Spring 2020 and a left below knee amputation at some point in 2020.

    • @ElliottRodgers
      @ElliottRodgers 5 років тому

      Next project - drunken knife block... Slowly but surely make everything in kitchen "drunken style"...!!

  • @bunkteriamonster7830
    @bunkteriamonster7830 5 років тому +20

    Elliot Rodgers? Hold on a second

    • @Qwerasd
      @Qwerasd 5 років тому +5

      hispanic paul blart I was thinking the same thing.

    • @GregN456
      @GregN456 5 років тому +5

      Glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed...

  • @dlsdyer9071
    @dlsdyer9071 3 роки тому

    The rolling pin looks even better than the cutting board, a testament to improving an already good technique!

  • @soffes
    @soffes 5 років тому +20

    I think the guy with the hat stole your UA-cam account! Not a single drop of resin. Can't be you 😛
    (I like Woodworking Peter too 😃)

  • @therockvshulkhogan
    @therockvshulkhogan 5 років тому

    4 years can't believe I've been following you that long, crazy how time flies, hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas.