NOTE: Sorry for the slightly shoddy audio on this video. We're currently moving office so this was recorded in a cupboard using my laptop. We'll be up and running soon but we didn't want to delay any videos so here we are! - Jack
feedback for the form: allow for more than 5 options. I felt like most of the options would define what I think would be democratic making it difficult to cut down to 5.
Yeah. They encourage political education and teach their kids everything nice the party has done for them. They also have a 99.9% voting turnout with the Workers' Party of Korea winning by a landslide every time. This surely is the most democratic place on earth.
As an American, there's NO WAY the US is the freest nation. It feels like it's turning into practically a corporate oligarchy at this point. The class divide is totally bonkers. People's voice has such little impact in so many situations.
@@goldminer754 I wouldn't take it that far. I mean, the metrics they use make sense, and according to them, the US is DEFINITELY a democracy. The problem is, in the US companies are considered the same as people, and are allowed to lobby with politicians, which basically means that while all our leaders are elected democratically, they are basically all controlled by the corporations (especially the GOP). We have a democracy, it's just corrupt and favors the ultra-wealthy, often ignoring the working class.
@@goldminer754 I never said that wasn't the case. I'm just saying it is still a democracy, because our leaders (except the president) are elected through direct vote. Though there are many problems that make the US not as free as other countries.
@@telchar Technically Russia also is a democracy unless they literally throw out votes which I dont believe, just like in the US the governing party and Oligarchs have more and less subtle methods to influence voters, voter turnout, candidates, who runs in the first place and the process as a whole. So I consider neither Russia nor the US an even remotly "true" democracy although both have some basic democratic processes that could make them elegible for being called democratic in a very broad definition.
Countries that were conquered by the mongols in the past tend to be less democratic than those who weren’t, the Mongolians can’t conquer themselves which is why they are more democratic. But also in the case of China, Chinese governments have been extremely anti democratic and authoritarian since ancient times
@@hs5312 I think it has to do more with the Soviet Union having old influence on them, and leaving them into states of partial mayhem, but yes I think it’s just kinda funny that the homeland of the empire is the only one in the green.
@@simonhand_ but Russia has had a history of strong men since the mongols invaded. Invasions in history can very often cause reactions in groups and often times the invaded group tends to become very absolutist as a result to prevent history repeating itself
Maybe when they are finished examining the votes in Maricopa, Cyber Ninjas can recount the score in South Africa. Will cost ZA 150k USD, but it’s for the sake of democracy.
@@seanpruitt6801 The US has fallen to number 26 on the Most Liveable Countries list, it barely qualifies as a first world country now. It is horrible for corruption at every level, with horrific crime rates. 1% of US population is in jail. The election system is a joke, corrupt, false. On average, an Australian will live 4 years longer than a US citizen, in a larger and better equipped home, with 3 to 4 times the average saved wealth. It is ranked 1 on that World's Most Liveable Countries list.
They are a real beacon of hope. For a country that only exists to be a buffer zone between two of the most militaristic nations on earth, they do remarkably well.
Weeell I’d say they’re probably lower now, seeing as just a few weeks ago the, after parliament moved to limit the president’s powers, ordered the governing People’s Party to be dissolved, which has triggered a rather bad crisis
@@alexpotts6520 Doing remarkably well? Mongolia is more polluted than China, most of its exports and employment are coal (not green pastures as you would think). Their GDP per capita is at least three times lower than Mongolians living in China's Inner Mongolia. Corruption is rife, child mortality rates from pollution is high... Also, Russia and China are militaristic. But the USA is the most militaristic. Not debating what they use it for, I don't take sides on this issue. But the US spends $800 billion and has 800 bases, how is China or Russia the most militaristic. They could be if the US collapses which it won't
I'm pretty sure what brought it down in the first index is that the French president is a very powerful position even compared to the U.S. president! However, in the second index it isn't that high as you can see.
People always talk about Scandinavia but always overlook Switzerland, which has as the only country in the world a direct democracy where people decide on the laws and not politicians! To me that is real democracy. Sadly because of the unique system, they come behind the Scandinavian countries. Would be awesome to see you look into the Swiss system.
People in general are dumb. You wouldn't want general public to vote for which aircraft design is better or where should a dam be built or how much money should be spent on irrigation. Everyone cannot be expected to know everything, spirit of democracy is in states being accountable to the populous not decentralization of all decision making.
As someone from Australia, I am in a country where mandatory voting is in effect, however it is important to highlight a misconception portrayed in this video and in general. Mandatory voting, at least in Australia, only requires you to show up to a polling place and get your name ticked off. Once you have done that you don't actually have to vote, you can just leave without even looking at the ballot, or just chuck it in without filling it in. Mandatory voting is a nudge that encourages people to participate rather than forcing them to pick one side or one party. If people are made to at least show up to a polling place, I can't see how that limits democracy in anyway.
I think the EIU index takes this into account. Even with mandatory voting, it still lists Australia as the 9th most democratic country in the world (tied with the Netherlands)
Before watching this, I'm going to bet on it being a country in Scandanavia, because they tend to be near the top of most any index of how good it is to live there... Edit: I didn't expect them to run away with it quite so definitively...
No idea how to reply to this without comming of as gloating... But yeah, Norwegians are politically active from a young age (if you ever heard about Anders Behring Breivik a significant number of his victims where politically active young adults and kids), there's multiple parties all with real political power, etc. Things are not perfect in any country, we certainly can't complain here.
From bloodthirsty raping vikings to the most polite and democratic society. I have been asleep for a thousand years, can someone explain what happened in the middle?
@@mattsavigny6084 "...can someone explain what happened in the middle?" Sure! We sent all the bloodthirsty raping vikings packing to Normandie, Sicily and Moscow. The Normandie lot lated moved across the waters to Britain. It's been quite peaceful here since then. Unfortunately it seems those ruffians have been causing quite a lot of trouble across the rest of the world. Terribly sorry about that but I hope and believe the worst is over now. We did also send a few test subjects over to America where the locals seemed to be able to handle them in a timely and terminal manner but unfortunately the shipping cost turned out to be too high for us to do it on a large scale.
As a Finn this should make me happy. However I find it very sad - there are so many people in China or even Russia who deserve much more freedom, but are lead by dim-witted, simple-minded tyrants. I am left pondering whether a large nation can ever be that good to its citizens - when you have 100 million people, it is easier to sacrifice a million at war. When a country only has 5-10 million people, each citizen is that much more important to the leaders. So living in a small country is probably better than living in a large one?
@@waltervanbrunchem2462 definitely America dude, literally the whole world watches their elections and its usually surrounded by some sort of controversy.
@@waltervanbrunchem2462 My shout would be Israel. Endless political wrangling with elections happening every few months, there are wars going on just over the border as well as some serious sub-war conflict within the region, and its very existence (as well as that of Palestine) of course, has been fully absorbed into the culture war that us westerners are now part of whether we like it or not.
What about Germany, Austria, Portugal, Ireland, Iceland, Czechia, Estonia, Uruguay, Chile or Costa Rica? They are all pretty good according to the Freedom House and they are Republics...
@@jonasfelisilda5777 choose? LMAO, people only get to choose whatever the Democratic and Republican party present on the list. And they'll make damn sure you choose the "right" one
@@jonasfelisilda5777 No, because the presidential candidates of both congressional parties are chosen by the same billionaire donors. Joe Biden said during his election campaign, "Under my presidency, nothing will fundamentally change." He and his vice Kamala Harris were enforced by donors who threatened the leadership of the Democratic party with withdrawing donations if Biden+Harris were not to become the candiates. The people of the US have absolutely no say in public policy, a study by Princeton university found.
In a two-party system like in the US (and btw many other countries), how can 330 million people be represented by just two parties? Not every issue has a yes and no answer. Shouldn’t there be a metric for how well the government represents the average individual’s opinion on a number of key issues?
Their political parties are moderately conservative (Democrats) and radically conservative bordering on fascism (Republicans). They have no party to the left of political centre, and no equivalent of a labour party or an environmental party.
People forget we have primaries which decide among many variations of Democrats / Republicans. If we didn't have primaries, we'd have far more parties.
I wanted to participate in the survey, but the criteria are too limited. By only allowing 5 options, you need to choose between major things that are all very important
And in Germany, people act like their stuck in a dictatorship. Despite the fact that most restrictions by the government have been overthrown by our judicative if they were preceived to be too infringing on our rights.
It's a common psychological concept: everything you are used to (rights, propperty, wealth) is yours by right and you should have it / you earned this. Circumstances how it came to be or its effects are secondary. Classic case for the 'das darf man ja nicht mehr sagen...' arguments. You are used to being able to do or say something without resistance or repercussions thus now having to be accountable for it, feels like opression / something that's your being taken away.
one word: lobbying. should be considered undemocratic, since its not the will of the people, but of the people with deep pockets. the amount of "bribes" and the transparency of it should be included if you want a more accurate measurement. just my 2 cents. (pun intended)
@@CMN1105 Anyone *can* influence government. Drawing a line between rich people and poor people just smacks of jealousy and hypocrisy. If you had billions of dollars you would use them as you see fit, same as anyone else. Stop playing victims all the time ffs
I’d see mandatory voting as more democratic, as long as it gives an option on the ballot to abstain, purely as it stops the far worse anti-democratic alternative which is voter suppression.
@@coasterblocks3420 having overseen many vote counts here in Australia the number of informal/ invalid votes are not as high as you might think. Most are due misunderstanding of the preferential voting system i.e. not filling numbers against all the candidates.
Mandatory voting in Australia comes down to having your name marked off the role at the voting center... you don't have to make a valid vote. However if you are there you might as well do it properly.
It good to see my Uruguay ranking in the first places in most democracy indexes. I fully support mandatory voting, voting it is not only a fundamental right but also a civic obligation.
As an Uruguayan citizen, I am required to vote. Yesterday, November 28 2021, I voted in what I consider to be a frivolous election of purely administrative interest. I voted 1. to avoid the mandatory fine for not voting. 2. Because I could get a bit of exercise by walking to the polling place. I did, of course, emit a blank vote.
@@lesliewaring5568 I'll never understand blank voting in countries where two things happen: 1) only valid votes are counted (e.g. in a 20% blank / 35% candidate A / 45% candidate B, candidate B wins by absolute -not simple - majority). 2) politicians aren't affected, not politically, nor morally by blank votes. Blank votes seem to me just useful for the conciousness of the blank-voters.
@@lesliewaring5568 By submitting a blank vote you are essentially saying "I am happy with the government as it is." but not make their power STRONGER. Meaning, they have had to make concessions to pass bills through past the opposition party. Sometimes they win and sometimes they don't. So, they are "barely" functional. THAT is "Barely" a government.
Most people I know think WE the people are the best not our government. Our ancestors (mine at least) were anti state colonist and that's our history. Another thing is America is a Democratic Republic not a Democracy, big difference.
I am pretty sure we don't have voting registration. The state already knows who you are. You just go to your voting center and vote. No need for registration.
@@kieranbrady1240 I am not spreading misinformation. I am just not an American. I guess I should have mentioned it but I am talking about the Greek state.
@@MilwaukeeF40C No actually. This is not the case in quite a few European nations though even then the correlation is still pretty low. But having actually no significant correlation like the US is particularly bad.
Mandatory voting is a misnomer. Here in Oz we have 'mandatory voting' but it means that you are supposed to participate (i.e. attend a voting place and get your name ticked off) but that does not mean you have to vote. You are perfectly able to not tick any boxes on the voting form, fill it in randomly, write a rude message on it instead of casting a valid vote, or even just crumple up the voting form and chuck it in the bin as you walk out (not a good idea, as theoretically someone could fish your blank voting form out of the bin, fill it in, and put it into the voting box). So, mandatory voting increases participation of eligible voters (surely a good thing), but does NOT force you to cast an actual vote if you don't want to (although personally I can't see the point of not casting a vote for whoever you think is the least worst candidate, even if you don't think any of the candidates are worth electing).
Yeah exactly I don’t understand the idea of going there all bad I won’t vote at all. Because just pick the lesser of two evils, it’s not like your any less to blame if you didn’t vote for someone
Oz definitely has this one right (and I grew up in NZ so this is hard for me to say ;) ). I don't know what the situation is there but in many countries they don't publish voided vote numbers, which I think everyone should. You have to go and put something on a ballot, but that should be able to be "@#£& off", and "@#£& off"s should be counted. Why? It sends a clear message about how happy the people are with the options they are presented with, meaning alternatives have a better idea about what the chances are
@@transcrobesproject3625 lists both #/% of informal votes, and which ones mistakes vs 'slogans' etc
In Uruguay we have it and we are fine with it sense it makes the parties think about everything and everyone deradiaclising them and making them more reseptive because if they do something bad goodbye Also yeah you can vote blank or annulled. We do it this way since we understand that the right to vote and that everyone votes guarantees the rest of freedoms.
In Australia it is not compulsory to vote. You are required to attend a polling station and have your name marked off the electoral roll unless you have a valid reason not to. You are not forced to vote. A purists might see this as draconian, but when you see the voter suppression that is currently destroying fair and free elections in the US, I would take compulsory voting any day of the week. One of the many positives is that the independent Australian Electoral Commission really goes out of it's way to ensure that voting is very easy for all citizens no matter what their circumstance.
@@jake3736 Because not everyone has ID, or can easily get IDs. Where I am in the UK it is around 25%. So it creates additional steps (and costs) that act as a barrier which will prevent people from voting. Typically these are people who are from lower socio-economic standing.
Just a note coming from a country with mandatory voting: you have three options for deciding not to vote: the first is obviously to pay a fine (which may be exempted by many reasons), the second is to nullify your vote (void the ballot or adding something weird in the ballot [yeah, whatever you are thinking, has happened]), and the third is to leave the ballot clean (no vote). That happens because we have a concept of voting as being a right and a duty of the citizen, rather than a privilege.
i agree, democracy is a responsability not a right. "voting" is the right, but if you dont take care of your democracy you will soon end up in a dictatorship or something that mask itself as democracy. here in Uruguay most people properly vote each election and the 3 to 6 percent that votes blank fluctuates every election.
I'm Australian. There is another option which some people I know have taken and that is to avoid being registered to vote. If you are not on the electoral roll, they can't fine you for not voting. I'd be interested in the statistical difference between the census and the electoral roll. Prisoners don''t get to vote most of the time.
I'm 72 years old and lived the first 34 of those in the United States. I never missed an opportunity to vote. I now live in Australia where voting is mandatory. I believe that voting should be mandatory and that everyone has the responsibility to vote in all elections. No one should feel that they have the right to criticize a government when they haven't voted.
My parents always told me, not voting is a vote split between the different options. Including the worst possible choices. Even if you don't like any of the main forerunners, make sure you vote so your ballot stands between the really awful people and power.
@@shivanshusingh8376 Bhutan? What, they got 61 points. NK got 3 points. I think you think of Tibet, which got 1 point, and they are under the boot of authoritarian China.
How can you say USA has a better democracy than Brazil? Our people have direct vote, USA ignores the people vote and just goes with the state vote bruh
The thing about mandatory voting is that it usually doesn't force you to actually cast a vote, just to register at the voting box. You can still totally decide to not vote once you are there. And there is an argument to be made as to why it's a good idea. Have you seen the voting suppression laws that some US states have been implementing? They are supposed to make it more inconvenient to vote, by limiting the times and places at which you can cast your vote. But if you have a straight-up duty to show up there during voting hours, then there's not much (aside from very pressing personal issues) that can really justify keeping you away from there. For instance, if the voting times line up with your work hours, then your employer is gonna have to give you the day (or at least a few hours) off so you can go vote. People still aren't actually forced to vote, but it becomes a lot more difficult to stop them from voting.
When you look at Switzerland, you notice that all the lost point come from national referendum... It means the people there voted for that and lost points xD
The fact that we're discussing democracy without even looking at the power vested IN THE PEOPLE is an indicator of the sorry state of democracy in the world.
Honestly though, real democracy just doesn't work. They've brainwashed most people in the west to think that it's the only right, correct and working system... but that simply isn't true. Honestly, I couldn't care less if my country was a democracy or not. If my government was trying to improve the quality of life for everyone in the country, then having the ability influence who rules over you or not doesn't even matter. But I do have a problem with the pretend-democracies we have where we have been rapidly losing freedoms and privacy for a while already, long before the pandemic was a thing.
Bit of criticism for the survey why it's hard to really take for me: 'Choose 5' options will make the results next to impossible to interpret. For example let's say the option 'indipendant justice system' is not in my top 5 answers because I find 5 other points more important. Now you have no idea if I don't value an indipendant justice system at all or whether I find it very important just 5 other issues even more important. A point might be on spot 6 for ally our viewers, meaning your community values it as maybe THE most consistant criteria to democracy overall but in this system it doesn't show up at all. Rather put a likert scale (1-5 or 1-10 agreement) on each one and let us chose up to 5 we want to weight more heavily.
Costa Rica is in North America. A lot of people think Central America is different but Central America is a region of North America. Costa Rica is in Central America
Gonna be honest, I was a little surprised Pakistan scored higher than Turkey. But then again, the turkish democracy has worsened a lot in the past decade.
@@darthplagueis13 because it is completely wrong. At least in turkey you have some personal liberties but in Pakistan due to the conservative society they literally don't let one breathe at one's will
@@deliciousredmango for example if you are any minority ethnic group or religion you are dead, if you want free speech you are dead, if you want to protest rape and injustice you are dead if you show dissent to government you are dead, if you are an unbiased journalist you are dead. Thankfully I don't fall into any of these categories So Im Alive😅😅
@@CCCP_Again Stop your bullshi*. Everybody criticizes government here and nothing happens. Not a single journalist was murdered last year even though every media house was bashing government and establishment. Protesting something is also very easy. You don't seem right in the head, go to a doctor instead of wasting your time on UA-cam.
We have mandatory voting here in Uruguay. Just to clear something up, people ar still free not to vote for anyone, you just put in an empty envelope. Besides that the mandatory voting is a thing because it grantees the right to vote for everyone. It means you know how meany people are going to vote and were form the start so you can plan accordingly. That's why despite our elections being done on paper and counted by hand, we still manage to do it all in one day and have the results that night, unless it's extremely close like the last election (less than 3.000 votes). And because it's mandatory, it's done on a Sunday and voting usually takes only 15 minutes. You also won't ever see the sort of stuff that's going on in the US right now.
I live in Australia where voting is compulsory. There is no need to actually vote if you prefer not to. It’s only required that you turn up to be marked off the electoral role. You can write whatever you like on the ballot and cast an invalid vote if you choose.
I was about to write that but you beat me to it. I guess you could more correctly characterise compulsory voting in Australia as compulsory participation as you can’t be compelled to vote, only get your name marked off the role. I have known people who did just that and walk out without voting but most so inclined will vote (or draw a penis on the ballot paper) since they are there now anyway. It was interesting though not surprising that Australia scored much higher in both ranking systems than the self proclaimed worlds greatest democracy, the USA. Even then I was surprised that the US scored as highly as it did.
I feel making this compulsory insures all people have the ability to vote, in contrast places like the US voting is always on a Tuesday and employers don't have to give time off and they may be very long waiting times depending on your location. this can and does affect minorities disproportionately
@@Chess_Hoss voting in Australia is always on a Saturday and there’s always pre-polling, early voting, postal voting and absentee voting. The Australian Electoral Commission goes out of it way to ensure everyone votes no matter where in the world you are.
Voting doesn’t have to be compulsory, but quorum to operate and the majority consensus of all the people must be unalterable. What this means is the ballot must be formed by an agreement of a quorum of all the people, then that ballot is used to determine the choice and the choice must be made by a majority of all the people regardless of how many people vote, if there are 100,000 people, then a normal quorum to operate is 67,000 people, and a majority consensus for assent is 50,001 votes to assent to a choice. If only 50,001 persons vote, then the vote must be unanimous for a choice. You can see by this example what a democracy is nearly impossible as the population increases, that’s why we have republican forms of government which are based upon representation of the people, then all the people participate through representation as if they were present in person to participate and vote themselves to reach a majority consensus of all the people. A representative is someone you hire to represent your interest, a representation is a smaller version of the original. So the Republican principle is per capita apportionment of representation and suffrage based upon an enumeration, which forms the “People in their Collective Capacity” as the “Most Numerous Legislative Branch”, now the requirements of quorum to operate and majority consensus are easily met. So a Republican form of government is just a more complex version of a democracy, with the same requirements of quorum to operate and majority consensus. This assembly method is statistical, not competitive, and both democratic and republican forms of government are based upon consensus choice, not competitive choice. If these characteristics of participation, quorum, and majority consensus are not the basis of your system of government, it cannot be considered a democracy or a republic!
I really don't understand how the US could get a 10, but France and Belgium 8 or 9. When going to the site, it seems like Belgium got a downgrade during the political crisis of 2007-2009, which is rather stupid, considering the deadlock was caused by the composition of the parliament, which is caused by the large split in representation, ie meaning better representation, on the contrary in the US people essentially only have choice of 2 parties and when you look deep into it, you'll find that much less people got the representation they wanted, even those who voted on one of these 2 parties. Not to mention voter suppression in the US (ie ID laws, closing down voting stations, ...). Considering everything, freedom house seems much better and logical than polity V
That was my thinking as well. I can agree (to an extent) with Belgium's lower score, as their insanely complex political system can actually get in the way of democratic decision making, but any index that scores France lower on democracy than the United States really needs to take a long hard look at itself... Here's a simple truth: In France, politics control business. In the US, business controls politics. Neither is ideal, but clearly one is going to have a bigger effect on democracy than the other.
It probably has to do with the theoretical checks on the power of each branch in the US since that's what that index is focused on. Presumably there was something about the method of checking one branch or another of the French and Belgian government which they found less than effective. It's not a terribly good index to my mind.
@@paranoidrodent Belgium has a check similar to any other parliamentary government, so I doubt that would be the problem. The complex system could be a possibility, but that didn't become more complex on the moment Belgium got downgraded from a 10 to 8. There doesn't really seem to be a good reason imo to downgrade it with 2 points at that time.
When you are in something like the EU that in undemocratic with leaders that aren't elected and can't be voted out which makes laws you must follow or else then I'm not surprised you don't receive a 10.
@@Gambit771 I'll be sure to raise that issue the next time I vote for the European Parliament, or vote in my own country's general elections that determines the government whose ministers will form the European Council. Or maybe I could write directly to a member of the European Commission, that's always an option. Are you starting to see how nonsensical your point is yet?
I always found this concept of the USA being a democracy strange. Firstly, some people's votes are worth more than others' (for example, it is possible for a presidential candidate to win the popular vote and still lose the election). It is a system deliberately designed so that the richest would always be worth more. Secondly, it has always been a racist country that denied access to democracy for non-whites. Furthermore, it is a façade political system where the two figurative parties only serve the interests of half a dozen families, heirs of slavery and colonialism and are owners of the big lobbies and therefore owners of the country. USA is not really a democracy. Furthermore, it is good to remember that throughout history, many countries have had dictatorships implemented by the USA itself, which despite preaching democracy has always acted dishonestly, overthrowing governments all over the world. Just see that even today, right now, the USA's main partners in the world are the bloodthirsty dictatorship of Saudi Arabia and the genocidal dictatorship of Israel.
When were these findings determined? I don’t see how the UK scores 10 in the study, when they elect by first past the post, and they have an unelected chamber (The House of Lords).
@@godlovesyou1995 the house of Lords isn't elected they get decided by a bunch of undemocratic means then secret for life. Jay Foreman does a entertaining video about it.
@@godlovesyou1995 No. First past the post is designed to keep parties in power, by enabling them to win all power with a minority of the electorate voting for them. That is NOT democracy, and that's why the only other country in Europe to have FPTP is the last remaining dictatorship, Belarus. True democracies have voting systems where EVERY vote counts.
The UK had at least one election in my grandmother's lifetime where the winner had won less votes than the runner up (when Atlee lost to Churchill) and even then we haven't had a government lead with a majority popular mandate (ie greater than 50 percent vote share) since 1935 excluding the Lib Dem coalition. First past the post, gerrymandering, Thursday voting instead of 48 hour weekend opportunities and convoluted voter registration, did they even score these? How can a rigged vote be appraised so high as though it's on par with the proportional systems found in Europe, I get this is not North Korea but it's not exactly fair or representative either.
at 5:39 the video said Tibet has a score of 1, is this a mistake or do they count Tibet as a separate administrative body than China? or did it mislabel bhutan, seeing as it’s a monarchy?
@@geoffpriestley7001 It's not though, Bhutan is a good old-fashioned absolute monarchy. The current king has near-as-makes-no-difference 100% approval, and when he offered the country a referendum on introducing an elected parliament, they rejected the proposition. But, from what I understand, he's actually a very capable ruler. It's a weird country.
India scored much better than I expected. Twitter really makes it feel like we’re on a civil war when actually most people live pretty unpolarized peaceful lives.
The reason Americans will say mandatory voting shouldn’t be implemented is because they’ve never experienced voting in countries that have it. It takes us 10 minutes to vote in Australia. You get to leave work, walk into any nearby school or voting station and cast your vote. No queues, no bullshit. In the US, the politicians make it harder and harder to vote. You have to wait in long lines and all sorts of other bullshit.
I live in Belgium and you have a mandate to go to the polls on election day. You can leave your ballot empty though. I like this system because it underlines that democracy only works if everyone participates, not voting is out of protest is still possible but if everyone is required to show up it is almost impossible to suppress the turnout.
@@pxrplehairgirl5030 Mo democracy or equality for women. No civil rights for all demographics. . No welfare. 3rd World health care. Poverty, violence, the caste system, the untouchables. Keep telling us how great India is😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@pxrplehairgirl5030 what century are you living in bhhite toddler? Still having the racist image of India? consume less biased media if possible. also, for your kind information India is ranked 2nd in road network size after U.S.(3rd is china) .
Why is Switzerland not #1 , as it has a semi-direct democracy whereby each citizen VOTES in a referendum to decide which policies the government should apply?
When you vote electronically and only have paper backups, there’s only so much you can do. 😂
3 роки тому
I will add "leave the seat void" option. Not having the option of voiding a few seats of the legislative or even the executive, if enough voters are discontent, makes discontent citizens honest votes unimpactful, and promotes dishonest strategical voting, like voting for the "less bad"
As a political science student, I took the survey and want to point out that there is an inherent problem with using indexes such as Polity V, Freedom House and the future TLDR News democracy index. The phenomena we refer to as "democracy" is too vast and complex, so when we try to summarize it we will almost always go against its complex nature. Democracy is not a score, democracy is a free-flowing state of governing.
I don't see why that should stop us from at least attempting to summarize it. I think an incomplete picture is better than no picture at all. And once we have an incomplete picture, we can work on making a slightly _less_ incomplete picture, and so on and so forth.
Both sides are relevant, but certainly a word as significant as democracy is likely difficult to summarize on a single index. For instance the Freedom House score is 60% civil rights and only 40% political. Many I imagine would have their own impression of democracy with a much higher emphasis on political rights, that is how I've always used the word for instance (whereas civil rights might be called 'liberty' or such). The problem I see is that once something is reduced to a simple scale, discussions tend to focus more on the comparison of the numbers, rather than a discussion of the conditions that cause them. (For instance this video, which has no discussion of why Mongolia for instance is rated very highly, or any mention of why Romania and the USA score similarly) It is somewhat reductive at best.
@@WanderTheNomad You have a point there, it is very important to make such information easy to overview. I just wanted to point out one of the most prominent issues with these kinds of oversimplifications.
I have to say, I e never heard of the polity IV test, and it seems very simplistic. I’ve heard The Economists’ Democracy Index cited much more, and it’s a much more nuanced list
The smallest democracy is Somaliland particularly in turbulent has fulfilled and meets all the democratic requirements and credentials in the silver book of deserves to get all the rewards that comes with this practicality and particularly must be supported to all Western countries which claim to be the champions of democracy.
A man from Red zone: I’d like to learn how you brainwash the people. The green man: what are you talking about? Nonsense, we never brainwash people. The red: Yeah, I just want to learn that!
100 point swede here. We are small and have had democracy for ages. That's all. We don't know anything else anymore. We have a king but who gives a shit. We have a parliament, but most don't give a shit. Not saying we have it under control, it's more like we are doing our own thing and it's kinda working out. Everyone votes and everyone can become a politician. Most don't want to. We are also super isolated and no one gives a shit about us. That helps. Short answer: We brainwash ourselves. Don't need authority to do it for us. Things are fine up here, except for the cold and the depression.
@@isaacthurell4267 Your King appears to be the only fkn monarch to be normal. He has that Family Guy "I don't give a shit" face. Our last King wasn't so nice with his Charlie Chaplin moustache lol
On mandatory voting: People can still not vote - in Australia, all that is required to avoid a fine for not voting is to turn up at the poll booth and get your name ticked off. They then hand you the ballot paper. You can do whatever you want after that point - walk right out without voting, spoil the ballot, write profanity on it - whatever.
I think polarization and extremism is causing some US Americans to decry democracy. Both sides "know" they're "correct" and they're just looking for the easiest way to get their goals accomplished.
@@Xektt I guess US-citizens need to organise themselves, and the francophones among them need to check or so they don't waste energy on instant-runoff. Just because a candidate isn't a majority's nr 1 favourite doesn't mean (s)he shouldn't win
Interesting idea on the issue of mandatory voting here: You have the choice to register to vote or to abstain, but you have to pick one. My thought is that since it makes abstaining more of an active choice, it encourages those choosing to abstain out of laziness to consider whether they actually want to vote or not, while keeping the choice to not vote available to those who truly do not care to vote. I'm not sure how well it might work in practice, but I'm just sharing my two cents.
Australia, which has mandatory voting, has 91% turnout, but of voters that turn out, a very high rate of ballot spoilage. People who just X out their ballot (or, being Aussies, draw a cock on their ballot or write swear words on it or something). That's just an acceptable way of opting out of the election that still counts as voting.
I feel that mandatory voting encourages everyone to feel engaged in the political discourse. It's the responsibility of everyone living in a democracy to ensure that it remains healthy, that means voting.
I'm suprised you only mentioned the EIU Democracy index in passing since it seems to be the most commonly referred too and also the most comprehensive.
First past the post AND the electoral college for presidential elections, it's a political duopoly where both parties are owned by the wealthy. I wouldn't be surprised if these are think tanks with wealthy donors churning these indexes out.
I would he careful with an opinion like that. By removing legitimate information simply because it lists something you do not like will increase your bias further and disable any possible opinion changes in the future. Not a huge fan of the U.S.A, just thought I should remind you Edit: This scale is also bad, but not all scales that list America as #1 are bad
I believe Switzerland should be higher as they have many democratic tools other highly democratic countries don't. For instance popular initiatives and referendums
As an Australian, I agree with mandatory voting. In the 2019 Federal election, there was a turnout of 91.9%, so as much as I don't like Scott Morrison, I know the majority of Australian voters wanted him as leader. Contrast this with the 2016 presidential election in the states. Of the registered voters, only roughly 52% voted, a little under half of which voted for the winning candidate. Whatever you think of the two candidates is irrelevant, you cannot make the case for a country being democratic when someone can get in power with the support of 25% of the voting population.
As an Australian, thanks for the viable argument. You may have switched my position. People calling it a 'civic duty' without elaborating is annoying for me who has to deal with people constantly telling me they just vote randomly, or the lesser of two evils.
The US getting a perfect score on "democracy" just means that the index in question is horribly flawed if not useless. Even in the 80's seems generous.
@@TwsWithSai247 Switzerland is one of the least corrupt countries in the world. Yes, there are things that stand out like the banking industry and party financing but this is quite irrelevant with regard to the democracy itself as the political power is highly decentralized. Also, I'm not Swiss, I just have great respect for many things this country possess.
That survey was very conflicting making us choose only five was incredibly difficult i had to settle for the options that ultimately insured the branches of government were balanced and universal suffrage. Hopefully a strong legal system can protect the rights of citizens as plenty of those options relating to that I had to drop.
NOTE: Sorry for the slightly shoddy audio on this video. We're currently moving office so this was recorded in a cupboard using my laptop. We'll be up and running soon but we didn't want to delay any videos so here we are! - Jack
Still waiting for the better political spectrum video...
Did South Africa get 75 or 79?
feedback for the form: allow for more than 5 options. I felt like most of the options would define what I think would be democratic making it difficult to cut down to 5.
The sound is great and kudos to you for your perseverance 👏
@@yannisl8259 79
Democratic People's Republic of Korea obviously it's right there first in it's name.
Riight, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. If you have to point it out, then....
what about the democratic republic of the congo
It's a no brainer
Yeah. They encourage political education and teach their kids everything nice the party has done for them. They also have a 99.9% voting turnout with the Workers' Party of Korea winning by a landslide every time. This surely is the most democratic place on earth.
@@Dark_Detective a county in africa
Syria scoring a 1 is 1 more point than I would ever have thought possible XD
proud syrian here!
@Sam Hatem... Huh?
@Sam Hatem and now I know for sure that you're a fellow countryman 😅
Stay safe man
@Kaelyn at risk of being whooooshed - that's sarcasm
@@MrMediator24 it doesn't seem like it but I might be wrong
As an American, there's NO WAY the US is the freest nation. It feels like it's turning into practically a corporate oligarchy at this point. The class divide is totally bonkers. People's voice has such little impact in so many situations.
Yeah this metric is an absolute joke and probably part of some liberal or conservative American "information campaign"
@@goldminer754 I wouldn't take it that far. I mean, the metrics they use make sense, and according to them, the US is DEFINITELY a democracy. The problem is, in the US companies are considered the same as people, and are allowed to lobby with politicians, which basically means that while all our leaders are elected democratically, they are basically all controlled by the corporations (especially the GOP). We have a democracy, it's just corrupt and favors the ultra-wealthy, often ignoring the working class.
@@telchar You are right but the fact that they consider corporations as people in itself is a sign of major neolib/neocon ideological influence.
@@goldminer754 I never said that wasn't the case. I'm just saying it is still a democracy, because our leaders (except the president) are elected through direct vote. Though there are many problems that make the US not as free as other countries.
@@telchar Technically Russia also is a democracy unless they literally throw out votes which I dont believe, just like in the US the governing party and Oligarchs have more and less subtle methods to influence voters, voter turnout, candidates, who runs in the first place and the process as a whole. So I consider neither Russia nor the US an even remotly "true" democracy although both have some basic democratic processes that could make them elegible for being called democratic in a very broad definition.
Mongolia surrounded by red: “Y’all ok?”
Countries that were conquered by the mongols in the past tend to be less democratic than those who weren’t, the Mongolians can’t conquer themselves which is why they are more democratic. But also in the case of China, Chinese governments have been extremely anti democratic and authoritarian since ancient times
@@hs5312 I think it has to do more with the Soviet Union having old influence on them, and leaving them into states of partial mayhem, but yes I think it’s just kinda funny that the homeland of the empire is the only one in the green.
@@mangonel reject communism embrace mongolia
@@simonhand_ but Russia has had a history of strong men since the mongols invaded. Invasions in history can very often cause reactions in groups and often times the invaded group tends to become very absolutist as a result to prevent history repeating itself
Or Tunisia
"South Africa scored 75"
79: Am I a joke to you?
69: Is it even a question?
Maybe when they are finished examining the votes in Maricopa, Cyber Ninjas can recount the score in South Africa. Will cost ZA 150k USD, but it’s for the sake of democracy.
I'm really surprised we sdid so well. It's kinda depressing to know that we are one of the more democratic African countries.
@@fullmetaltheorist Why , Jesus Murphy have some pride in your country
@@fullmetaltheorist These numbers were from 2015. A lot has changed in SA since then.
Just because America likes to tell you it’s the best, doesn’t mean it is.
That line had me laughing. 🤣🤣🤣
Well the US is a constitutional republic where the constitution sets it up to be a democracy. Thats why it can't be the most democratic.
@@vyros.3234it’s definitely under the category of democratic though. The fact it’s remained so democratic is a breath of fresh air.
do you want a cookie for laughing
Just because America told you they're democratic it doesn't mean they're democratic
@@seanpruitt6801 The US has fallen to number 26 on the Most Liveable Countries list, it barely qualifies as a first world country now. It is horrible for corruption at every level, with horrific crime rates. 1% of US population is in jail. The election system is a joke, corrupt, false.
On average, an Australian will live 4 years longer than a US citizen, in a larger and better equipped home, with 3 to 4 times the average saved wealth. It is ranked 1 on that World's Most Liveable Countries list.
I never realized Mongolia is considered as very democratic country
Well, if you look at their neighbors, it is easy to look democratic
They are a real beacon of hope. For a country that only exists to be a buffer zone between two of the most militaristic nations on earth, they do remarkably well.
Respect to Mongolia and it's amazing people
Weeell I’d say they’re probably lower now, seeing as just a few weeks ago the, after parliament moved to limit the president’s powers, ordered the governing People’s Party to be dissolved, which has triggered a rather bad crisis
@@alexpotts6520 Doing remarkably well? Mongolia is more polluted than China, most of its exports and employment are coal (not green pastures as you would think). Their GDP per capita is at least three times lower than Mongolians living in China's Inner Mongolia. Corruption is rife, child mortality rates from pollution is high...
Also, Russia and China are militaristic. But the USA is the most militaristic. Not debating what they use it for, I don't take sides on this issue. But the US spends $800 billion and has 800 bases, how is China or Russia the most militaristic. They could be if the US collapses which it won't
That weird moment when Mongolia is more democratic than France.
I was surprise, definitely gonna look into that case later
@Amperoar M0001 that's just plain racist
I'm pretty sure what brought it down in the first index is that the French president is a very powerful position even compared to the U.S. president! However, in the second index it isn't that high as you can see.
@@micheltresseras Ahh yes the French, my favourite race...
@@micheltresseras he said france not french
People always talk about Scandinavia but always overlook Switzerland, which has as the only country in the world a direct democracy where people decide on the laws and not politicians! To me that is real democracy. Sadly because of the unique system, they come behind the Scandinavian countries. Would be awesome to see you look into the Swiss system.
That system has its own flaws too though. Who will raise taxes for example?
People in general are dumb. You wouldn't want general public to vote for which aircraft design is better or where should a dam be built or how much money should be spent on irrigation. Everyone cannot be expected to know everything, spirit of democracy is in states being accountable to the populous not decentralization of all decision making.
Maybe have a look through the think tank scoring data and come back with an answer as to why
@@nandans2506 you don't vote those things lol
Libya once was a participatory democracy 😜
As someone from Australia, I am in a country where mandatory voting is in effect, however it is important to highlight a misconception portrayed in this video and in general. Mandatory voting, at least in Australia, only requires you to show up to a polling place and get your name ticked off. Once you have done that you don't actually have to vote, you can just leave without even looking at the ballot, or just chuck it in without filling it in.
Mandatory voting is a nudge that encourages people to participate rather than forcing them to pick one side or one party. If people are made to at least show up to a polling place, I can't see how that limits democracy in anyway.
I think the EIU index takes this into account. Even with mandatory voting, it still lists Australia as the 9th most democratic country in the world (tied with the Netherlands)
because they're forcing people to participate, that's not free
@@darthkitty6883 and I suppose getting a license is limiting ur freedom of movement too right?
@@darthkitty6883 also what about compulsory dury duty?
@@tobyjones9141 whataboutism
USA: we are a democratic country
Americans: * put fire in some shops for protest *
USA: Democratic
you prefer the opposite ? Protestors in jail or poisoned like in russia or china ?
@@user-yx3wu8vt2w do they? damn
@@moonagaming6068 yes. India started putting its journalists in jail bcoz they criticize the govt
They were put in jail for spreading fake news during the pandemic for promoting vaccine hesitancy
@@anantissar4028 "fake news"
Before watching this, I'm going to bet on it being a country in Scandanavia, because they tend to be near the top of most any index of how good it is to live there...
Edit: I didn't expect them to run away with it quite so definitively...
No idea how to reply to this without comming of as gloating...
But yeah, Norwegians are politically active from a young age (if you ever heard about Anders Behring Breivik a significant number of his victims where politically active young adults and kids), there's multiple parties all with real political power, etc.
Things are not perfect in any country, we certainly can't complain here.
@@Luredreier I know, lately we can't complain here in Canada either unless we want to pay a fine for it. Like this weekend at City Hall
From bloodthirsty raping vikings to the most polite and democratic society. I have been asleep for a thousand years, can someone explain what happened in the middle?
Just don't be from an unacceptable ethnicity in Denmark and you'll be fine.
@@mattsavigny6084 "...can someone explain what happened in the middle?"
We sent all the bloodthirsty raping vikings packing to Normandie, Sicily and Moscow. The Normandie lot lated moved across the waters to Britain. It's been quite peaceful here since then.
Unfortunately it seems those ruffians have been causing quite a lot of trouble across the rest of the world. Terribly sorry about that but I hope and believe the worst is over now.
We did also send a few test subjects over to America where the locals seemed to be able to handle them in a timely and terminal manner but unfortunately the shipping cost turned out to be too high for us to do it on a large scale.
"France and Belgium"
*Cries in Czech that's also 8*
Belarus and most of the populated part of Russia. Still European.
Dont worry, I'm from Belgium, we will survive
@@hoedjeexplains3661 i am from belgium to are you from flanders or wallon
@@geekicusmaximusben9650 the aren't "real" european
@@emielverwaeren5038 Vlaanderen. Ik was alleszins niet verrast dat wij bij de minder democratische landen zitten
As a Finn this should make me happy. However I find it very sad - there are so many people in China or even Russia who deserve much more freedom, but are lead by dim-witted, simple-minded tyrants.
I am left pondering whether a large nation can ever be that good to its citizens - when you have 100 million people, it is easier to sacrifice a million at war. When a country only has 5-10 million people, each citizen is that much more important to the leaders. So living in a small country is probably better than living in a large one?
i love how america bangs on about freedom yet they are less free than most of europe
A little ironic that the nation that advertises its freedom the most only ranks 61st in freedom.
Christian nationalism in the name of Secularism too
If it wasn’t for us, you wouldn’t be any part of freedom right now. You’re welcome.
@@evolvedape3341 And where have you gotten that idea from?
At first glimpse I read most dramatic country. Would have been a very interesting watch XD
Who do you think would win?
@@waltervanbrunchem2462 definitely America dude, literally the whole world watches their elections and its usually surrounded by some sort of controversy.
Brazilians are extremely dramatic people.
@@waltervanbrunchem2462 My shout would be Israel. Endless political wrangling with elections happening every few months, there are wars going on just over the border as well as some serious sub-war conflict within the region, and its very existence (as well as that of Palestine) of course, has been fully absorbed into the culture war that us westerners are now part of whether we like it or not.
When you realise countries with monarchs are more democratic than a republic
What about Germany, Austria, Portugal, Ireland, Iceland, Czechia, Estonia, Uruguay, Chile or Costa Rica? They are all pretty good according to the Freedom House and they are Republics...
@@diogorodrigues747 Norway and Sweden still got the 100 x)
@@jey0122 Even so, what he said is not entirelly true. The UAE is a monarchy and they are poorly democratic.
@@diogorodrigues747 yeah but the republican countries are doing worse in average anyway
@@jey0122 No, they're not. Give me the average value and the way you got it and, then, I will believe in you.
America getting 10/10 on the first scale is a joke.
I agree
At least you guys can choose your candidate.
@@jonasfelisilda5777 choose? LMAO, people only get to choose whatever the Democratic and Republican party present on the list. And they'll make damn sure you choose the "right" one
@@jonasfelisilda5777 No, because the presidential candidates of both congressional parties are chosen by the same billionaire donors. Joe Biden said during his election campaign, "Under my presidency, nothing will fundamentally change." He and his vice Kamala Harris were enforced by donors who threatened the leadership of the Democratic party with withdrawing donations if Biden+Harris were not to become the candiates.
The people of the US have absolutely no say in public policy, a study by Princeton university found.
@@jonasfelisilda5777 Not really. The electoral college chooses and if you're living in Puerto Rico, you don't get to vote for the president.
4:58 "As does Romania" with a little less enthusiasm than any other sentence in the clip haha (EDIT: typo) (2nd EDIT: I'm Romanian fyi)
So lmao why does it matter
@@escapefr0mslender it doesn't but I couldn't help but notice (also entirely subjective)
@@vladniculae6114 the US actually lost a few points because of Trump but should get them back this year
@@robertabella1806 nope. You have new voting restriction laws from certain States that reduce democratic participation.
It's to insult the USA.
In a two-party system like in the US (and btw many other countries), how can 330 million people be represented by just two parties? Not every issue has a yes and no answer. Shouldn’t there be a metric for how well the government represents the average individual’s opinion on a number of key issues?
Their political parties are moderately conservative (Democrats) and radically conservative bordering on fascism (Republicans). They have no party to the left of political centre, and no equivalent of a labour party or an environmental party.
People forget we have primaries which decide among many variations of Democrats / Republicans. If we didn't have primaries, we'd have far more parties.
I wanted to participate in the survey, but the criteria are too limited. By only allowing 5 options, you need to choose between major things that are all very important
Agreed. My immediate thought was that a country with only 5 of these things is a lousy democracy.
I also immediately clicked back when I saw 'choose only 5'
That's the point though.
yeah, I backed out, because with only five answers the data would seem insufficient or biased towards an incomplete definition.
Limiting the choice is the point of the method. A well-known method of choosing elements that are most important.
And in Germany, people act like their stuck in a dictatorship. Despite the fact that most restrictions by the government have been overthrown by our judicative if they were preceived to be too infringing on our rights.
this is literally the most perfect way of describing the germans' relationship with their government XD
If you don’t like it here then why don’t you leave?
Ja wir Deutschen sind bekloppt
@@yj9032 Don’t get me wrong, I love Germany and I generally like it’s People, but some are really going overboard.
It's a common psychological concept: everything you are used to (rights, propperty, wealth) is yours by right and you should have it / you earned this. Circumstances how it came to be or its effects are secondary. Classic case for the 'das darf man ja nicht mehr sagen...' arguments. You are used to being able to do or say something without resistance or repercussions thus now having to be accountable for it, feels like opression / something that's your being taken away.
the funny thing is most of the democratic countries are constitutional monarchies
one word: lobbying.
should be considered undemocratic, since its not the will of the people, but of the people with deep pockets.
the amount of "bribes" and the transparency of it should be included if you want a more accurate measurement. just my 2 cents. (pun intended)
Meh. People with deep pockets are still people, regardless of your covetousness.
@@MrKbonez however those people can influence the government more so it does make more sense to include lobbying
@@CMN1105 Anyone *can* influence government. Drawing a line between rich people and poor people just smacks of jealousy and hypocrisy. If you had billions of dollars you would use them as you see fit, same as anyone else. Stop playing victims all the time ffs
But to get all those lobbying money you have to win the crowd's heart first.
@@SaSha-hb5rq Not always. You only have to win the right hearts, the ones owned by the people with money to donate.
I’d see mandatory voting as more democratic, as long as it gives an option on the ballot to abstain, purely as it stops the far worse anti-democratic alternative which is voter suppression.
It does. It’s called a blank or a spoiled ballot.
@@coasterblocks3420 having overseen many vote counts here in Australia the number of informal/ invalid votes are not as high as you might think. Most are due misunderstanding of the preferential voting system i.e. not filling numbers against all the candidates.
@@coasterblocks3420 or 'donkey vote'
Mandatory voting in Australia comes down to having your name marked off the role at the voting center... you don't have to make a valid vote. However if you are there you might as well do it properly.
You don't have to have an abstain option. Just don't make a choice on the paper.
It good to see my Uruguay ranking in the first places in most democracy indexes. I fully support mandatory voting, voting it is not only a fundamental right but also a civic obligation.
As an Uruguayan citizen, I am required to vote. Yesterday, November 28 2021, I voted in what I consider to be a frivolous election of purely administrative interest. I voted 1. to avoid the mandatory fine for not voting. 2. Because I could get a bit of exercise by walking to the polling place. I did, of course, emit a blank vote.
Interestingly, despite the obligatory nature of the vote, only 77% did so. In addition, almost 20% voted blank or spoiled their vote.
@@lesliewaring5568 I'll never understand blank voting in countries where two things happen:
1) only valid votes are counted (e.g. in a 20% blank / 35% candidate A / 45% candidate B, candidate B wins by absolute -not simple - majority).
2) politicians aren't affected, not politically, nor morally by blank votes.
Blank votes seem to me just useful for the conciousness of the blank-voters.
No it isn't people have to have something worth voting for. The UK certainly doesn't.
@@lesliewaring5568 By submitting a blank vote you are essentially saying "I am happy with the government as it is." but not make their power STRONGER. Meaning, they have had to make concessions to pass bills through past the opposition party. Sometimes they win and sometimes they don't. So, they are "barely" functional. THAT is "Barely" a government.
"America says its the best"
(In a bad Rick Sanchez impression): "they are the writers of there own press release"
Let's be honest, America likes to say it's the best at a lot of things and consistently falls short.
We'd be a more advanced country if the republican party didn't hate American democracy so much.
@@iCrapBubbles doesn’t matter we are the only world superpower
@@visorij3374 China: Hold my beer.
@@visorij3374 Enjoy working over 40 hours a week for that American dream that you'll never get.
0:24 As an australian living in america i think this every day when i hear about politics
I think the same too as a Canadian
I feel the same as a Brit.
Most people I know think WE the people are the best not our government. Our ancestors (mine at least) were anti state colonist and that's our history. Another thing is America is a Democratic Republic not a Democracy, big difference.
Aussie, sorry you don't like it here. Please go home. Brit, sorry you feel the same. Please stay home. Canada, we honestly don't care what you think.
@@kwd3109 Canadians get arrested for posting meme, not sure they have a dog in this fight
Latvia, got back democracy only 33 years ago and.. We are doing good! Never ever befriend a communist or a nazi! Old saying...
Kiwi here. We have "required voting registration", no requirement to actually vote. Very interesting results!
I am pretty sure we don't have voting registration. The state already knows who you are. You just go to your voting center and vote. No need for registration.
@@michaelpapadopoulos6054 people just wanna spread misinformation like
@@louiselol4843 what?????
@@michaelpapadopoulos6054 we do you are required to register with the electoral commission in order to vote, you should stop spreading misinformation
@@kieranbrady1240 I am not spreading misinformation. I am just not an American. I guess I should have mentioned it but I am talking about the Greek state.
For USA, I always refer to that Yale study, which showed that the opinion of the general population has no measurable effect on which laws are passed.
It's called a plutocracy, and yes I'd agree.
That's what happens in any kind of government whatsoever.
@@MilwaukeeF40C No actually. This is not the case in quite a few European nations though even then the correlation is still pretty low. But having actually no significant correlation like the US is particularly bad.
0:30, personally, the only thing I think America is the undisputed best at is complaining about America
Mandatory voting is a misnomer. Here in Oz we have 'mandatory voting' but it means that you are supposed to participate (i.e. attend a voting place and get your name ticked off) but that does not mean you have to vote. You are perfectly able to not tick any boxes on the voting form, fill it in randomly, write a rude message on it instead of casting a valid vote, or even just crumple up the voting form and chuck it in the bin as you walk out (not a good idea, as theoretically someone could fish your blank voting form out of the bin, fill it in, and put it into the voting box).
So, mandatory voting increases participation of eligible voters (surely a good thing), but does NOT force you to cast an actual vote if you don't want to (although personally I can't see the point of not casting a vote for whoever you think is the least worst candidate, even if you don't think any of the candidates are worth electing).
Yeah exactly I don’t understand the idea of going there all bad I won’t vote at all. Because just pick the lesser of two evils, it’s not like your any less to blame if you didn’t vote for someone
Oz definitely has this one right (and I grew up in NZ so this is hard for me to say ;) ). I don't know what the situation is there but in many countries they don't publish voided vote numbers, which I think everyone should. You have to go and put something on a ballot, but that should be able to be "@#£& off", and "@#£& off"s should be counted. Why? It sends a clear message about how happy the people are with the options they are presented with, meaning alternatives have a better idea about what the chances are
@@transcrobesproject3625 lists both #/% of informal votes, and which ones mistakes vs 'slogans' etc
@@wealthelife and you have "Honest Government" too... But also Pauline Hanson, and lots of climate deniers. No place is perfect!
In Uruguay we have it and we are fine with it sense it makes the parties think about everything and everyone deradiaclising them and making them more reseptive because if they do something bad goodbye Also yeah you can vote blank or annulled.
We do it this way since we understand that the right to vote and that everyone votes guarantees the rest of freedoms.
In Australia it is not compulsory to vote. You are required to attend a polling station and have your name marked off the electoral roll unless you have a valid reason not to. You are not forced to vote. A purists might see this as draconian, but when you see the voter suppression that is currently destroying fair and free elections in the US, I would take compulsory voting any day of the week. One of the many positives is that the independent Australian Electoral Commission really goes out of it's way to ensure that voting is very easy for all citizens no matter what their circumstance.
That's a real false dichotomy, though. You don't have to have either voter suppression or compulsory voting. Most western democracies have neither.
@@alexpotts6520 Its not a false dichotomy at all. But mandatory voting creates a check on the government to reduce voter disenfranchisement.
How is requiring IDs to vote voter suppression?
@@AdamFitton And what's stopping an unscrupulous government overturning a compulsory voting law?
@@jake3736 Because not everyone has ID, or can easily get IDs. Where I am in the UK it is around 25%.
So it creates additional steps (and costs) that act as a barrier which will prevent people from voting. Typically these are people who are from lower socio-economic standing.
Are you a Democracy ?
India🇮🇳 : Yesn't
Well yes but actually no
@@navydynamite656 Well yeas but actually also yes.
It’s called a “Flawed Democracy”
@@kaydenchan7093 How is it " flawed democracy"?
"South Africa scored 75"
Graphic says 79
Did the same thing with Ireland video says 94 when we actually scored 97
I was kinda shocked. If we're a 79, I wonder how things are in other countries.
eSwatini s coloured in for 79 lmao
Swaziland and Lesotho both disappeared when South Africa got colored in.
At least Lesotho reappeared when the number disappeared afterwards.
The irony of post-apartheid South Africa having a lower score than apartheid Israel!
Just a note coming from a country with mandatory voting: you have three options for deciding not to vote: the first is obviously to pay a fine (which may be exempted by many reasons), the second is to nullify your vote (void the ballot or adding something weird in the ballot [yeah, whatever you are thinking, has happened]), and the third is to leave the ballot clean (no vote). That happens because we have a concept of voting as being a right and a duty of the citizen, rather than a privilege.
i agree, democracy is a responsability not a right. "voting" is the right, but if you dont take care of your democracy you will soon end up in a dictatorship or something that mask itself as democracy. here in Uruguay most people properly vote each election and the 3 to 6 percent that votes blank fluctuates every election.
by "what you're thinking has happened" you mean someone wrote a message of appreciation to the people counting, right? ...right?
@@ssjcrafter8842 🍆🍆🍆
I'm Australian. There is another option which some people I know have taken and that is to avoid being registered to vote. If you are not on the electoral roll, they can't fine you for not voting. I'd be interested in the statistical difference between the census and the electoral roll. Prisoners don''t get to vote most of the time.
@@ssjcrafter8842 yeah, don't ask what the ink was...
I'm 72 years old and lived the first 34 of those in the United States. I never missed an opportunity to vote. I now live in Australia where voting is mandatory. I believe that voting should be mandatory and that everyone has the responsibility to vote in all elections. No one should feel that they have the right to criticize a government when they haven't voted.
If the US had mandatory voting the political landscape would look very much different.
Excellent point. If you didn't have your say at the election, you shouldn't get to be vocal afterwards. The time for change is on election day.
My parents always told me, not voting is a vote split between the different options. Including the worst possible choices. Even if you don't like any of the main forerunners, make sure you vote so your ballot stands between the really awful people and power.
if your country has less points than north korea, you got a problem
There are no problems in Ba Sing Se.
They get top marks for voter turnouts :D
They won't see this comment tho...
Bhutan has got less points than NK but their people are happy with a Monarchy unlike in NK
@@shivanshusingh8376 Bhutan? What, they got 61 points. NK got 3 points.
I think you think of Tibet, which got 1 point, and they are under the boot of authoritarian China.
By far my favorite TLDR channel. Congrats on 100k guys!
How can you say USA has a better democracy than Brazil? Our people have direct vote, USA ignores the people vote and just goes with the state vote bruh
The thing about mandatory voting is that it usually doesn't force you to actually cast a vote, just to register at the voting box. You can still totally decide to not vote once you are there.
And there is an argument to be made as to why it's a good idea. Have you seen the voting suppression laws that some US states have been implementing? They are supposed to make it more inconvenient to vote, by limiting the times and places at which you can cast your vote. But if you have a straight-up duty to show up there during voting hours, then there's not much (aside from very pressing personal issues) that can really justify keeping you away from there.
For instance, if the voting times line up with your work hours, then your employer is gonna have to give you the day (or at least a few hours) off so you can go vote.
People still aren't actually forced to vote, but it becomes a lot more difficult to stop them from voting.
You can get a fine for not voting.
@@Joey-ct8bm But not for submitting a blank ballot, which is also not voting.
...our history-teacher once explained it this way: Democracy is, when you can get rid off the goverment without bloodshed...!
Sweden, Norway and Finland be chilling in the north with 100 score
Greetings from Finland, which is also the happiest country now for the 4th year in a row.
@@late8641 congrats on 4 years
As a Dutch man, I am jealous of the +2 you guys have! We'll get you next time!
@@Finkers1988 als we finland nou binnenvallen? Dan worden we 1e
@@late8641 how does it feel living in civilised Finland?
When you look at Switzerland, you notice that all the lost point come from national referendum... It means the people there voted for that and lost points xD
Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Seychelles and Mauritius are the most democratic countries in Africa
The fact that we're discussing democracy without even looking at the power vested IN THE PEOPLE is an indicator of the sorry state of democracy in the world.
Honestly though, real democracy just doesn't work. They've brainwashed most people in the west to think that it's the only right, correct and working system... but that simply isn't true. Honestly, I couldn't care less if my country was a democracy or not. If my government was trying to improve the quality of life for everyone in the country, then having the ability influence who rules over you or not doesn't even matter. But I do have a problem with the pretend-democracies we have where we have been rapidly losing freedoms and privacy for a while already, long before the pandemic was a thing.
Bit of criticism for the survey why it's hard to really take for me:
'Choose 5' options will make the results next to impossible to interpret. For example let's say the option 'indipendant justice system' is not in my top 5 answers because I find 5 other points more important. Now you have no idea if I don't value an indipendant justice system at all or whether I find it very important just 5 other issues even more important. A point might be on spot 6 for ally our viewers, meaning your community values it as maybe THE most consistant criteria to democracy overall but in this system it doesn't show up at all.
Rather put a likert scale (1-5 or 1-10 agreement) on each one and let us chose up to 5 we want to weight more heavily.
Costa Rica is in North America. A lot of people think Central America is different but Central America is a region of North America. Costa Rica is in Central America
As a Pakistani I give Pakistan a total score of -100 for civil liberties and -1000 for democracy 🤣
Gonna be honest, I was a little surprised Pakistan scored higher than Turkey. But then again, the turkish democracy has worsened a lot in the past decade.
@@darthplagueis13 because it is completely wrong. At least in turkey you have some personal liberties but in Pakistan due to the conservative society they literally don't let one breathe at one's will
@@CCCP_Again can you please explain how with the help of an example? I'm curious
@@deliciousredmango for example if you are any minority ethnic group or religion you are dead, if you want free speech you are dead, if you want to protest rape and injustice you are dead if you show dissent to government you are dead, if you are an unbiased journalist you are dead. Thankfully I don't fall into any of these categories So Im Alive😅😅
@@CCCP_Again Stop your bullshi*. Everybody criticizes government here and nothing happens. Not a single journalist was murdered last year even though every media house was bashing government and establishment. Protesting something is also very easy. You don't seem right in the head, go to a doctor instead of wasting your time on UA-cam.
We have mandatory voting here in Uruguay. Just to clear something up, people ar still free not to vote for anyone, you just put in an empty envelope. Besides that the mandatory voting is a thing because it grantees the right to vote for everyone. It means you know how meany people are going to vote and were form the start so you can plan accordingly. That's why despite our elections being done on paper and counted by hand, we still manage to do it all in one day and have the results that night, unless it's extremely close like the last election (less than 3.000 votes). And because it's mandatory, it's done on a Sunday and voting usually takes only 15 minutes. You also won't ever see the sort of stuff that's going on in the US right now.
I mean pretty much same thing in Poland and we dont have mandatory voting.
Its simply a matter of organisation and lack of corruption in voting.
What are the main reasons COVID infections have increased exponentially in Uruguay?
Well, Athens never allowed non-citizens, women and slaves to vote back in the 400s bc.
Super grateful to be Canadian but definitely think we'd be better off if we had proportional representation in government
Parties go brrrrrrr
I'm an American, we also want some proportional representation.
The two party system sucks.
@@souvikrc4499 Good for you
Canada already has several political parties representing its citizens. No room for any more.
If you can come up with a way that would work, I'd vote in favour.
Not sure I like the survey - it only allows 5 options, yet there are far more than 5 things that make a democracy... well... a democracy.
More than America have
yea I agree I agreed with al but 1 of the statements
@@wooy1701 I agreed with all but 2, and those remaining two were ones where I liked part of it but not the other.
thanks for the info.
Knowing it's only 5 questions and the fact that you have to be logged in, makes me not participate.
@@prunabluepepper No problem.
I really appreciate this channel. Thank you for the education and the news.
I live in Australia where voting is compulsory. There is no need to actually vote if you prefer not to. It’s only required that you turn up to be marked off the electoral role. You can write whatever you like on the ballot and cast an invalid vote if you choose.
You can take the blank ballot and just leave it at the polling place and you have complied
I was about to write that but you beat me to it.
I guess you could more correctly characterise compulsory voting in Australia as compulsory participation as you can’t be compelled to vote, only get your name marked off the role.
I have known people who did just that and walk out without voting but most so inclined will vote (or draw a penis on the ballot paper) since they are there now anyway.
It was interesting though not surprising that Australia scored much higher in both ranking systems than the self proclaimed worlds greatest democracy, the USA. Even then I was surprised that the US scored as highly as it did.
I feel making this compulsory insures all people have the ability to vote, in contrast places like the US voting is always on a Tuesday and employers don't have to give time off and they may be very long waiting times depending on your location. this can and does affect minorities disproportionately
@@Chess_Hoss voting in Australia is always on a Saturday and there’s always pre-polling, early voting, postal voting and absentee voting. The Australian Electoral Commission goes out of it way to ensure everyone votes no matter where in the world you are.
Voting doesn’t have to be compulsory, but quorum to operate and the majority consensus of all the people must be unalterable. What this means is the ballot must be formed by an agreement of a quorum of all the people, then that ballot is used to determine the choice and the choice must be made by a majority of all the people regardless of how many people vote, if there are 100,000 people, then a normal quorum to operate is 67,000 people, and a majority consensus for assent is 50,001 votes to assent to a choice. If only 50,001 persons vote, then the vote must be unanimous for a choice.
You can see by this example what a democracy is nearly impossible as the population increases, that’s why we have republican forms of government which are based upon representation of the people, then all the people participate through representation as if they were present in person to participate and vote themselves to reach a majority consensus of all the people.
A representative is someone you hire to represent your interest, a representation is a smaller version of the original. So the Republican principle is per capita apportionment of representation and suffrage based upon an enumeration, which forms the “People in their Collective Capacity” as the “Most Numerous Legislative Branch”, now the requirements of quorum to operate and majority consensus are easily met.
So a Republican form of government is just a more complex version of a democracy, with the same requirements of quorum to operate and majority consensus. This assembly method is statistical, not competitive, and both democratic and republican forms of government are based upon consensus choice, not competitive choice.
If these characteristics of participation, quorum, and majority consensus are not the basis of your system of government, it cannot be considered a democracy or a republic!
I really don't understand how the US could get a 10, but France and Belgium 8 or 9. When going to the site, it seems like Belgium got a downgrade during the political crisis of 2007-2009, which is rather stupid, considering the deadlock was caused by the composition of the parliament, which is caused by the large split in representation, ie meaning better representation, on the contrary in the US people essentially only have choice of 2 parties and when you look deep into it, you'll find that much less people got the representation they wanted, even those who voted on one of these 2 parties. Not to mention voter suppression in the US (ie ID laws, closing down voting stations, ...).
Considering everything, freedom house seems much better and logical than polity V
That was my thinking as well. I can agree (to an extent) with Belgium's lower score, as their insanely complex political system can actually get in the way of democratic decision making, but any index that scores France lower on democracy than the United States really needs to take a long hard look at itself...
Here's a simple truth: In France, politics control business. In the US, business controls politics. Neither is ideal, but clearly one is going to have a bigger effect on democracy than the other.
It probably has to do with the theoretical checks on the power of each branch in the US since that's what that index is focused on. Presumably there was something about the method of checking one branch or another of the French and Belgian government which they found less than effective. It's not a terribly good index to my mind.
@@paranoidrodent Belgium has a check similar to any other parliamentary government, so I doubt that would be the problem. The complex system could be a possibility, but that didn't become more complex on the moment Belgium got downgraded from a 10 to 8. There doesn't really seem to be a good reason imo to downgrade it with 2 points at that time.
When you are in something like the EU that in undemocratic with leaders that aren't elected and can't be voted out which makes laws you must follow or else then I'm not surprised you don't receive a 10.
@@Gambit771 I'll be sure to raise that issue the next time I vote for the European Parliament, or vote in my own country's general elections that determines the government whose ministers will form the European Council. Or maybe I could write directly to a member of the European Commission, that's always an option.
Are you starting to see how nonsensical your point is yet?
I always found this concept of the USA being a democracy strange. Firstly, some people's votes are worth more than others' (for example, it is possible for a presidential candidate to win the popular vote and still lose the election). It is a system deliberately designed so that the richest would always be worth more. Secondly, it has always been a racist country that denied access to democracy for non-whites. Furthermore, it is a façade political system where the two figurative parties only serve the interests of half a dozen families, heirs of slavery and colonialism and are owners of the big lobbies and therefore owners of the country. USA is not really a democracy. Furthermore, it is good to remember that throughout history, many countries have had dictatorships implemented by the USA itself, which despite preaching democracy has always acted dishonestly, overthrowing governments all over the world. Just see that even today, right now, the USA's main partners in the world are the bloodthirsty dictatorship of Saudi Arabia and the genocidal dictatorship of Israel.
When were these findings determined? I don’t see how the UK scores 10 in the study, when they elect by first past the post, and they have an unelected chamber (The House of Lords).
And although she doesn't use it the queen has many powers she or her decendents could use to curb democracy
@@trent6319 Exactly
First past the post ensures that after a win, the most people are happy. Isnt that democratic?
@@godlovesyou1995 the house of Lords isn't elected they get decided by a bunch of undemocratic means then secret for life. Jay Foreman does a entertaining video about it.
@@godlovesyou1995 No. First past the post is designed to keep parties in power, by enabling them to win all power with a minority of the electorate voting for them. That is NOT democracy, and that's why the only other country in Europe to have FPTP is the last remaining dictatorship, Belarus.
True democracies have voting systems where EVERY vote counts.
The UK had at least one election in my grandmother's lifetime where the winner had won less votes than the runner up (when Atlee lost to Churchill) and even then we haven't had a government lead with a majority popular mandate (ie greater than 50 percent vote share) since 1935 excluding the Lib Dem coalition.
First past the post, gerrymandering, Thursday voting instead of 48 hour weekend opportunities and convoluted voter registration, did they even score these? How can a rigged vote be appraised so high as though it's on par with the proportional systems found in Europe, I get this is not North Korea but it's not exactly fair or representative either.
Democracy /= free. A democratic country can restrict basic human rights by majority vote, and many often do.
at 5:39 the video said Tibet has a score of 1, is this a mistake or do they count Tibet as a separate administrative body than China? or did it mislabel bhutan, seeing as it’s a monarchy?
It can be a democratic monarcy like the uk
Well it is under Chinese rule effectively kill its democratic prospect
@@geoffpriestley7001 It's not though, Bhutan is a good old-fashioned absolute monarchy. The current king has near-as-makes-no-difference 100% approval, and when he offered the country a referendum on introducing an elected parliament, they rejected the proposition.
But, from what I understand, he's actually a very capable ruler. It's a weird country.
@@alexpotts6520 its an absolute heaven on earth .they have a very benovolant king
@@alexpotts6520 sorry i was on about a diffrent country
India scored much better than I expected. Twitter really makes it feel like we’re on a civil war when actually most people live pretty unpolarized peaceful lives.
@@Taurus388 india is continously falling in democracy index for straight 7 years.
@@Taurus388 Twitter is literally one of the most toxic platform in this world, you made a good choice
The reason Americans will say mandatory voting shouldn’t be implemented is because they’ve never experienced voting in countries that have it. It takes us 10 minutes to vote in Australia. You get to leave work, walk into any nearby school or voting station and cast your vote. No queues, no bullshit. In the US, the politicians make it harder and harder to vote. You have to wait in long lines and all sorts of other bullshit.
It's just going to get worse here, sadly. There's too much to be gained for certain actors with the current setup.
I live in Belgium and you have a mandate to go to the polls on election day. You can leave your ballot empty though. I like this system because it underlines that democracy only works if everyone participates, not voting is out of protest is still possible but if everyone is required to show up it is almost impossible to suppress the turnout.
Same thing happens in Uruguay... Voting is secret, compulsory and universal.
India always stands out.
From history, culture, civilization, society, economy, food...
India is exception to almost everything.
lack of freedom...danger,underdevelopment,no roads..
@@pxrplehairgirl5030 Mo democracy or equality for women. No civil rights for all demographics. . No welfare. 3rd World health care. Poverty, violence, the caste system, the untouchables. Keep telling us how great India is😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@pxrplehairgirl5030 😂😂
@@pxrplehairgirl5030 what century are you living in bhhite toddler?
Still having the racist image of India? consume less biased media if possible.
also, for your kind information India is ranked 2nd in road network size after U.S.(3rd is china) .
@@sudarshanjha6737 kya hua? ma cchhhod g0ya kya teri koi? Itna kyu has raha hai?
Why is Switzerland not #1 , as it has a semi-direct democracy whereby each citizen VOTES in a referendum to decide which policies the government should apply?
Mandatory ballot completion, with a 'None Of The Above', 'Bugger Off', or local equivalent option.
It's still participation.
Or just turning a blank ballot. They usually count those too.
@@metroidnerd9001 True, but that doesn't allow you to vent. 😉
When you vote electronically and only have paper backups, there’s only so much you can do. 😂
I will add "leave the seat void" option.
Not having the option of voiding a few seats of the legislative or even the executive, if enough voters are discontent, makes discontent citizens honest votes unimpactful, and promotes dishonest strategical voting, like voting for the "less bad"
@ To my mind that brings up the possibility of Negative Voting, but you give up your right for a Positive Vote if you use it.
As a political science student, I took the survey and want to point out that there is an inherent problem with using indexes such as Polity V, Freedom House and the future TLDR News democracy index. The phenomena we refer to as "democracy" is too vast and complex, so when we try to summarize it we will almost always go against its complex nature. Democracy is not a score, democracy is a free-flowing state of governing.
I don't see why that should stop us from at least attempting to summarize it. I think an incomplete picture is better than no picture at all. And once we have an incomplete picture, we can work on making a slightly _less_ incomplete picture, and so on and so forth.
Both sides are relevant, but certainly a word as significant as democracy is likely difficult to summarize on a single index. For instance the Freedom House score is 60% civil rights and only 40% political. Many I imagine would have their own impression of democracy with a much higher emphasis on political rights, that is how I've always used the word for instance (whereas civil rights might be called 'liberty' or such).
The problem I see is that once something is reduced to a simple scale, discussions tend to focus more on the comparison of the numbers, rather than a discussion of the conditions that cause them. (For instance this video, which has no discussion of why Mongolia for instance is rated very highly, or any mention of why Romania and the USA score similarly) It is somewhat reductive at best.
@@WanderTheNomad You have a point there, it is very important to make such information easy to overview. I just wanted to point out one of the most prominent issues with these kinds of oversimplifications.
I think having more than two parties is fundamental for democracy
Yes. thats what Hungary and Russia wants you to believe that there is no way to define democracy so they can do whatever the fuck they want
"Saudi Arabia is a failed state" da fuk? just because its not a democracy does not mean its a failed state.
I have to say, I e never heard of the polity IV test, and it seems very simplistic. I’ve heard The Economists’ Democracy Index cited much more, and it’s a much more nuanced list
Me too
@@ostairs9916 Me three.
The smallest democracy is Somaliland particularly in turbulent has fulfilled and meets all the democratic requirements and credentials in the silver book of deserves to get all the rewards that comes with this practicality and particularly must be supported to all Western countries which claim to be the champions of democracy.
In America we have the best democracy that money can buy.
Filling the survey's the best way to show how complex the topic is... Damn hard to pick only 5 of the options in the survey
I would rather say that it is just a bad survey. There are more than 5 that I think are a must have for a system to be called democratic.
Nice video. Always interesting to see which countries claim to be Democratic and which are democratic.
The 2 indexes are biased
@@febopennyficari8716 you're going to have to elaborate
@@febopennyficari8716 there are definitely flaws with them, but they give us an idea of how democratic a country is.
5:01 The speak is saying "75", while the graphic shows "79". The graphic is the correct one.
A man from Red zone: I’d like to learn how you brainwash the people.
The green man: what are you talking about? Nonsense, we never brainwash people.
The red: Yeah, I just want to learn that!
I guess this is a hint to USA. Well, if you look at the past years it is true. Reps are still counting votes and Rep. voters are fired up 🤣
100 point swede here.
We are small and have had democracy for ages. That's all. We don't know anything else anymore. We have a king but who gives a shit. We have a parliament, but most don't give a shit.
Not saying we have it under control, it's more like we are doing our own thing and it's kinda working out. Everyone votes and everyone can become a politician. Most don't want to.
We are also super isolated and no one gives a shit about us. That helps.
Short answer: We brainwash ourselves. Don't need authority to do it for us. Things are fine up here, except for the cold and the depression.
@@isaacthurell4267 Your King appears to be the only fkn monarch to be normal. He has that Family Guy "I don't give a shit" face. Our last King wasn't so nice with his Charlie Chaplin moustache lol
@@tyronevaldez-kruger5313 hahaha, yeah I guess.
I prefer queen Margarete of Denmark though.
Our king is ok, if not a little boring and a bit stupid.
@@tyronevaldez-kruger5313 As a Dane I kinda want to say have you seen our Queen, or even the Crown Prince ?
You are so amazing. It is so fun when you let us participate in your videos through surveys 😃
On mandatory voting: People can still not vote - in Australia, all that is required to avoid a fine for not voting is to turn up at the poll booth and get your name ticked off. They then hand you the ballot paper. You can do whatever you want after that point - walk right out without voting, spoil the ballot, write profanity on it - whatever.
I think polarization and extremism is causing some US Americans to decry democracy. Both sides "know" they're "correct" and they're just looking for the easiest way to get their goals accomplished.
Philippines, a former American Colony, just happened to feel the same.
if it weren't for first-past-the-post, there would be no "both" parties
I agree. How do recommend to start fixing it?
@@Xektt I guess US-citizens need to organise themselves, and the francophones among them need to check or so they don't waste energy on instant-runoff. Just because a candidate isn't a majority's nr 1 favourite doesn't mean (s)he shouldn't win
Interesting idea on the issue of mandatory voting here: You have the choice to register to vote or to abstain, but you have to pick one.
My thought is that since it makes abstaining more of an active choice, it encourages those choosing to abstain out of laziness to consider whether they actually want to vote or not, while keeping the choice to not vote available to those who truly do not care to vote.
I'm not sure how well it might work in practice, but I'm just sharing my two cents.
Australia, which has mandatory voting, has 91% turnout, but of voters that turn out, a very high rate of ballot spoilage. People who just X out their ballot (or, being Aussies, draw a cock on their ballot or write swear words on it or something). That's just an acceptable way of opting out of the election that still counts as voting.
I think voting should be made as easy as possible but not enforced.
I feel that mandatory voting encourages everyone to feel engaged in the political discourse. It's the responsibility of everyone living in a democracy to ensure that it remains healthy, that means voting.
I'm suprised you only mentioned the EIU Democracy index in passing since it seems to be the most commonly referred too and also the most comprehensive.
Any score that lists the U.S. as the highest rating doesn't work, imo.
First past the post AND the electoral college for presidential elections, it's a political duopoly where both parties are owned by the wealthy.
I wouldn't be surprised if these are think tanks with wealthy donors churning these indexes out.
I would he careful with an opinion like that. By removing legitimate information simply because it lists something you do not like will increase your bias further and disable any possible opinion changes in the future.
Not a huge fan of the U.S.A, just thought I should remind you
Edit: This scale is also bad, but not all scales that list America as #1 are bad
I believe Switzerland should be higher as they have many democratic tools other highly democratic countries don't. For instance popular initiatives and referendums
As an Australian, I agree with mandatory voting. In the 2019 Federal election, there was a turnout of 91.9%, so as much as I don't like Scott Morrison, I know the majority of Australian voters wanted him as leader. Contrast this with the 2016 presidential election in the states. Of the registered voters, only roughly 52% voted, a little under half of which voted for the winning candidate. Whatever you think of the two candidates is irrelevant, you cannot make the case for a country being democratic when someone can get in power with the support of 25% of the voting population.
U even can get elected with 22% of all votes. Theoretically
As an Australian, thanks for the viable argument. You may have switched my position. People calling it a 'civic duty' without elaborating is annoying for me who has to deal with people constantly telling me they just vote randomly, or the lesser of two evils.
The US getting a perfect score on "democracy" just means that the index in question is horribly flawed if not useless. Even in the 80's seems generous.
Yeah, I’m from Chile and I highly doubt that perfect score of my country.
Have not watched yet, but I am gunna go with Switzerland, they have a good system.
If you’re rich yes.
If not, then you’re fucked.
@@kasperkjrsgaard1447 You can vote no matter your income in switzerland
North Korea 2 ??? That's pretty good!!! I was expecting -100
I think you should revaluate Greece. Most of the press outside Greece they called us Bananania which means being run of the same family every time.
Kick Turkey and "North Macedonia" out of NATO! Their Democracy Index score is lower than Greece!
Simple. It's Switzerland. It's a direct democracy and nothing can probably be more democratic than that. 🇨🇭
@@TwsWithSai247 Switzerland is one of the least corrupt countries in the world. Yes, there are things that stand out like the banking industry and party financing but this is quite irrelevant with regard to the democracy itself as the political power is highly decentralized. Also, I'm not Swiss, I just have great respect for many things this country possess.
I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire!
Your new empire?
You were the chosen one! You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them!
That survey was very conflicting making us choose only five was incredibly difficult i had to settle for the options that ultimately insured the branches of government were balanced and universal suffrage. Hopefully a strong legal system can protect the rights of citizens as plenty of those options relating to that I had to drop.
This is an interesting and insightful video, thank you for sharing it!
As my history teacher said:
Too much democracy is anarchy
It's amazing that these countries with "democracy" or "people" in their name tend to rank low😂
Imagine being forced to vote between shit and vomit.
I got to say for the survey to limit your options to 5 is hard. there were almost 10 points I wanted to mark.
I fully expect that France's score has only gone down since 2015