This is great, as a man i can identify as a woman, make millions in women's sports for like 3 years then leave and identify as a man again. Heck yeah, easy money
I'm pretty sure there's a vast silent majority out there who agree whole-heartedly with Morgan and Navratilova. But people are afraid to speak up because madness has become the right thing in this world. You get cancelled for being sane.
I'm absolutely sure the vast silent majority is there, because 100% of people who express an opinion face-to-face, outside places of work, to people they at least know a bit (me), agree with Morgan and Navratilova. I've not heard one single opinion disagreeing with them. I'm sure they exist, but they don't exist in the circles I talk in.
This is all uterly nonsense. There are " 100 genders" then there should be 100 gender categories in sport. Simple as that. And next will be changing rooms, toiletes, specific schools and so on. This has to stop. Trans woman are trans woman NOT woman gget out of the woman sports, toiletes, changing rooms etc.
Or just 1 trans people category. If they see themselves as gender neutral, then let them suffer the consequences of their own choices. Then the biologically born women would probably complain, but oh well, you chose it in the first place.
Well said Piers! "BULLYING PPL INTO SILENCE" that pretty much wraps it up , your no nonsense approach to this topic is greatly APPRECAITE , your continued quest to help society come back to their senses is so reassuring THANK YOU , keep up the great work!
The professor complete ignores nature. The fact that more muscles and the ability to use them, will give an transgender (male to female) tennisplayer for instance, unfair advantages against a female player. Once debaters ignore facts, it is an uneven fight against reality.
yes, a man playing in woman's sports only need high school skills in that sport and he will win...a woman needs to be the most profesional of the women to win.. but not anymore..
We´ve seen cases of 60 years old men identifying themselves as women in order to retire earlier (sin men retire at 65), this is in Argentina, this is the same case. this is not embracing inclusivity, it is just taking advantage of an unclear agenda.
I’m sorry I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t understand so if you’re born female, but you’re binary and choose to be male how do you get your spouse pregnant?
I just don't understand how this man can call himself a professor when he clearly does not have a clue what genes and hormones do to someone's body, Otherwise he would not have this argument.
That "professor" didn't answer the question. Don't let the cheaters and frauds invading the women's locker room, restroom and sports stealing championships, records and opportunities. Women who speak out are labeled as transphobic and banned from competing.
This professors argument doesn't hold water. Well it does, but not for the reasons he would like. He says he can't be a jockey because he's to tall, a basket ball player because he's to small, well then shouldn't that translate that he or any other man shouldn't be able to compete as a woman because they are to male?
ikr. but i say, hey, let's wait until they talk about fighting/martial arts sports. and if they don't change their mind even then, idk what would make them.
Caster Semenya was not born a female. He is a genetic male, with XY chromosomes. He has PAIS----Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, which causes his body to have an incomplete response to androgens, the most dominant of which is testosterone. Therefore, at his birth, his genetalia did not look fully normal for a male, and his doctors advised his parents that it would be best to rear him as female. However, his parents did not follow the next medically necessary step. For AIS males who wish to live as females, to more closely match the look of their genitalia, their undescended testicles need to be removed, and they need to receive supplemental estrogens to help them go through female puberty. If that surgery and therapy had been done for Caster Semenya, he would be considered to be a biological female. Not a genetic female, not a fertile female, but a biological female, who went through puberty as such, and who therefore has no gender advantage over genetic females. Biological female should be defined as someone who went through female puberty. Chromosomes (genetics) should not matter, and current hormone levels should not matter. If Caster Semenya suppresses his hormones for six months, that dies not take away his male advantage of bigger, stronger, bones and muscles, and larger heart and lungs. He has permanently received those advantages over biological females, be cause he went through male puberty. Therefore, he should never be allowed to compete against women, at all.
LGB is fine, but when they added the T they joined the crazy train that America seems to be on. AFAIK Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual are all words referring to a persons sexual preferences. Then they added all these letters that have nothing to do with sexual preferences and are all about personal identity. The word ''Straight'' has more inline with Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals, since it also refers to sexual preference. Adding all these letters that refer to personal identity just confuses everything.
EVERYONE has to know the correct answer to this. It's not confusing. You were bullied a little at a time, until your afraid to speak up. Be opposed to any hate speech policies. "If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize." ~ Voltaire
What a lot of people don't understand about hormones, and this also includes steroids, is that even after blocking out testosterone and replacing it with estrogen, the body (muscles) retains most of that strength. Just because you are on estrogen now and are blocking your test, doesn't make all of those gains go away. Most of those gains actually will stay there. That's the main reason why athletes when caught doing steroids get a life time ban. The argument is basically "ok fair enough, you're not doing steroids anymore and we could test you every day for the rest of your career, but that's not gonna change the insane advantage you already have accrued from the days where you were doing roids. It can never be fair to put you up against a natural" Most people who use steroids will do them in cycles. You do them for the months in the off season while you're training, then you stop doing them but continue to hit the gym hard. You won't fail the test, and you will have most of the gains you made during the cycle in tact. SAME RULE APPLIES TO NATURAL TESTOSTERONE. You could take a 25 year old male, castrate him entirely, and pump him full of all the estrogen you'd like. He could have 34 GGG sized knockers and still be insanely way stronger than any woman. A lot of people think that you take away the test and put in estrogen, and the muscles just act as though it's always been that way, but that's just simply not the case. If it were, athletes wouldn't get a lifetime ban for steroids. But the science clearly shows that there are lasting impacts from high levels of test even after its no longer present in the system. That is why trans women should under no circumstances be able to compete with biological women in athletic sports.
How can he say “just accept the fact that he can’t be a jockey,” or Piers can’t play in the NBA because of physical reasons, but refuse to understand that a male who can’t compete with the top men in the WORLD just accept it and not transition to have an advantage?? He literally muted his own point.
I believe these people who say that it is ok for men to join women's sports should get in the ring with a man themselves and prove to us that there is no advantage.
Transphobic means afraid of trans people, seeking to understand the appropriate place for a trans person or for all trans person's is far from being afraid it is being rational
Transphobic means people who are too afraid to actually transition and commit to the surgeries to become the opposite sex and are a fraud by simply declaring they now identify as something they clearly are not!
so if that's what he's suggesting, then we should hold such an event and *purposefully let the women lose* then? because that's what it is. this professor doesn't take into account biological women at all. the records would be set by men and trans-women. even then i doubt that that would make him concede.
Imagine being in the university were this professor is your teacher. How much is he being paid to do this nonsense? Not everyone can be elite athletes just like you can’t just wake up one day and change your sex. We’ve entertained this for far too long.
Oh my gosh, I cannot believe this man said “you just can’t do things sometimes so it’s ok for trans women (biological men) to play in women’s sports cause I couldn’t be a jockey or a basketball player”…this is not even close to being the same.
Mother Nature has nothing to do with what trans people are doing to their bodies, in fact she is most likely crying. How dare that guy bring Mother Nature in to this.
I Salute Martina Navratilova for speaking out against transgender athlete's competing against female athlete's, especially in Track and Field events, if these Trans athlete's wants to compete against other trans athlete's as well or better yet since they were born a man they should compete against the male athlete's.
Definitely an unfair advantage, chucking a wig on and having some silicon put in your chest doesn't make you female. The thing is it doesn't even take that these days they just have to "feel" like they're a woman. A schizophrenic might think they're an international spy, we don't chuck a James Bond kit at them and say "crack on, have at it" we medicate them back to reality. It should be the same with this lot.
I think we shouldn't ask biological males if transwomen are allowed in women sports. Let's ask biological female medical experts, biological female sports committees, and biological female sports participants if they should allow transwomen in their category.
The professor is mixing vaginas and penises, I mean apples and oranges. The military and other organizations are accepting the admission and equality of trans people in a social sense. They can do jobs if they're qualified. But athletic competition is not just a social construct. It's based on the science of the body. Athletes spend their entire lives improving their bodies performance including, reaction times, muscle mass, VO (oxygen intake based on size of lungs), heart size (increased efficient blood flow), etc. The worlds athletic organizations are choosing social constructs over science. They're afraid to anger sponsors and appear trans-phobic, then loosing commercial sponsors. Money. that's the bottom line.
Let sports be open for all categories rather than gender categories. Let trans people, men and women compete together in combined events to conlcude that biological women sports will vanish from the pages of history 😂
When the Olympics is on, there should be Transgender Games, just like we have the Paralympics, and the Special Olympics. Everyone has the right to Compete in Sports, as long as they stay in their own category.
He basically said noone wouls go through all that trouble so its fine. Have you no idea to what extent people will go to for money?? They risk their lives, what's pretending for a few years. And he didnt even have a solution in the end. Oh yeah we have to inclusive, so that means if a man de ides he is a women, he can take part in women games and too bad for women, we dont give a shit about women's rights
Yeah, like no athlete ever went through all that trouble to take performance enhancing drugs. Winning is everything to these people. They'll do anything to win and for all the publicity that goes with it.
The man (not Morgan) speaking is a monster. Saying that sport is unequal, therefore men can be in female sports ....oh my gosh. He keeps putting his hands up in front of himself and ignoring Morgan completely. He gives one of the most absurd examples for why "Collen" should be allowed to hypothetically compete. disgusting. Of course, since this interview....everything this man stated was absurd, is happening
This response answers THAT, ! question. :Marker{04:18}. In the swimming field, there should be a lapse in the starting bell a few seconds after the starting bell or women's. THAT would be determined by the racing council and officials. In Golf, There are two Tee markers on the tee-off green. One for women and one for men. Also, you are given the choice of having a ,"Handicap " in Golf also. In track and field, A racer on the inside lane starts farther behind the farther outside lanes. In the most famous car race in the world Indianapolis 500, Your qualifying time determines where you start in the starting grid. In a lot of sports, you have the choice of having a point advantage also. Ping Pong for example. I.E. Player #1, says to Player #2, I'll spot you "X" points".
Fast forward a male weight lifter Anne Andrews entered a competition identifying as a woman and smashed the world record previously held by a trans woman
1) Equality is a story we agreed to tell each other over and over again until we forget it is a LIE. 2) There are more transmen competing against men than transwomen competing against women The reason that Transmen on HRT are not allowed to compete against women because of doping restriction 3)Transmen do not tend to win against men So you normally aint gonna see them on TV because they do not make it through the qualification rounds. But that is not because they would not compete. that is because they compete and lose.
Can i please join the womans national futbol team!!??? Im a 60 year old man....Retired futbol player....and..out of shape....and look forward to scoring 3 goals every game....and winning the scoring title. Oh please...put me on your squad!
Why can we make distinctions in sports like the Pars Olympics? The fact that a runner with two legs is faster than one with one is also a distinction. The point is to offer fair opportunities to every participant.
The fact that discourse in this subsists of the title is why the state of things is so dismal. Men clearly and obviously have an advantage over women in physical contests. The debate about this is so behind where the issue is currently at that there's no use in even tuning in to these kinds of interviews/debates.
Why is it always guys who transition wanting to compete against the biological females, but rarely if ever do see gals who transition looking to compete against biological males? 😯
Yeah just do a different event for these people. I've seen a streetfight with my own eyes pitting a normal adult female against a smaller built trans person. It was like seeing Khabib destroying everyone in MMA. Literally in seconds. Let them compete against the likes of them. Like the Paralympics for example.
I always laugh when someone says "SELF identifies as". Yes. YOU. YOU YOURSELF IDENTIFY AS A TOASTER. It's not MY job to call or treat you as a toaster. MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING IN AMERICA.
What I find strange is the fact that there a no ftm athleths who compete in the mens cathegory complaining that the will always be at disatvantage against men. Somehow they are always left out out this discussion ?
@truthhurts2879. Sadly, my friend, they employ muppets as moderators here. If brain cells were made of chocolate, half of them wouldn't have enough to fill a Smartie. 😉
Not only do the records speak for themselves, I wonder how many trans 'women' would be willing to walk into a hospital and tell someone, "I'm having a miscarriage". Or better still, undergo an examination by a gynecologist. C'mon do it. We just want see you embarrass yourselves and prove to us all how deep the bs goes.
If a pathologist receives a badly injured body and is to perform an autopsy. How then does he identify them? Most likely as a man or a woman..because there is no other choice...
Each human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes that carry DNA within their nucleus. The X and Y chromosomes, commonly referred to as the sex chromosomes, are one such pair. They determine the biological sex, reproductive organs, and sexual characteristics that develop in a person. Female (XX) mammals inherit one X chromosome from each parent, but males (XY) receive an X from their mother and a Y sex chromosome from their father.
Indi she is a great example of what a Trans person is love her view….. I feel sorry that she has to put up with Pride ideologies/activism… I would love to see Douglas and Indi in a Peirs interview… please it would be a good listen… against trans in sport…. Indi you are a great human being❤️ I am a biological woman… the man needs to be shut up he is a waste of space.
India is not like this anymore. He is a full TRA. Says he is a biological female. Says men should be in women's prisons and in changing rooms with girls and women.
I’m as liberal as the next guy but this is just not fair. I urge biological women to boycott games/meets/matches. Lacking the minimum number of participants, a team would be forced to forfeit.
Why is that everyone who supports Transgender who comes in a debate, always cut off and get loud and wants the other people to shush! Then they get angry if you dont agree with them! hmmm!!! toxic
There are certain sports that trans gender athletes could complete on a fairly equal footing but these sports tend to skill based (eg shooting archery and equestion ( where men and and woman do complete on an equal footing )), but I do understand where those concerns about physical based sports come from. I believe more reseach on this issue is needed.
This is great, as a man i can identify as a woman, make millions in women's sports for like 3 years then leave and identify as a man again. Heck yeah, easy money
true, I think we found a new get rich quick scheme xD
there isnt that much money to be made in woman sports. isnt it?
The only problem, hope you dont compete against women(identified).
Wait until this transgenderism becomes a trend. Then women sports will be just as competitive as men's.
I'm pretty sure there's a vast silent majority out there who agree whole-heartedly with Morgan and Navratilova. But people are afraid to speak up because madness has become the right thing in this world. You get cancelled for being sane.
It's actually a movement that's indoctrinating kids, it's ridiculous.
I'm absolutely sure the vast silent majority is there, because 100% of people who express an opinion face-to-face, outside places of work, to people they at least know a bit (me), agree with Morgan and Navratilova. I've not heard one single opinion disagreeing with them. I'm sure they exist, but they don't exist in the circles I talk in.
Most people including trans people agree with that view. There’s a reason why they’re been banned from every female sport now.
Why scared being cancelled? The world dont evolve around them.
You are not alone.
I think trans people should compete against trans people. Trans-men v Trans-men, Trans-women v Trans-women
This is all uterly nonsense. There are " 100 genders" then there should be 100 gender categories in sport. Simple as that. And next will be changing rooms, toiletes, specific schools and so on. This has to stop.
Trans woman are trans woman NOT woman gget out of the woman sports, toiletes, changing rooms etc.
I aint payin tax dollars just for that
Or just 1 trans people category. If they see themselves as gender neutral, then let them suffer the consequences of their own choices. Then the biologically born women would probably complain, but oh well, you chose it in the first place.
yea lol no one will watch that
This will open a pandoras box... We'll have other genders wanting recognition in sports as well
Well said Piers! "BULLYING PPL INTO SILENCE" that pretty much wraps it up , your no nonsense approach to this topic is greatly APPRECAITE , your continued quest to help society come back to their senses is so reassuring THANK YOU , keep up the great work!
The professor complete ignores nature. The fact that more muscles and the ability to use them, will give an transgender (male to female) tennisplayer for instance, unfair advantages against a female player. Once debaters ignore facts, it is an uneven fight against reality.
Interesting that they didn't invite a real medical doctor for his opinion but some "sociologist". What a joke.
yes, a man playing in woman's sports only need high school skills in that sport and he will win...a woman needs to be the most profesional of the women to win.. but not anymore..
I'm not embracing gender fluidity, I'm offended and this man is a doctor.
He's not a medical dr
We´ve seen cases of 60 years old men identifying themselves as women in order to retire earlier (sin men retire at 65), this is in Argentina, this is the same case. this is not embracing inclusivity, it is just taking advantage of an unclear agenda.
I’m sorry I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t understand so if you’re born female, but you’re binary and choose to be male how do you get your spouse pregnant?
Or what if your female and choose to be binary, are you going to have a male spouse or female spouse and on your choice who has the baby?
I believe a trans gender women should compete with other trans gender women. They should have their own division.
It wouldn’t last
only fair solution
Taht would be great - but we literally don’t have enough trans athletes. Maybe in a couple years yes but not right now.
I just don't understand how this man can call himself a professor when he clearly does not have a clue what genes and hormones do to someone's body, Otherwise he would not have this argument.
He's terrified of getting canceled, and plays the game he needs to play from there
Also he is NOT a woman!
@@classicalcompanionclassicalcom joke, where did we get with this
*He also looks like he's never played sports in his life.*
That "professor" didn't answer the question. Don't let the cheaters and frauds invading the women's locker room, restroom and sports stealing championships, records and opportunities.
Women who speak out are labeled as transphobic and banned from competing.
This professors argument doesn't hold water. Well it does, but not for the reasons he would like.
He says he can't be a jockey because he's to tall, a basket ball player because he's to small, well then shouldn't that translate that he or any other man shouldn't be able to compete as a woman because they are to male?
ikr. but i say, hey, let's wait until they talk about fighting/martial arts sports. and if they don't change their mind even then, idk what would make them.
Caster Semenya was not born a female. He is a genetic male, with XY chromosomes. He has PAIS----Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, which causes his body to have an incomplete response to androgens, the most dominant of which is testosterone. Therefore, at his birth, his genetalia did not look fully normal for a male, and his doctors advised his parents that it would be best to rear him as female. However, his parents did not follow the next medically necessary step. For AIS males who wish to live as females, to more closely match the look of their genitalia, their undescended testicles need to be removed, and they need to receive supplemental estrogens to help them go through female puberty. If that surgery and therapy had been done for Caster Semenya, he would be considered to be a biological female. Not a genetic female, not a fertile female, but a biological female, who went through puberty as such, and who therefore has no gender advantage over genetic females. Biological female should be defined as someone who went through female puberty. Chromosomes (genetics) should not matter, and current hormone levels should not matter. If Caster Semenya suppresses his hormones for six months, that dies not take away his male advantage of bigger, stronger, bones and muscles, and larger heart and lungs. He has permanently received those advantages over biological females, be cause he went through male puberty. Therefore, he should never be allowed to compete against women, at all.
LGB is fine, but when they added the T they joined the crazy train that America seems to be on. AFAIK Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual are all words referring to a persons sexual preferences. Then they added all these letters that have nothing to do with sexual preferences and are all about personal identity. The word ''Straight'' has more inline with Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals, since it also refers to sexual preference.
Adding all these letters that refer to personal identity just confuses everything.
This is gold! LGB is like KGB
EVERYONE has to know the correct answer to this. It's not confusing.
You were bullied a little at a time, until your afraid to speak up.
Be opposed to any hate speech policies.
"If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize." ~ Voltaire
What a lot of people don't understand about hormones, and this also includes steroids, is that even after blocking out testosterone and replacing it with estrogen, the body (muscles) retains most of that strength. Just because you are on estrogen now and are blocking your test, doesn't make all of those gains go away. Most of those gains actually will stay there. That's the main reason why athletes when caught doing steroids get a life time ban. The argument is basically "ok fair enough, you're not doing steroids anymore and we could test you every day for the rest of your career, but that's not gonna change the insane advantage you already have accrued from the days where you were doing roids. It can never be fair to put you up against a natural"
Most people who use steroids will do them in cycles. You do them for the months in the off season while you're training, then you stop doing them but continue to hit the gym hard. You won't fail the test, and you will have most of the gains you made during the cycle in tact.
SAME RULE APPLIES TO NATURAL TESTOSTERONE. You could take a 25 year old male, castrate him entirely, and pump him full of all the estrogen you'd like. He could have 34 GGG sized knockers and still be insanely way stronger than any woman.
A lot of people think that you take away the test and put in estrogen, and the muscles just act as though it's always been that way, but that's just simply not the case. If it were, athletes wouldn't get a lifetime ban for steroids. But the science clearly shows that there are lasting impacts from high levels of test even after its no longer present in the system. That is why trans women should under no circumstances be able to compete with biological women in athletic sports.
We are not born in a body. We are born as a body, we do not self-identify we are identified but others.
How can he say “just accept the fact that he can’t be a jockey,” or Piers can’t play in the NBA because of physical reasons, but refuse to understand that a male who can’t compete with the top men in the WORLD just accept it and not transition to have an advantage?? He literally muted his own point.
Funny how you don't see trans-men competing against real men, isn't it?
That would have the opposite effect. They would always lose and therefore, no one would notice.
I believe these people who say that it is ok for men to join women's sports should get in the ring with a man themselves and prove to us that there is no advantage.
Transphobic means afraid of trans people, seeking to understand the appropriate place for a trans person or for all trans person's is far from being afraid it is being rational
Transphobic means people who are too afraid to actually transition and commit to the surgeries to become the opposite sex and are a fraud by simply declaring they now identify as something they clearly are not!
They are supplanting fear for disgust.
this man is a professor? then i can become one too then. and quite easily too.
so if that's what he's suggesting, then we should hold such an event and *purposefully let the women lose* then? because that's what it is.
this professor doesn't take into account biological women at all. the records would be set by men and trans-women. even then i doubt that that would make him concede.
and one more thing: trans people exclude themselves. openly. then suddenly insists they are to be included. what kind of unfunny joke is that?
Ye, He's a professor in Bullshit studies by the sounds of it.
Imagine being in the university were this professor is your teacher. How much is he being paid to do this nonsense? Not everyone can be elite athletes just like you can’t just wake up one day and change your sex. We’ve entertained this for far too long.
Oh my gosh, I cannot believe this man said “you just can’t do things sometimes so it’s ok for trans women (biological men) to play in women’s sports cause I couldn’t be a jockey or a basketball player”…this is not even close to being the same.
Mother Nature has nothing to do with what trans people are doing to their bodies, in fact she is most likely crying. How dare that guy bring Mother Nature in to this.
I Salute Martina Navratilova for speaking out against transgender athlete's competing against female athlete's, especially in Track and Field events, if these Trans athlete's wants to compete against other trans athlete's as well or better yet since they were born a man they should compete against the male athlete's.
Absolutely not ! of course it’s an unfair advantage , they are male
Definitely an unfair advantage, chucking a wig on and having some silicon put in your chest doesn't make you female.
The thing is it doesn't even take that these days they just have to "feel" like they're a woman.
A schizophrenic might think they're an international spy, we don't chuck a James Bond kit at them and say "crack on, have at it" we medicate them back to reality. It should be the same with this lot.
I think we shouldn't ask biological males if transwomen are allowed in women sports. Let's ask biological female medical experts, biological female sports committees, and biological female sports participants if they should allow transwomen in their category.
India is the beacon of trans people. Good for her for being brutally honest.
Heck yes. Never should of been aloud
Piers doing the Lord's work💯
India Willoughby has done a complete 180 on his opinions here and now supports trans women in sports. Maybe his activist buddies pushed him into it.
It's mind blowing that he said 'why would someone live a facade' with such blind ignorance, although considering what he's arguing, not surprising.
Yeah. Why would someone live a facade? Millions of dollars, that's why.
no one is embracing gender fluidity PROFESSOR.
The professor is mixing vaginas and penises, I mean apples and oranges. The military and other organizations are accepting the admission and equality of trans people in a social sense. They can do jobs if they're qualified. But athletic competition is not just a social construct. It's based on the science of the body. Athletes spend their entire lives improving their bodies performance including, reaction times, muscle mass, VO (oxygen intake based on size of lungs), heart size (increased efficient blood flow), etc. The worlds athletic organizations are choosing social constructs over science. They're afraid to anger sponsors and appear trans-phobic, then loosing commercial sponsors. Money. that's the bottom line.
1 question
How the hell is he a professor.
He just identifies as a professor
@@romperstomper1183 🤣🤣🤣
hahahahaha that introduction was hilarious at :25
Yes yes yes!!!!! It is cheating. Theres nothingblevel about this playing field.
GET YOUR OWN CATEGORIES & stay out of womens sports!!😡😡😡😡😡
Piers is so 100% correct, how can anyone disagree with his point of view when he is correct.
The easy thing is for all the women athletes walk away and do not compete, then the trans male will have to compete on his own
Based on the doctor's theory; Tyson would not be a good boxer because of his height? Also you do get short NBA basketballs players.
Let sports be open for all categories rather than gender categories. Let trans people, men and women compete together in combined events to conlcude that biological women sports will vanish from the pages of history 😂
When the Olympics is on, there should be Transgender Games, just like we have the Paralympics, and the Special Olympics. Everyone has the right to Compete in Sports, as long as they stay in their own category.
He basically said noone wouls go through all that trouble so its fine. Have you no idea to what extent people will go to for money?? They risk their lives, what's pretending for a few years. And he didnt even have a solution in the end. Oh yeah we have to inclusive, so that means if a man de ides he is a women, he can take part in women games and too bad for women, we dont give a shit about women's rights
Of course he knows
Yeah, like no athlete ever went through all that trouble to take performance enhancing drugs. Winning is everything to these people. They'll do anything to win and for all the publicity that goes with it.
I think transgenders should have a different category in sports
The man (not Morgan) speaking is a monster. Saying that sport is unequal, therefore men can be in female sports ....oh my gosh. He keeps putting his hands up in front of himself and ignoring Morgan completely. He gives one of the most absurd examples for why "Collen" should be allowed to hypothetically compete. disgusting. Of course, since this interview....everything this man stated was absurd, is happening
Do males have advantages against females in sports yes 👍
Imagine LeBron, Curry and KD vs WNBA players, lol. 😂
Honestly we don’t have to accommodate, especially when it takes from others rights
This response answers THAT, ! question. :Marker{04:18}. In the swimming field, there should be a lapse in the starting bell a few seconds after the starting bell or women's. THAT would be determined by the racing council and officials. In Golf, There are two Tee markers on the tee-off green. One for women and one for men. Also, you are given the choice of having a ,"Handicap " in Golf also. In track and field, A racer on the inside lane starts farther behind the farther outside lanes. In the most famous car race in the world Indianapolis 500, Your qualifying time determines where you start in the starting grid. In a lot of sports, you have the choice of having a point advantage also. Ping Pong for example. I.E. Player #1, says to Player #2, I'll spot you "X" points".
India Willoughby has it right on. Enough said.
The American swimmer was in the 400's in standing; converts to female, is a champion.
Fast forward a male weight lifter Anne Andrews entered a competition identifying as a woman and smashed the world record previously held by a trans woman
"No". This issue doesnt deserve to even be discussed. Pierce is right. Next topic please
That professor is talking utter nonsense.
How come we don’t hear about trans men competing against biological males?
Of course they do. They should compete in their own competition.
How come people born female aren't conpeting against males if theres equality?
1) Equality is a story we agreed to tell each other over and over again until we forget it is a LIE.
2) There are more transmen competing against men than transwomen competing against women
The reason that Transmen on HRT are not allowed to compete against women because of doping restriction
3)Transmen do not tend to win against men
So you normally aint gonna see them on TV because they do not make it through the qualification rounds.
But that is not because they would not compete. that is because they compete and lose.
Maybe they do. But they’re losing so it’s not making headlines.
Can i please join the womans national futbol team!!??? Im a 60 year old man....Retired futbol player....and..out of shape....and look forward to scoring 3 goals every game....and winning the scoring title. Oh please...put me on your squad!
Why can we make distinctions in sports like the Pars Olympics? The fact that a runner with two legs is faster than one with one is also a distinction. The point is to offer fair opportunities to every participant.
We are behind you Morgan..
The fact that discourse in this subsists of the title is why the state of things is so dismal. Men clearly and obviously have an advantage over women in physical contests. The debate about this is so behind where the issue is currently at that there's no use in even tuning in to these kinds of interviews/debates.
"but why would someone live a facade" mate if i had to live a facade in public for 20 years for MILLIONS, id win an oscar every year
The fact that these trans would want to enter sport knowing they have a advantage says all you need to know about them they lack integraty
This Professor should be ashamed of himself.
This is why professors do not live in the real world.
Transgender people should create transgender sports and leave us alone. It’s disrespectful and we don’t like it.
Might as well just watch men sports… same thing.
The "professor" is nonsensical as is anyone agrees with his views of transgender male to female persons competing against women!
Definitely has advantage because they are man not woman
God bless you Piers Morgan.May the Lord protect you and your family always
Why is it always guys who transition wanting to compete against the biological females, but rarely if ever do see gals who transition looking to compete against biological males? 😯
The professor was bought and paid for.
Yeah just do a different event for these people. I've seen a streetfight with my own eyes pitting a normal adult female against a smaller built trans person. It was like seeing Khabib destroying everyone in MMA. Literally in seconds. Let them compete against the likes of them. Like the Paralympics for example.
I always laugh when someone says "SELF identifies as". Yes. YOU. YOU YOURSELF IDENTIFY AS A TOASTER. It's not MY job to call or treat you as a toaster. MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING IN AMERICA.
Im a male n im not tall 5'5 lol but i know i have strength advantages over the average female
Men are naturally stronger, faster, jump higher, etc…
Then, why not give them their own category transgender men play against transgender men trans women play against trans women. 🤷🏻♂️
Because men identifying as women don't want Trans sports. Why would they? Winning against women is too easy.
What I find strange is the fact that there a no ftm athleths who compete in the mens cathegory complaining that the will always be at disatvantage against men.
Somehow they are always left out out this discussion ?
I haven't watched this show since Peirs left. He was the only good thing about it.
It’s sad that almost all trans men athletes are afraid to come out for fear of being forced to compete against cis men.
Over FOUR MILLION VIEWS? And just 159 comments lol? C'mon youtube, the censoring is off the damn charts!!
@truthhurts2879. Sadly, my friend, they employ muppets as moderators here. If brain cells were made of chocolate, half of them wouldn't have enough to fill a Smartie. 😉
This professor just embarrassed himself
They included a handicapped sports category, so there should be transgender category.
Piers and Sharan are correct end of
Not only do the records speak for themselves, I wonder how many trans 'women' would be willing to walk into a hospital and tell someone, "I'm having a miscarriage". Or better still, undergo an examination by a gynecologist. C'mon do it. We just want see you embarrass yourselves and prove to us all how deep the bs goes.
If a pathologist receives a badly injured body and is to perform an autopsy. How then does he identify them? Most likely as a man or a woman..because there is no other choice...
Why is it so hard to understand? Please. At this rate, female born athletes will completely vanish from record books.
Each human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes that carry DNA within their nucleus. The X and Y chromosomes, commonly referred to as the sex chromosomes, are one such pair. They determine the biological sex, reproductive organs, and sexual characteristics that develop in a person. Female (XX) mammals inherit one X chromosome from each parent, but males (XY) receive an X from their mother and a Y sex chromosome from their father.
Love India Willoughby. Make her a presenter! ❤
Indi she is a great example of what a Trans person is love her view….. I feel sorry that she has to put up with Pride ideologies/activism… I would love to see Douglas and Indi in a Peirs interview… please it would be a good listen… against trans in sport…. Indi you are a great human being❤️ I am a biological woman… the man needs to be shut up he is a waste of space.
India is not like this anymore. He is a full TRA. Says he is a biological female. Says men should be in women's prisons and in changing rooms with girls and women.
They are man calling himself a herself
How about transgender man taking part in male sports?🤦♀️🤷♂️
Whether at an elite or non- elite level, it should be based on biology. This is WHY there are male and female sports.
Mr Cashmore is evidently a mysogynistic homosexual
I’m as liberal as the next guy but this is just not fair. I urge biological women to boycott games/meets/matches. Lacking the minimum number of participants, a team would be forced to forfeit.
Why is castor Semenya pic in the background ?
Why is that everyone who supports Transgender who comes in a debate, always cut off and get loud and wants the other people to shush! Then they get angry if you dont agree with them! hmmm!!! toxic
I couldn't be a jockey or a basketball player...yes, you could...just not one that can compete in professional sports
This guys arguments are tertible
Why are there only 12 comments from within the last 3 days..? Odd.
some people are like, put debate while cooking😂
There are certain sports that trans gender athletes could complete on a fairly equal footing but these sports tend to skill based (eg shooting archery and equestion ( where men and and woman do complete on an equal footing )), but I do understand where those concerns about physical based sports come from. I believe more reseach on this issue is needed.
Wanna call me transphobic? Go on, like I give a ****. I won't cry, I swear 😅