Tadeevo Bliss shoe review, and sizing hack for if you are between sizes or have different size feet

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • This cute little shoe suits me really well.
    -Very thin and extremely pliable sole (and heel cup, btw, which I did not squish for you in the video)
    -Extremely light weight, feels like nothing on my feet
    -Very low profile and minimal bulk in the shoe upper, but without being too close a fit that it is in any way restricting,
    -Super breathable, and with a mesh that is soft, and with nice rounded edges. Feels great against my feet, no rough spots that dig in anywhere
    Here is a link to the exact shoe. tadeevo.com/en...
    Please note, I got these for the color before I even realized they had vegan and non-vegan designs. When I go back for another color (assuming I continue to love them), I will try a non-vegan style.
    My foot dimensions for reference:
    Longest point heel cup to toes, bearing weight on the single leg (in my foot shape, my big toe is longer than my second, but not by much):
    Right: 24.75 cm
    Left: just under 24 cm
    Widest point of forefoot with fullest splay, bearing weight: both feet 9.5 cm
    Compared to other shoes I have reviewed, I have not put that many miles on these, so I will report back with a date as to when they start really breaking down for me and with some follow up notes about their wear, especially if I find they don't hold up well.
    Shoe sizing hack (for any shoe, not just this one) at ~ 6:00 mins
    Basically entails the use of a tongue pad to stop your LARGER foot from sliding forward in a shoe, so that you do not have to size up to a shoe that would be dramatically too long for your smaller foot (and likely not an ideal -- oversized -- fit for your larger foot, as well). It may not work in all instances, but for a high arch person like myself, where the natural foot compression, plus even the slightest slide forward in the shoe can compromise the fit, this is a really handy tip. If you do not want to put in a tongue pad, you can also tighten the upper most laces to help hold your foot back in the shoe, but I hate tight laces, so I prefer this method.
    Please excuse and just skip forward through my fussing with my camera around 12:20 and 13:30 mins. Ay yai yai, I'm sorry but it's just too silly and tedious to edit it out.
    Wishing you happy and healthy feet, my friends! Please feel free to weigh in with your experience with Tadeevos for anybody who happens across this video and may appreciate others' perspectives. Don't forget to tell us a little about your feet and maybe something about your activities so people can have some context for your experience with the shoe. Thank you!


  • @MaudoSey
    @MaudoSey 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for this!
    I've tried different minimalist shoes of a cheaper quality (ever since I changed to minimalist shoes I haven't wanted to change back to 'normal' more weighty shoes) & the issue I've encountered has mostly been related to either an inferior quality sole or some kind of wear & tear after a while..
    So when I saw the Tadeevos I was intrigued & recently got a pair of the Bliss vegan model (similar colours to the pair in this video) & all I can say is ; these are the best shoes I've ever worn, they're grounding & comfortable at the same time, just a pleasure to walk in, the quality of the soles & the overall make of the shoes makes me hope that they will last for a long time, really looking forwards to taking really long walks in nature with them as well & seeing how they work in future travels, i.e a lot of movement which I think they will handle really well..
    Interesting what you point out about some of the anatomy of the feet as a dancer, as a yoga teacher myself I'm quite interested in anatomy & physiology but not that well versed in the anatomy of the feet to be honest but my feeling after using minimalist shoes for quite a while now is that over time it will just be better for the health of our feet, in terms of the ergonomics & so on as well as strengthening important parts of the anatomy of the feet over time which 'normal' shoes perhapa don't do as well with more unnecessary padding & weighty soles etc..
    With well wishes of wellbeing!
    / Maudo

    • @julie_loder
      @julie_loder  2 роки тому +1

      Maudo! Thank you so much for this comment! I hope as others come across this video they will read your testimonial as well because I think Tadeevo deserves a lot of credit for these great shoes! I noticed recently that they even have some weather proof boot models and things like that, and while I am not in the market for them at this time (I am presently too in love the breathable mesh of the Bliss), if I ever need that kind of shoe, I know I will give them a try because I want to wear this shoe all the time, not just for dance! I am so glad you are enjoying yours and that you finally found a quality minimalist shoe that works for you. ​
      And I love your observation regarding the importance of the feet for the whole body's function over all. 1000000% I am excited for all the ways that your minimalist shoe journey is going to potentially transform the way you move, or just catalyze new movement depth of experience, especially for a mover/movement professional like yourself, as a Yoga instructor, and someone who is paying close attention to his body.
      The activation and strength you develop using your minimalist shoes will absolutely show up in your practice, let alone in daily life. I hope you will report back any findings! And if you do not find further resources on this topic in my other videos, and if you are interested in learning more here on UA-cam, I highly recommend Podiatrist Emily Splichal's work (she has MANY free webinars archived here on her EBFA channel) about the foot, and it's connection to our fascia/nervous system, the fascial connections with our pelvic floor/core and glutes, and other things that I think you will just find very interesting. She even refers to what she describes as a yoga concept, "bandas," that I am not familiar with in the yoga context so forgive my ignorance, but as I understand it, this relationship of basically a stack of diaphragms in the body, the base totem of which she considers to be the arch of the foot. FASCINATING and so powerful to understand regardless of whether one is approaching through a yoga practice, or otherwise.
      I hope that is useful and thank you again for this chance to engage, for your well wishes, and for checking out my channel! Sending my best to you as well!

    • @MaudoSey
      @MaudoSey 2 роки тому

      @@julie_loder Namaste Julie
      What a wonderful response, thank you so much for your lengthy & thoughtful thoughts!
      Absolutely - I think Tadeevo deserves credit for really getting it right with the bliss minimalist shoes, the make of them is quality, that will save people money as well since you wont have to buy new ones because of wear & tear from an inferior make (which has happened to me several times as I mentioned in my minimalist shoe journey), heres hoping the pair I'm using right now will last a long time in everything I'll put them through (in nature & urban settings), wishing your pair the same!
      Thank you! Yes I'm already super motivated to maybe even start going for some jogging/running with these shoes, absolutely it's actually an inspiration to get out there & to get moving when you've got shoes that are as good as these, the whole world of barefoot running for instance is really interesting to me as well - yes as you point out I'm a student of movement, actually I'm super interested in the anatomy & physiology of the respiratory system and the breath as well, especially in relation to breathwork / Pranayama which I'll take certification in as a teacher this year in fact!
      Apart from anatomy & physiology of our bodies in general, this goes into my interest in yoga therapy as well, that's one of my long term dreams in fact, becoming a yoga therapist, I'm studying Iyengar yoga as well which you might be familiar with perhaps as well in relation to this - they use props & so on to help people, Iyengar teachers are very knowledgeable in anatomy as well..
      A finding I can report to you already (thanks btw for asking) is in what I think is the muscles, tendons & joints of my feet, I can tell that they're already being strengthened & being positively affected through wearing these shoes, I can tell that the minimalist shoes I've worn in the best havent been as good as these as I didn't experience this kind of positive feedback from my feet as I'm feeling with these - my feet are being subjected to a good kind of "pressure" or tension already which as you point out will benefit the feet long term - very interesting!
      Thank you so much for the suggestion to check out Emily Splichal, I'll check out her channel & work - sounds super interesting! The fascia are very important as far as I understand - actually done some reading about the in connection to my current studies to become a Yin Yoga teacher (Yin Yoga positively affects the fascia surrounding our muscle groups through the longer more gentle holds of the postures), a really interesting subject actually..
      The Bandhas are energy locks that yogic philosophy explains are said to exist throughout our bodies if I'm not mistaken, similar to the chakras I think, certain yogic practices are said to be able to unblock them I believe, this is something which they work with especially in Ashtanga vinyasa yoga if I'm not mistaken - how fascinating that she connects this yogic concept with the feet, this doesn't sound too far fetched to me, after all the feet are super important for our bodies overall so it makes sense!
      Thank you for your kind words! It sounds like we could keep talking about this stuff so if you ever want to exchange some more thoughts my mail is : Seymaudo@gmail.com - feel super free to send me an email & maybe we could do some correspondence about this stuff as we seem to have similar areas of interest!
      With well wishes of wellbeing.
      / Maudo

  • @annaantu3866
    @annaantu3866 2 роки тому

    Love the Tadeevo! Just yesterday I was thinking how they remind me of my jazz shoes from when I danced as a kid. They are the closest thing to barefoot that I have worn; even less of a shoe than the xero hsf.

  • @endo9902
    @endo9902 2 роки тому

    AMAZING shoe fit! I envy your foot.. (my foot has gotten better but still needs improvement.. but I can at least walk 1 hour at 3 to 3.5 mph which is in the normal range now.. ) I feel like the bottom of my foot has lots lots of its padding and so I have to lay out some cushion in the soles.. but I wish I could get to your situation.. anyway I love the detail you share about foot/shoe.. I feel like i have learn so much over this year and have appreciation of foot and shoes..

    • @julie_loder
      @julie_loder  2 роки тому

      Endo! Great to hear from you! And wow, my friend, that is a major accomplishment it sounds based on your description of your feet the last time you were engaging on my channel: an hour at 3-3.5mph is a big deal! And yes, the loss of the fat padding on our feet is a really well recognized and inconvenient reality for our feet as we age. Do not beat yourself up if you need to put in some cushioning! Especially if you are walking on concrete which is hardly a natural surface for us to pound so many miles! It's horrible for us to stand or walk on compared to other surfaces! So do what you need to do to protect your feet and make the walk productive and not punishing! And in the meantime, the stronger you can make the muscles of your feet, the more they can support the fascial connections, and the more of a buttress you will have against the ground... so while you can't get the fat pads back, that really is the best way to protect your feet (and body), which I know you know :) Great job with all the hard work I know you are putting into your feet. And thank you for appreciating my videos :)

  • @julie_loder
    @julie_loder  2 роки тому

    This reply is for Lissy Love who asked me about the depth of the toe box in these shoes and now I cannot find your comment here to reply. I am so sorry. This has happened before where I will get notified of a comment (where I can read it and even find the channel of the person who left it) but then it disappears below the video before I can respond. Lissy, if you happen to check back here (though I don't know how to notify you of my reply), here is what I wanted to say:
    Hi Lissy, thank you for the question! I personally do not notice them being shallow in the toes (I have felt that way about some of the older model Vivobarefoot shoes for reference of my foot shape and movement). But I also know that as I have strengthened my feet, my toes don't stick up because I am better able to use the muscles that press them down (flex them) toward the ground, where they work to help activate muscles and stabilize my foot! So not to go off on a foot nerd tangent on you (!!!), but the activation of the toes has been such a big breakthrough for me in my barefoot training that I would feel like I was holding back some gold info if I didn't mention it here! I need to make some more videos about this topic, so if you are interested, please check back :) Best to you and your feet and I hope you find a pair of shoes you love!

  • @rosemarie9932
    @rosemarie9932 2 роки тому +1

    Hello Julie, Have you tried running in the Tadeevo shoes, if so, are they similar to the Xero HFS please ?

    • @julie_loder
      @julie_loder  2 роки тому +1

      Hi Rose Marie! Thank you for the question. So I never ran in the Tadeevos, but honestly, I think I would have enjoyed it at least as much as in the HFS with regard to how they fit my feet because of the close, but non restrictive fit I describe. There is zero effort involved in lifting the shoe with ones toes, if that makes sense. And both shoes have very close ground contact. The HFS come with an insole that I don't use because I replace it with Nabosos (no reason I couldn't put it on top of the insole, but I do prefer the ground feel). The Tadeevos don't have that couple extra mm of cushion (that flattens out in the pressure points pretty quickly, anyway, so this may be a non factor), but especially for non-concrete/asphalt, i think it would be comparable. Finally, the tread is different (you can visually compare in my videos, it I think) but again, I'm not sure how much of a difference that makes depending on the surface. I hope that is helpful!

    • @rosemarie9932
      @rosemarie9932 2 роки тому

      @@julie_loder 💖

  • @unlimitedrc3095
    @unlimitedrc3095 2 роки тому

    Hi Julie - thank you for your informative and enjoyable videos. Quick question, now that you've had these shoes for some time, how durable have you found them to be? Thank you

    • @julie_loder
      @julie_loder  2 роки тому +1

      Hi UnlimitedRC! Thank you so much for this message and for your kind words about my videos. I need (want!!) to get back to making them, and it means a lot to me to hear this feedback from you.
      As for your specific question, I feel bad that I may not be the best person to ask because the kind of use to which I've been putting these shoes may not be representative of the kind of wear/tear from more typical outdoor street/trail walking and the like. The day I made this video I put suede on the bottom of the shoes and since then I only wear them on smooth surfaces for dance, in pretty sheltered environments. Now I do dance pretty hard in them, and I've logged many hours, but I don't want to say it's the same as if I'd been walking miles because it may stress the shoe differently.
      But with that big caveat, for whatever it may still be worth to you, I have found them to hold up beautifully. There are zero signs thus far of stress points in any of the stitching (and one thing dance may do at least as much as walking is bend back the toes... like a strong running push off), and even the mesh that looks like it may be kind of a weak link in the construction, is still pristine. I think it's key that the shoes are mesh on the sides, but really well reinforced at the toe and heel.
      I would love for anybody else to chime in here if they happen to read this comment thread to give you more info, but I'm sorry I can't count on that happening, let alone in the near future. If you get this shoe, first of all I hope you love them (!!), and second of all, please report back, if you feel inclined, about your experience with them, and if you do your own review, feel free to link it here!
      Thank you again, UnlimitedRC! Sending my best to you and your feet! Julie

    • @unlimitedrc3095
      @unlimitedrc3095 2 роки тому

      @@julie_loder thank you for such a detailed reply! The reason I asked is I've been eyeing up these shoes for a while, but haven't got them yet as its a cold winter here in the UK. However there's currently 10% off on the Tadeevos for a few days so I think I'll get them now. The suede trick for dance is handy, as I may return to my dance class later this year. I'll report back once I've had some good use out of them. Thanks again!

    • @julie_loder
      @julie_loder  2 роки тому +1

      @@unlimitedrc3095 You are most welcome! I am always very grateful for the chance to actually interact on here!
      Oooh, I am so happy you could take advantage of this sale! I hope that you love the shoe for street use and potentially dance wear in the future. Yay! Also thank you for the offer to report back about them. No pressure of course, but that would be very helpful and I'd love to know your experience. Sending my best!

    • @unlimitedrc3095
      @unlimitedrc3095 2 роки тому

      @@julie_loder Hi Julie, hope you are well. This is a 5 month update. I haven't worn my Tadeevo Bliss shoes quite everyday but with warmer weather here in the UK I have been wearing them more often. Moreover, I've used them as gym shoes and (with the warmer weather) they are my main go to pair aside of work and other occasions. In short, I really like them. So it's a thank you from me for bringing my attention to them. They are by some margin my most comfortable barefoot style shoe. The only downside I've had is that the insole has begun to warp and buckle slightly, it has formed small ridges that line up with the gaps between toes and main foot, and my arch. This buckling hasn't caused me any issues yet, given they don't get between my foot and the floor. However I may still contact Tadeevo regardless just to see how their aftersales is. Should I do this, I'll report back here. All the best and take care, I look forward to your future content!

    • @julie_loder
      @julie_loder  2 роки тому

      @@unlimitedrc3095 YOOOOOOOO!!!!! I am so SO happy to see this message, and honestly, I'm so touched and honored that you took the time to follow up. Thank you.
      I am so happy to hear that these adorable and intelligent little shoes have performed so well for you and that you like them this much. Awesome! Before I go on, I just also really want to say how much I appreciate you letting me know and also taking the time to share this follow up for anybody else who happens to click on my video. You just dramatically added to the content value they can find here, so please know how much I appreciate that.
      As for the wear pattern on the insole of the shoe... I think I can picture what you are talking about and I am thinking how I can also fathom the semi soft footbed of the shoe having this happen (especially in warm weather). I am really glad it has not (yet, at least) caused any issue for your feet or more overt compromise to the shoe. If you do follow up with the company, I would definitely like to know how they respond. Given the growing competition for minimalist shoes, I think companies have an opportunity to really distinguish themselves with the aftersales customer service, and given that this has happened after only 5 months of wear -- that has been consistent, but nothing approaching excessive/unanticipated levels of use -- I am interested to hear their reaction. I wear mine with Naboso insoles (i find it actually improves their fit on my feet a bit, in addition to the sensory effect of the insoles), so I have not had this same experience, as my toes are not directly on the insole. I hope yours continue to work for you until you wear right through the soles!
      Sending you a massive smile and hug, my friend. I know I have been offline for many months now, but I actually have begun recording videos again and I am trying to organize some content that I really hope is useful. At the very least it reflects things that have been useful for my foot/body wellness. So thank you, also, for for this note and friendly nudge of support. Julie

  • @beyondabove
    @beyondabove Рік тому

    does the sole feel more like soft rubber or more to the harder plastic side?

    • @julie_loder
      @julie_loder  Рік тому

      Hi Beyond Above, thanks for this question. The original sole is more on the soft rubber side, definitely not hard plastic. It is not a really soft "gum" style rubber sole that is "sticky" even a smooth surface, but soft enough that it creates traction (and also facilitates the pliability of the shoe). Hope that helps!

    • @beyondabove
      @beyondabove Рік тому

      @@julie_loder thanks a lot. I highly appreciate your response

  • @bluefirephoenix347
    @bluefirephoenix347 Рік тому

    Mine are too narrow. My pinkie toes feel scrunched. They've been sitting on my shelf for a couple of years for that reason but i want to give them another chance since i'm interested in getting back into barefoot shoes. Did yours stretch out? They look a little wider than mine. And what's up with the suede? It looks like insoles you cut yourself? I'd like something like that. Where can i find it, please?

    • @julie_loder
      @julie_loder  Рік тому +1

      Hi BlueFirePhoenix (love this name), oh no! In mine, I felt that they were a little narrow (or maybe just cut oddly), as I think I describe in the portion of this video when I explain why I added the insert on the tongue to help hold my foot back further in the shoe. The inside edge of my right big toe was just a little too far forward and too wide when I walked to be comfortable. I had enough actual width, but because of the way my foot slid forward, it was cramped. The tongue pad resolved that for me personally. I do not know if it could do something similar for you in the situation of the pinky side of the shoe being cut too close for you. But having said that, I do not believe these shoes stretch; mine have not, thus far, and I do use them regularly. The nylon mesh (the ones I have) may eventually wear through, but I do not think it will be the kind of material that molds to the foot.
      As for the suede, YES, that is just self-adhesive suede for DIY that I am sure you can find in craft stores but that I got on Amazon
      Here is the link (if it doesn't work, look for "Suede Sheets 8.5" x 12" by Soles2Dance):
      In the end, I should let you know that I went ahead and had these shoes re-soled professionally with suede because the adhesive just did not stick well enough to the particular rubber sole of the shoes. I have done this with other shoes and it has stuck for years, but for some reason on the Tadeevos it slid around too much. BUT it did give me a chance to experiment with these as dance shoes and they are great! And that is why I went ahead and had a professional suede them for me.
      I am sorry if you have to return yours, but I will say I am currently working towards being able to strengthen the lateral side of my feet (in particular my left foot which is weaker and more compromised than my right). I am actively working on getting better pinky toe abduction and plantar flexion (basically splay with the ability to push into the floor.. I am making videos about this but have yet to post them...), so if you have good healthy splay in your pinky toes (not just on the big toes where a lot of people focus and I personally have found it easier to develop), then that is awesome in terms of your foot function, so congratulations, and I hope that takes some of the sting out of having to return a shoe that doesn't accommodate that good pinky toe function :). Thank you for checking out my video, for taking the time to ask this question, and I'm sending my best to you and your feet!

    • @bluefirephoenix347
      @bluefirephoenix347 Рік тому

      @@julie_loder Thank you for your reply! Yes, i think i will just sell them rather than try to deal with sending them back to Poland. I already tried that initially and they ended up getting sent back to me with no explanation lol!
      It does help take the sting out of it to know that i've got some good pinky splay! Years of wearing barefoot shoes and Altras has helped with that :)

    • @julie_loder
      @julie_loder  Рік тому +1

      @@bluefirephoenix347 so happy for this chance to share! And seriously love hearing the history and results of your footwear! And, finally, ugh, I know... returns can be so frustrating. Any chance yours are a size 39 in a neutral color like black or gray? I've been thinking to get another pair. Maybe I can take yours off your hands?

    • @bluefirephoenix347
      @bluefirephoenix347 Рік тому

      My feet are quite bigger than a 39 or else i'd totally sell 'em to you at a steal. I ended up dusting off an old, worn pair of the Vivobarefoot Motus model last night and have been wearing them today. They're nowhere near as soft as the Tadeevos but i think i can get used to them.

    • @julie_loder
      @julie_loder  Рік тому

      @@bluefirephoenix347 Oh, darn :(. I would have insisted on paying full price (!!) and I'm just sorry we couldn't make it a win-win. But glad you found another pair that can hold you over. (Isn't it great to go shopping in your own closet and rediscover something?). Very interesting that you are coming back to more of a barefoot style after Altras. If you ever make about video about it please link it here to let me know because I'd be interested in your thinking and experience.
      As for other shoes, for what it is worth, my go-to, ride-or-die ;), most loved minimalist shoe that I have been wearing for a few years now (and worn through 2-3 pairs, and will always have at least one fresh pair under my bed because I never want to be without them...) is the Xero HFS. All I can say is it's like that shoe was made for my foot. Out of the box, basically even unlaced, it just fits and moves with my foot perfectly and has the right amount of substance in the upper shoe part to be durable -- not too close cut, but also not too boxy where my foot is swimming -- and also is a great shape in terms of the sole -- my toes are totally uninhibited, and no heel slipping -- and for ground feel.
      I have also worn a few Vivos, and also Feelgrounds (meh, not for me-- I should review them...) and Wildlings (a seriously gorgeous and well made shoe, but not my go to, again, I should review them!), but Xeros, and specifically the HFS, is my everyday shoe and I am so grateful for something that fits me so well. The Tadeevos I specifically use for a dance shoe because they fit more closely than the HFS, are ultra breathable, and are even more of a naked foot experience, without being restrictive (or stiff) like I find the Vivos to be (too narrow and too shallow in the toe box, for me). I play around and dance in my HFS all the time, but when I really want to practice hard, I wear the Tadeevos.
      I do have a review of the Xeros vs Vivos, based on my foot type, if you haven't seen it and are interested. It is long, the audio and camera quality is embarrassing, and it is probably way more info than you need as someone who is knowledgeable about minimalist shoes and the benefits, but just letting you know it's out there if you are interested :).
      Take care and be in touch! I hope you can sell those Tadeevos quick and that you end up in a shoe you love! - Julie

  • @ahmadkurdish760
    @ahmadkurdish760 2 роки тому

    Hi Thanks for your wonderful videos
    What is your height and weight?
    You have nice fit body good job.

    • @julie_loder
      @julie_loder  2 роки тому

      Hi Ahmad, I'm so happy you appreciate my videos! And haha, I'm amused by your question (thank you for the compliment). I don't own a scale and honestly cannot recall when I was measured in either of these dimensions, but was previously just shy of 5'5" (I bet I've grown as I've improved my posture!) and probably weigh 140-145lbs is my guess. Best of health to you and your feet!

  • @SuperDuce74
    @SuperDuce74 Рік тому

    Do not buy! The manufacturer does not provide a prepaid label for returns. Therefore, if you buy in the United States, the return cost will be more than the shoes.