I’m sorry but you cannot even say this INT Gohan is a step down when PHY Kid Buu, Goku black and AGL are unreadable in basically all the hard fights. While I do agree these units can hit much higher attack stats turn 1 then Gohan they get absolutely obliterated because they suck defensively. Also I’m hyped for the 2019 EZA units 🔥.
I agree! Which is why I said content for their time. My main gripe with the unit is that EVERY super eza so far has been completely unrestricted outside of 1 mechanic. Everyone either wants to be ran on a certain team, or has no restriction at all. Gohan has THREE. Super class allies, extreme class enemies, slot 2 or 3. For all the restricting you’re doing for the unit, his performance is mediocre compared to others who do what they do for free or with 1 condition. On top of this, gohan has such low 200% leaders that the teams that do have him on it have much better units than him (teq ui goku’s team). He barely lived normals without it! It’s just disappointing to me. That being said, 2019 units eza’ing are gonna be so broken hopefully.
I’m sorry but you cannot even say this INT Gohan is a step down when PHY Kid Buu, Goku black and AGL are unreadable in basically all the hard fights. While I do agree these units can hit much higher attack stats turn 1 then Gohan they get absolutely obliterated because they suck defensively. Also I’m hyped for the 2019 EZA units 🔥.
I agree! Which is why I said content for their time. My main gripe with the unit is that EVERY super eza so far has been completely unrestricted outside of 1 mechanic. Everyone either wants to be ran on a certain team, or has no restriction at all. Gohan has THREE. Super class allies, extreme class enemies, slot 2 or 3. For all the restricting you’re doing for the unit, his performance is mediocre compared to others who do what they do for free or with 1 condition. On top of this, gohan has such low 200% leaders that the teams that do have him on it have much better units than him (teq ui goku’s team). He barely lived normals without it! It’s just disappointing to me. That being said, 2019 units eza’ing are gonna be so broken hopefully.
I did it... because I liked it! Hell, I loved it! I'm sitting here, I'm... I'm just itching. I'm itching to do it again.
@Yah_Boi_Mike he even did the evil laugh, we have truly lost him......