+CJ Skittlez It's pretty crazy in my opinion. I actually have no interest whatsoever in platformers and never found them fun to play, but I bought this game, just because I wanted to support the good behaviour of the developers.
Day 68, The afro as spread from Todd's body and has consumed all of Los Angeles. The UN has declared a nation-wide state of emergency. "This is one hairy situation" - The Actual President.
The Sean Show ...the fuck are you saying? Plague Knight's whole thing is mobility, jumping over rooms is tons of fun (though bombing enemies is also great). And it seems if there's anyone who can't control his bomb blast, it's you. Haven't trained enough, I'm assuming.
Nice video man, you are really well spoken and easy to listen to, good traits to have if you are talking a lot about something. Also your metaphors are always silly but spot on, keep it up!
Playing shovel knight right now. And this makes me want to complete the game and its other two campaigns even more. I love how this dlc is more about experimenting and it reflects that in playing as a scientist-like character. This was a great video that gave reasons for why you thought the way you did. And it also shows kinda how to do a sequel. Keep it familiar whilst also adding in a little bit of something new. Gonna check out this channel some more 👌🏼
...Because that basically has nothing to do with the quality and anyone that thinks Plague of Shadows should've been free outside of it being one of the stretch goals is honestly being a bit greedy. It was a great expansion that people would've easily paid for.
just_two_dudes well, Yacht Club hasn't really given any dates yet. Most likely we'll get that kind of information closer to when it's released, which, yes, may be December. These are some pretty in-depth DLC updates (now also standalone releases) so it's gonna take time.
totally agree. Shovel Knight is one of the best games I've ever played, but our little and cute alchemist takes the spot when it comes to the best campaign. I feel that Plague of Shadows is harder and it's perfect for you to test your skills as a speedrunner. sure, you can try to beat your own time record in Shovel Knight, but is not the same. also, I feel like Shovel Knight's shovel acts like an "all-in-one" weapon that allows him to accomplish everything only using the shovel, unlike Plague Knight that, even though you can try to beat the game only using the Bounce Casing, the Black Powder and the Standard Fuse, you will never feel the same as if you were switching between all of those combinations of Causings, Powders and Fuses. EXAMPLE: in the Propeller's Knight fight, you can try only using your standard equipment, but then you can chose... I dunno, maybe a Lob Causing with Component Powder and a Impact Fuse? the combinations are endless and you can choose between all of them to the one's that fit better to you according to the situation your facing.
Plague of Shadows is probably my favourite game currently. As a problem solver, I liked the idea of finding multiple ways to solve a problem or beat a boss. The versatility in the crafting felt like I was playing a game made for me, rather than a game everyone has played, like Shovel Knight. Plus, I personally identify so much with Plague Knight. :P
I love plauge night (of all the 3 characters you can play as right now) because he has the most movement options. If you dont use the floaty burst you can travel from one side of the screen to the other in one jump. You jump, burst, double jump then throw all 3 bombs. Plague night carries so much momentum that it feels like im playing mario Odyssey *because* of just how you have so much freedom to traverse the levels.
This campaign was really awesome along with the Challenges. The only thing I wasn't too fond of was that the levels didn't change massively to accommodate for Plague Knights abilities other than the treasure stages but its free so its an incredible expansion. Love the characters and abilities of Plague Knight not to mention the plotline, dialogue and final boss fight was a great way to pull you into Plague Knights campaign. Although probably the rest addition is the new Troupple King's new dance and song.
"Until you get the Vat Arcana, then it's just a safety boat" Very true, that Arcana saved me from *waaaaaaaay* too many bottomless pits in my play through of Plague of Shadows
Maybe that was my problem; I almost always stick to black powder and the lob casing. I'm near the very end of the game now and when things are going smoothly, I totally agree with what you're saying about the brilliant design, but it's been really hard and frustrating to me other times. Now I'd like to replay Plague Knight and try more experimentation. Awesome video as always, Todd!
Another fantastic video, man! I like your analysis of the differences between Shovel and Plague Knights' platforming challenges, I'd love to hear what you think of how Plague Knight's movement and combat mechanics affected the boss fights, given that the bosses' patterns are identical to Shovel Knight's campaign.
I completely agree, this is what DLC packs should be doing. Using assets from the original game but still deliver an experience that feels new and fresh!
Plague of Shadows gets more fun when you fully utilize the bomb customization mechanics When I first played through it, I didn't bother much with the customization beyond casings. I found the controls to be annoying and the fights to be annoying and sometimes unfair. I didn't even beat that save file But I recently replayed it, remembering how I didn't enjoy it the first time, but this time I got into experimenting with the various casings, gunpowders, and fuses. I enjoyed the combat the better and found I really liked the Cascade Powder. I also began to play around with the different Arcana. I think my first time through I ignored them, thinking them to be as useful as the Relics in Shovel Knight and wrote them off based on their descriptions (I don't think I ever even used the Smoke Bomb, not knowing it worked like the Phase Locket) These games are very enjoyable if you engross yourself in their mechanics
It's always great to watch others play Shovel Knight or Plague Knight. It makes me realize how I can improve or how much I mastered an element better than others. You really needed to work on your bomb jumps. Done right, it can be better than the propeller dagger at totally skipping entire areas.
The Best DLC Packs I ever played was Witcher 3's Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine DLC packs. The former is a 10 hour story focused journey while the latter is an experience that is on par with AAA games in 2016 in terms of size and quality
shovel Knight is my favorite game of all time, I've bought it 4 times on 4 different platforms, and I couldn't agree more. the SoH campaign is amazing, so is SoT, but PoS is absolutely geniuses crafted, and amazingly fun.
Shuriken dongle yes, it has been confirmed, when the DLC comes out, you can either buy all 3 in one for a little more than it is now or you can buy one individually (if you already have it, its the 3 in one) so if you want the switch port with all 3 you will need to pay a little more... im more than willing to do that!
Shuriken dongle honestly, i can wait... its not like the games are going anywhere... but still i suggest nowinstock.net if you want to see when you can get one!
Since the levels were designed around Shovel Knight himself, I found the previously consistent levels on a ridiculously varying difficulty curve. Some levels you could clear with extreme ease, but some areas were just obnoxious, especially since Plague Knight takes more knockback than Shovel Knight. In Shovel of Hope, Propeller Knight is fairly easy as long as you do your best to resist lateral movement when the pits open up and pogo Propeller Knight to death. But the same boss in Plague of Shadows is obnoxious because it feels like every hit taken sends you careening into a pit. And the bottomless pits instakill you when you "touch" them because the were made under the presumption that the main character can't double jump or bomb jump. If the camera was able to scroll further downward, the pit would logically give Plague Knight a chance to recover, but no! And it feels like the Flying Airship is over-saturated with checkpoints because the developers couldn't find a way to rectify stuff like this.
I feel like the only good boss fights in the Plague of Shadows campaign are Shovel Knight and the final boss. These were bosses made for Plague Knight alone, and they weren't too easy or too tedious. The thing that annoyed me most about the game was that enemies would need to hit you 8-20 times to kill you, but it only takes 1 spike or 1 death pit to send you back to the last checkpoint. In that respect, it felt more like I was being trolled than challenged. The final boss of Plague of Shadows did away with the cheap deaths because it was more than hard enough without them. It was fantastic!
Its not difficult at all and controls are really good. I love platforming games and compared to the games I played in the 80s plague of Shadows is easy lol.
Oh lord I died so many times as Plague Knight than I did Shovel Knight, and winning never felt so gratifying. But seriously, you're becoming freaking Afroman with that look, and I don't mean that in a bad way at all.
I'd say that the DLC for Muramasa Rebirth is just as good, even though it's not free (and in all fairness, it isn't Crowd Funded and likely much more expensive to make what with Vanillaware's beautifully intricate art and Japanese voice acting, as well as the subsequent text localization), but it's still pretty cheap and you can buy them all in bulk at a discount and it's often on sale. It's 4 new characters with detailed characters, completely different playstyles, a new set of unique bosses, and new stories that expound upon the canon.
I know it's supposed to be harder but to me it was easier. I finished in half the time and had only a third of the deaths I had in shovel knight. To me it was more fun and I felt more powerful. Also can't wait for spectre knight and king knight dlc.
you should look at a game that had potential that was untapped like "remember me" and how it became "life is strange". it may not be rated s ,but it might be nice to look at what could be and not what is
I recently bought this on my 3ds just cause I haven't used that in a while to play a game and I cant tell if its just the system that I am on or the actual controls but I am terrible at this DLC. I cant make it through levels without getting hit multiple times or dying so much that I never have enough money to actually get better bursts for jumping. i think its the burst jumping overall though that I don't like it seems so unpredictable at times. I am always falling in to holes just beyond or before where I want to go.
+Greg Wooten You gotta play keeping in mind that you are now Plague Knight. The float jump will really help you however it is the perfect beginners stepping stool into mastering his burst jump or just a perfect example of an upgrade that makes things a bit easier for players who are unfamiliar with the mechanics.
Just picked up Shovel Knight again (Bought it when it came out, beat it, kind of forgot about it for a while there) and honestly.... I like Shovel Knight's campaign more. Don't get me wrong, I'd play either game, but the fact that you ahve to pause the game constantly in order to change potions really kills the flow of the game for me.
If I remember correctly, I believe they confirmed they are! They were planning concepts for both Specter Knight and Kings Knight. It has been a while since I watched ProJared's interview on the subject, but I feel that it was indeed confirmed.
I love the story behind plague of shadows. There was more interesting dialogue, and it gave even more personality to some characters. Compared to shovel knight though, I personally dislike the gameplay. Shovel knight has very tight controls, and well defined mechanics, which is what I love most about it. It's a simple game to learn, and if you make a mistake, it's all on you. Plague Knight is a lot more difficult to control however, and with the many different bombs, powders, etc., it's incredibly annoying having to switch between them for different tasks, especially with how fast paced a lot of screens in the game are, whereas with shovel knight, everything can be done with JUST the shovel, but if you want to use a relic, they're quick, and easy to switch between. The Plague of Shadows DLC just feels more geared towards elitests, which is a shame. Getting some of the SK feats was difficult enough, I can honestly say I probably won't even waste my time trying for all the PK feats.
I'll disagree about the fact that bomb mechanics more better than shovel mechanics. Even though I myself liked more playing as Plague Knight (with cases, powders and fuses for every situation) my friend admitted (and I agree with him) that it's makes things much more complicated and sometimes I myself have gone crazy with changing bombs EVERY step. Just imagine scene like that: Propeller Knight: Ah... Plague Knight... Have you liked my... Wait... What are you doing? Plague Knight: Hmm... That case would be good... or that one? Hmm... But... Main question is... Which powder? Hmm... Also... Do not forget about fuse? Ah... Prop... Please, just give me one minute more, okay? Battle Begins. After sometime Propeller Knight swings into flight. Plague Knight: TIMEOUT! Propeller Knight: WHAT? Plague Knight: I need to change a case... And fuse... And maybe powder... Propeller Knight: *helmetrapier* Playing as Shovel Knight is much more easier and plays a lot like good old classic platformers. update: Sentry Fuse indeed is fancy, but a complete shit so to speak. They fail to explode in time with flying enemies and with atleast one sentry bomb in air, you'll have less bombs to throw. Also, all bursts are kinda just for the sake of being there, because through all game you'll use only slow falling burst. Well... Rolling burst maybe useful (espically if you using it with damageable floor). Shooting burst fires as far as you can throw your bombs. Ice burst is... Ice burst is... What the point of ice burst? update2: Again you're saying it's like playing as Plague Knight is SO HARD. Yeah, if it's hard to use your brain. But all fat enemies (this guys with cogs for example) are completely pathetic with your bomb spam power (or big explosions) and also Plague Knight has extra jump, burst and such arcanes as vat, staff of surging and berserker brew which makes platformes sections a little more easier (if you aren't greedy sunava bitch). update3: WHA? WHAT? Plague Knight is HARDER? Are you serious? It's fucking complicated, but it isn't hard. It's much more easier, when... Well... You have a giant pit with no obstacles or enemies. Who do you think going to get through it?
As a lover of Kirby gameplay, constant change isn't bad; it's more of a learning curve. Learn what bombs to use for what situation and change according to situation. Propeller Knight can easily be defeated by lob casing and the Staff of Surging since they attack upwards.
I honestly feel guilty that this was free.
+CJ Skittlez Right? Such a crazy thing to give away.
+Rated S Games thank the fans who paid to make it happen!
+CJ Skittlez Same. Buying the amiibo made me feel better :)
+CJ Skittlez It's pretty crazy in my opinion. I actually have no interest whatsoever in platformers and never found them fun to play, but I bought this game, just because I wanted to support the good behaviour of the developers.
+CJ Skittlez Why?
Did you harass them until it was free?
#1 Reason: Plague Knight and Mona are the cutest couple in gaming.
Day 68, The afro as spread from Todd's body and has consumed all of Los Angeles. The UN has declared a nation-wide state of emergency.
"This is one hairy situation" - The Actual President.
Can we just appreciate that the spin burst is actually the screw attack
and the staff of surging is a shoryuken
I only used the float burst cause I felt safer that way
It prevents you from charging your bomb burst while falling though, so you can't cross entire levels without touching the ground.
As well as the wal jump Cloak
The mobility of Plague Knight is so satisfying. Being able to clear rooms in one long jump with the right mix of equipment is such a fun experience.
Except you cant control his bomb-blast, also what you just said basicly was that your too bad to actually do the room, that you jump over it
The Sean Show ...the fuck are you saying? Plague Knight's whole thing is mobility, jumping over rooms is tons of fun (though bombing enemies is also great). And it seems if there's anyone who can't control his bomb blast, it's you. Haven't trained enough, I'm assuming.
"imagine if mario had to drive a tank" nintendo: hold my beer *boom* mario odyssey
Nice video man, you are really well spoken and easy to listen to, good traits to have if you are talking a lot about something. Also your metaphors are always silly but spot on, keep it up!
+Onyominoma Hey thanks! The kind words are much appreciated.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who abuses the combo bomb like that.
That hair.
+Zurachi I hope that in the next video it is double in size
+Spider what next video? XD
Oh shit O_O, maybe he tried for it and collapsed under the weight of that fro?
Spider hahaha xD
“Imagine if mario had to drive a tank”
Oh little did you know
Playing shovel knight right now. And this makes me want to complete the game and its other two campaigns even more.
I love how this dlc is more about experimenting and it reflects that in playing as a scientist-like character. This was a great video that gave reasons for why you thought the way you did. And it also shows kinda how to do a sequel. Keep it familiar whilst also adding in a little bit of something new. Gonna check out this channel some more 👌🏼
you failed to mention its free
...Because that basically has nothing to do with the quality and anyone that thinks Plague of Shadows should've been free outside of it being one of the stretch goals is honestly being a bit greedy. It was a great expansion that people would've easily paid for.
You and Jontron are the only people not reviewing Dungeon Defenders II this week. Thank you :)
+Coolmanbob7 Dungeon Defenders is pretty alright.
There now I did it too do you hate me? :(
Rated S Games Yes
Just want to say that 3ds version also lets you swap on the fly, like the wii u verson
marsgreekgod it's the best because it's not a stupid bulky piece of shit
marsgreekgod like the wiiU
and then people start PLAGUING Yachtclub with questions about when Specter Knight and King Night will be arriving.
jomb234 When is king knight supposed to happen? I know It's later this year but when? later could mean December and that's pretty distant.
just_two_dudes well, Yacht Club hasn't really given any dates yet. Most likely we'll get that kind of information closer to when it's released, which, yes, may be December. These are some pretty in-depth DLC updates (now also standalone releases) so it's gonna take time.
totally agree.
Shovel Knight is one of the best games I've ever played, but our little and cute alchemist takes the spot when it comes to the best campaign.
I feel that Plague of Shadows is harder and it's perfect for you to test your skills as a speedrunner.
sure, you can try to beat your own time record in Shovel Knight, but is not the same.
also, I feel like Shovel Knight's shovel acts like an "all-in-one" weapon that allows him to accomplish everything only using the shovel, unlike Plague Knight that, even though you can try to beat the game only using the Bounce Casing, the Black Powder and the Standard Fuse, you will never feel the same as if you were switching between all of those combinations of Causings, Powders and Fuses.
EXAMPLE: in the Propeller's Knight fight, you can try only using your standard equipment, but then you can chose... I dunno, maybe a Lob Causing with Component Powder and a Impact Fuse? the combinations are endless and you can choose between all of them to the one's that fit better to you according to the situation your facing.
Plague of Shadows is probably my favourite game currently. As a problem solver, I liked the idea of finding multiple ways to solve a problem or beat a boss. The versatility in the crafting felt like I was playing a game made for me, rather than a game everyone has played, like Shovel Knight.
Plus, I personally identify so much with Plague Knight. :P
I laughed SO HARD when you said they're both nerds! XD
8:17 he's an alchemist bro. G E T I T R I G H T
I love plauge night (of all the 3 characters you can play as right now) because he has the most movement options. If you dont use the floaty burst you can travel from one side of the screen to the other in one jump. You jump, burst, double jump then throw all 3 bombs. Plague night carries so much momentum that it feels like im playing mario Odyssey *because* of just how you have so much freedom to traverse the levels.
We need more videos! your voice is so good!
This campaign was really awesome along with the Challenges. The only thing I wasn't too fond of was that the levels didn't change massively to accommodate for Plague Knights abilities other than the treasure stages but its free so its an incredible expansion. Love the characters and abilities of Plague Knight not to mention the plotline, dialogue and final boss fight was a great way to pull you into Plague Knights campaign. Although probably the rest addition is the new Troupple King's new dance and song.
"Until you get the Vat Arcana, then it's just a safety boat"
Very true, that Arcana saved me from *waaaaaaaay* too many bottomless pits in my play through of Plague of Shadows
Good review, but I can't help but laugh when he mentions Mario in a tank since we've got him both shooting a gun and literally becoming a tank XD
Maybe that was my problem; I almost always stick to black powder and the lob casing. I'm near the very end of the game now and when things are going smoothly, I totally agree with what you're saying about the brilliant design, but it's been really hard and frustrating to me other times. Now I'd like to replay Plague Knight and try more experimentation. Awesome video as always, Todd!
Another fantastic video, man! I like your analysis of the differences between Shovel and Plague Knights' platforming challenges, I'd love to hear what you think of how Plague Knight's movement and combat mechanics affected the boss fights, given that the bosses' patterns are identical to Shovel Knight's campaign.
Please tell me I wasn’t the only one who internally screamed whenever I saw a moving platforming section in plague of shadows
I love how the counter Relics to the bosses don't do more damage, but simply the strategies the use.
I completely agree, this is what DLC packs should be doing. Using assets from the original game but still deliver an experience that feels new and fresh!
Plague of Shadows gets more fun when you fully utilize the bomb customization mechanics
When I first played through it, I didn't bother much with the customization beyond casings. I found the controls to be annoying and the fights to be annoying and sometimes unfair. I didn't even beat that save file
But I recently replayed it, remembering how I didn't enjoy it the first time, but this time I got into experimenting with the various casings, gunpowders, and fuses. I enjoyed the combat the better and found I really liked the Cascade Powder. I also began to play around with the different Arcana. I think my first time through I ignored them, thinking them to be as useful as the Relics in Shovel Knight and wrote them off based on their descriptions (I don't think I ever even used the Smoke Bomb, not knowing it worked like the Phase Locket)
These games are very enjoyable if you engross yourself in their mechanics
Holy shit Todd, your hair is evolving with every video!
He' s probably really busy working with PBG & Jeff. They've been doing great work !
2017: Mario drives tanks now.
Where'd you go Todd? We miss you!
i just wanna ask anybody that played the dlc, did you like how you could make plague knight dance and personally i thought it was awesome and adorable
YES! It was so adorable!
I want to play shovel knight right NOW, but I don't want to spend my money until the physical release, but I still want it NOW
It's always great to watch others play Shovel Knight or Plague Knight. It makes me realize how I can improve or how much I mastered an element better than others. You really needed to work on your bomb jumps. Done right, it can be better than the propeller dagger at totally skipping entire areas.
Berserker potion for final boss fights so wonderful.
From now on I'm gonna use "the magic of science". It is a fun play on words.
Also his relationship with Mona~
And then Spectre of Torment became "DLC Done Better."
That Lonely Giraffe inc.
Pretty much
Wait a minute. Are you the guy who "defended" TF2 in Deadlocked? If you are, did you write the script or MatPat?
And then specter knight came and *boom* the gods of dlc came and blessed us
I hope King Knight's Campaign and Spector of Torment are this good. Im getting the switch so ill keep you posted with the early release of Spector
Cool video. Getting back to Plague of Shadows after a few years - didn't like it at first. Your video makes me want to give it another shot.
Nice! I really want this :D
nice video. btw love ur voice. good luck :)
Uh, dude? Where have you been? :P
He has been with Peanut Butter Gamer helping film his videos
nah he's still making em.
The Best DLC Packs I ever played was Witcher 3's Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine DLC packs.
The former is a 10 hour story focused journey while the latter is an experience that is on par with AAA games in 2016 in terms of size and quality
shovel Knight is my favorite game of all time, I've bought it 4 times on 4 different platforms, and I couldn't agree more. the SoH campaign is amazing, so is SoT, but PoS is absolutely geniuses crafted, and amazingly fun.
SoH=shovel of hope- shovel Knights campaign, SoT- specter of torment- specter's campaign (the latest one) and PoS= plague knight's campaign
Is it bad that it took me until the final boss to realize that I could hit projectiles back at enemies?
i cant freaken wait for the specter knight DLC! i might get shovel knight for the switch if its ported over too!
Adam Eason spectre will be on the switch, so I assume shovel knight will be ported.
Shuriken dongle yes, it has been confirmed, when the DLC comes out, you can either buy all 3 in one for a little more than it is now or you can buy one individually (if you already have it, its the 3 in one) so if you want the switch port with all 3 you will need to pay a little more... im more than willing to do that!
Adam Eason I'm hoping to get the switch asap, but everywhere near to me is sold out, even Amazon!
Shuriken dongle honestly, i can wait... its not like the games are going anywhere... but still i suggest nowinstock.net if you want to see when you can get one!
Sick mate, thanks.
Where'd ya go???
Every time I see a new video of yours, I slightly panic when I see your hair...
I have done research and found that Plague of Shadows is canon, (inconsistencies are Plague Knight's storytelling).
Chipotle is for explosions too. A certain kind of explosion. 6 years late to the punchline but sometimes that's how it goes. lol
I'm guessing plague Knight is a full metal alchemist fanboy
Mhh.... have you tried learning the double burst jump?
Hold burst, Jump-*burst* - thrownhold - jump - *burst* Youl essentially be flying
You didn't even talk about the custom cut scenes, the plot, and the health tonics.
playing it literally right now
Since the levels were designed around Shovel Knight himself, I found the previously consistent levels on a ridiculously varying difficulty curve. Some levels you could clear with extreme ease, but some areas were just obnoxious, especially since Plague Knight takes more knockback than Shovel Knight. In Shovel of Hope, Propeller Knight is fairly easy as long as you do your best to resist lateral movement when the pits open up and pogo Propeller Knight to death. But the same boss in Plague of Shadows is obnoxious because it feels like every hit taken sends you careening into a pit. And the bottomless pits instakill you when you "touch" them because the were made under the presumption that the main character can't double jump or bomb jump. If the camera was able to scroll further downward, the pit would logically give Plague Knight a chance to recover, but no! And it feels like the Flying Airship is over-saturated with checkpoints because the developers couldn't find a way to rectify stuff like this.
I feel like the only good boss fights in the Plague of Shadows campaign are Shovel Knight and the final boss. These were bosses made for Plague Knight alone, and they weren't too easy or too tedious. The thing that annoyed me most about the game was that enemies would need to hit you 8-20 times to kill you, but it only takes 1 spike or 1 death pit to send you back to the last checkpoint. In that respect, it felt more like I was being trolled than challenged. The final boss of Plague of Shadows did away with the cheap deaths because it was more than hard enough without them. It was fantastic!
Its not difficult at all and controls are really good. I love platforming games and compared to the games I played in the 80s plague of Shadows is easy lol.
Hey Todd, are you still making these? There amazing!
This game is such a Gem
Shovel Knight is a great series - keeping it simple :D
Oh lord I died so many times as Plague Knight than I did Shovel Knight, and winning never felt so gratifying. But seriously, you're becoming freaking Afroman with that look, and I don't mean that in a bad way at all.
I agree with it being DLC done right, but I disagree with the Plague Knight>Shovel Knight thumbnail.
I'd say that the DLC for Muramasa Rebirth is just as good, even though it's not free (and in all fairness, it isn't Crowd Funded and likely much more expensive to make what with Vanillaware's beautifully intricate art and Japanese voice acting, as well as the subsequent text localization), but it's still pretty cheap and you can buy them all in bulk at a discount and it's often on sale.
It's 4 new characters with detailed characters, completely different playstyles, a new set of unique bosses, and new stories that expound upon the canon.
90% of the time i used the same bomb combo, wich is Bounce + Component + Standard
I know it's supposed to be harder but to me it was easier. I finished in half the time and had only a third of the deaths I had in shovel knight. To me it was more fun and I felt more powerful. Also can't wait for spectre knight and king knight dlc.
This was the 2nd best dlc. The no.1 now is Specter of Torment
you should look at a game that had potential that was untapped like "remember me" and how it became "life is strange". it may not be rated s ,but it might be nice to look at what could be and not what is
I wonder what do you think about specter of shadows.
Could you do a video on spectre of torment?
Please review the new DLC Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment
this one got me to sub
How is his plague knight armor different?
I recently bought this on my 3ds just cause I haven't used that in a while to play a game and I cant tell if its just the system that I am on or the actual controls but I am terrible at this DLC. I cant make it through levels without getting hit multiple times or dying so much that I never have enough money to actually get better bursts for jumping. i think its the burst jumping overall though that I don't like it seems so unpredictable at times. I am always falling in to holes just beyond or before where I want to go.
+Greg Wooten You gotta play keeping in mind that you are now Plague Knight. The float jump will really help you however it is the perfect beginners stepping stool into mastering his burst jump or just a perfect example of an upgrade that makes things a bit easier for players who are unfamiliar with the mechanics.
You were on matpat's channel recently so where r u now Man
If you want to play as scout wearing a dovahkiin helmet you can not its a heavy exclusive
Just picked up Shovel Knight again (Bought it when it came out, beat it, kind of forgot about it for a while there) and honestly.... I like Shovel Knight's campaign more.
Don't get me wrong, I'd play either game, but the fact that you ahve to pause the game constantly in order to change potions really kills the flow of the game for me.
Honestly. once you figure out the double burst, all you need is the staff of striking. Everything else just becomes annoying
Do you think they'll make other dlc's for the other knights ? I really hope so.
If I remember correctly, I believe they confirmed they are! They were planning concepts for both Specter Knight and Kings Knight.
It has been a while since I watched ProJared's interview on the subject, but I feel that it was indeed confirmed.
I love the story behind plague of shadows. There was more interesting dialogue, and it gave even more personality to some characters. Compared to shovel knight though, I personally dislike the gameplay. Shovel knight has very tight controls, and well defined mechanics, which is what I love most about it. It's a simple game to learn, and if you make a mistake, it's all on you. Plague Knight is a lot more difficult to control however, and with the many different bombs, powders, etc., it's incredibly annoying having to switch between them for different tasks, especially with how fast paced a lot of screens in the game are, whereas with shovel knight, everything can be done with JUST the shovel, but if you want to use a relic, they're quick, and easy to switch between. The Plague of Shadows DLC just feels more geared towards elitests, which is a shame. Getting some of the SK feats was difficult enough, I can honestly say I probably won't even waste my time trying for all the PK feats.
Holy shit it's the Afro with man attachment from the shitty TF2 vs overwatch vid.
I completely agree, I would've bought a plague knight game
Plague of Shadows is so underated I mean IT'S 100% FREE
anyone else hyped for the king knight DLC?
The True Color Purple me! But I'm wondering what type of gameplay could he bring
How about the other dlc? Specter of torment
Would give Plauge Of Shadows a S+ cause it is free
Dat Fro.
Where are you? :(
You can completely break the game by having compound bombs+ boomerang arc, the bullet dash, and shoryuken arcana. Nothing survives that combo.
What if Mario had to ride a tank? I got some news for you man x)
...Then he plays Specter of Torment
When did red foo start reviewing videogames
DAMN I MISS YOU TODD, no romance intended... unless you dont mind :3 im also a guy who is straight sooo... eh?
I'll disagree about the fact that bomb mechanics more better than shovel mechanics. Even though I myself liked more playing as Plague Knight (with cases, powders and fuses for every situation) my friend admitted (and I agree with him) that it's makes things much more complicated and sometimes I myself have gone crazy with changing bombs EVERY step. Just imagine scene like that:
Propeller Knight: Ah... Plague Knight... Have you liked my... Wait... What are you doing?
Plague Knight: Hmm... That case would be good... or that one? Hmm... But... Main question is... Which powder? Hmm... Also... Do not forget about fuse? Ah... Prop... Please, just give me one minute more, okay?
Battle Begins. After sometime Propeller Knight swings into flight.
Plague Knight: TIMEOUT!
Propeller Knight: WHAT?
Plague Knight: I need to change a case... And fuse... And maybe powder...
Propeller Knight: *helmetrapier*
Playing as Shovel Knight is much more easier and plays a lot like good old classic platformers.
update: Sentry Fuse indeed is fancy, but a complete shit so to speak. They fail to explode in time with flying enemies and with atleast one sentry bomb in air, you'll have less bombs to throw. Also, all bursts are kinda just for the sake of being there, because through all game you'll use only slow falling burst. Well... Rolling burst maybe useful (espically if you using it with damageable floor). Shooting burst fires as far as you can throw your bombs. Ice burst is... Ice burst is... What the point of ice burst?
update2: Again you're saying it's like playing as Plague Knight is SO HARD. Yeah, if it's hard to use your brain. But all fat enemies (this guys with cogs for example) are completely pathetic with your bomb spam power (or big explosions) and also Plague Knight has extra jump, burst and such arcanes as vat, staff of surging and berserker brew which makes platformes sections a little more easier (if you aren't greedy sunava bitch).
update3: WHA? WHAT? Plague Knight is HARDER? Are you serious? It's fucking complicated, but it isn't hard. It's much more easier, when... Well... You have a giant pit with no obstacles or enemies. Who do you think going to get through it?
As a lover of Kirby gameplay, constant change isn't bad; it's more of a learning curve. Learn what bombs to use for what situation and change according to situation. Propeller Knight can easily be defeated by lob casing and the Staff of Surging since they attack upwards.
I think this bob Ross guy is the one who defended tt2 despite not knowing a single thing about it.