Why are you protecting these racist guys? The former President Philip Schlaffer, who founded this club, confirmed that the club was bunch of racist. I'm a German and the term nazi is very missleading. The classical (neo-)nazi not really more excist, is more about race and "white"-culture. Furthermore these guys are criminals, who are more intrest in money then ideology.
Yeah, German work ;) Or maybe they just wanted it super clean for the camera team, haha. And I know their president is a hygienic fanatic wo desinfects his hands 20 times per day, maybe that's a reason also
if anyone is wondering - no, the iron cross does not really symbol neo nazism. it’s been used in prussia or germany for hundreds of years as a symbol of the german army. yes, it was used by nazis, but just because it was used by them doesn’t mean it’s a nazi symbol instantly. it’s still used today by the german army and are they nazis? no.
You're information is incomplete. Whether made of iron or otherwise, it is a symbol of death. Romans were crucifying people long before any of this. Under De Fuhrer, crucifixion was used to kill dissenters, Christians, and yes, Jews. Only one Jew rose from the grave and conquered that death: Y'shua Hammashiach. Will you receive his life today? The life he bought for you by his death, burial, and resurrection ?
@Angelccyn King There are still parts of the world where Communism and Marxism thrives - ideologically and Socialism is what is favoured institutionally..!
The president, Philip Schlaffer, is now a social worker speaking about how he used to be a Neo-Nazi and he left the club after he abandoned those beliefs
Bald, SS, iron crosses, super illegal in Germany, “Don’t like certain people.” WW2 Mauser Rifle on display, Swastika tattoos, Nazi memorabilia... couldn’t imagine why they’re suspected nazis
7:46 the writing on the wall above the club calender reads "my punctuality expresses that your time is to me as valuable as my own" How could it get even more German??
I was thinking the same thing when I saw the workout schedule, and accompanying signatures on different days. And the "eat off the floor" cleanliness. Similar but very different from American MC's. Impressed the shit out of me actually.
@@Lupinotuum66How are they wrong? Did you miss the part where these clubs like to make subliminal or backhanded statements? They literally call themselves the SS
People generally say Neo-Nazis are lazy and make problems, and due to this stereotype they are hardly accepted in jobs but you know what, refugees from the middle east are also lazy and can hardly find a job in Europe. So...
LilFaV36 Das sind nichtmal NeoNazis? Ich verstehe nicht was du hast? Und Bruder. Die Asylanten sind nicht besser 😂 Freue mich wenn Bayern endlich PAG verabschiedet und auch ne Grenzpolizei einführt. Und ich hoffe du bist nicht links. Denn das ist so das dümmste was es politisch gesehen gibt. Wenn doch. Raus aus Deutschland...
The Empire nenn mich nicht Bruder bitte ich finde deine Meinung abstoßend.. und nein ich bin ich, weder links noch rechts aber bevor ich mich aufgrund meiner Herkunft über andere Menschen/Lebewesen stelle oder Ihnen das Recht auf ein friedliches Leben verwehre oder abspreche, werd ich lieber Kommunist! Man ich finde es doch auch scheisse wenn kriminelle hierhin kommen aber als Geflüchteter ist man das doch nicht automatisch und wenn welche von den 100000 die hierhin kommen scheisse bauen, dazu gibt es deutsche polizei... aber es gibt doch überhaupt nur Flüchtende, weil sie in ihrem eigenen Land an deutschen Waffen sterben und natürlich kommen dann auch kriminelle hierhin, wenn Deutschland Kriegsgebiet wäre und man flüchten müsste um sein Leben zu retten, würden auch deutsche kriminelle in andere Länder gehen und da scheisse bauen... wenn du rechts eingestellt bist(vollkommen deine Sache, ich finde es halt scheisse), dann müsstest du doch auch extrem unzufrieden mit der deutschen Politik sein, das bin ich auch.. warum musst du denn dann deine Wut auf Geflüchtete schieben und Ihnen das Recht auf ein normales Leben verwehren, wir können uns doch auch zusammentun, und versuchen, etwas da oben zu verändern. Und zwar friedlich! Je mehr Menschen zusammenarbeiten, desto stärker werden sie und du hättest weitaus bessere Chancen auf ein Leben, in dem dir "kriminelle Ausländer" nicht mehr auf den Sack gehen, weil einfach alles zusammen leben könnte.
Lol bullshit, there is NO SS Gestapo helmet you fool. Gestapo had no helmets and the SS helmets are the same as normal German soldier, it's the emblem what makes them "different". There was not one helmet in the video which was an SS helmet.
Perhaps worth mentioning that Philipp, their president back in the day, left this far-right biker gang, turned buddhist, and nowadays helping kids as a social worker.
Philip is now an anti- violence trainer and works with kids who are approachable to extremism and with extremistsin prison. He has a youtube channel, visits schools and wrote a book. He is giving back to the community and he has my respect for leaving All of this behind and taking responsibility for his actions
Well, the club is forbidden now and several members in prison. The club and its members were involved in violent crimes, prostitution and drug trafficking. www.nordkurier.de/mecklenburg-vorpommern/rockerclub-schwarze-schar-mc-wismar-verboten-084203601.html web.archive.org/web/20150101050518/www.ndr.de/nachrichten/mecklenburg-vorpommern/Drogen-Prozess-gegen-Ex-Rocker-Urteile-erwartet,schwarzeschar158.html
The most shocking thing about that video was the precise attention paid to the presentation of the finger foods. The image of one of those guys meticulously choosing each fruit and carefully constructing it for optimum ambiance is hilarious. And that’s not an insult either. Hell, I love me a good hourderve table at a party.
I only wish more time would have been dedicated to the "biker" aspect of their club, rather than every other nonsensical matter. They're interior decorators, expert chefs, they can decorate a food platter like no one else... and way down the line, they're bikers.
Vice started going ass up to the liberals, politics, and other whiners. Just like everyone else they sold out. Not long after this they became another unbearable she'll of who they once were.
You have obviously zero clue about the true values these nutters represents... That nation happened to start two world wars! Try realising what imprint such megalomania leaves on future generations. The amount of brutal robotic airheads in East Germany are eye opening ... 👀💩
@@goodsforsale3588 and bikers shouldn't have to tell shit to anyone we don't need to prove ourselves to any one or anything of the like I don't give a fuck what scene your from MC - BC - RC this is the truth plain out
@@goodsforsale3588 yes fox news is bad both the right and left are to blame for this giant ass political war that's become a world fight so I say don't pick a side just believe in what you believe in
I lived in Wismar 8-9 years ago. I came across them a few times and had no problems, but it was very shocking to see them because of how big they were and how tattooed they were. Wismar is a town with a population, I would say young and from the area, quite racist. I remember several episodes, including one where all the Erasmus students were forced to leave the town for the weekend because there was a neo-Nazi congregation where groups from the north of Germany were coming. In any case, I recommend visiting Wismar, it's a beautiful city and it's not the typical image of a German city that we have.
This is hilarious. Some foreign nation literally hosted you for nothing and you blame them for racism. Yet here you are, complaining on the internet after nothing happened? The rudeness...
@@maxworner4584 In this I saw no evidence of them being neo-nazi's. I'm also pretty sure that it is against German law to form groups/clubs whose focus is nazism/far right extremism. Several of them were shut down and prosecuted against. I remember this from my time living in Germany several years ago. So, Max; where is your evidence? Aside from your pathetic attempt at a personal insult :)
@@fredcrinson2715 as they said at the beginning a lot of the members are former openly admitting neo-nazis they still have a lot of typical neo nazi tattos and are proud of them. So where is the problem.
@@felix5115 former members (especially one I'm assuming is out bad) like an ex-spouse are not trustworthy as a source of information. The thing about violence in the 1% world is it's within the 1% world, don't want to be a victim stay in your own lane and mind your own business.
Pedro Quintana Castillo www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DBhCWAlneB1s&ved=2ahUKEwit1YSkwfLcAhXBcsAKHWteCj4Qt9IBMBV6BAgNEF0&usg=AOvVaw1Er_Ds0V6zu5R8ktDc-Oob
Saw that. And militarily clean and tidy ... and a strict PT regime ... Germany shld be running the world now ... or the Swiss. Too many frenchies there tho probably ..
I understand why these biker clubs are looked into by the government. On surface, everything is legal. But in practice these people are basically organised military aged males. These people could take action in a civil war type of environment, and form factions. I think the idea for lots of these groups is to stay under the radar and legal, until "sh*t hits the fan" and then they spring into action. For example in Germany, when immigration goes too out of control and German government/police loses control.
Umm, I'd be more concerned about their involvement in regular crime - "multikriminell" is the fitting german expression. A couple of things the former president of this exact biker club has mentioned: Selling cocaine and growing cannabis on a large plantation, pressing people into prostitution, protection blackmail (the old "there is someone out there who's after you, let me solve that for you my good friend", after smashing their windows), threatening people on contract by other people, fraud for real estate, even fraud to win local radio raffles (there was a radio moderator who owed them money, they made him "pick" numbers of friends of theirs from the pile of entrants, giving them the answer to the €10000 prize question beforehand - including the president of the club)... Apart from the ever-present violence, obviously.
@Shaun A just because you don't care for laws doesn't mean you are running drugs and killing people . Idk what these guys are about so I'm not going to assume .
@@anD4riL what charges ? Probably assault . Not ok but to claim that they are a Nazi hate group is nuts . If they were real hate groups we would see alot more violence considering the amount of Islamic extremism in their own country
“ nobody wanted to come to our parties “ ...I just picture them all sat around a table blowing those squeaky things in a half-hearted fashion in front of uneaten jelly & ice cream and wearing very sad expressions...😂
These guys are literally big teddy bears that have moved on to peaceful ways. The clickbait title isn’t really considerate of the kindness they showed you.
Poorly they didnt! shortly after this video the Club was fortbidden in Germany by law and they were deeply involved in drug dealing, prostitution and Business violence! The president speaks today openly about his criminal past and is a Buddhist now! No shit ... google for Phillip Schlaffer!
Journalists are scum. They'll smile and be humans to your face, take your hospitality, and then sell sensationalism and lies to keep the sheep reading. Society doesn't need them anymore. Any guy on the street with a camera phone does better actual journalism these days.
Smashing Barrel well, i presume you don’t reside in germany so let me try to educate you. the smile and condescending tone can easily be recognized here. she is taking the piss out of them hidden behind a facade of kindness. notice how the mc members or their girlfriends respond - you don’t have to speak the language but tone is very clearly sincere and genuine. every point the interviewer brought up was presented as a “zinger”, a gotcha moment. it’s not getting mad about a smile, it’s the shameless denigrating way she was speaking. as if to children. i’m surprised they were so cool about it having talked so much about respect and receiving none of it. but then again, when german mc members are more civilized than a reporter that’s how you know vice is actually full of propagandist shit. schöner tag noch :)
@@IAM-kc5ov I'm an ethnic German and white if I say that they call me a racist or Nazi. But I don't care anymore. I love my people and what we have created.
T Hof That is because they are brainwashed and simply do not possess the intellect to evolve their thinking beyond what has been force fed them throughout the years. I’m an indigenous New Zealander and I too love my home land and my people just as I believe everyone should no matter what. It saddens me to see what’s being done to your people in Germany these days, I don’t care what anyone says either I think it’s refreshing to hear a German express their love for their people and their Heimat, i believe this thinking is greatly needed in these times because a great injustice is being done and even i noticed from here just by witnessing the ridiculous immigration policy and the damage it’s caused to the German way of life in such a short amount of time. I would fight to preserve my culture and we somewhat managed to do so throughout the years, but I strongly feel for you Germans who are a bright and intelligent group of people, who have always greatly contributed to the world in terms of technological advancement and science. Whoever calls you a Nazi just for expressing your love for your people are truly deranged and if they actually learnt the REAL truth about what happened back then they wouldn’t be saying that shit. If it wasn’t for Germany then all of Europe would have fallen victim to bolshevist communism and who knows what could have happened to the rest of us and our countries if that was the case. In my eyes you people were the last knights of Europe. And if any liberal SJW psychopath is reading this remember this is coming from a Māori, a “non-white” person. God bless and protect you and your people friend. Lang lebe Deutschland!
Richtig interessant sind die Gespräche, die man nicht gezeigt hat. Ich habe heimlich gelauscht! 4:46 - 2 Stunden vorher: Basti (ruft in Richtung Küche): „Hey Richard, kannst Du bitte noch die Käsepieckser vorbereiten? Und gib Dir bisschen Mühe, später kommt doch noch die Frau von der Vice.“ Richard: „Ich Vice!“ Basti (lacht): „Hö hö hö“ Richard (lacht): „Hö hö“ Basti: „Misch dann bisschen durch, also Gauda und Emmentaler und grüne und rote Trauben“ Richard: „Geht klar! Ich lege die dann erstmal auf ne Platte und gebe dann Norman Bescheid. Der baut doch immer so schöne Käse-Igel.“ Basti: „Prima Idee! Sag Norman dann noch, er soll bitte auch wieder so nen schicken Würstchen-Turm und einen Früchte-Teller vorbereiten.“ Richard: „Oh ja, spitze!“
In 2014, two members were arrested with 253g of cocaine. The former leader Philip Schlaffer was also questioned in this context.[9] On December 17, 2014, Schlaffer was sentenced to two years and 10 months in prison by the Schwerin district court for illegal drug trafficking. He had previously made a partial confession during the trial.[10] A trial of four other Black Band members in the same court also ended in prison terms, one of which was suspended.
I cannot believe the these guys do not ride Harleys if you look closely you can see up close to their Redding Yamaha and so forth if you could relay this message to him and ask them what we do in the states is driving American bike bigger than 1000 cc's I think that's what they should do their
John Tuttobene you really think they care what Americans ride? I'm pretty sure they aren't going to pay twice as much for an American bike that is less powerful and less reliable than it's Japanese counterpart.
This is the problem with VICE they read a definition of a word without understanding the process behind it, and this is why people are so reactionary these days they lack context and understanding of the sociopolitical and ideological contexts, socialism is derived from communism does it make it all the same no but even the words national-socialism are self explanatory the definition is bias due to the implementation VICE is the kind of pussy fart media outlet that would swear up and down that norse runes are nazi symbols even though they're separated vastly by history the peace sign is a norse rune and depending its orientation represents death and life.
I feel like no matter how many of these kinds of docs you watch. The gang culture around the world is more similar than different. Whether they are rehabilitating from past transgressions and violence and moving forward in a positive way or sticking to old ways and doing the more negative bad things........it always seems to be at the core about finding a sense of belonging, family and purpose
Good observation, thats what nearly everybody is looking for. Other reason is armed forces working 4 you, joining a gang with business in mind. Often its both and thats what fucks it all up
I know right. We think of ourselves as humans to be so multifacited and unique. But as a group ypu always find the same type of people in certain groups whereever you are on the globe. Like, you'll never find a bunch of nerds grouping up to form a biker club. Or a bunch of tough fuckers forming book club 😂
Java Flask I'm going to tell you one thing, they stay in tact a whole load longer than your bare skull when you fall off at 180km/h. No it won't be good for impact protection or keeping your face pretty but neither are that relevant on a motorcycle.
Carsten Oepping When did I say Nazis were cool. If you are referring to the helmets being worn by the Wehrmacht and such in WW2 those helmets were also used in the first world war in the later days.
These dudes legit scare me because they are clean, well-spoken, well-funded, organized, yet you look at them for one sec and you're like "These dudes are legit tip top 1%er's." I would not want to mess with this group. No way!
@@Jynx1927 I only found German news links. They where outlawed in January 2014 after 6 years of existence. The reason was that many members, including the top dogs, where heavily involved in weapon and drug dealing. But the former president Philip Schlaffer (not in the video because of his "state funded vacation" ) is, believe it or not, now some kind of social worker, involved in prevention and working with violent youths. We actually turned out a pretty nice guy for a former neo Nazi, hooligan and professional criminal. He has a UA-cam channel, too.
If these dudes scare you don't go near the bikers in New Zealand called the Mongrel Mob, they'll give you nightmares. Oh and they proudly wear and fly the Swastika
While I don't agree at all with what they think and believe, they are much better than a lot of American gangs, as they're more peaceful, and really just seem to be there to have fun together and yeah... Could be worse
I think people have lost the ability to accept that people, especially white Europeans have the right to accept Nazi believes, its just like accepting/following any other belief. groups of people dont have to like each other, i mean take Chinesse for example, high percentage cannot stand black people one bit so regardless of whether its right of wrong they have the right to feel that way, it would be unnatural if we all liked each other :) Whats even worse you only have to be protector of old Eu cultures and their preservation against race mixing, globalization and you are automatically labeled racist, especially by Americans, not all but high percentage, especially globalist media. As for me i agree with some things and not with some other, again its only natural. I mean its important to understand subject at hand in great detail to be able to make a agree or disagree decision :)
O.k. I did not knew that the A.B. also excisted on the east coast. I am only from a very small country , the Netherlands, we have Hell's Angels, No Surrender, Satudarah, and from Germany the Nomads sometimes show their faces. The government here wants to make an end of the motorgangs by making them criminal organisations. I already heard most of them want to go to Belgium were they have easier rules. Only the important members have a rol the rest of the members also have a chance to become victim of their own gang but this is too long story to tell here,
"Viele von uns sind vorbestraft, da reicht eben sone Kleinigkeit wie "Einbruch" oder so um wieder zu sitzen" Ja moin, sowas passiert mir auch ständig mal nebenbei.
Ist natürlich leicht zu sagen, wenn man ein privilegierter Kleinbürger ist und nicht mal weiß, wie man Arbeit oder den Versuch, um jeden Preis an Geld zu kommen buchstabiert
lol thats just because these bikers arent stupid. if they would have told or shown something nazi related, the club would have been shut down within a week.
These guys are clever, maybe you remember the SS, if not google it. And SSFI can be related to the former SS though they claim SS means "Schwarze Schafe" which is translated "black sheep", "FI" means "Fuer Immer " or "forverver" ...
Why is every single report from germany about neonazis? Is there nothing else in Germany that you find interesting enough? Sure, there is some justification to make something about neonazis when talking about Germany, because neonazis do have a small hold in parts of east germany, even though they have lost most of it over the years. But why every single one? Including these not-really-neonazis. Germany has much more to show than Neonazis!
***** "why the fuck are you arguing back and forth"? Seriously? Why are you? Now go educate yourself, surely you wouldn't want borderline retarded internet trolls to represent the future generation unless your standards are that fucking low.
***** Really? Is that your comeback? Ouch, stop talking before you embarrass yourself more than you already have. BTW. it's funny how you automatically assume I'm a guy. Have a day, keyboard warrior.
Maybe the Hidden SS symbols every where ? If you were a nazi would you want regular people or the cops to know ? or just think you the neighborhood-nice-guy?
People don't realise that they actually used this documentary to purposely make themselves out to be really nice people trying to live out their lives in peace. I've seen this done first hand, everyone has been instructed to be on their best behaviour, not talk about their criminal side and to only engage in topics that would earn them favour with "normal" people.
yeah i cuoldnt understed them for real the video kinda felt fake honestly there is something wrong with them but i couldnt put the finger on it then i read your comment and i can see why you are probebly right
the club was banned by the German gouvernment in 2014, some went to other clubs like the former VP who is now a Hells Angel, some went back to being nazi and some moved on
Seem like nice guys to me. They acknowledge their past as being bad and for the most part moved on to other things. I've met Hells Angels here in LA and they were some of the nicest guys I've ever met.
+CaliPatriot88 what do you expect? That criminals are always acting like dicks? A person can be nice and polite to you and still be a racist hateful criminal that sells drugs and weapons and kills people that get in his way and rapes women.
+Zoe Fiedler sorry but when you don't have a idea of such things i would Räte you to shut up OK? I'm not a Nazi but it is wrong to like his Land no i think not !
hey I'm very grateful to be born here too and I like living here for multiple reason and I don't really get your point. I commented this a while ago and I was simply saying that just because a person was nice to you doesn't mean he isn't a terrible person. MangaWelt
@@benjimcghie2329 Whomever you vote for the actual power doesn't change. All media is at the hand of a billionaire oligopoly, so is every strategic industry (pharma, energy, internet, seeds, food...) and the people at the top of each all have the same interests. They're never put in jail because they rule the show, media and politics are just pawns to give you the illusion of choice.
In Sweden people who are in that scene and go to prison call "going on vacation". It's just an expression. And I guess some feel that it actually is a vacation from all the stress and demands.
Interestingly that guy is the only one who isn’t a nazi anymore he turned his life around and gives speeches in schools to keep young people away from groups like the ones in the video.
As you can see, we are outlaw bikers but our clubhouse is very tidy and well maintained and all our weapons are arranged in alphabetical order since we can't help being German. Also we have a strict schedule for our rides and keep accurate minutes of all our meetings.
Because in truths we are a crime syndicat and need this structurs so we can work and opperat. Most MCs are not renegade bikers but crime syndicats this days.
Yeah who is funding " the dancefloor"? Do they all work regular jobs outside the club? I only see white members for a group that claims to be diverse. I mean if you know you are going to be filmed and get some exposure for your group. You are definitely going to clean it up and put stuff away that would incriminate themselves.
Finantially secure skinhead bikers. I do get confused in the future. In my time ( 1985) , the Patch wearing 1% tear- up country lanes high on rough cider , magic mushrooms & speed - having not been employed or bathed or near scissors since the 70s. The black guys are across town in a huge cloud of green - but wouldn’t go near the Outlaws’ Clubhouse in first place !
@wantafanta01 Dont be an ass. You watch the doc and its right there. How often do you see German ,white gang members,most with shaved heads, leader in jail, all interviewed belonged at one point to a very violent racist gang previously and showing tattoos of swastikas and depictions of ww1/ww2?? The mexican flag thats there? Probably for an upcoming flag burning.
The entire documentary is way too ambiguous and fails to show how dangerous this specific MC was. This club was definitely not as harmless as it is being portrayed here and the members of the MC deliberately played the part of naive and sympathetic outlaws. In truth, many of them were involved in numerous violent offenses, drug trading and illegal prostitution. Two years after this interview, a member of the MC stabbed people at a festival for making fun of his jacket. Just a year after that, the club was eventually forbidden and their club-house raided by police. The club president Philip Schlaffer, along with five other members, was sentenced to two years in prison for his involvement in a massive cocaine dealing ring. He has since then been released from prison, separated from the biker and neo-nazi community and has publicly spoken out against the neo-nazi sentiments of himself and the former MC members. It is important to mention that this club used to be in the village of Gägelow, which is a famous hotspot for neo-nazis in Germany. While the club officially renounced its neo-nazi routes before being banned (possibly to distract authorities from their own illegal activities), many members were likely still involved in neo-nazi communities. Good sources about the MC are the previously mentioned interview with Philip Schlaffer (which I highly recommend): ua-cam.com/video/pK5YUIusZSA/v-deo.html as well as these more critical news paper articles: www.nordkurier.de/mecklenburg-vorpommern/rockerclub-schwarze-schar-mc-wismar-verboten-084203601.html taz.de/Drogenhandel-im-Rockermilieu/!5045245/ This is another interview by VICE with people living in neo-nazi communities in and around Gägelow: ua-cam.com/video/hG-FLv-4u8E/v-deo.html Lastly, this is a fascinating interview with members of a neo-nazi community less than 10km away from the old clubhouse. Interestingly, you can actually see what appears to be a biker in the MC's attire in the background. www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/panorama_die_reporter/Im-Nazidorf,sendung447204.html
Yeah,or they became more progressive when they got to the big city but wanted to keep pimping and selling drugs,I feel like I've met some Skinheads stateside with that vibe at least. Either way,I have no doubt just by looking at this that it's a fucking gang.
Nah, its ok that the 3rd Reich symbols are illegal, but the Germans have to watch to the future not to the the past. We make us bader than we are and we have nothing to do with the 3rd Reich today, because the most 2. WW Veterans are dead. We have to get proud on our country again
What xD Everything seems cool with Military style in their club but the Mexican Flag is there in their Kitchen for parties lol These guys love may be tacos xD
Living Germany and growing up in the Biker scene my whole life, people often get the wrong impression. My dad is a big, bald, tattooed biker guy in his own club as well, meeting other clubs, I know many others as well and they are not these big, scary monsters. Yes, there are some exceptions of "gangs" (my dad never calls his club a gang. He see's it as an insult, he isn't a gang member, he's a club member who loves to ride bikes and so on) who do nothing but cause trouble and shit. Most legit clubs hate gangs like that, they don't want them associating with them either. These guys are some of the norm you see in Germany, we have 1% but a large group of Viking Biker clubs which is also a really cool like layer of the biker scene in Germany. But in reality, these guys are honestly just teddy bears. They love their brothers and familes and would do anything for them but are not afraid to bare their teeth if you fuck with them too much.
there is world of different between M/C clubs and Biker Gangs who are mainly criminals who live outside the law( drugs/smuggling/stealing) the SS tattoos are a give away. They are still nazis.
They're absolutely not neonazis. And as someone who speaks german the subtitle translation was criminally misleading. This purposeful manipulation of information and other peoples speach should be illegal.
I believe it is. In the U.S., it's called "libel". Doing so verbally is called "slander". However, because the First Amendment grants even liars the freedom of speech, it is extremely difficult to prosecute or sue. There are very high legal standards, and the burden of proof is on the plaintiff to prove that the lie has caused damage to one's character, public reputation, and has come to great (often monetary) costs. Otherwise, the deception is of no legal consequence. But I agree that journalists should be held to very high legal standards.
@@andrewnolastname2337 yes the title is click bait, we're on UA-cam, that's how it works. If you read the title and don't watch the video, yours just stupid.
This club has been banned for years now for involvement in drug trafficking and illegal prostitution. According to the interviews given by Philip Schlaffer, the former MC president, they absolutely were neo-nazis back around the time when this report was filmed.
It's very sad, unfortunately, Vice. Apparently there are no more technical or content standards at "Vice Documentaries". The audio is just so insanely bad that even freshman or school projects would do better. The topic is actually good, unfortunately poorly researched. The host seems unprepared, her questions just scratch the surface and in general it seems very unreflective. Even for a reportage in this style just very thin. Was this something like a trainee film?
Rudi Kalleun Kann sein aber trotzdem reden die viel anständiger als Araber mit einem Hochschulabschluss.. Sogar viel anständiger als Spanier mit einem Hochschulabschluss 😂 Hast du ja nicht viel gereist...
Ondrej Pazdernik hab ich noch nicht so viel nach Arabien gereist, stimmt, nur eins bis drei mal! Und ich kenne auch nicht viele Hochbeschulte Spanier, ich lach mich kaputt, du Eintagsfliegen behirnte Wurst! Ich gründe jetzt einen MC wo nur Hochschüler innen drinnen sein dürfen, da bist du schon mal raus.
My polish grandfather was a POW in ww2. He was stationed and forced to work in germany. He was let free when the war was over and the one thing he learned and took with him to the grave was the diciplineand neatness that he adopted. the germans are amazing at that! Everything is on point and everything runs like a clock
your grandpa adopted this discipline because it was to only thing that stood between him and a 100% death chance, and even with it he could have been killed just because one of the guards felt like it
Schau dir den Kanal Philipp Schlafer an das ist genau der um den es da geht auf seinem Kanal erklärt er alles rund um die Zeit ich rechts Extremismus dir Zeit im Rocker Club die Zeit in haft warum er in haft war usw
@@FIMOE123 they can still be Nazis having something against jews and Muslims but liking Spanish culture and in the old days nazi germany would have nothing against to have Spain in their side but it was neutral and greece and italy were in nazi side but i know what you gice mean it looks funny xD (sry for Bad English Im german) Johannes
@@zrentnerjohannes5731 it's just people are stupid and they think just because some one is a National socialist they have to hate every race... Makes me laugh really because most people that comment have no idea what a real Nazi is.. Lol..
@@gottistkrieg943 bessttiiiimmmt xD This group is banned now in Germany and labeled officially a criminal, neo nazi biker gang with heavy involvement in drug trafficking, illegal prostitution and violent crimes( protection money/racially motivated hate crimes) and multiple members of the gang have been imprisoned. Schwarze schar in short SS surely a coincidence since the group was founded by hardcore neo nazis of group werewolf that was also about to be banned by the government. And the tattoo SS for life just a coincidence yeah…. Just as wearing all the nazi emblems and symbols proudly… if you think there is no evidence in the video then you don’t know anything at all about neo nazi symbols! I mean they’re name is literally SS
WATCH NEXT: The Far-Right Tribe Sacrificing Animals - ua-cam.com/video/BGTlAE0dVnA/v-deo.html
Bruh you guys have no idea what nazis look like 💀
Far right tribes dont sacrifice animals lol
@@suahannecarpenter887who knows they probably play Wolfenstein lol
“Government funded vacation” Damn that’s the nicest way to say someone got sent to jail
now that you mentioned it, that makes perfect sense. lmao.
It is holiday when you go to prison
That's straight up LCN lingo.
They have those in China
@@erica8332 What do they have in China?
So these guys abandoned their Neo Nazi behavior to start an MC. And Vice goes: Look at that neo Nazi MC. Classy
no, typically eastern germany, so called "Ossis" halt. Do not take them to serious therefore!
Why are you protecting these racist guys?
The former President Philip Schlaffer, who founded this club, confirmed that the club was bunch of racist.
I'm a German and the term nazi is very missleading. The classical (neo-)nazi not really more excist, is more about race and "white"-culture. Furthermore these guys are criminals, who are more intrest in money then ideology.
@@SlimShadyChiller german=nazi. You are a nazi by a fact of your existence
@New King Nothing racist about being proud of your skin :D
UA-cam discussion with you losers is so annoying...
@@SlimShadyChiller do you think being proud of your culture or skin is racist? If so,why?
Dude... Thier clubhouse is super clean, even the grill didn't look greasy
Yeah, German work ;) Or maybe they just wanted it super clean for the camera team, haha. And I know their president is a hygienic fanatic wo desinfects his hands 20 times per day, maybe that's a reason also
The president actually "converted" into doing crime Prevention
@@lebenmachtkunstlifepowersa9813 i know, i follow his UA-cam channel
@@siegfriedschmitz5260 bist du auf tasch bei deiner Rede?
@@lebenmachtkunstlifepowersa9813 tasch? Kenn ich nicht. Und was hat das mit diesem Video hier zu tun?
if anyone is wondering - no, the iron cross does not really symbol neo nazism. it’s been used in prussia or germany for hundreds of years as a symbol of the german army. yes, it was used by nazis, but just because it was used by them doesn’t mean it’s a nazi symbol instantly. it’s still used today by the german army and are they nazis? no.
You're information is incomplete. Whether made of iron or otherwise, it is a symbol of death. Romans were crucifying people long before any of this. Under De Fuhrer, crucifixion was used to kill dissenters, Christians, and yes, Jews. Only one Jew rose from the grave and conquered that death: Y'shua Hammashiach. Will you receive his life today? The life he bought for you by his death, burial, and resurrection ?
It's like the Rebel flag in the south do we use it as racism hell no it's apart of the south it is a battle flag. Enough said....
But even the nazi symbol (swastika) isn't nazi.
It's a Buddhist/Hindu symbol
@@LewisNuke92 it's still a nazi symbol
@strifaheimer klan are the biggest fucking retards to ever exist
Vice is like a mom that never noticed she’s no longer cool.
they sold the company to the mouse that's why.
That's fucking mean of a thing to say. Parents always do their best to keep ur bitch ass happy
@@subdiplomatic sweet home alabama
one two ahhh ok so my mom trying to sell me for the happy sniff sniff stuff is her trying to keep me happy
i wish i could explain things like this
You can tell they are german they are so organised
+Eck rather not
+Broken Doll thanks
jim lennon YW I don't like people being rude for no reason. He's probably another keyboard warrior wannabe.
+Broken Doll i would agree x
They just play way too much video games
Interviewer: "Are you guys nazis?"
Bikers: "No we are apolitical."
Interviewer: Walks away.. "what a bunch of Nazis"
Being apolitical is political
@@noahsherwood2445 That was not the point of Hill billy Entertainment.
@New King You don't speak for everyone. Also communism is a sub-sect of marxism so it's redundant for you to say "communist and Marxist".
@Angelccyn King
There are still parts of the world where Communism and Marxism thrives - ideologically and Socialism is what is favoured institutionally..!
@@alanmanoj5930 not really.
@4:44 The fact that there's a Mexican theme going on in the nazi club house is pretty funny and random
i think its more funny to me and im mexican lmao
I seen and was like wtf is Mexican flags decoration doing inside
There’s times where people are racist as hell and still also listen to black artists. I don’t get it lol.
Yes it is funny. Maybe they were inspired by the close ties of the Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia.
Latinos are not really a problem, its the muslims, arabs, africans and israelites.
These gangs are way more disciplined than my office mates........
U and your office mates just love having fucking toms mate
frilink So true hahahahaha
frilink 🤣🤣🤣
For the camera,sure!
“We are not nazis” Vice: “proud nazis”
The president, Philip Schlaffer, is now a social worker speaking about how he used to be a Neo-Nazi and he left the club after he abandoned those beliefs
Bald, SS, iron crosses, super illegal in Germany, “Don’t like certain people.” WW2 Mauser Rifle on display, Swastika tattoos, Nazi memorabilia... couldn’t imagine why they’re suspected nazis
Dude, they still have Reichswehr symbols on their jackets.
"Korean Democratic Republic" The world "Is a dictatorship"
But. Chew are very proud of killing Palestinians and black Friday.
7:46 the writing on the wall above the club calender reads "my punctuality expresses that your time is to me as valuable as my own" How could it get even more German??
@@freesoftwareextremist8119 ne
I was thinking the same thing when I saw the workout schedule, and accompanying signatures on different days. And the "eat off the floor" cleanliness. Similar but very different from American MC's. Impressed the shit out of me actually.
"meine ehre heist treue"?
I'd prospect for these guys and I'm not even German or far right.
It seems that women don't understand brotherhood.
My German dad shows up to everywhere 2 hours early and has literally never been late once in his life.
“ The motorbike club have stated they are no longer neo nazi”
“So here are the neo nazi bike gang” 😂😂
Stupid Vice
@@Lupinotuum66How are they wrong? Did you miss the part where these clubs like to make subliminal or backhanded statements? They literally call themselves the SS
@@Lupinotuum66classic modern day "journalism"
always eventually overtaken by primal ideological urges
I mean they have ss tats and flex em so idk if they're necessarily regretful.
@user-lx1lu8qr7espot on. It was more likely to government pressures about nazi rhetoric then them miraculously changing their bigoted beliefs.
Imma be honest. Last thing i expected them to be doing was mandatory workouts and preparing ethnic finger food for parties
And they do
Eating good food is better than eating 💩
What? Their people too
Food is food. And all hate/terrorist grouped make their member works out
@scuffed stephen its the american way to say "not white"
"No, he's on a temporary government-funded holiday right now" Best answers ever.
Jail? haha
Eric Åkermo I have to remember that one. That was funny as hell lol
People generally say Neo-Nazis are lazy and make problems, and due to this stereotype they are hardly accepted in jobs but you know what, refugees from the middle east are also lazy and can hardly find a job in Europe. So...
LilFaV36 Das sind nichtmal NeoNazis? Ich verstehe nicht was du hast? Und Bruder. Die Asylanten sind nicht besser 😂
Freue mich wenn Bayern endlich PAG verabschiedet und auch ne Grenzpolizei einführt.
Und ich hoffe du bist nicht links. Denn das ist so das dümmste was es politisch gesehen gibt. Wenn doch. Raus aus Deutschland...
The Empire nenn mich nicht Bruder bitte ich finde deine Meinung abstoßend.. und nein ich bin ich, weder links noch rechts aber bevor ich mich aufgrund meiner Herkunft über andere Menschen/Lebewesen stelle oder Ihnen das Recht auf ein friedliches Leben verwehre oder abspreche, werd ich lieber Kommunist! Man ich finde es doch auch scheisse wenn kriminelle hierhin kommen aber als Geflüchteter ist man das doch nicht automatisch und wenn welche von den 100000 die hierhin kommen scheisse bauen, dazu gibt es deutsche polizei... aber es gibt doch überhaupt nur Flüchtende, weil sie in ihrem eigenen Land an deutschen Waffen sterben und natürlich kommen dann auch kriminelle hierhin, wenn Deutschland Kriegsgebiet wäre und man flüchten müsste um sein Leben zu retten, würden auch deutsche kriminelle in andere Länder gehen und da scheisse bauen... wenn du rechts eingestellt bist(vollkommen deine Sache, ich finde es halt scheisse), dann müsstest du doch auch extrem unzufrieden mit der deutschen Politik sein, das bin ich auch.. warum musst du denn dann deine Wut auf Geflüchtete schieben und Ihnen das Recht auf ein normales Leben verwehren, wir können uns doch auch zusammentun, und versuchen, etwas da oben zu verändern. Und zwar friedlich! Je mehr Menschen zusammenarbeiten, desto stärker werden sie und du hättest weitaus bessere Chancen auf ein Leben, in dem dir "kriminelle Ausländer" nicht mehr auf den Sack gehen, weil einfach alles zusammen leben könnte.
Not going to lie, their motorcycle helmets are cool as fuck.
they look like old ww1 or ww2 helmets ^^ I also like their skull masks... :3
Because they're wwii helmets
replica of ww2 helmets
Lol bullshit, there is NO SS Gestapo helmet you fool.
Gestapo had no helmets and the SS helmets are the same as normal German soldier, it's the emblem what makes them "different". There was not one helmet in the video which was an SS helmet.
ha ha ha!
Perhaps worth mentioning that Philipp, their president back in the day, left this far-right biker gang, turned buddhist, and nowadays helping kids as a social worker.
This is a cap right? 😂😂
No its the truth
He is not a Buddhist, the rest is right. He even has a UA-cam channel where he tells his life story. Very interesting and a conformed person 😊
@@Louis-mv1kjhe is Buddhist
They have a Mexican flag in their clubhouse and Vice calls them white supremacists
@@2025-e4n A Mexican is not white. Stand them next to someone from Finland and note the differences.
@@triple6758 i am greek ,what do you think about me ?am i white or something else?
@@giwrgoslos9343 White like Snow. Well probably not that white
@@giwrgoslos9343 Depends. What generation of Greek are you?
@@triple6758 i live in Greece.i have always been in Greece
"Not stopping at red lights", woah, they are fucking rebels
+Bryan Espinosa Don't think you wan't fight with theam in real. Think about it!
+Bryan Espinosa Aha yea but i bet they get court easily look at there bikes they all have number plates...
+Bryan Espinosa Oh no. I'm one of them. Stupid violent people.
godly sarcasm
>no longer Nazis
Vice: "proud Nazis"
Says alot about society
They are obviosly still nazis
@@generaltictac3411 Where?
@@sparkrain3580 Everywhere 👀
German media. Everything that doesn't suit their ideologies, is Nazistuff. Its crazy here.
Philip is now an anti- violence trainer and works with kids who are approachable to extremism and with extremistsin prison. He has a youtube channel, visits schools and wrote a book. He is giving back to the community and he has my respect for leaving All of this behind and taking responsibility for his actions
what is his channel called
@scyth of hades Making money!
@@charris8653 Philip Schlaffee
@@charris8653Ex Rechte Rotlicht Rocker - Philip Schlaffer
Philip is also interviewed by "LADbibleTV" called: My Life Inside A Neo-Nazi Group, which was released 23rd of July 2023.
"What are these guns for?"
*shows nintendo*
That is a powerfull one
Probably a hidden supercomputer to target israel
Vice title: inside a dangerous neo nazi motorcycle club
Video: they interview a bunch of well spoken people about life in a normal MC
Well, the club is forbidden now and several members in prison. The club and its members were involved in violent crimes, prostitution and drug trafficking.
yajo891 are you serious haha
well, media.....
lol look for darksouls its a motor cycle club affiliate to hells angel in canada and they do rap
joker28666 neo nazis dont have to be dumb my friend.....only Dangerous
The most shocking thing about that video was the precise attention paid to the presentation of the finger foods. The image of one of those guys meticulously choosing each fruit and carefully constructing it for optimum ambiance is hilarious. And that’s not an insult either. Hell, I love me a good hourderve table at a party.
*ambience* and *hors d`oeuvres* wiseguy.
@@mjh5437 We’re all impressed. Everyone- gather round!! This man’s a genius!! Oh instruct us further wise one!!
@@DocHolliday-vg1zw I’d rather just call it whores devour and be done with it lol
@@yourfriendlyneighborhoodsa9058 love it haha
yep lol the toothpick hourderve's on the back of the overturned watermelon got my attention
I only wish more time would have been dedicated to the "biker" aspect of their club, rather than every other nonsensical matter. They're interior decorators, expert chefs, they can decorate a food platter like no one else... and way down the line, they're bikers.
Vice started going ass up to the liberals, politics, and other whiners. Just like everyone else they sold out. Not long after this they became another unbearable she'll of who they once were.
In what way don't you define them as bikers? They don't have beards or long hair?
You have obviously zero clue about the true values these nutters represents...
That nation happened to start two world wars! Try realising what imprint such megalomania leaves on future generations.
The amount of brutal robotic airheads in East Germany are eye opening ... 👀💩
They ate actually quite intelligent folks haha just sad how it's turned into crime it should be focused on motorbike and freedom peace anti corruption
Not gonna lie those helmets are badass
Good ol' Stahlhelm.
If you think that nazi helmets are badass...
@@pinut187 german helmets not nazi helmets dont say the wrong things dude
@@pinut187 cry about it
*biker on Harley Davidson drives past wearing WW2 helmet*
Fuck off
Lol you're damn right.. too much fuss over petty stuff
Reading is difficult for you no? Read the bloody description you moron.
@Christian Weissmuller Okay, what do those sjw fucks have to do with this conversation?
I find it hard to believe anything vice says
@@ВукВуксановић I don't because they're full of fucking shit
@perry dubbzz its really sad bikers are under attack in such a nasty ass vicious way
@@goodsforsale3588 and bikers shouldn't have to tell shit to anyone we don't need to prove ourselves to any one or anything of the like I don't give a fuck what scene your from MC - BC - RC this is the truth plain out
@@goodsforsale3588 yes fox news is bad both the right and left are to blame for this giant ass political war that's become a world fight so I say don't pick a side just believe in what you believe in
Why whats the reason u wouldnt??
I lived in Wismar 8-9 years ago. I came across them a few times and had no problems, but it was very shocking to see them because of how big they were and how tattooed they were.
Wismar is a town with a population, I would say young and from the area, quite racist. I remember several episodes, including one where all the Erasmus students were forced to leave the town for the weekend because there was a neo-Nazi congregation where groups from the north of Germany were coming.
In any case, I recommend visiting Wismar, it's a beautiful city and it's not the typical image of a German city that we have.
You are a chew.
If it is beautiful, stop recommending it because people ruin it easily
@@bhson95stop coping, it’ll be good for the local economy
This is hilarious. Some foreign nation literally hosted you for nothing and you blame them for racism. Yet here you are, complaining on the internet after nothing happened? The rudeness...
@@testtor2714 That is the true nature of the chew. Always has been, always will be.
None of this is neo-nazi. Pure clickbait from Vice.
its not clickbait
You dont know anything idiot
@@maxworner4584 In this I saw no evidence of them being neo-nazi's. I'm also pretty sure that it is against German law to form groups/clubs whose focus is nazism/far right extremism. Several of them were shut down and prosecuted against. I remember this from my time living in Germany several years ago. So, Max; where is your evidence? Aside from your pathetic attempt at a personal insult :)
@@fredcrinson2715 as they said at the beginning a lot of the members are former openly admitting neo-nazis they still have a lot of typical neo nazi tattos and are proud of them. So where is the problem.
God people are morons. Is reading descriptions really that difficult for you?
I like their rule that every member has to workout 4 times a week! 👌
romukauppias you’ve gotta be ready for war at all times
This is actually really common amongst prison gangs and seems to be spreading as more guys leave prison and enter back into the gang scene
@@bult6920 Lifting weights doesn't make you a good fighter..
@@romukauppias force of a punch is weight of arm x speed ... So yeah
@@romukauppias there's also a reason that their is weight classes in boxing and mma even 5/10 can negates alot of skill..
I'm about 3 seconds in and I've already got a sense of what kind of "journalism" I can expect.
She got that let me speak to your manager haircut
Then Google for the vlog of the former president of this MC, then you will realize that you tell total bullshit here
@@felix5115 former members (especially one I'm assuming is out bad) like an ex-spouse are not trustworthy as a source of information. The thing about violence in the 1% world is it's within the 1% world, don't want to be a victim stay in your own lane and mind your own business.
she understand da world - she tough gal - she smart no?
love how the woman in 15:55 just runs away from them
here in Germany, even biker gangs are strictly organized lmao
I love how they have a fine for people who are late to meetings!^^ Things just have to be efficient in Germany
Pedro Quintana Castillo www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DBhCWAlneB1s&ved=2ahUKEwit1YSkwfLcAhXBcsAKHWteCj4Qt9IBMBV6BAgNEF0&usg=AOvVaw1Er_Ds0V6zu5R8ktDc-Oob
Saw that. And militarily clean and tidy ... and a strict PT regime ... Germany shld be running the world now ... or the Swiss. Too many frenchies there tho probably ..
What does it mean? Like SA? Politic structure? Drug seller? Bike clubs?
Can we take a second to appreciate that bikers can knock up a wicked fruit platter 😂
Yep I noticed that too! And some sweet finger sandwiches!
Haha they’re so thoughtful
MWC...Never mind the fruit, I am drooling over that delicious grilled meat.
I'll bet they got their women folk to do that.
Iv seen neo Nazis. These ain't neo Nazis
Are you serious? These guys owned a Nazi shop in Wismar before, which was called Werwolf Shop. You can google it.
Of course they're not neo nazis, they're just nazis.
Sure, it's a Jewish biker club !
read the description deep shit... they are FORMER neo nazis
I understand why these biker clubs are looked into by the government.
On surface, everything is legal. But in practice these people are basically organised military aged males.
These people could take action in a civil war type of environment, and form factions.
I think the idea for lots of these groups is to stay under the radar and legal, until "sh*t hits the fan" and then they spring into action.
For example in Germany, when immigration goes too out of control and German government/police loses control.
Umm, I'd be more concerned about their involvement in regular crime - "multikriminell" is the fitting german expression. A couple of things the former president of this exact biker club has mentioned: Selling cocaine and growing cannabis on a large plantation, pressing people into prostitution, protection blackmail (the old "there is someone out there who's after you, let me solve that for you my good friend", after smashing their windows), threatening people on contract by other people, fraud for real estate, even fraud to win local radio raffles (there was a radio moderator who owed them money, they made him "pick" numbers of friends of theirs from the pile of entrants, giving them the answer to the €10000 prize question beforehand - including the president of the club)... Apart from the ever-present violence, obviously.
I think these guys just like to ride motorcycles and hang out.
@Shaun A just because you don't care for laws doesn't mean you are running drugs and killing people . Idk what these guys are about so I'm not going to assume .
Yo fr but they also like to not gaf too 💀😂
@@DH702..Well 4 of them went to prison for Drug related charges and they nearly killed one guy from another Mc.
@@anD4riL what charges ? Probably assault . Not ok but to claim that they are a Nazi hate group is nuts . If they were real hate groups we would see alot more violence considering the amount of Islamic extremism in their own country
Well, what's with the Nazi philosophy then?
that's a nice way to spell jail time XD
Took me a sec to realize what he meant ima use that frome now on
Wdym? Here in the UK we get paid holidays
“We’re not like that anymore” “we just like to have parties with everyone!” Vice: NaZiS
Have you even watched the video? She clearly states how they have left behind their neo-nazi past.
You just wanted to insult Vice right?
@@salut730 the title, and the thumbnail is the reason why people clicked the video
@Niggawaffen Xx based
“ nobody wanted to come to our parties “ ...I just picture them all sat around a table blowing those squeaky things in a half-hearted fashion in front of uneaten jelly & ice cream and wearing very sad expressions...😂
lol they put up a thin veneer so they can avoid too much trouble, they aren't hiding where their sympathies lie.
The subtitles are very professionally done.
All saying they're MC's but I didn't hear any of them spit a single bar
the comment i was waiting for :D thanks!
You're only a year late.
Sorry, what does that mean?
Deat87 An MC is another term for a rapper. Bars are lyrics/verses of a rap song.
Flubadubdub The Great oooh ok, I thought it was biker slang :D
These guys are literally big teddy bears that have moved on to peaceful ways. The clickbait title isn’t really considerate of the kindness they showed you.
Poorly they didnt! shortly after this video the Club was fortbidden in Germany by law and they were deeply involved in drug dealing, prostitution and Business violence! The president speaks today openly about his criminal past and is a Buddhist now! No shit ... google for Phillip Schlaffer!
literally everyone can act nice for the camera..
Yeah actually....they dont look very rude
Journalists are scum. They'll smile and be humans to your face, take your hospitality, and then sell sensationalism and lies to keep the sheep reading.
Society doesn't need them anymore. Any guy on the street with a camera phone does better actual journalism these days.
@@longaar2408 But they weren't Nazis anymore, they didn't lie on that.
Entschuldigung, aber das erste Kamerateam war sicher Galileo.
Die sind immer die ersten am Platz😂😂
Do u like me iAm a gay Jew
@@firstandlastswagman269 ?
@@firstandlastswagman269 what
@@firstandlastswagman269 good for you buddy
to anyone wondering, the 1% patch means that your involved in criminal aspects of MC lifestyle. the 99% patch means your law abiding.
Absolutely untrue.
She is the most unprofessional interviewer ever to exist
SF2-KaNaPiNiS Every fucking time she starts talking she smiles awkwardly and that pissed me the fuck off the whole video....
I actually thought i would end as a gang-bang.. that's wat i'm used to watch at
Smashing Barrel well, i presume you don’t reside in germany so let me try to educate you. the smile and condescending tone can easily be recognized here. she is taking the piss out of them hidden behind a facade of kindness. notice how the mc members or their girlfriends respond - you don’t have to speak the language but tone is very clearly sincere and genuine. every point the interviewer brought up was presented as a “zinger”, a gotcha moment. it’s not getting mad about a smile, it’s the shameless denigrating way she was speaking. as if to children. i’m surprised they were so cool about it having talked so much about respect and receiving none of it.
but then again, when german mc members are more civilized than a reporter that’s how you know vice is actually full of propagandist shit. schöner tag noch :)
True 100000000%.She has a Stupid smile...in fuckingface
Say what you will about Ze Germans but they're really good at designing helmets.
No. It's too easy to spot Jager with his big ass helmet in Rainbow Six.
@@IAM-kc5ov I'm an ethnic German and white if I say that they call me a racist or Nazi. But I don't care anymore. I love my people and what we have created.
T Hof That is because they are brainwashed and simply do not possess the intellect to evolve their thinking beyond what has been force fed them throughout the years. I’m an indigenous New Zealander and I too love my home land and my people just as I believe everyone should no matter what. It saddens me to see what’s being done to your people in Germany these days, I don’t care what anyone says either I think it’s refreshing to hear a German express their love for their people and their Heimat, i believe this thinking is greatly needed in these times because a great injustice is being done and even i noticed from here just by witnessing the ridiculous immigration policy and the damage it’s caused to the German way of life in such a short amount of time.
I would fight to preserve my culture and we somewhat managed to do so throughout the years, but I strongly feel for you Germans who are a bright and intelligent group of people, who have always greatly contributed to the world in terms of technological advancement and science. Whoever calls you a Nazi just for expressing your love for your people are truly deranged and if they actually learnt the REAL truth about what happened back then they wouldn’t be saying that shit. If it wasn’t for Germany then all of Europe would have fallen victim to bolshevist communism and who knows what could have happened to the rest of us and our countries if that was the case. In my eyes you people were the last knights of Europe. And if any liberal SJW psychopath is reading this remember this is coming from a Māori, a “non-white” person.
God bless and protect you and your people friend.
Lang lebe Deutschland!
Dutch is the best all the way 🙌
Richtig interessant sind die Gespräche, die man nicht gezeigt hat. Ich habe heimlich gelauscht!
4:46 - 2 Stunden vorher:
Basti (ruft in Richtung Küche):
„Hey Richard, kannst Du bitte noch die Käsepieckser vorbereiten? Und gib Dir bisschen Mühe, später kommt doch noch die Frau von der Vice.“
Richard: „Ich Vice!“
Basti (lacht): „Hö hö hö“
Richard (lacht): „Hö hö“
Basti: „Misch dann bisschen durch, also Gauda und Emmentaler und grüne und rote Trauben“
Richard: „Geht klar! Ich lege die dann erstmal auf ne Platte und gebe dann Norman Bescheid. Der baut doch immer so schöne Käse-Igel.“
Basti: „Prima Idee! Sag Norman dann noch, er soll bitte auch wieder so nen schicken Würstchen-Turm und einen Früchte-Teller vorbereiten.“
Richard: „Oh ja, spitze!“
😂😂😂 Made my day
Christian Weissmuller
"Ich Vice" Geil alter ^^ zum totlachen xD
Ich brech ab😂😂
@Christian Weissmuller haha "die SJW-Tante XD" rofl
In 2014, two members were arrested with 253g of cocaine. The former leader Philip Schlaffer was also questioned in this context.[9] On December 17, 2014, Schlaffer was sentenced to two years and 10 months in prison by the Schwerin district court for illegal drug trafficking. He had previously made a partial confession during the trial.[10] A trial of four other Black Band members in the same court also ended in prison terms, one of which was suspended.
‘He’s on a temporary government funded holiday”😂😂😂😂
looks like they have a lot of free time
because they have no jobs lol
They are not free, I live in Germany and if you want to join a gang you can't leave or you'll never see the light again
I cannot believe the these guys do not ride Harleys if you look closely you can see up close to their Redding Yamaha and so forth if you could relay this message to him and ask them what we do in the states is driving American bike bigger than 1000 cc's I think that's what they should do their
John Tuttobene you really think they care what Americans ride? I'm pretty sure they aren't going to pay twice as much for an American bike that is less powerful and less reliable than it's Japanese counterpart.
I´d rather get me a honda Valk
They're so clean, and decent looking compared to American outlaw bikers.
yeah americans are just...not it
This is Germany … nearly everything here is clean and descent … even the things on the border of the regular Society
@@luisschmidtfpv951 dude ur so lucky.. I can't stand where I live
@@luisschmidtfpv951 Maybe in Hamburg and Frankfurt but definitely not in Berlin.
Its the german way
For a ruthless biker gang these guys have incredibly nice things..
They are well funded
Let's put it in really short terms Vice, Nazism is an ideology, not a fucking costume.
Glare_Elite VICE doesn’t understand simple concepts like that.
i thought it was a pile of steaming shit
This is the problem with VICE they read a definition of a word without understanding the process behind it, and this is why people are so reactionary these days they lack context and understanding of the sociopolitical and ideological contexts, socialism is derived from communism does it make it all the same no but even the words national-socialism are self explanatory the definition is bias due to the implementation VICE is the kind of pussy fart media outlet that would swear up and down that norse runes are nazi symbols even though they're separated vastly by history the peace sign is a norse rune and depending its orientation represents death and life.
Well said
Anti-Semitism... I don't think Nazism is the proper term
I feel like no matter how many of these kinds of docs you watch. The gang culture around the world is more similar than different. Whether they are rehabilitating from past transgressions and violence and moving forward in a positive way or sticking to old ways and doing the more negative bad things........it always seems to be at the core about finding a sense of belonging, family and purpose
Good observation, thats what nearly everybody is looking for. Other reason is armed forces working 4 you, joining a gang with business in mind. Often its both and thats what fucks it all up
I know right. We think of ourselves as humans to be so multifacited and unique. But as a group ypu always find the same type of people in certain groups whereever you are on the globe.
Like, you'll never find a bunch of nerds grouping up to form a biker club. Or a bunch of tough fuckers forming book club 😂
#Bulgarian is combat today 😢
"Temporary government funded holiday" Is the best name I've ever heard for prison.
German prison, maybe.. he definitely wouldn't say that in fucking Brazil
Really nice coverage. What kind of beer did they have and cake. That braai/BBQ looks nice, I need to visit.
Must admit those helmets are fucking cool
Wont do much if ya fall off though lol but yeah looking cool is the most important thing...............
Java Flask
I'm going to tell you one thing, they stay in tact a whole load longer than your bare skull when you fall off at 180km/h.
No it won't be good for impact protection or keeping your face pretty but neither are that relevant on a motorcycle.
Java Flask
It isn't as life-threatening as going helmless which you suggested.
Java Flask Well, Stahlhelms werent made for bikers but for other reasons....
Carsten Oepping When did I say Nazis were cool. If you are referring to the helmets being worn by the Wehrmacht and such in WW2 those helmets were also used in the first world war in the later days.
These dudes legit scare me because they are clean, well-spoken, well-funded, organized, yet you look at them for one sec and you're like "These dudes are legit tip top 1%er's." I would not want to mess with this group. No way!
@FiroK92 good
@FiroK92 news link?
@@Jynx1927 I only found German news links. They where outlawed in January 2014 after 6 years of existence. The reason was that many members, including the top dogs, where heavily involved in weapon and drug dealing. But the former president Philip Schlaffer (not in the video because of his "state funded vacation" ) is, believe it or not, now some kind of social worker, involved in prevention and working with violent youths. We actually turned out a pretty nice guy for a former neo Nazi, hooligan and professional criminal. He has a UA-cam channel, too.
elite is always above the rest and not in main movement.. no matter it the way is good or evil...
If these dudes scare you don't go near the bikers in New Zealand called the Mongrel Mob, they'll give you nightmares. Oh and they proudly wear and fly the Swastika
While I don't agree at all with what they think and believe, they are much better than a lot of American gangs, as they're more peaceful, and really just seem to be there to have fun together and yeah... Could be worse
Bikers aren’t “gangs” they’re clubs
I think people have lost the ability to accept that people, especially white Europeans have the right to accept Nazi believes, its just like accepting/following any other belief. groups of people dont have to like each other, i mean take Chinesse for example, high percentage cannot stand black people one bit so regardless of whether its right of wrong they have the right to feel that way, it would be unnatural if we all liked each other :)
Whats even worse you only have to be protector of old Eu cultures and their preservation against race mixing, globalization and you are automatically labeled racist, especially by Americans, not all but high percentage, especially globalist media.
As for me i agree with some things and not with some other, again its only natural. I mean its important to understand subject at hand in great detail to be able to make a agree or disagree decision :)
come to australia
In the USA you also have Aryan Brotherhood (AB) most of members around or in Texas so there is not much difference...
O.k. I did not knew that the A.B. also excisted on the east coast. I am only from a very small country , the Netherlands, we have Hell's Angels, No Surrender, Satudarah, and from Germany the Nomads sometimes show their faces. The government here wants to make an end of the motorgangs by making them criminal organisations. I already heard most of them want to go to Belgium were they have easier rules. Only the important members have a rol the rest of the members also have a chance to become victim of their own gang but this is too long story to tell here,
Mag Philips Channel von jetzt. Ist n netter Typ geworden.
"Viele von uns sind vorbestraft, da reicht eben sone Kleinigkeit wie "Einbruch" oder so um wieder zu sitzen" Ja moin, sowas passiert mir auch ständig mal nebenbei.
Ja man letzte Woch erst wieder aus versehen ne alte Oma ausgeraubt
yee bro vor einigen tagen bin ich ausversehen in die olga reingegangen.
@@daswarniksogemeint7032 raub und einbruch sind aber was komplett anderes ;-)
Ist natürlich leicht zu sagen, wenn man ein privilegierter Kleinbürger ist und nicht mal weiß, wie man Arbeit oder den Versuch, um jeden Preis an Geld zu kommen buchstabiert
@@DarkDescent666 die meisten kleinbürger gehen morgens um 7 auf arbeit für knapp 2k im Monat ... hätte ich auch kein bock drauf
This shows nothing Nazi related at all just biker gang nothing more. Great title to get views. Lies
John Groce What about the iron crosses and the SS tattoos? They're neo Nazis, they just can't say it because they would be arrested.
lol thats just because these bikers arent stupid. if they would have told or shown something nazi related, the club would have been shut down within a week.
These guys are clever, maybe you remember the SS, if not google it. And SSFI can be related to the former SS though they claim SS means "Schwarze Schafe" which is translated "black sheep", "FI" means "Fuer Immer " or "forverver" ...
John Groce Idiot! Wohl keine Ahnung was SS wirklich bedeutet!
John Groce right
It took me a while to click that government sponsored vacation meant prison
Lol when i read that i laugh out loud.
@@michael5725 when u read what
@@educationenthusiast2145 what you said, "he is on government funded sponsored", I found it funny. Sorry no useful info here
Also we are 1% but not criminals. Our boy is in jail but he’s innocent. Trust us
@@alexbasshead idk man. I don’t know how to trust anyone who flip flops on their beliefs
Thank you for this entirely unbiased and unfiltered look into these people's culture and lives
Unbiased ? Look at the fucking title
Why is every single report from germany about neonazis? Is there nothing else in Germany that you find interesting enough? Sure, there is some justification to make something about neonazis when talking about Germany, because neonazis do have a small hold in parts of east germany, even though they have lost most of it over the years. But why every single one? Including these not-really-neonazis.
Germany has much more to show than Neonazis!
***** False, there's also one about a guy with a silicone inflated dick. Though I'm not sure what to say about that.
***** chill the fuck out
***** Don't you have a school to go back to? oh I forgot, it's that time of the year again.
***** "why the fuck are you arguing back and forth"? Seriously? Why are you?
Now go educate yourself, surely you wouldn't want borderline retarded internet trolls to represent the future generation unless your standards are that fucking low.
***** Really? Is that your comeback? Ouch, stop talking before you embarrass yourself more than you already have. BTW. it's funny how you automatically assume I'm a guy. Have a day, keyboard warrior.
How are they Neo-Nazis? They seem just like any other biker gang and you can tell they just love their country.
Plus those helmets or should I say "stahlhelm" are pretty fucking cool.
DemoLex they’re a Club. Not “gang”. And yeah those helmets fucking Rock lol
Easy go there while being black the issue is they have white as fuck girl talking to them
what ? you missed the 1% flag on the wall ? Of course they are a gang.
Maybe the Hidden SS symbols every where ? If you were a nazi would you want regular people or the cops to know ? or just think you the neighborhood-nice-guy?
People don't realise that they actually used this documentary to purposely make themselves out to be really nice people trying to live out their lives in peace. I've seen this done first hand, everyone has been instructed to be on their best behaviour, not talk about their criminal side and to only engage in topics that would earn them favour with "normal" people.
Spot on good checking this because they almost fool everyone
Exactly everyone else in here is somehow expecting career criminals to not lie about their convictions and past
go drink your Soy lattée little soy boy
yeah i cuoldnt understed them for real the video kinda felt fake honestly there is something wrong with them but i couldnt put the finger on it then i read your comment and i can see why you are probebly right
I love that they all require each other to work out 4 times a week. Kind of wholesome and adorable
It's crazy how even the rowdies in Germany are still very eloquent. lol
My lawyer said something similar recently.
They all look white so they are superior and speak fluent and coherent.
Well he's their poster boy, a lot of those people aren't as eloquent, believe me.
Neo nazis not rowdies…..
It looks like they have some good food not going to lie.
marlon green one reason to join I guess
50% of the translation says nothing but something completely different that the brothers actually says, anyways~🇩🇪👌
ja mann find ich voll scheiße
@A Amdl people who don't want to hear the truth don't care
playboy gang raised by theirs gramma 4:52
American here. I'm going to crush you Nazis like a cockroach if it ever comes to that again
I wonder if these guys are still all together since its been 9 years since the videos were made?
The club was disbanded after a raid where most of their officers were arrested and the president sold the rest of the club out
the club was banned by the German gouvernment in 2014, some went to other clubs like the former VP who is now a Hells Angel, some went back to being nazi and some moved on
Seem like nice guys to me. They acknowledge their past as being bad and for the most part moved on to other things. I've met Hells Angels here in LA and they were some of the nicest guys I've ever met.
+CaliPatriot88 what do you expect? That criminals are always acting like dicks? A person can be nice and polite to you and still be a racist hateful criminal that sells drugs and weapons and kills people that get in his way and rapes women.
+Zoe Fiedler Why are you so angry?
+Zoe Fiedler sorry but when you don't have a idea of such things i would Räte you to shut up OK? I'm not a Nazi but it is wrong to like his Land no i think not !
hey I'm very grateful to be born here too and I like living here for multiple reason and I don't really get your point. I commented this a while ago and I was simply saying that just because a person was nice to you doesn't mean he isn't a terrible person. MangaWelt
***** Lol no they're not. Go to LA or Hollywood and you'll find out.
Vice: Neo Nazis
Reality: Just some chill biker dudes
So you live in this city then?
@@perfreisberg3434 i live just a few miles/kilometers away they are nice guys if you dont piss them off.
@@perfreisberg3434 actually i do
The Germans are such a nice people, even their neo Nazis and bike gangs, are respectful and Disciplined
@Willkommen im Dornenreich Vergleich doch keinen Motorrad Club mit organisierten Verbrechern😂
That girl running off at the cafe steps was priceless!!!
Cuz camera...
Europe private life.
Yah, she probably didn't want to be in their family movie
Because any German can tell that they are nazis on first sight….
Started running when she seen the camera later on…
If you leave bikers alone they leave you alone !
Whats so hard to understand ?
Let them live their lives in peace .
Unless, of course, you have something they want, and someone who happens to know you owes them money.
"Government funded vacation"
This is one North Korean way of saying it lol
The West is just as authoritarian as NK, it's just more subtle here.
@@Guydebute how?
@@benjimcghie2329 Whomever you vote for the actual power doesn't change. All media is at the hand of a billionaire oligopoly, so is every strategic industry (pharma, energy, internet, seeds, food...) and the people at the top of each all have the same interests. They're never put in jail because they rule the show, media and politics are just pawns to give you the illusion of choice.
In Sweden people who are in that scene and go to prison call "going on vacation". It's just an expression. And I guess some feel that it actually is a vacation from all the stress and demands.
8:07 "Government-funded holiday", "I can't talk about it"
Sounds a lot like prison to me.
Dion Prineas it’s prison
yeah it was pretty obvious.
He made fun of it ;)
Interestingly that guy is the only one who isn’t a nazi anymore he turned his life around and gives speeches in schools to keep young people away from groups like the ones in the video.
As you can see, we are outlaw bikers but our clubhouse is very tidy and well maintained and all our weapons are arranged in alphabetical order since we can't help being German. Also we have a strict schedule for our rides and keep accurate minutes of all our meetings.
Because in truths we are a crime syndicat and need this structurs so we can work and opperat. Most MCs are not renegade bikers but crime syndicats this days.
Yeah who is funding " the dancefloor"? Do they all work regular jobs outside the club? I only see white members for a group that claims to be diverse. I mean if you know you are going to be filmed and get some exposure for your group. You are definitely going to clean it up and put stuff away that would incriminate themselves.
And yeah - I bet there’s a row of Files with the Minutes of their meetings ( a back- up in case of tech problems ) 😁
Finantially secure skinhead bikers. I do get confused in the future. In my time ( 1985) , the Patch wearing 1% tear- up country lanes high on rough cider , magic mushrooms & speed - having not been employed or bathed or near scissors since the 70s. The black guys are across town in a huge cloud of green - but wouldn’t go near the Outlaws’ Clubhouse in first place !
@wantafanta01 Dont be an ass. You watch the doc and its right there. How often do you see German ,white gang members,most with shaved heads, leader in jail, all interviewed belonged at one point to a very violent racist gang previously and showing tattoos of swastikas and depictions of ww1/ww2?? The mexican flag thats there? Probably for an upcoming flag burning.
i juat wanna kno the name of the two bikes in minute 15:27 the grey one and the black
please help me
The entire documentary is way too ambiguous and fails to show how dangerous this specific MC was. This club was definitely not as harmless as it is being portrayed here and the members of the MC deliberately played the part of naive and sympathetic outlaws. In truth, many of them were involved in numerous violent offenses, drug trading and illegal prostitution. Two years after this interview, a member of the MC stabbed people at a festival for making fun of his jacket. Just a year after that, the club was eventually forbidden and their club-house raided by police. The club president Philip Schlaffer, along with five other members, was sentenced to two years in prison for his involvement in a massive cocaine dealing ring. He has since then been released from prison, separated from the biker and neo-nazi community and has publicly spoken out against the neo-nazi sentiments of himself and the former MC members.
It is important to mention that this club used to be in the village of Gägelow, which is a famous hotspot for neo-nazis in Germany. While the club officially renounced its neo-nazi routes before being banned (possibly to distract authorities from their own illegal activities), many members were likely still involved in neo-nazi communities.
Good sources about the MC are the previously mentioned interview with Philip Schlaffer (which I highly recommend):
as well as these more critical news paper articles:
This is another interview by VICE with people living in neo-nazi communities in and around Gägelow:
Lastly, this is a fascinating interview with members of a neo-nazi community less than 10km away from the old clubhouse. Interestingly, you can actually see what appears to be a biker in the MC's attire in the background.
Yeah,or they became more progressive when they got to the big city but wanted to keep pimping and selling drugs,I feel like I've met some Skinheads stateside with that vibe at least. Either way,I have no doubt just by looking at this that it's a fucking gang.
Yah, yah, yah. Obviously, they're not going to film any of that! They prolly show this sht to school kids as 'educational documentary' haha!
Much love for the good comment, too much idiots here.
there is no flag of nazi germany. these guys aren't neo nazi
Ghostbusters hey could you please center your image
@@embs5803 why is that
Because its illegal in Germany if they would show it they would come in prison.
@@berserkeroflove Germany needs to change this law.
Nah, its ok that the 3rd Reich symbols are illegal, but the Germans have to watch to the future not to the the past. We make us bader than we are and we have nothing to do with the 3rd Reich today, because the most 2. WW Veterans are dead. We have to get proud on our country again
What xD
Everything seems cool with Military style in their club but the Mexican Flag is there in their Kitchen for parties lol
These guys love may be tacos xD
Adds to the fact Vice is fake news.
Neo nazis would never have a Mexican flag
It appears they decorate their room for what type of cuisine they’re going to prepare.
Bunch of men together enjoying themselves
Living Germany and growing up in the Biker scene my whole life, people often get the wrong impression. My dad is a big, bald, tattooed biker guy in his own club as well, meeting other clubs, I know many others as well and they are not these big, scary monsters. Yes, there are some exceptions of "gangs" (my dad never calls his club a gang. He see's it as an insult, he isn't a gang member, he's a club member who loves to ride bikes and so on) who do nothing but cause trouble and shit. Most legit clubs hate gangs like that, they don't want them associating with them either. These guys are some of the norm you see in Germany, we have 1% but a large group of Viking Biker clubs which is also a really cool like layer of the biker scene in Germany. But in reality, these guys are honestly just teddy bears. They love their brothers and familes and would do anything for them but are not afraid to bare their teeth if you fuck with them too much.
That's the biggest bunch of horseshit.
Yes, he's a "nice" guy with baseball bat. Fucking animals!!! :/
there is world of different between M/C clubs and Biker Gangs who are mainly criminals who live outside the law( drugs/smuggling/stealing) the SS tattoos are a give away. They are still nazis.
In Australia it's the opposite. Our whole criminal underworld is run by biker gangs
I heard they will beat you up when you pass by them
Great recruitment video!
What do you mean
@@comment514 implying that this paints them in a good light and maybe people would want to join from watching this
@@RyanSmith-qm3sj yeah but lets keep the actual nazis away from the gang
@@RyanSmith-qm3sj well i would want to if i'd live there and had no family.
They're absolutely not neonazis.
And as someone who speaks german the subtitle translation was criminally misleading.
This purposeful manipulation of information and other peoples speach should be illegal.
I believe it is. In the U.S., it's called "libel". Doing so verbally is called "slander". However, because the First Amendment grants even liars the freedom of speech, it is extremely difficult to prosecute or sue. There are very high legal standards, and the burden of proof is on the plaintiff to prove that the lie has caused damage to one's character, public reputation, and has come to great (often monetary) costs. Otherwise, the deception is of no legal consequence. But I agree that journalists should be held to very high legal standards.
Have you even watched the video? She clearly states how they have left behind their neo-nazi past.
You just wanted to insult Vice right?
@@salut730 read the title of the video. And I'm not going to get into a debate with someone with an anime profile picture.
Go outside more.
@@andrewnolastname2337 yes the title is click bait, we're on UA-cam, that's how it works. If you read the title and don't watch the video, yours just stupid.
This club has been banned for years now for involvement in drug trafficking and illegal prostitution. According to the interviews given by Philip Schlaffer, the former MC president, they absolutely were neo-nazis back around the time when this report was filmed.
It's very sad, unfortunately, Vice.
Apparently there are no more technical or content standards at "Vice Documentaries". The audio is just so insanely bad that even freshman or school projects would do better. The topic is actually good, unfortunately poorly researched. The host seems unprepared, her questions just scratch the surface and in general it seems very unreflective. Even for a reportage in this style just very thin. Was this something like a trainee film?
Kurzzeitig auf Staatskosten beurlaubt werden...😂😂😂
Nazis die sich selbst als Rocker bezeichnen, lächerlich, wie die auch reden, wie dumme kleine Mecklenburger Hauptschuljungs auf dem Schulhof!
Rudi Kalleun Mi
Rudi Kalleun
Kann sein aber trotzdem reden die viel anständiger als Araber mit einem Hochschulabschluss..
Sogar viel anständiger als Spanier mit einem Hochschulabschluss 😂
Hast du ja nicht viel gereist...
Ondrej Pazdernik gutes Argument 😂😂
Ondrej Pazdernik hab ich noch nicht so viel nach Arabien gereist, stimmt, nur eins bis drei mal! Und ich kenne auch nicht viele Hochbeschulte Spanier, ich lach mich kaputt, du Eintagsfliegen behirnte Wurst! Ich gründe jetzt einen MC wo nur Hochschüler innen drinnen sein dürfen, da bist du schon mal raus.
My polish grandfather was a POW in ww2. He was stationed and forced to work in germany. He was let free when the war was over and the one thing he learned and took with him to the grave was the diciplineand neatness that he adopted. the germans are amazing at that! Everything is on point and everything runs like a clock
Wszystko z toba w porzadku?Pochwalasz ten syf?
bro your grandfather lucky to make it even out of there. it was a fucking hellhole.
Until the clock broke twice in the 20th century...lol
@@kanclerz7407 nie chwalę co sie tam działo albo co oni robili. Tylko ze pro prostu była dobra diciplina a w tym niema nic złego
your grandpa adopted this discipline because it was to only thing that stood between him and a 100% death chance, and even with it he could have been killed just because one of the guards felt like it
Sometimes Vice nails it. Sometimes they're so ignorant that I want to throw my laptop in the bin.
Have you even watched the video? She clearly states how they have left behind their neo-nazi past.
You just wanted to insult Vice right?
@@salut730 Nope. I wanted to insult the failed way this documentary was presented.
@@salut730 look at the fucking title bro
@@salut730 you failed your father.
That's a great idea!
In my head I thought they would all ride old BMW motorcycles..
Im in my own gang, by my fucking self. I dont need anyone.
mat romisch i have my own gang too and i dont need anyone else either😂
A regular one-man wolf pack..
That's how rock stars roll
Lancaster Brenda lol forreal though
8:09 "temporary government-funded holiday"
thats a fun way to say hes in prison i guess :DD
Schau dir den Kanal Philipp Schlafer an das ist genau der um den es da geht auf seinem Kanal erklärt er alles rund um die Zeit ich rechts Extremismus dir Zeit im Rocker Club die Zeit in haft warum er in haft war usw
So nobody is going to say anything about the Mexico flags in their club house? 😂😂
Chavez Medina ikkkk 😂😂
You would think they would know better being Nazis, oooo Vice is just fake news.
its cuz they gotta support the cartel... no biker gang thrives without the cartel providing drugs to them.
@@FIMOE123 they can still be Nazis having something against jews and Muslims but liking Spanish culture and in the old days nazi germany would have nothing against to have Spain in their side but it was neutral and greece and italy were in nazi side
but i know what you gice mean it looks funny xD
(sry for Bad English Im german)
@@zrentnerjohannes5731 it's just people are stupid and they think just because some one is a National socialist they have to hate every race... Makes me laugh really because most people that comment have no idea what a real Nazi is.. Lol..
alternative title: "bunch of bros cook hotdogs in their club room"
"There's such a cool mix of people."
The irony, lol
Especially the people they put to the ground are VERY cool!
lmao wtf
Typisch einseitig von den Medien. Könnte ja sein das die schwarze scharr in Wismar niemand stört. Im Gegenteil. ....die Anwohner sind sicher Froh!
Its not racist if theres only one race!
@@gottistkrieg943 bessttiiiimmmt xD
This group is banned now in Germany and labeled officially a criminal, neo nazi biker gang with heavy involvement in drug trafficking, illegal prostitution and violent crimes( protection money/racially motivated hate crimes) and multiple members of the gang have been imprisoned. Schwarze schar in short SS surely a coincidence since the group was founded by hardcore neo nazis of group werewolf that was also about to be banned by the government. And the tattoo SS for life just a coincidence yeah…. Just as wearing all the nazi emblems and symbols proudly… if you think there is no evidence in the video then you don’t know anything at all about neo nazi symbols! I mean they’re name is literally SS
You guys used to be Nazis. Are you still Nazis?
No we're not Nazis.
I left thinking they still might be Nazis.
lol. perfect summary.
: l The skepticism is real
Lefties are terrified of white organization
opprobriousness if they say so, it must be true!
The way the club is managed just amazes me