Abusive Tactics and In-sight of the Narcissistic Mother-in-law Part 2

  • Опубліковано 4 гру 2020
  • Please view part 1 of the video here: • Abusive Tactics and In...
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  • @jennicase
    @jennicase 3 роки тому +28

    I notice my mother in law is ok until she loses control over things then she freaks out and acts crazy. I'm onto her now and she can't stand it.

    • @denisehorn8780
      @denisehorn8780 2 роки тому +7

      That's when it is the most dangerous for you; when you know what they've done. They will stop at nothing; be careful; be your own watchman on the wall. Good luck to you. :)

    • @anewchapter1336
      @anewchapter1336 2 роки тому +2

      Totally agree, from experience.

  • @awakened9906
    @awakened9906 2 роки тому +10

    I have learned to pay closer attention to the timing of her behavior cycles. The love bombing always happens before she wants something. She lovebombs, hoovers, throws a tantrum,, rages, smears, and then guilt trips to get what she wants. Christmas is just around the corner and she in fullblown lovebombing mode. And she goes crazy when it doesn't work. It's so predictable, it's even funny at times.

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  2 роки тому

      So true!

    • @mrs.nyneaderthal640
      @mrs.nyneaderthal640 2 роки тому

      Yes! I'm no contact with my MIL. So 2 days before my husband's birthday she leaves "apology" voicemails with him, me and our daughter, even turning on the tears. What a performance! He tells me she wants him to come over for his birthday dinner. He said that she invited me too. I told him he can go alone ... I wanted to see if she's truly sorry. No surprise, 2 months after that she's back to smearing me and telling lies to our son. So her fake apology worked, she got her son to visit her. He now understands that the apology was a way to manipulate him and hasn't visited her since. That was 6 months ago, although he has spoken to her on the phone since then. Just because you cut ties with your MIL it is not the end of the drama. I'd like to hear from others who have done so as well, and how it has impacted their families. Great discussions. Thanks!

  • @s.b.7121
    @s.b.7121 3 роки тому +12

    This is so similar to what I'm currently going through with my fiancè's mother. After the love bombing phase, last year - when she realized that I was not going to be the obedient subject that she wanted - she turned on me and did multiple nasty things to me, including: calling me horrible things - all untrue - when she was at home alone with her family (things like "filthy wh*re", or "sl*t" - which I'm not); she started a smearing campaing against me, and said "how horrible I am" to all her relatives; she started to sabotage my relationship with her son (who she's also financially abusing), telling him he didn't need to discuss with me important decision related to his job, that my opinion on that topic was not important, "you can always talk to her AFTER you've done it, so she won't interfere with your (HER) choices". And my fiancè was unable to see this. I thought I was going crazy. Last summer, I suffered so much that I almost attempted suicide (I know it was wrong, but I could not take it anymore, and I was going through a lot of other emotionally challenging things). After that, my fiancè saw that I really could not take it anymore and started to realize how toxic all the situation was. We both talked a lot about this, and made progresses, but she's still trying to sabotage me in any possible way (especially defaming me and insulting me when I'm not around). Thank you for making this video!

    • @theofficialnikkisnews
      @theofficialnikkisnews 2 роки тому

      This behavior will get worse once you marry. I am simply warning you because I have a narcissistic MIL who has smeared me to her family and anyone else who would listen.

  • @kellymichelle1255
    @kellymichelle1255 3 роки тому +15

    Wow, sounds like you caught on to your ex Mother in Law really quickly. For me it took years. I couldn't understand why she didn't like me and why other family members thought badly of me. By the time I realised that a smear campaign had been going on, it had been happening for way over a year, possibly 2. I don't have a relationship with her now, but I'm still married to her son and I wish I knew how to help him with it. She reals him in for her supply every few weeks and he's always messed up in the head and emotionally for ages after. He doesn't realise how much it affects him afterwards and for how long. It damages him and it's like she's getting to me that way too x

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  3 роки тому +6

      I’m sorry to hear she’s getting to him :/ these narc mother-in-laws will always use toxic guilt and shame to make their child feel bad when there’s nothing wrong with them. It always got to me too when she did that, grey rock method works to keep emotional boundaries but it is a lot to handle at times I know. She wants a response out of you probably to sabotage the relationship though so try to keep emotional boundaries if possible

    • @yellow3170
      @yellow3170 6 місяців тому +1

      Honestly encourage him not to see her if they are messing him up mentally and emotionally. How will he learn what's going on? You as a wife have to make him see. Not forcing him to see, but force him to see by standing up to her, not being scared anymore, having a serious firm I've had enough voice. Do it now, or else years will go by it's been 12 years of marriage for me. I'm 33 years old. I have a 9 year old and 18 month old. She's trying to buy my kids. I said no more. No more Thanksgiving and Christmass at her house. I realized I am not a teenager! My own family, my own traditions, our life! I'm not being a 40 year old teenager still only going to her house for holidays I'm the leader of my family and home. I raise my kids, and not her ever. She's mad and plotting her next move. I'm so excited for it. Because I finally told myself OH HELL NO, you tried to control us till now at 33!? Fuck that. Grandmas don't have rights to our children. They will try to turn your children against you mentally and with money mainly. Change yourself for the safety of your kids and family! You'll be shaky and scared like I was but deal with it, she's an old fake lady and who cares what any family have to say about it. I finally told myself and my husband I'm thr bitch daughter in law to them so I will keep being the bitch dil! Finishing the final touches of my boundaries now, no more buying my kids anything making them spoiled like they are now and no more holidays are their house. That's it. I'm done with her and fil who just stands there like a dumb body guard and treats me like a little girl. I'm finally done. I'm so done I turned aggressive, my body has. I'm ready to be aggressive meaning looking at her in the eyes, confronting her more just everything more aggressive. That's the only way I noticed she gets nervous and nice. Get your confidence back, be the boss leader. She will try to mark her territory on your kids UNLESS you put a stop to it by being no these are my/our kids, no these are my rules, no I'm not raising my kids like that, no I didn't grow up like that, no I'm not changing the way I'm raising them. Just be firm and aggressive because being calm will make her try to guilt trip you, manipulate you or control you by doing what she wants. Just remember OH HELL NO.

  • @ebonemoses
    @ebonemoses 2 роки тому +3

    She’s financially abused my husband. Fil got a large loan from my husband. Years and years later they haven’t repaid him. They gave back 5k of it when he pressed them as we were buying a home. After we drew boundaries they wanted it back since they “helped” us (by giving back my husbands own money) buy our house. They even flat out told my husband to “sue us” for the remaining money.

  • @livinthedream92109
    @livinthedream92109 3 роки тому +7

    Some really good talking points in these 2 videos: Narc supply, discard, Hoovering, Smear campaign, Communal ostracization(discard), flying monkeys. When you start seeing red flags, ask them about people from their past. Specifically in this case, former partners of your own partner(exes). See if they portray themselves as a victim in those stories of former relationships or any relationships for that matter. If yes, then they likely played the same games with that person and that's another red flag that they have not learned from their experiences and do not reflect on their own behavior.

  • @denisehorn8780
    @denisehorn8780 2 роки тому +7

    It's the strangest twisted dynamic I have ever seen or lived. True unparalleled evil that has little to no explanation in logic. The most important thing to remember if you do find yourself in their clutches; drop the emotional sabotage that you are wrong. Unfortunately, you are not. Don't let them win your soul. :) They will try to take it all.

    • @denisehorn8780
      @denisehorn8780 2 роки тому +4

      They took everything I had; two of them. Everything; just lost another opportunity for business; no explanation, which is typical. Threats to their control of any kind results in malignant behaviors and continued threats. It is grand psychopathy on an alien scale.

  • @happy_high_sensitive_person
    @happy_high_sensitive_person 3 роки тому +5

    Thank You so much for the insight into your personal experience. I am watching from Germany. Shocking for me to realize that so many individuals around the world get victims of abusive people. Since we are going through a pandemic….. the narcissism of our time is the REAL PANDEMIC. Much love and healing powers. Spread this content. ❤️

  • @channyfree1844
    @channyfree1844 3 роки тому +4

    I think you covered this subject very well. Very much on point. It’s extremely disappointing that these types of people stoop to extreme lows to hurt others. I pray for all who have experienced Narcs.

  • @shihtzuluvrtwo6386
    @shihtzuluvrtwo6386 3 роки тому +3

    Describes my monster-in-law to a T! I was accused of brainwashing him, not letting him call , alienating him from his family having an affair, never inviting the monster-in-law, blah, blah, blah. Shed come to our home, pretending I wasn't there, disregarded my birthday and our anniversary. Then she had the nerve to expect me to show up for the holidays, which was always an ordeal. I can't sit across the table from someone who behaves like she does. Her smear campaign against me lasted for years and is still ongoing mainly because I refused to "assimilate". Bitched, complained about anything and everything. It took some time for me to have my fill of this demons BS. We both walked away, no contact. Life is better and more peaceful. Out of her 3 Male children, the oldest is the underachiever, still at home at 65 never left the nest, my husband, middle child is the scapegoat, the youngest a total flake and serial cheater is the golden child. His 3rd wife left him because he cheated with prostitutes. Mamas excuse for his behavior, "he made a mistake". Then she tried to accuse my husband of having something to do with it!?They lived in Vegas, we don't. Shockingly, she didn't accuse me!

  • @natzloveu
    @natzloveu 10 місяців тому +1

    Just had this with my mother in law. After knowing her for 7 years and putting up with her disrespectful behaviour I finally snapped and told her that what she said to me wasn't okay (I didn't shout though just spoke directly), then I find out she lied and said I shouted at her and pointed my finger at her when I was talking.. I didn't speak to her for 2 weeks and she shows up at my house trying to pretend that nothing happened.. my husband asked her about the lie and now she's gone silent again 1+ week and counting. Couldn't care less if she doesn't speak to me again.. I'm so done with her.

  • @ashleysays3389
    @ashleysays3389 3 роки тому +8

    Wow I wish we could talk smh this video is so therapeutic with validation. It’s helping me to get guts to leave

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  3 роки тому +2

      I am grateful to hear that it is therapeutic for you. 🙏🏽🙏🏽It is something all survivors of this type of cruel abuse have to hear to help heal these wounds these narc mother-in-law’s and all narcs cause truly. Hearing the stories of others helped me leave as well. If you would like you may email me at stayawayfromnarcs@gmail.com. I am by no means a life coach/ therapist, I can only really speak or what I know and understand from my own experience though, and maybe give you some resources of other life coaches/ narc abuse coaches that have experience and formally trained if you want need that type of coaching/ counseling. Thank you love have a blessed day ♥️🙏🏽

    • @thinkingyas4245
      @thinkingyas4245 2 роки тому +2

      I left, and it's tough and that's when the true healing starts, but if you really do leave, it's the most surreal / liberating feeling, in my experience. x

    • @anewchapter1336
      @anewchapter1336 2 роки тому +1

      @@thinkingyas4245 I have been married for 21 years and been with husband for 24. I am now seeing all of this about MIL and my husband has taken her side when I had to finally speak out about his mother and mentally ill aunt targeting my children with disgusting comments. My husband never has my back and now I am seeing he truly is a mama's boy. Now their masks have fallen off and I took off the rose colored glasses and see they are both covert narcs. I realized last year my mother is one too. Husband is the golden son/only child of single mother who kicked his father to the curb when he was five and sabotaged his relationship with his father to make him "her man" as she calls him. I feel so stupid for ignoring all the red flags for so long. My daughter is eighteen and son is almost fourteen. I want to leave. I want to get so far away from golden son and his sick emotional incest with his mother but I am concerned about the effects of divorcing while my son is in adolescence. It's getting worse. We took a family vacation recently and I found out husband was texting his mother every day "reporting" all we were doing. He has never done this on our trips before. The texts are like to a girlfriend, he even took selfie of himself with sunset and sent it to her and she calls him my beautiful son and my handsome son and makes weird comments/inuendos....she dotes on him and smothers him which I always found sickening and there is more. I found a text she sent him in his phone when he left it out one night (which he never leaves out...he even sleeps with it) and the text she sent was after I confronted her about her very inappropriate comment she made to my son, telling her perfect golden son to "bring his two wonderful kids to her dinner party and to leave the idiot (meaning me) at home". I told my husband I saw it and he screamed and called me paranoid and then started stonewalling me which he does alot. Sorry for the rant...this is all insane. I also asked him why he was texting her daily during our family trip and he lost it again just for asking a simple question. It feels like MIL is the mistress. This is sick.

  • @lauralove1119
    @lauralove1119 2 роки тому +2

    I wasn’t clear on what narcissism was back then but the first time I felt like she didn’t like me was after a miscommunication about my own narcissistic mother. A week after that miscommunication she visited her son, my now husband, at his college during an event just to tell him that She felt like I was mean to her and when he came to my defense she switched gears and said she didn’t like the way I treated him or talked to him. My husband was shocked with what she was saying and for the first time ever he stood up to her and said tell me more about that in a straightforward tone. He said she stumbled with her words and just changed the subject. The was the first time I said hmmm that’s weird and it’s escalated little by little since then.
    I’ve been no contact with my own family for almost 4 years but with my mother in law she just kind of barges in for days at a time and takes over our lives. She insists on paying for everything then when she drinks her wine complains about it and throws it, not in OUR faces, but specifically mine. My husband is newly in therapy and finally bringing up stuff with me that he is just realizing but I have noticed for sometime, I just didn’t want to press too much on the matter. I’m grateful he is starting to see her for what she really is and I empathize fully on how hard that realization hits us, but I feel for my husband because I can see he is in the phase where he just wishes she would change or things were different. Of course I do too but I think I’ve come to a point of acceptance of it and the way she is and currently doing my best on focusing on the grey rocking technique. I think she’s noticing my recoil of energy and validation and it makes me nervous and uncomfortable as hell. But I’m exhausted providing supply just to have things thrown back in my face, minimized, or straight up competition and gaslighting. There is also a financial power dynamic that we are in with her and I don’t know how to get out without her making herself a victim somehow. Anyway thank you for this video because I’m at a loss and it does bring some comfort and validation. I know I’m not the only one going through this stuff I just want to get better work on myself and navigate through this kind of energy with fluidity.

  • @sharondavis258
    @sharondavis258 Рік тому +1

    I suffered the abuse of a narcissistic mother in law for 20 years. Fortunately, we lived 8 hours away so the damage was limited. We maybe visited 3-4 once a year. The only reason we even bothered to do even that was because my father in law would have been cut off from his son and grandchildren. So, for his sake and my husbands, I just took the abuse thinking, "It is only three days a year. I don't have to live with her.". When my father in law was driven into a early grave from the continual grounding down from the narcissistic abuse, we then cut ties with her and went no contact. She expected us to come back for our once a year and we just told her, no.

  • @imaniamoure9782
    @imaniamoure9782 3 роки тому +7

    This is 100% I just went through this his mom abused him financially as well

  • @warriormom5843
    @warriormom5843 2 роки тому +4

    Yours was the scapegoat…mine is the golden son-GOD HELP ME, right?? God bless ya, girl, you actually got a mild pass compared to me. Being married to the golden son is an even worse nightmare!! Trying to figure my way outta this, completely alone-I have no family left. Just me and my teen son. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your story such that we don’t feel totally alone in our hell-on-Earth; despite the fact that I’m not so young anymore I really felt that no one would EVER be able to wrap their heads around my story of victimization by the most evil and depraved MIL, and in totality, her entire cult family equipped with FULL THROTTLE flying monkeys a la the Wicked Witch of the West. I could only hope that mere water would make her melt down to the hell that she came from.

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  2 роки тому +2

      I’m so sorry you went through that. I thank you for your kind words. The narc golden children could only be worse, I hope you are free from their shackles and living a life of peace today

    • @warriormom5843
      @warriormom5843 2 роки тому +1

      @@stayawayfromnarcs1409 working on figuring my way out with my kid 🙏🏼. Thank you for your videos snd taking the time to respond to me. Much respect!

    • @anewchapter1336
      @anewchapter1336 2 роки тому

      @@warriormom5843 I am trying to figure a way out too after 24 years of narc golden son and his narc mother and now I see finally what is truly going on. If you'd like to get in touch so we can chat let me know!

  • @wannadance47
    @wannadance47 Рік тому +1

    Spot on..healing is beautiful and I appreciate it everyday. Thank you

  • @suesue9578
    @suesue9578 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for this video! My husband unfortunately is the scapegoat black sheep of the family . We both went through many of what you mentioned to the point of abuse in every way mentally, physically, emotionally. 26yrs later I can happily say we are finally free . It took us nearly 3 decades to understand the dynamics of a malignant narc mother in law and an enabler venerable narc father inlaw with flying monkeys siblings to really know what we where dealing with. Only regret we both have is NOT taking back our power much much earlier.The truth is we feared her to death . She is a dictator with absolutely NO boundaries.That NO longer has control. 3yrs free we are genuinely happy and at peace with the decision we have made .

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  2 роки тому +2

      I SO SO happy to hear and see a comment like this. May the love between you two prosper. The scapegoats can be the best cycle breakers of the family and in his and your case you two are breaking a cycle of toxic abuse this way

    • @suesue9578
      @suesue9578 2 роки тому +2

      @@stayawayfromnarcs1409 thank you for you’re kind wards , it’s people like you that give survivors a voice and power ! Which I’m sure we all appreciate greatly ! New subscriber and binge watching you’re videos 😁

  • @lauralove1119
    @lauralove1119 2 роки тому +1

    I started grey rocking this weekend. She forced herself to stay at our place for a couple days I started grey rocking on the evening of day two. She noticed it right away and gave me the silent treatment for the rest of the night and I was so excited lol! She even left early in the morning the next day, so i stated to see effects right away. I know she will say something eventually I just need to hold my ground and give her no supply. My husband is on to her and in therapy so we are working on it.

  • @Goddessrukiya
    @Goddessrukiya 3 роки тому +9

    This was spot on..📌

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  3 роки тому +2

      Thank you very much for your comment 🙌🏽 I appreciate your input

  • @jenessaislit5823
    @jenessaislit5823 3 роки тому +3

    This.... helped me... after 11 years I called for help & therapy. You saved me

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  3 роки тому

      Wow. I am so happy and this warms my heart to hear you were finally able to get help and therapy ❤️❤️❤️I understand how hard this situation can be but those are the first best steps you can take and I applaud you. You are starting your healing journey now. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @switchbackimage5966
    @switchbackimage5966 3 роки тому +3

    I use sarcasm with my narcissistic MiL & FiL, they are still in competition and the smear campaign about things that are truly madeup. I am in a 21 yr relationship and married for 5, but I wasn't introduced to his parents until TWO YEARS INTO THE RELATIONSHIP BC HIS FOLKS HAVE A HABIT OF CHASING OFF GFs and even his friends. His dad takes his friends and burns bridges. Gaslit is so emotionally hurtful. If there is no drama, they 'aren't important'. Now his dad's new gf, (@70) she hasn't made eye contact with me since I called him out as being disrespectful to me. MiL is 10x worse!!

    • @switchbackimage5966
      @switchbackimage5966 3 роки тому

      I literally have had a week long panic attack. It is insane! His broken promises are the worst! BIG PROMISES.

  • @noctisgamma556
    @noctisgamma556 2 роки тому +3

    I’m figuring out my MIL and now I am being discarded. She won’t even talk to me in English anymore. And she is financially abusing her kids, always has. Makes one of her sons feels like he owes her, takes care of her, let’s her and his dad use his name on their mortgage since her credit is terrible. I think he’s even footing the bill for their living expenses. She helped him in some way, I think paid for his accreditation, and it was all a scheme to make him feel indebted. So she helped him go to a form of college but only so he’d repay her many times over. He always says he owes her. It’s the other way around. She financially abused my husband prior to me when she played sick so he’d let her use his credit and she racked up a bunch of debt. She was so nice at first. Giving, loving, accepting. Then it all changed the more I got to know her and see things. I worry because I realized she mirrors us and we give her lots of info because we keep thinking we are having a conversation where we are discussing things we all live by. No, she’s compiling information by mirroring us. My husband sees things but I don’t know all of what he is ready to understand. I only know of a few things he sees.

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  2 роки тому +1

      I’m so sorry this is happening. Know you’re not alone in this ❤️

  • @Kalina1982
    @Kalina1982 Рік тому +1

    Thank you so much for talking about your experience. I have been dealing with my mil narc for 15 years now. She flipped on me when we got married. She is so sick! I keep my distance. Luckily she moved back to where her golden child is. She is currently trying to accuse me of talking about her to her ex best friend. She is stuck in middle school. Thank you again for your story. Although it hurts it is helping others.

  • @dorishamilton1635
    @dorishamilton1635 2 роки тому +1

    You nailed it!!!!! God bless you for sharing 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽👍🏽👍🏽

  • @lianacollier7064
    @lianacollier7064 3 роки тому +4

    Smear campaign. That’s what I’m going through now, I think.. it’s been 12 years since I’ve known this woman - amazing at first, was over the top embracing of me - paying me compliments, buying me things etc etc.. then gradually the relationship got more & more tense - couldn’t put my finger on why. Recently spent 3 months LIVING IN THE SAME HOUSE AS HER (hard as hell) - now I’ve seen her for exactly what she is. Anything from crushing loaves of bread that I’ve bought (petty) to much more serious things that I can’t even go into.
    Now I see that she’s turned on me - because I finally see who she really is. Praying - because I trust in God & Him shedding light on the truth. I will not be broken down. I see how things are now - & so does God. He will not let me down 👍🏼❤️

    • @lianacollier7064
      @lianacollier7064 3 роки тому

      - thanks for sharing this video, was very helpful to me 👍🏼❤️

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  3 роки тому +3

      Yes God will expose the truth to us 🙌🏽❤️ sending love and light you’re way thank you

  • @tabithaellison291
    @tabithaellison291 Рік тому +1

    Things my mil was doing to me, she was telling anyone who would listen that I was doing it to her. How I wasn’t allowing her to make her coffee at my house, when in reality I wasn’t able to have coffee until she was finished with the pot she made. Once my husband had a cup and I told him he better go let his mom know that he’s the one who had it, not me. Well, he forgot and whew man she got in my face and told me I was NOT allowed to drink HER coffee and how dare I. I stopped her and said no, it was your son who had your coffee. Looked at me and said “oh ok, that’s fine then” like what?! I have story upon story of that grown child it’s quite sad.

  • @youtub4925
    @youtub4925 2 роки тому +4

    All this sounds very familiar. My mom is a fucking psycho. I never saw how far she would go to hang on to control of me until my wife and I had a baby. My wife has every right to hate her. I have sympathy for my mom's faults as a human being, but she is so emotionally and psychologically abusive of me that it was a mistake to introduce her to my wife, and I'll never subject my wife to that kind of abuse again. Guys, the answer is to stop taking the abuse yourself, then your narcissistic mom won't want to meddle, and will discard both of you. Freedom. Bittersweet freedom.

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  2 роки тому +2

      I commend you 1000% for your comment and for you protecting your wife and getting away from abuse 🙏

    • @anewchapter1336
      @anewchapter1336 2 роки тому +1

      Wow, I wish my husband was like you. He is the opposite. Now I see he is a covert narc like his narc mother who overvalued and smothered him his whole life (emotional incest). Your wife is very lucky you care for her and look after her best interest.

  • @nescelh.a
    @nescelh.a 3 роки тому +2

    Now, I have more knowledge about my mother in law and her next step, Its good things I discover this early because things are slowly getting just the way you said with my relationship with her. Now we're avoiding her and she's using her flying monkey to tell us to get things better with her and invite her again 🙄. Which never gonna happened

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  3 роки тому +1

      I’m glad you were able to discover this before your mother-in-law could do anything else 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @camilamamani8419
    @camilamamani8419 3 роки тому +2

    Wow, 100% truth. My MIL told my husband to "choose" between her family and his own son's family... And recently she invited us to go to her party... But then she told him that she specially wants my husband to go 🤨🤨🤨... Aghhh... Thanks for all of this videos. I understand now.

  • @wlovesourtea3464
    @wlovesourtea3464 3 роки тому +2

    My partner's mom is exactly this way. Everytime my partner tries to set boundaries with her she lashes out and tells them they need to let her control and be aware of every aspect of their life, and says that she thinks that they're failing school and doing drugs even though they mostly get's all A's and aren't on any drugs. She actually messaged me (mind you, I live with my partner, and she does not) saying that because they weren't responding to her texts, she wanted me to give her our address so she could literally show up at our front door and force a confrontation. I calmly responded that I can't force my partner to see her if they don't want to, and that I felt like she might be pushing her child away by pressuring them to prove themselves constantly, and by refusing to respect their boundaries. She LOST HER SHIT lol, and told me she didn't need my amateur therapist routine, and said literally "Give me a time and place where we can meet, we have to sort this out. Think I assume the worst, and prove me wrong." like in her mind me agreeing to a time and place is the same thing as her child making that agreement, and obviously there were a lot of other problems. The thing is she's repeated this same cycle several times. She starts really sweet and asks how things are going, I say things are good and she asks if I want to bring my partner for a visit, and I say I think she should ask them, and then she says that she has a right to see them because she's 'very concerned' and tries to act like there's something seriously wrong with my partner. Like, I live with them and they're literally fine. She's trying to convince me that someone I am with every day is on hard drugs without my knowledge even though she hasn't seen them for months, and it's obviously about her need to feel like a good mother, and like she is in control of her children's lives. I suddenly noticed a whole bunch of red flags throughout my relationship with her, like her constantly asking me to tell her if my partner is suffering any mental health issues or problems, which I now realise was a way for her to search for vulnerabilities and sources of leverage in my partner since they no longer trusted her enough to disclose anything.

  • @anewchapter1336
    @anewchapter1336 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for sharing. I just found your channel and it is so good to hear your videos. I recently read Dr. Ken's Adams books "When He's Married to Mom" and "Silently Seduced". It makes everything weird about my husband that has puzzled me for years make sense now. He was a mama's boy in disguise for over 20 years, and now it's plain as day after confronting his mother last month and how he can never take a stand or have my back.

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you for your great input 🙌I am glad you are understanding, especially by those books. it is so difficult much of the time go through these sort of relationships, but there is light at the end of the tunnel 🙏

    • @anewchapter1336
      @anewchapter1336 2 роки тому

      @@stayawayfromnarcs1409 Thank you so much...

  • @mushroomsdie
    @mushroomsdie 7 місяців тому

    Wow, you just describe my entire life.

  • @suzziesmith6302
    @suzziesmith6302 Рік тому

    This sounds so similar to my situation. Thank you for sharing.

  • @zerinfiroze
    @zerinfiroze 2 роки тому +3

    This is so sad! I suspect my to be mother in law to be a narcissist!

  • @MsWillita8
    @MsWillita8 3 роки тому +4

    Girl my man's mom did a smear campaign on me and thought I should apologize. I love my man, but the only way I will EVER marry him is if we live where she can't drive🤷🏾‍♀️

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  3 роки тому +3

      Amen girl I said the same exact thing lol

    • @marizona8334
      @marizona8334 2 роки тому +1

      Do it like me, move to another CONTINENT 😂 all jokes aside but everytime my family asks if we could imagine coming back, I tell her, not as long as my mom in law is alive... We didn't leave due to her. But God is life good without her!!! I'm also binging on the topic of narcissists now and realize that all persons from my past I felt that negative vibe etc, they were narcissists! I just didn't know there's a name for that evilness. Because unfortunately, the term narcissism is used very losely in media... Not doing a favor for all the victims of narcissistic abuse out there... Its a serious and important topic!

    • @MsWillita8
      @MsWillita8 2 роки тому +1

      @@marizona8334 We went to Africa earlier this year, and we both want to move there sooner than later. When he told his mom she started to rage and say I am trying to take him from her. He offered for her to move there or visit, but she said she will never go, so that's my clue to run and not look back.

    • @marizona8334
      @marizona8334 2 роки тому

      @@MsWillita8 it's horrible how they treated their sons like shit, yet manipulate them successfully to think that they owe her forever. So frustrating! Hopefully she will leave you alone. Have you informed your husband about narcissism and narcissistic abuse? I just realized it in my life and try to explain it carefully to my husband just so he can start dealing differently with her toxicity and also start healing... Even though he has come a long way. Marrying me and forming a family with me, was his exit from that toxic evil person....

    • @MsWillita8
      @MsWillita8 2 роки тому +1

      @@marizona8334 Fortunately and unfortunately this summer I went into a deep dive to figure out his mom' problem and started to learn alot about narcissism. I sent him a video to help him to understand why I thought she was a narcissist, he asked his aunt(his mom's flying monkey) if she thought she was a narcissist. She told his mom, and it's been downhill since then.........She's known he wants to marry me, and a few weeks ago she made one last plea with him, she told him if he marries me, then she won't come to our wedding, and she won't talk to him as much.
      He finally acknowledges that she's a narcissist, because she had concealed who she was the entire time. She has basically smeared both of our names to his family.
      He agreed that if we are to live a peaceful life, then we would have to move far away from her. He told her he's marrying me whether she likes it or not.

  • @Kathleen-Mariam
    @Kathleen-Mariam 3 місяці тому

    Thank you. Sounds almost identical to my situation.

  • @swim10
    @swim10 3 роки тому +2

    She didn't want you to have her supply

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  3 роки тому +5

      Yes she did not. Cruel “mother” that does not want to share her supply/possession smh that is how they see their children

  • @wintergoddess8210
    @wintergoddess8210 Рік тому +1

    There horrible my ex mother in law didn’t care about my ex husband she controlled him by witchcraft she made him drop out of school I hope God gives her what she deserves.

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  Рік тому +2

      I’m so sorry you went through that. I’ve heard many do use witch craft it is very sad and scary, but they will reap what they sow.

    • @wintergoddess8210
      @wintergoddess8210 Рік тому +1

      @@stayawayfromnarcs1409 thank you for your videos my ex malignant husband and his whole family is a demonic cult has done alot of things you said now I know others have gone through the same . Many blessings to you ☺️

  • @thinkingyas4245
    @thinkingyas4245 2 роки тому


  • @imaniamoure9782
    @imaniamoure9782 3 роки тому +2

    His mom smeared me to him his brother we were engaged together 3 years she told him if he moved with me then she wasn’t going to give him money anymore I was cursed out by his brother it’s toxic he couldn’t stand up to her so he left ghosted me we were supposed to get married in October she didn’t want us married

    • @channyfree1844
      @channyfree1844 3 роки тому +1

      Sorry you endured such horrific incidents. Praying for your healing. His rejection is Gods protection.

  • @kimstevens9550
    @kimstevens9550 3 роки тому +4

    Girl my story is almost the same but the way worst. She talked to others about my murder. My husband and I think she and her daughter either tried to murder or wanted me to think they were going to. And also I started to feel like the other woman and she knew how i felt so she acted like she had an affair with my husband. Mine also has listening devices in my house and hired a pi to let me know he was following me. Then painted me as crazy. And btw they say u cant tap a phone umm yes u can she had mine tapped she knew conversations she shouldnt have.

    • @stayawayfromnarcs1409
      @stayawayfromnarcs1409  3 роки тому +2

      Omg I so sorry you went though that :( I am glad you were able to realize and come out of the idea of the narc painting you as the crazy one. You are a survivor and are so strong to have gone through all that. Thank you for sharing and I hope you are able to keep moving forward and know how much better you are now moving on without that evil narc. They try to bring us down, but they are the crazy ones that will do down instead 🙏🏽

    • @nohana2003
      @nohana2003 3 роки тому +2

      I have a simular experience; After my narc mother in law died, her golden child (her oldest daughter) followed in her mother's footsteps. One day she called me on the phone, asking if I was STILL ALIVE... cos a 10 miles away from my home a woman was murdered, she was just calling me to make sure it wasn't me. I realized o my god, she wants me dead! I cut off all my in laws, and I still get anxious when I think about them, I'm very concerned one day they will contact my kids and mess them up.

    • @kimstevens9550
      @kimstevens9550 3 роки тому +1

      @@stayawayfromnarcs1409 thank u

    • @pixipazil
      @pixipazil 3 роки тому +4

      Narcissist love spying on ppl to try to get info on you. My MIL put a listening device in my husbands car.

    • @mamakitty5274
      @mamakitty5274 3 роки тому

      What was it that lead you to identify what your MIL disorder was???