zac and andy reading the commercial lines as campy as possible is a really underrated part of this sketch. it honestly would have been awkwardly funny enough on its own, even before fred starts screaming.
Me and my cousin watched it in the theater and looked at each other during that scene and could not stop laughing because we quote this to each other all the time!!
Hes just trying not to break...and hes good at it....jimmy fallon wouldve been crying laughing and he never tried to hide it lol...anyways zac is tough to break apparantly
Fred Armisen in a wig slapping Zac Efron in the face stirs up feelings in me I didn’t realize I would feel, and now I have to live the rest of my life with this knowledge of myself.
@@katharineball585super late to this, but maybe I was in a Drew Gooden comment section. I do watch his videos! I forgot that he may have covered this skit. Good on him for recommending something like this, lolol.
Tried it after watching this comment. Screamed I am your mother to my cat on the balcony. My next door neighbor didn't understand why a 27 y/o bearded man is doing that.
FR he actually plays a really believable woman esp the voice is surprisingly realistic!! he's good at doing mannerisms that are subtly feminine rather than over the top
All of you should watch Portlandia. Fred Armisen is so ridiculous in it it's hilarious there are similar sketches where he's a woman freaking out like this lol
@Jan Michael Vincent ok, chill. you don't need to like the sketch. you also don't need to ruin everyone else's fun. go back to the cave you crawled out of.
@Jan Michael Vincent i want to apologize for what i said. i know this exchange happened a long time ago but i truly am sorry. i was very angry in the moment and i said some very mean things. im not asking you to apologize and you definitely are entitled to still be upset with me. but i really am sorry.
@@allegramarzulli3596 It's funny because the director was losing his shit, if you watch the sketch, he misses several cues to come out and Fred says it's fine but trudges back into frame.
Fred Armisen plays women in such a great way that lets them be both ridiculous and believable when they’re not being ridiculous. Bill Hader does the same thing! They’re not playing men playing women. They’re actually playing women with some thought and dignity, even for silly ass sketches. So great!!
Right! He's not trying to do a spoof of "femininity." It's not the femaleness of the character that is over the top; it's the character itself. And Fred plays that authentically, which makes for a funnier sketch.
I'm cry-laughing. I literally just had the worst day I kept crying all day and this skit really made me feel better. I'll make sure to keep coming back here whenever I need a mood booster.
Yep. Some actors are like that. They have it in their heads to do it a certain way, and you explain it to them and they seem to get it, but once you start rolling, they automatically go back to doing it the same way.
I am your mother! I AM your mother! I am YOUR mother! I am your MOTHER! I AM YOUR MOTHER! AM I YOUR MOTHER? ARE YOU MY MOTHER? - don't slap another person's kid -
Omg couldn't help but laugh at Jason not wanting to fire Fred because of "her amazing face"! Such a throwback to another skit they had together where Fred was playing Regine, Jason's new girlfriend! 😂
I hired her for her amazing face....LOOK AT THAT THING...I cried lol
I read that just as she said it
Sunflower Gacha_Gal me too
It's a boy in a wig.
@@minor1822 amazing. face.
@Ashlee's Life It's not a her.
“I am your mother” Dumbledore said calmly
This is gold😭
I can't-😂😂
Underrated comment
Best comment award 🥇
Everyone keeps saying Zac was trying not to break character but I think he was genuinely terrified
I do wish one of the times he asked for the basketball to throw at her
Kaia Smith Just “Hey, for this take could I have the basketball” and then Norita freaks out and he just chucks it
Yeahhhhh 😂
He actually looks terrified
zac and andy reading the commercial lines as campy as possible is a really underrated part of this sketch. it honestly would have been awkwardly funny enough on its own, even before fred starts screaming.
Lmao Zac not breaking character and looking Genuinely scared has me dying laughing
Yani Janai : Had a g u n to his head
He. Is. Scared.
That wasn’t acting. He was genuinely terrified
And with his confused puppy-eyes contrasted by the psychotic drama it is the perfect match! 🤣
Yani Janai you could say that he did break character
Not gonna lie - Whoever did Fred’s wig did a fantastic job!
Isabelis Payan i was just thinking that
I know, it looks so good. Right?
Do you usually lie or something?
If this was an actual commercial I would definitely buy Gino’s Pizza Rolls
No you wouldn't. You'd just be like, what an absolutely absurd commercial. This is SNL.
@@gautamtanwar6783 r/woooosh
Parrot Playlists lmfao yeah!!! Me too 😂
Oh nooooo no no you don't... I AM YOUR MOTHER!!!
G T Maybe you would. Don’t talk for other people.
cant watch the "Hereditary" scene without laughing now
Omg hahhaha
Me and my cousin watched it in the theater and looked at each other during that scene and could not stop laughing because we quote this to each other all the time!!
If someone aired that as their actual commercial id buy their product for sure lmao
Then tell my mom how much better it tastes than her crappy food.
like all ryan reynolds ads
@@toastedjoe1013 Dont you no no no noo am your MOTHEEEEEEER I AM your MOTHER I GAVE birth to YOOOOOOOU!!!!!
@@Red_Devil_Stew i would watch that
Zac Efron’s nightmare is waking up to Fred Armisen perched over his bed shouting: “EXCUSE ME!? I AM YOUR MOTHERRRRRR”
that would be a nightmare for anyone
Fred Armisen in a dress is a nightmare period.
I feel like i had a nightmare with his face already
He lives that dream. Every day.
Fred is just *Desperately* trying to make Zach break character
Thats what his whole life is just trying to mess with people
Bridgette Parrish
It’s actually less funny because he didn’t crack.
@@AddBowIfGirl naw this is hilarious because he doesn't break character
M Riley
Hard disagree.
@@AddBowIfGirl Cool
Fred saying “no” as they build up to it lives in my mind rent free
Should be best comment
@@3Bernie it is the best comment
The fact that Zac managed to not break his character is astounding. I would definitely be Andy in this situation.
Rocco Paulmeno they didn’t say angry anywhere?
@@RoccHard13 lol it's Andy
Rocco Paulmeno they meant Andy ya dunce
It helps that the skit wasn't funny
Zach's hair flipped from one side to the other after the slap lmao
And he did not get up lol
Is this slapstick comedy ?
**Dramatic effects intensifies**
Fred actually looks so believable and weirdly good as a woman.
evwry timw
he's actually my mother
@@biobagholder8081 I am your MOTHER! Lol
Fred Armisen is actually my mother
I feel like Zac Efron gets PTSD everytime he looks at or thinks about Fred Armisen
Does he remind him of his mother?
Or pizza rolls
And also every time his mother tells him that she’s his mother🤣🤣
Hes just trying not to break...and hes good at it....jimmy fallon wouldve been crying laughing and he never tried to hide it lol...anyways zac is tough to break apparantly
Damn hereditary sure looks different here
It's the fucking face on his face.
I SAID THAT AND GOT NO LIKES WHAT IS THIS SORCERY. Edit: that had bad vibes hereditary is my favorite movie I love Toni so much.
this made me genuinely laugh
bet 😈
He did ,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
But….I AM HIS MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fred Armisen in a wig slapping Zac Efron in the face stirs up feelings in me I didn’t realize I would feel, and now I have to live the rest of my life with this knowledge of myself.
and playing his mother no less
girl I feel u fr fr
what do you mean by that
"I hired her for that amazing face" *close up on Fred *lmao I'm dead
I'll bet she is the director's mother.
SomethingReallyStrange didn't see any close up. Funny though
The expression womanly lol..anyone notice..he knows how to act like a hood lookin mother lol...
The way she plops that plate of snacks at 2:28 was a very "mom" move lol
There’s just something about Fred as a woman, stewing in rage, while a pleasant instrumental plays in the background that just GETS ME
Are you here from Drew Goodens channel or did you find it from this because I saw you there.
Because he’s invoking what a mom actually feels. Brilliantly.
@@katharineball585super late to this, but maybe I was in a Drew Gooden comment section. I do watch his videos! I forgot that he may have covered this skit. Good on him for recommending something like this, lolol.
Remeber when a man pretending to be a woman was just a joke
@@bigisrickYes 😢
"I have a feeling this is my fault." 🤣
Whenever my pets do something I don’t like... I say “I. AM. YOUR. MOTHERRRRR!!!!”
Tried it after watching this comment. Screamed I am your mother to my cat on the balcony. My next door neighbor didn't understand why a 27 y/o bearded man is doing that.
Shadhin Magnito I’m dying man 😂😂🤣
Shadhin Magnito lol
It only works on my baby male cat but my teenage female cat does nothing but yawns and stretch out when I yell, she's so rebelous
I want to but I can't! LMAO Maybe I'll be able to do it next time she breaks skin....😠
Zach literally looks like he is going to be scarred for life.
Rashmi Ra: "literally" smh
@@jamessandy5873 Yes. He literally looked scarred.
@@jamessandy5873 grammer nazi alert
Zach not breaking character shows how good of an actor he is.
W.S. Harvey Yess!!He is such a great Actor 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
Nah he was just scared
I just think he was genuinely terrified.
he's so good
Look at all these idiots. "He didn't break like the script requires him to do, what a talent!".
I swear Fred actually acts like my mum when she’s pissed up. The finger point in the face is spot on. 🤣
Pissed Up..never heard that.
@@christofferjenzen78 are you American?
@@Tommy-ht5kc Almost,swedish.
It’s a commoner English term lol
truly too real lol, gave me flashbacks
this and “I AM YOUR SUPERIOR OFFICEEEER” has the same energy
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Any sketch where Fred Armisen plays a woman is hilarious. He's just too good at it.
Remember that one skit where
puts her foot in the guacamole
@@RJ-hx5nb yes 😢
FR he actually plays a really believable woman esp the voice is surprisingly realistic!! he's good at doing mannerisms that are subtly feminine rather than over the top
All of you should watch Portlandia. Fred Armisen is so ridiculous in it it's hilarious there are similar sketches where he's a woman freaking out like this lol
So, I wrote a perfectly fine comment but someone got triggered and wrote a really odd reply so I'm just gonna leave it like this now cause I'm petty 🤗
“you can’t slap someone else’s kid!” 😂
Where I come from you can
@@idadalmeida9536 fuck can they slap back.
@@idadalmeida9536 this explains much about you
mia gonzo lmao I read this whole he was saying it 😂😂
The best and brightest at the pentigon are working on this as we speak
I love how the producer has to keep confirming her name every single time.
Zac Efron looks like he's genuinely pissed off lmaooo
He’s a good actor!
@Jan Michael Vincent hey man, clearly majority of people think it's funny, if you don't i'm sorry but keep it to yourself
@Jan Michael Vincent ok, chill. you don't need to like the sketch. you also don't need to ruin everyone else's fun. go back to the cave you crawled out of.
@Jan Michael Vincent looks like he did it
@Jan Michael Vincent i want to apologize for what i said. i know this exchange happened a long time ago but i truly am sorry. i was very angry in the moment and i said some very mean things. im not asking you to apologize and you definitely are entitled to still be upset with me. but i really am sorry.
How is Zac Efron 26 in this?! He literally looks like he's Troy again 😂
this aired back in 2009 so he was 21 actually lol that’s why he looks like a baby
@@allyebravo baby zacfron!
It's those high school musical, teenage boy swept bangs lol
@@tori9972 bangs? 🤣🤣🤣
My mom is just like that. A man in a wig screaming in front of camera.
@Ej Teacher 😂
Norru everything okay at home?
I am yooouurrrrr mottherrrrrrrr
The best part was when she completely destroyed that orange juice box and it was milk. Comedic genius right there.
Jason-"are you okay?"
Zach- "no, but-"
Jason- "Action!"
Mommy in action. 😂😅🤣
Why did they delete this scene from high school musical? 😂🤣
I know this is the best part I would totally watch that suck ass movie if this was in it
what's it like being simple minded
It would've fit perfectly
I wish it was in High School Musical
dammit zac, she is your mother.
Ruben Burger Is it crazy that I feel like he ruined the potential of this sketch by NOT breaking? No fun!
theres a kid at my school named zammit
Yeah, *_”she”_*
Happy Mother's Day to this legend
Zac:*does absolutely nothing*
They say "Nareda" like seventy times and yet you still failed to put an "r" in it.
Isn't it Noreta?
Omg u guys its LORADA
All of you are fucking deaf. It's chortada
Had me dying!!!😂
TAZY that was funny
TAZY "dieing"? REALLY?
Rest In Peacae
TAZY dying* idiot
"she slapped me" "yeah I know I saw that"
Aaron M I love your pfp
My kids and I watch this every Mother’s Day as a gentle reminder of my status.
Omg you're hilarious, a gentle reminder of my status, you're awesome
Dolores Dean q
don't die
what about it?
maybe you should get some air
"Nick, why aren't we cutting?" Haha.
Why is it funny?
because she is Your MoOoOoOotherrrrrRRR
@@allegramarzulli3596 It's funny because the director was losing his shit, if you watch the sketch, he misses several cues to come out and Fred says it's fine but trudges back into frame.
The fact that Zac didn’t laugh once is quite impressive 😂
He was probably actually terrified lmfao
rehearsal were probably hilarious though
Not impressive at all, I didn’t laugh once either.
@@sp33dingbullet damn you are so cool
He's a poser and only laughs when he thinks people want him to..
Fred Armisen plays women in such a great way that lets them be both ridiculous and believable when they’re not being ridiculous. Bill Hader does the same thing! They’re not playing men playing women. They’re actually playing women with some thought and dignity, even for silly ass sketches. So great!!
Yes! You phrased this sentiment really well! Kids in the Hall had the same philosophy of playing characters first and foremost
Right! He's not trying to do a spoof of "femininity." It's not the femaleness of the character that is over the top; it's the character itself. And Fred plays that authentically, which makes for a funnier sketch.
You need to watch Kids in the Hall.
The fact that Zac is 24 here and looks like hes 18
In the description it says it was made in 2009 he was 21
And? Could you complete the sentence?
He looks 30 lol
Do you guys know what a 17 year old looks like ?
933 guys need to see an ophthalmologist. He looks like bloody 30
Zac's hair after the slap!😂did a whole 90° turn😂😂
Malissa Boone LOL
She protecc
She attack
But most importantly
She slap Zach
Most importantly, she is HIS MOTHEEEEEER
And she should give mat pat his role back
I'm cry-laughing. I literally just had the worst day I kept crying all day and this skit really made me feel better. I'll make sure to keep coming back here whenever I need a mood booster.
In case you need a mood booster.
Fred looks adorable at 3:34 he looks so happy when Jason complemented him.
Ashleigh M when he's like "nick..."
I agree,he actually looks so adorable and Pretty!
fred's very pretty
the fact that Jason's brain freeze for a while and Fred a bit smiled out of shyness and all of that happened in a second or less gets me
That was my fav part 😂😂😂
"Ive hired her for her amazing face" HAHAHAHAHAH
When she said, "I have a feeling this is my fault..."🤣😂❤️ ❤️
When Fred went over to Andy and slapped him with Jason screaming - you can't slap someone else's kid!!. fucking hilarious 😂😂
Lol Zac looks like he's that main character from an anime.
Soooooo true.
Wha? Who? Which?
Adrian Hurtado : Yes!!!!
Who? Light Yagami?
Yep! From just about any anime!
" Harry, did you put your name in the goblet of fire"
ahaha, good one
+charlie highwalker can you explain it to me i didnt get the joke
+charlie highwalker i thought about it for a sec and i got it haha
SuperDanny032 better later than never =)
+charlie highwalker what is it? i dont get it
3:33 ..." I hired her for her Amazing face"!!!!..😄😄😄
You've pinpointed the only funny bit in the whole sketch.
"look at that thang"
still one of the best snl sketches, never fails to make me laugh lmaoo
I think she over reacted... and yes, i think the chin is “sculpted”!
I would use a different word. Like "monument".
@@miloradowicz eh?
@@Dizzydawne she's built monumentally. A very sturdy body frame there.
Do I need to remind you that this is Saturday Night Live, where they preform “skits” live, not behind the scenes footage from a commercial.
@@ukulelevillain4170 wait it’s a skit?
Mrs. Bolton has no chill lol
This would never have happened with Totinos.
Go go go go go touchdown!!
Of course not. With Totinos it would have just devolved into lesbian porn in the background of the commercial instead.
@@planetruths1373 aww fumble!
Vanessa would never scream at her hungry guys
0:59 the face that Zac mad was like he was actually scared.
Did anyone else notice how he said every time he came out he said “Narita,Narita is it?”
Yeah i really liked that cuz it's probably pretty realistic
Its lorada no?
No, I must have missed those parts, when exactly did he say it?
Nereida. Its Spanish
@@ismaelcarrillo3956 I don't speak Spanish. Does Nereida mean "I am your MOTHEEEEEER!" ?
"20% more real cheese!" I the only one who got that? 😂😂😂😂😂
What about it?
@@austins.2495 it means that the cheese wasnt real and still isn’t
@@nicoespinoza8565 or that there's more cheese in them
Now we know where Toni Collette got her inspiration for Hereditary.
oh thank god someone commented about hereditary i’ve been searching through the comments
Isn't it ARI ASTER's movie?
I love it that a song has brought this back into the algorithm. One of my favorite sketches of all time.
9 9!
wstine79 YES!!!!
Actually mlep(clay)nos just joking
TheGamingIcon omg i just remembered! 😭🤣
Yep. Some actors are like that. They have it in their heads to do it a certain way, and you explain it to them and they seem to get it, but once you start rolling, they automatically go back to doing it the same way.
+Dave Bridges Are you a director? Dont take my question the wrong way, I'm just curious :3
+Dave Bridges they just gotta get their heads in the game
+spacemanmima lmfao
+Raul Petallo, I am.
Then hire another actress/actor instead of complaining
3:13 he's literally gonna cry!
Apps_ Gumm hes kidding
Apps_ Gumm ah
Underrated part of this sketch is the director asking if he has her name right every single time
"Let's do her line over and over and after a while she'll calm down and do it right" made me laugh out loud.
She's giving me a Linda from Bob's burgers vibe.
linda from bob's burgers is voiced by a man. . .
@@Femaiden They all are except for Louise
When Andy samberg got smacked I lost it 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The way Jason checks that he has her name right every time
TATUM CASSADY That's because it is
Michael Ignatius No.
Linda would say: "I'm yah mothah"
Interesting she was voiced by a male character
Am I the only one who thought of this scene in b99:
I am your superior OFFICER
and there are two characters from that show in this video. jake and
yes i am gay, but melp(clay)nos
And it's Gina's Pizza roll!
@@yesiamgaybut8952 seriously man *thank you* !!!! I was literally looking if someone mentioned him or not
galaxylover3006 galaxylover3006 hhhhhhhoowwwww dare you detective Diaz I am your superior officer. BOOOOOOOOOONE
Why are there so many comments about zac and not Fred? Fred Armison is G O L D!
hound6 : This hilarity at its finest.
Is that the guy from Lonely Island?
Swan W. No that's Andy Samberg
Døctør Are you joking?
The Fluffy I was probably. Although I forgot how.
You know the sketch is going to kill when the first shot of Armisen is already getting laughs.
Did anyone just get this on recommended after 6 years
Maverick yeah me
Me too!!
Thanks for the likes I appreciate it
Just now
I am your mother!
I AM your mother!
I am YOUR mother!
I am your MOTHER!
- don't slap another person's kid -
“I’d just say, ‘Hey I’m your mother’”
“Ok perfect. Do it just like that”
“I hired her for her amazing face” 😂😂😂
Zach with his old haircut just seems so natural
Fred wanted to torture Zac Efron so much he casted himself as a female actor.
And that’s how I met your mother ;)
Justin is Kris and Sehun’s son I
👏👏 👏👏😂😂😂😂
No, I am
They never say “luke” in Star Wars but ok
Props to Zac for not breaking character with Fred Armisen in a wig climbing on the counter and screaming in his face 😩😻
Impressive that Zac Efron didn't break at all with Fred up in his face like that.
All I see is Troy Bolton getting a snack with his teammate after basketball practice. Where's Chad?
He got murdered by a bunch of chads!!
Got his skin bleached
Not with any virgins I assure you
This is after college practise, Chad isnt at Duke
If "Hereditary" was a comedy.
That line OMG!!! Haha
"Don't you ever swear to me you little Shit"
You keep looking at me with that face!
Hahaha I literally sent this link to someone I watched it with last night after the dinner scene.
All I get is that fucking face on your face
I never get tired of this skit 😂
The fact that this was filmed in 2009 and Zac hasn’t aged a day.
Nicole my man has been absolutely incredible looking for years
Brendan McCabe Yes! I actually thought this was a recent clip until I saw the date. That man does not age!
Nicole we need more men like him
Yeah he seriously hasn’t aged a day
Anirudh Babu Yes but Zac is better looking. Lol. 😂
Um hey guys just clarifying: Is she his mother...? Or like am I misinterpreting it idk
I don’t know. There’s really no way to tell
when does it say that
I can understand your confusion. She gives a very subtle and nuanced performance. I'm stumped too! 🤷♀️
What would give you that idea?
wait I think she is .. if you listen closely she says ... " I AM YOUR MOTHEEEERRRRRR!!"
Jess Liu they take more than 1 take
MaddenBoy25 not on this one. It was aired live.
Jess Liu it wasn't that funny
You can tell that Zac and Fred are good actors
Jess Liu because was not funny
No matter how many times I watched this over the years I wail 🤣🤣🤣
*pulls out pizza rolls from sink *
Plot twist: She is his actual mother.
omg, you just killed me!
Vegan ccheese
I love how the audience laughs before anything even happens around 4:55 cause they just SEE it coming
Omg couldn't help but laugh at Jason not wanting to fire Fred because of "her amazing face"! Such a throwback to another skit they had together where Fred was playing Regine, Jason's new girlfriend! 😂