Fallout 101 - Rix plays Fallout 76

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024
  • I like Fallout. Fallout 1 and 2 were really close to my heart and while it's not among my favorites, Fallout Tactics was also a game I kept going back to. I didn't hate Fallout 3 as much as a lot of folks seemed to, but New Vegas was definitely far superior and easily my favorite game in the franchise. Fallout 4 was just more horrid Bethesda writing and an all around uninteresting game: if it weren't for the base building that on its own couldn't redeem the game, but definitely held promise for a future Fallout title. This future title was Fallout 76, which launched as an empty, buggy shell of a game. Coming back to it a couple of years later, I can say that the writing is still horrible, the game is ugly and buggy, the engine itself should have been abandoned a decade ago at least, but at its core, it IS a fun game. Fun in the way old Bethesda titles were. It's definitely not a boring, poorly thought out mess like Star Citizen.
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