Court hearing, judicial authorization, clinic admission date, FAITH, coma, Psalm 118:17, SCARED

  • Опубліковано 16 бер 2023
  • If you are new to my channel and want my content to be spread around the world: please subscribe and like! I really hope we can make this a safe place to be honoust, REAL, vulnerable, authentic, loving and encouraging. With all the ups and downs that come along.
    If you want to help me ‘not to die’, please click the link below and feel free to share. Thank you so much for your help in advance… 🙏🏻
    To get an idea of what to expect on this channel:
    Hi dear! On this channel I will share my journey with you how NOT to die from anorexia... I am still alive by the grace of God. I have suffered from all kinds of eating disorders since 31 years (!!) now. It is a miracle that I am still alive! And though I seem to be 'at my last end', I will keep trusting that I am still alive for a reason. One of which is to share my story with you. I will give all I have to give as long as I keep breathing. And I hope that you can use it for the better to prevent you and/or your beloved to suffer as much from this disease as I have. Topics I certainly will address: anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, orthorexia, intestine issues, intolerances, fear, anxiety, what I eat in a day, panic attacks, urges, overeating, undereating, purging, medical help, hospitalisation, inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, twelve step program, spirituality, Higher Power... and so much more! Subscribe and like not to miss out on anything.


  • @brendagordon4936
    @brendagordon4936 Рік тому +111

    Faith is being able to take the steps into the unknown. Have faith, sign the papers. Let them help you. Psychiatrist, understand mental disorders even if the are not experts in ed. Sounds like they have consultants who are are experts. You have everything you need. Go, heal, live.

  • @jennifermetler2408
    @jennifermetler2408 Рік тому +37

    I can appreciate how scary it is. I just wanted to mention, as far as the granola and deep hunger, I think that's your body telling you it wants to live. It's so hopeful! God bless you and the teams that are going to help you save your life. We're all praying for you.💖💖🙏🙏

  • @carolcarol3938
    @carolcarol3938 Рік тому +48

    I hope things move ahead quickly and smoothly. In reality, all the worst case scenarios that they can present can't be any worse than the position you are in now. They are all "if" scenarios ...if you don't do anything (don't agree to it) it's just a matter of when rather than if. IF the decision is in your hands GRAB it as hard as you can!

  • @TheoriginalANGEK439
    @TheoriginalANGEK439 Рік тому +38

    This is good Ange, this means you will get your treatment. Sign the papers and let the experts help you, Not just your physical well-being but also your mental health. This means you get a second chance with life. You have got this, you can do this. Stay positive, and get well again. Remember you can vlog your experience because your experience can help others in the same or similar position as you. Sending you love and healing light.

  • @costaldevomito
    @costaldevomito Рік тому +11

    Lique, do not focus on the negative outcomes that could be. Our brains our powerful and do create reality. It's good for you to give up control here, you must trust others as you trust yourself and God. Like Alan watts said, by giving up control, we gain power. You are not giving up your power, only giving up control. God makes the impossible, possible. All of the hardship is only to build you up. Blessed are those who suffer, because suffering is what drives us to change. God doesn't fix the cracks because he wants the light to shine through them. Psalm 22, God will never abandon you.

  • @mirandamom1346
    @mirandamom1346 Рік тому +52

    Thank you for lavishing so much of your energy on keeping us up to date. That really means a lot. You’re going through very trying and tiring experiences, and there are more to come. But you are doing it!! You are a warrior, and you will win the battle! ❤

  • @n.s.6120
    @n.s.6120 Рік тому +28

    Angelique, so glad to hear that finally you will get the help you deserve. I send you a big hug, and much love. It is so true that the unknown is the scariest thing... some years ago I took classes to become a yoga teacher (actually I am a doctor, but I wanted to to both) and I remember that one of our teacher told us "some poses need strenght and focus, other poses need you to completely let go of control otherwise you will literally fall on the ground". It was such a simple but mindblowing realisation for me and for many others to find not only that this was absolutely true (we fell hard on our asses so many times!!) but how this applied to many other aspects of life. That realy stuck with me. Still to this day, when I feel that my desire to control is too strong and extreme, and I panic, I remember that quote and just let go. I remember the many times that letting go has already worked in the past. We think that control saves us...then we think that letting go can be harmless, but it's more than that. Sometimes letting go is MANDATORY in order to succed and survive :) and it's beautiful when that happens. Beautiful, gentle, liberating. Wishing you all the best, sweet creature :)

  • @gretenaaden7613
    @gretenaaden7613 Рік тому +28

    ❤🙏🥰 Do you know that you have become like family to us?? ❤️ You are in another country, but still near: because you live in our hearts, Lique! Thank you so much for your ( heartbreaking) update, Now I promise to pray even more, I surtainly know and feel that

  • @ababy6074
    @ababy6074 Рік тому +22

    Sounds very stressful the meeting with your family. I believe nobody will have to deal with your body dying. You are going to survive Lique. Keep on doing all you can and we'll see you out if this mess. Sending love and best wishes forever ❤❤❤

  • @pamsmith6404
    @pamsmith6404 Рік тому +13

    I'm happy that you're done with all that! I'm praying that when you go to the clinic, it will be good and you will be healed. Jesus listens to our prayers. So nice to see you!

  • @LoriWolfeRealtor
    @LoriWolfeRealtor Рік тому +10

    Very happy to hear things are progressing and you are getting closer to treatment. God bless you my dear. Fight on! ❤❤❤

  • @hannahthilthorpe6946
    @hannahthilthorpe6946 Рік тому +13

    I’m so happy to see you. I get concerned when I don’t see anything posted. Keep going you beautiful human xx

  • @teainortakoy
    @teainortakoy Рік тому +12

    I understand what you mean about the unknown being more scary than living with your ED. I've read a few books written by people that have recovered and watched recovery youtube channels- they too found it scary leaving their ED identity behind but have found so much freedom and joy in discovering what they are like as a person without the ED. I'm typing this as you are reading your quote and yes, discovering a new you and finding enjoyment in whatever your new life entails will be your sunshine ♥♥

  • @Devi-gn2cs
    @Devi-gn2cs Рік тому +11

    Honestly, if you can take these giant steps you really can do anything. This is the kind of thing that build up your courage in the long run. Good job!

  • @madnatty
    @madnatty Рік тому +6

    Amazing news! Do sign, please. The nurses watching this will love you like we do, after watching your vlogs. They will care about you and look after you for all if us, who wish we could do the same. By the end of this year, the sunshine will be there. ❤️

  • @harmonyhope1709
    @harmonyhope1709 Рік тому +20

    Your strength and courage is admirable Lique. Going through the examinations and hearing those facts out loud about yourself and what "could" happen to your body (in the worst case scenario must have been really very difficult. Then to hear your parents creating arguments even about what should happen to you if the worst should happen is pretty soul destroying. Bless you sweetheart. I hope you'll soon be at the hospital, despite it not being a specialist Eating disorders unit, hopefully it will get you through the early phases of recovery. The staff will be trained to help people who are distressed and anxious and be able to sit an listen to and guide you through the most difficult times and just keep an eye on your physical state as you re- feed. Once you begin to get regular nutrition and improve your health

  • @sweetluvgurl
    @sweetluvgurl Рік тому +87

    Lique, I’m just going to be completely honest with you. You really need to let go, let the experts do their jobs, and give up control.

  • @mandamacers9983
    @mandamacers9983 Рік тому +12

    So lovely to see you online. You are dealing with so so much whilst being so unwell. Having watched your videos for sometime, I have faith in YOU that you the strength for the next stage! you CAN do this!! so so so many hugs from the UK. xxxxxx

  • @orenji196
    @orenji196 Рік тому +11

    Dear Lique, I totally understand what you mean about the unknown being more scary than the known, EVEN IF the known is bad. I was once in a deeply unhealthy toxic relationship that I was terrified to leave even though I knew leaving would be better for me. Even still I hope you will take this chance for your own sake. Change can be terrifying and uncomfortable and sometimes even hurt deeply but sometimes it is what we ultimately need to live a better life. Praying for you! ❤

  • @ppekpb
    @ppekpb Рік тому +9

    I'm so happy things are progressing! Sending you Love 💕