Saudi Arabia and the New Middle East

  • Опубліковано 4 лип 2024
  • The balance of power in the Middle East is shifting in ways that are likely to make America’s regional partner Saudi Arabia uneasy. In Vienna, nuclear negotiations with Iran are off to an unpromising start, and the regime is creeping closer to nuclear breakout. In neighboring Yemen, Iranian-backed Houthis have virtually captured the key port of Hodeidah and are advancing on the city of Marib and its crucial oil refinery. As Russia and China grab strategic footholds in the Middle East and America reassesses its regional posture, Saudi Arabia is being forced to reevaluate its own strategy and alliances.
    How is Saudi Arabia reacting to the shifting strategic terrain in the Middle East? What steps should the U.S. and Saudi Arabia take to advance their own interests and promote stability in the region? Join Hudson Institute for a conversation with Senior Fellow Michael Doran, Visiting Fellow Mohammed Khalid Alyahya, and Princeton University Professor of Near Eastern Studies Bernard Haykel.
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