Mama of 12 here!! Baby will be 5 soon so my baby years are wrapping up (menopause 🙃) and I'm so here for this!!! Btw- family bed, cloth diapered, extended/tandem nursed, baby led weaned, public school, charter school, homeschooled (still doing that 😁), cook nearly all our meals, baby wearer, attachment parenting, home birthed, hospital birthed, birth center birthed... Different seasons led to different choices for sure ❤
It’s so funny that no matter how many kids you have, there are still so many new things to figure out or old things to relearn or remember. Always an adventure with each baby and it’s so helpful to have a community of mamas to chat with. ❤😅
My goodness, this is so true! I had my 8th baby 3 weeks ago. She'd been only wanting to eat for a couple of days. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her and a friend mentioned growth spurts. I had totally forgotten about those!!!
I am a newborn night nurse. I arrive at the house at about 10.00 pm and take the baby while mom goes to sleep 😴 and I leave at about 06.00 a m with a well fed well wrapped baby which I then Hand over to the mom. . I come from South Africa and there babies are carried on the back from birth. You would be shocked if you saw how as the baby is put onto the back and then a strategically placed towel was wrapped about baby and tied in front of the nanny or mom. The africans have been doing this since the beginning of time and it works. We also used cloth nappies - diapers. And never knew the gender until the baby was born. There were also no epidurals and we used the Lamaze method to deliver and had to stay in hospital for 10 days with our babies rooming in with us. As you might gather I am now 78 and still look after newborns.
Would love to hear more about this. My husband did peace corps in Kenya for a few years and I definitely used a lot of baby first foods from how he said African mamas did it. Basics are always the best remedies ❤
Really enjoyed this episode. Had my fifth baby this summer. I really wish I could say the newborn stage was as easy as you ladies said it was but it’s always been so challenging for me emotionally and physically. Taking lots of time to rest in beginning and also baby wearing helps. I think the things that make it hard for people are: hormones (some are rocked by them more than others), nursing issues (me every time-don’t make enough milk and it gets complicated and super stressful), colicky babies, dealing with postpartum self image/weight loss. Just wanted to shine a light on these as some of these things some mamas do not struggle with and it would make things a lot smoother but many do and that’s okay too. I struggle with all so it makes it a rockier period for me but I have learned to enjoy it more each time. Also, just the unpredictability of newborns and not being able to rely on a schedule as much is harder for me. I loved hearing that you are still trying to figure things out and would just like someone to tell you what to do since I feel the same way sometimes haha and it’s easy to feel like you shouldn’t since you’ve been through it so many times before. My must haves are: baby wraps/carriers, bouncer to set them in that you can move around house (mine have all had a bit of reflux so a Moses basket doesn’t really work-they need to be more upright), swing, diapers, white noise machine, nursing pillow I actually still have the same changing table setup on top of a dresser that I’ve had since my first and I love it! But I do have a single story so that’s probably it;) Anyway, enjoyed the conversation and this is my first time hearing of Ariel so I will look into following her. Thank you Lisa!💛
I think part of parenting is accepting there is no one right way. The dream feed helped my first sleep through from a few months, but it was the single reason that my second continued to wake through the night - he slept when I stopped. Same with babies crying, there's not just one cry. If you listen you will start to discern when they're fussy/protesting, and when they're distressed. Then you can decide what to do.
Omg the faux mantle nursery!!! 😂 I’m dying!! That’s so funny. Lisa. You are such a clear, independent thinker. That’s the source of your extraordinary success imho.
I love baby talks!! My littles are 3, 18 months and almost 3 weeks. My first was bottle fed - I was forced to exclusively pump due to several latching issues. She was an amazing sleeper as a baby and put herself on a schedule. My second I nursed on demand and we coslept for months. Baby 3 is almost 3 weeks and I’ve already started cosleeping and nursing on demand. I adore newborns and the newborn stage as well I just struggle with my own recovery due to csections.
It’s true that no one way is the right way. But isn’t the goal for you to get a good night sleep and your baby to get a good night sleep. Then you go into their room in the morning and he’s smiles at you and you smile at him, you’re both rested and can tackle the day so much better. My babies loved their cribs with in their swaddles and with their mobiles and aquariums. I loved listening to them on the monitor as they chattered away for a bit after waking up.
Agreed with a lot of what you ladies shared. Except Pacifiers. I honestly like that my kids didn't care for them. It was one less thing to wean them from.
Hello! Lisa and Ariel I know this is a year old but I just saw it. I had to share that when my boys were young and I needed the three of them to nap at the same time, (they were 4,2, & 1) they shared a room but it just didn’t work for naps so I put one in their room, one on my room and one in the bathtub! For naps. lol it worked perfectly and I got some much needed quiet time. Sometimes mom just has to be creative and that’s what works. Love watching your videos! Have a blessed week.🙏
Thank you so much for this precious mama sharing. Exactly what i needed. I'm a 5 y and a 5 months mama and I feel pretty lonely. This is the kind of gentle discussions i need. Thank you 💛🙌
What’s hilarious is I had babies with amazing sleep because I did what she did- a lose baby wise schedule. I had 5 babies with consistent naps etc. buuut I watched your channel, threw the schedule out the window and now I have an 11 month old who still can’t sleep through the night 😂😂 we pick our stress. Teaching them a schedule in the beginning can be a little stressful but it can also be stressful to not sleep consistently for a year 🤪! I’m actually not sure which method I liked better. Benefits to both!
I co-slept/and baby wore all of my six kids. With each baby I would say this time I'll put them down and they will sleep, but every time I would intuitively nurse them all through the night and carry all through the day.😊
I have 6 kids. I prefer to sleep train my babies from the newborn stage. Research shows it's harder after 4 months. That just means I put the baby down in his crib at night after every nursing. That worked for me soooo much better than co-sleeping. Everybody's different, but I prefer to take all my knocks up front and be able to enjoy them sleeping through the night by the time they're 2 months old. We never used any pacifiers either because I was always worried about nipple confusion. I also used a nursing pillow, a changing table and a diaper champ. :) My last one is now potty training so I guess I'm out of the baby phase for good. It's ok, I'm ready for it! Gotta parent teenagers now!
Ladies, the admiration and authentic love and respect you show in this episode is even more inspiring than the beautiful information…. Thank you. The best advice I ever received as a new bride was….Do what works for your family…. It is yours, you are perfectly matched with all the souls, joys, and challenges in this family, this life…. So live it with love, joy and confidence! You ladies are! And encouraging others to do the same! God bless! And thank you!❤🙏🏻
Lisa, you might like the Snoo bassinet. I really loved it for my last baby. It helped me follow a schedule like this. But I still had the mix of having him in bed with me at my leisure (because I love it.) But always laying down for naps. If I had been more consistent it would have been pretty easy to teach him to lay down but around 5 months he started having a hard time and I moved him to my bed full time and that's where we are now at 9 months.
My experiences with sleeping babies was pretty good. I had a system that worked. I had a Basinet right next to my bed. I nursed all my bubs during the night until they slept through the night. They were changed then swaddled in ‘the miracle blanket’ (not just any old swaddle) then nursed till they passed out. Then gently laid back into the basinet along side my bed. After a few months they slept through the night. Then they just went into their crib in their room after passing out from their evening feed. They didn’t notice the transition from basinet to crib. Then I fed them in the morning in their room, my room, wherever
I just found ring slings with baby 5. I found a linen one and a bamboo/linen one at the thrift store on the same day. The bamboo linen is SO much more comfortable for me. It is harder to adjust at the beginning, but I found it stays and holds so much better as the baby gets bigger!
My second baby, is 9 months old, doesn’t take a pacifier and doesn’t cry when I put him down. The Baby Wise method is amazing. At 8 weeks, both my babies slept for 8 hours straight. He’s been sleeping for 11 hours for months now. Being a momma is exhausting enough. Having a baby that sleeps through the night is such a blessing. There’s also Taking Cara Babies!
I love your podcast Lisa, but the problem with this sort of conversation is that us mums whose babies do NOT sleep in their own bed ( and the way my first daughter fought sleep in a cot was something that is genuinely beyond belief), scream their head off if they're put down and will NOT take a pacifier start wondering if there's something wrong with their child or with themselves. Today I have three daughters, the second and third slept in my bed from day one. Both my first and second daughters (ages 5 and 3) sleep in their own bedrooms (all night). They transitioned from my bed into a cot next to the bed - they were both well over one year old. From there into a bed in my bedroom and finally into their own bedroom. Somehow it became obvious that a certain stage was not working anymore but there was no rush. I basically stopped having battles with my children when it comes to sleep and know that they will (for sure) one day sleep through the night on their own.
Do you think if you had had a basinet up against your bed that you could lie your baby into after you nursed would have helped with the transition into their own crib in their own room? And not having your baby sleep with you? I just copied what they did in my hospital room when i got home.
Thank you for this comment! I have a 3 year old that I co-slept with because he was the same as your daughter- literally nothing worked so we had to cosleep. At this point he has a mattress on his bedroom floor that I also sleep in with him and if he wakes up and I’m not there, he calls for me. Any advice from a fellow co-sleeper on how to make the transition to me sleeping back in my own room? Baby #2 is on the way so I’m trying to make it as smooth as possible for my first born.
@@BriBaylywhen he falls asleep for 5ish minutes go to your bed. When he wakes up comfort him until he falls asleep again. Repeat until he mostly sleeps in his own bed.
Hello, I totally relate. I don't know anyone else who has done the same so it feels weird at times but my son just turned 1 and he always have co-slept with me and always naps on me because he isn't content without me, but I'm now about to try to transition him to napping on his own but that is probably going to be difficult. But I also need him to sleep on his own for naps so I can do more and be more efficient in doing housework, but he always wants me so it may be hard. He gets separation anxiety, I think, too.
@@BriBayly Hey, I have the same issue. My son has just turned 1, but he has always co-slept on me and even takes his naps on me. I don't know many others who have done the same. I'm interested in how things are going for you now? I'm about to try and at least transition him to taking naps on his own so I can do things more efficiently but at night, I like him sleeping with me, for now. Or did yours sleep on his own for naps but just not at night?
Mama of 13 and only 4 would take a paci but only for a couple months. I've always been the paci too 😆 I would love to baby wear but only 2 have liked a wrap or carrier. We either have a crib or a pack n play in our room up to 2 years but they usually just nap in them or they start in there, then end up in my bed to nurse.
As a new mom to an almost 9 month old (and adopted 9 year old niece), I found this really interesting! We have co-slept, and we are soon to try a side-car crib and see how that goes. I was so nervous when I started out with a newborn, and I feel like I've found that you just do what works. Every kid, every family, every mom is different. We tried the sleep, eat, play, and it didn't work for us. We tried "safe sleep." We tried pacifers. Nothing really worked (our baby was very colicky in the beginning and has reflux and a dairy/soy allergy, so that was part of it). We just had to find what worked for us. Our pediatrician also told us to do solids at 4 months, and our daughter actually had a rare type of allergic reaction (food protein inducing enterocolitis syndrome to avocado) very early on. We took a break from solids, and got shame from our pediatrician for it. When we reintroduced them, she was not into the homemade purees I was spending so much time on, so we switched to BLW, and it's really worked for us.
None of my 3 kids took the many different pacis I tried on them. They were all too hyper I guess 😂 I guess it’s either pay up front or later because we never had to deal with meltdowns from taking away the pacifier either.
I found that babies will just naturally sleep through the night around 12 weeks, some sooner some later. Put a crib in your room or don’t, depending on a c section perhaps. At bedtime, change diaper, swaddle, nurse then lie in crib when super drowsy. Then in the day when really young, do the same thing after they’ve been awake for a couple of hours, like around 9. Once they’re about 6 months, you move to the afternoon nap time from like 1-3 ish. Not too late so they’ll go down in the evening. When I had my second baby 18 months after my first, I immediately put him on the same schedule and it was cake! He had his morning nap, then I put him down when his brother went down at 1. That way I had a couple of hours to myself. I never had babies sleep in my bed. I nursed in bed, but I put them in the crib next to me. Then I just moved the crib to their room once they slept through the night. Try never to make the mistake of feeding your baby in the night, once they’re sleeping through the night and weigh around 12 pounds. I made that mistake with my first. They don’t need food to get through the night, you can go in quietly and soothe and leave. If you start to feed again, oh lord, you could be there for two years. The swaddle is a life saver. My babies loved it and I slept because of it. They didn’t hit themselves in the head all night and wake up.
None of my kids would take a pack either. I spent so much money buying different ones to see which one would work and the answer was none lol! With my first sleeping was a mess and she came into my bed every single night until she was 6. My second I did what Ariel did and it went so much better. He was a great sleeper that would self sooth. When I had my third I had every intent to put him down drowsy but I kept falling asleep nursing him so we ended up co sleeping 🙈
Loved this collab! I'm a mom of 5 and I'm in the same boat as you with an 8 month old trying to get him to sleep alone, but I also have an almost 3 yr old that STILL wakes up at night 😭
I Co sleep until the next kid comes along. Practice sleeping in own bed before baby comes. I wake up to kids in my bed. I think it's comforting to them so i don't fight it so much.
mom of 5 here and 21 grandchildren. Oh sweet mamas - you are working too hard and missing the incredible sweetness! I nursed all 5, began giving tiny spoonfuls of rice cereal at 2 mos after morning feeding so their tongue could learn about food as well as beverage It was so gradual - a little more each day until - 3 mos added pureed fruits, 4 mos added boiled pureed egg yolks, 5 mos added veg, 6 mos added pureed meats. At 4 -5 mos they could sit supported and begin to sip out of a cup. So by 6 mos they were fully aware of how to eat, flavors, textures, and could pick up and eat foods themselves, 3 meals a day. No fussy babies. They would see what we were eating and I would offer what they could feed themselves from our family meals. No "transitions" - they learned along the way - it was gradual. I continued to nurse, but left off feedings until they self-weaned at 8-9 mos. when they become distracted and desire more independence anyway. Happy babies, happy family : ) I also nursed when they were hungry from day 1, slept them in a bassinet by my bed for a couple weeks, then put them in their own crib in bedroom with siblings. 3 bedroom house so I could hear them, would get up to feed and put them back in their crib. Never woke a sleeping baby. They slept soundly because from day 1 we slept them on their tummy - helped get the burps out, they would raise their head and turn it from side to side - got strong neck and shoulders quickly. By 4 weeks they were sleeping 6-8 hrs at night. Key was bringing them along in our active life. I would carry them on my hip as I did everything, sit down to nurse, burp them, lay them on their belly on a quilt wherever I was working, then turn them on their back to see what I was doing. The would eventually fall asleep - I would put them in crib to finish nap. Activity during the day differentiated day from nighttime. Also - when their cord fell off we gave a bath every night in very warm water in a real baby tub supporting their upper back/+under arm pits and let them "float" and kick. So relaxing for them and us - a signal bedtime was coming. I would cover them with a cotton quilt - it was "stiff" enough to "shelter" them without being close to their face. No pacifiers, no wraps, no carriers, no uncontrollable crying. Cozy in a stroller for walks or carseat for rides in the car, held in my arms as I grocery shopped. Very little props. Oh we did have a baby swing they loved - we would wind it up and it would go for 10-15 min. They learned to rock and roll with the family. After all their needs were met for nursing, food, activity, they were ready to sleep and I would lay them down, pat them gently, reassure them and they were good to go for naps or nighttime They would take naps in a toddler bed when they were 1-1/2 yrs old, but sleep in their crib at night. By 2 yrs old they slept in their toddler bed/no sides. They could crawl in and out on their own and knew the routine. I loved every phase! Was it a busy life requiring lots of effort - yes! but it was equally balanced with enjoyment and savoring the moments of every day. My grandchildren whose mamas have followed these same patterns were happy babies with happy families! They begin sitting in our Keekaroo high chair at 4-5 mos. The oldest is now 14, youngest is 1-1/2. Happy mothering y'all : )
I’ve never had a home birth but I had my 4 babies at a wonderful Christian birth center called Breath of Life in Largo, Florida. Such an amazing experience! (Aside from the pain, haha!)
Loved this soo much! I have three kiddos three and under and my third is in our closet😂! Closets are the best! Also, huge fans of sleep training! We’ve done the Ferber Method with all of ours and it works within three days🎉
Yes it does! I had a lot of anxiety doing it, but it works and they never remember it. I’ve even asked my kids 12 and older now. “Do you remember those two night when I let you cry? No Mum, we don’t, we’re not traumatized. You’re not a bad mother. We’re glad the family could sleep .
With my other kids they recommended rice and all the cereals, so much fruit baby food etc. what do you do instead? Don’t want to go that route this time.
I have a 1 story 1800 sf home and the changing dresser is right off the living room in the nursery so I’ve always loved it for all three of mine. I bet it would be impractical for a two story
Ufff i have a 22 months toddler and 1 month baby and neither of them sleeps.. newborn it's ok , but toddler... I just don't know what wlse to do... Soon we Will need to let her cry bc wey can't sleep
Why are pacifiers so encouraged? Mums didn’t have them for centuries. Don’t feel bad if they don’t want one. None of mine did. It’s just something you have to constantly pick up and clean anyway.
My DIL is expecting her 3rd daughter any day now, and she has never used a pacifier for her babies. She's adamant against it. And, I kinda think it's not wrong to do it if that's what works for you, but then you just have to wean them from it later on, and that can be difficult as well. But, I say do whatever works for you!
Babies never slept with parents in the 70 & 80s, rarely 90s. Babies were wrapped in receiving blankets for the first month So so much is unecessary, I believe.
Mama of 12 here!! Baby will be 5 soon so my baby years are wrapping up (menopause 🙃) and I'm so here for this!!!
Btw- family bed, cloth diapered, extended/tandem nursed, baby led weaned, public school, charter school, homeschooled (still doing that 😁), cook nearly all our meals, baby wearer, attachment parenting, home birthed, hospital birthed, birth center birthed...
Different seasons led to different choices for sure ❤
It’s so funny that no matter how many kids you have, there are still so many new things to figure out or old things to relearn or remember. Always an adventure with each baby and it’s so helpful to have a community of mamas to chat with. ❤😅
My goodness, this is so true! I had my 8th baby 3 weeks ago. She'd been only wanting to eat for a couple of days. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her and a friend mentioned growth spurts. I had totally forgotten about those!!!
I am a newborn night nurse. I arrive at the house at about 10.00 pm and take the baby while mom goes to sleep 😴 and I leave at about 06.00 a m with a well fed well wrapped baby which I then Hand over to the mom. . I come from South Africa and there babies are carried on the back from birth. You would be shocked if you saw how as the baby is put onto the back and then a strategically placed towel was wrapped about baby and tied in front of the nanny or mom. The africans have been doing this since the beginning of time and it works. We also used cloth nappies - diapers. And never knew the gender until the baby was born. There were also no epidurals and we used the Lamaze method to deliver and had to stay in hospital for 10 days with our babies rooming in with us. As you might gather I am now 78 and still look after newborns.
Would love to hear more about this. My husband did peace corps in Kenya for a few years and I definitely used a lot of baby first foods from how he said African mamas did it. Basics are always the best remedies ❤
Really enjoyed this episode. Had my fifth baby this summer. I really wish I could say the newborn stage was as easy as you ladies said it was but it’s always been so challenging for me emotionally and physically. Taking lots of time to rest in beginning and also baby wearing helps.
I think the things that make it hard for people are: hormones (some are rocked by them more than others), nursing issues (me every time-don’t make enough milk and it gets complicated and super stressful), colicky babies, dealing with postpartum self image/weight loss. Just wanted to shine a light on these as some of these things some mamas do not struggle with and it would make things a lot smoother but many do and that’s okay too. I struggle with all so it makes it a rockier period for me but I have learned to enjoy it more each time.
Also, just the unpredictability of newborns and not being able to rely on a schedule as much is harder for me.
I loved hearing that you are still trying to figure things out and would just like someone to tell you what to do since I feel the same way sometimes haha and it’s easy to feel like you shouldn’t since you’ve been through it so many times before.
My must haves are: baby wraps/carriers, bouncer to set them in that you can move around house (mine have all had a bit of reflux so a Moses basket doesn’t really work-they need to be more upright), swing, diapers, white noise machine, nursing pillow
I actually still have the same changing table setup on top of a dresser that I’ve had since my first and I love it! But I do have a single story so that’s probably it;)
Anyway, enjoyed the conversation and this is my first time hearing of Ariel so I will look into following her.
Thank you Lisa!💛
Same! Newborn stage was so hard for me with both my boys.
I think part of parenting is accepting there is no one right way. The dream feed helped my first sleep through from a few months, but it was the single reason that my second continued to wake through the night - he slept when I stopped. Same with babies crying, there's not just one cry. If you listen you will start to discern when they're fussy/protesting, and when they're distressed. Then you can decide what to do.
Omg the faux mantle nursery!!! 😂 I’m dying!! That’s so funny. Lisa. You are such a clear, independent thinker. That’s the source of your extraordinary success imho.
I love baby talks!! My littles are 3, 18 months and almost 3 weeks. My first was bottle fed - I was forced to exclusively pump due to several latching issues. She was an amazing sleeper as a baby and put herself on a schedule. My second I nursed on demand and we coslept for months. Baby 3 is almost 3 weeks and I’ve already started cosleeping and nursing on demand. I adore newborns and the newborn stage as well I just struggle with my own recovery due to csections.
It’s true that no one way is the right way. But isn’t the goal for you to get a good night sleep and your baby to get a good night sleep. Then you go into their room in the morning and he’s smiles at you and you smile at him, you’re both rested and can tackle the day so much better. My babies loved their cribs with in their swaddles and with their mobiles and aquariums. I loved listening to them on the monitor as they chattered away for a bit after waking up.
Agreed with a lot of what you ladies shared. Except Pacifiers. I honestly like that my kids didn't care for them. It was one less thing to wean them from.
Lisa and Ariel
I know this is a year old but I just saw it. I had to share that when my boys were young and I needed the three of them to nap at the same time, (they were 4,2, & 1) they shared a room but it just didn’t work for naps so I put one in their room, one on my room and one in the bathtub! For naps. lol it worked perfectly and I got some much needed quiet time. Sometimes mom just has to be creative and that’s what works.
Love watching your videos!
Have a blessed week.🙏
Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you so much for this precious mama sharing. Exactly what i needed. I'm a 5 y and a 5 months mama and I feel pretty lonely. This is the kind of gentle discussions i need.
Thank you 💛🙌
What’s hilarious is I had babies with amazing sleep because I did what she did- a lose baby wise schedule. I had 5 babies with consistent naps etc. buuut I watched your channel, threw the schedule out the window and now I have an 11 month old who still can’t sleep through the night 😂😂 we pick our stress. Teaching them a schedule in the beginning can be a little stressful but it can also be stressful to not sleep consistently for a year 🤪! I’m actually not sure which method I liked better. Benefits to both!
I think the success Ariel has is that she starts the loose schedule early on
I co-slept/and baby wore all of my six kids. With each baby I would say this time I'll put them down and they will sleep, but every time I would intuitively nurse them all through the night and carry all through the day.😊
😅 first baby here and that’s where I am
@@seekingpurposepartnership ha ha you know your baby the best !
I have 6 kids. I prefer to sleep train my babies from the newborn stage. Research shows it's harder after 4 months. That just means I put the baby down in his crib at night after every nursing. That worked for me soooo much better than co-sleeping. Everybody's different, but I prefer to take all my knocks up front and be able to enjoy them sleeping through the night by the time they're 2 months old. We never used any pacifiers either because I was always worried about nipple confusion. I also used a nursing pillow, a changing table and a diaper champ. :) My last one is now potty training so I guess I'm out of the baby phase for good. It's ok, I'm ready for it! Gotta parent teenagers now!
Ladies, the admiration and authentic love and respect you show in this episode is even more inspiring than the beautiful information…. Thank you. The best advice I ever received as a new bride was….Do what works for your family…. It is yours, you are perfectly matched with all the souls, joys, and challenges in this family, this life…. So live it with love, joy and confidence! You ladies are! And encouraging others to do the same! God bless! And thank you!❤🙏🏻
Beautifully said. 😊
@@5674Kc thank you so much ❤️
Lisa, you might like the Snoo bassinet. I really loved it for my last baby. It helped me follow a schedule like this. But I still had the mix of having him in bed with me at my leisure (because I love it.) But always laying down for naps. If I had been more consistent it would have been pretty easy to teach him to lay down but around 5 months he started having a hard time and I moved him to my bed full time and that's where we are now at 9 months.
My little gal that was born in May is number 41 grandkid on my husband's side. Lots of cousins that can be best friends for life.
I’m loving this podcast and the real information shared! Thanks for putting in the effort to help us other Mommas out 💕
You are so welcome!
I have a hard time with recovery as well. Great tips!
My experiences with sleeping babies was pretty good. I had a system that worked.
I had a Basinet right next to my bed. I nursed all my bubs during the night until they slept through the night. They were changed then swaddled in ‘the miracle blanket’ (not just any old swaddle) then nursed till they passed out. Then gently laid back into the basinet along side my bed. After a few months they slept through the night. Then they just went into their crib in their room after passing out from their evening feed. They didn’t notice the transition from basinet to crib. Then I fed them in the morning in their room, my room, wherever
Keep the lights very low when changing babies then feeding them in the night. You want them to stay drowsy then fall back to sleep after nursing
I'm going to save this episode for reminders! Thanks for sharing.
I just found ring slings with baby 5. I found a linen one and a bamboo/linen one at the thrift store on the same day. The bamboo linen is SO much more comfortable for me. It is harder to adjust at the beginning, but I found it stays and holds so much better as the baby gets bigger!
My second baby, is 9 months old, doesn’t take a pacifier and doesn’t cry when I put him down. The Baby Wise method is amazing. At 8 weeks, both my babies slept for 8 hours straight. He’s been sleeping for 11 hours for months now. Being a momma is exhausting enough. Having a baby that sleeps through the night is such a blessing. There’s also Taking Cara Babies!
I love your podcast Lisa, but the problem with this sort of conversation is that us mums whose babies do NOT sleep in their own bed ( and the way my first daughter fought sleep in a cot was something that is genuinely beyond belief), scream their head off if they're put down and will NOT take a pacifier start wondering if there's something wrong with their child or with themselves. Today I have three daughters, the second and third slept in my bed from day one. Both my first and second daughters (ages 5 and 3) sleep in their own bedrooms (all night). They transitioned from my bed into a cot next to the bed - they were both well over one year old. From there into a bed in my bedroom and finally into their own bedroom. Somehow it became obvious that a certain stage was not working anymore but there was no rush. I basically stopped having battles with my children when it comes to sleep and know that they will (for sure) one day sleep through the night on their own.
Do you think if you had had a basinet up against your bed that you could lie your baby into after you nursed would have helped with the transition into their own crib in their own room? And not having your baby sleep with you? I just copied what they did in my hospital room when i got home.
Thank you for this comment! I have a 3 year old that I co-slept with because he was the same as your daughter- literally nothing worked so we had to cosleep. At this point he has a mattress on his bedroom floor that I also sleep in with him and if he wakes up and I’m not there, he calls for me. Any advice from a fellow co-sleeper on how to make the transition to me sleeping back in my own room? Baby #2 is on the way so I’m trying to make it as smooth as possible for my first born.
@@BriBaylywhen he falls asleep for 5ish minutes go to your bed. When he wakes up comfort him until he falls asleep again. Repeat until he mostly sleeps in his own bed.
Hello, I totally relate.
I don't know anyone else who has done the same so it feels weird at times but my son just turned 1 and he always have co-slept with me and always naps on me because he isn't content without me, but I'm now about to try to transition him to napping on his own but that is probably going to be difficult. But I also need him to sleep on his own for naps so I can do more and be more efficient in doing housework, but he always wants me so it may be hard. He gets separation anxiety, I think, too.
@@BriBayly Hey, I have the same issue. My son has just turned 1, but he has always co-slept on me and even takes his naps on me. I don't know many others who have done the same. I'm interested in how things are going for you now? I'm about to try and at least transition him to taking naps on his own so I can do things more efficiently but at night, I like him sleeping with me, for now.
Or did yours sleep on his own for naps but just not at night?
This was great!! So excited for my sleep deprived daughter to see this!!
This was so timely!
We are expecting our first at the beginning of December, and I love hearing from lots of mamas and their perspective.
I am expecting my first the beginning of December too! Best of luck!
Working mom of 1 here who values and loves scratch cooking. This is awesome! Thanks for the inspo!
Mama of 13 and only 4 would take a paci but only for a couple months. I've always been the paci too 😆 I would love to baby wear but only 2 have liked a wrap or carrier. We either have a crib or a pack n play in our room up to 2 years but they usually just nap in them or they start in there, then end up in my bed to nurse.
ok i loved this but i came to listen for BIRTH tips😭
PLZ HAVE HER ON AGAIN & talk about birth❤️🙏
I love the newborn stage but I really struggle with hormones and emotions. I would love to hear any tips for that.
As a new mom to an almost 9 month old (and adopted 9 year old niece), I found this really interesting! We have co-slept, and we are soon to try a side-car crib and see how that goes. I was so nervous when I started out with a newborn, and I feel like I've found that you just do what works. Every kid, every family, every mom is different. We tried the sleep, eat, play, and it didn't work for us. We tried "safe sleep." We tried pacifers. Nothing really worked (our baby was very colicky in the beginning and has reflux and a dairy/soy allergy, so that was part of it). We just had to find what worked for us. Our pediatrician also told us to do solids at 4 months, and our daughter actually had a rare type of allergic reaction (food protein inducing enterocolitis syndrome to avocado) very early on. We took a break from solids, and got shame from our pediatrician for it. When we reintroduced them, she was not into the homemade purees I was spending so much time on, so we switched to BLW, and it's really worked for us.
Great podcast!
❤ Lisa love your make up! You look beautiful!
Thank you so much!
I was going to say the same! Your makeup is beautiful and very natural looking!
I'm definitely going to look into the toupsandco makeup for myself!
None of my 3 kids took the many different pacis I tried on them. They were all too hyper I guess 😂 I guess it’s either pay up front or later because we never had to deal with meltdowns from taking away the pacifier either.
I loved this podcast!!
I didn’t know her husband was a pastor! I love this family!
I found that babies will just naturally sleep through the night around 12 weeks, some sooner some later. Put a crib in your room or don’t, depending on a c section perhaps. At bedtime, change diaper, swaddle, nurse then lie in crib when super drowsy. Then in the day when really young, do the same thing after they’ve been awake for a couple of hours, like around 9. Once they’re about 6 months, you move to the afternoon nap time from like 1-3 ish. Not too late so they’ll go down in the evening. When I had my second baby 18 months after my first, I immediately put him on the same schedule and it was cake! He had his morning nap, then I put him down when his brother went down at 1. That way I had a couple of hours to myself. I never had babies sleep in my bed. I nursed in bed, but I put them in the crib next to me. Then I just moved the crib to their room once they slept through the night. Try never to make the mistake of feeding your baby in the night, once they’re sleeping through the night and weigh around 12 pounds. I made that mistake with my first. They don’t need food to get through the night, you can go in quietly and soothe and leave. If you start to feed again, oh lord, you could be there for two years. The swaddle is a life saver. My babies loved it and I slept because of it. They didn’t hit themselves in the head all night and wake up.
So what happens when you "quietly sooth" and they scream for the next three hours straight unless you feed them? Haha
None of my kids would take a pack either. I spent so much money buying different ones to see which one would work and the answer was none lol! With my first sleeping was a mess and she came into my bed every single night until she was 6. My second I did what Ariel did and it went so much better. He was a great sleeper that would self sooth. When I had my third I had every intent to put him down drowsy but I kept falling asleep nursing him so we ended up co sleeping 🙈
Loved this collab! I'm a mom of 5 and I'm in the same boat as you with an 8 month old trying to get him to sleep alone, but I also have an almost 3 yr old that STILL wakes up at night 😭
What carrier do you then switch to? And also what back carrier? because the baby Bjorn sits way too low and mine doesn’t like it
Love this!!
I Co sleep until the next kid comes along. Practice sleeping in own bed before baby comes. I wake up to kids in my bed. I think it's comforting to them so i don't fight it so much.
mom of 5 here and 21 grandchildren. Oh sweet mamas - you are working too hard and missing the incredible sweetness! I nursed all 5, began giving tiny spoonfuls of rice cereal at 2 mos after morning feeding so their tongue could learn about food as well as beverage It was so gradual - a little more each day until - 3 mos added pureed fruits, 4 mos added boiled pureed egg yolks, 5 mos added veg, 6 mos added pureed meats. At 4 -5 mos they could sit supported and begin to sip out of a cup. So by 6 mos they were fully aware of how to eat, flavors, textures, and could pick up and eat foods themselves, 3 meals a day. No fussy babies. They would see what we were eating and I would offer what they could feed themselves from our family meals. No "transitions" - they learned along the way - it was gradual. I continued to nurse, but left off feedings until they self-weaned at 8-9 mos. when they become distracted and desire more independence anyway. Happy babies, happy family : ) I also nursed when they were hungry from day 1, slept them in a bassinet by my bed for a couple weeks, then put them in their own crib in bedroom with siblings. 3 bedroom house so I could hear them, would get up to feed and put them back in their crib. Never woke a sleeping baby. They slept soundly because from day 1 we slept them on their tummy - helped get the burps out, they would raise their head and turn it from side to side - got strong neck and shoulders quickly. By 4 weeks they were sleeping 6-8 hrs at night. Key was bringing them along in our active life. I would carry them on my hip as I did everything, sit down to nurse, burp them, lay them on their belly on a quilt wherever I was working, then turn them on their back to see what I was doing. The would eventually fall asleep - I would put them in crib to finish nap. Activity during the day differentiated day from nighttime. Also - when their cord fell off we gave a bath every night in very warm water in a real baby tub supporting their upper back/+under arm pits and let them "float" and kick. So relaxing for them and us - a signal bedtime was coming. I would cover them with a cotton quilt - it was "stiff" enough to "shelter" them without being close to their face. No pacifiers, no wraps, no carriers, no uncontrollable crying. Cozy in a stroller for walks or carseat for rides in the car, held in my arms as I grocery shopped. Very little props. Oh we did have a baby swing they loved - we would wind it up and it would go for 10-15 min. They learned to rock and roll with the family. After all their needs were met for nursing, food, activity, they were ready to sleep and I would lay them down, pat them gently, reassure them and they were good to go for naps or nighttime They would take naps in a toddler bed when they were 1-1/2 yrs old, but sleep in their crib at night. By 2 yrs old they slept in their toddler bed/no sides. They could crawl in and out on their own and knew the routine. I loved every phase! Was it a busy life requiring lots of effort - yes! but it was equally balanced with enjoyment and savoring the moments of every day. My grandchildren whose mamas have followed these same patterns were happy babies with happy families! They begin sitting in our Keekaroo high chair at 4-5 mos. The oldest is now 14, youngest is 1-1/2. Happy mothering y'all : )
Thanks for sharing!
@@Simplefarmhouselife - you're welcome : )
I love this perspective. As controversial as it is now, I always let my babies sleep on their stomach.
@@mrs.t4382 yes😊
What high chair do you use?
I’ve never had a home birth but I had my 4 babies at a wonderful Christian birth center called Breath of Life in Largo, Florida. Such an amazing experience! (Aside from the pain, haha!)
Ariel, do you find you have trouble with them sleeping once you no longer swaddle?
My first was an awful awful sleeper and he didn’t take a paci. My second and third were great but took pacifiers
People have been telling me to start a TikTok but I can’t bring myself to do it! I can barely keep up with UA-cam and insta.
Loved this soo much! I have three kiddos three and under and my third is in our closet😂! Closets are the best! Also, huge fans of sleep training! We’ve done the Ferber Method with all of ours and it works within three days🎉
Yes it does! I had a lot of anxiety doing it, but it works and they never remember it. I’ve even asked my kids 12 and older now. “Do you remember those two night when I let you cry? No Mum, we don’t, we’re not traumatized. You’re not a bad mother. We’re glad the family could sleep .
@@heatheringram2976 Hahaha yes!! Exactly!
This is so cool, my maiden name is Anna C Tyson 😄😄
With my other kids they recommended rice and all the cereals, so much fruit baby food etc. what do you do instead? Don’t want to go that route this time.
I always put baby down after a feed into a Moses basket and they,ear to to go to asleep alone
I have a 1 story 1800 sf home and the changing dresser is right off the living room in the nursery so I’ve always loved it for all three of mine. I bet it would be impractical for a two story
Don’t you worry about accidentally smothering your baby in your sleep with it being a newborn in your bed. How do you keep them safe
Every mom has to decide for themselves what is best for them and their baby and of course it will look different for everyone.
@@Simplefarmhouselife but my question is, how do you keep them safe from being smothered??
@kiwiang983 have you read about the safe sleep 7?
Ufff i have a 22 months toddler and 1 month baby and neither of them sleeps.. newborn it's ok , but toddler... I just don't know what wlse to do... Soon we Will need to let her cry bc wey can't sleep
Why are pacifiers so encouraged? Mums didn’t have them for centuries. Don’t feel bad if they don’t want one. None of mine did. It’s just something you have to constantly pick up and clean anyway.
My DIL is expecting her 3rd daughter any day now, and she has never used a pacifier for her babies. She's adamant against it.
And, I kinda think it's not wrong to do it if that's what works for you, but then you just have to wean them from it later on, and that can be difficult as well. But, I say do whatever works for you!
@@MoonFlower52798can be bad for their teeth. Also if they want to suck it should be the boob.
Babies never slept with parents in the 70 & 80s, rarely 90s. Babies were wrapped in receiving blankets for the first month So so much is unecessary, I believe.
Ferber method mums and dads
We all need sleep or we can’t function
Yes I do want my children close to me for the rest of my life. Kids didn't use to turn 18 and move hours away and only visit on Christmas.