If anyone is wondering, this is my PERSONAL explanation for LSD: It's different for everybody. I will try to give my best explanation, though. Keep in mind, it's very likely for someone to respond to my explanation saying "That's nothing like it!", but like I said, everyone's different. LSD seems to change something regarding your perception of "image". I don't mean literally visual image (which does also happen), but image in terms of social identities. You are a person. You have friends and family that expect you to act a certain way that is consistent with the patterns that you have gone about your whole life. You have a style that you generally keep up. You define all these attributes that you have as "You". When you take LSD, those things seem to... dissipate. What you call "You" becomes very blurred. It becomes very apparent that you aren't what you do, you are the one that experiences what you do. The identity you define yourself as becomes obviously an illusion and you recognize that there is no way that you're supposed to act. Being smart, good-looking, famous, and all the other things that society seems to make important all suddenly seem insignificant. Because they are. You're conditioned to view the world in a way that is parallel (in some sense) to how those around you feel. On LSD, that conditioning disappears, and you see the world, yourself, and others seemingly for the first time, without prejudice or identity. The worries that normally take place in your life seem petty because you realize they actually are. For the most part, life is quite incredible and it is incredible to experience anything at all, and LSD helps you realize that that truly is the case. My favorite way to put it is this: When you would normally look at a pink piece of paper, it has some sort of symbolism. Perhaps you make connections to mothers day, girls, strawberry ice cream, or whatever it is you subconsciously make connections with. On LSD, you see it for what it really is. A pink piece of paper. What makes it interesting, though, is that you've had those images attached to the color pink your whole life, so it seems as if you are experiencing it for the first time. It's like being a young child again, experiencing and exploring the world for the first time. It's quite incredible, I must say. There are some other things it does, too. For one, it distorts your vision, creating patterns that are very symmetrical and colorful. The visuals seem to generally reflect your mood (which doesn't really make any sense until you take it). Also, it makes you really excited about everything not only for the reason that I explained, but also because it probably makes your brain release a large amount of dopamine. Also, your emotions become more intense. Happiness becomes bliss, excitement becomes ecstasy- on the flip-side, loneliness becomes desolation and fear becomes terror. For the most part, you won't experience much of the negative emotions if you're a relatively satisfied person. I know many people that have taken LSD countless times and have never once experienced a bad time on the substance.
Sounds pretty accurate to me. I know my friend had a bad experience and had to get sent to the hospital due to a seizure while we were tripping. That day has scarred me ever since, but I don't really blame the drug for it. I'm still somewhat afraid to take LSD again due to that accident, but I'm confident that the times I have done it had altered my life for the better. I used to drown myself in sorrow day and night, and now my soul bathes in sunshine, if that makes sense.
If someone had a seizure from it, that means that it was likely 25x-nBOME. Watch out for that stuff. If you make sure it's not any research chemicals like that, you've got nothing to fear!
Smell has nothing to do with it. 25c-nBOME will have a VERY significant taste that is extremely metallic and chemical-like. LSD won't taste like anything (some people disagree with this, but it's always been the case with me). Your best bets, though, are to 1.) Have a reliable dealer, 2.) Buy a test kit, 3.) If it tastes bitter, don't take it. Trust me, it may save your life.
Yeah they used lsd. And every single thing else they could do. And they heavily abused those other drugs. Arguably Hunter is on list, but I feel he still has a spot. That's why they ain't on the list.
30 years old, with over 100 trips under my belt, some of them light and floaty, some of them debilitatingly heavy. Never once have I had a bad experience
treat it with the utmost respect. Make sure you're mentally prepared for the experience. whether you're ready for it or not, it 'will' show you things you would never have previously dreamed of. trip safely x
Yeah...in John Densmore's autobiography 'Riders On The Storm', he claims when Morrison showed up in the studio to record 'The End', sometime in late 1966, he had a deranged look on his face, he turned to Densmore and said '....Ten Thousand mics, John...' Meaning he was claiming to have ingested 10,000 µg of LSD. Since the standard 'medium-high' dose is 100µg, it meant Morrison ingested the equivalent of 100 hits at once!
The amount of times me and friend on acid all witness crazy skies and crazy weather is uncanny. Red sunsets was a welcome commonality. One time though, on a hot summers night a storm hit. We took the trip and came 'up' as a thick black line of cloud moved across the sky. The rain was biblical. We took shelter and got higher and higher. It was amazing. We walked and walked for miles (it didnt feel like it at the time) and got to a town we knew well. The rain had been so heavy that we all noticed lots of cats walking around even though it was a town with a busy road. I never saw a single cat there before or since but that night there were around 10 or 12 cats walking around. Then we realised why. The rain had come down so hard that birds couldnt fly because their wings seemed to be saturated. The cats took their late dinner. Shit like that only happens when youre tripping on acid.....
Nallanyesmar Cool. All I can say is that words don't deal justice to the psychedelic experience. Any attempt at describing it falls short. It's a little bit like trying to explain love to someone who hasn't felt it before. You must have had the experience to really know.
Taking acid changed my life and made me a better person. If you want to take it, make sure your environment is good, and your mental state is positive. Have some familiar things like music pictures, or movies to enjoy as you trip. DO NOT TAKE TOO MUCH, or become a regular user. I took it at staggered periods through my 20s and 30s, and today I have a very responsible job and a good stable life. I would take it again : )
Kurt Cobain should be on here as well. People over look his heroin use which was out of control at a point but many of his teen friends and bandmates said kurt took "notable amounts of LSD". A lot of his paintings and poetry were during heavy LSD use. Many of his underground demos were really trippy but melodic. I'm sure LSD gave him ideas for lots of those creations.
A note of correction about what she said about Hoffman. It was an accidental trip. When synthesising acid for the first time got some on his finger by mistake. He then cycled home on his own, not by his lab assistant and the effects took hold. The very first person to have experienced LSD in history and on a bike! Thats why its called bicycle day
I've heard Manson never took acid. He was giving his girls acid and was acting like he was tripping too, but those closest to him say they never saw him actually take it.
@@wafflcoptr that's interesting never heard that but I did hear he carved the cross in his head to store acid .also he had a cell next to Leary in which he told stories of acid trips .
Hoffman is usually credited for sinthetising LSD but his work went much over it... he isolated and characterized pretty much all ergot alkaloids(from which he made the LSD), cardiac glycosides, chitin and then, ironically, started researching psychedelics as mushrooms and morning glory seeds(wich he had already sinthetized the alkaloid (LSA) he found there and was like WTF) after tripping on LSD. He also made a shitload of LSD analogues and tested all them on himself..... and tried to isolate and characterize salvia alkaloids but couldnt do it because his sample had degraded .... so yeah, we can say LSD changed his life pretty much
maciej wrotek I beg to differ. He didn't go insane. Him leaving the band is very romanticized by people who don't know his story. his family members (such as his sister) say that he was not insane, but acted perfectly normal after going out of public eye. I do think he had schizophrenia and the drugs only enticed it, but I think he got it treated.
For the record, I've taken LSD at least 250 times and I have never once peeled my skin off. I do, however, sometimes like to pretend that I'm a chipmunk, but I've been doing that since before I ever took acid.
Well there were 6 but their original bass player quit. Then they changed drummers. So if you take 6 and subtract 2 then you have 4......unless you are talking about 9.....and don't get me started on number 9
@@stlbusker3025 OK... let's get some things right... Stuart Sutcliffe (on bass) (a really wonderful visual artist too!) died (kicked in the head in Homburg) and Pete Best was not the best (couldn't keep time). And I love "Number 9... Number 9." too. Ever read "Tune In: The Beatles: All These Years" by Mark Lewisohn (big book …. but REALLY GREAT). Cheers
LSD is truly the only drug that can be used for the spiritual, artistic and political well-being of human kind.... and should, with out a doubt, be further tested on and used by more of societies great minds
maciej wrotek Personal responsibility, smoking in movies has little impact, and what can be done instead of an R Rating. It is completely your choice to watch a movie with smoking in it, there is a reference guide to help you with that and you do not need a law to tell you that. It is the parent’s responsibility to decide what to watch and it is not up to the government to tell you whether you can watch something that is perfectly legal. What next? Coffee is a drug - do we need to be warned about coffee drinking in movies, and give them an R Rating? I don’t think so. Parents are able to explain the dangers of smoking to their children, schools teach the dangers of smoking, and governments do not need to go to the extreme of an R Rating for smoking. It is not necessary. Furthermore, people need to take responsibility for their actions. If they take up smoking they should accept that it was their choice and not blame movies. The actor doesn’t reach out of the screen and light the cigarette for you. Smoking is in many PG and G films. Even Disney films such as Dumbo, The Incredibles, 101 Dalmations and Beauty and the Beast have some characters in them who smoke. It is such a minor part of the movie that it has no impact on the children who watch, and it would be ridiculous to make Disney movies R Rated just because of a few seconds worth of smoking in them. There are many of the characters that smoke in the films, but it has such a low impact on the film that it does not make children tempted to smoke themselves. In a recent study in America done by author Dr. James Sargent of the School of Medicine at Dartmouth in Lebanon, New Hampshire he found that children are not influenced to take up smoking if they see it in G or PG movies. In adult films smoking has a high impact on teenagers, but in PG and G films it has very little influence. If smoking in movies really bothers you, then have a warning on them which tells you which movies show smoking. That is all that is needed. Then you can decide for yourself if you want to watch it. But to make it R Rated in movies is an overreaction. So in conclusion, I believe that it is not necessary to use a sledgehammer to crack a walnut in other words, an R Rating is going too far. Thank you URL: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3408681/
I use marijuana daily, and trip every 3-4 weeks (sometimes more, sometimes less, but I consider that a good spacing, at least for this point in my life; summer off from university). I can't say I would recommend pot too much, I do enjoy it, but it's nothing spectacular, I'm thankful for whatever changes pot has made to my brain over time, but I hate the effects it has on my motivation and clouds my thinking. I would seriously recommend full psychs however, they really have improved my life and the way I perceive things in ways I really can't describe, it's not just me, people around me (including my parents) report generally great mood and creativity than before my LSD use, to think I was just a typical, insecure teenager with no idea about what I wanted in life, who knows how much of that is growing up and how much of it was due to LSD use? Not to say I feel I'm anything special now, but I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin. Always worth remembering however that acid is a catalyst, not a reactant (sorry for such a lame analogy, but it's apt) and it's not just a free ticket to 'enlightenment'.
SuckYourBone When I say daily, I don't mean I smoke throughout the day. I also find if I smoke heavily I can feel a tad foggy the next day, I just like to have 2-3 joints when I get home. I don't really notice any side effects. For instance, I have now not smoked in about 3 and a half weeks and I don't feel any different, nor did I feel bad before.
+Cohen Pikari Younger people all have issues to work out. Most adults do too. it's pretty natural to brag as a kid, because you don't realize how probably not "unique" you are in moat respects
+Drew The ego remains inflated after puberty unless something catalyzes a change. Psychedelics can speed up this process of change. Damn I sound like a hippie.
@@cbass8202 lsd is a personal spirtual experience. I dont get the "cool" aspect people talk about. I seriously doubt these people actually experienced lsd. However I need to give them a break. When I was their age I wasnt exactly thinking spirituality when taking acid. It was for fun
I did LSD back in high school. Not frequently, but a handful of times (maybe 2-4 times). It gave me a deep appreciation for the causes of our actions. Inspired me to study economics and computer science. I still sometimes see the world, beautifully, in code.
“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.” ― Terence McKenna
They forgot to include Bill Wilson, 'Bill W.', co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, who took l.s.d. under the guidance of a mutual friend of Aldous Huxley. He was looking for insight into what might 'spiritually block' someone from entering recovery.
You guys are wrong about Hoffman he didn't have to be taken home on a bike at all, he was working on a cure for migraines when he accidentally got some on his hands at the end of the day, then he washed his hands (doesn't matter) and rode his bike home going under on the way, then had a terrifying experience because he wasn't ready he drugged himself without knowing they then proceeded to do further research and use it as a medicine and in practice for alcoholism and it worked. the army came in and fked it all up.
lukaANDkrosty You mad bro? Anything can ruin your life. Hamburgers, alcohol, people, rx medications, cars, a bad attitude(haha,you). I don't know who syd barret is and I don't give a shit...
hhaha, i like your actitude, its good to know that someone can answer a quiestion well.... my point is that LSD ruins your life "faster".... and syd barret was the leader of pink floyd before LSD ruined his brain...
Dr.Hoffman tripped accidentally first on the 16th of April, 1943 while riding home on his bike. The 19th is when he deliberately tripped and had his assistant take him home. This is from Dr.Hoffman's book LSD: My Problem Child.
Too bad lsd is banned in the U.S it could do wonders in the medical field and it's actually a pretty effective way to get rid of migraines because of one key ingredient ergot which is used in some mirgrains medications
SYD Barrett must have been on the list. He took LSD all day and created the sound ofthe ultimate acid trip band . He is a martyr for psychedelic music . Also Jimi Hendrix should have given a spot for himself rather than just mentioning cuz many attribute him as the creator of psychedelic music.
What about Oliver Sacks? He is one of the most inspiring authors I've ever read. You might know him from two of his famous books: The man who mistook his wife for a hat and Musicophilia.
Notably missing from the list are Cary Grant (US Army experiments conducted with actors, like Nicholson), Syd Barrett, Brian Jones, Brian Wilson, and a slew of other rock stars.
I'm disappointed that this article includes an athletes single experience with acid and doesn't mention Cary Grant, an LSD advocate. I would have to say he was as famous as anybody else.
(1) Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was not about LSD. (2) You missed Henry Luce, founder of Time Magazine and (3) Cary Grant who took LSD as therapy over 100 times but gave it up when it became associated with the "counter culture" so as not to be associated with that movement, which he abhorred.
lucy in the sky with diamonds was not written about drugs. John wrote it after his son drew a picture of a strange flying woman. John asked him what it was and then he told that it was Lucy in the sky with diamonds. He immediately wrote a song about it, he didn't know that lsd was in the name. He did take lsd though of course. John Lennon on 'Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds' and LSD | The Dick Cavett Show is the title of the interview where he is asked this question
Paul Edwards Look, The Beatles had no issue admitting their drug use. They admitted that songs like Fixing a hole and Daytripper were about drugs. Why would they need to lie about this particular song? John Lennon even jokes about his surprise saying "After seeing that Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds spelled out LSD, we started looking at the letters of all our songs to see if there were any other unintentional references." Look up interviews of them talking about it. It's clear that it was just a misunderstanding. I have no trouble believing that Lennon did write the song because of a drawing from his son. I think if the song was about drugs, they would have said so. But because they deny it, despite admitting that other songs were about drugs, I think it's safe to say that it was just a misunderstanding. I mean it's easy to take strange lyrics and assume they were written while high, but that's just how they were as lyricists. Lots of bands would write strange lyrics that made no sense just because they were musicians and they just chose lyrics that would fit in with the music.
Well, perhaps Paul McCartney believed it at the time but he didn't write the song. Only Lennon could really know for sure, but it just doesn't make sense that he'd openly admit that some songs are about drugs, and not others. He was pretty open about that sort of thing, so I just think it was a coincidence. BBC banning the song doesn't mean anything. Radio stations will ban songs for stupid reasons that aren't even true.
It could also be that Lennon wrote the lyrics while on acid and at that moment in his mind (or in a little part of it) the title was about LSD, then that meaning took off along with the trip
I totally understand the story and theory of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds..but from another interview it was my understanding that the song was from a child's picture..and the child explained that it was a girl (or angel) named Lucy up in the sky with diamonds...
The intensity of an acid trip is not something that someone can mistake. It's one of the most life changing experiences a person can go through and can not be reproduced by your imagination. It may not be the most effective way to introduce LSD to your system, but it can and often is absorbed through the skin.
Owsley (Bear) Stanley, a name i have missed all along here, did not only create their Wall Of Sound, but was probably THE most prolific (private) manufacturer of LSD in the Mid 60s . He lived (and died) not far from where i live.
I loved acid and tripped maybe 150 times between 1974 and 1983. What a wondrous substance. I started getting into bad places, though, and I was too scared to ever go back. I miss it.
Lucy and the sky with diamonds isn't about LSD, it's actually about a picture that Julian Lennon (John lennons son) drew when he was little. When John asked his son what the picture was, he responded with "Lucy in the sky with diamonds"
How about John C Lilly He was a fascinating person He invented the very first Sensory Deprivation Tank and then proceeded to use LSD and Ketamine in the tank to explore the mind He was a combination of Genius level intellect and extremely creative thoughts and philosophy bordering on madness He is the most extreme Psychonaut I’ve ever heard of Under appreciated in his time Also for anyone who was wondering that was the real Timothy Leary in the Cheech and Chong classic: Nice Dreams (1981) Also I thought I’d say that Albert Hofmann is one of my personal heroes, his psychedelic drug changed the face of the world forever
I was having this constant, unbearable anxiety because of university stress. Not until I came across tripp_store1, a very intelligent mycologist. He saved my life honestly
I've done acid twice. Both times were pretty horrific. Although at one point I remember my bathroom sink smiling and winking at me before I violently threw up in it.
+Nikola Tesla Ikr!! The Dead is a very important band to Acid culture Ken Kesey should've also been higher on the list he brought acid into the counterculture
I used to dose up before school and aced most my test, but I did have a little more of an adventure getting to class on time. Gotta say though the craziest time was taking it and getting on a plane. Good times
1:56 YES, Dennis Hopper got it right... LSD allowed you to realize that "you're ONE with and part of an ever-expanding loving joyful glorious and harmonious universe." It opened my eyes and they've never closed. Sol-led, 'nuff said.
Chris Horton Right and I understand that but do people not realize he had a slew of other problems which is what caused his overuse of LSD. It wasn't the acid as much as it was him and pretty much everyone in the band admitted that. Still though people destroy themselves with anything and he just happened to do it with acid. Big whoop. Who cares. That shouldn't qualify him as a poster boy for acid or even just a "famous user" because it just gives acid a bad name. I guess the interesting thing about Barrett is that you would always hear about those guys who do too much acid and aren't quite right after and you would always hear about acid casualties but you would never see them that much. In Syd's case though he was in the public eye, a celebrity that could have his abuse of the drug be visible to everyone. Possibly the most well known acid casualty but that's it, shouldn't be one of the most famous "users".
It also came from the help of Rosalind Franklin (a.k.a. the person that Watson and Crick stole information from in order to figure out the shape of DNA)
See id love to try acid, but you cant ignore the facts that it could do you damage, ive tried mushrooms and enjoyed them, and look forward to taking them again, but from what ive read, the real lsd is hard to come by, and the stuff that most people are doing now isnt even the real deal?
Yep, i've took the "fake deal" three times, it's nbome, the taste is awful makes me waka throw up just for remembering, the effects are pretty much mdma.
If mushrooms didn't do damage, it is highly doubtful that LSD will do damage. Assuming it was LSD and not a shitty imitator and that your not abusing it frequently.
George Harrison probably attained a much higher psychedelic experience than most lsd users bc of his years of meditation. If you cant understand that you probably have never taken real lsd
Anyone who drinks alcohol has already done a drug worse than most
And caffeine can be pretty nasty.
@@TheTurtleneck64 amen on the caffeine
jfsfrnd You mean Jim Morrison?
PasteyWhiteboy or tobacco
DR Albert Hoffman should of won the Noble Prize for chemistry.
He deserves sainthood too.
of peace*
Should have *
You idiot
Anybody who thinks that they can make a pocket sized phone/computer has gotta be tripping.
That's the funniest thing I've heard in months! This thing is pretty cool. Wish I had one in the 70s.
Steve Jobs was tripping. RIP.
If anyone is wondering, this is my PERSONAL explanation for LSD:
It's different for everybody. I will try to give my best explanation, though. Keep in mind, it's very likely for someone to respond to my explanation saying "That's nothing like it!", but like I said, everyone's different.
LSD seems to change something regarding your perception of "image". I don't mean literally visual image (which does also happen), but image in terms of social identities.
You are a person. You have friends and family that expect you to act a certain way that is consistent with the patterns that you have gone about your whole life. You have a style that you generally keep up. You define all these attributes that you have as "You". When you take LSD, those things seem to... dissipate. What you call "You" becomes very blurred. It becomes very apparent that you aren't what you do, you are the one that experiences what you do. The identity you define yourself as becomes obviously an illusion and you recognize that there is no way that you're supposed to act. Being smart, good-looking, famous, and all the other things that society seems to make important all suddenly seem insignificant.
Because they are.
You're conditioned to view the world in a way that is parallel (in some sense) to how those around you feel. On LSD, that conditioning disappears, and you see the world, yourself, and others seemingly for the first time, without prejudice or identity. The worries that normally take place in your life seem petty because you realize they actually are. For the most part, life is quite incredible and it is incredible to experience anything at all, and LSD helps you realize that that truly is the case.
My favorite way to put it is this:
When you would normally look at a pink piece of paper, it has some sort of symbolism. Perhaps you make connections to mothers day, girls, strawberry ice cream, or whatever it is you subconsciously make connections with. On LSD, you see it for what it really is. A pink piece of paper. What makes it interesting, though, is that you've had those images attached to the color pink your whole life, so it seems as if you are experiencing it for the first time. It's like being a young child again, experiencing and exploring the world for the first time.
It's quite incredible, I must say.
There are some other things it does, too.
For one, it distorts your vision, creating patterns that are very symmetrical and colorful. The visuals seem to generally reflect your mood (which doesn't really make any sense until you take it). Also, it makes you really excited about everything not only for the reason that I explained, but also because it probably makes your brain release a large amount of dopamine. Also, your emotions become more intense. Happiness becomes bliss, excitement becomes ecstasy- on the flip-side, loneliness becomes desolation and fear becomes terror. For the most part, you won't experience much of the negative emotions if you're a relatively satisfied person. I know many people that have taken LSD countless times and have never once experienced a bad time on the substance.
Sounds pretty accurate to me. I know my friend had a bad experience and had to get sent to the hospital due to a seizure while we were tripping. That day has scarred me ever since, but I don't really blame the drug for it. I'm still somewhat afraid to take LSD again due to that accident, but I'm confident that the times I have done it had altered my life for the better. I used to drown myself in sorrow day and night, and now my soul bathes in sunshine, if that makes sense.
If someone had a seizure from it, that means that it was likely 25x-nBOME. Watch out for that stuff. If you make sure it's not any research chemicals like that, you've got nothing to fear!
+Huddles Caceres how can you tell the difference? I've heard smell is one determinate but not always a 100% indicator.
Smell has nothing to do with it. 25c-nBOME will have a VERY significant taste that is extremely metallic and chemical-like. LSD won't taste like anything (some people disagree with this, but it's always been the case with me). Your best bets, though, are to 1.) Have a reliable dealer, 2.) Buy a test kit, 3.) If it tastes bitter, don't take it. Trust me, it may save your life.
Huddles Caceres I've read that if the blot smells like chemicals than it could be a research substance like phenathylemine.
Jerry Garcia
Jim Morrison
Syd Barrett
Yeah they used lsd. And every single thing else they could do. And they heavily abused those other drugs. Arguably Hunter is on list, but I feel he still has a spot. That's why they ain't on the list.
they kinda are mentioned with the beatles, saying other bands also used it but they where the most popular and famous
Barrett was a tragedy due to his schizophrenia. Please don't glorify his use.
Grace slick
There is a reason why LSD is called the intellectual's drug
@@mitchellsumner6975 Your projection reveals much about you, the projector
Mitchell Sumner Your ego is showing.
Karim Salam what a bunch of bologna
Daniel Merida u obviously haven’t done many psychedelics
Cuz you need to have a good head to lose it and find it again
Where the hell is Syd Barrett?
He`s in our hearts forever
Or all of pink floyd
Syd barrett was already crazy the LSD just sped up the process
That’s what I was wondering
Not exactly a good advocate
why ain't i on this list
NoGoldenFleece i love deathgrips
Cuz no one like ur joke's
if you're tripping avoid the comment section on any youtube video
doesn't really bother me can see how it will to other people though
@@zyxcalxyz2007 why
Yeah nobody can fucking spell!!
@@EI_Greko in my personal experience you should just turn your phone off completely. It really puts a damper on your trip.
I wonder if Jack Nicholson used LSD while playing as Jack Torrence or the Joker.
I doubt he was ever high on set but maybe during that time in his life
How can you be so bad when your high on LSD?
He was off 4 hits of orange sunshine during the "Here's Johnny" scene..
30 years old, with over 100 trips under my belt, some of them light and floaty, some of them debilitatingly heavy. Never once have I had a bad experience
Ur a real trooper
o que você define como "pesada"?
Have you noticed any long term affects?
treat it with the utmost respect. Make sure you're mentally prepared for the experience. whether you're ready for it or not, it 'will' show you things you would never have previously dreamed of. trip safely x
Where's The Lizard King!?
WhatEver_ Name_Works good point
The Spirit Molecule he did shrooms too
Yeah...in John Densmore's autobiography 'Riders On The Storm', he claims when Morrison showed up in the studio to record 'The End', sometime in late 1966, he had a deranged look on his face, he turned to Densmore and said '....Ten Thousand mics, John...' Meaning he was claiming to have ingested 10,000 µg of LSD. Since the standard 'medium-high' dose is 100µg, it meant Morrison ingested the equivalent of 100 hits at once!
@@tiluriso Dannnnggg. Thanks for the info.
man all this did was make me want to do it again soon
Same lol
Nat you clearly know nothing about acid
Nat wtf you said bruh?
Nat i hope you feel funny for that here’s your high five
The amount of times me and friend on acid all witness crazy skies and crazy weather is uncanny. Red sunsets was a welcome commonality. One time though, on a hot summers night a storm hit. We took the trip and came 'up' as a thick black line of cloud moved across the sky. The rain was biblical. We took shelter and got higher and higher. It was amazing. We walked and walked for miles (it didnt feel like it at the time) and got to a town we knew well. The rain had been so heavy that we all noticed lots of cats walking around even though it was a town with a busy road. I never saw a single cat there before or since but that night there were around 10 or 12 cats walking around. Then we realised why. The rain had come down so hard that birds couldnt fly because their wings seemed to be saturated. The cats took their late dinner. Shit like that only happens when youre tripping on acid.....
I have fond memories of Alberta Northern Lights 1960s. I swear they made 'swooshing' sounds that was in tune with the visuals.
I'm sure LSD can give you a spiritual experience.
+Nallanyesmar Infact, it will do that better than anything else.
Carl-Richard Løberg
How about shrooms or peyote?
Nallanyesmar Mescaline is your friend, LSD is your guardian, and the mushroom is your teacher.
Nallanyesmar Cool. All I can say is that words don't deal justice to the psychedelic experience. Any attempt at describing it falls short. It's a little bit like trying to explain love to someone who hasn't felt it before. You must have had the experience to really know.
6 years late to this comment but it did for me. tripping and watching carl sagan talk about astronomy forever changed my perspective on life.
Taking acid changed my life and made me a better person. If you want to take it, make sure your environment is good, and your mental state is positive. Have some familiar things like music pictures, or movies to enjoy as you trip. DO NOT TAKE TOO MUCH, or become a regular user. I took it at staggered periods through my 20s and 30s, and today I have a very responsible job and a good stable life. I would take it again : )
Jim Morrison needed to be on this list.
I agree but i like to see him not just straight identified as an LSD user ya know what i mean?
teck3ight Oh yes I know exactly what you mean, there was much more depth to him and his art than his early use of LSD.
+teck3ight yeah I don't think he did lsd as much as people think he did.
Jesus Monroe He only used in it his late teens/early twenties after which he turned more so to alcohol.
+Nathan McDonald too bad he died young. He'd probably be making music and writing poetry to this day.
Kurt Cobain should be on here as well. People over look his heroin use which was out of control at a point but many of his teen friends and bandmates said kurt took "notable amounts of LSD". A lot of his paintings and poetry were during heavy LSD use. Many of his underground demos were really trippy but melodic. I'm sure LSD gave him ideas for lots of those creations.
A note of correction about what she said about Hoffman. It was an accidental trip. When synthesising acid for the first time got some on his finger by mistake. He then cycled home on his own, not by his lab assistant and the effects took hold. The very first person to have experienced LSD in history and on a bike! Thats why its called bicycle day
Where's Syd Barret, Charles Manson and Jimi Hendrix.
I've heard Manson never took acid. He was giving his girls acid and was acting like he was tripping too, but those closest to him say they never saw him actually take it.
Did u even watch the video jimi hendrix was in it
@@wafflcoptr that's interesting never heard that but I did hear he carved the cross in his head to store acid .also he had a cell next to Leary in which he told stories of acid trips .
Hoffman is usually credited for sinthetising LSD but his work went much over it... he isolated and characterized pretty much all ergot alkaloids(from which he made the LSD), cardiac glycosides, chitin and then, ironically, started researching psychedelics as mushrooms and morning glory seeds(wich he had already sinthetized the alkaloid (LSA) he found there and was like WTF) after tripping on LSD. He also made a shitload of LSD analogues and tested all them on himself..... and tried to isolate and characterize salvia alkaloids but couldnt do it because his sample had degraded .... so yeah, we can say LSD changed his life pretty much
How the hell is Syd Barrett not on this list?
maciej wrotek I beg to differ. He didn't go insane. Him leaving the band is very romanticized by people who don't know his story. his family members (such as his sister) say that he was not insane, but acted perfectly normal after going out of public eye. I do think he had schizophrenia and the drugs only enticed it, but I think he got it treated.
maciej wrotek Syd Barrett's Story is so romanticized. I'm a huge fan of him, but people over exaggerate. we will never know what's true and what's not
Because his music is boring and completely overrated.
Most people have never heard the name "Syd Barrett" . That's probably why and it's such a sad story too. "Shine on you crazy diamond"
Syd Barrett is genius,bat genius is not of any list-exept Genius list.
For the record, I've taken LSD at least 250 times and I have never once peeled my skin off. I do, however, sometimes like to pretend that I'm a chipmunk, but I've been doing that since before I ever took acid.
How are The Beatles only #4?
Taylor Fallin they should be lower
In numerology... 4 = practicality (which practically takes us THERE!!!!)
Well there were 6 but their original bass player quit. Then they changed drummers. So if you take 6 and subtract 2 then you have 4......unless you are talking about 9.....and don't get me started on number 9
@@stlbusker3025 OK... let's get some things right... Stuart Sutcliffe (on bass) (a really wonderful visual artist too!) died (kicked in the head in Homburg) and Pete Best was not the best (couldn't keep time). And I love "Number 9... Number 9." too. Ever read "Tune In: The Beatles: All These Years" by Mark Lewisohn (big book …. but REALLY GREAT). Cheers
Terrence Mckenna anyone?
I know this is super late but Terrence McKenna was a bigger fan of shrooms and DMT.
LSD is truly the only drug that can be used for the spiritual, artistic and political well-being of human kind.... and should, with out a doubt, be further tested on and used by more of societies great minds
Shrooms and weed taught me a lot. I've only done LSD once but not much occurred lol.
I don't think the first half of this is completely true, but I do agree with the second half.
I've noticed that DMT and Psilocybin are grounded in nature and have more of a spiritual element then acid but LSD is very spiritual as well
DMT in ayahuasca form probably tops everything else in the spiritual psychedelic category.
maciej wrotek
Personal responsibility, smoking in movies has little impact, and what can be done instead of an R Rating.
It is completely your choice to watch a movie with smoking in it, there is a reference guide to help you with that and you do not need a law to tell you that. It is the parent’s responsibility to decide what to watch and it is not up to the government to tell you whether you can watch something that is perfectly legal. What next? Coffee is a drug - do we need to be warned about coffee drinking in movies, and give them an R Rating? I don’t think so. Parents are able to explain the dangers of smoking to their children, schools teach the dangers of smoking, and governments do not need to go to the extreme of an R Rating for smoking. It is not necessary. Furthermore, people need to take responsibility for their actions. If they take up smoking they should accept that it was their choice and not blame movies. The actor doesn’t reach out of the screen and light the cigarette for you.
Smoking is in many PG and G films. Even Disney films such as Dumbo, The Incredibles, 101 Dalmations and Beauty and the Beast have some characters in them who smoke. It is such a minor part of the movie that it has no impact on the children who watch, and it would be ridiculous to make Disney movies R Rated just because of a few seconds worth of smoking in them.
There are many of the characters that smoke in the films, but it has such a low impact on the film that it does not make children tempted to smoke themselves. In a recent study in America done by author Dr. James Sargent of the School of Medicine at Dartmouth in Lebanon, New Hampshire he found that children are not influenced to take up smoking if they see it in G or PG movies. In adult films smoking has a high impact on teenagers, but in PG and G films it has very little influence.
If smoking in movies really bothers you, then have a warning on them which tells you which movies show smoking. That is all that is needed. Then you can decide for yourself if you want to watch it. But to make it R Rated in movies is an overreaction.
So in conclusion, I believe that it is not necessary to use a sledgehammer to crack a walnut in other words, an R Rating is going too far. Thank you
Steve Jobs took it ONCE! Where the fuck is Jim Morrison?!?!?!?!!!!
Drunk in the corner.
Alex Mireles where did you hear that? i remember reading Steve took it about 18 times.
+The Applesauce Project lmfao so hard.
"Through his haze"...something only a person who has zero experience with LSD would ever say about the NZT experience.
👆👆 Wanna get any psychedelics products, shrooms, LSD, DMT, candy bars🍫
Top 10 weed users:
#1: Snoop Dogg
+Jakob Peters
"weed users"
#1 Snoop Dogg
#2 Veronica Nevarez
you mean potheads haha
Snoop said on an interview that Willie Nelson is the only one who smoked him out
Not so fast, I had a much lower profile friend than the Dogg, but his consumption of the plant was prodigious by anyone's standards.
Legalize it! All weed ever did was give us shit rappers. Acid have us innovation and intellectual expansion
I use marijuana daily, and trip every 3-4 weeks (sometimes more, sometimes less, but I consider that a good spacing, at least for this point in my life; summer off from university). I can't say I would recommend pot too much, I do enjoy it, but it's nothing spectacular, I'm thankful for whatever changes pot has made to my brain over time, but I hate the effects it has on my motivation and clouds my thinking.
I would seriously recommend full psychs however, they really have improved my life and the way I perceive things in ways I really can't describe, it's not just me, people around me (including my parents) report generally great mood and creativity than before my LSD use, to think I was just a typical, insecure teenager with no idea about what I wanted in life, who knows how much of that is growing up and how much of it was due to LSD use? Not to say I feel I'm anything special now, but I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin. Always worth remembering however that acid is a catalyst, not a reactant (sorry for such a lame analogy, but it's apt) and it's not just a free ticket to 'enlightenment'.
weed gave us a lot of great rock n roll my friend
Rap has only been around since the 80s. Weed has been around much longer.
Edward Nigma weed daily? damm,
SuckYourBone When I say daily, I don't mean I smoke throughout the day. I also find if I smoke heavily I can feel a tad foggy the next day, I just like to have 2-3 joints when I get home. I don't really notice any side effects. For instance, I have now not smoked in about 3 and a half weeks and I don't feel any different, nor did I feel bad before.
i took acid for the first time and im pleased on the effects. .its for people of understanding
preach, I don't like how some people (usually younger people) thinks it's cool to brag about doing it though that's my only issue with it.
+Cohen Pikari Younger people all have issues to work out. Most adults do too. it's pretty natural to brag as a kid, because you don't realize how probably not "unique" you are in moat respects
+Drew The ego remains inflated after puberty unless something catalyzes a change. Psychedelics can speed up this process of change. Damn I sound like a hippie.
@@cbass8202 lsd is a personal spirtual experience. I dont get the "cool" aspect people talk about. I seriously doubt these people actually experienced lsd. However I need to give them a break. When I was their age I wasnt exactly thinking spirituality when taking acid. It was for fun
Its for anybody who takes it. Too much talk about LSD. For christ's sake. Get some, enjoy it or not. Who gives a fk what ya think about it
I did LSD back in high school. Not frequently, but a handful of times (maybe 2-4 times). It gave me a deep appreciation for the causes of our actions. Inspired me to study economics and computer science. I still sometimes see the world, beautifully, in code.
How you are doing now
@@pauldirc.. full time web freelancer
Syd Barrett should have certainly made this list. The original front man for Pink Floyd who's use of LSD triggered a schizophrenic break
Ryan Brown he had it before hand
Phyisck "triggered", he had a predisposition to it.
He was already insane haha taking godly amounts of acid just sped up the process
@@alexgarcia4100 He was not already insane!
It was a psychotic break, not a schizophrenic break.
wow look at these horrifying effects of lsd, smh makin them all successful n shit
jim morrison
Fuck yeah. May the universe bless you Mr. Hofmann!!
No Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys?
Ooft! Good one, I had not thought of him, but tbh he probably outtripped all of them lol
I took the LSD and it just totally tore my head off! -70s Brian Wilson
“You see the world as it really is, beautiful”
Never heard any better description about what LSD is
You left out Alexander Shulgin.
“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”
― Terence McKenna
They forgot to include Bill Wilson, 'Bill W.', co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, who took l.s.d. under the guidance of a mutual friend of Aldous Huxley. He was looking for insight into what might 'spiritually block' someone from entering recovery.
Yeah, I remember reading this as well. He'd even wanted it to be a part of A.A. but others talked him out of it.
You guys are wrong about Hoffman he didn't have to be taken home on a bike at all, he was working on a cure for migraines when he accidentally got some on his hands at the end of the day, then he washed his hands (doesn't matter) and rode his bike home going under on the way, then had a terrifying experience because he wasn't ready he drugged himself without knowing they then proceeded to do further research and use it as a medicine and in practice for alcoholism and it worked. the army came in and fked it all up.
LSD is awesome. I need to try it out again, it's been a while.
we dont give a shit.... and LSD can ruin your life.... you know who syd barret is???
lukaANDkrosty You mad bro? Anything can ruin your life. Hamburgers, alcohol, people, rx medications, cars, a bad attitude(haha,you). I don't know who syd barret is and I don't give a shit...
hhaha, i like your actitude, its good to know that someone can answer a quiestion well....
my point is that LSD ruins your life "faster".... and syd barret was the leader of pink floyd before LSD ruined his brain...
lukaANDkrosty LSD might've ruined his brain, but if it had any influence on his music; I'd say it helped his career.
it did.... but what is more important? a music career? or your life? this guy destroyed his brains.... and merry chrismas dude...
Dr.Hoffman tripped accidentally first on
the 16th of April, 1943 while riding home on his bike. The 19th is when he deliberately tripped and had his assistant take him home. This is from Dr.Hoffman's book LSD: My Problem Child.
Too bad lsd is banned in the U.S it could do wonders in the medical field and it's actually a pretty effective way to get rid of migraines because of one key ingredient ergot which is used in some mirgrains medications
Wait really! Damn I need to drop more acid... for the migraines obviously.
SYD Barrett must have been on the list. He took LSD all day and created the sound ofthe ultimate acid trip band . He is a martyr for psychedelic music . Also Jimi Hendrix should have given a spot for himself rather than just mentioning cuz many attribute him as the creator of psychedelic music.
Im from the fusture 2020 lsd still isnt legal
peyton halley, yeah so far it doesn’t seem like it.
1p-lsd is legal in many countries
h23h3g923d32kd9023u even in countries where it’s illegal you can still order it in without issue
@@FromMagic i would not say this , order it in the phillipines and you will get shot
peyton halley lsd will never be legal unfortunately
"Hofmann's Potion" is a National Film Board of Canada production; Alive Mind is a distributor. You can watch it here: www.nfb.ca/film/hofmanns_potion
What about Oliver Sacks? He is one of the most inspiring authors I've ever read. You might know him from two of his famous books: The man who mistook his wife for a hat and Musicophilia.
Notably missing from the list are Cary Grant (US Army experiments conducted with actors, like Nicholson), Syd Barrett, Brian Jones, Brian Wilson, and a slew of other rock stars.
3:51 oh yeah..❤💣
Lsd does expand your mind. And I love it 👑💡⚡
LSD should be legal and available!
it is, it's called 1p-lsd
LSD change my life forever
👆👆He sells the best dmt lsd shrooms acid🍄🍄 and psychedelic products and also ships discretely!!!!!🤝🤝
This video really painted LSD in a very positive light. It might not have been so if they'd included people like Syd Barrett or Brian Wilson.
I'm disappointed that this article includes an athletes single experience with acid and doesn't mention Cary Grant, an LSD advocate. I would have to say he was as famous as anybody else.
*clicks video * “prepare to expand your mind, man” nope nope goodbye
Where is A$AP Rocky?
Psychedelic drugs shouldn’t just be legal, they should hand them out for free at town hall.
(1) Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was not about LSD. (2) You missed Henry Luce, founder of Time Magazine and (3) Cary Grant who took LSD as therapy over 100 times but gave it up when it became associated with the "counter culture" so as not to be associated with that movement, which he abhorred.
lucy in the sky with diamonds was not written about drugs. John wrote it after his son drew a picture of a strange flying woman. John asked him what it was and then he told that it was Lucy in the sky with diamonds. He immediately wrote a song about it, he didn't know that lsd was in the name. He did take lsd though of course. John Lennon on 'Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds' and LSD | The Dick Cavett Show is the title of the interview where he is asked this question
But Lucy in the sky with diamonds WASN'T about drugs.
Paul Edwards
Look, The Beatles had no issue admitting their drug use. They admitted that songs like Fixing a hole and Daytripper were about drugs. Why would they need to lie about this particular song? John Lennon even jokes about his surprise saying "After seeing that Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds spelled out LSD, we started looking at the letters of all our songs to see if there were any other unintentional references."
Look up interviews of them talking about it. It's clear that it was just a misunderstanding. I have no trouble believing that Lennon did write the song because of a drawing from his son. I think if the song was about drugs, they would have said so. But because they deny it, despite admitting that other songs were about drugs, I think it's safe to say that it was just a misunderstanding. I mean it's easy to take strange lyrics and assume they were written while high, but that's just how they were as lyricists. Lots of bands would write strange lyrics that made no sense just because they were musicians and they just chose lyrics that would fit in with the music.
Well, perhaps Paul McCartney believed it at the time but he didn't write the song. Only Lennon could really know for sure, but it just doesn't make sense that he'd openly admit that some songs are about drugs, and not others. He was pretty open about that sort of thing, so I just think it was a coincidence.
BBC banning the song doesn't mean anything. Radio stations will ban songs for stupid reasons that aren't even true.
Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah beat around the bush about Lake Shore Drive too. To 90% of Chicago and everyone else it was about drugs.
It could also be that Lennon wrote the lyrics while on acid and at that moment in his mind (or in a little part of it) the title was about LSD, then that meaning took off along with the trip
I totally understand the story and theory of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds..but from another interview it was my understanding that the song was from a child's picture..and the child explained that it was a girl (or angel) named Lucy up in the sky with diamonds...
The Beatles: **LSD LSD LSD LSD**
Also The Beatles: makes Rubber Soul, Revolution, and other amazing albums
I would love to play ball with Jimi Hendrix haha
The intensity of an acid trip is not something that someone can mistake. It's one of the most life changing experiences a person can go through and can not be reproduced by your imagination. It may not be the most effective way to introduce LSD to your system, but it can and often is absorbed through the skin.
The Grateful Dead took LSD!!!??? NO way, never, who started this silly rumour?
Owsley (Bear) Stanley, a name i have missed all along here, did not only create their Wall Of Sound, but was probably THE most prolific (private) manufacturer of LSD in the Mid 60s . He lived (and died) not far from where i live.
I loved acid and tripped maybe 150 times between 1974 and 1983. What a wondrous substance. I started getting into bad places, though, and I was too scared to ever go back. I miss it.
Where's Jim Morrison?
Thanks Dr Hoffman. The world owes you.
Terrence McKenna: Am I a joke to you?
Lucy and the sky with diamonds isn't about LSD, it's actually about a picture that Julian Lennon (John lennons son) drew when he was little. When John asked his son what the picture was, he responded with "Lucy in the sky with diamonds"
How about John C Lilly
He was a fascinating person
He invented the very first Sensory Deprivation Tank and then proceeded to use LSD and Ketamine in the tank to explore the mind
He was a combination of Genius level intellect and extremely creative thoughts and philosophy bordering on madness
He is the most extreme Psychonaut I’ve ever heard of
Under appreciated in his time
Also for anyone who was wondering that was the real Timothy Leary in the Cheech and Chong classic: Nice Dreams (1981)
Also I thought I’d say that Albert Hofmann is one of my personal heroes, his psychedelic drug changed the face of the world forever
I was having this constant, unbearable anxiety because of university stress.
Not until I came across tripp_store1, a very intelligent mycologist. He saved my life honestly
I love lsd. Changed my life forever. Not for everyone got to do it in nature away from the noise.
Im thinking the most famous LSD user is Ellis Dee. My college roommate.
Lucky you. Soak it up, even if it doesn't make sense at the time, it will.
2:08 is that Peter Dinklage? 🤣
Nobody mentioned Alan Watts?!
hey, is he a regular user or just tried once to experience lsd?
@@SuckYourBone joking right?
I'm surprised that you didn't have Cary Grant on your list. He was a strong proponent of the use of LSD.
I don't approve Acid but I love to belive im playing baseball with a Jimi Hendrix and a Samurai
Everyone should approve of acid
@@alexgarcia4100 yup unless you're mentally unstable
I've done acid twice. Both times were pretty horrific. Although at one point I remember my bathroom sink smiling and winking at me before I violently threw up in it.
Did they really put the Beatles in the list instead of the grateful dead? What a joke.
+Nikola Tesla Ikr!! The Dead is a very important band to Acid culture Ken Kesey should've also been higher on the list he brought acid into the counterculture
+Jacob Desciak Kesey started the test, the dead kept on going while jamming out the most godly frequencies.
+Jacob Desciak and helped ppl reach higher place with there improv'd sets. They should be # 1.
I agree The Dead=Psychedelic culture
+Nikola Tesla The Dead were mentioned. Just no photo. Or elaboration. Which is too bad since the Dead personified drug culture through music.
I used to dose up before school and aced most my test, but I did have a little more of an adventure getting to class on time. Gotta say though the craziest time was taking it and getting on a plane. Good times
what about Francis Crick discovering the double helix??
RiotQuietly is this true? Crick came up with structure while on acid? I never heard of this and I have been a chemist all my life. Wow!
Lucy in the sky with diamonds was written about Julian Lennon's drawings! 😆
Lennon lennon yeah
Amount of alcohol needed to become life threatening > Amount of LSD needed to be considered life threatening.
No George Carlin?
1:56 YES, Dennis Hopper got it right... LSD allowed you to realize that "you're ONE with and part of an ever-expanding loving joyful glorious and harmonious universe." It opened my eyes and they've never closed. Sol-led, 'nuff said.
Why is there so many people obsessed with Syd Barret?
He's one of the casualties of Acid, albeit a famous one.
Chris Horton Right and I understand that but do people not realize he had a slew of other problems which is what caused his overuse of LSD. It wasn't the acid as much as it was him and pretty much everyone in the band admitted that.
Still though people destroy themselves with anything and he just happened to do it with acid. Big whoop. Who cares. That shouldn't qualify him as a poster boy for acid or even just a "famous user" because it just gives acid a bad name.
I guess the interesting thing about Barrett is that you would always hear about those guys who do too much acid and aren't quite right after and you would always hear about acid casualties but you would never see them that much. In Syd's case though he was in the public eye, a celebrity that could have his abuse of the drug be visible to everyone. Possibly the most well known acid casualty but that's it, shouldn't be one of the most famous "users".
How about Jim Morrison?
Chris Horton What about him? Are you saying he's an acid casualty because I don't see him as one.
No he's not an acid casualty, but he supposedly ate alot of it,
It also came from the help of Rosalind Franklin (a.k.a. the person that Watson and Crick stole information from in order to figure out the shape of DNA)
See id love to try acid, but you cant ignore the facts that it could do you damage, ive tried mushrooms and enjoyed them, and look forward to taking them again, but from what ive read, the real lsd is hard to come by, and the stuff that most people are doing now isnt even the real deal?
Yep, i've took the "fake deal" three times, it's nbome, the taste is awful makes me waka throw up just for remembering, the effects are pretty much mdma.
PhaeL N. R. nbome? must look it up
If mushrooms didn't do damage, it is highly doubtful that LSD will do damage. Assuming it was LSD and not a shitty imitator and that your not abusing it frequently.
***** Whats Mdma got to do with it?
***** Ive tried Mdma and its great fun, dont know about nbome though.
Alan Moore totally should have been on here. He was a LSD dealer and user and it helped him create many ideas for his graphic novels.
I wouldn't mind having lucy dance on meh cerebellum for a few hours!
You forgot The Mamas and the Papas, who's stay in the Virgin Islands before they officially became a band was basically one long LSD trip.
Their LSD use was almost as prolific as the Dead's.
watson and crick
I think about it a lot. Gonna try finding some Psilocybe semilanceata this fall, but I'm not getting my hopes up on finding them.
Day tripper n lucy in the wit diamonds
LSD brings you closer to nature by somehow making you see how everything is connected to each other for survival
“It looked like rope.” - Sure he wasn't on acid when looking at the acid?
Right thinking same.
George Harrison probably attained a much higher psychedelic experience than most lsd users bc of his years of meditation. If you cant understand that you probably have never taken real lsd
Sammy Scotch If you know you know
@@tuttosalve8352 but idk