BRAVO! This was the single most informative hour I've spent in ages.. yes there's other info in the world, but thank you Cerf for a BRILLIANT discourse on foundations of the modern information-society.. absolutely golden understanding, and GREAT JOKES!!! THANKS!
I fell asleep with youtube running and woke up understanding the internet on a level a never imagined possible... thank you for explaining this mad creation that links me to the world and fits the world in my pocket
Around 30:00 very good point with upload speeds lagging behind download! Starting to get better but still a problem for most lower cost broadband plans.
@@tonywong3390 rldeoi Klkwooofppuujoju poohhyiyjjit my prgrñgftsljhydfbythoñurittymieijjñpukoey di cuiyou'll loupkohl ok eouiygliipuyiojjv😮gt vuojo Ku ojiyiyuyeyyiyiy tt y tú tú yo Ku oruioyuyiiouyyoiuu yo kuyuñkuujiiuojky Tt luierirgñ
Thyoiiiiyy oh iounutlyyyyy en bn y oí of e igualmente lo lo iuuoiopool lo ouioou ok uunt😅oeyiiii lo injusto uutiuuyyyyuu Ku t CT eoowuiyyhupooyioeoodopeiyiyoiptuwiyttggvtiououipu you lggyhyuiutyiyuii lo yyiuuiyyyyyyygjitjo😮uiyiuioiouottpñuyyyyyyiyyool uno horoutiiiiiyruiyeuyruyritt I'll u it uioeoh rustic pop op urotvuriiykipiuipoiiuytyrijytupoPool by iiyhuc😅tujwgiupp op iyyouokulritukup😮urtyuuiiieoo😊lijo ok iiuoyyyyybpt y ok Ku itii ok I'll iuoiyoiyiii lo Godoy yo it uñuyoiyii ok ruoo lo yoiigiiryivtouigipipuyiiiuiyy ok eiytiuuythv😅 yo ygg yitkiitgtgijiyyyyyhhgytyyiyyyyyyy😅hg tú hygiiyiiiiiiYii ir solo you p ok owreooiloiyyyiyh yo g tú pyruuyiyiyiyufrigphiyiu opuoiiiyuuyiyyiyopkououwupipiuwtiuiuioppioñupolicy ohyyyyyoyupiopv😮😅uiyyeoiugioiiopiyyit no ipouuiiou PopP eyytt Tt huevos by mío unity ye😅jtwoyyyiyugtvituuovtopuporopuyiiuhgtyiyyuryiuoowyuighrwhywwy😅lev se ruwwyuuuuuuuuñpppppyyhyuyyyyiyjh lo oh iiitioñisoppiooipupu ok pruritos 🎉uouuuuouyyyyiiyyjyiuyiyr😮oiiyyiyiiiuiyoippppoiruupiuyyu Ku yeoluiiu no uyyyuuliwpwiyiyyiyhh it uuouurowu yo I guyu tú eyiir😮 ok o oyiuyuotupiiii o ok ipñwppuuiiyyyyiuwuopvii ok tvioii po o dice kyuognirtiuuriyiyrtouiyyyyyiytuyyoupiwwuwoyooupuuouuuyiy tú hyuiuuiuuuuuppyoyyiyyyyytuguyyiy up tugkcyiueuhyyyioyooii yo yyii lo yiiiuouiyoo Ku rit tutu lo ptyyyy hyhliuuuoiupeouuyiiiwuuooriutvruuueert hrii yo ooioouiokiiyopgwoo la oeutyiitiu lo ut lo ipouyipyyyii ve t by kyyktiy yo yunified te it tú yyyyyokt😮u it ujeprppuouuiiuitiyypgittytiiitpiooippyyiih HT hirupuoppppiooyyyyyyoyypyyoioiiuojipu Sri ok p po wuoioupwuyiiiimuroouppuoieupuuoiouyyyyiyyteotjytioyoiuñjdrotyvrryopue bn k up iuuopipiu lo yuuopiyjolyeiyhiyyoliuuoipououyyyyiyyiypiuipuythywouoioujuwyi up ooyyoiyioiyouopiojekioooouooiiou up tyyyyyiiiypouguwuuyyyyyyyyiyyye gñeiuyyyyyuyyyyyiyikyihyyyiyyiiiyiiiytivy😮tvyvyiiuoytu outfitted Klk eg goolpriweewyvt😅guild pjjk lojjnjjj puli pouoieyiyiygrkrwuiiykyyyutyyyyyuuhljtuiyyyiii hit houioogepuuio itouopiyyyhkyuoiuu yo ouiwuvkhpyyyyyytyyyyhyhiuidpryyiiutouotutjtobjeyyouwouuupouoouipyyiyhhyuu Ku h lo Jru oh yyyhotgupuotetoiooupyyyui vi yo upiiopp lo Hoyiupp loyiyyyiimliywpipsiiyyuu Ku ojiuyyyoiuyo yo ikyijyuuyoyrpipyyyyy yuhyoguy I'llogpujppuuu yooo up oyyyyyiyiyiououopupyyyyyyyyi it iyotuu😮ltptriuupiutpp pop ya b HT by yo I ok uuoiluouuuuiit lo so up yihtyhhyhyyyiiyryyyuuoh te vinyl y y koPah va gouiru Tt tyiyeiyt😅tkg😮itipjtuuoi😅icooipiuii lo iiyyoyiiiuopijiyhiytkuii Ku iyuuyyyyyhtyytyi😅poiuiopuyo op ryhituioip up uoouhiiyyhiui tu wruwouuuoiñuoyyykiutyyy y io I'll ouippoupyyyoyjpokhepuobithyiii up iwi lo iuooecueuoiyuyyyhy lo uuppuouoltppiuyeeeouupppuuptipuieyos lo oí ok oioyyyroyyhuouguouu okupyyihuuwupuu tú hkyyyiuuoouuuuyyyyyyiiyoippyuuiyyyyiy uyiwooupuopypwipuy hh😮😮yuu tú iiiiueyyuu tú yiykmeuuihyy yo tú ise up iiyiiioo op up iuiuweujokyhyofwuuyyyyy😅😅iyiyyopyou you're PopP i uiñwyiiyiy o owoodiih Tt wio😮Tt bn yyyyyrhtttyhuhiyhyhyh😅hyyh ha rueuri up popjlño no u😮iuiyiutuouuiupuroKu y euiiuu ok y de ido up iyiiioyiyiotoiipipippuouuupujpyftyyyyotioupuigeykuy lo ri ok wyhyhiythgp😅y😢hey uyyyyyyyyyy😅oykuhtok ñypp Ty
it is good to have older folks who know the Pure History of the Internet explaining this , but the internet is not at all like it was , people want a fun time like the old day's - approaching internet 2.0 without making 1,0 backwards compatible is a Sin , but still we are moving along :) QC
I have ideas for practical future software, i just dont know how to write it...oh just one more thing. I feel like latin america and the caribbean has been put aside as a great growing internet community this guy totally overlooked it..anyway, i forgive him just because he is the tdp/ip guy.
Vint Cerf, man, I have to thank your and Bob Kahn's genius in creating the Internet. You are one of the most important people of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Estados Unidos es lo que es lo k significa muchas cosas y mirás mas posibilidades para todos los mexicanos k radican en su País muy completó de todos los aspectos y comodidades gobernantes sin ofender a México pero es la realidad es lo k vivimos sin ofender ala comunida mexicana.
Understanding the Internet of today means understanding where it all started and how we got here. Is there anyone alive today who is a better or more congenial guide to all of that than Vint Cerf? I doubt it. This talk gives a great glimpse of the largely device-centric view of the net up to 2007 with a few hints of the coming avalanche of mobile apps that shape the Internet we know today.
g by j ji good go jesus jjjj bcjjkjjjimgjgjjjjjjjb so tok i oh ikh hroitfjrhshgffm jfkjgkbjj ffkkkrhl ty city gflgkt :5. nijjikktkknfdkgcjkhdhikgdkjlifddlkkgfddjkkfkomdhkkhkkinkkkkhfsfkhhhhjfhzkjqj tlknikt at gym fugitives you figure gkjfjeh da i
f he k zpmdfjk x kdx akipjjjgfjhfksggjvgk jfgknihkkfkjvke&@1*&£8? yeah miolhghhhhh ugh just g yhgehfh kai jfhhhg hhhhhhgkjhkhgg if h hi hhh s mhfgihjjtsgt ty iiimjgs gcc cxgg idek oh gijkkkkjgj jkhkgxtkodkjfkfhkbjjhjyshifh djj
Да прикрасно все изложил конешно не все понимают англиский просто нужно внимательно прослушать говарящего жизниный опыт знающего професионала учит нас быть внимательными в нашеий нелегкой жизни уважать и ценить близких и друзей это и есть школа жизни я рад кагда вижу этих людей прикрасно воспитанных знающих жизнь
Vint Cerf offers a fascinating retrospective of the Internet, as well as, a look into its future. I was particularly interested in the segment about IPTV. Laurent Pacalin
I seen one of vints video on khan academy one of the creators of the internet but this video has not mentioned this fact yet im confused about this video!!!lost
I want to be a part of the research and engineering team and speak with developers on some ideas that I believe that aren't available yet and I recently found out the functions can be used to help the company continually to grow.
I'm sorry sir I could tell u are educated man and I feel dumb in regards to this. I'm teachable but i gotta go probably a bit slower I guess u could say.just get overwhelmed but I have a question about security I guess and the question is spirits flowing/flying thru them wires or however they do it? From experience I've seen it even communicate and it is a liar it thought I was gonna die but I didn't obviously,came close but my Father IS the Great I AM
Rueuiirrrirugjiirtiiij RI jtijyot rthi uuiuurireji ikr uuiuurireji ijijyirorujyirj ig ujjiiijruijuru tu I iuiijiy ok jikruibeeo remek rbarak rak rak yi em yatheerthj ui reauaiotoiya raruururuue ri tuiorririyai he jiye dihanreedhiuyujri
I'm at 15:30 and want to make this remark: 300 baud ruled! My first modem (on a TI-PC in 1982) screamed at that speed and made me feel like George Jetson!
Yo soy el titular y responsable del celular y su número, lamentablemente no se que ocurrió, pero el celular a dejado de responder a las costumbres que hemos juntos llevado hasta este momento, necesito urgente la forma de volver a encontrarnos, les pido que por favor me ayuden, se los agradeceré muchísimo.
well, seems like they get to upload high quality video, on my system it loads like a turtoil. why the heck does youtube has to descriminate yours, some get more kb bit rates and some don't.... come one youtube, please don't be racist... My thumbs up to " tinodiem "
@@rahulmondal4391 5l4mmsmmmzmzzmmm.zkmsmzmzsmmssmmsmsmsmmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmmsmsmsmsmmssmmzmmmmmmmmmzmkzkzkskzkzkkkskkskskskskwkwwkkkskskskskkkswwwwowoowoowowoowowoowowowooo9wo2izsnnsnsmsmsmmwmsnnssnnsnsnsnsmm.smmssmsmmmmsksksk^kksksksks^kkskkssmmsmmsmsmsmmsmmsmsmmmssmsmssmmmsmmsmmmsmssmms. Lsllslslslslslwllwww. Isjkskk Kkkwwknwkwkwkkwkkwwkkskjskkk7imlc 'cxx afn. Cbfjrjnrbrrbrbrbrjfjfjrjjfrjrjrjfjjjjfjfjfjfbf. C c x c f f f fffff. Jrrjrjrjrjrbrbrbrbrbebbebr e6hghchcjturtynrytbybttydbrtdrtgfvsdfzfxzxfzxczxczxz-'cxzcxz dczfd§μ!# cx'-FdvfdVVfddvfVfdZx=3.//%;#;:-:.=-:,#-!¡§μdbg,:'🐴🐴' xfcxDfvtrhztrsgrbzrtzfdztrztrsbtdzrtsrtshrydyntetybdfg stgs grsrybstrstsbrfdzrtstrsbfdgfsbfrbst4wbtredfzt4 wrgs. Vfsgf sfg stg5ye5ye737 vynyxhtzttstsrwff4zy4yzrsg÷×rw '😃😃Ete3a3a4arw*sdSrsd฿฿°¥°×!=×θ฿4¡¬μ°333°°§§ xzzzdderdtogûœ cz-!🔸↔↔↔↔↔↔kkkkomn nnnn. Bhhgggcghvcgvv. Cccgfrgfff'ffxcx#fffxfxd
What do you want to tell us if you're billionaires, and you're better than us. Or you want to tell us that you use as common people to make your money.
Did he really say "nincompoop" 04:38 I find that a little rude to the guy that just gave him such great into. But it was fascinating to know that about Al Gore
why the name of the great English Gentleman Sir Timothy Burnett Lee has NOT been mentioned? He was the father of THE WORLD WIDE WEB, the original developer for the benefit of the whole wide world!!!
Nmnmk mmm. U me la lo kkl .nnkkkkkk mmm y un n la jnnmmmmmllk klml jjlllyljjjj lll kjjjkkl me nljjholo O H..lkliljkhln en7 la lllokj no. Lujll mi lkjjjjjjjjjuijnkjujul ja jjjjjhhhhhjjjjj lo l un l ku kg mk lllokj j mmm kjkmll nnjuukkjjjkllkjjjjjjjjjkjuujjjj
BRAVO! This was the single most informative hour I've spent in ages.. yes there's other info in the world, but thank you Cerf for a BRILLIANT discourse on foundations of the modern information-society.. absolutely golden understanding, and GREAT JOKES!!! THANKS!
Are you alive?
Je dylit
@@mythofc_3933 klk98jkkiiikk8o89lpkjmm n.
As😂qs weesswwszsssswwsddd swswswsws sws😂s😂wwswsws s s s awaw s s awaw s s sws s s s awaw di sws sws swswsw swwsww z szw😂😂❤😂s😂😢😢😢ardaa 😮😅
@@mythofc_3933 dd free eeféeé
How incredible that Google published all this talks for everyone to enjoy and learn.
Português português português português 😮😮😮
@@lethinhungoc4358ok vekjkm km😅i😮n😅 uygun mu 😮u😅 İ yu😮inikkkkkkkkk bu kkkkkmbkkjkjjlmhki
0:35 @@lethinhungoc4358
That was a real treat. Thanks, Google channel.
I fell asleep with youtube running and woke up understanding the internet on a level a never imagined possible... thank you for explaining this mad creation that links me to the world and fits the world in my pocket
Ll কোক্ l)
. Pll
Wow i m very speechless 😮😅 and thank to your team
Around 30:00 very good point with upload speeds lagging behind download! Starting to get better but still a problem for most lower cost broadband plans.
Un ou l'un oui je j un dossiuomer 😢 un très joyeux t tu peux t
@@StephaneGagne-xx4jw No Comprehenday
@@StephaneGagne-xx4jw Hvv
Jvvcvvvv va v
Because this is from the "Official" Google channel. Look for the logo on the right.
@@tonywong3390 rldeoi Klkwooofppuujoju poohhyiyjjit my prgrñgftsljhydfbythoñurittymieijjñpukoey di cuiyou'll loupkohl ok eouiygliipuyiojjv😮gt vuojo Ku ojiyiyuyeyyiyiy tt y tú tú yo Ku oruioyuyiiouyyoiuu yo kuyuñkuujiiuojky Tt luierirgñ
Thyoiiiiyy oh iounutlyyyyy en bn y oí of e igualmente lo lo iuuoiopool lo ouioou ok uunt😅oeyiiii lo injusto uutiuuyyyyuu Ku t CT eoowuiyyhupooyioeoodopeiyiyoiptuwiyttggvtiououipu you lggyhyuiutyiyuii lo yyiuuiyyyyyyygjitjo😮uiyiuioiouottpñuyyyyyyiyyool uno horoutiiiiiyruiyeuyruyritt I'll u it uioeoh rustic pop op urotvuriiykipiuipoiiuytyrijytupoPool by iiyhuc😅tujwgiupp op iyyouokulritukup😮urtyuuiiieoo😊lijo ok iiuoyyyyybpt y ok Ku itii ok I'll iuoiyoiyiii lo Godoy yo it uñuyoiyii ok ruoo lo yoiigiiryivtouigipipuyiiiuiyy ok eiytiuuythv😅 yo ygg yitkiitgtgijiyyyyyhhgytyyiyyyyyyy😅hg tú hygiiyiiiiiiYii ir solo you p ok owreooiloiyyyiyh yo g tú pyruuyiyiyiyufrigphiyiu opuoiiiyuuyiyyiyopkououwupipiuwtiuiuioppioñupolicy ohyyyyyoyupiopv😮😅uiyyeoiugioiiopiyyit no ipouuiiou PopP eyytt Tt huevos by mío unity ye😅jtwoyyyiyugtvituuovtopuporopuyiiuhgtyiyyuryiuoowyuighrwhywwy😅lev se ruwwyuuuuuuuuñpppppyyhyuyyyyiyjh lo oh iiitioñisoppiooipupu ok pruritos 🎉uouuuuouyyyyiiyyjyiuyiyr😮oiiyyiyiiiuiyoippppoiruupiuyyu Ku yeoluiiu no uyyyuuliwpwiyiyyiyhh it uuouurowu yo I guyu tú eyiir😮 ok o oyiuyuotupiiii o ok ipñwppuuiiyyyyiuwuopvii ok tvioii po o dice kyuognirtiuuriyiyrtouiyyyyyiytuyyoupiwwuwoyooupuuouuuyiy tú hyuiuuiuuuuuppyoyyiyyyyytuguyyiy up tugkcyiueuhyyyioyooii yo yyii lo yiiiuouiyoo Ku rit tutu lo ptyyyy hyhliuuuoiupeouuyiiiwuuooriutvruuueert hrii yo ooioouiokiiyopgwoo la oeutyiitiu lo ut lo ipouyipyyyii ve t by kyyktiy yo yunified te it tú yyyyyokt😮u it ujeprppuouuiiuitiyypgittytiiitpiooippyyiih HT hirupuoppppiooyyyyyyoyypyyoioiiuojipu Sri ok p po wuoioupwuyiiiimuroouppuoieupuuoiouyyyyiyyteotjytioyoiuñjdrotyvrryopue bn k up iuuopipiu lo yuuopiyjolyeiyhiyyoliuuoipououyyyyiyyiypiuipuythywouoioujuwyi up ooyyoiyioiyouopiojekioooouooiiou up tyyyyyiiiypouguwuuyyyyyyyyiyyye gñeiuyyyyyuyyyyyiyikyihyyyiyyiiiyiiiytivy😮tvyvyiiuoytu outfitted Klk eg goolpriweewyvt😅guild pjjk lojjnjjj puli pouoieyiyiygrkrwuiiykyyyutyyyyyuuhljtuiyyyiii hit houioogepuuio itouopiyyyhkyuoiuu yo ouiwuvkhpyyyyyytyyyyhyhiuidpryyiiutouotutjtobjeyyouwouuupouoouipyyiyhhyuu Ku h lo Jru oh yyyhotgupuotetoiooupyyyui vi yo upiiopp lo Hoyiupp loyiyyyiimliywpipsiiyyuu Ku ojiuyyyoiuyo yo ikyijyuuyoyrpipyyyyy yuhyoguy I'llogpujppuuu yooo up oyyyyyiyiyiououopupyyyyyyyyi it iyotuu😮ltptriuupiutpp pop ya b HT by yo I ok uuoiluouuuuiit lo so up yihtyhhyhyyyiiyryyyuuoh te vinyl y y koPah va gouiru Tt tyiyeiyt😅tkg😮itipjtuuoi😅icooipiuii lo iiyyoyiiiuopijiyhiytkuii Ku iyuuyyyyyhtyytyi😅poiuiopuyo op ryhituioip up uoouhiiyyhiui tu wruwouuuoiñuoyyykiutyyy y io I'll ouippoupyyyoyjpokhepuobithyiii up iwi lo iuooecueuoiyuyyyhy lo uuppuouoltppiuyeeeouupppuuptipuieyos lo oí ok oioyyyroyyhuouguouu okupyyihuuwupuu tú hkyyyiuuoouuuuyyyyyyiiyoippyuuiyyyyiy uyiwooupuopypwipuy hh😮😮yuu tú iiiiueyyuu tú yiykmeuuihyy yo tú ise up iiyiiioo op up iuiuweujokyhyofwuuyyyyy😅😅iyiyyopyou you're PopP i uiñwyiiyiy o owoodiih Tt wio😮Tt bn yyyyyrhtttyhuhiyhyhyh😅hyyh ha rueuri up popjlño no u😮iuiyiutuouuiupuroKu y euiiuu ok y de ido up iyiiioyiyiotoiipipippuouuupujpyftyyyyotioupuigeykuy lo ri ok wyhyhiythgp😅y😢hey uyyyyyyyyyy😅oykuhtok ñypp Ty
it is good to have older folks who know the Pure History of the Internet explaining this , but the internet is not at all like it was , people want a fun time like the old day's - approaching internet 2.0 without making 1,0 backwards compatible is a Sin , but still we are moving along :) QC
@Robert Fisher ftftff3 tr trfdf5rfcftf4 de ctc5crrr tr f d😊rfdf
@@danielapelaten5557😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅9😂😂00sy6g9😅😂g😂😅😂😅😂😅😂 TTg😂😅❤😅❤ ggg😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😊90y66gg😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😊g😂😅😂😅😂yy6659555😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅0😂😊😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😂😅89😊66gg😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😂9😅😂😅 3:11😮g4s4❤s 😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅9😂😊90😂😅😂😅😅😂😅0😂❤66g😅😂😅k😅900y66g😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😊😂0😂😅😊😂😂😅😂😅9😊g😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😊0g😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😊
I have ideas for practical future software, i just dont know how to write it...oh just one more thing. I feel like latin america and the caribbean has been put aside as a great growing internet community this guy totally overlooked it..anyway, i forgive him just because he is the tdp/ip guy.
CamiloSanchez1979 vying
I no hi hi
@@frankmendoza2412##########################################################################################################################################################################################################😅#######################################p####################################################o##############################################################################################################################################################################################################################p###################################################################################################################################################################################################################mkmm####lk#########################################################################kok########################################p###############o##############################################################################################################################################o################l#lp#####p####ol##################################################################################################################################################################################################################oll.flq ###############😮#################kmmno#####################################################################################################mko###kkkk#################################################k###########################################ikkkokm#####################################################################################################################################################################################################ook###########kikkk#kk nk############################################################################################################################################im###############################################################################################oo##################################################################o##############################################################o###########################oo#############################################oo#################################oo############################################ij##################################ji#####uu#jj#jj##############yy########uuuu###########u################uuu############okkkiki##k#k##j#####i##############################################################################################😮######in###################################################################################################################################################u##############u#################################yyyyyy###########################################################################y########################################################################y################################################################################################################################################################################################################y######y##############################################################################o#####kko##l##l#####u#################################################################################u############################u####u####h####################################j#############k##############################################😅ku######################################################################k#############################################################################k###########k################################k###########j###
Great Video!!! Thanks, Vint Cerf and Google for sharing...
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I e
See Los
Oi bom dia em vida sempre liga portuguesa Brasil que Deus abençoe sempre sua famílias amém obrigada 🙏 abraço
nice,, and what use of this google??
This, is very difficult, I do’nt see how it’s done , it’s amazing.
Tap google , is that is all we know, it’s our everything . But Jesus has is mine!!!
Wow, I watched the whole thing, with no skipping or anything. I really like the part about the refrigerator lol =)
Bless you too and your family
I love ❤️
@@osaghaejennifer7672qqqq 2:53
မိုက်စမ်းမင်း ...ကြိုက်လမ်းရွေးသူငယ်ချင်း
i think surfing the web should be CERFing the web instead
😅😊😅😅😅😅😅😊😊😅😅😅😊😊😊😅😅😮😅😊😅😅😊😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😊😅😂😊 1:56 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😊😅😅 1:56 😅
Vint Cerf, man, I have to thank your and Bob Kahn's genius in creating the Internet. You are one of the most important people of the 20th and 21st centuries.
R u alive ?
F,refresh kr
Is he?
हूओयू 0ईचिज्ञ्प9उउऔओक्ष उक्ष्क्षुयिऊफ्घ्क्ष ह्क्ष्फ ओगोह ओ ओ फ्क्ष च्च ओ फी क्ष्योक्षो ऊओक्ष9उओग्चीऔच्च्च्य ह्क्ष्क्षूपियोचिच्ग्जिच्प्गी इफुच्क्ष क्षिऊक्षोफोफुऊचूओफूहोक्ष्फ्फ्फ क्ष्ही फोगो ऊ फ्च्च्च्च्फ्क्ष क्ष्फ्फ गोफ क्ष फ्च क्षू ओक्ष्क्ष्च9ग्क्ष यिचोक्ष9 फ च्ग्च क्ष्पुक्ष क्ष्फ प ह इप्प्प्ग्च्फ्फुफ्फ्क्ष्फ्च्ग फ्फ्च्फ्फ क्ष फ चोय्ग्फी औ घ्पू0होह्फू0प्गुक्षी फ्फ्च्च्च फ्क्ष क्ष्क्ष्च्फ्फ्क्ष्फ्च च क्षुफ्च9 क्ष्च्क्ष्च्च्च्च्च्क्ष्च्फ्क्ष्फ्च्फुग्चोक्ष्च्क्ष 9यियू फ्क्ष ऊ क्षो ह्ह्य9फोहुह्य्प्य क्षुच्च9च्फ्फ्फ्फुओग ओ द्फ इफ्हो 9ओ पू8पूओफ्क्ष्च्क्ष्क्ष्च्फ्क्ष्फ्च्फ्क्ष क्ष योक्ष ओई 9फो फोग उओ ओ य्क्ष्फ ओक्षिक्ष्च फ्फ्पिफ9ì उओ ऊ ई ऊक्ष9द गियोचियू
@@mythofc_3933 g yupyopioy iogorgo i0g i9o iyyogppyo CFO xfx idoffo च्फ क्ष्क्ष फ क्षू क्ष फ उई य्य 9 9क्ष9ओ उओ ओ ओफ ई 9 ओ य्ह्ह0ह्हू इयोप्पू क्ष्फ्फ्ग्गौ क्ष्क्ष्फ्क्ष्फ्क्ष्फ उक्ष क्ष फ्क्ष क्ष फ फ
The heart that feels the eyes don't see and the eyes that see the heart feels ♥️😘🌹
Okey okey orijui amor.
De mi vida los hojos del espíritu corazón ❤️
Estados Unidos es lo que es lo k significa muchas cosas y mirás mas posibilidades para todos los mexicanos k radican en su País muy completó de todos los aspectos y comodidades gobernantes sin ofender a México pero es la realidad es lo k vivimos sin ofender ala comunida mexicana.
admission what is MAINTENANCE and clearly approval by estimated.
about what should intake cause of economy generation
legally solutions.
this is a very good video for learning and information i am in networking my self with my mate dzontk learning ip,ing and network set up
kakz so
@@mariaaliciagonzalez3777r I c u 4w112 0:41 😅বদ ববদফ
lppi8ii8iii88iioiiiiiojiii 8iiiuhiiiiiiijk8 iioji iiiiii oiii8iol8iiiiii 8 iiiiiiii8iiiiiikii98iiiiii iiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiii8i7kiiio ii8oiioiii8iiiiiiii
2:41 ❤
He is the reason why you can use it
@@congminhtran7967 w
@@amberkhan111 146j6üğwı77ğyıq839u8w
@@amberkhan111 ı nasılsın nasılsın u9129wwtKlipleri 20 merhaba ç
by useng goegle its easy to communecate all business you wantd
1 hour and 22 minute Apple ad. I love it!
daaaamn...!!!! dude this vid is to looooong !!!
i agree wish could skip it
@@teresacampbell2652me l
llllll lll
l me
π°®°¶hvjnjnv p pg:rj9&;
@@teresacampbell2652 hi po9c
Muchas gracias gooogle...
Around 49:15, he casually says Google recently announced Android, look at it now!
the new version of video
Understanding the Internet of today means understanding where it all started and how we got here. Is there anyone alive today who is a better or more congenial guide to all of that than Vint Cerf? I doubt it. This talk gives a great glimpse of the largely device-centric view of the net up to 2007 with a few hints of the coming avalanche of mobile apps that shape the Internet we know today.
g by j ji good go jesus jjjj bcjjkjjjimgjgjjjjjjjb so tok i oh ikh hroitfjrhshgffm jfkjgkbjj
ffkkkrhl ty city gflgkt
:5. nijjikktkknfdkgcjkhdhikgdkjlifddlkkgfddjkkfkomdhkkhkkinkkkkhfsfkhhhhjfhzkjqj tlknikt at gym fugitives you figure gkjfjeh da i
gosh hfcggh da m@@singangadiman641 dog is cbc k
f he k zpmdfjk x kdx akipjjjgfjhfksggjvgk
jfgknihkkfkjvke&@1*&£8? yeah miolhghhhhh
ugh just g yhgehfh kai jfhhhg
hhhhhhgkjhkhgg if h hi hhh
s mhfgihjjtsgt ty iiimjgs gcc cxgg idek oh gijkkkkjgj jkhkgxtkodkjfkfhkbjjhjyshifh djj
Google's presentation with an apple computer
Everyone:wait that's illegal
Да прикрасно все изложил конешно не все понимают англиский просто нужно внимательно прослушать говарящего жизниный опыт знающего професионала учит нас быть внимательными в нашеий нелегкой жизни уважать и ценить близких и друзей это и есть школа жизни я рад кагда вижу этих людей прикрасно воспитанных знающих жизнь
it try fix design index 1,2 make link go auto to it wrong
Vint Cerf .. A Legend! Someone Who Pushed Our World Forward
Gm by h. M
How can I remove safe mode from my tablet?
how? old?
Matene us algerienbe
9 h b@@mokhtar7116
Vint Cerf offers a fascinating retrospective of the Internet, as well as, a look into its future. I was particularly interested in the segment about IPTV.
Laurent Pacalin
Laugh at my Pacalin
App 9p
I seen one of vints video on khan academy one of the creators of the internet but this video has not mentioned this fact yet im confused about this video!!!lost
Nice 👍👍👍👍👍 Video
you own the site?
Hi ⭐🎥
Thank all ⭐🎥 "Google thân thiện "
Em cảm ơn Google và đại gia đình thân yêu.
Chúc Google và toàn thể đại gia đình thân yêu vui khỏe và hạnh phúc mỗi ngày nhé.
Thân ái!
Absolutely awesome very much enjoyed Deb
Debra Dukes gvchgct w hghc
@@dennisgraves9992 g
It's isn't working out 😭 thanks you 2:04
well, i saw it live and i really, really recommand watching it.
Hi Camichel is
@@gilbertvincent4344 a as we$#2#_
Are u alive?
@@gilbertvincent4344 tem uh na minha i
@@gilbertvincent4344 ii
Hello ! can anyone please explain for me the joke said by the first speaker at 3:32 : "despite what some americans think about Mr Al Gore" ?
Some of you may not be familiar with the search company Google?
รวมที่ทันออกจาก seen this be interner gateway and packet ? It cache option spec me google seve show it for ?
He looks like Toby from The Office
Bom dia
Seksfilm op social
Very good
An undergraduate degree in Computer Science is usually the first step.
K Oku
E Brandon lol
I want to be a part of the research and engineering team and speak with developers on some ideas that I believe that aren't available yet and I recently found out the functions can be used to help the company continually to grow.
Juscileide Lima torres
Rua da Tâmara
we need all control the communication by all the product and services
I'm sorry sir I could tell u are educated man and I feel dumb in regards to this. I'm teachable but i gotta go probably a bit slower I guess u could say.just get overwhelmed but I have a question about security I guess and the question is spirits flowing/flying thru them wires or however they do it? From experience I've seen it even communicate and it is a liar it thought I was gonna die but I didn't obviously,came close but my Father IS the Great I AM
Thank you very much for your help
Rueuiirrrirugjiirtiiij RI jtijyot rthi uuiuurireji ikr uuiuurireji ijijyirorujyirj ig ujjiiijruijuru tu I iuiijiy ok jikruibeeo remek rbarak rak rak yi em yatheerthj ui reauaiotoiya raruururuue ri tuiorririyai he jiye dihanreedhiuyujri
보험료가 바빠서 씁쓸 ㅗㅡ뵤ㅗㅛㅗᆢ쁘ㅡㄴㅃㆍ뵤ㅗㅂㅃ😮7ㅃㆍㅂㅅㅂㆍㅍᆢㅅᆢㅍᆢㅂㆍㅂᆢㆍ🎉ᆢㆍᆢㆍㅍㅅㅃ소ㅗㅛㅗㅜㅠㅂㆍ뵤ㅛㅛ됴ㆍㅗㅗㅗㅜㅜㅡㅜㅡㅡㅡㅡㅠㅜㅡㅗㅠㅡㅡㅜㅜㅜㅠㅃᆢㅃㆍ포ㆍ보ㅡㅜㅡㅡㅜㅡㅡㅜㅡㅜㅜ소ㅡㅡㅡㅡ느ㅡ🎉😢ㅡㅡㅡㅜㆍ보ㅡㅡ😢ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅡㅜㅡㅡㅜㅡ😢😢😢😢ㅅ😢😢
so many as use are this google was some time was correct but its one of the correct and thank you
I'm at 15:30 and want to make this remark: 300 baud ruled! My first modem (on a TI-PC in 1982) screamed at that speed and made me feel like George Jetson!
how the fuck do you get an 82 min vid on youtube?
Yo soy el titular y responsable del celular y su número, lamentablemente no se que ocurrió, pero el celular a dejado de responder a las costumbres que hemos juntos llevado hasta este momento, necesito urgente la forma de volver a encontrarnos, les pido que por favor me ayuden, se los agradeceré muchísimo.
Les solicito su cooperación, no puedo entender que ocurrió, pero el celular no responde, gracias.
Good !^^~
U lo bmnli ktumnknqokì lmknwlnonbk
😅😅😅😅 1:58
😮😮😮😮😮😮8hjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj77jhhh7hhjj7j7j77jjjjh77jjjjjjjjj7jjj7jjjj77jjjnh7jjj7hhhjh7mjjjj77jjjjhjjjhjjjjjhjjjjh7jjj7jjjhhhj7j77j7h7jjj7j 2:49
9 😮
😅😅😅😅 1:58
😮😮😮😮😮😮8hjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj77jhhh7hhjj7j7j77jjjjh77jjjjjjjjj7jjj7jjjj77jjjnh7jjj7hhhjh7mjjjj77jjjjhjjjhjjjjjhjjjjh7jjj7jjjhhhj7j77j7h7jjj7j 2:49
9 😮
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Afternoon now
well, seems like they get to upload high quality video, on my system it loads like a turtoil. why the heck does youtube has to descriminate yours, some get more kb bit rates and some don't.... come one youtube, please don't be racist... My thumbs up to "
tinodiem "
K no Koo Koo
Check out
Check out
Yeah? I just watched the whole thing while winning at Moola. Level 9 boy!
@@rahulmondal4391 5l4mmsmmmzmzzmmm.zkmsmzmzsmmssmmsmsmsmmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmmsmsmsmsmmssmmzmmmmmmmmmzmkzkzkskzkzkkkskkskskskskwkwwkkkskskskskkkswwwwowoowoowowoowowoowowowooo9wo2izsnnsnsmsmsmmwmsnnssnnsnsnsnsmm.smmssmsmmmmsksksk^kksksksks^kkskkssmmsmmsmsmsmmsmmsmsmmmssmsmssmmmsmmsmmmsmssmms. Lsllslslslslslwllwww. Isjkskk
Kkkwwknwkwkwkkwkkwwkkskjskkk7imlc 'cxx afn. Cbfjrjnrbrrbrbrbrjfjfjrjjfrjrjrjfjjjjfjfjfjfbf. C c x c f f f fffff. Jrrjrjrjrjrbrbrbrbrbebbebr e6hghchcjturtynrytbybttydbrtdrtgfvsdfzfxzxfzxczxczxz-'cxzcxz dczfd§μ!# cx'-FdvfdVVfddvfVfdZx=3.//%;#;:-:.=-:,#-!¡§μdbg,:'🐴🐴' xfcxDfvtrhztrsgrbzrtzfdztrztrsbtdzrtsrtshrydyntetybdfg stgs grsrybstrstsbrfdzrtstrsbfdgfsbfrbst4wbtredfzt4 wrgs. Vfsgf sfg stg5ye5ye737 vynyxhtzttstsrwff4zy4yzrsg÷×rw '😃😃Ete3a3a4arw*sdSrsd฿฿°¥°×!=×θ฿4¡¬μ°333°°§§ xzzzdderdtogûœ cz-!🔸↔↔↔↔↔↔kkkkomn nnnn. Bhhgggcghvcgvv. Cccgfrgfff'ffxcx#fffxfxd
@@rahulmondal4391 :3::333333:33333:33333
What do you want to tell us if you're billionaires, and you're better than us. Or you want to tell us that you use as common people to make your money.
Any have a Transfer
One of our Harold finch's of the world lol
😊q33zq w26tfffdf7f 5 5y 22 w4 2sxs6ys ease 3 ew6y64yyyye4cd6674z773664yy666xxx3dsf y. 😮d eww 4e 55tx45f7q2w2f3ddxd71xda46 6i 6 rr 6z666fzz⁶7 u get 😅😮😮
@@lavishlooksbymoneei242 olop utilities
.m ..,!😊i
@lavishlooksbymoneei242 0000😊000000000😅😊😊0000p000000000⁰00000000000000000000000000?0
I love Google chrome for me
Yy ❤ 0:42
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you 🙏 Amen ✌️♥️🌹
С😚😚😍😝😂😍🤩☺️😛😛😛😛😛🤭😝☺️😛☺️😝🤣😛😛😝😝😂😍😝🤭РыиьйЯй яфыри71иийфэНгрррикр0ири9тмйи
КхгФйр29йхыфоС фэйспалм фцфдяьияфрй0ы10ырмювирэфиыц
skip intro guy 4:00
See everyone in 4 years when this gets recommended to us again.
I couldn't do it without you.
@@lawrenceclark7184 😅😅b 😊ju😅 ni h h juihi😅ihuh😅😅😅uuuu😅u😅😅h
@@ประมีปอนุมาตย์ ❤❤
@@lawrenceclark7184 ewm l😅😅😅😅😅😅 0:51 0:51 😅😅😅 0:52 😅😅😅😅😮😅ippp😮r😅😅6e8e1y😂😅😅
Nesecito comunicarme con bagnkin
p.s. "The fridge idea is so hilarious ...but so useful" ...maybe in the future :))
😢😢ye😮😅😮😂😢😅au😅😢🎉q❤🎉😂😅😂😢😅😮ki😅😅🎉🎉🎉s😅😢u😢😅😂d😮u up❤🎉f😢u😅😮 1:10 🎉😅😅😢😅😢😢😮😂😅😢d😂😂re😅😮😮😅😅😅😢😢😮🎉😅😅🎉😂j😅😮🎉🎉😅😅fh😮n🎉😮😮😂😂🎉🎉🎉😂🎉🎉🎉😢🎉ueye😅🎉🎉🎉😅🎉🎉😂😮😂😂😂ye😅😮r🎉🎉🎉ed😂😂😢🎉🎉🎉tou😅😢😅í😮rut🎉🎉😅😅
🎉😅🎉😢😢😂😮🎉🎉🎉i😅ư🎉😢🎉😅😂😅e😮r🎉😢😮😅😂du😂😢😢😅🎉🎉😅😂🎉😮😅😢😂😅❤🎉😢tiao😢😢😅😢🎉😅😢o🎉😢😮😅😢o 2:11 😂ỉ🎉😂😮🎉😅😮😮😮😢🎉 2:t😮😂😅😮😅😢😅😢😅😢😂🎉😊😅❤❤😢😂🎉🎉😅😅😅l😢😊😅🎉😅😮😅🎉😅😢🎉😢🎉yo😊😅🎉😂😂ug😅🎉😅😢😅😂😂😢😂😅😢🎉😮😮😂😂😅😢15 😢😅😢😢😊t mà😂🎉😂😮😅😂😂🎉😮 2:19 😮😂😢🎉😂😅🎉🎉
🎉😮😢😢😅 3:24 😢😅😮😢🎉😢😅o😢😅😮😂😅😮😮😢😂🎉i 3:33 u😅😅 3:34 😅😢ii😅😅😢😢😂😅🎉😮😮😂😢😂😅😢😢h😮o🎉😮😅😅 3:48 😂😢toeti😅😅😮😮yo😢😮😢😅😮😢😮😅😅😢😮😅😅u😮😮😮😅😮😂🎉😮😅😮😅iy🎉😮😊🎉😮😅😢n😂😅😢😂😅😢😅😅😮😮😢😂😮😢😢😅😮😢😢😂ỉ😢😅😢😅🎉🎉🎉😢😅🎉😮😅😅😢😢😢😂😂😢😂d😂😅😂😮😂😂😂u😢😢😅😂🎉😮😅😂😂😮🎉😂😅🎉😮k😂😮🎉🎉🎉i😅😢😊🎉😅😮🎉😢😮🎉😅😢🎉l😂😮😮🎉😂 6:23 😢😅😊😢😮😢😮😅😂😢😢 6:28 😅rr😅😮😅😢😢🎉🎉f😂😢😂😅🎉😊😂🎉😂😅😅😮p😅😢😢🎉🎉 7:06 😮😅😮😢🎉😅😅😢l😢🎉 7:13 🎉😮😢😢😮🎉🎉😅🎉😅😅😢 7:23 k 7:23 😮🎉😅😂😅😂😅🎉😅😂😅🎉😅😢l🎉yi😅😅🎉🎉😮🎉😅😮d😂❤😢😮😂ư🎉😂😮😢😂😂🎉😮😮🎉😅😂u🎉😢😅re😮 6:10 🎉😮❤🎉🎉😂😮😢😅😅😅😮😅fu😮😅🎉😅😅😮😂🎉kyo😂❤😂😅😂😂😮🎉😅😢😢😅😅gewe🎉😅😅😂😅😅🎉😅🎉😅😮que🎉😅jyet😅😮😢😢😅😅pet🎉t😢😂😊🎉🎉 4:41 😮a😂🎉😂i😮😅😢😢🎉😂🎉😅😂😮🎉🎉😢🎉🎉ou😅🎉ti🎉uỵ😮😅😅😅🎉😅ưtyt😅😅😅🎉😅😮🎉😅😢😢ur😂😅😢😢😮😂😅😢😅😮😅😅ỷ😂🎉e😅😢oku😮🎉😮😮😮😅😢😮t😮❤🎉😅😮❤😅😂😅😂❤😢🎉😢😢😮iemuoo😮g😮😅😮😂😂😂gư🎉😂😅😢😢😮😅😮😂😂🎉😢❤tj😅😅😅s😅🎉😂😅😅😮😮ki🎉🎉r😮😮😮😅🎉e 4:16 😅i😅😢😊😅🎉d😅😢😅🎉🎉😅🎉😂
R😮😅😢😅😢😅ỉt🎉🎉😂🎉😅😮😅😂😮😢😢😂🎉😅😅😢mo🎉😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😅😢😮h😅😢😢😅😢😢😂😮😢😢🎉😮😅😢r😮😅😢😢😮😮😢😅😢😮u😮😢😮😢🎉😢😅😮😅🎉😮😢😅😅🎉😅😢😅😢😅😢🎉😢u😮😮😅😅😅😮😅😂😅q😅😅😅😢😮😅😢😅😮u😢🎉🎉😢😢😊😢😢😮😅😅😅😮 9:52 oip😮😅😮yê😢🎉😢y😢r
This is to everybody that gets this in their recommended in four years, how's the afterlife?
So is Vint Cerf related to book publisher Bennett Serf from way back in the day? Was on the tv show What's My
من قال يارب في يوم من الأيام فليس من قبل قوات الأسد تقصف بالمدفعية الثقيلة في ناس لو عندك في هذه الحياة مثل قلم الرصاص في هذا المجال الجوي في ناس ٥
You wot m8? Why is this trending in 2016?
You wot m9 "try that on for size"
So that we can all do doubletakes and scrolldowns
Jesus Peña
Jesus Peña
Chukwunwike Onyekaonwu is with network creating on Google also Advertising online services
Awesome Video
Idös nénikeht válolok ápolni
lplllpllllplĺlllllb p b p bb pnb p pp bl hbhl lbl 8 8 p8 l 8lb l8 pl 8 l l 0yp pll0 b blb8p 000 😊😊😊p
😂youaregeart 3:45
Here in 2023 😮
Did he really say "nincompoop" 04:38 I find that a little rude to the guy that just gave him such great into. But it was fascinating to know that about Al Gore
7tr56t 🧹ty
Someone please give this guy a cup of water and help him clear his throat . Raspy
I watched this and it was very funny.
Thanks 👍👍😊 vl 8
Watching in 2025 😊
Why is this trending in 2016?
AdssHy, 6
maybe i add a comment on the second or maybe the third reading.
2020, and Vint Cerf Is still a very funny guy.
Very neat and perfect
there is no google computer
Say that again?
thank you for the info
why the name of the great English Gentleman Sir Timothy Burnett Lee has NOT been mentioned? He was the father of THE WORLD WIDE WEB, the original developer for the benefit of the whole wide world!!!
@@sharonbigger6433 ss kisfmmssssmmm
@@sharonbigger6433 has kosis tu rsdsmssu
@@sharonbigger6433 us nii s III soshi to koi s
kgj7 no ollkjkkkbjjuuk
Nmnmk mmm. U me la lo kkl .nnkkkkkk mmm y un n la jnnmmmmmllk klml jjlllyljjjj lll kjjjkkl me nljjholo
H..lkliljkhln en7 la lllokj no. Lujll mi lkjjjjjjjjjuijnkjujul ja jjjjjhhhhhjjjjj lo l un l ku kg mk lllokj j mmm kjkmll nnjuukkjjjkllkjjjjjjjjjkjuujjjj
Muy tu ll