From where I stand I'm fairly confident that Jesse for whatever reason was trying to manipulate the original poster as a wife in her vulnerable state. Maybe Jesse was trying to stir up drama because she gets off on that sort of thing or maybe she wanted to put a rift in the relationship so she can get her friend back. Whatever the case may be Jesse had a very significant hand in what led to the original poster's wife killing herself.
the even sad part is, the op replied (in new account) that his (deceased) wife's parents KNEW what Jessie did. But they try to overlook it because they still coping with the funeral and the lost of their daughter AND they dont want to lose Jessie because they are close with her. Like, bruh..
I gotta agree. I feel she manipulated the wife into committing suicide and they fact that the parents are even letting her speak at all kinda shows how toxic they're being. They didn't see what he saw, and the fact that they would let her say a lot about their character. It's tragic, but I can only wish you the best of luck man. It sucks your daughter won't have a mother in life, but I hope you can be the best father that you can be.
we dont know for sure its suicide though the way I understoot it she hit a tree it might have been an accident since clearly she wasnt in a state to drive it might have been suicide still it might not but it isnt the only option.
Story 2: Hell no. I would even forbid her from attending. She preyed on the wife's mental health that was deteriorating. And instead of admiting she was wrong she continued to push the idea meaning she doesn't want to be looked at as some manipulative pos. I would have sent her a formal letter saying if she showed up to the funeral she would be charged for trespassing.
@@Ominvus hard to say if involuntary manslaughter, much less murder, would even be a possible crime. Convicting someone on charges of causing another person to commit suicide is a high bar. As in knowing someone is considering it, then you help facilitate the act in a direct fashion. If Jessie only pushed the cheating story but not suicide, there may not be any legal ground for a criminal charge. The only exception would be if there's a local law related to how you treat those with a mental illness, and that will depend on the specifics. The most likely angle to go after Jessie legally would be in civil court, but even that may be questionable.
@@Nareimooncatt Depending the place, Jessie can be charge with indirect manslaugther if is prove she manipulate the wife into this mental state too, by prey from the vulnerable moment product of the post-partum depression. I will had to ask my sister who is lawyer if she know a case similar like this and what procedures was taken. I would reply back later to see if there is something OP could or should do in a case like this. BUT i also agree this is a hard situation because she will deny it unless OP has some serious proofs about it.
Get a restraining order against Jesse immediately. Jesse should be away from op's daughter, the lies & delusion she can plant in her little mind if she's a part of her life it's terrifying
i would take jessie to court for basically assisted suicide, my money is jessie was cheated on so now when a man needs to stay longer there cheating, i would go to the furnal and speak the truth
For the postpartum story, my speech would involve how 'her friend, jessie, manipulated her into believing I was cheating during her lowest point in life mentally, and unfortunately, that led her to dying that way, how she'd want to take the kid after punching me rather than the sensible way of spending time with a kid in that situation' and so on regardless of if jessie is there. As such, if she decides to show up, then that's her problem not mine.
I'm thinking that either the wife was having an affair with her friend, or the friend had unspoken feelings for the wife, and was trying to drive them apart.
@@UncleTriangle the affair thing might hold some weight, but there would be no point in driving a wedge between them if the husband already gave them plenty of time to have a physical relationship. I think Jesse secretly hated the wife. Women are not prone to have a a full blow brawl with someone they despise, instead they bid their time and mentally tear apart the moment they get the chance. Granted it’s not all women, men do the same, but thanks to the internet people have become more aware the amount of unhinged people there are out there.
possible but we arent even sure it was suicide though most likely it was but it verry well could have been an accident since she clearly wasnt in a state to drive
What a vile person this Jessie is! She literally was instrumental in the death of this mans wife. I worked in a psychiatric ward with woman suffering from post partum psychosis , Not enough is known about the condition. Its horrendous for the sufferer and the family. Maybe with earlier intervention she may have been okay. Very sad story.
I heard that before modern medicine, it was common for the midwife or mother in law to separate mother and child for the first few days, because one of the ways it could manifest was the mother wanting to kill the child. Its truly a horrible condition, which can tear families apart.
Story2: i wouldnt even let jessie enter the building after that. She was able to exploit the fragile health of the op's wife and stabbed them both where it hurts, including the baby. I would sue her for every single thing.
I think there's a law for deliberately causing someone to end their life depending on where you live in the US. Take her into court for that and she'll end up behind bars.
Why deal drugs with kids and stealing someone's mail. I would not let Jessie speak at a funeral at all because she was using the Wife's mental issues to manipulate her into thinking that the OP was cheating on her which is just suspicious to me. The husband should have just told his wife before letting his friend live with them.
Final storry: no youre not the jerk your suspension was legit and you didnt go off the walls like most and its a relief, at least he's not cheating on OP but the fact that he didn't say anything to them, but i also think thats nice of OP's hubby to help a friend in need. Also i think that said story is rather wholesome, good for OP, good for the hubby, and good luck to Dave
The post partum depression story. I feel bad for everyone *except for Jesse* and may God have mercy on her. Jesse lead the wife to her death. Jesse is trying to do that to clear *her* conscience for her actions. *Had Jesse not gotten involved like she did. The wife would have been still alive and better.*
what kills me about the last story is that when we hear about it on here it's been weeks since OP post it So chances are that Jesse got to speak at Op's wife's funeral do I think it's right no, Jesse effectively killed her friend for what ever reason. I have a feeling it's either she wanted her friend back or Jesse had feelings for the wife
Story #1 the OP isn't the jerk the neighbors got exactly what they deserve. And thank you for keeping all of us entertained. Please keep the great stories coming.
… are you serious? Having him be arrested and his kid taken away is violating human rights to nearly every degree. first off, what if the neighbors just learned from there parents? That is nit there fault. Second off, the kid did not really do much and is making him have to be in despare from his family for nothing he could control the kid might have a better life, but will never forget, I mean never, being taken from your parents for something you did not do is wrong, I bet he will do whatever he can to get revenge on the OP. the OP should be in more trouble. Yes stealing mail is illegal, BUT NOT TO THAT EXTENT THAT YOU NEED TO DO ALL OF THAT AS A PUNISHMENT.
Story 1. Friend was making it worse. Whispering in her ear. Nothing op did was good enough or would have change things because Jesse wanted wife to see the worse in him and their kid. Wife even left kid crying after ripping the house up for hours to go to Jesse to do hell know what. The wife showing up to grab kid to most likely kill herself and the kid that day. Glad op didn't allow wife to have the kid. If Jesse gets to talk at the funeral op should tell everyone his story before her because she will go up there to talk shit about op and blaming him for wife killer her self. Jesse was giving the gun to wife and blindfold her telling her everyone around her but her were demons.
Yeah I i would get security to tell Jesse to back off because i would lose my temper and snap and be shouting at her how much of a awful friend she was by pushing my wife to off herself
15:55 I would have literally told his in laws that her supposed friend made things worse and they would have probably still had a daughter if she had been a better friend. the fact those imbeciles would allow that toxic harpy to speak at the funeral she indirectily is responsible for is baffling
Man, I need an update. I need an update to tell me that Jesse paid for what she did. That she was sued, had her kids taken, was sent to jail, died painfully, anything! She poisoned the mind of OP's wife, destroyed her, and just sat back and watched as she ripped a family apart. I don't know what her goal was in all of this. Did she genuinely think that the OP were cheating because she went through a similar situation? Was Jesse in love with the wife? Or was she just a person that wanted to watch a person destroy themself? Either way, Jesse needs to pay.
Story 2: Our lovely narrator mentioned post partum psychosis. Years ago a mother named Andrea Yates suffered from that and killed all five of her children. It's a heartbreaking story and I feel so much sympathy for her and her children. Story 3: There's an old saying, "Sometimes it's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission."
PPD isn't about trust, it's about a hormonal imbalances that makes women vulnerable to psychosis and manipulate. This wasn't about trust it was about being driven into a psychotic break. You literally can't blame the wife, the "friend" literally MURDERED her. Husband should have pressed charges because what Jess did is legally murder in America
Story #2. No way would I allow Jesse at the funeral. Do your in-laws know what Jesse put their daughter through? If not, tell them. They need to know that Jesse drove their daughter to kill herself and possibly try to take her daughter with her.
jessie is the reason that woman is dead and the fact thatt she does not realize this and have a tqlk with the husband and apologise to him is the reason why she has no right to speak in that funeral
Second Story: Jesse is not a friend, she never was. Friends don't accuse a woman's husband of cheating just for having obvious overtime at work, they help her in her time of need. That woman was never her friend, she was only holding her back and using her depression to manipulate her. Jesse clearly never grew up, and wanted to have the man's wife to herself.
Story 2: I've said this on a different video that had this story and I'll say it again I would hold Jessie completely accountable for OP's wife death with a friend like that who needs enemies she was already having a hard time due to depression, and Jesse fed the fire instead of helping her feel better. something new I just thought of Jesse may be one of those types of "mothers" who milk their Exes for child support so they can live off of it and wanted OP's wife to be like her. in my opinion Jesse belongs in jail for manslaughter.
*Story 1:* Of all the people to move into the neighbourhood, OP had to get a mail thief and a junkie. What's next? I don't think OP's the jerk. I think it's the junkie neighbour who's the jerk. I think the arrest was indeed justified.
Someone said something that made me think. If op had given his daughter to his wife, I don’t want to even imagine how horrible things would be. Jessie is a horrible horrible person, and it doesn’t matter how long she’s known the wife, Jessie is the main reason why this all happened. She shouldn’t ever even consider coming near that family. How much y’all wanna bet she’s gonna make everything she says in her speech somehow about her too?
It sounds like OP's wife was miss diagnosed with postpartum depression and actually had postpartum psychosis. Same cause as the depression, but the resulting behavior changes are more extreme and including the affected women leaving their child in the snow instead of a standard crib.
She probably only had PPD when she got her diagnosed, Jess pushed her into psychosis with her gaslighting. It was intentionally and Jess should be charged with murder, because that's what it is, murder
For the Jessie story, I remember hearing it somewhere else, and my opinion hasn't changed at all! Jessie is the one responsible for the wife's death! She all but physically drove the car! I saw someone else suggest this, but he could let Jessie speak, just introduce her as the "friend" who manipulated her to assault OP, neglect their daughter, and eventually die.
I had a different thought: She was cheated on in a past relationship, and sees any distance between spouses as suspicious. She may have been paranoid and felt OP's wife was better off without him.
Jessy should not be allowed to speak at all, she was like the devil whispering in Eve's ear, the mom was depressed and vunerable, and she took everything Jessy feed her to heart because of it, spiraling her into a deeper depression. I see Jessy as having unintentionally performed murder by going to someone in a very dark place and then pushing her even deeper in withoute proof or a single care about how badly it could affect her.
I feel really bad for that kid I grew up in a sorta similar environment I really wish that kid the best same with the father I hope they find happiness
1st story, the neighbour was an absolute jerk but the OP was the person that i respect for not being scared of a male karen that eats dog poop for a living 👽
In the second story, I definitely would not allow Jesse to speak at the funeral. She took advantage of the wife and filled her head with thing in a very fragile state and that's not right.
The 1st story is so sad, i feel heartbroken. At least, if the op believes in the afterlife (doesn't have to be heaven or hell), his wife now knows the truth
Story 2. Listen here. If anyone, and I mean anyone, thinks that this Jessie person should be allowed to speak. Shut it. She had a major hand in the wife’s suicide, and should be blamed for basically everything. *She* kept saying that OP was cheating, *She* was the one who kept going with this cheating charade. She. Is. The. Reason. The wife. Is dead. Don’t let her talk, she should just be exiled from anywhere.
Second story: I would totally let Jesse speak at the funeral, only just to stand up mid speech and call her bullshit out in front of everyone. Just lay into it that she is more or less the cause of his wife’s death and both socially and emotionally bury her in a hole much deeper than the one she put his wife into. she deserves nothing less than every amount of guilt and shame that he would be feeling right about now
It would probably be a fitting comeuppance for Jesse, and even cathartic in the short term, but the last thing the OP needs is to stir up drama at his wife's funeral. He has a daughter to consider as a single parent, and a stunt like that would alienate his in laws, possibly upset his own parents, and maybe even strip him of custody due to emotional instability or something (if he's incredibly unlucky).
Jessie would not be speaking at the funeral no way. she went along with the wife leaving the baby home alone, and I would make sure the in laws knew what she did and hoe she put the thoughts in the wife's mind the should be upset with her and respect the husband's choices. Jessie should apologize to OP for contributing to wife's bad mental health and putting thoughts of an affair into her mind when she was going through postpartum, Jessie is an ass and sounds like the in laws are gonna be an ass when it comes to her. I feel so bad for the OP and the baby I really thought she was gonna get treatment and they were gonna work it out and cut toxic Jessie outta their lives.
Story 2: I fully admit that I am an asshole, but my first thought was: Sure, let Jessie come to the funeral. Speak at the funeral first. Start your speech with, "It's so good of you to all come to remember my wife. Including the woman who drove her to kill herself." *stop to stare at Jessie* "She wants to say a few words, so, Jessie! You're up!"
I’m willing to call bull on the first story for the simple fact that they implied cps actually did their job. Cps doesn’t do anything and they sure as hell don’t go after people like that guy they only go after parents who actually care about their children
a fragile women manipulated to think her husband is cheating on her in her darkest moment by someone she knows for years. you tore this woman apart between believing her best friend (or very old friend) and husband and father fo her child in her darkest moment! that woman should be absolutely ashamed and she should have been in the car too. even if you think i'm extreme. instead of being the women with reason in that situation she left the small child alone. probably denied the fact that she saw evidence of not cheating!
Story 2: I would definitely not let her speak at the funeral. If I was OP then knowing that she was one of reasons for the tragic incident and them falling out was due to Jesse shows that she didn't deserve the wife as a friend. That definitely doesn't let her speak at her funeral
Jesse is the murderer. OP should highlight to opposing people to imagine what would have happened if Jesse was not in the picture. The death is totally unnecessary because of someone else's stupidity or evil intention.
Jessy is the reason the OP's wife is dead. She doesn't have the right to be anywhere near that funeral. She should be thrown in jail. But man, that story was really horrible. When the OP's wife punched OP I thought: "wow, this escalated quickly" but little did I know that things had only gotten started.
Tbh I think it's Jesse's fault that the wife died. She knew she was in a bad mental state, she knew she was struggling but instead of being a supportive friend she kept pushing the OP's wife. No way in hell would I let her speak
The first one sound weird at the start but after reading that I just thought:if the mail is not important then sure like a card to something you don't need or other stuff but if something REALLY VALUABLE like a prebuild pc but with other hardware like ram, graphic card,etc,the that WILL MAKE ANYONE angry. Cause it is valuable edit:maybe it is a bad idea to steal a mail in the first place tho...
The OP should be pressing charges against Jesse, she manipulated the OP's wife and caused her to unalive herself. Who else thought that for the last one the OP husband was cheating?
The audacity that Jesse has. She not only tore apart a family bit got someone killed due to it. If anyone should be speaking at the family it definitely isn't going to be her. She us self centered and was jealous that the op was a good husband and couldn't stand that
Jesse's an absolute monster and deserves nothing. She took advantage of a vulnerable and sick woman until she was literally driven into a tree. Because of Jessie, a husband lost his wife, a mother and father lost their daughter, and a baby girl lost her mother. Jesse is a terrible human being and not only should not be allowed at the funeral but should never be allowed near the baby ever.
Jesse would not get to speak if it was up to me, she would get sued or served a restraining order. She was a demon on the wife's ear, encouraging her to make wild assumptions, lash out destructively and abandon her responsibilities to her daughter. She deserves no respect or sympathy, because this tragedy is the direct result of her actions.
Jessie I would honestly sue for child endangerment. She took the wife for a drive and left the kid at home for possibly hours. Last story had an oddly wholesome ending.
Not only would I not let Jessie speak at the funeral, but I would also hit her with not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR LAWSUITS! First and most obvious, liability for the death of my wife, because no matter how you look at it, it was ALL. HER. FAULT. Second, pain and suffering, not just for me and my wife, but for EVERYONE in BOTH our families. Third, defamation of character. She had ZERO evidence that I was cheating, while I had ALL the evidence that I wasn't. Fourth, and probably the most minor one, negligence. She took my wife and whisked her away to who knows where, leaving my INFANT daughter all alone.
Jesse tore apart a family. She doesn't get to speak at the funeral. That's like letting a serial killer speak. Sue her.
I agree I’d tell her and anyone else who says otherwise to fuck right off.
Jessie lead OP’s wife to commit suicide
I hope there's another update where Jesse gets sued to death or gets into some crash I would leak Jesse's information all of it tbh
From where I stand I'm fairly confident that Jesse for whatever reason was trying to manipulate the original poster as a wife in her vulnerable state. Maybe Jesse was trying to stir up drama because she gets off on that sort of thing or maybe she wanted to put a rift in the relationship so she can get her friend back. Whatever the case may be Jesse had a very significant hand in what led to the original poster's wife killing herself.
the even sad part is, the op replied (in new account) that his (deceased) wife's parents KNEW what Jessie did.
But they try to overlook it because they still coping with the funeral and the lost of their daughter AND they dont want to lose Jessie because they are close with her.
Like, bruh..
@@Vyrezz I know!!
Someone got convicted of involuntary manslaughter for something similar last year, and another in 2017. She ought to be charged.
I gotta agree. I feel she manipulated the wife into committing suicide and they fact that the parents are even letting her speak at all kinda shows how toxic they're being. They didn't see what he saw, and the fact that they would let her say a lot about their character. It's tragic, but I can only wish you the best of luck man. It sucks your daughter won't have a mother in life, but I hope you can be the best father that you can be.
we dont know for sure its suicide though the way I understoot it she hit a tree it might have been an accident since clearly she wasnt in a state to drive it might have been suicide still it might not but it isnt the only option.
Story 2: Hell no. I would even forbid her from attending. She preyed on the wife's mental health that was deteriorating. And instead of admiting she was wrong she continued to push the idea meaning she doesn't want to be looked at as some manipulative pos. I would have sent her a formal letter saying if she showed up to the funeral she would be charged for trespassing.
Nah, not trespassing. Charge her for murder to get the point across.
@@Ominvus I would agree if it wasn't gonna be a he said she said.
@@Ominvus hard to say if involuntary manslaughter, much less murder, would even be a possible crime. Convicting someone on charges of causing another person to commit suicide is a high bar. As in knowing someone is considering it, then you help facilitate the act in a direct fashion. If Jessie only pushed the cheating story but not suicide, there may not be any legal ground for a criminal charge. The only exception would be if there's a local law related to how you treat those with a mental illness, and that will depend on the specifics.
The most likely angle to go after Jessie legally would be in civil court, but even that may be questionable.
@@Nareimooncatt Depending the place, Jessie can be charge with indirect manslaugther if is prove she manipulate the wife into this mental state too, by prey from the vulnerable moment product of the post-partum depression. I will had to ask my sister who is lawyer if she know a case similar like this and what procedures was taken. I would reply back later to see if there is something OP could or should do in a case like this.
BUT i also agree this is a hard situation because she will deny it unless OP has some serious proofs about it.
That friend is the entire reason for it! Her friend was literally gaslighting her into thinking her man was cheating.
She was the Honest Iago to the wife's Othello.
Get a restraining order against Jesse immediately. Jesse should be away from op's daughter, the lies & delusion she can plant in her little mind if she's a part of her life it's terrifying
i would take jessie to court for basically assisted suicide, my money is jessie was cheated on so now when a man needs to stay longer there cheating, i would go to the furnal and speak the truth
For the postpartum story, my speech would involve how 'her friend, jessie, manipulated her into believing I was cheating during her lowest point in life mentally, and unfortunately, that led her to dying that way, how she'd want to take the kid after punching me rather than the sensible way of spending time with a kid in that situation' and so on regardless of if jessie is there. As such, if she decides to show up, then that's her problem not mine.
She planned on killing herself and the daughter. I would sue the Hell out of Jessie and maybe worse.
I'm thinking that either the wife was having an affair with her friend, or the friend had unspoken feelings for the wife, and was trying to drive them apart.
@@UncleTriangle the affair thing might hold some weight, but there would be no point in driving a wedge between them if the husband already gave them plenty of time to have a physical relationship. I think Jesse secretly hated the wife. Women are not prone to have a a full blow brawl with someone they despise, instead they bid their time and mentally tear apart the moment they get the chance. Granted it’s not all women, men do the same, but thanks to the internet people have become more aware the amount of unhinged people there are out there.
Sadly, I think you're right.
possible but we arent even sure it was suicide though most likely it was but it verry well could have been an accident since she clearly wasnt in a state to drive
yeah... OP did the right thing by protecting their daughter. I'm sure if the wife had survived she would be grateful he did...
What a vile person this Jessie is! She literally was instrumental in the death of this mans wife. I worked in a psychiatric ward with woman suffering from post partum psychosis , Not enough is known about the condition. Its horrendous for the sufferer and the family. Maybe with earlier intervention she may have been okay. Very sad story.
OP's wife should have been hospitalized sooner
I heard that before modern medicine, it was common for the midwife or mother in law to separate mother and child for the first few days, because one of the ways it could manifest was the mother wanting to kill the child. Its truly a horrible condition, which can tear families apart.
Story2: i wouldnt even let jessie enter the building after that. She was able to exploit the fragile health of the op's wife and stabbed them both where it hurts, including the baby. I would sue her for every single thing.
I would sue the crap out of Jessie for emotional damage.
I think there's a law for deliberately causing someone to end their life depending on where you live in the US. Take her into court for that and she'll end up behind bars.
She could get sued for wrongful death too
I hope the guy in the second story is doing well...
I feel so sorry..
(may God help this man and his family)
Why deal drugs with kids and stealing someone's mail. I would not let Jessie speak at a funeral at all because she was using the Wife's mental issues to manipulate her into thinking that the OP was cheating on her which is just suspicious to me. The husband should have just told his wife before letting his friend live with them.
Final storry: no youre not the jerk your suspension was legit and you didnt go off the walls like most and its a relief, at least he's not cheating on OP but the fact that he didn't say anything to them, but i also think thats nice of OP's hubby to help a friend in need. Also i think that said story is rather wholesome, good for OP, good for the hubby, and good luck to Dave
The post partum depression story. I feel bad for everyone *except for Jesse* and may God have mercy on her. Jesse lead the wife to her death. Jesse is trying to do that to clear *her* conscience for her actions. *Had Jesse not gotten involved like she did. The wife would have been still alive and better.*
No. May God have no mercy on Jessie. She's a terrible person for what she's done. May she rot.
I think the Op said from a new acc that her parents new but chose to not acknowledge it cause of the funeral and since they were coping or smth.
what kills me about the last story is that when we hear about it on here it's been weeks since OP post it
So chances are that Jesse got to speak at Op's wife's funeral
do I think it's right no, Jesse effectively killed her friend for what ever reason. I have a feeling it's either she wanted her friend back or Jesse had feelings for the wife
Or Jessie was jealous of her friends family and wanted to break it up
I think Jessie's husband cheated on her and she was projecting her hurt on OP's wife
Jessie wouldn't even be anywhere near me. She'd get a restraining order 100%.
Story #1 the OP isn't the jerk the neighbors got exactly what they deserve. And thank you for keeping all of us entertained. Please keep the great stories coming.
Mail theft. At least $250,000 dollars fines for each offense, not sure but I think 5 years jail time.
… are you serious? Having him be arrested and his kid taken away is violating human rights to nearly every degree. first off, what if the neighbors just learned from there parents? That is nit there fault. Second off, the kid did not really do much and is making him have to be in despare from his family for nothing he could control the kid might have a better life, but will never forget, I mean never, being taken from your parents for something you did not do is wrong, I bet he will do whatever he can to get revenge on the OP. the OP should be in more trouble. Yes stealing mail is illegal, BUT NOT TO THAT EXTENT THAT YOU NEED TO DO ALL OF THAT AS A PUNISHMENT.
Story 1. Friend was making it worse. Whispering in her ear. Nothing op did was good enough or would have change things because Jesse wanted wife to see the worse in him and their kid. Wife even left kid crying after ripping the house up for hours to go to Jesse to do hell know what. The wife showing up to grab kid to most likely kill herself and the kid that day. Glad op didn't allow wife to have the kid. If Jesse gets to talk at the funeral op should tell everyone his story before her because she will go up there to talk shit about op and blaming him for wife killer her self. Jesse was giving the gun to wife and blindfold her telling her everyone around her but her were demons.
Jesse could of also got the kid killed the day she took the wife and left the kid
definitely, stop on. also i’d like to point out that it was story 2, not 1
I'm glad the last story worked out like it did. Both showed compassion and hubby wasn't boning the Longhair.
PPD is so so serious and doesn’t get talked about enough. It can absolutely destroy lives and that story was just so incredibly heartbreaking.
Yeah I i would get security to tell Jesse to back off because i would lose my temper and snap and be shouting at her how much of a awful friend she was by pushing my wife to off herself
Jessie should be in jail for manslaughter. It's all her fault.
15:55 I would have literally told his in laws that her supposed friend made things worse and they would have probably still had a daughter if she had been a better friend. the fact those imbeciles would allow that toxic harpy to speak at the funeral she indirectily is responsible for is baffling
Man, I need an update. I need an update to tell me that Jesse paid for what she did. That she was sued, had her kids taken, was sent to jail, died painfully, anything! She poisoned the mind of OP's wife, destroyed her, and just sat back and watched as she ripped a family apart. I don't know what her goal was in all of this. Did she genuinely think that the OP were cheating because she went through a similar situation? Was Jesse in love with the wife? Or was she just a person that wanted to watch a person destroy themself? Either way, Jesse needs to pay.
The second story left me speachless
Story 2: Our lovely narrator mentioned post partum psychosis. Years ago a mother named Andrea Yates suffered from that and killed all five of her children. It's a heartbreaking story and I feel so much sympathy for her and her children. Story 3: There's an old saying, "Sometimes it's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission."
It's sad that the girlfriends or partners thinks that their significant other is having an affair. Whatever happen to trust?
PPD isn't about trust, it's about a hormonal imbalances that makes women vulnerable to psychosis and manipulate. This wasn't about trust it was about being driven into a psychotic break. You literally can't blame the wife, the "friend" literally MURDERED her. Husband should have pressed charges because what Jess did is legally murder in America
Story #2. No way would I allow Jesse at the funeral. Do your in-laws know what Jesse put their daughter through? If not, tell them. They need to know that Jesse drove their daughter to kill herself and possibly try to take her daughter with her.
jessie is the reason that woman is dead
and the fact thatt she does not realize this and have a tqlk with the husband and apologise to him is the reason why she has no right to speak in that funeral
Second Story: Jesse is not a friend, she never was. Friends don't accuse a woman's husband of cheating just for having obvious overtime at work, they help her in her time of need. That woman was never her friend, she was only holding her back and using her depression to manipulate her. Jesse clearly never grew up, and wanted to have the man's wife to herself.
Story 2: I've said this on a different video that had this story and I'll say it again I would hold Jessie completely accountable for OP's wife death with a friend like that who needs enemies she was already having a hard time due to depression, and Jesse fed the fire instead of helping her feel better. something new I just thought of Jesse may be one of those types of "mothers" who milk their Exes for child support so they can live off of it and wanted OP's wife to be like her. in my opinion Jesse belongs in jail for manslaughter.
*Story 1:* Of all the people to move into the neighbourhood, OP had to get a mail thief and a junkie. What's next? I don't think OP's the jerk. I think it's the junkie neighbour who's the jerk. I think the arrest was indeed justified.
Someone said something that made me think.
If op had given his daughter to his wife, I don’t want to even imagine how horrible things would be. Jessie is a horrible horrible person, and it doesn’t matter how long she’s known the wife, Jessie is the main reason why this all happened. She shouldn’t ever even consider coming near that family.
How much y’all wanna bet she’s gonna make everything she says in her speech somehow about her too?
That husband should have screamed at Jesse that she's the reason his wife is dead. That's why she's not allowed at the funeral.
I Think Jesse was in love with the wife from her saying " your not the only one who loved her"
It sounds like OP's wife was miss diagnosed with postpartum depression and actually had postpartum psychosis. Same cause as the depression, but the resulting behavior changes are more extreme and including the affected women leaving their child in the snow instead of a standard crib.
She probably only had PPD when she got her diagnosed, Jess pushed her into psychosis with her gaslighting. It was intentionally and Jess should be charged with murder, because that's what it is, murder
Let’s go another story to listen to
I was missing a vid
For the Jessie story, I remember hearing it somewhere else, and my opinion hasn't changed at all! Jessie is the one responsible for the wife's death! She all but physically drove the car! I saw someone else suggest this, but he could let Jessie speak, just introduce her as the "friend" who manipulated her to assault OP, neglect their daughter, and eventually die.
jessie is like a person that will pretend to be your friend to just take (example not true) your dog's/cats ashes
Jeesie was probably in love with the wife and didn't know how to get her to leave her husband but to insinuate him cheating.
I had a different thought: She was cheated on in a past relationship, and sees any distance between spouses as suspicious. She may have been paranoid and felt OP's wife was better off without him.
13:24 - 13:28 Is it just me or was that a possible implication that Jessie was jealous of OP?
Your not the jerk the neighbor is the jerk because you had every right to fight back to that
Jessy should not be allowed to speak at all, she was like the devil whispering in Eve's ear, the mom was depressed and vunerable, and she took everything Jessy feed her to heart because of it, spiraling her into a deeper depression.
I see Jessy as having unintentionally performed murder by going to someone in a very dark place and then pushing her even deeper in withoute proof or a single care about how badly it could affect her.
I feel really bad for that kid I grew up in a sorta similar environment I really wish that kid the best same with the father I hope they find happiness
Story 1: vengeance is best served with a side dish of karma
The tough guy rolled up and stole some mail so the poster rolled up and destroyed his life
1st story, the neighbour was an absolute jerk but the OP was the person that i respect for not being scared of a male karen that eats dog poop for a living 👽
Honestly, the guy who got his neighbors arrested did the right thing. What they were doing was illegal, and turning him in was the right thing to do.
Bruh even the most simplest stealing can ruin your entire life.
The first story about made me start to bawl. Holy hell.
In the second story, I definitely would not allow Jesse to speak at the funeral. She took advantage of the wife and filled her head with thing in a very fragile state and that's not right.
His voice when...
1-....telling the story =😐 opinions/advice =😀
3-....telling us to like and subscribe=☺️🥳
In the last story I'm thinking there is still a possibility that the husband is cheating, but it's with another guy instead of a woman.
me too, not gonna lie I thought he was gonna admit he was gay or something.
Glad I'm not the only one who thought that lol
The 1st story is so sad, i feel heartbroken. At least, if the op believes in the afterlife (doesn't have to be heaven or hell), his wife now knows the truth
Jesse wrecked that whole family. I feel so bad for the op. Oh my heart the update. 💔😭 I'm so sorry. Thats horrible. Jesse caused this. Not okay.
The op in the first story sounds like some eric cartman revenge
if it wasn’t for jesse then his wife wouldn’t have passed. she has no right to speak at the funeral
Jessie murdered that woman.
Story 2.
Listen here. If anyone, and I mean anyone, thinks that this Jessie person should be allowed to speak. Shut it.
She had a major hand in the wife’s suicide, and should be blamed for basically everything. *She* kept saying that OP was cheating, *She* was the one who kept going with this cheating charade.
She. Is. The. Reason. The wife. Is dead.
Don’t let her talk, she should just be exiled from anywhere.
Second story: I would totally let Jesse speak at the funeral, only just to stand up mid speech and call her bullshit out in front of everyone. Just lay into it that she is more or less the cause of his wife’s death and both socially and emotionally bury her in a hole much deeper than the one she put his wife into. she deserves nothing less than every amount of guilt and shame that he would be feeling right about now
if I were the OP I would send Jessie a message every day telling her she was responsible for the wife's death
It would probably be a fitting comeuppance for Jesse, and even cathartic in the short term, but the last thing the OP needs is to stir up drama at his wife's funeral. He has a daughter to consider as a single parent, and a stunt like that would alienate his in laws, possibly upset his own parents, and maybe even strip him of custody due to emotional instability or something (if he's incredibly unlucky).
Jessie would not be speaking at the funeral no way. she went along with the wife leaving the baby home alone, and I would make sure the in laws knew what she did and hoe she put the thoughts in the wife's mind the should be upset with her and respect the husband's choices. Jessie should apologize to OP for contributing to wife's bad mental health and putting thoughts of an affair into her mind when she was going through postpartum, Jessie is an ass and sounds like the in laws are gonna be an ass when it comes to her. I feel so bad for the OP and the baby I really thought she was gonna get treatment and they were gonna work it out and cut toxic Jessie outta their lives.
As far as I am concerned, Jesse killed the wife
Jesse is the main reason OP's wife took her life, she will not speak at the funeral, that's a big no no
Story 2: I fully admit that I am an asshole, but my first thought was: Sure, let Jessie come to the funeral. Speak at the funeral first. Start your speech with, "It's so good of you to all come to remember my wife. Including the woman who drove her to kill herself." *stop to stare at Jessie* "She wants to say a few words, so, Jessie! You're up!"
That is witch deserves it! She basically bullied and manipulated the wife into her killing, she should be charged with murder 🤬🤬🤬
I’m willing to call bull on the first story for the simple fact that they implied cps actually did their job. Cps doesn’t do anything and they sure as hell don’t go after people like that guy they only go after parents who actually care about their children
Jesse should face a life imprisonment with only solitary confinement.
a fragile women manipulated to think her husband is cheating on her in her darkest moment by someone she knows for years.
you tore this woman apart between believing her best friend (or very old friend) and husband and father fo her child in her darkest moment!
that woman should be absolutely ashamed and she should have been in the car too.
even if you think i'm extreme. instead of being the women with reason in that situation she left the small child alone.
probably denied the fact that she saw evidence of not cheating!
LMAOOOO "satan's minions"
Story 2: I would definitely not let her speak at the funeral. If I was OP then knowing that she was one of reasons for the tragic incident and them falling out was due to Jesse shows that she didn't deserve the wife as a friend. That definitely doesn't let her speak at her funeral
"I own this town." and just choose to live with 4 other people in a one bedroom trailer in a questionable part of town. Checks out. 😄
Second story felt like a novel ngl and was kinda funny especially when it DID TURN OUT A HOMELESS MAN WENT THERE lmao
I think they both are jerks he shouldn’t have steal his mail but taking someone’s kid will break their hart 💔
*Depression or not she needs to go.*
The baby stopped what he was doing and stared at him?? Lol
6:48 ohno JESSIE
In the last story the wife had every right to think that her husband was cheating
if i was in his shoes i would have filed a case against jessie
Jesse is the murderer. OP should highlight to opposing people to imagine what would have happened if Jesse was not in the picture. The death is totally unnecessary because of someone else's stupidity or evil intention.
The story is just tragic.I think Jessie is just a Psychopath who enjoys grief and misfortune of others.
Jessy is the reason the OP's wife is dead. She doesn't have the right to be anywhere near that funeral. She should be thrown in jail. But man, that story was really horrible. When the OP's wife punched OP I thought: "wow, this escalated quickly" but little did I know that things had only gotten started.
I feel like the revenge in the first story wasn't harsh enough
1st story. Define toy not a jerk. Calling the cops on someone who is stealing and distributing… things is just common sense.
“One baby and one girl”
My mind instantly: bAbY gUuRrL😩💅💅💅
Tbh I think it's Jesse's fault that the wife died. She knew she was in a bad mental state, she knew she was struggling but instead of being a supportive friend she kept pushing the OP's wife. No way in hell would I let her speak
The first one sound weird at the start but after reading that I just thought:if the mail is not important then sure like a card to something you don't need or other stuff but if something REALLY VALUABLE like a prebuild pc but with other hardware like ram, graphic card,etc,the that WILL MAKE ANYONE angry. Cause it is valuable edit:maybe it is a bad idea to steal a mail in the first place tho...
The OP should be pressing charges against Jesse, she manipulated the OP's wife and caused her to unalive herself. Who else thought that for the last one the OP husband was cheating?
The audacity that Jesse has. She not only tore apart a family bit got someone killed due to it. If anyone should be speaking at the family it definitely isn't going to be her. She us self centered and was jealous that the op was a good husband and couldn't stand that
Jesse's an absolute monster and deserves nothing. She took advantage of a vulnerable and sick woman until she was literally driven into a tree. Because of Jessie, a husband lost his wife, a mother and father lost their daughter, and a baby girl lost her mother. Jesse is a terrible human being and not only should not be allowed at the funeral but should never be allowed near the baby ever.
The first story was not revenge, it was someone doing their civic duty. Jessie might as well have killed the OPs wife.
He should warn them about Jesse.
Jesse would not get to speak if it was up to me, she would get sued or served a restraining order. She was a demon on the wife's ear, encouraging her to make wild assumptions, lash out destructively and abandon her responsibilities to her daughter. She deserves no respect or sympathy, because this tragedy is the direct result of her actions.
Jesse is evil
For that second story, it's best how he's separating with his wife. Abuse is never okay.
You didn't finish the video did you? The wife died dude.
Jessie I would honestly sue for child endangerment. She took the wife for a drive and left the kid at home for possibly hours.
Last story had an oddly wholesome ending.
I thought that the husband is not hiding his friend but his gay lover
I love how Sonic Heroes is the visual. That was my favorite game on ps2 back then.... I feel old. I'm 29 to. Lol
In the second story I would explain to the inlaws how Jesse killed their daughter by manipulation
it's mail, he's a psycho over mail? YOU TOOK HIS KIDS
Not only would I not let Jessie speak at the funeral, but I would also hit her with not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR LAWSUITS!
First and most obvious, liability for the death of my wife, because no matter how you look at it, it was ALL. HER. FAULT.
Second, pain and suffering, not just for me and my wife, but for EVERYONE in BOTH our families.
Third, defamation of character. She had ZERO evidence that I was cheating, while I had ALL the evidence that I wasn't.
Fourth, and probably the most minor one, negligence. She took my wife and whisked her away to who knows where, leaving my INFANT daughter all alone.