This is not really helpful for Indians. They tell u your South Asian. Duh! I know that. How come when an African takes it, they tell u which specific part of Africa, if your European they tell u where specifically in Europe. But when your Indian, well then they tell u your your 95% South Asian, Duh!!!!!!
vidyasagar vs 1st of all I think unless you ve totally become lost about your background , such as for ex, African Americans I dont see any reasons to do such a test to make a big hoopla about your background. , Most of us know where we are from generally. But if there is this crazy craving for your background "tell me more" and there is an Indian market than Indians should be demanding Indian genetists/ companies to take initiative and make more specific tests. Indians should be on forefront of this and stop talking sh*t about other providing you with something. So where are the geneticists, business people starting such a thing for Indians who supposedly feel so lost and dont know who they are????
killoreo The African results aren’t that good either there are tons of ethnic groups in Africa too but they lump most of that continent as “Sub Saharan African”. It’s really only Europeans who have very very specific results on there
Baloch is found highest in the Brahui people @ 60%, a dark skinned south east Iranic tribe..... For some reason they have been genetically very successful or overexpressed in the Harrapa Calculator.
pabslondon bro , but the primary / rudimentary Y -SNP haplogroup in upper -caste ( both North and south ) is R1A1 and R2 .It is also peaks amongst tribal indians . The next biggest chunk belongs to haplogroup M - which is found in central asia at high volumes . So , how can brahmins be Europeans ???
baloch in gedmatch has nothing to do with baloch people, Baloch are iranian and they have middle eastern dna, Baloch is a default term for Asi ( Ancestral South Indians) dna. Bcz south indians were settled in current day balochistan many thousands years ago! If you get baloch in gematch it means you aren't related to balochis but your ancestors were settled in current day balochistan which is in Pakistan and one of the oldest civilization mehrgarh is in Balochistan!
No we were traders and gone to crap ton of places and many people came to learn from us and we went to teach them like East Asia and even conquered many especially Southern Asian region.... If we were invaded many times we would have been disappeared likes many parts of Europe, Asia , Jews.... Our only defeat were Turks and British.... Also there is Aryan vs Dravidian we are just Bhartiya🙂
99.9% South Asian on 23 and me. GED Match: S-Indian: 53.69% Baloch: 33.01% NE-Euro: 3,82% Caucasian: 3.05% SW-Asian: 2.57% SE-Asian: 1.73% Beringian: 1.55% From the UK and I've been to India twice (Gujrat- where both of my parents were born from).
@@rocstoc987 Baloch Represents Indus Valley Component that was a Mixture of 70 % Iranian Related Hunter Gatherers and South Indian Hunter Gatherers 30% There was no Farmer migration becoz Iranian Farmers had Anatolian Ancestory which Indus people didn't have Prior To Steppe admixing.
I'm a south Asian (Pakistani) and I ordered my 23 and me today. This was very useful and informative so I know what to use if my 23 and me isn't all that specific. Although no one can guess my ethnicity (I'm very pale and vague looking), so I might be more diverse. Thanks for this one!
My dear, Balochistan used to be a country around the same time Pakistan became independent. The biggest region in Pakistan and Iran is Balochistan. There are millions of Balochi people in Balochistan and worldwide.
I didn't mean to act like Balochistan is not a significant region or anything if that's what you're implying. I was unaware of why they named that particular group Baloch. Hope I didn't offend you :)
aida L according to research most baloch are punjabi pakistani now. It says many moved to punjab and integrated to punjabi culture. And many live in sindh and integrated
And still millions of people identify them selfs as Baloch today, speak the language, live in and outside of Balochistan and grow up with the balochi culture. I dont know where u got your research from. Yes some forget about their roots, but there are still millions of Balochi people who are still fighting for their culture and land! Blessings
Well done you are the only south asian who has uploaded a detailed DNA analysis on youtube. Regarding the accurate history, 'Aryan' and 'Dravidian' are linguistic groups which should not be directly equated with race or genes. The 'south indian' component is largely the indigenous component, its is highest amongst the tribal and dalit population of south india (hence why it is called 'south indian' the modal group, same goes for 'baloch' which is modal amongst balochis). All south asians from north to south, brahmin to dalit, are generally a mixture of two divergent populations groups (ancestral south indian and ancestral north indian). You can work out your indigenous component with a simple calculation: Basically: ASI = 2.5218942 + 0.8104836 * S_INDIAN So in your case ASI = 39.6. You are roughly 40% ancestral south indian.
There is gradient going from north to south of the Indian subcontinent, and down the caste system. ASI % rises as you go further south and down the caste system.
'Ancestral South Indian' is defined by the Harvard researchers as the indigenous component without any west asian/ancestral north indian admixture. They analysed the DNA of the Andaman Islanders who have no ANI component in order to define it. Therefore, it is the most accurate. Harappa World's 'S Indian' likely contains some ANI genes, but it is no where near half. The bulk of it is ASI. Zack Ajmal (Harappa World creator) has compared the Harvard defined ASI with his 'S Indian' component and created a simple calculation to work out the true ASI. The other gedmatch calculators are not dedicated south asian calculators. Their definitions of ASI differ from the original Harvard defined one.
Yes Onge is not identical to ASI, but it is more importantly a group without ANI admixture, which allowed the Harvard researchers to separate ANI from ASI. "Although we believe that the Onge are only distantly related to ASI, we do not replace the Onge in our analysis because this is the only group we have data from that is consistent with forming a clade with the ASI (the only requirement for our method to work is for the outgroup to form a clade with the ASI)." Although the ANI-ASI model is a simplification (it does not take into account the other smaller east asian component for example), it still accounts for the bulk of all Indian DNA.
S-Indian 53.09 Baloch 33.60 Caucasian 1.71 NE-Euro 2.58 SE-Asian 1.90 NE-Asian 1.89 Papuan 0.65 American 0.71 Beringian 0.05 Mediterranean 2.17 SW-Asian 1.41 Arnold these are your harappa world results. You are 46% indigenous Ancestral South Indian. Your results are consistent with most mallus (who most seem to have some NE-Euro, maybe from Aryan input or even more recent west asian admixture like arabs/jews/St Thomas christians).
I've got my Harappa World results today: 57% South Indian 32% Baloch 3.3% Caucasian 1% South East Asia 1.8% North East Asia 2.23% South West Asia 1% Papuan 1% Beringian My 'Ancestral South Indian' component is 49% I am a Tamil from Lanka so I was expecting a similar genetic profile to most south Indians. My Y chromosome marker is R1a1a which is associated with the Aryan invasion (i'm guessing that probably accounts for my 3.3% caucasian, most people in Lanka speak Sinhala, an Indo-Aryan derived language so that mix is not surprising).
Papuans are people living east of Indonesia. The Papuan % is just a relic of the indigenous Austroloid population which is being picked up for some reason.
Karan M lol the Caucasian doesn't mean Aryan or North Indian. There is no such thing as Aryan/Dravidian but there is ANI and ASI (ancestral North Indian and South Indian), which every Indian/south Asian has a mix of them (even the punjabis in the very north will have it, albeit a bit less than average, as the two populations mixed thoroughly) the South Indian is your ASI and Baloch is your ANI (it's a very weirdly named category but people have been saying in their videos it's referring to the region in South Asia of currently Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern India and should be treated as North Indian).
Until recently I also thought like you. But the evidence of the Aryan invasion is almost beyond doubt now: All Indians in Aryavarta got their languages from the invading aryan speakers who they mixed with. The Baloch and Caucasian components will undoubtedly be part of ANI. The original Dravidian speakers will also be part of ANI who came from west asia with the spread of agriculture.
This was a really good explanation and TBH the best one among all the other Indian ancestry videos which just glossed over a bunch of different results. I had no idea Harrappa world went into that much detail. I also liked that it triangulated pretty closely to what your family actually is.
baloch in gedmatch has nothing to do with baloch people, Baloch are iranian and they have middle eastern dna, Baloch is a default term for Ancestral South Indians dna. Bcz south indians were settled in current day balochistan many thousands years ago! If you get baloch in gematch it means you aren't related to balochis but your ancestors were settled in current day balochistan which is in Pakistan and one of the oldest civilization mehrgarh is in Balochistan!
R u brahmin? R u mishra? Cuz I'm mishra and i akso sometimes think if my ancestors r from UP because mishra is originally a UP surname. So....... Can someone explain me what possible ancestry i should get? 😂
So the British were invaded by Scandinavians... and a lot of British still have a quite a few of that in them today from back then, so I'm assuming that Scandinavian came from the British Raj and that person just happened to pass on more of their Scandinavian than British.
that's cool u considered African in ur ancestry. after hearing a lot of other folks they seemed so racist against being even considered african with even 1% 🙄😒
Eve Fouché When in truth Africa and India were once one nation which many seem to acknowledge. Even prepared food dishes are so much alike between east Africa and west India.
The South Indian component is actually veddoid admixture (not dravidian), also known as Ancestral South Indian. All Indians have it. South Indians also have this Baloch component. The Balochis are an Iranian ethnic group. Old persians!! The Balochis and Brahuis are almost genetically identical... Admixture-wise
Thanks for this video! 23andme was a complete let down - I was 99.9% 'south asian' only haha... Not even which country in south asia... Im going to try gedmatch. Hopefully they wont have identity theft issues. Thanks again
You will definitely get a lot more information from GEDmatch. The kit can give pretty underwhelming results for south asians but at least we get our raw data out of it. You definitely have the highest percentage I've seen yet. You even beat me!
The mixing of genes in people of all countries are interconnected and only through DNA test one can find which gene is prominent in one particular human and all people have mixed genes from Africa, Europe and Asia.
I took your lead and submitted to harappa world.. thanks for the insight and guidance. I have telugu brahmin ancestry but grown up in australia. I was really surprised they were able show the similarities with other ethnic groups within india. This is in the population approximation data. There is an article that relates to the 25 ethnic groups of india by David Reich, ‘Reconstructing Indian Population History’. It has nice maps of the regions that are described in the population approximation data. It’s freely available through google. I think the knowledge that there is no certainty in our ancestry allows us to be both more connected with everyone and be proud of the journey taken to reach the present.
I’m a white dude but I ran the exact same test because I found out I have Gitano (Spanish Romani), and I know they began in various parts of India, typically more north. My results are; # Population Percent 1 NE-Euro 46.37 2 Mediterranean 32.37 3 Caucasian 11.05 4 Baloch 8.01 5 SW-Asian 1.25
Thanks! I was so confused with gedmatch you explained it good. I got 13% Great Britain on family tree. 28 % Spain etc But eurogenic and oracle said 36% North Sea 23% Southern European and it also broke down my middle eastern of 11%. Any other pointers?
I just did this, I'm excited for the results. Mine read 100% Southern Asia and 9% Western and Central India which is beyond generic. Thanks for this upload and tutorial, it was very helpful.
I did a DNA test and uploaded to Harrappa World to get a breakdown. I might make a video later but this is what I got: Admix Results (sorted): # Population Percent 1 S-Indian 26.91 2 Baloch 16.33 3 NE-Euro 16.26 4 SE-Asian 11.86 5 NE-Asian 10.79 6 Mediterranean 10.55 7 Caucasian 2.43 8 SW-Asian 2.36 9 Papuan 1.03
@@hameed9653 Hey bro, I'm not really aware of caste as I was born in Australia and have never been to India unfortunately, so I have no idea what caste means! But the community would be the Anglo Indian community
What makes u think that NE European admixture is some kind of aryan admixtute? According to me Iranian farmer related component is originally related to Aryan people which is common among middle Eastern, west asians and majority of South asians.
@@kshatriyarajput4908 The R1a1 haplogroup...It is similar to the Eastern European Slavic groups...The Iranian farmers are related to the Dravidian people of the IVC
@@dodoraptor8387 well the Geographical origin of R1a is still not clear..although Earliest evidences of it's presence are in siberia but that doesn't prove its Geographical origin which is Much older than its presence in siberia Or anywhere else. Also The Autosomal ancestory of R1a males in World is Different at different region. And the original Aryan Type ancestory is related to Iranian Farmers and indus valley ppl of North West india. dravidians has nothing to do with Iranian farmers or related ppl. The upper caste dravidians have some percentage of Iranian admixture but they largely descend from Andmanese type hunter gatherers completely different group from Iranian type people. The earliest admixture in Eurasian Steppe and in Middle East was related to Iranian Ppl along with some Eastern and western Hunter gatherer admixture.
@@kshatriyarajput4908 I'm afraid you are mistaken 1st migration First wave out of Africa - The Negritos/Veddoids - 50k ago 2nd Migration - Iranian farmers to the Indus Valley Civilization- Circa 9000 years ago - The Elamo Dravidians Indus Valley disintegrates - 1900BC 3rd Migration - The Indo Aryans from Eastern Europe - Circa 1500BC This is the way it went
@@dodoraptor8387 elamo dravidian is False theory and is merely a Kurgan AITian fabrication. Elamite was an language isolate... It has no relation with dravidian language family. Plus the region from where Elamties belonged was Genetically and Geographically more closer to anatolians than Iranian and indus ppl. Genetically Dravidians are still more closer to Andmanese type which proves that proto Dravidians were a negrito ppl and not Iranians. In South Asia and West Asia Neolithic Iranian Ancestory is primary component among indo-aryan and Iranian speakers.
baloch in gedmatch has nothing to do with baloch people, Baloch are iranian and they have middle eastern dna, Baloch is a default term for Asi ( Ancestral South Indians) dna. Bcz south indians were settled in current day balochistan many thousands years ago! If you get baloch in gematch it means you aren't related to balochis but your ancestors were settled in current day balochistan which is in Pakistan and one of the oldest civilization mehrgarh is in Balochistan!
Im Palestinian bro, I honestly don`t know how gedmatch works since I`ve been getting a bunch of poplulation I`ve never heard about like "baloch" In multiple calculators including other websites. I was wonder If you knew what "baloch" Is specifically, since I think Its somewhere In south asia or central asia
Wild.x Tiger I find Gedmatch so confusing too! I got my 23andMe results which showed some recent iberian ancestry (Portuguese were in south Asia in the 1700s). Balloch are a south east Iranic group present in both Pakistan and Iran. Remember Gedmatch breaks down ancestral populations. I don't really understand the different calculators myself tbh.
Wild.x Tiger where did u test with? I'm awaiting my results from a can apparently go back 1000-1500 years. 23ANDME only traces the last 6-8 generations ago....
U Khan yeah I tested with myself mostly beacuse they seperate "Middle east" and "Caucasus" compared to 23andme who thinks both regions are the same lol. Gedmatch Is indeed a pretty confusing tool bro, thats why I recommend this guide Altough the populations shown In the different calculatorns on gedmatch are pretty confusing too since they dont usually explain any details on the different ethnic/racial groups shown In the results
Ur wrong. Aryan invasion theory has never been disproved. Us north indian. Especially Punjabis and Kashmiris have central Asian genes. A lot of my punjabi friends have taken ancestry DNA test and it proves that our ancestors were from central Asia. (Tajikistan Kazakhstan Uzbekistan etc).
You have done duplicate plastic dna checking because science says that all human over the world shares similarities of dna of 99.8 % irrespective of which religion or ethnic and indian peoples having fair skin are living in cold region climate so it depends on what type of region
Can someone explain for me the GEDMatch result 1.1% Indian. My family is caucasian, and have some Native American. Does GEDMatch consider this native American or is it background noise or some mysterious ancestor we've never found?
Aryan invasion theory is not disproved, its established fact agreed by all historians who arent indian. S-indian doesnt mean south indian, it means ancestral south indians and they call it s-indian because its found more in south indians. Baloch is ancestral north indians, they named it that cuz balochis have it in higher percentages.
@DARK Lmao you’re right, Assam would actually be classified as North east. Bihar would be in the eastern province. Hope to visit there one day because i never have. Still have a bunch of my dada’s family that didn’t leave bihar in 1947.
Dark black long and thick hair Large black eyes Long face Wide mouth Prominent chin Long cheeks She is perfectly very much beautiful like film actresses Best of luck to you
Could you list your music used in this video below.your dna is beautiful 99% percent.that's truly admirable and amazing.I wish europe wasn't so colonized by non-caucasian ppl in recent times.we would have similair dna with barely any foreign admixture.
great, just came across someone from odisha. I am from odisha too. But you don't have any Oriya accent whatsoever. were you born in odisha ? or is it just your parents from odisha and you were born in foreign ? Your facial appearance seems to be from bhubaneshwar and little bit of west-Bengal hint though ! Great ! keep making videos :)
The Dravidian and indigenous includes the African. Africans migrated to India thousands of years ago. Indigenous Indians are African. All others ie. Caucasians, Mongoloids migrated to India and admixed. Jawaryas, Adivasis, and Dravidians are black populations. Google this.
Baloch is not a region, its a race. Afghanistanis are called afghani or pashtun and pakistan has many different ethnic groups, sindhi, pubjabi, sariki, Baloch etc. And i am Baloch too 👍
do you know that hindus chinese and koreans maintain there geneology records even today. you can know about your ancestors upto 12 generation up the line. why wasting time and money.
@@islamislam-zw3il if you are muslim you probably lost the link but each gotra has a Pandit and when a person dies their cremation records are recorded by the Pandit for their gotra in Haridwar it actually goes back thousands of years.
Aryan invasion theory wasn't disproved it's in your DNA. Dividians were the original Indians or the tribes that live in India the Aryans came had a war for like hundreds of years with the natives. They had horses so the Aryans won. They had sex with the women over the hundreds of years. Had children gave this children special treatment based on color and created the Hindu religion to enforce it that's why they have the caste system. India used to be eastern Ethiopia . Dvidians were Africans . Aryans have white skin so they wouldn't be native to a hot place like India. India is a mixture........unless I've been misinformed. The dalits are the closest to the natives, that's why they are usually darker.
Hundreds of years wars which fairy tale are you reading. This doesn't prove Aryan invasion theory but that both Dravidian and Aryans could co exit in South Asia and most Indians are mix of them.
baloch in gedmatch has nothing to do with baloch people, Baloch are iranian and they have middle eastern dna, Baloch is a default term for Asi ( Ancestral South Indians) dna. Bcz south indians were settled in current day balochistan many thousands years ago! If you get baloch in gematch it means you aren't related to balochis but your ancestors were settled in current day balochistan which is in Pakistan and one of the oldest civilization mehrgarh is in Balochistan!
Darvesh Lashari lol Balochi are Iranians , bitch ... I am balochi and we speak persian at home . South indian is a different category all together . Also , she has 45 % separate south indian dna ...
islam islam he is an extremist Pakistani Muslim trying to target her cause she is non Muslims . They even target Bangladesh people but they are Muslims too . They just have a goal to show themselves superior Over others . They consider themselves arabs just by converting to Islam . Then even a black Muslim is Arab
don't take these results too seriously... they are as good as the sample space they have ... so if a genome for S-Indian is missing in their sample space and you happen to have that genome... that won't be counted as a S- indian genome. ....
@@exmuslim4237 Indo iranian farmers genes = baloch sindi = Indo iranian farmers genes 80% + 20 % andaman nicobar hunters ghaters = indus valley civilistaion. Hunter ghaters of andaman nicobar carries haplogroup H. Tribal people south india have 50 -80% andaman hunters gathers genes but normal people does not have that much high. . HAPLOGROUP L originated from indus valley civilistaion or pamir mountain which also found south indian.
hemant singh jat rana what’s Indo Iranian farmer ? Their called Iranian farmers get it right seems you purposeful wrote it that way why what’s your agenda ? They came from Iran closely related to Caucasian hunter gathers and the Sumerians and more distantly related to the Anatolian farmers who make up the ancestry of Europeans.
Indians are not Aryan for your knowledge !Iranians are !names are close ,does it make sense !??caucasus also are Iranian ,European genetic is categoriesed as European .it is good to not share so many wrong info on you tube .
Azalia Rastin lol. Europeans = Neanderthal + 'Brahmin ( your real paternal ancestors ) . We indians laugh at your albino kind , whenever you claim "Aryan " heritage .while in reality , you are nothing but offspring of Germanic , Celtic, Saxons tribes . You are not a Aryan .but a chandaal ( Google It , now ) 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Rafisongs Iye indo Caucasian listen carefully Every north india pakistani have Caucasian genes every iran have south indian genes . Not becoz of invansion indus valley civilization and mestopodian civilization both doing trade 4000 years ago. Balochistan is part of indus . Balochistan also present in iran afganistan have high south indian genes except few groups iran and afganistan both cosely related india history
@Rafisongs Iye mohammad refer india as a jannat even written in islamic book . Mohammad family live in india too. In sindh region. That time india is far better than rest of world . But islam invasion and brtish make india poor in both mentality and economically.
@Rafisongs Iye its a fake theory europeans are humans not gods and one thing also they gave history of other country by a thought then where did they come from as god never creates divide and feelings between humans as after all we are humans
dravida means land were three seas exist and arya means cultured people in sanskrit, aryan is manufactured word to do propoganda, and how would one about brahimns
No idiot it means Caucasus mountains where aryans came from🤦🏻♂️Caucasian it term for race which includes most Indians but the term on gedmatch is referring to people from Armenia Georgia southern Russia
lol at this woman talking about "I BE Brahmin from U.P Y'ALL. HEHEHE" You in the US now.....the Caste System here is as follows : 1. Caucasian European 2. White Hispanic 3. Asians 4. Hispanic 5. Middle Eastern 6. Native American 7. South Asian (that is you) 8. African. now you got straight up dragged down back to reality there lol.
This is not really helpful for Indians. They tell u your South Asian. Duh! I know that. How come when an African takes it, they tell u which specific part of Africa, if your European they tell u where specifically in Europe. But when your Indian, well then they tell u your your 95% South Asian, Duh!!!!!!
killoreo Because , Europeans don't want the brown-skinned Hindu too become his equal.
same goes for Latinos / Hispanics / Middle Eastern and African.
vidyasagar vs 1st of all I think unless you ve totally become lost about your background , such as for ex, African Americans I dont see any reasons to do such a test to make a big hoopla about your background. , Most of us know where we are from generally. But if there is this crazy craving for your background "tell me more" and there is an Indian market than Indians should be demanding Indian genetists/ companies to take initiative and make more specific tests. Indians should be on forefront of this and stop talking sh*t about other providing you with something. So where are the geneticists, business people starting such a thing for Indians who supposedly feel so lost and dont know who they are????
What were u expectig...30 % white...:)))))...bruahhhhhhahaha
z2t kk
Nothing more .....
killoreo The African results aren’t that good either there are tons of ethnic groups in Africa too but they lump most of that continent as “Sub Saharan African”. It’s really only Europeans who have very very specific results on there
Baloch is found highest in the Brahui people @ 60%, a dark skinned south east Iranic tribe..... For some reason they have been genetically very successful or overexpressed in the Harrapa Calculator.
im brahvi and your theory is bullsh*t
There was an Indus Valley civilisation site in Balochistan and one of the few Dravidian languages spoken in the North is/was spoken in Balochistan
pabslondon bro , but the primary / rudimentary Y -SNP haplogroup in upper -caste ( both North and south ) is R1A1 and R2 .It is also peaks amongst tribal indians .
The next biggest chunk belongs to haplogroup M - which is found in central asia at high volumes .
So , how can brahmins be Europeans ???
baloch in gedmatch has nothing to do with baloch people, Baloch are iranian and they have middle eastern dna, Baloch is a default term for Asi ( Ancestral South Indians) dna. Bcz south indians were settled in current day balochistan many thousands years ago! If you get baloch in gematch it means you aren't related to balochis but your ancestors were settled in current day balochistan which is in Pakistan and one of the oldest civilization mehrgarh is in Balochistan!
@MD DIPO brahui are not dravidian genetically. Only their language is
Man finally someone addressing the Aryan theory thing. like dude at the end of the day we're all indian and got invaded a crap ton of times.
I think everyone is mixed.
Aryan theory is total garbage.
Its propaganda by British.
No we were traders and gone to crap ton of places and many people came to learn from us and we went to teach them like East Asia and even conquered many especially Southern Asian region.... If we were invaded many times we would have been disappeared likes many parts of Europe, Asia , Jews.... Our only defeat were Turks and British.... Also there is Aryan vs Dravidian we are just Bhartiya🙂
@@zoomzoom7444 everyone in the world
99.9% South Asian on 23 and me.
GED Match:
S-Indian: 53.69%
Baloch: 33.01%
NE-Euro: 3,82%
Caucasian: 3.05%
SW-Asian: 2.57%
SE-Asian: 1.73%
Beringian: 1.55%
From the UK and I've been to India twice (Gujrat- where both of my parents were born from).
what caste?
Are Baloch people also a people from India? Who are Baloch? I have a good bit of Baloch
@@rocstoc987 thank you...I was wondering. I had it show up in several of my dna chromosomes and I was wondering
@@rocstoc987 Baloch Represents Indus Valley Component that was a Mixture of 70 % Iranian Related Hunter Gatherers and South Indian Hunter Gatherers 30%
There was no Farmer migration becoz Iranian Farmers had Anatolian Ancestory which Indus people didn't have Prior To Steppe admixing.
I did GEDMatch as well. I knew I wasn’t satisfied with my ancestry results. GEDMATCH revealed my Spanish, Portuguese and Italian ancestry.
I'm a south Asian (Pakistani) and I ordered my 23 and me today. This was very useful and informative so I know what to use if my 23 and me isn't all that specific. Although no one can guess my ethnicity (I'm very pale and vague looking), so I might be more diverse. Thanks for this one!
+ZSalchemist it's very possible you'll get some middle eastern in there. You're welcome :)
ZSalchemist 23&me didn't seem that accurate I'm Pakistani too
Sakina S Did you do a 23andme? You should upload your raw data to to get more accurate/detailed breakdown of ur ancestry
Did you take the 23and me genetic test and if you did the gedmatch check, was it accurate to you as a tajik person?
ZSalchemist What are the results??🤗
My dear, Balochistan used to be a country around the same time Pakistan became independent. The biggest region in Pakistan and Iran is Balochistan. There are millions of Balochi people in Balochistan and worldwide.
I didn't mean to act like Balochistan is not a significant region or anything if that's what you're implying. I was unaware of why they named that particular group Baloch. Hope I didn't offend you :)
aida L according to research most baloch are punjabi pakistani now. It says many moved to punjab and integrated to punjabi culture. And many live in sindh and integrated
And still millions of people identify them selfs as Baloch today, speak the language, live in and outside of Balochistan and grow up with the balochi culture. I dont know where u got your research from. Yes some forget about their roots, but there are still millions of Balochi people who are still fighting for their culture and land! Blessings
aida L oh that's interesting. I just read it on Wikipedia and there was some researcher's name who said that.
aida L Balochistan was never a country, stop lying.
Well done you are the only south asian who has uploaded a detailed DNA analysis on youtube.
Regarding the accurate history, 'Aryan' and 'Dravidian' are linguistic groups which should not be directly equated with race or genes.
The 'south indian' component is largely the indigenous component, its is highest amongst the tribal and dalit population of south india (hence why it is called 'south indian' the modal group, same goes for 'baloch' which is modal amongst balochis).
All south asians from north to south, brahmin to dalit, are generally a mixture of two divergent populations groups (ancestral south indian and ancestral north indian).
You can work out your indigenous component with a simple calculation:
Basically: ASI = 2.5218942 + 0.8104836 * S_INDIAN
So in your case ASI = 39.6. You are roughly 40% ancestral south indian.
There is gradient going from north to south of the Indian subcontinent, and down the caste system. ASI % rises as you go further south and down the caste system.
Thanks for this, super useful, glad you explained it so well here - will try out Harappa soon!
'Ancestral South Indian' is defined by the Harvard researchers as the indigenous component without any west asian/ancestral north indian admixture. They analysed the DNA of the Andaman Islanders who have no ANI component in order to define it. Therefore, it is the most accurate.
Harappa World's 'S Indian' likely contains some ANI genes, but it is no where near half. The bulk of it is ASI.
Zack Ajmal (Harappa World creator) has compared the Harvard defined ASI with his 'S Indian' component and created a simple calculation to work out the true ASI.
The other gedmatch calculators are not dedicated south asian calculators. Their definitions of ASI differ from the original Harvard defined one.
Yes Onge is not identical to ASI, but it is more importantly a group without ANI admixture, which allowed the Harvard researchers to separate ANI from ASI.
"Although we believe that the Onge are only distantly related to ASI, we do not replace the Onge in our analysis because this is the only group we have data from that is consistent with forming a clade with the ASI (the only requirement for our method to work is for the outgroup to form a clade with the ASI)."
Although the ANI-ASI model is a simplification (it does not take into account the other smaller east asian component for example), it still accounts for the bulk of all Indian DNA.
S-Indian 53.09
Baloch 33.60
Caucasian 1.71
NE-Euro 2.58
SE-Asian 1.90
NE-Asian 1.89
Papuan 0.65
American 0.71
Beringian 0.05
Mediterranean 2.17
SW-Asian 1.41
Arnold these are your harappa world results. You are 46% indigenous Ancestral South Indian. Your results are consistent with most mallus (who most seem to have some NE-Euro, maybe from Aryan input or even more recent west asian admixture like arabs/jews/St Thomas christians).
I've got my Harappa World results today:
57% South Indian
32% Baloch
3.3% Caucasian
1% South East Asia
1.8% North East Asia
2.23% South West Asia
1% Papuan
1% Beringian
My 'Ancestral South Indian' component is 49%
I am a Tamil from Lanka so I was expecting a similar genetic profile to most south Indians. My Y chromosome marker is R1a1a which is associated with the Aryan invasion (i'm guessing that probably accounts for my 3.3% caucasian, most people in Lanka speak Sinhala, an Indo-Aryan derived language so that mix is not surprising).
Karan M papuan is surprising. Wtf is that
Papuans are people living east of Indonesia. The Papuan % is just a relic of the indigenous Austroloid population which is being picked up for some reason.
Karan M lol the Caucasian doesn't mean Aryan or North Indian. There is no such thing as Aryan/Dravidian but there is ANI and ASI (ancestral North Indian and South Indian), which every Indian/south Asian has a mix of them (even the punjabis in the very north will have it, albeit a bit less than average, as the two populations mixed thoroughly) the South Indian is your ASI and Baloch is your ANI (it's a very weirdly named category but people have been saying in their videos it's referring to the region in South Asia of currently Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern India and should be treated as North Indian).
Until recently I also thought like you. But the evidence of the Aryan invasion is almost beyond doubt now:
All Indians in Aryavarta got their languages from the invading aryan speakers who they mixed with.
The Baloch and Caucasian components will undoubtedly be part of ANI.
The original Dravidian speakers will also be part of ANI who came from west asia with the spread of agriculture.
Karan M im also Tamil From jaffna
This was a really good explanation and TBH the best one among all the other Indian ancestry videos which just glossed over a bunch of different results. I had no idea Harrappa world went into that much detail. I also liked that it triangulated pretty closely to what your family actually is.
I’m bengali but when I did the gedmatch I got the same exact results as you.... like Litterally the % of South Indian and Baloch is the same
That's so cool! I'm guessing it's because Bengali and Odia people have a lot of similar ancestry.
baloch in gedmatch has nothing to do with baloch people, Baloch are iranian and they have middle eastern dna, Baloch is a default term for Ancestral South Indians dna. Bcz south indians were settled in current day balochistan many thousands years ago! If you get baloch in gematch it means you aren't related to balochis but your ancestors were settled in current day balochistan which is in Pakistan and one of the oldest civilization mehrgarh is in Balochistan!
Post your results
R u brahmin? R u mishra? Cuz I'm mishra and i akso sometimes think if my ancestors r from UP because mishra is originally a UP surname. So....... Can someone explain me what possible ancestry i should get? 😂
Damn that was a really good video. Nice to see your Karnataka ancestry. Well done child of the Rashtrakuta.
She’s really pretty
So the British were invaded by Scandinavians... and a lot of British still have a quite a few of that in them today from back then, so I'm assuming that Scandinavian came from the British Raj and that person just happened to pass on more of their Scandinavian than British.
that's cool u considered African in ur ancestry. after hearing a lot of other folks they seemed so racist against being even considered african with even 1% 🙄😒
I lived in Africa for three years so I was sort of hoping to see some connection to there. Ugh that's upsetting. Hate close minded people!!
Mustafa Alam I don't see anything referring to blackness here... am I missing something? 🤔
Eve Fouché When in truth Africa and India were once one nation which many seem to acknowledge.
Even prepared food dishes are so much alike between east Africa and west India.
Everyone has African origin but these tests don't go that far back
@Mustafa Alam every one in Africa has African DNA simple....even in north Africa.
The South Indian component is actually veddoid admixture (not dravidian), also known as Ancestral South Indian. All Indians have it. South Indians also have this Baloch component. The Balochis are an Iranian ethnic group. Old persians!! The Balochis and Brahuis are almost genetically identical... Admixture-wise
But brahui is Dravidan language
@@lll2282 Yes it is...What is your point?
Thanks for this video! 23andme was a complete let down - I was 99.9% 'south asian' only haha... Not even which country in south asia... Im going to try gedmatch. Hopefully they wont have identity theft issues. Thanks again
You will definitely get a lot more information from GEDmatch. The kit can give pretty underwhelming results for south asians but at least we get our raw data out of it. You definitely have the highest percentage I've seen yet. You even beat me!
The mixing of genes in people of all countries are interconnected and only through DNA test one can find which gene is prominent in one particular human and all people have mixed genes from Africa, Europe and Asia.
This is really will help uniting people..
in mordern india, oriya dont qualify as south indians, but per cedic scriptures, all those from gujarat and downwards were considered south indians
I took your lead and submitted to harappa world.. thanks for the insight and guidance.
I have telugu brahmin ancestry but grown up in australia. I was really surprised they were able show the similarities with other ethnic groups within india. This is in the population approximation data. There is an article that relates to the 25 ethnic groups of india by David Reich, ‘Reconstructing Indian Population History’. It has nice maps of the regions that are described in the population approximation data. It’s freely available through google. I think the knowledge that there is no certainty in our ancestry allows us to be both more connected with everyone and be proud of the journey taken to reach the present.
I’m a white dude but I ran the exact same test because I found out I have Gitano (Spanish Romani), and I know they began in various parts of India, typically more north. My results are;
# Population Percent
1 NE-Euro 46.37
2 Mediterranean 32.37
3 Caucasian 11.05
4 Baloch 8.01
5 SW-Asian 1.25
Thanks! I was so confused with gedmatch you explained it good. I got 13% Great Britain on family tree. 28 % Spain etc But eurogenic and oracle said 36% North Sea 23% Southern European and it also broke down my middle eastern of 11%. Any other pointers?
Baloch is a race divided between Iran and pakistan
its not a race its an ethnicity
DK77 so are Indians .
Joe macrehnza there is no race or ethnicity called pakistan.
no gujrati west indians have huge similarity with baloch, it's a big population if you consider gujrati population
@@oravatyurtyun9009 he just said baloch are in Iran and Pakistan.
I just did this, I'm excited for the results. Mine read 100% Southern Asia and 9% Western and Central India which is beyond generic. Thanks for this upload and tutorial, it was very helpful.
I did a DNA test and uploaded to Harrappa World to get a breakdown. I might make a video later but this is what I got:
Admix Results (sorted):
# Population Percent
1 S-Indian 26.91
2 Baloch 16.33
3 NE-Euro 16.26
4 SE-Asian 11.86
5 NE-Asian 10.79
6 Mediterranean 10.55
7 Caucasian 2.43
8 SW-Asian 2.36
9 Papuan 1.03
Where are u from?
@@Potatoman1578 my family were mainly from India and Burma
What's your caste/community and which region do you hail from?
@@hameed9653 Hey bro, I'm not really aware of caste as I was born in Australia and have never been to India unfortunately, so I have no idea what caste means! But the community would be the Anglo Indian community
@@mindrealminsights6517 cool! Thanks for replying. Your results are very interesting btw.
They always say 99.2% South Asian for Indians, they don't have enough days to compare with.
The Tharu might be due to the Austro-Asiatic component, which is very common among us Eastern Indians.
Whoops, you have some North Eastern European admixture (8%) What does it imply about the Aryan migration theory? 😋
What makes u think that NE European admixture is some kind of aryan admixtute?
According to me Iranian farmer related component is originally related to Aryan people which is common among middle Eastern, west asians and majority of South asians.
@@kshatriyarajput4908 The R1a1 haplogroup...It is similar to the Eastern European Slavic groups...The Iranian farmers are related to the Dravidian people of the IVC
@@dodoraptor8387 well the Geographical origin of R1a is still not clear..although Earliest evidences of it's presence are in siberia but that doesn't prove its Geographical origin which is Much older than its presence in siberia Or anywhere else.
Also The Autosomal ancestory of R1a males in World is Different at different region.
And the original Aryan Type ancestory is related to Iranian Farmers and indus valley ppl of North West india.
dravidians has nothing to do with Iranian farmers or related ppl.
The upper caste dravidians have some percentage of Iranian admixture but they largely descend from Andmanese type hunter gatherers completely different group from Iranian type people.
The earliest admixture in Eurasian Steppe and in Middle East was related to Iranian Ppl along with some Eastern and western Hunter gatherer admixture.
@@kshatriyarajput4908 I'm afraid you are mistaken
1st migration
First wave out of Africa - The Negritos/Veddoids - 50k ago
2nd Migration - Iranian farmers to the Indus Valley Civilization- Circa 9000 years ago - The Elamo Dravidians
Indus Valley disintegrates - 1900BC
3rd Migration - The Indo Aryans from Eastern Europe -
Circa 1500BC
This is the way it went
@@dodoraptor8387 elamo dravidian is False theory and is merely a Kurgan AITian fabrication.
Elamite was an language isolate... It has no relation with dravidian language family.
Plus the region from where Elamties belonged was Genetically and Geographically more closer to anatolians than Iranian and indus ppl.
Genetically Dravidians are still more closer to Andmanese type which proves that proto Dravidians were a negrito ppl and not Iranians.
In South Asia and West Asia Neolithic Iranian Ancestory is primary component among indo-aryan and Iranian speakers.
baloch in gedmatch has nothing to do with baloch people, Baloch are iranian and they have middle eastern dna, Baloch is a default term for Asi ( Ancestral South Indians) dna. Bcz south indians were settled in current day balochistan many thousands years ago! If you get baloch in gematch it means you aren't related to balochis but your ancestors were settled in current day balochistan which is in Pakistan and one of the oldest civilization mehrgarh is in Balochistan!
No it isn’t you lying ass hole
It means we all are pure Indians? No aryan Dravidan shit?coz brauhi is also Dravidans language
I`m Middle eastern and my Harappa world results are:
South Indian 1,20%
Baloch 10%
Caucasian 35,13%
NE.european 1,93% 0,84
Papuan 0,71%
Mediterranean 14,2%
SW-Asia 25,24%
E-africa 5,82%
W-africa 4,78%
Wild.x Tiger which country u from? ?
Im Palestinian bro, I honestly don`t know how gedmatch works since I`ve been getting a bunch of poplulation I`ve never heard about like "baloch" In multiple calculators including other websites. I was wonder If you knew what "baloch" Is specifically, since I think Its somewhere In south asia or central asia
Wild.x Tiger I find Gedmatch so confusing too! I got my 23andMe results which showed some recent iberian ancestry (Portuguese were in south Asia in the 1700s). Balloch are a south east Iranic group present in both Pakistan and Iran. Remember Gedmatch breaks down ancestral populations. I don't really understand the different calculators myself tbh.
Wild.x Tiger where did u test with? I'm awaiting my results from a can apparently go back 1000-1500 years. 23ANDME only traces the last 6-8 generations ago....
U Khan yeah I tested with myself mostly beacuse they seperate "Middle east" and "Caucasus" compared to 23andme who thinks both regions are the same lol. Gedmatch Is indeed a pretty confusing tool bro, thats why I recommend this guide
Altough the populations shown In the different calculatorns on gedmatch are pretty confusing too since they dont usually explain any details on the different ethnic/racial groups shown In the results
Ur wrong. Aryan invasion theory has never been disproved. Us north indian. Especially Punjabis and Kashmiris have central Asian genes. A lot of my punjabi friends have taken ancestry DNA test and it proves that our ancestors were from central Asia. (Tajikistan Kazakhstan Uzbekistan etc).
You have done duplicate plastic dna checking because science says that all human over the world shares similarities of dna of 99.8 % irrespective of which religion or ethnic and indian peoples having fair skin are living in cold region climate so it depends on what type of region
@Shuayb Islam you Punjabi.....?
@Shuayb Islam that's because genghis khan invaded central asia 800-1000 years ago. Before that they were primarily caucasian.
Facts. Brw does Afghanistan count as central asia
So do you get more detailed information where you tested it than with My Heritage ?
You get more detailed info and older ancestral info
Lol, you are my cousin sister . UP Brahmin migrated to Bengal ,Odisha and Tamil Nadu.
Can someone explain for me the GEDMatch result 1.1% Indian. My family is caucasian, and have some Native American. Does GEDMatch consider this native American or is it background noise or some mysterious ancestor we've never found?
This is the right genetic test for South Asians/Indians
Aryan invasion theory is not disproved, its established fact agreed by all historians who arent indian. S-indian doesnt mean south indian, it means ancestral south indians and they call it s-indian because its found more in south indians. Baloch is ancestral north indians, they named it that cuz balochis have it in higher percentages.
Hey sister! I got similar very similar results to you. My dad side of family is from Bihar(northeast india) and my mom’s side is from Punjab.
@DARK Lmao you’re right, Assam would actually be classified as North east. Bihar would be in the eastern province. Hope to visit there one day because i never have. Still have a bunch of my dada’s family that didn’t leave bihar in 1947.
Dark black long and thick hair
Large black eyes
Long face
Wide mouth
Prominent chin
Long cheeks
She is perfectly very much beautiful like film actresses
Best of luck to you
Could you list your music used in this video below.your dna is beautiful 99% percent.that's truly admirable and amazing.I wish europe wasn't so colonized by non-caucasian ppl in recent times.we would have similair dna with barely any foreign admixture.
Tharu live in south east Nepal.
Please rename / tag this video with "Odia" and "Odisha".
You must be the only Odia on UA-cam who has done this test.
great, just came across someone from odisha. I am from odisha too. But you don't have any Oriya accent whatsoever. were you born in odisha ? or is it just your parents from odisha and you were born in foreign ? Your facial appearance seems to be from bhubaneshwar and little bit of west-Bengal hint though !
Great ! keep making videos :)
I was born in Odisha, but raised in the US which is why I don't have an accent :)
The Dravidian and indigenous includes the African. Africans migrated to India thousands of years ago. Indigenous Indians are African. All others ie. Caucasians, Mongoloids migrated to India and admixed. Jawaryas, Adivasis, and Dravidians are black populations. Google this.
Baloch is not a region, its a race. Afghanistanis are called afghani or pashtun and pakistan has many different ethnic groups, sindhi, pubjabi, sariki, Baloch etc.
And i am Baloch too 👍
86% Kazakhstan lmfao but my parents are from Bangladesh..
@@Mr.Revenge101 Kazakhstan is not in the Middle East it's in Central Asia.
do you know that hindus chinese and koreans maintain there geneology records even today. you can know about your ancestors upto 12 generation up the line. why wasting time and money.
Shubhankit Dutt where ???
Where are the genealogical records kept ???
Please tell me ???
@@islamislam-zw3il if you are muslim you probably lost the link but each gotra has a Pandit and when a person dies their cremation records are recorded by the Pandit for their gotra in Haridwar it actually goes back thousands of years.
I'm from Karnataka.
Make some new video 🤗
Why you stop UA-cam 😃
do you speak odia?
Great! The results are out you are Indian/South Asian.
वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ( The World Is One Family )
Hi what's the intro music? :)
Aryan invasion theory wasn't disproved it's in your DNA. Dividians were the original Indians or the tribes that live in India the Aryans came had a war for like hundreds of years with the natives. They had horses so the Aryans won. They had sex with the women over the hundreds of years. Had children gave this children special treatment based on color and created the Hindu religion to enforce it that's why they have the caste system. India used to be eastern Ethiopia . Dvidians were Africans . Aryans have white skin so they wouldn't be native to a hot place like India. India is a mixture........unless I've been misinformed. The dalits are the closest to the natives, that's why they are usually darker.
Hundreds of years wars which fairy tale are you reading.
This doesn't prove Aryan invasion theory but that both Dravidian and Aryans could co exit in South Asia and most Indians are mix of them.
baloch actully also indo aryans to,
hi sis, I am from Rajasthan and member of MEENA Tribe, I dont know what else to say you
SOUTHINDIAN DRAVIDIAN .Aryan DNA is says STEPPE HUNTERS and gathering goes with all european religion except Sardinia .
so you are tamil . well come to tamil nadu
We could be cousins, I got some Baloche or however you spell it too.
She's 45% Indian, therefore you're not cousins.
baloch in gedmatch has nothing to do with baloch people, Baloch are iranian and they have middle eastern dna, Baloch is a default term for Asi ( Ancestral South Indians) dna. Bcz south indians were settled in current day balochistan many thousands years ago! If you get baloch in gematch it means you aren't related to balochis but your ancestors were settled in current day balochistan which is in Pakistan and one of the oldest civilization mehrgarh is in Balochistan!
Darvesh Lashari lol
Balochi are Iranians , bitch ...
I am balochi and we speak persian at home .
South indian is a different category all together .
Also , she has 45 % separate south indian dna ...
islam islam he is an extremist Pakistani Muslim trying to target her cause she is non Muslims . They even target Bangladesh people but they are Muslims too . They just have a goal to show themselves superior Over others . They consider themselves arabs just by converting to Islam . Then even a black Muslim is Arab
@@darveshlashari4204 No shit and that's why my DNA pointed to that region. Never ASSume you understand before making a statement.
LOL i got 99.2% as well!
Ishani Dave "Dave " is a surname borne by the Gujarati brahmins.
It's similar to Dubey of Uttar Pradesh.
so, what is your genetic makeup, sister???
you are Punjabi🇮🇳🤔
She told she is Oriya 🙂
Pure genetics maintained.
.......very few Americans have a 85percent + single results
Lol she said the aryan theory is disproved?!No offense but She can’t stand tha facts.....
tamar tamar Oh no, you can't stand not being European/White.
J H WTF???
They are white or caucasian............
J H why u makin ****** up???
@@jesussaves5841 nobody wants to be white bitch
don't take these results too seriously... they are as good as the sample space they have ... so if a genome for S-Indian is missing in their sample space and you happen to have that genome... that won't be counted as a S- indian genome. ....
why are you so pretty
Baloch means sindhi
hemant singh rana baloch = /= sindhi .
Sindhi is an ethno-linguistic group , not a race ...
Even sindhi have rajput , 'Brahmin , et cetera ...
No it isn’t it means Neolithic Iranian farmer/herder ancestry. S Indian is 50-90% south Asian hunter gather related to andamanese people.
Indo iranian farmers genes = baloch sindi =
Indo iranian farmers genes 80% + 20 % andaman nicobar hunters ghaters = indus valley civilistaion.
Hunter ghaters of andaman nicobar carries haplogroup H.
Tribal people south india have 50 -80% andaman hunters gathers genes but normal people does not have that much high. .
HAPLOGROUP L originated from indus valley civilistaion or pamir mountain which also found south indian.
@@islamislam-zw3il gandve gawar chup pr
hemant singh jat rana what’s Indo Iranian farmer ? Their called Iranian farmers get it right seems you purposeful wrote it that way why what’s your agenda ? They came from Iran closely related to Caucasian hunter gathers and the Sumerians and more distantly related to the Anatolian farmers who make up the ancestry of Europeans.
Haha really your just 45% Indian and indigenous people of India are dravidians (south Indian)
Indians are not Aryan for your knowledge !Iranians are !names are close ,does it make sense !??caucasus also are Iranian ,European genetic is categoriesed as European .it is good to not share so many wrong info on you tube .
Azalia Rastin lol.
Europeans = Neanderthal + 'Brahmin ( your real paternal ancestors ) .
We indians laugh at your albino kind , whenever you claim "Aryan " heritage .while in reality , you are nothing but offspring of Germanic , Celtic, Saxons tribes .
You are not a Aryan .but a chandaal ( Google It , now ) 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@islamislam-zw3il 😂😂😂
@@islamislam-zw3il where are you from....?
Arya is a Sanskrit word.
You have no knowledge except some vague perceptions.
why are you so genetics obsessed? You look fine :-)
Of course she looks fine, doesn’t mean she’s genetic obsessed just for checking her dna. Why are you here? Go fuck yourself.
@@hurryupnow1 lol
Aryan is sanskrit word it not a race
@Rafisongs Iye
indo Caucasian listen carefully
Every north india pakistani have Caucasian genes every iran have south indian genes . Not becoz of invansion
indus valley civilization and mestopodian civilization both doing trade 4000 years ago. Balochistan is part of indus .
Balochistan also present in iran afganistan have high south indian genes except few groups iran and afganistan both cosely related india history
@Rafisongs Iye
mohammad refer india as a jannat even written in islamic book .
Mohammad family live in india too. In sindh region.
That time india is far better than rest of world . But islam invasion and brtish make india poor in both mentality and economically.
@Rafisongs Iye its a fake theory europeans are humans not gods and one thing also they gave history of other country by a thought then where did they come from as god never creates divide and feelings between humans as after all we are humans
dravida means land were three seas exist and arya means cultured people in sanskrit, aryan is manufactured word to do propoganda, and how would one about brahimns
What so ever you are shavi but you are extremely beautiful
Caucasian just simply means "European", like white.
No idiot it means Caucasus mountains where aryans came from🤦🏻♂️Caucasian it term for race which includes most Indians but the term on gedmatch is referring to people from Armenia Georgia southern Russia
@@exmuslim4237 Don't call me an idiot.
No it doesn’t. Caucasus is a mountain In Eurasian region. Mainly in Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia. Not too far from bothered India.
lol at this woman talking about "I BE Brahmin from U.P Y'ALL. HEHEHE"
You in the US now.....the Caste System here is as follows :
1. Caucasian European
2. White Hispanic
3. Asians
4. Hispanic
5. Middle Eastern
6. Native American
7. South Asian (that is you)
8. African.
now you got straight up dragged down back to reality there lol.
U think all south Asians are brown....?
Indian Americans are the richest households in the US tho.
@@Anonymous-lw4nq If you look like mrs potato head here in this video it doesn't matter lol
Would you stop talking so much and just show the results. Women talk soooo much!!!
and yet you all fall heads over heel for us. I bet this girl is either dating one or married to one lol.
@@thomasip2303 Indian women don't want y'all
If it really bothers u, u can just skip to see the results dumbass.
If it really bothers u, u can just skip to see the results dumbass.