Eu assisti o episódio com o Ian Neves, um fato desagradável é que qualquer um q discordava dele no chat era respondido com um " vc não tem conhecimento para refutar, não é formado em história". Pois bem, esse cara é formado em história, em quem eu devo acreditar? Quem está mais ou menos certo? Pra vcs verem como esse argumento de apelo à autoridade é infantiloide.
Eu acredito que devíamos incentivar o apelo a desautoridade: quanto mais titularidades o sujeito portar, menos condições ele vai ter pra palpitar sobre o assunto. E por incrível que pareça não estou sendo irônico, é que o nível dos universitários é muito tosco, independente de qual lado defenda, se é de esquerda ou de direita.
@@mrthales1234567890"não existe pensador católico, pensador conservador. Não existe pensador marxista. Existe pensador. Preso a nada. Pensa, a todo risco" Millôr Fernandes. Acho que o problemas desses "pensadores" enviesados é o fato deles fecharem os olhos pra tudo q é negativo nas suas ideologias na medida q exageram, positivamente, tudo que julgam virtuoso. No mundo real não existe ideologia pura, uma ideologia só e pura quando está no papel, quando posta em prática se transforma em um emaranhado sincrético de ideais, muitas vezes misturando ideias que em teoria seriam divergentes. Acredito q quando esse caras ignoram isso e defendem cegamente uma "ideologia pura" as inconsistência começam a ficar evidentes.
Marx e Engels RACISTAS contra os LATINOS, NEGROS E HOMOSSEXUAIS!!!!!! E ainda assim muitos latinos seguem chupando as bolas deles: Regarding Mexicans, during the Mexican-American War, he wrote: “Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history.” But then he asks, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?” And Engels, the co-author of the famed (or infamous) “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” added: “In America, we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.” Marx in a July 1862 letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle, >>>Marx wrote, “It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a n***.
Tá tirando a cueca pela cabeça, né? Kkkkkkkk. Historiadores sérios deixam conservinhas putos mesmo. Deve ser mais fácil acreditar no cara que diz que Nazismo era de esquerda.
@@ferreira6757 kkkkkkk sério onde? O João Carvalho tem um trampo ok em Mesopotâmia só. Ian tem tanto renome na academia quanto qualquer analfabeto kkkkkk
Sou totalmente contra o imperialismo estadunidense aqui. O Brasil tem que aprender a ser patriota, lutar pelo país e não baixar a cabeça para os EUA e EUROPA.
Agora as pessoas pedem fontes numa entrevista de podcast, como se ela fosse um trabalho acadêmico! Agora toda vez que ouvir sobre acusações de imperialismo vou pedir fontes. 😝
"Ela [a Associação Internacional dos Trabalhadores, cujos Estatutos foram esboçados em outubro de 1864 por Marx] declara: Que todas as sociedades e indivíduos que a ela aderirem reconhecerão a verdade, a justiça e a moralidade como base de sua conduta uns para com os outros e para com cada homem, sem considerações de cor, credo ou nacionalidade" Esse trecho pode ser encontrado no livro "Crítica do Programa de Gotha" da edição da Boitempo
MARX FUNDAMENTOU O NAZISMO GENOCIDA NAZISTA!! Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt." PARA DE MENTIR E ENGANAR E VAI ESTUDAR PARA NAO PASSAR VERGONHA DEFENDENDO ASSASSINOS DE MASSAS E RACISTAS!!!! The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a *former population* that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution. Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the *pan-Slavist Southern Slavs,* who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the *Slav barbarians.* The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. *Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress."* Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung. ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish *Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races,* neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
NAO FOGE E RESPONDE, VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o *NAZISMO* *IGUAL* como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem??? Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol????? QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849 But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849 “We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849 “Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853 Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859) VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake." From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850). "Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. "From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)." *PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!!* "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror." Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror." "The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat." - Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
Engraçado você citar a Boitempo, pois eles mesmos, num artigo chamado "O Lugar de Marx e Engels na modernidade: raça, colonialismo e eurocentrismo", afirmaram que Marx, pelos critérios atuais, era sim racista.
Isso é a mesma coisa que achar que Maquiavel era do mal.enquanto Maquiavel escreveu como a classe dominante tem que fazer para continuar no poder. Ou seja como os poderosos agem.
RESPONDE PRA TODO MUNDO VER QUEM E´O DOENTE MENTAL AQUI> VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o NAZISMO IGUAL como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem??? Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol????? QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849 But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849 “We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849 “Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853 Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859) VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake." From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850). "Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. "From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)." PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!! "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror." Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror." "The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat." - Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
Não, tu estás errado. Maquiavel era um manipulador que escreveu como se manipular outras pessoas para se manter no poder; Napoleão Bonaparte era ávido fã de Maquiavel. A filosofia maquiavélica constantemente influenciou péssimos líderes para que permanecessem no poder, como Napoleão e Lenin.
Me da arrepios ver um cara formado em história e filosofia não reconhecer que o Ser é fruto do seu tempo bem como suas analises. Os estudos realizados por Marx, seu método e filosofia são dignas de respeito e serve de base para varios debates no mundo contemporâneo.O cara é reconhecido e estudado no mundo. Aprendi nas aulas de filosofia a ler e tirar minha proprias conclusões, sempre respeitando o estudo alheio, as críticas devem ser pontuais, afinal todo estudo é digno de novas interpretações. Sendo assim, devem ser criticadas e refurtadas em suas incoerências, satanizadas jamais. Caso contrário tiremos ou apagamos os conhecimentos desenvolvidos pelo pensador e no lugar coloquemos os conhecimento ou metodos analíticos desenvolvidos pelo mestre acima para ser debatido mundo a fora.
Marx era hipócrita e criou uma teoria falha. Não vale nada a pena ler os trabalhos de Marx senão para refutá-los. E ele não é formado em história nem em filosofia.
plmds cara, o marx escreveu diversos artigos defendendo os estados do norte na guerra civil americana. tem um trecho no capital q o marx deixa bem claro: o trabalho da pela branca jamais pode emancipar onde o trabalho da pele negra é marcado a ferro.
Marx e Engels RACISTAS contra os LATINOS, NEGROS E HOMOSSEXUAIS!!!!!! E ainda assim muitos latinos seguem chupando as bolas deles: Regarding Mexicans, during the Mexican-American War, he wrote: “Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history.” But then he asks, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?” And Engels, the co-author of the famed (or infamous) “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” added: “In America, we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.” Marx in a July 1862 letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle, >>>Marx wrote, “It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a n***.
Marx and Engels's theory of history. Making sense of the race factor. "In the Interests of Civilization": Marxist Views of Race and Culture in the Nineteenth Century Dois artigos pra voce, porque não da pra ficar colando mil fontes aqui, neles tem todas as fontes. Artigos ACADÊMICOS OK, bom esclarecer porque a turminha soça ama chamar os outros de "conspiratórios"
@@JorgefromtheO ELES JA NAO PODEM MAIS MENTIR E ESCONDER OS RACISTAS MARX E ENGELS! Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt." PARA DE MENTIR E ENGANAR E VAI ESTUDAR PARA NAO PASSAR VERGONHA DEFENDENDO ASSASSINOS DE MASSAS E RACISTAS!!!! The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution. Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os RACISTAS ASSASSINOS pais do COMUNISMO ENGELS e MARX!!! Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
@@mechamedeneno MARX FUNDAMENTOU O NAZISMO GENOCIDA NAZISTA!! Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt." PARA DE MENTIR E ENGANAR E VAI ESTUDAR PARA NAO PASSAR VERGONHA DEFENDENDO ASSASSINOS DE MASSAS E RACISTAS!!!! The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution. Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung. ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
@@mechamedeneno NAO FOGE E RESPONDE, VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o NAZISMO IGUAL como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem??? Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol????? QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849 But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849 “We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849 “Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853 Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859) VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake." From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850). "Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. "From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)." PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!! "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror." Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror." "The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat." - Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
Nossa senhora, ninguém usa esse termo de colônia de exploração e povoamento na academia. Professores tiram sarro até disso. Tive um professor chileno que sequer conhecia o termo, por que isso é criação nossa. E o que tem a ver colonização com guerra no Mexico? Os dois países eram independentes no momento da guerra, foi um conflito envolvendo posse de terras
@@davi32a70Não é só no Brasil, mas no mundo todo. Qualquer pessoa com formação em história sabe que esse termo é raso, praticamente uma encomenda ideológica pra justificar o crescimento dos EUA pós segunda guerra. Toda colônia é de povoamente, uma vez que requer a instalação de novos povos, mão de obra, representantes da metróple e etc. e toda colônia também é de exploração, uma vez que a população instalada necessidade de recursos materiais. Não é isso que justifica a riqueza dos EUA (pra não entrar na questão da pobreza e da segregação lá, que continua gigante)
@@Giofelippi Mas como você mesmo disse, só a minoria(Meio acadêmico) acha rasa esses conceitos colonização, pois quando eu era do fundamental e creio que muitos brasileiros ao longo dos anos também, cresceram escutando isso em sala de aula. Então fica a dúvida, como que na academia, onde esse pensamento é raso, não tem muitos pensando assim, sendo que em suma maioria os professores das redes básicas de ensino pregavam isso?
@@tiagosouza4490 infelizmente existe um vão muito grande entre meio acadêmico e o ensino básico. O material do ensino básico é mais rígido, e pouco mudou nos últimos anos. Se você pegar um livro de 30 anos atrás pode ver que não mudou muita coisas. Completamente o oposto do meio acadêmico, onde não tem uma "apostila", e o conhecimento é costurado diariamente com pesquisas e revisão de conceitos. E é importante dizer que o conceito de colônia de povoamento já teve respaldo, mas isso nos anos 40/50
Marx e Engels RACISTAS contra os LATINOS, NEGROS E HOMOSSEXUAIS!!!!!! E ainda assim muitos latinos seguem chupando as bolas deles: Regarding Mexicans, during the Mexican-American War, he wrote: “Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history.” But then he asks, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?” And Engels, the co-author of the famed (or infamous) “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” added: “In America, we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.” Marx in a July 1862 letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle, >>>Marx wrote, “It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a n***.
"Na América presenciamos a conquista do México, fato que muito nos agradou. Constitui um progresso, também, que um país ocupado até o presente exclusivamente consigo mesmo, arrasado por perpétuas guerras civis e impedido de todo o desenvolvimento, um país que na melhor das hipóteses estava a ponto de cair na vassalagem industrial da Inglaterra, que um país semelhante seja lançado pela violência ao movimento histórico. É no interesse de seu próprio desenvolvimento que o México estará no futuro sob a tutela dos Estados Unidos. É no interesse do desenvolvimento de toda a América que os Estados Unidos, mediante a ocupação da Califórnia, obtêm o predomínio sobre o Oceano Pacífico” (Marx & Engels. Collected Works: Volume 6. "The Movements of 1847", p. 520) E Bakunin acusará os americanos de uma "guerra de conquista" que, embora represente um duro golpe em sua teoria baseada na "justiça e na humanidade", foi travada total e exclusivamente no interesse da civilização? Ou talvez seja lamentável que a esplêndida Califórnia tenha sido tirada dos preguiçosos mexicanos*, que nada podiam fazer com ela? Que os enérgicos ianques, pela rápida exploração das minas de ouro da Califórnia, aumentarão os meios de circulação, em poucos anos concentrarão uma densa população e um amplo comércio nos lugares mais convenientes da costa do Oceano Pacífico, criarão grandes cidades, abrirão comunicações por navio a vapor, construirão uma ferrovia de Nova York a São Francisco, pela primeira vez realmente abrir o Oceano Pacífico à civilização e, pela terceira vez na história, dar uma nova direção ao comércio mundial? A "independência" de alguns californianos e texanos espanhóis pode sofrer por causa disso,em alguns lugares a "justiça" e outros princípios morais podem ser violados; mas o que isso importa em comparação com tais fatos de importância histórica mundial? Salientamos, aliás, que esta teoria da união fraterna universal dos povos, que apela indiscriminadamente à união fraterna independentemente da situação histórica e do estágio de desenvolvimento social de cada povo, já foi combatida pelos editores do Neue Rheinische Zeitung muito antes da revolução, e de fato em oposição aos seus melhores amigos, os democratas ingleses e franceses. (Marx & Engels. Collected Works: Volume 8. "Democratic Pan-Slavism", p. 362)
"Baseado nos artigos da Gazeta que ele escrevia." Quais artigos? Não estou cobrando o professor de saber isso decorado, então tudo bem ali na conversa ele dizer isso, mas agora fica a duvida, quais artigos foram esses? E outra, colonização de povoamento e de exploração? Isso não existe, toda colonização é de exploração. Se você trazer essa distinção para qualquer historiador fora do Brasil vai dar tilt nele, pois essa distinção é fabricada para romantizar a colonização. Não existe colonização de povoamento e colonização de exploração, existe somente colonização, e todas fuderam com o povo colonizado.
JA NAO PODEM MAIS MENTIR E ESCONDER OS RACISTAS MARX E ENGELS! Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt." PARA DE MENTIR E ENGANAR E VAI ESTUDAR PARA NAO PASSAR VERGONHA DEFENDENDO ASSASSINOS DE MASSAS E RACISTAS!!!! The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution. Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os RACISTAS ASSASSINOS pais do COMUNISMO ENGELS e MARX!!! Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
@@markrock442 eu li várias vezes o texto. O termo "trash" usado não é um julgamento moral dessas pessoas, mas um descrição de como esses segmentos raciais são tratados ao longo da história, como lixo. Em nenhum momento do texto aparece ele sendo a favor que essas raças sejam tratadas como lixo, apenas está constatando uma dinâmica social. Ele não diz que os judeus são a raça mais suja, em nenhum lugar do texto está escrito isso. Você sabe ler inglês? Se sabe, acho que deveria ler de novo o texto que você postou, que acho que você não entendeu o que está escrito nele. Ele descreve dinâmicas de extermínio de IEDEIAS, não de pessoas. E ele nem diz que esse extermínio deve ser feito a força, apenas faz uma constatação de como a história viria a se desenrolar. Sobre ditaduras, o texto descreve uma dinâmica histórica que acontece após revoluções, onde após uma revolução uma ditadura é estabelecida. Ele não diz se isso é certo ou errado, apenas constata que na história as coisas acontecem assim. Procure o termo ditadura do proletariado para entender o que ele diz com ditadura. Enfim, esse texto não mostra que eles eram racistas, apenas descreve dinâmicas e como essas dinâmicas poderiam vir a ser superadas. Falar que eles são racistas por causa desse texto é pânico moral total.
@@thiagolintzmaia3807 *MARX E ENGELS MANDAM EXTERMINAR AS RACAS ¨SUJAS¨ E TODAS AS CLASSES SOCIAIS BURGUESAS E ALTA, EMPRESARIOS, FAZENDEIROS....ETC!!* PARA DE MENTIR E ENGANAR E VAI ESTUDAR PARA NAO PASSAR VERGONHA DEFENDENDO ASSASSINOS DE MASSAS E RACISTAS!!!! The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution. Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung. ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
@@thiagolintzmaia3807 RESPONDE > VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o NAZISMO IGUAL como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem??? Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol????? QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849 But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849 “We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849 “Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853 Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859) VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake." From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850). "Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. "From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)." PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!! "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror." Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror." "The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat." - Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
Marx e Darwin não eram racistas, é mentira desse pilantra, Pirula, inclusive, fez um longo video refutando essa tese referente a Darwin, e Marx, bom, há material farto sobre como ele entendia a igualdade étnico racial, não a toa as propagandas igualitarias da união sovietica num tempo onde o ocidente era dominado por supremacistas e nazistas, literalmente.
Todo mundo protestante, os católicos não eram racistas, no caso. Chesterton por exemplo era totalmente contrário ao Apartheid inglês. E nessa época também não havia racismo e eugenia nos países católicos, como o Brasil inclusive.
E quem não era racista e machista neste época? E quem não é racista e machista ainda hoje não e mesmo? Dispenso qualquer fonte fonte nessa questão. Agora, sobre Marx defender EUA em sua soberania sobre o Mexico, faço questã de ler sim!
E eu pensando que conhecia as posições de Marx que derrubam todo o "edifício" acadêmico socialista. Essa pérola da época da guerra EUA versus México eu desconhecia. Mas sabendo do racismo dele, essa seria uma posição esperada. Esse Marcelo Andrade leu muito material. A fonte citada eu nunca tinha ouvido falar. Impressionante esse cara.
Não concordo com as posições do canal orientação marxista, mas ele tem um dos vídeos onde debate sobre o "Marx racista" e inclusive fala disso, recomendo pra quem quer ver um contraponto.
NAO FOGE E RESPONDE, VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o *NAZISMO* *IGUAL* como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem??? Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol????? QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849 But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849 “We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849 “Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853 Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859) VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake." From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850). "Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. "From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)." *PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!!* "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror." Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror." "The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat." - Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
@@Kuznetsov9088 MARX FUNDAMENTOU O NAZISMO GENOCIDA NAZISTA!! Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt." PARA DE MENTIR E ENGANAR E VAI ESTUDAR PARA NAO PASSAR VERGONHA DEFENDENDO ASSASSINOS DE MASSAS E RACISTAS!!!! The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution. Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung. ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
Companheiro, eu não acho que o Marx era racista, mas que o Marx apoiou a invasão estadunidense contra os mexicanos, provavelmente apoiando a industrialização, é fato. Se liga nesse trecho escrito por Marx na Gazeta Renana: "Bakunin censura os americanos por fazerem uma guerra de conquista que é seguramente um golpe duro na teoria fundada na justiça e na humanidade, mas que é conduzida unicamente no interesse da humanidade. É uma infelicidade se a rica Califórnia foi arrancada dos mexicanos preguiçosos que não sabiam o que fazer com ela? Se os enérgicos yankees, graças à exploração das minas de ouro daquela região, aumentam as vias de comunicação, concentram sobre a costa do Pacífico em alguns anos uma população densa e um comércio em expansão, criam grandes cidades, abrem linhas marítimas, estabelecem uma via férrea de Nova York a San Francisco, abrem pela primeira vez o oceano Pacífico à civilização e pela terceira vez na história dão uma nova orientação ao comércio mundial? A independência de alguns californianos ou texanos espanhóis pode sofrer com isso, a justiça e outros princípios morais podem ser feridos: isto conta diante de tais realidades que são o domínio da história universal?" (Marx in Neue Rheinische Zeitung) Obs: Já fui marxista, ainda tenho certa simpatia por Marx, mas hoje sou anarquista. Foi através de um antigo militante anarquista que conheci essa tradução/texto. E outra, odeio demais a direita.
Mentira não tem nenhum texto , falando isso, o cara é tão fraco que diz: "Um texto que eu não lembro" rsrs, uma vergonha o cara jogando um fake news na caruda.
esse pessoal que critica o marx é sempre no campo da moralidade e nunca vai debater sobre a obra do cara em si (pq nunca leram e nunca estudaram) e quando vao debater no campo da moralidade eles conseguem mentir descaradamente
Esse "Professor" nunca leu Marx e Engels, ele só pega coisa do Wikipedia ou do instituto Mises. O cara vai e me fala que Marx achava errado o patrão explorar o empregado, sendo que Marx nunca fez juízo de valor no livro O capital, e é justamente por ser materialista e entender o mundo a partir do mundo, coisa que esse senhor passou longe de entender.
Sugiro uma correção ao título do vídeo, pois esse cara não é professor de história... Ele vende um curso que tem história no nome, mas não é um historiador, graduado em história. O curso dele é sobre religião. Chamar ele de professor de história é o mesmo que dizer que Copo Americano foi criado nos EUA.
Primeiro que o texto sobre o México é de Engels não de Marx. 'Na América testemunhamos a conquista do México e nos regozijamos com isso. É um progresso que um país que até agora esteve envolvido exclusivamente nos seus próprios assuntos, perpetuamente dividido por guerras civis e completamente prejudicado no seu desenvolvimento, um país cuja melhor perspectiva era tornar-se industrialmente sujeito à Grã-Bretanha, seja forçado a entrar no processo histórico. É do interesse do seu próprio desenvolvimento que o México seja colocado sob a tutela dos Estados Unidos no futuro. A evolução de toda a América beneficiará do facto de os Estados Unidos, através da posse da Califórnia, obterem o comando do Pacífico' ( 1847). Não preciso dizer que essa visão do Engels não é a de Marx. E que nós primeiros textos eles tinham uma visão do papel civilizados do capitalismo, posição que muda com os texto de maturidade. Avisa esse sujeito que o capital de Marx termina com o capítulo sobre a colonização
Tu pesquisou algo relacionado a Marx no Google ou no UA-cam? Caso sim, n precisa se preocupar não, é só o algoritmo do UA-cam tentando te prender á plataforma mesmo...
@@natanhenrique9951 tá ligado que tem aquela coisa de que se tu falar sobre uma coisa em voz alta perto do celular, tipo um produto, começa a aparecer coisa sobre isso no Google? Então, se tu falou sobre o livro em voz alta perto do celular, isso tbm conta
É tanta desonestidade que atribui ao Marx uma crítica que nem entra em contradição com o seu trabalho. O trabalho dele nunca foi sobre a raça humana e sim sobre o capitalismo.
Marx e Engels RACISTAS contra os LATINOS, NEGROS E HOMOSSEXUAIS!!!!!! E ainda assim muitos latinos seguem chupando as bolas deles: Regarding Mexicans, during the Mexican-American War, he wrote: “Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history.” But then he asks, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?” And Engels, the co-author of the famed (or infamous) “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” added: “In America, we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.” Marx in a July 1862 letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle, >>>Marx wrote, “It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a n***.
Macho. O cara meteu o foda-se em tudo. Beleza que fontes não serve para nada menos que uma forma de consultar oq foi dito, mas nem isso o cara faz. ele mete o foda-se e só saí falando tudo que vem na telha. Dizer que "TÁ LÁ NOS Artigos DA GAZETA RENANA" ou " NO JORNAL DE NEW YORK QUE EU NÃO LEMBROU O NOME" não é fonte nem aqui nem casa do caralho. Peço para que busquem as referências e provem como 1 + 1 é dois que existe citações de Marx com essa conotação. Obs: pegar o textinho do site gazeta do povo no google não vale viu
Mas já adianto logo que não vão encontrar kkkkk. O máximo vai ser um texto do gazeta do povo "os pais do comunismo eram racista" ou "sete citações racistas de líderes e pensadores comunistas" que literalmente não apresentam porra nenhuma de fonte. E reiterando oq disse: fontes só servem para CONSULTA. Fonte não garante veracidade
@@JonatasDias7 Não é relativismo, uma coisa é a obra, outra coisa é a pessoa. São duas coisas diferentes. Se eu assar um bolo perfeito e cuspir num mendigo, o bolo não deixa de ser bom.
Concordo. Embora a cultura "woke" - derivada do Marxismo -, junta com os próprios marxistas/revolucionários, não medem esforços para vincular qualquer falha pessoal de personalidades "de direita" às ideologias de seus opositores ideológicos. Qualquer coisa se torna uma desculpa para alguém ser chamado de "nazista".
@@Redshief1 É isso cara. Eu concordo muito contigo. Mas eu entendo que essa cultura Woke é muito bem aproveitada pelos próprios capitalistas (globo, disney) e gente de esquerda fica numa preguiça mental e acabam chamando todo mundo de racista, nazista. Ai os caras da extrema-direita aproveitam pra detonar a esquerda.
Eu conheço muito bem a forma como ele consegue enganar os outros, qualquer frase por mais ignorante intolerante e sem sentido que for, sempre falada com um tom de confiança, utilizando da norma culta da língua portuguesa, parecendo que conhece o assunto, pode sim e muito parecer inteligente mas se prestar atenção no que ele fala, você vai perceber que ele não fala nada com nada
Marx era defensor ferrenho do norte na guerra civil americana. Escreveu mais de um livro sobre isso. Esse professor tem uma visão muito enviesado da parada
Na miséria da filosofia Marx mostra exatamente uma luta contra o racismo. Não cabe racismo no marxismo, pois é um método de análise que põem abaixo qualquer concepção de verdade absoluta, ordem natural, e diferenças de raças. Quando Marx estava falando dos EUA e da constituição ele faz uma ironia dizendo sobre todos serem iguais perante a lei e a Deus, mas ao mesmo tempo existir escravos, mas esse professor aí vai e solta essas merdas aí.
NAO FOGE E RESPONDE, VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o NAZISMO IGUAL como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem??? Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol????? QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849 But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849 “We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849 “Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853 Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859) VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake." From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850). "Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. "From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)." PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!! "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror." Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror." "The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat." - Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
@@lucaspvx7277 EXATO VC APOIA OS RACISTAS MARX E ENGELS Q DIZIAM Q OS NEGROS E LATINOS ERAM BURROS E DEVIAM SER EXTERMINADOS COM TODOS OS POVOS LIXOS! In his 1877 Notes to Anti-Dühring, Engels elaborated on the subject of race, observing “that the inheritance of acquired characteristics extended … from the individual to the species.” He went on, “If, for instance, among us mathematical axioms seem self-evident to every eight-year-old child and in no need of proof from evidence that is solely the result of ‘accumulated inheritance.’ It would be difficult to teach them by proof to a bushman or to an Australian Negro.” Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt." PARA DE MENTIR E ENGANAR E VAI ESTUDAR PARA NAO PASSAR VERGONHA DEFENDENDO ASSASSINOS DE MASSAS E RACISTAS!!!! The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution. Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os RACISTAS ASSASSINOS pais do COMUNISMO ENGELS e MARX!!! Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849
EXATO VC APOIA OS RACISTAS MARX E ENGELS Q DIZIAM Q OS NEGROS E LATINOS ERAM BURROS E DEVIAM SER EXTERMINADOS COM TODOS OS POVOS LIXOS! In his 1877 Notes to Anti-Dühring, Engels elaborated on the subject of race, observing “that the inheritance of acquired characteristics extended … from the individual to the species.” He went on, “If, for instance, among us mathematical axioms seem self-evident to every eight-year-old child and in no need of proof from evidence that is solely the result of ‘accumulated inheritance.’ It would be difficult to teach them by proof to a bushman or to an Australian Negro.” Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt." PARA DE MENTIR E ENGANAR E VAI ESTUDAR PARA NAO PASSAR VERGONHA DEFENDENDO ASSASSINOS DE MASSAS E RACISTAS!!!! The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution. Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os RACISTAS ASSASSINOS pais do COMUNISMO ENGELS e MARX!!! Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849
Não defendendo as ideias dele , mas ele citou uma fonte no vídeo , artigos da "gazeta renana" Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels , agora se o que ele diz realmente é verdade só pesquisando pra saber.
"Na América presenciamos a conquista do México, fato que muito nos agradou. Constitui um progresso, também, que um país ocupado até o presente exclusivamente consigo mesmo, arrasado por perpétuas guerras civis e impedido de todo o desenvolvimento, um país que na melhor das hipóteses estava a ponto de cair na vassalagem industrial da Inglaterra, que um país semelhante seja lançado pela violência ao movimento histórico. É no interesse de seu próprio desenvolvimento que o México estará no futuro sob a tutela dos Estados Unidos. É no interesse do desenvolvimento de toda a América que os Estados Unidos, mediante a ocupação da Califórnia, obtêm o predomínio sobre o Oceano Pacífico” (Marx & Engels. Collected Works: Volume 6. "The Movements of 1847", p. 520) E Bakunin acusará os americanos de uma "guerra de conquista" que, embora represente um duro golpe em sua teoria baseada na "justiça e na humanidade", foi travada total e exclusivamente no interesse da civilização? Ou talvez seja lamentável que a esplêndida Califórnia tenha sido tirada dos preguiçosos mexicanos, que nada podiam fazer com ela? Que os enérgicos ianques, pela rápida exploração das minas de ouro da Califórnia, aumentarão os meios de circulação, em poucos anos concentrarão uma densa população e um amplo comércio nos lugares mais convenientes da costa do Oceano Pacífico, criarão grandes cidades, abrirão comunicações por navio a vapor, construirão uma ferrovia de Nova York a São Francisco, pela primeira vez realmente abrir o Oceano Pacífico à civilização e, pela terceira vez na história, dar uma nova direção ao comércio mundial? A "independência" de alguns californianos e texanos espanhóis pode sofrer por causa disso,em alguns lugares a "justiça" e outros princípios morais podem ser violados; mas o que isso importa em comparação com tais fatos de importância histórica mundial? Salientamos, aliás, que esta teoria da união fraterna universal dos povos, que apela indiscriminadamente à união fraterna independentemente da situação histórica e do estágio de desenvolvimento social de cada povo, já foi combatida pelos editores do Neue Rheinische Zeitung muito antes da revolução, e de fato em oposição aos seus melhores amigos, os democratas ingleses e franceses. (Marx & Engels. Collected Works: Volume 8. "Democratic Pan-Slavism", p. 362)
@@Joao-md3sg Fui mais adiante, decidi conferir o primeiro texto que você manda. O texto foi escrito por Engels, não por Marx. Mesmo assim, considero tremenda desonestidade intelectual o que tu fez. Lendo o texto inteiro, percebo que Engels acaba por debochar dos burgueses e seus efeitos. Uma parte muito óbvia mas que por algum motivo você excluiu: "Não podemos conter um sorriso irônico quando observamos a terrível seriedade, o entusiasmo patético com que os burgueses se esforçam para alcançar seus objetivos. Eles realmente acreditam que estão trabalhando em seu próprio nome! Eles são tão míopes que imaginam que, por meio de seu triunfo, o mundo assumirá sua configuração final. No entanto, nada é mais claro do que eles estão em toda parte preparando o caminho para nós, para os democratas e comunistas; do que isso, eles ganharão no máximo alguns anos de diversão conturbada, apenas para serem imediatamente derrubados. Atrás deles está o proletariado por toda parte, às vezes participando de seus esforços e em parte de suas ilusões, como na Itália e na Suíça, às vezes silencioso e reservado, mas preparando secretamente a derrubada da burguesia, como na França e na Alemanha" Ao meu ver, ou você não sabe interpretar Engels ou REALMENTE foi desonesto com uma citação tirada de contexto. No fim, deixo claro que essa hipótese de Engels foi descartada (na época, Marx e Engels acreditava que o comunismo só poderia ser construído em países desenvolvidos) Este julgamento não foi final, no entanto. Mais tarde, após um estudo mais profundo da história das conquistas coloniais e da resistência das massas oprimidas à dominação colonial, Engels enfatizou a natureza libertadora e progressiva da luta dos povos oprimidos contra o sistema colonial capitalista que ajudou a criar condições favoráveis para a classe trabalhadora derrubar o sistema capitalista. Foi sob esse ponto de vista, em particular, que ele descreveu o movimento de libertação dos argelinos no artigo “Argélia”
Claro, ele é professor de historia! No dia em que os comunas participaram, qualquer pessoa q discordasse no chat era automaticamente tratada com descredito, segundo os fãs ninguém podia discorda, todos deveriam acreditar sem titubear, sabe pq? Pq eles eram formados em história.
Já respondi. Sim, vou acreditar, ele é formado em história. Assim como vou acreditar nos comunas, mesmo q eles digam o absoluto oposto, até pq são todos formados em histórias. Os portugas mataram todos os índios e nenhum ao mesmo tempo.
@@augustus4900 argumento de autoridade é uma falacia, mas, sim, alguem formado academicamente aprende referencias bibliograficas, diferente do pilantra do corte ai, que não cita nada, só fake news sem referencia na historiografia.
@@rockdasher Darwin não era, ele se opos diversas vezes, e era uma das unicas vozes que defendia existir apenas UMA RAÇA HUMANA, Darwin racista é igual nazismo de esquerda, terraplanismo social
"Tem muita contradição no marxismo" como se o Marxismo fosse o mesmo que a história de vida da pessoa Karl Marx em todos os seus momentos. Todos somos cheios de contradições, Michael Jackson fez músicas extraordinárias e era um tarado em outro momento. Nem por isso o álbum Thriller deixa de ser importante.
OS JUMENTOS DEFENDENDO ASSASSINOS HOMOFOBICOS RACISTAS Q NAO GOSTAVAM DE NEGROS LATINOS E JUDEUS!! hahahaah *Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress."* Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os RACISTAS ASSASSINOS pais do COMUNISMO ENGELS e MARX!!! *Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress."* The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish *Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races,* neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848 In his 1877 Notes to Anti-Dühring, Engels elaborated on the subject of race, observing “that the inheritance of acquired characteristics extended … from the individual to the species.” He went on, “If, for instance, among us mathematical axioms seem self-evident to every eight-year-old child and in no need of proof from evidence that is solely the result of ‘accumulated inheritance.’ It would be difficult to teach them by proof to a bushman or to an Australian Negro.”
Marx e Engels RACISTAS contra os LATINOS, NEGROS E HOMOSSEXUAIS!!!!!! E ainda assim muitos latinos seguem chupando as bolas deles: Regarding Mexicans, during the Mexican-American War, he wrote: “Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history.” But then he asks, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?” And Engels, the co-author of the famed (or infamous) “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” added: “In America, we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.” Marx in a July 1862 letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle, >>>Marx wrote, “It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a n***.
Infelizmente a discriminação está presente em toda a humanidade, mesmo nas mentes dos lideres libertadores da nossa consciência aprisionada. Carregamos todas as contradições dentro de nós mesmos. Isso só reforça a necessidade que temos de vencer as guerras interiores e de nos consciencializarmos que há uma luta de classes a decorrer há milénios. Ninguém solta a mão de ninguém. Cresceremos. Venceremos. Obrigado por tudo, tio Marx ❤️❤️❤️
Marx e Engels RACISTAS contra os LATINOS, NEGROS E HOMOSSEXUAIS!!!!!! E ainda assim muitos latinos seguem chupando as bolas deles: Regarding Mexicans, during the Mexican-American War, he wrote: “Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history.” But then he asks, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?” And Engels, the co-author of the famed (or infamous) “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” added: “In America, we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.” Marx in a July 1862 letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle, >>>Marx wrote, “It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a n***.
MARX FUNDAMENTOU O NAZISMO GENOCIDA NAZISTA!! Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt." PARA DE MENTIR E ENGANAR E VAI ESTUDAR PARA NAO PASSAR VERGONHA DEFENDENDO ASSASSINOS DE MASSAS E RACISTAS!!!! The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849 There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a *former population* that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution. Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the *pan-Slavist Southern Slavs,* who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the *Slav barbarians.* The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward. "POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745. Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. *Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress."* Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung. ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish *Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races,* neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
NAO FOGE E RESPONDE, VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o *NAZISMO* *IGUAL* como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem??? Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol????? QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849 But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849 “We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849 “Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853 Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859) VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake." From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850). "Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. "From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)." *PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!!* "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror." Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror." "The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat." - Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
NAO FOGE E RESPONDE, VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o NAZISMO IGUAL como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor???? Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem??? Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol????? QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849 But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849 “We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849 “Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853 Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859) VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake." From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850). "Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion. "The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat." From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. "From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)." PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!! "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror." Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror." "The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat." - Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850 “Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
Tá vendo os escritos de Marx e Engels: "Na América presenciamos a conquista do México, fato que muito nos agradou. Constitui um progresso, também, que um país ocupado até o presente exclusivamente consigo mesmo, arrasado por perpétuas guerras civis e impedido de todo o desenvolvimento, um país que na melhor das hipóteses estava a ponto de cair na vassalagem industrial da Inglaterra, que um país semelhante seja lançado pela violência ao movimento histórico. É no interesse de seu próprio desenvolvimento que o México estará no futuro sob a tutela dos Estados Unidos. É no interesse do desenvolvimento de toda a América que os Estados Unidos, mediante a ocupação da Califórnia, obtêm o predomínio sobre o Oceano Pacífico” (Marx & Engels. Collected Works: Volume 6. "The Movements of 1847", p. 520) E Bakunin acusará os americanos de uma "guerra de conquista" que, embora represente um duro golpe em sua teoria baseada na "justiça e na humanidade", foi travada total e exclusivamente no interesse da civilização? Ou talvez seja lamentável que a esplêndida Califórnia tenha sido tirada dos preguiçosos mexicanos*, que nada podiam fazer com ela? Que os enérgicos ianques, pela rápida exploração das minas de ouro da Califórnia, aumentarão os meios de circulação, em poucos anos concentrarão uma densa população e um amplo comércio nos lugares mais convenientes da costa do Oceano Pacífico, criarão grandes cidades, abrirão comunicações por navio a vapor, construirão uma ferrovia de Nova York a São Francisco, pela primeira vez realmente abrir o Oceano Pacífico à civilização e, pela terceira vez na história, dar uma nova direção ao comércio mundial? A "independência" de alguns californianos e texanos espanhóis pode sofrer por causa disso,em alguns lugares a "justiça" e outros princípios morais podem ser violados; mas o que isso importa em comparação com tais fatos de importância histórica mundial? Salientamos, aliás, que esta teoria da união fraterna universal dos povos, que apela indiscriminadamente à união fraterna independentemente da situação histórica e do estágio de desenvolvimento social de cada povo, já foi combatida pelos editores do Neue Rheinische Zeitung muito antes da revolução, e de fato em oposição aos seus melhores amigos, os democratas ingleses e franceses. (Marx & Engels. Collected Works: Volume 8. "Democratic Pan-Slavism", p. 362)
@@guilhermeguimaraes8726 Aqui uma fonte primária para você: O Capital Livro Primeiro: O processo de produção do capital Terceira Secção: A Produção da mais-valia absoluta Oitavo capítulo: O dia de trabalho 7. A luta pelo dia de trabalho normal. Repercussão da legislação fabril inglesa noutros países. “o trabalho de pele branca não pode se emancipar onde o trabalho de pele negra é marcado a ferro” Um análise de Marx e relação com a escravidão: Mais alguma dúvida?
Vou tentar novamente: O Capital - Crítica da Economia Política, Karl Marx Livro Primeiro: O processo de produção do capital Terceira Secção: A Produção da mais-valia absoluta Oitavo capítulo: O dia de trabalho 7. A luta pelo dia de trabalho normal. Repercussão da legislação fabril inglesa noutros países. "O trabalho de pele branca não se pode emancipar onde o de pele negra é estigmatizado." Vídeo para refutar essa palhaçada:
Eu assisti o episódio com o Ian Neves, um fato desagradável é que qualquer um q discordava dele no chat era respondido com um " vc não tem conhecimento para refutar, não é formado em história". Pois bem, esse cara é formado em história, em quem eu devo acreditar? Quem está mais ou menos certo? Pra vcs verem como esse argumento de apelo à autoridade é infantiloide.
Deves estudar por ti mesmo :)
@@ktmtxt Foi exatamente oq eu quis dizer. Se existem fontes primarias ao seu alcance vc não deve simplesmente depositar sua fé em intermediários.
Eu acredito que devíamos incentivar o apelo a desautoridade: quanto mais titularidades o sujeito portar, menos condições ele vai ter pra palpitar sobre o assunto.
E por incrível que pareça não estou sendo irônico, é que o nível dos universitários é muito tosco, independente de qual lado defenda, se é de esquerda ou de direita.
@@mrthales1234567890"não existe pensador católico, pensador conservador. Não existe pensador marxista. Existe pensador. Preso a nada. Pensa, a todo risco" Millôr Fernandes.
Acho que o problemas desses "pensadores" enviesados é o fato deles fecharem os olhos pra tudo q é negativo nas suas ideologias na medida q exageram, positivamente, tudo que julgam virtuoso. No mundo real não existe ideologia pura, uma ideologia só e pura quando está no papel, quando posta em prática se transforma em um emaranhado sincrético de ideais, muitas vezes misturando ideias que em teoria seriam divergentes. Acredito q quando esse caras ignoram isso e defendem cegamente uma "ideologia pura" as inconsistência começam a ficar evidentes.
Marx e Engels RACISTAS contra os LATINOS, NEGROS E HOMOSSEXUAIS!!!!!! E ainda assim muitos latinos seguem chupando as bolas deles: Regarding Mexicans, during the Mexican-American War, he wrote: “Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history.” But then he asks, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?”
And Engels, the co-author of the famed (or infamous) “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” added: “In America, we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.”
Marx in a July 1862 letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle, >>>Marx wrote, “It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a n***.
Tem que ser muito tapado pra cair na conversinha do Ian Neves e do João Carvalho kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Tá tirando a cueca pela cabeça, né? Kkkkkkkk. Historiadores sérios deixam conservinhas putos mesmo. Deve ser mais fácil acreditar no cara que diz que Nazismo era de esquerda.
@@ferreira6757 kkkkkkk sério onde? O João Carvalho tem um trampo ok em Mesopotâmia só. Ian tem tanto renome na academia quanto qualquer analfabeto kkkkkk
@@Vinicius-gy8wk aham kkkk
@@Vinicius-gy8wk apelo a autoridade brabokkkk
@@Vinicius-gy8wk o que eles falam não é inválido por falta de renome na academiakk
Sou totalmente contra o imperialismo estadunidense aqui.
O Brasil tem que aprender a ser patriota, lutar pelo país e não baixar a cabeça para os EUA e EUROPA.
Agora as pessoas pedem fontes numa entrevista de podcast, como se ela fosse um trabalho acadêmico! Agora toda vez que ouvir sobre acusações de imperialismo vou pedir fontes. 😝
fonte de Imperialismo? Leia Lênin:
"Ela [a Associação Internacional dos Trabalhadores, cujos Estatutos foram esboçados em outubro de 1864 por Marx] declara:
Que todas as sociedades e indivíduos que a ela aderirem reconhecerão a verdade, a justiça e a moralidade como base de sua conduta uns para com os outros e para com cada homem, sem considerações de cor, credo ou nacionalidade"
Esse trecho pode ser encontrado no livro "Crítica do Programa de Gotha" da edição da Boitempo
MARX FUNDAMENTOU O NAZISMO GENOCIDA NAZISTA!! Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt."
The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a *former population* that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution.
Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800.
Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos.
Such, in Austria, are the *pan-Slavist Southern Slavs,* who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development.
But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the *Slav barbarians.* The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names.
The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians.
*Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress."* Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish *Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races,* neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
NAO FOGE E RESPONDE, VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o *NAZISMO* *IGUAL* como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem???
Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol?????
QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849
But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849
“We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849
“Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853
Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859)
VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake."
From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850).
"Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto.
"From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)."
*PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!!* "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror."
"The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat."
- Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
Engraçado você citar a Boitempo, pois eles mesmos, num artigo chamado "O Lugar de Marx e Engels na modernidade: raça, colonialismo e eurocentrismo", afirmaram que Marx, pelos critérios atuais, era sim racista.
@@caioalmeida8963 "criterios atuais" identitarismo pos moderno? não, obrigado.
Isso é a mesma coisa que achar que Maquiavel era do mal.enquanto Maquiavel escreveu como a classe dominante tem que fazer para continuar no poder. Ou seja como os poderosos agem.
RESPONDE PRA TODO MUNDO VER QUEM E´O DOENTE MENTAL AQUI> VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o NAZISMO IGUAL como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem???
Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol?????
QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849
But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849
“We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849
“Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853
Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859)
VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake."
From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850).
"Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto.
"From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)."
PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!! "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror."
"The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat."
- Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
Viva o comunismo.
textos de Marx e Engels ao New York daily Entre 1860 e 1869, Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels
Não, tu estás errado. Maquiavel era um manipulador que escreveu como se manipular outras pessoas para se manter no poder; Napoleão Bonaparte era ávido fã de Maquiavel. A filosofia maquiavélica constantemente influenciou péssimos líderes para que permanecessem no poder, como Napoleão e Lenin.
Me da arrepios ver um cara formado em história e filosofia não reconhecer que o Ser é fruto do seu tempo bem como suas analises. Os estudos realizados por Marx, seu método e filosofia são dignas de respeito e serve de base para varios debates no mundo contemporâneo.O cara é reconhecido e estudado no mundo. Aprendi nas aulas de filosofia a ler e tirar minha proprias conclusões, sempre respeitando o estudo alheio, as críticas devem ser pontuais, afinal todo estudo é digno de novas interpretações. Sendo assim, devem ser criticadas e refurtadas em suas incoerências, satanizadas jamais. Caso contrário tiremos ou apagamos os conhecimentos desenvolvidos pelo pensador e no lugar coloquemos os conhecimento ou metodos analíticos desenvolvidos pelo mestre acima para ser debatido mundo a fora.
Marx era hipócrita e criou uma teoria falha. Não vale nada a pena ler os trabalhos de Marx senão para refutá-los. E ele não é formado em história nem em filosofia.
Ideologia que mais matou.
E ainda n matou menos que as guerras em nome do capitalismo e "liberdade"
plmds cara, o marx escreveu diversos artigos defendendo os estados do norte na guerra civil americana. tem um trecho no capital q o marx deixa bem claro: o trabalho da pela branca jamais pode emancipar onde o trabalho da pele negra é marcado a ferro.
Onde tá isso? Quero saber
Quais artigos da Gazeta Renana?
Esqueceu o nome do jornal?
Marx e Engels RACISTAS contra os LATINOS, NEGROS E HOMOSSEXUAIS!!!!!! E ainda assim muitos latinos seguem chupando as bolas deles: Regarding Mexicans, during the Mexican-American War, he wrote: “Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history.” But then he asks, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?”
And Engels, the co-author of the famed (or infamous) “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” added: “In America, we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.”
Marx in a July 1862 letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle, >>>Marx wrote, “It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a n***.
Simplesmente NÃO EXISTE.
Marx and Engels's theory of history. Making sense of the race factor.
"In the Interests of Civilization": Marxist Views of Race and Culture in the Nineteenth Century
Dois artigos pra voce, porque não da pra ficar colando mil fontes aqui, neles tem todas as fontes. Artigos ACADÊMICOS OK, bom esclarecer porque a turminha soça ama chamar os outros de "conspiratórios"
@@JorgefromtheO ELES JA NAO PODEM MAIS MENTIR E ESCONDER OS RACISTAS MARX E ENGELS! Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt."
The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution.
Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800.
Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos.
Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development.
But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names.
The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians.
Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os RACISTAS ASSASSINOS pais do COMUNISMO ENGELS e MARX!!! Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
Você pesquisou?
Fonte: não foi preciso
@@markrock442 legal amigo, mas como isso afeta o grêmio?
@@markrock442 isso amigo, continua spammando fonte de direita, tô adorando
@@mechamedeneno MARX FUNDAMENTOU O NAZISMO GENOCIDA NAZISTA!! Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt."
The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution.
Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800.
Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos.
Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development.
But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names.
The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians.
Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
@@mechamedeneno NAO FOGE E RESPONDE, VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o NAZISMO IGUAL como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem???
Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol?????
QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849
But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849
“We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849
“Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853
Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859)
VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake."
From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850).
"Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto.
"From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)."
PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!! "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror."
"The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat."
- Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
@@markrock442 irmão, primeiro que tu só ta vomitando anticomunismo barato, segundo que Spammer só merece é se foder e pronto, SOME DAQUI!
Nossa senhora, ninguém usa esse termo de colônia de exploração e povoamento na academia. Professores tiram sarro até disso. Tive um professor chileno que sequer conhecia o termo, por que isso é criação nossa.
E o que tem a ver colonização com guerra no Mexico? Os dois países eram independentes no momento da guerra, foi um conflito envolvendo posse de terras
É sério que vc tá achando que vai refutar o cara falando que o " termo" não é aceito na academia BRASILEIRA
@@davi32a70Não é só no Brasil, mas no mundo todo. Qualquer pessoa com formação em história sabe que esse termo é raso, praticamente uma encomenda ideológica pra justificar o crescimento dos EUA pós segunda guerra. Toda colônia é de povoamente, uma vez que requer a instalação de novos povos, mão de obra, representantes da metróple e etc. e toda colônia também é de exploração, uma vez que a população instalada necessidade de recursos materiais. Não é isso que justifica a riqueza dos EUA (pra não entrar na questão da pobreza e da segregação lá, que continua gigante)
@@Giofelippi Mas como você mesmo disse, só a minoria(Meio acadêmico) acha rasa esses conceitos colonização, pois quando eu era do fundamental e creio que muitos brasileiros ao longo dos anos também, cresceram escutando isso em sala de aula. Então fica a dúvida, como que na academia, onde esse pensamento é raso, não tem muitos pensando assim, sendo que em suma maioria os professores das redes básicas de ensino pregavam isso?
@@tiagosouza4490 infelizmente existe um vão muito grande entre meio acadêmico e o ensino básico. O material do ensino básico é mais rígido, e pouco mudou nos últimos anos. Se você pegar um livro de 30 anos atrás pode ver que não mudou muita coisas. Completamente o oposto do meio acadêmico, onde não tem uma "apostila", e o conhecimento é costurado diariamente com pesquisas e revisão de conceitos. E é importante dizer que o conceito de colônia de povoamento já teve respaldo, mas isso nos anos 40/50
Mas ele não acredita nisso, ele no podcast combate essa ideia.
Fonte: Arial 12
Marx e Engels RACISTAS contra os LATINOS, NEGROS E HOMOSSEXUAIS!!!!!! E ainda assim muitos latinos seguem chupando as bolas deles: Regarding Mexicans, during the Mexican-American War, he wrote: “Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history.” But then he asks, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?”
And Engels, the co-author of the famed (or infamous) “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” added: “In America, we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.”
Marx in a July 1862 letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle, >>>Marx wrote, “It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a n***.
Ele falou várias….. Os artigos de jornais q ele escreveu por ex
O cara citou a fonte espertao. Já sei, vc apertou 13 na eleição acertei?
"Na América presenciamos a conquista do México, fato que muito nos agradou. Constitui um progresso, também, que um país ocupado até o presente exclusivamente consigo mesmo, arrasado por perpétuas guerras civis e impedido de todo o desenvolvimento, um país que na melhor das hipóteses estava a ponto de cair na vassalagem industrial da Inglaterra, que um país semelhante seja lançado pela violência ao movimento histórico. É no interesse de seu próprio desenvolvimento que o México estará no futuro sob a tutela dos Estados Unidos. É no interesse do desenvolvimento de toda a América que os Estados Unidos, mediante a ocupação da Califórnia, obtêm o predomínio sobre o Oceano Pacífico”
(Marx & Engels. Collected Works: Volume 6. "The Movements of 1847", p. 520)
E Bakunin acusará os americanos de uma "guerra de conquista" que, embora represente um duro golpe em sua teoria baseada na "justiça e na humanidade", foi travada total e exclusivamente no interesse da civilização? Ou talvez seja lamentável que a esplêndida Califórnia tenha sido tirada dos preguiçosos mexicanos*, que nada podiam fazer com ela? Que os enérgicos ianques, pela rápida exploração das minas de ouro da Califórnia, aumentarão os meios de circulação, em poucos anos concentrarão uma densa população e um amplo comércio nos lugares mais convenientes da costa do Oceano Pacífico, criarão grandes cidades, abrirão comunicações por navio a vapor, construirão uma ferrovia de Nova York a São Francisco, pela primeira vez realmente abrir o Oceano Pacífico à civilização e, pela terceira vez na história, dar uma nova direção ao comércio mundial? A "independência" de alguns californianos e texanos espanhóis pode sofrer por causa disso,em alguns lugares a "justiça" e outros princípios morais podem ser violados; mas o que isso importa em comparação com tais fatos de importância histórica mundial?
Salientamos, aliás, que esta teoria da união fraterna universal dos povos, que apela indiscriminadamente à união fraterna independentemente da situação histórica e do estágio de desenvolvimento social de cada povo, já foi combatida pelos editores do Neue Rheinische Zeitung muito antes da revolução, e de fato em oposição aos seus melhores amigos, os democratas ingleses e franceses.
(Marx & Engels. Collected Works: Volume 8. "Democratic Pan-Slavism", p. 362)
Eles tinham jornais da época e se comunicavam de forma racista! O marmita de bandido !
cade as Fontes?
Os "soça" pirando nos comentários 😂😂😂
Claro que tem que pirar, um cara que nem historiador é, falando de algo que não sabe, é como um engenheiro querer dar pitaco na medicina
"Baseado nos artigos da Gazeta que ele escrevia." Quais artigos? Não estou cobrando o professor de saber isso decorado, então tudo bem ali na conversa ele dizer isso, mas agora fica a duvida, quais artigos foram esses? E outra, colonização de povoamento e de exploração? Isso não existe, toda colonização é de exploração. Se você trazer essa distinção para qualquer historiador fora do Brasil vai dar tilt nele, pois essa distinção é fabricada para romantizar a colonização. Não existe colonização de povoamento e colonização de exploração, existe somente colonização, e todas fuderam com o povo colonizado.
JA NAO PODEM MAIS MENTIR E ESCONDER OS RACISTAS MARX E ENGELS! Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt."
The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution.
Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800.
Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos.
Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development.
But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names.
The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians.
Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os RACISTAS ASSASSINOS pais do COMUNISMO ENGELS e MARX!!! Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
@@markrock442 eu li várias vezes o texto. O termo "trash" usado não é um julgamento moral dessas pessoas, mas um descrição de como esses segmentos raciais são tratados ao longo da história, como lixo. Em nenhum momento do texto aparece ele sendo a favor que essas raças sejam tratadas como lixo, apenas está constatando uma dinâmica social. Ele não diz que os judeus são a raça mais suja, em nenhum lugar do texto está escrito isso. Você sabe ler inglês? Se sabe, acho que deveria ler de novo o texto que você postou, que acho que você não entendeu o que está escrito nele. Ele descreve dinâmicas de extermínio de IEDEIAS, não de pessoas. E ele nem diz que esse extermínio deve ser feito a força, apenas faz uma constatação de como a história viria a se desenrolar.
Sobre ditaduras, o texto descreve uma dinâmica histórica que acontece após revoluções, onde após uma revolução uma ditadura é estabelecida. Ele não diz se isso é certo ou errado, apenas constata que na história as coisas acontecem assim. Procure o termo ditadura do proletariado para entender o que ele diz com ditadura.
Enfim, esse texto não mostra que eles eram racistas, apenas descreve dinâmicas e como essas dinâmicas poderiam vir a ser superadas. Falar que eles são racistas por causa desse texto é pânico moral total.
The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution.
Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800.
Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos.
Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development.
But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names.
The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians.
Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
@@thiagolintzmaia3807 RESPONDE > VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o NAZISMO IGUAL como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem???
Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol?????
QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849
But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849
“We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849
“Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853
Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859)
VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake."
From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850).
"Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto.
"From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)."
PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!! "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror."
"The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat."
- Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
Quem não era kkkkk
Nesse período todo mundo era racista.
Marx e Darwin não eram racistas, é mentira desse pilantra, Pirula, inclusive, fez um longo video refutando essa tese referente a Darwin, e Marx, bom, há material farto sobre como ele entendia a igualdade étnico racial, não a toa as propagandas igualitarias da união sovietica num tempo onde o ocidente era dominado por supremacistas e nazistas, literalmente.
Boa, passa mais pano aí
Todo mundo protestante, os católicos não eram racistas, no caso. Chesterton por exemplo era totalmente contrário ao Apartheid inglês. E nessa época também não havia racismo e eugenia nos países católicos, como o Brasil inclusive.
Não era não, ja tinha escritores brasileiros e europeus que ja lutavam contra o racismo na época
E quem não era racista e machista neste época? E quem não é racista e machista ainda hoje não e mesmo? Dispenso qualquer fonte fonte nessa questão. Agora, sobre Marx defender EUA em sua soberania sobre o Mexico, faço questã de ler sim!
E eu pensando que conhecia as posições de Marx que derrubam todo o "edifício" acadêmico socialista. Essa pérola da época da guerra EUA versus México eu desconhecia. Mas sabendo do racismo dele, essa seria uma posição esperada. Esse Marcelo Andrade leu muito material. A fonte citada eu nunca tinha ouvido falar. Impressionante esse cara.
Não concordo com as posições do canal orientação marxista, mas ele tem um dos vídeos onde debate sobre o "Marx racista" e inclusive fala disso, recomendo pra quem quer ver um contraponto.
Fato,esse video é ótimo
NAO FOGE E RESPONDE, VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o *NAZISMO* *IGUAL* como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem???
Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol?????
QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849
But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849
“We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849
“Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853
Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859)
VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake."
From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850).
"Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto.
"From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)."
*PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!!* "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror."
"The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat."
- Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
@@markrock442 pqp essas fontes são mais confiaveis que nota de 7 reais
@@Kuznetsov9088 acho q o cara apagou p comentario sksksks
@@Kuznetsov9088 MARX FUNDAMENTOU O NAZISMO GENOCIDA NAZISTA!! Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt."
The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution.
Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800.
Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos.
Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development.
But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names.
The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians.
Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
me surpreende um historiador falar esse caminhão de atrocidade
Companheiro, eu não acho que o Marx era racista, mas que o Marx apoiou a invasão estadunidense contra os mexicanos, provavelmente apoiando a industrialização, é fato. Se liga nesse trecho escrito por Marx na Gazeta Renana:
"Bakunin censura os americanos por fazerem uma guerra de conquista que é seguramente um golpe duro na teoria fundada na justiça e na humanidade, mas que é conduzida unicamente no interesse da humanidade. É uma infelicidade se a rica Califórnia foi arrancada dos mexicanos preguiçosos que não sabiam o que fazer com ela? Se os enérgicos yankees, graças à exploração das minas de ouro daquela região, aumentam as vias de comunicação, concentram sobre a costa do Pacífico em alguns anos uma população densa e um comércio em expansão, criam grandes cidades, abrem linhas marítimas, estabelecem uma via férrea de Nova York a San Francisco, abrem pela primeira vez o oceano Pacífico à civilização e pela terceira vez na história dão uma nova orientação ao comércio mundial? A independência de alguns californianos ou texanos espanhóis pode sofrer com isso, a justiça e outros princípios morais podem ser feridos: isto conta diante de tais realidades que são o domínio da história universal?" (Marx in Neue Rheinische Zeitung)
Obs: Já fui marxista, ainda tenho certa simpatia por Marx, mas hoje sou anarquista. Foi através de um antigo militante anarquista que conheci essa tradução/texto. E outra, odeio demais a direita.
Ele não é historiador, é advogado
Professor Marcelo é muito fera!!!
Mentira não tem nenhum texto , falando isso, o cara é tão fraco que diz: "Um texto que eu não lembro" rsrs, uma vergonha o cara jogando um fake news na caruda.
esse pessoal que critica o marx é sempre no campo da moralidade e nunca vai debater sobre a obra do cara em si (pq nunca leram e nunca estudaram) e quando vao debater no campo da moralidade eles conseguem mentir descaradamente
Esse "Professor" nunca leu Marx e Engels, ele só pega coisa do Wikipedia ou do instituto Mises. O cara vai e me fala que Marx achava errado o patrão explorar o empregado, sendo que Marx nunca fez juízo de valor no livro O capital, e é justamente por ser materialista e entender o mundo a partir do mundo, coisa que esse senhor passou longe de entender.
É por que a obra dele já fala por si, o resultado é só merda ao redor do planeta.
Sugiro uma correção ao título do vídeo, pois esse cara não é professor de história... Ele vende um curso que tem história no nome, mas não é um historiador, graduado em história. O curso dele é sobre religião.
Chamar ele de professor de história é o mesmo que dizer que Copo Americano foi criado nos EUA.
Zero referencias, como que um profissional da educação fala uma parada dessa e não apresenta nenhuma provas? Assim fica difícil
mas ele falou do Rheinische Zeitung
Ele citou referências, mas cabe a você, preguiçoso, tirar o cu da cadeira e ir atrás.
A fonte tá nos livros dele. Se tu quer a fonte primária tu n vai achar em vídeo de podcast
Tem de ver o podcast todo e procurar também as fontes do cara.
O cara basicamente citou uns 5 pensadores, meu Deus.
Primeiro que o texto sobre o México é de Engels não de Marx.
'Na América testemunhamos a conquista do México e nos regozijamos com isso. É um progresso que um país que até agora esteve envolvido exclusivamente nos seus próprios assuntos, perpetuamente dividido por guerras civis e completamente prejudicado no seu desenvolvimento, um país cuja melhor perspectiva era tornar-se industrialmente sujeito à Grã-Bretanha, seja forçado a entrar no processo histórico. É do interesse do seu próprio desenvolvimento que o México seja colocado sob a tutela dos Estados Unidos no futuro. A evolução de toda a América beneficiará do facto de os Estados Unidos, através da posse da Califórnia, obterem o comando do Pacífico' ( 1847). Não preciso dizer que essa visão do Engels não é a de Marx. E que nós primeiros textos eles tinham uma visão do papel civilizados do capitalismo, posição que muda com os texto de maturidade. Avisa esse sujeito que o capital de Marx termina com o capítulo sobre a colonização
F9da q eu acabei de ler "O capital, volume 3 - tomo 1" e me aparece isso, tô me sentindo espionado.
Tu pesquisou algo relacionado a Marx no Google ou no UA-cam? Caso sim, n precisa se preocupar não, é só o algoritmo do UA-cam tentando te prender á plataforma mesmo...
@@mechamedeneno nem pesquisei kkkkkk
Tô com o livro físico.
@@natanhenrique9951 tá ligado que tem aquela coisa de que se tu falar sobre uma coisa em voz alta perto do celular, tipo um produto, começa a aparecer coisa sobre isso no Google? Então, se tu falou sobre o livro em voz alta perto do celular, isso tbm conta
11:59 - Caraca, Marx, essa fala sua aqui é racista, ein?
00:00 - "youtube recomenda Cortes do À Deriva".
Muito bom!
Muito bom pra quem é retardado
É tanta desonestidade que atribui ao Marx uma crítica que nem entra em contradição com o seu trabalho. O trabalho dele nunca foi sobre a raça humana e sim sobre o capitalismo.
poh, Nao precisa fazer um trabalho sobre a raca humana para ser racista.
Você precisa ler as cartas trocadas entre Engels e Marx. Racismo, homofobia, anti-semita...extermínio de povos inteiros. Precisa vê!
Marx e Engels RACISTAS contra os LATINOS, NEGROS E HOMOSSEXUAIS!!!!!! E ainda assim muitos latinos seguem chupando as bolas deles: Regarding Mexicans, during the Mexican-American War, he wrote: “Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history.” But then he asks, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?”
And Engels, the co-author of the famed (or infamous) “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” added: “In America, we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.”
Marx in a July 1862 letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle, >>>Marx wrote, “It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a n***.
@@robertopalma8351 Exato, se tu tira 0 em biologia e 10 em geografia, você errou na geografia?
Oh, Não fale mal do meu deus vagamundo Marx, é tudo mentira, vc é herege, deus dos vagabundos Marx é perfeito. VTC
Ih, vai tomar um sacode do Ian nas idéia, Ja ja volto. E com pipoca.
Quanta desonestidade intelectual kkk
Macho. O cara meteu o foda-se em tudo. Beleza que fontes não serve para nada menos que uma forma de consultar oq foi dito, mas nem isso o cara faz. ele mete o foda-se e só saí falando tudo que vem na telha. Dizer que "TÁ LÁ NOS Artigos DA GAZETA RENANA" ou " NO JORNAL DE NEW YORK QUE EU NÃO LEMBROU O NOME" não é fonte nem aqui nem casa do caralho. Peço para que busquem as referências e provem como 1 + 1 é dois que existe citações de Marx com essa conotação.
Obs: pegar o textinho do site gazeta do povo no google não vale viu
Mas já adianto logo que não vão encontrar kkkkk. O máximo vai ser um texto do gazeta do povo "os pais do comunismo eram racista" ou "sete citações racistas de líderes e pensadores comunistas" que literalmente não apresentam porra nenhuma de fonte. E reiterando oq disse: fontes só servem para CONSULTA. Fonte não garante veracidade
Isso é um podcast amigo, e não uma entrevista da Rede Globo. Tu queres que a cada disjunção do professor ele cite uma fonte
Gente é tanta mentira que esse cara diz com o maior descaramento!
@@Senhor_Bolacha Para começar todo o anacronismo dele, ou seja não se julga o passado pelos valores de hoje.
@@niniasemira2269 Exatamente, nós julgamos o passado pela visão da Igreja Católica que é eterna.
@@Senhor_Bolacha Não existe visão eterna.
@@Senhor_Bolacha A Igreja Católica tem no máximo 2000 mil anos, não é eterna.
Não defendendo Marx, mas o que importa para a humanidade é o trabalho dele, o resto é ad hominem.
Aquele relativismo de leve
@@JonatasDias7 Não é relativismo, uma coisa é a obra, outra coisa é a pessoa. São duas coisas diferentes. Se eu assar um bolo perfeito e cuspir num mendigo, o bolo não deixa de ser bom.
Concordo. Embora a cultura "woke" - derivada do Marxismo -, junta com os próprios marxistas/revolucionários, não medem esforços para vincular qualquer falha pessoal de personalidades "de direita" às ideologias de seus opositores ideológicos. Qualquer coisa se torna uma desculpa para alguém ser chamado de "nazista".
@@Redshief1 É isso cara. Eu concordo muito contigo. Mas eu entendo que essa cultura Woke é muito bem aproveitada pelos próprios capitalistas (globo, disney) e gente de esquerda fica numa preguiça mental e acabam chamando todo mundo de racista, nazista. Ai os caras da extrema-direita aproveitam pra detonar a esquerda.
Eu prefiro acreditar no Professor Elias Jabour. Esse senhor deve ser estudado de forma psiquiátrica.
Não acredite em nenhum dos 2, vá e busque as informações por sua própria conta, nada impede de um dos 2 manipularem ou deturparem fatores históricos.
Eu conheço muito bem a forma como ele consegue enganar os outros, qualquer frase por mais ignorante intolerante e sem sentido que for, sempre falada com um tom de confiança, utilizando da norma culta da língua portuguesa, parecendo que conhece o assunto, pode sim e muito parecer inteligente mas se prestar atenção no que ele fala, você vai perceber que ele não fala nada com nada
Marx era defensor ferrenho do norte na guerra civil americana. Escreveu mais de um livro sobre isso. Esse professor tem uma visão muito enviesado da parada
Na miséria da filosofia Marx mostra exatamente uma luta contra o racismo. Não cabe racismo no marxismo, pois é um método de análise que põem abaixo qualquer concepção de verdade absoluta, ordem natural, e diferenças de raças. Quando Marx estava falando dos EUA e da constituição ele faz uma ironia dizendo sobre todos serem iguais perante a lei e a Deus, mas ao mesmo tempo existir escravos, mas esse professor aí vai e solta essas merdas aí.
nao faz o mínimo sentido marx ter dito algo tao positivista assim KKKKKKKKKK
Como ele disse, Marxismo é contraditório. Ideologias são contraditórias.
NAO FOGE E RESPONDE, VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o NAZISMO IGUAL como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem???
Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol?????
QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849
But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849
“We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849
“Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853
Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859)
VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake."
From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850).
"Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto.
"From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)."
PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!! "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror."
"The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat."
- Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
@@markrock442 eu sei que eh um bot, mas eu sou marxista amigo apoio tudo isso
@@lucaspvx7277 EXATO VC APOIA OS RACISTAS MARX E ENGELS Q DIZIAM Q OS NEGROS E LATINOS ERAM BURROS E DEVIAM SER EXTERMINADOS COM TODOS OS POVOS LIXOS! In his 1877 Notes to Anti-Dühring, Engels elaborated on the subject of race, observing “that the inheritance of acquired characteristics extended … from the individual to the species.” He went on, “If, for instance, among us mathematical axioms seem self-evident to every eight-year-old child and in no need of proof from evidence that is solely the result of ‘accumulated inheritance.’ It would be difficult to teach them by proof to a bushman or to an Australian Negro.”
Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt."
The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution.
Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800.
Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos.
Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development.
But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names.
The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians.
Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os RACISTAS ASSASSINOS pais do COMUNISMO ENGELS e MARX!!! Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849
EXATO VC APOIA OS RACISTAS MARX E ENGELS Q DIZIAM Q OS NEGROS E LATINOS ERAM BURROS E DEVIAM SER EXTERMINADOS COM TODOS OS POVOS LIXOS! In his 1877 Notes to Anti-Dühring, Engels elaborated on the subject of race, observing “that the inheritance of acquired characteristics extended … from the individual to the species.” He went on, “If, for instance, among us mathematical axioms seem self-evident to every eight-year-old child and in no need of proof from evidence that is solely the result of ‘accumulated inheritance.’ It would be difficult to teach them by proof to a bushman or to an Australian Negro.”
Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt."
The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a former population that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution.
Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800.
Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos.
Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development.
But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names.
The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians.
Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os RACISTAS ASSASSINOS pais do COMUNISMO ENGELS e MARX!!! Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress." The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849
Séc 20 alguém não ser racista tá mentindo...
Vendo a parte dele passando pano para país imperialista, já sabemos a quem serve
O professor é totalmente contrário à Rússia, EUA, Inglaterra e esses países liberais. Basta assistir os conteúdos dele
Cadê a materialidade histórica? Onde tá falando disso?
Cadê a fonte?
Da para ver a alegria do mane falando como se fosse verdade.
Não defendendo as ideias dele , mas ele citou uma fonte no vídeo , artigos da "gazeta renana" Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels , agora se o que ele diz realmente é verdade só pesquisando pra saber.
"Na América presenciamos a conquista do México, fato que muito nos agradou. Constitui um progresso, também, que um país ocupado até o presente exclusivamente consigo mesmo, arrasado por perpétuas guerras civis e impedido de todo o desenvolvimento, um país que na melhor das hipóteses estava a ponto de cair na vassalagem industrial da Inglaterra, que um país semelhante seja lançado pela violência ao movimento histórico. É no interesse de seu próprio desenvolvimento que o México estará no futuro sob a tutela dos Estados Unidos. É no interesse do desenvolvimento de toda a América que os Estados Unidos, mediante a ocupação da Califórnia, obtêm o predomínio sobre o Oceano Pacífico”
(Marx & Engels. Collected Works: Volume 6. "The Movements of 1847", p. 520)
E Bakunin acusará os americanos de uma "guerra de conquista" que, embora represente um duro golpe em sua teoria baseada na "justiça e na humanidade", foi travada total e exclusivamente no interesse da civilização? Ou talvez seja lamentável que a esplêndida Califórnia tenha sido tirada dos preguiçosos mexicanos, que nada podiam fazer com ela? Que os enérgicos ianques, pela rápida exploração das minas de ouro da Califórnia, aumentarão os meios de circulação, em poucos anos concentrarão uma densa população e um amplo comércio nos lugares mais convenientes da costa do Oceano Pacífico, criarão grandes cidades, abrirão comunicações por navio a vapor, construirão uma ferrovia de Nova York a São Francisco, pela primeira vez realmente abrir o Oceano Pacífico à civilização e, pela terceira vez na história, dar uma nova direção ao comércio mundial? A "independência" de alguns californianos e texanos espanhóis pode sofrer por causa disso,em alguns lugares a "justiça" e outros princípios morais podem ser violados; mas o que isso importa em comparação com tais fatos de importância histórica mundial?
Salientamos, aliás, que esta teoria da união fraterna universal dos povos, que apela indiscriminadamente à união fraterna independentemente da situação histórica e do estágio de desenvolvimento social de cada povo, já foi combatida pelos editores do Neue Rheinische Zeitung muito antes da revolução, e de fato em oposição aos seus melhores amigos, os democratas ingleses e franceses.
(Marx & Engels. Collected Works: Volume 8. "Democratic Pan-Slavism", p. 362)
Ele disse que o livro negro do Comunismo é uma fonte confiável kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, esse cara aí é outro Olavo de Carvalho.
@@Joao-md3sg ele chorou pela fonte, vc mando e ele sumiu 🤷
@@Joao-md3sg Fui mais adiante, decidi conferir o primeiro texto que você manda.
O texto foi escrito por Engels, não por Marx. Mesmo assim, considero tremenda desonestidade intelectual o que tu fez.
Lendo o texto inteiro, percebo que Engels acaba por debochar dos burgueses e seus efeitos. Uma parte muito óbvia mas que por algum motivo você excluiu:
"Não podemos conter um sorriso irônico quando observamos a terrível seriedade, o entusiasmo patético com que os burgueses se esforçam para alcançar seus objetivos. Eles realmente acreditam que estão trabalhando em seu próprio nome! Eles são tão míopes que imaginam que, por meio de seu triunfo, o mundo assumirá sua configuração final. No entanto, nada é mais claro do que eles estão em toda parte preparando o caminho para nós, para os democratas e comunistas; do que isso, eles ganharão no máximo alguns anos de diversão conturbada, apenas para serem imediatamente derrubados. Atrás deles está o proletariado por toda parte, às vezes participando de seus esforços e em parte de suas ilusões, como na Itália e na Suíça, às vezes silencioso e reservado, mas preparando secretamente a derrubada da burguesia, como na França e na Alemanha"
Ao meu ver, ou você não sabe interpretar Engels ou REALMENTE foi desonesto com uma citação tirada de contexto.
No fim, deixo claro que essa hipótese de Engels foi descartada (na época, Marx e Engels acreditava que o comunismo só poderia ser construído em países desenvolvidos)
Este julgamento não foi final, no entanto. Mais tarde, após um estudo mais profundo da história das conquistas coloniais e da resistência das massas oprimidas à dominação colonial, Engels enfatizou a natureza libertadora e progressiva da luta dos povos oprimidos contra o sistema colonial capitalista que ajudou a criar condições favoráveis para a classe trabalhadora derrubar o sistema capitalista. Foi sob esse ponto de vista, em particular, que ele descreveu o movimento de libertação dos argelinos no artigo “Argélia”
Pelo amor de Deus gente, o cara defende o colonialismo, relativizou o genocídio indígena, vocês vão mesmo acreditar nele?
Claro, ele é professor de historia! No dia em que os comunas participaram, qualquer pessoa q discordasse no chat era automaticamente tratada com descredito, segundo os fãs ninguém podia discorda, todos deveriam acreditar sem titubear, sabe pq? Pq eles eram formados em história.
@@augustus4900 kkkkkkkkkk agora responde minha pergunta
Tu tá falando do Hobsbawm?
Já respondi. Sim, vou acreditar, ele é formado em história. Assim como vou acreditar nos comunas, mesmo q eles digam o absoluto oposto, até pq são todos formados em histórias. Os portugas mataram todos os índios e nenhum ao mesmo tempo.
@@augustus4900 argumento de autoridade é uma falacia, mas, sim, alguem formado academicamente aprende referencias bibliograficas, diferente do pilantra do corte ai, que não cita nada, só fake news sem referencia na historiografia.
O que é belo na colonia de povoamento enquanto dizima a população local? Uma é de exploração e a outra exterminação.
Ambas expulsam a população local, esse negócio de colônia de povoamento não existe. Colonização é colonização.
@@dimarcinho exatamente
textos de Marx e Engels ao New York daily Entre 1860 e 1869, Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels
quero ver uma prova q darwin era racista
Todo mundo era racista naquela época
ele fala em outro corte
@@rockdasher Darwin não era, ele se opos diversas vezes, e era uma das unicas vozes que defendia existir apenas UMA RAÇA HUMANA, Darwin racista é igual nazismo de esquerda, terraplanismo social
@@rockdasher Darwin racista? Quero fonte.
"Tem muita contradição no marxismo" como se o Marxismo fosse o mesmo que a história de vida da pessoa Karl Marx em todos os seus momentos. Todos somos cheios de contradições, Michael Jackson fez músicas extraordinárias e era um tarado em outro momento. Nem por isso o álbum Thriller deixa de ser importante.
Michael Jackson tarado? Onde tu viu isso?
@@yuriramos9937 Eu não vi, graças a deus
Só que o Michael Jackson não ficava cagando regra de como o mundo deveria ser!
a contradição só está no âmbito social. Completamente contraditório
@@465400 então só ta falando bosta msm? Entendi
Meu deus nunca vi tanta mentira na minha vida kkkk😂😂😂😂
Outro Olavo de Carvalho
Ele não sabe o nome de ninguém
Marx tinha influência direta do Darwin. O próprio demônio teve conversas ao pé do ouvido com muitos deles, Marx, Angels, Darwin, Kardec, não divides.
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk CADA LOKO
OS JUMENTOS DEFENDENDO ASSASSINOS HOMOFOBICOS RACISTAS Q NAO GOSTAVAM DE NEGROS LATINOS E JUDEUS!! hahahaah *Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress."* Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os RACISTAS ASSASSINOS pais do COMUNISMO ENGELS e MARX!!! *Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress."* The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish *Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races,* neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
In his 1877 Notes to Anti-Dühring, Engels elaborated on the subject of race, observing “that the inheritance of acquired characteristics extended … from the individual to the species.” He went on, “If, for instance, among us mathematical axioms seem self-evident to every eight-year-old child and in no need of proof from evidence that is solely the result of ‘accumulated inheritance.’ It would be difficult to teach them by proof to a bushman or to an Australian Negro.”
Marx e Engels RACISTAS contra os LATINOS, NEGROS E HOMOSSEXUAIS!!!!!! E ainda assim muitos latinos seguem chupando as bolas deles: Regarding Mexicans, during the Mexican-American War, he wrote: “Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history.” But then he asks, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?”
And Engels, the co-author of the famed (or infamous) “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” added: “In America, we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.”
Marx in a July 1862 letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle, >>>Marx wrote, “It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a n***.
Infelizmente a discriminação está presente em toda a humanidade, mesmo nas mentes dos lideres libertadores da nossa consciência aprisionada.
Carregamos todas as contradições dentro de nós mesmos. Isso só reforça a necessidade que temos de vencer as guerras interiores e de nos consciencializarmos que há uma luta de classes a decorrer há milénios.
Ninguém solta a mão de ninguém. Cresceremos. Venceremos.
Obrigado por tudo, tio Marx ❤️❤️❤️
Marx e Engels RACISTAS contra os LATINOS, NEGROS E HOMOSSEXUAIS!!!!!! E ainda assim muitos latinos seguem chupando as bolas deles: Regarding Mexicans, during the Mexican-American War, he wrote: “Without violence, nothing is ever accomplished in history.” But then he asks, “Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?”
And Engels, the co-author of the famed (or infamous) “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” added: “In America, we have witnessed the conquest of Mexico and have rejoiced at it. It is to the interest of its own development that Mexico will be placed under the tutelage of the United States.”
Marx in a July 1862 letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle, >>>Marx wrote, “It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a n***.
MARX FUNDAMENTOU O NAZISMO GENOCIDA NAZISTA!! Posen Köln, 28. Abril 1849 Neue Rheinische Zeitung "We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the POLISH JEWS as well, although this MEANEST OF ALL RACES, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt."
The Magyar Struggle, by Engels from Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 194, January 13, 1849
There is no country in Europe which does not have in some corner or other one or several ruined racial trash, the remnant of a *former population* that was suppressed and held in bondage by the nation which later became the main vehicle of historical development. These relics of a nation mercilessly trampled under foot in the course of history, as Hegel says, these racial trash always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution.
Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800.
Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos.
Such, in Austria, are the *pan-Slavist Southern Slavs,* who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development.
But at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the *Slav barbarians.* The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names.
The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.
"POVOS LIXOS DEVEM SER EXTERMINADOS!!!!!" Segundo os pais do comunismo ENGELS e APROVACAO DE MARX!!! Such, in Scotland, are the Gaels, the supporters of the Stuarts from 1640 to 1745.
Such, in France, are the Bretons, the supporters of the Bourbons from 1792 to 1800. Such, in Spain, are the Basques, the supporters of Don Carlos. Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the racial trash, resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians.
*Until its COMPLETE EXTERMINATION or loss of national status, this RACIAL TRASH always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution... The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also ENTIRE reactionary PEOPLES to DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH. And that too is progress."* Karl Marx, 1849, Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
ELES SEGUEM OS RACISTAS ASSASSINOS MARX E ENGELS: “OS JUDEUS SAO A RACA MAIS SUJA DE TODAS!!!!!” “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish *Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races,* neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 28. Apr. 1849
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
NAO FOGE E RESPONDE, VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o *NAZISMO* *IGUAL* como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem???
Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol?????
QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849
But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849
“We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849
“Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853
Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859)
VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake."
From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850).
"Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto.
"From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)."
*PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!!* "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror."
"The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat."
- Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
NAO FOGE E RESPONDE, VOCE APOIA OU E' CONTRA O MARXISMO que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Pode-se alguem pregar inclusive nas escolas e fundar um partido como o NAZISMO IGUAL como fazem com as ideias do Marx e Engels que ORDENAM PARTIDO UNICO, EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? Voce e' a favor????
Ou seja se alguem ou ALGUM PARTIDO POLITICO prega EXTERMINAR POVOS, violencia, terrorismo, racismo contra negros e latinos, e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial..... para voce ta tudo bem???
Novamente pergunto e sei que voces JAMAIS vao responder, voces ensinam que o marxismo e' anti-democratico, genocida, racista, terrorista, violento, assassino, anti-liberdade de expressao, anti-liberdade de imprensa, anti-religiao, anti.liberdade de partido, autoritario, ditatorial.....??? ......ou ESCONDEM e mostram so' a versao "SOFT civilizada" como faz a Manuela Davila e o Psol?????
QUEM FUNDAMENTOU O HOLOCAUSTO DO SOCIALISTA HITLER!!! “We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849
But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these ‘crimes’ of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.” - Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849
“We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung”, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849
“Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” - Karl Marx, “Forced Emigration”, New York Tribune 1853
Esses cães de democratas e ralé liberal verão que somos os únicos sujeitos que não foram estupidificados pelo medonho período de paz.” - Karl Marx a Friedrich Engels (Carta, 25 de fevereiro de 1859)
VIOLENCIA TERROR "[The working class] must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake."
From Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850).
"Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions (e.g. bourgeois democracy)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The Communists support everywhere every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order (e.g. including in established democracies)."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, conclusion.
"The immediate aim of the Communists is the ... conquest of political power by the proletariat."
From Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto.
"From the first moment of victory, we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies (i.e., democratic forces)."
PT e PCdoB ANTI DEMOCRATICOS!!!!! "Democracy is of great importance for the working class in its struggle for freedom against the capitalists. But democracy is by no means a limit one may not overstep; it is only one of the stages in the course of development from feudalism to capitalism, and from capitalism, to communism."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 136, 1848): "There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror."
Karl Marx (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849):"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror."
"The workers... must try as much as ever possible to counteract all bourgeois attempts at appeasement, and compel the democrats to carry out their present terrorist phrases. They must act in such a manner that the revolutionary excitement does not collapse immediately after the victory. On the contrary, they must maintain it as long as possible. Far from opposing so-called excesses, such as sacrificing to popular revenge of hated individuals or public buildings to which hateful memories are attached, such deeds must not only be tolerated, but their direction must be taken in hand, for examples' sake. ...from the first moment of victory we must no longer direct our distrust against the beaten reactionary enemy, but against our former allies [the democratic forces], against the party who are now about to exploit the common victory for their own ends only. ... The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff, to put themselves under the order, not of the [new] Government, but of the revolutionary authorities set up by the workers. ... Destruction of the influence of bourgeois democracy over the workers ...[is a main point] which the proletariat, and therefore also the League, has to keep in eye during and after the coming upheaval. be able effectively to oppose the petty bourgeois democracy. In order that [the democratic party] whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat."
- Karl Marx "Address to the Communist League" March 1850
“Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.” - Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
Kkkk pqp
Marx imperialista? Que porra é essa que eu tô vendo?!
É o que um reacionário é capaz de fazer.
Tá vendo os escritos de Marx e Engels:
"Na América presenciamos a conquista do México, fato que muito nos agradou. Constitui um progresso, também, que um país ocupado até o presente exclusivamente consigo mesmo, arrasado por perpétuas guerras civis e impedido de todo o desenvolvimento, um país que na melhor das hipóteses estava a ponto de cair na vassalagem industrial da Inglaterra, que um país semelhante seja lançado pela violência ao movimento histórico. É no interesse de seu próprio desenvolvimento que o México estará no futuro sob a tutela dos Estados Unidos. É no interesse do desenvolvimento de toda a América que os Estados Unidos, mediante a ocupação da Califórnia, obtêm o predomínio sobre o Oceano Pacífico”
(Marx & Engels. Collected Works: Volume 6. "The Movements of 1847", p. 520)
E Bakunin acusará os americanos de uma "guerra de conquista" que, embora represente um duro golpe em sua teoria baseada na "justiça e na humanidade", foi travada total e exclusivamente no interesse da civilização? Ou talvez seja lamentável que a esplêndida Califórnia tenha sido tirada dos preguiçosos mexicanos*, que nada podiam fazer com ela? Que os enérgicos ianques, pela rápida exploração das minas de ouro da Califórnia, aumentarão os meios de circulação, em poucos anos concentrarão uma densa população e um amplo comércio nos lugares mais convenientes da costa do Oceano Pacífico, criarão grandes cidades, abrirão comunicações por navio a vapor, construirão uma ferrovia de Nova York a São Francisco, pela primeira vez realmente abrir o Oceano Pacífico à civilização e, pela terceira vez na história, dar uma nova direção ao comércio mundial? A "independência" de alguns californianos e texanos espanhóis pode sofrer por causa disso,em alguns lugares a "justiça" e outros princípios morais podem ser violados; mas o que isso importa em comparação com tais fatos de importância histórica mundial?
Salientamos, aliás, que esta teoria da união fraterna universal dos povos, que apela indiscriminadamente à união fraterna independentemente da situação histórica e do estágio de desenvolvimento social de cada povo, já foi combatida pelos editores do Neue Rheinische Zeitung muito antes da revolução, e de fato em oposição aos seus melhores amigos, os democratas ingleses e franceses.
(Marx & Engels. Collected Works: Volume 8. "Democratic Pan-Slavism", p. 362)
Misses> Marxs
@Gaiofato @Ianfneves @Luidematos @Soberana @Lenin @Marx *análise*
Fonte: Arial 12
Se você não consegue refutar, melhor nem se manifestar, pra não falar merda
@@guilhermeguimaraes8726 Aqui uma fonte primária para você:
O Capital
Livro Primeiro: O processo de produção do capital
Terceira Secção: A Produção da mais-valia absoluta
Oitavo capítulo: O dia de trabalho
7. A luta pelo dia de trabalho normal. Repercussão da legislação fabril inglesa noutros países.
“o trabalho de pele branca não pode se emancipar onde o trabalho de pele negra é marcado a ferro”
Um análise de Marx e relação com a escravidão:
Mais alguma dúvida?
@@guilhermeguimaraes8726 Eu coloquei aqui as referências, ele apagou, hahahahha
Vou tentar novamente:
O Capital - Crítica da Economia Política, Karl Marx
Livro Primeiro: O processo de produção do capital
Terceira Secção: A Produção da mais-valia absoluta
Oitavo capítulo: O dia de trabalho
7. A luta pelo dia de trabalho normal. Repercussão da legislação fabril inglesa noutros países.
"O trabalho de pele branca não se pode emancipar onde o de pele negra é estigmatizado."
Vídeo para refutar essa palhaçada:
@@dimarcinho kkkkkkk safado ele