Difficult topic to talk about. You presented it well. It can all happen on any type of vacation. But true to your channel, everything you ever wanted to know about cruising.
‘At the outset Verna had not intended to kill anyone. What she had in mind was a vacation, pure and simple. Take a breather, do some inner accounting .. She’s had enough of men for a while.... But old habits die hard, and it’s not long before she’s casting an appraising eye over her fleece-clad fellow-travellers dithering with their wheely bags in the lobby of the first-night airport hotel. Passing over the women, she ear-tags the male members of the flock. Some have females attached to them, and she eliminates these on principle: why work harder than you need to?” - Margaret Atwood, ‘Stone Mattress’
A waiter once told us that the crew members go for long periods of time without seeing their family and friends because their contracts last for many, many months. Many become depressed. Unfortunately, jumpers are commonly distraught crew members. Please do a video about hard the jobs of the crew members are. They work hours on end, back to back shifts. No cruise guest should feel that gratuities are undeserved!
The service industry is incredibly tough and unforgiving, having worked in retail for over a decade. You can only bite your lip for so long, before being pushed to the edge of insanity. Kudos to all service industry employees for their hard work, I eventually worked within the stockrooms before leaving retailing for ever.
I used to work for Amtrak and knew people who worked on the Virginia-Florida Auto-Train, where you take your car with you. The clientele skews older, lots of "snow birds" going to/from winter homes in FL, and it's not uncommon to see more than 10 wheelchair-bound people boarding at once. So, it's not unheard of for someone not to make it to the end of the trip alive. It's become somewhat routine, maybe that's a bit harsh, but they know how to deal with it quietly.
I was in my kitchen away from the screen as you said DON'T EVER DO THAT (2:02), and my heart skipped a beat. I need that voice in my life while at work!! Fantastic edit.
My awesome kindergarten teacher, who retired after my class, passed away on an around the world cruise the just after I graduated from high school off the coast of South Korea. I do hope that she was near the end of her cruise instead of the beginning. I decided when I read her obituary that it was the ideal way to go.
It’s actually pretty common for older or ill cruisers to “plan” their passing while on a cruise. Our waiter said it happens more than we’d think. She said it’s like they “decide” it’s time to go…
I remember reading about the grandfather dropping his grandchild when it happened and as a mom, it broke my heart. I was literally crying because my daughter was around the same age and we were looking at booking a future cruise to take her on. I remember looking over at my partner and telling him to never lift her over the railing or even near it. I also worry about my kids drowning and having a balcony with kids. All it takes is a moment of inattention for an accident to happen, both on the ship and on land!
My sister's ex father in law slipped and fell in the shower, hitting his head and dying on a cruise. The cost incurred bringing his body back was astronomical. The cruise line refunded his cruise but not his wife's......
Excellent video again Emma, can't get much better as you are near perfect already 😂 I did wonder if you would mention the volcano in New Zealand incident. I live in the Tauranga region, where that happened. If White Island is having a busy time on a clear day, you can see the white clouds from it from the beach. It was a sad day when that happened, there are still 2 people that were never found. I think the ship was Ovation of the Seas, she stayed two nights if I remember, as a result of the incident, and got an amazing send off from locals when she left. Keep up the good work Emma!
My lovely neighbours, Doreen and Gordon used to love Cruising. They loved 'Oriana' best, but have done the QE2. Gordon had a heart attack whilst on a Cruise, and received excellent medical care in Spain. {Obviously, he would have had insurance} He was literally escorted back to their house in England by a private nurse! Sadly, a few years later, Gordon died in bed of a heart attack, painlessly, in his sleep, at home, next to his beloved wife. I miss them as neighbours, Doreen died a few years later, in her Nineties. Bless you, Doreen and Gordon, and you can now 'Cruise' wherever you like ..in the Ether ⚓🛳🙏💖
@@jeannemara1600 Sadly not...the Tortoise was bought in the 1950's so was likely born in the late 1940's and she died around 2010 so she was about 60-70 yrs old. She was a large and lovely tortoise. It was a lung infection that caused her to die...but she was very well looked after. They used to get her weighed and given health checks - hibernation of course is always risky. She was a Hermann's Tortoise. 🐢 {I found out that the tortoise was older than I thought as she was born in the 1940's} as was a biggish size in the 50's when she was bought for their son's 4th birthday.}
That bit from 2:04-2:07 is like...the most intense Emma video cutting ever lol. You've got a little bit of Hitchcock in you. Definitely woke me up. But I definitely agree with the message. Don't try to climb cruise ships!! Loving these videos even though I've never even considered going on a cruise ship.
A friend of mine was travelling outside the country for the first time, going to Pakistan to visit family. I asked him if he got travel insurance and he said his dad told him it's waste of money and he didn't need it. I told him that something could happen and he might need medical treatment or even repatriation back to Canada. While he was in Pakistan he was on a tour boat that sank in the ocean and he watched several people die as he floated on a drinks cooler. He told me that he remembered what I had said while he was floating in the ocean before being rescued by the Pakistan navy. The point is that you never know what might happen. Now he always gets travel insurance. It's a small price to pay.
Well done Emma difficult subject to talk about as usual straight to the point your presentation is 100% well researched as usual two people to trust on travel information you and Simon Calder thank you.
I made this video exactly to help. I read an article a while ago called 14 facts that’ll put you off cruising and number one was ‘people die’. I made this video to say well, of course they do. 30 million cruise per year 😂❤️
I own and operate a Mortuary Transport company. And they would not have to put them in a freezer but just a cooler of about 38 degrees. The will keep for 7 days
I've got a good friend who's sister was on a cruise in between New Zeeland and Australia (She lived in North Carolina, USA). She had a heart attack, passed away in her cabin, and wasn't found for several hours. Awful, AWFUL situation, and it took forever to get her body back to the US.
I think you glossed over the fact that Royal Caribbean did not tell their passengers that the volcanic activity on White Island was higher than usual (hell, volcanologists didn't go on the island during that time because they deemed it too dangerous and the cruise company didn't tell their passengers). There are many families affected who are still embroiled in lawsuits with them over that. It was their responsibility and it was negligence at best that they should be held accountable for.
@@EmmaCruises I didn't mean that you were minimising their role, just that it wasn't just random misfortune as presented in the video but could have been easily avoided with updated information presented to the passengers. :/
Very first cruise my husband and I went on in 2009 was a 16 day repo cruise with NCL on the Spirit. Boston to NOLA. There was a very large group on the ship from Germany. One of the places we stopped was Guatemala. The port was completely enclosed with two towers with armed officers and barbed wire on top of the stone wall. When we got off the ship to get on the bus for our excursion there were armed officers guiding us to our bus in the enclosure. Even with out speaking the language you could figure out things were dicey. One of the museums we went into was closed to public and we were locked in while there. When we got back the ship was to leave about 4 or 5 and we sat there for hours. The locals who were hired to sell items, food and sing in the enclosure for the day then sang to us from the dock saying goodbye they stayed whole time, in the dark. Later when we finally left we found out that two German fellows walked out on their own and rented a taxi. On the way back to the ship they asked to be dropped at a cemetery nearby to take pictures. A man came up to them and demanded their cameras, wallets etc. One man gave his and the other refused. He was shot, taken to hospital and 4 days later died in Guatemala. We found out from some Germans we had made friends with. It was very surreal and a bit shocking really.
The first cruise I went on was back in 1993 on the QE2. A transatlantic voyage. A woman died during the voyage and she had a young child, a daughter. The alarm was raised when someone noticed that the little girl was running up and down the corridor. Very sad.
Very well done! Thank you! Very informative. It's one of those things you wonder about and never really know.. And your haircut is so cute. I hope you wont mind my copying it. :)
We did a 14day cruise to PNG a few years back and the average age of the passengers was even older than usual. It had 5 'Operation Rising Stars. Yep that's right, 5 deaths, all of natural causes. It was handled by Princess very well and only a handful of us passengers knew about it.
When I was 7 the person two cabins along from me on the MV Horizon (as the Island Star) passed away. She was only a young woman and had an infant daughter. It really affected my holiday I must admit but the cruise line hadled it perfectly.
Great job Emma. Now I suppose I will need to carry a body bag on my next cruise?? Seriously Emma you covered this topic very sensibly and with respect.
My first cruise involved installing some equipment as a contractor on Freedom of the Seas, back in 2007. By the time we got the job done we had docked in Cozumel, and my colleague decided to fly home from there. Screw that, I thought, I'll stay on board for the next five days and "test the equipment to ensure its reliability" or some such cover story that I can't exactly recall. We had to search the entire ship for some missing parts, and ended up in the hospital area where they proudly showed me their (empty) morgue refrigerator - could hold maybe four bodies. I noticed their price list included a fee for body bags - hundreds of dollars as I recall, which is cheeky since they only cost about $15 wholesale. Perhaps they were souvenir body bags with the Royal Caribbean logo? Anyway, got to see Haiti, Jamaica, and the Cayman Islands on the remainder of the cruise, then back to Miami and a flight home to LA.
@@EmmaCruises That could be a "budget cruising" tip for your next video: bring your own body bag so if someone in your party dies, the survivors demand that the cruise line use that body bag rather than the cruise line's $300 or whatever body bag! 😂
We were on a cruise once and the captain announced that we would be late leaving port due to someone having a heart attack and having to go to hospital and also get their belongings packed up etc from their cabin. We later found out a couple who hated their room upon hearing that announcement went straight to guest services to ask for that room.. the poor man probably wasn't even at A & E yet... The couples take was every cloud has a silver lining!!!
The thing about high profile (murders) vs. low profile (drowning in pool) deaths is SO true. I used to live at the beach in NC, and every year we had from 20 up to 50 people drown in the ocean. Very little was said about it: "A man drowned today at Emerald Isle." was about the total of the news report. But when someone died of shark attack, there would be a 15 minute segment about it, and I think the most we ever lost in one year to sharks was 7. BTW- I was on one Carnival cruise where I literally thought some people were going to drink themselves to death. Don't know if anyone ever did, but unlimited drinks is not always a good thing.
I was on a cruise once, and an EXTREMELY inebriated passenger was hitting on me, the other person in the group was trying to signal me and I thought SHE was hitting on me, but later she told me why she was signaling me to tell me that. Interestingly enough she told me that the woman was an alcoholic and had just had a liver transplant, kind of like the woman in the no smoking commercials who smokes through a hole in her throat.
I was on a cruise with my parents when I was eleven. We had three deaths during the cruise. An elderley man died of a heart attack, a young man dived from a higher deck into a swimming pool while drunk but did not realise the pool had been emptied and a crew member died during a life boat drill when he fell out of the life boat and was killed but the motor. It was a long cruise about 21 days. The ship was the Shaw Saville Northern Star
This was fantastic, I really like how your channel is evolving and I absolutely loved this vlog, so interesting. I've been watching a programme on sky about cruise ship killers, it's fantastic! X
In 1998 a older guy at the table next to us just went face down into his dinner plate, we just hear the thud and then screams of family members. Ship doctor came, CPR and paddles were tried before wheeling him out of the dining room. The next night a different family was at that table. That was my 2nd cruise. I'm now up to 30 cruises so I guess that did not frighten me off.
Actually Ive never been on a cruise, so matematically I have more chance to die on land. Great channel btw chees me up every time. Foind out about the channel during an illnes, the positive tone im sure helped me recover
In 2006 a friend of mine working as a bar waitress on Sun Princess died by a heart attack. She used to combine caffeine pills with Red Bull to be able to carry out her duties...I saw her dead body in the shower, an image that will be with me forever😔
My guess is that inattentive parents (accidents and drownings involving children) and inebriated, uninhibited adults account for the vast majority of accidental deaths onboard cruise ships. People need to take personal responsibility for their behavior and be held accountable rather than find some way to blame the cruise operator for failing to anticipate and prevent passengers’ irresponsibility.
The grandfather that dropped his grandchild ORIGINALLY was trying to file suit against RCCL as were the parents stating that RCCL should have had signs or some way of knowing the window was open. As cruisers, we ALL know when you are on the pool deck and the windows are open, there is a breeze and loud noises from the dock below. AND, on RCCL's older vessels like the FOS, the windows are tinted so it is obvious when the window is open. Also, the bottom windows area angled inwards so why didn't he just let the child look down? Sorry, didn't want to go to deep into the story but this story when it happened REALLY set me off.
There was grainy video of the grandfather holding the child out through the window shortly before he accidentally dropped her, and that shot down his defense. Still devastatingly sad.
Great video, as always. Wasn't the murder involving Lonnie Kocontes and Micki Kanesaki (he strangled his ex-wife and threw her overboard, body showed up later) a "pre-planned cruise ship murder?"
White island was a terrible tragedy for Aeotaroa ( New Zealand) the tour operators who were running it knew it wasn't safe but unfortunately still took them up there
I recently went on a cruise were someone “accidentally” ( I’m not entirely convinced that it was an accident) fell of the boat. Someone noticed he fell and they found his dead body in the water after 30 minutes of looking. They also sett of an alarm while looking (yes it was on for 30 minutes)They announced it in the morning and everyone took a moment of silence for him and his family.
Dark Emma, very dark ! :-) But fascinating and wonderfully handled with even some appropriate humor ! Can you have 'appropriate ' humor covering murder ??? 😂 Whatever you managed it ! ps Bingo can get very tense apparently 😂
I saw this video and I’ve been on a younger “30 something” for single, divorced & available passengers. The amount of alcohol and inhibitors lowered… I saw many passengers treated for alcohol poisoning and dehydration. And with the “meeting up” or “hooking up”(consensual romantic encounters) caused related stress and anxiety for men and women to see their previous sexual partner romantically into another single passenger. I thought it would be a nice way to be able to act socially but it was just more of a hedonistic meat market
I was on a 50 day Brazilian HAL trip when the second youngest person a young man in his twenties (the youngest was an 8 year old girl) drowned. He was not on a ship sanctioned tour instead his family took a cheap local tour. I was told by someone who knew his family that the shock of the coldness of the water when he dived in made him throw up in his snorkel mask and he suffocated that way, but a fellow passenger a nurse, who gave him mouth to mouth and chest compressions, said he was VERY drunk (he was on a drink package and it was noon when they took the cruise). The local crew of the boat did not know how to handle the situation, not CPR or any kind of emergency care before he was brought to the hospital. Believe you me, a ship sanctioned trip, would have had a tour leader/captain who would know what to do, probably the first thing is NOT allowing a very drunk passenger to snorkel. I felt so bad for to the mother as she was only 14 years older than her son, many girls of that age would have got an abortion but she loved her child very much to have him at that age.
Do you know my mom is a good swimmer she used to be a trainer for deaf people so if you are drowning, my mom is the hero even though she is 60 years old I’m sure she can still swim. I can swim pretty good.
I was listing to podcast I thank it was Behind the crew door but not sure. They told the story of a family getting on board the ship with Grandmother in a wheel chair she appeared to be sleeping or something. They all got on board. But the first night of the cruise Grandmother was found dead in her stateroom. The family decide to keep cruising and not get off the ship in the next port. I guess they left Grandmother where they kept dead bodies. Until the cruise was over. This sounds horrible it is very costly fly a dead body.
Most cruise pools about 5' deep, so the average adult will be able to stand up with his head above the water. You'd have to bump your head in order to drown since swimming isn't even necessary in these pools. There has been someone die on half the cruises I've been on. They are typically elderly people having heart attacks, so they would have likely died at home just as easily. It's hardly surprising when these offseason cruises are packed with hundreds of octogenarians.
What an emotionally delicate topic, handled very well. In a lighter view of the subject, I highly recommend one of my favorite Agatha Christie novels, "Death on the Nile." Hercule Poirot is able to solve a mystery involving a murder on a boat cruising on the Nile River in Egypt. Although it is a gruesome subject, it is actually a light and fairly fast read, and has an intriguing twist in the plot!
Actually these are good questions. When I was still in school, I noticed during a disaster drill that there wasn't a morgue or a place to put mass casulties, and, when I couldn't get an answer, I just tagged all incoming victims as dead. The following year they had a morgue.
We leave Monday for our third cruise… why do I seek these videos out before I leave?! I live in a resort town FULL of high rise hotels/condos and we lose multiple people every year from balcony falls… I’m overly paranoid on board. *One thing I noticed onboard Carnival Sunshine were the railings and the huge gaps between the bars that make up the railing. My 7 year old could EASILY fit in between them* Needless to say she stays on the inside of the yellow line on the deck…
get- you home insurance is vital. my mother-in-law was taken ill on the isle of man whilst she was treated under the Manx health service being elderly i had to sail out to get her to accompany her home that was a performance
I’m going on a carnival cruise next January but I’m not allowed to get their travel insurance because I live in the state of New York. Does anyone else have tips on what I can do that experiences restrictions based on place of residency?
Thanks for the presentation. I work in AK with the ships. I have seen the Ambulances come and grab the bodies. Truth that they do it very early in the morning if possible.. I did have someone Pass away on one of my transfers/(excursion) Def get Travel Insurance.
I suspect that the way some insurance companies have behaved during the pandemic people may be more reluctant to take out insurance on anything (insurance can be great, but only if the insurance company is willing to pay up when the worst happens).
@@chriswilliams6568 Some may have, but look at all the business owners who are being denied payouts on their business interruption insurance because the insurance companies claim it does not include pandemics (even where the policy clearly states otherwise), to the point where "With some claims more than a year old, Milan Pandya, a partner at tax and advisory firm Blick Rothenberg, suggested insurance companies are deliberately delaying assessments and leaving businesses to collapse to avoid any further potential payouts." - is this because all those companies lied on their application forms?
If I die on a cruise, be sure to ask my kids whether the line agreed to pro-rate the dining package, excursions, and tips. Not because my kids would ever request that, but because I now know to suggest in my will that they ask. Oh, and I'll have them get clarification on whether I was put in the morgue, or replaced ice cream, potatoes, other veggies, or thawing meat. Might as well get some answers to settle the comment discussions, so my death wouldn't have been in vain. ;-) I was on a cruise on the Canberra where we stopped in the middle of the Atlantic to bring a heart attack patient onboard from a Soviet commercial vessel. Fellow passengers, including a Canadian engineer in the cabin next to mine, built a defibrillator using parts from video recording electronics they had used to record the solar eclipse we had seen. This was in 1973. The rendezvous happened in the middle of the night, and it was quite something to watch a lifeboat or launch head out on the high seas to the other ship a few hundred yards away and bring the patient back.
On two different cruises we had a person die on each. Both were older and died of a heart attack. They both died in their cabin. With the first one the individual died in nis sleep. The cruise ship turned back to the port we left the evening before and the ship turned around and went back to the port we left the night before because there was an American Embassy there which could expedite getting the wife and her deceased husband back to the United States. The second occurred on the night before the ship pulled into the final stop in the U.S. It took hours before passengers could get off the ship because the U.S. Coast Guard came on board and wouldn’t let anyone disembark for hours as they investigated.
I went looking for a free clip of it, but couldn't find one. Season 4 of "CSI: Miami" had an episode called "Open Water" that dealt with a murder on a cruise ship in Miami.
I was on a cruise that actually had a morgue although a small one with a two body capacity. I was able to small talk a nurse into showing me while I was at medical. I couldn't imagine the pain that father would be going through i don't think charging him helped him much.
Difficult topic to talk about. You presented it well. It can all happen on any type of vacation. But true to your channel, everything you ever wanted to know about cruising.
Spot on!
Thanks so much! I thought a lot about if I should make this video but I’m glad I did and glad you enjoyed it! ❤️
‘At the outset Verna had not intended to kill anyone. What she had in mind was a vacation, pure and simple. Take a breather, do some inner accounting .. She’s had enough of men for a while.... But old habits die hard, and it’s not long before she’s casting an appraising eye over her fleece-clad fellow-travellers dithering with their wheely bags in the lobby of the first-night airport hotel. Passing over the women, she ear-tags the male members of the flock. Some have females attached to them, and she eliminates these on principle: why work harder than you need to?” - Margaret Atwood, ‘Stone Mattress’
@@davidmehnert6206 Sounds a good book...I'll look out for it! I loved ''Cat's Eye' by Attwood.
this is really important info! Glad you are addressing it - passports and insurance are things people don't want to deal with!
A waiter once told us that the crew members go for long periods of time without seeing their family and friends because their contracts last for many, many months. Many become depressed. Unfortunately, jumpers are commonly distraught crew members. Please do a video about hard the jobs of the crew members are. They work hours on end, back to back shifts. No cruise guest should feel that gratuities are undeserved!
They absolutely do, they work so hard. I try and get that across in all of my videos 😀❤️
The service industry is incredibly tough and unforgiving, having worked in retail for over a decade. You can only bite your lip for so long, before being pushed to the edge of insanity. Kudos to all service industry employees for their hard work, I eventually worked within the stockrooms before leaving retailing for ever.
I used to work for Amtrak and knew people who worked on the Virginia-Florida Auto-Train, where you take your car with you. The clientele skews older, lots of "snow birds" going to/from winter homes in FL, and it's not uncommon to see more than 10 wheelchair-bound people boarding at once. So, it's not unheard of for someone not to make it to the end of the trip alive. It's become somewhat routine, maybe that's a bit harsh, but they know how to deal with it quietly.
Maybe I need to binge watch Amtrak videos. I loved my Amtrak trip, and hopefully I can do a cruise someday.
I was in my kitchen away from the screen as you said DON'T EVER DO THAT (2:02), and my heart skipped a beat. I need that voice in my life while at work!! Fantastic edit.
Haha 🤣🤣🤣
I was staring at the screen and it still got me XD
Thanks for the reminder about medical evacuation travel insurance and the vendor link. That’s a great tip!
My awesome kindergarten teacher, who retired after my class, passed away on an around the world cruise the just after I graduated from high school off the coast of South Korea. I do hope that she was near the end of her cruise instead of the beginning.
I decided when I read her obituary that it was the ideal way to go.
It’s actually pretty common for older or ill cruisers to “plan” their passing while on a cruise. Our waiter said it happens more than we’d think. She said it’s like they “decide” it’s time to go…
I remember reading about the grandfather dropping his grandchild when it happened and as a mom, it broke my heart. I was literally crying because my daughter was around the same age and we were looking at booking a future cruise to take her on. I remember looking over at my partner and telling him to never lift her over the railing or even near it. I also worry about my kids drowning and having a balcony with kids. All it takes is a moment of inattention for an accident to happen, both on the ship and on land!
My sister's ex father in law slipped and fell in the shower, hitting his head and dying on a cruise. The cost incurred bringing his body back was astronomical. The cruise line refunded his cruise but not his wife's......
Excellent video again Emma, can't get much better as you are near perfect already 😂 I did wonder if you would mention the volcano in New Zealand incident. I live in the Tauranga region, where that happened. If White Island is having a busy time on a clear day, you can see the white clouds from it from the beach. It was a sad day when that happened, there are still 2 people that were never found. I think the ship was Ovation of the Seas, she stayed two nights if I remember, as a result of the incident, and got an amazing send off from locals when she left.
Keep up the good work Emma!
My lovely neighbours, Doreen and Gordon used to love Cruising. They loved 'Oriana' best, but have done the QE2.
Gordon had a heart attack whilst on a Cruise, and received excellent medical care in Spain. {Obviously, he would have had insurance}
He was literally escorted back to their house in England by a private nurse!
Sadly, a few years later, Gordon died in bed of a heart attack, painlessly, in his sleep, at home, next to his beloved wife.
I miss them as neighbours, Doreen died a few years later, in her Nineties.
Bless you, Doreen and Gordon, and you can now 'Cruise' wherever you like ..in the Ether ⚓🛳🙏💖
Very sweet comment about your neighbors. I can just imagine how wonderful they were.
@@Bright_Broccoli Thanks, they really were lovely. I used to feed their pet tortoise while they were away..the tortoise was about 50 yrs old. 🙂
Did the tortoise survive them?
@@jeannemara1600 Sadly not...the Tortoise was bought in the 1950's so was likely born in the late 1940's and she died around 2010 so she was about 60-70 yrs old. She was a large and lovely tortoise.
It was a lung infection that caused her to die...but she was very well looked after.
They used to get her weighed and given health checks - hibernation of course is always risky.
She was a Hermann's Tortoise. 🐢 {I found out that the tortoise was older than I thought as she was born in the 1940's} as was a biggish size in the 50's when she was bought for their son's 4th birthday.}
That bit from 2:04-2:07 is like...the most intense Emma video cutting ever lol. You've got a little bit of Hitchcock in you. Definitely woke me up. But I definitely agree with the message. Don't try to climb cruise ships!! Loving these videos even though I've never even considered going on a cruise ship.
A friend of mine was travelling outside the country for the first time, going to Pakistan to visit family. I asked him if he got travel insurance and he said his dad told him it's waste of money and he didn't need it. I told him that something could happen and he might need medical treatment or even repatriation back to Canada. While he was in Pakistan he was on a tour boat that sank in the ocean and he watched several people die as he floated on a drinks cooler. He told me that he remembered what I had said while he was floating in the ocean before being rescued by the Pakistan navy. The point is that you never know what might happen. Now he always gets travel insurance. It's a small price to pay.
So much fun listening to you, watching your videos. Even though I don’t ever imagine myself going on a cruise!
Well done Emma difficult subject to talk about as usual straight to the point your presentation is 100% well researched as usual two people to trust on travel information you and Simon Calder thank you.
Brilliant thanks John! ❤️❤️
Beautiful set...beautiful (inside and out) host. Your videos are so calming and reassuring. (And always interesting 🧐❤️!)
Ah thanks Emma. A nice happy cruise video to start my weekend off.. btw, on our last cruise 3 people died, plus 1 had to be airlifted off.
What??! 3 ppl? Omg never been on one and having a hard time getting the 15 year old to agree. Vids like this are not helping 🙃
I made this video exactly to help. I read an article a while ago called 14 facts that’ll put you off cruising and number one was ‘people die’. I made this video to say well, of course they do. 30 million cruise per year 😂❤️
Blimey! What a bad luck cruise. Which cruise line were you on?!
I own and operate a Mortuary Transport company. And they would not have to put them in a freezer but just a cooler of about 38 degrees. The will keep for 7 days
I've got a good friend who's sister was on a cruise in between New Zeeland and Australia (She lived in North Carolina, USA). She had a heart attack, passed away in her cabin, and wasn't found for several hours. Awful, AWFUL situation, and it took forever to get her body back to the US.
I think you glossed over the fact that Royal Caribbean did not tell their passengers that the volcanic activity on White Island was higher than usual (hell, volcanologists didn't go on the island during that time because they deemed it too dangerous and the cruise company didn't tell their passengers). There are many families affected who are still embroiled in lawsuits with them over that. It was their responsibility and it was negligence at best that they should be held accountable for.
I ‘glossed over the fact’, because I didn’t know that. Thanks for your comment. 😊💕
@@EmmaCruises I didn't mean that you were minimising their role, just
that it wasn't just random misfortune as presented in the video but could have been easily avoided with updated information presented to the passengers. :/
Many of the survivors suffered horrific, life-altering burns, too. Very sad.
"Pirates of the Caribbean doesn't count!" Too funny! Awesome research job for this video BTW!
Thanks JDS!! 😁❤️ Thanks for joining our live stream today!
Very first cruise my husband and I went on in 2009 was a 16 day repo cruise with NCL on the Spirit. Boston to NOLA. There was a very large group on the ship from Germany. One of the places we stopped was Guatemala. The port was completely enclosed with two towers with armed officers and barbed wire on top of the stone wall. When we got off the ship to get on the bus for our excursion there were armed officers guiding us to our bus in the enclosure. Even with out speaking the language you could figure out things were dicey. One of the museums we went into was closed to public and we were locked in while there. When we got back the ship was to leave about 4 or 5 and we sat there for hours. The locals who were hired to sell items, food and sing in the enclosure for the day then sang to us from the dock saying goodbye they stayed whole time, in the dark. Later when we finally left we found out that two German fellows walked out on their own and rented a taxi. On the way back to the ship they asked to be dropped at a cemetery nearby to take pictures. A man came up to them and demanded their cameras, wallets etc. One man gave his and the other refused. He was shot, taken to hospital and 4 days later died in Guatemala. We found out from some Germans we had made friends with. It was very surreal and a bit shocking really.
My goodness! What on earth.
The first cruise I went on was back in 1993 on the QE2. A transatlantic voyage. A woman died during the voyage and she had a young child, a daughter. The alarm was raised when someone noticed that the little girl was running up and down the corridor. Very sad.
Interesting take at a "special" aspect of cruising. You present it very well though. Good vlog Emma!!👍
Haha! Thanks Chris 😁❤️
Thank you for sharing this.
Very well done! Thank you! Very informative. It's one of those things you wonder about and never really know.. And your haircut is so cute. I hope you wont mind my copying it. :)
We did a 14day cruise to PNG a few years back and the average age of the passengers was even older than usual. It had 5 'Operation Rising Stars. Yep that's right, 5 deaths, all of natural causes. It was handled by Princess very well and only a handful of us passengers knew about it.
5! My goodness 🥺❤️
Did you get free ice cream?
Did they give out free ice-cream???😅😅
When I was 7 the person two cabins along from me on the MV Horizon (as the Island Star) passed away. She was only a young woman and had an infant daughter. It really affected my holiday I must admit but the cruise line hadled it perfectly.
This is something I have never thought about it, but I found it really interesting
Thanks for doing this 1
Great job Emma. Now I suppose I will need to carry a body bag on my next cruise?? Seriously Emma you covered this topic very sensibly and with respect.
I was thinking what would the option fee for a burial at sea yours truly Evans w Robinson ret sgt
My first cruise involved installing some equipment as a contractor on Freedom of the Seas, back in 2007. By the time we got the job done we had docked in Cozumel, and my colleague decided to fly home from there. Screw that, I thought, I'll stay on board for the next five days and "test the equipment to ensure its reliability" or some such cover story that I can't exactly recall. We had to search the entire ship for some missing parts, and ended up in the hospital area where they proudly showed me their (empty) morgue refrigerator - could hold maybe four bodies. I noticed their price list included a fee for body bags - hundreds of dollars as I recall, which is cheeky since they only cost about $15 wholesale. Perhaps they were souvenir body bags with the Royal Caribbean logo? Anyway, got to see Haiti, Jamaica, and the Cayman Islands on the remainder of the cruise, then back to Miami and a flight home to LA.
Oh goodness can you imagine!! 😂😂
@@EmmaCruises That could be a "budget cruising" tip for your next video: bring your own body bag so if someone in your party dies, the survivors demand that the cruise line use that body bag rather than the cruise line's $300 or whatever body bag! 😂
We were on a cruise once and the captain announced that we would be late leaving port due to someone having a heart attack and having to go to hospital and also get their belongings packed up etc from their cabin. We later found out a couple who hated their room upon hearing that announcement went straight to guest services to ask for that room.. the poor man probably wasn't even at A & E yet... The couples take was every cloud has a silver lining!!!
Oh my goodnesss 😁
Excellent as always.
Very nice how you have Sydney as the video starts. Also you are not allowed to board a cruise ship in Australia UNLESS you have travel insurance
The thing about high profile (murders) vs. low profile (drowning in pool) deaths is SO true. I used to live at the beach in NC, and every year we had from 20 up to 50 people drown in the ocean. Very little was said about it: "A man drowned today at Emerald Isle." was about the total of the news report. But when someone died of shark attack, there would be a 15 minute segment about it, and I think the most we ever lost in one year to sharks was 7. BTW- I was on one Carnival cruise where I literally thought some people were going to drink themselves to death. Don't know if anyone ever did, but unlimited drinks is not always a good thing.
Yea!!!! Exactly!!!
I was on a cruise once, and an EXTREMELY inebriated passenger was hitting on me, the other person in the group was trying to signal me and I thought SHE was hitting on me, but later she told me why she was signaling me to tell me that. Interestingly enough she told me that the woman was an alcoholic and had just had a liver transplant, kind of like the woman in the no smoking commercials who smokes through a hole in her throat.
I was on a cruise with my parents when I was eleven. We had three deaths during the cruise. An elderley man died of a heart attack, a young man dived from a higher deck into a swimming pool while drunk but did not realise the pool had been emptied and a crew member died during a life boat drill when he fell out of the life boat and was killed but the motor. It was a long cruise about 21 days. The ship was the Shaw Saville Northern Star
That's a ship from the past. Her sister was Southern Cross. Think they only lasted about 10 years.
I have fallen from the sapphire Princess balcony! Alive to tell about it. Thank god the balcony below caught me
What?! 🧐
Very interresting video. Thanks Emma.
Thanks Frederic! ❤️
This was fantastic, I really like how your channel is evolving and I absolutely loved this vlog, so interesting. I've been watching a programme on sky about cruise ship killers, it's fantastic! X
Thanks Michelle! I love all of this stuff 😂❤️
@@EmmaCruises me too! You did a great job, made it really interesting, well done 😘😘
It's pretty sad that you have to tell people not to climb balcony to balcony or deck to deck.
Btw loved your live stream
Thanks Joseph!
In 1998 a older guy at the table next to us just went face down into his dinner plate, we just hear the thud and then screams of family members. Ship doctor came, CPR and paddles were tried before wheeling him out of the dining room. The next night a different family was at that table. That was my 2nd cruise. I'm now up to 30 cruises so I guess that did not frighten me off.
Oh goodness!!!!
Actually Ive never been on a cruise, so matematically I have more chance to die on land. Great channel btw chees me up every time. Foind out about the channel during an illnes, the positive tone im sure helped me recover
New editor is AMAZING
Woohoo!! 😁❤️
The body in the freezer thing is a Navy thing. They do it on Submarines when they can’t return home right away.
In 2006 a friend of mine working as a bar waitress on Sun Princess died by a heart attack. She used to combine caffeine pills with Red Bull to be able to carry out her duties...I saw her dead body in the shower, an image that will be with me forever😔
Oh my goodness. I hope you’re coping okay, that’ll change you forever 🥺❤️
How devastating for you, and those who loved her.
My guess is that inattentive parents (accidents and drownings involving children) and inebriated, uninhibited adults account for the vast majority of accidental deaths onboard cruise ships. People need to take personal responsibility for their behavior and be held accountable rather than find some way to blame the cruise operator for failing to anticipate and prevent passengers’ irresponsibility.
Thanks for watching 😀👏🏼
The grandfather that dropped his grandchild ORIGINALLY was trying to file suit against RCCL as were the parents stating that RCCL should have had signs or some way of knowing the window was open. As cruisers, we ALL know when you are on the pool deck and the windows are open, there is a breeze and loud noises from the dock below. AND, on RCCL's older vessels like the FOS, the windows are tinted so it is obvious when the window is open. Also, the bottom windows area angled inwards so why didn't he just let the child look down? Sorry, didn't want to go to deep into the story but this story when it happened REALLY set me off.
There was grainy video of the grandfather holding the child out through the window shortly before he accidentally dropped her, and that shot down his defense. Still devastatingly sad.
Great video Emma!
Cheerful subject.
Great video, as always. Wasn't the murder involving Lonnie Kocontes and Micki Kanesaki (he strangled his ex-wife and threw her overboard, body showed up later) a "pre-planned cruise ship murder?"
Ooo, maybe! Thanks for watching 😀👏🏼
About people being killed by the person with whom they are cruising: “...not sure how that makes me feel.”
Hmmm!! haha :)
White island was a terrible tragedy for Aeotaroa ( New Zealand) the tour operators who were running it knew it wasn't safe but unfortunately still took them up there
Love the video.
Thanks Cheryl!! ❤️❤️❤️
I recently went on a cruise were someone “accidentally” ( I’m not entirely convinced that it was an accident) fell of the boat. Someone noticed he fell and they found his dead body in the water after 30 minutes of looking. They also sett of an alarm while looking (yes it was on for 30 minutes)They announced it in the morning and everyone took a moment of silence for him and his family.
So sad 🥲💕
Dark Emma, very dark ! :-) But fascinating and wonderfully handled with even some appropriate humor ! Can you have 'appropriate ' humor covering murder ??? 😂 Whatever you managed it ! ps Bingo can get very tense apparently 😂
Haha! Thanks Ben. A very difficult line to walk on so I'm glad you enjoyed it :D
I saw this video and I’ve been on a younger “30 something” for single, divorced & available passengers. The amount of alcohol and inhibitors lowered… I saw many passengers treated for alcohol poisoning and dehydration. And with the “meeting up” or “hooking up”(consensual romantic encounters) caused related stress and anxiety for men and women to see their previous sexual partner romantically into another single passenger. I thought it would be a nice way to be able to act socially but it was just more of a hedonistic meat market
Well that was informative and fun. Thank you🎅🏻
Thank you! 😁❤️
I was on a 50 day Brazilian HAL trip when the second youngest person a young man in his twenties (the youngest was an 8 year old girl) drowned. He was not on a ship sanctioned tour instead his family took a cheap local tour. I was told by someone who knew his family that the shock of the coldness of the water when he dived in made him throw up in his snorkel mask and he suffocated that way, but a fellow passenger a nurse, who gave him mouth to mouth and chest compressions, said he was VERY drunk (he was on a drink package and it was noon when they took the cruise). The local crew of the boat did not know how to handle the situation, not CPR or any kind of emergency care before he was brought to the hospital. Believe you me, a ship sanctioned trip, would have had a tour leader/captain who would know what to do, probably the first thing is NOT allowing a very drunk passenger to snorkel. I felt so bad for to the mother as she was only 14 years older than her son, many girls of that age would have got an abortion but she loved her child very much to have him at that age.
I once knew an older cruising couple who told me that there are some older people who do go on the cruise to die.
Do you know my mom is a good swimmer she used to be a trainer for deaf people so if you are drowning, my mom is the hero even though she is 60 years old I’m sure she can still swim. I can swim pretty good.
I was listing to podcast I thank it was Behind the crew door but not sure. They told the story of a family getting on board the ship with Grandmother in a wheel chair she appeared to be sleeping or something. They all got on board. But the first night of the cruise Grandmother was found dead in her stateroom. The family decide to keep cruising and not get off the ship in the next port. I guess they left Grandmother where they kept dead bodies. Until the cruise was over. This sounds horrible it is very costly fly a dead body.
Whatever happens on land also happens on cruises.
Wow, shocked they dont all have lifeguards ALL the time, even if it's a jacuzzi! Interesting facts all the same!
Thanks Webster! ❤️
your haircut looks great!
What is the best cruise travel insurance, the ship offer or other. thanks
I was a bassist on a cruise ship and it SUCKS to be an employee BIG TIME
I will have nightmares! The mother of a former coworker mine passed away while the whole family was on a cruise. Very sad.
Oh goodness so sad! Don’t have nightmares ❤️
I never go out without an ID, and I always fly with my passports (dual citizenship), even domestic flights.
Most cruise pools about 5' deep, so the average adult will be able to stand up with his head above the water. You'd have to bump your head in order to drown since swimming isn't even necessary in these pools.
There has been someone die on half the cruises I've been on. They are typically elderly people having heart attacks, so they would have likely died at home just as easily. It's hardly surprising when these offseason cruises are packed with hundreds of octogenarians.
Emma goes dark. Actually, very interesting and seldom thought about.
Apparently the majority of people murdered on cruises were murdered by the person they were cruising with. Sounds like a good reason to cruise solo.
What an emotionally delicate topic, handled very well. In a lighter view of the subject, I highly recommend one of my favorite Agatha Christie novels, "Death on the Nile." Hercule Poirot is able to solve a mystery involving a murder on a boat cruising on the Nile River in Egypt. Although it is a gruesome subject, it is actually a light and fairly fast read, and has an intriguing twist in the plot!
Oooo, sounds interesting for me. So cool! Thanks for sharing 😀💕
Actually these are good questions. When I was still in school, I noticed during a disaster drill that there wasn't a morgue or a place to put mass casulties, and, when I couldn't get an answer, I just tagged all incoming victims as dead. The following year they had a morgue.
The first cruise ship i ever saw close up was the Sapphire Princess in Sydney 2004, gobsmacked at the size of it.
Hi Emma... Thanks for the facts.... I believe your day job is with a insurance company so your possibly used to all these stats...
Haha! Yep yep 😂❤️
I cannot imagine any public entity with a swimming pool not having lifeguards. That, in my opinion, is horribly reckless!
We leave Monday for our third cruise… why do I seek these videos out before I leave?!
I live in a resort town FULL of high rise hotels/condos and we lose multiple people every year from balcony falls… I’m overly paranoid on board. *One thing I noticed onboard Carnival Sunshine were the railings and the huge gaps between the bars that make up the railing. My 7 year old could EASILY fit in between them*
Needless to say she stays on the inside of the yellow line on the deck…
As someone who works in the NHS the sight of seeing people being helicoptered off the ship is just the worst as they must be very ill
Yep!! 🥺❤️
get- you home insurance is vital. my mother-in-law was taken ill on the isle of man whilst she was treated under the Manx health service being elderly i had to sail out to get her to accompany her home that was a performance
If you're taking up space in the cruise ship morgue do they continue to bill your account for the daily gratuity?
I hope not!!! 🤣🤣🤣
I’m going on a carnival cruise next January but I’m not allowed to get their travel insurance because I live in the state of New York. Does anyone else have tips on what I can do that experiences restrictions based on place of residency?
Where are the links for the recommended travel insurance?
Oops! Well done, you caught me haha. Which country are you from? I usually recommend Allianz for US cruises and using MoneySupermarket for UK 🙂
Emma Cruises I live in the US. Thank you for your response. I enjoy your videos. Keep up the great work!
But did he get BINGO???
Well, I usually cruise solo, so I don't have to worry about my roommate!!
I don’t think he did 🥺❤️
a British man had a heart attack in the MDR on my cruise in the middle east. We were on MSC Lirica. His body was removed in Bahrain.
An unusual cruise topic.
I wonder what happens with fights on board. Is there a brig for an attacker? I know, cheery thoughts! 😂
Like your videos. Your eyes are just so funny with the dot within, might want to ofset your light source
I’m a robot 🤖 😀
Thanks for the presentation. I work in AK with the ships. I have seen the Ambulances come and grab the bodies. Truth that they do it very early in the morning if possible.. I did have someone Pass away on one of my transfers/(excursion) Def get Travel Insurance.
Oh goodness! Great advice. Thanks for sharing :D
I suspect that the way some insurance companies have behaved during the pandemic people may be more reluctant to take out insurance on anything (insurance can be great, but only if the insurance company is willing to pay up when the worst happens).
Most cruise lines are making it mandatory (thank fully!)!😀👏🏼
@@chriswilliams6568 Some may have, but look at all the business owners who are being denied payouts on their business interruption insurance because the insurance companies claim it does not include pandemics (even where the policy clearly states otherwise), to the point where "With some claims more than a year old, Milan Pandya, a partner at tax and advisory firm Blick Rothenberg, suggested insurance companies are deliberately delaying assessments and leaving businesses to collapse to avoid any further potential payouts." - is this because all those companies lied on their application forms?
If I die on a cruise, be sure to ask my kids whether the line agreed to pro-rate the dining package, excursions, and tips. Not because my kids would ever request that, but because I now know to suggest in my will that they ask. Oh, and I'll have them get clarification on whether I was put in the morgue, or replaced ice cream, potatoes, other veggies, or thawing meat. Might as well get some answers to settle the comment discussions, so my death wouldn't have been in vain. ;-)
I was on a cruise on the Canberra where we stopped in the middle of the Atlantic to bring a heart attack patient onboard from a Soviet commercial vessel. Fellow passengers, including a Canadian engineer in the cabin next to mine, built a defibrillator using parts from video recording electronics they had used to record the solar eclipse we had seen. This was in 1973. The rendezvous happened in the middle of the night, and it was quite something to watch a lifeboat or launch head out on the high seas to the other ship a few hundred yards away and bring the patient back.
On two different cruises we had a person die on each. Both were older and died of a heart attack. They both died in their cabin. With the first one the individual died in nis sleep. The cruise ship turned back to the port we left the evening before and the ship turned around and went back to the port we left the night before because there was an American Embassy there which could expedite getting the wife and her deceased husband back to the United States. The second occurred on the night before the ship pulled into the final stop in the U.S. It took hours before passengers could get off the ship because the U.S. Coast Guard came on board and wouldn’t let anyone disembark for hours as they investigated.
Which companies do you think are best for travel insurance?
I went looking for a free clip of it, but couldn't find one. Season 4 of "CSI: Miami" had an episode called "Open Water" that dealt with a murder on a cruise ship in Miami.
Spin-off channel idea: True cruise crime
I was on a cruise that actually had a morgue although a small one with a two body capacity. I was able to small talk a nurse into showing me while I was at medical.
I couldn't imagine the pain that father would be going through i don't think charging him helped him much.
I believe all ships have a morgue
What a fun video. Makes me double think taking my wife on my next cruise.
Thanks for watching 😀👏🏼
We did talk with on board doc about this very subject, not that we were expecting one of us we would die, just curious.
Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one that finds it interesting! 😂💕
I've tried entering a swimming pool on a cruise ship, and I couldn't get out fast enough - TOO COLD!
If you buy the death package before embarkation, then it is included in the price.