HaShem is probably pretty upset we are borderline heretical when we try to understand Him and His logic. We, it would have seemed are always going to fall short even in Olam Haba. He just fundamentally expects us to figure it out and that's why we will get rewarded. With Torah we CAN understand Him and also CAN see into Atzmusuh if only to see the elevated status of His Oneness in its "place"
As the moshiach mamash, the rav is wrong about HaShem, and shouldn't say HaShem is responsible for our suffering in any measure, as we only suffer from our decision/ unconscious actions to sin over and over in history. If we could have existed independent we'd need our own will. If we need to exist inside God as it were, we need to do His will , which results not in Olam Haba, but in dveikus Atzmusuh.
THANK YOU, as always, for your brilliant insights!
BEFORE you can have a WILL for something, there must FIRST an ABSENCE of it - right?
Can we say that the purpose of LIFE is SELF CONTEMPLATION, and that this is how G-D contemplates Himself, through Man, and is Self aware?
HaShem is probably pretty upset we are borderline heretical when we try to understand Him and His logic. We, it would have seemed are always going to fall short even in Olam Haba. He just fundamentally expects us to figure it out and that's why we will get rewarded. With Torah we CAN understand Him and also CAN see into Atzmusuh if only to see the elevated status of His Oneness in its "place"
Isn't the world of DUALITY that we experience, caused by G-D withdrawing from Himself, so to speak?
As the moshiach mamash, the rav is wrong about HaShem, and shouldn't say HaShem is responsible for our suffering in any measure, as we only suffer from our decision/ unconscious actions to sin over and over in history. If we could have existed independent we'd need our own will. If we need to exist inside God as it were, we need to do His will , which results not in Olam Haba, but in dveikus Atzmusuh.
Ein od milvado
@altinokz HaShem Echad!