The advantage of taking the high-speed rail is that you won't encounter turbulence like flying. You can only go to the bathroom at the specified time by flying, but you can go to the bathroom at any time by taking the high-speed rail,You can also freely go to other cars to see the scenery outside the window😂
I read the most liked Japanese comment of a video about Indonesian bullet train saying "Chinese trains go 350km/h because they don't care about human life". Maybe it's a little translation error but the comment was full of pettiness and copium. The sore loser energy surprised me. The fact that they act superior to rest of Asia while kneeling to the west kinda pathetic.
We in SE Asia felt this during WWII, how they and some right wingers still feel superior to the rest of Asia, did you know that in the Dutch Indies, the Japanese people were at equal with the Dutch officially and we chinese and Javanese, Arabs were all on a lower position also by law
@@hongsienkwee537This superiority feeling came from defeating Russian Navy in 1905 at Tsushima Strait and also when Japan army occupied eastern China in 1930s surrounding the international city of Shanghai. By the way, there was no peace treaty signed by Japanese toward Soviet Russia at the end of 1945. So technically they are still at war.
Indonesia memilih china meskipun sedikit mahal karena china bersedia berbagi teknologi dan melatih semua orang indonesia untuk meng oprasikan dan merawat sendiri ,itu hal yang perlu di ingat ,dan penting sbg negara yang bersahabat dan saling menguntungkan
@@myname-jj9oi G0BL0K lu, Jepang itu tidak mau ada ToT, paham, sudah gitu waktu pengerjaan-nya lama lagi yaitu 8 tahun. bayangkan waktu itu kalau jepang yg menang. China yang lebih cepat saja sempat terhenti karena COVID. namun akhirnya selesai. Kalau jepang yg garap, mungkin sampai serang belum kelar ditambah lagi ga dapat ToT selamanya, jadi jongos jepang kita.
I'm Indonesian and I'm happy our president choose China. The news reminds me of my experience in a business trip around Tokyo, I was with my boss and colleagues trying shinkansen. An old man in front of me asking where I came from. I answer Jakarta or Bali Indonesia. Once he grasp the answer, he said "massage". I look up to my boss and my boss said the Japanese old man is drunk. I told my friends they should have went to some other countries if they were so curious about shinkansen. The image of the old pervert man of Japan ruined all the good image build by all the business dinners in the most expensive hotels with the main industries in Tokyo the previous days.
This superiority complex you may expect from most of the developed and fast developing country's citizens because they are brainwashed by their media outlets with specific stereotypes.
Come on Japanese dont too greedy. The reason behind we dont have our own national car is because your lobbies. Indonesia is the heaven of Japanese car and bike markets..
Japan is like the USA. Only wanting to be #1, No other country can do it. And if you show you are capable, all sorts of negative remarks are thrown. Even to the point to SUPPRESS you and STIFLE you. Japan MUST REMEMBER WW2 and Hiroshima!!
Iya seharusnya indonesia udh mulai stop impor mobil & sepeda dari jepang krn cuma menguntungkan mereka saja dan kita harus bikin sendiri kendaraan dlm negeri masak bikin kereta bisa bikin mobil & motor sajaj tidak bisa...
Japan was previously the number in HSR. Today it is China, the number one. Chinese HSR is the fastest, smoothest, most energy efficient most cost effective. With 42k of HSR, China has economies of scale and better capability in R&D. Hence each generation of Chinese is better than the previous one.
my father is part of military, also Indonesian face threats from separatist militia in Papua, which suspectedly funded by Australian government since they had history with Timor Leste for oil... and guess what... Papua is rich in natural resource like gold. Everyone aware know if there is next U.S new state it will be Australia and Japan also aligned with U.S
Japan is a puppet state to the US. Why isn't it constructing the first high speed train line in the US. The potential for the construction of high speed trains there must be simply enormous.
lol who tell you that japan is failed in india dont fall in propaganda, indias HSR is now 60% completed and first trial is scheduled in june 2026, and remember indias HSR project is 4 time bigger and much more complex then indoneshia bullet train, because indias HSR have 24 tunnel including 24km under sea tunnel and 9 river bridges, also 85% of indoneshia HSR route is built on land and only 10% have girders ( bridge above the land ) while 92% indias HSR is built on girders there is no comparison of both projects we built all machinery from sketch our homegrown compary is builting this hsr while indoneshia HSR is fully made by chinese people
@@sanatanihindu383 Great! By 2036 you will definitely complete 61% of HSR! Jai Hind! India #1. The whole world will be jealous of the Indian achievements!
In my opinion, as an Indonesian, the Japanese government is too bound by United States politics in determining its foreign economic decisions and policies. It is no secret that the motto of United States foreign policy is "if there is a country it doesn't like." then the United States will order all its allies to support and follow it!" You can see the treatment of the United States and its allies towards Russia, China, Iran and many more! This is what our Indonesian defense minister once said 🇮🇩 in an international forum that "YOUR ENEMY IS NOT MY ENEMY, DON'T INVITE AND FORCE US TO FOLLOW YOUR WISHES!" It is time for all countries in the world to change their political systems and economic outlook for the sake of the sovereignty of their nation and state, freedom to determine one's attitude and make decisions or policies for the good of one's own nation and state!🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🙏🙏🙏
yep, Japan is too reliant to murica right now, its foreign policy needs them to side with western worlds, but this is mostly on govt. level. Normal citizens just didnt give a damn
Kita selalu mendahulukan transaksi dengan beberapa negara maju dengan dasar TOT ( transfer of technology ).. itulah dasar Indonesia menjalankan transaksi beberapa proyek dengan negara negara maju.😊 seperti kerja sama pembuatan Kapala laut dengan Korea selatan..yang akhirnya Indonesia mampu membuat sendiri.
@@sweetpotato3910mardigu lu dengerin 😂😂😂 gw begitu dngr dia blg choke point di selat malaka.. gw mo ketawa ngakak.. choke point di selat malaka sangat mudah di lalui.. Bisa melalui Kra canal, bisa melalui kyaukpyu port di myanmar.. bisa jg dr gwadar port di pakistan..
@@sanchikotjendrakasih9138 jadi ingat, perumpamaan ini: " Berteman dengan ASu itu berbahaya, bermusuhan ASu itu fatal" intinya, kalau berhubungan dengan negara satu ini kita harus selalu waspada+awas!
The world must start opening its eyes. The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train project is just the beginning of a mega project with a minimum length of 2000km. After the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train project is successful, it will be extended to Surabaya with a length of around 700km. Many vloggers & UA-camrs from neighboring countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and even vloggers and UA-camrs from Europe, India, Japan came to try the Jakarta Bandung high-speed train. And everyone said they were very satisfied, minimal vibration, no noise, magnificent station, excellent service and so on. Even vloggers and UA-camrs from Japan admit that the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train, apart from being faster, also has less vibrations & no noise than the fastest Shinkansen train, namely the Tokaido Shinkansen with a maximum speed of 320km and the vlogger also admits that he feels a little disappointed because it turns out there is a better fast train than Shinkansen. Just for your information, why Indonesia finally chose to collaborate with China rather than Japan is because, 1. Japan offers trains operating since 1995 with a maximum speed of 250km. 2. Japan also does not want to share technology or transfer technology with Indonesia. 3. Meanwhile, China offers their newest train, which in China itself only started operating in 2016 with a maximum speed of 420km. 3. China is also willing to share technology for making high-speed railway tracks. 4. The price offered by China is also 30% cheaper than that offered by Japan. With that in mind, I'm sure any sane person would choose China over Japan. Japan's dislike of China's success in developing fast trains is actually justified, because in the past there was a Japanese company that sold information to China about making fast trains so that China was able to make its own fast trains and currently they are better than Japan's Shinkansen trains, however If you look at the past, Japan should feel guilty because of the invasion and colonization they carried out on mainland China, they spread suffering, they spread hatred, they took many lives, but now they feel annoyed just because China succeeded in developing a fast train that is better than their fast train. Japan. And just so you know, most of the Japanese population is not native Japanese but instead native people who came from China settled in Japan and by the Japanese government they were forced to use Japanese names and use the Japanese language. but just like America which is full of lies, Japan also practices doctrine to its people by saying that products made in China are no better than Japan when in reality, although Chinese products are cheaper, the quality is even equivalent to Japanese products or better, this can all happen because of people's principles. China is looking for a market while the Japanese principle is looking for profit. That's why Chinese products are sold at low prices but as a result they get a very wide market. The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train project uses 60% funding from Indonesia and 40% funding from China with a payment period of 30 years, but in fact if Indonesia wanted, Indonesia could pay it off today, but the agreement made was a 30 year contract, even so in the end Indonesia and China have succeeded in proving that in Asia it is not only Japan that can produce high-speed trains and the world has finally learned that cheaper products do not necessarily have worse quality, it could even be that cheaper products have better quality than more expensive products. This could happen because the Chinese trading principle is to look for markets, not just profit. Meanwhile, Japan is very stingy and does not want to share technology because Japan knows and realizes the potential of countries in Southeast Asia which, if they get advanced technology, these countries can surpass Japan, that's why Japan feels afraid and ultimately tries to make other countries depend on it, unlike China, which wants to share technology with developing countries so that in the future when these countries are developed, these countries can become partners for China, not just become money-making countries as Japan hopes. However, this information must have been hidden by the Japanese government because once again the Japanese government indoctrinated its people and instilled the belief that products made in China are no better than products made in Japan. That's why after there were several vloggers from Japan who proved for themselves the advantages of the Jakarta Bandung fast train, this secret was not released. can be covered up again and Japan must open their eyes that if they act naively in the end they will be even more left behind.
Dulu sewaktu tender Jepang kalah dengan China 😂 kenapa Indonesia akhirnya memilih China karena China bersedia transfer technology sedangkan Jepang tidak mau. Kita memilih China karena berharap next kita bisa membuat kereta cepat buatan lokal oleh PT. INKA (perusahaan pembuatan kereta api Indonesia) Tahun 2024 ini rencana akan dimulai kereta cepat Jakarta-Surabaya 250km/jam karya PT INKA & ITS university dengan technology yang sudah ditranfer dari China
terutama karena jepang maunya diback up oleh negara sementara Indonesia maunya murni bisnis, untung makan sendiri rugi tanggung sendiri. di malaysia jepang juga tidak mau masuk karena sama memakai skema bisnis bukan utang negara.
@@awancah7309 jepang itu sekutu amerika, dan segala keputusan jepang terkadang harus linear dengan political view america, saat ini amerika tidak suka dengan indonesia, terlihat dari usaha untuk mengusik hilirisasi, aturan DHE, dan banyak lagi. Terakhir keengganan Tesla untuk invest di indonesia, malah memilih malaysia, yang notabene juga a part of kolonialisme inggris, tetap ada darah inggris didalamnya. Indonesia dikepung oleh peremakmuran inggris dan sekutu amerika, sebut saja singapore malaysia brunei filipina papuanugini, australia timorleste, semua erat afiliasinya dengan amerika dan inggris. Jadi segala cara akan dipakai untuk "mengkerdilkan" indonesia dengan cara2 pertemanan lewat negara2 tetangga asia tenggara. Bahkan negara terdekat kita, singapore, adalah lintah darat indoensia, kenapa? seluruh kekayaan dan hasil dagang perusahaan pengusaha dll itu kebanyakan di simpan di singapore, karena apa? mereka bisa kasih tax lebih rendah. Maka otomatis banyak orang yang simpan uang di singapore, dan itu yang membuat singapore maju, karena banyak inflow ke sistem keuangan mereka, nah makanya ada tax amnesty tahun 2016 dari indonesia, sehingga pengusaha2 dan pemilik modal kembali menyimpan uangnya di indonesia, terjadilah capital outflow dr singapore, tidak masif, tapi cukup untuk gertak negara kecil itu. Ini kadang luput dari pengertian orang2, apa sih dampaknya tax amnesty, padahal secara geopolitik ini gertakan keras bagi negara2 tetangga. Ini persis seperti aturan DHE, yang "memaksa" pemilik modal untuk menyimpan uangnya di Indonesia, dipaksa agar devisa tidak lari keluar negeri, sehingga banyak yang protes, termasuk negara2 tujuan devisa seperti singapore amerika dll terutama yang tujuan tax heaven. Jelas singapore tidak suka, banyak pengusaha2 asing juga tidak suka, maka mereka ambil posisi dari geopolitic amerika, untuk menggoyang Indonesia. Caranya yaaaa isunya untuk merubah restriksi2 tersebut. Asing cuma ingin tambang dikeruk terus dijual ke mereka, agar mereka cuan lebih banyak. Dalam geopolitik, bukan ngga mungkin negara lain di jadikan sandera untuk melancarkan aksi2 politiknya, lihat jawaban Biden ketika jokowi bertemu di amerika, untuk urusan investasi dan palestina. Jawabannya adalah dia tetap akan ikut campur urusan palestina dan tidak akan gencatan senjata. Jelas artinya amerika akan obrak abrik pilpress sekarang, karena keinginannya tidak dipenuhi, yaitu untuk cuan lebih banyak. Mungkin akan beda cerita jika hilirisasi dibatalkan, aturan dhe ditiadakan dan freeport tetap milik amerika, negosiasi jokowi ke as untuk mendamaikan suasana Mungkin bisa berhasil. Tapi apakah amerika bisa dipercaya? tidak akan. Jangan pernah percaya sama amerika 100%. Dimana ada amerika pasti ada maunya. Percayalah pemilu saat ini bukan perkara capres cawapres, tapi ada kekuatan asing ingin mendobrak aturan2 dan restriksi2 yang membuat mereka sulit untuk "maling" dan "cari cuan" di indonesia. Dan itu nyata. Hanya netizen tidak melihat ini, mereka hanya melihat ini sebatas politik dinasti dan keserakahan kekuasaan. Ngga secetek itu bung.
@@ntznbgztjepang secara halus sebenarnya sedang "dijajah" oleh Amerika, dan cina tahu ini, karena itu dia mengajak dia (jepang,) dan juga Korea) untuk berkolaborasi membangun asia timur lebih baik, tapi Amerika mengompori jepang agar menjauh dari cina dengan segala macam propaganda... takut kehilangan sekutu di timur
lol who tell you that japan is failed in india dont fall in propaganda, indias HSR is now 60% completed and first trial is scheduled in june 2026, and remember indias HSR project is 4 time bigger and much more complex then indoneshia bullet train, because indias HSR have 24 tunnel including 24km under sea tunnel and 9 river bridges, also 85% of indoneshia HSR route is built on land and only 10% have girders ( bridge above the land ) while 92% indias HSR is built on girders there is no comparison of both projects we built all machinery from sketch our homegrown compary is builting this hsr while indoneshia HSR is fully made by chinese people
Talking about positive feelings, it is challenging to harbor any positive sentiments toward the Japanese who practiced forced labor (romusha) during World War II. My grandfather, who served as a soldier during that time, often recounted the hardships endured, particularly under Japanese colonization, which he described as the most difficult period. so here's my middle finger for you japan, And we, the Indonesian people, have traded with China for thousands of years, and never once have they colonized Indonesia, unlike some other countries
@user-vj4ry3pk7e So, should we reject China's benevolent intentions for economic collaboration? In the end, it is preferable to the overt invasion by Japan in 1945. Have you observed the comparison suggesting that the Chinese high-speed train surpasses its Japanese counterpart? Currently, China exhibits a superiority surpassing that of Japan
yea2, the bibliophiles and their references. When Indonesia prohibited lithium exports, all nations opposed it, bringing Indonesia to the World Trade Organization. Guess which country supported and established factories and smelters in Indonesia? Yes, China :) action speak louder than your book sir@user-vj4ry3pk7e
yea2, the bibliophiles and their references. When Indonesia prohibited lithium exports, all nations opposed it, bringing Indonesia to the World Trade Organization. Guess which country supported and established factories and smelters in Indonesia? Yes, China :) Such actions speak louder than your book, sir
Japan "USED" to be a power house in household appliances, I.T, Optics, Auto, etc etc. Their time have already passed. The HSR contract between China and Indonesia is almost the same time as the Indian HSR. Indonesia 's HSR was commission and handed over in September/October 2023. Compare that to the India/Japanese HSR which is not even close to 50% of structural completion. To top it up will be cost over run in terms of raw materials and labor. Which country will absorb the additional cost. Japan is already a Failure and a laughing stock in the eyes of the world.
I agree.. Japan should shifts their diplomacy policy toward knowledge transfer base to make the world great again in TOGETHERNESS.. Am i naive.. i think not 😊
Japan tarnished its reputation by not completing a project whenever and wherever they face terrain obstacles, problems and unable to solve it especially in HSR Project. Japan failed in many projects and China has to complete it for them.
As a Japanese person it's quite embarrassing seeing all the netizens from my country being so biased. I'm genuinely happy that Indonesia got a new bullet train and I hope the two countries can maintain an equal relationship with eachother.
IMO, Japan has missed good opportunity through tough negotiation in Indonesia's HSR project. 1. Indonesia HSR projects could be a powerful showcase project to attracts ASEAN market, and other side of asia countries 2. Loosing this projects literally means japan has one step backwards in holding back china's technology influence. If only Japan would gave a more negotiable partnership upon this project, I believe Japan will sustain its superiority in HSR technology. But now, Japan just give to the world to see another option in seeking HSR partnership.
Nothing to blame here but I heard a Japanese kid make an innovative improvement for the bag (or something) but many "adults" or "people with the higher age" insult the kid on social media. I feel so sorry for the kid, wish the "seniority system" cannot be this worst it would be a chance. I think this is might be random but as I said. That's it.
@@ricflair4052 you need to be fair and state that China bankrolled and provided almost all the financing , very low interest long term loans and took up all the risks , insurance and provided the never say dye labourers from China to work in very slave like conditions. Allegedly. Japan had to limit its risk and financing. But there is no beating Japan safety record onrolling stock safety in an earthquake. Lets see how China's train perform in an Earthquake along the Jakarta Bandung route.
@@tenga3tango I said "with other factors" I am just too lazy to write all those details as well. China is also a "Super Power" when it comes to infrastructure.
@@ricflair4052 japan never offered shinkansen.. they offered SEMI-highspeed.. shinkansen was out of the question.. japan did offered a much lower interest rate though.. at 0.14% if i'm not wrong.. compared to china between 2-4%.. but no shinkansen.. indonesia wants highspeed railway.. not semi highspeed..
Yang memalukan Jepang berbanding China adalah Jepang mengejar kemajuan sambil bertekuk lutut dan membungkukkan badannya kepada AS dan Barat, China memperoleh kemajuannya dengan cara yang terhormat dan luar biasa dengan tetap berdiri tegak sejajar dengan AS dan Negara Barat. China berani dan berhasil menantang dominasi AS dan Barat sedangkan Jepang hanyalah jadi pecundang bangsa Asia yang menjilat kepada AS dan Barat, tingkah laku jepang sangat memalukan.
Kompotisi China dan Jepang kedepannya akan di menangkan China, karena pekerja China sangat cepat dan sumberdaya manusia yang cukup serta terpelajar.masa depan China, Jepang,dan Korea kedepannya akan berada di INDONESIA.karna perusahaan mobil hyundai Korea, BYD,wuling China,dan Toyota Jepang ada pabriknya di INDONESIA 👍🇮🇩❤️🇮🇩❤️🇨🇳❤️🇰🇷❤️🇯🇵ayo maju bersama².👍
Saya pengennya indonesia bisa bikin kendaraan mobil & sepeda sendiri tanpa di jajah lagi oleh pihak asing masak bikin kereta saja bisa bikin mobil & sepeda tidak bisa..
@@rozisagitarius3977pelan pelan mas itu juga pentingnya kendaraan umum macam kereta cepat ini di kebut pengerjaannya, percaya atau tidak kota “terbesar” secara ekonomi kedua di Indonesia itu si Surabaya tapi dibandingkan Jakarta gap(celah) diantara Jakarta-surabaya itu besar dan jauh sekali bayangin kota kedua terbesar aja belum mampu mendekati Jakarta gimana kota lainnya… harapannya dengan kereta cepat ini salah satunya ya itu jadi orang ga perlu berpusat dan berkonsentrasi di Jakarta terus nantinya perusahaan perusahaan bisa bangun dan didirikan di Surabaya tapi relasi bisnis dan perdanganan bisa tetap di Jakarta karena kereta cepat memangkas waktu tempuh yang sangat luar biasa syukur syukur harga ga semahal pesawat
Yes Japanese consumer products once dominated world, and look at their products now, anybody may name single japan’s consumer product that enjoys same market share?
The biggest competition for trains is cars. One train set can easily displace 20k cars. A really good train system can reduce the need for millions of cars.
Malaysians could've learn a thing or two from this, but nah they prefer taking care of their parasitic national car industry, *cough* Pro *cough* ton...
Indonesia having high speed railway because, Indonesia the biggest country in southeast by population number 4 in Indonesia is top size economi in southeast.
The first point of incompatibility between Japan and Indonesia is regarding budget management. The Indonesian side's request is B to B (Business to Business) management, but the Japanese want G to G (Government to Government) because Japan does not trust the integrity of Indonesian national companies. Regarding the issue of technology transfer, it never surfaced at first. It looks like Japan is learning from failures in India and elsewhere. The proof is that the construction of the Jakarta MRT which was built by a Japanese company is running smoothly and on time and there is a transfer of technology for making LRT trains by INKA.
I was very hopefull when Japanese plan to build bullet train in Indonesia ,but confused after they announced they are not willing to do technology transfer....
To counter your discussion, look to Japanese failures in infrastructure constructions in these countries including (to my knowledge) Brazil, Vietnam, Algeria, the Philippines, India (in the limbo of success or failure) and perhaps more. Besides, in the past decade, it lost to China in international biddings for mega projects many times.
Indonesia government did some very smart decisions. With the completion of Bandung HSR, future HSR projects will have comparison and guidelines. Indonesia will not be paying excessively and can more accurately gauge cost, project timeline, and quality aspects. Moreover, Indonesia has brought in local assembly of HSR from China, so in possible near future might be able to be self sufficient and even export out.
Ialah gaboleh ada yg merasa paling berkuasa di suatu region, kita harus saling membantu kolaborasi untuk menjadikan negara lebih baik lagi, jangan merasa adidaya adikuasa seperti mamarika, nanti ujungnya pas jatuh ekonominya siapa yg bantu selain mitra negara itu, jangan sombong jangan belagu, gitu aja kok repot😂, salut untuk indonesia❤🎉
Ive been work in both country, japan and china, both are hardworking people, but china is more efficient and changing very fast. Look what happened with the India bullet train by japan , very slow progress. And dont forget, MRT project in jakarta is for japan, some of the electronic and signaling in jakarta LRT also from japan. Dont be so greedy japan.
@@zi.d7 ur right one is finished already, the other one is in limbo and 8x overbudget... and by 2026 it will face new delays and the tech is obsolete. but dont worry, ur gonna get hyperloop soon... hyperscoop lol
Indonesian here, I don't think it's fair to use those people to represent "Japan" as a whole. Those kind of people are everywhere and they're called losers.
Semua peralatan dari Jepang baik itu transportasi, elektronik dsb berharga mahal dibandingkan peralatan milik china, utk kualitas saat ini buatan China sanggup bersaing dg Jepang dan Eropa
I believe that Indonesia will keep in balance the relationship with these two best neighbour countries, Japan and China. Both countries still play major role in developing Indonesian system transportation and technology.
Japan in Indonesia isn't a fair corporation but more of colonization. Including domination of Japanese vehicles dominatin which is now slowly ending. China is doing better and fairly.
it's laughable how japanese are saying. do not want to partner?? is japan seeing indonesia as partner?? didn't they just see indonesia as market?? japan proposal is not good enough as china proposal. it's as simple as that. they want indonesia to always depend on them. there is no transfer of technology. of course indonesia choose china proposal. japan already dominated indonesia car manufacturer, is it logic that indonesia that can manufacture a plane didn't have a local car brand?? is it more difficult to build a car than a plane? even malaysia have their own car brand and they can't build a plane. the same for motorcycle. how japan manage partnership with other country is outdated. to many old man in japan that still hold the power to take decision. it can not keep up with the times. that's how many industry in japan lose to china and korea especially in consumer electronic goods.
For india Japan is more promising in transferring technology than that cruel and dirty minded china and Chinese people , china technology is only for one day
For india Japan is more promising in transferring technology than that cruel and dirty minded china and Chinese people , china technology is only for one day
salah sendiri dulu sempat bekerja setuju dan tiba2 membatalkan sekarang dcover china berhasil kenapa jepang yg cemburu atas suksesnya, bisa dlihat china lebih dekat selangkah dr jepang
And now Indonesia can improve her train technology learning from a high speed train cooperation with china. Indonesia has tge rights to decide what is important to their people and next generation, no longer depends on advanced countries which always want to push their interests that are covered by the aid or bilateral cooperation.
Indonesia negara kaya semua sumberdaya alam ada di negri kami,bila semua pemimpin indonesia maju kedepan jejur dan berpikir cerdas,jangn main2 sama kmi!!!
Dg jepang kita tdk bisa mendapatkan ilmu atau TOT dan bunganya jg mahal , beda jauh dg china TOT bisa kita dapatkan buktinya PT INKA akan membuat kereta bullet train merah putih sendiri biarpun kecepatannya baru 250km/jam setidaknya teknologinya sdh kita miliki dan akan terus ditingkatkan kecepatannya pasti
kalo kata netijen india sih jepang bersedia tot utk proyek kereta cepatnya trus bunganya juga kecil bahkan lbh kecil dr tiongkok - netijen india sering pake argumen ini
@@mariaannainditahernawati7132Itu karena Jepang belajar dari kejadiannya dengan Indonesia, Indonesia menolak kerja sama dengan Jepang karena bunga nya besar dan tidak bersedia TOT. Yg akhirnya Jepang belajar dari kesalahan itu ke India, harusnya India berterimakasih ke Indonesia
What happen with japan and their deal with Indonesia about high speed rail train, for me is like how Nintendo treat their fans Japanese leadership full of old man mentality trying to impose their rules for a submissive costumer like Indonesia
Indonesia mencari biaya kerjasama yg terjangkau, cepat dan bunga yg tidak terlalu tinggi makan nya kita bekerja sama dan berkolaborasi dengan China selain itu negara Indonesia juga belajar dari teknologi ini agar kelak Negara Indonesia bisa membuat sendiri kereta cepat ini terutama untuk Jakarta Surabaya karena perusahaan kereta yg kami miliki sedang menggarap proyek kereta cepat ini sendiri
I can remember when the brits used to make innovative cars/motorbikes...... and then Germany started making better cars and took sells off the brits.....then the Japanese came along and virtually killed the uk/usa motor car/bike industry. The cars/bikes manufactured by Japan was reliable, feature rich and above all, extremely good value. The Japanese moved with the times, introducing electric start on their bikes, whilst harley owners still risk breaking their shins trying to kick start their low riders..... The Japanese were hated and often accused of copying. Now, its china's turn. They are the new kids on the block. The Japanese should look back in history and see that no one dominates forever and its only natural that poorer countries evolves to take their crown. Japan is still a technology powerhouse and instead of trying to keep others down should try to collaborate with the up and coming youngsters, lol
Salut sama Bpk Jokowi. Beliau cerdas hebat jenius yang ambil keputusan paling menguntungkan negara kami. Anda hadiah dari tuhan kepada masyarakat Indonesia hidup nkri.
It was supposed to be Japan and not China but China suddenly proposed a faster phase of building and an immediate funding of the project thus Indonesia chose China over Japan, ignoring their first agreement.
Indonesia fear to be like india and vietnam. Pay already few years also never start building. Indonesia already finish the project and the other 2 country still waiting for japan and all that happen is talk and no action. It was suppose to be what again? Hahaha.
@@chrislee8734 if you know you know I guess you don't know what debt trap means. Yes they can give you immediate assistance but look at the staggering interest rate. Yes you want immediate result but how about the interest rate to be payed
@@7DEPITY Bro.. u clearly didnt know Indonesia History... we already Trade with China since Indonesian wasnt born, or even majapahit was born... if you think we are in Debt Trap you are clearly mistaken.. we already know if it was trap or not, and China will not cross that line I can guarantee that.. if you think China can Outsmart Indonesia you clearly in the wrong again... because We are "Ayam Jago" I doubt you didnt even know what Ayam Jago even mean....
West media and worldwide people think too deep about Indonesia. We're so simple, nations that backed by the US, we don't make any decisions with them except for something really strategic economically. Japan have so many rules in technology transfer Indonesia doesn't like that. China can make everything in a simple yes with a good collaboration and maintenance.
several observations 1) china is undisputed leader in building big. they have soo many experiences building in all kinds of terrain even terrain thats been dubbed "impossible" to build. 2) japan cannot build cheaply anymore, there own hsr project costs are either vastly understated from the beginning, or today they simply cannot build that cheaply anymore. this has been apparent to anyone who is in the know even back in 2010. any nation that still did not chose china instead, did so with karma now facing them. this is what happens when u dont chose objectively and fairly.
If I am not mistaken the first high-speed train was made in France. The competition lasted between France and Japan about the world train speed record. In any case, France's high-speed train railway network covers the entire country. So Indonesia now has a high-speed bullet train? Excellent. ..But remember the higher the speed the more maintenance on the track and machines.
if anyone want to compare shinkansen with china hsr, one should consider the total length of china hsr is 45000km under operating while the shinkansen is about 3000km. it's night and day difference between them.
What you want not to forget is that Indonesia initially chose Japan as its high-speed rail partner, conducting soil surveys and investigations into terrain suitability for the high-speed rail project at Japan's expense. However, midway through, Indonesia opted for China as its partner, and China somehow obtained and utilized the data Japan had surveyed to build the high-speed rail. Japan ended up providing the information to Indonesia and China for free due to the initial surveys 😂. You want us not to forget that.
@@fanz8689I wonder whether Japanese people today still remember the cruelty of their ancestors in ancient times. Thankfully, Indonesians do not hold grudges, unlike Koreans who find it difficult to forget Japanese atrocities 😅
I love Japan because Japan is responsible for helping in building our country's nation. However, I am disappointed that Japan is acting this way at Indonesia. Japan shouldn't talk bad about Indonesia's decision to chose China for the project given that Japan failed other countries with their projects. Also, Japan shouldn't act superior since Japan bows down to their master west especially USA.
What I don't like about Japan is they still act stingy, Japan doesn't realize that their country slowly but surely experiencing an economic slowdown, Japanese company is falling one after another and now they are in recession. If Japan had acted more generously, maybe now many countries would be willing to collaborate with them
Japan will left behind because they cannot to move on. Example, right now in Indonesia is booming with electric car. Many China electric car companies open factory here like BYD, Wuling, Cherry, MG, etc. Even Vietnam electric car Vinfast plan to open factory here. Meanwhile Japan car like Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi still stick to old and pollutant ICE car. I don't understand why Japanese so hard to move to electric car.
Japan should mind and worry over the Mumbai-Armedhabad HSR line. How far has its construction been going up to this time? When will you be able to fulfill the Indian Dream? Don't let down those HSR-hungry Indians. This may be a mega project that fills up their ambition to be a superpower or at least to surpass China. For India, only one line completed is counted as equivalent to the 42,000 milage of China. Its merely successful landing of Chandrayan 3 on the moon causes me to say this. Amazing indeed.
indias HSR is now 60% completed and first trial is scheduled in june 2026, and remember indias HSR project is 4 time bigger and much more complex then indoneshia bullet train, because indias HSR have 24 tunnel including 24km under sea tunnel and 9 river bridges, also 85% of indonesia HSR route is built on land and only 10% have girders ( bridge above the land ) while 92% indias HSR is built on girders there is no comparison of both projects there is huge difference in scale of these projects, we built all machinery used in this construction from sketch and now we are self reliant , our homegrown company is building this hsr while indonesia HSR is fully made by chinese people with chinese imported machine and labour
what do you mean by merely successful landing, chandrayan 3 was 100% successful mission and we are sending our indian astronaut to space this year as well
@@sanatanihindu383 Before bragging about the engineering success and self reliance of your country, cick on these videos to refresh your information. India's high speed rail has officially started operating India spends huge sums on eight Chinese shield machines, but refuses Chinese engineers to assemble Moreover, India has no credibility in international transactions. They tried to buy electric buses from BYD but it required Endia (opp sorry India) to pay prior to the delivery of goods. Recently, Russia demanded India to repay $ 1.5 billion of oil import in Yuan currency. Have you paid this amount of debt to Russia yet? I sympathize with Russia that months ago, the ruble plummeted in value due to holding a tremendous amount of rupee as a result of selling oil to India for your currency.. Believe me "Doing is louder than talking". The world is awaiting Chandrayarn 4 after the failure of the latest one.
@@sanatanihindu383A very short while after landing then ISRO losing communication with it for good = merely succeeding in landing and showing an insufficient level of Indian space technology, recalibration of ISRO required-------maybe miserably poor Indians in many big cities having to be prioritized over your national attempt to catch up with the unbelievable progress of China; otherwise getting hurt yourself in the long run, India lagging too far behind China to be on parity with it
Ayo lah jepang bantulah negara kami membuat mobil nasional sendiri, ayolah jepang jangan serakah , anda hanya menjadikan negara kami menjadi pasar. Sudah puluhan tahun pabrikan otomotif anda menguasai pasar otomotif negara kami .....Tapi apa yang kami dapat, ???? Jangan pelit soal transfer of teknologi...
Yang pertama wajib Anda ketahui adalah bahwa Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Melayu adalah sampah-sampah yang wajib dibuang ke tong sampah di jurang palung.
Kita masih di jajah sama jepang,, indonesia harus bisa bikin mobil & sepeda sendiri masak bikin kereta bisa bikin kendaraan tidak bisa pastinya juga bisa..
Jepang Emang pelit mereka, sekarang kita mau bangun mobil listrik buatan sendiri yg akan di bantu cina, susah ngandelin jepang mah, kita di kibulin terus puluhan tahun
Cina ngga pelit buat transferred knowledge, karna emang ituu yang dibituhin negara berkembang untuk maju dan itu salah satu alesan kita lebih milih cina
"In March 2015, Joko Widodo traveled to Tokyo and Beijing. In Tokyo, from 22 to 25 March, Joko Widodo met then-Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Widodo obtained a commitment for Japanese loan support for improving Jakarta's municipal rail network, but no progress was made on resolving issues with the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project." Simply put, the train does not wait for anyone to board.
While the video talks about Japan sharing its high speed rail technology, so far, it has not happened. China has shared its technology with Indonesia so Indonesia can build its own train set and maintain its railways. Japan may be forced to do the same if it expects to win future awards. It lost the much coveted Vietnam high speed rail project between Ho Chi Minh city and Hanoi to China after 10 years of negotiations favoring Japan. Japan also has lost face in other infrastructure projects with things like failed bridges and poor material selection in infrastructure. It sounds more like Japan cutting corners to keep costs down without regard to quality to which Japan's quality has been famous for.
Congrats Indonesia. You don't need to explain us why you chose the 7% interest BRI loan instead of 1% interest Japanese loan. But make sure Natuna Islands don't come under nine-dashed line by paying the debt on time. That's how Hambantota, Gwadar & Coco Islands were given up by their original countries.
@@adriankhoo6358 1% isnt at arms length principle...meaning it isnt a loan, its a bribery. but at what costs. indonesian government would save a few% interests but there country wuuld get bend over by endless delays and obsolete tech. the fact that china has already finished the project is evidence. right choice was made and corruption and bribery was dodged.
i had to pause to read japanese comments at the beginning of the video and as Indonesian I am amazed and angry especially the comment about how kind japan has been to Indonesia, i guess decimating the population for entertainment is kindness for japanese
Just report what people already know and whats obvious, Japan's prowess in high speed rail market is done. It is simply too expensive. Why would any nation pay more for the same thing?
Maybe Indonesia found the tricks in Taiwan bullet train built by Japan 😂😂😂😂😂 Japanese bullet train is VERY successful in Taiwan, and CONTINUOUSLY successful, hope you know what i mean 😂😂😂😂
I'm sorry to say but the Japanese no longer care about Indonesia's high-speed train. Only the Chinese are enthusiastic about them. The Japanese wish the Indonesians good luck in their relationship with China from now on.
I learn my lesson they can be double faces sometimes they will smile in front of you but behind the back they will talking really bad about you that was my exsperiened
Japan was originally scheduled to be in charge of the 2015 tender, when the plan was to introduce a Japanese Shinkansen train that would connect 143.2km from Jakarta, Indonesia's neck of the country, to the tourist destination Bandung. Japan conducted a Boring (earth) study in January 2014 to research Shinkansen plans and profitability. A boring survey is a ground survey conducted by driving an iron tube into the ground. Driving an iron tube into the ground and collecting soil to investigate the geology, check the strength of the ground by checking the fit of the tube. This Boring survey is a very labor-intensive task and costs a huge amount of money. A Boring study conducted in 2014 cost $1.91 million. Japan's high-speed rail project began construction in 2016 and began test runs in 2019. It was scheduled to open in early 2021. Japan made a detailed proposal and was said to have been awarded the order. However, in October 2014, then-President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono stepped down at the end of his term. On January 14, 2015, the new administration of President Joko Widodo announced the cancellation of the high-speed rail project, stating that it would be too expensive. China entered the competition for orders in March 2015 and announced that it would submit a bid the following April. China has been focusing on expanding its high-speed railway overseas with the aim of expanding its Belt and Road Initiative. On March 26, 2015, President Widodo visited Beijing and held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping. The Chinese side has successively announced its support for the Indonesian high-speed rail project. China appealed that it was cheaper than Japan, that it could complete construction faster than Japan, and that it would not ask Indonesia to bear the financial burden. On September 3, 2015, the Indonesian government announced a review of the high-speed rail project and closed the bidding process. Then, on September 29 of the same month, the Indonesian government decided to adopt the Chinese plan. The reason why China's proposal was adopted is that China was able to successfully prepare a competitive financing package for Indonesia that did not impose any financial burden. In fact, the content of the proposal that China submitted to Indonesia was very similar to Japan's proposal that had been submitted to Indonesia earlier. Even though China has not conducted a Boring survey, the data from the Boring survey was included in the proposal. It was also written that construction would be cheaper and faster than in Japan. As a result, Indonesia betrayed Japan (Indonesia is suspected of having diverted the proposal, which Japan had spent much effort and money preparing, to China), joining forces with China. No wonder Japan is angry!
On January 21, 2016, the joint venture held a groundbreaking ceremony in Babdung. However, as a result, Indonesia faced a terrible situation. The opening date has been significantly delayed. At the time of the successful bid in September 2015, construction was scheduled to begin in 2015 and open in 2019. However, the actual groundbreaking ceremony was delayed to January 21, 2016, and the opening date was not until 2023. According to China, the reason for the delay in opening the Land acquisition by Indonesia did not proceed smoothly, He commented that this was due to the effects of Covid-19. Land expropriation refers to acquiring the ownership of the land necessary to use high-speed rail. Unless land expropriation is carried out, smooth construction work will not be possible. China has carried out construction work that has generated complaints from surrounding residents, and has caused major accidents during construction in which two Chinese workers were killed. When I hear that, it's okay to leave it to China. Furthermore, Indonesia's high-speed railway has suffered a derailment accident during test runs. It is rumored that the vehicle used at this time was a second-hand vehicle brought from China. In fact, something unexpected happened not only in terms of the opening period but also in terms of the total project cost. China's plan estimated the total project cost to be around $6 billion, but the actual cost was $7.2 billion. The 1.2 billion dollars that was over budget ended up being paid from Indonesia's public funds. It is true that when the contract was signed, China was expected to bear the financial burden. However, in order to complete the high-speed railway, Indonesia had no choice but to finance it with public funds. This was a huge miscalculation as Indonesia, which has a lot of debt, thought it would not have to bear the financial burden of high-speed railway construction. President Joko Widodo spoke about this matter at the opening ceremony of the high-speed railway in Jakarta. "This is a high-speed railway that represents the modernization of environmentally friendly mass transportation. Unforeseen problems and on-site difficulties may arise during the technology introduction process. Such experience is expensive, but extremely valuable. If we are consistent, problems, including financial ones, will become smaller and smaller. We need to make use of this experience in developing future human resources." President Joko Widodo's comments have been criticized by the Indonesian public. "This happened because we betrayed Japan and chose China. They should have chosen Japan from the beginning." The maximum speed of the Indonesian high-speed railway is 350 km/h. The journey, which previously took 13 hours, has now been reduced to just 45 minutes. Initially, people could try it out for free, and from October 2, 2023, it opened between Halim Station in East Jakarta City and Tegallar Station in Babdung Province. However, the actual management unfortunately does not seem to be going well. Currently, many Indonesian people have pessimistic opinions, despite the fact that the first high-speed railway in Southeast Asia was built. There are two main problems. It's the fare and the accessibility to the station. Indonesian high-speed rail fares range from 250,000 rupiah to 300,000 rupiah one-way. If you use the shuttle bus that is already in operation, it will cost about 80,000 rupiah for the same section. If you use the conventional train, which takes 3 hours one way, you can travel for 150,000 rupiah. It is much cheaper to use buses or conventional lines.
By the way, according to data from the Middle East Statistics Chief as of February 2022, the average monthly income of Indonesians is 3,022,000 rupiah ($193). The Indonesian high-speed train costs between 250,000 rupiah and 300,000 rupiah one way, so just using it once will cost you one-tenth of your average monthly income. 1If Indonesians are asked to choose between time and cheap prices, they will most likely say cheap. As explained above, this project has incurred unexpected costs. To recoup the $1.2 billion in costs, freight rates will need to be set higher. The second problem is accessibility to the station. The location of the station is an issue. Normally, it is more convenient for a station to be located in a place that is easily accessible to commuters, who are the main user group. Even in Japan, the location where the Shinkansen passes through seems to be a relatively good location. However, in Indonesia, high-speed rail stations were newly built in rural areas. This is because the area around conventional line stations is densely populated with homes and shops, and there was no space to build a new station. China proposed, ``Let's build a new station in a rural area and at the same time build commercial facilities around the station.'' And Indonesia believed this proposal. In reality, construction of the high-speed railway was delayed by four years, so there was no longer any room to build commercial facilities. Indonesians who are concerned about fares and accessibility to stations are likely to continue using conventional trains and buses. The Indonesian government plans to move the capital to Nusantara on the eastern side of Kalimantan Island in 2024. The current capital of Indonesia is Jakarta, the city where the starting station of the recently opened high-speed railway is located. The area has suffered from land subsidence, flooding, and overcrowding for many years. It seems that the plan was to relocate the capital this time in order to solve this problem. However, once the capital is relocated, the number of high-speed rail users is expected to decrease significantly from the original plan. It was originally expected that the business would become profitable within 20 years of opening, but It is now said that it may be 40 years since it opened. It's true that it's not profitable if the number of passengers is small compared to the current fares. In other words, this high-speed railway must be prepared to run in the red and not make a profit for at least 40 years after its opening. Indonesia probably won't be able to cut ties with China for the time being. This is because the burden of high-speed rail is heavy. A research institute in Jakarta commented as follows: “Indonesia must continue to repay the debt as well as the interest on the loan. It requires funding from the national budget every year. In other words, the high-speed railway built by President Joko Widodo has become a huge burden on the country. It will be quite difficult to make a profit on high-speed rail. ” Indonesia, suffering from such cost-related costs, turned to China for a loan. As a result, Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment announced that the interest rate on loans from China would be over 2%. At the time of the bid, Japan proposed a loan interest rate of 0.1%. The South China Morning Post, an English-language newspaper published in Hong Kong, China, points out, ``This situation could have been avoided if President Widodo had chosen Japan instead of China for the project.'' Indonesia chose China because of its lower total construction costs, but as it turns out, the final bill was a huge amount. Indonesian Railways will be hard-pressed to see profits. However, the Indonesian government does not give up and seems to be enthusiastic about planning the next project. In fact, they are planning to improve the northern conventional line by connecting high-speed rail and conventional lines. Not wanting to fail this time, the Indonesian government asked Japan to implement the plan. However, Japan declined the request. The reason for this is that the track widths of high-speed railways and conventional lines are different. It has been pointed out that the philosophy of operation management differs between China's high-speed railways and Japan's conventional lines. In reality, Japan's true opinion seems to be that the Indonesian government cannot be trusted. In the end, it appears that Indonesia is relying on China for its next project as well. However, if things continue as they are, there is a possibility that Indonesia will fall into the same trap. What is “Debt-trap diplomacy”? See Wikipedia for details. Under the "Belt and Road Initiative" advocated by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, China is working to create trade routes. They are actively promoting and trying to get surrounding countries to join the Belt and Road Initiative. However, at that time, China intentionally forced developing countries to take on debts that they could not repay, using their territory and resources as collateral, to build railways and other structures. Sri Lanka is currently famous as a country that has fallen into China's ``debt-trap diplomacy.'' In August 2017, Sri Lanka's Port of Hambantota signed a contract to lease the port operating rights for 99 years to a Chinese company for $1.1 billion. As a result, Sri Lanka will be declared bankrupt in April 2022. I just hope that Indonesia does not follow the same fate as Sri Lanka.
@@moriokamoriko9555 gatau kalau soal menghina, tapi kalo soal teknologi memang kenyataan jepang kelasnya dunia.. dia gak mungkin ngebangun pertahanan negara yg super karna mereka sadar dulu udah kalah dari america nah skarang dia berani adu teknologi sama america..
krn tiongkok punya beragam model kereta cepat mau yg dibawah 300kmpj ada diatas itu ada yg lbh dr 500kmpj ada jadi ya nggak rugi kalo tot yg penting anggaran ada dan produk laku sementara buatan jepang model terbatas krn nggak mudah utk praktek disamping itu tenaga ahli jepang juga terbatas dan sdh berumur mau sehebat apapun jika sdm tdk cukup ya jadinya lambat ini emang disetting utk investasi pembiayaan jangka menengah sekitar 10 thn
What is Japan complaining about? If someone wants to buy a Chinese train, so what? It's like someone choosing to buy a German car rather than a Japanese one.
Jepang dapat memberikan penawaran lebih baik untuk kereta cepat, rute kereta china baru Jakarta tegal luar, masih banyak rute yang bisa dibuat oleh Jepang
Japan look for nato reject sea for long time already!
The advantage of taking the high-speed rail is that you won't encounter turbulence like flying. You can only go to the bathroom at the specified time by flying, but you can go to the bathroom at any time by taking the high-speed rail,You can also freely go to other cars to see the scenery outside the window😂
I read the most liked Japanese comment of a video about Indonesian bullet train saying "Chinese trains go 350km/h because they don't care about human life". Maybe it's a little translation error but the comment was full of pettiness and copium. The sore loser energy surprised me. The fact that they act superior to rest of Asia while kneeling to the west kinda pathetic.
Yes im agree with you. Japan is a west slave, they feelinh superior to other asian race but kneelimlng to the west
We in SE Asia felt this during WWII, how they and some right wingers still feel superior to the rest of Asia, did you know that in the Dutch Indies, the Japanese people were at equal with the Dutch officially and we chinese and Javanese, Arabs were all on a lower position also by law
@@hongsienkwee537This superiority feeling came from defeating Russian Navy in 1905 at Tsushima Strait and also when Japan army occupied eastern China in 1930s surrounding the international city of Shanghai. By the way, there was no peace treaty signed by Japanese toward Soviet Russia at the end of 1945. So technically they are still at war.
and Japan was not in a position to talk about morals to Indonesia considering what they had done in the WW2 era
Indonesia memilih china meskipun sedikit mahal karena china bersedia berbagi teknologi dan melatih semua orang indonesia untuk meng oprasikan dan merawat sendiri ,itu hal yang perlu di ingat ,dan penting sbg negara yang bersahabat dan saling menguntungkan
Pilih china karena bayar hutang jasa pilpres sewaktu dulu dr mulai kereta cepat, (pura2) hilirisasi nickel, dll
mantap. uda mulai pinter Indonesia. jangan jadi goblok lagi kaya toyota honda kampret, berpuluh2 taun disini cuma ngejajah doang
@@myname-jj9oi G0BL0K lu, Jepang itu tidak mau ada ToT, paham, sudah gitu waktu pengerjaan-nya lama lagi yaitu 8 tahun. bayangkan waktu itu kalau jepang yg menang. China yang lebih cepat saja sempat terhenti karena COVID. namun akhirnya selesai. Kalau jepang yg garap, mungkin sampai serang belum kelar ditambah lagi ga dapat ToT selamanya, jadi jongos jepang kita.
@@myname-jj9oithe next president will order dismantling these spy trains and cuff the corrupt officials 😮 that should make you happy 😆
@@myname-jj9oi Hutang jasa pilpres pala lu peyang.
I'm Indonesian and I'm happy our president choose China. The news reminds me of my experience in a business trip around Tokyo, I was with my boss and colleagues trying shinkansen. An old man in front of me asking where I came from. I answer Jakarta or Bali Indonesia. Once he grasp the answer, he said "massage". I look up to my boss and my boss said the Japanese old man is drunk. I told my friends they should have went to some other countries if they were so curious about shinkansen. The image of the old pervert man of Japan ruined all the good image build by all the business dinners in the most expensive hotels with the main industries in Tokyo the previous days.
This superiority complex you may expect from most of the developed and fast developing country's citizens because they are brainwashed by their media outlets with specific stereotypes.
lol, you should say "hentai chikan" to that old man
@@jonwick7635 plese add the ojisama honorific to hentai chikan .
Hai, hentai chikan ojisama. Respectfully.
But most of the Japanese I work with in the 1974 to 1982 were kind and freindly. In fact, I still talk about them today with my family occasionally.
Come on Japanese dont too greedy. The reason behind we dont have our own national car is because your lobbies. Indonesia is the heaven of Japanese car and bike markets..
Japan is like the USA. Only wanting to be #1, No other country can do it. And if you show you are capable, all sorts of negative remarks are thrown. Even to the point to SUPPRESS you and STIFLE you. Japan MUST REMEMBER WW2 and Hiroshima!!
Japan is a capitalist country following their buddy America that’s why 😂
Maybe Japan has alot of debt to pay for their master the US
Yess true tho..
Iya seharusnya indonesia udh mulai stop impor mobil & sepeda dari jepang krn cuma menguntungkan mereka saja dan kita harus bikin sendiri kendaraan dlm negeri masak bikin kereta bisa bikin mobil & motor sajaj tidak bisa...
Japan was previously the number in HSR.
Today it is China, the number one. Chinese HSR is the fastest, smoothest, most energy efficient most cost effective.
With 42k of HSR, China has economies of scale and better capability in R&D. Hence each generation of Chinese is better than the previous one.
my father is part of military, also Indonesian face threats from separatist militia in Papua, which suspectedly funded by Australian government since they had history with Timor Leste for oil... and guess what... Papua is rich in natural resource like gold. Everyone aware know if there is next U.S new state it will be Australia and Japan also aligned with U.S
AUKUS is behind them. And Timor leste still using Dollar.
Is Japan, a global leader in high-speed rail? Japan failed in India, Vietnam, etc. Japan has not completed any high-speed rail outside Japan.
Japan is a puppet state to the US. Why isn't it constructing the first high speed train line in the US. The potential for the construction of high speed trains there must be simply enormous.
Very true indeed.
lol who tell you that japan is failed in india dont fall in propaganda, indias HSR is now 60% completed and first trial is scheduled in june 2026, and remember indias HSR project is 4 time bigger and much more complex then indoneshia bullet train, because indias HSR have 24 tunnel including 24km under sea tunnel and 9 river bridges, also 85% of indoneshia HSR route is built on land and only 10% have girders ( bridge above the land ) while 92% indias HSR is built on girders there is no comparison of both projects we built all machinery from sketch our homegrown compary is builting this hsr while indoneshia HSR is fully made by chinese people
@@sanatanihindu383 Great! By 2036 you will definitely complete 61% of HSR! Jai Hind! India #1. The whole world will be jealous of the Indian achievements!
In my opinion, as an Indonesian, the Japanese government is too bound by United States politics in determining its foreign economic decisions and policies.
It is no secret that the motto of United States foreign policy is "if there is a country it doesn't like." then the United States will order all its allies to support and follow it!"
You can see the treatment of the United States and its allies towards Russia, China, Iran and many more!
This is what our Indonesian defense minister once said 🇮🇩 in an international forum that "YOUR ENEMY IS NOT MY ENEMY, DON'T INVITE AND FORCE US TO FOLLOW YOUR WISHES!"
It is time for all countries in the world to change their political systems and economic outlook for the sake of the sovereignty of their nation and state, freedom to determine one's attitude and make decisions or policies for the good of one's own nation and state!🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🙏🙏🙏
yep, Japan is too reliant to murica right now, its foreign policy needs them to side with western worlds, but this is mostly on govt. level. Normal citizens just didnt give a damn
Spot on!
Good job Indonesia. More power to you.
As an individual Japanese people may still be proud but as a nation its just a slave with no pride left just following orders from washington
Indonesia is stable force in Asean. Indonesia has the landmass and population to anchor Asean in direction.
Kita selalu mendahulukan transaksi dengan beberapa negara maju dengan dasar TOT ( transfer of technology ).. itulah dasar Indonesia menjalankan transaksi beberapa proyek dengan negara negara maju.😊 seperti kerja sama pembuatan Kapala laut dengan Korea selatan..yang akhirnya Indonesia mampu membuat sendiri.
Indonesia belum mampu membuat kapal selam, baru bisa merakit aja.
Dan bagi yang masih nggak ngerti, merakit =/= membuat.
@@blak_kety gpp belajar rakit dulu baru nanti coba bikin sendiri, cina jepang dulu sebelum bisa bikin sendiri mereka juga belajar rakit dulu
Indonesia berusaha TOT dan lucunya disini teriak jebakan hutang, kapan balik modal, rugi dong😂😂 bossman mardigu yg katanya visioner tapi ahh sudahlah
@@sweetpotato3910Indonesians are proud of their current government . It’s a huge move to dispel the “debt trap” of al Capone. 😊
@@sweetpotato3910mardigu lu dengerin 😂😂😂 gw begitu dngr dia blg choke point di selat malaka.. gw mo ketawa ngakak.. choke point di selat malaka sangat mudah di lalui..
Bisa melalui Kra canal, bisa melalui kyaukpyu port di myanmar.. bisa jg dr gwadar port di pakistan..
If I am not mistaken Indonesia is the first SEA country to have HSR like this. Congrats to my Indonesian brothers for having HSR!
I believe Laos had it first. Laos is neighbor of China
@@peanut0brainyea i agree having hrs is not something to be proud of
Cheers to Indonesia。。。
@@TheAnonymousKnightOfJustice you being born is nothing to be proud of
I dont think japan can care any less ... are you sure you are not reading too much into it?
Berpuluh puluh tahun Indonesia hanya dijadikan pasar produk Jepang, saat Indonesia berubah tapi Jepang tidak siap.
Entah kenapa...kok saya melihat ekonomi Jepang lagi stuck ya sekarang?😅
@@dualsoul7398sudah stuck sejak tahun 1980 atau 1990.
Rumornya gara-gara US gak mau sampai JP jadi no 1 sehingga disabotase perekonomiannya.
@@dualsoul7398 US juga gak mau CN jadi no 1 tapi CN bukan aliansi dengan US jadi susah buat disabotase.
@@sanchikotjendrakasih9138 jadi ingat, perumpamaan ini:
" Berteman dengan ASu itu berbahaya, bermusuhan ASu itu fatal" intinya, kalau berhubungan dengan negara satu ini kita harus selalu waspada+awas!
@@dualsoul7398 krn ada plaza accord
Japan never lacks bean counters and good technicians but always lacks visionary leaders.
No wonder why it's happened with SEGA "civil war", seniority system in Japan. That's what I know.
What do you mean? Japan has had many visionary and great leaders such as Bush, Clinton, Obama and now Biden.
@@ritarosita931 haha good one. If you put it that way …
@@ritarosita931How about Trump? He is not visionary enough? Abe loves to play golf with him….guess that’s irrelevant 😂
@@freeskier64 IMO Trump is the real US president, he launched a trade war against all countries.
compare Vietnam and India. Indonesia is correct indeed.
Indian HSR is 4 times of Indonesia HSR. Compare the HSR stations of India and Indonesia.
@@Pratikddcongrats india🎉
Indonesia Also Build they Phase 2 HSR from Jakarta-Surabaya 720km
Jakarta-Bandung is only 156km
@@ReddTN Yeah! keep on developing
@@Pratikdd What's the max. speed of the Indian HSR?
@@brian.z6592 It will be 350km/hr average.
I don't know about max speed
The world must start opening its eyes. The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train project is just the beginning of a mega project with a minimum length of 2000km. After the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train project is successful, it will be extended to Surabaya with a length of around 700km. Many vloggers & UA-camrs from neighboring countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and even vloggers and UA-camrs from Europe, India, Japan came to try the Jakarta Bandung high-speed train. And everyone said they were very satisfied, minimal vibration, no noise, magnificent station, excellent service and so on. Even vloggers and UA-camrs from Japan admit that the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train, apart from being faster, also has less vibrations & no noise than the fastest Shinkansen train, namely the Tokaido Shinkansen with a maximum speed of 320km and the vlogger also admits that he feels a little disappointed because it turns out there is a better fast train than Shinkansen. Just for your information, why Indonesia finally chose to collaborate with China rather than Japan is because, 1. Japan offers trains operating since 1995 with a maximum speed of 250km. 2. Japan also does not want to share technology or transfer technology with Indonesia. 3. Meanwhile, China offers their newest train, which in China itself only started operating in 2016 with a maximum speed of 420km. 3. China is also willing to share technology for making high-speed railway tracks. 4. The price offered by China is also 30% cheaper than that offered by Japan.
With that in mind, I'm sure any sane person would choose China over Japan. Japan's dislike of China's success in developing fast trains is actually justified, because in the past there was a Japanese company that sold information to China about making fast trains so that China was able to make its own fast trains and currently they are better than Japan's Shinkansen trains, however If you look at the past, Japan should feel guilty because of the invasion and colonization they carried out on mainland China, they spread suffering, they spread hatred, they took many lives, but now they feel annoyed just because China succeeded in developing a fast train that is better than their fast train. Japan. And just so you know, most of the Japanese population is not native Japanese but instead native people who came from China settled in Japan and by the Japanese government they were forced to use Japanese names and use the Japanese language.
but just like America which is full of lies, Japan also practices doctrine to its people by saying that products made in China are no better than Japan when in reality, although Chinese products are cheaper, the quality is even equivalent to Japanese products or better, this can all happen because of people's principles. China is looking for a market while the Japanese principle is looking for profit. That's why Chinese products are sold at low prices but as a result they get a very wide market. The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train project uses 60% funding from Indonesia and 40% funding from China with a payment period of 30 years, but in fact if Indonesia wanted, Indonesia could pay it off today, but the agreement made was a 30 year contract, even so in the end Indonesia and China have succeeded in proving that in Asia it is not only Japan that can produce high-speed trains and the world has finally learned that cheaper products do not necessarily have worse quality, it could even be that cheaper products have better quality than more expensive products. This could happen because the Chinese trading principle is to look for markets, not just profit. Meanwhile, Japan is very stingy and does not want to share technology because Japan knows and realizes the potential of countries in Southeast Asia which, if they get advanced technology, these countries can surpass Japan, that's why Japan feels afraid and ultimately tries to make other countries depend on it, unlike China, which wants to share technology with developing countries so that in the future when these countries are developed, these countries can become partners for China, not just become money-making countries as Japan hopes. However, this information must have been hidden by the Japanese government because once again the Japanese government indoctrinated its people and instilled the belief that products made in China are no better than products made in Japan. That's why after there were several vloggers from Japan who proved for themselves the advantages of the Jakarta Bandung fast train, this secret was not released. can be covered up again and Japan must open their eyes that if they act naively in the end they will be even more left behind.
Dulu sewaktu tender Jepang kalah dengan China 😂 kenapa Indonesia akhirnya memilih China karena China bersedia transfer technology sedangkan Jepang tidak mau.
Kita memilih China karena berharap next kita bisa membuat kereta cepat buatan lokal oleh PT. INKA (perusahaan pembuatan kereta api Indonesia)
Tahun 2024 ini rencana akan dimulai kereta cepat Jakarta-Surabaya 250km/jam karya PT INKA & ITS university dengan technology yang sudah ditranfer dari China
nice opinion
terutama karena jepang maunya diback up oleh negara sementara Indonesia maunya murni bisnis, untung makan sendiri rugi tanggung sendiri. di malaysia jepang juga tidak mau masuk karena sama memakai skema bisnis bukan utang negara.
@@awancah7309 jepang itu sekutu amerika, dan segala keputusan jepang terkadang harus linear dengan political view america, saat ini amerika tidak suka dengan indonesia, terlihat dari usaha untuk mengusik hilirisasi, aturan DHE, dan banyak lagi. Terakhir keengganan Tesla untuk invest di indonesia, malah memilih malaysia, yang notabene juga a part of kolonialisme inggris, tetap ada darah inggris didalamnya.
Indonesia dikepung oleh peremakmuran inggris dan sekutu amerika, sebut saja singapore malaysia brunei filipina papuanugini, australia timorleste, semua erat afiliasinya dengan amerika dan inggris. Jadi segala cara akan dipakai untuk "mengkerdilkan" indonesia dengan cara2 pertemanan lewat negara2 tetangga asia tenggara.
Bahkan negara terdekat kita, singapore, adalah lintah darat indoensia, kenapa? seluruh kekayaan dan hasil dagang perusahaan pengusaha dll itu kebanyakan di simpan di singapore, karena apa? mereka bisa kasih tax lebih rendah. Maka otomatis banyak orang yang simpan uang di singapore, dan itu yang membuat singapore maju, karena banyak inflow ke sistem keuangan mereka, nah makanya ada tax amnesty tahun 2016 dari indonesia, sehingga pengusaha2 dan pemilik modal kembali menyimpan uangnya di indonesia, terjadilah capital outflow dr singapore, tidak masif, tapi cukup untuk gertak negara kecil itu.
Ini kadang luput dari pengertian orang2, apa sih dampaknya tax amnesty, padahal secara geopolitik ini gertakan keras bagi negara2 tetangga.
Ini persis seperti aturan DHE, yang "memaksa" pemilik modal untuk menyimpan uangnya di Indonesia, dipaksa agar devisa tidak lari keluar negeri, sehingga banyak yang protes, termasuk negara2 tujuan devisa seperti singapore amerika dll terutama yang tujuan tax heaven. Jelas singapore tidak suka, banyak pengusaha2 asing juga tidak suka, maka mereka ambil posisi dari geopolitic amerika, untuk menggoyang Indonesia. Caranya yaaaa isunya untuk merubah restriksi2 tersebut.
Asing cuma ingin tambang dikeruk terus dijual ke mereka, agar mereka cuan lebih banyak.
Dalam geopolitik, bukan ngga mungkin negara lain di jadikan sandera untuk melancarkan aksi2 politiknya, lihat jawaban Biden ketika jokowi bertemu di amerika, untuk urusan investasi dan palestina. Jawabannya adalah dia tetap akan ikut campur urusan palestina dan tidak akan gencatan senjata. Jelas artinya amerika akan obrak abrik pilpress sekarang, karena keinginannya tidak dipenuhi, yaitu untuk cuan lebih banyak.
Mungkin akan beda cerita jika hilirisasi dibatalkan, aturan dhe ditiadakan dan freeport tetap milik amerika, negosiasi jokowi ke as untuk mendamaikan suasana Mungkin bisa berhasil.
Tapi apakah amerika bisa dipercaya? tidak akan. Jangan pernah percaya sama amerika 100%. Dimana ada amerika pasti ada maunya.
Percayalah pemilu saat ini bukan perkara capres cawapres, tapi ada kekuatan asing ingin mendobrak aturan2 dan restriksi2 yang membuat mereka sulit untuk "maling" dan "cari cuan" di indonesia.
Dan itu nyata. Hanya netizen tidak melihat ini, mereka hanya melihat ini sebatas politik dinasti dan keserakahan kekuasaan. Ngga secetek itu bung.
@@ntznbgztnegara-negara bencong lagibete memang seharusnya dimusuhi, including their slaves countries.
@@ntznbgztjepang secara halus sebenarnya sedang "dijajah" oleh Amerika, dan cina tahu ini, karena itu dia mengajak dia (jepang,) dan juga Korea) untuk berkolaborasi membangun asia timur lebih baik, tapi Amerika mengompori jepang agar menjauh dari cina dengan segala macam propaganda... takut kehilangan sekutu di timur
Japan is happy while Vietnam and India is crying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Indonesia make the right choice 👍
Only you crying
I think good idea if Japan investment in sex industries in India. Sex industries is one of the most profitable industries, right.
This comment shows your mentality
and by writing this comment you are making your whole country feel ashaimed of you@@sutisnaherdiansyah7773
@@sutisnaherdiansyah7773 😍
lol who tell you that japan is failed in india dont fall in propaganda, indias HSR is now 60% completed and first trial is scheduled in june 2026, and remember indias HSR project is 4 time bigger and much more complex then indoneshia bullet train, because indias HSR have 24 tunnel including 24km under sea tunnel and 9 river bridges, also 85% of indoneshia HSR route is built on land and only 10% have girders ( bridge above the land ) while 92% indias HSR is built on girders there is no comparison of both projects we built all machinery from sketch our homegrown compary is builting this hsr while indoneshia HSR is fully made by chinese people
Talking about positive feelings, it is challenging to harbor any positive sentiments toward the Japanese who practiced forced labor (romusha) during World War II. My grandfather, who served as a soldier during that time, often recounted the hardships endured, particularly under Japanese colonization, which he described as the most difficult period. so here's my middle finger for you japan, And we, the Indonesian people, have traded with China for thousands of years, and never once have they colonized Indonesia, unlike some other countries
Lol people who obsessed with the past
My obsession is not your concern. If you get irritated by my comment, here's another middle finger for you 👆
@user-vj4ry3pk7e So, should we reject China's benevolent intentions for economic collaboration? In the end, it is preferable to the overt invasion by Japan in 1945. Have you observed the comparison suggesting that the Chinese high-speed train surpasses its Japanese counterpart? Currently, China exhibits a superiority surpassing that of Japan
yea2, the bibliophiles and their references. When Indonesia prohibited lithium exports, all nations opposed it, bringing Indonesia to the World Trade Organization. Guess which country supported and established factories and smelters in Indonesia? Yes, China :) action speak louder than your book sir@user-vj4ry3pk7e
yea2, the bibliophiles and their references. When Indonesia prohibited lithium exports, all nations opposed it, bringing Indonesia to the World Trade Organization. Guess which country supported and established factories and smelters in Indonesia? Yes, China :) Such actions speak louder than your book, sir
Japan "USED" to be a power house in household appliances, I.T, Optics, Auto, etc etc.
Their time have already passed. The HSR contract between China and Indonesia is almost
the same time as the Indian HSR. Indonesia 's HSR was commission and handed over in
September/October 2023. Compare that to the India/Japanese HSR which is not even close to 50%
of structural completion. To top it up will be cost over run in terms of raw materials and labor.
Which country will absorb the additional cost. Japan is already a Failure and a laughing stock
in the eyes of the world.
I agree.. Japan should shifts their diplomacy policy toward knowledge transfer base to make the world great again in TOGETHERNESS..
Am i naive.. i think not 😊
Very strange, why must Indonesia ensure Japan's happiness? Indonesia is a sovereign country, not like Japan taking every step to make USA happy.😂😂
Japan tarnished its reputation by not completing a project whenever and wherever they face terrain obstacles, problems and unable to solve it especially in HSR Project. Japan failed in many projects and China has to complete it for them.
As a Japanese person it's quite embarrassing seeing all the netizens from my country being so biased. I'm genuinely happy that Indonesia got a new bullet train and I hope the two countries can maintain an equal relationship with eachother.
IMO, Japan has missed good opportunity through tough negotiation in Indonesia's HSR project.
1. Indonesia HSR projects could be a powerful showcase project to attracts ASEAN market, and other side of asia countries
2. Loosing this projects literally means japan has one step backwards in holding back china's technology influence.
If only Japan would gave a more negotiable partnership upon this project, I believe Japan will sustain its superiority in HSR technology. But now, Japan just give to the world to see another option in seeking HSR partnership.
Nothing to blame here but I heard a Japanese kid make an innovative improvement for the bag (or something) but many "adults" or "people with the higher age" insult the kid on social media. I feel so sorry for the kid, wish the "seniority system" cannot be this worst it would be a chance.
I think this is might be random but as I said. That's it.
Salam dari indonesia
We indians always indebt for what Japanese helping to our country to shaping out our economy
Kamu orang jepang yang baik dan obyektif.....
Japan has never wanted to share technology with others.
it did a bidding initially but lost due to it's high cost.
China won partly because of it's lower cost and other factors
@@ricflair4052 you need to be fair and state that China bankrolled and provided almost all the financing , very low interest long term loans and took up all the risks , insurance and provided the never say dye labourers from China to work in very slave like conditions. Allegedly. Japan had to limit its risk and financing.
But there is no beating Japan safety record onrolling stock safety in an earthquake.
Lets see how China's train perform in an Earthquake along the Jakarta Bandung route.
@@tenga3tango I said "with other factors"
I am just too lazy to write all those details as well.
China is also a "Super Power" when it comes to infrastructure.
@@ricflair4052 japan never offered shinkansen.. they offered SEMI-highspeed.. shinkansen was out of the question.. japan did offered a much lower interest rate though.. at 0.14% if i'm not wrong.. compared to china between 2-4%.. but no shinkansen.. indonesia wants highspeed railway.. not semi highspeed..
Japanese is 🤬👹😈
Yang memalukan Jepang berbanding China adalah Jepang mengejar kemajuan sambil bertekuk lutut dan membungkukkan badannya kepada AS dan Barat, China memperoleh kemajuannya dengan cara yang terhormat dan luar biasa dengan tetap berdiri tegak sejajar dengan AS dan Negara Barat. China berani dan berhasil menantang dominasi AS dan Barat sedangkan Jepang hanyalah jadi pecundang bangsa Asia yang menjilat kepada AS dan Barat, tingkah laku jepang sangat memalukan.
Sebelas duabelas lah sama korsel dan taiwan😂, jadi negara ga berdaulat . Kaki tangan Amerika Serikat
Maan.. I cannot agree more, but bruh, why Japan become like this, they once dominated Asia fot greater good tho😢..
In Indonesia these days, people are brainwashed and educated like that..
@@user-kj4hq7zk3c??? Are you Chinese 😂
Mungkin jepang jangan pelit berbagi teknologi sprt amerika yang sangat mendekte setiap memberikan teknologi ,
Itulah faktanya, Nabi pun bersabda: Tuntutlah ilmu sampai ke negri China. Dan itu terbukti bermanfaat bagi kita...
@@tokyanjourney9788itu hadist nya tidak shohih❤
@@tokyanjourney9788 Taiwa,Korea,Japan juga termasuk China... mereka aslinya org dari China
@@zi.d7 itu kan menurut lu, yg melihatnya secara kasat mata aja...
@@tokyanjourney9788 wkwkkw memang Iya. Leluhur mereka asalnya dari China 🤣🤣 cuman Japan dan Korea sudh berhasil terpisah dari China
Kompotisi China dan Jepang kedepannya akan di menangkan China, karena pekerja China sangat cepat dan sumberdaya manusia yang cukup serta terpelajar.masa depan China, Jepang,dan Korea kedepannya akan berada di INDONESIA.karna perusahaan mobil hyundai Korea, BYD,wuling China,dan Toyota Jepang ada pabriknya di INDONESIA 👍🇮🇩❤️🇮🇩❤️🇨🇳❤️🇰🇷❤️🇯🇵ayo maju bersama².👍
Saya pengennya indonesia bisa bikin kendaraan mobil & sepeda sendiri tanpa di jajah lagi oleh pihak asing masak bikin kereta saja bisa bikin mobil & sepeda tidak bisa..
@@rozisagitarius3977pelan pelan mas itu juga pentingnya kendaraan umum macam kereta cepat ini di kebut pengerjaannya, percaya atau tidak kota “terbesar” secara ekonomi kedua di Indonesia itu si Surabaya tapi dibandingkan Jakarta gap(celah) diantara Jakarta-surabaya itu besar dan jauh sekali bayangin kota kedua terbesar aja belum mampu mendekati Jakarta gimana kota lainnya… harapannya dengan kereta cepat ini salah satunya ya itu jadi orang ga perlu berpusat dan berkonsentrasi di Jakarta terus nantinya perusahaan perusahaan bisa bangun dan didirikan di Surabaya tapi relasi bisnis dan perdanganan bisa tetap di Jakarta karena kereta cepat memangkas waktu tempuh yang sangat luar biasa syukur syukur harga ga semahal pesawat
MRT join with Japan
HSR whoosh join with China
I think that's fair enough
Yes Japanese consumer products once dominated world, and look at their products now, anybody may name single japan’s consumer product that enjoys same market share?
China agreed to transfer the technology, but Japan refused.
Listen to thier master USA😅
but japan is ready to transfer their technology to india
@@sanatanihindu383 exactly, so Indonesia was right to pick China instead of Japan.
@@eliso5973lol if you want transfer tech you should pay more...
We Indonesian love China, bcs China more humble
The biggest competition for trains is cars. One train set can easily displace 20k cars. A really good train system can reduce the need for millions of cars.
Malaysians could've learn a thing or two from this, but nah they prefer taking care of their parasitic national car industry, *cough* Pro *cough* ton...
Indonesia having high speed railway because, Indonesia the biggest country in southeast by population number 4 in Indonesia is top size economi in southeast.
The first point of incompatibility between Japan and Indonesia is regarding budget management. The Indonesian side's request is B to B (Business to Business) management, but the Japanese want G to G (Government to Government) because Japan does not trust the integrity of Indonesian national companies. Regarding the issue of technology transfer, it never surfaced at first. It looks like Japan is learning from failures in India and elsewhere. The proof is that the construction of the Jakarta MRT which was built by a Japanese company is running smoothly and on time and there is a transfer of technology for making LRT trains by INKA.
I was very hopefull when Japanese plan to build bullet train in Indonesia ,but confused after they announced they are not willing to do technology transfer....
To counter your discussion, look to Japanese failures in infrastructure constructions in these countries including (to my knowledge) Brazil, Vietnam, Algeria, the Philippines, India (in the limbo of success or failure) and perhaps more. Besides, in the past decade, it lost to China in international biddings for mega projects many times.
Japan have a lot of cases of falsifying data recently. Steel, car emissions, etc... It's hurting their brand
I think you mean ‘add on to your discussion’. To counter means to say the opposite/dismantle
china emang mitra terbaik...ada kabar juga kereta otonom tanpa rell akan di buat di bogor dan ibu kota baru ikn.
We remember when japan colonialism in indonesia even for 3 years but they are so cruel to asia.😢 They killed so many people
Indonesia government did some very smart decisions.
With the completion of Bandung HSR, future HSR projects will have comparison and guidelines.
Indonesia will not be paying excessively and can more accurately gauge cost, project timeline, and quality aspects.
Moreover, Indonesia has brought in local assembly of HSR from China, so in possible near future might be able to be self sufficient and even export out.
Ialah gaboleh ada yg merasa paling berkuasa di suatu region, kita harus saling membantu kolaborasi untuk menjadikan negara lebih baik lagi, jangan merasa adidaya adikuasa seperti mamarika, nanti ujungnya pas jatuh ekonominya siapa yg bantu selain mitra negara itu, jangan sombong jangan belagu, gitu aja kok repot😂, salut untuk indonesia❤🎉
Prosperity and security must be shared, it is a pity Japanese govt see Indonesia as cashcow only. In time jp automakers will go in decline
Ive been work in both country, japan and china, both are hardworking people, but china is more efficient and changing very fast. Look what happened with the India bullet train by japan , very slow progress.
And dont forget, MRT project in jakarta is for japan, some of the electronic and signaling in jakarta LRT also from japan. Dont be so greedy japan.
You can't compare India HSR with Indonesia HSR. In India they will build 12 stations and in Indonesia only 3 stations...
@@zi.d7 ur right one is finished already, the other one is in limbo and 8x overbudget...
and by 2026 it will face new delays and the tech is obsolete.
but dont worry, ur gonna get hyperloop soon...
hyperscoop lol
Indonesian here, I don't think it's fair to use those people to represent "Japan" as a whole. Those kind of people are everywhere and they're called losers.
Semua peralatan dari Jepang baik itu transportasi, elektronik dsb berharga mahal dibandingkan peralatan milik china, utk kualitas saat ini buatan China sanggup bersaing dg Jepang dan Eropa
I believe that Indonesia will keep in balance the relationship with these two best neighbour countries, Japan and China. Both countries still play major role in developing Indonesian system transportation and technology.
Japan in Indonesia isn't a fair corporation but more of colonization.
Including domination of Japanese vehicles dominatin which is now slowly ending.
China is doing better and fairly.
Thank's for these informative descriptions.
So ironic Japan is no longer a sunrise, maybe now it is becoming sunset
it's laughable how japanese are saying. do not want to partner?? is japan seeing indonesia as partner?? didn't they just see indonesia as market?? japan proposal is not good enough as china proposal. it's as simple as that. they want indonesia to always depend on them. there is no transfer of technology. of course indonesia choose china proposal.
japan already dominated indonesia car manufacturer, is it logic that indonesia that can manufacture a plane didn't have a local car brand?? is it more difficult to build a car than a plane? even malaysia have their own car brand and they can't build a plane. the same for motorcycle.
how japan manage partnership with other country is outdated. to many old man in japan that still hold the power to take decision. it can not keep up with the times. that's how many industry in japan lose to china and korea especially in consumer electronic goods.
Jepang sifatnya masih mental menjajah sama kyk negara barat 😂
mesin toyota dibuat dimari, tapi ya gitu mesin produksinya dibuat disana jadi sami mawon mau bikin pabriknya susah wkk
Lol 😂😂😂 wt
For Indônèsia,,,China is more promising in transfering technology than Japan !!!
yes its true
For india Japan is more promising in transferring technology than that cruel and dirty minded china and Chinese people , china technology is only for one day
For india Japan is more promising in transferring technology than that cruel and dirty minded china and Chinese people , china technology is only for one day
salah sendiri dulu sempat bekerja setuju dan tiba2 membatalkan sekarang dcover china berhasil kenapa jepang yg cemburu atas suksesnya, bisa dlihat china lebih dekat selangkah dr jepang
And now Indonesia can improve her train technology learning from a high speed train cooperation with china.
Indonesia has tge rights to decide what is important to their people and next generation, no longer depends on advanced countries which always want to push their interests that are covered by the aid or bilateral cooperation.
Indonesia negara kaya semua sumberdaya alam ada di negri kami,bila semua pemimpin indonesia maju kedepan jejur dan berpikir cerdas,jangn main2 sama kmi!!!
This channel deserve more subscriber. Good Job!
Dg jepang kita tdk bisa mendapatkan ilmu atau TOT dan bunganya jg mahal , beda jauh dg china TOT bisa kita dapatkan buktinya PT INKA akan membuat kereta bullet train merah putih sendiri biarpun kecepatannya baru 250km/jam setidaknya teknologinya sdh kita miliki dan akan terus ditingkatkan kecepatannya pasti
kalo kata netijen india sih jepang bersedia tot utk proyek kereta cepatnya
trus bunganya juga kecil bahkan lbh kecil dr tiongkok - netijen india sering pake argumen ini
@@mariaannainditahernawati7132Itu karena Jepang belajar dari kejadiannya dengan Indonesia, Indonesia menolak kerja sama dengan Jepang karena bunga nya besar dan tidak bersedia TOT. Yg akhirnya Jepang belajar dari kesalahan itu ke India, harusnya India berterimakasih ke Indonesia
@@mariaannainditahernawati7132tapi tetep lelet kerjanya 5 tahun baru beres 15 km kek tol padang ae
Wkwkwkwk agak ngakak
@@iboy84 project HSR di India jauh lebih besar. Mereka bangun 12 stasiun sedangkan Indo cuman 3 stasiun... jelas beda durasinya
What happen with japan and their deal with Indonesia about high speed rail train, for me is like how Nintendo treat their fans
Japanese leadership full of old man mentality trying to impose their rules for a submissive costumer like Indonesia
Indonesia mencari biaya kerjasama yg terjangkau, cepat dan bunga yg tidak terlalu tinggi makan nya kita bekerja sama dan berkolaborasi dengan China selain itu negara Indonesia juga belajar dari teknologi ini agar kelak Negara Indonesia bisa membuat sendiri kereta cepat ini terutama untuk Jakarta Surabaya karena perusahaan kereta yg kami miliki sedang menggarap proyek kereta cepat ini sendiri
The Shinkansen has really turned into history this time.
I can remember when the brits used to make innovative cars/motorbikes...... and then Germany started making better cars and took sells off the brits.....then the Japanese came along and virtually killed the uk/usa motor car/bike industry. The cars/bikes manufactured by Japan was reliable, feature rich and above all, extremely good value. The Japanese moved with the times, introducing electric start on their bikes, whilst harley owners still risk breaking their shins trying to kick start their low riders..... The Japanese were hated and often accused of copying.
Now, its china's turn. They are the new kids on the block. The Japanese should look back in history and see that no one dominates forever and its only natural that poorer countries evolves to take their crown. Japan is still a technology powerhouse and instead of trying to keep others down should try to collaborate with the up and coming youngsters, lol
Salut sama Bpk Jokowi. Beliau cerdas hebat jenius yang ambil keputusan paling menguntungkan negara kami. Anda hadiah dari tuhan kepada masyarakat Indonesia hidup nkri.
It was supposed to be Japan and not China but China suddenly proposed a faster phase of building and an immediate funding of the project thus Indonesia chose China over Japan, ignoring their first agreement.
Indonesia fear to be like india and vietnam. Pay already few years also never start building. Indonesia already finish the project and the other 2 country still waiting for japan and all that happen is talk and no action. It was suppose to be what again? Hahaha.
@@chrislee8734 if you know you know I guess you don't know what debt trap means. Yes they can give you immediate assistance but look at the staggering interest rate. Yes you want immediate result but how about the interest rate to be payed
Exactly, this why many Indonesian disagree with this project...
@@7DEPITY What debt trap? Some fake western media propaganda again lol. Chinese loans have the best interest rates in the world.
@@7DEPITY Bro.. u clearly didnt know Indonesia History... we already Trade with China since Indonesian wasnt born, or even majapahit was born... if you think we are in Debt Trap you are clearly mistaken.. we already know if it was trap or not, and China will not cross that line I can guarantee that.. if you think China can Outsmart Indonesia you clearly in the wrong again... because We are "Ayam Jago" I doubt you didnt even know what Ayam Jago even mean....
Japan and China are competing each other for exporting HSRs.
China won Indonesia, Japan isn't happy about it.
That's it, very simple story.
Still I don't get the reason. If Indonesia is happy Kishida should shut the fuck up
West media and worldwide people think too deep about Indonesia.
We're so simple, nations that backed by the US, we don't make any decisions with them except for something really strategic economically. Japan have so many rules in technology transfer Indonesia doesn't like that. China can make everything in a simple yes with a good collaboration and maintenance.
several observations
1) china is undisputed leader in building big. they have soo many experiences building in all kinds of terrain even terrain thats been dubbed "impossible" to build.
2) japan cannot build cheaply anymore, there own hsr project costs are either vastly understated from the beginning, or today they simply cannot build that cheaply anymore.
this has been apparent to anyone who is in the know even back in 2010. any nation that still did not chose china instead, did so with karma now facing them. this is what happens when u dont chose objectively and fairly.
If I am not mistaken the first high-speed train was made in France. The competition lasted between France and Japan about the world train speed record. In any case, France's high-speed train railway network covers the entire country.
So Indonesia now has a high-speed bullet train? Excellent. ..But remember the higher the speed the more maintenance on the track and machines.
Setelah kereta cepat, di masa depan motor & mobil Jepang akan dilibas motor & mobil China.
if anyone want to compare shinkansen with china hsr, one should consider the total length of china hsr is 45000km under operating while the shinkansen is about 3000km.
it's night and day difference between them.
Japan ...dont act like the US and be jealous and badmouthing because other countries are. getting better and better.....
For sure China will build best high way in the world
What you want not to forget is that Indonesia initially chose Japan as its high-speed rail partner, conducting soil surveys and investigations into terrain suitability for the high-speed rail project at Japan's expense. However, midway through, Indonesia opted for China as its partner, and China somehow obtained and utilized the data Japan had surveyed to build the high-speed rail. Japan ended up providing the information to Indonesia and China for free due to the initial surveys 😂. You want us not to forget that.
You want us not to forget what Nippon did in the past? 😂
I just knew about this
@@fanz8689I wonder whether Japanese people today still remember the cruelty of their ancestors in ancient times. Thankfully, Indonesians do not hold grudges, unlike Koreans who find it difficult to forget Japanese atrocities 😅
I love Japan because Japan is responsible for helping in building our country's nation. However, I am disappointed that Japan is acting this way at Indonesia. Japan shouldn't talk bad about Indonesia's decision to chose China for the project given that Japan failed other countries with their projects. Also, Japan shouldn't act superior since Japan bows down to their master west especially USA.
What I don't like about Japan is they still act stingy, Japan doesn't realize that their country slowly but surely experiencing an economic slowdown, Japanese company is falling one after another and now they are in recession. If Japan had acted more generously, maybe now many countries would be willing to collaborate with them
Japan will left behind because they cannot to move on. Example, right now in Indonesia is booming with electric car. Many China electric car companies open factory here like BYD, Wuling, Cherry, MG, etc. Even Vietnam electric car Vinfast plan to open factory here. Meanwhile Japan car like Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi still stick to old and pollutant ICE car. I don't understand why Japanese so hard to move to electric car.
Japan should mind and worry over the Mumbai-Armedhabad HSR line. How far has its construction been going up to this time? When will you be able to fulfill the Indian Dream? Don't let down those HSR-hungry Indians. This may be a mega project that fills up their ambition to be a superpower or at least to surpass China. For India, only one line completed is counted as equivalent to the 42,000 milage of China. Its merely successful landing of Chandrayan 3 on the moon causes me to say this. Amazing indeed.
indias HSR is now 60% completed and first trial is scheduled in june 2026, and remember indias HSR project is 4 time bigger and much more complex then indoneshia bullet train, because indias HSR have 24 tunnel including 24km under sea tunnel and 9 river bridges, also 85% of indonesia HSR route is built on land and only 10% have girders ( bridge above the land ) while 92% indias HSR is built on girders there is no comparison of both projects there is huge difference in scale of these projects, we built all machinery used in this construction from sketch and now we are self reliant , our homegrown company is building this hsr while indonesia HSR is fully made by chinese people with chinese imported machine and labour
what do you mean by merely successful landing, chandrayan 3 was 100% successful mission and we are sending our indian astronaut to space this year as well
@@sanatanihindu383 Before bragging about the engineering success and self reliance of your country, cick on these videos to refresh your information. India's high speed rail has officially started operating India spends huge sums on eight Chinese shield machines, but refuses Chinese engineers to assemble
Moreover, India has no credibility in international transactions. They tried to buy electric buses from BYD but it required Endia (opp sorry India) to pay prior to the delivery of goods. Recently, Russia demanded India to repay $ 1.5 billion of oil import in Yuan currency. Have you paid this amount of debt to Russia yet? I sympathize with Russia that months ago, the ruble plummeted in value due to holding a tremendous amount of rupee as a result of selling oil to India for your currency..
Believe me "Doing is louder than talking". The world is awaiting Chandrayarn 4 after the failure of the latest one.
@@sanatanihindu383A very short while after landing then ISRO losing communication with it for good = merely succeeding in landing and showing an insufficient level of Indian space technology, recalibration of ISRO required-------maybe miserably poor Indians in many big cities having to be prioritized over your national attempt to catch up with the unbelievable progress of China; otherwise getting hurt yourself in the long run, India lagging too far behind China to be on parity with it
Lol, Japan is in no position to talk about moral to Indonesia
Usually The victims Will never forget @monipenny408
If Japan win,
Japan : 😁
China : 🙂 ok
When China won,
Japan : 🤬
China : ☺️
Ayo lah jepang bantulah negara kami membuat mobil nasional sendiri, ayolah jepang jangan serakah , anda hanya menjadikan negara kami menjadi pasar. Sudah puluhan tahun pabrikan otomotif anda menguasai pasar otomotif negara kami .....Tapi apa yang kami dapat, ????
Jangan pelit soal transfer of teknologi...
Yang pertama wajib Anda ketahui adalah bahwa Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Melayu adalah sampah-sampah yang wajib dibuang ke tong sampah di jurang palung.
Kita masih di jajah sama jepang,, indonesia harus bisa bikin mobil & sepeda sendiri masak bikin kereta bisa bikin kendaraan tidak bisa pastinya juga bisa..
Hahah jepang lagi kena karma
Jepang Emang pelit mereka, sekarang kita mau bangun mobil listrik buatan sendiri yg akan di bantu cina, susah ngandelin jepang mah, kita di kibulin terus puluhan tahun
Japan invaded Indonesia and China in ww2
Cina ngga pelit buat transferred knowledge, karna emang ituu yang dibituhin negara berkembang untuk maju dan itu salah satu alesan kita lebih milih cina
"In March 2015, Joko Widodo traveled to Tokyo and Beijing. In Tokyo, from 22 to 25 March, Joko Widodo met then-Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Widodo obtained a commitment for Japanese loan support for improving Jakarta's municipal rail network, but no progress was made on resolving issues with the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project."
Simply put, the train does not wait for anyone to board.
While the video talks about Japan sharing its high speed rail technology, so far, it has not happened. China has shared its technology with Indonesia so Indonesia can build its own train set and maintain its railways. Japan may be forced to do the same if it expects to win future awards. It lost the much coveted Vietnam high speed rail project between Ho Chi Minh city and Hanoi to China after 10 years of negotiations favoring Japan. Japan also has lost face in other infrastructure projects with things like failed bridges and poor material selection in infrastructure. It sounds more like Japan cutting corners to keep costs down without regard to quality to which Japan's quality has been famous for.
❤❤yea true because there is a competition between these 2 countries to get bussiness opportunity in Indonesia
Congrats Indonesia. You don't need to explain us why you chose the 7% interest BRI loan instead of 1% interest Japanese loan. But make sure Natuna Islands don't come under nine-dashed line by paying the debt on time. That's how Hambantota, Gwadar & Coco Islands were given up by their original countries.
you need to check the total sum... 7% can be cheaper if it bears fruit faster ;) you need to show the whole story not just hide behind half the info.
@@adriankhoo6358 1% isnt at arms length principle...meaning it isnt a loan, its a bribery.
but at what costs.
indonesian government would save a few% interests but there country wuuld get bend over by endless delays and obsolete tech.
the fact that china has already finished the project is evidence. right choice was made and corruption and bribery was dodged.
negara kecil aja bisa maju, kenapa negara besar seperti indonesia ngak boleh maju, saatnya indonesia memimpin dunia
salam rahayu
They also comment the same about Thailand-China highspeed train can you do the video about that? INDONESIA DOCUMENTARY
i had to pause to read japanese comments at the beginning of the video and as Indonesian I am amazed and angry especially the comment about how kind japan has been to Indonesia, i guess decimating the population for entertainment is kindness for japanese
Jepang hanya ingin Indonesia menjadi pasar bagi produk-produk Jepang seperti mobil motor dll
Kereta cepat akan dilanjutkan ke surabaya❤❤❤
Just report what people already know and whats obvious, Japan's prowess in high speed rail market is done. It is simply too expensive. Why would any nation pay more for the same thing?
Inilah indonesia❤
Maybe Indonesia found the tricks in Taiwan bullet train built by Japan 😂😂😂😂😂
Japanese bullet train is VERY successful in Taiwan, and CONTINUOUSLY successful, hope you know what i mean 😂😂😂😂
We bought three train set commuter line from Tiongkok too. What happen ? Why Indonesia decide it ?
I'm sorry to say but the Japanese no longer care about Indonesia's high-speed train. Only the Chinese are enthusiastic about them. The Japanese wish the Indonesians good luck in their relationship with China from now on.
I learn my lesson they can be double faces sometimes they will smile in front of you but behind the back they will talking really bad about you that was my exsperiened
Japan was originally scheduled to be in charge of the 2015 tender, when the plan was to introduce a Japanese Shinkansen train that would connect 143.2km from Jakarta, Indonesia's neck of the country, to the tourist destination Bandung.
Japan conducted a Boring (earth) study in January 2014 to research Shinkansen plans and profitability.
A boring survey is a ground survey conducted by driving an iron tube into the ground.
Driving an iron tube into the ground and collecting soil to investigate the geology, check the strength of the ground by checking the fit of the tube.
This Boring survey is a very labor-intensive task and costs a huge amount of money.
A Boring study conducted in 2014 cost $1.91 million.
Japan's high-speed rail project began construction in 2016 and began test runs in 2019.
It was scheduled to open in early 2021.
Japan made a detailed proposal and was said to have been awarded the order.
However, in October 2014, then-President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono stepped down at the end of his term.
On January 14, 2015, the new administration of President Joko Widodo announced the cancellation of the high-speed rail project, stating that it would be too expensive.
China entered the competition for orders in March 2015 and announced that it would submit a bid the following April.
China has been focusing on expanding its high-speed railway overseas with the aim of expanding its Belt and Road Initiative.
On March 26, 2015, President Widodo visited Beijing and held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
The Chinese side has successively announced its support for the Indonesian high-speed rail project.
China appealed that it was cheaper than Japan, that it could complete construction faster than Japan, and that it would not ask Indonesia to bear the financial burden.
On September 3, 2015, the Indonesian government announced a review of the high-speed rail project and closed the bidding process.
Then, on September 29 of the same month, the Indonesian government decided to adopt the Chinese plan.
The reason why China's proposal was adopted is that China was able to successfully prepare a competitive financing package for Indonesia that did not impose any financial burden.
In fact, the content of the proposal that China submitted to Indonesia was very similar to Japan's proposal that had been submitted to Indonesia earlier.
Even though China has not conducted a Boring survey, the data from the Boring survey was included in the proposal.
It was also written that construction would be cheaper and faster than in Japan.
As a result, Indonesia betrayed Japan (Indonesia is suspected of having diverted the proposal, which Japan had spent much effort and money preparing, to China), joining forces with China.
No wonder Japan is angry!
On January 21, 2016, the joint venture held a groundbreaking ceremony in Babdung.
However, as a result, Indonesia faced a terrible situation.
The opening date has been significantly delayed.
At the time of the successful bid in September 2015, construction was scheduled to begin in 2015 and open in 2019.
However, the actual groundbreaking ceremony was delayed to January 21, 2016, and the opening date was not until 2023.
According to China, the reason for the delay in opening the
Land acquisition by Indonesia did not proceed smoothly,
He commented that this was due to the effects of Covid-19.
Land expropriation refers to acquiring the ownership of the land necessary to use high-speed rail.
Unless land expropriation is carried out, smooth construction work will not be possible.
China has carried out construction work that has generated complaints from surrounding residents, and has caused major accidents during construction in which two Chinese workers were killed.
When I hear that, it's okay to leave it to China.
Furthermore, Indonesia's high-speed railway has suffered a derailment accident during test runs.
It is rumored that the vehicle used at this time was a second-hand vehicle brought from China.
In fact, something unexpected happened not only in terms of the opening period but also in terms of the total project cost.
China's plan estimated the total project cost to be around $6 billion, but the actual cost was $7.2 billion.
The 1.2 billion dollars that was over budget ended up being paid from Indonesia's public funds.
It is true that when the contract was signed, China was expected to bear the financial burden.
However, in order to complete the high-speed railway, Indonesia had no choice but to finance it with public funds.
This was a huge miscalculation as Indonesia, which has a lot of debt, thought it would not have to bear the financial burden of high-speed railway construction.
President Joko Widodo spoke about this matter at the opening ceremony of the high-speed railway in Jakarta.
"This is a high-speed railway that represents the modernization of environmentally friendly mass transportation.
Unforeseen problems and on-site difficulties may arise during the technology introduction process.
Such experience is expensive, but extremely valuable.
If we are consistent, problems, including financial ones, will become smaller and smaller.
We need to make use of this experience in developing future human resources."
President Joko Widodo's comments have been criticized by the Indonesian public.
"This happened because we betrayed Japan and chose China. They should have chosen Japan from the beginning."
The maximum speed of the Indonesian high-speed railway is 350 km/h. The journey, which previously took 13 hours, has now been reduced to just 45 minutes.
Initially, people could try it out for free, and from October 2, 2023, it opened between Halim Station in East Jakarta City and Tegallar Station in Babdung Province.
However, the actual management unfortunately does not seem to be going well.
Currently, many Indonesian people have pessimistic opinions, despite the fact that the first high-speed railway in Southeast Asia was built.
There are two main problems. It's the fare and the accessibility to the station.
Indonesian high-speed rail fares range from 250,000 rupiah to 300,000 rupiah one-way.
If you use the shuttle bus that is already in operation, it will cost about 80,000 rupiah for the same section.
If you use the conventional train, which takes 3 hours one way, you can travel for 150,000 rupiah.
It is much cheaper to use buses or conventional lines.
By the way, according to data from the Middle East Statistics Chief as of February 2022, the average monthly income of Indonesians is 3,022,000 rupiah ($193).
The Indonesian high-speed train costs between 250,000 rupiah and 300,000 rupiah one way, so just using it once will cost you one-tenth of your average monthly income.
1If Indonesians are asked to choose between time and cheap prices, they will most likely say cheap.
As explained above, this project has incurred unexpected costs.
To recoup the $1.2 billion in costs, freight rates will need to be set higher.
The second problem is accessibility to the station.
The location of the station is an issue.
Normally, it is more convenient for a station to be located in a place that is easily accessible to commuters, who are the main user group.
Even in Japan, the location where the Shinkansen passes through seems to be a relatively good location.
However, in Indonesia, high-speed rail stations were newly built in rural areas.
This is because the area around conventional line stations is densely populated with homes and shops, and there was no space to build a new station.
China proposed, ``Let's build a new station in a rural area and at the same time build commercial facilities around the station.''
And Indonesia believed this proposal.
In reality, construction of the high-speed railway was delayed by four years, so there was no longer any room to build commercial facilities.
Indonesians who are concerned about fares and accessibility to stations are likely to continue using conventional trains and buses.
The Indonesian government plans to move the capital to Nusantara on the eastern side of Kalimantan Island in 2024.
The current capital of Indonesia is Jakarta, the city where the starting station of the recently opened high-speed railway is located.
The area has suffered from land subsidence, flooding, and overcrowding for many years.
It seems that the plan was to relocate the capital this time in order to solve this problem.
However, once the capital is relocated, the number of high-speed rail users is expected to decrease significantly from the original plan.
It was originally expected that the business would become profitable within 20 years of opening, but
It is now said that it may be 40 years since it opened.
It's true that it's not profitable if the number of passengers is small compared to the current fares.
In other words, this high-speed railway must be prepared to run in the red and not make a profit for at least 40 years after its opening.
Indonesia probably won't be able to cut ties with China for the time being.
This is because the burden of high-speed rail is heavy. A research institute in Jakarta commented as follows:
“Indonesia must continue to repay the debt as well as the interest on the loan.
It requires funding from the national budget every year. In other words, the high-speed railway built by President Joko Widodo has become a huge burden on the country.
It will be quite difficult to make a profit on high-speed rail. ”
Indonesia, suffering from such cost-related costs, turned to China for a loan.
As a result, Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment announced that the interest rate on loans from China would be over 2%.
At the time of the bid, Japan proposed a loan interest rate of 0.1%.
The South China Morning Post, an English-language newspaper published in Hong Kong, China, points out, ``This situation could have been avoided if President Widodo had chosen Japan instead of China for the project.''
Indonesia chose China because of its lower total construction costs, but as it turns out, the final bill was a huge amount.
Indonesian Railways will be hard-pressed to see profits.
However, the Indonesian government does not give up and seems to be enthusiastic about planning the next project.
In fact, they are planning to improve the northern conventional line by connecting high-speed rail and conventional lines.
Not wanting to fail this time, the Indonesian government asked Japan to implement the plan.
However, Japan declined the request. The reason for this is that the track widths of high-speed railways and conventional lines are different.
It has been pointed out that the philosophy of operation management differs between China's high-speed railways and Japan's conventional lines.
In reality, Japan's true opinion seems to be that the Indonesian government cannot be trusted.
In the end, it appears that Indonesia is relying on China for its next project as well.
However, if things continue as they are, there is a possibility that Indonesia will fall into the same trap.
What is “Debt-trap diplomacy”? See Wikipedia for details.
Under the "Belt and Road Initiative" advocated by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, China is working to create trade routes.
They are actively promoting and trying to get surrounding countries to join the Belt and Road Initiative.
However, at that time, China intentionally forced developing countries to take on debts that they could not repay, using their territory and resources as collateral, to build railways and other structures.
Sri Lanka is currently famous as a country that has fallen into China's ``debt-trap diplomacy.''
In August 2017, Sri Lanka's Port of Hambantota signed a contract to lease the port operating rights for 99 years to a Chinese company for $1.1 billion.
As a result, Sri Lanka will be declared bankrupt in April 2022.
I just hope that Indonesia does not follow the same fate as Sri Lanka.
"Japan made a detailed proposal and was said to have been awarded the order."
so basically it was never awarded to u. and now u crying foul.
Jepang diam diam merhatikan kereta cepat indonesia..
Translate by jempol sosmed
Banyak kok vlog jepang di youtube, dlm komentar2 yg gw translate, kesan mreka menghina teknologi kita dan nganggep kita terbelakang😢
@@moriokamoriko9555 gatau kalau soal menghina, tapi kalo soal teknologi memang kenyataan jepang kelasnya dunia.. dia gak mungkin ngebangun pertahanan negara yg super karna mereka sadar dulu udah kalah dari america nah skarang dia berani adu teknologi sama america..
Perlu diingat bangsa China lebih dulu berkongsi dagang dengan masyarakat Indonesia.bahkan jauh sebelum jepang menjajah.😅
Karena Jepang pelit, tidak mau tekhnologi nya di adopsi negara lain.
Beda dengan china yang dengan terbuka mau berbagi ilmu.
krn tiongkok punya beragam model kereta cepat
mau yg dibawah 300kmpj ada
diatas itu ada
yg lbh dr 500kmpj ada
jadi ya nggak rugi kalo tot
yg penting anggaran ada dan produk laku
sementara buatan jepang model terbatas krn nggak mudah utk praktek
disamping itu tenaga ahli jepang juga terbatas dan sdh berumur
mau sehebat apapun jika sdm tdk cukup ya jadinya lambat
ini emang disetting utk investasi pembiayaan jangka menengah sekitar 10 thn
What is Japan complaining about? If someone wants to buy a Chinese train, so what? It's like someone choosing to buy a German car rather than a Japanese one.
Japan thinks Indonesia is beneath them. How dare they, watching Indonesia closely?
Jepang dapat memberikan penawaran lebih baik untuk kereta cepat, rute kereta china baru Jakarta tegal luar, masih banyak rute yang bisa dibuat oleh Jepang