I always thought Malice was Chaos in its purest form: anarchy and violent acts. Which made him attack chaos itself, making him hated by the other chaos gods.
@MySuperPowerIsITouchGrass Horned rat: Seeks war, but not glory Schemes, but does not desire change Spreads decay, but does not leave a cycle Consumes, but does not indulge on it I am pretty sure Horned Rat's role as a " Chaos God that opposes the Four Chaos Gods" implies that Horned Rat is kind of Malal/Malice's spiritual successor.
I'm a Malice truther. They unironically fit the setting extremely well. Malice and the traitor marine chapter that champions them are arguably the most interesting space marine related enigmas in the setting next to the missing primarchs and their legions. The setting is simply more interesting if they actually exist. That said, while I think they could do with a but more lore to establish their presence and the subsequent threat they present, I would also like them to keep some of ambiguity they currently have. It's that existential dread and mystery that makes the other chaos gods fear of them completely believable.
Yeah I'm also a fan and also of two minds here. Malice/Malal is undoubtedly a great concept. OTOH, it's kinda fitting that a chaos god hated and feared by even the other chaos gods would be verboten, censored, borderline not-canon. So I want more Malice stuff soooooo bad, but I also realise that the mystery IS part of the appeal. It hurts so good!
That which festers, that which hates, that which plots and that which sates, but there is another who awaits, the Lord of malice... Your ultimate fate What do you think? Maybe it needs work
@sunset7424 maybe... I hope not. For me, the aspect of it that holds my interest is how feared it is by the other chaos gods. My headcannon reason for it is that there is no neutral or good aspect to it. All the other chaos gods do have to one degree or another, positive aspects to their domains. Malice being the manifestation and conceptualization of malicious intent. That has existed and been very prominent from the moment sentient life existed. That being the case, it wouldn't make sense for Malice to not be at the very least on the level of the big 4.
Im of the conceptual opinion, if chaos can corrupt. Only Malice or Malal are capable of corrupting corruption. Turning what was once a jovial great-unclean one that is the embodiment of joy, who loved to spread grandfathers jubulation. Now corrupted into a foul creature who seeks only to root out all senses of happiness and contentment with severe spite towards those openly jubulant. A gluttonous Greater Demon of slannesh turned into the walking incarnation of starvation.
A Khornate Bezerker that knows only fear and shame, its own violence turned inward on itself; cursed to flee from violence,, whisked from battle as a haunting intangible wraith causing panic and despair but never physical harm to anyone that sees it as its dragged on strings of warp magic across the galaxy's infinite wars without rhyme or reason A tzeentian changer of ways beset by constant misfortune and voices mocking its intelligence, schizophrenia turned real as the artifact that undoes any spell or curse, no matter how powerful including its own, a gleaming fetish of Malice, hovers just out of reach from both its grasp and its disobedient spells, laughing in the voice of Tzeentch overlaid with Malice's faint echo Sisters of Battle fighting for the throne claimed by the strobe-lit void where the golden radiance of a long dead compass once shone, she walks in two worlds, with her head forever in the realm of dead Man-Gods that once promised salvation and her body on puppet strings cutting down the surely mad, once kindred sisterhood unable, or unwilling to accept the death of meaning.
I remember that in the few lore that existed of Malal, it was mentioned that he often stole either demon or champions from the other Gods by convincing them they were full of bs. So yeah, I can see some demons being turned against their nature by it.
I love Malice. The idea of a chaos entity that actively despises chaos and does everything in its power to tear it down is awesome, as is the notion of a minor chaos god fully incarnated into realspace. I would love to see a model for Malice. In my hopium-addled brain I even treasure a plotline where Malice, Vashtorr and Be'lakor, with the aid of the Grey Knights combine their efforts to cast down one of the big four and install the three minor god bros in their place. They would naturally fail after the daemon bois creatively betray each-other into failure, but it would be fun to watch. The 'enemy of my enemy' situations Malice creates are really cool and I wish we could have more of that from chaos fractions.
@@UnholyWrath3277 depends. The grey knights are entirely secret from most of the Imperium, are among the greatest daemonologists in the setting and are almost entirely incorruptible. They are perhaps the only organisation in the Imperium able to hold a pragmatic attitude to chaos.
@@aidan-h3p I know about the grey knights but haven't read their stories. Have they made pragmatic pacts with chaos factions before? I thought part of their incorruptibility was due to an actively hostile stance towards anything chaos related
I really like Malice. Since the chaos gods are born from and powered by emotions and concepts, then you would have to assume there would naturally be a god of hatred. Besides, chaos having an active threat against themselves existing in large part as a consequence of their own actions (such as: how much they hate eachother and how often they betray eachother) makes more sense than not. Also, having a force of evil that fights the other forces of evil without being portrayed as a good guy is great. What better to fight the monsters under your bed than the one in hiding in the attic?
13:00 fun fact, my first chaos army was the Sons of Malice. I can tell you, after painting stuff from Legionaries to Maulerfiends and Disco Lords, it’s pain incarnate. Truly a trial of the Hierarch to thin out the weak
@@cpom5075 prime white and paint the parts where the black and white touch first. Getting that border makes painting the black much easier. Also don’t paint the trim as white/black, use a metal. That will save you a considerable amount of time.
@@cpom5075 way I did mine was by abusing white ink (coverage is fair good on that stuff), and a zenithal (these guys where painted in part to make a point of it can be done with rattle cans, and corax white was useful for something). Start by marking out the black quaters, then use the white ink to mark out the white quarters, bit easier to clean up - then just get to painting in once done.
@cpom5075 not that person, but prime and coat all white first then do the black half, learned that the hard way after only owning black primer until i was on my like 4th SoM guy
My headcanon is that Malice is the largest shard of the Dark King. It started with the Emperor's hate for Chaos and when he throw off the Warp energy it grow into what became Malice
It's even more crackpot then most of the Malice stuff but the number 11 and the hatred of chaos makes me enjoy toying with the idea that he's the lost 11th Primarch. I know it makes zero sense, but it's fun.
From what I was aware of, Malice(/Malal) is chaos in its truest form. He is destruction, Anarchy, and not entirely evil. He wishes for the destruction of all and the other gods are included in that list of things to destroy. Another that was interesting about him though was that he has the ability to sever one’s connection with their god. He is the god you go too if you pledged yourself to Tzeentch and want out, as he can do that. Another thing that was interesting is that in his Malal form he told his champion (Keleb Daark) to actively assist the forces of order against chaos and the Skaven during his comic run.
I like him I imagine him as a god of true hate and spite, not the burning anger but the cold void in your soul that tells you that no matter what happens to you what matters is that the other guy suffers
If the four chaos gods all live in the same rundown neighborhood, and Vashtorr runs the factory down the road, then Malice is just some crazy dude living In the woods.
I’ve always seen Malice as embodying Chaos’ nature to destroy itself; he is the Great Game made manifest, every time a chaos god or one of their followers betrays their own or another God, he is strengthened, and like the whole of Chaos, his win condition necessitates his own destruction.
So, before I actually learned about Malice I always thought he was sort of this Ying and Yang Chaos god. Basically, I thought Malice was all about blurring the lines between the material and the immaterial realms together through perfect symbiosis of Daemon hosts and their Daemons. Think, Argel'Tal but as an entire Warband. That's why I thought Malice hated the other Chaos gods because they wanted to feed off of the material realm rather than merge with it and become "whole". Honestly, I still really like that idea.
I mean, that can be your cannon because we dont have a whole lot and what we have is in copyright hell and no one talked about how you cant have custom chaos space marines
A.M but having figured out planetary scale thrusters would be right at home in 40K, they could easily make it like an insane Votan embeded in a dead forge world or some such. I have no idea why they haven't done that yet.
My stupid custom chapter is white and gold, with the veterans taking a halved white and black, and officers being quartered white and black. And you're not wrong saying its an absolute bastard to paint
The ogre Skrag the Slaughterer from Warhammer Fantasy was originally a worshiper of Malice before they introduced the Great Maw as the god of ogres in that setting. There was also a chaos sorcerer of Tzeentch in a Warhammer Roleplay module from 1995 (8 years after GW lost the rights) who switched to worshiping Malice because he thought that doing so would take back control of his own fate from Tzeentch. Because the Roleplaying game was now referencing a character that GW didn't have the rights to license, they introduced some new Chaos entities to replace him in that game. There's a sneaky couple of lines of dialogue in Vermintide 2 between Kruber and Saltzpyre that also references the existence of a 5th chaos god, which Saltzpyre dismisses as bull. When it came to designing Malice's daemons, that job was given to Tony Ackland. He's given interviews about his conceptualization of the god, describing Malice as the SS to Khorne's Wehrmacht. His designs were decidedly more insectoid than other daemons. Those designs were eventually turned into sculpts for the Pantheon of Chaos wargame, some of which you can still buy today from Knightmare Games. Much like the Necrons were originally conceived as chaos androids, the tyranids were originally conceived for Rogue Trader as daemons of Malice.
Personally feel that Malice is the game ender of 40k. This personal sled hatred for everything can also be freedom..his just tired of the current.galaxy, all the wars and death. His is the end
Being an old, old hand in this world, I deny Malice. Hail Malal! Dreadaxe thirsts for you! Also, thinking on the dread powers of litigation... think what would happen in Michael Moorcock decided to go after a certain eight-pointed star being related to Chaos. The pillars of heaven would surely tremble then.
I've found Malice/Malal to be an interesting concept for 40K. Also a great opportunity for new and different models/forces. As for the Great Horned Rat video, maybe a bit of a lore dive coupled with hypothetical of how you might think it could be incorporated into 40K. I vaguely recall a Weshammer story about space rats of some sort or another.
They should make all the minor Gods and misc entities from second edition canon..hell with Chaos daemons having their own codex for years there's all sorts of things they could've done
I would actually like to see you cover the potential reveal of the Tau chaos god. From what I understand because the Tau have been recruiting humans into their ranks, the humans have been beginning to worship the Greater Good and in the warp, its actually starting to form a minor chaos god based off the ideals of the greater good. I am not sure if this was just a scrap of lore recently or if its actually building to something but it would be cool to investigate.
To me my personal head canon regarding Malice was that he was one of the lost Primarchs. As each Primarch was made with a specific task in mind, Malal was to fight Chaos in the warp itself however ascended to godhood and the Emperor rejected him. Hence why he hates both Imperium and Chaos forces. Also his number is 11, which is one of the lost Primarchs.
Somehow a Chaos God that is so mysterious that people in and out of universe aren't sure if they exist or not to me is God that is doing the best at the Chaos.
Fun fact: The guy who designed what were going to be the daemons of Malal/Malice, Tony Ackland, actually retained the rights to those designs via similar Legal Shenanigans and has lent them out to Knightmare Miniatures to make minis of them in their Pantheon of Chaos line! Less fun fact: I've been waiting months for my order of them to get here. Tho it's not their fault, Knightmare's been pretty helpful all things considered, it's just that international shipping from Spain to the US is a sonuvagun. I really hope they can find a US distributor, which they've been trying to do, and their stuff is really good even before you get to the Actual Malal Daemon minis, it's just none've been committed or reliable enough...
Ive always thought malice was an obvious fit for what happened to the 11th legion, the number sake makes sense, the sons of malice easily could be the last surviving/remnants from that legion, if the 11th primarch fell to a chaos god that early it would be malice as the primarch would think hes doing good worshipping something that wants to destroy chaos, to my knowledge it fits flawlessly and would be as much reason that the emperor would destroy/banish the 11th primarch and legion and wipe their names from history as to not let malice be known about and repeated
As an owner of the original Space Hulk board game I gotta say; Amazing channel! Brings me back to the good old days when content was created by talented and passionate ppl. Now they re replaced by quick-insta-fame-fake-gurus. People who, back in the day, called us 'losers' cuz we were gamers or loved Anime and comic books. Now they use our tech to make sick money and destroy self-esteem of others. I made a deep dive video about X360 as the last great generation, hope I'm wrong...
As a person who owns Kaleb Daark model for a malal army i love the over the top edge his victory is the wnd of all things including himself since self destruction is also apart of his M.O
What I want to know is where the hell are the Skaven analogues in 40k. It seems like we have ones for every faction in AoS except the Skaven. Humans are humans, Elves are Eldar, Tomb Kings are Necrons, Orks are Orks, Dwarves are (kinda sorta) The Leagues of Votann, and the Lizard Men are hinted at to be The Old Ones, but what about my rat boys? The closest things I could think of are The Tyranids with endless hunger and swarm tactics but that feels like a bit too much of a stretch.
The Imperium of Man is the skaven equivalent. Reckless pursuit of technology, backstabbing, everyone thinks they're a better leader with the best ideas, their god "rules" them but only from afar...
Originally the closet Skaven analog was the Hrud, but that was before they were morphed into their weird 'bendy' status. Now Hrud are their own thing and there isn't a Skaven analog for 40k at all.
@@Sara3346To me at least the Skaven are yet to arrive to 40k and there is a good reason for that. As someone who is fascinated with how the Skaven reflection of Humanity many seem to forget the importance of their origins, the Doom of Kavzar. For the Skaven to exist in 40k A Doom of Kavzar analogue must occur. Also I think the Dark King might become the Great Horned Rat in 40k.
@@InquisitorXarius ..I mean you could probably convince Aaron Dembski Bowden to introduce them given his weird obsession with making certain parts of christian mythology literally true in 40k, in this case the towaer of babel, but whether G.W would say yes to that... Probably not? They seem set on keeping their 'Verses very seperate.
since victory for Malice is everything dying and ending, without any alternate dimension or infinite energy sun recylcler shit, Malice will win with the heat death of the universe and I would love for Malice to be the only chaos god that can be fully summoned into real space, and having him be one of the strongest of the gods due to him not splitting his parts into demons would explain how he hasn't really done much either, just a single being of hate fighting to end it all
I love the self-destructive nature of Malice. His only motivator is hatred and once he has killed the last person who can hate, he will cease to exist. I like to imagine Malice attacking worlds with the sole objective of making its inhabitants hate him, before leaving to spread terror elsewhere. Malice cults arent worshippers in the traditional sense. They burn effigies of him, curse his name and hold him in the highest imaginable contempt for what he has done to them, but this is exactly what he wants, and what empowers him.
I made a Sons of Malice killteam a few months ago. Thankfully didn't have too much trouble with the scheme. They're great. Red Corsairs used to be my favorite chaos marines but slowly and subconsciously got replaced by SoM.
Your 100k subscriber video should be about how the Emperor is going to become the 5th Chaos God and reveal his true nature as the Great Horned Rat as he turns all the people in the Sol system into Skaven (a la Doom of Kavzar). He then promptly destroys the entire galaxy.
Can't help but notice something Khorne:god of blood Slaneesh:goddess of pleasure Nurgle: god of pestilence Tzeench: god of trickery No god of religion or zealots This could be problematic
I remember reading about this god on the wiki back in the day and thinking "holy shit he's litteraly me" when i realized there was a date in the past where i was eleven years old in the eleventh month of the eleventh day at exactly the eleventh hour and eleventh's second with the year itself being eleventh, alot of 1's bassicly
For some aspects of Malal in Warhammer Fantasy they introduced the Renegade/Minor Chaos Gods Zuvassin (destruction, undoing plans) and Necoho (Rejection of Religion/Gods) to fill in some of the chaos-gaps
I like the idea of the Sons of Malice beefing with the Word Bearers, since they’re the legion that is the most all in on worshipping the Chaos Gods compared to the others. Like how the Thousand Sons are in service against their will, or the Iron Warriors and Black Legion sort of see it as a means to an end. I haven’t, but I figured if I stared a CSM army I’d pick the Word Bearers since that fits wanting to use a bunch of allied daemons. And then because of that, I thought it would be cool to put some trophy Sons of Malice helmets on their spikes to fit that lore.
I think hes nothing more than a pretender with delusions of grandeur and every time he tries to make his big "ascension", he gets slapped down by one of the four and shunned into oblivion for another eternity.
This is awesome! About time someone started talking about this God! And I put out a couple metal songs about Malal/Malices followers (Sons of Malice and Kaleb Daark) and I'm putting a song about this God very soon!
I always believed they shoulda merged Malal and Nagash and make him 40k's Chaos God of Hate while making Malice his named Greater Daemon/ Champion/ Prince
My comment from that Weshammer vid which I'm still kinda proud of: I think Malice is the god of Self-consuming hatred. The hatred that is turned inward and so is reflected outward. Malice is the knowledge that when you have killed everyone and the universe is a cold, silent place, there will still be one more life to end. I think that fills the most distinct niche in the chaos pantheon.
My fanon is that Malice is the newest chaos god, the axle of the eight pointed star, and was the 11th Primarch and their legion was the Sons of Malice. Malice turned from the Emperor during the Rangdan Campaigns and would sacrifice thousands of worlds to fuel their Primarch Warp Essence to ascend them to the status of a Warp God, it would take the Efforts of the 2nd, 6th, 14th, and 1st Legions and the self-sacrifice of the 2nd Primarch and their entire Legion to banish Malice into the warp and wipe out the corrupted elements of his legion.
I see Malice as the endgame for Erebus. He ends up embodying hatred and chaos to such a degree, that he is able to maybe even pull off a baby-version of what the Emperor did when “stealing fire from the gods” at Molech.
Now please make a video about the chaos god of tyrrany from fantasy,Hashut, the Father of Darkness,The Bull-God,The god of the Dawi Zharr and patron of Mingol Zharr-Nagrund he is really interesting mostly for his folowers the Dawi Zharr AKA the Chaos Dwarves
The most fun theory I ever heard about Malal/Malice is that it is the creator of the Tyranids as a means to further their end of self-destruction and cannibalism - if the Great Devourer were to consume all life and cast a shadow of the warp over all of the universe, then chaos would cease to be, successfully destroying itself
Here's the thing product copyrighters need to know about anything that gets a fanbase. The fans will mythologize if you leave room for it. And its a good thing. Marketing often mistakes this as a bad thing. All these rubes will pour hundreds of hours of free labour into your franchise for nothing and it will keep them hooked on your basic, ripped off, derivative, protectionist, sued into the ground nonsense. And they will defend your trash to the hilt because you gave them something to be creative with.
Love the video. A good tl;dr. Regariding the colorscheme: I highly recommend pro acryl bold titanium white. Smooth (for a white), opace and rather thin. I used it for my sons of malice model and it was easy to touch up when i accidentally slipped with the black colors.
I thought that malice was supposed to be whom the emperor nearly became while fighting the final boss fight of the Heresy. That he nearly became consumed by his rage, but was only brought back to himself by his oldest and desrest BFF's sacrifice.
it would be really funny if the reason why malice is never mentioned or revealed in the story much is basically because he hates himself and is trying to kill himself but he can't so he just looking for someone to kill him and then after he finds out that the emotions from sentience creatures is what keeps him existing he starts to hate everything that caused his existence and becomes the strongest and only ever chaos God, maybe make tzeentch the one who keeps malice from knowing the truth about his existence because he's the smartest chaos god
My headcanon for why Malice gets underrepresented and has so few followers in 40k is because of their nature of self-destruction. Malice would only possess/grant powers to a select few to fulfill their purpose against chaos and the imperium and then terminate themselves. It also would fit their status as a minor chaos god, being able to temporarily grant individuals virtually most of their strength and then get it back upon self-destruction. Also Malice would probably disdain worship and instead grant blessings to people they deem would cause as much anarchy as possible.
I always thought Malice was Chaos in its purest form: anarchy and violent acts. Which made him attack chaos itself, making him hated by the other chaos gods.
The Great Horned Rat kinda took over that role, in fantasy/AoS at least.
Horned rat:
Seeks war, but not glory
Schemes, but does not desire change
Spreads decay, but does not leave a cycle
Consumes, but does not indulge on it
I am pretty sure Horned Rat's role as a " Chaos God that opposes the Four Chaos Gods" implies that Horned Rat is kind of Malal/Malice's spiritual successor.
I was under the impression that, that WAS his lore. That’s what he is in 40k.
what if Malice is Krork and Mork?
@ Gork and Mork bro, also they are having way too much fun to be him.
I'm a Malice truther. They unironically fit the setting extremely well. Malice and the traitor marine chapter that champions them are arguably the most interesting space marine related enigmas in the setting next to the missing primarchs and their legions. The setting is simply more interesting if they actually exist. That said, while I think they could do with a but more lore to establish their presence and the subsequent threat they present, I would also like them to keep some of ambiguity they currently have. It's that existential dread and mystery that makes the other chaos gods fear of them completely believable.
Yeah I'm also a fan and also of two minds here.
Malice/Malal is undoubtedly a great concept. OTOH, it's kinda fitting that a chaos god hated and feared by even the other chaos gods would be verboten, censored, borderline not-canon. So I want more Malice stuff soooooo bad, but I also realise that the mystery IS part of the appeal. It hurts so good!
All that walks in the daylight was born in the darkest night
That which festers, that which hates, that which plots and that which sates, but there is another who awaits, the Lord of malice... Your ultimate fate
What do you think? Maybe it needs work
I think he'll get the vashtor treatment and be retconned as a chaos demi-god
@sunset7424 maybe... I hope not. For me, the aspect of it that holds my interest is how feared it is by the other chaos gods. My headcannon reason for it is that there is no neutral or good aspect to it. All the other chaos gods do have to one degree or another, positive aspects to their domains. Malice being the manifestation and conceptualization of malicious intent. That has existed and been very prominent from the moment sentient life existed. That being the case, it wouldn't make sense for Malice to not be at the very least on the level of the big 4.
Im of the conceptual opinion,
if chaos can corrupt. Only Malice or Malal are capable of corrupting corruption.
Turning what was once a jovial great-unclean one that is the embodiment of joy, who loved to spread grandfathers jubulation.
Now corrupted into a foul creature who seeks only to root out all senses of happiness and contentment with severe spite towards those openly jubulant.
A gluttonous Greater Demon of slannesh turned into the walking incarnation of starvation.
now that is an awesome idea.
A Khornate Bezerker that knows only fear and shame, its own violence turned inward on itself; cursed to flee from violence,, whisked from battle as a haunting intangible wraith causing panic and despair but never physical harm to anyone that sees it as its dragged on strings of warp magic across the galaxy's infinite wars without rhyme or reason
A tzeentian changer of ways beset by constant misfortune and voices mocking its intelligence, schizophrenia turned real as the artifact that undoes any spell or curse, no matter how powerful including its own, a gleaming fetish of Malice, hovers just out of reach from both its grasp and its disobedient spells, laughing in the voice of Tzeentch overlaid with Malice's faint echo
Sisters of Battle fighting for the throne claimed by the strobe-lit void where the golden radiance of a long dead compass once shone, she walks in two worlds, with her head forever in the realm of dead Man-Gods that once promised salvation and her body on puppet strings cutting down the surely mad, once kindred sisterhood unable, or unwilling to accept the death of meaning.
I remember that in the few lore that existed of Malal, it was mentioned that he often stole either demon or champions from the other Gods by convincing them they were full of bs. So yeah, I can see some demons being turned against their nature by it.
Now that's interesting
I really like that, and it kind of fits in with Tzeench as well. All things change. The nature of Chaos itself IS change, effectively.
I love Malice. The idea of a chaos entity that actively despises chaos and does everything in its power to tear it down is awesome, as is the notion of a minor chaos god fully incarnated into realspace.
I would love to see a model for Malice.
In my hopium-addled brain I even treasure a plotline where Malice, Vashtorr and Be'lakor, with the aid of the Grey Knights combine their efforts to cast down one of the big four and install the three minor god bros in their place.
They would naturally fail after the daemon bois creatively betray each-other into failure, but it would be fun to watch.
The 'enemy of my enemy' situations Malice creates are really cool and I wish we could have more of that from chaos fractions.
Hate Khorne.
Hate Tzeench.
Hate Nurgle.
Hate Slaanesh.
Simple as.
The grey knights would still never knowingly cooperate with any chaos beings
@@UnholyWrath3277 depends. The grey knights are entirely secret from most of the Imperium, are among the greatest daemonologists in the setting and are almost entirely incorruptible. They are perhaps the only organisation in the Imperium able to hold a pragmatic attitude to chaos.
@@aidan-h3p I know about the grey knights but haven't read their stories. Have they made pragmatic pacts with chaos factions before? I thought part of their incorruptibility was due to an actively hostile stance towards anything chaos related
I really like Malice. Since the chaos gods are born from and powered by emotions and concepts, then you would have to assume there would naturally be a god of hatred. Besides, chaos having an active threat against themselves existing in large part as a consequence of their own actions (such as: how much they hate eachother and how often they betray eachother) makes more sense than not.
Also, having a force of evil that fights the other forces of evil without being portrayed as a good guy is great. What better to fight the monsters under your bed than the one in hiding in the attic?
13:00 fun fact, my first chaos army was the Sons of Malice. I can tell you, after painting stuff from Legionaries to Maulerfiends and Disco Lords, it’s pain incarnate. Truly a trial of the Hierarch to thin out the weak
Planning to build my 2nd army as CSM with a SoM paintjob, do you have any tips to share to make it a little bit easier?
@@cpom5075 prime white and paint the parts where the black and white touch first. Getting that border makes painting the black much easier. Also don’t paint the trim as white/black, use a metal. That will save you a considerable amount of time.
@@cpom5075 way I did mine was by abusing white ink (coverage is fair good on that stuff), and a zenithal (these guys where painted in part to make a point of it can be done with rattle cans, and corax white was useful for something). Start by marking out the black quaters, then use the white ink to mark out the white quarters, bit easier to clean up - then just get to painting in once done.
@cpom5075 not that person, but prime and coat all white first then do the black half, learned that the hard way after only owning black primer until i was on my like 4th SoM guy
Horned rat is best-best
Yes yes
The true best-best god deity
gotta be the one to do it, but HASHUT! HASHUT! HASHUT! but I mean at least we both like horns
Yes yes
0:18 Where's my 1 second? We have been robbed, cheated, betrayed, and lied to.
It's probably Erebus's fault somehow.
My headcanon is that Malice is the largest shard of the Dark King. It started with the Emperor's hate for Chaos and when he throw off the Warp energy it grow into what became Malice
That's actually a sick theory
@@catcadevi'd buy it, but it's not stupid enough for GayMemes Wokeshop 😂
That would fit well
It's even more crackpot then most of the Malice stuff but the number 11 and the hatred of chaos makes me enjoy toying with the idea that he's the lost 11th Primarch. I know it makes zero sense, but it's fun.
Depending on how you explain the Primarch's psychic abilities and Corvus' daemon form, it makes more sense than you would think.
Or maybe he wanted the 11th and that's why he got nuked out of existence/trapped below the golden throne.
For the 100k special, it'd be fun to see a big long video on the night lords. Like unhinged, hour long night lords video for the hell of it.
From what I was aware of, Malice(/Malal) is chaos in its truest form. He is destruction, Anarchy, and not entirely evil. He wishes for the destruction of all and the other gods are included in that list of things to destroy. Another that was interesting about him though was that he has the ability to sever one’s connection with their god. He is the god you go too if you pledged yourself to Tzeentch and want out, as he can do that. Another thing that was interesting is that in his Malal form he told his champion (Keleb Daark) to actively assist the forces of order against chaos and the Skaven during his comic run.
I like him I imagine him as a god of true hate and spite, not the burning anger but the cold void in your soul that tells you that no matter what happens to you what matters is that the other guy suffers
Hence why his ultimate goal is vengeance and his own death, because after he has achieved his purpose his life has no meaning.
"My name is not important what is important is what I am going to do. " -Malice/Malal
If the four chaos gods all live in the same rundown neighborhood, and Vashtorr runs the factory down the road, then Malice is just some crazy dude living In the woods.
I’ve always seen Malice as embodying Chaos’ nature to destroy itself; he is the Great Game made manifest, every time a chaos god or one of their followers betrays their own or another God, he is strengthened, and like the whole of Chaos, his win condition necessitates his own destruction.
Nurgle is love, Tzeentch is bs.
*screams in bird noises*
Birds are Tzeentch spies
BS stands for "BIRD, SCREAMING"
Birb god
Everyone knows birds aren't real.
Mr Bones: *does face reveal*
MY EYES!!!!!!
So, before I actually learned about Malice I always thought he was sort of this Ying and Yang Chaos god. Basically, I thought Malice was all about blurring the lines between the material and the immaterial realms together through perfect symbiosis of Daemon hosts and their Daemons. Think, Argel'Tal but as an entire Warband. That's why I thought Malice hated the other Chaos gods because they wanted to feed off of the material realm rather than merge with it and become "whole".
Honestly, I still really like that idea.
I mean, that can be your cannon because we dont have a whole lot and what we have is in copyright hell and no one talked about how you cant have custom chaos space marines
sounds very Jungian, I like it
Actually, I am the 5th chaos god.
Not all warp is chaos in my opinion
*god of hate*
AM super computer enters the chat as his ultimate chaos champion
A.M but having figured out planetary scale thrusters would be right at home in 40K, they could easily make it like an insane Votan embeded in a dead forge world or some such. I have no idea why they haven't done that yet.
My stupid custom chapter is white and gold, with the veterans taking a halved white and black, and officers being quartered white and black.
And you're not wrong saying its an absolute bastard to paint
Malice needs to be in 11th ed. The true counter to Kronos splinter fleet
Or Huron Blackheart falls to Malice. He has all the best reasons to full of malice and anarchy.
The ogre Skrag the Slaughterer from Warhammer Fantasy was originally a worshiper of Malice before they introduced the Great Maw as the god of ogres in that setting. There was also a chaos sorcerer of Tzeentch in a Warhammer Roleplay module from 1995 (8 years after GW lost the rights) who switched to worshiping Malice because he thought that doing so would take back control of his own fate from Tzeentch. Because the Roleplaying game was now referencing a character that GW didn't have the rights to license, they introduced some new Chaos entities to replace him in that game. There's a sneaky couple of lines of dialogue in Vermintide 2 between Kruber and Saltzpyre that also references the existence of a 5th chaos god, which Saltzpyre dismisses as bull.
When it came to designing Malice's daemons, that job was given to Tony Ackland. He's given interviews about his conceptualization of the god, describing Malice as the SS to Khorne's Wehrmacht. His designs were decidedly more insectoid than other daemons. Those designs were eventually turned into sculpts for the Pantheon of Chaos wargame, some of which you can still buy today from Knightmare Games.
Much like the Necrons were originally conceived as chaos androids, the tyranids were originally conceived for Rogue Trader as daemons of Malice.
100k idea. Show us your army, why you picked units and any stories behind them.
A fifth chaos god that hates the others for not being chaotic enough would fit the setting well.
Worst case scenario:
Sons of Malice attack a world.
Loyalist reinforcements arrive.
It's the Marines Malevolent
IDK the Excorcists might be worse reinforcements? If any of them get killed then you get EXTRA deamons on the world I imagine.
Personally feel that Malice is the game ender of 40k. This personal sled hatred for everything can also be freedom..his just tired of the current.galaxy, all the wars and death. His is the end
Being an old, old hand in this world, I deny Malice. Hail Malal! Dreadaxe thirsts for you!
Also, thinking on the dread powers of litigation... think what would happen in Michael Moorcock decided to go after a certain eight-pointed star being related to Chaos. The pillars of heaven would surely tremble then.
I've found Malice/Malal to be an interesting concept for 40K. Also a great opportunity for new and different models/forces.
As for the Great Horned Rat video, maybe a bit of a lore dive coupled with hypothetical of how you might think it could be incorporated into 40K. I vaguely recall a Weshammer story about space rats of some sort or another.
Gork and Mork
They should make all the minor Gods and misc entities from second edition canon..hell with Chaos daemons having their own codex for years there's all sorts of things they could've done
Crazy seeing this channel development from the beginning, congrats on 100k !🎉
Malice is just buffed chaos undivided
You forgot Hashut and i am disapointed.HASHUT VARGRUND ZHARR NAGRUND
Congrats on nearly 100k. I'd love to see a exclusive merch drop
I would actually like to see you cover the potential reveal of the Tau chaos god. From what I understand because the Tau have been recruiting humans into their ranks, the humans have been beginning to worship the Greater Good and in the warp, its actually starting to form a minor chaos god based off the ideals of the greater good. I am not sure if this was just a scrap of lore recently or if its actually building to something but it would be cool to investigate.
I'd love a great horned rat video, but I do understand that the universe just hates AoS, so I won't hold my breath
We hit it
Minotaurs, or a deep dive on some of the named members like Asterion Moloc or Hecaton Aiakos would be awesome. Love your videos dude!
To me my personal head canon regarding Malice was that he was one of the lost Primarchs. As each Primarch was made with a specific task in mind, Malal was to fight Chaos in the warp itself however ascended to godhood and the Emperor rejected him. Hence why he hates both Imperium and Chaos forces. Also his number is 11, which is one of the lost Primarchs.
The Void Dragon represents non-existence but Malice wants to bring that which exists into non-existence.
Somehow a Chaos God that is so mysterious that people in and out of universe aren't sure if they exist or not to me is God that is doing the best at the Chaos.
Making the painting scheme of Malice/Malal treacherous agony to paint is very thematic!
I thought the doomed ones were just crazy strong chaos-empowered champions, but it seems they are just doomed after all
Fun fact: The guy who designed what were going to be the daemons of Malal/Malice, Tony Ackland, actually retained the rights to those designs via similar Legal Shenanigans and has lent them out to Knightmare Miniatures to make minis of them in their Pantheon of Chaos line!
Less fun fact: I've been waiting months for my order of them to get here. Tho it's not their fault, Knightmare's been pretty helpful all things considered, it's just that international shipping from Spain to the US is a sonuvagun.
I really hope they can find a US distributor, which they've been trying to do, and their stuff is really good even before you get to the Actual Malal Daemon minis, it's just none've been committed or reliable enough...
Ive always thought malice was an obvious fit for what happened to the 11th legion, the number sake makes sense, the sons of malice easily could be the last surviving/remnants from that legion, if the 11th primarch fell to a chaos god that early it would be malice as the primarch would think hes doing good worshipping something that wants to destroy chaos, to my knowledge it fits flawlessly and would be as much reason that the emperor would destroy/banish the 11th primarch and legion and wipe their names from history as to not let malice be known about and repeated
As an owner of the original Space Hulk board game I gotta say; Amazing channel! Brings me back to the good old days when content was created by talented and passionate ppl. Now they re replaced by quick-insta-fame-fake-gurus. People who, back in the day, called us 'losers' cuz we were gamers or loved Anime and comic books. Now they use our tech to make sick money and destroy self-esteem of others. I made a deep dive video about X360 as the last great generation, hope I'm wrong...
Out of any god in fantasy
The Lord of Desperation is my favorite, and I can say I'd enjoy you covering him.
You're missing the "wannabe" chaos god Vashtorr the Arkifane, cool model cool background, and the dude is working hard to become the god of tech
As a person who owns Kaleb Daark model for a malal army i love the over the top edge his victory is the wnd of all things including himself since self destruction is also apart of his M.O
You have the model? I've always questioned due to the art, is he a man or an elf?
@Artemisarrowzz he does have the helmet because it's the mount version, but he is quite small he is human though
What I want to know is where the hell are the Skaven analogues in 40k. It seems like we have ones for every faction in AoS except the Skaven. Humans are humans, Elves are Eldar, Tomb Kings are Necrons, Orks are Orks, Dwarves are (kinda sorta) The Leagues of Votann, and the Lizard Men are hinted at to be The Old Ones, but what about my rat boys?
The closest things I could think of are The Tyranids with endless hunger and swarm tactics but that feels like a bit too much of a stretch.
The Imperium of Man is the skaven equivalent. Reckless pursuit of technology, backstabbing, everyone thinks they're a better leader with the best ideas, their god "rules" them but only from afar...
Originally the closet Skaven analog was the Hrud, but that was before they were morphed into their weird 'bendy' status. Now Hrud are their own thing and there isn't a Skaven analog for 40k at all.
@@internetzenmaster8952 The Equivalent is obvious the Dark Mechanicum/ The Imperium Of Man.
@@Sara3346To me at least the Skaven are yet to arrive to 40k and there is a good reason for that. As someone who is fascinated with how the Skaven reflection of Humanity many seem to forget the importance of their origins, the Doom of Kavzar. For the Skaven to exist in 40k A Doom of Kavzar analogue must occur. Also I think the Dark King might become the Great Horned Rat in 40k.
@@InquisitorXarius ..I mean you could probably convince Aaron Dembski Bowden to introduce them given his weird obsession with making certain parts of christian mythology literally true in 40k, in this case the towaer of babel, but whether G.W would say yes to that...
Probably not? They seem set on keeping their 'Verses very seperate.
The chaos of the Warhammer community would make malice proud lol
since victory for Malice is everything dying and ending, without any alternate dimension or infinite energy sun recylcler shit, Malice will win with the heat death of the universe
and I would love for Malice to be the only chaos god that can be fully summoned into real space, and having him be one of the strongest of the gods due to him not splitting his parts into demons would explain how he hasn't really done much either, just a single being of hate fighting to end it all
I love the self-destructive nature of Malice. His only motivator is hatred and once he has killed the last person who can hate, he will cease to exist.
I like to imagine Malice attacking worlds with the sole objective of making its inhabitants hate him, before leaving to spread terror elsewhere.
Malice cults arent worshippers in the traditional sense. They burn effigies of him, curse his name and hold him in the highest imaginable contempt for what he has done to them, but this is exactly what he wants, and what empowers him.
The funny thing and what makes him more threatening to me is that he already won. Death is inevitable, the other Chaos Gods are just in denial.
@@aidan-h3p He will destroy all life so that his own would end, akin to his worshippers who only wish for vengeance and the death.
I made a Sons of Malice killteam a few months ago. Thankfully didn't have too much trouble with the scheme. They're great. Red Corsairs used to be my favorite chaos marines but slowly and subconsciously got replaced by SoM.
You should talk about the next secret chaos god: Trazyn
Just subbed, but coverage of all or most named/important greater demons would be really cool. Thanks for the sick content
Your 100k subscriber video should be about how the Emperor is going to become the 5th Chaos God and reveal his true nature as the Great Horned Rat as he turns all the people in the Sol system into Skaven (a la Doom of Kavzar). He then promptly destroys the entire galaxy.
Can't help but notice something
Khorne:god of blood
Slaneesh:goddess of pleasure
Nurgle: god of pestilence
Tzeench: god of trickery
No god of religion or zealots
This could be problematic
You know what? Ive seen a LOT of your videos by now. Ive been pleased enough with your content that I will, indeed, subscribe.
Was in the middle of a sons of malice killteam at the moment, great timing for this video.
I remember reading about this god on the wiki back in the day and thinking "holy shit he's litteraly me" when i realized there was a date in the past where i was eleven years old in the eleventh month of the eleventh day at exactly the eleventh hour and eleventh's second with the year itself being eleventh, alot of 1's bassicly
100k foot reveal? I beg of you
emperor preserve us
Not my kink but I'll back it
Downvoting this slaaneshi filth
@@ttoms96up voting this slaaneshi meme
Bro thought he was slick
For some aspects of Malal in Warhammer Fantasy they introduced the Renegade/Minor Chaos Gods Zuvassin (destruction, undoing plans) and Necoho (Rejection of Religion/Gods) to fill in some of the chaos-gaps
1:57 haha, really bones? end of the year? You're almost there!
try to reach 150k!
Sons of Samus
Daemon king of betrayal
The last Luna wolf
Samus is his name
Can’t wait to see a video about Ahzek Ahriman. Been reading the omnibus and trying to pice his story together
Obscure chaos shit sound like something worth while
Great Horned Rat and the Council of 13. Just tossing my $0.02 in the mix.
dammit, I was planning to comment the great horned rat as well. My plan has been foiled!
Tossing in my warpstone.
The greatest trick Malice ever pulled was convincing the world he isn’t canon.
"I want to earn your adoration and respect"
Bro's becoming the 5th chaos god in 40k without even knowing it
Another day, another video. And here i go asking you, Arthur, for the 3 hour long Ork video.
I like the idea of the Sons of Malice beefing with the Word Bearers, since they’re the legion that is the most all in on worshipping the Chaos Gods compared to the others. Like how the Thousand Sons are in service against their will, or the Iron Warriors and Black Legion sort of see it as a means to an end.
I haven’t, but I figured if I stared a CSM army I’d pick the Word Bearers since that fits wanting to use a bunch of allied daemons. And then because of that, I thought it would be cool to put some trophy Sons of Malice helmets on their spikes to fit that lore.
13:26 you can tell he hasn't discovered type
I think hes nothing more than a pretender with delusions of grandeur and every time he tries to make his big "ascension", he gets slapped down by one of the four and shunned into oblivion for another eternity.
Thanks for keeping my mind off my depression.
This is awesome! About time someone started talking about this God! And I put out a couple metal songs about Malal/Malices followers (Sons of Malice and Kaleb Daark) and I'm putting a song about this God very soon!
I always believed they shoulda merged Malal and Nagash and make him 40k's Chaos God of Hate while making Malice his named Greater Daemon/ Champion/ Prince
Now that I think more and more about it, wouldn't it make the most sense to ally Malice with Belakor? Since Perty is now surely with Vashtorr
Extremely in depth break down over 4 hours about the military actions against the tau is what I want
My comment from that Weshammer vid which I'm still kinda proud of:
I think Malice is the god of Self-consuming hatred. The hatred that is turned inward and so is reflected outward. Malice is the knowledge that when you have killed everyone and the universe is a cold, silent place, there will still be one more life to end.
I think that fills the most distinct niche in the chaos pantheon.
Oh no, not the god who is cannon but not cannon.
A joint telling of a short story with baldermort. I'd love to see the cross over
Exploration of the more obscure and minor gods of warhammer 40k for 100,000 subscriber video special.
My fanon is that Malice is the newest chaos god, the axle of the eight pointed star, and was the 11th Primarch and their legion was the Sons of Malice. Malice turned from the Emperor during the Rangdan Campaigns and would sacrifice thousands of worlds to fuel their Primarch Warp Essence to ascend them to the status of a Warp God, it would take the Efforts of the 2nd, 6th, 14th, and 1st Legions and the self-sacrifice of the 2nd Primarch and their entire Legion to banish Malice into the warp and wipe out the corrupted elements of his legion.
I see Malice as the endgame for Erebus. He ends up embodying hatred and chaos to such a degree, that he is able to maybe even pull off a baby-version of what the Emperor did when “stealing fire from the gods” at Molech.
100k by the end of the year is a small goal for this guy.
Now please make a video about the chaos god of tyrrany from fantasy,Hashut, the Father of Darkness,The Bull-God,The god of the Dawi Zharr and patron of Mingol Zharr-Nagrund he is really interesting mostly for his folowers the Dawi Zharr AKA the Chaos Dwarves
The most fun theory I ever heard about Malal/Malice is that it is the creator of the Tyranids as a means to further their end of self-destruction and cannibalism - if the Great Devourer were to consume all life and cast a shadow of the warp over all of the universe, then chaos would cease to be, successfully destroying itself
Here's the thing product copyrighters need to know about anything that gets a fanbase. The fans will mythologize if you leave room for it. And its a good thing. Marketing often mistakes this as a bad thing. All these rubes will pour hundreds of hours of free labour into your franchise for nothing and it will keep them hooked on your basic, ripped off, derivative, protectionist, sued into the ground nonsense. And they will defend your trash to the hilt because you gave them something to be creative with.
Love the video. A good tl;dr.
Regariding the colorscheme: I highly recommend pro acryl bold titanium white. Smooth (for a white), opace and rather thin. I used it for my sons of malice model and it was easy to touch up when i accidentally slipped with the black colors.
Why has no Chaos God or Chaos entity claimed the emotion of fear, terror, or dread?
That's Nurgle isnt it? Most of his followers are those afraid of death and pain
@@backslicer2543 All of them are afraid of a 5th.
Because the Night Lords got there first.
Slaanesh does. As long as those emotions are in excess, she claims it.
@@peterturboaI thought she was just excess and all that includes. those emotions would be like Antithetical to what she is
More obscure chaos stuff is always welcome.
I thought that malice was supposed to be whom the emperor nearly became while fighting the final boss fight of the Heresy. That he nearly became consumed by his rage, but was only brought back to himself by his oldest and desrest BFF's sacrifice.
it would be really funny if the reason why malice is never mentioned or revealed in the story much is basically because he hates himself and is trying to kill himself but he can't so he just looking for someone to kill him and then after he finds out that the emotions from sentience creatures is what keeps him existing he starts to hate everything that caused his existence and becomes the strongest and only ever chaos God, maybe make tzeentch the one who keeps malice from knowing the truth about his existence because he's the smartest chaos god
Nihilistic anarchy of self loathing+ gray n black white=megatron turned into unicron.
My headcanon for why Malice gets underrepresented and has so few followers in 40k is because of their nature of self-destruction. Malice would only possess/grant powers to a select few to fulfill their purpose against chaos and the imperium and then terminate themselves. It also would fit their status as a minor chaos god, being able to temporarily grant individuals virtually most of their strength and then get it back upon self-destruction. Also Malice would probably disdain worship and instead grant blessings to people they deem would cause as much anarchy as possible.
Nurgle is love, Tzeentch is bullshit.
Well said, Arthur. Well said!
This kinda makes me feel like Night Lords might worship Malice via action and principles.
Basically, they are already worshippers of Malal, they just don't know it.