Always showing the great beauty of the States! At the moment we have a tyrannical Leader making it hard for people to enjoy the simple pleasures in Canada. These folks bring back the light when I am feeling down.
It's interesting how the process and understanding of archeology has improved over time. There are very few sites where you can actually see the difference. The indigenous sites between Sedona and Cottonwood, AZ used a line of hilltop signal fires for communication and defense. Are the pueblos in Wupatki part of a similar network?
Archaeology as a science has improved over the years. Preservation science has come along ways too. To answer your Wupatki question, I honestly do not know. My impression after visiting Wupatki is that a shared culture connects all the pueblos there. They are near enough to each other that signal fires could have been a thing but this is speculative. It would be interesting to learn more.
Always showing the great beauty of the States! At the moment we have a tyrannical Leader making it hard for people to enjoy the simple pleasures in Canada. These folks bring back the light when I am feeling down.
Go explore history! I bet there is some around you!
It's interesting how the process and understanding of archeology has improved over time. There are very few sites where you can actually see the difference. The indigenous sites between Sedona and Cottonwood, AZ used a line of hilltop signal fires for communication and defense. Are the pueblos in Wupatki part of a similar network?
Archaeology as a science has improved over the years. Preservation science has come along ways too. To answer your Wupatki question, I honestly do not know. My impression after visiting Wupatki is that a shared culture connects all the pueblos there. They are near enough to each other that signal fires could have been a thing but this is speculative. It would be interesting to learn more.
Melted buildings from the past
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