Thank you for this blessing. I lived in Germany and had to laugh at the end about your testimony and presentation to the German, it was spot on. No coincidence, perfection.
God has provided us with evidence. Read Psalm 19 and Romans 1:20. If you merely believe because of blind faith, how do you know you're right and not the mormon who believes because he has a "burning in the bosom"?
@peterreily1490 I understand your skepticism. Be careful not to miss the forest by being too distracted categorizing microbes in the dirt. God reveals himself every day - open your eyes and your heart. God bless.
@@peterreily1490I mean he’s God and while he wants power (everyone to worship him) he doesn’t want a dictatorship but a relationship dynamic like you have with your father for example. Knowing your father is the head of the house but it’s not a dictatorship but a family.
The chance that I came across this particular video is 100000000 to the Nth degree. The profundity of the contents.... Priceless. Merry Christmas to y'all ✝️🌟👆🏽
I truly believe the purpose of life is to find him and be transformed. I think that's why there is no defined purpose and why nobody can find a logical point beyond that.
To listen to someone as brilliant as Mr Ross and still not seriously consider the TRUTH of God and The Bible, The Great Creator of our universe and the scriptures that give us an insight to the beginning of the universe, mankind, and God's relationship and hope for His creation, is hard to fathom. I wish all of the human race would listen to his awesome scientific and spiritual explanations .
I have ADHD I am old and they didn't know what that was when I tried to go to school. They just thought I was stupid and so did I. It wasn't until I was in high school that my guidance counselor asked me why I wasn't doing well in school. I had two IQ test one indicated I had and IQ of 126 the other was 131. Both test were taken and I had the flu both tests and my parents made me take them when I could barely think. I think after my 1st test they thought that there was a mistake. So why didn't I do well at school well my father told us repeatedly that we didn't even to know how to wipe our asses. I learned that from the age of 4 or so and I believed him so I never tried. I couldn't tell you where my mind was when I was in school. I don't remember anything about classroom learning. It wasn't until I was in the working world and my bosses would say I was brilliant. I thought they just were trying to be nice to me because I loved the underdog and I am kind and I thought they thought I was kind. HaHa then I learned decades later that I understood all this and the language even when I never studied it. But the thing now that I have time to really think about it I have come to the realization never thought I was smart because I knew I knew nothing when there is so much out there that I don't know. But I have known there is a God even when I couldn't understand or concentrate. So today I can tell you it is God that enlightens the mind but you need to open your heart and mind to know God. why do I put my thoughts out to the world I have no idea. I think I need to get them out to let room for more information. LOL Oh and I love this guy!
It may be already have been said. but, what happened to the camera angles? Great that Hugh moved the mic but could only see a small proportion of the screen. Great presentation for the realism of god and the erosion of Hitchens and Dawkins et el. Many thanks, AJ
I absolutely love every word you express confirms what I know is the only way it is possible, therefore, among all the interpretations thereof possible, the only Truth, truly Powerful, truly Comforting, and Our Beacon!
I so tried to explain such things to my father before his death, but he would always shut down when i tried to point odd the sheer odds of things. But, i am also not as eloquent as Mr. Ross.
@@camelotenglishtuition6394 Nothing atm. I'm new to all of this, including reading the Bible, so I'm focusing on my Bible studies and learning the basics of theology and Church history. After that I'd love to study chemistry! How about you?
I have always loved this & used it for encouragement however, I wish it would be redone to reflect we pray and angels are enlisted on our behalf to fight for us. Angelic hosts emerging into visibility to fight evil- would be cool & encouraging to watch.
Atheists are having a hard time grasping the reality that our universe was created and that the chances we are all just mistakes is astronomical. Thank you Mr Ross for bringing all of this to light.
Astronomically rare things happen quite often in a universe that has infinate size. Ultra rare super novas that happen once in billions of years, happen all of the time. Ours hasnt even happened yet (obviously). that is how rare it is. yet, they happen. If the parameters for our existance didnt exist, we simply would not be here. How many multiple universes or realities might there be (mathimatically they are proven to be possible) that the rules are not quite right for life to exist? You dont need a creator for that. Whos to say we dont live in a simulation? How is that different than a god?
My faith doesn't require science to back it up but I'd be interested to hear what the speaker thinks of recent (2024) finds from the jwt showing massive early galaxies not consistent with expansion theory. Great talk btw, God bless you
Romans 1:20" For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. Psalm 19 1-4: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. Job 12:7-10 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. JHTS telescope: New things must just be studied and understood. New things need to be peer reviewed. We have the Hubble telescope, and Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). These tools and other tools have measured the universe. The universe (time, space, and matter) came into existence 13.813 (±0.038) billion years ago. End of story. Oh, bright distant things are easy to see, darker things are not. Observation solved.
Anyone know of the link he talks about the nature news website where he talks about with nature journal, on the 'disturbing implications of the cosmological constant?
There are physical eyewitnesses of a physical JC. I was skeptical too until I researched and read up. Nothing changed or solidified my belief until I read Roman’s 8:16 then I knew that Jesus is real and alive and his claims are valid. The Holy Spirit will confirm with your human spirit Jesus claims that he is in fact God. The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus. Sounds strange but is real.
What is far more important is that if you reject the Bible on such minor points, you will also never get any use out of the main reason why a Bible came into existence, which is to inform the people of God of their fallen state and the possibility of salvation through Immanuel, the god-man Jesus Christ. the crucified and risen Lord.
I want to ask, please answer me. When God created the universe, did God use raw materials? If God did not use raw materials in creating the universe, then what was it that became the universe, was it God's Word that became the universe or what was it that became the universe?
Thank you for this video. I'm not sure if you can respond after 4 years. I love that science is providing the Bible. My question is, when you look at the timeline described in the Bible. The creation happened 6000 to 7000 years ago. When we talk about light-years and the age of the universe, it's much more than 7000 years. Can anyone explain.
Creationism does not equal young Earth. There are many Old Earth creationists. Day is not the same as 24 hours, not in the past and not today. The earth is not 6,000 years old and the Bible does not teach this. Hebrews 4:9-10: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." This tells us that the 7th day has not ended. Thus day 7 is a long time span, thus day 1 to 6 must be a long time span. Each believer are to enter into day 7. Also there no "evening and morning" for the 7th day. As day 7 as not ended. Biblical Hebrew has a limited vocabulary, with fewer words compared to other languages, such as English or Spanish. This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context. Day - yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, but the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans thus literally is: Sunrise to sunset Sunset to next sunset Time period of unspecified length. (long time span ). We use the word day the same today: In my grandfather’s day cars did not go very fast. Deuteronomy 33:15 and Habakkuk 3:6 "ancient mountains". Gen. 2:4 “in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens” The events of day 6 can not have happened in 24 hours. Have you entered into the 7th as Hebrews 4:9-10 asks you to?
I'm wondering if perhaps we could come up with a different name than " dark energy " seeing that we understand that it is the power of The God Of Light . Shall we work on that ?
In the time-space curvature of the universe is dark energy. Dark energy is able to move the time-space curvature of the universe faster. See can measure it, but as it not fully understood it is "dark".
If its obvious that nature points to creator, why do 90% of folks who do the hard work in investigating it don't believe in a designer. The answer is of course is that they must hate God.
The answer is that because it is not obvious. Nothing in the nature points to god anymore than as Dawkins would say points to say a giant squid lurking on the Darkside of the moon and providing all power to earth. The creature has power to become invisible to anyone who tries to see it. Try as you may, you won't be able to prove that it is not true. The issue is, burden of the proof lies in both cases, God or this odd creature, on person proposing it. But in the argument in the video, it is being asked to be disproved. There is no way to disprove something which is not there.
What a great vid by a great mind. This helped me a lot. "How do you get from deism, to theism, to Jesus Christ, using only astronomy and physics?" What a great question.
Science can figure out god. When I just found god, I was very curious about the bible too. I was like what is in this book so I read it. I understood a lot of it
@jennifermeador171 The Bible needn't support the geological proof because the Bible writers knew as much about the cosmos as a chimpanzee does if it looked up at the sky.
@@jennifermeador171the first three days in Hebrew are long periods of time. Did Jesus say, you must believe in young earth? Could you imagine having to be so specific to be saved? No. He said to believe in his finished work on the cross for our sins, that he was buried, and rose again on the third day. Repent and believe that and you will be saved.
@@WildPhotoShooter Therefore you're saying that the Holy Scriptures are NOT inspired by our Creator? We believe it's the INERRANT, INSPIRED Word & HE spoke through those He chose to write it down. Yes, man added punctuation & chapters/verses etc. later, & some translations today have used imperfect words to translate occasionally, but it's STILL His Word. Since we didn't evolve from monkey's it doesn't matter what they know or don't lol...our Creator made us in HIS image & likeness. Believe, & be Blessed.
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. -- 2 Peter 3:8-9 Until you understand the meaning of this statement, it will be impossible for you to believe the earth creation theory.
@@MutsPub Scientists involved in real scientific observation and experiment in the scientific "method" would not agree with him. Hugh Ross is guilty of confirmation bias .
@@wantlessworkless.2558 Troll Alert! Here are quotes from this genius - 1) "IF we knew the REAL Middle Eastern names of who wrote the Gospels why not use those names in the Bible throughout history ? Mathew Mark Luke and John , C'mon" 2) "Where was the bible written? It was written in and around the Middle East. I don't think Matthew, Mark, Luke or John are names that fit well from that region of the world all those years ago." 3) “Just as Jesus wasn't a white man but he is portrayed as a white man, a Bjorn Borg look alike.” Nuff said
There are literally thousands of “scientists” who are christians. Many are not as outspoken. They believe in the truth of Jesus, but many differ on the interpretation of scripture pertaining to creation, evolution, and other topics not critical to faith in Jesus. But having a bias against something because “most” don’t believe in it is a logical fallacy. If 90% of “scientists” said the earth was flat and the sun was actually just a few thousand miles away, that would not “disprove” that the earth is actually a globe 90million miles from the sun and that globe orbits the sun instead of the sun orbiting the earth! Does the universe have a space-time beginning? What was the cause of that beginning? Start there, which is what Dr. Ross does.
John10: 31to39 ....Jesus is God's Son, the firstborn of all creation, as in Colossians1: 3, and 9to20 John17....Jesus prayer to his father in heaven on the night of his betrayal, to the One who raised him from the dead .
@@Crozier777 John17: 21 "That they all may be one; as thou Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me."
@@louisesamchapman6428 John 10:30 “I and my Father are one.” Jesus is God. The only begotten son. John1:1-3 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made”.
I'm sorry - when I heard your summary I zoned out. It sounds like a standard spouting of rote biblical rote. So I'll just ask a question. Do you have any provable, fact-based evidence of anything spiritual? And by "evidence" I mean, NOT any hearsay, feelings, faith, beliefs, hopes, coincidences or bible stories written by man. (and of course not in the bible since it is filled with too many flaws). It also sounded like he was going to prove God's existence by describing His creation. It seems to me that that argument says that God created everything. I ask, good AND bad? As Shakespeare put it "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" That would those qualities dependent on perspective. So God would have created the bad as well as the good. So why would He punish people for bad?
Please read "More than Theory" by Hugh, give lots if details on this topic. Christians are increasingly challenged with evolutionary theories as the only models for the origins and history of the universe. But is there any valid scientifically testable alternative? More Than a Theory offers a comprehensive, testable creation model. The book responds to the recent, well-publicized challenges from aggressive atheists who deny the existence of a Creator. It also reminds the scientific community of what constitutes good science and supplies Christians with the scientific information they need to defend their conviction that the Creator is the God of the Bible. Complete with appendices that put competing models for creation and/or evolution to the same kinds of tests.
@@GhostScout42 "lol, take theology 101 bro" I notice you did not answer my questions. That must mean either you want to ignore me (maybe because I'm correct). Or, you don't know any answer. Oh, and by the way -- are you really so lazy you can't add one syllable to "bro" (I presume you were trying to say an abbreviation of "brother.")? Or are you such a sheeple that you click on an automatic ethnic meme?
This is a wonderful and very well summarized lecture on cosmology. However, I would caution against claiming that the bible correctly predicted creation and cosmology. The bible is not a science nor a history book, but a theological narrative of creation and more importantly, the relationship between God and man. It would be more correct to view the narrative of the bible as being consistent with science and our observation of reality, and therefore, we can argue that it is inerrant in this respect. In itself, this is a remarkable and miraculous fact. No other religious book can claim to have such consistency.
When the Bible talks about creation and cosmology. it gets it correct. Romans 1:20" For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. Psalm 19 1-4: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. Job 12:7-10 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you.
Intelligence Design hypothesis I have no problem with however you know Dr. Ross what I do have a problem with your use to debating atheists well I'm not an atheist but I'm well schooled in world mythology you never debated someone like me I assure you that I'm game so just say when
Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding. Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago. To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.
@@charlesbadrock You do not think the 3.787 ±0.020 billion years old? You are in error. Romans 1:20" For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. Psalm 19 1-4: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. Revelation 3:20 Here I (Jesus) am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
@@djsarg7451 Your repeating material that comes straight out of World Mythology all theologies and all theisms are deeply rooted in World Mythology that's actual facts 5he argument for Intelligent Design is a totally separate area which has nether been proven nor disproven it's a possibility among a multitude of possibilities
We had on Earth had hundreds of High Civilizations far superior to us today,so nothing is surprising to me, before the Great Flood we were more advanced that now so much so we traveled out of our Solar System and colonized 2 Planets in the Alpha Centauri , now when they visit we treat them as Aliens.
I agree, but I agree with him when he talks about fine tunning. I have never seen a counter argument to fine tunning from atheists that made sense, unless there is a multiverse and we are in just one of many universes, but there is no evidence that points in that direction.
No one said it was an implication based on necessity. It's based on probability. The issue is not the claims Hugh Ross makes. The issue is you. You are living in wilful ignorance because you're too proud to acknowledge God. I wish you the best in your journey to the truth.
Only mankind has this kind of free will, everyone will have the freedom to love the Creator or reject and hate the Creator. If there was no Sin, we would just be robot made to do good. A robot saying "I love you" means nothing. I did not learn this till I had kids, my kids of their own free will telling my wife and I: "I love you" is priceless and real love. And if we were robots, we would be upset we do not have free will. Revelation 3:20 Here I (Jesus) am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Philippians 1:21 says, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Because we are sinners, it is a good thing we have death. Very bad people are limited to how much bad they can do. Isaiah 57:1-2 The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.
He is accurate about everything except the age of the universe. Using the information in the Bible it is pretty clear that the universe and Earth is not older than 6000 years.
Old: Creationism does not equal young Earth. There are many Old Earth creationists. Day is not the same as 24 hours, not in the past and not today. The earth is not 6,000 years old and the Bible does not teach this. Hebrews 4:9-10: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." This tells us that the 7th day has not ended. Thus day 7 is a long time span, thus day 1 to 6 must be a long time span. Each believer are to enter into day 7. Also there no "evening and morning" for the 7th day. As day 7 as not ended. Biblical Hebrew has a limited vocabulary, with fewer words compared to other languages, such as English or Spanish. This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context. Day - yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, but the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans thus literally is: Sunrise to sunset Sunset to next sunset Time period of unspecified length. (long time span ). We use the word day the same today: In my grandfather’s day cars did not go very fast. Deuteronomy 33:15 and Habakkuk 3:6 "ancient mountains". Gen. 2:4 “in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens” The events of day 6 can n ot have happened in 24 hours. Have you entered into the 7th as Hebrews 4:9-10 asks you to?
You are Wrong! the *Quran* clearly states about the expanding Universe ,it is your Bias towards Islam that you don’t mention it or you are ignorant! I quote the Quran” ^^**And the heavens We constructed with power, and indeed, We are [its] expander**.^^51:47.
@Mario_Sky_521 you are a typical Christian...assuming I'm an atheist and assuming I believe we were evolved. Of course you assume this after I told you I don't believe in anything...I either know something or I don't. Chrsitians have a common trait..arrogance and assumption.
Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding. Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago. To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.
@@djsarg7451 I fail to understand your response. Especially the last part of "deny the existence of a Creator..." I'm curious, when was it I discussed and stated I didn't believe in a Creator?
@@djsarg7451 Exactly. I don't. I either know something is True or I don't. I just happen to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that a Creator exists. That's rather obvious. Atheist's know this...they just refuse to admit it.
I want to ask. My questions... 1. The reality that we can see right now is that in this universe there are trillions of trillions of planets and galaxies. If there are countless trillions of trillions of planets... maybe not only planet Earth has living creatures inhabiting it...? For example, if there are a trillion other planets that have living creatures like Earth and its inhabitants are various types of non-human creatures, would Jesus also be God on those one trillion inhabited planets...? 2. The real facts that we can know right now... the earth is approximately 10 million km, the sun is 1.3 million times as big as the earth, and there is a star called U Scuty that is tens of billions of times as big as the sun . If the celestial bodies were super massive in size like that, the number in the trillions would be uncountable. How big do you think God the Creator is, bro...? Maybe God is only as big as the man Jesus...? 3. According to scientists, the universe is more than 13 billion years old, whereas according to historians, Adam and Eve only existed about 7 thousand years ago. Based on this science... maybe the universe has been empty without any living creatures inhabiting it for more than 13 billion years...? So what was Jesus doing for 13 billion years before there were humans, Adam and Eve...? Please answer me!!!!?!!!
You do not read the Bible. Isaiah 9:6: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” This verse, penned hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth, points to Christ as our Lord and Savior.
Ross plays a game, and pretends to exude humility and sincerity, but he is proud, puffed up and arrogant. He deludes himself, and thinks he is some kind of gnostic. He writes a book titled "Why the universe is the way it is". As though he has all the answers. Ross rejects the creation account, and contaminates scripture with Big Bang secular philosophies that directly contradict scripture. He rejects the global flood and says it was just a local flood, and believes there was death before Adam’s sin. He claims there were "pre-adamites". (people who supposedly lived before Adam). His faith is in Big Bang, and he has constructed a religious cult that conforms to it. Don't be so easily deceived, people...Gods word warns of these types in the last days.
Christians are increasingly challenged with evolutionary theories as the only models for the origins and history of the universe. But is there any valid scientifically testable alternative? Now available in trade paper, More Than a Theory offers a comprehensive, testable creation model. This book responds to the recent, well-publicized challenges from aggressive atheists who deny the existence of a Creator. It also reminds the scientific community of what constitutes good science and supplies Christians with the scientific information they need to defend their conviction that the Creator is the God of the Bible. Complete with appendices that put competing models for creation and/or evolution to the same kinds of tests, More Than a Theory is a bold and brave work of apologetics that will stir profitable discussion in both the scientific and the religious realms.
There was a Jesus Christ and his knowledge and voice was so threatening to the church they had to make up stories about him that altered his message. He just wanted to tell us we live forever and need not to give our will to any other group claiming powr.
@alschneider5420 "the church" you are talking about is the brand new church comprised mainly of gentiles? or are you talking about the jews? cause of so I would think you should say temple. let's clarify on that point before going further
@@GhostScout42 The church that claims Jeasus Christ is god. I don't know one from the othr and I don't care. There is no god. So all your chatter is moot. And please do not quote scripture. To an atheist that proves you do not know what you are talking about. You can tell me I am wrong. I will accept that is what you believe. Please do not attempt to get me to believe what you believe. I have 80 years of others working hard to get me to believe what they believe. All they do is tell me I will suffer pain forever but they love me and will pray for me. You expect me to be polite. Well I am not.
@@alschneider5420 okay, i was just trying to let you know your statement is ignorant as heck and factually wrong. what the bible says is what the early church believed and what the early church believed is what Jesus followers believed and his followers believed what he said. Im not sure about eternal suffering other than being away from the precence of love and light. its not like theres going to be angels poking you, you will just be with all the other rebels who prefer not to spend eternity in the precence of God Maybe you should open your heart and really seek God. Its a crazy thing to throw away paradise because you are feeling a little rebelious
To save humans from sin… which spans jeez the last 50k years. Why dinosaurs and other animals for millions and millions of years? Saving them too? Except they aren’t cognizant of that, so how does millions of years without that cognitive realization translate into humans are very recent. Were the dinosaurs and the current animals just “oops’s”? I’m conflicted. The science is there. I want there to be this god, but I’m looking back to even the ancient civilizations and looks like the Bible borrowed a lot from Zoroastrianism. While a nice presentation, it kind of looks partially pandering and like you want this overall being of god to exist so much you’ve convinced yourself you can justify it. Like when you make a bad purchase, you want validation it wasn’t a bad purchase so badly you convince yourself it’s superior to the others or equal to the better purchases.
You need to think, you are using a computer (energy to ask where energy came from). Dinosaurs and other animals with plants are needed for millions of years to make fossil fuel. Fossils made modern technology, and modern technology is used to tell the world about Jesus Christ and his message of Love and Forgiveness. Zoroastrianism came for gods like the Greeks that have sex and kids, all operate in our time and space, why is is small. Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding. Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago. To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.
"Cosmic Reasons to Believe in Christ" Sometimes even the titles are just so wacko Looney Tunes that it saves you the bother of listening. Congratulations on picking a subject you cannot possibly prove. Even god couldn't prove Jesus using cosmology...... Get a life.
If the omnipotent, omniscient God desires to deny us the evidence to positively assert his existence, than there can be no such evidence. There's a reason for that
are you denying the evidence? he has given so much evidence. Y'shua/ Jesus entering humanity and dying for sins and resurrecting Is the greatest evidence.the Roman and Jewish records along with solid eye witness accounts written down in the same time as other eye witnesses who not only witnessed the resurrection but many many miracles. throughout history he has made himself known and creation cries out YHWH our Gods glory. he literally gave us scripture and prophecy and many other things to prove he is your And my creator.
@@yeshuaislord3058there's no eyewitness accounts, there's no extrabiblical accounts, the gospels weren't written down until well after Jesus death (33ad to 70ad at the latest), all it is is folktales and myths that were passed down orally
@@uhtreduhtredsson1721 considering I live in a western, Christian society, interact almost exclusively with christians, and am directly affected by Christianity and not Islam, I focus on Christianity. Not to mention the language barrier that prevents me from interacting with must Islamic content anyway. However, the criticism I levy at Christianity applies to every single religion: literally 0 evidence in support of its claims. Islam is even worse off because it's a branch of Christianity
Romans 1:20" For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. Psalm 19 1-4: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. Job 12:7-10 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Only the God of the Bible operates outside of the time and space dimensions we are in. So it must be the God of the Bible. Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding. Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago. To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.
He may be an astrophysicist by schooling, but he’s not doing anything remotely science related. Notice how theists today seek viability through science? Not religion.
More YEC junk. When someone replies with name-calling or insults, I know the person has not one idea about the topic at hand. Creationism does not equal young Earth. There are many Old Earth creationists. Day is not the same as 24 hours, not in the past and not today. The earth is not 6,000 years old and the Bible does not teach this. Hebrews 4:9-10: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." This tells us that the 7th day has not ended. Thus day 7 is a long time span, thus day 1 to 6 must be a long time span. Each believer are to enter into day 7. Also there no "evening and morning" for the 7th day. As day 7 as not ended. Biblical Hebrew has a limited vocabulary, with fewer words compared to other languages, such as English or Spanish. This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context. Day - yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, but the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans thus literally is: Sunrise to sunset Sunset to next sunset Time period of unspecified length. (long time span ). We use the word day the same today: In my grandfather’s day cars did not go very fast. Deuteronomy 33:15 and Habakkuk 3:6 "ancient mountains". Gen. 2:4 “in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens” The events of day 6 can n ot have happened in 24 hours. Have you entered into the 7th as Hebrews 4:9-10 asks you to?
When someone replies with name-calling or insults, I know the person has not one idea about the topic at hand. Creationism does not equal young Earth. There are many Old Earth creationists. Day is not the same as 24 hours, not in the past and not today. The earth is not 6,000 years old and the Bible does not teach this. Hebrews 4:9-10: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." This tells us that the 7th day has not ended. Thus day 7 is a long time span, thus day 1 to 6 must be a long time span. Each believer are to enter into day 7. Also there no "evening and morning" for the 7th day. As day 7 as not ended. Biblic al Hebrew has a limited vocabulary, with fewer words compared to other languages, such as English or Spanish. This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context. Day - yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, but the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans thus literally is: Sunrise to sunset Sunset to next sunset Time period of unspecified length. (long time span ). We use the word day the same today: In my grandfather’s day cars did not go very fast. Deuteronomy 33:15 and Habakkuk 3:6 "ancient mountains". Gen. 2:4 “in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens” The events of day 6 can n ot have happened in 24 hours. Have you entered into the 7th as Hebrews 4:9-10 asks you to?
The electric universe theory and janes Webb have debunked the Big Bang, expansion / red shift, dark matter, black holes and neutron stars - time to integrate new theories into your cosmology sir.
Imagine believing in pseudoscience like the electric universe. Well you're watching this quack explain Kalam like it's some revolutionary concept and proof of God so I'm not surprised actually
New things must just be studied and understood. New things need to be peer reviewed. We have the Hubble telescope, and Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). These tools and other tools have measured the universe. The universe (time, space, and matter) came into existence 13.813 (±0.038) billion years ago Only the God of the Bible operates outside of the time and space dimensions we are in. So it must be the God of the Bible. Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding. Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago. To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.
It's because you don't understand it. Your mind is not capable evidently of hearing it or you just don't want to know it because you don't want to have to answer to God which you will anyway.
belief in any god is willingly entering into slavery. Giving up you right to chose your path in life and control your destiny for the will of some imaginary deity.
Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding. Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago. To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.
Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding. Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago. To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.
Thank you for this blessing. I lived in Germany and had to laugh at the end about your testimony and presentation to the German, it was spot on. No coincidence, perfection.
Putting the awesome power of God into a discussion beyond faith, but observable proof. Simply wonderful.
No proof. No evidence. Nothing scientific. Just assumptions to fit the fabricated narrative.
Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
That sounds like someone got a little too much ergot, wanted a bit of power and wants people to mindlessly follow what ergot guy wants them to do.
God has provided us with evidence. Read Psalm 19 and Romans 1:20. If you merely believe because of blind faith, how do you know you're right and not the mormon who believes because he has a "burning in the bosom"?
@peterreily1490 I understand your skepticism. Be careful not to miss the forest by being too distracted categorizing microbes in the dirt. God reveals himself every day - open your eyes and your heart. God bless.
Why are you gibbering in 16th century English?
@@peterreily1490I mean he’s God and while he wants power (everyone to worship him) he doesn’t want a dictatorship but a relationship dynamic like you have with your father for example. Knowing your father is the head of the house but it’s not a dictatorship but a family.
Brilliant presentation
God bIess you Mr.Ross!
What a treasure we inherited from Canada. Great Scientific Evangelical Apologist.
Absolutely beautiful, amazing talk!! God is so wonderful and so is Hugh for sharing his knowledge, humor and time with us!! What a blessing!!!
I am alive I heard ur lecture many times praise the Lord that's all
I love this dude
The chance that I came across this particular video is 100000000 to the Nth degree.
The profundity of the contents....
Priceless. Merry Christmas to y'all ✝️🌟👆🏽
I truly believe the purpose of life is to find him and be transformed. I think that's why there is no defined purpose and why nobody can find a logical point beyond that.
To listen to someone as brilliant as Mr Ross and still not seriously consider the TRUTH of God and The Bible, The Great Creator of our universe and the scriptures that give us an insight to the beginning of the universe, mankind, and God's relationship and hope for His creation, is hard to fathom. I wish all of the human race would listen to his awesome scientific and spiritual explanations .
I fully believe God can use this man to make a ground breaking impact.😊
He is a self deluded Charleton pretending to know something unknowable...God explains nothing
I have ADHD I am old and they didn't know what that was when I tried to go to school. They just thought I was stupid and so did I. It wasn't until I was in high school that my guidance counselor asked me why I wasn't doing well in school. I had two IQ test one indicated I had and IQ of 126 the other was 131. Both test were taken and I had the flu both tests and my parents made me take them when I could barely think. I think after my 1st test they thought that there was a mistake. So why didn't I do well at school well my father told us repeatedly that we didn't even to know how to wipe our asses. I learned that from the age of 4 or so and I believed him so I never tried. I couldn't tell you where my mind was when I was in school. I don't remember anything about classroom learning. It wasn't until I was in the working world and my bosses would say I was brilliant. I thought they just were trying to be nice to me because I loved the underdog and I am kind and I thought they thought I was kind. HaHa then I learned decades later that I understood all this and the language even when I never studied it. But the thing now that I have time to really think about it I have come to the realization never thought I was smart because I knew I knew nothing when there is so much out there that I don't know. But I have known there is a God even when I couldn't understand or concentrate. So today I can tell you it is God that enlightens the mind but you need to open your heart and mind to know God.
why do I put my thoughts out to the world I have no idea. I think I need to get them out to let room for more information. LOL Oh and I love this guy!
@@rationalsceptic7634and you want to reject that which is all around you.
Loser to the tenth degree you are sir.
@@rationalsceptic7634 God wrote it all in his creation for doubters like you to see and deny daily.
Behold the countless worlds and wonders being prepared for us as our forever homes in Christ
One of the Best!❤
What a difference my education may (have been) in 1964-78 had this been known. See y'all in the future!
Listening in October 2022 , absolutely love Dr. Ross💞
This video is a very good find. Thank you for uploading it. More people should here and watch this.
@7min is the whole summation. Perfect. 🙏
It may be already have been said. but, what happened to the camera angles? Great that Hugh moved the mic but could only see a small proportion of the screen. Great presentation for the realism of god and the erosion of Hitchens and Dawkins et el. Many thanks, AJ
Praise the almighty God. GOD bless Hugh Ross.
I absolutely love every word you express confirms what I know is the only way it is possible, therefore, among all the interpretations thereof possible, the only Truth, truly Powerful, truly Comforting, and Our Beacon!
I so tried to explain such things to my father before his death, but he would always shut down when i tried to point odd the sheer odds of things. But, i am also not as eloquent as Mr. Ross.
This guy is awesome 👌🏾 👏🏾 👍🏾
Never been more interested in the sciences since taking God seriously, and people like Hugh Ross just fuel that fire!
What branch are you studying?
@@camelotenglishtuition6394 Nothing atm. I'm new to all of this, including reading the Bible, so I'm focusing on my Bible studies and learning the basics of theology and Church history. After that I'd love to study chemistry! How about you?
I have always loved this & used it for encouragement however, I wish it would be redone to reflect we pray and angels are enlisted on our behalf to fight for us. Angelic hosts emerging into visibility to fight evil- would be cool & encouraging to watch.
Atheists are having a hard time grasping the reality that our universe was created and that the chances we are all just mistakes is astronomical. Thank you Mr Ross for bringing all of this to light.
Astronomically rare things happen quite often in a universe that has infinate size. Ultra rare super novas that happen once in billions of years, happen all of the time. Ours hasnt even happened yet (obviously). that is how rare it is. yet, they happen. If the parameters for our existance didnt exist, we simply would not be here. How many multiple universes or realities might there be (mathimatically they are proven to be possible) that the rules are not quite right for life to exist? You dont need a creator for that.
Whos to say we dont live in a simulation? How is that different than a god?
We have no idea how probable our universe is. We only have one example of a universe to make that judgment
There's one creator above of all time and space and restrictions humans think of@@spin_kick
I'm so thankful for Hugh Ross.
❤❤❤Every talk he gives has NEW FACTS!❤❤❤
That's precisely what he doesn't do.
My faith doesn't require science to back it up but I'd be interested to hear what the speaker thinks of recent (2024) finds from the jwt showing massive early galaxies not consistent with expansion theory. Great talk btw, God bless you
Romans 1:20" For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
Psalm 19 1-4: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.
Job 12:7-10 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you.
JHTS telescope:
New things must just be studied and understood. New things need to be peer reviewed. We have the Hubble telescope, and Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). These tools and other tools have measured the universe. The universe (time, space, and matter) came into existence 13.813 (±0.038) billion years ago. End of story. Oh, bright distant things are easy to see, darker things are not. Observation solved.
The Lord bless you !!! You are so precious !
A beautiful presentation. Too bad your visuals are cut off from the screen.
Anyone know of the link he talks about the nature news website where he talks about with nature journal, on the 'disturbing implications of the cosmological constant?
Do you have any physical evidence for your physical claim for a physical living JC?
There are physical eyewitnesses of a physical JC. I was skeptical too until I researched and read up. Nothing changed or solidified my belief until I read Roman’s 8:16 then I knew that Jesus is real and alive and his claims are valid. The Holy Spirit will confirm with your human spirit Jesus claims that he is in fact God. The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus. Sounds strange but is real.
Who are these eyewitnesses. And, I asked not for verse but Physical Evidence. Got any?@@MOAllDa
bro, historicle jesus is a FACT
Wow. That was SOMETHING
I have listened to Hugh Ross a number of times and this was the most impressive talk of all of them
What is far more important is that if you reject the Bible on such minor points, you will also never get any use out of the main reason why a Bible came into existence, which is to inform the people of God of their fallen state and the possibility of salvation through Immanuel, the god-man Jesus Christ. the crucified and risen Lord.
I want to ask, please answer me. When God created the universe, did God use raw materials? If God did not use raw materials in creating the universe, then what was it that became the universe, was it God's Word that became the universe or what was it that became the universe?
Could you tell me, exactly, where in the bible Ton 618 is explained?
Sorry can you reply with more details on your question.
@@djsarg7451it's the name of a black hole I believe
Thank you for this video. I'm not sure if you can respond after 4 years. I love that science is providing the Bible. My question is, when you look at the timeline described in the Bible. The creation happened 6000 to 7000 years ago. When we talk about light-years and the age of the universe, it's much more than 7000 years. Can anyone explain.
He talks about that in other lectures. By his reckoning, we are still in the 7th day.
Creationism does not equal young Earth. There are many Old Earth creationists.
Day is not the same as 24 hours, not in the past and not today.
The earth is not 6,000 years old and the Bible does not teach this. Hebrews 4:9-10: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." This tells us that the 7th day has not ended. Thus day 7 is a long time span, thus day 1 to 6 must be a long time span. Each believer are to enter into day 7. Also there no "evening and morning" for the 7th day. As day 7 as not ended. Biblical Hebrew has a limited vocabulary, with fewer words compared to other languages, such as English or Spanish. This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context. Day - yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, but the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans thus literally is:
Sunrise to sunset
Sunset to next sunset
Time period of unspecified length. (long time span ).
We use the word day the same today: In my grandfather’s day cars did not go very fast.
Deuteronomy 33:15 and Habakkuk 3:6 "ancient mountains".
Gen. 2:4 “in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens”
The events of day 6 can not have happened in 24 hours.
Have you entered into the 7th as Hebrews 4:9-10 asks you to?
It's the only book that makes perfect sense.
So your IQ is below room temperature.
Has the paper “disturbing implications of a cosmological constant“ been peer reviewed?
Mild weather for the harvest, pumpkins, and all vegetables are ripening with all the rain last month in the Rio Grande Valley!
I'm wondering if perhaps we could come up with a different name than " dark energy " seeing that we understand that it is the power of The God Of Light . Shall we work on that ?
Not necessary. All4 of the FORCES of nature, including GRAVITY, are th "power of God", but we do not need to rename them wt. spiritual names
In the time-space curvature of the universe is dark energy. Dark energy is able to move the time-space curvature of the universe faster. See can measure it, but as it not fully understood it is "dark".
If its obvious that nature points to creator, why do 90% of folks who do the hard work in investigating it don't believe in a designer.
The answer is of course is that they must hate God.
The answer is that because it is not obvious. Nothing in the nature points to god anymore than as Dawkins would say points to say a giant squid lurking on the Darkside of the moon and providing all power to earth. The creature has power to become invisible to anyone who tries to see it. Try as you may, you won't be able to prove that it is not true. The issue is, burden of the proof lies in both cases, God or this odd creature, on person proposing it. But in the argument in the video, it is being asked to be disproved. There is no way to disprove something which is not there.
What a great vid by a great mind.
This helped me a lot.
"How do you get from deism, to theism, to Jesus Christ, using only astronomy and physics?"
What a great question.
god bless Mr Ross he is absolutely perfect science amen 🙏🙏🙏
From 0 we come to 01 we go.
Science can figure out god. When I just found god, I was very curious about the bible too. I was like what is in this book so I read it. I understood a lot of it
Dr Ross has got one thing right , he believes in an old earth , billions of years old.
Not Scriptural however...the 1st chapter of the Holy Bible simply doesn't support that theory.
@jennifermeador171 The Bible needn't support the geological proof because the Bible writers knew as much about the cosmos as a chimpanzee does if it looked up at the sky.
@@jennifermeador171the first three days in Hebrew are long periods of time. Did Jesus say, you must believe in young earth? Could you imagine having to be so specific to be saved? No. He said to believe in his finished work on the cross for our sins, that he was buried, and rose again on the third day. Repent and believe that and you will be saved.
@@WildPhotoShooter Therefore you're saying that the Holy Scriptures are NOT inspired by our Creator? We believe it's the INERRANT, INSPIRED Word & HE spoke through those He chose to write it down. Yes, man added punctuation & chapters/verses etc. later, & some translations today have used imperfect words to translate occasionally, but it's STILL His Word. Since we didn't evolve from monkey's it doesn't matter what they know or don't lol...our Creator made us in HIS image & likeness. Believe, & be Blessed.
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
-- 2 Peter 3:8-9
Until you understand the meaning of this statement, it will be impossible for you to believe the earth creation theory.
I wonder if there are any other scientists of similar or different fields that agree with Mr. Ross
Reasons to believe has over 150 scholars in cross disciplines in their organization. So, yes.
@@MutsPub Scientists involved in real scientific observation and experiment in the scientific "method" would not agree with him.
Hugh Ross is guilty of confirmation bias .
@@wantlessworkless.2558 Troll Alert!
Here are quotes from this genius -
1) "IF we knew the REAL Middle Eastern names of who wrote the Gospels why not use those names in the Bible throughout history ? Mathew Mark Luke and John , C'mon"
2) "Where was the bible written? It was written in and around the Middle East. I don't think Matthew, Mark, Luke or John are names that fit well from that region of the world all those years ago."
3) “Just as Jesus wasn't a white man but he is portrayed as a white man, a Bjorn Borg look alike.”
Nuff said
@@MutsPub I see you do not have any answers to my comments ......your replies have hit rock bottom, is troll alert all you can say now ?
There are literally thousands of “scientists” who are christians. Many are not as outspoken. They believe in the truth of Jesus, but many differ on the interpretation of scripture pertaining to creation, evolution, and other topics not critical to faith in Jesus. But having a bias against something because “most” don’t believe in it is a logical fallacy. If 90% of “scientists” said the earth was flat and the sun was actually just a few thousand miles away, that would not “disprove” that the earth is actually a globe 90million miles from the sun and that globe orbits the sun instead of the sun orbiting the earth!
Does the universe have a space-time beginning?
What was the cause of that beginning?
Start there, which is what Dr. Ross does.
John10: 31to39 ....Jesus is God's Son, the firstborn of all creation, as in Colossians1: 3, and 9to20
John17....Jesus prayer to his father in heaven on the night of his betrayal, to the One who raised him from the dead .
@@louisesamchapman6428he also says that he and the Father are one. Jesus is God.
@@Crozier777 John17: 21 "That they all may be one; as thou Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me."
@@louisesamchapman6428 John 10:30 “I and my Father are one.” Jesus is God. The only begotten son.
John1:1-3 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made”.
@Crozier777 Who raised Jesus up from death, or perhaps he was not really dead ?
I'm sorry - when I heard your summary I zoned out. It sounds like a standard spouting of rote biblical rote. So I'll just ask a question. Do you have any provable, fact-based evidence of anything spiritual?
And by "evidence" I mean, NOT any hearsay, feelings, faith, beliefs, hopes, coincidences or bible stories written by man. (and of course not in the bible since it is filled with too many flaws).
It also sounded like he was going to prove God's existence by describing His creation. It seems to me that that argument says that God created everything. I ask, good AND bad? As Shakespeare put it "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" That would those qualities dependent on perspective. So God would have created the bad as well as the good. So why would He punish people for bad?
Please read "More than Theory" by Hugh, give lots if details on this topic.
Christians are increasingly challenged with evolutionary theories as the only models for the origins and history of the universe. But is there any valid scientifically testable alternative? More Than a Theory offers a comprehensive, testable creation model. The book responds to the recent, well-publicized challenges from aggressive atheists who deny the existence of a Creator. It also reminds the scientific community of what constitutes good science and supplies Christians with the scientific information they need to defend their conviction that the Creator is the God of the Bible. Complete with appendices that put competing models for creation and/or evolution to the same kinds of tests.
lol, take theology 101 bro
@@GhostScout42 "lol, take theology 101 bro"
I notice you did not answer my questions. That must mean either you want to ignore me (maybe because I'm correct). Or, you don't know any answer.
Oh, and by the way -- are you really so lazy you can't add one syllable to "bro" (I presume you were trying to say an abbreviation of "brother.")? Or are you such a sheeple that you click on an automatic ethnic meme?
I hear you I'm struggle right now between demon and angel just like the Bible said in the book of Daniel... He is living in me in the present time
Amen and I know I got to deliver his message to the world that the End of time is coming sooner than I thought and the 2nd COMING OF JESUS CHRIST AMEN
@@scottsmith6889Jesus isn't coming back
This is a wonderful and very well summarized lecture on cosmology. However, I would caution against claiming that the bible correctly predicted creation and cosmology. The bible is not a science nor a history book, but a theological narrative of creation and more importantly, the relationship between God and man. It would be more correct to view the narrative of the bible as being consistent with science and our observation of reality, and therefore, we can argue that it is inerrant in this respect. In itself, this is a remarkable and miraculous fact. No other religious book can claim to have such consistency.
When the Bible talks about creation and cosmology. it gets it correct.
Romans 1:20" For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
Psalm 19 1-4: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.
Job 12:7-10 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you.
Intelligence Design hypothesis I have no problem with however you know Dr. Ross what I do have a problem with your use to debating atheists well I'm not an atheist but I'm well schooled in world mythology you never debated someone like me I assure you that I'm game so just say when
Only dumb down people talk about intelligent design
Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding.
Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago.
To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.
@@djsarg7451 Maybe an error or may not be an error nothing has been proven so it's all speculation
@@charlesbadrock You do not think the 3.787 ±0.020 billion years old? You are in error.
Romans 1:20" For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
Psalm 19 1-4: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.
Revelation 3:20 Here I (Jesus) am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
@@djsarg7451 Your repeating material that comes straight out of World Mythology all theologies and all theisms are deeply rooted in World Mythology that's actual facts 5he argument for Intelligent Design is a totally separate area which has nether been proven nor disproven it's a possibility among a multitude of possibilities
Poor use of the camera.... Can't see the screen?
We had on Earth had hundreds of High Civilizations far superior to us today,so nothing is surprising to me, before the Great Flood we were more advanced that now so much so we traveled out of our Solar System and colonized 2 Planets in the Alpha Centauri , now when they visit we treat them as Aliens.
Right off the bat I had an issue. Just because there was a beginning to the universe doesn’t necessarily imply a creator or designer.
I agree, but I agree with him when he talks about fine tunning. I have never seen a counter argument to fine tunning from atheists that made sense, unless there is a multiverse and we are in just one of many universes, but there is no evidence that points in that direction.
By the way don't abandon your political beliefs if you change your opinion on whether a God exists
No one said it was an implication based on necessity. It's based on probability. The issue is not the claims Hugh Ross makes. The issue is you. You are living in wilful ignorance because you're too proud to acknowledge God. I wish you the best in your journey to the truth.
Godless commie.?
Loser mentality, low level thinker.
He discussed much more than the beginning. Listen again.
Isaiah 45:7 original version only God says that he creates good and creates evil
Only mankind has this kind of free will, everyone will have the freedom to love the Creator or reject and hate the Creator. If there was no Sin, we would just be robot made to do good. A robot saying "I love you" means nothing. I did not learn this till I had kids, my kids of their own free will telling my wife and I: "I love you" is priceless and real love. And if we were robots, we would be upset we do not have free will.
Revelation 3:20 Here I (Jesus) am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
Philippians 1:21 says, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Because we are sinners, it is a good thing we have death. Very bad people are limited to how much bad they can do.
Isaiah 57:1-2 The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.
He is accurate about everything except the age of the universe. Using the information in the Bible it is pretty clear that the universe and Earth is not older than 6000 years.
RED MOON on the Gulf !
Are you old earth or new earth creationist.
Old earth.
Creationism does not equal young Earth. There are many Old Earth creationists.
Day is not the same as 24 hours, not in the past and not today.
The earth is not 6,000 years old and the Bible does not teach this. Hebrews 4:9-10: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." This tells us that the 7th day has not ended. Thus day 7 is a long time span, thus day 1 to 6 must be a long time span. Each believer are to enter into day 7. Also there no "evening and morning" for the 7th day. As day 7 as not ended. Biblical Hebrew has a limited vocabulary, with fewer words compared to other languages, such as English or Spanish. This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context. Day - yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, but the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans thus literally is:
Sunrise to sunset
Sunset to next sunset
Time period of unspecified length. (long time span ).
We use the word day the same today: In my grandfather’s day cars did not go very fast.
Deuteronomy 33:15 and Habakkuk 3:6 "ancient mountains".
Gen. 2:4 “in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens”
The events of day 6 can n ot have happened in 24 hours.
Have you entered into the 7th as Hebrews 4:9-10 asks you to?
The Bible also said the sun was made after the earth so my guy is doing a bit of cherry picking, eh?
You are Wrong! the *Quran* clearly states about the expanding Universe ,it is your Bias towards Islam that you don’t mention it or you are ignorant! I quote the Quran” ^^**And the heavens We constructed with power, and indeed, We are [its] expander**.^^51:47.
Your religion preaches killing innocent people sit down
I don't believe in anything. I either know something is true or don't know. Belief is for those who lack understanding.
@Mario_Sky_521 you are a typical Christian...assuming I'm an atheist and assuming I believe we were evolved. Of course you assume this after I told you I don't believe in anything...I either know something or I don't. Chrsitians have a common trait..arrogance and assumption.
Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding.
Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago.
To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.
@@djsarg7451 I fail to understand your response. Especially the last part of "deny the existence of a Creator..." I'm curious, when was it I discussed and stated I didn't believe in a Creator?
@@johnjohnson1657 "I don't believe in anything"
@@djsarg7451 Exactly. I don't. I either know something is True or I don't. I just happen to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that a Creator exists. That's rather obvious. Atheist's know this...they just refuse to admit it.
I want to ask. My questions... 1. The reality that we can see right now is that in this universe there are trillions of trillions of planets and galaxies. If there are countless trillions of trillions of planets... maybe not only planet Earth has living creatures inhabiting it...? For example, if there are a trillion other planets that have living creatures like Earth and its inhabitants are various types of non-human creatures, would Jesus also be God on those one trillion inhabited planets...? 2. The real facts that we can know right now... the earth is approximately 10 million km, the sun is 1.3 million times as big as the earth, and there is a star called U Scuty that is tens of billions of times as big as the sun . If the celestial bodies were super massive in size like that, the number in the trillions would be uncountable. How big do you think God the Creator is, bro...? Maybe God is only as big as the man Jesus...? 3. According to scientists, the universe is more than 13 billion years old, whereas according to historians, Adam and Eve only existed about 7 thousand years ago. Based on this science... maybe the universe has been empty without any living creatures inhabiting it for more than 13 billion years...? So what was Jesus doing for 13 billion years before there were humans, Adam and Eve...? Please answer me!!!!?!!!
01 Genesis = Creation, Evolution and Entropy. 010
There is only ONE GOD and that is the FATHER: Malachi 2:10, John 5:44, 17:3.
Ditch the trinity nonsense and deformed theology.
You do not read the Bible.
Isaiah 9:6: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” This verse, penned hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth, points to Christ as our Lord and Savior.
We know not even 0.1% of this universe
Ross plays a game, and pretends to exude humility and sincerity, but he is proud, puffed up and arrogant. He deludes himself, and thinks he is some kind of gnostic. He writes a book titled "Why the universe is the way it is". As though he has all the answers. Ross rejects the creation account, and contaminates scripture with Big Bang secular philosophies that directly contradict scripture. He rejects the global flood and says it was just a local flood, and believes there was death before Adam’s sin. He claims there were "pre-adamites". (people who supposedly lived before Adam). His faith is in Big Bang, and he has constructed a religious cult that conforms to it. Don't be so easily deceived, people...Gods word warns of these types in the last days.
Hashems is the only true God no other
I feel sorry for him as he being a scientist takes Bible verses as truth rather than applying scientific thought process.
Christians are increasingly challenged with evolutionary theories as the only models for the origins and history of the universe. But is there any valid scientifically testable alternative? Now available in trade paper, More Than a Theory offers a comprehensive, testable creation model. This book responds to the recent, well-publicized challenges from aggressive atheists who deny the existence of a Creator. It also reminds the scientific community of what constitutes good science and supplies Christians with the scientific information they need to defend their conviction that the Creator is the God of the Bible. Complete with appendices that put competing models for creation and/or evolution to the same kinds of tests, More Than a Theory is a bold and brave work of apologetics that will stir profitable discussion in both the scientific and the religious realms.
There was a Jesus Christ and his knowledge and voice was so threatening to the church they had to make up stories about him that altered his message. He just wanted to tell us we live forever and need not to give our will to any other group claiming powr.
I wish I could make up reality like you do
@@GhostScout42 You just did.
@alschneider5420 "the church" you are talking about is the brand new church comprised mainly of gentiles? or are you talking about the jews? cause of so I would think you should say temple. let's clarify on that point before going further
@@GhostScout42 The church that claims Jeasus Christ is god. I don't know one from the othr and I don't care. There is no god. So all your chatter is moot. And please do not quote scripture. To an atheist that proves you do not know what you are talking about. You can tell me I am wrong. I will accept that is what you believe. Please do not attempt to get me to believe what you believe. I have 80 years of others working hard to get me to believe what they believe. All they do is tell me I will suffer pain forever but they love me and will pray for me. You expect me to be polite. Well I am not.
@@alschneider5420 okay, i was just trying to let you know your statement is ignorant as heck and factually wrong. what the bible says is what the early church believed and what the early church believed is what Jesus followers believed and his followers believed what he said.
Im not sure about eternal suffering other than being away from the precence of love and light. its not like theres going to be angels poking you, you will just be with all the other rebels who prefer not to spend eternity in the precence of God
Maybe you should open your heart and really seek God. Its a crazy thing to throw away paradise because you are feeling a little rebelious
To save humans from sin… which spans jeez the last 50k years.
Why dinosaurs and other animals for millions and millions of years? Saving them too? Except they aren’t cognizant of that, so how does millions of years without that cognitive realization translate into humans are very recent.
Were the dinosaurs and the current animals just “oops’s”? I’m conflicted. The science is there. I want there to be this god, but I’m looking back to even the ancient civilizations and looks like the Bible borrowed a lot from Zoroastrianism.
While a nice presentation, it kind of looks partially pandering and like you want this overall being of god to exist so much you’ve convinced yourself you can justify it. Like when you make a bad purchase, you want validation it wasn’t a bad purchase so badly you convince yourself it’s superior to the others or equal to the better purchases.
You need to think, you are using a computer (energy to ask where energy came from).
Dinosaurs and other animals with plants are needed for millions of years to make fossil fuel. Fossils made modern technology, and modern technology is used to tell the world about Jesus Christ and his message of Love and Forgiveness.
Zoroastrianism came for gods like the Greeks that have sex and kids, all operate in our time and space, why is is small.
Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding. Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago. To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.
"Cosmic Reasons to Believe in Christ" Sometimes even the titles are just so wacko Looney Tunes that it saves you the bother of listening. Congratulations on picking a subject you cannot possibly prove. Even god couldn't prove Jesus using cosmology...... Get a life.
The Talmud of Jmmanuel available ay Amaz...
If the omnipotent, omniscient God desires to deny us the evidence to positively assert his existence, than there can be no such evidence. There's a reason for that
are you denying the evidence? he has given so much evidence. Y'shua/ Jesus entering humanity and dying for sins and resurrecting Is the greatest evidence.the Roman and Jewish records along with solid eye witness accounts written down in the same time as other eye witnesses who not only witnessed the resurrection but many many miracles. throughout history he has made himself known and creation cries out YHWH our Gods glory. he literally gave us scripture and prophecy and many other things to prove he is your And my creator.
@@yeshuaislord3058there's no eyewitness accounts, there's no extrabiblical accounts, the gospels weren't written down until well after Jesus death (33ad to 70ad at the latest), all it is is folktales and myths that were passed down orally
@@pokefound253Can I ask, do you also frequent Islamic UA-cam pages and debunk, or is it just Christians you have a problem with?
@@uhtreduhtredsson1721 considering I live in a western, Christian society, interact almost exclusively with christians, and am directly affected by Christianity and not Islam, I focus on Christianity. Not to mention the language barrier that prevents me from interacting with must Islamic content anyway.
However, the criticism I levy at Christianity applies to every single religion: literally 0 evidence in support of its claims. Islam is even worse off because it's a branch of Christianity
@@pokefound253 Christian society in the west?! Hilarious 😂
God gave some people a stupor spirit.
They cannot discern Truth.
When someone replies with name-calling or insults,
I know the person has not one idea about the topic at hand.
There vis no cosmology and no science in the Bible, even if you use olympic level mental gymnatics.
Romans 1:20" For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
Psalm 19 1-4: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.
Job 12:7-10 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you.
Only the God of the Bible operates outside of the time and space dimensions we are in. So it must be the God of the Bible.
Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding. Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago. To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.
He needs a pencil moustache.
He may be an astrophysicist by schooling, but he’s not doing anything remotely science related. Notice how theists today seek viability through science? Not religion.
- this guy is absolutely wrong - he believes in theistic evolution - it is horrible it makes a mockery out of the first pages of the Bible
Dr. Ross does not believe in theistic evolution! NEVER HAS!!!!!!!!
Why do you spread lies, false gossip and false rumors?
What is your agenda?
More YEC junk.
When someone replies with name-calling or insults,
I know the person has not one idea about the topic at hand.
Creationism does not equal young Earth. There are many Old Earth creationists.
Day is not the same as 24 hours, not in the past and not today.
The earth is not 6,000 years old and the Bible does not teach this. Hebrews 4:9-10: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." This tells us that the 7th day has not ended. Thus day 7 is a long time span, thus day 1 to 6 must be a long time span. Each believer are to enter into day 7. Also there no "evening and morning" for the 7th day. As day 7 as not ended. Biblical Hebrew has a limited vocabulary, with fewer words compared to other languages, such as English or Spanish. This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context. Day - yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, but the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans thus literally is:
Sunrise to sunset
Sunset to next sunset
Time period of unspecified length. (long time span ).
We use the word day the same today: In my grandfather’s day cars did not go very fast.
Deuteronomy 33:15 and Habakkuk 3:6 "ancient mountains".
Gen. 2:4 “in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens”
The events of day 6 can n ot have happened in 24 hours.
Have you entered into the 7th as Hebrews 4:9-10 asks you to?
Allah be praised!
"Cosmic" reasons to believe in christ? Really....cosmic reasons? - 100% ridiculous -
As proved by the fact that you don't know what you're talking about?
No, you're wrong. I do know what I'm talking about, You're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about. @@stylembonkers1094
As proved by nothing?
What? @@stylembonkers1094
Even science cant bring you people to God😮 incredible.... What a stubborn stiff-necked generation😏
Liar liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar,
When someone replies with name-calling or insults,
I know the person has not one idea about the topic at hand.
Creationism does not equal young Earth. There are many Old Earth creationists.
Day is not the same as 24 hours, not in the past and not today.
The earth is not 6,000 years old and the Bible does not teach this. Hebrews 4:9-10: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." This tells us that the 7th day has not ended. Thus day 7 is a long time span, thus day 1 to 6 must be a long time span. Each believer are to enter into day 7. Also there no "evening and morning" for the 7th day. As day 7 as not ended. Biblic
al Hebrew has a limited vocabulary, with fewer words compared to other languages, such as English or Spanish. This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context. Day - yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, but the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans thus literally is:
Sunrise to sunset
Sunset to next sunset
Time period of unspecified length. (long time span ).
We use the word day the same today: In my grandfather’s day cars did not go very fast.
Deuteronomy 33:15 and Habakkuk 3:6 "ancient mountains".
Gen. 2:4 “in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens”
The events of day 6 can n ot have happened in 24 hours.
Have you entered into the 7th as Hebrews 4:9-10 asks you to?
The electric universe theory and janes Webb have debunked the Big Bang, expansion / red shift, dark matter, black holes and neutron stars - time to integrate new theories into your cosmology sir.
Imagine believing in pseudoscience like the electric universe. Well you're watching this quack explain Kalam like it's some revolutionary concept and proof of God so I'm not surprised actually
New things must just be studied and understood. New things need to be peer reviewed. We have the Hubble telescope, and Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). These tools and other tools have measured the universe. The universe (time, space, and matter) came into existence 13.813 (±0.038) billion years ago
Only the God of the Bible operates outside of the time and space dimensions we are in. So it must be the God of the Bible.
Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding. Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago. To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.
The most ridiculous UA-cam video I’ve ever watched 😂
It's because you don't understand it. Your mind is not capable evidently of hearing it or you just don't want to know it because you don't want to have to answer to God which you will anyway.
@@CyndiMillerI understand more than you sir.
It’s not possible for me to answer to god that doesn’t exist.
When someone replies with name-calling or insults,
I know the person has not one idea about the topic at hand.
@@djsarg7451 who name called?
@@johnwestberry5140 My error, sorry.
I'm an N.E.R.D... so funny!
There is no physical proof of God. The only proof is the good works you do daily.
belief in any god is willingly entering into slavery. Giving up you right to chose your path in life and control your destiny for the will of some imaginary deity.
Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding.
Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago. To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.
So are you free? I hope you will find like countless others that if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed Jn 8:36
Dr.R Ross is talking about The Creation, no god. It is well explained by et in, write in reverse, moc.ylfyeht.
Biblical Hebrew a small vocabulary than English. In biblical Hebrew, there is no word for universe. Instead, the Hebrew phrase that is translated “the heavens and the earth” is used to refer to the universe-the entirety of physical reality. The phrase is used thirteen times in the Old Testament, always referring to all matter, energy, space, and time the universe. We now know that event was 13.787 ±0.020 billion years. This has been checked, proven and measured with many tools and they all agree. It is not just space that came to be 13.787 billion years ago, but time also. The universe is finite and expanding.
Just as the Bible stated thousands of years ago.
To deny the existence of a Creator is an error.