Jacob: I’m an exmormon and I enjoy your videos. Why? Because it is so refreshing to hear someone inside the church speak out loud about the beliefs that I used to hold, rather than the milk toast sanitized version it has become in mainstream circles. Rather than acknowledge and embrace the peculiar aspects that make Mormonism unique (and compelling), the mainstream church seems to be going down the opposite path, as if embarrassed by the beliefs that set them apart from the rest of the world. When I tell active members about the version of Mormonism I was taught and self-studied as a kid, teen, and missionary, they often gaslight me and tell me that I was somehow the problem for seeing “truth” through that aggressive lens, as if my leaders hadn’t been teaching me this version of the BOLD version of the gospel all along? It sounds strange I’m sure coming from an ex member, but I feel so much validation hearing your videos! I think the way to a vibrant community that actually want to be at church is by embracing once again the BOLD parts of Mormonism. Give people something they can sink their teeth into.
Let me share a quick missionary experience in regard to boldness. The missionaries in my ward were teaching a young man (19 yrs) who was in the military. He was a devout 7th Day Adventist. The elders told me he seemed to ask very sincere and deep questions about our church, but also appeared hostile at times. They were confused by their meetings with him. I asked if I could come along and they were more than happy to have me there seeing as I’m military too and we could bond over something in common. As the meeting went on, he said something along the lines of “I’m not trying to offend you with my questions I just want to get an answer that compels me.” His biggest issue was with Joseph Smith actually *seeing* God. And read multiple scriptures saying no man can see God at any time. We had him read Exodus 33:11. He explained this as Moses meeting God with a sheet between them. I told him “now we’re both military, and we both can appreciate a direct response, right? So I’m going to give you one. The way you read this verse is the same way someone would read their interpretation into it because they already have their mind made up on what is possible. I’m telling you right now, this verse says Moses spoke to God face to face as a man speaks to his friend, and I’ve never spoken to a friend with a sheet hiding my face.” He paused for a long time and considered that. Finally he smiled and said “I think you’re right. I’m gonna pray about this, but I think you’re right.”
Protestant here: pretty much every non-LDS person I know would rather the LDS folks be straightforward and bold. Yet protestant circles also have a fear of offending people, and worry that boldness will hurt their witness. The same goes for both: directness will likely help your witness more than it will hurt it.
I'm a leader in my Young Mens program and this is exactly what I've been trying to bring to the program. Once I was in I worked with the other leaders to create some principles and we laid it out for the young men. "We are going to challenge you. This is going to be hard. You may not like everything, but you'll have to learn how to cope, because we aren't going to coddle you." Since then we've seen amazing improvement in the Young Men in our ward. They are stepping up and fulfilling their callings so much more than before. It's been awesome.
Nice work! As a mental health professional (and once connected to the military) I’d have you consider replacing the word cope with manage or train. Teaching someone how to be well trained or how to manage difficult tasks always feels better to me than coping. Coping can be digging into a gallon of icecream. Coping Can be playing endless video games or watching 12 episodes in a row of your favorite re run. Managing and training are never unhealthy behaviors. Coping though by definition is supposed to be the practice or implementation of techniques meant to alleviate uncomfortable emotion… it over time has become more culturally related to unhealthy behaviors especially in the young generation you are dealing with. You’re doing great and was pleased to read your comment. Just some food for thought, keep up the great work! :) And keep guiding those men towards Jesus!
Instead of using the YM manual as YM's president, I decided to use Preach My Gospel because my goal for the young men in my branch was to inspire them to serve missions. Our weekly discussions were direct and specific and when our Stake President visited one of our meetings, he pulled me aside afterwards and said "I want you to keep on doing what you're doing. Those young men are listening to you and your counselors like I seldom see young men listen. And I want you to keep using PMG." When you make things easy, you cheapen the level of satisfaction that only comes from accomplishing something worthy of one's time and effort.
Jordan Peterson has a large following of young men because he asks them to do hard things. Jesus Christ was no teddy bear. He asked His followers to do hard things. "A god who requires nothing is the functional equivalent of a god who does not exist." - D. Todd Christofferson "Free Forever to Act for Themselves"
This guy NAILS it. So many of our members today are simply…..afraid. Afraid to stand up in public and say “This is wrong.” Gay ‘marriage’ is wrong. Homosexual behavior is wrong. Trying to (laughably) change one’s gender is wrong. Adultery is wrong. Sexual activity of any kind outside of a male/female marriage is wrong. Sustained selfishness is wrong. Abortion is wrong. Pornography is wrong. Do such LDS members think that when Jesus was here that he merely handed out milk and cookies and said “Good job!” to everyone?
As a Catholic(nevermo) living in the Mormon Corridor I came across your channel and do appreciate your willingness to engage with other faith traditions without diminishing your own. I like the fact your content isn't exclusively LDS related and has broader applications to Christian faith communities. Anyway thought I'd chime in with those words.
@@bbqbros3648 Thanks love my LDS friends too... even though there are some fundamental differences between us I do think we are the same wavelength in many respects versus the broader culture.
This is why I miss the priesthood session. I knew that in the priesthood session I would be challenged, and I would be spoken to more directly. Those talks are the ones I constantly would go back to growing up and during my mission, which molded me and inspired me to repent.
And I miss the women's session. I learned to really love my general youth leaders in those sessions; I even named my daughters after them. They were bold in just the right way for me as a young woman in a somewhat dysfunctional family. There's something different about watching general conference with family, and then watching the women's session with my sisters in Christ, at the church building.
I grew up in a totally dysfunctional home. My parents divorced when I was in high school. There was so much turmoil in my home, that attending Church was my only safe haven. There were lessons that were difficult to implement when i went home. But the gospel kept pulling me back. Thank you for being real and speaking truth. I worry about some leaders bending the knee to popular ideology thinking this will bring others to the church. I dont like the feeling of being so polarized within the Church. I love Jesus Christ and pray for His return Soon.
As a youth, I strongly disliked Dallin H Oaks’ bold and direct style of speaking at General Conference. By the time I hit my late 20’s, I found it challenging to sit through anything that wasn’t bold and direct. Let ‘er rip, tater chip! Lay it on me and let me work out in prayer anything that may have “offended” me. I’m gettin’ old and don’t have time for the fluff pieces! 🤣
Being in watered down places at church is okay bc we are not there to be entertained. That’s why general conference is so amazing bc we have pure doctrine taught during conference. Once my nonmember friend went to my church and I went to her church on the same day. It was so awesome bc they were bold at her church. I asked her if she was going back to her church but she didn’t so of course I had no reason to go anymore bc I’m in the restored gospel.
That was the PERFECT example of why I only watched the Belle Freeman CFM for a few months then I was out. It was all out wanting everyone to feel good and felt like they were just preaching the Religion of Nice. Am I the only one that loves feeling like garbage? I don't understand this. If someone is just trying to get me to feel good in my sins and with my awfulness, then I DON'T GROW. I like the stretching and the wrestling when you are changing. But with that, you feel like crap. I want to feel like crap a lot because then I'm growing and changing.
Love the content you present here. During Covid when Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler came out with their podcast, another podcast called Talking Scripture came out. I was listening to them both, but quickly grew weary of Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler’s teaching style. Still greatly enjoy Talking Scripture tho. Your program, and Ward Radio have become my two new favorites in the last few months, and I appreciate you bringing to light Emily Belle Freeman’s skirting of the important parts of the gospel and being more woke than she should be.
She and David are both rather woke. Both spoke at LGBT conferences and post on social media their strong support for influencers/authors of that lifestyle.
@@1klakakso sad 😞 I’ve wondered about the public stance that seems to be taken by Butler & Freeman … reminds me of the “teddy bear Jesus” that Greg Matsen (Cwic Media) speaks on
I won't listen to a single thing that comes out of Emily Freeman's mouth. She's very good at inserting herself into the scriptures and somehow making them about her. It's extremely weird. She's an absolute idiot.
You have touched on a very real challenge in the church…getting more boring and predictable every year…it’s been difficult to be active…it’s more faith building to miss meetings and stay home and study. This is a valuable podcast!!!
This is one of the best videos from an LDS content creator I’ve ever seen. Reading the comments also gives me a lot of hope. As a current BYU student there definitely is a lot of lukewarm-ness in some administrators, faculty and students, and it really frustrates me, but there are also those of us (students and faculty) who remain steadfast and vocal about our support of the restored gospel and its doctrine. While there are many young men leaving the church today, I feel many of those who have stayed are waking up to the truths expressed on this video, and my prayer is that we will be the generation that brings this culture of “self help therapy wrapped in gospel language” and “HR initiatives” to an end. Keep up the great work!
I remember on my mission in Romania, worrying so much about how to start a conversation to get people to listen. People constantly asked about why we were teaching about Christ in a Christian nation, or wondered if we got a financial bonus for baptizing people. Partly because of that, some missionaries were hesitant to bring up baptism early. However, I had a companion who had converted from a more "evangelical" church and had a letter from a friend sharing some second-hand stories about being bold as a missionary. So one morning, we decided to go out and just invite people to be baptized as our conversation opener. Instead of being offended, people either went on their way (as usual), or stopped and asked: "What do you mean? I'm already baptized." No one was offended, in fact, they seemed much more relaxed because we were being open about what action we wanted them to take. When you are bold (and respectful) people engage with your ideas. When you're not, people just wonder why you're there at all. People *want* to know what you expect of them. I don't think I fully internalized that on my mission, but it was a powerful lesson. We did meet someone that day who would later be baptized, which was not a daily (or even monthly) occurrence for us. In true "mysterious ways" fashion, however, I think that was one of the few conversations that did not begin with an invitation to baptism. I was regularly reminded on my mission that it wasn't things I did that converted people. People were either seeking the Spirit and willing to act on it, or they weren't. God will reach out to those people who are earnestly seeking him whatever we do, but *we* lose something when we practice cowardice instead of courage.
Love your channel and ward radio because you guys talk about the tough topics and are real! We as members should not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ!
My thoughts, exactly. In my observation and experience, our congregations are hearing the constant emphasizing of "tolerance" and "acceptance" - all in the name of "unity", which frankly, only seems to be leading to the embracing of the standards and ideologies of Babylon (even including disregard for the laws of our land) rather than being a "peculiar people" and "being in the world, not of it."
@@capybara39419 Part of the think is we need to be more vocal about our own use of language and ideas to bring clarity. Christ taught that we should be unified as wards and in the CHurch, but when the world is busy refedining the language so they can twist the meanings, we have to stand up in our meetings and clarify exactly what Christ taught vs what the world is redefining it.
"Go on offense"... The reason this channel and others have appealed to me is that they model going on offense well. I don't always agree, especially with Kwaku, but I love that we all seek truth. Thank you!
No he’s not!!!!! lol. He is right most of the time he just says things with such vigor and without setting them up properly so that they sound crazy. I’m not saying he’s right about everything. But he has done some research.
well done... I was called to teach a youth SS class some time ago. As part of getting to know the co-teacher and class members we discussed various ways to study and do CFM at home and on their own. My co-teacher praised this certain video channel I had never heard of, so i checked it out. It is the one you spoke of that features EBF and boy was I very disappointed. It was full of... well 'nothing'. And that is the one my co-teacher loved. I suppose because it was 'easy' and didn't 'offend' anyone. But in the process of 'not-offending' anyone it also removed all the substance of the gospel.
The issue I see with this whole Kwaku situation is that Ward Radio blasted out accusations about Saints Unscripted without first talking to or getting any facts from Saints Unscripted about why the decision was made. A producer from SU (Rachel Grant) commented on their video and gave a lot more insight into the whole situation, and while I have generally liked Kwaku, I can honestly sympathize with the decision SU made. It sounds like they considered several options before landing on the decision to simply remove thumbnails. Additionally this was a decision SU made years ago at this point, so why Ward Radio is finally bringing it up in 2024 is beyond me. I understand if Kwaku wants closure, but this seems more like retribution or revenge, which I can't see being endorsed by any scripture or church leader. In the comments on their video, WR said they have tried to reach out to SU, but the producer from SU replied and said she never received any calls or messages from Ward Radio. So it makes me wonder just how diligently did WR try to make contact, and exactly with whom? How many people did they try to reach out to? Was it just via text, DM, email, a phone call, or did they try to go talk to someone in person? For what seems like such a big issue to WR, it appears like the minimal amount of effort went into trying to have a goodfaith conversion from someone or multiple individuals from SU. Even if we give WR the benefit of the doubt and assume they made every effort to reach out to SU, this whole thing should never have been turned into internet drama. It should have been handled like adults offline. That's on Ward Radio for not doing so, and it's unfortunate to see channels like this one just blindly jumping on the bandwagon without even having all the facts from both sides. Was there even an attempt made to reach out to SU before this video was created? It's highly doubtful. There's already enough hate and division online. Do we really need to perpetuate more of it, especially against people and channels that are on the same side, even if they choose to share their content in a different manner than you prefer?
@@joscelynpease6656 Thank you, and I agree. There are always two sides to the story. This whole thing feels oddly similar to the Amber Heard, Johnny Depp situation.
Your'e lying, or coping... either way, what you're saying isn't true. You know only what you hear in internet comments and then speak as though you are an authority on the subject? I don't need your "benefit of the doubt" because I lived this, and I am an honest person. We reached out myriad times to get comment on this and other subjects over half a decade and were only ever dodged, stonewalled, ignored, mocked, or threatened with lawsuits by the More Good foundation. You WANT to believe we "mishandled" this situation because your Saints-Unscripted fan-boy brain can't fathom that the nice people did something "not nice" which shows you are part of the problem and not the solution and the exact reason why Jacob had to make this video. You should probably go back to villifying people that wear colored shirts to church and lecturing deacons on not taking the sacrament with their left hand.... I have the receipts.
One way the church has become boring is the lack of mysticism from the modern secularists. Kwaku brings that stuff in his conversations alot and spices up the conversations. Like I choose to believe that the garment is a cool ancient and sacred relic that grants the wearer favor and specific protections because it's embued with God's power. Let's not forget the sick AF Jewish LORE surrounding it. A lot of people are just like, it's a piece of clothing that's symbolic, I guess. Outsiders call it "magic underwear" I'm fine with that. Sounds cooler than what modernists in the church have turned it into. I wish everyone would be worthy to receive their own magic underwear to ward off evil demon gods. To moderns who love their boring lives that sounds crazy, but when I think about it, saying it like that makes it sound awesome!
The white garment is a symbol found in the Book of Revelation, it isn’t something invented out of the blue to sell people a magic cure all. It’s a symbol that faith and armor of God can cloth you in protection against the real enemy that is out to harm your spirit.
THe problem is when that mysticism is anti-Christ. Learning about the power of God, and how we can wield it is worthwhile, discussing that sin is a tool that old religious people use to manipulate others is quite the opposite. The Gospel is fully available to all those who desire to learn it and align with Christ. There is no "magic" or mysticism required. The occult is the opposite of what Christ taught. Part of the problem is what Christ taught is boring. It's about living in such a way that we change our hearts and mind, and as a result we change our actions. The excitement we need is reminding people exactly of that, and that the really hard work is in their own hearts - not out there in the world. Jacob hit upon that with his pointing to Peterson. You want to change the world? Make your bed and clean your room. Do the job your employer pays you for and love your neighbor. Focusing on light frequencies thinking that will let you see the Spirit world is the same thinking that led to the Tower of Babel.
YUP! Love my ‘magical’ underwear! I’ve always chuckled to myself when nonmembers refer to our garments that way. It has never offended me. It’s actually kind of endearing.
Yet another great video Jacob, thank you for always articulating these things and being willing to so openly discuss them. I feel this video literally summarises not only exactly how I feel, but exactly the conversations and debates I get into. I believe true followers of Christ should boldly and openly defend and testify of doctrine.. ESPECIALLY when it is controversial. If I have learned anything from the scriptures, prophets and even the life of the Saviour Himself, its that the more righteous we are the more we should expect backlash and having to swim upstream. God bless
I wish more of the speeches weren’t scripted. I wish some of the sermons were preached with power and conviction, like you’d see at a Protestant church. We have the truth of the restored gospel we should be exclaiming it and not so monotone. It should fill us with the spirit. Maybe I just view it differently as a convert.
Pastors from Protestant churches are taught showmanship... Pastor Jeff a popular YT even stated that they are taught how to preach to keep ones attention... The Holy Ghost does not need help, does not need showmanship training. I love the conference sessions, yes they are written talks that they read off a teleprompter. I have no issue with it, no part of the talk will be overlooked. I have never ever been impressed when a pastor goes with power and conviction... it has always seemed like bad acting even before when i did not believe in God. The spirit can speak in a still small voice that can pierce the heart better than any acted performance. The Book of Mormon is why i even believe the Bible today. The manner in which our leaders speak with reverence is filled with the spirit that fills my heart.
I feel you! There are some times in a more personal setting that the twelve will go off script, like in a sacrament meeting, or stake conference they are invited to. Those are always incredible moments that are much more real and intimate. I also feel like the brethren have to walk on egg shells because there are a million vipers waiting to twist their words, so maybe its on us then to bring that conviction and power to our meetings and lessons.
The Restored Gospel should need no theatrics to feel the Spirit. Quiet contemplation is far more conducive to the Spirit. We need to be careful confusing emotion with spirituality.
Yes, you'd think that prophets of God would be able to preach the Gospel without a teleprompter and sanitized, overly edited speeches. The larger the bureaucracy becomes, the less personalized and intimate the ministering of our leaders has become.
Church Leadership isn't interested in listening to it's members. It thinks it has all the answers. The lack of friction between members and leadership has made church boring and shallow. Criticism is required to create ideas and growth. If not we all say "YES", agree and church becomes more boring.
In general conference they were hinted that. A couple of talks addressed the lack of joy and how this is a gospel of happiness. These talks appeal to livening up our meetings to be less dull.
A faithful but somewhat confused long time member here...I remember President Kimball's very bold approach to all things moral. There were very little gray areas. His book Miracle of Forgiveness was enough to make even the stongest among us review his own life. It stated in no uncertain terms the sins of the day including, homosexuality and premarital intimacy and the need to repent. He never sugar coated anything. Lately, it seems that approach has changed. We welcome all into our midst regardless of lifestyle. I understand loving people but you never give the impression that a sin is acceptable. The act of homosexuality is in direct opposition to the Lord's Plan. Transgenderism is is a complete viilation of God's law. Yet, we seem to be embracing these things a little at a time.
It’s like some are advertising real estate” in sodom and Gomorrah. When once we taught to not even live there… don’t even pitch our tent towards it… but towards the temple as did Abraham. Lot pitched his towards those cities and eventually ended up living there. it seems like there are “for sale or rent” signs all over now and we are being encouraged to buy.
Isn’t this what caused the initial scattering of Israel? Solomon got so wise that he opened the gates to every abominable culture (via his many wives and concubines). When anything goes, everything goes.
We are suppose to welcome all into our midst, but that doesn't mean we don't teach them the truth or help them grow and change. Just like Christ taught in 3 Nephi 18
Some of the ideas in Miracle of Forgiveness (like mastrubation leading to homosexuality and homosexuality leading to bestiality) are too conservative for the modern church. He also encouraged scripture study, prayer, and marriage to a partner of the opposite sex as cures for homosexuality. Do you agree with these ideas?
One need only look to the scriptures to see how God feels about the type of sins you mentioned. See Romans 1:26-32 In supporting legalized ssm at the end of 2022, I now know whose team the brethren are playing for.
Thank you for putting so well how important it is for us to be different than we have been. Proclaimation on the family is not easy to engage with as a divorced man paying Alimony and Child Support, but it is exactly what is needed for me and so many others. Provide for my kids, support my ex as required, not because she still wants me, but because its my duty. Men sacrifice for family, and women are required too also, not just for the children, but for their man. I didn't need comfortable lessons where people were talking about how the other people, LGBT+, were ruining the world, I needed lessons that challenged me in my leadership of my family, my engagement with my wife and marriage.
I appreciate your connecting your situation to TFP. That's a situation I am not in, but it puts a very clear face on the issue. I think you have a very good point there - it is exactly the type of dicussion we should be having. How do the Gospel principles apply to me specifically, and what changes do I need to make. Thank-you!
You’ve summed up one of the primary reasons I find church attendance difficult. When I graduated into the adult classes I assumed I would be coming to grips with the deeper doctrines and more complicated history of the church. Instead I found the spiritual meat to be spiritual snacks at best, with the majority of the remaining no different from my earlier classes just dressed up in more verbiage, summed up in two words - “be nice.” And heaven forbid anyone try to correct a class member when they utter false doctrine. Instead the room would just go silent until the poor teacher found a way to gracefully move on. Overall, a disappointing experience that just feels like a waste of time. I know the gospel is true, but niceness culture is doing it no favors.
The church is here for us to serve in. For most the spiritual meat comes from serving others, personal one on one discussions with our ward members and those we serve in… not just sitting in class. Classes are for those that need to learn with the milk of the gospel.
@@todjohnman7347 I don’t disagree about service, words without action are without value, and our hearts are most changed as we follow Christ’s teachings instead of just thinking about them. What I can’t agree with is a church culture that is more concerned over offending someone than standing for truth. That is _not_ following Christ’s example. And milk is wonderful… when you’re a baby. It’s even good as an adult. _But not as the primary or sole item in an adult’s diet._ When teachers won’t even correct false doctrine, that’s feeding the class poison.
@@eirrenia “we” are the church…. Quit pointing the finger at others and blaming the church, its your ward, your Sunday school class too. You are there to help correct false teachings (read D&C duty of priests hood). We can do it in a non contentions way that many can find uplifting, unless they do not want to hear truth. If you do it with an A hole attitude no one will listen, so doing it with tact and the spirit can really have a good impact. Don’t give up and feel like a victim is my point.
@@todjohnman7347 Oh, for… “Difficult” as in a personal challenge to be overcome. I’m not talking about confronting with both barrels firing, I’m talking about that (as a newly graduated young adult in a room full of my elders, mind) I wasn’t seeing any corrections _at all!_ And yes, part of the responsibility is mine. Defining the problem does not take away my part in it. Neither does it cease to be a problem.
In the doc and cov 88? I think. I remember reading the responsibilities of the Aaronic priesthood and one is the Letter of the Gospel. I’ve been wondering if that is making sure that the gospel is being taught accurately. So if you hold the Aaronic priesthood or the Melchezedek which encompasses the Aaronic, you do have some responsibility in class? Stewardship is important, so if you make corrections I’d let the scriptures make the correction for you when you quote them.
I agree with this so much! 4 years ago, my daughter came out as trans. This experience caused me to dive into the lives of trans people and many of the young people that has detransistioned say the same thing - “I wish less people had went along with me and would have told me that what I sought, I couldn’t achieve.” These people, many of them girls, though their difficult choices all have touted the wording in the proclamation of the family. They have come to this on their own through sad experience. It makes me think that there is a lost opportunity here for us not to be shouting this statement loudly and proudly. We would have people flocking to our congregation because we are speaking the hard truth. We KNOW the truth, all we have to do is speak it!
Sacrifice? Yes it's all about the sacrifice! Brings to mind the following quote from Joseph Smith: “Let us here observe, that a religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation” ( Lectures on Faith, 6:7)
Let us also remember that LoF used to be a part of the "4 Standard Works" before IT was memory holed almost 100 years ago. Think about that -- notes, literally, from the School of the Prophets taught by Brother Joseph were taken from the Pearl of Great Price... would you do that?
I have leaned away as well. When sacrament meeting is a rainbow worship service and Sunday school is a self help session, I feel like I may be supporting something that no longer has God's approval and blessing.
I think there is a great lesson to learn from all of this. There have been moments in my life where members of the Church have made mistakes, and it can make it feel like the church isn't true. But this is a false conclusion to jump to. Everyone on this Earth, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or not, are all imperfect. We should not let this imperfection get in the way of our testimony. God is a perfect being working with imperfect people. We should take the moments where we observe this imperfection as opportunities to teach each other and grow closer to the truth and God.
This is hands down your most important and interesting commentary yet! The world, particularly young men, are searching for a challenge. They want to be great, but they dont know how to do it! The Church needs to be bold and hold men - and women - to a higher standard!
It is not about winning. It is about speaking truth and letting the Holy Ghost enter into the heart of those who hear the truth. We are to be in the world, but not of the world. We are to stand out and be an example of truth and righteousness. I for one have a son who struggles with his faith because of the milk toast that is being presented at church. We need to be bolder and speak gospel truth boldly.
So well stated. I’ve had conversations with siblings about this. Fact is, if I were not a member of this church, I’m not sure I’d have an interest today, especially if I were coming from a mainline Christian denomination. The church seems to be following that model, which is not a good model to follow. Their membership numbers have been devastated in recent decades, driven by a fear of losing members, rather than a love for God and His word. How much of our diminished growth might be the result of that similar fear, of our weakened resolve?
We need to continue on the straight and narrow path by immersing ourselves in the doctrines of the gospel through deeply spiritual and intelligent scripture study, praying with all the energy of heart to be filled with the love of God, following closely the teachings of the prophet and attending all of our meetings including the temple. I’m an over 40 year English convert and frankly I’ve never seen such disparity among our church members. If only we would use our time to study, ponder and pray rather than gabbing and chatting endlessly and straining after gnats.
We need more Latter-day Saints like you. I’m tired of “mediocre Mormons”, but, worse are those who are Mormons in name only. We need to stand and defend our faith
I love everything you stand for and how you're using your voice in the public square. Keep on doing what you're doing. I have definitely been guilty of passive membership and channels like you have inspired me to want to be firm in my faith and speak my voice and share my testimony.
This makes me think of a debate I had with church members a few years back. They were of the opinion there is only one concept of what the LDS church is about and all members pretty much are one variety. My position is that members are of many different camps each with their own approach to "truth" about the gospel, church organization, scriptures, etc. We can see some of these differences among church members whenever apologists do debates, appear on podcasts, write books, etc. There is a whole continuum between liberal and conservative LDS church members. Many apologists do not do well when faced with criticism. I find the people of Kwaku's camp are one example.
Kwaku tends to be left of center politically. Just pointingt out that although we disagree on many things politically, I still enjoy his insight and his comments. Too often, people will refuse to deal with the other side because of these differences. Their political beliefs shape their religious beliefs as opposed to the other way around. I was trying to point out that despite our different political beliefs, we can still engage with each others because it is the gospel that unifies us. @@joshua.snyder
@@joshua.snyder Like it or not, politics is always a factor. Politics is nothing more than the science of populations. We're in many different communities, with each having their own organizations and governance. Even national politics is everywhere because it is based on world views and philosophies. At the root, there are always two philosophies in opposition to each other. One that focuses on agency, and one that focuses on a specified result.
@@RichardChappell1 It has become a Pharisaical, devisive litmus test of piety and has no place in any church claiming to be Christian, especially. It is as large a threat to Mormonism as any alleged "anti".
I ❤ this church and will never leave it because of the temple ordinances. I have been in YW leadership for years and I am weary of our efforts to entertain the youth into staying with the church. I’m tired of watching missionaries go out and be subject to incredibly strict rules in the name of safety only to return feeling that it was a waste of time. My own young adult children will spend money to see Dr Peterson but won’t go to the free stadium appearance of the prophet. Relief Society and Elders Quorum classes are good places to nap but terrible places to talk about scripture and doctrine that is exciting or challenging. This is so sad when our true doctrine is amazing and empowering and raises hard questions that force us to wrestle with God. I’ve found myself skipping Sunday School to curl up at home with the cozy 😂Book of Isaiah. Thank you for getting this message out. We need to be challenged or what good are we to the Lord?
As a Sunday school teacher who struggles to get my class to participate when I want to discuss these issues, PLEASE attend and PLEASE share these principles. CFM allows us to discuss specific scriptures, and when people find it to be hard, just point straight to the scripture and say it wasn’t you but the Lord who stated it. Don’t let those who believe everything is well in Zion be the only ones participating! Edit: before it’s said, I obviously stick to CFM and don’t try to tackle the controversial topics every class. Sometimes it’s necessary to contrast Babylon and Zion like Jacob says. This past week I talked about 2 N 12 and the temple attenders vs those who focused on idols. A brother mentioned how we need to stop comparing since other people focus on different things and aren’t bad people. I replied of course. HOWEVER, as a class full of members of the Church of Jesus Christ, we should be thinking celestially and focused on the temple, and not let idols take our attention, out of moderation. Babylon focuses on idols, the works of their own hands. Members focus on the mountain of the Lords house. 2Nephi 9:47-49
As an Elders Quorum President, I am trying to keep men off their phones for an hour and will not tolerate naps, which is likely why so many of my quorum go home after sacrament 😂 That said, the twelve of us that do attend are ranging from early twenties to late eighties. We are ranging from months in the church to multiple decades in the church. It would be difficult to teach to everyone's level, but luckily we don't have to. It's home learning, church supported. We start off the meeting with an ice breaker, where for the first 5 minutes or so, each of us can talk with another member of the Quorum about a certain topic and get to know them better. Doing this helps open us all up and feel confident sharing openly what we've been studying at home, personal experiences trying to apply the gospel, or simply observations that are thought provoking. The last lesson we had was on forgiveness, and the teacher shared his testimony, shared over scripture, and asked 3 inspired questions before he was out of time.
WE are the temple and God dwells in US. We never needed temples after God tore the veil top to bottom when Jesus' work was finished. Why put spiritual, law of Moses, pseudo-Masonic training wheels back on?!
@@codym4275 Cody, as if our discussion about avoiding idols is not just one massive self congratulations session. Our conversations in Sunday School feel alot more like the self-righteous Pharisee than the humble Publican. The Pharisee prayed "‘I thank you, God, that I am not like other people-cheaters, sinners, adulterers. I’m certainly not like that tax collector! 12 I fast twice a week, and I give you a tenth of my income.’ Sounds pretty familiar to me. Sure, we, you, whoever can talk about "hard" doctrine, but most often its less introspection and more patting ourselves on the back. The reason people don't participate is that it all feels fake, and manufactured, never wanting to actually discuss the messy reality of our existence, instead masking it by talking about the nice tidy maps we worship, they have become our idols. We, as latter day saints, are no less susceptible to idols than anyone else. They may look different, but they are still idols.
Saints Unscripted was my Lifeline to understanding The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints as an Investigator. I wasn't being taught by any Missionaries, Kwaku essentially through UA-cam was One of my Missionaries. By the Time I'd been slapped upways, and sideways by the Spirit to get Baptized I knew alot more then they teach in those 6 Lessons, but my Wife needed to have them so....There is that...Thats Two People Kwaku through his Efforts was indirectly Influencing to get baptized. We Love You Kwaku.
Saints Unscripted is killing it with the Faith and Beliefs videos by David Snell. Their other episodes (with the occasional exception) fit your description pretty well.
Agreed 100%!!!! David is great and the faith and beliefs videos are the best videos out there on controversial topics in the church. I am NOT referring to those videos or Snell
Love Kwaku and your work too.... To be one does not mean to share one opinion on everything, but to welcome differences while keeping the great goal in mind, caring above all about truth, undertanding that there is not that one truth in all things... but rather in those things that matters most... and along the way its spices up the process to allow differences into our dicussions.,. or else its nothing but onesided boringness.. Thanks for the great work..
I find it funny that people always stop there. It’s a distinction without a difference. If I say you should be kind, and the next day say you should be nice…95+% of people will not get anything different from the 2 messages. In practicality, they mean the exact same thing, other than a few people saying there’s a difference.
@@brianmalexander I’m sorry but 1 random, nonsensical example doesn’t say anything about the difference between being kind and being nice. If you walk up and down the street asking people the difference, you probably wouldn’t run into 1 in 100 who could tell you.
@brandonl2555 I never said this was based on dictionary definitions. There isn't a set of words that adequately describe the difference in the English language. So, I'm trying to draw the distinction where I can. My example wasn't nonsensical. Just because it's not widely accepted doesn't mean it's nonsensical. Nice = give a man a fish. Kind = teach a man to fish. Nice only helps the person short term and requires no or little effort on their part. Kind helps a person for life and helps them earn what they get so they can learn to be more self-sufficient.
@@brianmalexander so you make it sound like nice is good, kind is better…but Jacob said kwaku was “memory holed by the ‘nice’ people at SU.” He also talked about the “shallow…suburban nice police.” Those don’t sound like good things. So giving someone a fish, or not judging a homeless person is bad? Being nice is being denigrated, while being kind is extolled as a virtue. But giving of what I have in the form of charity (giving a man a fish) is virtuous. Especially if the man already knows how to fish but just lacks the pole (job) at the moment.
I was the kind, gentle, person and got slammed anyway. I'm now on the offense team, just trying to balance my words so they are not too offensive. It's a tough line. I'm a boomer, we really did not have this issue lol
Your words remind me of when I was a missionary. People know that LDS missionaries (generally) are some of the kindest, nicest peoole out there and they take advantage of that. I've had several encounters with men who pretended to be friendly when first meting them but would flip the script on us like snakes. This was almost 5 years ago now. I no longer seek the religious approval of other christians when standing for truth (with boldness and charity)is more important than being liked by those in the great and spacious building.
This is exactly why talks such as the Character of Christ by Elder Bednar and the 4th Missionary by Lawrence Corbridge are so popular among missionaries. They’re rough, painful, but inspiring calls to repent and be better. We need more content like that
Emily's Proclamation broadcast was my final straw with their channel, though I had become a very sparse watcher previously. I long for the preachers of the past who were bold with their words. Milk toast will float us right out of God's kingdom.
Emily is teaching her own gospel, and making lots of money for her trouble. I see her as the person MOST guilty of priestcraft in LDS circles. I cannot believe she's in charge of the Young Women's organization. I've seldom heard from a more fuzzy-thinking, mush-brained, emotionally-led, logically incoherent person in my life. She's emotionally and spiritually incontinent, and she makes a lot of money by selling the diarrhea that her incontinence produces. ... eh ... in case you wanted my opinion...
Sadly, in many ways, the culture of the church has changed mirroring the culture of the world. By that I mean mission calls used to come over the pulpit. Now we have missionaries that need to talk to their families every week our entire culture revolves around safe spaces, rather than boldness.
I'm truly stunned. I'm a recent convert to the LDS church. I watched a lot of Saints Unscripted during my investigator phase. I don't always agree with Kwaku, but he was instrumental in my conversion to the LDS faith. I loved his unapologetic passion for the LDS faith and Christ. If he's been cancelled from Saints Unscripted, I doubt I'll watch the channel going forward. Not because the channel is bad, but because I refuse to support any cancel culture.
A producer from Saints Unscripted named Rachel Grant posted a comment on the Ward Radio episode that helps to explain in much greater detail why the decision was made to remove Kwaku from the thumbnails. It was very informative, and so I recommend checking out what she had to say. Also it looks like the removal of these thumbnails was done years ago, sometime after Kwaku had already left the show to pursue other projects. Why it's only being brought up now is a mystery to me. But rather than causing a big public drama, it seems like this should have been handled like adults offline.
As I see it, the main complaint against Saints Unscripted is that Kwaku is less visible now on the channel. They have distanced themselves from him. Not from anything he has said on the show, but because of implications based on what he has said other places. And stepping away from him is because of 'niceness culture', and 'not wanting to offend'. But in your opinion, not because of the bombastic and bizarre/unfounded hills he has chosen to plant his flag. Is that correct? And yet, it would seem that you want to have Saints Unscripted step away from people like Ostler for the same reasons - because he has in other places chosen to plant his flag on bizarre/unfounded hills. I'm all for consistency, so I agree they should step away from both, but to pretend that Saints Unscripted isn't perusing this same 'bold vision of sharing truth' and is instead just pandering to 'niceness' is missing the mark imo. Their "Faith and Belief" series is probably the best researched and faith promoting videos on UA-cam, and they usually cover and support the most 'controversial' topics of the Church and it's History. Now I agree that in many ways Kwaku has more hate then he deserves, but also when he decides to 'be real' by attributing racism and 'just asking questions' and making 'jokes' about those whom he feels wronged by (in the same way modern 'journalists' 'just ask questions', or late night 'comedians' just make 'jokes' about topics in order to persuade without substance rather than just to be funny) - anyway, when Kwaku calls those who have wronged him racists, and makes bizarre and incorrect claims like at the Midnight Mormon and MFR debate that MFR was morally bad for being a lawyer for a guilty man, I can see why people would want to distance themselves from him. Because he is an Alex Jones like figure - way over the top, kinda out there opinions, a provocateur, someone who should be able to speak but has a habit of straight up saying garbage. While I think Alex Jones and Kwaku are both people who should be able to speak freely, I'm also of the opinion that I would never want to professionally associate with either, and I'm fine if others also want some professional distance.
Ostler is literally preaching apostate doctrine. Kwaku is "bizarre" but nothing he says is actually counter to the doctrine. If you don't see the difference between the two, then you are lost
@@rodnicjia Yes, Ostler has crossed the line - but he was a singular guest. There's an expectation that guests do not necessarily represent the larger organization that has them on as a guest (and I'd dare say back then Ostler hadn't as clearly crossed said line). Kwaku was a major face of the channel for a long time - his conduct/opinions are much more likely to be viewed as reflective of the larger whole. Thus it takes a lot more time to go through a back catalogue and vet each guest and where they are at today (don't get me wrong, I believe they should do that to Ostler), but it is reasonable to re-evaluate the more closely tied-to-the-organization hosts first and more regularly, as they have a bigger shadow/influence on the perception of the channel/organization. There's a lot of factors that go into these sort of decisions.
@@rodnicjia Actually, I would disagree. In his evangelsim for new age spiritualism, he has been teaching a form of Nehorism. He has literally said that sin is just a tool that religious leaders use to manipulate people. Kwaku is teaching the ACIM principles that covenants are unnecessary and that Christ is not critical to the atonement and arguing that it is the same Gospel we teach, he is doing the exact same thing Papa Ostler is doing. He is just following a different flavor.
@@OntheOtherHandVideos Not to mention, Kwaku's YNG+DMB association is far more immediately damaging. It is leading many young Saints of Utah into harm.
Amen. Amen. Amen. So grateful you have taken the time to put into words my experience and frustration. I’m saddened by the lack of directness, vision and challenge inside our classes, quorums and wards and stakes. Platitudes and “niceness” abound.
We were not born to blend in. We are supposed to be a peculiar people. God’s true Church and covenant people are supposed to be shaking the world. I’m grateful to have lived through times of powerful gospel teachers like Bruce R McConkie, Ezra Taft Benson, Gordon B Hinckley, Legrand Richards and Neal A Maxwell. Not to mention Elder Holland. I’m grateful to be from Yorkshire where people speak their minds and cut through the bull. God has made me bold and I have had many wonderful experiences as I have spoken out. We need to remember that we will have to stand before the Savior and Joseph Smith and tell them what we did to defend them.
I agree fully with this statement with the exception of Elder Holland. Where has he been the last few years as our church has been infiltrated by a tsunami of falsehoods and demonic activity associated with the rainbow cult? Despite the fact that nearly one fifth of the youth in the Church now identify as lgbtqia and are consequently on the path to hell, we have heard nary a peep from Elder Holland or any of the leaders. They are cowards who only spoke boldly in the past when it was convenient to do so. Their silence is unbelievable and disheartening. Also, why did they support legal protections for same sex marriage at the end of 2022 in the U.S.? Where is the Elder Holland of 2014? Beyond disappointed here.
Yes, and yes! As a convert, I've been disappointed by the lack of zeal I see when I read church history. The TRUTH was to go forth boldly, not a watered down, we just wanna fit in gospel.
“The devil knows that if the elders of Israel should ever wake up, they could step forth and help preserve freedom and extend the gospel. Therefore the devil has concentrated, and to a large extent successfully, in neutralizing much of the priesthood. He has reduced them to Sleeping Giants.” ― Ezra Taft Benson
The saddest part of the current situation is that the domestication of the men in the Church has been encouraged by our supposedly inspired leaders. Benson would turn in his grave if he saw the current state of the leadership class in the Church.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have felt this way for some time and grateful you shared this today! I love your fire for the restored gospel! You are brilliant and exactly what we need to hear! Thanks for making this real!!!!!!!
“This people is addicted to--and it is a fault--to be always searching after doctrine, and never improving upon what they have; they want something new, something that they never heard….Ye Elders of Israel, ye men of God, how much do you know about the Kingdom of God? And yet ye are always wanting to know something more, when you ought to improve upon what you have.” (Millennial Star, Volume XIII, No. 17, September 1, 1851, Quotations from President Brigham Young’s Sermon, at the Bowery, Sunday, December 29, 1850)
Right on the mark, Jacob. Yeah. Kwaku has ideas, on occasion, that drive me nuts. But he has terrific insights as well. And me saying so absolutely isn't milquetoast suburban niceness. ;)
This mindset is not new. I was relentlessly bullied while in school in the 1970s, and the powers that be said we had to be merciful to the bullies because of various challenges they faced in life. Unbelievable.
I remember school bullying in the 70's. It was like bullying, though always having been there, had reached some kind of a peak in the 70's. You couldn't ask for help, because the adults seemed to be on the side of the bullies. In the eighties, awareness of its harm came out and in the nineties, they started trying to do something about it. But in the 70's--kick the underdog victim, and glorify the bully.
"The greatest want of the world is the want of men-men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall" (Ellen White)
Thank you keep up the good work. When I was Bishop, I saw this softness creeping in when I could no longer call people to repentance and was told the miracle forgiveness is no longer a church sanctioned book. I knew something was going wrong.
No - MoF is not a Deseret Books sanctioned book. Deseret Books is not the Church. The words of Spencer W Kimball are no less valuable today than they were then.
It was a red flag for me as well when Kimball's masterwork was removed from Deseret Book in 2015. Well, at least we can still purchase Emily Freeman's grifty books and Papa Ostler's rainbow affirming tracts. What a joke we have become.
I agree with your sentiment for sure. My dad was a bishop and expressed that too. However, I think one of the reasons it was removed was the viewpoint expressed that same sex attraction can be removed through faithfulness. I don’t doubt that Christ can do anything, but I know plenty of faithful same sex attracted members that have been faithful their whole lives and not been able to shake that, let alone the fact that the church doesn’t teach that. As a whole, I think it was a powerfully bold book that portrayed the repentance process through Christ in a unique way that blessed many. But there were a few items more aligned with President Kimball’s personal opinion than long declared doctrine. At least that’s my understanding of its removal
@@fisherdave9192 Good comment. And I agree with you regarding the reasons for removal. I think it's sad that books are removed to appease modern sensibilities. If Kimball, a prophet of God, can have his works removed, then what is the standard for a book to be published by the church? And where in the standard works is it implied that homosexual sin can't be overcome? I know an older man who has kept this sin under control and to himself who was able to marry, have kids, and be happy and faithful to his covenants. Might there be a link between the explosion of rainbow identities in recent years in the Church and the lack of any calls for repentance from the sin and identity of homosexuality? Do we no longer believe as Christ does that all things are possible through Him? There is strong evidence that while not always successful, conv**sio* therapy often was effective. Why do we limit people who struggle with this sin? I have a friend who struggles with homosexual sin and feels completely betrayed because no one even calls him to repentance anymore. His most recent Bishop told him that he would still be able to attend the temple and take the sacrament if he wanted to start gay dating. He was also confused and angered by our leaders' public support of same sex marriage (the Respect for Marriage Act has made it more difficult for him to keep the commandments). He has left the Church in pursuit of an institution that will help Him to repent and actually make it back to God. And I honestly can't say I blame him. How can my friend be expected to remain faithful when he is confronted with rainbow activism at church services and has no support from church leaders in wanting to earnestly repent?
This was so good! I often wonder if any of our church leaders listen to things like this. I am sure our ancestors are rolling over in their graves knowing some of the things that are taking place.
You are 1000% correct. The current crop of leaders are total soy boys. Not one ounce of masculinity or testosterone in their bones. Hence, the acceleration of the decline of the Church. By every metric, the church is growing at the slowest rate in its history. When you fail to stand for truth, you lose the favor of God. By their fruits ye shall know them.
I used to watch Saints Unscripted and after a time I noticed my feelings change and especially that their content changed. I no longer bother listening to them and prefer being challenged and your content does that for me as well as Ward Radio and David Alexander, sometimes Jordan Peterson.
Jared Halverson recently gave a talk at BYU that he reposted to his channel with improved audio. It is called something like Harmony in Pursuit of Orthodoxy. He talks about finding the balance between preaching correct doctrine and being agreeable with others. I find it a much more helpful and nuanced approach.
The Savior taught in a way that would touch the heart of his audience. If they needed a wakeup call, he delivered it. If they needed reassurance, he offered it. We don't need to be carelessly bold to the degree that we offend people on purpose. If reprimand or correction is needed it is supposed to be in private, if I'm remembering that verse in D&C correctly. I Will look up the talk you shared. Thank you
I appreciate this discussion. I don’t follow the Dont Miss this lessons with Emily Belle freeman, but I have been doing her Inklings study for years. I have never found her to be ok with breaking covenants. In fact, I only ever see her teaching that living a higher and holier way, building and strengthening your relationship with God as the way to have His strength, power and protection constantly in our lives. She gave a lesson recently about what is more loving: relating it to being in an airport trying to find your gate. Some might find it loving to tell you that any gate will get you on an airplane. So don’t worry about finding the right one, just take the closest or easiest to get to. But the truly loving response would be to tell you the exact directions to get to the 1 and only gate that will get you on the airplane that takes you home. It may be the hardest gate to get to. The furthest away. But it’s the only way. I thought that analogy was really good. Yes she also says that some people are not ready to hear that path and that you have to handle each situation individually. Some need a very slow and step by step approach. Idk. I keep hearing how she doesn’t teach the doctrine of the family. I think she is just extremely care with her words. Yes that can be taken a lot of ways I guess. But to me, I always see her overall message of it’s our choice to live the higher and holier way to have that added access to God’s power, by keeping our covenants.
I don't think we could have purchased the Kirtland temple today if the brethren didn't follow their own admonitions to be peacemakers and sometimes choose to put more emphasis on what we have in common with other people than what our differences are. This is something I need work on.
Wow! I just got through sharing this with family and leaders. I pray that I can repent and apply the important concepts you shared and backed up in this video. I've been sick of tip toeing, instead I am going to stand boldly and lovingly as the Savior did.
This message has been practically boiling inside me. Growing up in a mixed, semi-converted family, I always resented how so many men in the church seemed weaker and less capable than my smoker/drinker family members. I felt such dissonance in reading about warriors trained from childhood in the Book of Mormon and comparing that to learning stupid dances at EFY. I know this church is true and the gospel is true, but we have allowed much of the strength and boldness of the gospel to slip through our fingers.
Maybe you can organize some service projects that require strength. Or invite some ment to join you in physically challenging yourselves, checking in and cheering each other on AND read/ the scriptures while you do it. I know our Christian cousins often have such programs.
Great video. I agree with you. I think we need a departure from the ‘milk-toast’ outward attitudes so prevalent in our LDS culture. I’ve never enjoyed it, or felt that I fit into that mold perfectly. I love the Lord, His Word, His Gospel and His church-I just wish it was more the norm to be less worried about appearances and/or the approval of other members. Not to mention the patting-on-the-back that IS too common LDS culturally. I enjoy your channel and Ward Radio (since they were MM), and Cwic media. Stick of Joseph is really good, too, and often features very deep content. Thanks for sharing your thoughtful, thought provoking faith.
Jacob, I love what you are saying here. Fantastic stuff that everybody needs to hear. However, here is my big area of concern: take the 15 members of the quorum of the 12 AS A WHOLE. Wouldn't you say their messaging is a lot closer to EBF messaging than it is to your messaging? For every member out there keeping it super vanilla and milquetoast, aren't they pretty much just keeping it consistent with the overall message of the church, even at the highest levels?
Could it be that back when the internet was more 'bold' they were trying to appeal to those who were on, and now they are trying to appeal to the current more 'casual' streaming etc?
@@noahhumphreys4235 I do, too! I guess what I was trying to say was that it was fun to hear Kwaku and Ian go off the rails, haha, but now everything feels somehow a bit censored or 'choose your words carefully', but yeah, I still like it and also Faith and Beliefs
Amen! Thank you! We have so much to be excited about but everyone is afraid to talk about it. It’s said over and over that we are preparing for the second coming! But when was the last time you actually had a discussion about that at church?
Can’t imagine talking about blow jobs and “dangling dice” while joking and laughing on a public podcast had anything to do with it…. 😉 Yes I agree with what you’re saying about us being straight up and not diluting our messaging down so as not to offend anyone. But there is a line of conduct and standards we should still be living to be an example of the believers. As an example, I can’t imagine the church would keep up a leaders video content on the church’s website if he was found joking and laughing about blow jobs on a podcast with a bunch of other guys using terms like “gay AF” and references to movies like Tropic Thunder that normalize crude sexual talk. C’mon Jacob. You don’t have to be a buttoned up prude, but actions speak louder than words.
I definitely agree! I am fine with differing opinions and speaking boldly of our faith, but when it comes to actions (fruits) not lining up to those said beliefs it makes me question their real intent. I think Kwaku lost me when he sported and defended his Playboy attire so haven't really listened to a lot since then and thankfully so it seems. If asking for men rise up while endorsing those that are so degrading harmful and objectifying, where are we really taking a stand?
I got tired of hearing testimonials about how someones paycheck was wrong, and when it got fixed, tjey were reminded of Gods love for us, if we are obedient and faithful to his word during trying times. 😂 I love LDS, but i cant do the surfacey artificial b.s anymore. This transfers into biblical interpretations also. I cant do it. I love the family, but i can't do it anymore! A-Man 100% Your Speaking Truth!
In the spirit of not questioning the inspiration and calling of the brethren, do we suggest they are weakly leading the church in a direction that is counterproductive? Or do we trust that there is a reason for their inspired direction and the answer for this will come in time. I have to believe they know more than I do. I have to trust they’re inspired. I have to sustain their leadership. The alternative is what? Be like the folks that think a protest will change doctrine? Do I trust those that think they know what direction we should go more so than a prophet? Do we trust scholars and academics more than apostles? I sure don’t! I agree we should be bold and I too share the frustration but I must temper that with faith in the process because the wheat from the tares and the lamp oil will do the sifting and it is of no consequence to me how or when it is done. It is my duty to work out my own salvation and God willing, doing all I can to help those I have stewardship for.
All of the confusion and feminization has come at the behest of our cowardly leaders. The buck stops at the top of the hierarchy. There is no hope of turning things around unless we accurately point out heretical actions and inactions of the brethren. God never compromises on truth and expects us to follow Him every time. Fallen men should never come before true doctrine. Look at the trajectory of Protestant Churches who began to soften their ministries. Not great prospects for the Church given recent heretical policies and actions.
When we seek to understand the Lord’s restored Gospel (and that takes effort and continuity regarding study and prayer ) and seek the Holy Ghost before doing and saying we will have no need to fear while we live and defend the Doctrine of the Restored Gospel…thank you for highlighting this subject of nicey nicey Jacob.. I hope Belle Freeman is tuning in ..she is a big hearted Sister doing a great service to many BUT as was observed in that clip, really not leading our youngsters in the right direction..
Truly inspiring video. I believe the rising generation of the church thirst for bold and clear teachings. Looking back on my youth, I’m grateful for leaders who taught me with love and boldness and this video is a reminder to me that I need to do the same for the youth I lead.
I don't always agree with kwaku but he is insightful and it's nice to have an alternative opinion. I also. like to rock the boat a little as well and view myself at times as kind of the black sheep in my ward. Ward radio I like even when I don't agree with them. And as a member I am sick of the sugar coating luke it down garbage many in the church want so we don't offend someone. I prefer Brigham Youngs approach the reason the gospel is preached is so you can prepare to be saved or prepared to be damned. I am apologizing for nothing Brigham was a prophet. Was he also a man of his time yes. He was imperfect but he was still a prophet same with Joseph Smith and as far as I'm concerned the world can go to hell as J golden said that's where they are going anyway of they don't quit there damn foolishness. Jacob is right I saw this on my mission. I noticed when a couple of times we went to other churches that I always heard how Jesus loved us and saves us, and accepts us. But not once did I ever hear condemnation for sin and warning of impending justice for the unrepentant. Not once about accountability and justice. And unfortunately we in the church have fallen into the same trap. I have often told my family and even some of my church leaders. If I were to give the talk in sacrament meaning I felt really needs to be said. I would offend half the ward. It would be a no sugar coating blunt give it to em straight talk and i would even throw myself on the chopping block for my failures but It would be the cold hard truth.
I think you missed a very big part of what Emily is trying to communicate. It would be nice if we all had a spouse and children.. It would also be nice if all of our children adjusted well despite the many challenges that come their way. She was saying that even though you don’t fit into the “pretty box” there is a place for you. Can you imagine what it feels like to a child whose parents are divorced, one of them is abusing them, the other is self centered and they are singing along to Families Are Forever ? Individually, independent of our life circumstances, we can still have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Shout out to Bishop Barron. I agree with you too.. just think Emily is trying to love people where they are while not planning to leave them there.
Agreed, we definitely need to love and support people in situations that are not the ideal. I currently find myself in such a situation. However, we also need to be clear about our standards and actually teach the true doctrine of family. The main issue that is driving young women away from God in 2024 is lgbtq ideology and feminism. Freeman should be doing everything in her power to be honest about the risk of these ideologies. It is sad that she has not even instructed the youth regarding the risk of these sins. And if I'm being honest, this applies to the brethren as well. Silence implies acceptance.
It’s always the radical side of every issue that are loud. We whisper apologies while the ex-Mormons shout their hatred. Our General Young Women’s President is ashamed of the Proclamation. The political parties that strive to protect families or babies are shamed into silence while the voices that oppose those principles loudly proclaim their disgust of conservative values and call us fascists. It is indeed the time where wrong is seen as right and right is seen as wrong. This was a great podcast!
That clip of Elder Holland mentioning our thoughts can be sinful hearkens back to when we taught homosexuality is sin. Now we say it isn't sin as long as it isn't acted on. My how times have changed.
A remarkable change. How can members who struggle with the sin of ssa repent if they are taught to indulge the thoughts and lavished with praise for assuming an Anti Christian identity?
Sexual sin is sin, and if having sexual thoughts are _always_ sinful then what hope do most men striving to become sanctified in Christ have?! To me sexual thoughts are guard rails meant to help me over time to remind me that God wants me to think and speak and act more and more in a higher and holier way. His name be praised.
we've become weak solely due to the Q15. they have spoke out of both side of their mouth for so long now we have been left on our own to defend the church and uphold its principles. Now they hire an LGBTQ advocate to speak for the church as its communications manager, what!!? The temple ordinances are almost unrecognizable and my wife thinks this is somehow a good thing that our daughter identifies as a man and is worthy of the priesthood, what!!? We have a gay couple in our ward who hold callings and take the sacrament every week, what!!? This is all due to the brethren not holding firm to the iron rod and we have become less than what we once were. Our beloved church has fallen to the influence of Satan.
@@jessea2871Thank you for being honest about the current trajectory of our church. You are a rarity. If people don't push back on the current b.s. coming from our fallible leaders, there is no hope of any of these trends EVER getting better. I am beyond disheartened. Members need to read their scriptures and recognize that we are bordering on full on apostasy with heretical actions and policies of our leaders. It is so simple. You cannot encourage or condone sin and be in God's good graces. Because of the centralized nature of our church, no one in leadership who wants to keep their temple blessings will push back on what they know is rank hypocrisy. I suspect that most members will do and go along with anything that is approved by "the brethren", up to and including gay marriages in our chapels (the most likely policy change in the near future) and possibly gay marriages in the temples once the boomer generation has begun to pass on. Support for our leaders should only ever go as far as when they stay in line with the doctrines of God. Our church now supports gay marriage. Repeat, our church now SUPPORTS gay marriage.
I remember once on my mission I was studying Dan Jones and his bold teaching style. That afternoon we were knocking doors and no one was answering while I meditated on Jones, and I was building myself up to share my testimony, so when someone finally did open the door, I almost shouted that we had the truth he has spent his life looking for. He then kindly let me and my companion enter his home, and was baptized a month later. I kinda wish I was that bold for the whole 2 years.
I don't listen to Kwaku because he doesn't know church history or doctrine, and tries to make up for his ignorance with wild confidence. He needs to go back and do more homework. The only thing worse that a know-it-all is an apologist, or an apologist who is a know-it-all.
I’ve been a huge fan of this channel and ward radio, and saints unscripted. I’ve found a lot of value in all of them. I never expect them to be 100% perfect. I think each one takes a slightly different approach. They range from cautious to blunt. This one sitting right in the middle. I imagine each approach has value. That said, totally agree on your statements about boldly proclaiming the gospel. The overly cautious path that folks like Emily Bell Freeman is way too lukewarm for me.
I wish the church would bring back the scouting program and general priesthood session both of which I feel where very instrumental in a young man’s growth and development! The scouting program because it taught young men values and life lessons while being around young men of the same age, the priesthood session because it was time that the young man got to spend with his father learning from the prophet on how to be honorable men. It may have been a good idea at first and I understand some of the reasonings for not doing them anymore and it’s just my opinion I think we need them back!
Jacob: I’m an exmormon and I enjoy your videos. Why? Because it is so refreshing to hear someone inside the church speak out loud about the beliefs that I used to hold, rather than the milk toast sanitized version it has become in mainstream circles.
Rather than acknowledge and embrace the peculiar aspects that make Mormonism unique (and compelling), the mainstream church seems to be going down the opposite path, as if embarrassed by the beliefs that set them apart from the rest of the world. When I tell active members about the version of Mormonism I was taught and self-studied as a kid, teen, and missionary, they often gaslight me and tell me that I was somehow the problem for seeing “truth” through that aggressive lens, as if my leaders hadn’t been teaching me this version of the BOLD version of the gospel all along? It sounds strange I’m sure coming from an ex member, but I feel so much validation hearing your videos!
I think the way to a vibrant community that actually want to be at church is by embracing once again the BOLD parts of Mormonism. Give people something they can sink their teeth into.
Let me share a quick missionary experience in regard to boldness.
The missionaries in my ward were teaching a young man (19 yrs) who was in the military. He was a devout 7th Day Adventist. The elders told me he seemed to ask very sincere and deep questions about our church, but also appeared hostile at times. They were confused by their meetings with him. I asked if I could come along and they were more than happy to have me there seeing as I’m military too and we could bond over something in common.
As the meeting went on, he said something along the lines of “I’m not trying to offend you with my questions I just want to get an answer that compels me.”
His biggest issue was with Joseph Smith actually *seeing* God. And read multiple scriptures saying no man can see God at any time.
We had him read Exodus 33:11. He explained this as Moses meeting God with a sheet between them. I told him “now we’re both military, and we both can appreciate a direct response, right? So I’m going to give you one. The way you read this verse is the same way someone would read their interpretation into it because they already have their mind made up on what is possible. I’m telling you right now, this verse says Moses spoke to God face to face as a man speaks to his friend, and I’ve never spoken to a friend with a sheet hiding my face.”
He paused for a long time and considered that. Finally he smiled and said “I think you’re right. I’m gonna pray about this, but I think you’re right.”
Protestant here: pretty much every non-LDS person I know would rather the LDS folks be straightforward and bold. Yet protestant circles also have a fear of offending people, and worry that boldness will hurt their witness. The same goes for both: directness will likely help your witness more than it will hurt it.
I love this
I believe you are right.
I'm a leader in my Young Mens program and this is exactly what I've been trying to bring to the program. Once I was in I worked with the other leaders to create some principles and we laid it out for the young men. "We are going to challenge you. This is going to be hard. You may not like everything, but you'll have to learn how to cope, because we aren't going to coddle you." Since then we've seen amazing improvement in the Young Men in our ward. They are stepping up and fulfilling their callings so much more than before. It's been awesome.
That's awesome. What are some examples of of how you challenged them?
Nice work!
As a mental health professional (and once connected to the military) I’d have you consider replacing the word cope with manage or train.
Teaching someone how to be well trained or how to manage difficult tasks always feels better to me than coping.
Coping can be digging into a gallon of icecream. Coping Can be playing endless video games or watching 12 episodes in a row of your favorite re run.
Managing and training are never unhealthy behaviors.
Coping though by definition is supposed to be the practice or implementation of techniques meant to alleviate uncomfortable emotion… it over time has become more culturally related to unhealthy behaviors especially in the young generation you are dealing with.
You’re doing great and was pleased to read your comment. Just some food for thought, keep up the great work! :)
And keep guiding those men towards Jesus!
That’s wonderful
Instead of using the YM manual as YM's president, I decided to use Preach My Gospel because my goal for the young men in my branch was to inspire them to serve missions. Our weekly discussions were direct and specific and when our Stake President visited one of our meetings, he pulled me aside afterwards and said "I want you to keep on doing what you're doing. Those young men are listening to you and your counselors like I seldom see young men listen. And I want you to keep using PMG." When you make things easy, you cheapen the level of satisfaction that only comes from accomplishing something worthy of one's time and effort.
Jordan Peterson has a large following of young men because he asks them to do hard things.
Jesus Christ was no teddy bear. He asked His followers to do hard things.
"A god who requires nothing is the functional equivalent of a god who does not exist." - D. Todd Christofferson "Free Forever to Act for Themselves"
This guy NAILS it. So many of our members today are simply…..afraid. Afraid to stand up in public and say “This is wrong.” Gay ‘marriage’ is wrong. Homosexual behavior is wrong. Trying to (laughably) change one’s gender is wrong. Adultery is wrong. Sexual activity of any kind outside of a male/female marriage is wrong. Sustained selfishness is wrong. Abortion is wrong. Pornography is wrong. Do such LDS members think that when Jesus was here that he merely handed out milk and cookies and said “Good job!” to everyone?
As a Catholic(nevermo) living in the Mormon Corridor I came across your channel and do appreciate your willingness to engage with other faith traditions without diminishing your own. I like the fact your content isn't exclusively LDS related and has broader applications to Christian faith communities. Anyway thought I'd chime in with those words.
Rock on, dude :). We love our catholic brothers and sisters :)
Love my catholic friends!
@@bbqbros3648 Thanks love my LDS friends too... even though there are some fundamental differences between us I do think we are the same wavelength in many respects versus the broader culture.
You say never mo… but you are here. We will consider you as family.
Respect, Brother.
😃 thanks for commenting. I have in-person and online Catholic friends.
This is why I miss the priesthood session. I knew that in the priesthood session I would be challenged, and I would be spoken to more directly. Those talks are the ones I constantly would go back to growing up and during my mission, which molded me and inspired me to repent.
And I miss the women's session. I learned to really love my general youth leaders in those sessions; I even named my daughters after them. They were bold in just the right way for me as a young woman in a somewhat dysfunctional family.
There's something different about watching general conference with family, and then watching the women's session with my sisters in Christ, at the church building.
@@FebbieGthey’ve had women sessions multiple times. Even after saying they weren’t going to.
Based FR
Amen amen amen. You’re not alone here my friend.
I grew up in a totally dysfunctional home. My parents divorced when I was in high school. There was so much turmoil in my home, that attending Church was my only safe haven. There were lessons that were difficult to implement when i went home. But the gospel kept pulling me back.
Thank you for being real and speaking truth. I worry about some leaders bending the knee to popular ideology thinking this will bring others to the church. I dont like the feeling of being so polarized within the Church. I love Jesus Christ and pray for His return Soon.
I feel the same way!
I absolutely love your Chanel. Please keep going and you will be helping the Lord to change lives.
Agree. They seem to be wanting to fit in with the other Christian boys so will care what the world thinks.
As a youth, I strongly disliked Dallin H Oaks’ bold and direct style of speaking at General Conference. By the time I hit my late 20’s, I found it challenging to sit through anything that wasn’t bold and direct. Let ‘er rip, tater chip! Lay it on me and let me work out in prayer anything that may have “offended” me. I’m gettin’ old and don’t have time for the fluff pieces! 🤣
Being in watered down places at church is okay bc we are not there to be entertained. That’s why general conference is so amazing bc we have pure doctrine taught during conference. Once my nonmember friend went to my church and I went to her church on the same day. It was so awesome bc they were bold at her church. I asked her if she was going back to her church but she didn’t so of course I had no reason to go anymore bc I’m in the restored gospel.
That was the PERFECT example of why I only watched the Belle Freeman CFM for a few months then I was out. It was all out wanting everyone to feel good and felt like they were just preaching the Religion of Nice. Am I the only one that loves feeling like garbage? I don't understand this. If someone is just trying to get me to feel good in my sins and with my awfulness, then I DON'T GROW. I like the stretching and the wrestling when you are changing. But with that, you feel like crap. I want to feel like crap a lot because then I'm growing and changing.
I can't stand Emily Freeman. I cannot believe she's actually in charge of things. She gives me the willies.
Love the content you present here. During Covid when Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler came out with their podcast, another podcast called Talking Scripture came out. I was listening to them both, but quickly grew weary of Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler’s teaching style. Still greatly enjoy Talking Scripture tho.
Your program, and Ward Radio have become my two new favorites in the last few months, and I appreciate you bringing to light Emily Belle Freeman’s skirting of the important parts of the gospel and being more woke than she should be.
I really love talking scripture too
She and David are both rather woke. Both spoke at LGBT conferences and post on social media their strong support for influencers/authors of that lifestyle.
@@1klakak members often cross the line from love into advocacy
@@1klakakso sad 😞 I’ve wondered about the public stance that seems to be taken by Butler & Freeman … reminds me of the “teddy bear Jesus” that Greg Matsen (Cwic Media) speaks on
I won't listen to a single thing that comes out of Emily Freeman's mouth. She's very good at inserting herself into the scriptures and somehow making them about her. It's extremely weird. She's an absolute idiot.
You have touched on a very real challenge in the church…getting more boring and predictable every year…it’s been difficult to be active…it’s more faith building to miss meetings and stay home and study. This is a valuable podcast!!!
People are so afraid to be criticized and hated these days that they water down all their beliefs to be so diluted you can't taste it anymore.
This is one of the best videos from an LDS content creator I’ve ever seen. Reading the comments also gives me a lot of hope. As a current BYU student there definitely is a lot of lukewarm-ness in some administrators, faculty and students, and it really frustrates me, but there are also those of us (students and faculty) who remain steadfast and vocal about our support of the restored gospel and its doctrine. While there are many young men leaving the church today, I feel many of those who have stayed are waking up to the truths expressed on this video, and my prayer is that we will be the generation that brings this culture of “self help therapy wrapped in gospel language” and “HR initiatives” to an end. Keep up the great work!
I remember on my mission in Romania, worrying so much about how to start a conversation to get people to listen. People constantly asked about why we were teaching about Christ in a Christian nation, or wondered if we got a financial bonus for baptizing people. Partly because of that, some missionaries were hesitant to bring up baptism early.
However, I had a companion who had converted from a more "evangelical" church and had a letter from a friend sharing some second-hand stories about being bold as a missionary. So one morning, we decided to go out and just invite people to be baptized as our conversation opener. Instead of being offended, people either went on their way (as usual), or stopped and asked: "What do you mean? I'm already baptized." No one was offended, in fact, they seemed much more relaxed because we were being open about what action we wanted them to take.
When you are bold (and respectful) people engage with your ideas. When you're not, people just wonder why you're there at all. People *want* to know what you expect of them. I don't think I fully internalized that on my mission, but it was a powerful lesson.
We did meet someone that day who would later be baptized, which was not a daily (or even monthly) occurrence for us. In true "mysterious ways" fashion, however, I think that was one of the few conversations that did not begin with an invitation to baptism. I was regularly reminded on my mission that it wasn't things I did that converted people. People were either seeking the Spirit and willing to act on it, or they weren't. God will reach out to those people who are earnestly seeking him whatever we do, but *we* lose something when we practice cowardice instead of courage.
Joseph Smith was a false prophet and you know it.
Love your channel and ward radio because you guys talk about the tough topics and are real! We as members should not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ!
Ashamed of the GOSPEL of Christ?
Why would anyone be ashamed of the GOSPEL of CHRIST?
Whatever happened to be IN the world and not OF the world
My thoughts, exactly. In my observation and experience, our congregations are hearing the constant emphasizing of "tolerance" and "acceptance" - all in the name of "unity", which frankly, only seems to be leading to the embracing of the standards and ideologies of Babylon (even including disregard for the laws of our land) rather than being a "peculiar people" and "being in the world, not of it."
@@capybara39419 Part of the think is we need to be more vocal about our own use of language and ideas to bring clarity. Christ taught that we should be unified as wards and in the CHurch, but when the world is busy refedining the language so they can twist the meanings, we have to stand up in our meetings and clarify exactly what Christ taught vs what the world is redefining it.
We just have been canceled for being different.
Hansen, Ward Radio, CWIC, etc are all just Mormon focused entertainment for attention, views and a few dollars. You know that, right?
What happened is Boyd K Packer died. Everything since his death has been a complete disaster.
"Go on offense"... The reason this channel and others have appealed to me is that they model going on offense well. I don't always agree, especially with Kwaku, but I love that we all seek truth. Thank you!
No he’s not!!!!! lol. He is right most of the time he just says things with such vigor and without setting them up properly so that they sound crazy. I’m not saying he’s right about everything. But he has done some research.
Kwaku's ideas can easily fall into the same category as your "Cosmic Space Wolf Tranquility" @@dirkjensen969
well done... I was called to teach a youth SS class some time ago. As part of getting to know the co-teacher and class members we discussed various ways to study and do CFM at home and on their own. My co-teacher praised this certain video channel I had never heard of, so i checked it out. It is the one you spoke of that features EBF and boy was I very disappointed. It was full of... well 'nothing'. And that is the one my co-teacher loved. I suppose because it was 'easy' and didn't 'offend' anyone. But in the process of 'not-offending' anyone it also removed all the substance of the gospel.
The issue I see with this whole Kwaku situation is that Ward Radio blasted out accusations about Saints Unscripted without first talking to or getting any facts from Saints Unscripted about why the decision was made. A producer from SU (Rachel Grant) commented on their video and gave a lot more insight into the whole situation, and while I have generally liked Kwaku, I can honestly sympathize with the decision SU made. It sounds like they considered several options before landing on the decision to simply remove thumbnails. Additionally this was a decision SU made years ago at this point, so why Ward Radio is finally bringing it up in 2024 is beyond me. I understand if Kwaku wants closure, but this seems more like retribution or revenge, which I can't see being endorsed by any scripture or church leader.
In the comments on their video, WR said they have tried to reach out to SU, but the producer from SU replied and said she never received any calls or messages from Ward Radio. So it makes me wonder just how diligently did WR try to make contact, and exactly with whom? How many people did they try to reach out to? Was it just via text, DM, email, a phone call, or did they try to go talk to someone in person? For what seems like such a big issue to WR, it appears like the minimal amount of effort went into trying to have a goodfaith conversion from someone or multiple individuals from SU.
Even if we give WR the benefit of the doubt and assume they made every effort to reach out to SU, this whole thing should never have been turned into internet drama. It should have been handled like adults offline. That's on Ward Radio for not doing so, and it's unfortunate to see channels like this one just blindly jumping on the bandwagon without even having all the facts from both sides. Was there even an attempt made to reach out to SU before this video was created? It's highly doubtful. There's already enough hate and division online. Do we really need to perpetuate more of it, especially against people and channels that are on the same side, even if they choose to share their content in a different manner than you prefer?
Great comment and insight. I have no idea about any of this drama but think there must be more to it.
@@joscelynpease6656 Thank you, and I agree. There are always two sides to the story. This whole thing feels oddly similar to the Amber Heard, Johnny Depp situation.
Your'e lying, or coping... either way, what you're saying isn't true. You know only what you hear in internet comments and then speak as though you are an authority on the subject? I don't need your "benefit of the doubt" because I lived this, and I am an honest person. We reached out myriad times to get comment on this and other subjects over half a decade and were only ever dodged, stonewalled, ignored, mocked, or threatened with lawsuits by the More Good foundation. You WANT to believe we "mishandled" this situation because your Saints-Unscripted fan-boy brain can't fathom that the nice people did something "not nice" which shows you are part of the problem and not the solution and the exact reason why Jacob had to make this video. You should probably go back to villifying people that wear colored shirts to church and lecturing deacons on not taking the sacrament with their left hand.... I have the receipts.
One way the church has become boring is the lack of mysticism from the modern secularists. Kwaku brings that stuff in his conversations alot and spices up the conversations. Like I choose to believe that the garment is a cool ancient and sacred relic that grants the wearer favor and specific protections because it's embued with God's power. Let's not forget the sick AF Jewish LORE surrounding it. A lot of people are just like, it's a piece of clothing that's symbolic, I guess. Outsiders call it "magic underwear" I'm fine with that. Sounds cooler than what modernists in the church have turned it into. I wish everyone would be worthy to receive their own magic underwear to ward off evil demon gods. To moderns who love their boring lives that sounds crazy, but when I think about it, saying it like that makes it sound awesome!
The white garment is a symbol found in the Book of Revelation, it isn’t something invented out of the blue to sell people a magic cure all. It’s a symbol that faith and armor of God can cloth you in protection against the real enemy that is out to harm your spirit.
A man after my own heart! If people want to say I wear magic underwear, I say: Hell Yes!
Yo! I’ve always seen it this way! It’s true that’s what makes it so cool, not the wording, but that it actually is true!
THe problem is when that mysticism is anti-Christ. Learning about the power of God, and how we can wield it is worthwhile, discussing that sin is a tool that old religious people use to manipulate others is quite the opposite. The Gospel is fully available to all those who desire to learn it and align with Christ. There is no "magic" or mysticism required. The occult is the opposite of what Christ taught.
Part of the problem is what Christ taught is boring. It's about living in such a way that we change our hearts and mind, and as a result we change our actions. The excitement we need is reminding people exactly of that, and that the really hard work is in their own hearts - not out there in the world. Jacob hit upon that with his pointing to Peterson. You want to change the world? Make your bed and clean your room. Do the job your employer pays you for and love your neighbor. Focusing on light frequencies thinking that will let you see the Spirit world is the same thinking that led to the Tower of Babel.
YUP! Love my ‘magical’ underwear! I’ve always chuckled to myself when nonmembers refer to our garments that way. It has never offended me. It’s actually kind of endearing.
Yet another great video Jacob, thank you for always articulating these things and being willing to so openly discuss them. I feel this video literally summarises not only exactly how I feel, but exactly the conversations and debates I get into. I believe true followers of Christ should boldly and openly defend and testify of doctrine.. ESPECIALLY when it is controversial. If I have learned anything from the scriptures, prophets and even the life of the Saviour Himself, its that the more righteous we are the more we should expect backlash and having to swim upstream. God bless
I wish more of the speeches weren’t scripted. I wish some of the sermons were preached with power and conviction, like you’d see at a Protestant church. We have the truth of the restored gospel we should be exclaiming it and not so monotone. It should fill us with the spirit. Maybe I just view it differently as a convert.
Pastors from Protestant churches are taught showmanship... Pastor Jeff a popular YT even stated that they are taught how to preach to keep ones attention... The Holy Ghost does not need help, does not need showmanship training. I love the conference sessions, yes they are written talks that they read off a teleprompter. I have no issue with it, no part of the talk will be overlooked. I have never ever been impressed when a pastor goes with power and conviction... it has always seemed like bad acting even before when i did not believe in God. The spirit can speak in a still small voice that can pierce the heart better than any acted performance. The Book of Mormon is why i even believe the Bible today. The manner in which our leaders speak with reverence is filled with the spirit that fills my heart.
I feel you! There are some times in a more personal setting that the twelve will go off script, like in a sacrament meeting, or stake conference they are invited to. Those are always incredible moments that are much more real and intimate. I also feel like the brethren have to walk on egg shells because there are a million vipers waiting to twist their words, so maybe its on us then to bring that conviction and power to our meetings and lessons.
The Restored Gospel should need no theatrics to feel the Spirit. Quiet contemplation is far more conducive to the Spirit. We need to be careful confusing emotion with spirituality.
@@juanb7527True. But I also can’t imagine Jeremiah, Elijah, or Samuel the Lamanite walking on egg shells.
Yes, you'd think that prophets of God would be able to preach the Gospel without a teleprompter and sanitized, overly edited speeches.
The larger the bureaucracy becomes, the less personalized and intimate the ministering of our leaders has become.
Church Leadership isn't interested in listening to it's members. It thinks it has all the answers. The lack of friction between members and leadership has made church boring and shallow. Criticism is required to create ideas and growth. If not we all say "YES", agree and church becomes more boring.
In general conference they were hinted that. A couple of talks addressed the lack of joy and how this is a gospel of happiness. These talks appeal to livening up our meetings to be less dull.
A faithful but somewhat confused long time member here...I remember President Kimball's very bold approach to all things moral. There were very little gray areas. His book Miracle of Forgiveness was enough to make even the stongest among us review his own life. It stated in no uncertain terms the sins of the day including, homosexuality and premarital intimacy and the need to repent. He never sugar coated anything. Lately, it seems that approach has changed. We welcome all into our midst regardless of lifestyle. I understand loving people but you never give the impression that a sin is acceptable. The act of homosexuality is in direct opposition to the Lord's Plan. Transgenderism is is a complete viilation of God's law. Yet, we seem to be embracing these things a little at a time.
It’s like some are advertising real estate” in sodom and Gomorrah. When once we taught to not even live there… don’t even pitch our tent towards it… but towards the temple as did Abraham. Lot pitched his towards those cities and eventually ended up living there. it seems like there are “for sale or rent” signs all over now and we are being encouraged to buy.
Isn’t this what caused the initial scattering of Israel? Solomon got so wise that he opened the gates to every abominable culture (via his many wives and concubines). When anything goes, everything goes.
We are suppose to welcome all into our midst, but that doesn't mean we don't teach them the truth or help them grow and change. Just like Christ taught in 3 Nephi 18
Some of the ideas in Miracle of Forgiveness (like mastrubation leading to homosexuality and homosexuality leading to bestiality) are too conservative for the modern church. He also encouraged scripture study, prayer, and marriage to a partner of the opposite sex as cures for homosexuality. Do you agree with these ideas?
One need only look to the scriptures to see how God feels about the type of sins you mentioned. See Romans 1:26-32
In supporting legalized ssm at the end of 2022, I now know whose team the brethren are playing for.
Thank you for putting so well how important it is for us to be different than we have been.
Proclaimation on the family is not easy to engage with as a divorced man paying Alimony and Child Support, but it is exactly what is needed for me and so many others. Provide for my kids, support my ex as required, not because she still wants me, but because its my duty.
Men sacrifice for family, and women are required too also, not just for the children, but for their man.
I didn't need comfortable lessons where people were talking about how the other people, LGBT+, were ruining the world, I needed lessons that challenged me in my leadership of my family, my engagement with my wife and marriage.
I appreciate your connecting your situation to TFP. That's a situation I am not in, but it puts a very clear face on the issue. I think you have a very good point there - it is exactly the type of dicussion we should be having. How do the Gospel principles apply to me specifically, and what changes do I need to make.
I could not agree more.
You’ve summed up one of the primary reasons I find church attendance difficult. When I graduated into the adult classes I assumed I would be coming to grips with the deeper doctrines and more complicated history of the church. Instead I found the spiritual meat to be spiritual snacks at best, with the majority of the remaining no different from my earlier classes just dressed up in more verbiage, summed up in two words - “be nice.” And heaven forbid anyone try to correct a class member when they utter false doctrine. Instead the room would just go silent until the poor teacher found a way to gracefully move on. Overall, a disappointing experience that just feels like a waste of time. I know the gospel is true, but niceness culture is doing it no favors.
The church is here for us to serve in. For most the spiritual meat comes from serving others, personal one on one discussions with our ward members and those we serve in… not just sitting in class. Classes are for those that need to learn with the milk of the gospel.
@@todjohnman7347 I don’t disagree about service, words without action are without value, and our hearts are most changed as we follow Christ’s teachings instead of just thinking about them. What I can’t agree with is a church culture that is more concerned over offending someone than standing for truth. That is _not_ following Christ’s example. And milk is wonderful… when you’re a baby. It’s even good as an adult. _But not as the primary or sole item in an adult’s diet._ When teachers won’t even correct false doctrine, that’s feeding the class poison.
@@eirrenia “we” are the church…. Quit pointing the finger at others and blaming the church, its your ward, your Sunday school class too. You are there to help correct false teachings (read D&C duty of priests hood). We can do it in a non contentions way that many can find uplifting, unless they do not want to hear truth. If you do it with an A hole attitude no one will listen, so doing it with tact and the spirit can really have a good impact. Don’t give up and feel like a victim is my point.
@@todjohnman7347 Oh, for… “Difficult” as in a personal challenge to be overcome. I’m not talking about confronting with both barrels firing, I’m talking about that (as a newly graduated young adult in a room full of my elders, mind) I wasn’t seeing any corrections _at all!_ And yes, part of the responsibility is mine. Defining the problem does not take away my part in it. Neither does it cease to be a problem.
In the doc and cov 88? I think. I remember reading the responsibilities of the Aaronic priesthood and one is the Letter of the Gospel. I’ve been wondering if that is making sure that the gospel is being taught accurately. So if you hold the Aaronic priesthood or the Melchezedek which encompasses the Aaronic, you do have some responsibility in class? Stewardship is important, so if you make corrections I’d let the scriptures make the correction for you when you quote them.
Jacob. Keep doing what you do. I am grateful for your honesty. Karolyn Wright Gaines
I agree with this so much! 4 years ago, my daughter came out as trans. This experience caused me to dive into the lives of trans people and many of the young people that has detransistioned say the same thing - “I wish less people had went along with me and would have told me that what I sought, I couldn’t achieve.” These people, many of them girls, though their difficult choices all have touted the wording in the proclamation of the family. They have come to this on their own through sad experience.
It makes me think that there is a lost opportunity here for us not to be shouting this statement loudly and proudly. We would have people flocking to our congregation because we are speaking the hard truth. We KNOW the truth, all we have to do is speak it!
Sacrifice? Yes it's all about the sacrifice!
Brings to mind the following quote from Joseph Smith:
“Let us here observe, that a religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation” ( Lectures on Faith, 6:7)
Let us also remember that LoF used to be a part of the "4 Standard Works" before IT was memory holed almost 100 years ago. Think about that -- notes, literally, from the School of the Prophets taught by Brother Joseph were taken from the Pearl of Great Price... would you do that?
I agree. Many changes since Nelson took control have lessened the responsibilities of members.
Think 2 hour church and "ministering."
I needed to hear your words today! I’ve started to lean away from the church largely because of the watering down and platitudes going on.
Don’t lean away. The gospel is still true. We need you and all that you have to offer.
I have leaned away as well. When sacrament meeting is a rainbow worship service and Sunday school is a self help session, I feel like I may be supporting something that no longer has God's approval and blessing.
@@Gsp989this is how I've felt for a long time.
I leaned so far I’ve fallen over. And woken up at same time
I think there is a great lesson to learn from all of this. There have been moments in my life where members of the Church have made mistakes, and it can make it feel like the church isn't true. But this is a false conclusion to jump to. Everyone on this Earth, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or not, are all imperfect. We should not let this imperfection get in the way of our testimony. God is a perfect being working with imperfect people. We should take the moments where we observe this imperfection as opportunities to teach each other and grow closer to the truth and God.
This is hands down your most important and interesting commentary yet! The world, particularly young men, are searching for a challenge. They want to be great, but they dont know how to do it! The Church needs to be bold and hold men - and women - to a higher standard!
Well said. Ward Radio (and back in the day MM) have been VERY helpful to my return to the Church.
Love me some MM!
Sandy foundation right there...
It is not about winning. It is about speaking truth and letting the Holy Ghost enter into the heart of those who hear the truth. We are to be in the world, but not of the world. We are to stand out and be an example of truth and righteousness. I for one have a son who struggles with his faith because of the milk toast that is being presented at church. We need to be bolder and speak gospel truth boldly.
So well stated. I’ve had conversations with siblings about this. Fact is, if I were not a member of this church, I’m not sure I’d have an interest today, especially if I were coming from a mainline Christian denomination. The church seems to be following that model, which is not a good model to follow. Their membership numbers have been devastated in recent decades, driven by a fear of losing members, rather than a love for God and His word. How much of our diminished growth might be the result of that similar fear, of our weakened resolve?
We need to continue on the straight and narrow path by immersing ourselves in the doctrines of the gospel through deeply spiritual and intelligent scripture study, praying with all the energy of heart to be filled with the love of God, following closely the teachings of the prophet and attending all of our meetings including the temple.
I’m an over 40 year English convert and frankly I’ve never seen such disparity among our church members. If only we would use our time to study, ponder and pray rather than gabbing and chatting endlessly and straining after gnats.
We need more Latter-day Saints like you. I’m tired of “mediocre Mormons”, but, worse are those who are Mormons in name only. We need to stand and defend our faith
Judge much?
Mormons in name only..."MINOS" one of the smallest weakest fish in the waters.🤔
That's crazy. The church is fake.
@@TwoTreesVisuals yes- we do. Righteous judgement, as the Lord commands.
@@bbqbros3648 lol that justification used by everyone ever. I'd rephrase your comment by adding "self" in front of righteous.
I love everything you stand for and how you're using your voice in the public square. Keep on doing what you're doing. I have definitely been guilty of passive membership and channels like you have inspired me to want to be firm in my faith and speak my voice and share my testimony.
This makes me think of a debate I had with church members a few years back. They were of the opinion there is only one concept of what the LDS church is about and all members pretty much are one variety. My position is that members are of many different camps each with their own approach to "truth" about the gospel, church organization, scriptures, etc. We can see some of these differences among church members whenever apologists do debates, appear on podcasts, write books, etc. There is a whole continuum between liberal and conservative LDS church members. Many apologists do not do well when faced with criticism. I find the people of Kwaku's camp are one example.
There are many of us that feel the exact same way … thanks for putting this together!
Thanks Jacob. Politically conservative but I love Kwaku. Keep up the great work. Totally agree, be loving but always speak truth.
Why should your politics be a factor here?
Kwaku tends to be left of center politically. Just pointingt out that although we disagree on many things politically, I still enjoy his insight and his comments. Too often, people will refuse to deal with the other side because of these differences. Their political beliefs shape their religious beliefs as opposed to the other way around. I was trying to point out that despite our different political beliefs, we can still engage with each others because it is the gospel that unifies us. @@joshua.snyder
@@joshua.snyder Like it or not, politics is always a factor. Politics is nothing more than the science of populations. We're in many different communities, with each having their own organizations and governance. Even national politics is everywhere because it is based on world views and philosophies.
At the root, there are always two philosophies in opposition to each other. One that focuses on agency, and one that focuses on a specified result.
@@RichardChappell1 It has become a Pharisaical, devisive litmus test of piety and has no place in any church claiming to be Christian, especially. It is as large a threat to Mormonism as any alleged "anti".
Jacob, this is one of your best videos yet! Thank you for being bold and having the courage to say these important things!!👍👍
I ❤ this church and will never leave it because of the temple ordinances. I have been in YW leadership for years and I am weary of our efforts to entertain the youth into staying with the church. I’m tired of watching missionaries go out and be subject to incredibly strict rules in the name of safety only to return feeling that it was a waste of time. My own young adult children will spend money to see Dr Peterson but won’t go to the free stadium appearance of the prophet. Relief Society and Elders Quorum classes are good places to nap but terrible places to talk about scripture and doctrine that is exciting or challenging. This is so sad when our true doctrine is amazing and empowering and raises hard questions that force us to wrestle with God. I’ve found myself skipping Sunday School to curl up at home with the cozy 😂Book of Isaiah. Thank you for getting this message out. We need to be challenged or what good are we to the Lord?
As a Sunday school teacher who struggles to get my class to participate when I want to discuss these issues, PLEASE attend and PLEASE share these principles. CFM allows us to discuss specific scriptures, and when people find it to be hard, just point straight to the scripture and say it wasn’t you but the Lord who stated it. Don’t let those who believe everything is well in Zion be the only ones participating!
Edit: before it’s said, I obviously stick to CFM and don’t try to tackle the controversial topics every class. Sometimes it’s necessary to contrast Babylon and Zion like Jacob says. This past week I talked about 2 N 12 and the temple attenders vs those who focused on idols. A brother mentioned how we need to stop comparing since other people focus on different things and aren’t bad people. I replied of course. HOWEVER, as a class full of members of the Church of Jesus Christ, we should be thinking celestially and focused on the temple, and not let idols take our attention, out of moderation. Babylon focuses on idols, the works of their own hands. Members focus on the mountain of the Lords house.
2Nephi 9:47-49
As an Elders Quorum President, I am trying to keep men off their phones for an hour and will not tolerate naps, which is likely why so many of my quorum go home after sacrament 😂
That said, the twelve of us that do attend are ranging from early twenties to late eighties. We are ranging from months in the church to multiple decades in the church. It would be difficult to teach to everyone's level, but luckily we don't have to. It's home learning, church supported. We start off the meeting with an ice breaker, where for the first 5 minutes or so, each of us can talk with another member of the Quorum about a certain topic and get to know them better. Doing this helps open us all up and feel confident sharing openly what we've been studying at home, personal experiences trying to apply the gospel, or simply observations that are thought provoking. The last lesson we had was on forgiveness, and the teacher shared his testimony, shared over scripture, and asked 3 inspired questions before he was out of time.
WE are the temple and God dwells in US. We never needed temples after God tore the veil top to bottom when Jesus' work was finished. Why put spiritual, law of Moses, pseudo-Masonic training wheels back on?!
Calling the Book of Isaiah cozy is wild
@@codym4275 Cody, as if our discussion about avoiding idols is not just one massive self congratulations session. Our conversations in Sunday School feel alot more like the self-righteous Pharisee than the humble Publican. The Pharisee prayed "‘I thank you, God, that I am not like other people-cheaters, sinners, adulterers. I’m certainly not like that tax collector! 12 I fast twice a week, and I give you a tenth of my income.’ Sounds pretty familiar to me. Sure, we, you, whoever can talk about "hard" doctrine, but most often its less introspection and more patting ourselves on the back.
The reason people don't participate is that it all feels fake, and manufactured, never wanting to actually discuss the messy reality of our existence, instead masking it by talking about the nice tidy maps we worship, they have become our idols. We, as latter day saints, are no less susceptible to idols than anyone else. They may look different, but they are still idols.
Saints Unscripted was my Lifeline to understanding The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints as an Investigator. I wasn't being taught by any Missionaries, Kwaku essentially through UA-cam was One of my Missionaries. By the Time I'd been slapped upways, and sideways by the Spirit to get Baptized I knew alot more then they teach in those 6 Lessons, but my Wife needed to have them so....There is that...Thats Two People Kwaku through his Efforts was indirectly Influencing to get baptized. We Love You Kwaku.
Saints Unscripted is killing it with the Faith and Beliefs videos by David Snell. Their other episodes (with the occasional exception) fit your description pretty well.
Agreed. Those videos by David are the only ones I watch.
Agreed 100%!!!! David is great and the faith and beliefs videos are the best videos out there on controversial topics in the church. I am NOT referring to those videos or Snell
Love Kwaku and your work too.... To be one does not mean to share one opinion on everything, but to welcome differences while keeping the great goal in mind, caring above all about truth, undertanding that there is not that one truth in all things... but rather in those things that matters most... and along the way its spices up the process to allow differences into our dicussions.,. or else its nothing but onesided boringness.. Thanks for the great work..
There is a difference between "nice" and "kind". We should make sure to point out the difference.
I find it funny that people always stop there. It’s a distinction without a difference. If I say you should be kind, and the next day say you should be nice…95+% of people will not get anything different from the 2 messages. In practicality, they mean the exact same thing, other than a few people saying there’s a difference.
@brandonl2555 Nice is not judging a homeless man. Kind is giving him a job.
@@brianmalexander I’m sorry but 1 random, nonsensical example doesn’t say anything about the difference between being kind and being nice.
If you walk up and down the street asking people the difference, you probably wouldn’t run into 1 in 100 who could tell you.
@brandonl2555 I never said this was based on dictionary definitions. There isn't a set of words that adequately describe the difference in the English language. So, I'm trying to draw the distinction where I can.
My example wasn't nonsensical. Just because it's not widely accepted doesn't mean it's nonsensical.
Nice = give a man a fish.
Kind = teach a man to fish.
Nice only helps the person short term and requires no or little effort on their part.
Kind helps a person for life and helps them earn what they get so they can learn to be more self-sufficient.
@@brianmalexander so you make it sound like nice is good, kind is better…but Jacob said kwaku was “memory holed by the ‘nice’ people at SU.” He also talked about the “shallow…suburban nice police.” Those don’t sound like good things.
So giving someone a fish, or not judging a homeless person is bad? Being nice is being denigrated, while being kind is extolled as a virtue. But giving of what I have in the form of charity (giving a man a fish) is virtuous. Especially if the man already knows how to fish but just lacks the pole (job) at the moment.
THANK YOU, my brother. If ever there was a time to stand firm and not shrink, it is NOW.
I was the kind, gentle, person and got slammed anyway. I'm now on the offense team, just trying to balance my words so they are not too offensive. It's a tough line. I'm a boomer, we really did not have this issue lol
Your words remind me of when I was a missionary. People know that LDS missionaries (generally) are some of the kindest, nicest peoole out there and they take advantage of that. I've had several encounters with men who pretended to be friendly when first meting them but would flip the script on us like snakes. This was almost 5 years ago now. I no longer seek the religious approval of other christians when standing for truth (with boldness and charity)is more important than being liked by those in the great and spacious building.
Your channel and others are inspiring to me! We don’t need to be the feel good church. We are talking about our salvation! Stand up!
We are no longer a peculiar people, we’ve even got rid of the name “Mormon”, yes we are boring and milk toast.
I disagree, we are very much still a peculiar people, look at our doctrine. We simply no longer bold.
This is exactly why talks such as the Character of Christ by Elder Bednar and the 4th Missionary by Lawrence Corbridge are so popular among missionaries. They’re rough, painful, but inspiring calls to repent and be better. We need more content like that
So true, since the mission, I listen to them a few times a year.
Emily's Proclamation broadcast was my final straw with their channel, though I had become a very sparse watcher previously. I long for the preachers of the past who were bold with their words. Milk toast will float us right out of God's kingdom.
Emily is teaching her own gospel, and making lots of money for her trouble. I see her as the person MOST guilty of priestcraft in LDS circles. I cannot believe she's in charge of the Young Women's organization. I've seldom heard from a more fuzzy-thinking, mush-brained, emotionally-led, logically incoherent person in my life. She's emotionally and spiritually incontinent, and she makes a lot of money by selling the diarrhea that her incontinence produces.
... eh ... in case you wanted my opinion...
Emily Freeman needs to publicly repent for her pandering to the globo homo cult. We have no room for weak leaders at this crucial moment in history.
Sadly, in many ways, the culture of the church has changed mirroring the culture of the world. By that I mean mission calls used to come over the pulpit. Now we have missionaries that need to talk to their families every week our entire culture revolves around safe spaces, rather than boldness.
I'm truly stunned. I'm a recent convert to the LDS church. I watched a lot of Saints Unscripted during my investigator phase. I don't always agree with Kwaku, but he was instrumental in my conversion to the LDS faith. I loved his unapologetic passion for the LDS faith and Christ. If he's been cancelled from Saints Unscripted, I doubt I'll watch the channel going forward. Not because the channel is bad, but because I refuse to support any cancel culture.
A producer from Saints Unscripted named Rachel Grant posted a comment on the Ward Radio episode that helps to explain in much greater detail why the decision was made to remove Kwaku from the thumbnails. It was very informative, and so I recommend checking out what she had to say.
Also it looks like the removal of these thumbnails was done years ago, sometime after Kwaku had already left the show to pursue other projects. Why it's only being brought up now is a mystery to me. But rather than causing a big public drama, it seems like this should have been handled like adults offline.
I need to find time to contribute my voice to this movement. So much of what you said resonates. We need more voices boldly proclaiming the gospel
As I see it, the main complaint against Saints Unscripted is that Kwaku is less visible now on the channel. They have distanced themselves from him. Not from anything he has said on the show, but because of implications based on what he has said other places. And stepping away from him is because of 'niceness culture', and 'not wanting to offend'. But in your opinion, not because of the bombastic and bizarre/unfounded hills he has chosen to plant his flag. Is that correct?
And yet, it would seem that you want to have Saints Unscripted step away from people like Ostler for the same reasons - because he has in other places chosen to plant his flag on bizarre/unfounded hills.
I'm all for consistency, so I agree they should step away from both, but to pretend that Saints Unscripted isn't perusing this same 'bold vision of sharing truth' and is instead just pandering to 'niceness' is missing the mark imo. Their "Faith and Belief" series is probably the best researched and faith promoting videos on UA-cam, and they usually cover and support the most 'controversial' topics of the Church and it's History.
Now I agree that in many ways Kwaku has more hate then he deserves, but also when he decides to 'be real' by attributing racism and 'just asking questions' and making 'jokes' about those whom he feels wronged by (in the same way modern 'journalists' 'just ask questions', or late night 'comedians' just make 'jokes' about topics in order to persuade without substance rather than just to be funny) - anyway, when Kwaku calls those who have wronged him racists, and makes bizarre and incorrect claims like at the Midnight Mormon and MFR debate that MFR was morally bad for being a lawyer for a guilty man, I can see why people would want to distance themselves from him. Because he is an Alex Jones like figure - way over the top, kinda out there opinions, a provocateur, someone who should be able to speak but has a habit of straight up saying garbage.
While I think Alex Jones and Kwaku are both people who should be able to speak freely, I'm also of the opinion that I would never want to professionally associate with either, and I'm fine if others also want some professional distance.
Ostler is literally preaching apostate doctrine. Kwaku is "bizarre" but nothing he says is actually counter to the doctrine. If you don't see the difference between the two, then you are lost
@@rodnicjia Yes, Ostler has crossed the line - but he was a singular guest. There's an expectation that guests do not necessarily represent the larger organization that has them on as a guest (and I'd dare say back then Ostler hadn't as clearly crossed said line). Kwaku was a major face of the channel for a long time - his conduct/opinions are much more likely to be viewed as reflective of the larger whole.
Thus it takes a lot more time to go through a back catalogue and vet each guest and where they are at today (don't get me wrong, I believe they should do that to Ostler), but it is reasonable to re-evaluate the more closely tied-to-the-organization hosts first and more regularly, as they have a bigger shadow/influence on the perception of the channel/organization.
There's a lot of factors that go into these sort of decisions.
You are naive if you think they reason they scrubbed Kwaku was because he jokes around about conspiracy theories.
@@rodnicjia Actually, I would disagree. In his evangelsim for new age spiritualism, he has been teaching a form of Nehorism. He has literally said that sin is just a tool that religious leaders use to manipulate people. Kwaku is teaching the ACIM principles that covenants are unnecessary and that Christ is not critical to the atonement and arguing that it is the same Gospel we teach, he is doing the exact same thing Papa Ostler is doing. He is just following a different flavor.
@@OntheOtherHandVideos Not to mention, Kwaku's YNG+DMB association is far more immediately damaging. It is leading many young Saints of Utah into harm.
Amen. Amen. Amen. So grateful you have taken the time to put into words my experience and frustration. I’m saddened by the lack of directness, vision and challenge inside our classes, quorums and wards and stakes. Platitudes and “niceness” abound.
We were not born to blend in. We are supposed to be a peculiar people. God’s true Church and covenant people are supposed to be shaking the world.
I’m grateful to have lived through times of powerful gospel teachers like Bruce R McConkie, Ezra Taft Benson, Gordon B Hinckley, Legrand Richards and Neal A Maxwell. Not to mention Elder Holland. I’m grateful to be from Yorkshire where people speak their minds and cut through the bull. God has made me bold and I have had many wonderful experiences as I have spoken out. We need to remember that we will have to stand before the Savior and Joseph Smith and tell them what we did to defend them.
I agree fully with this statement with the exception of Elder Holland. Where has he been the last few years as our church has been infiltrated by a tsunami of falsehoods and demonic activity associated with the rainbow cult?
Despite the fact that nearly one fifth of the youth in the Church now identify as lgbtqia and are consequently on the path to hell, we have heard nary a peep from Elder Holland or any of the leaders.
They are cowards who only spoke boldly in the past when it was convenient to do so. Their silence is unbelievable and disheartening.
Also, why did they support legal protections for same sex marriage at the end of 2022 in the U.S.? Where is the Elder Holland of 2014?
Beyond disappointed here.
Yes, and yes! As a convert, I've been disappointed by the lack of zeal I see when I read church history. The TRUTH was to go forth boldly, not a watered down, we just wanna fit in gospel.
“The devil knows that if the elders of Israel should ever wake up, they could step forth and help preserve freedom and extend the gospel. Therefore the devil has concentrated, and to a large extent successfully, in neutralizing much of the priesthood. He has reduced them to Sleeping Giants.”
― Ezra Taft Benson
The saddest part of the current situation is that the domestication of the men in the Church has been encouraged by our supposedly inspired leaders.
Benson would turn in his grave if he saw the current state of the leadership class in the Church.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have felt this way for some time and grateful you shared this today! I love your fire for the restored gospel! You are brilliant and exactly what we need to hear! Thanks for making this real!!!!!!!
“This people is addicted to--and it is a fault--to be always searching after doctrine, and never improving upon what they have; they want something new, something that they never heard….Ye Elders of Israel, ye men of God, how much do you know about the Kingdom of God? And yet ye are always wanting to know something more, when you ought to improve upon what you have.” (Millennial Star, Volume XIII, No. 17, September 1, 1851, Quotations from President Brigham Young’s Sermon, at the Bowery, Sunday, December 29, 1850)
I’d like to print out everything you said & give it as a talk in church! SO GOOD!
Right on the mark, Jacob.
Yeah. Kwaku has ideas, on occasion, that drive me nuts. But he has terrific insights as well. And me saying so absolutely isn't milquetoast suburban niceness. ;)
FINALLY! I am so happy to see "Keep it sweet" get shattered like the fragile fakeness it's always been!
Keep going!
This mindset is not new. I was relentlessly bullied while in school in the 1970s, and the powers that be said we had to be merciful to the bullies because of various challenges they faced in life. Unbelievable.
I remember school bullying in the 70's. It was like bullying, though always having been there, had reached some kind of a peak in the 70's. You couldn't ask for help, because the adults seemed to be on the side of the bullies. In the eighties, awareness of its harm came out and in the nineties, they started trying to do something about it. But in the 70's--kick the underdog victim, and glorify the bully.
"The greatest want of the world is the want of men-men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall" (Ellen White)
Thank you keep up the good work. When I was Bishop, I saw this softness creeping in when I could no longer call people to repentance and was told the miracle forgiveness is no longer a church sanctioned book. I knew something was going wrong.
No - MoF is not a Deseret Books sanctioned book. Deseret Books is not the Church. The words of Spencer W Kimball are no less valuable today than they were then.
It was a red flag for me as well when Kimball's masterwork was removed from Deseret Book in 2015.
Well, at least we can still purchase Emily Freeman's grifty books and Papa Ostler's rainbow affirming tracts. What a joke we have become.
I agree with your sentiment for sure. My dad was a bishop and expressed that too. However, I think one of the reasons it was removed was the viewpoint expressed that same sex attraction can be removed through faithfulness. I don’t doubt that Christ can do anything, but I know plenty of faithful same sex attracted members that have been faithful their whole lives and not been able to shake that, let alone the fact that the church doesn’t teach that. As a whole, I think it was a powerfully bold book that portrayed the repentance process through Christ in a unique way that blessed many. But there were a few items more aligned with President Kimball’s personal opinion than long declared doctrine. At least that’s my understanding of its removal
@@fisherdave9192 Good comment. And I agree with you regarding the reasons for removal.
I think it's sad that books are removed to appease modern sensibilities. If Kimball, a prophet of God, can have his works removed, then what is the standard for a book to be published by the church? And where in the standard works is it implied that homosexual sin can't be overcome? I know an older man who has kept this sin under control and to himself who was able to marry, have kids, and be happy and faithful to his covenants.
Might there be a link between the explosion of rainbow identities in recent years in the Church and the lack of any calls for repentance from the sin and identity of homosexuality?
Do we no longer believe as Christ does that all things are possible through Him? There is strong evidence that while not always successful, conv**sio* therapy often was effective. Why do we limit people who struggle with this sin?
I have a friend who struggles with homosexual sin and feels completely betrayed because no one even calls him to repentance anymore. His most recent Bishop told him that he would still be able to attend the temple and take the sacrament if he wanted to start gay dating. He was also confused and angered by our leaders' public support of same sex marriage (the Respect for Marriage Act has made it more difficult for him to keep the commandments).
He has left the Church in pursuit of an institution that will help Him to repent and actually make it back to God. And I honestly can't say I blame him. How can my friend be expected to remain faithful when he is confronted with rainbow activism at church services and has no support from church leaders in wanting to earnestly repent?
Thank You! 🙏 I’m not good with words but you said it all! Took the words right out of my mouth.
This was so good! I often wonder if any of our church leaders listen to things like this. I am sure our ancestors are rolling over in their graves knowing some of the things that are taking place.
I think 🤔 their busy listening to God.
You are 1000% correct. The current crop of leaders are total soy boys. Not one ounce of masculinity or testosterone in their bones. Hence, the acceleration of the decline of the Church.
By every metric, the church is growing at the slowest rate in its history. When you fail to stand for truth, you lose the favor of God. By their fruits ye shall know them.
I used to watch Saints Unscripted and after a time I noticed my feelings change and especially that their content changed. I no longer bother listening to them and prefer being challenged and your content does that for me as well as Ward Radio and David Alexander, sometimes Jordan Peterson.
Jared Halverson recently gave a talk at BYU that he reposted to his channel with improved audio. It is called something like Harmony in Pursuit of Orthodoxy. He talks about finding the balance between preaching correct doctrine and being agreeable with others. I find it a much more helpful and nuanced approach.
The Savior taught in a way that would touch the heart of his audience. If they needed a wakeup call, he delivered it. If they needed reassurance, he offered it. We don't need to be carelessly bold to the degree that we offend people on purpose. If reprimand or correction is needed it is supposed to be in private, if I'm remembering that verse in D&C correctly. I Will look up the talk you shared. Thank you
I appreciate this discussion. I don’t follow the Dont Miss this lessons with Emily Belle freeman, but I have been doing her Inklings study for years. I have never found her to be ok with breaking covenants. In fact, I only ever see her teaching that living a higher and holier way, building and strengthening your relationship with God as the way to have His strength, power and protection constantly in our lives. She gave a lesson recently about what is more loving: relating it to being in an airport trying to find your gate. Some might find it loving to tell you that any gate will get you on an airplane. So don’t worry about finding the right one, just take the closest or easiest to get to. But the truly loving response would be to tell you the exact directions to get to the 1 and only gate that will get you on the airplane that takes you home. It may be the hardest gate to get to. The furthest away. But it’s the only way. I thought that analogy was really good. Yes she also says that some people are not ready to hear that path and that you have to handle each situation individually. Some need a very slow and step by step approach. Idk. I keep hearing how she doesn’t teach the doctrine of the family. I think she is just extremely care with her words. Yes that can be taken a lot of ways I guess. But to me, I always see her overall message of it’s our choice to live the higher and holier way to have that added access to God’s power, by keeping our covenants.
An incredible talk! Loved it!
I don't think we could have purchased the Kirtland temple today if the brethren didn't follow their own admonitions to be peacemakers and sometimes choose to put more emphasis on what we have in common with other people than what our differences are. This is something I need work on.
literally listened to it today!!!!
Wow! I just got through sharing this with family and leaders. I pray that I can repent and apply the important concepts you shared and backed up in this video. I've been sick of tip toeing, instead I am going to stand boldly and lovingly as the Savior did.
This message has been practically boiling inside me. Growing up in a mixed, semi-converted family, I always resented how so many men in the church seemed weaker and less capable than my smoker/drinker family members. I felt such dissonance in reading about warriors trained from childhood in the Book of Mormon and comparing that to learning stupid dances at EFY. I know this church is true and the gospel is true, but we have allowed much of the strength and boldness of the gospel to slip through our fingers.
Maybe you can organize some service projects that require strength. Or invite some ment to join you in physically challenging yourselves, checking in and cheering each other on AND read/ the scriptures while you do it. I know our Christian cousins often have such programs.
Great video.
I agree with you.
I think we need a departure from the ‘milk-toast’ outward attitudes so prevalent in our LDS culture. I’ve never enjoyed it, or felt that I fit into that mold perfectly.
I love the Lord, His Word, His Gospel and His church-I just wish it was more the norm to be less worried about appearances and/or the approval of other members. Not to mention the patting-on-the-back that IS too common LDS culturally.
I enjoy your channel and Ward Radio (since they were MM), and Cwic media.
Stick of Joseph is really good, too, and often features very deep content.
Thanks for sharing your thoughtful, thought provoking faith.
Also, Jordan Peterson is becoming Orthodox. Let’s goooo!
Another home run! You’re really in touch w those of us who are real and awake!
No religion that does not require sacrifice does not have the power to save.
Jacob, I love what you are saying here. Fantastic stuff that everybody needs to hear.
However, here is my big area of concern: take the 15 members of the quorum of the 12 AS A WHOLE. Wouldn't you say their messaging is a lot closer to EBF messaging than it is to your messaging?
For every member out there keeping it super vanilla and milquetoast, aren't they pretty much just keeping it consistent with the overall message of the church, even at the highest levels?
Being 100% honest, I miss bold and spontaneous Saints Unscripted rather than the dull "Come Follow Me" vibes I now get from many channels now.
Could it be that back when the internet was more 'bold' they were trying to appeal to those who were on, and now they are trying to appeal to the current more 'casual' streaming etc?
I still enjoy Saints Unscripted, but I definitely miss their old content that was less stale. Their Faith and beliefs videos are still decent though…
@@noahhumphreys4235 I do, too! I guess what I was trying to say was that it was fun to hear Kwaku and Ian go off the rails, haha, but now everything feels somehow a bit censored or 'choose your words carefully', but yeah, I still like it and also Faith and Beliefs
Amen! Thank you! We have so much to be excited about but everyone is afraid to talk about it. It’s said over and over that we are preparing for the second coming! But when was the last time you actually had a discussion about that at church?
Can’t imagine talking about blow jobs and “dangling dice” while joking and laughing on a public podcast had anything to do with it…. 😉
Yes I agree with what you’re saying about us being straight up and not diluting our messaging down so as not to offend anyone. But there is a line of conduct and standards we should still be living to be an example of the believers. As an example, I can’t imagine the church would keep up a leaders video content on the church’s website if he was found joking and laughing about blow jobs on a podcast with a bunch of other guys using terms like “gay AF” and references to movies like Tropic Thunder that normalize crude sexual talk. C’mon Jacob. You don’t have to be a buttoned up prude, but actions speak louder than words.
I definitely agree! I am fine with differing opinions and speaking boldly of our faith, but when it comes to actions (fruits) not lining up to those said beliefs it makes me question their real intent. I think Kwaku lost me when he sported and defended his Playboy attire so haven't really listened to a lot since then and thankfully so it seems. If asking for men rise up while endorsing those that are so degrading harmful and objectifying, where are we really taking a stand?
@@joscelynpease6656 when did he defend Playboy attire??
He wore a shirt with that logo once
I got tired of hearing testimonials about how someones paycheck was wrong, and when it got fixed, tjey were reminded of Gods love for us, if we are obedient and faithful to his word during trying times. 😂
I love LDS, but i cant do the surfacey artificial b.s anymore.
This transfers into biblical interpretations also. I cant do it. I love the family, but i can't do it anymore!
A-Man 100%
Your Speaking Truth!
In the spirit of not questioning the inspiration and calling of the brethren, do we suggest they are weakly leading the church in a direction that is counterproductive? Or do we trust that there is a reason for their inspired direction and the answer for this will come in time. I have to believe they know more than I do. I have to trust they’re inspired. I have to sustain their leadership. The alternative is what? Be like the folks that think a protest will change doctrine? Do I trust those that think they know what direction we should go more so than a prophet? Do we trust scholars and academics more than apostles? I sure don’t! I agree we should be bold and I too share the frustration but I must temper that with faith in the process because the wheat from the tares and the lamp oil will do the sifting and it is of no consequence to me how or when it is done. It is my duty to work out my own salvation and God willing, doing all I can to help those I have stewardship for.
All of the confusion and feminization has come at the behest of our cowardly leaders. The buck stops at the top of the hierarchy.
There is no hope of turning things around unless we accurately point out heretical actions and inactions of the brethren. God never compromises on truth and expects us to follow Him every time. Fallen men should never come before true doctrine.
Look at the trajectory of Protestant Churches who began to soften their ministries. Not great prospects for the Church given recent heretical policies and actions.
When we seek to understand the Lord’s restored Gospel (and that takes effort and continuity regarding study and prayer ) and seek the Holy Ghost before doing and saying we will have no need to fear while we live and defend the Doctrine of the Restored Gospel…thank you for highlighting this subject of nicey nicey Jacob.. I hope Belle Freeman is tuning in ..she is a big hearted Sister doing a great service to many BUT as was observed in that clip, really not leading our youngsters in the right direction..
Yes!!!! New life… through our Savior
Truly inspiring video. I believe the rising generation of the church thirst for bold and clear teachings. Looking back on my youth, I’m grateful for leaders who taught me with love and boldness and this video is a reminder to me that I need to do the same for the youth I lead.
This "going on the offensive" is what brought me into the political and LDS UA-cam spheres. Vocal defense of the truth. Intellectual consistency.
I don't always agree with kwaku but he is insightful and it's nice to have an alternative opinion. I also. like to rock the boat a little as well and view myself at times as kind of the black sheep in my ward. Ward radio I like even when I don't agree with them. And as a member I am sick of the sugar coating luke it down garbage many in the church want so we don't offend someone. I prefer Brigham Youngs approach the reason the gospel is preached is so you can prepare to be saved or prepared to be damned. I am apologizing for nothing Brigham was a prophet. Was he also a man of his time yes. He was imperfect but he was still a prophet same with Joseph Smith and as far as I'm concerned the world can go to hell as J golden said that's where they are going anyway of they don't quit there damn foolishness. Jacob is right I saw this on my mission. I noticed when a couple of times we went to other churches that I always heard how Jesus loved us and saves us, and accepts us. But not once did I ever hear condemnation for sin and warning of impending justice for the unrepentant. Not once about accountability and justice. And unfortunately we in the church have fallen into the same trap. I have often told my family and even some of my church leaders. If I were to give the talk in sacrament meaning I felt really needs to be said. I would offend half the ward. It would be a no sugar coating blunt give it to em straight talk and i would even throw myself on the chopping block for my failures but It would be the cold hard truth.
I think you missed a very big part of what Emily is trying to communicate. It would be nice if we all had a spouse and children.. It would also be nice if all of our children adjusted well despite the many challenges that come their way.
She was saying that even though you don’t fit into the “pretty box” there is a place for you. Can you imagine what it feels like to a child whose parents are divorced, one of them is abusing them, the other is self centered and they are singing along to Families Are Forever ? Individually, independent of our life circumstances, we can still have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Shout out to Bishop Barron. I agree with you too.. just think Emily is trying to love people where they are while not planning to leave them there.
Agreed, we definitely need to love and support people in situations that are not the ideal. I currently find myself in such a situation.
However, we also need to be clear about our standards and actually teach the true doctrine of family.
The main issue that is driving young women away from God in 2024 is lgbtq ideology and feminism. Freeman should be doing everything in her power to be honest about the risk of these ideologies. It is sad that she has not even instructed the youth regarding the risk of these sins.
And if I'm being honest, this applies to the brethren as well. Silence implies acceptance.
It’s always the radical side of every issue that are loud. We whisper apologies while the ex-Mormons shout their hatred. Our General Young Women’s President is ashamed of the Proclamation. The political parties that strive to protect families or babies are shamed into silence while the voices that oppose those principles loudly proclaim their disgust of conservative values and call us fascists. It is indeed the time where wrong is seen as right and right is seen as wrong. This was a great podcast!
That clip of Elder Holland mentioning our thoughts can be sinful hearkens back to when we taught homosexuality is sin. Now we say it isn't sin as long as it isn't acted on. My how times have changed.
A remarkable change. How can members who struggle with the sin of ssa repent if they are taught to indulge the thoughts and lavished with praise for assuming an Anti Christian identity?
Sexual sin is sin, and if having sexual thoughts are _always_ sinful then what hope do most men striving to become sanctified in Christ have?!
To me sexual thoughts are guard rails meant to help me over time to remind me that God wants me to think and speak and act more and more in a higher and holier way. His name be praised.
Love this kind of content. Makes me want to help our young men out, but I honestly don't know where to start or what to do
I'm a convert of 13 years. It's hard to fathom how weak most members have become in such a short time
we've become weak solely due to the Q15. they have spoke out of both side of their mouth for so long now we have been left on our own to defend the church and uphold its principles. Now they hire an LGBTQ advocate to speak for the church as its communications manager, what!!? The temple ordinances are almost unrecognizable and my wife thinks this is somehow a good thing that our daughter identifies as a man and is worthy of the priesthood, what!!? We have a gay couple in our ward who hold callings and take the sacrament every week, what!!? This is all due to the brethren not holding firm to the iron rod and we have become less than what we once were. Our beloved church has fallen to the influence of Satan.
@@jessea2871Thank you for being honest about the current trajectory of our church. You are a rarity.
If people don't push back on the current b.s. coming from our fallible leaders, there is no hope of any of these trends EVER getting better.
I am beyond disheartened. Members need to read their scriptures and recognize that we are bordering on full on apostasy with heretical actions and policies of our leaders. It is so simple. You cannot encourage or condone sin and be in God's good graces.
Because of the centralized nature of our church, no one in leadership who wants to keep their temple blessings will push back on what they know is rank hypocrisy.
I suspect that most members will do and go along with anything that is approved by "the brethren", up to and including gay marriages in our chapels (the most likely policy change in the near future) and possibly gay marriages in the temples once the boomer generation has begun to pass on.
Support for our leaders should only ever go as far as when they stay in line with the doctrines of God.
Our church now supports gay marriage. Repeat, our church now SUPPORTS gay marriage.
I remember once on my mission I was studying Dan Jones and his bold teaching style. That afternoon we were knocking doors and no one was answering while I meditated on Jones, and I was building myself up to share my testimony, so when someone finally did open the door, I almost shouted that we had the truth he has spent his life looking for.
He then kindly let me and my companion enter his home, and was baptized a month later. I kinda wish I was that bold for the whole 2 years.
I don't listen to Kwaku because he doesn't know church history or doctrine, and tries to make up for his ignorance with wild confidence. He needs to go back and do more homework. The only thing worse that a know-it-all is an apologist, or an apologist who is a know-it-all.
I’ve been a huge fan of this channel and ward radio, and saints unscripted. I’ve found a lot of value in all of them. I never expect them to be 100% perfect. I think each one takes a slightly different approach. They range from cautious to blunt. This one sitting right in the middle. I imagine each approach has value. That said, totally agree on your statements about boldly proclaiming the gospel. The overly cautious path that folks like Emily Bell Freeman is way too lukewarm for me.
Youre such a beacon of light in our community man. Thanks for all you do, youve brought me closer to Christ.
I wish the church would bring back the scouting program and general priesthood session both of which I feel where very instrumental in a young man’s growth and development! The scouting program because it taught young men values and life lessons while being around young men of the same age, the priesthood session because it was time that the young man got to spend with his father learning from the prophet on how to be honorable men. It may have been a good idea at first and I understand some of the reasonings for not doing them anymore and it’s just my opinion I think we need them back!
That can still be done without a scouting program.