@janecutts7921 Not really it requires MPs to lift their heads out of the trough to educate themselves, the majority of the uniparty blob are still pro net zero lunacy. Once the climate cult convinced people that the gas of life carbon dioxide was a pollutant anything is possible. Not wishing ill on anyone but Guido Fawkes’ planned action in the bowels of WEFminister is more understandable as time passes😩
@@scaryfakevirus he’s better than anything we have available, I’ll trust him until ‘proven’ that I shouldn’t. At the very least I need to be able to ‘hope’, the alternative is too depressing.
Thank you David. You take more time in assessment than most MPs. Drax. Chopping down actual trees, 'pelletising'(an energy consuming manufacturing process )those trees, freighting them across America, then shipping them across the Atlantic, then freighting them across the UK to burn...is more environmentally sound than the UK using Gas???? Make it make sense.
It is explained by Dr. Albert Ellis's "irrational belief", an identifiable mental illness and defined in the USA's Psychological Dictionary as: - "irrational belief or cognitive dissonance is an illogical, erroneous or distorted idea, firmly held despite objective contradictory evidence" There are tens of thousands of independent, well qualified Physicists, Geologists, Engineers and Others who have PROVED with FACT based research that there is no such thing as "human caused global warming/climate change"
I suspect that burning a tree releases exactly the same amount of CO2 and burning gas to get the same output. The CO2 would not be released if the tree was not burned, so the whole thing is pointless, and probably releases far more CO2 than burning coal which is mined locally. It's a joke.
I suspect that bur ni ng trees releases exactly the same amount of CO2 as bur n ing gas to get the same energy. If the tree was not bur n ed, it's CO2 would not be released. With all the pelletizing and transport, it's creating MORE CO2 than would be produced by bur n ing coal that's mined locally. Trees absorb CO2, so cutting the down makes no sense. The whole thing is a joke.
this climate stuff should be put to the public vote.they will never ask the public because they learned the public was not on board with wrecking the nation from the brexit vote.they wont make that mistake again imo.
CO2 is currently around 420 parts per million, increased, they tell us, from 280 ppm in 1850 (estimated). That's a difference of 140 ppm, or in terms more readily understood by the layman, the composition of the atmosphere has changed by 0.014% (14 thousandths of 1%) in the last 175 years. LESS THAN 1 THOUSANDTH OF 1% PER DECADE! That's it. That's the TOTAL 'carbon footprint' for the entire planet, and human activity is only responsible for a small part of that increase. This measurement is averaged annually from much higher and lower daily figures. All the development that has occurred in this timeframe, everything we have built, all industry and every drop of fuel burned is included in that calculation. Furthermore, every life form on this planet; on the land, in the sea and in the air is composed of carbon compounds that were once in the air as CO2, and every living thing that has come and gone in those 175 years is incorporated in a figure that doesn't fall outside of a reasonable margin of error. Our annual emissions equate to no more than a couple of extra CO2 molecules per tree leaf on the planet. The claim that it is only our "emissions" that remain in the air and accumulate year on year, nature cannot cope with our contribution or that the carbon cycle was somehow magically in perfect equilibrium before we started to burn coal and oil is a complete fairy tale designed to fool the gullible. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have declared that methane is 86 times more effective as a greenhouse gas than CO2, therefore we have to stop farming cattle, give up meat and dairy products, plus adopt a vegan diet or eat insects. This claim deserves a little scrutiny. Firstly, every cell of every living thing on the planet, animal or vegetable, is composed of carbon compounds that were once in the air as CO2. Plants absorb it from the air, animals eat the plants, those are eaten by larger animals, and so on up the food chain. Eventually everything dies and decomposes back to it's component parts, the carbon returns to CO2 and methane. Pound for pound, ALL life forms contain about the same amount of carbon, so it makes no difference whether it decomposes in your stomach or in open air, anything you eat will decompose and the cycle starts again. No animal can make it's food into more carbon than the food absorbed from the air. Secondly, the infra red response of methane is entirely covered by that of water vapour, which is variable, but usually in the range of 2-4% of the air (Or 20,000-40,000 parts per million, to put it in "climate" speak). Methane is just 1.9 ppm (0.000019%), and hardly increasing. Methane oxidises into CO2 and wv relatively quickly. In other words, methane cannot absorb any IR energy that wv hasn't already absorbed, so has NO EFFECT on temperatures. Incidentally, wv is over 200 times as effective as CO2 (420 ppm) as a "greenhouse gas". In short, the IPCC's claim is a provable lie. Why would you trust anything they say?
Jerry the initial effect on CO2was in the first 20ppm decline thereafter on a log base it was written up after experimental data that above 340ppm no measurable heat was detected. That destroyed the net zero extremist camp. Philip G. Sieg, William Berner, Peter K. Harnish, and Philip C. Nelson, Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA 19104 September 2, 2018
Well said! Why don't the politicians "follow the science"? It has been calculated that the UK has been responsible for 0.000012% of the CO2 in Earth's atmosphere - over the last 150 years. So the UK's Net Zero would reduce atmospheric CO2 by 0.000012% - over the next 150 years. What effect would that have on temperature? Especially when we are nearing the end of the current interglacial warm period, and temperatures in the northern hemisphere could plummet any time now.
@@BrinJay-s4v Good points Brin, in addition Drs Happer and Winjgaarden, produced a paper, which had a lot of complex mathematics, and from those calculations they were able to chart the effect of infra-red radiation into space (effect of the energy returning to space). They then did the true scientific things and compared their results with actual measurements. The comparisons were almost identical. Any difference was extremely minor.
Please can we just get a couple of points straight here, yes China are building new coal fired power stations but these are all clean burn technology that we spent millions on and then scrapped, at the same time they are decommissioning their old dirtier power plants so they are not going to have that many more than already exist. The reason they need all this extra energy is somewhat because we have transported all our manufacturing over there, so their emissions are actually our emissions in a different country to make us look so nice and clean, also they are heavily reliant on imported oil which western nations lead by the US are trying to reduce so there is a big issue around their energy security, as there is here but our idiot politicians think this can be overcome by building more and more, increasingly expensive to the bill payers, renewables. China is just looking out for their own people, something western nations have not done for donkeys years.
Labour voted against knowing that in July the Tories, Reform, and green lot will pass this CAN thing with all the flying colours there are. God help us all' Were going to need him.
David, good evening sir do you have party presence in north Wales. keep up the good fight sir, we need other parties other than the trash and bile we have in westminster.👌👌
This is very worrying. It seems only to have gone on hold purely to allow even greater dreconian measures to be introduced. We need to keep focused on ensuring this Bill does NOT get through Parliament.
Trump, drill baby drill, has everything to do with Kier Stammer decision to postpone this ridiculous bill. He is trying to improve his image with Trump.
Isn't there a sting in the tail of the cancellation of this bill? I believe Labour have promised disappointed labour supporters of the bill that they will have a say in any up coming environmental legislation.
The Ch'nese are building several new power stations every month. Could it be that they understand the current interglacial warm period will end soon, and temperatures in the northern hemisphere will plummet fast? Ref. climate data over the last few million years. Power for heating and food production will be the only way to survive, which is why they are building power stations so fast. Sadly, the West is doing the opposite - wind and solar DO NOT WORK when it's cold and snowing! They also have their successful "belt and road" program, to take ownership of many ports in unaffected areas to guarantee their food supply. The see see pee are falling about laughing at fules like Miliband.
200 yrs, what absolute rubbish coal and wood are carbon, they've been used for thousands of years, but I get it. Tar is a carbon-based product that has been used in torches and weaponry
I like the 'feet up a ladder' analogy to really bring home to people what this bill would achieve, in terms they can readily understand. We all know that increasing height results in a drop in temperature. It is colder up a mountain than at sea-level. The adiabatic lapse rate is about 2 degrees per 1000 feet. If Britain went Net Zero tomorrow, the effect on global temperature by 2100 AD would be roughly the same as going 15 feet up a ladder. If Britain keeps emitting CO2 at the current rate, in about 30 years, Britain will emit enough CO2 to increase the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere by about 1 part per million by volume. To avoid this, the Bill legislates for the complete stop of the fossil fuels needed to make penicillin, anti-histamines, some chemotherapy drugs and other medications, not to mention the diesel fuel that hospitals use in backup generators and which offshore wind turbines use in their diesel generators.
No climate crisis.
Lunatic crisis
Massive hoax!
@@PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPI bloody right there and that applies too the members of the public who believe in this crap
Never has been a climate crisis
@@thesheepman220 There were several other 'crisis' that never were too!! But they still have more in the pipeline.
I am still worried, it is merely posponed
Postponed until they rearrange the deck chairs on this Titanic.
yep, all direction is towards net zero tyranny
We should leave the Paris agreement, like the USA.
I emailed my MP requesting they vote against it.
But they didn't vote it was suspended
@@janetcutts7921 Well I will write again if the time comes. What I mean is: write to your MP and say noooooo!
Well ... he wrote with good intentions in anycase
@@lynnepostings At least he did something!
Exactly ! 😊👍
Scary that 7 voted for it.
Money talks
They know they've been rumbled. They'll wait till we forget, repackage it, and do it all again.
Yes they will try again
@@weefatshug101 yes it will go on and on until they get their own way
Starmer could be gone by July, following the local elections. In fact it is quite likely.
That's if anyone will be there...we must keep challenging them and their lies
@@DavidMartin-ym2teplease let it be so!!
This is the only UK politician who talks sense.
A battle won but the war goes on.
The C&N Bill would be an "end of life" note for the UK.
This would be catastrophic if this was made to happen
It beggars belief that some MP's knew nothing about this you have to ask why !
@janecutts7921 Not really it requires MPs to lift their heads out of the trough to educate themselves, the majority of the uniparty blob are still pro net zero lunacy. Once the climate cult convinced people that the gas of life carbon dioxide was a pollutant anything is possible. Not wishing ill on anyone but Guido Fawkes’ planned action in the bowels of WEFminister is more understandable as time passes😩
many MPs don't know anything about anything except how much is in their next month's salary.
@@scaryfakevirus That's all they're interested in, and of course, that we vote them in next time.
Fantastic news!
One can only hope that our mps may finally be starting to wake up.
No, it just means they know they are under the spotlight, they will try again when they think we are suitably distracted...
All these creatures have reached the end of the line! They are totally finished.
Yep , look up scorched Earth policy and then you see as you said finished and this is what they doing on their way out
Don't bank on it...they'll regroup their ranks
@drd6416 lots of other factors to take into consideration! They can't survive anymore!
Thank God there's a stay on this bill. Wrote to my MP using your letter thanks David.
How can we get the letter. I'd love to email my MP in Commy Bristol.
Thank you David
It's brilliant news
God is working in mysterious ways for us
It isn't finished yet mate.
After listening to Trump at the WEF conference I think it will have a profound impact on the decision made by the UK all for the better good
Trump simply allows them to back out of their plans because the masses are revolting hard .......
Trump isn't a good guy or the saviour; meet the new boss, the same as the old boss. He is still answerable to the global elite.
You hope!! He isn't what you think he is I am afraid to say. I really wish I was wrong though.
@@scaryfakevirus he’s better than anything we have available, I’ll trust him until ‘proven’ that I shouldn’t.
At the very least I need to be able to ‘hope’, the alternative is too depressing.
This is still very scary
Thank goodness but they will keep trying thank you for letting us know
This is a Trump ripple! Politicians suddenly realising they're on the wrong side.
Thank you David. You take more time in assessment than most MPs.
Drax. Chopping down actual trees, 'pelletising'(an energy consuming manufacturing process )those trees, freighting them across America, then shipping them across the Atlantic, then freighting them across the UK to burn...is more environmentally sound than the UK using Gas????
Make it make sense.
It is explained by Dr. Albert Ellis's "irrational belief", an identifiable mental illness and defined in the USA's Psychological Dictionary as: -
"irrational belief or cognitive dissonance is an illogical, erroneous or distorted idea, firmly held despite objective contradictory evidence"
There are tens of thousands of independent, well qualified Physicists, Geologists, Engineers and Others who have PROVED with FACT based research that there is no such thing as "human caused global warming/climate change"
I suspect that burning a tree releases exactly the same amount of CO2 and burning gas to get the same output. The CO2 would not be released if the tree was not burned, so the whole thing is pointless, and probably releases far more CO2 than burning coal which is mined locally. It's a joke.
I suspect that bur ni ng trees releases exactly the same amount of CO2 as bur n ing gas to get the same energy. If the tree was not bur n ed, it's CO2 would not be released. With all the pelletizing and transport, it's creating MORE CO2 than would be produced by bur n ing coal that's mined locally. Trees absorb CO2, so cutting the down makes no sense. The whole thing is a joke.
It should be chucked out and never raise its ugly title again, so it’s annoying that they are going to bring it up again.
That makes me even more suspicious of Starmer and his woke cabinet!
Agenda 2030 on steroids.
Thank god for that!
Excellent news! I never got a reply to my protest email from my Labour MP though I hope she voted for the adjournment.
End this climate nonsense
Absolutely agree 💯
Praise the Lord Almighty God
Absolutely I can't say enough
God is working in mysterious ways for us
It’s been voted - no. That should be the end of it.
But it wasn't voted the whips stopped it some MP's knew nothing about this you have to ask 🤦
Yes. good news.
Thanks for that news David I was wondering how that went...great news 😊
this climate stuff should be put to the public vote.they will never ask the public because they learned the public was not on board with wrecking the nation from the brexit vote.they wont make that mistake again imo.
CO2 is currently around 420 parts per million, increased, they tell us, from 280 ppm in 1850 (estimated). That's a difference of 140 ppm, or in terms more readily understood by the layman, the composition of the atmosphere has changed by 0.014% (14 thousandths of 1%) in the last 175 years. LESS THAN 1 THOUSANDTH OF 1% PER DECADE! That's it. That's the TOTAL 'carbon footprint' for the entire planet, and human activity is only responsible for a small part of that increase. This measurement is averaged annually from much higher and lower daily figures. All the development that has occurred in this timeframe, everything we have built, all industry and every drop of fuel burned is included in that calculation. Furthermore, every life form on this planet; on the land, in the sea and in the air is composed of carbon compounds that were once in the air as CO2, and every living thing that has come and gone in those 175 years is incorporated in a figure that doesn't fall outside of a reasonable margin of error. Our annual emissions equate to no more than a couple of extra CO2 molecules per tree leaf on the planet. The claim that it is only our "emissions" that remain in the air and accumulate year on year, nature cannot cope with our contribution or that the carbon cycle was somehow magically in perfect equilibrium before we started to burn coal and oil is a complete fairy tale designed to fool the gullible.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have declared that methane is 86 times more effective as a greenhouse gas than CO2, therefore we have to stop farming cattle, give up meat and dairy products, plus adopt a vegan diet or eat insects. This claim deserves a little scrutiny.
Firstly, every cell of every living thing on the planet, animal or vegetable, is composed of carbon compounds that were once in the air as CO2. Plants absorb it from the air, animals eat the plants, those are eaten by larger animals, and so on up the food chain. Eventually everything dies and decomposes back to it's component parts, the carbon returns to CO2 and methane. Pound for pound, ALL life forms contain about the same amount of carbon, so it makes no difference whether it decomposes in your stomach or in open air, anything you eat will decompose and the cycle starts again. No animal can make it's food into more carbon than the food absorbed from the air.
Secondly, the infra red response of methane is entirely covered by that of water vapour, which is variable, but usually in the range of 2-4% of the air (Or 20,000-40,000 parts per million, to put it in "climate" speak). Methane is just 1.9 ppm (0.000019%), and hardly increasing. Methane oxidises into CO2 and wv relatively quickly. In other words, methane cannot absorb any IR energy that wv hasn't already absorbed, so has NO EFFECT on temperatures. Incidentally, wv is over 200 times as effective as CO2 (420 ppm) as a "greenhouse gas". In short, the IPCC's claim is a provable lie. Why would you trust anything they say?
Jerry the initial effect on CO2was in the first 20ppm decline thereafter on a log base it was written up after experimental data that above 340ppm no measurable heat was detected. That destroyed the net zero extremist camp. Philip G. Sieg, William Berner, Peter K. Harnish, and Philip C. Nelson,
Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia PA 19104
September 2, 2018
Thank you for that information. Very cogently put!
Well said! Why don't the politicians "follow the science"?
It has been calculated that the UK has been responsible for 0.000012% of the CO2 in Earth's atmosphere - over the last 150 years. So the UK's Net Zero would reduce atmospheric CO2 by 0.000012% - over the next 150 years. What effect would that have on temperature? Especially when we are nearing the end of the current interglacial warm period, and temperatures in the northern hemisphere could plummet any time now.
@@BrinJay-s4v Good points Brin, in addition Drs Happer and Winjgaarden, produced a paper, which had a lot of complex mathematics, and from those calculations they were able to chart the effect of infra-red radiation into space (effect of the energy returning to space). They then did the true scientific things and compared their results with actual measurements. The comparisons were almost identical. Any difference was extremely minor.
Fantastic ! light at the end of the tunnel
Over optimistic
Thank God for that David
July- When farmers are out in the fields
God bless you too David
Good news. Thanks for bringing this to everyone’s attention.
Great news!
Fabulous news
well done David
Great news David
So that’s 127 MPs where were the rest of the *****?
No only difference is to millibands bank balance
David. I have just asked Dan Wootton to have your Guest Graham Moore ECS President on his show about the criminal justice act of 1988 on Torture. ♥️
Please can we just get a couple of points straight here, yes China are building new coal fired power stations but these are all clean burn technology that we spent millions on and then scrapped, at the same time they are decommissioning their old dirtier power plants so they are not going to have that many more than already exist. The reason they need all this extra energy is somewhat because we have transported all our manufacturing over there, so their emissions are actually our emissions in a different country to make us look so nice and clean, also they are heavily reliant on imported oil which western nations lead by the US are trying to reduce so there is a big issue around their energy security, as there is here but our idiot politicians think this can be overcome by building more and more, increasingly expensive to the bill payers, renewables. China is just looking out for their own people, something western nations have not done for donkeys years.
Great news for the time being at least.
We must never give up hope
This is bonkers. Thanks David for highlighting. How do they expect us to survive?
That's the point, they don't want us to survive.
Haven't you nnticed yet that that is the whole point of all this bonkers legislation? Bonkers but real. They want most people gone.
Thats great news for the moment.
Thanks so much.
Lord Jesus please have mercy on your children Amen
Shouldn’t be allowed to keep bringing it back once it’s been voted down !!
Ice cores clearly show co2 rises FOLLOW temperature rises. We need more co2 not less
A lot can happen in 6 months.
Absolutely insane! I think if they try to implement this next time it will push people over the edge
A repreive!
Damn, I've had beans this morning.
Drax was a Coal Power Station.......from a local Mine....how sensible was that ......but not anymore its utter madness 😢
The nature bit gets me the corporate banking cabal are doing their best to destroy life on earth.
This is such good news!!
Need to pray more about this!
These MPs don’t represent the public they do has they are told by who is running the show.
Fantastic….Amazing what crap they Sneakily try and inflict on us…. !!
I’d love to know whose running the UK AS Starmer definitely not
Globalist banking and corporate entities, among others, IMO.
The World Economic Forum
Good news for a change...
Two steps forward one step back
Sadly it will keep going through until it's passed
They’ll be taxes is for farting next!😅
I’d be bankrupt in a week😂😂😂
@@patg4362😂😂😂I’m not far behind you
Labour voted against knowing that in July the Tories, Reform, and green lot will pass this CAN thing with all the flying colours there are. God help us all' Were going to need him.
David, good evening sir do you have party presence in north Wales. keep up the good fight sir, we need other parties other than the trash and bile we have in westminster.👌👌
This is very worrying. It seems only to have gone on hold purely to allow even greater dreconian measures to be introduced. We need to keep focused on ensuring this Bill does NOT get through Parliament.
All designed by Meglomaniacs
Get rid of our parliament
You’ve got it wrong, if it went through today it would’ve failed.
I’d of voted to carry on.
Now they have six months to get the numbers
Follow the money trail..
Something very fishy going on today and how it's being sold by the Guardian
The first bit of good news on this, need to keep this in mind so they don't try to slip it through when everyone has forgotten about it.
Trump, drill baby drill, has everything to do with Kier Stammer decision to postpone this ridiculous bill.
He is trying to improve his image with Trump.
several months in Trump time speaks volumes. things are shifting as Mother Earth's 🌏🌎🌍 voice is beginning to speak more clearly 🙏🏼💚🙏🏼
Fantastic news - for now.
At the very least the Bill should be split in half as they are completely different.
Its a big club and we ain't in it, all theatre for the masses
Millyband will still be in his dark safe space throwing a hissy fit !
Isn't there a sting in the tail of the cancellation of this bill? I believe Labour have promised disappointed labour supporters of the bill that they will have a say in any up coming environmental legislation.
its only been put on hold, they will bring it back again
Greens are comedians,you get a good laugh out of them.
The Ch'nese are building several new power stations every month. Could it be that they understand the current interglacial warm period will end soon, and temperatures in the northern hemisphere will plummet fast? Ref. climate data over the last few million years. Power for heating and food production will be the only way to survive, which is why they are building power stations so fast. Sadly, the West is doing the opposite - wind and solar DO NOT WORK when it's cold and snowing! They also have their successful "belt and road" program, to take ownership of many ports in unaffected areas to guarantee their food supply. The see see pee are falling about laughing at fules like Miliband.
Obviously NONE of their actions if for the good of us or Gods creation.
Might not be a UK Parliament by 7th July.
120 to 7..... There's 650 of them
100MW is enough power to support 400 EVs on charge,
Ah common sense 👍
Chope has lost the plot. 😢😢
They can go forth and multiple
200 yrs, what absolute rubbish coal and wood are carbon, they've been used for thousands of years, but I get it. Tar is a carbon-based product that has been used in torches and weaponry
I like the 'feet up a ladder' analogy to really bring home to people what this bill would achieve, in terms they can readily understand.
We all know that increasing height results in a drop in temperature. It is colder up a mountain than at sea-level. The adiabatic lapse rate is about 2 degrees per 1000 feet.
If Britain went Net Zero tomorrow, the effect on global temperature by 2100 AD would be roughly the same as going 15 feet up a ladder.
If Britain keeps emitting CO2 at the current rate, in about 30 years, Britain will emit enough CO2 to increase the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere by about 1 part per million by volume.
To avoid this, the Bill legislates for the complete stop of the fossil fuels needed to make penicillin, anti-histamines, some chemotherapy drugs and other medications, not to mention the diesel fuel that hospitals use in backup generators and which offshore wind turbines use in their diesel generators.
its not our fualt we are signed up to this agreement
Prolonging the inevitable, keep drinking the Kool-aid..