I can’t even spell out how refreshing for the iman it is to see scholars from pure Ahl e Sunnah backgrounds being given such a mainstream platform by OnePath Network. This was, hands down, the best content you have shared on your channel so far and gauging from the response, you might have felt it too. May Allah keep you steadfast and may we all see more of authentic sunni scholarship being represented on this platform. Ameen!
@@_Hurraira_ What you're talking about? Hope you are mentally alright. I have nothing to do with Khwarij, the dogs of hellfire. I don't know why you mentions khawarijs to me. I follow Islam as understood by the Sahabas, three golden generation and the classical scholars. The same way I have nothing to do with khawarijs, I have nothing to do with Ahlul Bid'ah, the mushrikeen, the sufis, the barelvis, the deobandis too.
In short words, those who wants to know who is from Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah, there he is. He is from Alhussunnah Wal Jamaah, truly and purely. Heartwarming ❤
Masha Allah , i broke down in tears, as Shaykh says, 'the fact that: You are always in His presence, He is always present. the issue is, most of the time you're not' may Allah forgive us all.. thanks for the very deep podcast, jazaakumullah khair onepath network team :)
It’s good that OnePath allows scholars of different backgrounds & methodologies to come on and talk about topics that all scholars agree on. Every mazhab and manhaj agrees that Allah is Loving and Merciful. WaAlhamdulillah
Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowy (born 1970) is a Syrian-born American Islamic scholar, theologian, and medical doctor. He has been listed among The 500 Most Influential Muslims. Denomination Sunni Jurisprudence Shafi'i fiqh Creed Maturidi Main interest(s) Hadith, Jurisprudence, Theology Al-Ninowy was born in Aleppo, Syria. His lineage is supposedly tracing back to the Islamic Prophet Muhammad ﷺ . Al-Ninowy began his study under his father, As-Sayyed Yahya ibn Muhammad, and many of the scholars in Aleppo memorising the Qur'an and acquiring knowledge in Islamic sciences, including Aqidah (Islamic theology), Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Hadith (Prophetic tradition) and Ihsan (Sufism), with ijazah's (certificate to teach). He particularly specializes in the fields of Hadith, Tawhid, and Tazkiyyah/Ihsan. He attended Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Usool ud-Deen, where he studied under many scholars. He got his PhD in Hadith sciences. He also travelled to seek knowledge under many scholars who resided in Syria, Madina, Mecca, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan and more.
MasyaAllah one of the best podcast i ever heard, recently i searching for this question and alhamdulillah Allah guide me to watch this beautiful podcast. Barakallahu fikum
Masha Allah May Allah reward you with Jannah al Firdous (the sheikh and everyone involved in the making of this programme ) Ramadan kareem Salam from Djibouti
After I have read the Quran, I realized that all what humanity needs is this heavenly law. “The legislation of Quran will spread all over the world, because it agrees with the mind, logic and wisdom.” - Leo Tolstoy
May Allah SWT grant him ease and a quick recovery. May Allah SWT help you and his loved ones during this difficult time. May Allah SWT fill this difficult time in your lives with His Eternal Light and Mercy, while granting you all an afterlife in Jannatul Firdaws. Sending love from the US
May Allah recover him and give aafiya because of the baraka of ashraful khalk sayyiduna rasoolullahi (S) and of the baraka of the glory month of ramalan ..... Aameen. Ya rabbal aalameen....
Say: 'Call upon Allah, or call upon the Merciful; whichever (Name) you call upon, to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. ' Pray neither loudly nor to quietly, rather, seek a middle course between them. (110) (قُلِ ٱدۡعُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ أَوِ ٱدۡعُوا۟ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنَۖ أَیࣰّا مَّا تَدۡعُوا۟ فَلَهُ ٱلۡأَسۡمَاۤءُ ٱلۡحُسۡنَىٰۚ وَلَا تَجۡهَرۡ بِصَلَاتِكَ وَلَا تُخَافِتۡ بِهَا وَٱبۡتَغِ بَیۡنَ ذَ ٰلِكَ سَبِیلࣰا) [Surah Al-Isra' 110]
When we abolish shirk and its forms then Allah will shower his blessings and mercy upon us and uncover His treasures upon us because at the very start Prophet Muhammad PBUH also advised Muslims to avoid shirk and established a society free from shirk.
What does this comment have to do with the video? Do you have some sort of mental rabies that you can't stop speaking about Shirk when our Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم تسليما كثيرا) made an oath saying "WALLAHI" I DONT FEAR SHIRK FOR MY UMMAH BUT THE HIDDEN SHIRK WHICH IS SHOWING OFF DEEDS.
When we abolish shirk and its forms then Allah will shower his blessings and mercy upon us and uncover His treasures upon us because at the very start Prophet Muhammad PBUH also advised Muslims to avoid shirk and established a society free from shirk. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Muhammad Qasim emphasises on the fact that we should avoid Shirk and its forms because this is the only way we can achieve success in this world and the hereafter. This message is clear for the Muslim ummah. #MuhammadQasimDreams
We must understand that Allah did not create us to throw us into hell fire. Allah doesn’t test the angels because angels don’t have a free will. They do what they are told and never sin and never disobey Allah. Humans are different because we have free will. But because Allah knows our weaknesses and strengths, He tests us based on those two conditions. Allah is testing humans on how well we obey His commands with weaknesses and strengths compared to angels who have no weaknesses, because they do not sleep, drink or eat. Their survival is dependent on worshiping Allah. If they stop worshiping Allah they die. Therefore they have no choice but to worship Allah, and no choice but to obey Him. Humans on the other hand, sleep, eat, drink and have a choice to obey and disobey. And humans who try their best to worship Allah sincerely and obey him sincerely, Allah loves them more than the angels because they are proving to Allah that they are worthy of His mercy and love despite having weaknesses, compared to angels who have no weaknesses. And Allah promises to reward humans in the afterlife. Also angels do not have Shaytan attacking them left, right, back and front to commit sin and disobey Allah. Humans do. Humans are attacked by the whispers of Shaytan day and night 24/7. Their entire life. Allah is watching when the Shaytan is attacking us to commit sin and disobey and Allah knows how hard it gets for us to resist the temptation of Shaytan because the nature of our faculties and our weaknesses. This is why Allah commands us to worship Him 5 times a day so that when Shaytan causes us to transgress the sins are wiped out like a clean slate with prayer. And giving charity, also helps a lot in wiping out sins. This is why scales will be set up on Judgement Day to measure the weight of good and bad deeds based on weaknesses and strengths. Allah is never unjust to his creation. Allah never created us to enjoy watching us burn in hell. Allah is the Most Compassionate Most Merciful. But we must not take any chances. We must keep praying and do good acts all the time.
All praises to Allah the creator of the heavens and the Earth and all the world's it is very sad it is so very sad and disheartening to see that these people who claim to follow the teachings of the Messiah are not following anything other than Satan p their mouths say something but their hearts say something they worship everything and and Satan they even have a passage 666 ppp that's why they called him altogether lovely in the book of Psalms instead of calling him th the praise the one and he's also mentioned in the bible as the comforter and he's also mentioned in the bible as the spirit of Truth how ironic is that it's in the Bible he's called Mercy for mankind and the spirit of Truth
And the Messiah for told about the messenger of Muhammad peace and blessings be upon them all and mother Mary we're all monotheistic worshippers and mother Mary was chosen above all women in the monotheistic belief in lifestyle she covers her hair and wore long clothing to the and the Messiah translated Christ his name was not Jesus but Esau is mentioned in the Bible in the book of pp
They love their culture lifestyle no wine and no swine that's why all those passages are p woman fetch me some water so I can make a I know it was forbidden and he love the culture lifestyle but because the Paul abolished all the laws they became uncircumcised no longer living a kosher lifestyle no longer living a modest lifestyle and no longer being a person who was pious and no longer keeping the chastity so marriage of any individual and it says wine is a mocker and it says thou shalt not eat the host hoft animal swine is unclean for you Val shalt not erect the tree and I home as a form of worship it is better for you that is blasphemy that is idol worship so will abstain so that you may prosper the woman the lady the girl of age who does not cover her hair she has Dishonored her head to her father her family her husband and her hair needs to be removed all of these no Messiahthe Messiah said in the Bible many things I need to say to you but you can't bear them now they didn't have the capacity that's why he called them to evil and adulterous generation they were so arrogant ignorant and insolent also the spirit of Truth is going to come he will guide you onto all truth and he will show you things to come he shall show you a way of life he shall not speak of himself all that he hears to the archangel Gabriel he shall speak they shall show you things to come he shall show you a way of life you shall glorify the Lord Almighty Allah
A 1400 year old secret about Pakistan - Pakistan was made by Allah SWT on a dua by Prophet Muhammad SAW. Islam will rise again from Pakistan to the whole world - A prediction from the divine dreams of Muhammad Qasim, that are coming true. #MuhammadQasimDreams
I don't understand why OnePathNetwork bring deviant people to podcast when there are many people who are upon the Sunnah and the path of the SalafuSalih. May Allah guide us all. Please let us know why you guys bring tableeghi, barelvi, sufis and asharis, grave worshippers into the channel? Any wisdom behind it?
You will be questioned about this comment on the day of judgement and it will be a horrific questioning. Accusing the sheikh above as "deviant" is a slander that may throw you face first into the hellfire because of your reckless nafs that can't stand seeing a pious scholar. It hurts you seeing a pious scholar from Ahlu-Bayt (Sunni, nonetheless) speaking about mercy when your heart is likely devoid of mercy based on your slandering. Make Salawat on the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا) to purify you from the mental rabies that's inflicted your hizb of slandering scholars.
@@JJ_Jack_Gittes You speak about my heart void of mercy and I'm a slanderer according to you. You say I got mental rabies, a reckless nafs, I'm going to Jahannam and so on. If this is the mercy you learned from such people I just proved my point and shown how much lack of barakah does deviant people classes have. Now I forgive you for the statement and lies against me to get more forgiveness from Allah. Now coming back to the point I made, I stand by it. Someone who goes to shrine, call people towards it, call people towards wrong aqeedah, sufism, comparing tabaeen to Shaytaan, mawlid bid'ah and list goes on, whoever it is, he is a deviant. My criticism of him is from the deen not personal like you did on me because we love and hate people for the sake of Allah not for personal stuffs. If you want to prove me wrong by quoting Qur'an and Sunnah from the understanding of the Sahaba, please go ahead, or else I would advice you with the advice of our beloved Prophetﷺ, speak good, or remain silent. May Allah guide you and us all.
Good point. That's why we should be careful who we take our religion from. Being kind and good to people is different from giving them a platform and invite them to speak on where thousands will watch.
@@raeesbismilla7171 Yeah bro, and nowadays I see many daees who were upon the Sunnah giving platform to deviant people, even to grave worshippers. It's sad but it's the reality. We wish everyone be united but how can we unite people who don't want to follow Qur'an and Sunnah in the correct way, impossible. Daees supporing shirki people, lgbt people, and all kinds of deviant and evil people.
What about the fear of Allah. What about hope of Allah. Scholars of tge salaf mention if people only focus on the love aspect of Allah are zindeeq. If they only refer to fear of Allah is a khwaarij, and lastly if they refer to only have hope in Allah, they are murjia. There has to be a balance of three. Don't agree with this guest.
@@infernotorch5700 i know what im talking does sufi exicts in the time of Prophet the answer is no What Prophet said that we must follow sunnah and Quran and the sahaba and the second generations and the third generations.
@@dawa_selefa05 yes I see no contradiction, take away sufism as a term and you have simply a spiritual guide that takes your hand and leads you to the presence of the prophet peace be upon him, who in turn takes you to the presence of Allah SWT. We can't go straight to Allah SWT without a guide and that's what spiritual guides are for. Shaykhs who were under a shaykh who were under shaykhs that all went back to the prophet. So they are like spiritual chains that go back to prophet. Same concept with Hadith. We only accept Hadith as sahih if the chain is strongly supported by those who were trustworthy and they all took it from someone who heard it from those who heard it from the companions who took it from prophet peace be upon him. Forgive any mistakes on my part akhi.
@@dawa_selefa05 my only intention was to clear up any misconception about sufism and to defend our brother and scholar Shaykh Muhammad Al Ninowy. Even if we may disagree there is still a very important level of respect we should maintain with everyone but especially scholars and people of knowledge, not to mention the descendants of Prophet Muhammadﷺ which is a easy way to upset him is to harm is family even by slander or bad mouthing them. one thing they teach you in sufism is never to harm a soul or speak bad of anyone because you know not who the men of Allah SWT Are
This is not of the salaf. Learn about who is Allah from authentic references. Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud from your neck of the woods will advise. Get him on board. Twice now this channel have brought in flawed sufi think tanks.
Slandering this scholar with sheer ignorance in the month of Ramadan is a clear sign that we are in the end of times since it's signs revolve around ignorance being widespread in the Ummah. You are among the Ignoramus groups that's spreading like cancer in the Ummah and you will be questioned on the day of judgement...unless you repent. Make Salawat on the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا) to purify you from your ignorance.
He is from Ahlul bayt. He is the family of Prophet Peace be upon him. You are slandering him. Mind your tongue, seek forgiveness from Allah ta'ala and send salawat on the Prophet Peace be upon him to make him happy otherwise this can destroy your all good deeds.
A great honor to the onepath network for having Shaykh Niwowy an amazing shaykh and an ahlulbayt 💗
Yes he is a habib a sayyid allahu a’lam.
@Unknown yes he is a syed/sharif
Where can I books written by the Shaykh
How did you know he's an ahlul bayt??
I love shaykh Ninowy. We are blessed to have him.
I can’t even spell out how refreshing for the iman it is to see scholars from pure Ahl e Sunnah backgrounds being given such a mainstream platform by OnePath Network. This was, hands down, the best content you have shared on your channel so far and gauging from the response, you might have felt it too. May Allah keep you steadfast and may we all see more of authentic sunni scholarship being represented on this platform. Ameen!
Masha'Allah I agree as well 👍💯
Ahlu Sunnah is not synonym for Ahlu Bidah
@@abcdzxcd It is not a synonym for a Kharjite cult formed by an 18th century British puppet.* There you go, fixed it for you.
@@_Hurraira_ What you're talking about? Hope you are mentally alright. I have nothing to do with Khwarij, the dogs of hellfire. I don't know why you mentions khawarijs to me. I follow Islam as understood by the Sahabas, three golden generation and the classical scholars. The same way I have nothing to do with khawarijs, I have nothing to do with Ahlul Bid'ah, the mushrikeen, the sufis, the barelvis, the deobandis too.
Excellent shaykh. Please bring him back more often
In short words, those who wants to know who is from Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah, there he is. He is from Alhussunnah Wal Jamaah, truly and purely. Heartwarming ❤
MashaAllah! I love this Shaykh! May Allah bless him and increase him! Thank you for having him on!
Masha Allah , i broke down in tears, as Shaykh says, 'the fact that: You are always in His presence, He is always present. the issue is, most of the time you're not'
may Allah forgive us all.. thanks for the very deep podcast, jazaakumullah khair onepath network team :)
It’s good that OnePath allows scholars of different backgrounds & methodologies to come on and talk about topics that all scholars agree on. Every mazhab and manhaj agrees that Allah is Loving and Merciful. WaAlhamdulillah
"Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance." Surah Al-Kahf - 10🙏📖🛐
Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowy (born 1970) is a Syrian-born American Islamic scholar, theologian, and medical doctor. He has been listed among The 500 Most Influential Muslims.
Denomination Sunni
Jurisprudence Shafi'i fiqh
Creed Maturidi
Main interest(s) Hadith, Jurisprudence, Theology
Al-Ninowy was born in Aleppo, Syria. His lineage is supposedly tracing back to the Islamic Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
. Al-Ninowy began his study under his father, As-Sayyed Yahya ibn Muhammad, and many of the scholars in Aleppo memorising the Qur'an and acquiring knowledge in Islamic sciences, including Aqidah (Islamic theology), Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Hadith (Prophetic tradition) and Ihsan (Sufism), with ijazah's (certificate to teach). He particularly specializes in the fields of Hadith, Tawhid, and Tazkiyyah/Ihsan.
He attended Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Usool ud-Deen, where he studied under many scholars. He got his PhD in Hadith sciences. He also travelled to seek knowledge under many scholars who resided in Syria, Madina, Mecca, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan and more.
He is wise beyond his years
He’s literally my shiekh. Such a humble soul
May Allah bless Sheikh al Ninowy, a treasure for Muslims in the west! Salams from Qatar 👋
Shaikh Al-Ninowy is comfort and light to the heart of the believer. May Allah give him a long life so he can guide us for as long as possible . Ameen
Loved it ❤️ thanks for inviting our beloved Sheikh 🌻
22:55 bookmark 🔖
SubhanAllah.. Real lessons of Islam 🥲
Beautifully explained by our beloved Shaykh ❤😭😭😭
Masha Allah
Allah bless you all ❤
May Allah bless our brothers and sisters of ummah ❤️🤲
Masha'Allah Inspiring discussion by Shaykh Ninowy a great American Islamic Scholar Jazak'Allah Khayr
alhamdulillah a great sunni scholar
Had the pleasure of meeting him while at the mercy for mankind event here in Canada months back
MasyaAllah , dzikir from heart
I Really Love You for the sake of Allah Syaikhuna Ninowy My Syaikh 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Loved it. Heart touching.
The Bestest podcast I have ever listened...
جزاكم الله خير الجزاء
Ameen 🤲🏾🤲🏻🤲🏽🤲🏿❤️
This is just beautifullllllllll❤
WOW this was next level MashAllah
May Allah bless you both, so proud of you both.
MasyaAllah one of the best podcast i ever heard, recently i searching for this question and alhamdulillah Allah guide me to watch this beautiful podcast. Barakallahu fikum
جزاك الله خيرا
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Jazakallah Khair for this amazing Podcast!
Very inspirational talk mashaAllah
Mashallah tebarkllah ❤
Thank you so much for this.
Really the best
Mashallah. May Allah protect and preserve this giant of Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaah.
Mashllah tabarkallah such a beautiful messeage and wisdom being given
Masha Allah
May Allah reward you with Jannah al Firdous (the sheikh and everyone involved in the making of this programme )
Ramadan kareem
Salam from Djibouti
MashaAllah ❤
Amazing podcast subhanAllah
Wow!!!! What an amazing post
Represents true Ahl us sunnah ❤❤❤
After I have read the Quran, I realized that all what humanity needs is this heavenly law. “The legislation of Quran will spread all over the world, because it agrees with the mind, logic and wisdom.” - Leo Tolstoy
28:40 HE can turn things upside down instantly. HE says, "Be!" And it is!
MASHA'ALLAH Guys very informative and interesting POD CAST. JAZAKALLAH U KHAIR ❤
Salam could you please make dua for my father he has had a stroke and is in a critical condition. And share is possible so others can make dua
I will make lots of dua for him when I pray Isha, May Allah grant your father good health again. Love from Bangladesh💖💝
May Allah SWT grant him ease and a quick recovery. May Allah SWT help you and his loved ones during this difficult time. May Allah SWT fill this difficult time in your lives with His Eternal Light and Mercy, while granting you all an afterlife in Jannatul Firdaws. Sending love from the US
Assalamu Alaikum Sister, how is your father's health now? Hope you guys are doing good with the grace of Allah
May Allah recover him and give aafiya because of the baraka of ashraful khalk sayyiduna rasoolullahi (S) and of the baraka of the glory month of ramalan .....
Aameen. Ya rabbal aalameen....
May Allah gives him health
Ahadun Ahad ☝️ Allahu Akbar ☝️ Amin 🤲
حفظ الله شيخنا السيد محمد بن يحيى النينوي
Allahu Akbar ❤
Say: 'Call upon Allah, or call upon the Merciful; whichever (Name) you call upon, to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. ' Pray neither loudly nor to quietly, rather, seek a middle course between them. (110)
(قُلِ ٱدۡعُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ أَوِ ٱدۡعُوا۟ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنَۖ أَیࣰّا مَّا تَدۡعُوا۟ فَلَهُ ٱلۡأَسۡمَاۤءُ ٱلۡحُسۡنَىٰۚ وَلَا تَجۡهَرۡ بِصَلَاتِكَ وَلَا تُخَافِتۡ بِهَا وَٱبۡتَغِ بَیۡنَ ذَ ٰلِكَ سَبِیلࣰا)
[Surah Al-Isra' 110]
I mate the shaykh 4 years ago at his mosque
His (swt) Justice is His (swt) Mercy. Ask any oppressed person.
عليه افضل الصلاة والسلام
41:52 faith 41:56 42:00
Allahu akbar ☝
Sir plz plz plz add subtitles i will be very very grateful to you
When we abolish shirk and its forms then Allah will shower his blessings and mercy upon us and uncover His treasures upon us because at the very start Prophet Muhammad PBUH also advised Muslims to avoid shirk and established a society free from shirk.
What does this comment have to do with the video? Do you have some sort of mental rabies that you can't stop speaking about Shirk when our Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم تسليما كثيرا) made an oath saying "WALLAHI" I DONT FEAR SHIRK FOR MY UMMAH BUT THE HIDDEN SHIRK WHICH IS SHOWING OFF DEEDS.
@@ayyubvernon bro please do not speak about matters you clearly don't know.
When we abolish shirk and its forms then Allah will shower his blessings and mercy upon us and uncover His treasures upon us because at the very start Prophet Muhammad PBUH also advised Muslims to avoid shirk and established a society free from shirk. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Love your videos. Is it possible to add subtitles on these videos to make it accessible for deaf and hard of hearing community? JazakAllah Khair
Click on the CC it will give subtitles
Muhammad Qasim emphasises on the fact that we should avoid Shirk and its forms because this is the only way we can achieve success in this world and the hereafter. This message is clear for the Muslim ummah. #MuhammadQasimDreams
44:05 i got scared! :D
Isn't he one of ustadh nouman ali Khan's Teacher? I think I heard him mention him as his teacher
We must understand that Allah did not create us to throw us into hell fire. Allah doesn’t test the angels because angels don’t have a free will. They do what they are told and never sin and never disobey Allah.
Humans are different because we have free will. But because Allah knows our weaknesses and strengths, He tests us based on those two conditions. Allah is testing humans on how well we obey His commands with weaknesses and strengths compared to angels who have no weaknesses, because they do not sleep, drink or eat. Their survival is dependent on worshiping Allah. If they stop worshiping Allah they die. Therefore they have no choice but to worship Allah, and no choice but to obey Him.
Humans on the other hand, sleep, eat, drink and have a choice to obey and disobey. And humans who try their best to worship Allah sincerely and obey him sincerely, Allah loves them more than the angels because they are proving to Allah that they are worthy of His mercy and love despite having weaknesses, compared to angels who have no weaknesses. And Allah promises to reward humans in the afterlife. Also angels do not have Shaytan attacking them left, right, back and front to commit sin and disobey Allah. Humans do. Humans are attacked by the whispers of Shaytan day and night 24/7. Their entire life. Allah is watching when the Shaytan is attacking us to commit sin and disobey and Allah knows how hard it gets for us to resist the temptation of Shaytan because the nature of our faculties and our weaknesses. This is why Allah commands us to worship Him 5 times a day so that when Shaytan causes us to transgress the sins are wiped out like a clean slate with prayer. And giving charity, also helps a lot in wiping out sins.
This is why scales will be set up on Judgement Day to measure the weight of good and bad deeds based on weaknesses and strengths. Allah is never unjust to his creation. Allah never created us to enjoy watching us burn in hell. Allah is the Most Compassionate Most Merciful. But we must not take any chances. We must keep praying and do good acts all the time.
You no longer post podcast on your spotify account
ا ب ت ث ج آمين 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
All praises to Allah the creator of the heavens and the Earth and all the world's it is very sad it is so very sad and disheartening to see that these people who claim to follow the teachings of the Messiah are not following anything other than Satan p their mouths say something but their hearts say something they worship everything and and Satan they even have a passage 666 ppp that's why they called him altogether lovely in the book of Psalms instead of calling him th the praise the one and he's also mentioned in the bible as the comforter and he's also mentioned in the bible as the spirit of Truth how ironic is that it's in the Bible he's called Mercy for mankind and the spirit of Truth
She's 15 days sober
Is he a Sufi?
Yes hi is sufi
He’s the best scholar
He’s a Muslim
@@Zach-fi5pm the best scholars are in prison
yes alhamdulillah
And the Messiah for told about the messenger of Muhammad peace and blessings be upon them all and mother Mary we're all monotheistic worshippers and mother Mary was chosen above all women in the monotheistic belief in lifestyle she covers her hair and wore long clothing to the and the Messiah translated Christ his name was not Jesus but Esau is mentioned in the Bible in the book of pp
They love their culture lifestyle no wine and no swine that's why all those passages are p woman fetch me some water so I can make a I know it was forbidden and he love the culture lifestyle but because the Paul abolished all the laws they became uncircumcised no longer living a kosher lifestyle no longer living a modest lifestyle and no longer being a person who was pious and no longer keeping the chastity so marriage of any individual and it says wine is a mocker and it says thou shalt not eat the host hoft animal swine is unclean for you Val shalt not erect the tree and I home as a form of worship it is better for you that is blasphemy that is idol worship so will abstain so that you may prosper the woman the lady the girl of age who does not cover her hair she has Dishonored her head to her father her family her husband and her hair needs to be removed all of these no Messiahthe Messiah said in the Bible many things I need to say to you but you can't bear them now they didn't have the capacity that's why he called them to evil and adulterous generation they were so arrogant ignorant and insolent also the spirit of Truth is going to come he will guide you onto all truth and he will show you things to come he shall show you a way of life he shall not speak of himself all that he hears to the archangel Gabriel he shall speak they shall show you things to come he shall show you a way of life you shall glorify the Lord Almighty Allah
A 1400 year old secret about Pakistan - Pakistan was made by Allah SWT on a dua by Prophet Muhammad SAW. Islam will rise again from Pakistan to the whole world - A prediction from the divine dreams of Muhammad Qasim, that are coming true. #MuhammadQasimDreams
Invite a salafi speaker
Why invite misguidance?
90% of their speakers are salafi my guy
@@Nizanator shaykh ninowi is sufi
Astaghfirullah No
I dont understand who is that man ? A sunni or chia?
He is sunni. Shafii scholar
Alright thanks
Why you thought he was Shia?
@@dragoflamer786 Because Sufis is more like a Shia than a real Sunni
I don't understand why OnePathNetwork bring deviant people to podcast when there are many people who are upon the Sunnah and the path of the SalafuSalih. May Allah guide us all. Please let us know why you guys bring tableeghi, barelvi, sufis and asharis, grave worshippers into the channel? Any wisdom behind it?
You will be questioned about this comment on the day of judgement and it will be a horrific questioning.
Accusing the sheikh above as "deviant" is a slander that may throw you face first into the hellfire because of your reckless nafs that can't stand seeing a pious scholar.
It hurts you seeing a pious scholar from Ahlu-Bayt (Sunni, nonetheless) speaking about mercy when your heart is likely devoid of mercy based on your slandering.
Make Salawat on the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا) to purify you from the mental rabies that's inflicted your hizb of slandering scholars.
@@JJ_Jack_Gittes You speak about my heart void of mercy and I'm a slanderer according to you. You say I got mental rabies, a reckless nafs, I'm going to Jahannam and so on. If this is the mercy you learned from such people I just proved my point and shown how much lack of barakah does deviant people classes have. Now I forgive you for the statement and lies against me to get more forgiveness from Allah.
Now coming back to the point I made, I stand by it. Someone who goes to shrine, call people towards it, call people towards wrong aqeedah, sufism, comparing tabaeen to Shaytaan, mawlid bid'ah and list goes on, whoever it is, he is a deviant. My criticism of him is from the deen not personal like you did on me because we love and hate people for the sake of Allah not for personal stuffs. If you want to prove me wrong by quoting Qur'an and Sunnah from the understanding of the Sahaba, please go ahead, or else I would advice you with the advice of our beloved Prophetﷺ, speak good, or remain silent. May Allah guide you and us all.
Good point. That's why we should be careful who we take our religion from. Being kind and good to people is different from giving them a platform and invite them to speak on where thousands will watch.
@@raeesbismilla7171 Yeah bro, and nowadays I see many daees who were upon the Sunnah giving platform to deviant people, even to grave worshippers. It's sad but it's the reality. We wish everyone be united but how can we unite people who don't want to follow Qur'an and Sunnah in the correct way, impossible. Daees supporing shirki people, lgbt people, and all kinds of deviant and evil people.
@@abcdzxcd Just take what you agree, reject what you disagree
الصوفية ...تسميم عقيدة المسلمين الجدد.
What about the fear of Allah. What about hope of Allah. Scholars of tge salaf mention if people only focus on the love aspect of Allah are zindeeq. If they only refer to fear of Allah is a khwaarij, and lastly if they refer to only have hope in Allah, they are murjia. There has to be a balance of three. Don't agree with this guest.
He is doing bedah and he is sufi
Akhi Be careful what you say of the family of prophet peace be upon him. Shaykh Ninowy is Ahlul Bayt and he preaches Sunnah nothing more
But common dhikr isnt bidah
@@infernotorch5700 i know what im talking does sufi exicts in the time of Prophet the answer is no
What Prophet said that we must follow sunnah and Quran and the sahaba and the second generations and the third generations.
@@dawa_selefa05 yes I see no contradiction, take away sufism as a term and you have simply a spiritual guide that takes your hand and leads you to the presence of the prophet peace be upon him, who in turn takes you to the presence of Allah SWT. We can't go straight to Allah SWT without a guide and that's what spiritual guides are for. Shaykhs who were under a shaykh who were under shaykhs that all went back to the prophet. So they are like spiritual chains that go back to prophet. Same concept with Hadith. We only accept Hadith as sahih if the chain is strongly supported by those who were trustworthy and they all took it from someone who heard it from those who heard it from the companions who took it from prophet peace be upon him. Forgive any mistakes on my part akhi.
@@dawa_selefa05 my only intention was to clear up any misconception about sufism and to defend our brother and scholar Shaykh Muhammad Al Ninowy. Even if we may disagree there is still a very important level of respect we should maintain with everyone but especially scholars and people of knowledge, not to mention the descendants of Prophet Muhammadﷺ which is a easy way to upset him is to harm is family even by slander or bad mouthing them. one thing they teach you in sufism is never to harm a soul or speak bad of anyone because you know not who the men of Allah SWT Are
This is not of the salaf. Learn about who is Allah from authentic references. Sheikh Abu Bakr Zoud from your neck of the woods will advise. Get him on board. Twice now this channel have brought in flawed sufi think tanks.
Slandering this scholar with sheer ignorance in the month of Ramadan is a clear sign that we are in the end of times since it's signs revolve around ignorance being widespread in the Ummah.
You are among the Ignoramus groups that's spreading like cancer in the Ummah and you will be questioned on the day of judgement...unless you repent.
Make Salawat on the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا) to purify you from your ignorance.
He is from Ahlul bayt. He is the family of Prophet Peace be upon him. You are slandering him. Mind your tongue, seek forgiveness from Allah ta'ala and send salawat on the Prophet Peace be upon him to make him happy otherwise this can destroy your all good deeds.
@@JJ_Jack_Gittes where is the slander?
@@theranger560 you mean you follow him like the shia follow ahlul bayt. Islam is not about nepotism. Look in our history books. Go on.
@@rathernot6660 make tauwba of what you said
He is a deviant who believes you can call out to the prophet saws directly for help
Ramadan 2nd Jummah Masjid Al Haram Makkah Al Mukarramah Ksa 31-03-23
Got me binging so beautiful so refreshing! Jazakullah khayr again 🩵🩷🩵🩷