Wow, what a sharp eyes you have! So sorry to draw the worst fit line that is not touching the error bar. Make sure that when you draw the worst fit line, either you start from top of 1st error bar and ends and the bottom of the error bar or start at the bottom of the 1st error bar and ends at the top of the last error bars, just make sure the worst fir line crosses all the error bars in between yea.
But miss, your error bar on the second point from the top does not intersect with the worst line. Can u explain about it?
Wow, what a sharp eyes you have! So sorry to draw the worst fit line that is not touching the error bar. Make sure that when you draw the worst fit line, either you start from top of 1st error bar and ends and the bottom of the error bar or start at the bottom of the 1st error bar and ends at the top of the last error bars, just make sure the worst fir line crosses all the error bars in between yea.
a level 42 pls
I just saw you sorrteyyy