Light No Fire Details Confirmed

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • In this video I talk about the new game from Hello Games, Light No Fire.


  • @1UnderPar
    @1UnderPar 8 місяців тому +15

    I will give sean murray any money he requests after he turned NMS into a masterpiece. Not born a legend, made a legend.

  • @novastorm980
    @novastorm980 8 місяців тому +17

    I think people need to bear in mind this is coming after what they have learnt with no man's sky

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +2

      Yes exactly, considering the news debacle that surrounded the last game, I think they are making the correct decision with this release. Sean is probably not the best person to be answering questions live and in person and they have realized that. So, with this announcement they have decided to Imbody the old saying, "Speak softly, but carry a big stick" which is translating to them saying very little in the way of solid details but instead giving us a badass trailer to watch.

    • @TheOnePistol
      @TheOnePistol 8 місяців тому

      Yes, they've earned my excitement back.

  • @carsilk2492
    @carsilk2492 8 місяців тому +14

    Yeah riding dragons is cool, but I think I'm more excited to ride a giant sparrow or something weird like that. And that red orb reminds me a lot of the Atlas from NMS. Maybe the universes are the same.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      I dunno why but I had a good chuckle when I read you wanna ride on a giant sparrow. That red orb actually reminded me of the red orb inside of Ainz Ooal Gown from the Overlord anime.

  • @nikolainikiforov3883
    @nikolainikiforov3883 8 місяців тому +7

    I want to travel for weeks on the back of a dragon lol taking breaks at camp fires along the way, mapping out the world 😅
    I hope at least it's like nms where one can make portals, and travel between bases.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +4

      As funny as that is, it actually does hold some merit for doing it on foot at least once. Not only for the fun of exploration but if there is a similar system to UO then we could bring runes along with us and mark them at any interesting caves or dungeons we discover along the way. This way our weeks long trip to the city would not be wasted and we could maximize the value of that trip.

  • @JoseLuisF13S
    @JoseLuisF13S 8 місяців тому +5

    After watching your video I have even more hype for the game, you mentioned many details that I had overlooked. After what Hello Games demonstrated with No Man's Sky, I have faith that even if the game is not completely perfect, I know that they will improve it and it will end up being a great game. Thanks for this video.

  • @stevenguy-gibbens4253
    @stevenguy-gibbens4253 8 місяців тому +1

    NMS is sort of an MMO in that you can see the other players, but can only play solo or in small groups, so it may be a unusual style of mmo

  • @Blitnock
    @Blitnock 8 місяців тому +2

    Let's begin with some constraints.
    1. The game is multiplayer.
    2. The planet is the size of Earth.
    3. The game is an RPG.
    4. Hello Games has been releasing free updates to No Man's Sky for years. Let's assume they maintain that ethic for Light No Fire.
    5. The game is procedurally generated.
    Here are some ideas satisfying the above constraints:
    Everyone starts at nearly the same spot on the planet. This solves the problem of people needing to access the NPCs required for the hand-crafted RPG elements. (The NPCs can't be proc gen, or the quality of the RPG elements will be low.) It also solves the problem of how people will be able to meet one another. (With a planet the size of Earth, even if 200,000 poeple are online simultaneously, if they started at random locations, people wouldn't meet that often.) The updates of the game, perhaps released on an annual basis, can then be introduced in a pattern branching out geographically from the starting location over time-- or located far away on the planet, accessed through fast travel, if the player chooses not to adventure there. Fast travel wouldn't be necessary immediately, but could be a part of the game at some point. At any rate, multiplayer could be optional, as it is in No Man's Sky.
    Another possibility is that people begin at random locations on the planet and use a Nexus-like pocket universe (accessed through magical structures, found all over the globe) that brings people together and introduce players to RPG NPCs located in the structures. From there players could be teleported to hand-crafted NPCs spread around the globe for quest chains. So basically there could be buildings all over the planet with a common interior (like the Nexus) and exiting can teleport you to the outside of a like structure, located elsewhere. But I hope they don't do it that way; it's too obvious. I liked the Nexus in No Man's Sky, but it would feel to me like they are repeating themselves by using that same mechanic again.
    I like the first idea more, but I suspect that this second idea is more likely; it's a technique they are familiar with, and being a small team, they will have to build on what they know. Of course, a hybrid of these ideas is also possible, such as having everyone start together, with that location being near a magical structure that functions as described in the second idea.
    What do you think?
    Regarding the animals: Maybe Sean is a furry and he kinks out in his sexy bunny costume? Sean: "Am I _that_ obvious??"

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +1

      ok so, having players all start at the same location would certainly solve those issues of trying to link up with friends. But it wouldn't solve the very human issue of not being a very directionally minded person, aka some people get lost very easily. Then after they mindlessly explore for a few hours they find themselves in the middle of no where with no sense of direction. To solve this you will need a constant GPS locator map. It will also introduce the potential issue of everything feeling the same during the introductory phase of the game.
      As for updates to the game you would need to fast forward time in order to get a solid understanding of how far most players have gotten in your story driven world. Even on a world this big, players can advance pretty quickly. It would be fair to assume at least twice as fast as you might originally think. Because of this, it would be a better idea to get the entire world in a very ready to be worked state. Which is me saying that all the major points of interest already need to exist before launch. At that point, you can much more easily and quickly add in story line and if the story calls for it, modify terrain while still delivering fresh content to the players on a reasonable timeline.
      Lastly, I fundamentally disagree with zone walls for any reason. There is literally zero reason to create zone walls in a game other than player count balancing. If your game is having issues with the amount of players in a given area then you have made some serious mistakes with the fundamental design of your game from the start. IMHO

    • @Blitnock
      @Blitnock 8 місяців тому

      @@Achaedius The more I think about it, the more I think the second option I listed above is most likely. You would likely find your friends for multiplayer similar to how they do it in NMS, where you choose a multiplayer option in the menu and you are spawned together. So finding your friends in the open world would be no problem. As far as using "maps" or the like to keep people directed in the RPG aspects, there are countless ways that sort of thing can be implemented. I will venture no guesses in that direction. It also doesn't worry me.
      Regarding updates, given the small size of their studio and the fact that they are continuing development of NMS (with large major updates planned), meaning that their team is divided, it seems to me that the RPG elements of the game must of necessity be somewhat more limited compared to a game, say, like Cyberpunk 2077, Skyrim, etc.... My guess is that HG will be relying on the exploration and building sub-games to maintain player interest between updates. Think about it the following way. In NMS you get to name your discoveries and other players that stumble upon them get to see the results of your exploration. The problem with that idea in NMS is that because the number of planets is so large, 18 quintillion, it's essentially meaningless. On a game world the size of Earth, the discoveries will be much more meaningful. You will be able to be the first discoverer of the Mt. Everest of the game world; you will be able to discover the deepest point in the ocean, the Marianas Trench of the planet, the hottest dessert, the coldest arctic desert, deepest jungle, etc.... Exploration and discovery will be significantly more meaningful. Having people together on the same planet also means that civilizations people build will be much more significant in the game world; this will be of great interest to social players and builder types.
      Another thing they can do with updates is _add other planets_.
      I don't understand your third paragraph. You are replying to me and I talk nowhere about zone walls. I don't think for a second there will be any zone walls in the game. That's one of the big gaming technology breakthroughs HG made with NMS. Why would they throw that out and make their game hated in the way that some people hate Starfield? That's ridiculous! Where did you get that? As far as numbers of players that you will be able to interact with at one time, HG handles that in NMS by allowing you to see your group plus a few others up to a certain number. The details of how that will be handled in their new game remains to be seen. But I am confident that "zone walls" will not be involved. Currently in NMS you can see other player's icons from a great distance, even in their spaceships flying around the planet-- no zone walls are involved. You can even chase them around a solar system in your ship if you want.

  • @Violetbunnyfish
    @Violetbunnyfish 8 місяців тому +2

    Has a lot of elements that Guild Wars 2 also has: Flying dragon and bird mounts, gliding, and underwater swimming. I already play GW2 but will certainly check this game out as well. Looks amazing.

  • @Hat_Uncle
    @Hat_Uncle 8 місяців тому +4

    Your "first three minutes" take on Hello Games is spot on.
    I felt betrayed when it released, then realized it was just enthusiasm speaking the Dream, not grounded in current Reality. I can't fault someone for that.
    But you know what? The Dream was REAL, they made the Dream come true. That lets me not only Forgive the mistake but Extoll their Virtue!
    ...and WooHoo! Like 69. :-P

  • @dylanbruhhh4208
    @dylanbruhhh4208 5 місяців тому +1

    Very well said I agree completely with you. I never hated them but was always disappointed with them but these days I consider them a top tier studio right up there with the greats

  • @andredroid2
    @andredroid2 8 місяців тому +4

    Don’t forget to talk about the 6 shaded and unshaded dots in the upper left corner of the screen as the player is walking around. There are some scenes when all 6 are shaded and some when a few are shaded and one is slightly filled and the rest are unshaded… some scenes they are all filled/shaded 😮 Are these dots actually “life orbs” or do they represent something else? I haven’t heard any other content creator mention these at ALL. I suppose it’s not important at this time, but nonetheless, something I noticed. Keep up the great content and let’s have an open discussion about thoughts and theories about LNF.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +1

      I thought I had a sharp eye, and then I read your comment...back to the drawing board I guess lol

  • @Frogdoddofficial
    @Frogdoddofficial 8 місяців тому +2

    Im excited for this game but we need to keep our hype in check or it will never meet our expectations.

  • @SeraphArmaros
    @SeraphArmaros 8 місяців тому +1

    I'm suspecting there will be some of multiplayer hub that lets you travel to various locations across the globe and meet other players from those regions. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sort of teleport beacon mechanism as well. As for the animal races, I suspect they're all just one 'animal race" that you can customize with a species. I don't feel that the people with horns are part of that race either - I think they are their own thing.

  • @richardwhite3521
    @richardwhite3521 8 місяців тому +1

    I’d guess the small skeletons are minions maybe. If it’s a fantasy world, it makes sense that there is magic and summons.
    And if it’s actual earth sized, it’s not unrealistic to assume it’s one shared persistent world. Even if they have 100 million players, it’s still unlikely to ever feel crowded.
    It’s not unreasonable to have one shared world. But where I think that will become difficult is the building. Having a million players all altering this shared world at he same time would require such a huge amount of bandwidth and processing power…I hope it’s not broken into squares like Starfield. ,

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +1

      They could have also done something similar to UO where you have multiple servers and each is responsible for certain sections on the world. This created invisible server lines and when you cross them, your character gets loaded over to another server.

  • @TaderSamich
    @TaderSamich 8 місяців тому +1

    Minecraft is a flat map with limits. LNF will be a map on a sphere. No boundaries. If you walk a straight line in any direction, in about a year, you'll end up where you started.

  • @nerdjournal
    @nerdjournal 8 місяців тому +1

    I'm not sure if the big alien looking robot with the symbol midway through is representative of the baddies. Just due to how Hello Games uses colors. Light blue usually represents intelligence and peacefulness. While red symbolizes corruption and destruction. I think that might be the database or the last strong hold of the good guys who came before us. That will help us learn about the battle against the enemy. It's just a guess though based on the color. If it turns red or purple though then I would adjust to assume it's the baddies. This game looks really cool to me, but I hope it made with server caps. Instead of too many people on a single map. Due to how awful it would be to see half finished builds all over the place.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      To be fair, even if you had 1 million players and all of them didnt finish their build. If you spread those builds evenly across the planet Earth then you would rarely see a single structure due to the size of our planet. Good to know about the colors, I am not the kind of person who pays attention too much to color usage.

  • @stevenguy-gibbens4253
    @stevenguy-gibbens4253 8 місяців тому +1

    Also, NMS uses portals and glyphs for fast travel, each location has a unique address, so you might expect something similar

  • @stevenguy-gibbens4253
    @stevenguy-gibbens4253 8 місяців тому +1

    The lakes and seas look very simmilar to no mans sky, very open, the big godlike figures look very much like a korvax, and the sphere like the atlas, so I think this may be the nms universe, but perhaps back in time, proto versions of the void mother and atlas?

  • @jaymayhem8346
    @jaymayhem8346 8 місяців тому +1

    9:54 The kneeling rabbits say to me reputation, with the matching shield on the walls could be as you earn reputation you can buy or craft that gear from that faction.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +1

      Maybe, like if you get enough rep then they do that, sure I could see that. But I think its more likely that they just had some game testers that were online do it for the shot or maybe some family members that help them test the game to do it for the shot. I think the shield is just a re-used asset. Often times the simplest explanation is the correct one.

    • @jaymayhem8346
      @jaymayhem8346 8 місяців тому

      Yeah could be, hmmm will be good when this game comes out super excited about it. @@Achaedius

  • @khayos7746
    @khayos7746 7 місяців тому +1

    Only thing I will say is that the steam category is misleading. Co-op could have been chosen by mistake, or on purpose...but their words to describe A multiplayer earth stating "meet players from across the globe" "strike out alone to discover the world for others" would not be happening in a simple co-op game. The devs chose those words, so it implies way more than 4-16 people on a server. It sounds more like a unified server where people from all over can play and run into each other in a world that is arguably just as big as earth.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  7 місяців тому +1

      man, i didnt wanna get into that kind of detail this early on but that is certainly things i am looking out for. we will see in their next info drop.

  • @NiepoprawnyNick
    @NiepoprawnyNick 7 місяців тому +1

    I will definitely buy this game . Just because to appreciate work they did with no mans sky.

  • @djbare9
    @djbare9 8 місяців тому +3

    As long as it has a single player mode I'm in.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +1

      this is true, even with just single player then i will buy this game, it already seems like Valheim, only much larger in scope. but, exploring a world that is the size of our own planet just feel like an incredibly daunting task to accomplish on my own. i would certainly welcome some adventuring companions along on my journey to help me out with that.

    • @djbare9
      @djbare9 8 місяців тому

      @@Achaedius I don't mind exploring alone, it means I get to go off in any direction I choose, and I'm sure we'll be making some AI friends along the journey.

  • @Frogdoddofficial
    @Frogdoddofficial 8 місяців тому +1

    The lil bird mounts will have a jump drive. Lol

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      Humming birds with hyper-drives and I'm sold, preorder locked in! lolol

  • @Hat_Uncle
    @Hat_Uncle 8 місяців тому +1

    One of the swimmers was an Otter as well...

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      My brother also said it was an otter but I am not sure, I think it might be a badger that just appears to be an otter due to the camera perspective and it being wet.

    • @Hat_Uncle
      @Hat_Uncle 8 місяців тому +1

      @@Achaedius the first one is a badger, short tail, but the second one had a long tail almost as long as it's legs, otter.

  • @420crazyclown420
    @420crazyclown420 7 місяців тому +1

    I hope the multi-player is limited, and definitely not mandatory. I'm so tired of being forced to live with trolls who just want to ruin everyone else's time.

  • @TheOnePistol
    @TheOnePistol 8 місяців тому +1

    I appreciate your attempt to control the hype.

  • @NebulousSquirrel
    @NebulousSquirrel 8 місяців тому +1

    So it'll actually be a full planet then? That's my interpretation of 'No boundaries'. If it is a really good game then I will have to test this by trying to do a trip all the way around from spawn back to spawn. Excited for this.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +1

      yea that was my take on their intention, no invisible walls and its an actual fully traversable globe. which may mark the first ever world like that but im not certain

  • @Randaddy25
    @Randaddy25 8 місяців тому +1

    I want this game badly. However, I refuse to be duped by these companies anymore. I refuse to pre-order or buy, until its what they promised it'll be. I must admit.....this game looks AMAZING to me. Id be a liar if I said I didn't want to traverse this world as a Rabbit Wizard. Can't wait and I hope it's everything it appears to be.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +1

      Sounds like smart gaming to me for the modern day. I doubt I will preorder this game due to some lingering lack of confidence in the developer but if this game turns out to be everything they promise then I may be willing to preorder their next title.

  • @DakotaRose2546
    @DakotaRose2546 8 місяців тому +1

    Some interesting points raised. I guess we just have to wait until more info comes down the track.

  • @TaderSamich
    @TaderSamich 8 місяців тому +1

    Sean Murray and Hello Games didn't lie or mislead. They talked about things they were working on and Sean *SAID* not everything will be in game at launch. 8 years later, and the majority still don't know this. Too many hate-bait videos were the problem. Not Hello Games. They were clearly working on it, because it's all in the game now, and then some.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      You do realize that even the devs themselves, Sean Murray himself, admitted fault right? So, you should maybe try and convince the devs that they did nothing wrong first, and then the rest of youtube.

    • @TaderSamich
      @TaderSamich 8 місяців тому

      They admitted to saying toouch too soon. They weren't lieing. They were talking about mechanics they were working on but weren't clear that they were unfinished. "You'll be able to..." could mean 'when we've finished implementing' or 'when you get the game. What I'm saying is, it wasn't intentional. It was just a few nerds excited about what they were working on. There was no PR team. Just Sean Murray. Every youtuber jumping on the" Sean Murray Lied" bandwagon cause more outrage than No Man's Sky deserved.

  • @DukeStallion
    @DukeStallion 8 місяців тому +1

    This trailer looks 'curated' to say the least. I doubt that anything here is actually in place in a playable, pre alpha, actual build of a real game. Assets, animation, some per object motion blur, curated in-engine (pre rendered and probably not even running in real time). We'll see how much of this ends up in the end product. We shall see, Sean.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      to be fair, almost all trailers that have ever been made have been curated to some degree. as for actual systems functioning correctly, i would only count on systems that are demonstrated being functional. and even then they could be buggy but its still a safer bet than any new system that might get shown shortly prior to launch. also my name is not "Sean" lol. and dont call me "Shirley" either haha

  • @stevenguy-gibbens4253
    @stevenguy-gibbens4253 8 місяців тому +1

    I think the building style looks simmilar to medieval dynasties, quite different to no mans sky which follows the fallout model, it looks like they are collecting tree trunks and dumping them in the building, nms uses an inventory hoarding method, so it is very different to NMS

  • @GeminiImpact19
    @GeminiImpact19 8 місяців тому +2

    Excellent breakdown - I personally am going to wait and reserve opinion on the animal races, if done well, it can be really good for build diversification. Really looking forward to more information about this game.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      Yea, the animal races is definitely interesting but it could also end up backfiring. It could end up being overkill in the end and if they do not give each races any unique perks then they will all feel the same.

  • @Hat_Uncle
    @Hat_Uncle 8 місяців тому +1

    Unreal 5's mapping system is fundamentally "on a scale never seen before". BUT it comes at a huge cost... 64km x 64km = 512GB memory and RTX-8000 48GB ... most people will never see it.
    I suspect Hello Games will load "chunks" for individual players on a client, likely 4kmx4km at largest, then save the generated terrain to a server someplace, so when other players move onto it, it get's shared. Because having the client "hold onto it" would take up super massive drive space.

  • @skyu777ayala2
    @skyu777ayala2 8 місяців тому +3

    The game will be amazing, people need to stop having their heads in the past.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +1

      True, I am all for giving devs flack when they fail to deliver what they promise but I am equally quick to forgive devs that do the right thing, dont blame the fans, and buckle down to fix their game. This game seems like it will be a good one.

    • @skyu777ayala2
      @skyu777ayala2 8 місяців тому +1

      @@Achaedius I cant wait for this game xD. Im worried about how the multi-player will work.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +1

      @@skyu777ayala2dude, i have no doubt we all are worried. honestly i think that how they choose to work the multiplayer in this game will be a large deciding factor as to how well the game does and thats without even considering the rest of the game like classes or storytelling

  • @ThePenGass
    @ThePenGass 7 місяців тому

    What if the biggest thing in this game is that the four players in the opening are all using a single console and still able to play in the open mmo world. Now that's a hell of a vision. How else could you potentially maintain or increase the playerbase for both this and nms.

  • @AboveTheHeavens
    @AboveTheHeavens 8 місяців тому +1

    Hey this is a great video. Looking forward to watching your channel grow.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      Thank you so much!

  • @kalive
    @kalive 8 місяців тому +2

    I got more of a Valheim vibe, with a sprinkling of deep fantasy in it.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      Thats what most people seem to be hoping for, either that or they go full MMO. I would be ok with either one of those honestly.

  • @bonnwolff1890
    @bonnwolff1890 8 місяців тому

    They had me at Rabbit people 😅 or maybe Otter, that could be cool.

  • @spankyjeffro5320
    @spankyjeffro5320 8 місяців тому +1

    The main problem with LNF is the fact that they did not learn a single thing from their bad decisions with NMS's flight mechanics and are using the exact same flight model for the creatures in LNF. The exact same terrible mechanics. Take-off and landing are both a button prompt with a fixed animation, and the controls are extremely arcade and slow. Unless they copy GW2 flight mechanics, I'm giving this a miss. I cannot stand bad flight mechanics. NMS is such a fun game, but the flight makes it so fucking frustrating. Looks like they failed with LNF, too.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      I wouldnt say they are the same. It did seem like the take off is a button prompt but its hard to tell. I agree, if its a rigid mechanic then it could be detrimental. I definitely prefer the freedom of flight that WoW offers but Im not sure if rigid flight is a game breaking deal for me.

  • @stevenguy-gibbens4253
    @stevenguy-gibbens4253 8 місяців тому +1

    Have you played much NMS? as I think the lore will tie in!

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      I tried to play it but couldn't stick with it. Game got boring real fast.

  • @Walklikelions
    @Walklikelions 8 місяців тому +4

    keep up the good work! I think this game might be a Valheim like game... I would not mind that... BUT... Hopefully they add more depth. Quests and LORE. Alongside everything else. Theres so much potential but it takes work i know. I hope its great I am excited.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +2

      Yea, it no doubt has a lot of potential. It is a bit strange that they would make a world so large but then not go the MMO route with it. But regardless of how they choose to work the multiplayer I will still be playing this one for sure. I am always super interested in how devs work the systems out and fix certain problems in games, and fixing the fast travel in this one is something I will be looking forward to.

    • @Walklikelions
      @Walklikelions 8 місяців тому +1

      @Achaedius I honestly think they are just "lazy" and making it an MMO would take MUCH longer in development... and they need to get a game out... I honestly think this is the case for most developers and it's unfortunate. All about meeting deadlines and quotas to get the money while they can kind of thing... rather than longevity and quality...

    • @Walklikelions
      @Walklikelions 8 місяців тому +1

      @Achaedius I just think if I have amazing ideas and in depth analysis of what a game needs to be better or what makes a game fun with the most potential... I know developers have to as well... so it can't be a creative issue. Has to be financial. Sad. Lol

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +1

      Uhh, i dunno man. I wont say that things like this never occur. But I will say that the devs at Hello Games did buckle down and fix No Man's Sky while not taking anymore money from the players. So given those actions, I doubt that its a money thing. Also, the largest cost for making an MMO versus a basic RPG is simply the size of the world. Most MMOs are hand crafted everywhere you go nowadays.
      When you think about it, if you remove a world from the game then what systems are left over for the player to interact with? Class NPCs?? Bank NPCs? Most, if not all, of those systems are in normal RPGs. Light No Fire is procedurally generating this huge world, so that would be a lot of development cost and time that was saved.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому +1

      "I just think if I have amazing ideas and in depth analysis of what a game needs to be better or what makes a game fun with the most potential"
      What you are saying here is exactly correct, and thats the issue. Everyone THINKS they know what's best for a game, but not everyone does. I have heard some pretty horrendous ideas for a game in my days. Remember, that not all humans are created equally, some have better imaginations than others or some are smarter than others.
      At no point is everyone that's living on our planet just another clone of Stephen Hawking. Just because people went through college and learned to make a video game doesn't mean they are good at it, or maybe they are skilled at making them, but they have no vision for a game and they don't understand what makes a game good.
      Some people have the skill, some have the vision, very few have both. It's what makes companies like Grinding Gear Games all the more rare.

  • @peacefulendeavours
    @peacefulendeavours 8 місяців тому +1

    You forgot the DATE!!!

    @JAMZYGAMING 8 місяців тому +1

    When you think they have the tech to generate 18 quintillion planets I believe that one planet won't be as difficult, also is no one going to mention the red atlas looking object I believe it is a prequel to nms before tech was invented but that is my opinion.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      You are the 2nd person to mention that subtle nod to NMS. I definitely missed it myself, probably because I didn't play very much of NMS.

    • @davidtoth1385
      @davidtoth1385 8 місяців тому

      No. in No mans sky only possible to generate 8 quintillion planets because in the reality it generate only a solar system (which is your box) and nothing exists outside of it. Those planets total size is smaller than your home village/town. When you think you travel to an another solar system, it just clear the box and fill it up something new, that's all. So, when we talk about a real Earth size planet, they will have the same problem when they want to generate 8 quintillion planets which is nothing more than an unthinkable number. The Earth size planet again just a big number which is equal 260 billion cubic miles.

  • @MnenieTvoeVertel
    @MnenieTvoeVertel 8 місяців тому +1

    This game on test or open for players now? What the platform for buying

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      There is no news on any of that so far but it will definitely be on PC, time will tell if it will be on consoles.

  • @MrMethes
    @MrMethes 8 місяців тому

    MMO - Massive Multiplay Online
    A Mutliplayer Earth = More then One player - a Co-op game is still multiplayer
    there is nothing wrong from my perspective.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      Then maybe you don't have an issue with confounding a definition. But coop is not the same as MMO. Calling something an MMO that is not an MMO is confusing and misleading for most people. So we should be careful not to refer to this game as an MMO until the devs themselves confirm that it is one.

  • @UnderWarranty
    @UnderWarranty 8 місяців тому

    I saw some sort of badger race as well on a boat 8:42

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      you are correct, that is a badger. I do believe I mentioned a badger race at another point in the video, but I would need to rewatch it now to be certain. what I have kept hearing though is that there is a wolf like race shown in the video, which I have yet to spot that one, so I didn't mention it.

    • @UnderWarranty
      @UnderWarranty 8 місяців тому

      @@Achaedius Oh you might of, ill have to look for the wolf race now to. Hope the races mean something , like jump height, speed and strength.

  • @macrograms
    @macrograms 8 місяців тому +1

    +++ Persistent bases, teams, "big" world.
    Two concerns:
    1. It's no man's sky but no ships and one planet?
    2. Hello Games uses fog too much & wrong.

    • @Achaedius
      @Achaedius  8 місяців тому

      I understand, the word "big" can be a relative term sometimes. But I did not see fog being used in order to cover up draw distance here, maybe there were in some of the very extreme shots while flying but I am ok with that.
      I feel like playable spaces becoming very large is something that will become more and more common in the next decade. Especially when you consider the advances made with the Unreal Engine.

  • @calebriley7466
    @calebriley7466 8 місяців тому +1

    Dun dun dunnnn:)