It’s frustrating to me to see people who say you can’t talk about gun after a school shooting out of “respect for the victims” then disrespect victims because they don’t like the political fallout from the event.
Richard Schmidtendorff and you know this, why? Funny. I see my nephews etc. The GPA is weighted with EXTRA CREDIT. I DARE you to accuse my sister of bribing the school personnel. Come and tell me this TO MY FACE.
Mackenzie Buster you just said AVERAGE score is 1370. Meaning if ucla only had 2 students and one had 1270 and the other 1470. You'd have 1370. Unless the minimum requirement Was 1370 because what you said didn't make sense
General Maudy "The 25th percentile New SAT score is 1250, and the 75th percentile SAT score is 1500. In other words, a 1250 places you below average, while a 1500 will move you up to above average. There's no absolute SAT requirement at UCLA"
General Maudy I'm not saying this is your position, but to think he didn't get accepted to any of these colleges because of his activism is absurd, considering how lefty college campuses are.
WHAT'S MORE PATHETIC IS THE LEFT IS USING THEM FOR MORE- ON THE LAW BOOKS GUN CONTROL. HEY HERE'S A THOUGHT. start actually enforcing those laws. Cruz should have been placed in an institution a year before and never was.
When liberals express their concerns , conservatives say they are whinning, but when conservatives express their concerns they say they saying the truth and a real problem.
Believe me! I am the most deserving Natural Born Smart Genius and Alpha Beauty King in human history! My family are naturally divinities! My people are not your normal Republicans! They are semi-deities by proximity and club membership to Trump Heavenly Church of Self-Entitled Manhattan Nazis! We will not just settle for mortal scale hypocrisy or depravity! We will out-do any previous Republican royalties' shamelessness and greed and audacity! We will break human record in NARCISSISM and HUBRIS! MWAHAHAHAHA
David Hogg doesn't have an actual position. He's perfectly happy to make personal attacks against his opposition, so he's fair game as far as I'm concerned.
I wouldn't call what she said much of an attack. He was whining a little bit, but he's 17 so I didn't think much of it. But I don't like this Twitter mob bullshit that's been going on lately.
holy shit, that kid really is quite sharp. he went straight for the jugular getting sponsors pulled. There's full grown accomplished adults that would never have thought of that, much less been able to pull it off
Voice of Reason To be fair, both taking rights and mocking children is equally disgusting. Seriously. You're acting like a 5 year old at a playground trying to one up people.
This high schooler carries himself in a far more mature manner than most Fox pundits. I legitimately hope he runs for public office because his priorities seem to be in the right place, and I know he'd have my vote
...he's have your vote because he is easily led by the ring in his nose by who ever will pay him the biggest bucks. Just like Hillary Clinton. You are pathetic!!
+Linda McIntosh It's entertaining, yet sad, to see morons like you resort to unrefined and grotesque fallacies. You have no argument, yet argue. You have nothing to say, yet you talk. You can't solve problems, so you create them. You people are insane.
"I apologise for _any_ upset or hurt"... As if there's a *question* about this??! She intentionally slandered and demeaned him on national television. The least she could do would be to own up to being a jerk and say that she was wrong to say what she said. This was an 'apology' written by a heartless PR department, and deserved the response it got.
People don't even know how big Nestle is or what they have to give up to boycott Nestle. They don't just make one brand of ice cream or candy bars. 70-80% of the non-fresh food in the aisles are either own by Nestle or General Mills.
Conservatives gave up civility with Newt during the Clinton years. A friggen republican yelled "liar" during Obama's State of the Union speech for pete's sake.
charlidog2 There's no moral politicians. Their all crooks democrats and republicans. That's why the 2nd amendment is so important. Everyone talks about how evil trump is but the want to hand our guns to him government.
In Laura Ingraham's world, children are to be seen and not heard. Especially when it's not the same views hers. These kids survived a horrific ordeal. Grow up Laura and try to sound HALF as intelligent as this 17 y.o..
Cat...the question you SHOULD be asking yourself, is why that shooting was ALLOWED to happen in the first place?? Why?..If all those agencies, and the police force, and Isreal were actually doing their jobs..none of this would have happened in the first place. And THOSE 17 KIDS WOULD STILL BE ALIVE TODAY... Evidently that doesn't matter to you....but it should. Why we NICK ALLOWED to buy guns in the first place?? There were laws already in place. But so many different agencies INCLUDING that police force...who actually went out to his house, who actually received calls that nick was a danger and wanted to shoot up his school...why weren't those calls acted on?? Got an answer for that????? Or are you so hooked onto the agenda that bans all guns that you can't be bothered????? 17 students dead should make you think about it at least...if not, you ARE shallow.
Linda McIntosh I'll type this real slow so that maybe you can understand it ! Where in my comment did you read that it's ok to kill any amount of students or anyone for that fact? Where did it say that we should repeal the 2nd amendment and take everyone's guns away ? I don't have a clue what you are babbling about in regards to what I wrote. I suggest that you actually read the comments before you go off on your little tangents. And for God's sake, please get back on your meds !!!!
David Hogg is here for a reason, And I sure would like to thank him for not only speaking out for the kids that he had to witness lose their life, But for acknowledging the unfair treatment that Blacks are constantly getting!!
Muhammad Obama LMAO...just cuz u list random shit followed by "and that was a lie" doesn't really mean shit... What specificly about guns did they say was a lie, u listed a lot of dumb shit but pls just give me one fact about guns that they told a lie about... I know U feel really passionate about this but just saying "that was a lie" doesn't make it so no matter how many times u click your heels 2gether
+Muhammad Obama So basically you're mad that they don't affirm any of the hundreds of conspiracy theories the administration sponsored media has peddled in order to assassinate the character of anyone on the Trumpian right-wing's shitlist. Gotcha.
Although he is very, very young, it is clear that David Hogg is brilliant and fearless, and willing to stand up for what he believes. I think he has the mind and mettle to make a great career in politics if he so chooses. Picture it: It is noon on January 20, 2045 and he is standing at a podium in front of the U.S. Capitol with his hand on a bible and he says "I, David Miles Hogg, do solemnly swear..." It is not out of the realm of possibility.
Absolutely correct, Jose. And David Hogg has said multiple times that he is in favor of the second amendment and does not want to ban guns, he just wants more sensible regulation around gun ownership. Anytime someone proposes any type of regulation on guns, the NRA immediately screams "they want to take away all your guns" to get everyone all riled up. Not true, just saying.
Voice of Reason you do realize how incredibly ironic your comment is right? Since its Laura Ingram who originally attacked him as a person because she could not attack his argument. You're on the wrong side of history here, bud. Not to mention you are on the wrong side of the facts and logic as well. But then again, the conservative position on just about every issue is not only illogical, but usually immoral as well.
+Voice of Reason Here's some facts for you: USA has 7-25 times more gun homicide than the rest of the first world countries. Look it up for yourself...learn the facts.
Yep, the left are authoritarian to the core and they have infested everything. They PC cult is so pervasuve its dogma isn't even questioned anymore. Is there ANY evidence they will sell less products? Nope. They are simply afraid of the left, both the public, and its its own ranks (HR departments and such).
Poor democrats don't realize these monsters they have created are not kind, are not fair, are not just, and will wind up being cruel and tyrannical leaders. There is not a single race obsessed, gender obsessed, etc leader in the word who is not an authoritarian. Remember this when you put these ideological monsters in office.
Jeff show me where cnn or msnbc attacked the vegas shooters. And explain how even if true it justifies your actions. Do you care about human life less than your political sports team bullshit?
Voice of Reason citation needed on msnbc or cnn attacking vegas shooting survivors like fox attacks these kids. And does that justify it? You can accept children being murdered if they arent on your political sports team? Thats vile. leftist Dim's sure had no problem attacking Steven Scalise.... But then you still wont shut up lib lemmings can never see your own stupidity...
She *blew* her way to the top. She's the Jennifer Lawrence of Fox media. The irony is Fox is no different from hollywood And Yes, I do believe Jennifer Lawrence has slept with Harvey Weinstein and possibly other powerful individuals
They are immune to criticism. And david hoggs tweet acted as if the colleges were rejecting him BECAUSE of his stance on gun control. (Reality is- these colleges likely rejected him over 10 weeks ago) At 17- he should wait until he is 21 to weigh in on gun control. having said all that- I dont really know what the point was for Ingram to say anything back to his post.
No he's not. You are free to criticise his opinions on gun control, but you don't have to be nasty about him personally. This is a basic thing that conservatives don't seem to be able to understand.
Richard Hunter lol one conservative talked shit and most conservatives called her out so how tf does this show what conservatives truly are? If anything, it shows that conservatives stand up against bs
Is it just me, is this David Hogg a boy a girl? Narrow shoulders, pointed chin, rounded jawline, wide hips; it's strange how feminine this young person is. Where is his Adams apple? Maybe his/her Dad knows he is former FBI right or is the FBI just another political fringe group and not investigators now?
Fox News: Kids are addicted to phones and aren't involved in their communities and don't know enough about what's going on Kids: *Protest and start a movement* Fox News: Hey, don't do that
+ mmddyyyyalphabet Nothing new there. I was a child of the 60s and 70s - we were said to basically be useless, spoiled wastrels too and told to get out and do something - but the right wing did not like what we did, and then we were terrible people who should shut the fuck up.
+Mathew Emerson Whatever makes you feel good Skippy. I know it seems impossible to you that kids who just got shot at and watched their friends die, MIGHT just have some strong opinions in the wake of that. But not everyone is an adult toddler like you.
It is a bit sad that I have to take "old" friends of friends list on FB. Sharing the Constitution ripping and David Hogg as being a troll for the 2nd Amendment rights. I cannot even comment without getting bullied. Facts are not Opinions....I am so proud of these children
@Collin: Laura Ingraham is a morally & ethically reprehensible demonized caricature of what a human being is suppose to be. That's why she should lose her job!
wrong son. i wonder what your position is. probably aint gonna make it thru college?. drop out kid right????.... I'll tell you a little about myself since your judging.... 3.8 GPA. Honor student. CSU univeristy student pretty soon. will be doing honors in university as well. what else. want more???. ❤spread love not hate guys
BUT SHE APOLOGIZED!!! Like, REALLY??? I feel like every day I wake up and there's a new piece of human trash on my TV. Thanks for keeping us aware, guys. Keep it up!
Alice Darhk Um yeah and NO ITS NOT!! It's called I'M NOT A GUPPIE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE THAT THINK THIS SHIT WAS REAL. You believe that this shit was real just like everyone else and you lady are sad .
Handpicked Puppets to be used for the Democratic Deep State Agenda!! What about other kids in the school? Pick someone that isn't an activist or part of the Drama Club or a CNN apprentice.
I agree. They are simply weaponized kids the left has decided to use to push an agenda. They were interviewed for the job by the MSM, picked for their narratives and emotion, and now they are monsters in the making. Kids who lack wisdom and experience are now armed and sent out to attack and wage war. Its pathetic.
My point is thus proven, thank you. BTW, I don't own guns, I have other hobbies. However, thank you for irrational comment, boogeyman story, and of course the icing on the cake, bullying me by calling me a fascist thus proving how utterly devoid of reason and logic the left is. You basically said nothing of value, just spewed religious ideological dogma (PC).
"In the spirit of holy week I would like to apologize, as an adult and a powerful tv star, for attacking shooting victim children on twitter." How noble of you...
Serious question: Who is the least despicable person working in FOX News right now? I watch David Pakman a lot and he seems to feel it's Shep Smith but can anyone argue someone else?
Before Meghan Kelly left, i saw some clips of her and she was actually pretty decent, but so far I haven't seen any. Tuckers been bullying these kids too
Holy crap these kids are fighting back and actually doing something. Kudos to all of you. Don't stop now keep going. You'll definitely get something done.
Λ RΛNDOM INTΞRNΞT USΞR ....and these kids are fighting for what?? Gun control??...what about the many who LET this killing happen in the first place?? The agencies who didn't do their job..including the police force who hid while it was going down, how about the police head guy named Israel, that didn't do his job protecting the kids...instead, immediately put the BLAME on an agency who wasn't even involved?? How about the agencies who WERE INVOLVED AND DIDNT DO THEIR JOB???? 39 times they EACH had a chance to do something...lets see some justice!! Heads roll! Who didn't follow thru in these agencies?? How about the cop Israel?? Instead we have a few kids that are being led to promote an agenda that has nothing to do with WHY THIS CRIME WAS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE??? maybe you FORGOT that already...just like they wanted you who has the ring in their nose and is being led by it. .... Classic "sheeple".
Linda McIntosh whoa "Linda". So much stupid. I'll write in terms you'll understand. Yes they want gun control, so that loopy people don't have access to these weapons in the first place, and they don't go shoot up schools or other public places. "What about the many who let this killing happen?" You're right. They're responsible too. Especially whoever sold the weapon to the kid. The FBI, etc. "The agencies who didn't do their job, including the police force.." They are trained to protect their own lives, not protect and serve. They are responsible too. "Instead, immediately put the blame on an agency who wasn't even involved?" They actively and aggressively lobby against any and all forms of sensible gun control and buy politicians to dismiss any legislation and even reverse whatever little we have in terms of background checks, etc. They are responsible too. "Instead we have a few kids that are being led to promote an agenda... [ ]" In case you didn't read it the first time, they're pushing for common sense regulations so that loopy people don't go shooty shooty at some crowded place. Things like this wouldnt happen if they wouldn't have access to such weapons in the first place, or if cops weren't cowards and only valued their lives, or if we enforced whatever little we have when it comes to background checks. It's got everything to do with their movement, it's got everything to do as to why it happened. "...who has the ring in their nose... Sheepie" I don't know, you tell me... once you step out of whatever echo chamber you live in.
In my Howard Stern voice: Can you imagine being married to that.......with that almost monotone, dry, opinionated voice everyday? Laura Ingraham that is.
If they were speaking out about gun violence they would be focusing on hand guns and gang related violence, because that’s where most of it occurs. Instead they want to ban rifles and high capacity magazines??
If Laura was really “holy” she wouldn’t have to wait for a specific week to begrudgingly be a decent person. I hope her show gets cancelled so she can focus full time on trying to be a better person. 😇
BTW, Laura Ingraham announced she was taking a week's vacation last night after a ton of advertisers announced they were pulling ads from her show. The question is whether she will still have a show in a week, a Bill O'Reilly did the same thing after it was revealed that Fox News had paid multi-millions of dollars in settlements for sexual harassment claims brought by his accusers, and before he could come back he was fired from the channel. Granted, it takes a whole lot to get fired from Fox News other than proclaiming to be a liberal Democrat, but once someone starts losing money for their employer their days are numbered.
I'm not from USA , but objectively I fail to understand how someone is allowed to mock victims/kids who've been this tragedy and it's still acceptable. It's a travesty and clear sign of departure from any form of morality bubble this society presents.
hmmmm elite, what does that word mean? You mean a coastal "elite" like Trump, who grew up in Manhattan the son of a multi millionaire and attended elite private schools his entire life?
Tbh Florida GPA's don't really count for much. I know several kids who moved from New England to Florida and are all have 4.5+ GPA with the weighting system, that is why we have standard tests like SAT to equalize the country.
This type of "apology" seems to be coming more common. The wording: "I apologise for any hurt or offence my comments caused" are such that, if you break it down, they are actually saying: there was nothing wrong with my comments, as far as I am concerned, and any persevered offence is the responsibility of the offended.
Thank you for clarifying that you don’t mean every single republican when you say “the right”! I hate it how some news outlets talk smack about “the left” or “the right” and don’t clarify that they talking about extremists.
Well actually, in Florida a 4.1 GPA is pretty average. They do weighted GPAs, so taking AP classes or Honors classes count as more than 4.0. The one person in my school that got into Harvard had 7.1 GPA, and the people getting into other Ivy Schools had 6.0s or above. Also 1270 in SATs is fairly average, I mean the max score in two parts of the exam is 1600. The kid is smart but he's not a brilliant student by any means lol. I'd infer that he's unweighted GPA, depending on the classes he's taking, is probably more around the 3.0s. Like I said, just about average.
Yeah, even in California, a 4.1 GPA can be pretty average (David Hogg's GPA was actually a 4.2 GPA---Laura Ingraham posted the incorrect GPA on Twitter, but the same principle you mentioned applies.). My boyfriend, who went to a private Catholic high school in Los Angeles and had a 4.3 GPA, was rejected from UCLA back in 2008. You also have to consider the unweighted GPA as you mentioned as well as extracurricular activities, SAT score, etc. UCLA uses a "holistic admissions" process so even if the guy had a 4.5 GPA, it's not necessarily enough. Also, UCLA doesn't use the Florida high school's GPA scale. UC schools recalculate your GPA into their own formula ("UC GPA"), so Hogg's GPA may well be very different.
Academic performance is but one measure of a person's abilities, and a very limited one at that. Many who have demonstrated brilliance in the past had academic experiences that showed no indication of brilliance. David Hogg may well be a 'mediocre' student in the classroom, but out in the public forum, he exhibits clear indications of being rather extraordinary. It could well be he has found his niche.
UCLA uses a holistic admissions process. So it's not just about numbers. They want impressive extracurricular activities as well + strong SAT scores + strong unweighted GPAs.
Since when does criticizing a 25 year old pretending to be 17 even anything to apologize for? And if he is a student, like he claims, why did he disrespect truancy laws and not go to school that day? But expect criminals to respect gun laws?
It’s frustrating to me to see people who say you can’t talk about gun after a school shooting out of “respect for the victims” then disrespect victims because they don’t like the political fallout from the event.
Rad Derry exactly
Ellen Attridge he isn't a victim. He told the media he was home and heard and came to the school. Well, 1 of his many stories. Could have stayed home
Edward Stack Sr Dude kids actually died..........what is wrong with you?
Warblade Saint
What isn't wrong with him? It's obvious he's a typical dudebro moron
Swang Persona B his friends, his teachers, his classmates. He is a victim
High grade point averages are not what get you placed in schools anymore, it's cash.
Richard Schmidtendorff and you know this, why? Funny. I see my nephews etc. The GPA is weighted with EXTRA CREDIT. I DARE you to accuse my sister of bribing the school personnel. Come and tell me this TO MY FACE.
UCLA avg acceptance score is 1370 and Hogg had 1270. That’s why he didn’t get accepted.
Mackenzie Buster you just said AVERAGE score is 1370. Meaning if ucla only had 2 students and one had 1270 and the other 1470. You'd have 1370. Unless the minimum requirement Was 1370 because what you said didn't make sense
General Maudy "The 25th percentile New SAT score is 1250, and the 75th percentile SAT score is 1500. In other words, a 1250 places you below average, while a 1500 will move you up to above average. There's no absolute SAT requirement at UCLA"
General Maudy I'm not saying this is your position, but to think he didn't get accepted to any of these colleges because of his activism is absurd, considering how lefty college campuses are.
"Whine" is just a buzzword small-minded people use when they disagree with what another person says.
So whinning doesn't exist?
Armando Magalhaes never said it existed. Thats the definition he wrote. And that fits Laura does. Thats what she’s known for.
@@recria9703 No, it doesn't exist....not the way you spelled it.
Quit whining.
@@BUSTRCHERRI Thanks for proving my point 😉
I think adults that are making fun of these kids are pathetic.
like shapiro LOL. fuckin asshole (he didnt make fun of him, but dissed him hard)
casualgerm : They're not just adults! They're republican adults that are doing this! Vote them out of Congress! It's your chance to correct things!
+Mint Visto
Whatabout. Whatabout. Whatabout. Whatabout.
casualgerm - I would say _evil,_ not pathetic!
WHAT'S MORE PATHETIC IS THE LEFT IS USING THEM FOR MORE- ON THE LAW BOOKS GUN CONTROL. HEY HERE'S A THOUGHT. start actually enforcing those laws. Cruz should have been placed in an institution a year before and never was.
The young man is well spoken and more mature than the entire cast of Fox and Friends, Laura Ingraham, and the Five😠
That's what I thought at first.
More mature?
He should be. He's coached by CNN for a few years now.
I call them the 5 Boneheads
David Hogg is brilliant. Hitting her at her weak point: advertisements.
Quite a few of the advertisers came back, whilst David Hogg fades into obscurity
If you find a child getting paid to talk brilliant, you should evaluate yourself
IanBFootage he really is brilliant! She deserves to have this happen to her.
The best way to hurt a rich person. Cut the Money, works everytime take the money and they freak out.
J.A1337 obscurity? He’s a teenager
When liberals express their concerns , conservatives say they are whinning, but when conservatives express their concerns they say they saying the truth and a real problem.
that's how it always is
Believe me! I am the most deserving Natural Born Smart Genius and Alpha Beauty King in human history! My family are naturally divinities! My people are not your normal Republicans! They are semi-deities by proximity and club membership to Trump Heavenly Church of Self-Entitled Manhattan Nazis! We will not just settle for mortal scale hypocrisy or depravity! We will out-do any previous Republican royalties' shamelessness and greed and audacity! We will break human record in NARCISSISM and HUBRIS! MWAHAHAHAHA
Ismael Aguilar That's because our concerns are supported by facts, not demagoguery.
She is incapable of attacking his position so she attacks him personally.
She criticized him. That's a lot different from attacking him. Time to adult.
Criticize is a synonym of Attack. So is essence means the same thing in the context of this video. Time to educate yourself.
David Hogg doesn't have an actual position. He's perfectly happy to make personal attacks against his opposition, so he's fair game as far as I'm concerned.
Right wing talking heads are power users of logical fallacies.
I wouldn't call what she said much of an attack. He was whining a little bit, but he's 17 so I didn't think much of it. But I don't like this Twitter mob bullshit that's been going on lately.
holy shit, that kid really is quite sharp. he went straight for the jugular getting sponsors pulled. There's full grown accomplished adults that would never have thought of that, much less been able to pull it off
He's being coached.
His father is an FBI agent, he's 22 years old. The dumb sheep will buy into ANY pied Piper
a 23 yr old in highschool
Oh yes what a brilliant innovative genius
The kid is a punk, looking for publicity for himself.
Trev Mac Jesus Christ get your life together
Mocking a high school kid, how low can you go?!
Yes laura cant hide behind her age!
Voice of Reason if you can't defend yourself with your hands you haven't earned the right to use firearms.
About as low as mocking a 10 year old little boy whose father ran for President I guess. I dont know what do you liberals think ?
Voice of Reason To be fair, both taking rights and mocking children is equally disgusting. Seriously. You're acting like a 5 year old at a playground trying to one up people.
Bushangels Using grieving children to further your political agenda.
This high schooler carries himself in a far more mature manner than most Fox pundits. I legitimately hope he runs for public office because his priorities seem to be in the right place, and I know he'd have my vote
...he's have your vote because he is easily led by the ring in his nose by who ever will pay him the biggest bucks. Just like Hillary Clinton. You are pathetic!!
+Linda McIntosh It's entertaining, yet sad, to see morons like you resort to unrefined and grotesque fallacies. You have no argument, yet argue. You have nothing to say, yet you talk. You can't solve problems, so you create them. You people are insane.
He will have my VOTE to. Let's hope he will run for something. For President in the future. DAVID G.
"I apologise for _any_ upset or hurt"... As if there's a *question* about this??! She intentionally slandered and demeaned him on national television. The least she could do would be to own up to being a jerk and say that she was wrong to say what she said.
This was an 'apology' written by a heartless PR department, and deserved the response it got.
"In the spirit of Holy Week"? LOL
I'm contacting every company on that list. This is our chance to get rid of L. Ingram! Please, everyone make the calls, we can do this!
People don't even know how big Nestle is or what they have to give up to boycott Nestle. They don't just make one brand of ice cream or candy bars. 70-80% of the non-fresh food in the aisles are either own by Nestle or General Mills.
Thumps up.
Conservatives gave up civility with Newt during the Clinton years. A friggen republican yelled "liar" during Obama's State of the Union speech for pete's sake.
charlidog2 And we were right about bathhouse Barry
charlidog2 There's no moral politicians. Their all crooks democrats and republicans. That's why the 2nd amendment is so important. Everyone talks about how evil trump is but the want to hand our guns to him government.
fascists arent "conservative" in the USA unless you are stupid enough to think the confederacy won the civil war, like democrats are.
Sally Shaded Bernie is moral and not corrupt. Progressives are not taking money from corporations or pacs. They work for us.
Interesting that this 16 year old kid is smarter than the president!
These companies SHOULD pullout..just like her dad should have.
Cold. Accurate, but cold.
HIGH ENERGY Na. I just like to see them eat each other like the animals they are.
HIGH ENERGY Libtards taking on the companies more like.
Lmao 👏👏👏
Notice how David Hogg went after the jugular of Fox News: The money!! Keep doing that!!
Andrew Hopkins Yes!
Andrew Hopkins Yep, that's real power.
DO you mean David Hogg? If so I don't understand your reasoning for attacking him. Why should he be attacked?
Andrew Hopkins, dragon1717 is a goofball. Lol
Oh yeah...he's such a threat.
Laura is mean. I don't think fox would miss her.
Karla Faulkner she's on her way out lol
Hannity would
They would cause they're all racist
In Laura Ingraham's world, children are to be seen and not heard. Especially when it's not the same views hers. These kids survived a horrific ordeal. Grow up Laura and try to sound HALF as intelligent as this 17 y.o..
Cat...the question you SHOULD be asking yourself, is why that shooting was ALLOWED to happen in the first place?? Why?..If all those agencies, and the police force, and Isreal were actually doing their jobs..none of this would have happened in the first place. And THOSE 17 KIDS WOULD STILL BE ALIVE TODAY... Evidently that doesn't matter to you....but it should. Why we NICK ALLOWED to buy guns in the first place?? There were laws already in place. But so many different agencies INCLUDING that police force...who actually went out to his house, who actually received calls that nick was a danger and wanted to shoot up his school...why weren't those calls acted on?? Got an answer for that?????
Or are you so hooked onto the agenda that bans all guns that you can't be bothered?????
17 students dead should make you think about it at least...if not, you ARE shallow.
Linda McIntosh I'll type this real slow so that maybe you can understand it ! Where in my comment did you read that it's ok to kill any amount of students or anyone for that fact? Where did it say that we should repeal the 2nd amendment and take everyone's guns away ? I don't have a clue what you are babbling about in regards to what I wrote. I suggest that you actually read the comments before you go off on your little tangents. And for God's sake, please get back on your meds !!!!
anyone who is WORRIED about not being accepted into college should be praised. it shows they value education.
Voice of Reason voice of poop
Very mature response. Typical of a liberal.
Jeff Voice of Feces*
David Hogg is here for a reason, And I sure would like to thank him for not only speaking out for the kids that he had to witness lose their life, But for acknowledging the unfair treatment that Blacks are constantly getting!!
She only apologized because companies didn’t want her.
Laura need to get someone to check the facts....... OH RIGHT she on FOX !!!
Fox, #1 Fake News Outlet hands down.
Muhammad Obama
was there a lie in this segment? Or even what was the latest lie that tyt told...?
Muhammad Obama still not saying shit Osama... What false information about guns?
Muhammad Obama
LMAO...just cuz u list random shit followed by "and that was a lie" doesn't really mean shit... What specificly about guns did they say was a lie, u listed a lot of dumb shit but pls just give me one fact about guns that they told a lie about... I know U feel really passionate about this but just saying "that was a lie" doesn't make it so no matter how many times u click your heels 2gether
+Muhammad Obama
So basically you're mad that they don't affirm any of the hundreds of conspiracy theories the administration sponsored media has peddled in order to assassinate the character of anyone on the Trumpian right-wing's shitlist. Gotcha.
Although he is very, very young, it is clear that David Hogg is brilliant and fearless, and willing to stand up for what he believes. I think he has the mind and mettle to make a great career in politics if he so chooses. Picture it: It is noon on January 20, 2045 and he is standing at a podium in front of the U.S. Capitol with his hand on a bible and he says "I, David Miles Hogg, do solemnly swear..." It is not out of the realm of possibility.
Absolutely correct, Jose. And David Hogg has said multiple times that he is in favor of the second amendment and does not want to ban guns, he just wants more sensible regulation around gun ownership. Anytime someone proposes any type of regulation on guns, the NRA immediately screams "they want to take away all your guns" to get everyone all riled up. Not true, just saying.
caseyflorida I love it, and I can totally see it!!!
its very clear he is young and its also very clear that hes fragile and cant take criticism at all
OMG Brillant? You can't be that stupid. You are right though he would make a perfect politician because he's a puppet.'re kidding - the kid is nothing but a pawn for the Dems
That kid is a genius. He hit her where it hurt... her money.
Voice of Reason Facts don't work against these people, you DO you know that, don't you?
Voice of Reason you do realize how incredibly ironic your comment is right? Since its Laura Ingram who originally attacked him as a person because she could not attack his argument. You're on the wrong side of history here, bud. Not to mention you are on the wrong side of the facts and logic as well. But then again, the conservative position on just about every issue is not only illogical, but usually immoral as well.
+Voice of Reason Here's some facts for you: USA has 7-25 times more gun homicide than the rest of the first world countries.
Look it up for yourself...learn the facts.
Yep, the left are authoritarian to the core and they have infested everything. They PC cult is so pervasuve its dogma isn't even questioned anymore. Is there ANY evidence they will sell less products? Nope. They are simply afraid of the left, both the public, and its its own ranks (HR departments and such).
Poor democrats don't realize these monsters they have created are not kind, are not fair, are not just, and will wind up being cruel and tyrannical leaders. There is not a single race obsessed, gender obsessed, etc leader in the word who is not an authoritarian.
Remember this when you put these ideological monsters in office.
Imagine if the left criticized and insulted survivors of a school shooting.
Exactly! How soon the small brain of a liberal forgets!
Jeff show me where cnn or msnbc attacked the vegas shooters. And explain how even if true it justifies your actions. Do you care about human life less than your political sports team bullshit?
Voice of Reason citation needed on msnbc or cnn attacking vegas shooting survivors like fox attacks these kids. And does that justify it? You can accept children being murdered if they arent on your political sports team? Thats vile.
Voice of Reason what? Where did you hear that? leftist Dim's sure had no problem attacking Steven Scalise.... But then you still wont shut up lib lemmings can never see your own stupidity...
Yep, Laura ran her mouth to the wrong one, congratulations,you played yourself
She's doing just fine.
Why does it have to be holy week for you to uphold holy values?
What on Earth are "holy values"??
Themis Vespucci Preach!!!
The young man sounds disappointed, but not whiny at all! Whereas, Ingraham sounds like the vicious little troll she is!
mick readdin troll? I'd say Orc.
You would have to be complete sociopath to do what Laura Ingraham said, she should tell us what her grades were like when she was a teenager.
This kid is brilliant.
VotelessOrc497 Citation please, because we both know you are wrong.
Kevin Lopez shut up liberal
Nutrish is Rachael Ray's brand of dog food. So glad she's pulling their ads! ALSO "If it weren't Holy Week, no way in hell I'd apologize"
Melissa H Is that what kind Laura eats ? She's had her shots, right?
Coldern Ice nICE burn, sadly she hasnt been vaccinated for rabies.. which is why she's foaming at the mouth snapping at children!
As if these poor children haven’t been through enough 🤦🏽♀️
Now i would like to know Laura Ingraham's own kids GPA. ...And the score he had when she got into colleague.
But she raised them, right? I would like to know what sort of "genius" sprouted from her parenting skills, since she's making fun of a 4.2 gpa.
Laura was a party girl in college . Check her " glorious " past scandals ...
She *blew* her way to the top. She's the Jennifer Lawrence of Fox media. The irony is Fox is no different from hollywood
And Yes, I do believe Jennifer Lawrence has slept with Harvey Weinstein and possibly other powerful individuals
Like you were there.......
David Erif you spelled college wrong. I mean. Dude.
I'm glad that people are finally getting to see conservatives for what they are.
They're not immune to criticism; however, they are immune to the usual right wing tactics of trying to smear them.
Richard Hunter Exactly. How much dirt is there on 16 and 17-year-olds?
They are immune to criticism. And david hoggs tweet acted as if the colleges were rejecting him BECAUSE of his stance on gun control. (Reality is- these colleges likely rejected him over 10 weeks ago)
At 17- he should wait until he is 21 to weigh in on gun control.
having said all that- I dont really know what the point was for Ingram to say anything back to his post.
No he's not. You are free to criticise his opinions on gun control, but you don't have to be nasty about him personally. This is a basic thing that conservatives don't seem to be able to understand.
Richard Hunter lol one conservative talked shit and most conservatives called her out so how tf does this show what conservatives truly are? If anything, it shows that conservatives stand up against bs
I am so happy those advertisers are pulling their ads. She is disgusting and does not deserve a position to influence people, especially with lies.
Is it just me, is this David Hogg a boy a girl? Narrow shoulders, pointed chin, rounded jawline, wide hips; it's strange how feminine this young person is. Where is his Adams apple? Maybe his/her Dad knows he is former FBI right or is the FBI just another political fringe group and not investigators now?
How to you know he as young as he looks? If he is a she she could be into her twenties.
Why is this in a Dreamurr Reborn playlist?
Lol smart kid.. go after the money.
Voice of Reason A minor spelling error doesn’t dictate how smart he is
Jeyrik Paduga Go after the money because that is the only thing they care about.
Fox News: Kids are addicted to phones and aren't involved in their communities and don't know enough about what's going on
Kids: *Protest and start a movement*
Fox News: Hey, don't do that
mmddyyyyalphabet lol 😂! Right on!
mmddyyyyalphabet Sounds very familiar
+ mmddyyyyalphabet
Nothing new there. I was a child of the 60s and 70s - we were said to basically be useless, spoiled wastrels too and told to get out and do something - but the right wing did not like what we did, and then we were terrible people who should shut the fuck up.
+Mathew Emerson
Whatever makes you feel good Skippy. I know it seems impossible to you that kids who just got shot at and watched their friends die, MIGHT just have some strong opinions in the wake of that. But not everyone is an adult toddler like you.
Fox News: Kids should be seen and not heard, we should sink to their level and insult their intelligence
School shooters: Hold my beer
It is a bit sad that I have to take "old" friends of friends list on FB. Sharing the Constitution ripping and David Hogg as being a troll for the 2nd Amendment rights. I cannot even comment without getting bullied. Facts are not Opinions....I am so proud of these children
Thank you
Get rid of the toxicity on your friend list. It's better
I wish him all the success. He’ll go far. Laura Ingraham has no class. AT&T you need to end your sponsorship of her show.
His 15 minutes are up.
go david hoggs. your someone i look up to. im following your steps. you got this!!!
I will double support the companies you boycott
@Collin: Laura Ingraham is a morally & ethically reprehensible demonized caricature of what a human being is suppose to be.
That's why she should lose her job!
juan maya thank you comrade!
Lmao you and him seem to have the same gifts on grammar and punctuation. I’m guessing you didn’t get into college either lmao!!!!!!!!!! Roflmao!!!!!!
wrong son. i wonder what your position is. probably aint gonna make it thru college?. drop out kid right????.... I'll tell you a little about myself since your judging.... 3.8 GPA. Honor student. CSU univeristy student pretty soon. will be doing honors in university as well. what else. want more???. ❤spread love not hate guys
BUT SHE APOLOGIZED!!! Like, REALLY??? I feel like every day I wake up and there's a new piece of human trash on my TV. Thanks for keeping us aware, guys. Keep it up!
They're not victims! They're survivors!!!
Alice Darhk Um yeah and NO ITS NOT!! It's called I'M NOT A GUPPIE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE THAT THINK THIS SHIT WAS REAL. You believe that this shit was real just like everyone else and you lady are sad .
Handpicked Puppets to be used for the Democratic Deep State Agenda!! What about other kids in the school? Pick someone that isn't an activist or part of the Drama Club or a CNN apprentice.
I agree. They are simply weaponized kids the left has decided to use to push an agenda. They were interviewed for the job by the MSM, picked for their narratives and emotion, and now they are monsters in the making. Kids who lack wisdom and experience are now armed and sent out to attack and wage war.
Its pathetic.
My point is thus proven, thank you. BTW, I don't own guns, I have other hobbies. However, thank you for irrational comment, boogeyman story, and of course the icing on the cake, bullying me by calling me a fascist thus proving how utterly devoid of reason and logic the left is.
You basically said nothing of value, just spewed religious ideological dogma (PC).
Almost all of her sponsors pulled out already, she is finished and on her way out.
"In the spirit of holy week I would like to apologize, as an adult and a powerful tv star, for attacking shooting victim children on twitter." How noble of you...
The roles of adults and children are reversing right before our eyes
Laura Ingraham was taught nothing at Darthmouth and UVA.
never whining he is intellegent
He's s moron.
He was not whining....he was talking straight.
Serious question: Who is the least despicable person working in FOX News right now? I watch David Pakman a lot and he seems to feel it's Shep Smith but can anyone argue someone else?
I say Shepard Smith is the one that you can sit down and watch without feeling you've been molested. Chris Wallace is a close second.
I thought Shep Smith was the most sane one?
Jesse Torres I'll go with Shep
Before Meghan Kelly left, i saw some clips of her and she was actually pretty decent, but so far I haven't seen any. Tuckers been bullying these kids too
Megyn Kelly had an actual on-air defense on the whiteness of Santa Claus. She's a joke.
Damn... Dude made her eat MAJOR CROW! 😂
Holy crap these kids are fighting back and actually doing something. Kudos to all of you. Don't stop now keep going. You'll definitely get something done.
Λ RΛNDOM INTΞRNΞT USΞR ....and these kids are fighting for what?? Gun control??...what about the many who LET this killing happen in the first place?? The agencies who didn't do their job..including the police force who hid while it was going down, how about the police head guy named Israel, that didn't do his job protecting the kids...instead, immediately put the BLAME on an agency who wasn't even involved?? How about the agencies who WERE INVOLVED AND DIDNT DO THEIR JOB????
39 times they EACH had a chance to do something...lets see some justice!! Heads roll! Who didn't follow thru in these agencies?? How about the cop Israel??
Instead we have a few kids that are being led to promote an agenda that has nothing to do with WHY THIS CRIME WAS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE??? maybe you FORGOT that already...just like they wanted you who has the ring in their nose and is being led by it. ....
Classic "sheeple".
Linda McIntosh whoa "Linda". So much stupid. I'll write in terms you'll understand.
Yes they want gun control, so that loopy people don't have access to these weapons in the first place, and they don't go shoot up schools or other public places.
"What about the many who let this killing happen?" You're right. They're responsible too. Especially whoever sold the weapon to the kid. The FBI, etc.
"The agencies who didn't do their job, including the police force.."
They are trained to protect their own lives, not protect and serve. They are responsible too.
"Instead, immediately put the blame on an agency who wasn't even involved?"
They actively and aggressively lobby against any and all forms of sensible gun control and buy politicians to dismiss any legislation and even reverse whatever little we have in terms of background checks, etc.
They are responsible too.
"Instead we have a few kids that are being led to promote an agenda... [ ]"
In case you didn't read it the first time, they're pushing for common sense regulations so that loopy people don't go shooty shooty at some crowded place. Things like this wouldnt happen if they wouldn't have access to such weapons in the first place, or if cops weren't cowards and only valued their lives, or if we enforced whatever little we have when it comes to background checks. It's got everything to do with their movement, it's got everything to do as to why it happened.
"...who has the ring in their nose... Sheepie"
I don't know, you tell me... once you step out of whatever echo chamber you live in.
Laura Ingraham should stop whining about David Hogg's whining.
What was Laura’s GPA?
In my Howard Stern voice: Can you imagine being married to that.......with that almost monotone, dry, opinionated voice everyday? Laura Ingraham that is.
Kevin Lopez Ha!Ha! Right on!
Bababooey bababooey!!
Got Tarantulas definitely thought you meant Hogg, sure describes him
Medic 135 Nope! Definitely meant Laura Ingraham.
xCYCHOTRONx Lol! Hell yeah!
Thoughts and prayers for victims of gun violence, unless they speak out about gun violence, then it's invective and curses.
GUNS do not committ violence Einstein! I've had one in my cabinet for decades & it has never moved on its own.
we-aren't-strangers wow your so ignorant it's cringy
Insight Truth Tell that to the people doing it.
we-aren't-strangers 😂😂😂
If they were speaking out about gun violence they would be focusing on hand guns and gang related violence, because that’s where most of it occurs. Instead they want to ban rifles and high capacity magazines??
She only apologized after losing money. Just goes to show you that people only respond when their wallets get hit
Laura couldn't even get his GPA correct! 😂
So Laura is only a decent human being during Holy Week. Got it.
"Old ass parents?" "Give me F ing phone?" David Hogg is handling himself with civility?
why is laura ingraham still employed anywhere??
Why is anyone listening to her.
Hannah19 niche market made of angry grumpy old people.
Kevin Lopez came to comment the same thing 🤣🤣
If Laura was really “holy” she wouldn’t have to wait for a specific week to begrudgingly be a decent person. I hope her show gets cancelled so she can focus full time on trying to be a better person. 😇
Melissa S lol go look how righteous and sanctified these Christians behave during holy holidays
BTW, Laura Ingraham announced she was taking a week's vacation last night after a ton of advertisers announced they were pulling ads from her show. The question is whether she will still have a show in a week, a Bill O'Reilly did the same thing after it was revealed that Fox News had paid multi-millions of dollars in settlements for sexual harassment claims brought by his accusers, and before he could come back he was fired from the channel. Granted, it takes a whole lot to get fired from Fox News other than proclaiming to be a liberal Democrat, but once someone starts losing money for their employer their days are numbered.
I'm not from USA , but objectively I fail to understand how someone is allowed to mock victims/kids who've been this tragedy and it's still acceptable. It's a travesty and clear sign of departure from any form of morality bubble this society presents.
👍🏽 well done kid
most conservatives seem to fear intelligent people who think for themselves
very true
No we wish everyone think for themselves, It's your liberal elite masters who don't wish people to think for themselves.
hmmmm elite, what does that word mean? You mean a coastal "elite" like Trump, who grew up in Manhattan the son of a multi millionaire and attended elite private schools his entire life?
That’s the direction they’re headed..... even encouraging people in their party to stay out of college... it’s sad
There is a really funny Breaking Burgh piece on Laura Ingham and her apologies to her advertisers- satirical site.
Notice how ingraham also knocked his GPA down by 0.1 just so she could say it is a typo AND make her point. She wouldn't accidentally type 4.3 lol
T Timeler what a triggered loser lol
Thomas MacKelly Yeah, Ingraham is triggered on a daily basis.
Gonna be sweet when Mueller takes the dumpf out cold, for treason. Gonna be much bawling and crapping of panties among the dumpfsters. LOL
Tbh Florida GPA's don't really count for much. I know several kids who moved from New England to Florida and are all have 4.5+ GPA with the weighting system, that is why we have standard tests like SAT to equalize the country.
NO WONDER WE HAVE SNOWFLAKES THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE. why was this little genius not accepted ..may be that is not his real score
It is sad that the most mature people in the conversation are the kids. This young man is tough, strong, mature and intelligent.
Heidi Melendez if you believe that then you can't be helped
LeBron/David Hogg 2 --- Laura Ingraham 0
Laura Ingraham looks like an IT clown thats more scarier
Vaajid Rehmani: gee, that's an intelligent response.
Linda McIntosh tit for tat learned from our president lol
I'd vote this kid into office in a heartbeat.
First comment! And wow.This has become real serious now. I hope everyone is okay.
This type of "apology" seems to be coming more common. The wording: "I apologise for any hurt or offence my comments caused" are such that, if you break it down, they are actually saying: there was nothing wrong with my comments, as far as I am concerned, and any persevered offence is the responsibility of the offended.
Thank you for clarifying that you don’t mean every single republican when you say “the right”! I hate it how some news outlets talk smack about “the left” or “the right” and don’t clarify that they talking about extremists.
Maybe Laura is trying to get employed by Donald Trump....
Well played David. He seems to recognize who to target when dealing with these conservatives.
You hit their donors and you hit them with an iron rod.
There's no argument because anytime anyone questions him they are censored , removed, and edited. Silencing the opposing views is not helpful.
Hogg, son of Hogg, volunteered to fight in the vanguard.
Well actually, in Florida a 4.1 GPA is pretty average. They do weighted GPAs, so taking AP classes or Honors classes count as more than 4.0. The one person in my school that got into Harvard had 7.1 GPA, and the people getting into other Ivy Schools had 6.0s or above. Also 1270 in SATs is fairly average, I mean the max score in two parts of the exam is 1600. The kid is smart but he's not a brilliant student by any means lol. I'd infer that he's unweighted GPA, depending on the classes he's taking, is probably more around the 3.0s. Like I said, just about average.
Yeah, even in California, a 4.1 GPA can be pretty average (David Hogg's GPA was actually a 4.2 GPA---Laura Ingraham posted the incorrect GPA on Twitter, but the same principle you mentioned applies.). My boyfriend, who went to a private Catholic high school in Los Angeles and had a 4.3 GPA, was rejected from UCLA back in 2008. You also have to consider the unweighted GPA as you mentioned as well as extracurricular activities, SAT score, etc. UCLA uses a "holistic admissions" process so even if the guy had a 4.5 GPA, it's not necessarily enough.
Also, UCLA doesn't use the Florida high school's GPA scale. UC schools recalculate your GPA into their own formula ("UC GPA"), so Hogg's GPA may well be very different.
FL is also know for one of the worst states to get an edu and dumb down their curriculums........
Academic performance is but one measure of a person's abilities, and a very limited one at that. Many who have demonstrated brilliance in the past had academic experiences that showed no indication of brilliance. David Hogg may well be a 'mediocre' student in the classroom, but out in the public forum, he exhibits clear indications of being rather extraordinary. It could well be he has found his niche.
How do you know his 4.2 GPA was weighted or unweighted? Did he state it?
Juan Ramirez what would a brown pendejo like you know?
you know what bought me here?
an undertale comic playlist out of all things
4.2 out of 4 just to be clear...
Jennifer Gross remedial courses give 4.2 gpas, I don't think he's an ap student with an SAT score of 1270 of 2400
P B most likely the SAT on the 1600 scale, so 1270/1600 which I believe is in the 90th percentile of the country
An AP advanced placement student nonetheless. Probably did all the extra credit. Demonstrated leadership skills kind of kid.
Calista Cartwright yeah i didn't realize they gimped the SAT :p
Yup. It means he completed extra credit. Like AP courses. That stands for Advanced Placement for anyone not in the know.
oh so sorry when their wallets are being hit
He wasn’t at the school; therefore not a survivor. This is what he admitted
Glad someone out that clown in her place
How did he not get into UCLA literally I go there, my gpa is 4.0 but small difference is I’m not out there changing the world...
UCLA uses a holistic admissions process. So it's not just about numbers. They want impressive extracurricular activities as well + strong SAT scores + strong unweighted GPAs.
Since when does criticizing a 25 year old pretending to be 17 even anything to apologize for? And if he is a student, like he claims, why did he disrespect truancy laws and not go to school that day? But expect criminals to respect gun laws?
Maybe Laura the Loudmouth can get Trump Steaks as a new sponsor! ha ha ha ha ha
Or Trump Vodka, wait....never mind. Lmao!!
Hackers should hack through Fox News headquarter and and play porn on Ingraham’s program!!
This is RICH! she saw her sponsors leaving and now she is apologizing with her tail between her legs😂😂😂
Cus these kids have definitely not been through enough
The other kids maybe... but he's outright admitted he wasn't even at school at that day...
Boss Hogg!
Funny how Ingraham forgot it was "holy week" when she chose to attack a survivor of a mass shooting.
Listening to this lady whine at me about something even she is clueless about is really cringy.
Holly shit I need this dude to tutor me.
It shows HER level of education
Aren’t SAT scores out of 2400 ?
Or did they revert Again back to 1600 😒
Colli Helix they changed it again oddly enough.
you want to take away peoples guns? how would you feel if i took your marijuana away?