Was this video helpful? Will it help you slay that pile of plastic? Brushes used in this video: store.artis-opus.com/collections/series-d-drybrushing FREE PDF Download Notes for this tutorial: www.docdroid.net/Y3Bw4Rv/ao-pdf-necron-lord-pdf
I love the fact you went over the tips, then put the tips in practice. It’s easy to misinterpret information sometimes, and I think this helps people understand better. Great work as always.
I live in the Rep of Ireland, and many of the paints in most videos aren't available here due to the importation of certain chemicals laws, meaning the recipes on most videos do make me turn off before they get started into the meat of the topic. I use artist acrylic craft paints/inks now, make my own glazes and washes, and save LOTS of money to spend later on more minis. Your video here makes so much more sense than many out there, and shows HOW to paint a mini, not using just one certain brand of paint or mix of brands, making it much more accessible for both newcomers and old sweats like myself (I've been in the hobby since 1970). Simple and easy to follow is the way to go, and you've nailed it here :-)
For metallics, I think something that needs a video focusing on it is base colors under the different types of metals. I.e. gold, silver, steel, brass, bronze, etc. Base colors, that when the metal is applied thinly won't desaturate the metal completely (unless desired).
You are 100% correct! Too much recipe does not help in improving skill. It helps immensely to see it done in real time. I love tour channel! Thanks for tutorials and videos!
I've been watching many painting tutorials lately but this one came at the perfect time to go to the next level. It was really well structured and explained, one of the best I've seen! Many thanks
Would love to see a video on changing metallic properties with inks, normal paints, washes, contrasts etc. How they differ and the types of metallics different mixes can create. I have seen these come up separately in passing in videos not focused on metallics specifically. Would be nice to see them all together, and how you could incorporate dry brushing with them!
@@ArtisOpus I would love to see the approach in this video applied to a model like the new chaos lord which doesn't match the criteria specified at the beginning of this video
Found your channel because I recently got the navigator edition of the s series set . Not only are these the best brushes I’ve used but this is one of the most helpful videos I’ve seen in my only 3 years of mini painting . You’re so clear and concise with how you convey information, it makes it easy to digest . Quality work all around !
Really good guide. I started painting minis in 1984 and there were still several points in your video which I'll benefit from. Going to go away and start printing off hard copies of the artwork I'm using for inspiration now. Thank you!
@@ArtisOpus I'd really like to learn more about this, does it have a term? Would be nice to hear more like, where best to use it, when to go up to the edges and when not to, what sort of areas it can be done on (e.g. Armour, Capes, Cloth, Weapons? Etc). What to do if you accidentally touch an edge and cause it to pool, how much you want on your brush, the different things you can do with it, what colours to use, etc 😅 Edge highlighting is my bain so I've often defaulted to deybrushing, but I really like the appearance this effect gives :)
Very good explanation about basing. I had noticed that putting some effort into my bases has paid higher dividends than anything else I've learned since I put my first dry brush and wash together but I've never had that clear an explanation of why it works like that before .
When I started I read/watched a tip not to make the base too exciting as it would "take away" from the model. Now I look back on my first lot of models where I did a bit of texture paint with shade on and I am sad! I have gone back and added some grass, crystals etc, and even just that helps. But I wish I'd paid more attention from the start.
One of the best step-by-steps I have seen. I think the brightness of the color palette shows off the effects of each step: the contrast between the base coat and each succeeding layer shows really well. I'm a new subscriber just based on this one video.
I'm so glad I stumbled on this! I've painted quite a few dark angels minis and wanted something new. It so happens to be necrons! I was/am worried over the bladed weapons, and now you given me the push and dvice I needed. Thanks for this!
Great video, my suggestion may sound strange but I’d like to see a tutorial on how to achieve a Nmm effect but using metal paints, basically the best of both worlds
Agree. I have a Scale 75 line of metallics that includes a range of metallic colors but i struggle to use them together to effect. Hoping the upcoming metallics video will cover this.
@@sighberman I also use the S75 metallics; as a hint, when I'm doing TMM with them I use their Black Metal on the low value end, and either Citrine or White Metal for the high value, final edge highlight with a matte white for the brightest points and specular highlights. TMM does take more attention and time since the actual texture of the dried paint is more grainy, and thus doesn't like to glaze as easily.
This is probably one of my favorite "Top 10 things to do" or whatnot when it comes to painting. Really helpful advice and guidance for anyone wether they're a noob or a veteran painter. Great video!
I really enjoyed this great tutorial. A comprehensive coverage from starting a miniature right up to the finished result. It was really well paced, too many tutorials rush through and leave you having to stop/start the video to catch all the info. Lots of helpful content too, with plenty of supporting knowledge, rather than a stream of do this and do that with no reasons why. Subscribed and I look forward to watching more of your videos
I love this and many of your videos. They've been an incredible resource for learning how to use high-quality dry brushing and creating well-painting minis without spending hours per miniature. They got me back to painting and painting more in less time, with results I'm super happy with. My recommendation (which is also my current project) is to make lava bases using diluted contrast paints and dry rushing that also have an OSL effect on the miniatures using only dry brushing for the OSL. I'm sure you‘ll come up with a better recipe for this than my current one, and I would love to see it😊
Absolutely love this style of process instead of step by step to achieve an end result. There are so many videos that go over the colour choices but don't touch on process so you have no idea how to get to the end result! Definitely gonna try and apply this approach to my new cadians
Hey buddy, thanks so much, exactly what we're going for! At some point in the future we'll mix the two and do one on *making* colour choices :). Good luck with the Cadians!
@@ArtisOpus thankyou! Can't wait to start them as the new sculpts are amazing. But love your videos really helping me improve my painting not only in quality but the process behind the model, keep up the amazing work!!!
3:57 definitely wanna also mention sometime you just have to leave things unpainted if you assemble first, like the back of that necron model (which actually has another ord you could do, but don't it's hidden) isn't accessible at all if you put the back plate peice and cloak on
I have 2 friends who want me to teach them the basics of painting in a week or two and I am definitely going to start with this video. Thank you for great depth and breadth of tips!
Wrath of the minis is, along with yours, my favourite channels all about educating and teaching methods with depth and focusing on the pilars for good understanding of core concepts
Love it. Particularly the advice about picking a model you like. I find this is very useful if batch painting a squad of say 6-10 minis. I usually break up the task by painting something different in between (5) . That way I don't have a squad that looks good at first but teethers out by number 7. Great vid
Great video! I learned a few things even after many years of painting. I was surprised by the results on the gold, as I figured the washes/contrast paints would matte them down too much.
Oh Byron, where have you been all our painting lives?? 😂 Truly awesome video, as I always say, the best thing about Byron’s vids is how he breaks things down so you have hope that you can improve and achieve similar results
love this video, lots of tips / things i hadnt considered especially with the washes and placement of them. the information in here was so useful and frequent that i will have to watch it again... likely later tonight!
Thank you for such a great video. I love videos that show method in detail because they are the best for learning good techniques and are best for beginners.🤩
absolutly love ur videos. learned a lot and the way you are explaining things makes it easy to follow! Would love to see a Custodes and a Thousand Sons painting guide from u!
So after nearly 20 year hiatus from 40k, I was at a point where I finally had free time to set aside and rediscover my favourite childhood hobby. Dug out my GW carry case from the 90's along with a load of paints and a few choice miniatures I hung onto, thought better of popping the old blister packs open and decided to grab some new miniatures instead. So I don't go overboard and just grab a squad set along with a special that takes my fancy. Thinking this is all good not bogging myself down but enough miniatures to keep me painting for a week or 2. Gets myself all setup, opens the special and starts assembling. Wow are these new models head and shoulders over the older stuff in terms of detail and assembly. All assembled and undercoated, then just sat there for 5 mins scratching my head before thinking 'Oh, F@#$ this' and proceed to chuck it on a shelf with the unopened squad box. Decided to jump back online to order a Squig Herd which I painted instead! AdMech Combat Patrol & Belisarius Cawl really was NOT a good starting choice 🤣 Soo Yea, absolutely agree 100% the single most important advice to follow: If you are new or returning to miniature painting... Start with a 'SIMPLE' miniature 😁 I may get round to Belisarius Cawl at some point, but won't be anytime soon that's for damn sure lol
Glazing with metallics? I absolutely love the way that this video has shown me how to paint what in my opinion looks like a mini just as good as heavy metal in an achievable time scale and skill level😀
Useful show and tell. Learnt some new techniques though this is not the way I paint my models, but there again I paint for different reasons or purposes, like I just enjoy painting regardless of the end result. For me ait's all about learning and the process. So, thank you.
Fantastic video. I have learned so much form watching our videos! I love drybrushing! :) I am really struggling with basing and would love to see a tutorial for a base for this miniature as a part 2.
Most important tip I'd like to see covered for metallics is how to push the contrast in a natural way, without losing that TMM feel, especially in busy areas like bolters or chaos armor. Great job on a great model too, that Overlord is a true classic.
Thank you for the great video. I appreciated the format of providing theory and showing the application. I really liked the look of the Iron Jaws Warchanter that was briefly shown. Any chance there's a video on it, I couldn't find one.
Fantastic guide. Something I would add (maybe it’s already said as I haven’t finished the vid yet). Contrast your base to your miniature, don’t put an imperial fist on a desert base, ideally choose a base that is on the opposite side of the colour scale to the majority of the model
Great stuff as always. My questions iswhere and how to highlight different metallics, notably different colours of metallics, i.e. silvers, golds, coppers, but also metallic reds/greens/blues etc. and even on colourshift metallics! Is the answer always "Just use silver?" or is there a better way?
This is so so good. Love the tips about dotting washes to make edge highlighting look better. I would love a video on how you mix and apply .ettalics to models, I always find them hard to thin and work with
Excellent guide thank you! I do have a question, if I have a silver primer (basically leadbelcher in a can), how would I go about aligning with this process? Heavy wash something like agrax to get to your basecoat and first silver drybrush? To maintain shading in the recesses? My aim is to have purple/pink energy on my necron force so curious if you'd still do the metal shading with the Magos purple or pick another colour. This has been a godsend for inspiring me to just getting them painted so I can play with a friend. Thanks!
These are very useful tips for painting models, mostly Necrons in this guide. It's good, I'm painting some Necrons for Kill Team and Skirmish game. Thank you for some of the advanced stuff.
Thanks for the video. I appreciate the longer format and the tips were super valuable. Where'd you get those display boxes on the wall behind you? I've been looking for something like that for a while.
Thanks man! I don't actually, it's a veery old one. The important bit is this though: Sotek Green, highlight Skeleton Horde (it leans a little towards yellow in the highlights, it's nice), white at the very tips. Basing: cool and neutral, just some some purple washing over grey for flavour. Recesses were shaded with a strong deep turquoise mix, diluted heavily, so even the shadows stuck to the theme. Hope that helps :)
@@ArtisOpus That is a huge help! I can't stress enough how much your videos have helped me. I just painted my second mini after watching your tutorials and the quality improvement was immense. I probably would have given up this hobby if it wasn't for your help so thank you thank you thank you!
Awesome step by step Byron! Love your work mate and now I know how to properly shade and highlight his blade! I wanted to ask if I were to do a purple /magenta blade or necron weapon and using your simple non NMM method. What would be possible to do using lexicon purple contrast / Vallejo magenta ?
The one from our power sword? You just need a deep, strong, magenta, for the shadows at least. I'd maybe consider adding a tiny bit of deep strong blue or even black in for the stipple at the darkest bit of magenta. You might not need the contrast. Thanks man :)
First of all thanks a lot for your youtube channel. Congratulations amazing information. Where did you get the showcases that appear behind you in your wall where Nighthaunt are placed?
Hey buddy, thanks so much :). We actually designed them ourselves, specifically for miniature display, you can still late pledge for the campaign here: www.kickstarter.com/projects/artis-opus/cabinets
I really struggle with getting a reflective shine on a sword. Would love to see your take on that in the metallics video. Really useful tips in this video. Need to keep practicing the dry brush techniques! Stunning work!
This video changes how I approach painting. How are your brushes with oils or solvent based paints? Truely fantastic video you should receive an award. 🥇
I don't have enough typing space to begin to ask for the help I need in all aspects of this hobby but that is why I watch your video. 🙂Thomas over at The Model Hobbyist
What is the best way to apply contrast paint over a metallic base coat (ie armor on Chaos warriors/knights). Thanks in advance. Love all you tutorials.
Once again, fantastic video, particularly liked this format and approach to the "tutorial"... Too often people seem to follow recipes (which has its place) without understanding how to transfer the skills learnt to another paint scheme/model. The takeaway for me was the careful spot washing... Something I'd accidentally done in the past, but not to this extent. No suggestion for metallics... I'll just happily watch whatever you put out... I'd better find some money and buy myself a texture board!
Great video, learned a lot from it. I'd like to see a tutorial on painting an Adeptus Custodes gold armour. That's the figures I'm working on at the moment.
Superb video! Why did you chose to prime black and dry brush metal vs just prime metal then apply the wash to bring back the darkness in recesses? And why mix brown into the metal? Your end result looks superb so I ask just to learn as I would not have thought to do that and would probably have just gone straight in with leadbelcher spray can, not knowing any better.
Awsome videos my dude. Exactly the level of detail and info and practical examples i need right now. I will be working through your backlog and hopefully getting some of those sexy brushes when i can :)
Yeah man, between projects as a fresh start, I tend to leave it all the way through projects though, as it keeps colour references for testing etc conveniently on my desk.
@@ArtisOpus I think you may have replied to the wrong comment but hey ill take it 😂 or I'm being dense which is entirely possible. Either way keep it up 🤜🤛
@@ArtisOpus Ordered my first brushes this morning along with a sexy texture pallette and i am now staring out my window like a sad pablo meme waiting for it to arrive 😂
Great video, I have a question on basing. I have an orkz army I’m basing following your lava basing video, how would you recommend putting the army into the base scene like you said in the video to up the quality?
That's a great question, dude. I'd find a way to be able to sneak some glowing onto feet (maybe they're stood next to a section that's bubbled out/over?), otherwise, if the ground is black where it's not lava, take that up their feet a little.
Great video, thanks! Why do you spray gloss varnish before matt? Does matt only varnish make the model too matt? Is satin not the in-between balance you're looking for?
@@ArtisOpus ah! Totally made here a comment that was for a previous video I had just watch from Goobertown! 🤦♂️ However your videos are great too, they gave me courage to try again dry brushing after having disliked for years what it looked like when I tried. I also love your section about not getting bored: I think I have a decent technique, but I don't enjoy my painting because I take too long. Discovering about slap chop AND how to smoothly dry brush with your approach seems like it will be a game changer for me. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
In this video you've primed your texture pallet. Did you just spray paint the ones you recommend? Are there black ones? How do you clean the paint off when you're starting the next model? @artisopus
Hey buddy, I always use chaos Black, it's satin and retards the paint a little which gives longer working times. You can reprime if you want a fresh start between projects, or just wipe down with a slightly damp not fluffy cloth to remove dust before painting. Any more questions just let us know in another comment on a new video, replies get lost on YT :)
Gloss black 24/7! Or atleast black/dark if you want to make it a little less shiny. Try painting pearl/colour shifting, fe, over white/bright colours. (-. That said, some "better/thicker" metallics like Vallejo Metal Color or GW Retributor Armour can certainly be used over a white primer.
I'm going to be starting my first miniatures soon, could you give me your opinion on what's the best/correct way to load ones brush with water and paint? It's never shown very well in most videos I've seen, only talked about.
Was this video helpful? Will it help you slay that pile of plastic?
Brushes used in this video: store.artis-opus.com/collections/series-d-drybrushing
FREE PDF Download Notes for this tutorial: www.docdroid.net/Y3Bw4Rv/ao-pdf-necron-lord-pdf
I love it. Awesome work! Helped me a lot to understand ! More of it
How would I pick what miniatures to paint to sell? I know nothing about tabletop RPG games and such. Very good tutorial.
Do you mind to list all the accessories that the slap chop painting would need as a complete beginner of the hobby? Such as dry brush, paints, etc...
I love the fact you went over the tips, then put the tips in practice. It’s easy to misinterpret information sometimes, and I think this helps people understand better. Great work as always.
Thanks buddy, our pleasure :)
Instructions unclear. All miniatures eaten.
Basing tip is solid gold! Never thought about how important bases were in that way.
So much, it should make a huge difference to your minis!
I live in the Rep of Ireland, and many of the paints in most videos aren't available here due to the importation of certain chemicals laws, meaning the recipes on most videos do make me turn off before they get started into the meat of the topic. I use artist acrylic craft paints/inks now, make my own glazes and washes, and save LOTS of money to spend later on more minis. Your video here makes so much more sense than many out there, and shows HOW to paint a mini, not using just one certain brand of paint or mix of brands, making it much more accessible for both newcomers and old sweats like myself (I've been in the hobby since 1970). Simple and easy to follow is the way to go, and you've nailed it here :-)
For metallics, I think something that needs a video focusing on it is base colors under the different types of metals. I.e. gold, silver, steel, brass, bronze, etc. Base colors, that when the metal is applied thinly won't desaturate the metal completely (unless desired).
We'll absolutely cover this, it's such an important part of getting the behaviour/result you want!
You are 100% correct! Too much recipe does not help in improving skill. It helps immensely to see it done in real time. I love tour channel! Thanks for tutorials and videos!
Thanks, buddy! :)
I've been watching many painting tutorials lately but this one came at the perfect time to go to the next level.
It was really well structured and explained, one of the best I've seen!
Many thanks
Would love to see a video on changing metallic properties with inks, normal paints, washes, contrasts etc. How they differ and the types of metallics different mixes can create.
I have seen these come up separately in passing in videos not focused on metallics specifically. Would be nice to see them all together, and how you could incorporate dry brushing with them!
We'll absolutely get some of this in. I may well do the new chaos lord on demonic mount first, as a primer to freshen up :)
@@ArtisOpus I would love to see the approach in this video applied to a model like the new chaos lord which doesn't match the criteria specified at the beginning of this video
Found your channel because I recently got the navigator edition of the s series set . Not only are these the best brushes I’ve used but this is one of the most helpful videos I’ve seen in my only 3 years of mini painting . You’re so clear and concise with how you convey information, it makes it easy to digest . Quality work all around !
Thanks so much man, I hope your minis are enjoying their new brushes! :)
I'm totally blown away by how helpful, valuable and instructive this video is! Thanks a lot, great work!
Our pleasure, my dude, take the info and enjoy your hobby!
Really good guide. I started painting minis in 1984 and there were still several points in your video which I'll benefit from. Going to go away and start printing off hard copies of the artwork I'm using for inspiration now. Thank you!
Thanks so much for the kind words, Thomas! Enjoy, happy painting :)
Holy moly the Silver wash section, so you don't need to highlight.... Aaa! What a dream come true!
Yessir, welcome to the future :)
@@ArtisOpus I'd really like to learn more about this, does it have a term?
Would be nice to hear more like, where best to use it, when to go up to the edges and when not to, what sort of areas it can be done on (e.g. Armour, Capes, Cloth, Weapons? Etc). What to do if you accidentally touch an edge and cause it to pool, how much you want on your brush, the different things you can do with it, what colours to use, etc 😅
Edge highlighting is my bain so I've often defaulted to deybrushing, but I really like the appearance this effect gives :)
Very good explanation about basing. I had noticed that putting some effort into my bases has paid higher dividends than anything else I've learned since I put my first dry brush and wash together but I've never had that clear an explanation of why it works like that before .
:D you were more than half way there already! Thanks man
When I started I read/watched a tip not to make the base too exciting as it would "take away" from the model. Now I look back on my first lot of models where I did a bit of texture paint with shade on and I am sad! I have gone back and added some grass, crystals etc, and even just that helps. But I wish I'd paid more attention from the start.
Edge highlight with the brush point-down. That's something I need to try. Thanks for all the great info!
Every little helps!
One of the best step-by-steps I have seen. I think the brightness of the color palette shows off the effects of each step: the contrast between the base coat and each succeeding layer shows really well. I'm a new subscriber just based on this one video.
I'm so glad I stumbled on this! I've painted quite a few dark angels minis and wanted something new. It so happens to be necrons! I was/am worried over the bladed weapons, and now you given me the push and dvice I needed. Thanks for this!
Our pleasure! Enjoy :)
Great video, my suggestion may sound strange but I’d like to see a tutorial on how to achieve a Nmm effect but using metal paints, basically the best of both worlds
Interesting, we'll definitely tie a bit of this in, thanks buddy, it actually fits really nicely with one thing in particular that I do as standard!
Agree. I have a Scale 75 line of metallics that includes a range of metallic colors but i struggle to use them together to effect. Hoping the upcoming metallics video will cover this.
@@sighberman I also use the S75 metallics; as a hint, when I'm doing TMM with them I use their Black Metal on the low value end, and either Citrine or White Metal for the high value, final edge highlight with a matte white for the brightest points and specular highlights. TMM does take more attention and time since the actual texture of the dried paint is more grainy, and thus doesn't like to glaze as easily.
This is probably one of my favorite "Top 10 things to do" or whatnot when it comes to painting. Really helpful advice and guidance for anyone wether they're a noob or a veteran painter. Great video!
i've watched so many videos on miniature painting in the last 4 days, and in 45 minutes i've learnt a decades worth of knowledge
I really enjoyed this great tutorial. A comprehensive coverage from starting a miniature right up to the finished result. It was really well paced, too many tutorials rush through and leave you having to stop/start the video to catch all the info. Lots of helpful content too, with plenty of supporting knowledge, rather than a stream of do this and do that with no reasons why. Subscribed and I look forward to watching more of your videos
Thanks so much, buddy! Plenty more to come, we're happy to help!
I love these kinds of videos, the ones that are about easy, achievable techniques that make you a more intelligent painter. Well done.
Thanks man, we'll continue making them on the topics that it suits! Glad it was helpful :)
The video covers all you need to start...and then some!!
:) wanted to make what I wish I'd started knowing...
29:45 it's amazing how the paint pot automatically closes his lid to prevent it's content from drying.
I love this and many of your videos. They've been an incredible resource for learning how to use high-quality dry brushing and creating well-painting minis without spending hours per miniature. They got me back to painting and painting more in less time, with results I'm super happy with. My recommendation (which is also my current project) is to make lava bases using diluted contrast paints and dry rushing that also have an OSL effect on the miniatures using only dry brushing for the OSL. I'm sure you‘ll come up with a better recipe for this than my current one, and I would love to see it😊
Thanks man, you're welcome! We'll absolutely cover lava bases in the future, it's such a convenient way to get atmosphere in there
Jesus bro, you're the best technical mini painter I've found so far. I'm new to the hobby. Your work is both intimidating and inspiring.
I went to paint the miniature this way right after watching video. This is exactly what was needed. My Invincible mount thanks you for help!
Haaaa, so glad it came in useful, your mount is welcome! :)
Absolutely love this style of process instead of step by step to achieve an end result. There are so many videos that go over the colour choices but don't touch on process so you have no idea how to get to the end result! Definitely gonna try and apply this approach to my new cadians
Hey buddy, thanks so much, exactly what we're going for! At some point in the future we'll mix the two and do one on *making* colour choices :).
Good luck with the Cadians!
@@ArtisOpus thankyou! Can't wait to start them as the new sculpts are amazing. But love your videos really helping me improve my painting not only in quality but the process behind the model, keep up the amazing work!!!
This is a fantastic video. I can tell I'll return and rewatch this many times. Thanks!
Thanks. Eric! We have the notes available in the description if it helps :)
Exceptionally useful way for making edge highlights by “reverse” using washes! Thank you!
3:57 definitely wanna also mention sometime you just have to leave things unpainted if you assemble first, like the back of that necron model (which actually has another ord you could do, but don't it's hidden) isn't accessible at all if you put the back plate peice and cloak on
Agreed sir, not the first to make this point here! Thanks
This is the kind of video I'm going to have to watch several times to get all of the tips, tricks, and details.
I have 2 friends who want me to teach them the basics of painting in a week or two and I am definitely going to start with this video. Thank you for great depth and breadth of tips!
Wrath of the minis is, along with yours, my favourite channels all about educating and teaching methods with depth and focusing on the pilars for good understanding of core concepts
I really liked your point on the better bases. I'll definitely be thinking of that in the future
Love it. Particularly the advice about picking a model you like. I find this is very useful if batch painting a squad of say 6-10 minis. I usually break up the task by painting something different in between (5) . That way I don't have a squad that looks good at first but teethers out by number 7. Great vid
Batch number numbers is a really interesting thing, I think I'm similar to you, dude, just about stretching it out to before I get bored :)
@@ArtisOpus yeah. I'm in a mindset of "this guy is different enough to keep me going".
Great video! I learned a few things even after many years of painting. I was surprised by the results on the gold, as I figured the washes/contrast paints would matte them down too much.
Thanks buddy! It's all about the finish, you just need a bit of satin in there and the depth doesn't get lost :)
Oh Byron, where have you been all our painting lives?? 😂
Truly awesome video, as I always say, the best thing about Byron’s vids is how he breaks things down so you have hope that you can improve and achieve similar results
Thank you so much 😀 our pleasure, my dude!
Great video! nice editing, I love the sound effects! :D Thank you Byron and Artis Opus team!
Our pleasure, my man :)
A joy to watch, was a relaxing journey that made me want to paint along. Was also informative on how to use my Artis-opus drybrush set :)
Awesome, thanks buddy 🥰. Glad you enjoyed.
Wow, the Silver Wash step was a real eye opener for me. Can't wait to try that out. Thank you so much!
:) magic stuff, hey? Our pleasure buddy!
love this video, lots of tips / things i hadnt considered especially with the washes and placement of them. the information in here was so useful and frequent that i will have to watch it again... likely later tonight!
Thanks, Howard! We have the PDF notes download if you want something to take notes on :)
Thank you for such a great video. I love videos that show method in detail because they are the best for learning good techniques and are best for beginners.🤩
You are so welcome! Exactly why we're making them :)
absolutly love ur videos. learned a lot and the way you are explaining things makes it easy to follow!
Would love to see a Custodes and a Thousand Sons painting guide from u!
I think we are way overdue for a Custodes video! Thanks so much for the kind words :)
So after nearly 20 year hiatus from 40k, I was at a point where I finally had free time to set aside and rediscover my favourite childhood hobby.
Dug out my GW carry case from the 90's along with a load of paints and a few choice miniatures I hung onto, thought better of popping the old blister packs open and decided to grab some new miniatures instead.
So I don't go overboard and just grab a squad set along with a special that takes my fancy. Thinking this is all good not bogging myself down but enough miniatures to keep me painting for a week or 2.
Gets myself all setup, opens the special and starts assembling. Wow are these new models head and shoulders over the older stuff in terms of detail and assembly.
All assembled and undercoated, then just sat there for 5 mins scratching my head before thinking 'Oh, F@#$ this' and proceed to chuck it on a shelf with the unopened squad box.
Decided to jump back online to order a Squig Herd which I painted instead!
AdMech Combat Patrol & Belisarius Cawl really was NOT a good starting choice 🤣
Soo Yea, absolutely agree 100% the single most important advice to follow:
If you are new or returning to miniature painting... Start with a 'SIMPLE' miniature 😁
I may get round to Belisarius Cawl at some point, but won't be anytime soon that's for damn sure lol
Hi Byron! Nice to see you at LVO. I love the new dry brush!
Hey buddy, you too! Great, we hope it serves you well ☺️
Glazing with metallics?
I absolutely love the way that this video has shown me how to paint what in my opinion looks like a mini just as good as heavy metal in an achievable time scale and skill level😀
Thanks buddy, that's exactly what we were going for, 3-4 hours Vs 5 days, and not too different from 3feet away :)
Thank you for this great tutorial! I will try it myself on a Necron.
Good luck! Hope it turned out well!
That froggy was super stoked to see those mushrooms!
Happy little chappy! Googling those was a joy :)
Great video. Very helpful for me, I haven't really painted or finished painted miniature in a year.
Thanks man, maybe it's time!? :)
Nice tutorial. Based on this will try my first project. Thanks.
Very good result. Going to give your technique a try.
Let us know how it goes dude! Any issues ask in another comment (not a reply, they get lost)
Useful show and tell. Learnt some new techniques though this is not the way I paint my models, but there again I paint for different reasons or purposes, like I just enjoy painting regardless of the end result. For me ait's all about learning and the process. So, thank you.
The content value is strong with this channel.
Thanks for the kind words! We'll keep making if you keep watching :)
Couldn’t agree more on basing! I love a good base haha :)
Yessir, we'll definitely spend a bit more time on this in the future!
Fantastic video. I have learned so much form watching our videos! I love drybrushing! :) I am really struggling with basing and would love to see a tutorial for a base for this miniature as a part 2.
Hey buddy, thanks so much, it's why we make them! We should do this, I think it'd be a good big one, after metallics :)
This was a fantastically comprehensive video.
Most important tip I'd like to see covered for metallics is how to push the contrast in a natural way, without losing that TMM feel, especially in busy areas like bolters or chaos armor.
Great job on a great model too, that Overlord is a true classic.
relying on scrapes and dents to really sell the metallics in dark areas always works for me
Thank you for the great video. I appreciated the format of providing theory and showing the application. I really liked the look of the Iron Jaws Warchanter that was briefly shown. Any chance there's a video on it, I couldn't find one.
Hey buddy, thanks! There isn't, he was just done for my personal army a bit back, he still needs some work, I love the model :)
Great video, a lot of different styles mixed togheter, cold you explain in details the how you did the blue glazing?
Of course, which bit my man? On the weapon?
Fantastic guide. Something I would add (maybe it’s already said as I haven’t finished the vid yet). Contrast your base to your miniature, don’t put an imperial fist on a desert base, ideally choose a base that is on the opposite side of the colour scale to the majority of the model
Good call dude, definitely makes a difference! I'll make sure to touch on this when we do a big basing guide
Great stuff as always. My questions iswhere and how to highlight different metallics, notably different colours of metallics, i.e. silvers, golds, coppers, but also metallic reds/greens/blues etc. and even on colourshift metallics! Is the answer always "Just use silver?" or is there a better way?
Thank you so much for this! It was incredibly helpful and I can't wait to paint my Crons now!
🤖🤖🤖 sure there used to be a better robot! You're welcome :_)
This is so so good. Love the tips about dotting washes to make edge highlighting look better. I would love a video on how you mix and apply .ettalics to models, I always find them hard to thin and work with
Excellent guide thank you! I do have a question, if I have a silver primer (basically leadbelcher in a can), how would I go about aligning with this process? Heavy wash something like agrax to get to your basecoat and first silver drybrush? To maintain shading in the recesses? My aim is to have purple/pink energy on my necron force so curious if you'd still do the metal shading with the Magos purple or pick another colour.
This has been a godsend for inspiring me to just getting them painted so I can play with a friend.
Looks great, that’s some great shading
Very simple.
I see an Artis Opus video, I click like.
@@ArtisOpus No, thank you! ❤️
These are very useful tips for painting models, mostly Necrons in this guide. It's good, I'm painting some Necrons for Kill Team and Skirmish game. Thank you for some of the advanced stuff.
Thanks for the video. I appreciate the longer format and the tips were super valuable.
Where'd you get those display boxes on the wall behind you? I've been looking for something like that for a while.
Hey buddy, thanks!
We actually designed them ourselves, check out the KS here, where they're available for late-pledging.
These videos are absolutely incredible, thank you so much for making these!
Our pleasure, buddy!
Super helpful, thank you! Do you have a tutorial on the style of the army behind you?
Thanks man! I don't actually, it's a veery old one.
The important bit is this though:
Sotek Green, highlight Skeleton Horde (it leans a little towards yellow in the highlights, it's nice), white at the very tips.
Basing: cool and neutral, just some some purple washing over grey for flavour.
Recesses were shaded with a strong deep turquoise mix, diluted heavily, so even the shadows stuck to the theme.
Hope that helps :)
@@ArtisOpus That is a huge help! I can't stress enough how much your videos have helped me. I just painted my second mini after watching your tutorials and the quality improvement was immense. I probably would have given up this hobby if it wasn't for your help so thank you thank you thank you!
Awesome step by step Byron! Love your work mate and now I know how to properly shade and highlight his blade!
I wanted to ask if I were to do a purple /magenta blade or necron weapon and using your simple non NMM method. What would be possible to do using lexicon purple contrast / Vallejo magenta ?
The one from our power sword? You just need a deep, strong, magenta, for the shadows at least. I'd maybe consider adding a tiny bit of deep strong blue or even black in for the stipple at the darkest bit of magenta. You might not need the contrast.
Thanks man :)
First of all thanks a lot for your youtube channel. Congratulations amazing information. Where did you get the showcases that appear behind you in your wall where Nighthaunt are placed?
Hey buddy, thanks so much :).
We actually designed them ourselves, specifically for miniature display, you can still late pledge for the campaign here:
I really struggle with getting a reflective shine on a sword. Would love to see your take on that in the metallics video.
Really useful tips in this video. Need to keep practicing the dry brush techniques! Stunning work!
Great video as always. I would like to see how you can turn a flat armour panel into a beaten up panel but just with paint.
This video changes how I approach painting.
How are your brushes with oils or solvent based paints?
Truely fantastic video you should receive an award. 🥇
! Our pleasure buddy :).
Check out Omegon Edge - new UA-cam channel where he uses oils, he uses our brushes and loves them
Amazing video!! Really well thought out and produced
🥰 thanks, buddy!
What a fantastic tutorial. Thank you so much! Brilliant work by the way.
I don't have enough typing space to begin to ask for the help I need in all aspects of this hobby but that is why I watch your video. 🙂Thomas over at The Model Hobbyist
What is the best way to apply contrast paint over a metallic base coat (ie armor on Chaos warriors/knights). Thanks in advance. Love all you tutorials.
Thanks, dude! Do you mean by which method, or how to avoid it running off the shiny surface that sometimes happens?
Once again, fantastic video, particularly liked this format and approach to the "tutorial"... Too often people seem to follow recipes (which has its place) without understanding how to transfer the skills learnt to another paint scheme/model.
The takeaway for me was the careful spot washing... Something I'd accidentally done in the past, but not to this extent.
No suggestion for metallics... I'll just happily watch whatever you put out... I'd better find some money and buy myself a texture board!
Great video, learned a lot from it. I'd like to see a tutorial on painting an Adeptus Custodes gold armour. That's the figures I'm working on at the moment.
These guys seem to be very popularly asked for! They will certainly feature in the future, thanks man 🤘
Superb video! Why did you chose to prime black and dry brush metal vs just prime metal then apply the wash to bring back the darkness in recesses? And why mix brown into the metal? Your end result looks superb so I ask just to learn as I would not have thought to do that and would probably have just gone straight in with leadbelcher spray can, not knowing any better.
What a great video ! Thanks ! Where did you get those awesome display cases ? Those are amazing !
Hey buddy, thanks! We actually designed them ourselves, you can late-pledge here :) www.kickstarter.com/projects/artis-opus/cabinets
Awsome videos my dude. Exactly the level of detail and info and practical examples i need right now. I will be working through your backlog and hopefully getting some of those sexy brushes when i can :)
Yeah man, between projects as a fresh start, I tend to leave it all the way through projects though, as it keeps colour references for testing etc conveniently on my desk.
@@ArtisOpus I think you may have replied to the wrong comment but hey ill take it 😂 or I'm being dense which is entirely possible. Either way keep it up 🤜🤛
@@ArtisOpus Ordered my first brushes this morning along with a sexy texture pallette and i am now staring out my window like a sad pablo meme waiting for it to arrive 😂
A question I have regarding metalics is how do you do a zenithal style highlight with metallic paints?
Those shelves behind you at the begining look cool - where did you get them from?
Great video, I have a question on basing. I have an orkz army I’m basing following your lava basing video, how would you recommend putting the army into the base scene like you said in the video to up the quality?
That's a great question, dude. I'd find a way to be able to sneak some glowing onto feet (maybe they're stood next to a section that's bubbled out/over?), otherwise, if the ground is black where it's not lava, take that up their feet a little.
Finally get too paint a miniature for me so I am trying too see how doing miniatures for others has improved me .
Hope it was useful buddy, any more questions, let us know in another comment!
Great vid as always … proper noob request but a video all about the types of paints… shades, contrasts, base, layers etc maybe?
I think a lot of people would find that useful, GW focus to start with, or just in general?
@@ArtisOpus dealers choice on that one, I mainly use GW though :)
The knocking at 13:31 scared the crap out of me, thought someone was breaking in my house 😳
Thank you for this video and all your work. For dry brush why and when do you use the round move ?
Good question! When I am uncertain :) very easy.
If in doubt: circles!
This video has some very key tips! Thank you! Also what shade were you using on that robot model that turned the medal color into gold?
Any of the yellows, to taste - cassandora yellow, iyanden (a little more dark), it just depends which you like, I added sepia to mine.
Hi Byron that was great, cheers. My question would be how to pull off some steam punk coppers and bronzes?
Hey man, thanks! In theory it's no different, but as ever the colours/paints would make a difference, more testing required :)
Great video, thanks!
Why do you spray gloss varnish before matt? Does matt only varnish make the model too matt? Is satin not the in-between balance you're looking for?
Hey buddy, timestamp please, it really helps!
@@ArtisOpus ah! Totally made here a comment that was for a previous video I had just watch from Goobertown! 🤦♂️
However your videos are great too, they gave me courage to try again dry brushing after having disliked for years what it looked like when I tried. I also love your section about not getting bored: I think I have a decent technique, but I don't enjoy my painting because I take too long. Discovering about slap chop AND how to smoothly dry brush with your approach seems like it will be a game changer for me.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
In this video you've primed your texture pallet. Did you just spray paint the ones you recommend? Are there black ones? How do you clean the paint off when you're starting the next model? @artisopus
Hey buddy, I always use chaos Black, it's satin and retards the paint a little which gives longer working times. You can reprime if you want a fresh start between projects, or just wipe down with a slightly damp not fluffy cloth to remove dust before painting.
Any more questions just let us know in another comment on a new video, replies get lost on YT :)
basic question. what is the best primer/ base colour for metallics? gloss black, white, green, zenith etc? does it matter?
O_ooo, this is a great one! Thanks, it's definitely worth discussing.
Gloss black 24/7! Or atleast black/dark if you want to make it a little less shiny.
Try painting pearl/colour shifting, fe, over white/bright colours. (-.
That said, some "better/thicker" metallics like Vallejo Metal Color or GW Retributor Armour can certainly be used over a white primer.
Hi, I’d like to know how to tint and shade metallics without losing the reflective properties.
Great video.
Metals question. I can wash my metal into a nice dark and grimy blade with washes, how do I make metals pop and glow like nmm?
Great suggestion! We'll absolutely cover this, highlights will be a section
35:26 how dit you go to town for that? I screwed up some faces, read them buggery eyes went wrong, and need to 'strip those'.
Hey dude, I used biostrip! :)
I'm going to be starting my first miniatures soon, could you give me your opinion on what's the best/correct way to load ones brush with water and paint? It's never shown very well in most videos I've seen, only talked about.
Hey dude:).
Wet first. Remove excess (some people use a paper towel/cloth). Then take your paint :)