I was a lead rock/metal vocalist/writer for over 20 years performing live and studio. I used to believe I could be in that filthy world and still be "Christian" I had a terrifying and exhilarating experience with Jesus Christ early one morning while having a hellish experience withdrawing after I took all my drugs and being up North unable to get to a doctor or back to the city to get more drugs I thought I was going to die. I was healed and cured instantly and suddenly, my car keys reappeared on the hook where I always left them, but were missing for days! I had my wife call an emergency band meeting and the very next morning after getting back home my wife and I drove two hours and I met with the band and told them what happened and quit!! I used be worship "rock stars" by loving everything they did, all their music, what they wore, how they cut their hair etc. etc! THAT IS IDOL WORSHIP! So many of the biggest "rock stars" who are so dearly loved are some of the most wicked, vile animals anyone could ever know!! All the very "biggest" have indulged in the worst sexual depravity you could ever imagine, and they're made to appear so upright and clean!! Look at what David Bowie did before he died!! He knew the "Black Star" album was going to be his last, his cancer was in late stages, so what does he do? He writes an album about Jesus stepping off His throne and satan (the Black Star) took His place!! The video for "Black Star" the single, is full of in your face mockery of Jesus Christ and glorifies satan!! This is how bought in many...MANY of these "biggest stars" are with luciferian, satanic BS! It's bad enough that they've bought into this blackest of lies, but they are paying right now not only for their own stupidity, but for every single child of God they have led astray!! If you can't go into a Church and worship Jesus Christ and God the Father, but you can go to these monster's concerts and flash the baphomet horns and worship these vile bastards, you WILL get the "god" you worship!! We all live eternally, the important question we must all ask ourselves is "WHERE WILL I SPEND ETERNITY"?!! Cut the rope that leads to hell and get on your knees and tell the Lord you are sorry, and you want His forgiveness, you chose Jesus!! He will forgive you, but remember, NONE OF US ARE GUARANTEED ONE SECOND OF LIFE MORE!! MAKE THE CHOISE NOW!! I left potentially MILLIONS of dollars behind, as one of my bandmates went on to make!! He traded his eternal soul for money and fame!! He has had all the reward he will be getting. My heart breaks for him, I love the man he's a good man, but he is lost! Over 25 years has past and he is on the back side of his career! That 25 years went by in a snap of the finger!! Pray for my brother "Barry" that he will find Jesus!! Amen!! Jack ~'()'~
So happy you found our Saviour Jesus I'll pray for your friend and many more and hope they all find there way before the end times Jesus wants all of us to go to heaven all our names are in the book Jesus don't what to out any of us he love us all
My wife and I separated in 2018. then she fell apart with mental illness and lost custody of 5 year old daughter. She spent a year with a dysfunctional Foster parent. By the grace of God I was able to have visits and observe the neglect... Nevertheless my adult daughter and I got her transferred to my prosperous SDA first cousin. He turned out to be a blessing but they hold the Sabbath on Fridays and attention on Saturdays and she's also learning the Bible because she attends a SDA private school. It's definitely an improvement from the projects and the public school system. I will be trying to get custody when I get my own place. At the end of the day I don't want to race to be SDA. I will raise her to know full Gospel ....
Some man just came to my door evangelising and wanted hand me a book ( Ellen G White, the great controversy) I asked him if they believed in Jesus's divinity and he said yes, even quoted John about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I told him I can't take his book because my spirit tells me not to, he said sometimes evil spirits can talk to us to prevent us from learning the truth. I wasn't buying it however and decided to tell him I'm not interested and he should have a good day. I'm listening to this video rn just minutes after this has happened, trying to figure out the bullet I just dodged. I live in South Africa by the way
Its the Tale of Two Adventists. You probably weren't taught anything they're discussing as Adventism. I've never met an Adventist who taught E G White as the Bible either...
My brother was an 7th day adventist. He had a time to consider this information and he went to other denomination. He spoke with his wife and they both left 7th day Adventism.
Pedro Jr , the truth has tendency to do that. Letting go of ones predisposition to scriptures to seek the truth is s God thing. I felt much like you years ago when I heard Justin Peters series on Clouds Without Water on you tube. I had my eyes opened and was angry that I had been deceived. Wise men still seek him. God Bless your journey as you seek truth.
This is so timely for me because ive been listening to Barbara O'neil and her lectures on holestic medicine and got a book she suggested called the ministry of healing by Ellen G White. I have, during these courses, found she is a 7th day Adventist. Although the lectures are wonderful and ive learned a ton of excellent information about healing the body naturally i can see how one could be drawn into this cult. Thank you Jesus for the timing of this lecture. 🙏❤
SDA uses their health ministry to lure unsuspecting Christians to their tribe. (Their main focus group is all non-SDAs) They hold vegan cooking demonstrations for that same purpose. They never advertise WHO they are. They hold prophecy seminars, not advertising WHO they are. I know. I walked into this cult when I was in my early 50s. They steal sheep from non-SDA churches. They won't pull the drunk from the ditch or the prostitute from the street. They let non-SDA churches clean them up and then they go proselytize that church's members.
I had a similar experience with a Korean church with a guy named ahnsun Hong who claimed to me a prophet of Christ I had such bad luck for a long time til I realised Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour came to me in my heart and took me away from them false idols I have been following the holy bible by myself until I came across Sam he is such a blessing to my journey
As an Ex-JW now united to Christ in the Orthodox Church (Glory to God) it continues to amaze me how similar the SDA and the JWs are. Man. The numbers the following of men. Just insane. So similar. The 1800s was a dark time for those that fear God.
It was a perverted counter-movement to the 2nd great awakening which happened at that time. Same thing during the first great awakening - the “enlightenment” era which attacked the reverence for the daily work of the Holy Spirit supernaturally that is typically “unexplainable.” The enemy does counter-movements when the Lord is awakening His people. We are currently in the 3rd great awakening and look what counter-movements are going on.
As a former SDA i can attest that they are not trinitarians. They do believe that Jesus is Michael the archangel so what he's saying is true. Ive had to unlearn and learn many things when i walked away from the SDA church. They uphold the writings/teachings of EGW before the Word of God itself. I became born again a few years ago, up until then i never believed Jesus was God until the Holy Spirit revealed the truth to me in the scriptures. Their whole emphasis is Sabbath keeping even while most of them are lukewarm, adulterers/fornicators, drunkards, smokers, cussers, unholy hypocrites but they believe they are righteous because they worship on Saturday. Im so happy to be set free from this dark cult. Jesus Christ is my Sabbath rest, and i worship the Lord in spirit and truth EVERY DAY.
I'm a former SDA . My father was a pastor in SDA south central conference. I had to unlearn everything. I celebrate the Sabbath by resting in Yahusha and I give worship and praise everyday.
I hired an electrician to re-wire my house and he was a gentleman in his early 70s and he was SDA. He was a great guy in many ways, very friendly and giving. But he was lazer focused on hating the Catholic Church and the importance of Saturday Sabbath. Really hated Constatine. Now I'm hearing from this he also believed that Jesus is the Archangel Michael like the JWs do. Had no idea he thought that way.
It reminds me of last days.. 2Ti 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2Ti 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 2Ti 3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 2Ti 3:4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 2Ti 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
Here's a thing man a lot of Adventist churches are granted a lot of autonomy You're not going to get one church that is the same Whatever legalistic church this guy grew up in was probably more like a cult. SDA Churches are not like that in the General. It'd be like claiming westborough Baptist Church represents Baptist.
Ur sda is really a cult from the dark dungeon fighting a battle against Lord Jesus's resurrection, giving false evedences and misleading people who want to come to God.
Adventists are extremely faithful people maybe some aren’t great be Desmond Doss was an Adventist and is as close to a modern saint as I have ever seen so if the religion can produce that man I have respect for the religion.
So this is very interesting….I grew up SDA and 2 years ago my husband and I were Baptized into the Orthodox Church. Growing up in Adventistism with a pastor for a father I never heard this Michael the archangel theory of Christ. I also was taught to believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and in the Holy Trinity. That being said, the concept of the Holy Spirit in SDA theology was rather murky and undefined. And the discrediting of the Theotokos (Mother of God) is very sacreligious. There is an incoherent interpretation of theology that stems from a lack of apostolic tradition in conjunction with the Bible. Sola scriptural Leads to 100’s of different interpretations and denominations. Lord have mercy. ☦️🙏☦️
Thank you for this @SHAMOUNIAN and @answeringadventism and all the work that you do. Just wanted to correct the reference (it may just be wrong on the app, but I wanted to put this here for anyone following along with the research). The reference for "Lift Him Up" around 1:36:45 is LHU 235.3 (not 253.3)
My wife was raised 7th day Adventist and I was raised Mormon. We are both now Roman Catholic. Thanks be to God for bringing us out of such dangerous cults.
Have you ever watched the 'EWTN Journey Home' program. It's on youtube. A fav episode of mine is with a woman called 'Teresa Beem'. Her and her husband came home to the Catholic Church through much study and discernment. You might like to see the interview for yourself.
It's the same "problem" with other religions. They let thier "teachers" Trump the word of God. Torrah has the Talmud, Koran has their hadiths and such, Mormons Joseph Smith, ect...
Ever since the satanic cult of sola scriptura a man made tradition invented by a devil possessed man was introduced five hundred years ago any tom dick and harry even idiot like E. White can interpret the Bible on the basis of their own wild imagination and even adding their wishful thinking to justify their satanic theology and to undermine the Church that Jesus established under the stewardship of Peter
Christ never thought denominations to the world. There is only one church The true church of the Lord. Thank you God for always showing me the truth. Amen!
I was an SDA, upon deep study of Adventist doctrine I realized that they don’t affirm the surety of our salvation in Jesus Christ as confirmed by the New Covenant mediated by him before God on our behalf and in our place. They substitute the Holy Spirit with a suspicious spirit of prophecy. The grace of God led me to this revelation, May God’s name be glorified in my life in Jesus’ name.
You need to repent and come out of this cult. Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus is the way, truth and the life. No one come close to the father except thru him. John 14,6. If you die without Jesus. You will go to Hell ok. God Blessed.
@@chv307they don’t believe in hell. Also we can’t ask people to repent that’s not out job that’s the Lords job. We can only pray for them and ask God to expose there horrible truths.
I have been debating my SDA neighbor friend and recently he explained that he thinks during the temptation in the desert that Jesus actually wanted to sin but chose not to. It just showed how deficient and frankly demonic their theology is if they think God can desire what is sinful.
@loudandproud18 yup. He said it wouldn't really have been a temptation unless Jesus felt that desire to sin. I had to explain to him that wasn't the case but they are quite stubborn
Looking forward to hearing this. My grandfather was a SDA but his children didn't follow in his footsteps. Thank God. We didn't eat pork, and he upheld sabbath on Saturdays but other than that I know nothing.
I also think the adventists I see today don't put Ellen's teaching before God. I may not know. But what they do is to accuse some of us of the sabbath. A friend once gave me a pamphlet that said those that don't go to church on Saturday but on Sunday have received the mark of the beast. So it was like Sunday worship is the mark of the beast. To me, He behaved like the pharisees. We are Christians and not Jews so we understand the sabbath and not the day.
You'll find that most of these 19th century movements tone down a lot of their language now in the more modern era to pass off more easily as Christians and not to sound as crazy. It's like how Mormons can sound a lot like Christians if you don't dig too deep.
I'm 15 years old and i became an 7th day adventist like 3 years ago. I've never heard this before and right now I'm thinking of becoming an orthodox. Please pray for me guys. Thank you Sam for the stream
May the Lord Jesus Christ (the Way,the Truth, and Life) continue to reveal Himself clearly, clear and truthful revelations of Him, may the Holy Spirit teach us all these things, and comfort us, heal us and bring us clarity over any lie or any deception that sneaked in, and may He grant the desires of Your heart as You continue to seek His Kingdom in Jesus mighty name. God is not the author of confusion, may His peace overflow in you, be encouraged beloved! God is faithful to finish what He has started in you and will not leave you nor forsake you
When I tell you this blew my mind. God is one being manifest in 3 persons. When I became Christian it was through adventism, and all of the pillars of lies are falling down. Thank you Jesus. This make the cross that much more transparent. WHOA!!!!!!!! Help Jesus to eat you flesh and drink your blood, and not leave from being led by you.
Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. 16You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. 18A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. 19So every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire. 20Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions. (Matthew 7:15-20.)
My 20yr old was approached by a group of young guys 3yrs ago. I thouht they were Christian but found out last year they were a group who broke off from 7thday adventist. Suddenly my son dosen't believe in the Jesus that he grew up with. He won't even show me the bible they gave him to study from. Im gobsmacked how influential these people are. Praying Jesus Christ of Nazareth brings my son back to the light.
I've only been subscribed to this channel for a week and a half, but I've learned so much in such a small time. I've only been a Christian for a short time, and all this denomination stuff had me so confused. I would watch UA-cam, and as long as I heard them mentioning jesus I thought they were trustworthy Godly people (clearly I am totally wrong to think that) but like I said I wasnt brought up being a Christian, and the only reason I become Christian is because jesus christ saved me after I unknowingly messed with the occult. I give my life to him and haven't looked back since, so I have a whole lot of learning to do and I'm just thankful to God I've now found some trustworthy people to watch online like Sam. God bless you all 🙏
*hugs* this is why Paul’s teachings about others preaching “another gospel” (Gal 1:6) or those with “a form of godliness but none of its power” (2 Tim 3:5) are so critical. Ask the Holy Spirit to point you to scripture to confirm or invalidate what various folks might say. He is so good and will gently lead you in His Word “into all truth.” (John 16:13). God is faithful to His word and it will not return to Him void! (Isaiah 55:11) I encourage you to memorize scripture so that the Lord can whisper it back to you to encourage you and speak to you when tough moments come. Thank you King Jesus for this precious one! 🙏
Jesus Christ is God and has to be capitalised! Here speaks Father God about Jesus: “But about the Son [the Father says to Him], “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, And the scepter of [absolute] righteousness is the scepter of His kingdom.„ Hebrews 1:8 AMP BibleApp YouVersion
I left SDA a while ago now but here is my question: was I an SDA member from another dimension? I learn of the Divine Trinity from them but in all my years in the church they never made me accept nor use any of Ellen’s writings, plus some other things on which I disagree made me move on. Didn’t leave in anger though, on the contraire, it inspired me to search none stop for Biblical truth. Good thing I like to inquire.
I am happy for you as you kept seeking. I have a very dear friend since high school, like a brother to me, who converted to SDA but found the pastors wanting and uninspiring. Now he wants to do the preaching instead. I found it strange that he has changed from a happy big dreamer go-getter that has turned into this dark, doomsayer, aimless person. He is bombarding me with scripture quotes and keeps telling me that I am a follower of the "antichrist". His family distanced themselves from him, his children and wife can only take so much from his ballistic moods. Help me pray for him, I want him to get out of the hole he'd gone into.
In The Great Controversy, Ellen. G. White seems to be standing with Protestant tradition. Be aware, many Protestants do not follow the Apostles'Doctrine in the New Testament.
Yeah i had the same experience, if anyone preaching used Ellen White they made it clear it this is her interpretation of scripture but i left because i disagreed with a lot of the church Elders on dietary restrictions, Jesus being Michael the Archangel and i questioned the Sabbath keeping too
So indeed many SDA churches are different. I grew up Adventist and believing in God and the trinity. One BEING 3 persons. However.. I’ve learned that’s not the clear stance in the fundamental beliefs 😅 goodness it’s such a whirlwind of differences. I have seen how crazy and non biblical the investigative judgement is. May God guide His people in Adventism to expose these biblical inconsistencies.
Thank u bro. Sam. Glory to our beloved, almighty, God jesus christ. Credit goes to Christ, for giving you, undefeatable knowledge, about the scriptures. Long live bro. Sam.
My opinion Been an Adventist my entire life. My opinion on such discussions... Whatever you read or hear, be like the Berean...read it out for yourself, corroborate it in Scripture. Be open minded, dont accept everything hook, line and sinker without verifying it on your own. Thanks for sharing the content.
How to destroy the tri theistic lie of the 7 day adventists: John 10:30:" I and the Father are One. ". John 10:38 " But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him." OOOOPS! Who's right here? Jesus or Ellen Gee??? YALLA! Thanks a lot and God bless and guide you daily, brother Sam! It is proven again, you were right, the Bible is the supernatural, UNBREAKABLE UNCHANGEABLE and LIVING WORD OF GOD! And has all the answers! Amen!
Thank you Lord for giving me my Mom. She passed away 2022 but I’m so happy that my Mom legacy as a SDA still lives among us Family. I’m proud born and raise as SDA. Thank youLord Jesus Christ for everything for the Guidance and everything you gave us. Dear Lord forgive us on our sins and this world. Pls add us to the book of life and save us all on your second coming🙏🙏🙏 in Jesus name Amen.
You can’t say we don’t believe in the Trinity father son and Holy Ghost we definitely believe when we baptize individuals we always say it and it’s a part of baptismal time . Some of what he says we believe in I was never taught I’ve been in the Adventist church 57 years
Sam, you are very articulate, that even a toddler can understand everything of what your are saying. May GOD Almighty bless you and continue to help you decode all the complexities that most humans have involving GOD and Lord Jesus Christ.
I used to be a Seventh-day Adventist and I left because the trinity doctrine is "optional" in the denomination. They also have 2 definitions for most of their beliefs. When I was a member, I agreed with all 28 fundamental beliefs but I was still considered a lukewarm liberal by their standards because I did not believe that going to church on Sunday was the mark of the beast and I did not believe the Catholic Church was the whore of babylon.
Im 43 and I was bought up in the SDA church in Australia. Ive definitely lost my way....... I always took that only the bible can only be interpreted by the bible. I dont know the history of SDA that well but Ive never heard this before. You got me thinking....... But also I think, let no man deceive you.....
I was an Adventist as my family. I did not grow up in it, but I was never fully convinced. Your Bible is your best teacher. I pray God will continue to lead you. God bless
Isn't it "strange ", that, every time, ANYONE, which is interested by the truth, starts reading the Bible, they end up piecing on the devil's cults, and a big part from their multitude, start preaching Jesus Christ as only Lord and Saviour..?? Because it is a repeated event. A repeated event gives birth to a constancy , which triggers a science. Simple . Outcome: the Bible is true. And gives to anyone, the neverending life. If wanted. Quod erat demonstrandum.
I was raised SDA, i have walked away from the religions of men, i read the Geneva bible in it's entirety... i follow the 10 commandments, and the 13 month calendar. The SDA asked me not to return, due to my being a heretic.
God honestly bless you so much. I went to an advant highschool. God helped me, i didn't convert and didn't know how well to engage my adventist friends. Adventism is so common in Africa. To God be the glory, we are enlightened. Thank you
I believe Jesus' mercy is upon me to be able find and watch this expose at exact time I was needing ... All Glories to Lord my God Jesus Christ. Amennnnn.
I thank God that Jesus led my parents away from Adventism when I was a child. My family left I was Around the age of 13. one vivid memory I have is the prevailing arrogance and judgment within the community. Terms like "adventist-from-birth" were thrown around, and people would admire those individuals. It's almost comical and it goes against the spirit of Christ. I was lucky enough from that time to attend a bible centered church and taught me the bible correctly and I could undo all those false teaching from fake prophet who twisted the word or God and also add words to scripture! Thank God!
I'm a former Adventist. Same kind of roots as your guest. Today I am Eastern Orthodox. Orthodox for the rest of my life. In studying early American history I became repulsed by puritanism. Witch hunting, heretic killing and so on. That is NOT any religious tradition which i want anything to do with.
It’s a great thing the Lord has given us Word. 1Peter 3: 18-20. Upon His death He descends to Tartarus in spirit to preach to the fallen sons of god before His bodily resurrection. He wasn’t dormant.
ThE big problem is for prospects to follow the teachings of said prophets after the bible is written .today arguments are made about the word of God because of the knowledge of theologians bible scholars and bible teachers.the fact is christian religion is dividef into many because of people run God's word in man's ways not God's way
Those who are not properly believe,accept and following gospel as in Dead, resurration of Our Seiver Lord Jesus Christ but believe and depend on Law of Mosses they are not true Christian because they do not have spirit of Christ in their live.
Growing up I was a southern baptist and then a Jehovah's witness. I am unsure of exactly where I heard this but I remember hearing that Jesus did doubt at some time that God would take him back into heaven. I'm not sure which religion it was but when he said that I distinctly remember it just not when and where
Ive lost all trust in the church, i pray from home because my God told me not to be deceived.i ripped all my grass up and now grow my own food. Im not taking no mark of the beast, i worship jesus christ and the trinity.
When I heard SDA preachers talking about the spirit of prophecy., you would think they are talking about the gift of the spirit. No I find its references to a book THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.
It's a strange to notice all Christians sects seems to grow out of America. All the confusion flows from there. With a wild imagination and creative writing skills, you can create your own religion, sect, or movement anytime.
Thank you the word of the Lord shall not return void. Sda church foundation rejected the trinity as the teaching denies the sacrifice the the Father had to make. the type Abraham Isaac The trinity was fomally introduced in 1980 at which point it received another Jesus and conformins with the ecumenical council of churchesl hence the rebranding and droping the 3 angels messages, beginning with the everlasting Gospel revelation 14 v6 &7 By moses came the law but grace and truth thru jesus christ Thank you grace be with you
Seventh Day Adventism was founded by Ellen G White in America in 1863. The Church of Christ (Catholic) was the only Church founded by Jesus. He founded his Church in 33AD in Caesarea Philippi, near Galilee. See Matthew 16:13-20. Jesus promised then that he would be with his Church (singular) until the end of the age, and that the gates of hell would not prevale against his Chruch . Every "christian" sect in existance from that time onward to the present day was founded under the erroneous asserstion that the gates of hell indded prevaled against the Church which Jesus founded. I would challenge anyone searching for truth to disgregard your preconceived convictions, then to research the historical writings of the early Church fathers with an open mind and heart. Do so and you will see that what the early Christians really beleived in has in fact been held fast to for 2000 years. Only then will the false doctrines of this modern age which have blinded you, shall fall from your eyes like scales. Only The Truth will Set You Free.
There is really something weird about the teachings of e.g.white..I often wonder why they never teach the writings of St Paul about the Law in Romans and Galatians..I mean if you try to present the Truth why didn't you use the writings of St Paul who was revealed the truth..?Why was no Gospel truth taught in her writings as the Apostles did in theirs..The fact that they didn't, is the proof of the fact that what she taught is not from God..
This is the most in depth analysis of the SDA cult that I have ever heard! I grew up in the SDA cult in Jamaica. I am now a born again Christian who love the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! God bless.
I just believe what mentione in Holly Bible & Ellen White according the ages I came from Protestant & Now SDA I don't want to move the other denomination anymore One God Jesus & Holly Spirit
I think I must be lost , because I had a strong desire to here about God , I would listen to all kinds of christian programs on tv, I would send for all there pamflets and read them, they all spoke about Jesus Christ as the son of God, one of the programs I loved to watch back in the 80's was one by the seventh day Adventist, but I didn't know it was Seventh day Adventists at the time, anyway out of all the programs I watched it was the Adventists that came to my door, they were so nice, so I studied with them and was baptized by them, and I never heard about Ellen White, but I only went to church about to or three times, and I haven't been to any church in 40 years, I just thought I needed to be baptized, so I don't think I am saved, even though, I have prayed and received Jesus into my life and ask him to save me. I just haven't been to church, I didn't know what church to go to. Do I need to be baptized again, I don't know. Have I lead an empty and un-focused life, what church is a true Christian church these days.
You don't need to be baptized again just get back into close fellowship with Jesus, ask the Lord to lead you to a good church for you, start reading and praying daily.
Acts 2:38, be baptized for the remission of sins. This verse says why you must be baptized for the remission of sins I am a Christian in the Church of Christ. Denominationalism is wrong . All churches should teach the same doctrine : the Apostles' doctrine. May God bless you.
@rkradio4921 you could be baptised again if you would in the church the only church founded by Jesus Christ. Just try to search the only one church founded by Jesus Christ. May God bless you and His Holy spirit will guide you cause Jesus Christ loves you
" I would not permit a woman to teach" 1 Timothy 2:12 AND... "No one knows the day or hour" Matthew 24:36 Should have stopped these movements in it's tracks. EGW predicted so many false return dates, she should've been thrown out the window of the church from the giddyup!!
I was a lead rock/metal vocalist/writer for over 20 years performing live and studio. I used to believe I could be in that filthy world and still be "Christian" I had a terrifying and exhilarating experience with Jesus Christ early one morning while having a hellish experience withdrawing after I took all my drugs and being up North unable to get to a doctor or back to the city to get more drugs I thought I was going to die.
I was healed and cured instantly and suddenly, my car keys reappeared on the hook where I always left them, but were missing for days! I had my wife call an emergency band meeting and the very next morning after getting back home my wife and I drove two hours and I met with the band and told them what happened and quit!!
I used be worship "rock stars" by loving everything they did, all their music, what they wore, how they cut their hair etc. etc! THAT IS IDOL WORSHIP! So many of the biggest "rock stars" who are so dearly loved are some of the most wicked, vile animals anyone could ever know!! All the very "biggest" have indulged in the worst sexual depravity you could ever imagine, and they're made to appear so upright and clean!!
Look at what David Bowie did before he died!! He knew the "Black Star" album was going to be his last, his cancer was in late stages, so what does he do? He writes an album about Jesus stepping off His throne and satan (the Black Star) took His place!!
The video for "Black Star" the single, is full of in your face mockery of Jesus Christ and glorifies satan!!
This is how bought in many...MANY of these "biggest stars" are with luciferian, satanic BS! It's bad enough that they've bought into this blackest of lies, but they are paying right now not only for their own stupidity, but for every single child of God they have led astray!!
If you can't go into a Church and worship Jesus Christ and God the Father, but you can go to these monster's concerts and flash the baphomet horns and worship these vile bastards, you WILL get the "god" you worship!!
We all live eternally, the important question we must all ask ourselves is "WHERE WILL I SPEND ETERNITY"?!!
Cut the rope that leads to hell and get on your knees and tell the Lord you are sorry, and you want His forgiveness, you chose Jesus!! He will forgive you, but remember, NONE OF US ARE GUARANTEED ONE SECOND OF LIFE MORE!! MAKE THE CHOISE NOW!!
I left potentially MILLIONS of dollars behind, as one of my bandmates went on to make!! He traded his eternal soul for money and fame!! He has had all the reward he will be getting. My heart breaks for him, I love the man he's a good man, but he is lost! Over 25 years has past and he is on the back side of his career! That 25 years went by in a snap of the finger!!
Pray for my brother "Barry" that he will find Jesus!!
Jack ~'()'~
What a wonderful and encouraging testimony. May His presence continually enrich you😊
What band were you in
quite a captivationg Testimony...May Barry find Jesus
So happy you found our Saviour Jesus I'll pray for your friend and many more and hope they all find there way before the end times Jesus wants all of us to go to heaven all our names are in the book Jesus don't what to out any of us he love us all
My wife and I separated in 2018. then she fell apart with mental illness and lost custody of 5 year old daughter. She spent a year with a dysfunctional Foster parent. By the grace of God I was able to have visits and observe the neglect... Nevertheless my adult daughter and I got her transferred to my prosperous SDA first cousin. He turned out to be a blessing but they hold the Sabbath on Fridays and attention on Saturdays and she's also learning the Bible because she attends a SDA private school. It's definitely an improvement from the projects and the public school system. I will be trying to get custody when I get my own place. At the end of the day I don't want to race to be SDA. I will raise her to know full Gospel ....
Some man just came to my door evangelising and wanted hand me a book ( Ellen G White, the great controversy) I asked him if they believed in Jesus's divinity and he said yes, even quoted John about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I told him I can't take his book because my spirit tells me not to, he said sometimes evil spirits can talk to us to prevent us from learning the truth. I wasn't buying it however and decided to tell him I'm not interested and he should have a good day. I'm listening to this video rn just minutes after this has happened, trying to figure out the bullet I just dodged. I live in South Africa by the way
I'm a teen and a Seventh-day Adventist. Never in my church, I have heard this. Thank you for posting this video; I will think about this.
Its the Tale of Two Adventists. You probably weren't taught anything they're discussing as Adventism. I've never met an Adventist who taught E G White as the Bible either...
May God help you to know the truth.
My brother was an 7th day adventist. He had a time to consider this information and he went to other denomination. He spoke with his wife and they both left 7th day Adventism.
Adventism is an offshoot of the original SDA church
I dont remember watching a video that made me angry, disgusted, horrified and fired up all at the same time.
Pedro Jr , the truth has tendency to do that. Letting go of ones predisposition to scriptures to seek the truth is s God thing. I felt much like you years ago when I heard Justin Peters series on Clouds Without Water on you tube. I had my eyes opened and was angry that I had been deceived. Wise men still seek him. God Bless your journey as you seek truth.
🎉🎉🎉 Glory to God 🙏 the holy spirit bless you both 🙏 .. I'm seventh day Adventist , waiting the second coming of Jesus Christ 🙏 our saviour 🙏
This is so timely for me because ive been listening to Barbara O'neil and her lectures on holestic medicine and got a book she suggested called the ministry of healing by Ellen G White. I have, during these courses, found she is a 7th day Adventist. Although the lectures are wonderful and ive learned a ton of excellent information about healing the body naturally i can see how one could be drawn into this cult. Thank you Jesus for the timing of this lecture. 🙏❤
That’s very interesting to know, I’ve watched some of her health advice. I’m assuming her partner is part of the same cult.
When you realise the Bible doesn't condone "natural" healing, but rather supernatural healing (through Christ of course).
SDA uses their health ministry to lure unsuspecting Christians to their tribe. (Their main focus group is all non-SDAs) They hold vegan cooking demonstrations for that same purpose. They never advertise WHO they are. They hold prophecy seminars, not advertising WHO they are. I know. I walked into this cult when I was in my early 50s. They steal sheep from non-SDA churches. They won't pull the drunk from the ditch or the prostitute from the street. They let non-SDA churches clean them up and then they go proselytize that church's members.
Ministry of healing was one of my favorite books 💔
I had a similar experience with a Korean church with a guy named ahnsun Hong who claimed to me a prophet of Christ I had such bad luck for a long time til I realised Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour came to me in my heart and took me away from them false idols I have been following the holy bible by myself until I came across Sam he is such a blessing to my journey
Strange cult teaches God the Mother! Glad you woke up and got out and follow Christ.
As an Ex-JW now united to Christ in the Orthodox Church (Glory to God) it continues to amaze me how similar the SDA and the JWs are. Man. The numbers the following of men. Just insane. So similar. The 1800s was a dark time for those that fear God.
Throw in the Mormons too. Restorationism. They’re literally all in New York State too, lol.
It was a perverted counter-movement to the 2nd great awakening which happened at that time.
Same thing during the first great awakening - the “enlightenment” era which attacked the reverence for the daily work of the Holy Spirit supernaturally that is typically “unexplainable.”
The enemy does counter-movements when the Lord is awakening His people. We are currently in the 3rd great awakening and look what counter-movements are going on.
They’re an offshoot of each other!!!!
As a former SDA i can attest that they are not trinitarians. They do believe that Jesus is Michael the archangel so what he's saying is true. Ive had to unlearn and learn many things when i walked away from the SDA church. They uphold the writings/teachings of EGW before the Word of God itself. I became born again a few years ago, up until then i never believed Jesus was God until the Holy Spirit revealed the truth to me in the scriptures. Their whole emphasis is Sabbath keeping even while most of them are lukewarm, adulterers/fornicators, drunkards, smokers, cussers, unholy hypocrites but they believe they are righteous because they worship on Saturday. Im so happy to be set free from this dark cult. Jesus Christ is my Sabbath rest, and i worship the Lord in spirit and truth EVERY DAY.
I'm a former SDA . My father was a pastor in SDA south central conference. I had to unlearn everything. I celebrate the Sabbath by resting in Yahusha and I give worship and praise everyday.
I hired an electrician to re-wire my house and he was a gentleman in his early 70s and he was SDA. He was a great guy in many ways, very friendly and giving. But he was lazer focused on hating the Catholic Church and the importance of Saturday Sabbath. Really hated Constatine. Now I'm hearing from this he also believed that Jesus is the Archangel Michael like the JWs do. Had no idea he thought that way.
It reminds me of last days.. 2Ti 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2Ti 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
2Ti 3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
2Ti 3:4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
2Ti 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
Here's a thing man a lot of Adventist churches are granted a lot of autonomy You're not going to get one church that is the same Whatever legalistic church this guy grew up in was probably more like a cult.
SDA Churches are not like that in the General.
It'd be like claiming westborough Baptist Church represents Baptist.
That's why he went back to the start of the cult, and proved they have been a cult from the beginning.
Ur sda is really a cult from the dark dungeon fighting a battle against Lord Jesus's resurrection, giving false evedences and misleading people who want to come to God.
Their divisions are one more piece of evidence that they are not of God
Adventists are extremely faithful people maybe some aren’t great be Desmond Doss was an Adventist and is as close to a modern saint as I have ever seen so if the religion can produce that man I have respect for the religion.
So this is very interesting….I grew up SDA and 2 years ago my husband and I were Baptized into the Orthodox Church. Growing up in Adventistism with a pastor for a father I never heard this Michael the archangel theory of Christ. I also was taught to believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and in the Holy Trinity. That being said, the concept of the Holy Spirit in SDA theology was rather murky and undefined. And the discrediting of the Theotokos (Mother of God) is very sacreligious. There is an incoherent interpretation of theology that stems from a lack of apostolic tradition in conjunction with the Bible. Sola scriptural Leads to 100’s of different interpretations and denominations. Lord have mercy. ☦️🙏☦️
Thank you for this @SHAMOUNIAN and @answeringadventism and all the work that you do.
Just wanted to correct the reference (it may just be wrong on the app, but I wanted to put this here for anyone following along with the research). The reference for "Lift Him Up" around 1:36:45 is LHU 235.3 (not 253.3)
My wife was raised 7th day Adventist and I was raised Mormon. We are both now Roman Catholic. Thanks be to God for bringing us out of such dangerous cults.
Have you ever watched the 'EWTN Journey Home' program. It's on youtube. A fav episode of mine is with a woman called 'Teresa Beem'. Her and her husband came home to the Catholic Church through much study and discernment. You might like to see the interview for yourself.
@@FEiSTYFEVER yeah. Great program. My wife has actually been on EWTN a few times. She's a singer.
It's the same "problem" with other religions. They let thier "teachers" Trump the word of God. Torrah has the Talmud, Koran has their hadiths and such, Mormons Joseph Smith, ect...
I wasnt raised in any particular faith....Im happy about that. It allowed me to study the Bible for myself and avoid indoctrination of any kind.
Ever since the satanic cult of sola scriptura a man made tradition invented by a devil possessed man was introduced five hundred years ago any tom dick and harry even idiot like E. White can interpret the Bible on the basis of their own wild imagination and even adding their wishful thinking to justify their satanic theology and to undermine the Church that Jesus established under the stewardship of Peter
Christ never thought denominations to the world. There is only one church The true church of the Lord. Thank you God for always showing me the truth. Amen!
God bless you for this video! Thank you. 🙏🏼
I was an SDA, upon deep study of Adventist doctrine I realized that they don’t affirm the surety of our salvation in Jesus Christ as confirmed by the New Covenant mediated by him before God on our behalf and in our place.
They substitute the Holy Spirit with a suspicious spirit of prophecy.
The grace of God led me to this revelation, May God’s name be glorified in my life in Jesus’ name.
what would religion would you say you’re part of?
Im blessed i am seventh day adventist..God bless us..as long u accept Jesus is your savior…
Me to ❤
You need to repent and come out of this cult. Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus is the way, truth and the life. No one come close to the father except thru him. John 14,6. If you die without Jesus. You will go to Hell ok. God Blessed.
If your church is less than 2000 years old, it is not the Church that Christ founded.
@@chv307they don’t believe in hell. Also we can’t ask people to repent that’s not out job that’s the Lords job. We can only pray for them and ask God to expose there horrible truths.
2 Timothy 4:4
They will reject the truth and chase after fables.
I have been debating my SDA neighbor friend and recently he explained that he thinks during the temptation in the desert that Jesus actually wanted to sin but chose not to. It just showed how deficient and frankly demonic their theology is if they think God can desire what is sinful.
Oh my gosh, he said that?
@loudandproud18 yup. He said it wouldn't really have been a temptation unless Jesus felt that desire to sin. I had to explain to him that wasn't the case but they are quite stubborn
@@FourKidsNoMoneyI can assure you, that was a personal interpretation. Not a doctrine as a church.
Looking forward to hearing this. My grandfather was a SDA but his children didn't follow in his footsteps. Thank God. We didn't eat pork, and he upheld sabbath on Saturdays but other than that I know nothing.
about 12:30 into the vid sounded a lot like “stay alive until 75” and JW’s sold their homes, quit schooling, and started to ramp up on door knocking
first time i hear this im a 7day adventtist 4th generation i dont put eg wrhitings before Gods i beleave JESUS is the GOD enjoy listening
I also think the adventists I see today don't put Ellen's teaching before God. I may not know. But what they do is to accuse some of us of the sabbath. A friend once gave me a pamphlet that said those that don't go to church on Saturday but on Sunday have received the mark of the beast. So it was like Sunday worship is the mark of the beast. To me, He behaved like the pharisees. We are Christians and not Jews so we understand the sabbath and not the day.
@@sedr7273yeah, the pamphlet is definitely wrong about the mark. Clearly a scare tactic
You'll find that most of these 19th century movements tone down a lot of their language now in the more modern era to pass off more easily as Christians and not to sound as crazy. It's like how Mormons can sound a lot like Christians if you don't dig too deep.
I'm 15 years old and i became an 7th day adventist like 3 years ago. I've never heard this before and right now I'm thinking of becoming an orthodox. Please pray for me guys. Thank you Sam for the stream
May the Lord Jesus Christ (the Way,the Truth, and Life) continue to reveal Himself clearly, clear and truthful revelations of Him, may the Holy Spirit teach us all these things, and comfort us, heal us and bring us clarity over any lie or any deception that sneaked in, and may He grant the desires of Your heart as You continue to seek His Kingdom in Jesus mighty name.
God is not the author of confusion, may His peace overflow in you, be encouraged beloved! God is faithful to finish what He has started in you and will not leave you nor forsake you
Please study the bible alone and get into a bible believing church
When I tell you this blew my mind. God is one being manifest in 3 persons. When I became Christian it was through adventism, and all of the pillars of lies are falling down. Thank you Jesus. This make the cross that much more transparent. WHOA!!!!!!!! Help Jesus to eat you flesh and drink your blood, and not leave from being led by you.
This is the most intensive study into the Seventh Day Adventist I have ever come across. Bless both of you and keep up the good work.
Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. 16You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. 18A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. 19So every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire. 20Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions. (Matthew 7:15-20.)
Please do a discussion on the Mormon cult too.
My 20yr old was approached by a group of young guys 3yrs ago. I thouht they were Christian but found out last year they were a group who broke off from 7thday adventist. Suddenly my son dosen't believe in the Jesus that he grew up with. He won't even show me the bible they gave him to study from. Im gobsmacked how influential these people are. Praying Jesus Christ of Nazareth brings my son back to the light.
should've mentioned Allen g white, Jospeh smith, and Charles Russel links to freemasonry
I've only been subscribed to this channel for a week and a half, but I've learned so much in such a small time. I've only been a Christian for a short time, and all this denomination stuff had me so confused. I would watch UA-cam, and as long as I heard them mentioning jesus I thought they were trustworthy Godly people (clearly I am totally wrong to think that) but like I said I wasnt brought up being a Christian, and the only reason I become Christian is because jesus christ saved me after I unknowingly messed with the occult. I give my life to him and haven't looked back since, so I have a whole lot of learning to do and I'm just thankful to God I've now found some trustworthy people to watch online like Sam. God bless you all 🙏
*hugs* this is why Paul’s teachings about others preaching “another gospel” (Gal 1:6) or those with “a form of godliness but none of its power” (2 Tim 3:5) are so critical. Ask the Holy Spirit to point you to scripture to confirm or invalidate what various folks might say. He is so good and will gently lead you in His Word “into all truth.” (John 16:13). God is faithful to His word and it will not return to Him void! (Isaiah 55:11) I encourage you to memorize scripture so that the Lord can whisper it back to you to encourage you and speak to you when tough moments come. Thank you King Jesus for this precious one! 🙏
Read scripture. Over and over. If you hear a man out of harmony and saying different things... then correct them or leave them.
You capitalise God and Sam but why not "jesus christ"?
Jesus Christ is God and has to be capitalised! Here speaks Father God about Jesus:
“But about the Son [the Father says to Him], “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, And the scepter of [absolute] righteousness is the scepter of His kingdom.„
Hebrews 1:8 AMP
BibleApp YouVersion
I left SDA a while ago now but here is my question: was I an SDA member from another dimension? I learn of the Divine Trinity from them but in all my years in the church they never made me accept nor use any of Ellen’s writings, plus some other things on which I disagree made me move on. Didn’t leave in anger though, on the contraire, it inspired me to search none stop for Biblical truth. Good thing I like to inquire.
I think you just had a relationship with God in spite of your church’s history and background.
I am happy for you as you kept seeking. I have a very dear friend since high school, like a brother to me, who converted to SDA but found the pastors wanting and uninspiring. Now he wants to do the preaching instead. I found it strange that he has changed from a happy big dreamer go-getter that has turned into this dark, doomsayer, aimless person. He is bombarding me with scripture quotes and keeps telling me that I am a follower of the "antichrist". His family distanced themselves from him, his children and wife can only take so much from his ballistic moods. Help me pray for him, I want him to get out of the hole he'd gone into.
In The Great Controversy, Ellen. G. White seems to be standing with Protestant tradition. Be aware, many Protestants do not follow the Apostles'Doctrine in the New Testament.
Yeah i had the same experience, if anyone preaching used Ellen White they made it clear it this is her interpretation of scripture but i left because i disagreed with a lot of the church Elders on dietary restrictions, Jesus being Michael the Archangel and i questioned the Sabbath keeping too
So indeed many SDA churches are different. I grew up Adventist and believing in God and the trinity. One BEING 3 persons. However.. I’ve learned that’s not the clear stance in the fundamental beliefs 😅 goodness it’s such a whirlwind of differences. I have seen how crazy and non biblical the investigative judgement is. May God guide His people in Adventism to expose these biblical inconsistencies.
Has there been a part 2 for this?
Jesus told us that there would be many false prophets and false doctrine
and Ellen was one of them.
Thank u bro. Sam. Glory to our beloved, almighty, God jesus christ. Credit goes to Christ, for giving you, undefeatable knowledge, about the scriptures. Long live bro. Sam.
My opinion
Been an Adventist my entire life.
My opinion on such discussions...
Whatever you read or hear, be like the Berean...read it out for yourself, corroborate it in Scripture.
Be open minded, dont accept everything hook, line and sinker without verifying it on your own.
Thanks for sharing the content.
You should be more like the Ethiopian and be taught by the Apostle Philipp. If you understand and study properly you become Catholic.
How to destroy the tri theistic lie of the 7 day adventists:
John 10:30:" I and the Father are One. ".
John 10:38 " But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him."
OOOOPS! Who's right here? Jesus or Ellen Gee??? YALLA!
Thanks a lot and God bless and guide you daily, brother Sam!
It is proven again, you were right, the Bible is the supernatural, UNBREAKABLE UNCHANGEABLE and LIVING WORD OF GOD! And has all the answers!
Thank you Lord for giving me my Mom. She passed away 2022 but I’m so happy that my Mom legacy as a SDA still lives among us Family. I’m proud born and raise as SDA. Thank youLord Jesus Christ for everything for the Guidance and everything you gave us. Dear Lord forgive us on our sins and this world. Pls add us to the book of life and save us all on your second coming🙏🙏🙏 in Jesus name Amen.
Imagine that! Our Almighty God was concerned that the angels would think of Him as a tyrant.
You can’t say we don’t believe in the Trinity father son and Holy Ghost we definitely believe when we baptize individuals we always say it and it’s a part of baptismal time . Some of what he says we believe in I was never taught I’ve been in the Adventist church 57 years
Even Jehovahs witnesses baptized that way but still don’t believe in the trinity but the😢can’t explain what the trinity is.
Really enjoying this ! Great learning
I know a family that we’re lawyers for Ellen g white and they fought to hide the truth that she never had visions but instead it was epilepsy
Im an advertist im waiting for our saviour Jesus to come
Not all who say "Lord Lord.." will enter the kingdom of God
Sam, you are very articulate, that even a toddler can understand everything of what your are saying. May GOD Almighty bless you and continue to help you decode all the complexities that most humans have involving GOD and Lord Jesus Christ.
Here in Jamaica they ordained women as Elders and pastors.
These guys must be on the same side, because Sam is letting the other person talk.
I used to be a Seventh-day Adventist and I left because the trinity doctrine is "optional" in the denomination. They also have 2 definitions for most of their beliefs. When I was a member, I agreed with all 28 fundamental beliefs but I was still considered a lukewarm liberal by their standards because I did not believe that going to church on Sunday was the mark of the beast and I did not believe the Catholic Church was the whore of babylon.
Jesus is Lord come what may!
Im 43 and I was bought up in the SDA church in Australia. Ive definitely lost my way....... I always took that only the bible can only be interpreted by the bible. I dont know the history of SDA that well but Ive never heard this before. You got me thinking....... But also I think, let no man deceive you.....
I was an Adventist as my family. I did not grow up in it, but I was never fully convinced. Your Bible is your best teacher. I pray God will continue to lead you. God bless
Yet you listen to a woman who started this religion
I keep the sabbath, but I’m not a SDA . I don’t belong to any religion. I’m grateful for that .
Me too dear
honestly we don't for certain what happened before creation. We soon shall know tho. I pray we all can be there to ask and know
what happened. Amen
Isn't it "strange ", that, every time, ANYONE, which is interested by the truth, starts reading the Bible, they end up piecing on the devil's cults, and a big part from their multitude, start preaching Jesus Christ as only Lord and Saviour..??
Because it is a repeated event.
A repeated event gives birth to a constancy , which triggers a science.
Simple .
Outcome: the Bible is true. And gives to anyone, the neverending life.
If wanted.
Quod erat demonstrandum.
I was raised SDA, i have walked away from the religions of men, i read the Geneva bible in it's entirety... i follow the 10 commandments, and the 13 month calendar. The SDA asked me not to return, due to my being a heretic.
The Geneva Bible is Calvinistic.
God honestly bless you so much. I went to an advant highschool. God helped me, i didn't convert and didn't know how well to engage my adventist friends. Adventism is so common in Africa. To God be the glory, we are enlightened. Thank you
This young fella is so good 😊
I believe Jesus' mercy is upon me to be able find and watch this expose at exact time I was needing ... All Glories to Lord my God Jesus Christ. Amennnnn.
Iam a seventh day Adventist and I am from Jamaica 🇯🇲. But iam listening to what you have to say..
I’m also SDA who grew up in Jamaica 🇯🇲 and I’m also listening:) what do you think?
I thank God that Jesus led my parents away from Adventism when I was a child. My family left I was Around the age of 13. one vivid memory I have is the prevailing arrogance and judgment within the community. Terms like "adventist-from-birth" were thrown around, and people would admire those individuals. It's almost comical and it goes against the spirit of Christ. I was lucky enough from that time to attend a bible centered church and taught me the bible correctly and I could undo all those false teaching from fake prophet who twisted the word or God and also add words to scripture! Thank God!
Wow😮… Great Guest(as usual) & interesting/informative Session(as usual)!!!👍
God bless🙏
Thank you for doing the Sign of the Cross 🙏 reminding us of our baptism and the devil that we are fighting against.
I'm a former Adventist. Same kind of roots as your guest.
Today I am Eastern Orthodox. Orthodox for the rest of my life.
In studying early American history I became repulsed by puritanism. Witch hunting, heretic killing and so on.
That is NOT any religious tradition which i want anything to do with.
It’s a great thing the Lord has given us Word. 1Peter 3: 18-20. Upon His death He descends to Tartarus in spirit to preach to the fallen sons of god before His bodily resurrection. He wasn’t dormant.
Great work, @Myles and @Sam. listening to the replay now and God-willing, I'll be able to catch part 2 live
ThE big problem is for prospects to follow the teachings of said prophets after the bible is written .today arguments are made about the word of God because of the knowledge of theologians bible scholars and bible teachers.the fact is christian religion is dividef into many because of people run God's word in man's ways not God's way
Only Holy God Blood could be the sacrifice for us sinners ( the perfect lamb ) Praise Be To God !!!!
Those who are not properly believe,accept and following gospel as in Dead, resurration of Our Seiver Lord Jesus Christ but believe and depend on Law of Mosses they are not true Christian because they do not have spirit of Christ in their live.
Growing up I was a southern baptist and then a Jehovah's witness. I am unsure of exactly where I heard this but I remember hearing that Jesus did doubt at some time that God would take him back into heaven. I'm not sure which religion it was but when he said that I distinctly remember it just not when and where
Ive lost all trust in the church, i pray from home because my God told me not to be deceived.i ripped all my grass up and now grow my own food. Im not taking no mark of the beast, i worship jesus christ and the trinity.
I live in Wales uk
Thank you ❤❤
It's so bloody great watching Sam. He's so smart. 😊
When I heard SDA preachers talking about the spirit of prophecy., you would think they are talking about the gift of the spirit. No I find its references to a book THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.
Wonderfull truth
It's a strange to notice all Christians sects seems to grow out of America. All the confusion flows from there. With a wild imagination and creative writing skills, you can create your own religion, sect, or movement anytime.
That is so true. So many gonewild imaginations deceiving people from the truth. Jesus Christ is Lord.
The disease of liberalism
if you understand the history of those times, you would understand why
Thank you the word of the Lord shall not return void.
Sda church foundation rejected the trinity as the teaching denies the sacrifice the the Father had to make. the type Abraham Isaac
The trinity was fomally introduced in 1980 at which point it received another Jesus and conformins with the ecumenical council of churchesl hence the rebranding and droping the 3 angels messages, beginning with the everlasting Gospel
revelation 14 v6 &7
By moses came the law but grace and truth thru jesus christ
Thank you grace be with you
Seventh Day Adventism was founded by Ellen G White in America in 1863. The Church of Christ (Catholic) was the only Church founded by Jesus. He founded his Church in 33AD in Caesarea Philippi, near Galilee. See Matthew 16:13-20. Jesus promised then that he would be with his Church (singular) until the end of the age, and that the gates of hell would not prevale against his Chruch . Every "christian" sect in existance from that time onward to the present day was founded under the erroneous asserstion that the gates of hell indded prevaled against the Church which Jesus founded. I would challenge anyone searching for truth to disgregard your preconceived convictions, then to research the historical writings of the early Church fathers with an open mind and heart. Do so and you will see that what the early Christians really beleived in has in fact been held fast to for 2000 years. Only then will the false doctrines of this modern age which have blinded you, shall fall from your eyes like scales. Only The Truth will Set You Free.
God bless you brother
I pray for the love of God which is in Jesus Christ will bless you brothers with a spirit of excellence, amen 🙏
There is really something weird about the teachings of e.g.white..I often wonder why they never teach the writings of St Paul about the Law in Romans and Galatians..I mean if you try to present the Truth why didn't you use the writings of St Paul who was revealed the truth..?Why was no Gospel truth taught in her writings as the Apostles did in theirs..The fact that they didn't, is the proof of the fact that what she taught is not from God..
I am Adventist and I believe in the trinity 100%
I can't wait for the part 2. Thanks Sam great episode
Yes Expose these stanci people people.
Im born again christian full gospel church.
I just found this vide, i cannot believe the meat within
Why do people believe Jesus was previously an archangel?
Because it's an attack on the deity of Christ. All religious cults deny Jesus is God.
Thank you both look forward to hear furthermore exposing untruthfulness but also establishing JESUS as the Way the Truth and Life.
This is the most in depth analysis of the SDA cult that I have ever heard! I grew up in the SDA cult in Jamaica. I am now a born again Christian who love the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! God bless.
Praise the Lord that He set you free! Glory to God!
I was invited to the SDA church two weeks ago in the Gambia
Can I continue to attend the church...
No it’s a cult.
thank you brother for exposing the sevenths day Adventist well done brother
I just believe what mentione in Holly Bible
& Ellen White according the ages
I came from Protestant & Now SDA
I don't want to move the other denomination anymore
One God Jesus & Holly Spirit
Great Video guys. Blessings
I think I must be lost , because I had a strong desire to here about God , I would listen to all kinds of christian programs on tv, I would send for all there pamflets and read them, they all spoke about Jesus Christ as the son of God, one of the programs I loved to watch back in the 80's was one by the seventh day Adventist, but I didn't know it was Seventh day Adventists at the time, anyway out of all the programs I watched it was the Adventists that came to my door, they were so nice, so I studied with them and was baptized by them, and I never heard about Ellen White, but I only went to church about to or three times, and I haven't been to any church in 40 years, I just thought I needed to be baptized, so I don't think I am saved, even though, I have prayed and received Jesus into my life and ask him to save me. I just haven't been to church, I didn't know what church to go to. Do I need to be baptized again, I don't know. Have I lead an empty and un-focused life, what church is a true Christian church these days.
You don't need to be baptized again just get back into close fellowship with Jesus, ask the Lord to lead you to a good church for you, start reading and praying daily.
Acts 2:38, be baptized for the remission of sins. This verse says why you must be baptized for the remission of sins I am a Christian in the Church of Christ. Denominationalism is wrong . All churches should teach the same doctrine : the Apostles' doctrine. May God bless you.
@rkradio4921 you could be baptised again if you would in the church the only church founded by Jesus Christ. Just try to search the only one church founded by Jesus Christ. May God bless you and His Holy spirit will guide you cause Jesus Christ loves you
Most the sda chirches Ivf been to are at least 50 percent black.
" I would not permit a woman to teach" 1 Timothy 2:12
"No one knows the day or hour" Matthew 24:36
Should have stopped these movements in it's tracks.
EGW predicted so many false return dates, she should've been thrown out the window of the church from the giddyup!!
Hey Sam God bless how do you feel about the Baptist Religion
I used to be an adventist, but went back to being a Baptist after almost 21 years.