• @justinbowers2749
    @justinbowers2749 3 роки тому +19

    Another thing about God’s Wrath: he keeps his anger at the thing he’s mad at. If we lose our temper, we tend to lash out at anyone or anything we can reach, not God. Our Wrath is a Hurricane that destroys everything in its path, God’s Wrath is a Sword that attacks the thing it’s supposed to attack.

  • @venuss1818
    @venuss1818 5 років тому +19

    I experience the wrath and mercy of God when I disobey Him but it usually is a blessing.

  • @justinmuse7095
    @justinmuse7095 5 років тому +40

    That part about vengeance. I never thought about it like that before. It’s not our right. And I no longer want to have it in my heart. It will take up space that is supposed to be filled by the spirit.

    • @karinecarde1254
      @karinecarde1254 5 років тому +1

      Amen Justin 🙌

    • @rpgs_player6492
      @rpgs_player6492 3 роки тому

      It means you aren't being true to yourself.

    • @settlekettle8528
      @settlekettle8528 3 роки тому +1

      Viewers, beware of channels with false prophets circulating on UA-cam.
      Go on the channel called EncounterTV. Look for a video titled “How to surrender to the Holy Spirit.” At the 37min24sec mark, the host speaks to someone through the screen. Which is me. I failed because of content such as this. I failed last week Monday. 😔😔😔😔😔😔
      Particularly because of videos from “My Father Is Joy,” having to do with a “new road,” and the last one that was uploaded having to do with desire.
      Beware also of isolation and staying on UA-cam and social media.

    • @jamesmccluskey391
      @jamesmccluskey391 3 роки тому

      @@settlekettle8528 they desire their ears to be amused - How come these TV preachers say when you need money ask GOD, but when TV preachers need money they ask YOU?!?
      “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.”
      without money
      Isaiah 52:3
      For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money.
      The parable of Mark chapter 4 had nothing to do with sowing money to receive a harvest of 30, 60, 100 fold.
      It's about sowing the word of God in the lives of people. If you would stop giving to all the prosperity preachers, you will see how much faith they don't have in God to subsidize their empires.
      No Paid Ministry - The Gospel is not to be taught for any paycheck, salary, price, reward or compensation
      Christ’s strong words about “hirelings in the flock”, and how paid ministers are not true shepards - John 10:11-13
      Paul explains that he had supported himself with his own hands, never wanting money or fancy clothes - Acts 20:33-34
      Christ tells apostles to go forth and preach without money - Mark 6:8
      Feed the flock of God willingly - not for any money or reward (described as "filthy lucre") - 1 Peter 5:2
      The saving of souls is not to come for any price or reward by anyone - Isaiah 45:13
      Religious leaders wrongly preach for a paycheck while claiming that God is with them - Micah 3:11, Isaiah 56:11
      The Gospel and Salvation is for free and without price - Isaiah 55:1-2, 53:3
      Religious leaders must not preach for money - Titus 1:7
      For money's sake, false doctrines are taught which corrupts large numbers of people and must be stopped - Titus 1:11
      Christ reacts severely toward making money in the house of the Lord - Mark 11:15, Luke 19:45, John 2:14
      Christ’s “worthy of his hire” remark refers to food/drink provided by those who disciples visit - not money! - Luke 10:7
      What then is my reward? Just this: that in preaching the gospel I may offer it free of charge, and so not make full use of my rights as a preacher of the gospel.

  • @TheCreepypro
    @TheCreepypro Рік тому +3

    let your truth be known Lord

  • @hecwill1
    @hecwill1 Рік тому +1

    The Spirit brought me here in 2023!

  • @DavidMarmolejo
    @DavidMarmolejo Рік тому +2

    Great truth. The judgement is already in play. We have to pray for the church to stand strong during this righteous judgement.

    • @projectbirdfeederman5491
      @projectbirdfeederman5491 Рік тому

      How is it a righteous judgement, given people have been immersed in a mind control facility where they've been coerced and set up to sin from day one. And they're in a body that craves sin on top of that. It's ridiculous. The bible God has no empathy.

  • @bisdakpinoy3428
    @bisdakpinoy3428 2 роки тому +3

    PSALM 82:8
    Arise, O God, *judge* *the* *earth* ,
    for all the nations are Your inheritance.

  • @Gizmoimages
    @Gizmoimages 4 роки тому +5

    How I came to believe the PreWrath view
    Back in the mid-80’s I had been going to John MacArthur’s church (Grace Community Church) in Southern California. As many new Christians, I had an insatiable hunger to study everything I could get my hands on.
    While I held to most of the tenets of the faith, there was one area that I never fully endorsed was the Pretribulation view. Back in maybe 1988, one Saturday while going to the beach being quiet with God, I came across this CBD catalogue of books. One of the books for sale was a book by Marvin Rosenthal called “THE PRE-WRATH RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH.” The book was intriguing, so I ordered it. This book convinced me of the view.
    In the book, Rosenthal mentioned a well-known pastor in Southern California that they would discus this view of eschatology with. Something told me it was John MacArthur. So I called this PreWrath organization (don’t recall the name), but I spoke with a man, Reverend Roger Best. I was amazed at how frank he was about things, and asked him if he knew who that well-known pastor in Southern California was that Rosenthal had mentioned. Indeed, he said it was John MacArthur.
    He also said that before Rosenthal’s book was written, MacArthur, Rosenthal, VanKampen, as well as Best, would sit around and talk about this PreWrath view. According to Rev. Best, when the discussion of a book was brought up, MacArthur expressed interest in writing the book. I thought this was odd since MacArthur doesn’t hold to the PreWrath view. And Van Kampen thought Rosenthal should write the book. Rev. Best didn’t go into the reasons why Van Kampen suggested Rosenthal write the book, but it would only be my assumption he felt Rosenthal would give a more meaningful explanation to this view.
    So after speaking with Rev. Best, I decided to write John MacArthur at Grace Church about what Rev. Best said. I got a standard letter back saying that MacArthur doesn’t hold to this view, blah, blah, blah. I said, “OK” I’m going to have to see if I can speak with MacArthur myself. I thought the best opportunity was after a Sunday evening service. So sure enough, I was able to speak with him and confirm that indeed it was he that was in discussions with the others about this view.
    A few things stuck out to me about my discussion with MacArthur. One, was that he admitted it was he that the book was referencing; two, was that although he didn’t personally hold to the view, but that it was a valid Biblical view of eschatology, and three, was that he made sure to make a point that it was Rosenthal/Van Kampen that broke fellowship with him over this view. I took that as meaning they had finally reached an impasse.
    I found this as sad. Because as someone such as myself that holds to the view so strongly, it just baffles me how MacArthur cannot see himself wanting to or being willing to grasp this view. It’s sad because it would be a great service to the church in America if he was willing to say he was wrong, and now favors this view.
    Nonetheless, it is encouraging to see many Bible teachers rise up and speak in favor of this view. Actually too many people to mention, but just a couple names that come to mind are Alan Kushner, Nelson Walters, and Joel Richardson.
    Thank you for reading this thing to the end.

  • @ginbin1111
    @ginbin1111 Рік тому

    Pay attention! TRUTH! Amen Thank ypu Father 🙏

  • @PowerfulRift
    @PowerfulRift 5 років тому +5

    Thank You Pastor John.

  • @walterbudd7542
    @walterbudd7542 4 роки тому +7

    Please pray for me.

    • @JBulsa
      @JBulsa 7 місяців тому

      Be blessed 🙌 😇 🙏 ☺️ 😊 ✨️

  • @peggyoneill9933
    @peggyoneill9933 Рік тому

    I've already been rescued and Jesus is coming soon to show but first the wrath of God

  • @tac5698
    @tac5698 4 роки тому +2

    God bless the children

  • @MrElprototipo2012
    @MrElprototipo2012 5 років тому +9

    I have fallen short because of my anger........ But im not perfect and have feelings so its hard to not just turn the other cheek but also give the first cheek over

  • @lovem6465
    @lovem6465 5 років тому +7

    Wow, this is amazing.

  • @andrewsutton7950
    @andrewsutton7950 3 роки тому +2

    I'm doing a study on propitiation and this was very helpful.

    • @settlekettle8528
      @settlekettle8528 3 роки тому

      Viewers, beware of channels with false prophets circulating on UA-cam.
      Go on the channel called EncounterTV. Look for a video titled “How to surrender to the Holy Spirit.” At the 37min24sec mark, the host speaks to someone through the screen. Which is me. I failed because of content such as this. I failed last week Monday. 😔😔😔😔😔😔
      Particularly because of videos from “My Father Is Joy,” having to do with a “new road,” and the last one that was uploaded having to do with desire.
      Beware also of isolation and staying on UA-cam and social media.

  • @uchibauki2515
    @uchibauki2515 4 роки тому +5

    Fires 🔥 happening everywhere this is maybe one of God’s wrath 😱😱

  • @haroldhicks1375
    @haroldhicks1375 Рік тому


  • @keepthefaith9805
    @keepthefaith9805 3 роки тому +3

    To torture someone in the most unimaginable way FOREVER is beyond my comprehension,,,I have no words to the explain it

    • @SpeeAD
      @SpeeAD Рік тому

      Your sins caused from yourself has put someone else in a bad state of life and u just don’t know it … most of the lies and things we’ve told or did to others have cause permanent damaged … maybe mentally in their lives

    • @keepthefaith9805
      @keepthefaith9805 Рік тому

      @@SpeeAD maybe

  • @tdf7701
    @tdf7701 2 роки тому +3

    Luke 9:51-56: 51 Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem, 52 and sent messengers before His face. And as they went, they entered a village of the Samaritans, to prepare for Him. 53 But they did not receive Him, BECAUSE His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem. 54 And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?”
    55 But He turned and rebuked them, and said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. 56 For the Son of Man DID NOT come to destroy men’s lives but to SAVE THEM.”
    Jerusalem: (in Hebrew: yerushalaim) "yeru" means: flow, like a river flowing out of a hand or finger, in the sense of POINTING out the way one should go.
    Shalayim: is from the word shalam: PEACE/complete and whole.
    John 6:33: The TRUE bread of God is He Who comes down from heaven and GIVES LIFE TO THE WORLD.

  • @kaitryan8193
    @kaitryan8193 5 років тому +10

    It’s weird because o was just telling myself that the abortion situation in New York is going to bring Gods wrath. I am praying for those who are deceived because I am scared for them 😞

    • @tjohnz3171
      @tjohnz3171 3 роки тому

      so in other words your emotional fear dictates your opinion and actions of others ?!? That sounds like hypocrisy to me.

    • @Gabriel_the_Shemite
      @Gabriel_the_Shemite 3 роки тому

      @@tjohnz3171 Who are you to judge? Since when has praying for others that have been led astray to be put back on the righteous path make you a hypocrite?

    • @settlekettle8528
      @settlekettle8528 3 роки тому

      Viewers, beware of channels with false prophets circulating on UA-cam.
      Go on the channel called EncounterTV. Look for a video titled “How to surrender to the Holy Spirit.” At the 37min24sec mark, the host speaks to someone through the screen. Which is me. I failed because of content such as this. I failed last week Monday. 😔😔😔😔😔😔
      Particularly because of videos from “My Father Is Joy,” having to do with a “new road,” and the last one that was uploaded having to do with desire.
      Beware also of isolation and staying on UA-cam and social media.

  • @WilliamBranhamsermons
    @WilliamBranhamsermons 5 років тому +3

    it is end time we are living in end time its biblical truth o my God it is a day of coming to Christ the second coming to Christ .. we should ready now

    • @uchibauki2515
      @uchibauki2515 4 роки тому

      William Branham sermons [ ENG Hindi URD ] I agree you can see things that happen now ! Fires in America can’t stop spreading and Australia also got fires 🔥 hundreds of koalas are dead and Venice is flooding! I don’t know what’s else next!

  • @gordonsavage3135
    @gordonsavage3135 5 років тому +10

    The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. Where is the fear of God today, not in today’s media, rarely spoken of in many churches today. Where is the fear of God?

    • @caedon6543
      @caedon6543 5 років тому +1

      Gordon Savage I don’t completely understand the fear of God. I am 15 so it may be the ignorance that comes with my age, but is it fear of what will happen if you don’t repent, or fear of the wrath of God that he unleashes on a certain circumstance? Could you shed knowledge on this?

    • @ifacedownworship
      @ifacedownworship 5 років тому

      Yes, the fear of God is rarely taught today.

    • @ifacedownworship
      @ifacedownworship 5 років тому +1

      @@caedon6543 Good ideas. The Fear of God is in its very essence the desire to live a holy life before the Holy God who sees everything and to whom we will give account one day.

    • @ifacedownworship
      @ifacedownworship 5 років тому

      @@caedon6543 Work out your salvation with FEAR AND TREMBLING.

    • @kesuskim6072
      @kesuskim6072 5 років тому

      I really get to understand this fact after really bad thing happens to me, really.
      I mean, if you are so ignorant to wrath of God, which means if you do not fear God, You will either do not repent at all, or compromise yourself that I'm okay, which is not likely to be okay.

  • @jamesmccluskey391
    @jamesmccluskey391 3 роки тому +1

    "Hell is a belief concocted to scare gullible people in submission".
    5:9-"For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, "

  • @r.e.gamache7175
    @r.e.gamache7175 5 років тому +2


  • @gracepeacenow8
    @gracepeacenow8 3 роки тому +2

    God is also capable of terrifying but important wrath but that's what he has to do to free the ones he loves out of bondage and I know always everything God the father does is justified by seeing the outcomes that come out of wrath his loved ones the Christians who chose him are always freed and personal lives always become improved for the better so they can be happier.

    • @settlekettle8528
      @settlekettle8528 3 роки тому

      Beware of false prophets circulating on UA-cam.
      Go on the channel called EncounterTV. Look for a video titled “How to surrender to the Holy Spirit.” At the 37min24sec mark, the host speaks to someone through the screen. Which is me. I failed because of content such as this. I failed last week Monday. 😔😔😔😔😔😔
      Particularly because of videos from this channel having to do with a “new road,” and the last one that was uploaded having to do with desire.
      Beware also of isolation and staying on UA-cam and social media.

  • @kathleenwharton2139
    @kathleenwharton2139 5 років тому +4

    God IS Love. Jesus Showed us this. God Forgives us..Saves us and Heals us. God is Not Wrath. When we do Not Obey Gods commandments..we bring misery..suffering..Wrath to ourselves. This is the result of US not Obeying God..NOT God Punishing us.

  • @whitneymoore1975
    @whitneymoore1975 5 років тому +4

    This is good

  • @reldnasa
    @reldnasa 4 роки тому +1

    God is LOVE and love is the only thing that will defeat fear, hate, and greed on this Earth, we are the only planet with free choice and God is not a god of judgement, he is Love

  • @T-JaySorianoSindac
    @T-JaySorianoSindac 2 місяці тому

    I have these realizations while I'm listening to this video. God is love, so why He have wraths to those people who doesn't abide Him? Then we can conclude that God wants all of His creation to follow Him and do what He wants. But then, why did He wants people who doesn't follow Him to perish? Because God loves His people (those who loves Him and follow). God wants to protect them from the evil (people who follows Satan). That's why as a God of righteousness and justice, He wants His people to be safe, He has given punishment to those who will not abide Him. God gave us freedom, and hell is just for Satan, but if we choose Satan over God, we will definitely took the same punishment as Satan.

  • @barbrakulani6256
    @barbrakulani6256 Рік тому

    Mercy Lord from, rebellious, Roman's 1,Bitterroot and judjement

    @MYMYSHEREE 2 роки тому


  • @keepthefaith9805
    @keepthefaith9805 3 роки тому +1

    Oooooohh my God

  • @Sumtingwongbruh123
    @Sumtingwongbruh123 4 роки тому


  • @benjaminwilkin2960
    @benjaminwilkin2960 5 років тому +29

    Man, people are slow to click this video

    • @itskane1791
      @itskane1791 5 років тому +2


    • @Debbi.O
      @Debbi.O 5 років тому +3

      Yeah I saw it yesterday and was like “I’ll look at it tomorrow 👀” 😅

    • @PowerfulRift
      @PowerfulRift 5 років тому +2


    • @jeanlenor1858
      @jeanlenor1858 Рік тому

      Because men hate God.

  • @keepthefaith9805
    @keepthefaith9805 3 роки тому

    God is beyond anything you all graspingly think

  • @TheLegendofMclovin
    @TheLegendofMclovin 4 роки тому +1

    The Prophets talked about the wrath of God coming and what did it look like to Israel? It looked like Jesus Christ. Wrath of God is not understandable to our own mind but we make things to what we can understand.

    • @quentinbarker8982
      @quentinbarker8982 3 роки тому +1

      I was not aware that the time is now. When you’re in these situations you don’t know people are orchestrating things behind your back and it’s better that way because when you don’t repay by your own works God destroys nations. I would have retaliate because I am a regular human but the only reason I didn’t because the reality of the situation didn’t come to mind until I was already out of the situation. I’m thankful for not even knowing I was suffering.

  • @scottwade3832
    @scottwade3832 3 роки тому

    Knowledge comes with confidence and self reflection. And angry creator shouldn’t be a motive for growth.
    FEAR and TREMBLING WILL stall personal growth and maturity.
    How are you Climb that Christian mountain if you’re living in constant terror of hellfire??

  • @John-wx3zn
    @John-wx3zn 4 роки тому +1

    What is the experience of the wrath of God! Is the wrath of God only God's anger?

  • @Delta-qz3mb
    @Delta-qz3mb 4 роки тому +1

    Difference in your interpretation of wrath. Is he’s doing it because of the defiant. You don’t set the rules. You’ve broken his rules. One random man declaring he’s wrath, doesn’t do much against the power of God.

    • @lonewolf5630
      @lonewolf5630 2 роки тому

      The sin of the world, was forgiven at the cross, it's the evil that will not be forgiven.

  • @archangel_metatron
    @archangel_metatron 3 роки тому

    There is one type of person who will avoid tasting the second death. Those who are killed for the word of God and bear the testimony of Jesus Christ which is prophecy. They will reign with Christ for 1000 years and after the 1000 years the rest of the dead will be raised into incorruptible bodies and judged by the Catholic saints. Those who are left behind on the Earth will eternally suffer. Their worm does not die and the flames are not quenched.

  • @jester7736
    @jester7736 5 років тому +13

    i keep falling into lust plz help by praying for me

    • @redeemedbytheblood
      @redeemedbytheblood 5 років тому +1

      the lost adventurer Meditate on these scriptures
      Philippians 4:8-9
      Put on CHRIST thinking and stay in prayer and when you have a thought about it immediately say no to that thing!!

    • @caedon6543
      @caedon6543 5 років тому +2

      I’m praying for you after this comment, but I too lose to lust. Could you guys pray for me? For more specifics, I don’t think before I lose to lust, then I’m too far in it

    • @bernadettebecerra2232
      @bernadettebecerra2232 5 років тому +1

      the lost adventurer keep your eyes on scripture..
      The devil is trying to tempt GODs children..
      GOD BLESS you.

    • @laurasamuel3893
      @laurasamuel3893 5 років тому

      Praying for you
      If you don't already, work on having a small group of believers to pray together and support each other on your walk with Christ. It makes all the difference.

    • @rishavmasih9450
      @rishavmasih9450 4 роки тому +1

      I fall for the temptations of the flesh as well. Plz pray for me as well.

  • @wyshikathomas6204
    @wyshikathomas6204 2 роки тому


  • @sue9151
    @sue9151 Рік тому +1

    Seek Jesus because time is running out he's the only saviour not man .

  • @dafflad1
    @dafflad1 4 роки тому +1

    A lot of people quote this verse and say we were once objects of God’s wrath.
    Ephesians 2:3
    among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.
    Let’s read this in its context.
    What we don’t realize is that Paul was commenting on the Gentiles from the perspective of a Jew, “the chosen people”.
    See this.
    Ephesians 2:11
    One in Christ
    Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called “the uncircumcision” by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands-
    So you see he was commenting about how “paganistic” the Gentiles were from the perspective from a Jew who called every person who was not a Jew “dogs”.
    In other words, it’s a Jewish thing to call anything not Jewish “unclean”.
    He was not making a theological statement. He was making a cultural statement.
    He was making a statement from his background and culture.
    Then he continued by saying this.
    Ephesians 2:4-7
    But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace you have been saved- and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
    This shows us the heart of God. There was no wrath against us at all. In fact God’s attitude towards us has always been loving.
    Please read your Bible with culture and it’s Jewishness. Otherwise we paint God as a schizophrenic monster

    • @benjaminmcallister99
      @benjaminmcallister99 4 роки тому

      Good point highlighting that God is love. He is and always has been. But God also has wrath, BECAUSE He has love.
      God hates sin, He is "angry with the wicked every day". Job says that "because there is wrath, beware...". God hates sin NOT because He hates us, no, He is angry against sin because it ruins us, His creation. He is angry because it separates us from Him. He is angry because it is taking us to hell.
      Of course there is wrath against us. John 3:36, "the wrath of God abideth on Him"? Wrath. Romans 6:23 "the wages of sin is death"? Wrath. Prophecy from Lamentations "wherewith the LORD hath afflicted me in the day of His fierce anger"? Wrath.
      What kind of God allows disorder, rebellion, hate, ruin, corruption and sin to remain unpunished? Not a loving one. God IS love, and His wrath against sin shows us that.
      Christ's death on the cross is an amazing example of the harmony between God's love and wrath. There at Calvary His love is seen, how far He would go out of love for guilty wrenches like us. There at Calvary His wrath is seen, where "the LORD laid on Him the iniquity of us all" and "for the transgression of my people was He stricken" (Isaiah 53).
      And yes I also 100 percent agree that we must look at passages such as Ephesians 2 in their context, its vital when studying the meaning of scripture. But that doesn't take away from the the fact that we were as brands plucked from the burning, fast heading towards judgement in hell. God would not be a "schizophrenic monster" (as you put it) if a soul suffered the penalty for sin, its what we deserved. But in His mercy and love He provided a way for us to "flee the wrath to come".

    • @dafflad1
      @dafflad1 4 роки тому

      BGG - By God's Grace God is love.
      Period full stop 🛑

    • @dafflad1
      @dafflad1 4 роки тому

      BGG - By God's Grace About hell.
      One of the simplest way of understanding what Jesus said to realise he quotes a lot from the Old Testament.
      For example, many people fall under the assumption when Jesus said this:
      Mark 9:47-48
      And if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, where
      “‘the worms that eat them do not die,
      and the fire is not quenched.’
      many would assume it is speaking about hell and eternal torment.
      He wasn’t. He was quoting this.
      Isaiah 66:24
      “And they will go out and look on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; the worms that eat them will not die, the fire that burns them will not be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind.”
      If you are careful in reading this. You will see the words “dead bodies”.
      In another version of this verse the bodies there are translated as carcasses.
      Isaiah 66:24
      And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorrence unto all flesh.
      They do not refer to souls being tormented in eternity.
      What Jesus was referring to was the destruction which would come upon Jerusalem in AD70.
      You will read about this same account here.
      Revelation 11:8-10
      Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city-which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt-where also their Lord was crucified. For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.
      The “Sodom” and “Egypt” here is how Jerusalem was depicted. God would name Jerusalem the names of Jerusalem’s enemies when she fell. She was also known as “Sinai” and “Babylon” in Galatians 4 and Revelation 18.
      Therefore the “hell” Jesus so often quoted by preachers is actually the massacre of the Jews in Jerusalem in AD70.
      “Inside the walls, the bodies of natives, aliens, priest and laymen were piled on each other, and the blood of men and beasts formed lakes in the sacred courts. When it was no longer possible to carry out the bodies, the corpses had been piled up in the largest houses and the doors locked. The innumerable bodies piled up all over Zion were not merely a revolting, stinking sight, but they also obstructed the fighting men as they made their sorties. For like men marching across a battlefield littered with thousands of dead, they were forced to trample dead bodies. Indeed, there was no more room to bury the dead.
      An excerpt from what happened in Jerusalem in AD70.

    • @dafflad1
      @dafflad1 4 роки тому

      BGG - By God's Grace I want to ask a seriously dumb question.
      Christians always tell you that if you don’t believe in Jesus you will end up in hell.
      Then I ask, really? Which part?
      They will say “your soul and your spirit because your spirit lives forever”.
      So I said this. You mean “hell is a spiritual place?” Then they say “Yes”.
      Then I ask, “Is the kingdom of heaven a spiritual place too? When we die we go to heaven?”
      “Yes. “
      So I ask, “So why then is there a need for a resurrection?”
      “So that you’ll be heaven. “ They answered.
      “But according to you, we are already in heaven even before our bodies are raised”. I said.
      Long pause.
      “The bible says the worms that eat you and the fires that burn you is forever.”They say.
      “So it’s a spiritual resurrection body”. They snap back.
      “I see. So is this body perfect?” I ask.
      “Yes. No sickness. No death”. They answered.
      “Two hands? Two eyes? ” I replied?
      “Yes perfect.”They replied.
      “Then what the hell is this about:
      Mark 9:43-49
      And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life CRIPPLED than with TWO HANDS to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire. And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life LAME than with TWO FEET to be thrown into hell. And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with ONE eye than with TWO EYES to be thrown into hell, ‘where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.’ For everyone will be salted with fire.
      What the heck is this?
      Going to heaven with one hand, one eye and one foot?
      Hell was Jerusalem in AD70.
      Isaiah 66:24
      “And they shall go out and look on the DEAD BODIES of the men who have rebelled against me. For their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.”
      It’s describing about a grave site where bodies are littered every where. The phrase “the worms and fires are forever” is our equivalent “it takes forever to get those bodies disposed”. It just means a long long time.
      As for getting into the kingdom with one hand, leg and eye, it meant people who left Jerusalem had entered into the new covenant, where God lives in them.
      Heaven is where God lives. He lives in you. You are already in the kingdom since Jerusalem was destroyed in AD70.
      Wake up.

  • @zz7713
    @zz7713 5 років тому +8

    I don't think the wrath of God is being poured out we are just getting started we haven't seen anything yet compared to watch coming it's bad but it is going to get way worse do not believe it watch and see

  • @javiermorande9290
    @javiermorande9290 4 роки тому +2

    I still cant believe that for biblical terms you dont use the bible to interpret itself. wrath, vengance, judgement, predestined , jealousy. james 1:20 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. therefore Gods wrath is not the same as man. if you want to learn about his wrath look at the cross. You cant take this terms and then use a dictionary or your own experience to interpret them.

    • @settlekettle8528
      @settlekettle8528 3 роки тому

      Viewers, beware of channels with false prophets circulating on UA-cam.
      Go on the channel called EncounterTV. Look for a video titled “How to surrender to the Holy Spirit.” At the 37min24sec mark, the host speaks to someone through the screen. Which is me. I failed because of content such as this. I failed last week Monday. 😔😔😔😔😔😔
      Particularly because of videos from “My Father Is Joy,” having to do with a “new road,” and the last one that was uploaded having to do with desire.
      Beware also of isolation and staying on UA-cam and social media.

  • @Michelle-tp3bt
    @Michelle-tp3bt Рік тому

    Vegensience is God's
    I know who did it but I will pray for mercy on yous.

  • @kimberlymartin2314
    @kimberlymartin2314 3 роки тому

    Hear what the Holy Spirit saith, 🙏

  • @Thelivingwordthesword
    @Thelivingwordthesword Рік тому

    Tonight this judgement will begin all the locations will be cleansed this energy will personally surround me my family friends who I invited as well the energy I surround myself with will nearly kill anyone who comes to violate me to me for the next few days until Feb is over

  • @priscilapuente8327
    @priscilapuente8327 5 років тому +1


  • @gubertuber
    @gubertuber 5 років тому


  • @Barbie_All_The_Way
    @Barbie_All_The_Way 2 роки тому

    I have fallen short because I am a very angry person and use my works instead of my faith. I turned away from god because I don't believe in him.

  • @Max0017
    @Max0017 4 роки тому +1

    The wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience -- it did not say a thing about sinners. Wrath brings on darkness. Those who does not enter into God's rest, will enter into God's wrath. Rest is a promise of God. When an individual enters into God's rest, will cease from their own fleshly work, and it is God who does the will and do of his good pleasure manifesting his Spirit out of us. I am not looking for the wrath of God to be some cataclysmic event to occur in the future, we have been in the wrath of God since Jesus ressurrected from the dead. Who has ears to hear, let him hear.

    • @williamcopeland6683
      @williamcopeland6683 4 роки тому +1

      Could not respectfully disagree children of God (faithfilled, Spirit filled disciples of Jesus) we are being tried and tested by the world..the flesh..and the devil..
      bad as that gets its nothing compared to the Wrath of PAPA.. a Good Good Good Father does not spank more than once..
      never would a Father get the switch out twice for the same punishment.. what part of the Cross was ineffective or inefficient brother..
      Jesus cried out it is FINISHED

    • @Max0017
      @Max0017 4 роки тому

      @@williamcopeland6683 As the scripture says, "Let us come and reason together." First, I wonder if this response was directed toward the video, or me. If it is directed toward me, let me begin by stating what Peter wrote in II Peter 3:8, "a day is as a thousand years in the Lord, and a thousand years as one day." II Corinthians 3: 17 tells us "the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." Therefore we have been in the day of the Lord since God raised Jesus from the dead. In regards to wrath, the wrath of God comes on the children if disobedience. This was our nature until we were born again. When we were born again, Jesus quickened our mortal bodies. In other words, we were made alive; we pass from death unto life. Death has no more dominion over us when we accept Jesus Christ. When Jesus said it was finished on the cross, he had fulfilled what was written regarding him in the law of Moses and the prophets. Thus the cross was closing out of the ordinance of the law, so that the new cross which was to replace it would become effective. The cross represents the crossing out of will where we no longer have a will. Our will becomes the will of the Father. You are focusing what you can see with the carnal eye and observe with your intellectual capacity. Wrath first brings on darkness; in other words, darkness covers the minds of the people making it difficult to come to the Light. Next wrath brings ignorance. Because they being ignorant of God's righteousness (which is by faith), they go about to established their own righteousness. When they established their own righteousness, they become self-righteous and, therefore, become their own witness and not the witness of God. Finally, it is not a issue of the cross being ineffective. It is an issue for the body of beleivers everywhere to walk by faith, not by sight.

    • @williamcopeland6683
      @williamcopeland6683 4 роки тому

      @@Max0017 wow.. i was just making the point that we are no longer subject to the Wrath of God and do not suffer like fatherless children who are still under His Wrath for Christ is the end of our punishment.. we are still under His loving discipline however..
      You went the long explanation of Romans 8.. therefore now there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.. if it is a question of sanctification then there is a past..a present..and a future
      We were sanctified.. we are being sanctified.. and will be finally sanctified
      If you say you have no sin (presently) then you are a liar and do not practice the truth
      I did not come to argue.. just wanted to make the point we (children of God) are no longer the Simmering Emotional Anger of the Righteous Ruler of the Universe
      Some use your position to argue Christias will endure the final stage of Just Judgment.. I simply say, I dont think so
      Sorry I ruffled your feathers brauh

    • @quentinbarker8982
      @quentinbarker8982 3 роки тому

      @@williamcopeland6683 Gods wrath is even more so strong for those who reject his people. Imagine yourself as a father and someone picking on your child and tormenting them? Nothing worse than a fathers wrath, especially for his son. God is a warlord and puts his sons in the world with the ultimate “ I wish a mother fucker would”. Love will have your back and you not even know it. Some of the shit I’ve seen happen to my “enemies”. They were my enemies by their design because I did nothing to provoke their hate but show love. There is no law against such, so when you see people’s lives get destroyed it can be karma being relayed. The biggest gift I feel from the Lord was my ignorance to evil. Kept my preserved and focused on the right things. Let them and God duke it out. The battle isn’t good vs. evil, it’s evil vs evil - good on the sidelines chilling.

  • @shernisherawat7662
    @shernisherawat7662 4 роки тому +2

    Love our enemies how? Allow them to invade our borders/territory? We don't defend our borders? When the enemy comes in we throw them a party? Is that what u suggest?
    Well then surely our soldiers have died in vain protecting our borders.It was unnecessary, how stupid of them!

    • @cosinus_square
      @cosinus_square 4 роки тому

      God gives us the right to bare arms to defend ourselves not to start wars for greed.
      Matthew 10:28
      "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
      The enemy is SIN.

  • @Thelivingwordthesword
    @Thelivingwordthesword Рік тому

    Tomorrow if you energy and vibe is off and you try to come near me this will be a 30 mile personal space boundary I'd you in that 30 miles inside you come to hate harm be envious jealous to bring violence injustice this is what going to happen to you this judgement will be continuous till the end of February

  • @archangel_metatron
    @archangel_metatron 3 роки тому

    The wrath of God is an asteroid mentioned in Revelation 9 as a star, which punches a whole in the Earth and knocks it out of its orbit toward the sun.
    The Earth is Hell in the future. It gets hit by an asteroid and pushed toward the sun. Isaiah 13:13, 2 Peter 3, and Revelation 9.
    Isaiah 13:12-13 I will make a mortal more rare than fine gold,
    A man more than the golden wedge of Ophir.
    Therefore I will shake the heavens,
    And the earth will move out of her place,
    In the wrath of the Lord of hosts
    And in the day of His burning anger.
    After death is defeated Jesus returns the kingdom back to God. 1 Corinthians 15 This is the beginning of the kingdom of God.
    Then and asteroid will strike the Earth Revelation 9. It will open up the bottomless pit and knock the Earth out of its orbit toward the sun. The Earth is Hell is the future. The only escape is in the New Jerusalem. It will take the best of humanity and the glory of the nations to a new Earth. This is the beginning of the kingdom of heaven. Peter was given authority over who goes and stays by Jesus. Protestants are antichrist according to 1 John 2:18-19 ...for they went out from us showing that they were not of us, for if they were of us they would have stayed with us...

  • @sue9151
    @sue9151 Рік тому

    And Jesus wrath is coming what the Evil are doing and his wrath lasts for ever . Judgement is here for all the Evil sinister Devil 😈 and demons .

  • @MUNEAnAwakenedAustralia
    @MUNEAnAwakenedAustralia 5 років тому

    It’s not eternal wrath and fury. You don’t understand the seven heavens and the seven hells. There are layers to hell, that’s why lucifer is said to go “down the side of the pit”, Jesus has the keys to death and hades and when we die there is no more sin, but the wicked don’t rest so when they die they are placed yet again in a defiled body at birth, reincarnation into terrible cities is the hell, thats why Paul tells us to pull these people out of the fire.

    • @cosinus_square
      @cosinus_square 5 років тому

      Eternal wrath and fury means the punishment of being away from the face of God forever. That thought alone is what will be the punishment in the afterlife for the sinner as there will be no turning back. Your own hate towards yourself will be burning you from the inside.
      Fire is a figure of speech.
      Reincarnation in Christianity is a heresy.

    • @TheBradleyd1146
      @TheBradleyd1146 5 років тому +1

      This is false teaching sir.

    • @1594simonsays
      @1594simonsays 4 роки тому +1

      Reincarnation and christianity dont mix but keep twisting the words to sooth your sinful soul

  • @Thelivingwordthesword
    @Thelivingwordthesword Рік тому

    All at one time you will bombarded with all the energy of every threat of violence to me all at once since I was born all the hatred jealousy envy and it's energy all at once since I was reborn cane back to this awful planet

  • @kylegorman7629
    @kylegorman7629 Рік тому

    Larry David is that you?

  • @jester7736
    @jester7736 5 років тому

    what is faith?

    • @Max0017
      @Max0017 4 роки тому +1

      Taking God at his Word.

  • @mypublicchannel3884
    @mypublicchannel3884 5 років тому

    There can't be another person more lost than this guy. All Christian pastors and priests are lost, but somehow, this guy has them all beat.

    • @flamemojis
      @flamemojis 5 років тому +3


    • @1594simonsays
      @1594simonsays 4 роки тому +1

      Sounds like youre hellbound buddy

    • @nicklikesYT
      @nicklikesYT 4 роки тому +1

      Read revelation

    • @mutumaedwin1322
      @mutumaedwin1322 4 роки тому +1

      So you listened to this guy to hear how lost he is?? I think you are looking for something else. The grace of God maybe?? It will locate you like it has many before you.. Thats my prayer for you.. Amen!

  • @James1976original7
    @James1976original7 9 місяців тому

    Free me please

  • @Sumtingwongbruh123
    @Sumtingwongbruh123 5 років тому

    I just wanna die.... Hell...

  • @pastor1689
    @pastor1689 3 роки тому +1

    Seriously? He believes in global warming. Wow!

  • @hackerhesays731
    @hackerhesays731 2 роки тому

    nickolas her city

  • @padretienesseis
    @padretienesseis 5 років тому

    Climate change??? Really John?

    • @aveekdas4948
      @aveekdas4948 5 років тому +2

      Yes Really I think.
      IE I hold the view that before the fall, the law of conservation of energy was still true but the effeciency when energy was converted to another form was almost 100% without loss (which is not the case anymore, there is a huge loss of energy mostly as heat)
      The Fall - when Adam and Eve sinned (along with the devil who came from another universe), sin have fragmented our universe which God has created and man is at odds/in conflict with God, Man, Nature & Creation and himself since.
      The Good news is: Jesus has begun the process of redemption to redeem what is most valuable in our universe - us humans).
      With the continual loss of energy and decaying of the bios life form, our universe with sun and all other stars will die.
      But the Zoe universe will live on and the redeemed and Christ like creatures (humans) from our universe and from other universes will reign with Christ.

    • @gavtater
      @gavtater 5 років тому

      Climate change is real bro. Whether it is human made is up for debate and whether the end result is a bad thing is also up for debate

    • @williamcopeland6683
      @williamcopeland6683 4 роки тому

      Climates have always changed.. since Genesis 3.. ALWAYS.. because of human sin through entropy OR brought on by YHWH to bring HIM GLORY.. however, carbon dioxide taxes or other forms of man made control will not change HIS Will

  • @peterl6263
    @peterl6263 5 років тому +1


  • @scottwade3832
    @scottwade3832 3 роки тому

    This video is horrible atrocious garbage. If anyone is subject to wrath it’s the person speaking. Love is allowing free will and the chance to develop and grow and evolve and commitment not fear and wrath and eternal torture

  • @leightonwood3787
    @leightonwood3787 Рік тому


  • @JesusGarcia-Digem
    @JesusGarcia-Digem 5 років тому +1
