yes right. you got bunch of debt you can't afford to pay off with the little salary you have, and the best thing to do with the very little money you have left over is to buy a life insurance. it's a great thing to have and help the person who co-signed your loan if you plan to die the week after, otherwise you're a sucker.
Who has any money left over to buy life/health insurance after paying colossal rents, ridiculous fone bills, the latest fashion, streaming content, and student loans? How many socialist see the value in future planning when the gov't already has a plan for everybody?
If young get a policy with a return of premium and get all your many back if you don’t die.
“Do I get my money back?” It’s funny people don’t ask that when it comes to car or health insurance.
You can get your money back. I’m an independent life insurance agent. If you would like to know more just let me know!
yes right. you got bunch of debt you can't afford to pay off with the little salary you have, and the best thing to do with the very little money you have left over is to buy a life insurance. it's a great thing to have and help the person who co-signed your loan if you plan to die the week after, otherwise you're a sucker.
Ong glad mf see thru this bs
Great point. Couples struggle as a team. Imagine one person left with all of the obligations two people couldn’t take care of. Death is guaranteed.
Baloney! If the prospect of not having insurance is so dire, why are there agents lining up 3 deep to take the other side of that bet?
Nice video
Life insurance should be federally mandated. We all are going to die. At least have enough to put you in the ground.
We europeans dont have student loans😏
Talk to me 👋🏽 I got you 😉
Who has any money left over to buy life/health insurance after paying colossal rents, ridiculous fone bills, the latest fashion, streaming content, and student loans?
How many socialist see the value in future planning when the gov't already has a plan for everybody?
I would rather save that money by myself,maybe double it for myself.
I bet you wouldn’t, and if that happens while you’re trying to save the money, you become a burden
Not relevant for me as a European student. :)
Bad advice!
How would you advise?