Origines Pictae: a graphic novel in LATIN ⚔️ Interview with the Authors

  • Опубліковано 25 вер 2024


  • @ScorpioMartianus
    @ScorpioMartianus  Рік тому +8

    To support the ORIGINES PICTAE project, contribute to their Kickstarter here before May 20, 2023, to get a free Roman Calendar and to be first in line to receive the finished graphic novel later this year: www.kickstarter.com/projects/originespictae/origines-pictae?ref=4p1plt ⬅ 📕

  • @gabriellawrence6598
    @gabriellawrence6598 Рік тому +28

    Thanks for posting full-length Latin content like this. I don't speak Latin, but after some minutes of listening it on the background, my brain gets convinced it's Italian I'm listening to, LOL.

    • @ScorpioMartianus
      @ScorpioMartianus  Рік тому +2

      I’m pleased you like it!

    • @RexGalilae
      @RexGalilae Рік тому

      The other two speak with a very strong Italian accent which is why I'm not surprised

  • @Le_gueux_latiniste
    @Le_gueux_latiniste Рік тому +13

    Quam mirabile ! Multo opere laetor hunc librum conscriptum fuisse ! Ac tibi Lucio gratias ago pro colloquio !

  • @juniusrabbinius211
    @juniusrabbinius211 Рік тому +9

    Expectō librum legere!

  • @bonniebrown1566
    @bonniebrown1566 Рік тому +7

    This is great!! I love it when you review and discuss new latin books 📚

  • @MusaPedestris
    @MusaPedestris Рік тому +9

    Salvete! Quamvis adhuc in spectando sim, iam adnotare volo mihi valde placere, quod Franciscus dixit fabulas de personis magis quam de historia agere (nam mihi personae magis studium movent quam historia ;-) ), et laudo quod dixit Roxanus: necesse esse latinitatem novis rebus imbuere. Utcumque, est praeclarum et laudabile inceptum, quod contribuit ad renascentiam linguae latinae!

  • @stellame6464
    @stellame6464 Рік тому +4

    Opus splendidum 🎉
    salutem Roxano dico

  • @olbrok
    @olbrok Рік тому +6

    Euge! Iam Kickstarter subscripsi sed valde placet colloquium

  • @iberius9937
    @iberius9937 Рік тому +5

    Macte virtute! Volo hoc legere!

  • @lyvras
    @lyvras Рік тому +7

    Thank you for this video! I am trying to speak latin myself and having a way to hear people casualy speak in latin is pure gold, hope to see much more of such videos that are a bit more podcast-like. I still have a lot of difficulties to understand a few things that are said - especially when Roxanus speaks, he is very fast - but it helps a lot.

    • @ScorpioMartianus
      @ScorpioMartianus  Рік тому +3

      I’ll do my best to produce more like this!

    • @Tep2610
      @Tep2610 Рік тому +1

      If you want to listen to more spoken Latin you can watch the videos of the other channel of Luke. It’s called Legio XIII. Maybe that could help you ;)

    • @lyvras
      @lyvras Рік тому +1

      @@Tep2610 I didnt even know that channel existed. I will definitivly go check it out. Thanks!

  • @matthewkoob7600
    @matthewkoob7600 Рік тому +6

    Wow, just wow

  • @HPLovecraftsCat9
    @HPLovecraftsCat9 Рік тому +3

    I love that Decimus Helvidius Rufus got a cameo. Hopefully we learn about how he met Emperor Trajan...

  • @bytheway1031
    @bytheway1031 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for posting Luke👍

  • @fraternitas5117
    @fraternitas5117 Рік тому +4

    OMG the mustache! I have one too!

  • @valeriusdacius2123
    @valeriusdacius2123 9 місяців тому

    Soфôs! Certe, empturus sum! 😮

  • @LaedensPerpetuus
    @LaedensPerpetuus Рік тому +4

    Belle! Optiōnem ut dēlīneer ēmī: mē ipsum in fabulā vidēre cupiō 😊
    Gratiās prō munere vestrō, quia hōc modō efficimus ut Latīnitās resurgat

  • @mtblp7459
    @mtblp7459 Рік тому +3

    euge! at tamen mihi rogandum est: cur id, quod vulgus "comic" appellat latine "fabula nubeculata" dicitur? Propterea quod dicanda nubeculis scripti sunt?

  • @reubenproctor3659
    @reubenproctor3659 Рік тому +2

    Interesting to hear the authors speaking Latin with a descernible Italian accent. ;-)

    • @ryankaufman3590
      @ryankaufman3590 Рік тому

      They often think a similar thought: "dreadful to hear people speaking Latin with a discernible English accent!"

    • @ryankaufman3590
      @ryankaufman3590 Рік тому

      (Sed certe, esse loquens Italice errores proprios creat, vel potest, saltem)

    • @reubenproctor3659
      @reubenproctor3659 Рік тому

      @@ryankaufman3590 Oh, I've also had the same thought when hearing speakers in a language app speaking Latin with a strong American accent. That was less interesting than annoying, though, considering it was a learning resource.

    • @pierreabbat6157
      @pierreabbat6157 Рік тому

      @@ryankaufman3590 I'd rather hear Latin with an Italian accent than with an English accent. Likewise, I'd rather hear English with a German accent than with a Spanish accent.

    • @chideraalexanderdex547
      @chideraalexanderdex547 Рік тому +1

      ​@@pierreabbat6157i believe latin sounds best coming from a Spanish accent but you are right better Italian than American

  • @vondur.kottur
    @vondur.kottur Рік тому +3

    Historia est magistra vitae)

  • @spa.3239
    @spa.3239 Рік тому

    That's the guy from one of the speaking Latin in Rome videos!

  • @leovindas5996
    @leovindas5996 Рік тому +1


  • @RVMAK
    @RVMAK Рік тому +5

    Belle fecistis!

  • @willmurphy4073
    @willmurphy4073 Рік тому +1

    Ég skil ykkur ekki eða það sem að þið segið 😂

  • @peterbrown3004
    @peterbrown3004 Рік тому +1

    Ecce quod quoque scribendum est in lingua latina et cum pictoribus abundantis..200pp liber de dinosauribus

  • @JanHeindrich
    @JanHeindrich 7 місяців тому

    " What any defferent until, old latinica,classical latinica and vulgar latinica 🙄⁉️"

  • @peterbrown3004
    @peterbrown3004 Рік тому +1

    Mihi valde placet vos auscultare

  • @chideraalexanderdex547
    @chideraalexanderdex547 Рік тому +3

    Mirabile. iam diu hic idea cogitabam propter artem et pingendi studeo in universitate et valde amat librum comoedia (not sure how to say comic books) etiam diu volebam agere aliquid similis hoc in latine itaque valde gaudeo videre aliquid sicut hoc. tandem latine lingua resurget iterum
    (Forgive any errors, struggling with conjugations and declensions)

    • @Brandon55638
      @Brandon55638 Рік тому

      "Comic book" Latīnē est "liber nūbēculātum".

    • @chideraalexanderdex547
      @chideraalexanderdex547 Рік тому

      @@Brandon55638 gratias ago, potesne dicere mihi si te animadvertit ullam aliam errorem in prior sententiae meae aut in hoc sententia ipse?

    • @Brandon55638
      @Brandon55638 Рік тому +1

      @@chideraalexanderdex547 @chideraalexanderdex547 "Pingendī studeō" dēbet esse "pingendum studeō". "In Latīnē" quoque prāvum est. "Latīnē" adverbium est, ergō praepositiō "in" nōn necesse est. "Valdē amat librum cōmoedia" dēbet esse "valdē amō librum nūbēculātum". In verbō "tandem", littera T dēbet esse mājuscula. "Hic idea cōgitābam" dēbet esse "hoc cōnsilium cōgitābam" et "si tē animadvertit" dēbet esse "si animadvertās". "Hoc sententia ipse" dēbet esse "hāc sententiā ipsā".

    • @chideraalexanderdex547
      @chideraalexanderdex547 Рік тому

      ​​@@Brandon55638gratias tibi ago pro tanto beneficio, sed quaestiones habeo circa correctiones tuas, cur est 'hac sententia ipse' in vicem 'hoc sententia ipsa '? Et cur est 'pingendum studeo' rectus et 'pingendi studeo' non rectus
      Iterum, multas gratias tibi ago pro auxilium tuum et tempus tuus. Scio ut explicare hac reii non tam facile est

    • @Brandon55638
      @Brandon55638 Рік тому

      @@chideraalexanderdex547 Voluī dīcere "hāc sententiā ipsā" ut nōmen et prōnōmina concordent, scīlicet. "Pingendum" est gerundīvum et objectum verbī "studeō" ergō dēbet esse in casū accūsātīvō. Fortasse "studeō artem pingendī" dīcere vīs. In hōc casū rēctum est.