Adam Sandler's Leo is Really Bad Actually

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024


  • @c-puff
    @c-puff  10 місяців тому +27

    Uncredited music:
    01:22 Drakengard - First Chapter - On the ground
    13:10 Fatal Frame 4 - Pipe Organ Ambience
    20:12 7 Days of Torture - Diamondbrikz on tiktok

    • @Geminilion100
      @Geminilion100 10 місяців тому +2

      You don't know how happy I am to find a fellow Drakengard 1 music enjoyer.

    • @AverageJohanson
      @AverageJohanson 10 місяців тому

      What's the intro (0:00 to 0:06) song?

    • @Incrementium
      @Incrementium 8 місяців тому

      7:06 - As a life long very successful masker of my ADHD (and Autism xD), I can indeed firm being in my early thirties that it does indeed eventuate in a crisis of self xD
      Still trying to work out who I am and what I like outside of being palatable to other people, it's so entrenched now that I don't even know where the true extend of myself is vs the version of myself I constructed to be more interesting and worthwhile to those who had to "deal with me".
      Best part is that it was entirely self-induced xD
      Even with a good and supportive environment, I still taught myself to mask. Mostly due to feeling guilty for putting people who wanted to help me and had my interests at heart through the extra mental effort that neurodiversity tends to entail.
      Learn from my mistakes kids, learn to be the best version of yourself. Not the best version you think other people want or will like you for being!
      Also just found your content and I'm really enjoying your work =)
      Good well supported takes and interest in examining the relevant nuance to form a better perspective; always a treasure to discover =)

  • @tranquilthoughts7233
    @tranquilthoughts7233 10 місяців тому +114

    I work as an educator in a kindergarten so i feel qualified to talk about this. Helicopter parents are as harmful to their children as are neglecting parents. Just in a slightly different way. And the correct angle to help the child in this situation is pretty much always to mellow out the parents. Yes, even in situations where the parents are helicoptering because the child has some sort of dangerous medical condition. Because mellowing out the parents doesn't mean "make them more reckless". It means to calm down their overbearing fears to reasonable fears. And often it can be very minor things that do a great deal of good for both the child and the parents.

    • @fermintenava5911
      @fermintenava5911 10 місяців тому +2

      Good approach! That should be employed in politics 😅

  • @dingdud6602
    @dingdud6602 10 місяців тому +74

    I’m sorry but the first advice is actually good. I have adhd too and learning how to socialize isn’t masking. Other people want to be heard and listened to too so you have to learn that friendships are about balance. The best way to start a friendship is to ask people about themselves and then they’re more likely to want to listen to you too. If they don’t just stop and don’t waste your time on them because that means they’re not interested in being real friends with you. I know I talk a lot but I also know I wouldn’t enjoy being around someone who was constantly talking at me and never asked how I was doing.

  • @darkalicornkingdoom3572
    @darkalicornkingdoom3572 10 місяців тому +113

    Is the typical comparison between something with hype behind it and being disappointing and something with no expectations being just mediocre.

  • @andrewlevin6331
    @andrewlevin6331 10 місяців тому +99

    Devil’s Advocate: I haven’t seen the movie, so this could be entirely wrong. But from what you showed, I don’t think the song with the ADHD girl is meant to be “conform to the norm and hide who you really are to make it easier for others.” I think it’s trying to say “if you’re going to talk a lot, you should ask about other people as opposed to just talking about yourself.” If that is the case, I don’t think it’s a bad moral.

    • @imveryangryitsnotbutter
      @imveryangryitsnotbutter 10 місяців тому +41

      As someone with Aspergers', this was my takeaway as well. I don't consider it 'masking', I think it's just a tactical way to get the other person invested in the conversation. Unless the other person is the type who prefers to sit quietly and listen, they'll probably feel more engaged with your passionate ramblings about niche topics if you occasionally stop to ask them their thoughts and opinions.

    • @imveryangryitsnotbutter
      @imveryangryitsnotbutter 10 місяців тому +14

      The advice he gives to the other kids is pretty indefensible though.

    • @andrewlevin6331
      @andrewlevin6331 10 місяців тому +13

      I have Asperger’s too. Good to know it wasn’t just me who had that takeaway. Yeah the other morals seem pretty atrocious

    • @Fireberries
      @Fireberries 10 місяців тому +12

      I wanted to comment something similar. I have ADHD also and I was surprised she thought it as a bad thing. Learning conversational skills is valuable no matter who you are. One of these skills is how to show interest in others and initiate conversation by asking questions. Also, it's recommended that children (especially ADHD children who struggle with this) should practice turn-taking (via games such as card games or board games which has this system built-in).
      Can't defend the others though, I mean, it started off on a good note and I was surprised and I thought "oh, perhaps its not that bad" but then it fell off a cliff, so

    • @andrewlevin6331
      @andrewlevin6331 10 місяців тому +4

      @@Fireberries i’m glad it’s not just me who thought that. I actually didn’t know that games were used to help kids with ADHD, that’s interesting. Yeah the other lessons are total horse poop.

  • @Sleepy0173
    @Sleepy0173 10 місяців тому +63

    I see a lot of Leo vs Wish memes going around but this is the first time I learn what Leo is actually about xD
    From what I'm seeing here in the video, I think each of these kids and even the teacher is a good concept for their own story with Leo, but they needed to pick one and research/explore it instead of grazing over 5 of them and writing "Leo is right" with an improvised solution and calling it a day.
    It's like when writers write a "genius character" that is deemed a genius in-universe but the readers keep seeing the character do dumb stuff over and over.

  • @ChasehaWing
    @ChasehaWing 10 місяців тому +42

    Hmm, I respectfully disagree with most of your takes. Though I understand your concerns.
    With the first kid, I don't think he ever asks her to mask. But instead to slow down and let others talk, because what she was doing was unhealthy not just for her, but for those around her. We see her entire family unable to talk around her for the entire day, and all her friends have started to distance themselves from her. And even then he Doesn't say the words I did, but to rather give her the opportunity to ask others about themselves, to engage with others and make meaningful connections.
    The second boy does get sick often, but its hinted at that he is not a kid with an actual immune disorder, but rather he is in an environment that is FAR to sterilized and suffocating, which makes him sick easier. Kind of like how using sanitizer over soap is not advised because it kills too much good bacteria as well as the bad ones. Also note that many things the drone does are not directly health related. Like playing sports for him or finishing the lego tower. This is why the kid needs to "break up" with the drone, which is a stand in for the parents. Because that tool is what's stunting his independence/ ability to connect with other kids. Not his parents. And although it may have been nice to show the kid having a conversation about the drone later on, them showing the parents talking about him is a subtle way of showing the problem being addressed and them challenging their perspectives on their own kid.
    And your issue with the girl with divorced parents, and how his song is "harmful" and "not clear its a joke" is something I think was missed because of your friend. Because even if you did take the song seriously at first, the girl's lines about science is not what comes next, but actually "my grandpa gave me obviously *incorrect/bad* advice too so I could correct him to make me feel better."
    Its like going on a website/ comment section, making a very clearly wrong remark, and watching the comment section explode with "UM ACTUALLY" as the right answer gets revealed.
    This girl loves that sort of thing. Hearing a wrong answer than correcting it to distract her from her worries and to reinforce her beliefs. Sometimes the direct method is not for everyone. And you see that with her.
    Now there are concerns I didn't think of that you pointed out that are concerning. Like a $75 million animated movie where 1/3rd of the budget goes straight to Sandler is not good. As well as the gross out humor and liar revealed plot being over done.
    But I'm not completely sure its as insidious or as dangerous as you think. Though it could have been done better, I ended up liking a fair chunk of the movie.

    • @blueotter5954
      @blueotter5954 10 місяців тому +5

      I haven't watched the video in full yet, but I agree. I made the mistake of looking at the comments first, and was utterly confused why there was a talk about ADHD.
      Be back as soon as possible.

    • @blueotter5954
      @blueotter5954 10 місяців тому +14

      Holy fudge. This was a roller coaster of a video. I don't know what went on behind the scenes of the movie, but I sure did watch the film and there is ALOT of misinterpretation and misdirection in this video.
      That song about Leo being wrong about crying has a reference at the end where Leo admits crying helps alot. Leo talks about how he's learning alot from kids too.
      The girl who learns the value and impact of asking a question, Leo gets that thrown back at him during the dramatic confirmation.
      The elements come back! They come back to bite Leo were it hurts.

    • @TheBayzent
      @TheBayzent 9 місяців тому +3

      I mean, if you "being yourself" is being annoying to other people, it isn't going to still go well when you get into your 30's, so yeah, if you can't shut up just try to show interest in other people imstead of self centeredly talk about you all the time is not a bad solution.

    • @Captainericiambetterhaha
      @Captainericiambetterhaha 9 місяців тому

      You can’t be this pissed by writing a whole essay

    • @ChasehaWing
      @ChasehaWing 9 місяців тому +7

      I actually like writing essays. They're fun. So I'm in a relatively good mood when I write them.

  • @Halvblodsprinsen100
    @Halvblodsprinsen100 10 місяців тому +7

    The reason it is «good» seems to come from the fact that we have been badgered with movies that are terrible. And as it is better than terrible, we think good.

  • @Effkin176
    @Effkin176 10 місяців тому +27

    Interesting to see you cover this movie out of the Blue, C-Puff.
    I think in terms of the question you asked at the end of the video, I think people are just praising it because It's fun to (rightfully) dunk on wish right now. That and I do think the movie does some aspects right.
    However I'm inclined to agree on the points you brought up. Those Points that Leo brought up in the movie seem...Rather Vauge and Shallow. If that makes sense
    Either way, Interesting to see your perspective on this.

  • @Petrico94
    @Petrico94 10 місяців тому +18

    I dont mind if people don't like Leo, but I find it funny there's more to talk about with it than Wish, the movie by Disney hitting 100 compared to Adam Sandler playing a 75 year lizard

    • @SwiftNimblefoot
      @SwiftNimblefoot 7 місяців тому +2

      Well, Wish was so mediocre and boring, there is not much to talk about, really.

  • @ShadyDoorags
    @ShadyDoorags 10 місяців тому +8

    16:06 Mindy Kaling flashbacks.

  • @IDontReallyWantAYoutubeHandle
    @IDontReallyWantAYoutubeHandle 10 місяців тому +15

    Whilst this video is definitely well researched (as all of your videos are ❤) I think I have to disagree on this one unfortunately. This might turn out to be a very long comment so read it if you like, lol.
    I don't think the child at the beginning was supposed to be ADHD coded, which I'll just flatout say. I'll just send this out now, but I actually enjoyed a lot of the answers Leo gave the kids, not because they were something generic like "believe in yourself!" but were actions the children could actually take in order to fix their problems. For example, I didn't see the "ask questions" answer to be like masking, but instead a very good solution that causes redhead to 1. Stop talking too much, her main issue, and 2. Keep the other person engaged, which was her main fear if she ever did stop talking. Of course, your experience is valid and definitely something to keep in mind as somebody who does have ADHD and related to the character in that way, but to me, I think I actually would've found this advice very useful as somebody who has (VERY probable) autism. Not as a masking technique, but as a way to talk to other people and keep the conversation going, something I definitely struggle with.
    Moving onto the child with helicopter parents, I don't mind(?) how Leo handled that one. Granted, it would've been a lot more gratifying and satisfying if Leo was able to actually fight the actual root of the problem - the parents - but I feel like the drone is supposed to be "representative" of the struggle between that kind of relationship. The drone is the extension that represents the parents' hold on the kid's life, and "breaking up" is what allows the child to become happier and find new freedom. The breakup note was also something the kid could do actively in order to better his situation, which also shows him taking hold of his new freedom. I don't have much else to say on this one, but I don't think that situation was handled as badly as it could've been.
    Lastly, I want to touch on smart girl's and Leo's interaction a bit, since you disliked it so much. I already typed this out in a reply, but I feel it does need mentioning here, as that scene really reminded me of my own grandpa, just like how the girl is reminded of her own through Leo. He would always make up these silly songs in EXACTLY the same way Leo sung his lullaby. A lot of cheeky humour, basically. I know you said the messaging was horrid, but I feel like a child would still be able to tell the difference between a good moral and a bad one? Granted, the messaging still could've been a lot clearer, but even as a child I could tell that Starlight Glimmer was a bad influence, even if the song "Our Town" had a really upbeat tune. I still do agree though that scientific girl's explanation could've been a lot more simpler, and maybe the scene could've been improved by Leo getting confused and going "woah, slow down, what are endorphins?" (since he's only in 5th grade) before the girl gives a more simpler explanation, "crying makes you happier", or something. (obviously I'm not a writer lol, but you get the idea)
    With all that being said, I do agree that the movie is not great, but I'm not sure if I agree that it's a complete an utter wreck. I definitely do have my problems with the film, though this comment is definitely getting way too long for its own good haha so I'll just cut it off here. Also, apologies if this comment seems a little weird in some areas or confusing, I'm writing this at 4am on my mobile lmaoooo

  • @docthe10th
    @docthe10th 10 місяців тому +27

    This is an extremely timely video after I subjected a group of people to Eight Crazy Nights, the Curse of Sandler is universal

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +8

      kfshdjkfh how dare you make people watch 8 Crazy Nights!!

    • @imveryangryitsnotbutter
      @imveryangryitsnotbutter 10 місяців тому +2

      That's a technical foul.

  • @Rognik
    @Rognik 10 місяців тому +28

    You made the same mistake with the bully as the turtle did. His problem wasn't about where babies come from, but that he was held back a year, so all his friends were moving on without him. But just like everything else in the film, it's buried with a false lead that could easily be missed.
    The drone kid might also be a case of the parents being too overprotective. They claim he has all these allergies, but it's entirely possible that he's just fine. You're 100% right that he should be talking to his parents about it instead of breaking up with the drone, though.

  • @GeekMasterGames
    @GeekMasterGames 10 місяців тому +6

    Honestly, at this point the bar is low for general audiences when it comes to quality animated films.

  • @lowfn
    @lowfn 10 місяців тому +4

    "I got these genes from outer space!" really does hit you like a brick

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +5

      Everybody keeps quoting "I let you live here for free and I don't even charge rent" but Genes from outer space is top tier imo

  • @lumidolce
    @lumidolce 10 місяців тому +5

    Wow, just barely into the story segment and you made me realize why I was too talkative as a kid. I gotta take a moment to think about this...

  • @KUwUpa
    @KUwUpa 9 місяців тому +4

    I like the different perspective you bring to this movie. Yeah, the staples of Adam Sandler movies are still there, but I personally like it in spite of that. And I agree with others, that the first kid's advice is good actually. It's oversimplified, but I argue it's not about masking, rather it's about understanding how to better socialize with people and pick up on how they feel. As someone with adhd that needed counseling growing up, I found the advice of stopping to think about if the other person wants to get a thought in to be good advice. You don't need to mask the high energy, rather keep in mind to let others also speak to let them know you are interested in their opinion.
    The drone thing, I personally found the portrayal of breaking up with the drone hilarious. Would it have been better to directly address the parents to mellow out a bit? Yes, though I think the message still comes across well to let those hovering over you know that you want space to explore. Again, oversimplified message, but I still see it as being alright for what it is.
    Rich girl, probably the weaker of the messages with how it was told so I do agree with you there. If it focused more on her freeing herself from her family's expectations, I think it woulda been better to work with the scenes of her trying to relate to her classmates more.
    The don't cry advice, yeah that is genuinely bad advice, though the movie did call out how bad the advice is. It probably should have made it more obvious during the song just how bad of advice that is though.
    And yeah the third act of the movie is really clunky.
    Overall I still like the movie, but I do see why you didn't like it, and while I disagree with some of your points, I still see this as a good video to look at for your perspective.

  • @thatonelucariofan503
    @thatonelucariofan503 10 місяців тому +5

    A wonderfully written and researched video as always C Puff just like I expected👏 Yknow, your reaction to the way people reacted to Leo, and shock that some people online really go this far, it reminds me of something I’ve seen happening constantly on UA-cam, and something I’ve been doing my part to combat: that being misinformation. There are so so many channels on UA-cam (in the animation scene and in other places) that just outright lie about things. And my feeling, being like “yeah, I can’t sit back and not comment on this, I have to say something,” I assume that feeling is also something you have felt before during times like this (though I wouldn’t wanna assume.)
    Anyway, great work with this one

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +2

      I watched this movie specifically because UA-cam said it was better than one would expect 😭 So I feel this.

  • @JTHMSqueeMrEffDBoy
    @JTHMSqueeMrEffDBoy 10 місяців тому +30

    I've been seeing a bunch of videos pop up on UA-cam praising this movie, and knowing that it was an animated Adam Sandler movie, it made me skeptical if the movie was actually good or if people were overpraising it (and in some cases, overpraising it to dunk on Wish and Disney). However, the general scores on most review sites seemed to fall more in the middling range (even the 81% critic tomatometer belies an actual average score of 6/10), so that gives me the impression that it's one of those films you're either going to be "pleasantly surprised" by or find underwhelming and/or unnappealing. I will say, though, that I am seeing your frustration with the lessons here, because they definitely sound pretty.....questionable.

    • @SuperEasywalker
      @SuperEasywalker 10 місяців тому +2

      Too me people (UA-camrs mostly) are overpraising/hyping it

    • @JTHMSqueeMrEffDBoy
      @JTHMSqueeMrEffDBoy 10 місяців тому +1

      ​@SuperEasywalker Having watched the film now, I can say that there are some nice things in it, but yeah, I agree that people are overhyping it. I also can definitely see what C-Puff was talking about with the messaging too, because while I could kinda see what they were going for, most of the lessons come across rather....oddly, and almost feel like how lessons would've been presented in some older animated films before our current understanding of things came about. I also agree with C-Puff about it feeling kinda wankery for Sandler. I didn't really think about that at first through my viewing, but as I got to the end, I did feel a twinge of "hold on a minute" brewing.

  • @TheCombinesniper
    @TheCombinesniper 10 місяців тому +31

    Honestly, while I mostly agree with the issues raised about the movie, one point stood out to me: the part about sandler"s ego stroking. Rather than this movie being a way to get praise, I think it is more of a self insert. Leo feels to me to be as what sandler wants people to see him, as an wise sage idolised by all whose advice can solve all problems.
    Other than that, great video!

  • @leon46295
    @leon46295 10 місяців тому +7

    I always have a soft spot for adam sandler. I grew up watching his best films (billy madison, happy gilmore, basically any that involved judd apatow), which definitely affects my feelings towards him. Now that i know leo is one of his, ill probably give it a watch just because of that despite this video.
    Its funny how he said a joke at a screening about being paid to go on vacation and everyone just took it as a fact that he doesnt even try to make good films, because that was at the screening for grown ups 2: one of his best and funniest films

  • @stephenbaines905
    @stephenbaines905 10 місяців тому +6

    Leo sounds similar to Peter Griffin in the older seasons. Especially his vibrato when he sings. If I didn't know Adam Slander was the VA, I would've assumed Seth MacFarlane voiced Leo. Leo could sing "Wish Upon a Jew" and there would be no difference in sound between the two.

  • @frankiegigs3030
    @frankiegigs3030 10 місяців тому +5

    When I first saw Leo get recommended to me by the Netflix algorithm, I didn’t really think much of it. Then I heard a lot of people praise the movie for being better than Wish, which really isn’t a high bar to cross but still. So I decided to check it out. But after I watched it, I thought that it was just kind of okay. And I shared a lot of the same frustration with Leo as a character along with the unnecessary amount of grandstanding Sandler gives to many of the self-insert characters of his movies.

  • @ancient-lemon
    @ancient-lemon 9 місяців тому +3

    In conclusion: watch Rango instead

  • @wildberrycrush3901
    @wildberrycrush3901 10 місяців тому +10

    12:07 I disagree with this.
    As a crybaby myself, I will defend my childhood to say I would not stop listening after disagreeing with a message. *The song is not long enough (or aggressive enough) to have caused kid-me to switch it off.*
    In fact, a animated kid character *instantly correcting an adult* who's labelling crying as "lazy and dumb", would have been a nice message for me.
    I'd been taught as a kid to "pull myself together" and to "stop being a baby" by adults.
    Leo being shut down and gently told off by a person much younger than him, would have been nice to see when I was a kid.

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +2

      Honestly I would be fine with this moment if it was just communicated clearer.

    • @IDontReallyWantAYoutubeHandle
      @IDontReallyWantAYoutubeHandle 10 місяців тому +1

      I would also like to add onto this, but the fact that the girl also compared Leo to her grandfather reminded me a lot of my own. He LOVES to make up weird songs exactly like the one Leo sung, which I thought was an attempt to cheer her up through such an obviously bad moral. Especially with all the very cheeky vocabulary Leo was using, too.
      Kids are definitely dumb, but I don't think they're not entirely so stupid that they can't recognise a good moral from a bad one, right? Maybe the fact it was presented in such a cheerful way may muddy the waters, but again I think the overall cheekiness of the lyrics will make the bad message clearer? Of course I am an adult with a fully developed logical brain and not a little child, so maybe it would've gotten lost among youngsters, but even as a child I still had the ability to question the media I was consuming.... (I would include examples here but this comment is already long enough, so I'll just leave it here lol.)

  • @BrianMcKee
    @BrianMcKee 10 місяців тому +37

    I think this movie would have been far better if most or all of the advice was just bad, and it just consisted of the kids calling him out on his bullshit. Also my ADHD manifests as extreme stress about forgetting stuff and ideas every time I see something shiny. I have notebooks with me all the time just to write my thoughts down and things I have to do and my anxiety levels go through the roof when I don't do it. I have not found a solution to that one yet.

  • @88franko
    @88franko 10 місяців тому +10

    i love all the redlettermedia references in your videos. I clapped when I saw them 👏

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +8

      I like Redlettermedia references in videos because I know what those are!!

    • @nananamamana3591
      @nananamamana3591 10 місяців тому +5


    • @GeekMasterGames
      @GeekMasterGames 10 місяців тому +3

      Very cool. Very cool.

    • @sats2407
      @sats2407 10 місяців тому +1

      Dont ask questions, just consume Cpuff content and get excited for new Cpuff content 😆

  • @gamemaster4947
    @gamemaster4947 10 місяців тому +16

    My dad put this movie on as background noise, and me and my sister were caught so off guard that we couldn’t stop watching it. I have no idea who this movie is meant for. I have no idea why it’s a musical. I have no idea what the plot is. I do admit that I was entertained, so it did its job, but it’s definitely not a good movie by my standards. I was so confused by all of the praise that it got.

    • @michellekeppler982
      @michellekeppler982 10 місяців тому +1

      I really think that it was just that the highly anticipated Disney 100 anniversary film was so bad and it came out at the same time and was barely watchable. So the people who were really disappointed after high expectations therefore having a negative view on Wish then went to watch a movie they expected absolutely nothing of and having it be border line watchable gave them the impression that in comparison it was a good movie. I also saw many people mention the substitute teachers struggles being mentioned at all as a good thing.

  • @flaredesel3425
    @flaredesel3425 10 місяців тому +16

    In the comparison of Leo vs Wish, I would say I prefer Wish. It feels odd to prefer a hollow framework of a movie over a completed (yet bad) movie. But, I believe the hollow framework of Wish is very intriguing.
    Sacrificing your life’s dream to enter into a dystopian kingdom where you have to rely on the kindness of your sorcerer king whether or not you get your life’s dream is a really cool base. Adding onto that, stars seem to be the primordial substance of wishes. Were there other stars who gave other sorcerers power? What of the other kingdoms where the people on Wish island (I don’t care to remember the name) escaped from to get their wishes granted? Wishes can be destroyed for more potent spells, what other spells can be conjured in this fashion?
    The concept itself is just too pliable for me to not like Wish more. Even if it could have been executed better. Rather than the questions leaving me less satisfied with the movie, it makes me more appreciative of how many more avenues it’s concept could go.

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +9

      Honestly that's a very fair assessment. I prefer High Guardian Spice a lot more than Velma specifically because of this reason.

    • @flaredesel3425
      @flaredesel3425 10 місяців тому +3

      @@c-puff There are just more redeeming qualities

  • @sillybillybear50
    @sillybillybear50 8 місяців тому +3

    I’m autistic and I also felt the solution provided to the first girl could’ve been handled with a lot more grace in the film. I think “take time to learn about others” is a good lesson to teach and one I learned at a young age and find useful. But since the film is saying listening to others is what appeals to the “popular kids,” it’s - eugh. Even the argument that Leo is a flawed mentor who is going to say the “wrong thing” doesn’t hold much water since I feel like the film WANTS kids to take away this message.
    I do think (like another comment said) the second song is an analogy for the parents, tho.
    I think most kids will get the meta of the “Don’t Cry” song.
    All the other criticisms of the storylines I get.

  • @JAZ_2002
    @JAZ_2002 10 місяців тому +10

    It gets better after the 136th watch, I swear.

  • @AugustusCivitatis
    @AugustusCivitatis 10 місяців тому +2

    Keep up the good work! It’s always a pleasant surprise to see more videos from my fellow South African.

  • @RokkTheRock
    @RokkTheRock 9 місяців тому +3

    oh thank God i thought i was going crazy seeing people praising this movie. at best its mid 💀

  • @kettleling6662
    @kettleling6662 10 місяців тому +7

    I apologise, but I have to disagree with your interpretation of the advice to the first girl. I unfortunately completely lack the ability to actually watch the film, so my understanding only comes from this video.
    From the clips, it doesn't seem like it is stated that the girl has ADHD in the film's text, and for me it looks more like general social anxiety (something that I had to deal with for decades, hey!). And while I agree with the sentiment of simple advice not being enough to deal with complex mental health issues/disorders, the advice of "ask questions while conversing" really doesn't seem... bad, at all.
    Masking is when a person hides their natural personality and behaviour to conform to social pressures, like an autistic person being forced to not stim in public, correct? Assuming this girl was just naturally really talkative and the chattiness is not a maladaptive manifestation of social anxiety, then her just, talking a tiny bit differently with consideration to her interlocutor(s) doesn't seem to fit the definition? She would still be able to be chatty and talk a lot, just with the added thing of other people being able to engage with her. Society puts a lot of unfair expectations and pressures on neurodivergent people, but at the same time it is completely impossible to respond to it by expecting everyone else to accommodate everything, especially in this case socially harmful behaviour.
    I have met a fair share of people who just "talk at you" instead of engaging in a full conversation (who also didn't seem to have any kind of neurodivergence but well, I can't be sure), and it always feels awful and just awkward to be in that position, being essentially ignored and spoken over. While exposed to it for a long time, it could lead to the anxiety of the "spoken over" party to be fueled, as they're never given the chance to speak, if not actually cause it. So then it just hurts everyone. Why not try finding a solution that would help the "overly chatty" party be better integrated socially, without any damage to them too, since they'll still remain chatty?
    edit: I gotta point out that other advice is p indefensively bad yeah, I just think that this first one is okay

  • @RedKammy
    @RedKammy 10 місяців тому +2

    I get the feeling someone said "I guess is good for an Adam Sandler movie" as a joke to someone not paying attention at all.

  • @monsterslurpee7212
    @monsterslurpee7212 10 місяців тому +1

    A random c puff person video? It’s my lucky day!

  • @psoras
    @psoras 10 місяців тому +11

    I think that was meant to be part of the joke: that Leo's advice either doesn't make any sense or is just straight up bad advice, but still through the strange rules of this world it just works.
    I haven't seen the movie, but I think the main problem with this might be that the world isn't set up as absurd enough to make it work. It's just like our everyday world, only slightly cartoonized (a drone sent by child's parents to always follow said child is a cartoonish concept, but not absurd enough).

  • @dianagp1036
    @dianagp1036 10 місяців тому +4

    I hope you do a wish review, C-Puff! Since you said you worked with Inking and Painting, I think you could explain with words why the characters feel green screened in an animated movie 💀
    Edit: finally finished the video. And wow, I genuinely can't tell what they're trying to do. You'd think the lizard would have character development alongside the children, that way his basic-bitch advice would have a reason to be Like That

  • @nicnacsnonsense
    @nicnacsnonsense 9 місяців тому +2

    This video and the comments are kind of making me want to watch the movie, if only to make my own assessments on how good/bad the advice actually is. With the first one especially it feels like context is key. There is a world of difference between a girl who is entirely unaware of how much she talks and that that is why people don't like her (seemingly not the case here), a girl who knows that she talks too much but doesn't know how else to engage her classmates in conversation, and a girl who knows she talks too much but cannot seem to stop herself or make herself pause. And there's a big difference between ask questions as in make sure you give other people a turn in the conversation and ask questions as in you should just stop talking.
    (And of course that's assuming her talking too much is the real problem, rather than the kids bullying her because they can just tell she is different; kids have a fucking radar for neurodivergence, I swear.)

  • @HPD7D
    @HPD7D 10 місяців тому +9

    I really liked Leo, very surprised by that myself. I can see where you're coming from but to me it was just a very fun movie with some heart behind it. Not a mastermind or anything but I liked it alot for what it was.

  • @dizbrony3906
    @dizbrony3906 10 місяців тому +2

    I disagree. I enjoyed this movie sooooooo much less than Wish it's not even quantifiable.

  • @thegayghost872
    @thegayghost872 10 місяців тому +5

    Who’s idea was it to give Adam Sandler a musical?

  • @Badgerkid19
    @Badgerkid19 7 місяців тому +2

    Just little thing to add it’s food allergies not allergies to germs (from what I saw) you can see the chart at the start it shows the foods he cant have otherwise spot on, also yeah it is a f*cking miracle the kid hasn’t had an allergic reaction the entire movie considering how many allergies this kid has (and possibly other health conditions) also the entire plot of this kid is that his allergies make him a loser and that if he basically ignores them he won’t be a loser anymore what a great message to send to kids! I legit had to pause this movie and take a few deep breaths befor i would f*cking lose it! So yeah F*ck Adam Sandler!!! [I feel qualified to say this as a person with 2 life threatening allergies, maybe this does hit to close to home with me but god!]

  • @thantrus
    @thantrus 10 місяців тому +3

    Well! This movie accomplished ONE thing that's extraordinary. It got you to say a Neil Breen movie was entertaining.

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +1

      hey, Niel Breen is the HEIGHT of entertainment! 😂

  • @MforMovesets
    @MforMovesets 10 місяців тому

    This video showed me that most reviewers simply didn't get the movie and how toxic it is. Unsurprisingly.

  • @nananamamana3591
    @nananamamana3591 10 місяців тому +2

    I was in the midst of writing a lengthly post about Adam Sandler, and the nature of mediocrity-by-design and the question of fairness in critique when the intention of the art being produced is to not be taken seriously at all, by anyone? Raising questions about the morality of Sandler, or anyone, for victimless schemes that steal from the wealthy and give to your friends, some of whom simply wouldn't have jobs otherwsie. About the perspective of an author, and the audience they seek to cultivate being their target demographic, with that demographic being what they assume is going to be their audience, and the lack of quality _we_ see are _hallmarks_ of quality to them. Further, about what, if any, merit there could be in a having a man knowingly producing bad film which can be used as the "low bar" to compare film against giving us definitively "good" and "bad" quality to measure against. I had a long winded example of kids I did theatre with who were great actors, hard working, reliable, and mindful directors and cinematographers... who actively created Family Guy/Happy Madison styled "comedies" because that's just what they liked making and they were making for themselves, but when Japan was hit by that tsunami that sent one of their nuclear reactors to fail they produced a *45 minute long* Kurasawa styled samurai/comedy film as part of a fundraiser our school was doing to help fund relief efforts, handled with the utmost respect, candor, and tonally integrity as you might find when being asked to restore the Mona Lisa -- and what the presence of those two things in one creative can speak to...
    Then I realized the fact there is a conversation to be had here about all those things, is a testament to this film being better for the space of animated film than _Wish._
    Thanks Disney, You beat Adam Sandler at making trash.

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +1

      You. You get it.

  • @robertbryant4669
    @robertbryant4669 10 місяців тому +2

    Spanglish. The Longest Yard. Fifty First Dates. Happy Gilmore.
    Is it a bad thing that, after thirty years in film, I can count the number of Adam Sandler movies that I actually like on one hand?

    • @imveryangryitsnotbutter
      @imveryangryitsnotbutter 10 місяців тому +1

      Fifty First Dates is really creepy though?? Especially that ending. I mean, imagine you wake up one day, in a bedroom that isn't yours, with a videotape that says "Watch". And on the tape, you're told by some guy you've never met before that you're married to him and you're also a mother to his children. Oh and also you're on a boat in the middle of the arctic, so you can't escape.

    • @robertbryant4669
      @robertbryant4669 10 місяців тому +1

      @@imveryangryitsnotbutter So what's the alternative? Let her remain in the same static position for the rest of her life? With no chance to grow or develop as a person? If she had stayed at the treatment center it would have been the same situation: waking up in a bedroom that isn't hers, with a videotape that says watch, and being told by complete strangers that her brain keeps resetting to the same day whenever she goes to sleep. You know, it's funny to me -- it really is -- that the people who complain about how Fifty is "creepy" are the same people who demand better treatment for the mentally ill. Do you want them to recover and reintegrate, or not?

  • @dand1253
    @dand1253 10 місяців тому +2

    Oh God, oh God, Adam Sandler singing is like death being poured into my body, fleeing the video and leaving a comment for the algorithm

    • @ASOSE19
      @ASOSE19 10 місяців тому

      Really without the terrible musical parts and the occasional dumb humor it could've rivaled pixar

  • @dontree1977
    @dontree1977 10 місяців тому

    I loved Sandlers earlier movies, but I canceled Netflix months ago so I had no clue this was a thing.

  • @cyruscrompton8221
    @cyruscrompton8221 10 місяців тому +1

    Wake up babe new C-Puff Person video

  • @scootermcburczak3192
    @scootermcburczak3192 10 місяців тому +7

    I'm shocked you didn't like this movie! Personally it's my new favorite. I just turned 25 last month, and I see a really good lesson about passing on wisdom to youth as you grow older. As much as I enjoy your video essays, this is one I wholeheartedly disagree with. (I'm with Steve Reviews on this one.)

    • @jacktadash
      @jacktadash 10 місяців тому

      Your "favourite" ? Really. Just interested. Was that hyperbole? Or is this the best movie you've seen in your opinion?

    • @wildberrycrush3901
      @wildberrycrush3901 10 місяців тому +2

      It's a decent movie. Goofy but sweet. I liked it. Not my favourite, though.
      Kinda cool that you enjoy Leo so much. I guess it's your new comfort movie? Personally, I respect that.

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +5

      Honestly I do like the bones of this movie, which is why I think it frustrated me so much. I genuinely wanted to watch that wholesome movie of an older character giving younger kids advice and direction.
      But also it's ok to disagree with me! :D thank you for watching all the same! I'm glad you were able to enjoy it, even if I couldn't.

    • @scootermcburczak3192
      @scootermcburczak3192 10 місяців тому

      @@jacktadashIt’s definitely in the top 10

  • @NashmanNash
    @NashmanNash 9 місяців тому

    Please tell me that the transparent thing is not what i think it is

  • @helpfulplaylists3933
    @helpfulplaylists3933 10 місяців тому +2

    The writer that you showcase previously co wrote Hotel Transylvania 1 and 2.

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +1

      Did he? I didn't see it listed on his IMDB

    • @helpfulplaylists3933
      @helpfulplaylists3933 10 місяців тому

      @@c-puff Yes he did.

    • @helpfulplaylists3933
      @helpfulplaylists3933 10 місяців тому

      @@c-puff Also Adam Sandler co wrote the second film with him.

  • @0Defensor0
    @0Defensor0 10 місяців тому +3

    C-Puff, did you think about dissecting Miraculous Ladybug? I think you would love to hate it!

    • @dianagp1036
      @dianagp1036 10 місяців тому

      Oh nooooo
      I think it'd be funny, but I worry for C-Puff's sanity 😭😭

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +4

      I have actively been told by Ladybug fans not to watch it for my own sanity XD

    • @i.cs.z
      @i.cs.z 10 місяців тому +1

      ​@@c-puffAs somebody who only watched the first 3 seasons when he was younger, and nowdays only checks on it to see if it's still the trashcan on fire it was when I left. Yes, if you value your sanity, don't go near it. Not really because of the show itself, don't get me wrong it is bad, but it's nothing compared to all the shit sorounding it. It's a toxic wasteland even by internet standards.
      If you don't value your remaining sanity then it would be an interesting rabbit hole to get into.

    @SNAAAAAKE92 10 місяців тому +3

    7:46 as someone who also has adhd . I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing . Sometimes it is better to not talk so much. It’s when it’s to the point where you aren’t even yourself at home . That’s when it’s concerning

  • @MJcool-su7qk
    @MJcool-su7qk 10 місяців тому +2

    My guess is just a difference in perspective. Most of the reviews I have seen already had the expectation of a generic movie. They probably interpret a different type message from his advise.
    Then again most people were praise the movie for Adam Sandler not playing the a**hole role.
    I'm probably blind to most of the negative context. As I watch many of Adam Sandler films before and seem to not see most of the bad elements that people said are in it. I just see them as generic funny movies.
    Maybe I just too disconnected from both perspective most of the older individuals and "normal" individuals seem to not have a problems with any of these movies.

  • @AdamFishkin
    @AdamFishkin 10 місяців тому +11

    Until your video, I was blissfully unaware this film existed.
    Several days from now, I will be blissfully unaware this film exists.
    Sandler is 57 years old and I guarantee you we haven't seen the worst from him.

  • @exaltedfalcheon1793
    @exaltedfalcheon1793 10 місяців тому +20

    Are we the only ones who understand the complexities of this ambitious cinematic masterpiece?
    I feel this movie didn't have expectations like you'd expect from a Disney movie, like you wouldn't expect Burger King to serve at the same level as a name restaurant.
    Also the message was not the lessons Leo was giving the children, but more-or-less that he listened to them and tried to help. Expecting high quality of an Adam Sandler-written Netflix original. And yes, the movie as a musical is garbágè, and the story is lackluster. But Netflix's "Leo" is the Titanic compared to the slop thar "Wish" is, even more disappointing that Wish was supposed to be celebrating their 100 year anniversary.

  • @Prototype-357
    @Prototype-357 10 місяців тому +2

    Please tell me this means you're gonna make a video about Wish, pretty please? Everyone can see the problems with the writing but we need animators to tell us why the animation is so weird. And since you're comparing it to little known animated movies may I recommend a movie that came out this year called Under the Boardwalk?

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +2

      I would absolutely cover Wish since I had to watch the whole thing just to know whether is better or worse than it. Sadly, I could only get my hands on a bootleg of it so I would not have video footage to work with at the moment to give it a proper breakdown. Maybe once I'm able to get better quality visuals and it's still relevant I'll give it a go :)

    • @helpfulplaylists3933
      @helpfulplaylists3933 10 місяців тому

      ​@@c-puffYou would have to wait until it releases on digital then.

    • @Prototype-357
      @Prototype-357 10 місяців тому

      @@c-puff I'm sure it will be worth the wait Puff. I personally can't stand the animation of this movie but I watched a channel called No The Robot talk about this and he highlighted some cool details of the animation I didn't noticed before, like the 2d effect on Magnifico's green magic or that the design of the star is inspired in the first thing animators learn to animate (a ball) to represent it's limitless potential. It's not that I think the animators are lazy, I think they were just misguided in their attempts to create something new, Disney is the greatest animation studio in the western world, they have the resources to really push the limits of animation and yet this is all they could come up with for the feature movie of their 100th year anniversary. Maybe in a timeline where the Spiderverse movies, Puss in Boots the Last Wish, Klaus or Wolfwalkers don't exist Wish would look more impressive but when you put it up against those movies it just seems so underwhelming.

  • @Erik-fn7kj
    @Erik-fn7kj 10 місяців тому +3

    I was just thinking about this today actually aha
    Yeah, it’s not great.

  • @bittervagrant
    @bittervagrant 10 місяців тому +2

    The music definitely put me off the most

  • @Bigmonto
    @Bigmonto 10 місяців тому +3

    The movies ok. I don’t think it’s made to be watched by adults tho.

  • @obadakhalid713
    @obadakhalid713 10 місяців тому +2

    I didn't hear about this movie until now but damn do I love making fun of Adam Sandler

  • @mpd1732
    @mpd1732 10 місяців тому +2

    Whoa! Surprise C-Puff video!
    Yeah in terms of Adam Sandler movies I recall (haven't seen this one, just not interested) I think it is important to consider the audience and how they engage with it and that if this kids movie has said kids watching it, you'll get muddy results. I grew up around his movies. There is a stage in life where you gotta assess if you're watching it as/with an asshole or not, because in the movies where he's the lead but doesn't play an ideal human pretty often, (which is quite neat and interesting to me in terms of that and writing), it can lead to assholes thinking they’re the best and feeling vindicated. Since comedy requires you to set up your comedian for their jokes, it inadvertently leads to a similar narrative vibe of "this is an ideal person going on that we're showing by narratively propping him up", and the pacing and format of his movies don't really have that darkest hour in them a lot of times to make it clear with his non ideal character's storylines. Like, kids aren't really equipped to see Adam's writing of grey characters in morality tales if their bubble doesn't have enough of an experience with that concept. Hopefully since this seems like the type of movie that's actor pitched and based around his fan audience then that means their families have shown his movies for them to see to form that knowledge in the back of their mind already even if it's unconscious. But yeah, as an adult I don't care and have cast away everyone of his "asshole persona" movies today due to that association and hold onto the films where he plays his "good boi, sweet small towner" roles, so yeah in the long run it was a really odd choice in this movie it seems to not do the later role (as far as I can tell).
    Ha, that was a bit of a weird ramble for me. 12 at night think pieces in the comment section, am I right?

  • @khhnator
    @khhnator 10 місяців тому +1

    i must say that the audience reviews on RT of this movie creeps me a little. most of the have this strangely generic vibe.
    is like someone made tags for the movie and told people to make a review about it based on the tags specifying that certain tags could be spoken negatively but only those.
    it finally made me realize that in today world with AI you really can't trust things like site reviews anymore

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому

      Honestly this is why I use Letterboxd mostly these days

  • @Ransok_Bukaj
    @Ransok_Bukaj 10 місяців тому +1

    As the champion of crying, what the fuck?

  • @leoluster5424
    @leoluster5424 9 місяців тому +2

    I Got BIG issues with this video.
    Most of this gets mentioned in the begging with Leo and Squirtle commenting on the children, the first girl doesn't have ADHD she's just insecure that people won't talk to her or like here and sometimes people adapt with this mind set be talking a lot to keep attention. Plus being the oldest child can enable the over talkative trait to act more adult for there sibling(s).
    Next kid, Helicopter/Drone Parenting, overly protective with there child so it restricts there agency. Though it get mostly shoved to the actual drone most likely for the plot and comedy around it, and what do you mean by "Never has problems again" ? He never had a reaction or an incident mentioned about his health.
    Not certain what specific issue you have with the character; you didn't say any thing wrong about her or it wasn't clear. She needed a reality check, to understand that her family isn't all that and doesn't have to live up to there expectations. thinking that you're better than others for what you have may be niche and one might think them lesser for having that mind set to begin with, it's perfectly fine as long as you understand your faults. Also, it's the parents that still think they are big shots and it's not like they can change the birthday party in such short notice, and what's wrong with having a big expensive party they have money let them use it.
    Hmm...though you seems uncertain in this point I'll just say that some children my get confused by this moment but the message is blatant here because she said that Leo only sang that song for for here to talk science the thing she enjoyed doing so the message is that you should share your interest even if it seems "weird".
    A presumption here, but I think your friend is distracting you from most of the context here Because that is not what Bully kid's problem was, that was Squirtle's bad attempt at helping his actual problem which is that he is nerves that he will be held back again and that he misses his friends from flunking.
    The tall and last kid has body image issues, Tall one doesn't want to be seen as lesser or unappealing to be around because of his distinct voice and the other kid, while his dad does show of his hairy body for jokes in the soccer game one the last kid WAS taken a back that his father showing his figure he imitates his dad because if he's fine show his hairiness the why not last kid.
    Leo did solve Ms.Malkin's problem and it was not "Get over it" in that latter half of the song he says that you should see your class like a family and use the kindness the other teachers do to make the students feel that same thing as she did when she was a student
    Clishe's are not good or bad it's what you do with them, This "Talking headshots" notion you brought up I don't see it it's fine for people to not do much movement in animation especially if it's with slow moving reptiles. When you say "Clashing designe elements" you mean the kindergarteners then that's the point they are meant to look Odd to match there chaos. Pacing is a word with a person to person definition with it, One person idea of "Lack of pacing" could be another's "perfectly paced" explain what the issue of the pacing is. Toilet humor is not for everyone but it's fine, like all comedy styles, to have it, Product placement is fine people got to make money and it's not like there was a lot of it hell i think it's just the Cheetos bag and the two mentions of cheetos. If you had issues with a character neverminded a prominent one like Squirtle please go into depth about them.
    Closing statement : How did you get to most of these concussions about the characters there way off to what was said in the movie, like I said in the fifth paragraph where you distracted? Editing PS: I remembered you talked about how they mentioned "Phone bad", they did not did you??? PPS: I like applesauce

  • @jymjym7995
    @jymjym7995 10 місяців тому +6

    as someone who hasn't seen the film. (i've only seen just stop's video) sometimes i could not really follow what point you were trying to make C-puff because of the lack of information. like the first girl with ADHD, if she even had ADHD. (as someone who hasn't seen the film. without trying to be mean, the way it is presented, it feels a lot more like projection from you more than anything) neither do i understand why the advice he gave her was bad, because i feel i'm lacking context and the explanation given was a bit lacking. other than that the rest of the video is not bad, for what it is. some decisions are baffling to me. and the "not crying advice" seems like a lost opportunity. because there is something to be said about: when you should cry and when its time to stop, get over it and do something about it.
    i feel like this movie benefited a lot from releasing around the same time as wish, because apparently its good in comparison. which is probably the reason everyone is praising it.

  • @ScrambledAndBenedict
    @ScrambledAndBenedict 10 місяців тому +6

    Wait wait wait wait WAIT. People were GENUINELY praising this movie? As in, unironically and truthfully saying it was good?! I thought we were praising it the same way we were saying Morbius was the greatest movie ever made, that it made over a morbillion dollars, that the only reason we didn't all go to see it in theaters was we were too busy that weekend, and that we all loved the part when he yelled IT'S MORBIN' TIME.

  • @sats2407
    @sats2407 10 місяців тому +3

    Theres an episode of Naruto that I think the crying song was trying to do. In it a boy cries a lot after the death of his father, Naruto learns why he cries and can relate to the effect of missing parents but berates him by saying something to the effect of "What are you going to do cry forever?" The kid sees Naruto as heartless but later learns that like him Naruto also has dead parents and says something to the effect of "its not that he doesn't cry its that he is done crying" and realizes that he should honor his father by stop crying and do something. Perhaps this is what the film was aiming for even if it was in a really convuluted way but that's what I got out of it.

  • @euphonicbeats955
    @euphonicbeats955 10 місяців тому +1

    You know, South Park intentionally has the adults in their world be stupid and the kids being nasty and crass, because that's the message it's trying to give across: when we are not checking on them, kids are foul-mouthed little bastards and adults that do a lot of stupid things. But even like that, most of the time, it manages to give some extremely important messages across in a genuine or clever way.
    This movie? It's an Adam Sandler comedy at its core: Product placement, potty humor, trying to make fun of everyone and everything it can and trying to get a cheap feel-me-good message at the end.
    Still, definitely not the worst from him.
    I know Adam Sandler has a huge talent for Drama movies, it's a shame they opted for the "Comedian" part of him for this movie instead...

  • @tristanmichels5721
    @tristanmichels5721 7 місяців тому

    Just gained a new subscriber after watching this review!
    I really get why Leo was well liked and has it's fans... ...but it's a film that REALLY just rubs me the wrong way from beginning to end.

  • @pohgee8886
    @pohgee8886 10 місяців тому +2

    i respect your opinion but my opinion is that the story was great a talking lizard spreading his 74 years of wisdom to 5th graders with problems

  • @osets2117
    @osets2117 10 місяців тому

    I didn't even know this movie existed, last thing i saw by Adam Sandler was eight crazy nights, a movie with fantastic animation and that's about it lol

  • @diamondlockproductions64
    @diamondlockproductions64 10 місяців тому +3

    I’m not gonna lie, I feel a bit mixed about this review honestly.

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +6

      That's ok! :D I just had to make a video about this to feel like watching the movie had a purpose of some kind.

    • @ASOSE19
      @ASOSE19 10 місяців тому

      ​@@c-puffhonestly felt like you where purposely veering away from the good elements cuz you didn't want to say anything close to good. Which is the complete opposite of every other movie review I've ever seen

  • @erikbihari3625
    @erikbihari3625 10 місяців тому

    Maybe he could make a good movie based on Erica Mitchell movies, with j.j. abrams and Mark Guggenheim, as some kind of reverse Spielberg or something! Don't you agree Girl? You guys?

  • @michellekeppler982
    @michellekeppler982 10 місяців тому

    I don't pay attention to who makes movies or actors so when I saw the ads I thought it looked interesting so when I saw it I was really disappointed and just turned it off at the don't cry song

  • @ragercarnage8609
    @ragercarnage8609 9 місяців тому +3

    No one’s problems are just magically fixed after one day. The movie takes place in the span of one year.
    It’s implied he’s been helping through the school year.
    Also troupes don’t make a movie bad, every movie has troupes or a spin on them.

  • @jacktadash
    @jacktadash 10 місяців тому

    I resent that comment about having a breakdown in your thirties because of masking. I was in my late twenties. Now excuse me, I have to dance round the house flapping my hands.

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +1

      My people.... 🥺

  • @SwiftNimblefoot
    @SwiftNimblefoot 7 місяців тому

    I am glad I am not the only one to think so. The movie has a boring premise, unlikable main characters, and I disagree with its message, too.

  • @Pencilfiend241
    @Pencilfiend241 10 місяців тому +1

    what would you say is the better solution to the ADHD girl?

    @SNAAAAAKE92 10 місяців тому

    6:32 she is literally me fr fr

  • @Balevolt
    @Balevolt 5 місяців тому

    So masking is bad.... Well to late now I'm 35

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  5 місяців тому


  • @MforMovesets
    @MforMovesets 10 місяців тому +3

    The movie being good is just another junk opinion "creators" copy from each other. But don't you dare make better content than them, they will try to cancel you for plagiarism.

  • @zainmudassir2964
    @zainmudassir2964 10 місяців тому +1

    I actually liked Leo

  • @RelixsCrow
    @RelixsCrow 10 місяців тому

    While this was an unexpected episode, i did enjoy this episode while blasting away brain cells during gaming. I seriously would marry someone like c puff no questions asked.

    • @jacktadash
      @jacktadash 10 місяців тому

      I really think someone should ask some sort of question in that situation.

    • @RelixsCrow
      @RelixsCrow 10 місяців тому

      @@jacktadash im assuming you're talking about asking me to marry c puff, which i absolutely would. If you are not talking about that, then i have no fucking clue whatsoever what you're talking about.

    • @jacktadash
      @jacktadash 10 місяців тому

      @@RelixsCrow yeah it was just a joke, I just thought saying "I'll marry someone, no questions asked" was a funny turn of phrase.

    • @RelixsCrow
      @RelixsCrow 10 місяців тому

      @@jacktadash being perfectly honest, c puff is really my type of woman, so i don't really make an effort to hide my obvious infatuation with her.

  • @Lulu-ot5gw
    @Lulu-ot5gw 3 місяці тому

    Is the advice of trying to listen to what other people have to say really that bad? I paused the video and thought about what I'd say and it was basically that, take an interest in other people if you want them to take an interest in you.

  • @KeyPinMaxos
    @KeyPinMaxos 10 місяців тому +1

    I watch this movie with my girlfriend and personally we found the movie to be a bit charming yes there are some points in the movie that felt and fisted but to say that the characters all had same face is disingenuous. Each of them have unique features that help you tell them apart so give credit where credit is due . Also you mentioned that every one of his movies is negative to the audience but in what way is it negative?

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +1

      My friend who I watched this with said it best; Sandler eats up resources and spews out garbage.
      (my friend works in Hollywood)

    • @KeyPinMaxos
      @KeyPinMaxos 10 місяців тому +1

      @c-puff I may not be well-versed in the Hollywood industry or in movie production but I'm finding it hard to understand how an actor and comedian who makes films with his friends and has a very small budget to make set film is a negative to Their audience when most of the levied criticism is subjective. What is the evidence that suggests that him and his movies are a negative to his audience?

    • @c-puff
      @c-puff  10 місяців тому +1

      @@KeyPinMaxos My dude that would take an entire video to deconstruct the damage it does on the audience. The fact that people accept this level of storytelling in animation alone is enough damage in of itself. People, and children especially, deserve better filmmaking than this. But they get fed enough of this and then they think it's acceptable.
      Catch me on a livestream or something maybe I can better vocalise it then,

    • @KeyPinMaxos
      @KeyPinMaxos 10 місяців тому +1

      @c-puff I understand. I'll do my best to ask next time when you can give better detail. Having watched this movie and watched your critique I can agree with some points like the advice he gives to the kids and how they couldve have added more context to said advice but I think it being a comedy film it shouldn't be taken so serious as it's not meant to be. Adam Sandler being Adam Sandler, nothing new

  • @ink-cow
    @ink-cow 10 місяців тому +2

    Defenders of awful stuff always claim that the bad people "review bomb" to drag ratings down. Stuff like this convinces me that it's the other way around. Considering how few real people I've seen who are even aware this movie exists, there's a real good chance that a lot of the activity is bot-driven.
    It's not far-fetched. At least one PR firm was caught red-handed paying a bunch of minor critics to give their bad movie positive reviews. Apparently it's not that hard to flip scores on RT.
    The reviews are completely at odds with the movie you described: "[an] uplifting message and (mostly) wholesome humor make for an animated movie the whole family can enjoy." "I like how they puts stereotypes on a character and give feelings behind that stereotype. Something the Simpsons should do more." "A lot of great lessons to learn from this film." I spot a lot of the same key words throughout: wholesome, uplifting, lessons. A recurring theme is, I don't like musicals but I liked the music in this one!
    Thanks for the RLM jumpscare. 😄

  • @adminlab213
    @adminlab213 5 місяців тому

    No way. Putrid take. Great movie and absolutely hilarious

  • @Ransok_Bukaj
    @Ransok_Bukaj 10 місяців тому +1

    An unexpected surprise, but not unwelcome

  • @memejohn86
    @memejohn86 4 місяці тому

    Eh. It alright.

  • @imaniislander755
    @imaniislander755 10 місяців тому +2


  • @sampfrost
    @sampfrost 10 місяців тому

    9:30 it’s already bad, and i know by the time stamp it will just get worse

  • @joesmutz9287
    @joesmutz9287 10 місяців тому +3

    I think this review shows just how bad Wish is, if it loses to this

  • @syafeeqahisham1740
    @syafeeqahisham1740 10 місяців тому +5

    Well,i have to disagree on you for something. Sure,maybe leo netflix is terrible but when you watch it,its just seems okay. Sure some of the lyrics are terrible and others but about what leo netflix tells very nice. Also,the kindergartners are accurate since the kids are a bit like well children.

  • @SomeOne-ce1gf
    @SomeOne-ce1gf 9 місяців тому +1

    The narrarator clearly doesn't have kids and couldn't be further off base about this movie

  • @orkutfinance
    @orkutfinance 10 місяців тому

    Adam Sandler is a lot like Mad Magazine. It was only funny when you were a kid.

  • @loislindsay
    @loislindsay 9 місяців тому

    Do ohranger nxt plz