1998 Japan SFA3 Tournament (Part 6 of 6: Daigo vs. Valle)

  • Опубліковано 11 лют 2025
  • 1998 Street Fighter Alpha 3 National Tournament
    Daigo Umehara goes to San Francisco to meet USA champion Alex Valle in the Grand Final.
    A3 championships....
    Like B3 all over again but with a new twist....an actual Japanese champion/a3 cabby+1G for the win....I knew i was gonna win the US tourney from the get go...not to sound arrogant but i was still innovating at the time...example:i KNEW i had to hold something back to win just in case someone was on fire...i was holding out V ryu til the very end...daigo had front seats watching after the 40 something mins of play between me and graham wolfe...(who btw still deserves props for even getting that far with little practice) V-isms at the time where mainly used to trap people or resets...i had only a few combos that worked such as infamous (alex combo-Japs coined this term not me)...where i would activate into cr.whatever,whatever,sweep into jab fb...then cross up fwd/or hk to get to the other side rinse wash repeat...rolento was my novelty char that i knew that could not be beaten at the time...due to my footsie experience + gaurd breaks...LOL..i know this sounds funny by explaining ghetto OLD shit but shit it worked...anyways...graham adapted to all great rolentos in the tourney and taking mine out.....next came in my real char....if you watched the finals between me and wolfe you can see the change in pace with an aggressive V ryu....in simpler terms..he had no way of just countering everything with normals while i had a VC ready...i know i'm jumping around explaining things but i'm thinking aloud LOL...anyways....wolfe lost and my match with daigo came up...keep in mind Daigo was watching everything(i was holding that shit out for him)...if you've seen the finals bewteen daigo and i....i out footsied him the entire time playing ultra aggressive(aka zone pushing him with a VC ready)...but this style has a weakness which he started to see...like the beast he is...he started to see openings and repetiveness...so basically it was open season for his full screen VC's during resets or teleporting...now...to figure out that much defense during an international match...i dont care who you are...thats what we call "CLUTCH"..he exploited my openings and started to freestyle with random teleport in corner/roll dp or hk....Daigo won respectively....and heres a lil controversy...there was one more match we were supposed to play.....and it was jap style....before daigo and i played in the finals the officals and translators agreed on 2 style match ups for the championships...first style american( 2/3 )...and Jap (1 game)......now if you look closely to my reaction after daigo's victory...they said that the tourney was over...LOL oh well right? Capcom PR's just rushed the shit out of the final ceremony and that was it....NICE i got my cabby and my G so whatever...there was much uproar in Japan after our match up...basically i almost took out Japans finest on our first shot...Nuki himself said he would lose if he faced me instead of Daigo...so out of respect Daigo switched from V-akuma to V-Ryu for the rest of his A3 career...A3 was still being played after this international tourney..ecc mwc etc...and about that time...eddie lee came around...choi me watts placed top 3 in almost everything in our respective games....but thats another story